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Gigadevice Semiconductor Inc.: ® ™ For Gd32F405Xx, Gd32F407Xx and Gd32F450Xx

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GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc.

ARM® Cortex™-M4 32-bit MCU
For GD32F405xx, GD32F407xx and GD32F450xx

User Manual
Revision 2.2

(Mar. 2020)
GD32F4xx User Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... 2
List of Figures ................................................................................................................... 22
List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... 30
1. System and memory architecture ........................................................................... 34
1.1. ARM Cortex-M4 processor.................................................................................................. 34
1.2. System architecture ........................................................................................................... 35
1.3. Memory map ..................................................................................................................... 38
1.3.1. Bit-banding ......................................................................................................................................... 41
1.3.2. On-chip SRAM memory ................................................................................................................... 41
1.3.3. On-chip flash memory overview ..................................................................................................... 42

1.4. Boot configuration ............................................................................................................. 42

1.5. System configuration registers (SYSCFG) ............................................................................. 44
1.5.1. Configuration register 0 (SYSCFG_CFG0) ................................................................................... 44
1.5.2. Configuration register 1 (SYSCFG_CFG1) ................................................................................... 45
1.5.3. EXTI sources selection register 0 (SYSCFG_EXTISS0) ............................................................ 46
1.5.4. EXTI sources selection register 1 (SYSCFG_EXTISS1) ............................................................ 47
1.5.5. EXTI sources selection register 2 (SYSCFG_EXTISS2) ............................................................ 49
1.5.6. EXTI sources selection register 3 (SYSCFG_EXTISS3) ............................................................ 50
1.5.7. I/O compensation control register (SYSCFG_CPSCTL) ............................................................ 51

1.6. Device electronic signature................................................................................................. 52

1.6.1. Memory density information ............................................................................................................ 52
1.6.2. Unique device ID (96 bits) ............................................................................................................... 53

2. Flash memory controller (FMC) ............................................................................... 54

2.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 54
2.2. Main features .................................................................................................................... 54
2.3. Function description........................................................................................................... 54
2.3.1. Flash memory architecture .............................................................................................................. 54
2.3.2. Read operations ................................................................................................................................ 56
2.3.3. Unlock the FMC_CTL/FMC_OBCTLx register ............................................................................. 56
2.3.4. Sector erase ...................................................................................................................................... 56
2.3.5. Mass erase ........................................................................................................................................ 58
2.3.6. Main flash programming .................................................................................................................. 59
2.3.7. OTP block programming .................................................................................................................. 61
2.3.8. Option bytes modify .......................................................................................................................... 61
2.3.9. Option bytes description .................................................................................................................. 61

GD32F4xx User Manual
2.3.10. Sector erase/program protection .................................................................................................... 63
2.3.11. DBUS read protection ...................................................................................................................... 64
2.3.12. Security protection ............................................................................................................................ 64

2.4. FMC registers ..................................................................................................................... 66

2.4.1. Wait state register (FMC_WS) ........................................................................................................ 66
2.4.2. Unlock key register (FMC_KEY)..................................................................................................... 66
2.4.3. Option byte unlock key register (FMC_OBKEY) .......................................................................... 67
2.4.4. Status register (FMC_STAT) ........................................................................................................... 67
2.4.5. Control register (FMC_CTL)............................................................................................................ 68
2.4.6. Option byte control register 0 (FMC_OBCTL0) ............................................................................ 70
2.4.7. Option byte control register 1 (FMC_OBCTL1) ............................................................................ 72
2.4.8. Wait state enable register (FMC_WSEN) ..................................................................................... 72
2.4.9. Product ID register (FMC_PID) ...................................................................................................... 73

3. Power management unit (PMU) ............................................................................... 74

3.1. Introduction....................................................................................................................... 74
3.2. Main features .................................................................................................................... 74
3.3. Function description........................................................................................................... 74
3.3.1. Battery backup domain .................................................................................................................... 75
3.3.2. Backup SRAM ................................................................................................................................... 76
3.3.3. VDD/VDDA power domain .............................................................................................................. 76
3.3.4. 1.2V power domain........................................................................................................................... 79
3.3.5. Power saving modes ........................................................................................................................ 80

3.4. PMU registers .................................................................................................................... 83

3.4.1. Control register (PMU_CTL) ........................................................................................................... 83
3.4.2. Control and status register (PMU_CS) .......................................................................................... 85

4. Reset and clock unit (RCU) ...................................................................................... 87

4.1. Reset control unit (RCTL) .................................................................................................... 87
4.1.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 87
4.1.2. Function overview ............................................................................................................................. 87

4.2. Clock control unit (CCTL) ............................................................................................. 88

4.2.1. Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 88
4.2.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................... 90
4.2.3. Function overview ............................................................................................................................. 90

4.3. Register definition.......................................................................................................... 95

4.3.1. Control register (RCU_CTL)............................................................................................................ 95
4.3.2. PLL register (RCU_PLL) .................................................................................................................. 97
4.3.3. Clock configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0) ................................................................................ 99
4.3.4. Clock interrupt register (RCU_INT) .............................................................................................. 101
4.3.5. AHB1 reset register (RCU_AHB1RST) ....................................................................................... 104
4.3.6. AHB2 reset register (RCU_AHB2RST) ....................................................................................... 106
GD32F4xx User Manual
4.3.7. AHB3 reset register (RCU_AHB3RST) ....................................................................................... 107
4.3.8. APB1 reset register (RCU_APB1RST) ........................................................................................ 108
4.3.9. APB2 reset register (RCU_APB2RST) ........................................................................................ 111
4.3.10. AHB1 enable register (RCU_AHB1EN) ....................................................................................... 113
4.3.11. AHB2 enable register (RCU_AHB2EN) ....................................................................................... 116
4.3.12. AHB3 enable register (RCU_AHB3EN) ....................................................................................... 116
4.3.13. APB1 enable register (RCU_APB1EN) ....................................................................................... 117
4.3.14. APB2 enable register (RCU_APB2EN) ....................................................................................... 120
4.3.15. AHB1 sleep mode enable register (RCU_AHB1SPEN) ............................................................ 122
4.3.16. AHB2 sleep mode enable register (RCU_AHB2SPEN) ............................................................ 125
4.3.17. AHB3 sleep mode enable register (RCU_AHB3SPEN) ............................................................ 126
4.3.18. APB1 sleep mode enable register (RCU_APB1SPEN) ............................................................ 126
4.3.19. APB2 sleep mode enable register (RCU_APB2SPEN) ............................................................ 130
4.3.20. Backup domain control register (RCU_BDCTL) ........................................................................ 132
4.3.21. Reset source/clock register (RCU_RSTSCK) ............................................................................ 133
4.3.22. PLL clock spread spectrum control register (RCU_PLLSSCTL) ............................................. 135
4.3.23. PLLI2S register (RCU_PLLI2S) .................................................................................................... 136
4.3.24. PLLSAI register (RCU_PLLSAI) ................................................................................................... 137
4.3.25. Clock configuration register 1 (RCU_CFG1) .............................................................................. 139
4.3.26. Additional clock control register (RCU_ADDCTL) ..................................................................... 140
4.3.27. Additional clock interrupt register (RCU_ADDINT) .................................................................... 141
4.3.28. APB1 additional reset register (RCU_ADDAPB1RST) ............................................................. 142
4.3.29. APB1 additional enable register (RCU_ADDAPB1EN) ............................................................. 142
4.3.30. APB1 additional sleep mode enable register (RCU_ADDAPB1SPEN) .................................. 143
4.3.31. Voltage key register (RCU_VKEY) ............................................................................................... 144
4.3.32. Deep-sleep mode voltage register (RCU_DSV) ........................................................................ 144

5. Clock trim controller (CTC) .................................................................................... 145

5.1. Overview ....................................................................................................................... 145
5.2. Characteristics ............................................................................................................. 145
5.3. Function overview........................................................................................................ 146
5.3.1. Reference sync pulse generator................................................................................................... 146
5.3.2. CTC trim counter............................................................................................................................. 147
5.3.3. Frequency evaluation and automatic trim process .................................................................... 147
5.3.4. Software program guide ................................................................................................................ 148

5.4. Register definition........................................................................................................ 150

5.4.1. Control register 0 (CTC_CTL0)..................................................................................................... 150
5.4.2. Control register 1 (CTC_CTL1)..................................................................................................... 151
5.4.3. Status register (CTC_STAT).......................................................................................................... 152
5.4.4. Interrupt clear register (CTC_INTC) ............................................................................................. 154

6. Interrupt/event controller (EXTI) ............................................................................ 156

6.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 156
GD32F4xx User Manual
6.2. Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 156
6.3. Interrupts function overview ............................................................................................ 156
6.4. External interrupt and event (EXTI) block diagram ............................................................ 160
6.5. External Interrupt and Event function overview ................................................................ 160
6.6. Register definition............................................................................................................ 162
6.6.1. Interrupt enable register (EXTI_INTEN) ...................................................................................... 162
6.6.2. Event enable register (EXTI_EVEN) ............................................................................................ 162
6.6.3. Rising edge trigger enable register (EXTI_RTEN) ..................................................................... 163
6.6.4. Falling edge trigger enable register (EXTI_FTEN) .................................................................... 163
6.6.5. Software interrupt event register (EXTI_SWIEV) ....................................................................... 163
6.6.6. Pending register (EXTI_PD).......................................................................................................... 164

7. General-purpose and alternate-function I/Os (GPIO and AFIO) ........................ 165

7.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 165
7.2. Characteristics.................................................................................................................. 165
7.3. Function overview............................................................................................................ 165
7.3.1. GPIO pin configuration ................................................................................................................... 167
7.3.2. External interrupt/event lines ........................................................................................................ 168
7.3.3. Alternate functions (AF) ................................................................................................................. 168
7.3.4. Additional functions ........................................................................................................................ 168
7.3.5. Input configuration .......................................................................................................................... 168
7.3.6. Output configuration ....................................................................................................................... 169
7.3.7. Analog configuration ....................................................................................................................... 169
7.3.8. Alternate function (AF) configuration ........................................................................................... 170
7.3.9. GPIO locking function .................................................................................................................... 170
7.3.10. GPIO single cycle toggle function ................................................................................................ 171

7.4. Register definition ............................................................................................................ 172

7.4.1. Port control register (GPIOx_CTL, x=A..I) .................................................................................. 172
7.4.2. Port output mode register (GPIOx_OMODE, x=A..I) ................................................................. 174
7.4.3. Port output speed register (GPIOx_OSPD, x=A..I).................................................................... 175
7.4.4. Port pull-up/pull-down register (GPIOx_PUD, x=A..I) ............................................................... 177
7.4.5. Port input status register (GPIOx_ISTAT, x=A..I) ....................................................................... 179
7.4.6. Port output control register (GPIOx_OCTL, x=A..I) ................................................................... 179
7.4.7. Port bit operate register (GPIOx_BOP, x=A..I) ........................................................................... 180
7.4.8. Port configuration lock register (GPIOx_LOCK, x=A..I) ............................................................ 180
7.4.9. Alternate function selected register 0 (GPIOx_AFSEL0, x=A..I) ............................................. 181
7.4.10. Alternate function selected register 1 (GPIOx_AFSEL1, x=A..I) ............................................. 182
7.4.11. Bit clear register (GPIOx_BC, x=A..I) .......................................................................................... 183
7.4.12. Port bit toggle register (GPIOx_TG, x=A..I) ................................................................................ 184

8. CRC calculation unit (CRC) .................................................................................... 185

8.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 185
GD32F4xx User Manual
8.2. Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 185
8.3. Function overview............................................................................................................ 186
8.4. Register definition............................................................................................................ 187
8.4.1. Data register (CRC_DATA) ........................................................................................................... 187
8.4.2. Free data register (CRC_FDATA) ................................................................................................ 187
8.4.3. Control register (CRC_CTL).......................................................................................................... 188

9. True random number generator (TRNG) ............................................................... 189

9.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................... 189
9.2. Characteristics.................................................................................................................. 189
9.3. Function overview............................................................................................................ 189
9.3.1. Operation flow ................................................................................................................................. 190
9.3.2. Error flags ........................................................................................................................................ 190

9.4. Register definition ............................................................................................................ 191

9.4.1. Control register (TRNG_CTL) ....................................................................................................... 191
9.4.2. Status register (TRNG_STAT) ...................................................................................................... 191
9.4.3. Data register (TRNG_DATA) ......................................................................................................... 192

10. Direct memory access controller (DMA) ........................................................... 194

10.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 194
10.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 194
10.3. Block diagram............................................................................................................... 195
10.4. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 196
10.4.1. Data process ................................................................................................................................... 197
10.4.2. Address generation ........................................................................................................................ 203
10.4.3. Circular mode .................................................................................................................................. 203
10.4.4. Switch-buffer mode ......................................................................................................................... 204
10.4.5. Transfer flow controller................................................................................................................... 204
10.4.6. Transfer operation .......................................................................................................................... 205
10.4.7. Transfer finish .................................................................................................................................. 206
10.4.8. Channel configuration .................................................................................................................... 207

10.5. Interrupts ..................................................................................................................... 209

10.5.1. Peripheral handshake .................................................................................................................... 209
10.5.2. Flag ................................................................................................................................................... 211
10.5.3. Exception ......................................................................................................................................... 212
10.5.4. Error .................................................................................................................................................. 212

10.6. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 215

10.6.1. Interrupt flag register 0 (DMA_INTF0) ......................................................................................... 215
10.6.2. Interrupt flag register 1 (DMA_INTF1) ......................................................................................... 216
10.6.3. Interrupt flag clear register 0 (DMA_INTC0) ............................................................................... 217

GD32F4xx User Manual
10.6.4. Interrupt flag clear register 1 (DMA_INTC1) ............................................................................... 217
10.6.5. Channel x control register (DMA_CHxCTL)................................................................................ 218
10.6.6. Channel x counter register (DMA_CHxCNT).............................................................................. 222
10.6.7. Channel x peripheral base address register (DMA_CHxPADDR) ........................................... 222
10.6.8. Channel x memory 0 base address register (DMA_CHxM0ADDR) ........................................ 223
10.6.9. Channel x memory 1 base address register (DMA_CHxM1ADDR) ........................................ 224
10.6.10. Channel x FIFO control register (DMA_CHxFCTL) ............................................................... 224

11. Image processing accelerator (IPA) ................................................................... 226

11.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 226
11.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 226
11.3. Block diagram............................................................................................................... 227
11.4. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 228
11.4.1. Conversion operation ..................................................................................................................... 229
11.4.2. Foreground and background LUT ................................................................................................ 229
11.4.3. Foreground and background pixel channel extension (PCE) .................................................. 230
11.4.4. Blending ........................................................................................................................................... 233
11.4.5. Destination pixel channel compression (PCC) ........................................................................... 233
11.4.6. Inter-timer ......................................................................................................................................... 234
11.4.7. Line mark ......................................................................................................................................... 235
11.4.8. Transfer flow .................................................................................................................................... 235
11.4.9. Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 236

11.5. Interrupts ..................................................................................................................... 239

11.6. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 243
11.6.1. Control register (IPA_CTL) ............................................................................................................ 243
11.6.2. Interrupt flag register (IPA_INTF) ................................................................................................. 245
11.6.3. Interrupt flag clear register (IPA_INTC) ....................................................................................... 246
11.6.4. Foreground memory base address register (IPA_FMADDR)................................................... 247
11.6.5. Foreground line offset register (IPA_FLOFF) ............................................................................. 247
11.6.6. Background memory base address register (IPA_BMADDR) .................................................. 248
11.6.7. Background line offset register (IPA_BLOFF) ............................................................................ 248
11.6.8. Foreground pixel control register (IPA_FPCTL) ......................................................................... 249
11.6.9. Foreground pixel value register (IPA_FPV) ................................................................................ 250
11.6.10. Background pixel control register (IPA_BPCTL) .................................................................... 251
11.6.11. Background pixel value register (IPA_BPV) ........................................................................... 253
11.6.12. Foreground LUT memory base address register (IPA_FLMADDR) .................................... 253
11.6.13. Background LUT memory base address register (IPA_BLMADDR) ................................... 254
11.6.14. Destination pixel control register (IPA_DPCTL) ..................................................................... 254
11.6.15. Destination pixel value register (IPA_DPV) ............................................................................ 255
11.6.16. Destination memory base address register (IPA_DMADDR)............................................... 258
11.6.17. Destination line offset register (IPA_DLOFF) ......................................................................... 259
11.6.18. Image size register (IPA_IMS) .................................................................................................. 259

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.6.19. Line mark register (IPA_LM) ..................................................................................................... 260
11.6.20. Inter-timer control register (IPA_ITCTL) .................................................................................. 261

12. Debug (DBG) ......................................................................................................... 262

12.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 262
12.2. JTAG/SW function description ...................................................................................... 262
12.2.1. Switch JTAG or SW interface ........................................................................................................ 262
12.2.2. Pin assignment ................................................................................................................................ 262
12.2.3. JTAG daisy chained structure ....................................................................................................... 263
12.2.4. Debug reset ..................................................................................................................................... 263
12.2.5. JEDEC-106 ID code ....................................................................................................................... 263

12.3. Debug hold function description ................................................................................... 263

12.3.1. Debug support for power saving mode ....................................................................................... 263
12.3.2. Debug support for TIMER, I2C, RTC, WWDGT, FWDGT and CAN ....................................... 264

12.4. DBG registers................................................................................................................ 265

12.4.1. ID code register (DBG_ID) ............................................................................................................ 265
12.4.2. Control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) .................................................................................................... 265
12.4.3. Control register 1 (DBG_CTL1) .................................................................................................... 266
12.4.4. Control register 2 (DBG_CTL2) .................................................................................................... 268

13. Programmable current reference (IREF) ........................................................... 270

13.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 270
13.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 270
13.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 270
13.3.1. Signal description ........................................................................................................................... 270
13.3.2. User trimming .................................................................................................................................. 270

13.4. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 271

13.4.1. Control register (IREF_CTL) ......................................................................................................... 271

14. Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) ...................................................................... 273

14.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 273
14.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 273
14.3. Pins and internal signals ............................................................................................... 274
14.4. Functional description .................................................................................................. 275
14.4.1. Calibration (CLB) ............................................................................................................................ 275
14.4.2. ADC clock ........................................................................................................................................ 276
14.4.3. ADCON switch ................................................................................................................................ 276
14.4.4. Regular and inserted channel groups .......................................................................................... 276
14.4.5. Conversion modes .......................................................................................................................... 276
14.4.6. Inserted channel management ..................................................................................................... 281
14.4.7. Analog watchdog ............................................................................................................................ 282
GD32F4xx User Manual
14.4.8. Data alignment ................................................................................................................................ 282
14.4.9. Programmable sample time .......................................................................................................... 283
14.4.10. External trigger ............................................................................................................................ 283
14.4.11. DMA request ................................................................................................................................ 284
14.4.12. Overflow detection ...................................................................................................................... 285
14.4.13. Temperature sensor, internal reference voltage VREFINT and external battery voltage
VBAT 285
14.4.14. Programmable resolution (DRES) - fast conversion mode .................................................. 286
14.4.15. On-chip hardware oversampling .............................................................................................. 286

14.5. ADC sync mode............................................................................................................. 288

14.5.1. Free mode........................................................................................................................................ 289
14.5.2. Regular parallel mode .................................................................................................................... 289
14.5.3. Inserted parallel mode ................................................................................................................... 290
14.5.4. Follow-up mode............................................................................................................................... 291
14.5.5. Trigger rotation mode ..................................................................................................................... 291
14.5.6. Combined regular parallel & inserted parallel mode ................................................................. 293
14.5.7. Combined regular parallel & trigger rotation mode .................................................................... 293
14.5.8. Use DMA in ADC sync mode ........................................................................................................ 294

14.6. ADC interrupts .............................................................................................................. 295

14.7. ADC registers ................................................................................................................ 296
14.7.1. Status register (ADC_STAT) ......................................................................................................... 296
14.7.2. Control register 0 (ADC_CTL0) .................................................................................................... 297
14.7.3. Control register 1 (ADC_CTL1) .................................................................................................... 299
14.7.4. Sample time register 0 (ADC_SAMPT0) ..................................................................................... 302
14.7.5. Sample time register 1 (ADC_SAMPT1) ..................................................................................... 303
14.7.6. Inserted channel data offset register x (ADC_IOFFx) (x=0..3) ................................................ 303
14.7.7. Watchdog high threshold register (ADC_WDHT) ...................................................................... 304
14.7.8. Watchdog low threshold register (ADC_WDLT) ......................................................................... 304
14.7.9. Regular sequence register 0 (ADC_RSQ0) ................................................................................ 305
14.7.10. Regular sequence register 1 (ADC_RSQ1) ............................................................................ 305
14.7.11. Regular sequence register 2 (ADC_RSQ2) ............................................................................ 306
14.7.12. Inserted sequence register (ADC_ISQ) .................................................................................. 307
14.7.13. Inserted data register x (ADC_IDATAx) (x= 0..3) ................................................................... 307
14.7.14. Regular data register (ADC_RDATA) ...................................................................................... 308
14.7.15. Oversample control register (ADC_OVSAMPCTL) ............................................................... 308
14.7.16. Summary status register (ADC_SSTAT) ................................................................................. 310
14.7.17. Sync control register (ADC_SYNCCTL) .................................................................................. 311
14.7.18. Sync regular data register (ADC_SYNCDATA) ...................................................................... 313

15. Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) ...................................................................... 314

15.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 314
15.2. Main features ............................................................................................................... 314

GD32F4xx User Manual
15.3. Function description ..................................................................................................... 315
15.3.1. DAC enable ..................................................................................................................................... 315
15.3.2. DAC output buffer ........................................................................................................................... 315
15.3.3. DAC data configuration .................................................................................................................. 316
15.3.4. DAC trigger ...................................................................................................................................... 316
15.3.5. DAC conversion .............................................................................................................................. 316
15.3.6. DAC noise wave ............................................................................................................................. 316
15.3.7. DAC output voltage ........................................................................................................................ 317
15.3.8. DMA request .................................................................................................................................... 318
15.3.9. DAC concurrent conversion .......................................................................................................... 318

15.4. DAC registers ................................................................................................................ 319

15.4.1. Control register (DAC_CTL) .......................................................................................................... 319
15.4.2. Software trigger register (DAC_SWT) ......................................................................................... 321
15.4.3. DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R12DH) ............................................ 322
15.4.4. DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC0_L12DH) ............................................... 322
15.4.5. DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R8DH) ................................................ 323
15.4.6. DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R12DH) ............................................ 323
15.4.7. DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC1_L12DH) ............................................... 324
15.4.8. DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R8DH) ................................................ 324
15.4.9. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DACC_R12DH) .............. 325
15.4.10. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DACC_L12DH) ............. 325
15.4.11. DAC concurrent mode 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DACC_R8DH) .............. 326
15.4.12. DAC0 data output register (DAC0_DO) .................................................................................. 326
15.4.13. DAC1 data output register (DAC1_DO) .................................................................................. 327
15.4.14. Status register (DAC_STAT) ..................................................................................................... 327

16. Watchdog timer (WDGT) ...................................................................................... 329

16.1. Free watchdog timer (FWDGT) ...................................................................................... 329
16.1.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 329
16.1.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 329
16.1.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................................... 329
16.1.4. Register definition ........................................................................................................................... 332

16.2. Window watchdog timer (WWDGT) .............................................................................. 335

16.2.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 335
16.2.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 335
16.2.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................................... 335
16.2.4. Register definition ........................................................................................................................... 338

17. Real time clock (RTC) .......................................................................................... 340

17.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 340
17.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 340
17.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 341
17.3.1. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 341
GD32F4xx User Manual
17.3.2. Clock source and prescalers ......................................................................................................... 342
17.3.3. Shadow registers introduction ...................................................................................................... 342
17.3.4. Configurable and field maskable alarm ....................................................................................... 342
17.3.5. Configurable periodic auto-wakeup counter ............................................................................... 343
17.3.6. RTC initialization and configuration.............................................................................................. 343
17.3.7. Calendar reading ............................................................................................................................ 344
17.3.8. Resetting the RTC .......................................................................................................................... 346
17.3.9. RTC shift function ........................................................................................................................... 346
17.3.10. RTC reference clock detection ................................................................................................. 347
17.3.11. RTC coarse digital calibration ................................................................................................... 347
17.3.12. RTC smooth digital calibration .................................................................................................. 348
17.3.13. Time-stamp function ................................................................................................................... 350
17.3.14. Tamper detection ........................................................................................................................ 350
17.3.15. Calibration clock output ............................................................................................................. 352
17.3.16. Alarm output ................................................................................................................................ 352
17.3.17. RTC power saving mode management ................................................................................... 352
17.3.18. RTC interrupts ............................................................................................................................. 352

17.4. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 354

17.4.1. Time register (RTC_TIME) ............................................................................................................ 354
17.4.2. Date register (RTC_DATE) ............................................................................................................ 354
17.4.3. Control register (RTC_CTL) .......................................................................................................... 355
17.4.4. Status register (RTC_STAT).......................................................................................................... 358
17.4.5. Prescaler register (RTC_PSC) ..................................................................................................... 360
17.4.6. Wakeup timer register (RTC_WUT) ............................................................................................. 360
17.4.7. Coarse calibration register (RTC_COSC) ................................................................................... 361
17.4.8. Alarm 0 time and date register (RTC_ALRM0TD) ..................................................................... 362
17.4.9. Alarm 1 time and date register (RTC_ALRM1TD) ..................................................................... 363
17.4.10. Write protection key register (RTC_WPK) .............................................................................. 364
17.4.11. Sub second register (RTC_SS) ................................................................................................ 364
17.4.12. Shift function control register (RTC_SHIFTCTL) ................................................................... 365
17.4.13. Time of time stamp register (RTC_TTS) ................................................................................. 365
17.4.14. Date of time stamp register (RTC_DTS) ................................................................................. 366
17.4.15. Sub second of time stamp register (RTC_SSTS) .................................................................. 367
17.4.16. High resolution frequency compensation register (RTC_HRFC) ........................................ 367
17.4.17. Tamper register (RTC_TAMP) .................................................................................................. 368
17.4.18. Alarm 0 sub second register (RTC_ALRM0SS) ..................................................................... 370
17.4.19. Alarm 1 sub second register (RTC_ALRM1SS) ..................................................................... 371
17.4.20. Backup registers (RTC_BKPx) (x=0..19) ................................................................................ 372

18. TIMER ..................................................................................................................... 373

18.1. Advanced timer (TIMERx, x=0, 7)................................................................................... 374
18.1.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 374
18.1.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 374
18.1.3. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 375
GD32F4xx User Manual
18.1.4. Function overview ........................................................................................................................... 376
18.1.5. TIMERx registers(x=0, 7)............................................................................................................... 404

18.2. General level0 timer (TIMERx, x=1, 2, 3, 4) .................................................................... 431

18.2.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 431
18.2.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 431
18.2.3. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 431
18.2.4. Function overview ........................................................................................................................... 433
18.2.5. TIMERx registers(x=1, 2, 3, 4) ...................................................................................................... 450

18.3. General level1 timer (TIMERx, x=8, 11) .......................................................................... 477

18.3.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 477
18.3.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 477
18.3.3. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 478
18.3.4. Function overview ........................................................................................................................... 479
18.3.5. TIMERx registers(x=8, 11) ............................................................................................................. 491

18.4. General level2 timer (TIMERx, x=9, 10, 12, 13) ............................................................... 504
18.4.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 504
18.4.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 504
18.4.3. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 504
18.4.4. Function overview ........................................................................................................................... 506
18.4.5. TIMERx registers(x=9, 10, 12, 13) ............................................................................................... 513

18.5. Basic timer (TIMERx, x=5, 6) .......................................................................................... 524

18.5.1. Overview .......................................................................................................................................... 524
18.5.2. Characteristics................................................................................................................................. 524
18.5.3. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 524
18.5.4. Function overview ........................................................................................................................... 524
18.5.5. TIMERx registers(x=5, 6)............................................................................................................... 529

19. Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver /transmitter (USART) ........ 534

19.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 534
19.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 534
19.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 535
19.3.1. USART frame format ...................................................................................................................... 536
19.3.2. Baud rate generation ...................................................................................................................... 537
19.3.3. USART transmitter .......................................................................................................................... 537
19.3.4. USART receiver .............................................................................................................................. 538
19.3.5. Use DMA for data buffer access ................................................................................................... 540
19.3.6. Hardware flow control .................................................................................................................... 542
19.3.7. Multi-processor communication .................................................................................................... 543
19.3.8. LIN mode.......................................................................................................................................... 544
19.3.9. Synchronous mode......................................................................................................................... 545
19.3.10. IrDA SIR ENDEC mode ............................................................................................................. 546
19.3.11. Half-duplex communication mode ............................................................................................ 547
GD32F4xx User Manual
19.3.12. Smartcard (ISO7816-3) mode .................................................................................................. 547
19.3.13. USART interrupts ........................................................................................................................ 550

19.4. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 552

19.4.1. Status register 0 (USART_STAT0) ............................................................................................... 552
19.4.2. Data register (USART_DATA) ....................................................................................................... 554
19.4.3. Baud rate register (USART_BAUD) ............................................................................................. 555
19.4.4. Control register 0 (USART_CTL0) ............................................................................................... 555
19.4.5. Control register 1 (USART_CTL1) ............................................................................................... 557
19.4.6. Control register 2 (USART_CTL2) ............................................................................................... 558
19.4.7. Guard time and prescaler register (USART_GP) ....................................................................... 560
19.4.8. Control register 3 (USART_CTL3) ............................................................................................... 561
19.4.9. Receiver timeout register (USART_RT) ...................................................................................... 563
19.4.10. Status register 1 (USART_STAT1)........................................................................................... 563
19.4.11. Coherence control register (USART_CHC) ............................................................................ 564

