A Virtual Reality Platform For Safety Training in Coal Mines With
A Virtual Reality Platform For Safety Training in Coal Mines With
A Virtual Reality Platform For Safety Training in Coal Mines With
Review Article
A Virtual Reality Platform for Safety Training in Coal Mines with
AI and Cloud Computing
Mei Li ,1 Zhenming Sun ,2 Zhan Jiang ,1 Zheng Tan ,3 and Jinchuan Chen 3
Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
School of Energy and Mining Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Beijing 100083, China
Beijing Longruan Technologies, Beijing 100190, China
Received 25 June 2020; Revised 20 September 2020; Accepted 26 September 2020; Published 23 October 2020
Copyright © 2020 Mei Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Coal mining, regarded as a high-risk industry, has a strong demand for virtual reality (VR) to fulfill safety and emergency rescue
training. In the past ten years, VR technology has significantly improved miner training on both the hardware and software side.
However, it still has some drawbacks, such as expensive and unsuitable hardware, lack of satisfactory user experience, without
direct browser access, and lack of humanized and intelligent design. To solve these problems, a cloud-based VR system is designed
for the training of coal miners in this paper. The system, with browser/client architecture, includes eight modules demonstrating
the full procedure of an underground coal mine. The online cloud-rendered video streaming is adopted to provide enough
computing and rendering power and hence a better browser-based user experience. Furthermore, game artificial intelligence (AI)
is also introduced into the system to increase the emotional exchange between the system and users. Unlike traditional VR training
software, this system designs two virtual miners to enhance the experience of trainees. The first virtual miner is a task-oriented
non-player-character (NPC) which conveys general knowledge about the mine and guides the users in visiting the underground
work sites. The second virtual miner is a disaster-oriented character which prepares the users for typical disasters. The system has
been successfully implemented in a laboratory environment, and its performance has been validated. Yet, further practices are
needed to stimulate more innovative applications of VR-based miner training and disaster drilling.
Figure 1: The interface of the virtual reality system for underground coal mine.
In this B/S architecture of the cloud rendering system, models. We use the Blueprint scripting language to program
the system is divided into three parts: portal server, render the characters’ animation, the AI behavior tree, and the user
server, and client, as shown in Figure 2. interface (UI).
The portal server is responsible for user login, finding the AI in games or “Game AI” is a module of a 3D engine.
appropriate server according to the user’s choice, and Traditional AI typically demonstrates some of the following
controlling the server to start the virtual machine, i.e., render behaviors associated with human intelligence: planning,
server. The client and the render server establish a con- learning, reasoning, problem-solving, knowledge represen-
nection when the portal server notifies the client with the tation, perception, motion, and manipulation. The emerging
address of the virtual machine. The user can run and interact Game AI is becoming a narrow branch differentiated from
with the 3D program in the remote server through the the traditional AI. Game AI refers to the virtual man, also
network. called non-player characters (NPCs), controlled by the
The render server is responsible for processing the input computer, which simulates the intelligent behaviors of
events of the client sourced by mouse or keyboard, as well as human beings or other creatures, providing users with a
translating and sending them to the interaction module of reasonable challenge to overcome [13].
the 3D program for further parsing. The 3D scene images are Figure 3 shows the behaviors of the two NPCs we
captured, encoded, and sent to the client as a video designed. These NPCs can simulate the behaviors of miners
streaming. The render server program includes three and guide young miners and/or students to understand the
modules, namely, basic function, Game AI, and advanced whole mining production, experience the underground
function. The VR basic function module provides 3D scene scene, and improve the relationship between users and
management, sound, particle effect, physical simulation, and computer programs during the training, conversation, or
other basic functions. The Game AI module uses a scripting other tasks. Besides, these AI characters are designed to
language to design a behavior tree for virtual miners. The VR automatically find the local navigation grid path.
advanced module builds complex computation models and The first NPC is a task-oriented character. When the user
simulates disasters, such as fire numerical simulation and meets it somewhere on the ground, he will provide general
escaping route computation. knowledge about the coal mines and guide the user to de-
The client is responsible for displaying the received scend a well from a cage and visit the underground work
streaming of the 3D scene and sending user inputs, such as sites, such as longwalls or heading faces. Once the user
keyboard and mouse events, to the server. completes the corresponding task and provides feedback, the
We use 3ds Max to build 3D scenes of the underground NPC releases the next task. Those tasks are performed before
and the surface. Then, we import the 3D models into the entering the underground mine, preparing the miners to
Unreal Engine editor. We adopt a series of material tools to look for the entrance, enter the cage, and visit the under-
apply 3D models, such as a normal map, diffusion map, ground working face. The second NPC is a disaster-oriented
metal map, and texture map. These materials are like the character which guides the user to experience typical di-
“paint” applied to the model. Then, we set the lights to il- sasters, such as gas explosions, roof falls, and fire accidents.
