3programación Lineal 1 (2022)
3programación Lineal 1 (2022)
3programación Lineal 1 (2022)
Journal of Mathematics
Volume 2022, Article ID 7660174, 9 pages
Research Article
An Integer Linear Programming Model for Partially Ordered Sets
Received 26 April 2022; Revised 30 July 2022; Accepted 23 August 2022; Published 10 September 2022
Copyright © 2022 Elsayed Badr et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Linear programming is an important approach that is used to represent a large class of combinatorial optimization problems. The
simplex algorithm is one of the algorithms for solving linear programming problems with exponential time complexity. For-
tunately, this algorithm solves real-world problems with polynomial time complexity. In particular, a new Integer Linear
Programming model (ILPM) is proposed for partially ordered sets. Robert Dilworth’s Decomposition theorem is formulated by
ILPM and proves its correctness using the paradigm of strong duality in linear programming. Finally, ILPM is run on fifteen
benchmark partially ordered sets for finding their width. The computational experiments show the validity of the proposed model.
problems by constructing a poset of objects (representing Definition 3. A partially-ordered set, or poset, is a set of
tasks) in which some elements are “comparable” (jobs that elements P, along with a binary relation ≺, having the
must be done in predefined sequence), and others are property that ≺ is transitive and antisymmetric for all ele-
“incomparable” (jobs that can be done in parallel). If our ments in P.
goal is to devise an efficient task scheduling algorithm, we Note that, two elements ai and aj can also be incom-
might be interested in finding the largest subset of tasks that parable, that is, when we have both ai ⊀ aj and aj ⊀ ai . In this
can be completed in parallel (the maximum antichain case, tasks ai and aj may be completed in parallel.
problem). Or we may be interested in the related problem of We also define maximal and minimal elements in a
distributing all the tasks between the fewest number of poset:
subgroups (e.g., for parallel processing) such that all jobs in a An element ai is maximal in a subset S ⊆ P if it is not
subgroup must be completed in a predefined sequence (the smaller than, any other element in S, i.e. ai ⊀ aj for all aj ∈∈S .
minimum chain covering problem). Similarly, an element ai is minimal S if it is not greater than
For more details about the history of the decomposition any other element i.e. aj ⊀ ai for all ai ∈∈S.
of the partially ordered sets posets, the reader can refer to
[10–16]. On the other hand, for more details about how to Definition 4. A subset of elements � a1 , . . . , ak ⊆ P forms
formulate a problem as a mathematical model the reader is an antichain if and only if ai ⊀ aj for all i≠ j. That is all
referred to [17–19]. Finally, for more details about the well elements in A are pairwise incomparable.
know optimal PMU placement the reader is referred to
[20–22]. Definition 5. A subset of elements C � a1 , . . . , ak ⊆ Ƥ
In this paper, a new integer linear programming model forms a chain if and only if they satisfy for all
(ILPM) is proposed for posets. Robert Dilworth’s Decom- a1 ≺a2 ≺ . . . . . . ≺ak for some ordering of elements in C. That
position theorem is formulated by ILPM and proves its is all elements in C are pairwise comparable.
correctness using the paradigm of strong duality in linear For example, in a task scheduling problem, if a subset of
programming. Finally, ILPM is run on fifteen benchmark jobs forms an antichain. Then, all these jobs may be com-
partially ordered sets for finding their width. The compu- pleted in parallel. If a subset of jobs forms a chain, then these
tational experiments show the validity of the proposed jobs must be completed in the sequence determined by
model. a1 ≺a2 ≺ . . . . . . ≺ak . Furthermore, it is useful to describe a
The remaining of this paper is organized as follows: basic covering of a poset P by chains to be a collection of chains
definitions and notations are introduced in Section 2. In C1 , . . . . . . , Ck such that every element of Ƥ is contained in
Section 3, Dilworth theorem and its mathematical formu- the union of these chains, that is, ⋃ Ci � P. This is related to
lation are proposed. In Section 4, the experimental results distributing all tasks on parallel processors C1 , C2 . . . . . . so
analysis of the proposed ILPM on fifteen benchmark posets that jobs assigned to any processor Ci are to be completed in
are provided. In Section 5, conclusions are made. a predefined sequence.
Ƥ has size n > B. Then, by the pigeonhole principle, at least Claim 1. For all chains Ck ⊆P, at most one of the weights
two distinct elements ai , aj must be members of the same associated with elements in Ck is equal to 1. All other weights
chain so that, by Definition 5, we have ai aj or aj ai . must be 0.
However, by Definition 4, this means ai and aj are not in the
same chain, a contradiction. Thus, no antichain in P can Proof of Claim 1. For the sake of contradiction, assume that
have size greater than B, whereby it follows the maximum more than one element in chain C has a positive weight. We
size antichain in P is also no larger B. □ would then have i: ai εCxi > 1 since all xi are non-negative
integers, thereby violating constrains of the linear program.