20. Inter-integrated circuit interface (I2C) ............................................................... 566

20.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 566
20.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 566
20.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 566
20.3.1. SDA and SCL lines ......................................................................................................................... 567
20.3.2. Data validation................................................................................................................................. 568
20.3.3. START and STOP condition .......................................................................................................... 568
20.3.4. Clock synchronization .................................................................................................................... 568
20.3.5. Arbitration ......................................................................................................................................... 569
20.3.6. I2C communication flow ................................................................................................................. 569
20.3.7. Programming model ....................................................................................................................... 570
20.3.8. SCL line stretching .......................................................................................................................... 579
20.3.9. Use DMA for data transfer ............................................................................................................. 580
20.3.10. Packet error checking ................................................................................................................ 580
20.3.11. Analog and digital noise filters .................................................................................................. 580
20.3.12. SMBus support ........................................................................................................................... 581
20.3.13. SAM_V support ........................................................................................................................... 582
20.3.14. Status, errors and interrupts ..................................................................................................... 583

20.4. I2C registers ................................................................................................................. 584

20.4.1. Control register 0 (I2C_CTL0)....................................................................................................... 584
20.4.2. Control register 1 (I2C_CTL1)....................................................................................................... 586
20.4.3. Slave address register 0 (I2C_SADDR0) .................................................................................... 587
20.4.4. Slave address register 1 (I2C_SADDR1) .................................................................................... 587
20.4.5. Transfer buffer register (I2C_DATA)............................................................................................. 588
20.4.6. Transfer status register 0 (I2C_STAT0) ....................................................................................... 588
20.4.7. Transfer status register 1 (I2C_STAT1) ....................................................................................... 590
20.4.8. Clock configure register (I2C_CKCFG) ....................................................................................... 592

GD32F4xx User Manual
20.4.9. Rise time register (I2C_RT)........................................................................................................... 592
20.4.10. Filter control register (I2C_FCTL) ............................................................................................ 593
20.4.11. SAM control and status register (I2C_SAMCS) ..................................................................... 593

21. Serial peripheral interface/Inter-IC sound (SPI/I2S) ......................................... 595

21.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 595
21.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 595
21.2.1. SPI characteristics .......................................................................................................................... 595
21.2.2. I2S characteristics .......................................................................................................................... 595

21.3. SPI block diagram ......................................................................................................... 596

21.4. SPI signal description .................................................................................................... 596
21.4.1. Normal configuration (Not Quad-SPI Mode) ............................................................................... 596
21.4.2. Quad-SPI configuration.................................................................................................................. 597

21.5. SPI function overview ................................................................................................... 597

21.5.1. SPI clock timing and data format.................................................................................................. 597
21.5.2. NSS function .................................................................................................................................... 598
21.5.3. SPI operation modes ...................................................................................................................... 599
21.5.4. DMA function ................................................................................................................................... 606
21.5.5. CRC function ................................................................................................................................... 607

21.6. SPI interrupts................................................................................................................ 607

21.6.1. Status flags ...................................................................................................................................... 607
21.6.2. Error conditions ............................................................................................................................... 607

21.7. I2S block diagram ......................................................................................................... 609

21.8. I2S signal description .................................................................................................... 609
21.9. I2S function overview ................................................................................................... 609
21.9.1. I2S audio standards ....................................................................................................................... 609
21.9.2. I2S clock ........................................................................................................................................... 617
21.9.3. Operation ......................................................................................................................................... 618
21.9.4. DMA function ................................................................................................................................... 622

21.10. I2S interrupts................................................................................................................ 622

21.10.1. Status flags .................................................................................................................................. 622
21.10.2. Error conditions ........................................................................................................................... 622

21.11. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 624

21.11.1. Control register 0 (SPI_CTL0) .................................................................................................. 624
21.11.2. Control register 1 (SPI_CTL1) .................................................................................................. 626
21.11.3. Status register (SPI_STAT) ....................................................................................................... 627
21.11.4. Data register (SPI_DATA).......................................................................................................... 629
21.11.5. CRC polynomial register (SPI_CRCPOLY) ............................................................................ 629
21.11.6. RX CRC register (SPI_RCRC) ................................................................................................. 630
21.11.7. TX CRC register (SPI_TCRC) .................................................................................................. 630

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.11.8. I2S control register (SPI_I2SCTL) ........................................................................................... 631
21.11.9. I2S clock prescaler register (SPI_I2SPSC) ............................................................................ 632
21.11.10. Quad-SPI mode control register (SPI_QCTL) of SPI5 .......................................................... 633

22. Digital camera interface (DCI) ............................................................................. 635

22.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 635
22.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 635
22.3. Block diagram............................................................................................................... 635
22.4. Signal description ......................................................................................................... 636
22.5. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 636
22.5.1. DCI hardware synchronization mode ........................................................................................... 636
22.5.2. Embedded synchronization mode ................................................................................................ 637
22.5.3. Capture data using snapshot or continuous capture modes .................................................... 637
22.5.4. Window function .............................................................................................................................. 638
22.5.5. Pixel formats, data padding and DMA ......................................................................................... 638

22.6. Interrupts ..................................................................................................................... 639

22.7. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 640
22.7.1. Control register (DCI_CTL) ........................................................................................................... 640
22.7.2. Status register0 (DCI_STAT0) ...................................................................................................... 641
22.7.3. Status register1 (DCI_STAT1) ...................................................................................................... 642
22.7.4. Interrupt enable register (DCI_INTEN) ........................................................................................ 642
22.7.5. Interrupt flag register (DCI_INTF)................................................................................................. 643
22.7.6. Interrupt flag clear register (DCI_INTC) ...................................................................................... 644
22.7.7. Synchronization codes register (DCI_SC) .................................................................................. 644
22.7.8. Synchronization codes unmask register (DCI_SCUMSK) ........................................................ 645
22.7.9. Cropping window start position register (DCI_CWSPOS) ........................................................ 645
22.7.10. Cropping window size register (DCI_CWSZ) ......................................................................... 646
22.7.11. DATA register (DCI_DATA) ........................................................................................................ 647

23. TFT-LCD interface (TLI)........................................................................................ 648

23.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 648
23.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 648
23.3. Block diagram ............................................................................................................... 648
23.4. Signal description ......................................................................................................... 649
23.5. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 649
23.5.1. LCD display timing .......................................................................................................................... 649
23.5.2. Pixel DMA function ......................................................................................................................... 650
23.5.3. Pixel formats .................................................................................................................................... 651
23.5.4. Layer window and blending function ............................................................................................ 651
23.5.5. Layer configuration reload ............................................................................................................. 652

GD32F4xx User Manual
23.5.6. Dithering function ............................................................................................................................ 653

23.6. Interrupts ..................................................................................................................... 653

23.7. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 654
23.7.1. Synchronous pulse size register (TLI_SPSZ) ............................................................................ 654
23.7.2. Back-porch size register (TLI_BPSZ) .......................................................................................... 654
23.7.3. Active size register (TLI_ASZ) ...................................................................................................... 655
23.7.4. Total size register (TLI_TSZ) ......................................................................................................... 655
23.7.5. Control register (TLI_CTL) ............................................................................................................ 656
23.7.6. Reload layer register (TLI_RL) ..................................................................................................... 657
23.7.7. Background color register (TLI_BGC) ......................................................................................... 658
23.7.8. Interrupt enable register (TLI_INTEN) ......................................................................................... 658
23.7.9. Interrupt flag register (TLI_INTF) .................................................................................................. 659
23.7.10. Interrupt flag clear register (TLI_INTC) ................................................................................... 660
23.7.11. Line mark register (TLI_LM) ...................................................................................................... 660
23.7.12. Current pixel position register (TLI_CPPOS) ......................................................................... 661
23.7.13. Status register (TLI_STAT) ........................................................................................................ 661
23.7.14. Layer x control register (TLI_LxCTL) ....................................................................................... 662
23.7.15. Layer x horizontal position parameters register (TLI_LxHPOS) .......................................... 662
23.7.16. Layer x vertical position parameters register (TLI_LxVPOS) ............................................... 663
23.7.17. Layer x color key register (TLI_LxCKEY) ................................................................................ 663
23.7.18. Layer x packeted pixel format register (TLI_LxPPF) ............................................................. 664
23.7.19. Layer x specified alpha register (TLI_LxSA) .......................................................................... 665
23.7.20. Layer x default color register (TLI_LxDC) ............................................................................... 665
23.7.21. Layer x blending register (TLI_LxBLEND) .............................................................................. 666
23.7.22. Layer x frame base address register (TLI_LxFBADDR) ....................................................... 666
23.7.23. Layer x frame line length register (TLI_LxFLLEN)................................................................. 667
23.7.24. Layer x frame total line number register (TLI_LxFTLN) ........................................................ 667
23.7.25. Layer x look up table register (TLI_LxLUT) ............................................................................ 668

24. Secure digital input/output interface (SDIO)..................................................... 669

24.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 669
24.2. Main features ............................................................................................................... 669
24.3. SDIO bus topology ........................................................................................................ 669
24.4. SDIO functional description........................................................................................... 672
24.4.1. SDIO adapter .................................................................................................................................. 672
24.4.2. APB2 interface ................................................................................................................................ 676

24.5. Card functional description ........................................................................................... 678

24.5.1. Card registers .................................................................................................................................. 678
24.5.2. Commands ...................................................................................................................................... 679
24.5.3. Responses ....................................................................................................................................... 691
24.5.4. Data packets format ....................................................................................................................... 696
24.5.5. Two status fields of the card.......................................................................................................... 697
GD32F4xx User Manual
24.6. Programming sequence ................................................................................................ 704
24.6.1. Card identification ........................................................................................................................... 704
24.6.2. No data commands ........................................................................................................................ 706
24.6.3. Single block or multiple block write .............................................................................................. 706
24.6.4. Single block or multiple block read............................................................................................... 708
24.6.5. Stream write and stream read (MMC only) ................................................................................. 709
24.6.6. Erase ................................................................................................................................................ 710
24.6.7. Bus width selection ......................................................................................................................... 711
24.6.8. Protection management ................................................................................................................. 711
24.6.9. Card Lock/Unlock operation .......................................................................................................... 712

24.7. Specific operations ....................................................................................................... 714

24.7.1. SD I/O specific operations ............................................................................................................. 714
24.7.2. CE-ATA specific operations ........................................................................................................... 718

24.8. SDIO registers ............................................................................................................... 720

24.8.1. Power control register (SDIO_PWRCTL) .................................................................................... 720
24.8.2. Clock control register (SDIO_CLKCTL) ....................................................................................... 720
24.8.3. Command argument register (SDIO_CMDAGMT) .................................................................... 722
24.8.4. Command control register (SDIO_CMDCTL) ............................................................................. 722
24.8.5. Command index response register (SDIO_RSPCMDIDX) ....................................................... 724
24.8.6. Response register (SDIO_RESPx x=0..3) .................................................................................. 724
24.8.7. Data timeout register (SDIO_DATATO) ....................................................................................... 725
24.8.8. Data length register (SDIO_DATALEN) ....................................................................................... 725
24.8.9. Data control register (SDIO_DATACTL) ...................................................................................... 726
24.8.10. Data counter register (SDIO_DATACNT) ................................................................................ 727
24.8.11. Status register (SDIO_STAT) .................................................................................................... 728
24.8.12. Interrupt clear register (SDIO_INTC) ....................................................................................... 729
24.8.13. Interrupt enable register (SDIO_INTEN) ................................................................................. 731
24.8.14. FIFO counter register (SDIO_FIFOCNT) ................................................................................ 732
24.8.15. FIFO data register (SDIO_FIFO) .............................................................................................. 733

25. External memory controller (EXMC) .................................................................. 734

25.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 734
25.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 734
25.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 734
25.3.1. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 734
25.3.2. Basic regulation of EXMC access ................................................................................................ 735
25.3.3. External device address mapping ................................................................................................ 736
25.3.4. NOR/PSRAM controller ................................................................................................................. 740
25.3.5. NAND flash or PC card controller................................................................................................. 762
25.3.6. SDRAM controller ........................................................................................................................... 767

25.4. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 779

25.4.1. NOR/PSRAM controller registers ................................................................................................. 779

GD32F4xx User Manual
25.4.2. NAND flash/PC card controller registers ..................................................................................... 784
25.4.3. SDRAM controller registers ........................................................................................................... 790
25.4.4. SQPI-PSRAM controller registers ................................................................................................ 797

26. Controller area network (CAN) ........................................................................... 801

26.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 801
26.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 801
26.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 802
26.3.1. Working mode ................................................................................................................................. 802
26.3.2. Communication modes .................................................................................................................. 803
26.3.3. Data transmission ........................................................................................................................... 804
26.3.4. Data reception ................................................................................................................................. 806
26.3.5. Filtering function .............................................................................................................................. 808
26.3.6. Time-triggered communication ..................................................................................................... 811
26.3.7. Communication parameters .......................................................................................................... 811
26.3.8. Error flags ........................................................................................................................................ 813
26.3.9. CAN interrupts ................................................................................................................................. 814

26.4. CAN registers ................................................................................................................ 816

26.4.1. Control register (CAN_CTL) .......................................................................................................... 816
26.4.2. Status register (CAN_STAT) ......................................................................................................... 817
26.4.3. Transmit status register (CAN_TSTAT) ....................................................................................... 819
26.4.4. Receive message FIFO0 register (CAN_RFIFO0) .................................................................... 822
26.4.5. Receive message FIFO1 register (CAN_RFIFO1) .................................................................... 822
26.4.6. Interrupt enable register (CAN_INTEN) ...................................................................................... 823
26.4.7. Error register (CAN_ERR) ............................................................................................................. 825
26.4.8. Bit timing register (CAN_BT) ......................................................................................................... 826
26.4.9. Transmit mailbox identifier register (CAN_TMIx) (x=0..2) ........................................................ 827
26.4.10. Transmit mailbox property register (CAN_TMPx) (x=0..2) ................................................... 827
26.4.11. Transmit mailbox data0 register (CAN_TMDATA0x) (x=0..2) .............................................. 828
26.4.12. Transmit mailbox data1 register (CAN_TMDATA1x) (x=0..2) .............................................. 829
26.4.13. Receive FIFO mailbox identifier register (CAN_RFIFOMIx) (x=0,1) ................................... 829
26.4.14. Receive FIFO mailbox property register (CAN_RFIFOMPx) (x=0,1) .................................. 830
26.4.15. Receive FIFO mailbox data0 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA0x) (x=0,1) ............................. 830
26.4.16. Receive FIFO mailbox data1 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x) (x=0,1) ............................. 831
26.4.17. Filter control register (CAN_FCTL) .......................................................................................... 831
26.4.18. Filter mode configuration register (CAN_FMCFG) ................................................................ 832
26.4.19. Filter scale configuration register (CAN_FSCFG) ................................................................. 833
26.4.20. Filter associated FIFO register (CAN_FAFIFO) ..................................................................... 833
26.4.21. Filter working register (CAN_FW) ............................................................................................ 834
26.4.22. Filter x data y register (CAN_FxDATAy) (x=0..27, y=0,1) ..................................................... 834

27. Ethernet (ENET) .................................................................................................... 836

27.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 836
GD32F4xx User Manual
27.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 836
27.2.1. Block diagram .................................................................................................................................. 837
27.2.2. MAC 802.3 Ethernet packet description ...................................................................................... 838
27.2.3. Ethernet signal description ............................................................................................................ 839

27.3. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 840

27.3.1. Interface configuration ................................................................................................................... 840
27.3.2. MAC function overview .................................................................................................................. 844
27.3.3. MAC statistics counters: MSC ...................................................................................................... 856
27.3.4. Wake up management: WUM ....................................................................................................... 856
27.3.5. Precision time protocol: PTP ......................................................................................................... 860
27.3.6. DMA controller description ............................................................................................................ 864
27.3.7. Example for a typical configuration flow of Ethernet ................................................................. 888
27.3.8. Ethernet interrupts .......................................................................................................................... 890

27.4. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 892

27.4.1. MAC configuration register (ENET_MAC_CFG) ........................................................................ 892
27.4.2. MAC frame filter register (ENET_MAC_FRMF) ......................................................................... 894
27.4.3. MAC hash list high register (ENET_MAC_HLH) ........................................................................ 896
27.4.4. MAC hash list low register (ENET_MAC_HLL) .......................................................................... 896
27.4.5. MAC PHY control register (ENET_MAC_PHY_CTL) ................................................................ 897
27.4.6. MAC MII data register (ENET_MAC_PHY_DATA) .................................................................... 898
27.4.7. MAC flow control register (ENET_MAC_FCTL) ......................................................................... 898
27.4.8. MAC VLAN tag register (ENET_MAC_VLT) ............................................................................... 900
27.4.9. MAC remote wakeup frame filter register (ENET_MAC_RWFF) ............................................. 900
27.4.10. MAC wakeup management register (ENET_MAC_WUM) ................................................... 901
27.4.11. MAC debug register (ENET_MAC_DBG) ............................................................................... 902
27.4.12. MAC interrupt flag register (ENET_MAC_INTF) .................................................................... 904
27.4.13. MAC interrupt mask register (ENET_MAC_INTMSK) ........................................................... 905
27.4.14. MAC address 0 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR0H) ........................................................ 905
27.4.15. MAC address 0 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR0L) ........................................................... 906
27.4.16. MAC address 1 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR1H) ........................................................ 906
27.4.17. MAC address 1 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR1L)........................................................... 907
27.4.18. MAC address 2 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR2H) ........................................................ 907
27.4.19. MAC address 2 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR2L) ........................................................... 908
27.4.20. MAC address 3 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR3H) ........................................................ 909
27.4.21. MAC address 3 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR3L)........................................................... 909
27.4.22. MAC flow control threshold register (ENET_MAC_FCTH) ................................................... 910
27.4.23. MSC control register (ENET_MSC_CTL) ............................................................................... 911
27.4.24. MSC receive interrupt flag register (ENET_MSC_RINTF) ................................................... 912
27.4.25. MSC transmit interrupt flag register (ENET_MSC_TINTF) .................................................. 912
27.4.26. MSC receive interrupt mask register (ENET_MSC_RINTMSK) .......................................... 913
27.4.27. MSC transmit interrupt mask register (ENET_MSC_TINTMSK) ......................................... 914
27.4.28. MSC transmitted good frames after a single collision counter register
(ENET_MSC_SCCNT) ................................................................................................................................... 915
GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.29. MSC transmitted good frames after more than a single collision counter register
(ENET_MSC_MSCCNT) ................................................................................................................................ 915
27.4.30. MSC transmitted good frames counter register (ENET_MSC_TGFCNT).......................... 916
27.4.31. MSC received frames with CRC error counter register (ENET_MSC_RFCECNT) .......... 916
27.4.32. MSC received frames with alignment error counter register (ENET_MSC_RFAECNT) .. 916
27.4.33. MSC received good unicast frames counter register (ENET_MSC_RGUFCNT) ............. 917
27.4.34. PTP time stamp control register (ENET_PTP_TSCTL) ........................................................ 917
27.4.35. PTP subsecond increment register (ENET_PTP_SSINC) ................................................... 920
27.4.36. PTP time stamp high register (ENET_PTP_TSH) ................................................................. 920
27.4.37. PTP time stamp low register (ENET_PTP_TSL) ................................................................... 921
27.4.38. PTP time stamp update high register (ENET_PTP_TSUH) ................................................. 921
27.4.39. PTP time stamp update low register (ENET_PTP_TSUL) ................................................... 922
27.4.40. PTP time stamp addend register (ENET_PTP_TSADDEND) ............................................. 922
27.4.41. PTP expected time high register (ENET_PTP_ETH) ............................................................ 923
27.4.42. PTP expected time low register (ENET_PTP_ETL) .............................................................. 923
27.4.43. PTP time stamp flag register (ENET_PTP_TSF) ................................................................... 923
27.4.44. PTP PPS control register (ENET_PTP_PPSCTL) ................................................................. 924
27.4.45. DMA bus control register (ENET_DMA_BCTL) ..................................................................... 924
27.4.46. DMA transmit poll enable register (ENET_DMA_TPEN) ...................................................... 927
27.4.47. DMA receive poll enable register (ENET_DMA_RPEN) ....................................................... 927
27.4.48. DMA receive descriptor table address register (ENET_DMA_RDTADDR) ........................ 928
27.4.49. DMA transmit descriptor table address register (ENET_DMA_TDTADDR) ....................... 928
27.4.50. DMA status register (ENET_DMA_STAT) ............................................................................... 929
27.4.51. DMA control register (ENET_DMA_CTL) ................................................................................ 932
27.4.52. DMA interrupt enable register (ENET_DMA_INTEN) ........................................................... 935
27.4.53. DMA missed frame and buffer overflow counter register (ENET_DMA_MFBOCNT) ...... 937
27.4.54. DMA receive state watchdog counter register (ENET_DMA_RSWDC) ............................. 937
27.4.55. DMA current transmit descriptor address register (ENET_DMA_CTDADDR) ............................. 938
27.4.56. DMA current receive descriptor address register (ENET_DMA_CRDADDR) ........................ 938
27.4.57. DMA current transmit buffer address register (ENET_DMA_CTBADDR) .......................... 939
27.4.58. DMA current receive buffer address register (ENET_DMA_CRBADDR) ........................... 939

28. Universal serial bus full-speed interface (USBFS) .......................................... 940

28.1. Overview ...................................................................................................................... 940
28.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................. 940
28.3. Block diagram............................................................................................................... 941
28.4. Signal description ......................................................................................................... 941
28.5. Function overview ........................................................................................................ 941
28.5.1. USBFS clocks and working modes .............................................................................................. 941
28.5.2. USB host function ........................................................................................................................... 943
28.5.3. USB device function ....................................................................................................................... 945
28.5.4. OTG function overview .................................................................................................................. 946

GD32F4xx User Manual
28.5.5. Data FIFO ........................................................................................................................................ 947
28.5.6. Operation guide............................................................................................................................... 950

28.6. Interrupts ..................................................................................................................... 954

28.7. Register definition ........................................................................................................ 956
28.7.1. USBFS global registers.................................................................................................................. 956
28.7.2. Host control and status registers .................................................................................................. 977
28.7.3. Device control and status registers .............................................................................................. 989
28.7.4. Power and clock control register (USBFS_PWRCLKCTL) ..................................................... 1013

29. Universal serial bus high-speed interface (USBHS) ...................................... 1015

29.1. Overview .....................................................................................................................1015
29.2. Characteristics .............................................................................................................1015
29.3. Block diagram ..............................................................................................................1016
29.4. Signal description ........................................................................................................1016
29.5. Function overview .......................................................................................................1017
29.5.1. USBHS PHY selection, clocks and working modes ................................................................ 1017
29.5.2. USB host function ......................................................................................................................... 1020
29.5.3. USB device function ..................................................................................................................... 1023
29.5.4. OTG function overview ................................................................................................................ 1024
29.5.5. Data FIFO ...................................................................................................................................... 1025
29.5.6. DMA function ................................................................................................................................. 1028
29.5.7. Operation guide............................................................................................................................. 1029

29.6. Interrupts ....................................................................................................................1035

29.7. Register definition .......................................................................................................1038
29.7.1. USBHS global registers ............................................................................................................... 1038
29.7.2. Host control and status registers ................................................................................................ 1061
29.7.3. Device control and status registers ............................................................................................ 1075
29.7.4. Power and clock control register (USBHS_PWRCLKCTL) .................................................... 1104

30. Revision history .................................................................................................. 1105

GD32F4xx User Manual

List of Figures
Figure 1-1. The structure of the Cortex™-M4 processor .......................................................................... 35
Figure 1-2. The system architecture of GD32F4xx devices ...................................................................... 37
Figure 2-1. Proccess of sector erase operation ......................................................................................... 58
Figure 2-2. Proccess of mass erase operation ........................................................................................... 59
Figure 2-3. Proccess of word program operation ...................................................................................... 60
Figure 3-1. Power supply overview ............................................................................................................... 75
Figure 3-2. Waveform of the POR/PDR ......................................................................................................... 77
Figure 3-3. Waveform of the BOR.................................................................................................................. 78
Figure 3-4. Waveform of the LVD threshold ................................................................................................ 78
Figure 4-1. The system reset circuit ............................................................................................................. 88
Figure 4-2. Clock tree ...................................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 4-3. HXTAL clock source .................................................................................................................... 91
Figure 5-1.Block diagram of CTC ............................................................................................................. 146
Figure 5-2. CTC trim counter ........................................................................................................................ 147
Figure 6-1. Block diagram of EXTI .............................................................................................................. 160
Figure 7-1. Basic structure of a standard I/O port bit .............................................................................. 167
Figure 7-2. Input configuration .................................................................................................................... 168
Figure 7-3. Output configuration ................................................................................................................. 169
Figure 7-4. Analog configuration ................................................................................................................. 170
Figure 7-5. Alternate function configuration ............................................................................................. 170
Figure 8-1. Block diagram of CRC calculation unit .................................................................................. 186
Figure 9-1. TRNG block diagram ................................................................................................................. 189
Figure 10-1. Block diagram of DMA ............................................................................................................ 195
Figure 10-2. Data stream for three transfer modes .................................................................................. 197
Figure 10-3. Data packing/unpacking when PWIDTH = ‘00’ .................................................................... 202
Figure 10-4. Data packing/unpacking when PWIDTH = ‘01’ .................................................................... 202
Figure 10-5. Data packing/unpacking when PWIDTH = ‘10’ .................................................................... 203
Figure 10-6. DMA operation of switch-buffer mode ................................................................................. 204
Figure 10-7. Handshake mechanism .......................................................................................................... 210
Figure 10-8. System connection of DMA0 and DMA1 .............................................................................. 214
Figure 11-1. IPA block diagram.................................................................................................................... 227
Figure 11-2. Pixel extension from ‘RGB888’ to ‘ARGB8888’ .................................................................. 231
Figure 11-3. Pixel extension from ‘RGB565’ to ‘ARGB8888’ .................................................................. 231
Figure 11-4. Pixel extension from ‘ARGB1555’ or ‘ARGB4444’ to ‘ARGB8888’ .................................. 232
Figure 11-5. Pixel compression ................................................................................................................... 234
Figure 11-6. Inter timer operation ................................................................................................................ 235
Figure 11-7. System connection of IPA ...................................................................................................... 242
Figure 14-1. ADC module block diagram ................................................................................................... 275
Figure 14-2. Single conversion mode ......................................................................................................... 277
Figure 14-3. Continuous conversion mode ............................................................................................... 278