luminate our scenes. From the computer-aided design To realize the NPC’s behavior, the blueprint is used to
(CAD) or geographic information system (GIS) files, we build a behavior tree graph, which adds and connects a series
automatically build 3D geological and underground laneway of nodes. A behavior tree, mainly composed of a leaf node
4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Portal server
Server selection
VR streaming
User database
Render database
Render server
Emergency response
Disaster simulation
Scene management
Basic database
Particle effect
AI guidance
AI scripting
3D data
3D simulation of mine training process
Basic data
and composite node, is essentially an acyclic graph [14, 15]. actions. The sequence executes the disaster animation in
We use composite tasks and design nodes of selectors, se- turn and tests whether the user’s reaction is correct.
quences, parallels, and decorators. Figure 4 shows an ex-
ample of the second NPC’s behavior tree, where selector, 3. Results and Discussion
sequence, and parallel are used to trigger accidents. A se-
lector is a branch task that runs the behavior of each of its 3.1. System Implementation. The cloud rendering cluster is
children. It will immediately return a success status code composed of two virtual rendering servers with a configu-
when one of its children runs successfully. Once one of the ration of 4-core 8G M60 CPU, 32 GB RAM, and 40 Mbps
child nodes is successful, it returns to the selector, and the BGP bandwidth. The experiments have shown that the
rest of the nodes are not executed. A sequence executes the hardware can support up to seven players at the same time. A
node task sequentially instead. A sequence node tries to client PC should have at least Intel i7 CPU and 16 GB RAM.
execute each child in turn until all children have reported The system has been tested by undergraduate students in the
that they have executed successfully. Once a task fails, the VR Teaching and Experiment Laboratory, China University
sequence will return to the upper node. In this case, the of Mining & Technology, Beijing. The laboratory also has a
remaining tasks are not executed. A parallel is a composite 120-degree 2-channel VR projector and an infrared laser
task that handles concurrent behaviors. It is a special branch tracking system as shown in Figures 5 and 6, respectively.
task that runs all children during execution time. The be- The system can run either on the immersive VR hardware or
havior tree allows parallel node tasks, which might be state the PC headset.
machines. Multiple state machines can be executed in
parallel. For example, when the second NPC’s behavior tree
is triggered, it first judges whether it is dangerous or not and 3.2. AI Guidance. The virtual roaming function of the NPC
then runs the user and sends alerts. Following these, it gives will help the user to walk around buildings, enter the mine
the on-site emergency solution by a series of animation through a cage, and visit the longwall mining face or the
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 5
Report the
Handling A class on
Task-oriented Gas explosion hazards disasters
Preparing before Responses Mission failed
entering the
underground Ignore
Task-oriented Support A class on
NPC operation disasters
Roof fall
Responses Mission failed
Avoid, repair, A class on
Visiting key sites etc. disasters
Fire accident
of underground
End simulation
blasting place. It will also introduce the ventilation system, the source, such as footsteps when walking on the grass and
transportation system, water supply, drainage system, and the roadway, wheezing when running, and the mechanical
power supply system. This function enables the new miners sound of an opening cage. By analyzing the disaster/accident
or students to have an overall understanding of the mine. reasons, features, and occurrence conditions, a disaster
When a user is wandering in the roadway, the accident simulation knowledge library is constructed. This library
guidance function of the NPC will start a dialogue with them contains a brief description of prevention and control
to detect their behavior and provide information on illegal measures, emergency plans, site disposal programs, miti-
operations. The system will then trigger disaster animation gation, and postdisaster evaluation. It is combined with
depending on the location, and the NPC will demonstrate system guidance to show the potential consequences of
the escape routes for self-rescue. disasters.
3.3. Disaster Simulation. In our system, mining accidents are 3.3.1. Gas and Coal Dust Explosion. This simulation is to
limited to gas explosions, roof falls, and fire events. The show the boundary conditions of gas and coal dust explosion
disaster simulation module integrates various 3D animation, as illustrated in Figure 7. It helps users to perceive the di-
audio, particle effect, and physical-mechanical models of the saster from the vision, auditory, and other aspects and
3D engine. The 3D model is to establish the models of mines, understand the movement and destruction of the wind that
terrain, tunnels, and NPCs. The audio function is to create is mixed with dust. Besides, some emergency measures, such
sounds as realistic as possible considering the dimension of as collaborative gas extraction, are fully displayed.
6 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Is danger
Sequence Selector
Run to player Alert Roof fall Gas leakage explosion Mechanical accident Seepage
Sequence Sequence Sequence Sequence
Right Wrong
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This study was financially supported by the National Key [16] National Virtual Simulation Experiment Teaching Project
Research and Development Program of China (grant no. Sharing Platform, September 2020, http://www.ilab-x.com/
2016YFC0803108). It was also supported by the Key details/v5?id�5022&isView�true.