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Semisolid Dosage Form

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Pharmaceutical semisolid dosage preparations include: Ointments, pastes, cream, plasters, gels and
rigid foams.
They contain one or more active ingredients dissolved or uniformly dispersed in a suitable base and
any suitable excipients such as emulsifiers, viscosity increasing agents, anti microbial agents,
antioxidants, or stabilizing agents etc…
Semi-solids are the topical dosage form used for the therapeutic, protective or cosmetic function.
They may be applied to the skin, or used nasally, vaginally, or rectally.
Advantage of semi-solid dosage form
 It is used externally
 Probability of side effect can be reduce
 First pass gut and hepatic metabolism is avoided.
 Local action and Site specific action of drug on affected area.
 Convenient for unconscious patient or patient having difficulty on oral administration.
 Suitable dosage form for bitter drugs.
 More stable than liquid dosage form.
Disadvantages of semi-solid dosage form:
 There is no dosage accuracy in this type of dosage form
 The base which is used in the semi-solid dosage form can be easily oxidized. May cause
 They are bulky to handle.. Application with finger may cause contamination.
 Physico-chemically less stable than solid dosage form.
 May cause irritation or allergy to some patients


Physical properties
 Smooth texture
 Elegant in appearance
 Non dehydrating
 Non gritty
 Non greasy and non staining
 Non hygroscopic
Physiological properties
 Non irritating
 Do not alter membrane / skin functioning
 Miscible with skin secretion
 Have low sensitization index 
 Easily applicable with efficient drug
 High aqueous wash ability.


Ingredients used in preparation:
 Bases
 Preservative
 Humectants
 Antioxidants
 Emulsifier
 Gelling agent
 Permeation enhancer
 Buffers

It is one of the most important ingredient used in formulation of semisolid dosage form. Ointment
bases do not merely act as the carriers of the medicaments, but they also control the extent of
absorption of medicaments incorporated in them.

Ointments bases are classified by the USP into four general groups:
A-hydrocarbon bases (oleaginous bases) (Petrolatum, Paraffin, Lanolin.....)
B- absorption bases (cold cream, anhydrus lanolin ...)
C-water-removable bases (oil in water)
D-water-soluble bases (polyethylene glycol)

Oxygen is a highly reactive atom that is capable of becoming part of potentially damaging molecules
commonly called "free radicals."
Free radicals are capable of attacking the healthy cells of the body, causing them to lose their structure
and function. To prevent this antioxidants are added.
E.g. Butylated hydroxy anisole, Butylated hydroxy toluene

Skin can act as a barrier. With the introduction
of various penetration enhancers, penetration of the drug through the skin can be improved.
Ex: Oleic acid

An emulsifier (emulgent) is a substance that stabilizes an emulsion by increasing its kinetic stability.
- Must reduce surface tension for proper emulsification.
- Prevents coalescence.
- Ability to increase the viscosity at low concentration.
Emulsifying agents
- Sodium lauryl sulfate :O/W emulsion form
- Sodium stearate and calcium stearate.
-Glyceryl monostearate: weak W/O emulsifying agents and used as stabilization agents and emollient
in the O/W emulsion.

A humectant is a hygroscopic substance, Humectants are used to:
 increase the solubility of the active ingredient
 to elevate its skin penetration.
 elevate the hydration of the skin.

Buffers are added for various purpose such as:
 Compatibility with skin.
 Drug solubility. 
 Drug stability.
 Influence ionization of drug. 
Skin, due to its weak acidic nature, tolerates weak acidic preparations.
Ex: sodium acetate, sodium citrate, potassium

Antimicrobial preservatives
-To inhibit the growth of contaminating microorganisms, So require the addition of chemical
antimicrobial preservatives to the formulation
-E.G. para-hydroxybenzoates (parabens), phenols, benzoic acid, sorbic acid, quaternary ammonium
salts and other compounds.


Three potential entry MACRO ROUTES to the viable tissue:
1. Via the sweat ducts
2. Across the continuous stratum corneum
3. Through the hair follicles with their associated sebaceous glands.

 Low molecular weight molecules penetrate through stratum conium to some extent.
 Skin appendages are the main route for Electrolytes, polar steroids, antibiotics and colloidal
 Particles of 3-10 μ penetrate through hair follicles and particles less than 3μ penetrate the
rough stratum conium.
 Hair follicle route may be important for ions and large polar molecules.
 Topically applied agents such as steroids, hexachlorophene, griseofulvin, sodium fusidate,
and fusidic acid may form a depot or reservoir by binding within the stratum corneum.
 Once drug permeates through horny layer it readily enters living tissue and systemic
 The average residence time of drug in dermis may be 1 min before it is washed away by
 NSAIDS reach far down to muscles to form depots.