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 14-4. Scan conversion mode, continuous disable ...................................................................... 279
Figure 14-5. Scan conversion mode, continuous enable ....................................................................... 279
Figure 14-6. Discontinuous conversion mode .......................................................................................... 280
Figure 14-7. Auto-insertion, CNT = 1 .......................................................................................................... 281
Figure 14-8. Triggered insertion .................................................................................................................. 281
Figure 14-9. Data alignment ......................................................................................................................... 282
Figure 14-10. 6-bit data alignment ............................................................................................................... 283
Figure 14-11. 20-bit to 16-bit result truncation .......................................................................................... 287
Figure 14-12. Numerical example with 5-bits shift and rounding .......................................................... 287
Figure 14-13. ADC sync block diagram ...................................................................................................... 289
Figure 14-14. Regular parallel mode on 16 channels............................................................................... 290
Figure 14-15. Inserted parallel mode on 4 channels ................................................................................ 290
Figure 14-16. Follow-up mode on 1 channel in continuous conversion mode ................................... 291
Figure 14-17. trigger rotation: DISIC=0, IL=1 ............................................................................................. 292
Figure 14-18. trigger rotation: DISIC=1, IL=1 ............................................................................................. 292
Figure 14-19. Regular parallel & trigger rotation mode: SYNCM = 00010 ............................................ 293
Figure 14-20. Trigger occurs during inserted conversion: SYNCM = 00010 ....................................... 294
Figure 15-1. DAC block diagram .................................................................................................................. 315
Figure 15-2. DAC LFSR algorithm ............................................................................................................... 317
Figure 15-3. DAC triangle noise wave ........................................................................................................ 317
Figure 16-1. Free watchdog timer block diagram ..................................................................................... 330
Figure 16-2. Window watchdog timer block diagram .............................................................................. 336
Figure 16-3. Window watchdog timing diagram ....................................................................................... 337
Figure 17-1. Block diagram of RTC ............................................................................................................. 341
Figure 18-1. Advanced timer block diagram ............................................................................................. 375
Figure 18-2. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 ........................................................................... 376
Figure 18-3. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ............................. 377
Figure 18-4. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 ............................................................................................. 378
Figure 18-5. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go .................................................... 379
Figure 18-6. Down-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 ........................................................................................ 380
Figure 18-7. Down-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go .............................................. 381
Figure 18-8. Center-aligned counter timechart ......................................................................................... 382
Figure 18-9. Repetition timecart for center-aligned counter .................................................................. 383
Figure 18-10. Repetition timechart for up-counter ................................................................................... 383
Figure 18-11. Repetition timechart for down-counter .............................................................................. 384
Figure 18-12. Input capture logic ................................................................................................................. 385
Figure 18-13. Output-compare under three modes .................................................................................. 387
Figure 18-14. EAPWM timechart .................................................................................................................. 388
Figure 18-15. CAPWM timechart .................................................................................................................. 388
Figure 18-16. Complementary output with dead-time insertion. ........................................................... 391
Figure 18-17. Output behavior in response to a break(The break high active) ................................... 392
Figure 18-18. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode ............................................. 393
Figure 18-19. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted ............................. 393
Figure 18-20. Hall sensor is used to BLDC motor .................................................................................... 394
GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-21. Hall sensor timing between two timers ............................................................................. 395
Figure 18-22. Restart mode .......................................................................................................................... 396
Figure 18-23. Pause mode ............................................................................................................................ 397
Figure 18-24. Event mode ............................................................................................................................. 397
Figure 18-25. Single pulse mode TIMERx_CHxCV = 0x04 TIMERx_CAR=0x60 .................................. 398
Figure 18-26. Timer0 master/slave mode timer example ........................................................................ 399
Figure 18-27. Triggering TIMER0 with enable signal of TIMER2 ............................................................ 400
Figure 18-28. Triggering TIMER0 with update signal of TIMER2 ........................................................... 401
Figure 18-29. Pause TIMER0 with enable signal of TIMER2 ................................................................... 401
Figure 18-30. Pause TIMER0 with O0CPREF signal of Timer2 ............................................................... 402
Figure 18-31. Triggering TIMER0 and TIMER2 with TIMER2’s CI0 input .............................................. 403
Figure 18-32. General Level 0 timer block diagram ................................................................................. 432
Figure 18-33. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 ......................................................................... 433
Figure 18-34. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ........................... 434
Figure 18-35. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 ........................................................................................... 435
Figure 18-36. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go. ................................................ 436
Figure 18-37. Down-counter timechart, PSC=0/1...................................................................................... 437
Figure 18-38. Down-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go. ........................................... 437
Figure 18-39. Center-aligned counter timechart ....................................................................................... 439
Figure 18-40. Input capture logic ................................................................................................................. 440
Figure 18-41. Output-compare under three modes .................................................................................. 442
Figure 18-42. EAPWM timechart .................................................................................................................. 443
Figure 18-43. CAPWM timechart .................................................................................................................. 443
Figure 18-44. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode ............................................. 445
Figure 18-45. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted ............................. 445
Figure 18-46. Restart mode .......................................................................................................................... 446
Figure 18-47. Pause mode ............................................................................................................................ 447
Figure 18-48. Event mode ............................................................................................................................. 447
Figure 18-49. Single pulse mode TIMERx_CHxCV = 0x04 TIMERx_CAR=0x60 .................................. 448
Figure 18-50. General level1 timer block diagram .................................................................................... 478
Figure 18-51. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 ......................................................................... 479
Figure 18-52. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ........................... 480
Figure 18-53. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 ........................................................................................... 481
Figure 18-54. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go. ................................................ 482
Figure 18-55. Input capture logic ................................................................................................................. 483
Figure 18-56. Output-compare under three modes .................................................................................. 485
Figure 18-57. EAPWM timechart .................................................................................................................. 486
Figure 18-58. CAPWM timechart .................................................................................................................. 486
Figure 18-59. Restart mode .......................................................................................................................... 488
Figure 18-60. Pause mode ............................................................................................................................ 488
Figure 18-61. Event mode ............................................................................................................................. 489
Figure 18-62. Single pulse mode TIMERx_CHxCV = 0x04 TIMERx_CAR=0x60 .................................. 490
Figure 18-63. General level2 timer block diagram .................................................................................... 505
Figure 18-64. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 ......................................................................... 506
GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-65. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ........................... 507
Figure 18-66. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 ........................................................................................... 508
Figure 18-67. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go ................................................. 508
Figure 18-68. Input capture logic ................................................................................................................. 509
Figure 18-69. Output-compare under three modes .................................................................................. 511
Figure 18-70. Basic timer block diagram ................................................................................................... 524
Figure 18-71. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1 ......................................................................... 525
Figure 18-72. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2 ........................... 526
Figure 18-73. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 ........................................................................................... 527
Figure 18-74. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go ................................................. 528
Figure 19-1. USART module block diagram .............................................................................................. 536
Figure 19-2. USART character frame (8 bits data and 1 stop bit) .......................................................... 536
Figure 19-3. USART transmit procedure .................................................................................................... 538
Figure 19-4. Receiving a frame bit by oversampling method (OSB=0) ................................................ 539
Figure 19-5. Configuration step when use DMA for USART transmission .......................................... 541
Figure 19-6. Configuration step when use DMA for USART reception ................................................. 542
Figure 19-7. Hardware flow control between two USARTs ..................................................................... 542
Figure 19-8. Hardware flow control ............................................................................................................. 543
Figure 19-9. Break frame occurs during idle state ................................................................................... 544
Figure 19-10. Break frame occurs during a frame .................................................................................... 545
Figure 19-11. Example of USART in synchronous mode ........................................................................ 545
Figure 19-12. 8-bit format USART synchronous waveform (CLEN=1) .................................................. 546
Figure 19-13. IrDA SIR ENDEC module ...................................................................................................... 546
Figure 19-14. IrDA data modulation ............................................................................................................ 547
Figure 19-15. ISO7816-3 frame format ........................................................................................................ 548
Figure 19-16. USART interrupt mapping diagram .................................................................................... 551
Figure 20-1. I2C module block diagram ..................................................................................................... 567
Figure 20-2. Data validation .......................................................................................................................... 568
Figure 20-3. START and STOP condition ................................................................................................... 568
Figure 20-4. Clock synchronization ............................................................................................................ 569
Figure 20-5. SDA line arbitration ................................................................................................................. 569
Figure 20-6. I2C communication flow with 7-bit address ........................................................................ 570
Figure 20-7. I2C communication flow with 10-bit address (Master Transmit) ..................................... 570
Figure 20-8. I2C communication flow with 10-bit address (Master Receive) ...................................... 570
Figure 20-9. Programming model for slave transmitting (10-bit address mode) ................................ 572
Figure 20-10. Programming model for slave receiving (10-bit address mode) ................................... 573
Figure 20-11. Programming model for master transmitting (10-bit address mode) ........................... 575
Figure 20-12. Programming model for master receiving using Solution A (10-bit address mode) . 577
Figure 20-13. Programming model for master receiving mode using solution B (10-bit address
mode)........................................................................................................................................................ 578
Figure 21-1. Block diagram of SPI ............................................................................................................... 596
Figure 21-2. SPI timing diagram in normal mode ..................................................................................... 597
Figure 21-3. SPI timing diagram in Quad-SPI mode (CKPL=1, CKPH=1, LF=0) .................................. 598
Figure 21-4. A typical Full-duplex connection .......................................................................................... 600
GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 21-5. A typical simplex connection (Master: Receive, Slave: Transmit) .................................. 600
Figure 21-6. A typical simplex connection (Master: Transmit only, Slave: Receive) ......................... 600
Figure 21-7. A typical bidirectional connection ........................................................................................ 601
Figure 21-8. Timing diagram of TI master mode with discontinuous transfer .................................... 602
Figure 21-9. Timing diagram of TI master mode with continuous transfer ......................................... 603
Figure 21-10. Timing diagram of TI slave mode........................................................................................ 603
Figure 21-11. Timing diagram of quad write operation in Quad-SPI mode .......................................... 604
Figure 21-12. Timing diagram of quad read operation in Quad-SPI mode .......................................... 605
Figure 21-13. Block diagram of I2S ............................................................................................................. 609
Figure 21-14. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) ...................... 610
Figure 21-15. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) ...................... 610
Figure 21-16. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................... 610
Figure 21-17. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................... 611
Figure 21-18. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................... 611
Figure 21-19. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................... 611
Figure 21-20. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ...................... 611
Figure 21-21. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ...................... 611
Figure 21-22. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) .................. 612
Figure 21-23. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) .................. 612
Figure 21-24. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) .................. 612
Figure 21-25. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) .................. 612
Figure 21-26. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) .................. 612
Figure 21-27. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) .................. 613
Figure 21-28. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) .................. 613
Figure 21-29. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) .................. 613
Figure 21-30. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................... 613
Figure 21-31. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................... 613
Figure 21-32. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................... 614
Figure 21-33. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................... 614
Figure 21-34. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 614
Figure 21-35. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 614
Figure 21-36. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 614
Figure 21-37. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 615
Figure 21-38. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 615
Figure21-39. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 615
Figure 21-40. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 615
Figure 21-41. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
GD32F4xx User Manual
CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 615
Figure 21-42. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
CHLEN=0, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 616
Figure21-43. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
CHLEN=0, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 616
Figure 21-44. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 616
Figure 21-45. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=10,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 616
Figure 21-46. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 616
Figure 21-47. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=01,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 616
Figure 21-48. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=0) ................................................................................................................................ 617
Figure 21-49. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram (DTLEN=00,
CHLEN=1, CKPL=1) ................................................................................................................................ 617
Figure 21-50. Block diagram of I2S clock generator ................................................................................ 617
Figure 22-1. DCI module block diagram ..................................................................................................... 635
Figure 22-2. Hardware synchronization mode .......................................................................................... 636
Figure 22-3. Hardware synchronization mode: JPEG format supporting ............................................ 637
Figure 23-1. TLI module block diagram ...................................................................................................... 649
Figure 23-2. Display timing diagram ........................................................................................................... 650
Figure 23-3. Block diagram of Blending ..................................................................................................... 652
Figure 24-1. SDIO “no response” and “no data” operations ................................................................. 670
Figure 24-2. SDIO multiple blocks read operation ................................................................................... 671
Figure 24-3. SDIO multiple blocks write operation .................................................................................. 671
Figure 24-4. SDIO sequential read operation ............................................................................................ 671
Figure 24-5. SDIO sequential write operation ........................................................................................... 672
Figure 24-6. SDIO block diagram ................................................................................................................. 672
Figure 24-7. Command Token Format ........................................................................................................ 679
Figure 24-8. Response Token Format ......................................................................................................... 691
Figure 24-9. 1-bit data bus width ................................................................................................................. 696
Figure 24-10. 4-bit data bus width ............................................................................................................... 696
Figure 24-11. 8-bit data bus width ............................................................................................................... 697
Figure 24-12. Read wait control by stopping SDIO_CLK ........................................................................ 715
Figure 24-13. Read wait operation using SDIO_DAT[2] ........................................................................... 715
Figure 24-14. Function2 read cycle inserted during function1 multiple read cycle ........................... 716
Figure 24-15. Read Interrupt cycle timing .................................................................................................. 717
Figure 24-16. Write interrupt cycle timing.................................................................................................. 717
Figure 24-17. Multiple block 4-Bit read interrupt cycle timing ............................................................... 717
Figure 24-18. Multiple block 4-Bit write interrupt cycle timing .............................................................. 718
Figure 24-19. The operation for command completion disable signal ................................................. 719
Figure 25-1. The EXMC block diagram ....................................................................................................... 735
GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-2. EXMC memory banks .............................................................................................................. 736
Figure 25-3. Four regions of bank0 address mapping ............................................................................ 737
Figure 25-4. NAND/PC card address mapping .......................................................................................... 737
Figure 25-5. Diagram of bank1 common space ........................................................................................ 738
Figure 25-6. SDRAM address mapping ...................................................................................................... 739
Figure 25-7. Mode 1 read access ................................................................................................................. 744
Figure 25-8. Mode 1 write access ................................................................................................................ 744
Figure 25-9. Mode A read access ................................................................................................................ 745
Figure 25-10. Mode A write access ............................................................................................................. 746
Figure 25-11. Mode 2/B read access ........................................................................................................... 747
Figure 25-12. Mode 2 write access .............................................................................................................. 748
Figure 25-13. Mode B write access ............................................................................................................. 748
Figure 25-14. Mode C read access .............................................................................................................. 749
Figure 25-15. Mode C write access ............................................................................................................. 750
Figure 25-16. Mode D read access .............................................................................................................. 751
Figure 25-17. Mode D write access ............................................................................................................. 752
Figure 25-18. Multiplex mode read access ................................................................................................ 753
Figure 25-19. Multiplex mode write access ............................................................................................... 753
Figure 25-20. Read access timing diagram under async-wait signal assertion ................................. 755
Figure 25-21. Write access timing diagram under async-wait signal assertion ................................. 755
Figure 25-22. Read timing of synchronous multiplexed burst mode.................................................... 757
Figure 25-23. Write timing of synchronous multiplexed burst mode ................................................... 758
Figure 25-24. SPI-PSRAM access ................................................................................................................ 760
Figure 25-25. SQPI-PSRAM access ............................................................................................................. 761
Figure 25-26. QPI-PSRAM access ............................................................................................................... 761
Figure 25-27. Access timing of common memory space of NAND flash or PC card controller ...... 763
Figure 25-28. Access to none "NCE don’t care" NAND Flash ................................................................ 765
Figure 25-29. SDRAM controller block diagram ....................................................................................... 769
Figure 25-30. Burst read operation ............................................................................................................. 772
Figure 25-31. Data sampling clock delay chain ........................................................................................ 773
Figure 25-32. Burst write operation ............................................................................................................ 773
Figure 25-33. Read access when FIFO not hit (BRSTRD=1, CL=2, SDCLK=2, PIPED=2) .................. 774
Figure 25-34. Read access when FIFO hit (BRSTRD=1) .......................................................................... 775
Figure 25-35. Cross boundary read operation .......................................................................................... 776
Figure 25-36. Cross boundary write operation ......................................................................................... 776
Figure 25-37. Process for self-refresh entry and exit .............................................................................. 777
Figure 25-38. Process for power-down entry and exit............................................................................. 778
Figure 26-1. CAN module block diagram ................................................................................................... 802
Figure 26-2. Transmission register ............................................................................................................. 805
Figure 26-3. State of transmit mailbox ....................................................................................................... 805
Figure 26-4. Reception register ................................................................................................................... 807
Figure 26-5. 32-bit filter ................................................................................................................................. 808
Figure 26-6. 16-bit filter ................................................................................................................................. 808
Figure 26-7. 32-bit mask mode filter ........................................................................................................... 808
GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 26-8. 16-bit mask mode filter ........................................................................................................... 808
Figure 26-9. 32-bit list mode filter................................................................................................................ 809
Figure 26-10. 16-bit list mode filter ............................................................................................................. 809
Figure 26-11. 32-bit filter number ................................................................................................................ 809
Figure 26-12. Filtering index......................................................................................................................... 810
Figure 26-13. The bit time ............................................................................................................................. 812
Figure 27-1. ENET module block diagram ................................................................................................. 837
Figure 27-2. MAC/Tagged MAC frame format............................................................................................ 838
Figure 27-3. Station management interface signals ................................................................................ 840
Figure 27-4. Media independent interface signals ................................................................................... 842
Figure 27-5. Reduced media-independent interface signals .................................................................. 844
Figure 27-6. Wakeup frame filter register .................................................................................................. 857
Figure 27-7. System time update using the fine correction method ..................................................... 861
Figure 27-8. Descriptor ring and chain structure ..................................................................................... 865
Figure 27-9. Transmit descriptor in normal mode .................................................................................... 870
Figure 27-10. Transmit descriptor in enhanced mode............................................................................. 876
Figure 27-11. Receive descriptor in normal mode ................................................................................... 880
Figure 27-12. Receive descriptor in enhanced mode .............................................................................. 886
Figure 27-13. MAC interrupt scheme .......................................................................................................... 890
Figure 27-14. Ethernet interrupt scheme ................................................................................................... 891
Figure 27-15. Wakeup frame filter register ................................................................................................ 901
Figure 28-1. USBFS block diagram ............................................................................................................. 941
Figure 28-2. Connection with host or device mode ................................................................................. 942
Figure 28-3. Connection with OTG mode ................................................................................................... 943
Figure 28-4. State transition diagram of host port ................................................................................... 943
Figure 28-5. HOST mode FIFO space in SRAM ......................................................................................... 948
Figure 28-6. Host mode FIFO access register map .................................................................................. 948
Figure 28-7. Device mode FIFO space in SRAM ....................................................................................... 949
Figure 28-8. Device mode FIFO access register map .............................................................................. 950
Figure 29-1. USBHS block diagram ............................................................................................................1016
Figure 29-2. Connection using internal embedded PHY with host or device mode..........................1018
Figure 29-3. Connection using internal embedded PHY with OTG mode ...........................................1019
Figure 29-4. Connection using external ULPI PHY .................................................................................1020
Figure 29-5. State transition diagram of host port ..................................................................................1021
Figure 29-6. HOST mode FIFO space in SRAM ........................................................................................1026
Figure 29-7. Host mode FIFO access register map .................................................................................1026
Figure 29-8. Device mode FIFO space in SRAM ......................................................................................1027
Figure 29-9. Device mode FIFO access register map .............................................................................1028

GD32F4xx User Manual

List of Tables
Table 1-1. The interconnection relationship of the AHB interconnect matrix ....................................... 35
Table 1-2. Memory map of GD32F4xx devices ............................................................................................ 38
Table 1-3. Boot modes .................................................................................................................................... 42
Table 2-1. GD32F4xx base address and size for flash memory ............................................................... 54
Table 2-2. Option byte ...................................................................................................................................... 62
Table 2-3. WP0/WP1 bit for sectors protected............................................................................................. 64
Table 3-1. Power saving mode summary ..................................................................................................... 81
Table 4-1. Clock output 0 source select ....................................................................................................... 94
Table 4-2. Clock output 1 source select ....................................................................................................... 94
Table 4-3. 1.2V domain voltage selected in deep-sleep mode ................................................................. 94
Table 6-1. NVIC exception types in Cortex-M4.......................................................................................... 157
Table 6-2. Interrupt vector table .................................................................................................................. 157
Table 6-3. EXTI source .................................................................................................................................. 161
Table 7-1. GPIO configuration table ............................................................................................................ 166
Table 10-1. Transfer mode ............................................................................................................................ 196
Table 10-2. CNT configuration ..................................................................................................................... 199
Table 10-3. FIFO counter critical value configuration rules ................................................................... 200
Table 10-4. DMA interrupt events ................................................................................................................ 209
Table 10-5. Peripheral requests to DMA0 .................................................................................................. 210
Table 10-6. Peripheral requests to DMA1 .................................................................................................. 211
Table 11-1. IPA conversion mode................................................................................................................ 228
Table 11-2. Foreground and background CLUT pixel format ................................................................. 230
Table 11-3. Foreground and background pixel format ............................................................................ 231
Table 11-4. Alpha channel value modulation ............................................................................................ 232
Table 11-5. Destination pixel format ........................................................................................................... 233
Table 11-6. IPA interrupt events .................................................................................................................. 240
Table 14-1. ADC internal signals ................................................................................................................. 274
Table 14-2. ADC pins definition ................................................................................................................... 274
Table 14-3. External trigger modes ............................................................................................................. 283
Table 14-4. External trigger for regular channels ..................................................................................... 284
Table 14-5. External trigger for inserted channels ................................................................................... 284
Table 14-6. tCONV timings depending on resolution .................................................................................. 286
Table 14-7. Maximum output results vs N and M Grayed values indicates truncation ..................... 288
Table 15-1. DAC pins ..................................................................................................................................... 315
Table 15-2. External triggers of DAC........................................................................................................... 316
Table 16-1. Min/max FWDGT timeout period at 32 kHz (IRC32K) .......................................................... 330
Table 16-2. Min/max timeout value at 50 MHz (fPCLK1) .............................................................................. 337
Table 17-1 RTC power saving mode management ................................................................................... 352
Table 17-2 RTC interrupts control ............................................................................................................... 353
Table 18-1. Timers (TIMERx) are divided into five sorts ......................................................................... 373

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 18-2. Complementary outputs controlled by parameters ............................................................ 390
Table 18-3. Counting direction versus encoder signals ......................................................................... 393
Table 18-4. Slave controller examples........................................................................................................ 396
Table 18-5. Counting direction versus encoder signals ......................................................................... 444
Table 18-6. Slave controller examples........................................................................................................ 446
Table 18-7.Slave controller examples ...................................................................................................... 487
Table 19-1. Description of USART important pins .................................................................................... 535
Table 19-2. Configuration of stop bits ........................................................................................................ 536
Table 19-3. USART interrupt requests ........................................................................................................ 550
Table 20-1. Definition of I2C-bus terminology (refer to the I2C specification of Philips
semiconductors) .................................................................................................................................... 567
Table 20-2. Event status flags ...................................................................................................................... 583
Table 20-3. I2C error flags ............................................................................................................................. 583
Table 21-1. SPI signal description ............................................................................................................... 596
Table 21-2. Quad-SPI signal description .................................................................................................... 597
Table 21-3. SPI operation modes ................................................................................................................. 599
Table 21-4. SPI interrupt requests ............................................................................................................... 608
Table 21-5. I2S bitrate calculation formulas .............................................................................................. 617
Table 21-6. Audio sampling frequency calculation formulas ................................................................. 618
Table 21-7. Direction of I2S interface signals for each operation mode .............................................. 618
Table 21-8. I2S interrupt ................................................................................................................................ 623
Table 22-1. PINs used by DCI ....................................................................................................................... 636
Table 22-2. Memory view in byte padding mode ...................................................................................... 639
Table 22-3. Memory view in half-word padding mode ............................................................................. 639
Table 22-4. Status/Error flags ...................................................................................................................... 639
Table 23-1. Pins of display interface provided by TLI ............................................................................. 649
Table 23-2. Supported pixel formats ........................................................................................................... 651
Table 23-3. Status flags ................................................................................................................................. 653
Table 23-4. Error flags ................................................................................................................................... 653
Table 24-1. SDIO I/O definitions ................................................................................................................... 673
Table 24-2. Command format ....................................................................................................................... 679
Table 24-3. Card command classes (CCCs) .............................................................................................. 680
Table 24-4. Basic commands (class 0) ....................................................................................................... 682
Table 24-5. Block-Oriented read commands (class 2) ............................................................................. 684
Table 24-6. Stream read commands (class 1) and stream write commands (class 3) ....................... 685
Table 24-7. Block-Oriented write commands (class 4) ............................................................................ 685
Table 24-8. Erase commands (class 5) ....................................................................................................... 686
Table 24-9. Block oriented write protection commands (class 6) ......................................................... 687
Table 24-10. Lock card (class 7) .................................................................................................................. 687
Table 24-11. Application-specific commands (class 8)............................................................................ 688
Table 24-12. I/O mode commands (class 9) ............................................................................................... 689
Table 24-13. Switch function commands (class 10) ................................................................................. 690
Table 24-14. Response R1 ............................................................................................................................ 693
Table 24-15. Response R2 ............................................................................................................................ 693
GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 24-16. Response R3 ............................................................................................................................ 694
Table 24-17. Response R4 for MMC ............................................................................................................ 694
Table 24-18. Response R4 for SD I/O .......................................................................................................... 694
Table 24-19. Response R5 for MMC ............................................................................................................ 695
Table 24-20. Response R5 for SD I/O .......................................................................................................... 695
Table 24-21. Response R6 ............................................................................................................................ 695
Table 24-22. Response R7 ............................................................................................................................ 696
Table 24-23. Card status................................................................................................................................ 698
Table 24-24. SD status ................................................................................................................................... 700
Table 24-25. Performance move field ......................................................................................................... 702
Table 24-26. AU_SIZE field ............................................................................................................................ 702
Table 24-27. Maximum AU size .................................................................................................................... 703
Table 24-28. Erase size field ......................................................................................................................... 703
Table 24-29. Erase timeout field................................................................................................................... 704
Table 24-30. Erase offset field ...................................................................................................................... 704
Table 24-31. Lock card data structure ........................................................................................................ 712
Table 24-32. SDIO_RESPx register at different response type .............................................................. 725
Table 25-1. SDRAM mapping........................................................................................................................ 739
Table 25-2. NOR flash interface signals description................................................................................ 740
Table 25-3. PSRAM non-muxed signal description .................................................................................. 741
Table 25-4. SQPI-PSRAM signal description ............................................................................................. 741
Table 25-5. EXMC bank 0 supports all transactions ................................................................................ 741
Table 25-6. NOR / PSRAM controller timing parameters ......................................................................... 742
Table 25-7. EXMC_timing models................................................................................................................ 743
Table 25-8. Mode 1 related registers configuration ................................................................................. 744
Table 25-9. Mode A related registers configuration ................................................................................. 746
Table 25-10. Mode 2/B related registers configuration............................................................................ 748
Table 25-11. Mode C related registers configuration ............................................................................... 750
Table 25-12. Mode D related registers configuration ............................................................................... 752
Table 25-13. Multiplex mode related registers configuration ................................................................. 754
Table 25-14. Timing configurations of synchronous multiplexed read mode ..................................... 757
Table 25-15. Timing configurations of synchronous multiplexed write mode .................................... 758
Table 25-16. SPI/QPI interface ...................................................................................................................... 759
Table 25-17. 8-bit or 16-bit NAND interface signal ................................................................................... 762
Table 25-18. 16-bit PC card interface signal .............................................................................................. 762
Table 25-19. Bank1/2/3 of EXMC support the memory and access mode ............................................ 762
Table 25-20. NAND flash or PC card programmable parameters .......................................................... 763
Table 25-21. SDRAM command truth table ................................................................................................ 769
Table 25-22. IO definition of SDRAM controller ........................................................................................ 770
Table 27-1. Ethernet pin configuration ....................................................................................................... 839
Table 27-2. Clock range ................................................................................................................................. 841
Table 27-3. Rx interface signal encoding ................................................................................................... 843
Table 27-4. Destination address filtering table ......................................................................................... 852
Table 27-5. Source address filtering table ................................................................................................. 853
GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 27-6. Error status decoding in RDES0, only used for normal descriptor (DFM=0) .................. 883
Table 27-7. Supported time stamp snapshot with PTP register configuration ................................... 919
Table 28-1. USBFS signal description ........................................................................................................ 941
Table 28-2. USBFS global interrupt ............................................................................................................. 954
Table 29-1. USBHS signal description.......................................................................................................1016
Table 29-2. USBHS supported speeds ......................................................................................................1017
Table 29-3. USBHS global interrupt ...........................................................................................................1036
Table 30-1. Revision history ........................................................................................................................1105

GD32F4xx User Manual
1. System and memory architecture

The devices of GD32F4xx series are 32-bit general-purpose microcontrollers based on the
ARM® Cortex™-M4 processor. The ARM® Cortex™-M4 processor includes three AHB buses
known as I-Code, D-Code and System buses. All memory accesses of the ARM® Cortex™-
M4 processor are executed on the three buses according to the different purposes and the
target memory spaces. The memory organization uses a Harvard architecture, pre-defined
memory map and up to 4 GB of memory space, making the system flexible and extendable.

1.1. ARM Cortex-M4 processor

The Cortex™-M4 processor is a 32-bit processor that possesses floating point arithmetic
functionality, low interrupt latency and low-cost debug. The characteristics of integrated and
advanced make the Cortex™-M4 processor suitable for market products that require
microcontrollers with high performance and low power consumption. The Cortex™-M4
processor is based on the ARMv7 architecture and supports a powerful and scalable
instruction set including general data processing I/O control tasks, advanced data processing
bit field manipulations, DSP and floating point instructions. Some system peripherals listed
below are also provided by Cortex™-M4:

 Internal Bus Matrix connected with I-Code bus, D-Code bus, System bus, Private
Peripheral Bus (PPB) and debug accesses
 Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
 Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB)
 Data Watchpoint and Trace (DWT)
 Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)
 Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM)
 Serial Wire JTAG Debug Port (SWJ-DP)
 Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)
 Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
 Floating Point Unit (FPU)

Figure 1-1. The structure of the Cortex™-M4 processor shows the Cortex™-M4
processor block diagram. For more information, refer to the ARM® Cortex™-M4 Technical
Reference Manual.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 1-1. The structure of the Cortex™-M4 processor

1.2. System architecture

A 32-bit multilayer bus is implemented in the GD32F4xx devices, which enables parallel
access paths between multiple masters and slaves in the system. The multilayer bus consists
of an AHB interconnect matrix, two AHB buses and two APB buses. The interconnection
relationship of the AHB interconnect matrix is shown below. In the following table, “1” indicates
the corresponding master is able to access the corresponding slave through the AHB
interconnect matrix, while the blank means the corresponding master cannot access the
corresponding slave through the AHB interconnect matrix.

Table 1-1. The interconnection relationship of the AHB interconnect matrix



FMC-D 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


SRAM0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

SRAM1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

GD32F4xx User Manual

SRAM2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

ADDSRAM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

EXMC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

AHB1 1 1 1 1

AHB2 1 1 1

APB1 1 1 1 1

APB2 1 1 1 1

As is shown above, there are eleven masters connected with the AHB interconnect matrix,
IPA. IBUS is the instruction bus of the Cortex™-M4 core, which is used for instruction/vector
fetches from the Code region (0x0000 0000 ~ 0x1FFF FFFF). DBUS is the data bus of the
Cortex™-M4 core, which is used for loading/storing data and also for debugging access of
the Code region. Similarly, SBUS is the system bus of the Cortex™-M4 core, which is used
for instruction/vector fetches, data loading/storing and debugging access of the system
regions. The System regions include the internal SRAM region and the Peripheral region.
DMA0M and DMA1M are the memory buses of DMA0 and DMA1 respectively. DMA0P and
DMA1P are the peripheral buses of DMA0 and DMA1 respectively. ENET is the Ethernet. TLI
is the TFT LCD interface. USBHS is the high-speed USB. And IPA is the image processing

There are also twelve slaves connected with the AHB interconnect matrix, including FMC-I,
APB2. FMC-I is the instruction bus of the flash memory controller, while FMC-D is the data
bus of the flash memory controller. TCMSRAM is the tightly-coupled memory SRAM, which
can be accessed only by the DBUS. SRAM0, SRAM1 and SRAM2 are on-chip static random
access memories. ADDSRAM is the additional SRAM, which is available only in some
particular GD32F4xx devices. EXMC is the external memory controller. AHB1 and AHB2 are
the two AHB buses connected with all of the AHB slaves, while APB1 and APB2 are the two
APB buses connected with all of the APB slaves.

The system architecture of GD32F4xx devices is shown below.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 1-2. The system architecture of GD32F4xx devices

Powered By LDO (1.2V)

Flash Memory

slave Powered By V DDA

ARM Cortex-M4 master

AHB Interconnect Matrix (Fmax=200MHz)

Fmax: 200MHz

slave SRAM0
M master slave SRAM1
P master
slave SRAM2
M master
P master

slave EXM C
ENET master


TLI master slave
AHB1 Periphe rals

USBHS master
IPA master AHB2 Periphe rals

AHB Interconnect Matrix (Fmax=200MHz)



APB2 (Fmax=100MHz)








APB1 (Fmax=50MHz)






Powered By V DDA LDO
FWDGT I2S1_add

Powered By V DD


Powered By V B AT

GD32F4xx User Manual
1.3. Memory map

The ARM® Cortex™-M4 processor is structured in Harvard architecture which can use
separate buses to fetch instructions and load/store data. The instruction code and data are
both located in the same memory address space but in different address ranges. Program
memory, data memory, registers and I/O ports are organized within the same linear 4-Gbyte
address space which is the maximum address range of the Cortex™-M4 since the bus
address width is 32-bit. Additionally, a pre-defined memory map is provided by the Cortex™-
M4 processor to reduce the software complexity of repeated implementation of different
device vendors. In the map, some regions are used by the ARM® Cortex™-M4 system
peripherals which can not be modified. However, the other regions are available to the
vendors. Table 1-2. Memory map of GD32F4xx devices shows the memory map of the
GD32F4xx series devices, including Code, SRAM, peripheral, and other pre-defined regions.
Almost each peripheral is allocated 1KB of space. This allows simplifying the address
decoding for each peripheral.

