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CHAPTER 7 and widely used intervention techniques,

Organizational culture- Refers to a in

system of shared values and beliefs that the field of OD.
evolved among the organization members Process consultation includes “a set of
for a period of time. activities on the part of a consultant which
Types of OD Interventions help the client to perceive, understand, and
▪ Behavioral Techniques: These act upon process events which occur in the
techniques are designed to affect the client’s environment”.
behavior of individuals and the group. Team building is a process of diagnosing
▪ Non-Behavioral Techniques: These and improving the effectiveness of a work
techniques are much more structured than group with particular attention to work
behavioral techniques. procedures and inter-personal relationship
▪ Miscellaneous Techniques: In addition smith in it.
to the above techniques, there are certain Some examples of OD Interventions
other techniques which are used in 1. Diagnostic activities
organization development. 2. Team building activities
Role playing may be described as a 3. Intergroup activities
technique of creating a life situation, 4. Survey feedback activities
usually one involving conflict between 5. Education and training activities
people, and then having persons in group 6. Techno structural or structural activities
play the parts or roles of specific 7. Process consultation activities
personalities. 8. Grid organization development
Management by Objectives- It is a activities
dynamic system which integrated the 9. Third party peacemaking activities
company’s need to achieve its goals for 10.Coaching & Counseling activities
profit and growth with the manager’s need 11.Life & Career planning activities
to contribute and develop himself. Managing Change CHAPTER 8
Grid organizational development is Change can vary in complexity from the
based on Blake and Motion's model of introduction of relatively simple processes
leadership called the managerial Grid. into a small work group to transforming
Organizational Redesign- The the strategies and design features of the
organization's structure may be changed to whole organization.
make it more efficient by redefining the Motivating Change- Organizational
flow of authority. change involves moving from the known
Job Enrichment- It implies increasing the to the unknown. Creating Readiness for
cents of a job or the deliberate upgrading Change- One of the more fundamental
of the responsibility, scope and challenge axioms of OD is that people's readiness for
in work. Job enrichment is a motivational change depends on creating a felt need for
technique which emphasizes the need for change.
challenging and interesting work. Overcoming Resistance to Change-
Work design a broad term meaning the Change can generate deep resistance in
process of defining tasks and jobs to people and in organizations, thus making it
achieve both organizational and employee difficult, if not impossible, to implement
goals. organizational improvements.
Survey feedback is one of the most
Assessing Change Agent Power- The Building a Support System for Change
first task is to evaluate the change agent's Agents- Organization change can be
own sources of power. difficult and filled with tension not only
Identifying Key Stakeholders- Having for participants but also for change agents
assessed their own power bases, change as well.
agents should identify powerful Developing New Competencies and
individuals and groups with an interest in Skills- Organizational changes frequently
the changes, such as staff groups, unions, demand new knowledge, skills, and
departmental managers, and top-level behaviors from organization members. In
executives. many cases, the changes cannot be
Influencing Stakeholders- This activity implemented unless members gain new
involves gaining the support of key competencies.
stakeholders to motivate a critical mass for Reinforcing New Behaviors- In
change. There are at least three major organizations, people generally do those
strategies for using power to influence things that bring them rewards.
others in OD: playing it straight, using Consequently, one of the most effective
social networks, and going around the ways sustain to momentum for change is
formal system. to reinforce the kinds of behaviors needed
Activity planning involves making a road to implement the changes.
map for change, citing specific activities Staying the Course- Change requires
and events that must occur if the transition time, and many of the expected financial
is to be successful. Also should gain top and organizational benefits from change
management approval, be cost-effective, lag behind its implementation.
and remain adaptable as feedback is HRM Interventions CHAPTER 9
received during the change process. A Model of Performance Management
Commitment Planning- This activity  What is Performance
involves identifying key people and groups  Management
whose commitment is needed for change  Business strategy
to Occur and formulating a strategy for  Workplace technology
gaining their support.  Level of employee involvement
Change-Management Structures- GOAL SETTING - involves managers
Because organizational transitions tend to and subordinates in jointly establishing
be ambiguous and to need direction, and clarifying employee goals.
special structures for managing the change Management by Objectives- A common
process need to be created. form of goal setting used in organization is