It follows that xi ∈ {0, 1} for all i. Now consider each xi as
an indicator variable for whether element ai appears in an
3.1. Casting as a Linear Program. To prove B ≤ A A is more antichain Amax , i.e. let xi � 1 if ai εAmax and xi � 0
difficult. We can begin by trying to cast the objective of otherwise.
finding the maximum size antichain of a poset as a linear Since at most one indicator variable in any chain is
program. positive, the solution to (1) satisfies the requirement that no
two elements chosen for the maximum antichain come from
the same chain.
3.1.1. Primal Form. Assign non-negative weights
→ Furthermore, under the indicator variable interpreta-
x � (x1 , . . . , xn ) respectively to each element a1 , . . . . . . a1
tion, the objective of maximizing z � xi corresponds to
ϵP. Each chain Ck ⊂ Ρ will have an associated constrain
choosing the maximum number of elements to include in an
inequality over the elements ai ∈ Ck that comprise it.
antichain of P, so we have Maxz � |Amax |, as desired. This
Consider the following linear program in canonical form:
proves Proposition 1 that an integer solution to (1) gives the
size of the maximum antichain in P.
max z � xi , Now, we prove the analogous proposition for the dual
form. □
xi ≤ 1 for all chains Ck ⊆ Ρ . (1)
s.t i: ai ∈Ck →
Proposition 2. If yj εZ for all weights in y then solving dual
x1 ≥ 0 for i � 1. . . . . . . n. (2) gives the size of the minimum covering of P by chains.
Lemma 2. For any distribution of chains in a poset, (1) has the value of 0. It follows that optimal solutions to each LP
an optimal solution where all variables take on integer values. associated with subsets of P1 will also have integer weights.
Thus, the inductive hypothesis holds for k � 1.
Proof. Proof is by the Well-ordering Principle and con- Now, suppose that an optimal solution for (2) on poset P
tradiction of an optimal solution to (1) with the fewest has a variable assignment yi � a that is not an integer (note
number of noninteger variables (xi weights). Let N be the set that the optimal value for this LP must be an integer
of elements in P corresponding to these noninteger weights. Min w � k ∈ Z). We can remove from P all elements in the
Some of these elements will be maximal in N, and others will chain Ci associated with variable yi to obtain a new poset
be minimal (recall definitions in Section 2). We first need to P/C � P′ ⊂ P.
verify that. □ Let w′ be the objective function value of LP2′ for this a
new poset P′ . We observe that Min w′ is at most k − a
Claim 3. No elements in N can be both minimal and because all elements comprising the chain with weight
maximal. yi � a were removed so that w ≤ w − a � k − a. Since
P′ ⊂ P is a strict subset of P, k − a is an integer by the
Proof of Claim 3. Suppose, for the sake of contradiction, that inductive hypothesis, so Min w′ � k − 1. Furthermore, the
an element am εN is both minimal and maximal. Then, am is inductive hypothesis tells us that P has a covering by k − 1
chains where all weights assignments to the chains are
incomparable to all other elements in N (recall definitions in
Section 2). It follows that is associated weight xm is subject integers. It follows that we get a covering of P � P′ ⋃ Ci by
only to a single constrain that xm ≤ 1 in (1), whereby xm k chains if we simply assign weight of yi � 1 to Ci ,
would be assigned a value of 1 to maximize the objective. achieving the desired objective the desired value of
This contradicts the assumption that xm εN is a not an in- Min w � Min w′ + yi � (k + 1) + 1 � k. This completes the
teger, thus proving the claim. inductive argument and proof of Lemma 3.
Since no elements in N are both minimal and maximal, it Taking Lemma 2 and 3 in conjunction with Proposition
follows that each chain C ∈ N has exactly one maximal 1 and 2 gives the desired result that, for all partially-ordered
element, and a different minimal element. sets P:
Suppose we add a small value ∈ > 0 to each maximal Solving (1) gives the size of the largest antichain in P
element in N, and subtract e from each minimal in N. Since
Solving (2) gives the size of the smallest covering of P by
all elements in N are nonintegers we ensure that the resulting
assignment of variables is feasible by choosing ∈ > 0 small
enough so that 0 ≤ xi ≤ 1 is still satisfied by all xi , as required Again, by applying the result of strong duality [19] in
by the constraints of (1). linear programming, we conclude that primal (1) and dual
If we keep repeating this procedure, then at least one (2) have the same optimal value. Therefore, (1) s solution for
variable corresponding to a maximal/minimal element in N the size of the largest antichain in a poset and (2) solution for
will reach a boundary value of 0 or 1. This contradicts the the size of the minimum chain covering of a poset are equal,
assumption that N has the fewest number of noninteger proving Theorem 1 (Dilworth’s Theorem). □
variables in a feasible solution. Thus, all variable assignments
in an optimal solution to (1) must be integers, so Lemma 2
holds for primal (1). Next, we need to show that dual (2) also 3.2. A Polynomial-Size Linear Program. In this section, we
has integer solutions. □ introduce Proposition 3 on which the proposed integer
linear programming model is based.