Factors influencing dermal penetration of drugs

1. Biological factors:
1. Skin condition
2. Skin age
3. Blood flow
4. Regional skin site
5. Skin metabolism
6. Species difference.
II. Physicochemical factors:
1. Skin hydration
2. Temperature and pH
3. Diffusion coefficient
4. Drug concentration
5. Partition coefficient
6. Molecular size and shape.

1. Skin condition
➤The intact, healthy skin is a tough barrier but acids and alkalis injure barrier cells and thereby
promote penetration.
➤ Mixtures of non-polar and polar solvents, such as chloroform and methanol, remove the lipid
fraction and molecules pass more easily.
➤Disease alters skin condition, skin inflamed, with loss of stratum corneum thus permeability
➤If organ thickened, with corns, calluses and warts, drug permeation decrease.
2. Skin age
➤Skin of the young and the elderly is more permeable than adult tissue.
➤Children are more susceptible to the toxic effects of drugs and chemicals, because of their greater
surface area per unit body weight; thus potent topical steroids, Causes severe side-effects and death.
3.Blood flow:
An increased blood flow could reduce the amount of time a penetrant remains in the dermis, and also
raise the concentration gradient across the skin.
In clinically hyperaemic disease damages the skin barrier and increase absorption.
4. Regional skin sites:
Variations in permeability depend on the thickness and nature of the stratum corneum and the density
of skin appendages.
➤ Absorption changes with substance, volunteer and site.
➤ Permeabilities depend on thickness of stratum corneum and the overall thickness of the tissue.

➤ Plantar and palmar callus may be 400-600 μm thick compared to 10-20 μm for other sites.
➤Facial skin in general is more permeable than other body sites.
5. Skin metabolism:
➤The skin metabolizes steroid hormones, chemical carcinogens and some drugs.
➤Skin can metabolize 5% of topical drugs.
6. Species differences:
➤Mice, rats and rabbits are used to assess percutaneous absorption, but their skins have more hair
follicles than human skin and they lack sweat glands.
➤ Hairless mouse, monkey and pig skins are most like that of humans.

➤ Hairless rat and fuzzy guinea pig may be better models for humans.
➤ To obtain skin penetration data it is best to use human skin.

1. Skin hydration:
➤When water saturates the skin the tissue swells, softens and wrinkles and hydration of the stratum
corneum increases permeability.
➤Dusting powders or lotions, provide a large surface area for evaporation and therefore dry the skin
2. Temperature and pH:
➤The penetration rate of material through human skin can change tenfold for a large temperature
➤Weak acids and bases dissociate to different degrees, depending on the pH and their PKa or Pkb
➤Stratum corneum is resistant to alterations in pH, range of 3-9.
3. Diffusion coefficient:
➤The diffusional speed of a molecule depends mainly on the state of matter of the medium. In gases,
diffusion coefficients are large than liquids
➤The diffusion coefficient of a drug in a topical vehicle depends on the properties of the drug and the
diffusion medium and on the interaction between them.
4. Drug concentration:
➤ Drug permeation and flux of solute is proportional to the concentration gradient across the barrier.
➤pH change, complex formation, or the presence of surfactants, micelles or cosolvents modify the
effective partition coefficient.

5. Partition coefficient(K):
➤The partition coefficient is important in establishing the flux of a drug through the stratum
➤ Polar cosolvent mixtures, such as propylene glycol with water, produce saturated drug solutions
and maximize the concentration gradient across the stratum corneum.
➤Complex formation of drug increases the apparent partition coefficient and may promote drug
6. Molecular size and shape:
➤ Absorption is apparently inversely related to molecular weight.

➤Small molecules penetrate faster than large ones.

Ointments are homogenous, translucent, viscous semi-solid preparations, most commonly a greasy,
thick oil (oil 80% - water 20%) intended for external application to the skin or mucous membrane.
They are used as:
 Emollients
 Protective
 Therapeutic
 Prophylactic purpose

Classification of ointments
A- Epidermic ointments
These ointments are intended to produce their action on the surface of the skin and produce local
effect, they are not absorbed.
They acts as protectives, antiseptics and parasiticides.

B-Endodermic ointments
These ointments are intended to release the medicaments that penetrate into the skin. They are
partially absorbed and acts as emollients, stimulants and local irritants. 

C- Diadermic ointments
These ointments are intended to release the medicaments that pass through the skin and produce
systemic effects.
Both on a large and a small scale, ointments are prepared by three general methods:

The method for a particular preparation depends primarily upon the nature of the ingredients.

 The components of the ointment are mixed together by various means until a uniform
preparation has been attained.
 On a small scale, the pharmacist may mix the components of an ointment in a mortar with a
pestle, or a spatula and an ointment slab may be used to rub the ingredients together.