Table 1-2. Memory map of GD32F4xx devices

Bus Address Peripherals
0xC000 0000 - 0xDFFF FFFF EXMC - SDRAM
0xA000 1000 - 0xBFFF FFFF Reserved
AHB 0xA000 0000 - 0xA000 0FFF EXMC - SWREG
matrix 0x9000 0000 - 0x9FFF FFFF EXMC - PC CARD
0x7000 0000 - 0x8FFF FFFF EXMC - NAND
0x6000 0000 - 0x6FFF FFFF EXMC - NOR/PSRAM/SRAM
0x5006 0C00 - 0x5FFF FFFF Reserved
0x5006 0800 - 0x5006 0BFF TRNG
0x5005 0400 - 0x5006 07FF Reserved
0x5005 0000 - 0x5005 03FF DCI
0x5004 0000 - 0x5004 FFFF Reserved
0x5000 0000 - 0x5003 FFFF USBFS
0x4008 0000 - 0x4FFF FFFF Reserved
0x4004 0000 - 0x4007 FFFF USBHS
Peripheral 0x4002 BC00 - 0x4003 FFFF Reserved
0x4002 B000 - 0x4002 BBFF IPA
0x4002 A000 - 0x4002 AFFF Reserved
AHB1 0x4002 8000 - 0x4002 9FFF ENET
0x4002 6800 - 0x4002 7FFF Reserved
0x4002 6400 - 0x4002 67FF DMA1
0x4002 6000 - 0x4002 63FF DMA0
0x4002 5000 - 0x4002 5FFF Reserved
0x4002 4000 - 0x4002 4FFF BKPSRAM
GD32F4xx User Manual
Bus Address Peripherals
0x4002 3C00 - 0x4002 3FFF FMC
0x4002 3800 - 0x4002 3BFF RCU
0x4002 3400 - 0x4002 37FF Reserved
0x4002 3000 - 0x4002 33FF CRC
0x4002 2400 - 0x4002 2FFF Reserved
0x4002 2000 - 0x4002 23FF GPIOI
0x4002 1C00 - 0x4002 1FFF GPIOH
0x4002 1800 - 0x4002 1BFF GPIOG
0x4002 1400 - 0x4002 17FF GPIOF
0x4002 1000 - 0x4002 13FF GPIOE
0x4002 0C00 - 0x4002 0FFF GPIOD
0x4002 0800 - 0x4002 0BFF GPIOC
0x4002 0400 - 0x4002 07FF GPIOB
0x4002 0000 - 0x4002 03FF GPIOA
0x4001 6C00 - 0x4001 FFFF Reserved
0x4001 6800 - 0x4001 6BFF TLI
0x4001 5800 - 0x4001 67FF Reserved
0x4001 5400 - 0x4001 57FF SPI5
0x4001 5000 - 0x4001 53FF SPI4/I2S4
0x4001 4C00 - 0x4001 4FFF Reserved
0x4001 4800 - 0x4001 4BFF TIMER10
0x4001 4400 - 0x4001 47FF TIMER9
0x4001 4000 - 0x4001 43FF TIMER8
0x4001 3C00 - 0x4001 3FFF EXTI
0x4001 3800 - 0x4001 3BFF SYSCFG
0x4001 3400 - 0x4001 37FF SPI3/I2S3
0x4001 3000 - 0x4001 33FF SPI0/I2S0
0x4001 2C00 - 0x4001 2FFF SDIO
0x4001 2400 - 0x4001 2BFF Reserved
0x4001 2000 - 0x4001 23FF ADC
0x4001 1800 - 0x4001 1FFF Reserved
0x4001 1400 - 0x4001 17FF USART5
0x4001 1000 - 0x4001 13FF USART0
0x4001 0800 - 0x4001 0FFF Reserved
0x4001 0400 - 0x4001 07FF TIMER7
0x4001 0000 - 0x4001 03FF TIMER0
0x4000 C800 - 0x4000 FFFF Reserved
APB1 0x4000 C400 - 0x4000 C7FF IREF
0x4000 8000 - 0x4000 C3FF Reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bus Address Peripherals
0x4000 7C00 - 0x4000 7FFF UART7
0x4000 7800 - 0x4000 7BFF UART6
0x4000 7400 - 0x4000 77FF DAC
0x4000 7000 - 0x4000 73FF PMU
0x4000 6C00 - 0x4000 6FFF CTC
0x4000 6800 - 0x4000 6BFF CAN1
0x4000 6400 - 0x4000 67FF CAN0
0x4000 6000 - 0x4000 63FF Reserved
0x4000 5C00 - 0x4000 5FFF I2C2
0x4000 5800 - 0x4000 5BFF I2C1
0x4000 5400 - 0x4000 57FF I2C0
0x4000 5000 - 0x4000 53FF UART4
0x4000 4C00 - 0x4000 4FFF UART3
0x4000 4800 - 0x4000 4BFF USART2
0x4000 4400 - 0x4000 47FF USART1
0x4000 4000 - 0x4000 43FF I2S2_add
0x4000 3C00 - 0x4000 3FFF SPI2/I2S2
0x4000 3800 - 0x4000 3BFF SPI1/I2S1
0x4000 3400 - 0x4000 37FF I2S1_add
0x4000 3000 - 0x4000 33FF FWDGT
0x4000 2C00 - 0x4000 2FFF WWDGT
0x4000 2800 - 0x4000 2BFF RTC
0x4000 2400 - 0x4000 27FF Reserved
0x4000 2000 - 0x4000 23FF TIMER13
0x4000 1C00 - 0x4000 1FFF TIMER12
0x4000 1800 - 0x4000 1BFF TIMER11
0x4000 1400 - 0x4000 17FF TIMER6
0x4000 1000 - 0x4000 13FF TIMER5
0x4000 0C00 - 0x4000 0FFF TIMER4
0x4000 0800 - 0x4000 0BFF TIMER3
0x4000 0400 - 0x4000 07FF TIMER2
0x4000 0000 - 0x4000 03FF TIMER1
0x2007 0000 - 0x3FFF FFFF Reserved
0x2003 0000 - 0x2006 FFFF ADDSRAM(256KB)
SRAM 0x2002 0000 - 0x2002 FFFF SRAM2(64KB)
0x2001 C000 - 0x2001 FFFF SRAM1(16KB)
0x2000 0000 - 0x2001 BFFF SRAM0(112KB)
AHB 0x1FFF C010 - 0x1FFF FFFF Reserved
matrix 0x1FFF C000 - 0x1FFF C00F Option bytes(Bank 0)

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bus Address Peripherals
0x1FFF 7A10 - 0x1FFF BFFF Reserved
0x1FFF 7800 - 0x1FFF 7A0F OTP(528B)
0x1FFF 0000 - 0x1FFF 77FF Boot loader(30KB)
0x1FFE C010 - 0x1FFE FFFF Reserved
0x1FFE C000 - 0x1FFE C00F Option bytes(Bank 1)
0x1001 0000 - 0x1FFE BFFF Reserved
0x1000 0000 - 0x1000 FFFF TCMSRAM(64KB)
0x0830 0000 - 0x0FFF FFFF Reserved
0x0800 0000 - 0x082F FFFF Main Flash(3072KB)
Aliased to
0x0000 0000 - 0x07FF FFFF
the boot device

1.3.1. Bit-banding

In order to reduce the time of read-modify-write operations, the Cortex™-M4 processor

provides a bit-banding function to perform a single atomic bit operation. The memory map
includes two bit-band regions. These occupy the SRAM and Peripherals respectively. These
bit-band regions map each word in an alias region of memory to a bit in a bit-band region of

A mapping formula shows how to reference each word in the alias region to a corresponding
bit, or target bit, in the bit-band region. The mapping formula is:

bit_word_addr =bit_band_base +(byte_offset×32)+(bit_number×4) (1-1)


 bit_word_addr is the address of the word in the alias memory region that maps to the
targeted bit.
 bit_band_base is the starting address of the alias region.
 byte_offset is the number of the byte in the bit-band region that contains the targeted bit.
 bit_number is the bit position (0-7) of the targeted bit.

For example, to access bit 7 of address 0x2000 0200, the bit-band alias is:

bit_word_addr = 0x2200 0000 + (0x200 * 32)+ (7 * 4)= 0x2200 401C (1-2)

Writing to address 0x2200 401C will cause bit 7 of address 0x2000 0200 change while a read
to address 0x2200 401C will return 0x01 or 0x00 according to the value of bit 7 at the SRAM
address 0x2000 0200.

1.3.2. On-chip SRAM memory

The devices of GD32F4xx series contain up to 256KB of on-chip SRAM, 4KB of backup

GD32F4xx User Manual
SRAM and 256KB additional SRAM. All of them support byte, half-word (16 bits), and word
(32 bits) accesses. The on-chip SRAM is divided into four blocks, including SRAM0 (112KB),
SRAM1 (16KB), SRAM2 (64KB), and TCMSRAM (64KB). SRAM0, SRAM1, SRAM2 can be
accessed by almost all AHB masters, while TCMSRAM (tightly-coupled memory SRAM) can
be accessed only by the data bus of the Cortex™-M4 core. The backup SRAM (BKPSRAM)
is implemented in the backup domain, which can keep its content even when the VDD power
supply is down. The additional SRAM (ADDSRAM) is available only in some particular
GD32F4xx devices. Thanks to the AHB interconnect matrix, the SRAM blocks mentioned
above can be accessed by different AHB masters concurrently. For example, the USBHS can
access SRAM1 while the CPU is accessing SRAM0.

1.3.3. On-chip flash memory overview

The devices provide high density on-chip flash memory, which is organized as follows:

 Up to 3072KB of main flash memory

 Up to 30KB of information blocks for the boot loader
 Up to 512B of OTP (one-time programmable) memory
 Option bytes to configure the device

Refer to Flash Memory Controller (FMC) Chapter for more details.

1.4. Boot configuration

The GD32F4xx devices provide three kinds of boot sources which can be selected by the
BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins. The details are shown in the following table. The value on the two
pins is latched on the 4th rising edge of CK_SYS after a reset. It is up to the user to set the
BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins after a power-on reset or a system reset to select the required boot
source. Once the two pins have been sampled, they are free and can be used for other

Table 1-3. Boot modes

Boot mode selection pins
Selected boot source
Boot1 Boot0
Main Flash Memory x 0
Boot loader 0 1
On-chip SRAM 1 1

After power-on sequence or a system reset, the ARM® Cortex™-M4 processor fetches the
top-of-stack value from address 0x0000 0000 and the base address of boot code from 0x0000
0004 in sequence. Then, it starts executing code from the base address of boot code.

The corresponding memory space of the selected boot source is aliased in the boot memory
space which begins at the address 0x0000 0000. When the on-chip SRAM is selected as the
boot source, in the application initialization code, you have to relocate the vector table in

GD32F4xx User Manual
SRAM using the NVIC exception table and the offset register. When the main flash memory
is selected to be the boot source, the memory space beginning at the address 0x0800 0000
is aliased in the boot memory space. Since either Bank 0 or Bank 1 of the main flash memory
can be mapped at address 0x0800 0000 according to the configuration of the FMC_SWP bit
in the register SYSCFG_CFG0 (refer to Configuration register 0 (SYSCFG_CFG0) for more
details), the device can either boot from Bank 0 or from Bank 1.

In order to enable boot bank function, the BB bit in the option bytes has to be set. When this
bit is set and the main flash memory is selected as the boot source, the device can boot from
the boot loader, and the boot loader jumps to execute the code in Bank 1 of the main flash
memory. In the application initialization code, you have to relocate the vector table to the Bank
1 base address by using the NVIC exception table and the offset register.

The boot loader is programmed by GigaDevice during production, which is used to reprogram
the main flash memory. In GD32F4xx devices, the boot loader can be activated through
USART0 (PA9 and PA10) or USART2 (PB10 and PB11, or PC10 and PC11).

GD32F4xx User Manual
1.5. System configuration registers (SYSCFG)

SYSCFG base address: 0x4001 3800

1.5.1. Configuration register 0 (SYSCFG_CFG0)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 000X (X indicates BOOT_MODE[1:0] may be any value according to
the BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins)

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved EXMC_SWP[1:0] Reserved Reserved BOOT_MODE[2:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:10 EXMC_SWP[1:0] EXMC memory mapping swap

These bits control the address mapping swap among the memories in EXMC.
00: No memory mapping swap
01: SDRAM Bank 0 and Bank 1 are swapped with NAND Bank 1 and PC CARD.
Then, SDRAM Bank 0 and Bank 1 are mapped at the address region from 0x8000
0000 to 0x9FFF FFFF, NAND Bank 1 is mapped at the address from 0xC000
0000 to 0xCFFF FFFF, and PC CARD is mapped at the address from 0xD000
0000 to 0xDFFF FFFF.
Other configurations are reserved.

9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 FMC_SWP FMC memory mapping swap

This bit controls the address mapping swap between Bank 0 and Bank 1 of the
Main Flash.
0: Main Flash Bank 0 is mapped at address 0x0800 0000 and Main Flash Bank 1
is mapped at address 0x0810 0000
1: Main Flash Bank 1 is mapped at address 0x0800 0000 and Main Flash Bank 0
is mapped at address 0x0810 0000

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

2:0 BOOT_MODE Boot mode (Refer to Boot configuration for details)

[2:0] These bits select the device accessible at address 0x0000 0000. After reset, they
GD32F4xx User Manual
take the initial value from the BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins according to the following
The reset value of
BOOT1 BOOT0 The system will boot from
x 0 000 Main Flash Memory
0 1 001 Boot loader
1 1 011 On-chip SRAM
More devices can be selected by software configuration. Once these bits are written
by software, the BOOT0 and BOOT1 pins are ignored.
000: Main Flash memory (0x0800 0000~0x08FF FFFF) is mapped at address
0x0000 0000
001: Boot loader (0x1FFF 0000~0x1FFF 7FFF) is mapped at address 0x0000 0000
010: SRAM/NOR 0 and 1 of EXMC (0x6000 0000~0x67FF FFFF) is mapped at
address 0x0000 0000
011: SRAM0 of on-chip SRAM (0x2000 0000~0x2001 BFFF) is mapped at address
0x0000 0000
100: SDRAM Device0 of EXMC (0xC000 0000~0xC7FF FFFF) is mapped at
address 0x0000 0000
Other configurations are reserved.
Note: Even when mapped at address 0x0000 0000, the related memory is still
accessible at its original memory space.

1.5.2. Configuration register 1 (SYSCFG_CFG1)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Reserved Reserved


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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 ENET_PHY_SEL Ethernet PHY selection

This bit selects the PHY interface for the Ethernet MAC.
This bit must be configured while the Ethernet MAC is under reset and before the
MAC clocks are enabled.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: MII is selected
1: RMII is selected

22:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1.5.3. EXTI sources selection register 0 (SYSCFG_EXTISS0)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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EXTI3_SS [3:0] EXTI2_SS [3:0] EXTI1_SS [3:0] EXTI0_SS [3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:12 EXTI3_SS[3:0] EXTI 3 sources selection

0000: PA3 pin
0001: PB3 pin
0010: PC3 pin
0011: PD3 pin
0100: PE3 pin
0101: PF3 pin
0110: PG3 pin
0111: PH3 pin
1000: PI3 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

11:8 EXTI2_SS[3:0] EXTI 2 sources selection

0000: PA2 pin
0001: PB2 pin
0010: PC2 pin
0011: PD2 pin
0100: PE2 pin
0101: PF2 pin
0110: PG2 pin
0111: PH2 pin
1000: PI2 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

GD32F4xx User Manual
7:4 EXTI1_SS[3:0] EXTI 1 sources selection
0000: PA1 pin
0001: PB1 pin
0010: PC1 pin
0011: PD1 pin
0100: PE1 pin
0101: PF1 pin
0110: PG1 pin
0111: PH1 pin
1000: PI1 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

3:0 EXTI0_SS[3:0] EXTI 0 sources selection

0000: PA0 pin
0001: PB0 pin
0010: PC0 pin
0011: PD0 pin
0100: PE0 pin
0101: PF0 pin
0110: PG0 pin
0111: PH0 pin
1000: PI0 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

1.5.4. EXTI sources selection register 1 (SYSCFG_EXTISS1)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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EXTI7_SS [3:0] EXTI6_SS [3:0] EXTI5_SS [3:0] EXTI4_SS [3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:12 EXTI7_SS[3:0] EXTI 7 sources selection

0000: PA7 pin
0001: PB7 pin
0010: PC7 pin

GD32F4xx User Manual
0011: PD7 pin
0100: PE7 pin
0101: PF7 pin
0110: PG7 pin
0111: PH7 pin
1000: PI7 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

11:8 EXTI6_SS[3:0] EXTI 6 sources selection

0000: PA6 pin
0001: PB6 pin
0010: PC6 pin
0011: PD6 pin
0100: PE6 pin
0101: PF6 pin
0110: PG6 pin
0111: PH6 pin
1000: PI6 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

7:4 EXTI5_SS[3:0] EXTI 5 sources selection

0000: PA5 pin
0001: PB5 pin
0010: PC5 pin
0011: PD5 pin
0100: PE5 pin
0101: PF5 pin
0110: PG5 pin
0111: PH5 pin
1000: PI5 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

3:0 EXTI4_SS[3:0] EXTI 4 sources selection

0000: PA4 pin
0001: PB4 pin
0010: PC4 pin
0011: PD4 pin
0100: PE4 pin
0101: PF4 pin
0110: PG4 pin
0111: PH4 pin
1000: PI4 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

GD32F4xx User Manual
1.5.5. EXTI sources selection register 2 (SYSCFG_EXTISS2)
Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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EXTI11_SS [3:0] EXTI10_SS [3:0] EXTI9_SS [3:0] EXTI8_SS [3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:12 EXTI11_SS[3:0] EXTI 11 sources selection

0000: PA11 pin
0001: PB11 pin
0010: PC11 pin
0011: PD11 pin
0100: PE11 pin
0101: PF11 pin
0110: PG11 pin
0111: PH11 pin
1000: PI11 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

11:8 EXTI10_SS[3:0] EXTI 10 sources selection

0000: PA10 pin
0001: PB10 pin
0010: PC10 pin
0011: PD10 pin
0100: PE10 pin
0101: PF10 pin
0110: PG10 pin
0111: PH10 pin
1000: PI10 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

7:4 EXTI9_SS[3:0] EXTI 9 sources selection

0000: PA9 pin
0001: PB9 pin
0010: PC9 pin
0011: PD9 pin

GD32F4xx User Manual
0100: PE9 pin
0101: PF9 pin
0110: PG9 pin
0111: PH9 pin
1000: PI9 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

3:0 EXTI8_SS[3:0] EXTI 8 sources selection

0000: PA8 pin
0001: PB8 pin
0010: PC8 pin
0011: PD8 pin
0100: PE8 pin
0101: PF8 pin
0110: PG8 pin
0111: PH8 pin
1000: PI8 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

1.5.6. EXTI sources selection register 3 (SYSCFG_EXTISS3)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

EXTI15_SS [3:0] EXTI14_SS [3:0] EXTI13_SS [3:0] EXTI12_SS [3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:12 EXTI15_SS[3:0] EXTI 15 sources selection

0000: PA15 pin
0001: PB15 pin
0010: PC15 pin
0011: PD15 pin
0100: PE15 pin
0101: PF15 pin
0110: PG15 pin
0111: PH15 pin

GD32F4xx User Manual
Other configurations are reserved.

11:8 EXTI14_SS[3:0] EXTI 14 sources selection

0000: PA14 pin
0001: PB14 pin
0010: PC14 pin
0011: PD14 pin
0100: PE14 pin
0101: PF14 pin
0110: PG14 pin
0111: PH14 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

7:4 EXTI13_SS[3:0] EXTI 13 sources selection

0000: PA13 pin
0001: PB13 pin
0010: PC13 pin
0011: PD13 pin
0100: PE13 pin
0101: PF13 pin
0110: PG13 pin
0111: PH13 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

3:0 EXTI12_SS[3:0] EXTI 12 sources selection

0000: PA12 pin
0001: PB12 pin
0010: PC12 pin
0011: PD12 pin
0100: PE12 pin
0101: PF12 pin
0110: PG12 pin
0111: PH12 pin
Other configurations are reserved.

1.5.7. I/O compensation control register (SYSCFG_CPSCTL)

Address offset: 0x20
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
Reserved CPS_RDY Reserved CPS_EN

r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 CPS_RDY I/O compensation cell is ready or not

This bit is read-only.
0: I/O compensation cell is not ready
1: I/O compensation cell is ready

7:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

0 CPS_EN I/O compensation cell enable

0: I/O compensation cell is power-down
1: I/O compensation cell is enabled

1.6. Device electronic signature

The device electronic signature contains memory density information and the 96-bit unique
device ID. The 96-bit unique device ID is unique for each device. It can be used as serial
numbers, or part of security keys, etc.

1.6.1. Memory density information

Base address: 0x1FFF 7A20
The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 FLASH_DENSITY Flash memory density
[15:0] The value indicates the Flash memory density of the device in Kbytes.
Example: 0x0020 indicates 32 Kbytes.

15:0 SRAM_DENSITY SRAM density

[15:0] The value indicates the on-chip SRAM density of the device in Kbytes.
Example: 0x0008 indicates 8 Kbytes.

GD32F4xx User Manual
1.6.2. Unique device ID (96 bits)
Base address: 0x1FFF 7A10
The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 UNIQUE_ID[31:0] Unique device ID

Base address: 0x1FFF 7A14

The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 UNIQUE_ID[63:32] Unique device ID

Base address: 0x1FFF 7A18

The value is factory programmed and can never be altered by user.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 UNIQUE_ID[95:64] Unique device ID

GD32F4xx User Manual
2. Flash memory controller (FMC)

2.1. Introduction

The flash memory controller, FMC, provides all the necessary functions for the on-chip flash
memory. There is no waiting time while CPU executes instructions stored in the first 512K
bytes of the flash. It also provides sector erase, mass erase, and word/half-word/byte program
operations for flash memory.

2.2. Main features

 Up to 3072KB of on-chip flash memory for instruction and data.

 No waiting time within first 512K bytes when CPU executes instructions (in case that
flash size equal to 256K or 512K, all memory is no waiting time). A long delay when CPU
fetches the instructions out of the range.
 2 banks adopted for GD32F4xx. Bank0 is used for the first 1024KB and bank1 is for the
rest capacity.
 Word/half-word/byte programming, sector erase and mass erase operation.
 Two option bytes blocks size of 16B for user application requirements.
 512B OTP(One-time program) block and 16B OTP lock block used for user data storage.
 30K bytes information block for boot loader.
 Option bytes are uploaded to the option byte control registers on every system reset.
 Flash security protection to prevent illegal code/data access.
 Page erase/program protection to prevent unexpected operation.

2.3. Function description

2.3.1. Flash memory architecture

For GD32F4xx with flash no more than 3072KB, with 16K bytes of 8 sectors, 64K bytes of 2
sectors, 128K bytes of 14 sectors, 256K bytes of 4 sectors. Each sector can be erased

Table 2-1. GD32F4xx base address and size for flash memory shows the details of flash

Table 2-1. GD32F4xx base address and size for flash memory
Block Name Address Range
Main Flash Bank 0 0x0800 0000 - 0x0800
Sector 0 16KB
Block 1MB 3FFF

GD32F4xx User Manual
Block Name Address Range
0x0800 4000 - 0x0800
Sector 1 16KB
0x0800 8000 - 0x0800
Sector 2 16KB
0x0800 C000 - 0x0800
Sector 3 16KB
0x0801 0000 - 0x0801
Sector 4 64KB
0x0802 0000 - 0x0803
Sector 5 128KB
0x0804 0000 - 0x0805
Sector 6 128KB
. . .
. . .
. . .
0x080E 0000 - 0x080F
Sector 11 128KB
0x0810 0000 - 0x0810
Sector 12 16KB
0x0810 4000 - 0x0810
Sector 13 16KB
0x0810 8000 - 0x0810
Sector 14 16KB
0x0810 C000 - 0x0810
Sector 15 16KB
0x0811 0000 - 0x0811
Sector 16 64KB
0x0812 0000 - 0x0813
Bank 1 Sector 17 128KB
0x0814 0000 - 0x0815
Sector 18 128KB
. . .
. . .
. . .
0x081E 0000 - 0x081F
Sector 23 128KB
0x08200000 - 0x0823
Sector24 256KB
0x0824 0000 - 0x0827
Sector25 256KB

GD32F4xx User Manual
Block Name Address Range
. . .
. . .
. . .
0x082C 0000 - 0x082F
Sector27 256KB
0x1FFF 0000- 0x1FFF
Information Block Bootloader 30KB
0x1FFF 7800 - 0x1FFF
OTP Block OTP area 528B
0x1FFF C000 -0x1FFF
Bank0 option 16B
Option bytes Block
0x1FFEC000 -
Bank1 option 16B

Note: The Information Block stores the boot loader. This block cannot be programmed or
erased by user.

2.3.2. Read operations

The flash can be addressed directly as a common memory space. Any instruction fetch and
the data access from the flash are through the IBUS or DBUS from the CPU.

2.3.3. Unlock the FMC_CTL/FMC_OBCTLx register

After reset, the FMC_CTL register is not accessible in write mode, and the LK bit in FMC_CTL
register is 1. An unlocking sequence consists of two write operations to the FMC_KEY register
to open the access to the FMC_CTL register. The two write operations are writing
0x45670123 and 0xCDEF89AB to the FMC_KEY register. After the two write operations, the
LK bit in FMC_CTL register is reset to 0 by hardware. The software can lock the FMC_CTL
again by setting the LK bit in FMC_CTL register to 1. Any wrong operations to the FMC_KEY,
set the LK bit to 1, and lock FMC_CTL register, and lead to a bus error.

The FMC_OBCTL0 registers are still protected even the FMC_CTL is unlocked. The
unlocking sequence is two write operations, which are writing 0x08192A3B and 0x4C5D6E7F
to FMC_OBKEY register. After the two write operations, the OB_LK bit in FMC_OBCTL0
register is reset to 0 by hardware. The software can lock the FMC_OBCTLx again by setting
the OB_LK bit in FMC_OBCTLx register to 1.

2.3.4. Sector erase

The FMC provides a sector erase function which is used to initialize the contents of a main
flash memory sector to a high state. Each sector can be erased independently without

GD32F4xx User Manual
affecting the contents of other sectors. The following steps show the access sequence of the
registers for a sector erase operation.

1. Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary.

2. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no flash memory operation is
in progress (BUSY equals to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has finished.
3. Set the SER bit in FMC_CTL register.
4. Write the sector number SN bits in the FMC_CTL register.
5. Send the sector erase command to the FMC by setting the START bit in FMC_CTL
6. Wait until all the operations have finished by checking the value of the BUSY bit in
FMC_STAT register.
7. Read and verify the sector if required using a DBUS access.

When the operation is executed successfully, the END in FMC_STAT register is set, and an
interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set. Note that
a correct target sector number must be confirmed. Or the software may run out of control if
the target erase sector is being used to fetch codes or to access data. The FMC will not
provide any notification when this occurs. Additionally, the sector erase operation will be
ignored on erase/program protected sectors. In this condition, a flash operation error interrupt
will be triggered by the FMC if the ERRIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set. The software
can check the OPERR bit in the FMC_STAT register to detect this condition in the interrupt
handler. Figure 2-1. Proccess of sector erase operation shows the sector erase operation

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 2-1. Proccess of sector erase operation


No Unlock the
Is the LK bit is 0


Is the BUSY bit is 0


Set the SER bit,

SN bits

Send the command

to FMC by set

Is the BUSY bit is 0



2.3.5. Mass erase

The FMC provides a complete erase function which is used to initialize the main flash block
contents. This erase can affect only on Bank0 by setting MER0 bit to 1, or only on Bank1 by
setting MER1 bit to 1, or on entire flash by setting MER0 and MER1 bits to 1.The following
steps show the mass erase register access sequence.

1. Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary.

2. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no flash memory operation is
in progress (BUSY equals to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has finished.
3. Set MER0 bit in FMC_CTL register if erase Bank0 only. Set MER1 bit in FMC_CTL
register if erase Bank1 only. Set MER0/MER1 bits in FMC_CTL register if erase entire
4. Send the mass erase command to the FMC by setting the START bit in FMC_CTL
5. Wait until all the operations have been finished by checking the value of the BUSY bit in

GD32F4xx User Manual
FMC_STAT register.
6. Read and verify the flash memory if required using a DBUS access.

When the operation is executed successfully, the END in FMC_STAT register is set, and an
interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set. Since all
flash data will be modified to a value of 0xFFFF_FFFF, the mass erase operation can be
implemented using a program that runs in SRAM or by using the debugging tool that accesses
the FMC registers directly.

Figure 2-2. Proccess of mass erase operation indicates the mass erase operation flow.

Figure 2-2. Proccess of mass erase operation


No Unlock the
Is the LK bit is 0


Is the BUSY bit is 0


Set the
MER0/MER1 bit

Send the command

to FMC by set

Is the BUSY bit is 0



2.3.6. Main flash programming

The FMC provides a 32-bit word/16-bit half word/8-bit byte programming function which is
used to modify the main flash memory contents. The following steps show the register access
sequence of the word programming operation.

1. Unlock the FMC_CTL register if necessary.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no flash memory operation is
in progress (BUSY equals to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has finished.
3. Set the PG bit and PSZ bits in FMC_CTL register.
4. Write a 32-bit word/16-bit half word/8-bit byte (must match PSZ bits in FMC_CTL register)
to desired absolute address (0x08XX XXXX) by DBUS.
5. Wait until all the operations have been finished by checking the value of the BUSY bit in
FMC_STAT register.
6. Read and verify the Flash memory if required using a DBUS access.