Lemma 3. For any distribution of chains in a poset, (2) has
an optimal solution where all variables take on integer values.
Proposition 3. An assignment of indicator values {0, 1} to
x � (x1 , . . . , xn ) produces an antichain if and only if xi +
Proof. First, we apply the result of strong duality in linear
xj 1 for all edges (ai , aj ) ∈ E(G).
programming (see [19] for details). Which says that the
primal and dual forms of a linear program have the same
optimal value. We prove using induction that if k ϵ Z is the Proof. First, we show that any antichain in P satisfies the
optimal value to LP2 on a poset P, then P has a covering by k constraints. An antichain cannot contain any two elements
chains where all variables y in (2) take on integer values. that are comparable (Definition 4). Note that, any two
Inductive hypothesis: for any poset P having an integer comparable elements in P are connected by an edge in G.
optimal (2) objective value of k, the optimal solutions to the Thus, we may choose at most one vertex from each edge
LPs associated with strict subsets of P are integers. (ai , aj ) ∈ E(G), meaning that at most one of xi , xj equals 1,
Base case. Consider a post P1 in which all elements form from which it follows that xi + xj ≤ 1 for all edges
a single, with optimal objective value Min w � k � 1. From (ai , aj ) ∈ E(G).
the constraints of (2), this optimal solution will have a single Conversely, we show that any assignment of indicator
variable y1 (corresponding to the chain containing all ele- variables satisfying the constraints produces a valid
ments in P1 ) take on the value of 1, and the other y’s take on antichain.
Journal of Mathematics 5
6 5 4
1 2 3
Figure 1: A poset with 6 elements and its width equal to three.
4 3
5 6
3 4 1 3
1 2 6 2
1 2
(P1; W (P1) = 2; S (P1) = 1) (P2; W (P2) = 2; S (P2) = 3) (P3; W (P3) = 2; S (P3) = 2)
6 5 4
6 5 4 5 4
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3
(P4; W (P4) = 3; S (P4) = 3) (P5; W (P5) = 3; S (P5) = 3) (P6; W (P6) = 3; S (P6) = 3)
5 4 6 7 4 3
6 7
8 4
1 3
2 3
1 2 5
1 2
8 7 6 5
8 7 6 5 7 6 5 4
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
(P10; W (P10) = 4;S (P10) = 4) (P11; W (P11) = 4; S (P11) = 4) (P12; W (P12) = 4; S (P12) =4)
7 7 5 4 7 6 5 4
6 5 4
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 2 3
(P13; W (P13) = 4; S (P13) = 4) (P14; W (P14) = 4; S (P14) = 4) (P14; W (P15) = 4; S (P15) = 4)
Figure 2: 15-Benchmark partially ordered sets with their width and jump number.
6 Journal of Mathematics
Table 1: A comparison between the standard width and directed acyclic graph (DAG).
Proposed model MATLAB
Poset n Standard w(P)
w(P) CPU time
P1 4 2 2 0.073318
P2 6 2 2 0.089859
P3 6 2 2 0.101679
P4 6 3 3 0.102334
P5 6 3 3 0.104611
P6 5 3 3 0.108036
P7 7 3 3 0.123854
P8 8 3 3 0.146553
P9 5 3 3 0.166726
P10 8 4 4 0.207229
P11 8 4 4 0.328825
P12 7 4 4 0.471679
P13 7 4 4 0.47268
P14 7 4 4 0.546337
P15 7 4 4 0.649021
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15
Standard W (P)
Upper Bound W (P)
Figure 3: Shows that the relation between posets and standard width, (DAG).
CPU Time
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15
CPU Time
Figure 4: Shows that the relation between posets and CPU Time.
We can use an available software package such as (MAT- (n), and various heights h(P)) Figure 2 contains fifteen
LAB, Python, and LINGO) for solving the above mathematical benchmark posets with their width and jump number.
model which returns the solution is equal to three. The used environment is a 64-bit Windows 8.1 Op-
erating System with Core (TM) i5 CPU M 460 @2.53 GHz,
4. Computational Experiments 4.00 GB of memory, and MATLAB v7.01 Software
In this section, we evaluate the proposed ILPM by fifteen From Table 1 and Figure 3, it is obvious that the results of
benchmark posets. These posets are characterized by some the proposed mathematical model (ILPM) coincide with the
characteristics such as (various widths w(P), various sizes standard results for all fifteen benchmark posets.
8 Journal of Mathematics
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