Learning Processes -Most organization management by objectives (MBO).
changes involve the acquisition of new PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL-It is a
knowledge and skills that support new feedback system that involves the direct
behaviors. evaluation of individual or work-group
Providing Resources for Change- performance by a supervisor, manager, or
Implementing organization change peers.
generally requires additional financial and REWARD SYSTEMS- refers to all the
human resources, particularly if the monetary, non-monetary and
organization continues day-to-day psychological payments that an
operations while trying to change itself. organization provides for its employees in
exchange for the work they perform.
Structural and Motivational Features of AGE DIVERSITY
Reward Systems TRENDS
 Persons job Based vs Performance  Median age gap
based  Distribution of ages changing
 Individual vs Group rewards IMPLICATIONS AND NEEDS
 Internal and external equity  Health care Mobility
 Rewards mi  Wellness programs
 Security  Work design
 Seniority  Planning and career improvement
DEVELOPING TALENT  Treat people fairly
workforce that includes workers of various  Increasing of percentage of women in
racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as workforce.
workers of various ages and genders and  Racism
different domestic and national cultures. IMPLICATIONS AND NEEDS
MANAGING WORKFORCE  Maternity/paternity leaves
 Planning and executing organizational  Fringe benefit rewards
structure and practices for people  Build an inclusive workplace
management so that the benefits of  Treat everyone with respect and
diversity are maximized while the consideration.
possible. disadvantages will lessen. DISABILITY DIVERSITY
 Creating and maintaining a healthy TRENDS
work environment in which individuals  The number of persons entering the
similarities and differences are valued workforce with disabilities is rising.
so that everyone can attain their full IMPLICATIONS AND NEEDS
potential and contribute to the  Job skills and challenges
organizations strategic goals and  Physical space de ign
objectives of the business.  Respect and dignity
 Raising good management practices INTERVENTIONS
such policies by preventing  Work design
discrimination and promoting  Performance management
inclusivity.  Career planning and development
 Unhealthy tensions between people of  The number of immigrant and minority
different gender, races, ethnicities, workers is increasing.
ages and abilities. IMPLICATONS AND NEEDS
 Loss of productivity.  Flexible organizational policies
 Inability to attract and keep talented
people of all kinds. Lack of fair  Autonomy
treatment.  Affirmation and respect
AND INTERVENTIONS  Developing and career planning
 Employee involvment  Absenteeism, escaping from work
 Reward systems responsibilities, arriving late, leaving
TRENDS  Deterioration in work performance,
 Minoritites represents large segments more of error prone work and memory
of workforce and a small segment of loss.
top management/senior executives.  Cribbing, over reacting, arguing,
 Minority employees qualifications and getting iritated and anxiety.
experience are frequently ignored.  Deteriorating health, and more
 Discriminations  Improper eating habits (over eating or
INTERVENTIONS under eating), excessive smoking and
 Equal opportunity for employment. drinking and sleeplessness.
 Education and training Sources/causes of stress
 Build a diverse leadership team 1. Organizational Factors.
ADVANTAGES OF WORKFORCE 2. Individual Factors.
DIVERSITY INTERVENTIONS 3. Job Concerning Factors.
 Diverse organizations are more 4. Extra-Organizational Factors
innovative and creative. ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGIES
 Help to and retain highly talented FOR MANAGING STRESS
people. develop. 1. Encouraging more of organizational
 Valuing diversity where staff potential communication with the employees there
is recognized and Diversity in a is no role ambiguity/conflict.
workplace can reduce lawsuits and 2. Encourage employees participation in
increase marketing opportunities, decision making.
recruitment, creativity and business 3. grant the employees greater
image. Strengthen cultural values independence, meaningful and timely
within the organization. feedback, and greater responsibilty.
 Organizations with diverse workforce 4. The organizational goals should be
have a greater chance of presenting realistic, simulating and particular.
EMPLOYEE STRESS AND 5. Encourage decentralization.
WELLNESS INTERVENTIONS 6. Have a fair snf just distribution of
 Employee health and wellness are incentives and salary structure.
important for employees, their family's 7. Promote joh rotation and job
and their organizations. We review the enrichment.
literature on both stress management 8. Create a just and safe working
interventions in organizatios and environment.
workplace health promotion and 9. Have effective hiring and orientation
wellness programs, from the lens of procedure.
primary, secondary and tertiary 10. Appreciate the employees on
interventions as well as framework accomplishing and over-exceeding their
provided by the job demands resources targets.
EMPLOYEE STRESS- Is a growing wellness intervention is a combination of
concern for organizations today. program elements or strategies to designed
SYMPTOMS OF STRESS to produce a behavior changes or improve
health status among individuals or an
entire population.

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