When the operation is executed successfully, the END in FMC_STAT register is set, and an
interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set. Note that
the word/half word/byte programming operation must match PSZ bits in FMC_CTL register.
If not match, PGMERR bit in the FMC_STAT register will be set. Note that the PG bit must be
set before the word/half word/byte programming operation, or else PGSERR bit in the
FMC_STAT register will be set. Additionally, the program operation will be ignored on
erase/program protected sectors and WPERR bit in FMC_STAT is set. In these conditions, a
flash operation error interrupt will be triggered by the FMC if the ERRIE bit in the FMC_CTL
register is set. The software can check the PGMERR bit, PGSERR or WPERR bit in the
FMC_STAT register to detect which condition occurred in the interrupt handler. Figure 2-3.
Proccess of word program operation displays the word programming operation flow.

Figure 2-3. Proccess of word program operation


No Unlock the
Is the LK bit is 0


Is the BUSY bit is 0


Set the PG bit and

PSZ bits

Perform word/half
word/byte write by

Is the BUSY bit is 0



GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Reading the flash should be avoided when a program/erase operation is ongoing in the
same bank. And flash memory accesses failed if the CPU enters the power saving modes.

2.3.7. OTP block programming

The FMC provides a 32-bit word/16-bit half word/8-bit byte programming function which is
used to modify OTP contents. The programming sequence is same as main flash
programming. The OTP block has no erase operation.

The OTP block can be divided to 16 OTP data blocks which has 32 bytes each and 1 OTP
lock block which has 16 bytes. The OTP lock block address is from 0x1FFF_7A00 to
0x1FFF_7A0F.The OTP data block address is from 0x1FFF_7800 to 0x1FFF_79FF.Each
lock byte (0x00: lock 0xFF: no lock) can lock corresponding OTP data blocks to prevent
program to this data block. The lock byte 0 on 0x1FFF_7A00 locks OTP data block 0 from
0x1FFF_7800 to 0x1FFF_781F. The lock byte 1 on 0x1FFF_7A01 locks OTP data block 1
from 0x1FFF_7820 to 0x1FFF_783F, and so on.

The 16 OTP data blocks can program many times but no erase, until the OTP data block
locked by corresponding OTP lock bytes. Each bit of OTP data blocks can only be
programmed from 1 to 0, not from 0 to 1. Each byte of OTP lock blocks can only programmed
from 0xFF to 0x00, no other value.

2.3.8. Option bytes modify

The FMC provides an erase and then program function which is used to modify the option
bytes block in flash. The following steps show the erase sequence.

1. Unlock the FMC_OBCTLx register if necessary.

2. Check the BUSY bit in FMC_STAT register to confirm that no Flash memory operation
is in progress (BUSY equals to 0). Otherwise, wait until the operation has finished.
3. Write the option byte value in FMC_OBCTL0 and FMC_OBCTL1 registers.
4. Send the option bytes erase command to the FMC by setting the OB_START bit in
FMC_OBCTL0 register.
5. Wait until all the operations have been finished by checking the value of the BUSY bit in
FMC_STAT register.
6. Read and verify the Flash memory if required.

When the operation is executed successfully, the END in FMC_STAT register is set, and an
interrupt will be triggered by FMC if the ENDIE bit in the FMC_CTL register is set.

2.3.9. Option bytes description

The option bytes block is reloaded to FMC_OBCTL0 and FMC_OBCTL1 registers after each
system reset, and the option bytes take effect. Table 2-2. Option byte is the detail of option

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 2-2. Option byte
Address Name Description
0: generates a reset instead of entering
standby mode
1: no reset when entering standby mode
0: generates a reset instead of entering Deep-
sleep mode
1: no reset when entering Deep-sleep mode
[5]: nWDG_HW
0: hardware free watchdog
1: software free watchdog
0x1fff c000 USER
[4]: BB
0: boot from bank0, when configured boot from
main memory (default value)
1: boot from bank1 or bank0 if bank1 is void,
when configured boot from main memory
[3:2]: BOR_TH (Brown out reset threshold)
00: BOR threshold value 3
01: BOR threshold value 2
10: BOR threshold value 1
11: NO BOR function.
[1:0]: Reserved
Security Protection Code
0xAA: No protection
0x1fff c001 SPC any value except 0xAA or 0xCC: Protection
level low
0xCC: Protection level high
[7:0]: WP0[7:0]
Sector Erase/Program Protection bit 7 to 0
0: Erase/program protection when DRP is 0.
0x1fff c008 WP0[7:0] No effect when DRP is 1.
1: No effect when DRP is 0. Erase/program
protection and D-bus read protection when DRP is
[7]: DRP
DBUS read protection bit.
0: The WP0 bits used as erase/program
0x1fff c009 WP0 protection of each sector (Default value)
1: The WP0 bits used as erase/program
protection and D-bus read protection of each

GD32F4xx User Manual
Address Name Description
[6]: DBS
Double banks or single bank selection when
flash size is 1M bytes.
0: Single bank when flash size is 1M bytes
1: Double banks when flash size is 1M bytes
[5:4]: Reserved
[3:0]: WP0[11:8]
0: Erase/program protection when DRP is 0.
No effect when DRP is 1.
1: No effect when DRP is 0. Erase/program
protection and D-bus read protection when DRP is
[7:0]: WP1[7:0]
Sector Erase/Program Protection bit 7 to 0 for
0: Erase/program protection when DRP is 0.
0x1ffec008 WP1[7:0]
No effect when DRP is 1.
1: No effect when DRP is 0. Erase/program
protection and D-bus read protection when DRP is
[7:4]: Reserved
[3:0]: WP1[11:8]
Sector Erase/Program Protection bit 11 to 8 for
0x1ffec009 WP1 0: Erase/program protection when DRP is 0.
No effect when DRP is 1.
1: No effect when DRP is 0. Erase/program
protection and D-bus read protection when DRP is

2.3.10. Sector erase/program protection

The FMC provides sector erase/program protection functions to prevent inadvertent

operations on the Flash memory. The sector erase or program will not be accepted by the
FMC on protected sectors. If the sector erase or program command is sent to the FMC on a
protected sector, the WPERR bit in the FMC_STAT register will then be set by the FMC. Note
that the WPERR also set when sector erase while MER0/MER1 set or SN not valid. If the
WPERR bit is set and the ERRIE bit is also set to 1 to enable the corresponding interrupt,
then the Flash operation error interrupt will be triggered by the FMC to draw the attention of
the CPU. The sector protection function can be individually enabled by configuring the WP0
[11:0]/WP1 [11:0] bit field to 0 when DRP is 0 or to 1 when DRP is 1 in the option bytes.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 2-3. WP0/WP1 bit for sectors protected
WP0/WP1 bit sectors protected
WP0[0] Sector0
WP0[1] Sector1
WP0[2] Sector2
. .
. .
. .
WP0[10] Sector10
WP0[11] Sector11
WP1[0] Sector12
WP1[1] Sector13
WP1[2] Sector14
. .
. .
. .
WP1[10] Sector22
WP1[11] Sector23~Sector27

2.3.11. DBUS read protection

The FMC provides DBUS protection functions to prevent DBUS read operations on
corresponding sector when DRP set to 1. The DBUS read will not be accepted by the FMC
on protected sectors. If the DBUS read command is sent to the FMC on a protected sector,
the RDDERR bit in the FMC_STAT register will then be set by the FMC. If the RDDERR bit
is set and the ERRIE bit is also set to 1 to enable the corresponding interrupt, then the Flash
operation error interrupt will be triggered by the FMC to draw the attention of the CPU. The
sector protection function can be individually enabled by configuring the WP0 [11:0]/WP1
[11:0] bit field to 1 and set DRP to 1 in the option bytes.

If the DRP is 1, modify DRP to 0 or change WP0 [11:0]/WP1 [11:0] bit field from 1 to 0 must
performed during changing the security protection level low to no security protection.
Otherwise, the option byte modification ignored and WPERR bit in the FMC_STAT register
will then be set by the FMC. If the WPERR bit is set and the ERRIE bit is also set to 1 to
enable the corresponding interrupt, then the Flash operation error interrupt will be triggered
by the FMC to draw the attention of the CPU.

2.3.12. Security protection

The FMC provides a security protection function to prevent illegal code/data access on the
Flash memory. This function is useful for protecting the software/firmware from illegal users.
There are 3 levels for protecting:

No protection: when setting SPC byte to 0xAA, no protection performed. The main flash and

GD32F4xx User Manual
option bytes block are accessible by all operations.

Protection level low: when setting SPC byte to any value except 0xAA or 0xCC, protection
level low performed. The main flash can only be accessed by user code. In debug mode, boot
from SRAM or boot from boot loader mode, all operations to main flash is forbidden. If a read
operation is executed to main flash in debug mode, boot from SRAM or boot from boot loader
mode, a bus error will be generated. If a program/erase operation is executed to main flash
in debug mode, boot from SRAM or boot from boot loader mode, the WPERR bit in
FMC_STAT register will be set. At protection level low, option bytes block are accessible by
all operations. If program back to no protection level by setting SPC byte to 0xAA, a mass
erase for main flash will be performed.

Protection level high: when setting SPC byte to 0xCC, protection level high performed. When
this level is programmed, debug mode, boot from SRAM or boot from boot loader mode are
disabled. The main flash block is accessible by all operations from user code. The SPC byte
cannot be reprogrammed. So, if protection level high is programmed, it cannot move back to
protection level low or no protection level.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2.4. FMC registers

FMC base address: 0x4002 3C00

2.4.1. Wait state register (FMC_WS)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WSCNT[3:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3:0 WSCNT[3:0] wait state counter register

These bits is set and reset by software. The WSCNT valid when WSEN bit in
FMC_WSEN is set.
0000: 0 wait state added
0001: 1 wait state added
0010: 2 wait state added

1111:15 wait state added

2.4.2. Unlock key register (FMC_KEY)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:0 KEY[31:0] FMC_CTL unlock register
These bits are only be written by software.
Write KEY[31:0] with keys to unlock FMC_CTL register.

2.4.3. Option byte unlock key register (FMC_OBKEY)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 OBKEY[31:0] FMC_ OBCTLx option byte operation unlock register
These bits are only be written by software.
Write OBKEY[31:0] with keys to unlock option byte command in FMC_OBCTLx

2.4.4. Status register (FMC_STAT)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved BUSY

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 BUSY The flash is busy bit

When the operation is in progress, this bit is set to 1. When the operation is end or

GD32F4xx User Manual
an error is generated, this bit is cleared to 0.

15:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 RDDERR Read DBUS protection error flag bit

This bit is set by hardware when a DBUS read to the sector which is a DBUS read
protection sector.
The software can clear it by writing 1.

7 PGSERR Program sequence error flag bit

This bit is set by hardware when program to flash while the PG bit in FMC_CTL
registers is not set.
The software can clear it by writing 1.

6 PGMERR Program size not match error flag bit

This bit is set by hardware when program write size (byte/half-word/word access)
does not match the PSZ bits in FMC_CTL registers.
The software can clear it by writing 1.

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 WPERR Erase/Program protection error flag bit

When erase/program on protected pages, this bit is set by hardware.
The software can clear it by writing 1.

3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 OPERR Flash operation error flag bit

This bit is set by hardware when an error (a error while sets
RDDERR/PGSERR/PGMERR/WPERR bit) occurs on a flash operation and
ERRIE bit in FMC_CTL register is set.
The software can clear it by writing 1.

0 END End of operation flag bit

When the operation executed successfully, this bit is set by hardware.
The software can clear it by writing 1.

2.4.5. Control register (FMC_CTL)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x8000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

LK Reserved ERRIE ENDIE Reserved START

rs rw rw rs

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

MER1 Reserved PSZ[1:0] SN[4:0] MER0 SER PG

GD32F4xx User Manual
rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 LK FMC_CTL lock bit
This bit is cleared by hardware when right sequence written to FMC_KEY register.
This bit can be set by software

30:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

25 ERRIE Error interrupt enable bit

This bit is set or cleared by software.
0: no interrupt generated by hardware
1: error interrupt enable

24 ENDIE End of operation interrupt enable bit

This bit is set or cleared by software
0: no interrupt generated by hardware
1: end of operation interrupt enable

23:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 START send erase command to FMC bit

This bit is set by software to send erase command to FMC. This bit is cleared by
hardware when the BUSY bit is cleared.

15 MER1 main flash mass erase for bank1command bit

This bit is set or cleared by software.
0: no effect
1: main flash mass erase command for bank1

14:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 PSZ[1:0] Program size bit

This bits are set or cleared by software.
00: Program by byte access
01: Program by half-word access
10/11: Program by word access

7:3 SN[4:0] Select which sector number to be erased.

00000: select sector 0
00001: select sector 1

01011: select sector 11
01100: select sector 24
01101: select sector 25
01110: select sector 26
01111: select sector 27
10000: select sector 12

GD32F4xx User Manual
10001: select sector 13

11011: select sector 23
11111: Reserved

2 MER0 main flash mass erase for bank0 command bit

This bit is set or cleared by software.
0: no effect
1: main flash mass erase command for bank0

1 SER main flash sector erase command bit

This bit is set or cleared by software.
0: no effect
1: main flash sector erase command

0 PG main flash program command bit

This bit is set or cleared by software.
0: no effect
1: main flash program command

Note: This register should be reset after the corresponding flash operation completed.

2.4.6. Option byte control register 0 (FMC_OBCTL0)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x2FFF AAED. Load Flash values after reset.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DRP DBS Reserved WP0[11:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rs rs

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 DRP D-bus read protection bit
0: The WPx bits used as erase/program protection of each sector
1: The WPx bits used as erase/program protection and D-bus read protection of
each sector
30 DBS Double banks or single bank selection when flash size is 1M bytes.
0: Single bank when flash size is 1M bytes
1: Double banks when flash size is 1M bytes

29:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
27:16 WP0[11:0] Erase/program protection of each sector when DRP is 0.
Erase/program protection and D-bus read protection of each sector when DRP is
1. WP0[0] affect sector 0, WP0[1] affect sector 1,etc.
0: Erase/program protection when DRP is 0. No effect when DRP is 1.
1: No effect when DRP is 0. Erase/program protection and D-bus read protection
when DRP is 1

15:8 SPC[7:0] option byte Security Protection code

0xAA : no security protection
0xCC: security protection level high
any value except 0xAA or 0xCC : security protection level low.

7 nRST_STDBY option byte standby reset value

0: generates a reset instead of entering standby mode
1: no reset when entering standby mode

6 nRST_DPSLP option byte deepsleep reset value

0: generates a reset instead of entering Deep-sleep mode
1: no reset when entering Deep-sleep mode

5 nWDG_HW option byte watchdog value

If change this bit, a system reset needed to take effect
0: hardware free watchdog
1: software free watchdog

4 BB option byte boot bank value

0: boot from bank0, when configured boot from main memory
1: boot from bank1 or bank0 if bank1 is void, (or Bootloader continues executing if
bank1 and bank0 are both void, and the chip is not under security protection
level high,) when configured boot from main memory.
3:2 BOR_TH[1:0] option byte BOR threshold value
00: BOR threshold value 3
01: BOR threshold value 2
10: BOR threshold value 1
11: No BOR function

1 OB_START send option byte change command to FMC bit

This bit is set by software to send option byte change command to FMC.
This bit is cleared by hardware when the BUSY bit is cleared.

0 OB_LK FMC_OBCTLx lock bit

This bit is cleared by hardware when right sequence written to FMC_OBKEY
This bit can be set by software.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2.4.7. Option byte control register 1 (FMC_OBCTL1)
Address offset: 0x18
Reset value: 0x0FFF 0000. Load Flash values after reset.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved WP1[11:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 WP1[11:0] Erase/program protection of each sector when DRP is 0.

Erase/program protection and D-bus read protection of each sector when DRP is
1. WP1[0] affect sector 12, WP1[1] affect sector 13,etc. Exceptional, WP1[11]
affect sector 23~27.
0: Erase/program protection when DRP is 0. No effect when DRP is 1.
1: No effect when DRP is 0. Erase/program protection and DBUS read protection
when DRP is 1

15:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2.4.8. Wait state enable register (FMC_WSEN)

Address offset: 0xFC
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WSEN


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 WSEN FMC wait state enable register

This bit is set and reset by software. This bit also protected by the FMC_KEY
register. It is necessary to writing 0x45670123 and 0xCDEF89AB to the
GD32F4xx User Manual
FMC_KEY register.
0: no wait state added when fetch flash
1: wait state added when fetch flash

2.4.9. Product ID register (FMC_PID)

Address offset: 0x100
Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 PID[31:0] Product reserved ID code register
These bits are read only by software.
These bits are unchanged constant after power on. These bits are one time
program when the chip produced.

GD32F4xx User Manual
3. Power management unit (PMU)

3.1. Introduction

The power consumption is regarded as one of the most important issues for the devices of
GD32F4xx series. According to the Power management unit (PMU), provide three types of
power saving modes, including Sleep, Deep-sleep and Standby mode. These modes reduce
the power consumption and allow the application to achieve the best tradeoff among the
conflicting demands of CPU operating time, speed and power consumption. For GD32F4xx
devices, there are three power domains, including VDD/VDDA domain, 1.2V domain, and
Backup domain, as is shown in the Figure 3-1. Power supply overview. The power of the
VDD domain is supplied directly by VDD. An embedded LDO in the VDD/VDDA domain is used to
supply the 1.2V domain power. A power switch is implemented for the Backup domain. It can
be powered from the VBAT voltage when the main VDD supply is shut down.

3.2. Main features

 Three power domains: VBAK, VDD/VDDA and 1.2V power domains

 Three power saving modes: Sleep, Deep-sleep and Standby modes

 Internal Voltage regulator(LDO) supplies around 1.2V voltage source for 1.2V domain
and a Backup LDO dedicate to Backup SRAM

 4K bytes backup SRAM powered by 1.2V which source from V DD or VBAK for data
protection of user application data when VDD shut down.

 Low Voltage Detector can issue an interrupt or event when the power is lower than a
programmed threshold.

 Battery power (VBAT) for Backup domain when VDD is shut down.

 LDO output voltage select for power saving.

 Ultra power saving for low-driver mode in Deep-sleep mode. And high-driver mode for
high frequency.

3.3. Function description

Figure 3-1. Power supply overview provides details on the internal configuration of the PMU
and the relevant power domains.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 3-1. Power supply overview


Power Switch
VBAK Backup Domain


PMU 1.2V



VDD Domain 1.2V Domain

VDDA Domain

LVD: Low Voltage Detector LDO: Voltage Regulator BPOR: VBAK Power On Reset
POR: Power On Reset PDR: Power Down Reset BLDO: Backup SRAM LDO output 1.2V

3.3.1. Battery backup domain

The Backup domain is powered by the VDD or the battery power source (VBAT) selected by the
internal power switch, and the VBAK pin which drives Backup Domain, power supply for RTC
unit, LXTAL oscillator, BPOR and BLDO,and four pads, including PC13 to PC15 and PI8. In
order to ensure the content of the Backup domain registers and the RTC supply, when V DD
supply is shut down, VBAT pin can be connected to an optional standby voltage supplied by a
battery or by another source. The power switch is controlled by the Power Down Reset circuit
in the VDD/VDDA domain. If no external battery is used in the application, it is recommended to
connect VBAT pin externally to VDD pin with a 100nF external ceramic decoupling capacitor.

The Backup domain reset sources includes the Backup domain power-on-reset (BPOR) and
the Backup Domain software reset. The BPOR signal forces the device to stay in the reset
mode until VBAK is completely powered up. Also the application software can trigger the
Backup domain software reset by setting the BKPRST bit in the RCU_BDCTL register to reset
the Backup domain.

The clock source of the Real Time Clock (RTC) circuit can be derived from the Internal 32KHz
RC oscillator (IRC32K) or the Low Speed Crystal oscillator (LXTAL), or HXTAL clock divided
by 2 to 31. When VDD is shut down, only LXTAL is valid for RTC. Before entering the power
saving mode by executing the WFI/WFE instruction, the Cortex™-M4 can setup the RTC
register with an expected wakeup time and enable the wakeup function to achieve the RTC
GD32F4xx User Manual
timer wakeup event. After entering the power saving mode for a certain amount of time, the
RTC will wake up the device when the time match event occurs. The details of the RTC
configuration and operation will be described in the Real time clock (RTC).

When the Backup domain is supplied by VDD (VBAK pin is connected to VDD), the following
functions are available:

 PC13 can be used as GPIO or RTC function pin described in the Real time clock (RTC).

 PI8 can be used as GPIO or RTC function pin described in the Real time clock (RTC).

 PC14 and PC15 can be used as either GPIO or LXTAL Crystal oscillator pins.

When the Backup domain is supplied by V BAT (VBAK pin is connected to VBAT), the following
functions are available:

 PC13 can be used as RTC function pin described in the Real time clock (RTC).

 PI8 can be used as RTC function pin described in the Real time clock (RTC).

 PC14 and PC15 can be used as LXTAL Crystal oscillator pins only.

Note: Since PC13, PC14, PC15 and PI8 are supplied through the Power Switch, which can
only be obtained by a small current, the speed of GPIOs PC13 to PC15 and PI8 should not
exceed 2MHz when they are in output mode(maximum load: 30pF)

3.3.2. Backup SRAM

There is 4K bytes backup SRAM in 1.2V domain. The backup SRAM can maintain data in
Standby mode or VDD is shut down when BLDOON bit is set in PMU_CS register. In these
modes, the backup SRAM powered by BLDO which source from V BAK. In other mode (not in
Standby mode or VDD is shut down), the backup SRAM accessed by system bus as normal
SRAM and power by LDO source from VDD.

The backup SRAM can only be accessed by user code when FMC in security protection level
low mode to prevent illegal code/data access. When the FMC goes from security protection
level low mode to no security protection mode, the backup SRAM erased and all data lost.
The backup SRAM is not reset by BKPRST in RCU_BDCTL register.

3.3.3. VDD/VDDA power domain

VDD/VDDA domain includes two parts: VDD domain and VDDA domain. VDD domain includes
HXTAL (High Speed Crystal oscillator), LDO (Voltage Regulator), POR/PDR (Power
On/Down Reset), FWDGT (Free Watchdog Timer), all pads except PC13/PC14/PC15/PI8,
etc. VDDA domain includes ADC/DAC (AD/DA Converter), IRC16M (Internal 16MHz RC
oscillator), IRC48 (Internal 48MHz RC oscillator at 48MHz frequency), IRC32K (Internal
32KHz RC oscillator), PLLs (Phase Locking Loop), LVD (Low Voltage Detector), etc.

GD32F4xx User Manual
VDD domain

The LDO, which is implemented to supply power for the 1.2V domain, is always enabled after
reset. It can be configured to operate in three different status, including in the Sleep mode
(full power on), in the Deep-sleep mode (on or low power), and in the Standby mode (power

The POR/PDR circuit is implemented to detect VDD/VDDA and generate the power reset signal
which resets the whole chip except the Backup domain when the supply voltage is lower than
the specified threshold. Figure 3-2. Waveform of the POR/PDR shows the relationship
between the supply voltage and the power reset signal. V POR, which typical value is 2.40V,
indicates the threshold of power on reset, while VPDR, which typical value is 1.8V, means the
threshold of power down reset. The hysteresis voltage (Vhyst) is around 600mV.

Figure 3-2. Waveform of the POR/PDR






Power Reset (Active Low)

The BOR circuit is used to detect VDD/VDDA and generate the power reset signal which resets
the whole chip except the Backup domain when the BOR_TH bits in option bytes is not 0b11
and the supply voltage is lower than the specified threshold which defined in the BOR_TH
bits in option bytes. Notice that the POR/PDR circuit is always implemented regardless of
BOR_TH bits in option bytes is 0b11 or not. Figure 3-3. Waveform of the BOR shows the
relationship between the supply voltage and the BOR reset signal. VBOR, which defined in the
BOR_TH bits in option bytes, indicates the threshold of BOR on reset. The hysteresis voltage
(Vhyst) is 100mV.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 3-3. Waveform of the BOR





BOR Reset (Active Low)

VDDA domain

The LVD is used to detect whether the VDD/VDDA supply voltage is lower than a programmed
threshold selected by the LVDT[2:0] bits in the Power control register(PMU_CTL). The LVD
is enabled by setting the LVDEN bit, and LVDF bit, which in the Power status
register(PMU_CS), indicates if VDD/VDDA is higher or lower than the LVD threshold. This event
is internally connected to the EXTI line 16 and can generate an interrupt if enabled through
the EXTI registers. The following figure shows the relationship between the LVD threshold
and the LVD output (LVD interrupt signal depends on EXTI line 16 rising or falling edge
configuration). The following figure shows the relationship between the supply voltage and
the LVD signal. The hysteresis voltage (Vhyst) is 100mV.

Figure 3-4. Waveform of the LVD threshold


LVD threshold 100mV


LVD output

GD32F4xx User Manual
Generally, digital circuits are powered by V DD, while most of analog circuits are powered by
VDDA. To improve the ADC and DAC conversion accuracy, the independent power supply
VDDA is implemented to achieve better performance of analog circuits. V DDA can be externally
connected to VDD through the external filtering circuit that avoids noise on VDDA, and VSSA
should be connected to VSS through the specific circuit independently. Otherwise, if VDDA is
different from VDD, VDDA must always be higher, but the voltage difference should not exceed

To ensure a high accuracy on ADC and DAC, the ADC/DAC independent external reference
voltage should be connected to VREF+/VREF- pins. According to the different packages, VREF+
pin can be connected to VDDA pin, or external reference voltage which refers to Table 14-2.
ADC pins definition and Table 15-1. DAC pins, VREF- pin must be connected to VSSA pin.
The VREF+ pin is only available on no less than 100-pin packages, or else the VREF+ pin is not
available and internally connected to VDDA. The VREF- pin is available on BGA176-pins and
BGA100-pins packages, or else the VREF- pin is not available and internally connected to VSSA.

3.3.4. 1.2V power domain

The main functions that include Cortex™-M4 logic, AHB/APB peripherals, the APB interfaces
for the Backup domain and the VDD/VDDA domain, etc, are located in this power domain. Once
the 1.2V is powered up, the POR will generate a reset sequence on the 1.2V power domain.
If need to enter the expected power saving mode, the associated control bits must be
configured. Then, once a WFI (Wait for Interrupt) or WFE (Wait for Event) instruction is
executed, the device will enter an expected power saving mode which will be discussed in
the following section.

High-driver mode

If the 1.2V power domain runs with high frequency and opens many functions, it is
recommended to enter high-driver mode. The following steps are needed when using high-
driver mode.

 IRC16M or HXTAL selected as system clock.

 Set HDEN bit in PMU_CTL register to 1 to open high-driver mode.

 Wait HDRF bit be set to 1 in PMU_CS register.

 Set HDS bit in PMU_CTL register to 1 to switch LDO to high-driver mode.

 Wait HDSRF bit be set to 1 in PMU_CS register. And enter high-driver mode.

 Running the application at high frequency.

The high-driver mode exit by resetting HDEN and HDS bits in PMU_CTL register after
IRC16M or HXTAL selected as system clock. The high-driver mode exit automaticly when
exiting from Deep-sleep mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
3.3.5. Power saving modes

After a system reset or a power reset, the GD32F4xx MCU operates at full function and all
power domains are active. Users can achieve lower power consumption through slowing
down the system clocks (HCLK, PCLK1, PCLK2) or gating the clocks of the unused
peripherals or configuring the LDO output voltage by LDOVS bits in PMU_CTL register. The
LDOVS bits should be configured only when the PLL is off, and the programmed value is
select to drive 1.2V domain after the PLL opened. While the PLL is off, LDO output voltage
low mode is selected to drive 1.2V domain. Besides, three power saving modes are provided
to achieve even lower power consumption, they are Sleep mode, Deep-sleep mode, and
Standby mode.

Sleep mode

The Sleep mode is corresponding to the SLEEPING mode of the Cortex™-M4. In Sleep mode,
only clock of Cortex™-M4 is off. To enter the Sleep mode, it is only necessary to clear the
SLEEPDEEP bit in the Cortex™-M4 System Control Register, and execute a WFI or WFE
instruction. If the Sleep mode is entered by executing a WFI instruction, any interrupt can
wake up the system. If it is entered by executing a WFE instruction, any wakeup event can
wake up the system (If SEVONPEND is 1, any interrupt can wake up the system, refer to
Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual). The mode offers the lowest wakeup time as no time
is wasted in interrupt entry or exit.

According to the SLEEPONEXIT bit in the Cortex™-M4 System Control Register, there are
two options to select the Sleep mode entry mechanism.

 Sleep-now: if the SLEEPONEXIT bit is cleared, the MCU enters Sleep mode as soon as
WFI or WFE instruction is executed.

 Sleep-on-exit: if the SLEEPONEXIT bit is set, the MCU enters Sleep mode as soon as it
exits from the lowest priority ISR.

Deep-sleep mode

The Deep-sleep mode is based on the SLEEPDEEP mode of the Cortex™-M4. In Deep-sleep
mode, all clocks in the 1.2V domain are off, and all of IRC16M, HXTAL and PLLs are disabled.
The contents of SRAM and registers are preserved. The LDO can operate normally or in low
power mode depending on the LDOLP bit in the PMU_CTL register. Before entering the
Deep-sleep mode, it is necessary to set the SLEEPDEEP bit in the Cortex™-M4 System
Control Register, and clear the STBMOD bit in the PMU_CTL register. Then, the device
enters the Deep-sleep mode after a WFI or WFE instruction is executed. If the Deep-sleep
mode is entered by executing a WFI instruction, any interrupt from EXTI lines can wake up
the system. If it is entered by executing a WFE instruction, any wakeup event from EXTI lines
can wake up the system (If SEVONPEND is 1, any interrupt from EXTI lines can wake up the
system, refer to Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual). When exiting the Deep-sleep mode,
the IRC16M is selected as the system clock. Notice that an additional wakeup delay will be
GD32F4xx User Manual
incurred if the LDO operates in low power mode.

The low-driver mode in Deep-sleep mode can be entered by configuring the LDEN, LDNP,
LDLP, LDOLP bits in the PMU_CTL register. The Low-driver mode provides lower drive
capability, and the Low-power mode take lower power.

Normal-driver/Normal-power: The Deep-sleep mode is not in low-driver mode by configure

LDEN to 00 in the PMU_CTL register, and not in low-power mode depending on the LDOLP
bit reset in the PMU_CTL register.

