Unit 4
Unit 4
Unit 4
2. Market in Motion
The marketplace for foreign exchange is a constantly changing market structure.
Currency rates in these marketplaces vary every minute of every day.
3. Market Transparency
There is much clarity in this market. The traders in the foreign exchange
market have full access to all market data and information. This will help
to monitor different countries’ currency price fluctuations through the
real-time portfolio.
5. Brokers
These people are financial specialists who work as reliable mediators between
investors and dealers by delivering the finest rates.
Spot Market
Spot market is a market in which trading takes place for immediate delivery.
Examples of spot markets are the market for securities, commodities, and foreign
exchange (forex). Ideally, delivery takes place a few seconds after completion of
the transaction. However, in reality, it lasted more than twenty-four hours. In the
spot forex and stock markets, immediate delivery means two business days. For
commodities, that means in seven days.
Transactions take place on an exchange. However, some spot markets also take
place over the counter. In a sense, transactions occur via telephone trading rather
than on an organized exchange floor.
In a forward market contracts are made to buy and sell currencies for a future
delivery but the rate of exchange for thev transaction is agreed upon the day the
deal is finalised