 By the fusion method, all or some of the components of an ointment are combined by being
melted together and cooled with constant stirring until congealed.
 Those components not melted are generally added to the congealing mixture as it is being
cooled and stirred.
 Naturally, heat-labile substances and any volatile components are added last when the
temperature of the mixture is low enough not to cause decomposition of volatilization of the

In the preparation of ointments having an emulsion type of formula, the general method of
manufacture involves a melting process as well as an emulsification process.

Weighed quantities of the ointments are rubbed over definite areas of the skin for a given length of
time. Thereafter the unabsorbed ointment is collected from the skin and weighed. The difference
between the two weights roughly represents the amount absorbed.


 To assess rate of release of medicament, small amount of the ointment can be placed on the
surface of nutrient agar contained in a Petri dish.
 If the medicament is bactericidal the agar plate is previously seeded with a suitable organism
like s.aureus. After asuitable period of incubation, the zone of inhibition is measured and
correlated with the rate of release.
Definite amount of ointments should be rubbed through the skin. Under standard conditions
and medicaments are estimated in the blood plasma or urine.

The irritant effect can also be judged to a certain extent by injecting the ointment into thigh
muscles and under the abdominal skin of rats. Reaction are noted at intervals of 24,48,72 and
96 hours. Presence of patches on the skin within 2 weeks indicate irritancy to pressing skin.
Creams are homogeneous, semi-solid preparations consisting of opaque emulsion,contains
lipophilic emulsifying agent. Their consistency depend on the type of emulsion, either water-
in-oil (w/o) or oil-in – water (o/w), and on the nature of the solids in the internal phase.
Creams are intended for the application to the skin or certain mucous membranes for:
 Protective
 Therapeutic
 prophylactic purposes
Creams containing microspheres
(VIT. A CREAM ... 200-250 micron)
Lamellar faced creams
(liquid paraffin in water emulsion)
Cream containing liquid nanoparticles
(a w/o cream, more occlusive)

Preparation of oil phase:
Flack/powder ingredient are dispersed in mineral oil or silicone oil) heating may required for
Hydration of aqueous phase:
Emulsifiers, stabilizer, thickener are dispersed in water heating may require for hydrating
Forming the emulsion:
Two phases are blended under vigorous agitation
Dispersion of active ingredient

The rheology or viscosity should remain constant. Rheologic measurements are utilized to
characterize the ease of pouring from a bottle, squeezing from a tube or container .
 Maintaining product shape in ajar or after extrusion, rubbing the product onto the skin
 The viscosity can be measured using viscometers used for such liquids.
As various types of ingredients are used with occasional use of antiseptic, hormones. etc.,
there is a possibility of sensitization or photosensitization of the skin. This should be tested
beforehand. This test is normally done by patch test on skin and can be either open or
occlusive. The test sample is applied along with a standard market product at different places
and effect is compared after a period of time.

C-Effect of thermal stresses:

It is usual to evaluate the stability of an emulsion by subjecting it too high and low
temperatures in alternating cycles. The samples are first exposed to 60° C for a few hours and
then to to 40°C. Such exposures are repeated a number of times and emulsion stability
assessed after each cycle.

D-phase separation:

The rate and degree of phase separation in an emulsion can be easily determined by keeping a
certain amount in a graduated cylinder and measuring the volume of separated phase after
definite time intervals. The phase separation may result from creaming or coalescence of
globules. The phase separation test can be accelerated by centrifugation at low/moderate


Gels are homogeneous, clear, semisolid systems consisting of dispersions of small or large
molecules in an aqueous liquid vehicle rendered jellylike by the addition of a gelling agent.

Gels are aqueous colloidal suspensions of the hydrated forms of insoluble medicament, used
for medication and lubrication.
Gelling agents

Among the gelling agents used- Synthetic macromolecules, such as carbomer 934

- Cellulose derivatives, such as

carboxymethylcellulose or hydroxypropyl methylcellulose

Natural gums, such as tragacanth


Drug content -1gm of gel was accurately weighed in a 50ml of volumetric flask to which
20ml purified water was added with continuous shaking. Volume was adjusted with a mixture
of 10% methanol in water. Absorbance of the solution with the blank was measured at 360nm
using UV-spectrophotometer.

Measurement of pH -The pH of gels were determined by digital pH meter. One gram of gel
was dissolved in 100ml of distilled water and stored at 4°C for two hours.

Viscosity -Brookfield viscometer is used for determination of viscosity. Gels were filled in
jar and spindle was lowered perpendicularly taking care that spindle do not touch bottom of
the jar. The spindle was rotated in the gel at increasing shear rates 0.5, 1, 2.5 and 5rpm. At
each speed, the corresponding dial reading was noted.

Spreadability- A modified apparatus consisting of two glass slides containing gel in between
with the lower slide fixed to a wooden plate and the upper one attached to a balance by a
hook was used to determine spreadability.

Extrudability - A simple method was adopted for determination of extrudability in terms of

weight in grams required to extrude a 0.5cm ribbon of gel in 10 seconds from the collapsible

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