Normal-driver/Low-power: The Deep-sleep mode is not in low-driver mode by configure LDEN

to 00 in the PMU_CTL register. The low-power mode enters depending on the LDOLP bit set
in the PMU_CTL register.

Low-driver/Normal-power: The low-driver mode in Deep-sleep mode when the LDO in normal-
power mode depending on the LDOLP bit reset in the PMU_CTL register enters by configure
LDEN to 0b11 and LDNP to 1 in the PMU_CTL register.

Low-driver/Low-power: The low-driver mode in Deep-sleep mode when the LDO in low-power
mode depending on the LDOLP bit set in the PMU_CTL register enters by configure LDEN to
0b11 and LDLP to 1 in the PMU_CTL register.

No Low-driver: The Deep-sleep mode is not in low-driver mode by configure LDEN to 00 in

the PMU_CTL register.

Note: In order to enter Deep-sleep mode smoothly, all EXTI line pending status (in the
EXTI_PD register) and RTC Alarm must be reset. If not, the program will skip the entry
process of Deep-sleep mode to continue to executive the following procedure.

Standby mode

The Standby mode is based on the SLEEPDEEP mode of the Cortex™-M4, too. In Standby
mode, the whole 1.2V domain is power off, the LDO is shut down, and all of IRC16M, HXTAL
and PLL are disabled. Before entering the Standby mode, it is necessary to set the
SLEEPDEEP bit in the Cortex™-M4 System Control Register, and set the STBMOD bit in the
PMU_CTL register, and clear WUF bit in the PMU_CS register. Then, the device enters the
Standby mode after a WFI or WFE instruction is executed, and the STBF status flag in the
PMU_CS register indicates that the MCU has been in Standby mode. There are four wakeup
sources for the Standby mode, including the external reset from NRST pin, the RTC alarm,
the FWDGT reset, and the rising edge on WKUP pin. The Standby mode achieves the lowest
power consumption, but spends longest time to wake up. Besides, the contents of SRAM and
registers in 1.2V power domain (except Backup SRAM when BLDOON bit set) are lost in
Standby mode. When exiting from the Standby mode, a power-on reset occurs and the
Cortex™-M4 will execute instruction code from the 0x0000 0000 address.

Table 3-1. Power saving mode summary

Mode Sleep Deep-sleep Standby
Description Only CPU clock is off 1. All clocks in the 1.2V 1. The 1.2V domain is

GD32F4xx User Manual
Mode Sleep Deep-sleep Standby
domain are off power off
2. Disable IRC16M, 2. Disable IRC16M,
On or in low power mode or
LDO Status On Off
low-driver mode
Configuration SLEEPDEEP = 0
Entry WFI or WFE WFI or WFE WFI or WFE
Any interrupt from EXTI
Any interrupt for WFI 1. NRST pin
lines for WFI
Any event (or interrupt 2. WKUP pin
Wakeup Any event(or interrupt when
when SEVONPEND is 3. FWDGT reset
SEVONPEND is 1) from
1) for WFE 4. RTC
IRC16M wakeup time,
None LDO wakeup time added if Power on sequence
LDO is in low power mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
3.4. PMU registers

PMU base address: 0x4000 7000

3.4.1. Control register (PMU_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 C000 (reset by wakeup from Standby mode)

This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved LDEN[1:0] HDS HDEN

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rs rw rw rw rw rw rc_w1 rc_w1 rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:18 LDEN[1:0] Low-driver mode enable in Deep-sleep mode

00: Low-driver mode disable in Deep-sleep mode
01: Reserved
10: Reserved
11: Low-driver mode enable in Deep-sleep mode

17 HDS High-driver mode switch

Set this bit by software only when HDRF flag is set and IRC16M or HXTAL used
as system clock. After this bit is set, the system enters High-driver mode. This bit
can be cleared by software. And cleared by hardware when exit from Deep-sleep
mode or when the HDEN bit is clear.
0: No High-driver mode switch
1: High-driver mode switch

16 HDEN High-driver mode enable

This bit is set by software only when IRC16M or HXTAL used as system clock.
This bit is cleared by software or by hardware when exit from Deep-sleep mode.
0: High-driver mode disable
1: High-driver mode enable

15:14 LDOVS[1:0] LDO output voltage select

These bits are set by software when the main PLL closed. And the LDO output
voltage selected by LDOVS bits takes effect when the main PLL enabled. If the
main PLL closed, the LDO output voltage low mode selected.
00: Reserved (LDO output voltage low mode)

GD32F4xx User Manual
01: LDO output voltage low mode
10: LDO output voltage mid mode
11: LDO output voltage high mode

13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 LDNP Low-driver mode when use normal power LDO

0: normal driver when use normal power LDO
1: Low-driver mode enabled when LDEN is 11 and use normal power LDO

10 LDLP Low-driver mode when use low power LDO.

0: normal driver when use low power LDO
1: Low-driver mode enabled when LDEN is 11 and use low power LDO

9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 BKPWEN Backup Domain Write Enable

0: Disable write access to the registers in Backup domain
1: Enable write access to the registers in Backup domain
After reset, any write access to the registers in Backup domain is ignored. This bit
has to be set to enable write access to these registers.

7:5 LVDT[2:0] Low Voltage Detector Threshold

000: 2.1V
001: 2.3V
010: 2.4V
011: 2.6V
100: 2.7V
101: 2.9V
110: 3.0V
111: 3.1V

4 LVDEN Low Voltage Detector Enable

0: Disable Low Voltage Detector
1: Enable Low Voltage Detector

3 STBRST Standby Flag Reset

0: No effect
1: Reset the standby flag
This bit is always read as 0.

2 WURST Wakeup Flag Reset

0: No effect
1: Reset the wakeup flag
This bit is always read as 0.

1 STBMOD Standby Mode

0: Enter the Deep-sleep mode when the Cortex™-M4 enters SLEEPDEEP mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enter the Standby mode when the Cortex™-M4 enters SLEEPDEEP mode

0 LDOLP LDO Low Power Mode

0: The LDO operates normally during the Deep-sleep mode
1: The LDO is in low power mode during the Deep-sleep mode

3.4.2. Control and status register (PMU_CS)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000 (not reset by wakeup from Standby mode)

This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved LDRF[1:0] HDSRF HDRF

rc_w1 r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r rw rw r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:18 LDRF[1:0] Low-driver mode ready flag

These bits are set by hardware when enter Deep-sleep mode and the LDO in
Low-driver mode. These bits are cleared by software when write 11.
00: normal driver in Deep-sleep mode
01: Reserved
10: Reserved
11: Low-driver mode in Deep-sleep mode

17 HDSRF High-driver switch ready flag

0: High-driver switch not ready
1: High-driver switch ready

16 HDRF High-driver ready flag

0: High-driver not ready
1: High-driver ready

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

14 LDOVSRF LDO voltage select ready flag

0: LDO voltage select not ready
1: LDO voltage select ready

13:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set by software to open Backup SRAM LDO for data protection of
backup SRAM when VDD shut down. When VDD shut down and this bit is cleared,
the data in Backup SRAM will be lost.
0: Backup SRAM LDO closed
1: Open the Backup SRAM LDO

8 WUPEN WKUP Pin Enable

0: Disable WKUP pin function
1: Enable WKUP pin function
If WUPEN is set before entering the power saving mode, a rising edge on the
WKUP pin wakes up the system from the power saving mode. As the WKUP pin is
active high, the WKUP pin is internally configured to input pull down mode. And
set this bit will trigger a wakup event when the input is aready high.

7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 BLDORF Backup SRAM LDO ready flag

0: Backup SRAM LDO not ready
1: Backup SRAM LDO ready

2 LVDF Low Voltage Detector Status Flag

0: Low Voltage event has not occurred (VDD is higher than the specified LVD
1: Low Voltage event occurred (VDD is equal to or lower than the specified LVD
Note: The LVD function is stopped in Standby mode.

1 STBF Standby Flag

0: The device has not entered the Standby mode
1: The device has been in the Standby mode
This bit is cleared only by a POR/PDR or by setting the STBRST bit in the
PMU_CTL register.

0 WUF Wakeup Flag

0: No wakeup event has been received
1: Wakeup event occurred from the WKUP pin or the RTC wakeup event including
RTC Tamper event, RTC alarm event,RTC Time Stamp event or RTC Wakeup
This bit is cleared only by a POR/PDR or by setting the WURST bit in the
PMU_CTL register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
4. Reset and clock unit (RCU)

4.1. Reset control unit (RCTL)

4.1.1. Overview

GD32F4xx Reset Control includes the control of three kinds of reset: power reset, system
reset and backup domain reset. The power reset, known as a cold reset, resets the full system
except the Backup domain. The system reset resets the processor core and peripheral IP
components except for the SW-DP controller and the Backup domain. The backup domain
reset resets the Backup domain. The resets can be triggered by an external signal, internal
events and the reset generators. More information about these resets will be described in the
following sections.

4.1.2. Function overview

Power reset

The Power reset is generated by either an external reset as Power On and Power Down reset
(POR/PDR reset), Brownout reset (BOR reset) or by the internal reset generator when exiting
Standby mode. The power reset sets all registers to their reset values except the Backup
domain. The Power reset whose active signal is low, it will be de-asserted when the internal
LDO voltage regulator is ready to provide 1.2V power. The RESET service routine vector is
fixed at address 0x0000_0004 in the memory map.

System reset

A system reset is generated by the following events:

 A power reset (POWER_RSTn)

 A external pin reset (NRST)

 A window watchdog timer reset (WWDGT_RSTn)

 A free watchdog timer reset (FWDGT_RSTn)

 The SYSRESETREQ bit in Cortex™-M4 Application Interrupt and Reset Control

Register is set (SW_RSTn)

 Reset generated when entering Standby mode when resetting nRST_STDBY bit in
User Option Bytes (OB_STDBY_RSTn)

 Reset generated when entering Deep-sleep mode when resetting nRST_DPSLP bit in
User Option Bytes (OB_DPSLP_RSTn)
A system reset resets the processor core and peripheral IP components except for the SW-
GD32F4xx User Manual
DP controller and the Backup domain.

A system reset pulse generator guarantees low level pulse duration of 20 μs for each reset
source (external or internal reset).

Figure 4-1. The system reset circuit

NRST Filter


min 20 us
FWDGT_RSTn System Reset
pulse generator



Backup domain reset

A backup domain reset is generated by setting the BKPRST bit in the Backup domain control
register or Backup domain power on reset (V DD or VBAT power on, if both supplies have
previously been powered off).

Note: The BKPSRAM is not reset by backup domain reset.

4.2. Clock control unit (CCTL)

4.2.1. Overview

The Clock Control unit provides a range of frequencies and clock functions. These include a
Internal 16M RC oscillator (IRC16M), a Internal 48M RC oscillator (IRC48M), a High Speed
crystal oscillator (HXTAL), a Low Speed Internal 32K RC oscillator (IRC32K), a Low Speed
crystal oscillator (LXTAL), three Phase Lock Loop (PLL), a HXTAL clock monitor, clock
prescalers, clock multiplexers and clock gating circuitry.

The clocks of the AHB, APB and Cortex™-M4 are derived from the system clock (CK_SYS)
which can source from the IRC16M, HXTAL or PLL. The maximum operating frequency of
the system clock (CK_SYS) can be up to 200 MHz. The Free Watchdog Timer has
independent clock source (IRC32K), and Real Time Clock (RTC) uses the IRC32K, LXTAL
or HXTAL divided by RTCDIV (in RCU_CFG0 register) as its clock source.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 4-2. Clock tree

CK_HXTAL /2 to /31

32.768 KHz CK_RTC

(to RTC)


32 KHz
(to FWDGT)

÷1,2,3,4,5 10 CK_HXTAL

AHB enable (to AHB bus,Cortex-
00 CK_IRC16M
÷1,2,3,4,5 10 CK_HXTAL (to Cortex-M4 SysTick)
(free running clock)

SCS[1:0] Prescaler PCLK1
÷1,2,4,8,16 50 MHz max to APB1 peripherals

Peripheral enable
16 MHz CK_IRC16M TIMER1,2,3,4,5,6,
IRC16M 11,12,13 200 MHz max
CK_APB1 x1
x2 or x4 to TIMER1,2,3,4,
01 Prescaler
200 MHz max 200 MHz max 5,6,11,12,13
Prescaler PCLK2
÷1,2,4,8,16 100 MHz max to APB2 peripherals

4-32 MHz Clock Peripheral enable

HXTAL Monitor
PLLSEL 9,10 200 MHz max

0 CTC x2 or x4 TIMERx enable to TIMER0,7,

/PSC 8,9,10
1 ADCCK[2]
/P Prescaler
÷2,4,6,8 CK_ADCX to ADC0,1,2
xN ADC 40 MHz max
PLL Prescaler
PLL48MSEL ÷5,6,10,20
1 CK48M
0 Peripheral enable
xN CK_I2Sx
/R 0
PLLI2S Peripheral enable


Peripheral enable
to TLI
1 Peripheral enable
/2 or to ENET TX
0 Peripheral enable
USB HS PHY clock 24Mhz to 60Mhz
CK48M 1 Peripheral enable

The frequency of AHB, APB2 and the APB1 domains can be configured by each prescaler.
The maximum frequency of the AHB and the APB2/APB1 domains is 200 MHz/100 MHz/50
MHz. The Cortex System Timer (SysTick) external clock is clocked with the AHB clock
(HCLK) divided by 8. The SysTick can work either with this clock or with the AHB clock
(HCLK), configurable in the SysTick Control and Status Register.

The ADCs are clocked by the clock of APB2 divided by 2, 4, 6, 8 or by the clock of AHB
divided by 5, 6, 10, 20, which defined by ADCCK in ADC_SYNCCTL register.

The TIMERs are clocked by the clock divided from CK_AHB. The frequency of TIMERs clock
is equal to CK_APBx, twice the CK_APBx or four times the CK_APBx. Please refer to
GD32F4xx User Manual
TIMERSEL bit in RCU_CFG1 for detail.

The USBFS/USBHS/TRNG/SDIO are clocked by the clock of CK48M. The CK48M is selected
from the clock of PLLQ, the clock of PLLSAIP or the clock of IRC48M by PLL48MSEL and
CK48MSEL bit in RCU_ADDCTL register.

The USBHS ULPI is clocked by external ULPI PHY clock or CK48M, which select by

The CTC is clocked by the clock of IRC48M. The IRC48M can be automatically trimmed by
CTC unit.

The I2S is clocked by the clock of PLLI2SR or External PIN I2S_CKIN which defined by
I2SSEL bit in RCU_CFG0 register.

The TLI is clocked by the clock of PLLSAIR divided by 2, 4, 8, 16 which defined by

PLLSAIRDIV bits in RCU_CFG1 register.

The ENET TX/RX are clocked by External PIN (ENET_TX_CLK / ENET_RX_CLK), which
select by ENET_PHY_SEL bit in SYSCFG_CFG1 register.

The RTC is clocked by LXTAL clock or IRC32K clock or HXTAL clock divided by 2 to 31
(defined by RTCDIV bits in RCU_CFG0) which select by RTCSRC bit in Backup Domain
Control Register (RCU_BDCTL). After the RTC select HXTAL clock divided by 2 to 31
(defined by RTCDIV bits in RCU_CFG0), the clock disappeared when the 1.2V core domain
power off. After the RTC select IRC32K, the clock disappeared when VDD power off. When the
RTC select LXTAL, the clock disappeared when VDD and VBAT power off.

The FWDGT is clocked by IRC32K clock, which is forced on when FWDGT started.

4.2.2. Characteristics

 4 to 32 MHz High Speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL)

 Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator (IRC16M)

 Internal 48 MHz RC oscillator (IRC48M)

 32,768 Hz Low Speed crystal oscillator (LXTAL)

 Internal 32KHz RC oscillator (IRC32K)

 PLL clock source can be HXTAL or IRC16M

 HXTAL clock monitor

4.2.3. Function overview

High speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL)

The high speed external crystal oscillator (HXTAL), which has a frequency from 4 to 32 MHz,
GD32F4xx User Manual
produces a highly accurate clock source for use as the system clock. A crystal with a specific
frequency must be connected and located close to the two HXTAL pins. The external resistor
and capacitor components connected to the crystal are necessary for proper oscillation.

Figure 4-3. HXTAL clock source


C1 C2

The HXTAL crystal oscillator can be switched on or off using the HXTALEN bit in the Control
Register RCU_CTL. The HXTALSTB flag in Control Register RCU_CTL indicates if the high-
speed external crystal oscillator is stable. When the HXTAL is powered up, it will not be
released for use until this HXTALSTB bit is set by the hardware. This specific delay period is
known as the oscillator “Start-up time”. As the HXTAL becomes stable, an interrupt will be
generated if the related interrupt enable bit HXTALSTBIE in the Interrupt Register RCU_INT
is set. At this point the HXTAL clock can be used directly as the system clock source or the
PLL input clock.

Select external clock bypass mode by setting the HXTALBPS and HXTALEN bits in the
Control Register RCU_CTL. The CK_HXTAL is equal to the external clock which drives the
OSCIN pin.

Internal 16M RC oscillators (IRC16M)

The internal 16M RC oscillator, IRC16M, has a fixed frequency of 16 MHz and is the default
clock source selection for the CPU when the device is powered up. The IRC16M oscillator
provides a lower cost type clock source as no external components are required. The IRC16M
RC oscillator can be switched on or off using the IRC16MEN bit in the Control Register
RCU_CTL. The IRC16MSTB flag in the Control Register RCU_CTL is used to indicate if the
internal 16M RC oscillator is stable. The start-up time of the IRC16M oscillator is shorter than
the HXTAL crystal oscillator. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit,
IRC16MSTBIE, in the Clock Interrupt Register, RCU_INT, is set when the IRC16M becomes
stable. The IRC16M clock can also be used as the system clock source or the PLL input clock.

The frequency accuracy of the IRC16M can be calibrated by the manufacturer, but its
operating frequency is still less accurate than HXTAL. The application requirements,
environment and cost will determine which oscillator type is selected.

If the HXTAL or PLL is the system clock source, to minimize the time required for the system
to recover from the Deep-sleep Mode, the hardware forces the IRC16M clock to be the system

GD32F4xx User Manual
clock when the system initially wakes-up.

Internal 48M RC oscillators (IRC48M)

The internal 48M RC oscillator, IRC48M, has a fixed frequency of 48 MHz. The IRC48M
oscillator provides a lower cost type clock source as no external components are required
when USBFS/USBHS/TRNG/SDIO used. The IRC48M RC oscillator can be switched on or
off using the IRC48MEN bit in the RCU_ADDCTL Register. The IRC48MSTB flag in the
RCU_ADDCTL Register is used to indicate if the internal 48M RC oscillator is stable. An
interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, IRC48MSTBIE, in the
RCU_ADDINT Register, is set when the IRC48M becomes stable. The IRC48M clock is used
for the clocks of USBFS/USBHS/TRNG/SDIO.

The frequency accuracy of the IRC48M can be calibrated by the manufacturer, but its
operating frequency is still not enough accurate because the USB need the frequency must
between 48MHz±1%. A hardware automatically dynamic trim performed in CTC unit adjust
the IRC48M to the needed frequency.

Phase locked loop (PLL)

There are three internal Phase Locked Loop, the PLL, PLLI2S and PLLSAI. The PLLP could
be used to generator system clock (no more than 200MHz) and PLLQ clock which used to
USBFS/USBHS/TRNG/SDIO. The PLLI2S is used to generator the clock to I2S. The PLLSAI
is used to generator the clock to CK48M or TLI.

The PLL can be switched on or off by using the PLLEN bit in the RCU_CTL Register. The
PLLSTB flag in the RCU_CTL Register will indicate if the PLL clock is stable. An interrupt can
be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, PLLSTBIE, in the RCU_INT Register, is set
as the PLL becomes stable.

The PLLI2S can be switched on or off by using the PLLI2SEN bit in the RCU_CTL Register.
The PLLI2SSTB flag in the RCU_CTL Register will indicate if the PLLI2S clock is stable. An
interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, PLLI2SSTBIE, in the RCU_INT
Register, is set as the PLLI2S becomes stable.

The PLLSAI can be switched on or off by using the PLLSAIEN bit in the RCU_CTL Register.
The PLLSAISTB flag in the RCU_CTL Register will indicate if the PLLSAI clock is stable. An
interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt enable bit, PLLSAISTBIE, in the RCU_INT
Register, is set as the PLLSAI becomes stable.

The three PLLs are closed by hardware when entering the Deepsleep/Standby mode or
HXTAL monitor fail when HXTAL used as the source clock of the PLLs.

Low speed crystal oscillator (LXTAL)

The low speed external crystal or ceramic resonator oscillator, which has a frequency of
32,768 Hz, produces a low power but highly accurate clock source for the Real Time Clock
circuit. The LXTAL oscillator can be switched on or off using the LXTALEN bit in the Backup
GD32F4xx User Manual
Domain Control Register (RCU_BDCTL). The LXTALSTB flag in the Backup Domain Control
Register (RCU_BDCTL) will indicate if the LXTAL clock is stable. An interrupt can be
generated if the related interrupt enable bit, LXTALSTBIE, in the Interrupt Register RCU_INT
is set when the LXTAL becomes stable.

Select external clock bypass mode by setting the LXTALBPS and LXTALEN bits in the
Backup Domain Control Register (RCU_BDCTL). The CK_LXTAL is equal to the external
clock which drives the OSC32IN pin.

Internal 32K RC oscillator (IRC32K)

The internal RC oscillator has a frequency of about 32 kHz and is a low power clock source
for the Real Time Clock circuit or the Free Watchdog Timer. The IRC32K offers a low cost
clock source as no external components are required. The IRC32K RC oscillator can be
switched on or off by using the IRC32KEN bit in the Reset source/clock Register
(RCU_RSTSCK). The IRC32KSTB flag in the Reset source/clock Register RCU_RSTSCK
will indicate if the IRC32K clock is stable. An interrupt can be generated if the related interrupt
enable bit IRC32KSTBIE in the Clock Interrupt Register (RCU_INT) is set when the IRC32K
becomes stable.

System clock (CK_SYS) selection

After the system reset, the default CK_SYS source will be IRC16M and can be switched to
HXTAL or CK_PLLP by changing the System Clock Switch bits, SCS, in the Clock
configuration register 0, RCU_CFG0. When the SCS value is changed, the CK_SYS will
continue to operate using the original clock source until the target clock source is stable.
When a clock source is directly or indirectly (by PLL) used as the CK_SYS, it is not possible
to stop it.

HXTAL clock monitor (CKM)

The HXTAL clock monitor function is enabled by the HXTAL Clock Monitor Enable bit,
CKMEN, in the Control Register (RCU_CTL). This function should be enabled after the
HXTAL start-up delay and disabled when the HXTAL is stopped. Once the HXTAL failure is
detected, the HXTAL will be automatically disabled. The HXTAL Clock Stuck interrupt Flag,
CKMIF, in the Clock Interrupt Register, RCU_INT, will be set and the HXTAL failure event will
be generated. This failure interrupt is connected to the Non-Maskable Interrupt, NMI, of the
Cortex-M4. If the HXTAL is selected as the clock source of CK_SYS or PLL and CK_PLLP
used as system clock, the HXTAL failure will force the CK_SYS source to IRC16M and the
PLL will be disabled automatically. If the HXTAL is selected as the clock source of any PLLs,
the HXTAL failure will force the PLL closed automatically.

Clock output capability

The clock output capability is ranging from 32 kHz to 200 MHz. There are several clock signals
can be selected via the CK_OUT0 clock source selection bits, CKOUT0SEL, in the Clock
GD32F4xx User Manual
Configuration Register 0 (RCU_CFG0). The corresponding GPIO pin should be configured in
the properly Alternate Function I/O (AFIO) mode to output the selected clock signal. The
CK_OUT1 is seleced by CKOUT1SEL, in the Clock Configuration Register 0 (RCU_CFG0).

Table 4-1. Clock output 0 source select

Clock Source 0 Selection bits Clock Source
00 CK_IRC16M

Table 4-2. Clock output 1 source select

Clock Source 1 Selection bits Clock Source

The CK_OUT0 frequency can be reduced by a configurable binary divider, controlled by the
CKOUT0DIV bits, in the Clock Configuration Register (RCU_CFG0).

The CK_OUT1 frequency can be reduced by a configurable binary divider, controlled by the
CKOUT1DIV bits, in the Clock Configuration Register (RCU_CFG0).

RTC clock measure

The three clock source of RTC clock, LXTAL, IRC32K, HXTAL divided by 2 to 31 (defined by
RTCDIV bits in RCU_CFG0), can be measured by TIMER. Then the user can get the clocks
frequency, and adjust the RTC and FWDGT counter. Please refer to CI3_RMP in
TIMER4_IRMP register and ITI1_RMP in TIMER10_IRMP register for detail.

Voltage control

The 1.2V domain voltage in Deep-sleep mode can be controlled by DSLPVS[2:0] bit in the
Deep-sleep mode voltage register (RCU_DSV).

Table 4-3. 1.2V domain voltage selected in deep-sleep mode

DSLPVS[2:0] Deep-sleep mode voltage(V)
000 1.0
001 0.9
010 0.8
011 0.7
100 ~ 111 reserved

The RCU_DSV register are protected by Voltage Key register (RCU_VKEY). Only after write
0x1A2B3C4D to the RCU_VKEY, the RCU_DSV register can be written.

GD32F4xx User Manual
4.3. Register definition

RCU base address: 0x4002 3800

4.3.1. Control register (RCU_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 xx83 where x is undefined.

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


r rw r rw r rw rw rw r rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r rw r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29 PLLSAISTB PLLSAI clock stabilization flag

Set by hardware to indicate if the PLLSAI output clock is stable and ready for use.
0: PLLSAI is not stable
1: PLLSAI is stable


Set and reset by software. Reset by hardware when entering Deep-sleep or
Standby mode.
0: PLLSAI is switched off
1: PLLSAI is switched on

27 PLLI2SSTB PLLI2S clock stabilization flag

Set by hardware to indicate if the PLLI2S output clock is stable and ready for use.
0: PLLI2S is not stable
1: PLLI2S is stable

26 PLLI2SEN PLLI2S enable

Set and reset by software. Reset by hardware when entering Deep-sleep or
Standby mode.
0: PLLI2S is switched off
1: PLLI2S is switched on

25 PLLSTB PLL clock stabilization flag

Set by hardware to indicate if the PLL output clock is stable and ready for use.
0: PLL is not stable

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: PLL is stable

24 PLLEN PLL enable

Set and reset by software. This bit cannot be reset if the PLL clock is used as the
system clock. Reset by hardware when entering Deep-sleep or Standby mode.
0: PLL is switched off
1: PLL is switched on

23:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 CKMEN HXTAL clock monitor enable

0: Disable the High speed 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock monitor
1: Enable the High speed 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock monitor
When the hardware detects that the HXTAL clock is stuck at a low or high state,
the internal hardware will switch the system clock to be the internal high speed
IRC16M RC clock. The way to recover the original system clock is by either an
external reset, power on reset or clearing CKMIF by software.
Note: When the HXTAL clock monitor is enabled, the hardware will automatically
enable the IRC16M internal RC oscillator regardless of the control bit, IRC16MEN,

18 HXTALBPS High speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock bypass mode enable
The HXTALBPS bit can be written only if the HXTALEN is 0.
0: Disable the HXTAL Bypass mode
1: Enable the HXTAL Bypass mode in which the HXTAL output clock is equal to
the input clock.

17 HXTALSTB High speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL) clock stabilization flag

Set by hardware to indicate if the HXTAL oscillator is stable and ready for use.
0: HXTAL oscillator is not stable
1: HXTAL oscillator is stable

16 HXTALEN High Speed crystal oscillator (HXTAL) enable

Set and reset by software. This bit cannot be reset if the HXTAL clock is used as
the system clock or the PLL input clock when PLL clock is selected to the system
clock. Reset by hardware when entering Deep-sleep or Standby mode.
0: High speed 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator disabled
1: High speed 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator enabled

15:8 IRC16MCALIB[7:0] Internal 16MHz RC Oscillator calibration value register

These bits are load automatically at power on.

7:3 IRC16MADJ[4:0] Internal 16MHz RC Oscillator clock trim adjust value

These bits are set by software. The trimming value is these bits (IRC16MADJ)
added to the IRC16MCALIB[7:0] bits. The trimming value should trim the IRC16M
to 16 MHz ± 1%.

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
1 IRC16MSTB IRC16M Internal 16MHz RC Oscillator stabilization flag
Set by hardware to indicate if the IRC16M oscillator is stable and ready for use.
0: IRC16M oscillator is not stable
1: IRC16M oscillator is stable

0 IRC16MEN Internal 16MHz RC oscillator enable

Set and reset by software. This bit cannot be reset if the IRC16M clock is used as
the system clock. Set by hardware when leaving Deep-sleep or Standby mode or
the HXTAL clock is stuck at a low or high state when CKMEN is set.
0: Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator disabled
1: Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator enabled

4.3.2. PLL register (RCU_PLL)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x2400 3010
To configure the PLL clock, refer to the following formula:

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved PLLQ[3:0] Reserved PLLSEL Reserved PLLP[1:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved PLLN[8:0] PLLPSC[5:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:24 PLLQ[3:0] The PLL Q output frequency division factor from PLL VCO clock
Set and reset by software when the PLL is disable. These bits used to generator
PLL Q output clock (CK_PLLQ) from PLL VCO clock (CK_PLLVCO). The
CK_PLLQ is used to UBSFS/USBHS (48MHz), TRNG (48MHz), or SDIO
(≤48MHz). The CK_PLLVCO is described in PLLN bits in RCU_PLL register.
0000: Reserved
0001: Reserved
0010: CK_PLLQ = CK_PLLVCO / 2.
0011: CK_PLLQ = CK_PLLVCO / 3
0100: CK_PLLQ = CK_PLLVCO / 4

GD32F4xx User Manual
1111: CK_PLLQ = CK_PLLVCO / 15

23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22 PLLSEL PLL clock source selection

Set and reset by software to control the PLL clock source.
0: IRC16M clock selected as source clock of PLL, PLLSAI, PLLI2S
1: HXTAL clock selected as source clock of PLL, PLLSAI, PLLI2S

21:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17:16 PLLP[1:0] The PLLP output frequency division factor from PLL VCO clock
Set and reset by software when the PLL is disable. These bits used to generator
PLLP output clock (CK_PLLP) from PLL VCO clock (CK_PLLVCO). The CK_PLLP
is used to system clock (no more than 200MHz). The CK_PLLVCO is described in
PLLN bits in RCU_PLL register.
00 : CK_PLLP = CK_PLLVCO / 2
01 : CK_PLLP = CK_PLLVCO / 4
10 : CK_PLLP = CK_PLLVCO / 6
11 : CK_PLLP = CK_PLLVCO / 8

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:6 PLLN[8:0] The PLL VCO clock multiplication factor

Set and reset by software (only use word/half-word write) when the PLL is disable.
These bits used to generator PLL VCO clock (CK_PLLVCO) from PLL VCO
source clock (CK_PLLVCOSRC). The CK_PLLVCOSRC is described in PLLPSC
bits in RCU_PLL register.
Note: The frequency of CK_PLLVCO is between 100MHz to 500MHz
The value of PLLN must :
64≤PLLN≤500 (when SSCGON=0 in RCU_PLLSSCTL )
000000000: Reserved
000000001: Reserved

000111111: Reserved
001000000: CK_PLLVCO = CK_PLLVCOSRC x 64.
001000001: CK_PLLVCO = CK_PLLVCOSRC x 65.

111110100: CK_PLLVCO = CK_PLLVCOSRC x 500.
111110101: Reserved

111111111: Reserved

5:0 PLLPSC[5:0] The PLL VCO source clock prescaler

Set and reset by software when the PLL is disable. These bits used to generate

GD32F4xx User Manual
the clock of PLL VCO source clock (CK_PLLVCOSRC), PLLSAI VCO source
clock (CK_PLLSAIVCOSRC), or PLLI2S VCO source clock
(CK_PLLI2SVCOSRC) from PLL source clock (CK_PLLSRC) which described in
PLLSEL in RCU_PLL register. The VCO source clock is between 1M to 2MHz.
000000: Reserved.
000001: Reserved
000010: CK_PLLSRC / 2
000011: CK_PLLSRC / 3

111111: CK_PLLSRC / 63

4.3.3. Clock configuration register 0 (RCU_CFG0)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

APB2PSC[2:0] APB1PSC[2:0] Reserved AHBPSC[3:0] SCSS[1:0] SCS[1:0]

rw rw rw r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 CKOUT1SEL[1:0] CKOUT1 clock source selection
Set and reset by software.
00: System clock selected
01: CK_PLLI2SR clock selected
10: High Speed crystal oscillator clock (HXTAL) selected
11: CK_PLLP clock selected

29:27 CKOUT1DIV[2:0] The CK_OUT1 divider which the CK_OUT1 frequency can be reduced
see bits 31:30 of RCU_CFG0 for CK_OUT1
0xx: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 1
100: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 2
101: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 3
110: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 4
111: The CK_OUT1 is divided by 5

26:24 CKOUT0DIV[2:0] The CK_OUT0 divider which the CK_OUT0 frequency can be reduced
see bits 22:21 of RCU_CFG0 for CK_OUT0
0xx: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 1
100: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 2

GD32F4xx User Manual
101: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 3
110: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 4
111: The CK_OUT0 is divided by 5

23 I2SSEL I2S clock source selection

Set and reset by software to control the I2S clock source.
0: PLLI2S output clock selected as I2S source clock
1: External I2S_CKIN PIN selected as I2S source clock

22:21 CKOUT0SEL[1:0] CKOUT0 clock source selection

Set and reset by software.
00: Internal 16M RC Oscillator clock selected
01: Low Speed crystal oscillator clock (LXTAL) selected
10: High Speed crystal oscillator clock (HXTAL) selected
11: CK_PLLP clock selected

20:16 RTCDIV[4:0] RTC clock divider factor

Set and reset by software. These bits is used to generator clock for RTC (no more
than 1MHz) from HXTAL clock.
00000: no clock for RTC
00001: no clock for RTC
00010: CK_HXTAL / 2
00011: CK_HXTAL / 3

11111: CK_HXTAL / 31

15:13 APB2PSC[2:0] APB2 prescaler selection

Set and reset by software to control the APB2 clock division ratio.
0xx: CK_AHB selected
100: (CK_AHB / 2) selected
101: (CK_AHB / 4) selected
110: (CK_AHB / 8) selected
111: (CK_AHB / 16) selected

12:10 APB1PSC[2:0] APB1 prescaler selection

Set and reset by software to control the APB1 clock division ratio.
0xx: CK_AHB selected
100: (CK_AHB / 2) selected
101: (CK_AHB / 4) selected
110: (CK_AHB / 8) selected
111: (CK_AHB / 16) selected

9:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:4 AHBPSC[3:0] AHB prescaler selection

Set and reset by software to control the AHB clock division ratio
0xxx: CK_SYS selected

GD32F4xx User Manual
1000: (CK_SYS / 2) selected
1001: (CK_SYS / 4) selected
1010: (CK_SYS / 8) selected
1011: (CK_SYS / 16) selected
1100: (CK_SYS / 64) selected
1101: (CK_SYS / 128) selected
1110: (CK_SYS / 256) selected
1111: (CK_SYS / 512) selected

3:2 SCSS[1:0] System clock switch status

Set and reset by hardware to indicate the clock source of system clock.
00: select CK_IRC16M as the CK_SYS source
01: select CK_HXTAL as the CK_SYS source
10: select CK_PLLP as the CK_SYS source
11: reserved

1:0 SCS[1:0] System clock switch

Set by software to select the CK_SYS source. Because the change of CK_SYS
has inherent latency, software should read SCSS to confirm whether the switching
is complete or not. The switch will be forced to IRC16M when leaving Deep-sleep
and Standby mode or HXTAL failure is detected by HXTAL clock monitor when
HXTAL is selected directly or indirectly as the clock source of CK_SYS
00: select CK_IRC16M as the CK_SYS source
01: select CK_HXTAL as the CK_SYS source
10: select CK_PLLP as the CK_SYS source
11: reserved

4.3.4. Clock interrupt register (RCU_INT)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



w w w w w w w w

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved CKMIF

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

23 CKMIC HXTAL clock stuck interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the CKMIF flag.
0: Not reset CKMIF flag
1: Reset CKMIF flag

22 PLLSAISTBIC PLLSAI stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the PLLSAISTBIF flag.
0: Not reset PLLSAISTBIF flag
1: Reset PLLSAISTBIF flag

21 PLLI2SSTBIC PLLI2S stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the PLLI2SSTBIF flag.
0: Not reset PLLI2SSTBIF flag
1: Reset PLLI2SSTBIF flag

20 PLLSTBIC PLL stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the PLLSTBIF flag.
0: Not reset PLLSTBIF flag
1: Reset PLLSTBIF flag

19 HXTALSTBIC HXTAL stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the HXTALSTBIF flag.
0: Not reset HXTALSTBIF flag
1: Reset HXTALSTBIF flag

18 IRC16MSTBIC IRC16M stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the IRC16MSTBIF flag.
0: Not reset IRC16MSTBIF flag
1: Reset IRC16MSTBIF flag

17 LXTALSTBIC LXTAL stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the LXTALSTBIF flag.
0: Not reset LXTALSTBIF flag
1: Reset LXTALSTBIF flag

16 IRC32KSTBIC IRC32K Stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the IRC32KSTBIF flag.
0: Not reset IRC32KSTBIF flag
1: Reset IRC32KSTBIF flag

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

14 PLLSAISTBIE PLLSAI stabilization interrupt enable

Set and reset by software to enable/disable the PLLSAI stabilization interrupt.
0: Disable the PLLSAI stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the PLLSAI stabilization interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
13 PLLI2SSTBIE PLLI2S Stabilization interrupt enable
Set and reset by software to enable/disable the PLLI2S stabilization interrupt.
0: Disable the PLLI2S stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the PLLI2S stabilization interrupt

12 PLLSTBIE PLL Stabilization interrupt enable

Set and reset by software to enable/disable the PLL stabilization interrupt.
0: Disable the PLL stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the PLL stabilization interrupt

11 HXTALSTBIE HXTAL Stabilization interrupt enable

Set and reset by software to enable/disable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt
0: Disable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the HXTAL stabilization interrupt

10 IRC16MSTBIE IRC16M Stabilization interrupt enable

Set and reset by software to enable/disable the IRC16M stabilization interrupt
0: Disable the IRC16M stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the IRC16M stabilization interrupt

9 LXTALSTBIE LXTAL Stabilization interrupt enable

LXTAL stabilization interrupt enable/disable control
0: Disable the LXTAL stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the LXTAL stabilization interrupt

8 IRC32KSTBIE IRC32K Stabilization interrupt enable

IRC32K stabilization interrupt enable/disable control
0: Disable the IRC32K stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the IRC32K stabilization interrupt

7 CKMIF HXTAL Clock Stuck Interrupt Flag

Set by hardware when the HXTAL clock is stuck.
Reset when setting the CKMIC bit by software.
0: Clock operating normally
1: HXTAL clock stuck

6 PLLSAISTBIF PLLSAI stabilization interrupt flag

Set by hardware when the PLLSAI is stable and the PLLSAISTBIE bit is set.
Reset when setting the PLLSAISTBIC bit by software.
0: No PLLSAI stabilization interrupt generated
1: PLLSAI stabilization interrupt generated

5 PLLI2SSTBIF PLLI2S stabilization interrupt flag

Set by hardware when the PLLI2S is stable and the PLLI2SSTBIE bit is set.
Reset when setting the PLLI2SSTBIC bit by software.
0: No PLLI2S stabilization interrupt generated
1: PLLI2S stabilization interrupt generated

GD32F4xx User Manual
4 PLLSTBIF PLL stabilization interrupt flag
Set by hardware when the PLL is stable and the PLLSTBIE bit is set.
Reset when setting the PLLSTBIC bit by software.
0: No PLL stabilization interrupt generated
1: PLL stabilization interrupt generated

3 HXTALSTBIF HXTAL stabilization interrupt flag

Set by hardware when the High speed 4 ~ 32 MHz crystal oscillator clock is stable
and the HXTALSTBIE bit is set.
Reset when setting the HXTALSTBIC bit by software.
0: No HXTAL stabilization interrupt generated
1: HXTAL stabilization interrupt generated

2 IRC16MSTBIF IRC16M stabilization interrupt flag

Set by hardware when the Internal 16 MHz RC oscillator clock is stable and the
IRC16MSTBIE bit is set.
Reset when setting the IRC16MSTBIC bit by software.
0: No IRC16M stabilization interrupt generated
1: IRC16M stabilization interrupt generated

1 LXTALSTBIF LXTAL stabilization interrupt flag

Set by hardware when the Low speed 32,768 Hz crystal oscillator clock is stable
and the LXTALSTBIE bit is set.
Reset when setting the LXTALSTBIC bit by software.
0: No LXTAL stabilization interrupt generated
1: LXTAL stabilization interrupt generated

0 IRC32KSTBIF IRC32K stabilization interrupt flag

Set by hardware when the Internal 32kHz RC oscillator clock is stable and the
IRC32KSTBIE bit is set.
Reset when setting the IRC32KSTBIC bit by software.
0: No IRC32K stabilization clock ready interrupt generated
1: IRC32K stabilization interrupt generated

4.3.5. AHB1 reset register (RCU_AHB1RST)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved USBHSRST Reserved ENETRST Reserved IPARST DMA1RST DMA0RST Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


GD32F4xx User Manual
rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the USBHS

28:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

25 ENETRST Ethernet reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the Ethernet

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

23 IPARST IPA reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the IPA

22 DMA1RST DMA1 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the DMA1

21 DMA0RST DMA0 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the DMA0

20:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

12 CRCRST CRC reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the CRC

11:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

8 PIRST GPIO port I reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port I

7 PHRST GPIO port H reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port H

6 PGRST GPIO port G reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port G

5 PFRST GPIO port F reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port F

4 PERST GPIO port E reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port E

3 PDRST GPIO port D reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port D

2 PCRST GPIO port C reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port C

1 PBRST GPIO port B reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port B

0 PARST GPIO port A reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the GPIO port A

4.3.6. AHB2 reset register (RCU_AHB2RST)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


GD32F4xx User Manual
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the USBFS


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TRNG

5:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

0 DCIRST DCI reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the DCI

4.3.7. AHB3 reset register (RCU_AHB3RST)

Address offset: 0x18
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved EXMCRST


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the EXMC

GD32F4xx User Manual
4.3.8. APB1 reset register (RCU_APB1RST)
Address offset: 0x20
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SPI2RST SPI1RST Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 UART7RST UART7 reset
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the UART7

30 UART6RST UART6 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the UART6

29 DACRST DAC reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the DAC

28 PMURST PMU reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the PMU

27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

26 CAN1RST CAN1 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the CAN1

25 CAN0RST CAN0 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Reset the CAN0

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 I2C2RST I2C2 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the I2C2

22 I2C1RST I2C1 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the I2C1

21 I2C0RST I2C0 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the I2C0

20 UART4RST UART4 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the UART4

19 UART3RST UART3 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the UART3


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the USART2


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the USART1

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 SPI2RST SPI2 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the SPI2

14 SPI1RST SPI1 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Reset the SPI1

13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the WWDGT

10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 TIMER13RST TIMER13 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER13

7 TIMER12RST TIMER12 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER12

6 TIMER11RST TIMER11 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER11


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER6


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER5


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER4


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER3


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Reset the TIMER2


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER1

4.3.9. APB2 reset register (RCU_APB2RST)

Address offset: 0x24
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reserved TLIRST Reserved SPI5RST SPI4RST Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reserved SPI3RST SPI0RST SDIORST Reserved ADCRST Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 TLIRST TLI reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TLI

25:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 SPI5RST SPI5 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the SPI5

20 SPI4RST SPI4 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the SPI4

19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18 TIMER10RST TIMER10 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Reset the TIMER10


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER9


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER8

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the SYSCFG

13 SPI3RST SPI3 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the SPI3

12 SPI0RST SPI0 reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the SPI0


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the SDIO

10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 ADCRST ADC reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the all ADCs

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the USART5


This bit is set and reset by software.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: No reset
1: Reset the USART0

3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER7


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset the TIMER0

4.3.10. AHB1 enable register (RCU_AHB1EN)

Address offset: 0x30
Reset value: 0x0010 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reserved USBHSEN ENETEN Reserved IPAEN DMA1EN DMA0EN Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USBHS ULPI clock
1: Enabled USBHS ULPI clock

29 USBHSEN USBHS clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USBHS clock
1: Enabled USBHS clock

28 ENETPTPEN Ethernet PTP clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet PTP clock
1: Enabled Ethernet PTP clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
27 ENETRXEN Ethernet RX clock enable
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet RX clock
1: Enabled Ethernet RX clock

26 ENETTXEN Ethernet TX clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet TX clock
1: Enabled Ethernet TX clock

25 ENETEN Ethernet clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet clock
1: Enabled Ethernet clock

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 IPAEN IPA clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled IPA clock
1: Enabled IPA clock

22 DMA1EN DMA1 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DMA1 clock
1: Enabled DMA1 clock

21 DMA0EN DMA0 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DMA0 clock
1: Enabled DMA0 clock

20 TCMSRAMEN TCMSRAM clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TCMSRAM clock
1: Enabled TCMSRAM clock

19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18 BKPSRAMEN BKPSRAM clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled BKPSRAM clock
1: Enabled BKPSRAM clock

17:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 CRCEN CRC clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CRC clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enabled CRC clock

11:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 PIEN GPIO port I clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port I clock
1: Enabled GPIO port I clock

7 PHEN GPIO port H clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port H clock
1: Enabled GPIO port H clock

6 PGEN GPIO port G clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port G clock
1: Enabled GPIO port G clock

5 PFEN GPIO port F clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port F clock
1: Enabled GPIO port F clock

4 PEEN GPIO port E clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port E clock
1: Enabled GPIO port E clock

3 PDEN GPIO port D clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port D clock
1: Enabled GPIO port D clock

2 PCEN GPIO port C clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port C clock
1: Enabled GPIO port C clock

1 PBEN GPIO port B clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port B clock
1: Enabled GPIO port B clock

0 PAEN GPIO port A clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port A clock
1: Enabled GPIO port A clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
4.3.11. AHB2 enable register (RCU_AHB2EN)
Address offset: 0x34
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 USBFSEN USBFS clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USBFS clock
1: Enabled USBFS clock

6 TRNGEN TRNG clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TRNG clock
1: Enabled TRNG clock

5:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 DCIEN DCI clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DCI clock
1: Enabled DCI clock

4.3.12. AHB3 enable register (RCU_AHB3EN)

Address offset: 0x38
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved EXMCEN


GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 EXMCEN EXMC clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled EXMC clock
1: Enabled EXMC clock

4.3.13. APB1 enable register (RCU_APB1EN)

Address offset: 0x40
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


DACEN PMUEN Reserved CAN1EN CAN0EN Reserved I2C2EN I2C1EN I2C0EN Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SPI2EN SPI1EN Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 UART7EN UART7 clock enable
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART7 clock
1: Enabled UART7 clock

30 UART6EN UART6 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART6 clock
1: Enabled UART6 clock

29 DACEN DAC clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DAC clock
1: Enabled DAC clock

28 PMUEN PMU clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled PMU clock
1: Enabled PMU clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 CAN1EN CAN1 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CAN1 clock
1: Enabled CAN1 clock

25 CAN0EN CAN0 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CAN0 clock
1: Enabled CAN0 clock

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 I2C2EN I2C2 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled I2C2 clock
1: Enabled I2C2 clock

22 I2C1EN I2C1 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled I2C1 clock
1: Enabled I2C1 clock

21 I2C0EN I2C0 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled I2C0 clock
1: Enabled I2C0 clock

20 UART4EN UART4 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART4 clock
1: Enabled UART4 clock

19 UART3EN UART3 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART3 clock
1: Enabled UART3 clock

18 USART2EN USART2 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USART2 clock
1: Enabled USART2 clock

17 USART1EN USART1 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USART1 clock
1: Enabled USART1 clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 SPI2EN SPI2 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI2 clock
1: Enabled SPI2 clock

14 SPI1EN SPI1 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI1 clock
1: Enabled SPI1 clock

13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 WWDGTEN WWDGT clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled WWDGT clock
1: Enabled WWDGT clock

10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 TIMER13EN TIMER13 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER13 clock
1: Enabled TIMER13 clock

7 TIMER12EN TIMER12 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER12 clock
1: Enabled TIMER12 clock

6 TIMER11EN TIMER11 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER11 clock
1: Enabled TIMER11 clock

5 TIMER6EN TIMER6 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER6 clock
1: Enabled TIMER6 clock

4 TIMER5EN TIMER5 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER5 clock
1: Enabled TIMER5 clock

3 TIMER4EN TIMER4 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER4 clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enabled TIMER4 clock

2 TIMER3EN TIMER3 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER3 clock
1: Enabled TIMER3 clock

1 TIMER2EN TIMER2 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER2 clock
1: Enabled TIMER2 clock

0 TIMER1EN TIMER1 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER1 clock
1: Enabled TIMER1 clock

4.3.14. APB2 enable register (RCU_APB2EN)

Address offset: 0x44
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reserved TLIEN Reserved SPI5EN SPI4EN Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reserved SPI3EN SPI0EN SDIOEN ADC2EN ADC1EN ADC0EN Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 TLIEN TLI clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TLI clock
1: Enabled TLI clock

25:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 SPI5EN SPI5 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI5 clock
1: Enabled SPI5 clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
20 SPI4EN SPI4 clock enable
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI4 clock
1: Enabled SPI4 clock

19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18 TIMER10EN TIMER10 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER10 clock
1: Enabled TIMER10 clock

17 TIMER9EN TIMER9 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER9 clock
1: Enabled TIMER9 clock

16 TIMER8EN TIMER8 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER8 clock
1: Enabled TIMER8 clock

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 SYSCFGEN SYSCFG clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SYSCFG clock
1: Enabled SYSCFG clock

13 SPI3EN SPI3 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI3 clock
1: Enabled SPI3 clock

12 SPI0EN SPI0 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI0 clock
1: Enabled SPI0 clock

11 SDIOEN SDIO clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SDIO clock
1: Enabled SDIO clock

10 ADC2EN ADC2 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled ADC2 clock
1: Enabled ADC2 clock

GD32F4xx User Manual
9 ADC1EN ADC1 clock enable
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled ADC1 clock
1: Enabled ADC1 clock

8 ADC0EN ADC0 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled ADC0 clock
1: Enabled ADC0 clock

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 USART5EN USART5 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USART5 clock
1: Enabled USART5 clock

4 USART0EN USART0 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USART0 clock
1: Enabled USART0 clock

3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 TIMER7EN TIMER7 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER7 clock
1: Enabled TIMER7 clock

0 TIMER0EN TIMER0 clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER0 clock
1: Enabled TIMER0 clock

4.3.15. AHB1 sleep mode enable register (RCU_AHB1SPEN)

Address offset: 0x50
Reset value: 0x7EEF 97FF

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved Reserved IPASPEN Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30 USBHSULPISPEN USBHS ULPI clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USBHS ULPI clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled USBHS ULPI clock when sleep mode

29 USBHSSPEN USBHS clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USBHS clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled USBHS clock when sleep mode

28 ENETPTPSPEN Ethernet PTP clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet PTP clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled Ethernet PTP clock when sleep mode

27 ENETRXSPEN Ethernet RX clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet RX clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled Ethernet RX clock when sleep mode

26 ENETTXSPEN Ethernet TX clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet TX clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled Ethernet TX clock when sleep mode

25 ENETSPEN Ethernet clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled Ethernet clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled Ethernet clock when sleep mode

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 IPASPEN IPA clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled IPA clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled IPA clock when sleep mode

22 DMA1SPEN DMA1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DMA1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled DMA1 clock when sleep mode

21 DMA0SPEN DMA0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DMA0 clock when sleep mode
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enabled DMA0 clock when sleep mode

20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 SRAM2SPEN SRAM2 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SRAM2 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SRAM2 clock when sleep mode

18 BKPSRAMSPEN BKPSRAM clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled BKPSRAM clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled BKPSRAM clock when sleep mode

17 SRAM1SPEN SRAM1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SRAM1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SRAM1 clock when sleep mode

16 SRAM0SPEN SRAM0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SRAM0 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SRAM0 clock when sleep mode

15 FMCSPEN FMC clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled FMC clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled FMC clock when sleep mode

14:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 CRCSPEN CRC clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CRC clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled CRC clock when sleep mode

11:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 PISPEN GPIO port I clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port I clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port I clock when sleep mode

7 PHSPEN GPIO port H clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port H clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port H clock when sleep mode

6 PGSPEN GPIO port G clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disabled GPIO port G clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port G clock when sleep mode

5 PFSPEN GPIO port F clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port F clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port F clock when sleep mode

4 PESPEN GPIO port E clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port E clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port E clock when sleep mode

3 PDSPEN GPIO port D clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port D clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port D clock when sleep mode

2 PCSPEN GPIO port C clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port C clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port C clock when sleep mode

1 PBSPEN GPIO port B clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port B clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port B clock when sleep mode

0 PASPEN GPIO port A clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled GPIO port A clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled GPIO port A clock when sleep mode

4.3.16. AHB2 sleep mode enable register (RCU_AHB2SPEN)

Address offset: 0x54
Reset value: 0x0000 00C1

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 USBFSSPEN USBFS clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USBFS clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled USBFS clock when sleep mode

6 TRNGSPEN TRNG clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TRNG clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TRNG clock when sleep mode

5:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 DCISPEN DCI clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DCI clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled DCI clock when sleep mode

4.3.17. AHB3 sleep mode enable register (RCU_AHB3SPEN)

Address offset: 0x58
Reset value: 0x0000 0001

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 EXMCSPEN EXMC clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled EXMC clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled EXMC clock when sleep mode

4.3.18. APB1 sleep mode enable register (RCU_APB1SPEN)

Address offset: 0x60
GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0xF6FE C9FF

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SPI2SPEN SPI1SPEN Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 UART7SPEN UART7 clock enable when sleep mode
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART7 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled UART7 clock when sleep mode

30 UART6SPEN UART6 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART6 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled UART6 clock when sleep mode

29 DACSPEN DAC clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled DAC clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled DAC clock when sleep mode

28 PMUSPEN PMU clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled PMU clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled PMU clock when sleep mode

27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 CAN1SPEN CAN1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CAN1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled CAN1 clock when sleep mode

25 CAN0SPEN CAN0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CAN0 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled CAN0 clock when sleep mode

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
23 I2C2SPEN I2C2 clock enable when sleep mode
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled I2C2 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled I2C2 clock when sleep mode

22 I2C1SPEN I2C1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled I2C1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled I2C1 clock when sleep mode

21 I2C0SPEN I2C0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled I2C0 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled I2C0 clock when sleep mode

20 UART4SPEN UART4 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART4 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled UART4 clock when sleep mode

19 UART3SPEN UART3 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled UART3 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled UART3 clock when sleep mode

18 USART2SPEN USART2 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USART2 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled USART2 clock when sleep mode

17 USART1SPEN USART1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USART1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled USART1 clock when sleep mode

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 SPI2SPEN SPI2 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI2 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SPI2 clock when sleep mode

14 SPI1SPEN SPI1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SPI1 clock when sleep mode

13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
11 WWDGTSPEN WWDGT clock enable when sleep mode
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled WWDGT clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled WWDGT clock when sleep mode

10:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 TIMER13SPEN TIMER13 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER13 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER13 clock when sleep mode

7 TIMER12SPEN TIMER12 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER12 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER12 clock when sleep mode

6 TIMER11SPEN TIMER11 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER11 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER11 clock when sleep mode

5 TIMER6SPEN TIMER6 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER6 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER6 clock when sleep mode

4 TIMER5SPEN TIMER5 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER5 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER5 clock when sleep mode

3 TIMER4SPEN TIMER4 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER4 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER4 clock when sleep mode

2 TIMER3SPEN TIMER3 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER3 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER3 clock when sleep mode

1 TIMER2SPEN TIMER2 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER2 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER2 clock when sleep mode

0 TIMER1SPEN TIMER1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disabled TIMER1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER1 clock when sleep mode

4.3.19. APB2 sleep mode enable register (RCU_APB2SPEN)

Address offset: 0x64
Reset value: 0x0477 7F33

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


Reserved TLISPEN Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved Reserved Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 TLISPEN TLI clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TLI clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TLI clock when sleep mode

25:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 SPI5SPEN SPI5 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI5 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SPI5 clock when sleep mode

20 SPI4SPEN SPI4 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI4 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SPI4 clock when sleep mode

19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18 TIMER10SPEN TIMER10 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER10 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER10 clock when sleep mode

17 TIMER9SPEN TIMER9 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disabled TIMER9 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER9 clock when sleep mode

16 TIMER8SPEN TIMER8 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER8 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER8 clock when sleep mode

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 SYSCFGSPEN SYSCFG clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SYSCFG clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SYSCFG clock when sleep mode

13 SPI3SPEN SPI3 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI3 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SPI3 clock when sleep mode

12 SPI0SPEN SPI0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SPI0 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SPI0 clock when sleep mode

11 SDIOSPEN SDIO clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled SDIO clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled SDIO clock when sleep mode

10 ADC2SPEN ADC2 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled ADC2 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled ADC2 clock when sleep mode

9 ADC1SPEN ADC1 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled ADC1 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled ADC1 clock when sleep mode

8 ADC0SPEN ADC0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled ADC0 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled ADC0 clock when sleep mode

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 USART5SPEN USART5 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disabled USART5 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled USART5 clock when sleep mode

4 USART0SPEN USART0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled USART0 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled USART0 clock when sleep mode

3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 TIMER7SPEN TIMER7 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER7 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER7 clock when sleep mode

0 TIMER0SPEN TIMER0 clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled TIMER0 clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled TIMER0 clock when sleep mode

4.3.20. Backup domain control register (RCU_BDCTL)

Address offset: 0x70
Reset value: 0x0000 0000, reset by Backup domain Reset.

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

Note: The LXTALEN, LXTALBPS, RTCSRC and RTCEN bits of the Backup domain control
register (RCU_BDCTL) are only reset after a Backup domain Reset. These bits can be
modified only when the BKPWEN bit in the Power control register (PMU_CTL) is set.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved BKPRST


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


1:0] S B

rw rw rw rw r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 BKPRST Backup domain reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Resets Backup domain

15 RTCEN RTC clock enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled RTC clock
1: Enabled RTC clock

14:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 RTCSRC[1:0] RTC clock entry selection

Set and reset by software to control the RTC clock source. Once the RTC clock
source has been selected, it cannot be changed anymore unless the Backup
domain is reset.
00: No clock selected
01: CK_LXTAL selected as RTC source clock
10: CK_IRC32K selected as RTC source clock
11: (CK_HXTAL / RTCDIV) selected as RTC source clock, please refer to RTCDIV
bits in RCU_CFG0 register.

7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 LXTALDRI LXTAL drive capability

Set and reset by software. Backup domain reset resets this value.
0: lower driving capability (reset value)
1: higher driving capability
Note: The LXTALDRI is not in bypass mode.

2 LXTALBPS LXTAL bypass mode enable

Set and reset by software.
0: Disable the LXTAL Bypass mode
1: Enable the LXTAL Bypass mode

1 LXTALSTB Low speed crystal oscillator stabilization flag

Set by hardware to indicate if the LXTAL output clock is stable and ready for use.
0: LXTAL is not stable
1: LXTAL is stable


Set and reset by software.
0: Disable LXTAL
1: Enable LXTAL

4.3.21. Reset source/clock register (RCU_RSTSCK)

Address offset: 0x74
Reset value: 0x0E00 0000, ALL reset flags reset by power Reset only, RSTFC/IRC32KEN
reset by system reset.

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

GD32F4xx User Manual
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


RSTFC Reserved

r r r r r r r rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved IRC32KEN

r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 LPRSTF Low-power reset flag
Set by hardware when Deep-sleep /standby reset generated.
Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit.
0: No Low-power management reset generated
1: Low-power management reset generated

30 WWDGTRSTF Window watchdog timer reset flag

Set by hardware when a window watchdog timer reset generated.
Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit.
0: No window watchdog reset generated
1: Window watchdog reset generated

29 FWDGTRSTF Free watchdog timer reset flag

Set by hardware when a free watchdog timer reset generated.
Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit.
0: No free watchdog timer reset generated
1: free Watchdog timer reset generated

28 SWRSTF Software reset flag

Set by hardware when a software reset generated.
Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit.
0: No software reset generated
1: Software reset generated

27 PORRSTF Power reset flag

Set by hardware when a Power reset generated.
Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit.
0: No Power reset generated
1: Power reset generated

26 EPRSTF External PIN reset flag

Set by hardware when an External PIN reset generated.
Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit.
0: No External PIN reset generated
1: External PIN reset generated

GD32F4xx User Manual
25 BORRSTF BOR reset flag
Set by hardware when a BOR reset generated.
Reset by writing 1 to the RSTFC bit.
0: No BOR reset generated
1: BOR reset generated

24 RSTFC Reset flag clear

This bit is set by software to clear all reset flags.
0: Not clear reset flags
1: Clear reset flags

23:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 IRC32KSTB IRC32K stabilization flag

Set by hardware to indicate if the IRC32K output clock is stable and ready for use.
0: IRC32K is not stable
1: IRC32K is stable

0 IRC32KEN IRC32K enable

Set and reset by software.
0: Disable IRC32K
1: Enable IRC32K

4.3.22. PLL clock spread spectrum control register (RCU_PLLSSCTL)

Address offset: 0x80
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

The spread spectrum modulation is available only for the main PLL clock
The RCU_PLLSSCTL register must be written when the main PLL is disabled
This register is used to configure the PLL spread spectrum clock generation according to
the following formulas:
MODCNT = round(fPLLIN/4/fmod)
MODSTEP = round(mdamp*PLLN*214/(MODCNT*100))
Where fPLLIN represents the PLL input clock frequency, f mod represents the spread spectrum
modulation frequency, mdamp represents the spread spectrum modulation amplitude
expressed as a percentage, PLLN represents the PLL clock frequency multiplication factor.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31 SSCGON PLL spread spectrum modulation enable
0: Spread spectrum modulation disable
1: Spread spectrum modulation enable

30 SS_TYPE PLL spread spectrum modulation type select

0: Center spread selected
1: Down spread selected

29:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:13 MODSTEP These bits configure PLL spread spectrum modulation profile amplitude and
frequency. The following criteria must be met: MODSTEP*MODCNT≤2 15-1

12:0 MODCNT These bits configure PLL spread spectrum modulation profile amplitude and
frequency. The following criteria must be met: MODSTEP*MODCNT≤2 15-1

4.3.23. PLLI2S register (RCU_PLLI2S)

Address offset: 0x84
Reset value: 0x2400 3000
To configure the PLLI2S clock, refer to the following formula:
CK_PLLI2SR = CK_PLLI2SVCO / PLLI2SR To configure the PLLI2S clock, refer to the
following formula:

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved PLLI2SR[2:0] Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved PLLI2SN[8:0] Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:28 PLLI2SR[2:0] The PLLI2S R output frequency division factor from PLLI2S VCO clock
Set and reset by software when the PLLI2S is disable. These bits used to
generate PLLI2S R output clock (CK_PLLI2SR) from PLLI2S VCO clock
(CK_PLLI2SVCO). The CK_PLLI2SR is used to generate I2S clock (≤200MHz).
The CK_PLLI2SVCO is described in PLLI2SN bits in RCU_PLLI2S register.
GD32F4xx User Manual
000: Reserved
001: Reserved


27:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:6 PLLI2SN[8:0] The PLLI2S VCO clock multiplication factor

Set and reset by software (only use word/half-word write) when the PLLI2S is
disable. These bits used to generate PLLI2S VCO clock (CK_PLLI2SVCO) from
described in PLLPSC bits in RCU_PLL register
Note: The frequency of CK_PLLI2SVCO is between 100MHz to 500MHz
The value of PLLI2SN must : 50≤PLLI2SN≤500
000000000: Reserved
000000001: Reserved

000110001: Reserved
000110010: CK_PLLI2SVCO = CK_PLLI2SVCOSRC x 50.
000110011: CK_PLLI2SVCO = CK_PLLI2SVCOSRC x 51.

111110100: CK_PLLI2SVCO = CK_PLLI2SVCOSRC x 500.
111110101: Reserved

111111111: Reserved

5:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4.3.24. PLLSAI register (RCU_PLLSAI)

Address offset: 0x88
Reset value: 0x2400 3010
To configure the PLLSAI clock, refer to the following formula:

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved PLLSAIR[2:0] Reserved PLLSAIP[1:0]

rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved PLLSAIN[8:0] Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:28 PLLSAIR[2:0] The PLLSAI R output frequency division factor from PLLSAI VCO clock
Set and reset by software when the PLLSAI is disable. These bits used to
generate PLLSAI R output clock (CK_PLLSAIR) from PLLSAI VCO clock
(CK_PLLSAIVCO). The CK_PLLSAIR is used to generate TLI clock (≤216MHz).
The CK_PLLSAIVCO is described in PLLSAIN bits in RCU_PLLSAI register.
000: Reserved
001: Reserved


27:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17:16 PLLSAIP[1:0] The PLLSAI P output frequency division factor from PLLSAI VCO clock
Set and reset by software when the PLLSAI is disable. These bits used to
generator PLLSAI P output clock (CK_PLLSAIP) from PLLSAI VCO clock
(48MHz), or SDIO (≤48MHz). The CK_PLLSAIVCO is described in PLLSAIN bits
in RCU_PLLSAI register.

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:6 PLLSAIN[8:0] The PLLSAI VCO clock multiplication factor

Set and reset by software (only use word/half-word write) when the PLLSAI is
disable. These bits used to generate PLLSAI VCO clock (CK_PLLSAIVCO) from
described in PLLPSC bits in RCU_PLL register.
Note: The frequency of CK_PLLSAIVCO is between 100MHz to 500MHz
The value of PLLI2SN must : 50≤PLLSAIN≤500
000000000: Reserved
000000001: Reserved

000110001: Reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual

111110101: Reserved

111111111: Reserved

5:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4.3.25. Clock configuration register 1 (RCU_CFG1)

Address offset: 0x8C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved TIMERSEL Reserved PLLSAIRDIV[1:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:25 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

24 TIMERSEL TIMER clock selection

This bit is set and reset by software. This bit defined all timer clock selection.
0: If APB1PSC/APB2PSC in RCU_CFG0 register is 0b0xx(CK_APBx = CK_AHB)
or 0b100(CK_APBx = CK_AHB/2), the TIMER clock is equal to
CK_AHB(CK_TIMERx = CK_AHB). Or else, the TIMER clock is twice the
corresponding APB clock (TIMER in APB1 domain: CK_TIMERx = 2 x CK_APB1;
TIMER in APB2 domain: CK_TIMERx = 2 x CK_APB2).
1: If APB1PSC/APB2PSC in RCU_CFG0 register is 0b0xx(CK_APBx = CK_AHB),
0b100(CK_APBx = CK_AHB/2), or 0b101(CK_APBx = CK_AHB/4), the TIMER
clock is equal to CK_AHB(CK_TIMERx = CK_AHB). Or else, the TIMER clock is
four times the corresponding APB clock (TIMER in APB1 domain: CK_TIMERx = 4
x CK_APB1, TIMER in APB2 domain: CK_TIMERx = 4 x CK_APB2).

23:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17:16 PLLSAIRDIV[1:0] The divider factor from PLLSAIR clock

These bits are set and reset by software when PLLSAI is disabled. These bits
used to generate clock for TLI clock.
00: CK_PLLSAIR / 2

GD32F4xx User Manual
01: CK_PLLSAIR / 4
10: CK_PLLSAIR / 8
11: CK_PLLSAIR / 16

15:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4.3.26. Additional clock control register (RCU_ADDCTL)

Address offset: 0xC0
Reset value: 0xXX00 0000 where X is undefined

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

IRC48M48CALIB[7:0] Reserved

r r rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 IRC48MCALIB [7:0] Internal 48MHz RC oscillator calibration value register
These bits are load automatically at power on.

23:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17 IRC48MSTB Internal 48MHz RC oscillator clock stabilization Flag

Set by hardware to indicate if the IRC48M oscillator is stable and ready for use.
0: IRC48M is not stable
1: IRC48M is stable

16 IRC48MEN Internal 48MHz RC oscillator enable

Set and reset by software. Reset by hardware when entering Deep-sleep or Standby
0: IRC48M disable
1: IRC48M enable

15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 PLL48MSEL PLL48M clock selection

Set and reset by software. This bit used to generate PLL48M clock which select
0: Select CK_PLLQ clock
1: Select CK_PLLSAIP clock

0 CK48MSEL 48MHz clock selection

GD32F4xx User Manual
Set and reset by software. This bit used to generate CK48M clock which select
IRC48M clock or PLL48M clock. The CK48M clock used for
TRNG/SDIO/USBFS/USBHS. The PLL48M clock refer to PLL48MSEL bit in
RCU_ADDCTL register.
0: Don’t select IRC48M clock(use CK_PLLQ clock or CK_PLLSAIP clock select by
1: Select IRC48M clock

4.3.27. Additional clock interrupt register (RCU_ADDINT)

Address offset: 0xCC
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved Reserved

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved Reserved Reserved

rw r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22 IRC48MSTBIC Internal 48 MHz RC oscillator Stabilization interrupt clear

Write 1 by software to reset the IRC48MSTBIF flag.
0: Not reset IRC48MSTBIF flag
1: Reset IRC48MSTBIF flag

21:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 IRC48MSTBIE Internal 48 MHz RC oscillator Stabilization interrupt enable

Set and reset by software to enable/disable the IRC48M stabilization interrupt
0: Disable the IRC48M stabilization interrupt
1: Enable the IRC48M stabilization interrupt

13:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 IRC48MSTBIF IRC48M stabilization interrupt flag

Set by hardware when the Internal 48 MHz RC oscillator clock is stable and the
IRC48MSTBIE bit is set.
Reset by software when setting the IRC48MSTBIC bit.
0: No IRC48M stabilization interrupt generated

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: IRC48M stabilization interrupt generated

5:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4.3.28. APB1 additional reset register (RCU_ADDAPB1RST)

Address offset: 0xE0
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

IREFRST Reserved Reserved

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset IREF unit

30:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27 CTCRST CTC reset

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: No reset
1: Reset CTC

26:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4.3.29. APB1 additional enable register (RCU_ADDAPB1EN)

Address offset: 0xE4
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

IREFEN Reserved CTCEN Reserved

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 IREFEN IREF interface clock enable
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled IREF clock
1: Enabled IREF clock

30:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27 CTCEN CTC clock enable

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CTC clock
1: Enabled CTC clock

26:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4.3.30. APB1 additional sleep mode enable register (RCU_ADDAPB1SPEN)

Address offset: 0xE8
Reset value: 0x8800 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved Reserved

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 IREFSPEN IREF interface clock enable when sleep mode
This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled IREF clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled IREF clock when sleep mode

30:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27 CTCSPEN CTC clock enable when sleep mode

This bit is set and reset by software.
0: Disabled CTC clock when sleep mode
1: Enabled CTC clock when sleep mode

26:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
4.3.31. Voltage key register (RCU_VKEY)
Address offset: 0x100
Reset value: 0x0000 0000.

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 KEY[31:0] The key of RCU_DSV register
These bits are written only by software and read as 0. Only after write
0x1A2B3C4D to the RCU_VKEY, the RCU_DSV register can be written.

4.3.32. Deep-sleep mode voltage register (RCU_DSV)

Address offset: 0x134
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by byte(8-bit), half-word(16-bit) and word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved DSLPVS[2:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 DSLPVS[2:0] Deep-sleep mode voltage select

These bits are set and reset by software
000 : The core voltage is 1.0V in Deep-sleep mode
001 : The core voltage is 0.9V in Deep-sleep mode
010 : The core voltage is 0.8V in Deep-sleep mode
011 : The core voltage is 0.7V in Deep-sleep mode
100~111 : Reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual
5. Clock trim controller (CTC)

5.1. Overview

The clock trim controller (CTC) is used to trim internal 48MHz RC oscillator (IRC48M)
automatically by hardware. When using IRC48M as USBFS/USBHS clock source, the
IRC48M must be 48 MHz with 500ppm accuracy. The internal oscillator cannot meet such
high accuracy, so it is needed to calibrate the IRC48M. The CTC unit trims the frequency of
the IRC48M which is based on an external accurate reference signal source. It can adjust the
calibration value to provide a precise IRC48M clock automatically or manually.

5.2. Characteristics

 Four external reference signal sources: GPIO, LXTAL clock, USBFS_SOF or

 Provide software reference sync pulse.
 Trimmed by hardware without any software action automatically.
 16 bits trim counter with reference signal source capture and reload function.
 8 bits clock trim base value used for frequency evaluation and automatic trim.
 Flags or interrupts to indicate whether the clock trim status is OK (CKOKIF), warning
(CKWARNIF) or error (ERRIF).

GD32F4xx User Manual
5.3. Function overview

Figure 5-1.Block diagram of CTC





1'b0 11

REF sync pulse




5.3.1. Reference sync pulse generator

Firstly, the reference signal source can select GPIO, LXTAL clock output, or USBSOF by
setting REFSEL bits in CTC_CTL1 register. When selecting USBSOF, it can select USBFS
SOF or USBHS SOF by setting USBSOFSEL bit in CTC_CTL1 register.

Secondly, the selected reference signal source uses a configurable polarity by setting
REFPOL bit in CTC_CTL1 register, and can be divided to a suitable frequency with a
configurable prescaler by setting REFPSC bits in CTC_CTL1 register.

Thirdly, if a software reference pulse is needed, write 1 to SWREFPUL bit in CTC_CTL0

register. The software reference pulse generated in last step is logical OR with the external
reference pulse.

GD32F4xx User Manual
5.3.2. CTC trim counter

The CTC trim counter is clocked by CK_IRC48M. After the CNTEN bit in CTC_CTL0 register
is set, and a first REF sync pulse is detected, the counter starts down-counting from
RLVALUE (defined in CTC_CTL1 register). If any REF sync pulse is detected, the counter
reloads the RLVALUE and starts down-counting again. If no REF sync pulse is detected, the
counter down-counts to zero, and then up-counts to 128 x CKLIM (defined in CTC_CTL1
register), and then stops until next REF sync pulse is detected. If any REF sync pulse is
detected, the current CTC trim counter value is captured to REFCAP in status register
(CTC_STAT), and the counter direction is captured to REFDIR in status register (CTC_STAT).
The detail shows as following figure.

Figure 5-2. CTC trim counter

Counter value


128 x CKLIM



TRIM VALUE +2 +1 0 -1 -2

5.3.3. Frequency evaluation and automatic trim process

The clock frequency evaluation is performed when a REF sync pulse occurs. If a REF sync
pulse occurs on down-counting, it means the current clock is slower than correct clock (the
frequency of 48M). It needs to increase the TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0 register. If a REF sync
pulse occurs on up-counting, it means the current clock is faster than correct clock (the
frequency of 48M). It needs to reduce the TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0 register. The CKOKIF,
CKWARNIF, CKERR and REFMISS in CTC_STAT register show the frequency evaluation

If the AUTOTRIM bit in CTC_CTL0 register is set, the automatic hardware trim mode is
GD32F4xx User Manual
enabled. In this mode, if a REF sync pulse occurs on down-counting, it means the current
clock is slower than correct clock, the TRIMVALUE will be increased to raise the clock
frequency automatically. Vice versa when it occurs on up-counting, the TRIMVALUE will be
decreased to reduce the clock frequency automatically.

 Counter < CKLIM when REF sync pulse is detected.

When the CKOKIF in CTC_STAT register is set, an interrupt will be generated if CKOKIE
bit in CTC_CTL0 register is 1.

If the AUTOTRIM bit in CTC_CTL0 register is set, the TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0 register
is not changed.

 CKLIM ≤ Counter < 3 x CKLIM when REF sync pulse is detected.

When the CKOKIF in CTC_STAT register is set, an interrupt will be generated if CKOKIE
bit in CTC_CTL0 register is 1.

If the AUTOTRIM bit in CTC_CTL0 register is set, the TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0

register adds 1 when down-counting or subtracts 1 when up-counting.

 3 x CKLIM ≤ Counter < 128 x CKLIM when REF sync pulse is detected.

When the CKWARNIF in CTC_STAT register is set, an interrupt will be generated if

CKWARNIE bit in CTC_CTL0 register is 1.

If the AUTOTRIM bit in CTC_CTL0 register is set, the TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0

register adds 2 when down-counting or subtracts 2 when up-counting.

 Counter ≥ 128 x CKLIM when down-counting and a REF sync pulse is detected.

When the CKERR in CTC_STAT register is set, an interrupt will be generated if ERRIE
bit in CTC_CTL0 register is 1.

The TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0 register is not changed

 Counter = 128 x CKLIM when up-counting.

When the REFMISS in CTC_STAT register is set, an interrupt will be generated if ERRIE
bit in CTC_CTL0 register is 1.

The TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0 register is not changed.

If adjusting the TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0 register over 63, the overflow will be occurred,
while adjusting the TRIMVALUE under 0, the underflow will be occurred. The TRIMVALUE
ranges from 0 to 63 (the TRIMVALUE is 63 if overflow, the TRIMVALUE is 0 if underflow).
Then, the TRIMERR in CTC_STAT register will be set, and an interrupt will be generated if
ERRIE bit in CTC_CTL0 register is 1.

5.3.4. Software program guide

The RLVALUE and CKLIM bits in CTC_CTL1 register are critical to evaluate the clock
GD32F4xx User Manual
frequency and automatic hardware trim. The value is calculated by the correct clock frequency
(IRC48M:48 MHz) and the frequency of REF sync pulse. The ideal case is REF sync pulse
occurs when the CTC counter is zero, so the RLVALUE is:

RLVALUE=(Fclock ÷ FREF )-1 (5-1)

The CKLIM is set by user according to the clock accuracy. It is recommend to set it to half of
the step size, so the CKLIM is:

CKLIM=(Fclock ÷ FREF ) ×0.12% ÷2 (5-2)

The typical step size is 0.12%. Where the Fclock is the frequency of correct clock (IRC48M),
the FREF is the frequency of reference sync pulse.

GD32F4xx User Manual
5.4. Register definition

CTC base address: 0x4000 C800

5.4.1. Control register 0 (CTC_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 2000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw w rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:8 TRIMVALUE[5:0] IRC48M trim value

When AUTOTRIM in CTC_CTL0 register is 0, these bits are set and cleared by
software. This mode is used for software calibration.
When AUTOTRIM in CTC_CTL0 register is 1, these bits are read only. The value
is modified by hardware automatically. This mode is used for trim by hardware.
The middle value is 32. When increasing 1, the IRC48M clock frequency adds
around 57KHz. When decreasing 1, the IRC48M clock frequency subtracts around

7 SWREFPUL Software reference source sync pulse

This bit is set by software, and a reference sync pulse is generated to CTC
counter. This bit is cleared by hardware automatically and read as 0.
0: No effect
1: Generates a software reference source sync pulse

6 AUTOTRIM Hardware automatic trim mode

This bit is set and cleared by software. When this bit is set, the hardware
automatic trim is enabled, the TRIMVALUE bits in CTC_CTL0 register are
modified by hardware automatically, until the frequency of IRC48M clock is closed
to 48MHz.
0: Hardware automatic trim disabled
1: Hardware automatic trim enabled

5 CNTEN CTC counter enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set and cleared by software. This bit is used to enable or disable the
CTC trim counter. When this bit is set, the CTC_CTL1 register cannot be modified.
0: CTC trim counter disabled
1: CTC trim counter enabled.

4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 EREFIE Expected reference (EREFIF) interrupt enable

0: EREFIF interrupt disable
1: EREFIF interrupt enable

2 ERRIE Error (ERRIF) interrupt enable

0: ERRIF interrupt disable
1: ERRIF interrupt enable

1 CKWARNIE Clock trim warning (CKWARNIF) interrupt enable

0: CKWARNIF interrupt disable
1: CKWARNIF interrupt enable

0 CKOKIE Clock trim ok (CKOKIF) interrupt enable

0: CKOKIF interrupt disable
1: CKOKIF interrupt enable

5.4.2. Control register 1 (CTC_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x2022 BB7F

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit).

This register cannot be modified when CNTEN is 1.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

REFPOL REFSEL[1:0] Reserved REFPSC[2:0] CKLIM[7:0]

rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 REFPOL Reference signal source polarity
This bit is set and cleared by software to select reference signal source polarity
0: Rising edge selected
1: Falling edge selected

30 USBSOFSEL USBFS or USBHS SOF signal selection

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set and cleared by software to select USBFS or USBHS SOF signal to
reference signal source when REFSEL bits set to 0b10.
0: USBFS SOF selected
1: USBHS SOF selected

29:28 REFSEL[1:0] Reference signal source selection

These bits are set and cleared by software to select reference signal source.
00: GPIO selected
01: LXTAL clock selected
10: USBSOF selected, refer to USBSOFSEL bit to select USBFS SOF or USBHS
11: Reserved.

27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26:24 REFPSC[2:0] Reference signal source prescaler

These bits are set and cleared by software
000: Reference signal not divided
001: Reference signal divided by 2
010: Reference signal divided by 4
011: Reference signal divided by 8
100: Reference signal divided by 16
101: Reference signal divided by 32
110: Reference signal divided by 64
111: Reference signal divided by 128

23:16 CKLIM[7:0] Clock trim base limit value

These bits are set and cleared by software to define the clock trim base limit
value. These bits are used for frequency evaluation and automatic trim process.
Please refer to the Frequency evaluation and automatic trim process for detail.

15:0 RLVALUE[15:0] CTC counter reload value

These bits are set and cleared by software to define the CTC counter reload
value. These bits reload to CTC trim counter when a reference sync pulse is

5.4.3. Status register (CTC_STAT)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

GD32F4xx User Manual

r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 REFCAP[15:0] CTC counter capture value.
When a reference sync pulse occurs, the CTC trim counter value is captured to
REFCAP bits.

15 REFDIR CTC trim counter direction

When a reference sync pulse occurs during the counter is working, the CTC trim
counter direction is captured to REFDIR bit.
0: Up-counting
1: Down-counting

14:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 TRIMERR Trim value error bit

This bit is set by hardware when the TRIMVALUE in CTC_CTL0 register is
overflow or underflow. When the ERRIE in CTC_CTL0 register is set, an interrupt
occurs. This bit is cleared by writing 1 to ERRIC bit in CTC_INTC register.
0: No trim value error occurs
1: Trim value error occurs

9 REFMISS Reference sync pulse miss

This bit is set by hardware when the reference sync pulse is missing. This occurs
when the CTC trim counter reaches 128 x CKLIM during up-counting and no
reference sync pulse is detected. This means the clock is too fast to be trimmed to
the correct frequency or other error has occurred. When the ERRIE in CTC_CTL0
register is set, an interrupt occurs. This bit is cleared by writing 1 to ERRIC bit in
CTC_INTC register.
0: No Reference sync pulse miss occurs
1: Reference sync pulse miss occurs

8 CKERR Clock trim error bit

This bit is set by hardware when the clock trim error occurs. This occurs when the
CTC trim counter is greater than or equal to 128 x CKLIM during down-counting
when a reference sync pulse is detected. This means the clock is too slow and
cannot be trimmed to the correct frequency. When the ERRIE in CTC_CTL0
register is set, an interrupt occurs. This bit is cleared by writing 1 to ERRIC bit in
CTC_INTC register.
0: No Clock trim error occurs
1: Clock trim error occurs

7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 EREFIF Expected reference interrupt flag

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set by hardware when the CTC counter reaches 0. When the EREFIE in
CTC_CTL0 register is set, an interrupt occurs. This bit is cleared by writing 1 to
EREFIC bit in CTC_INTC register.
0: No Expected reference occurs
1: Expected reference occurs

2 ERRIF Error interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware when an error occurs. If any error of TRIMERR,
REFMISS or CKERR occurs, this bit will be set. When the ERRIE in CTC_CTL0
register is set, an interrupt occurs. This bit is cleared by writing 1 to ERRIC bit in
CTC_INTC register.
0: No Error occurs
1: An error occurs

1 CKWARNIF Clock trim warning interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware when a clock trim warning occurs. If the CTC trim
counter is greater than or equal to 3 x CKLIM and is smaller than 128 x CKLIM
when a reference sync pulse is detected, this bit will be set. This means the clock
is too slow or too fast, but can be trimmed to the correct frequency. The
TRIMVALUE adds 2 or subtracts 2 when a clock trim warning occurs. When the
CKWARNIE in CTC_CTL0 register is set, an interrupt occurs. This bit is cleared by
writing 1 to CKWARNIC bit in CTC_INTC register.
0: No Clock trim warning occurs
1: Clock trim warning occurs

0 CKOKIF Clock trim OK interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware when the clock trim is OK. If the CTC trim counter is
smaller than 3 x CKLIM when a reference sync pulse is detected, this bit will be
set. This means the clock is OK for using. The TRIMVALUE needs not to be
adjusted. When the CKOKIE in CTC_CTL0 register is 1, an interrupt occurs. This
bit is cleared by writing 1 to CKOKIC bit in CTC_INTC register.
0: No Clock trim OK occurs
1: Clock trim OK occurs

5.4.4. Interrupt clear register (CTC_INTC)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

GD32F4xx User Manual

w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 EREFIC EREFIF interrupt clear bit

This bit is written by software and read as 0. Write 1 to clear EREFIF bit in
CTC_STAT register. Writing 0 has no effect.

2 ERRIC ERRIF interrupt clear bit

This bit is written by software and read as 0. Write 1 to clear ERRIF, TRIMERR,
REFMISS and CKERR bits in CTC_STAT register. Writing 0 has no effect.

1 CKWARNIC CKWARNIF interrupt clear bit

This bit is written by software and read as 0. Write 1 to clear CKWARNIF bit in
CTC_STAT register. Writing 0 has no effect.

0 CKOKIC CKOKIF interrupt clear bit

This bit is written by software and read as 0. Write 1 to clear CKOKIF bit in
CTC_STAT register. Writing 0 has no effect.

GD32F4xx User Manual
6. Interrupt/event controller (EXTI)

6.1. Overview

Cortex-M4 integrates the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) for efficient exception
and interrupts processing. NVIC facilitates low-latency exception and interrupt handling and
controls power management. It’s tightly coupled to the processer core. More details about
NVIC could be referred to Technical Reference Manual of Cortex-M4.

EXTI (interrupt/event controller) contains up to 23 independent edge detectors and generates

interrupt requests or events to the processer. The EXTI has three trigger types: rising edge,
falling edge and both edges. Each edge detector in the EXTI can be configured and masked

6.2. Characteristics

 Cortex-M4 system exception

 Up to 91 maskable peripheral interrupts

 4 bits interrupt priority configuration—16 priority levels

 Efficient interrupt processing

 Support exception pre-emption and tail-chaining

 Wake up system from power saving mode

 Up to 23 independent edge detectors in EXTI

 Three trigger types: rising, falling and both edges

 Software interrupt or event trigger

 Trigger sources configurable

6.3. Interrupts function overview

The ARM Cortex-M4 processor and the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) prioritize
and handle all exceptions in Handler Mode. The processor state is automatically stored to the
stack on an exception and automatically restored from the stack at the end of the Interrupt
Service Routine (ISR).

The vector is fetched in parallel to the state saving, enabling efficient interrupt entry. The
processor supports tail-chaining, which enables back-to-back interrupts to be performed
without the overhead of state saving and restoration. The following tables list all exception

GD32F4xx User Manual

Table 6-1. NVIC exception types in Cortex-M4

Exception Type Priority (a) Vector Address Description
- 0 - 0x0000_0000 Reserved
Reset 1 -3 0x0000_0004 Reset
NMI 2 -2 0x0000_0008 Non maskable interrupt.
HardFault 3 -1 0x0000_000C All class of fault
MemManage 4 Programmable 0x0000_0010 Memory management
Prefetch fault, memory access
BusFault 5 Programmable 0x0000_0014
Undefined instruction or illegal
UsageFault 6 Programmable 0x0000_0018
0x0000_001C -
- 7-10 - Reserved
System service call via SWI
SVCall 11 Programmable 0x0000_002C
Debug Monitor 12 Programmable 0x0000_0030 Debug Monitor
- 13 - 0x0000_0034 Reserved
Pendable request for system
PendSV 14 Programmable 0x0000_0038
SysTick 15 Programmable 0x0000_003C System tick timer

The SysTick calibration value is 25000 and SysTick clock frequency is fixed to HCLK*0.125.
So this will give a 1ms SysTick interrupt if HCLK is configured to 200MHz,

Table 6-2. Interrupt vector table

Interrupt Vector
Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address
Number Number
IRQ 0 16 WWDGT interrupt 0x0000_0040
IRQ 1 17 LVD from EXTI interrupt 0x0000_0044
RTC Tamper and TimeStamp from EXTI
IRQ 2 18 0x0000_0048
IRQ 3 19 RTC wakeup from EXTI interrupt 0x0000_004C
IRQ 4 20 FMC global interrupt 0x0000_0050
IRQ 5 21 RCU and CTC interrupt 0x0000_0054
IRQ 6 22 EXTI Line0 interrupt 0x0000_0058
IRQ 7 23 EXTI Line1 interrupt 0x0000_005C
IRQ 8 24 EXTI Line2 interrupt 0x0000_0060
IRQ 9 25 EXTI Line3 interrupt 0x0000_0064
IRQ 10 26 EXTI Line4 interrupt 0x0000_0068
IRQ 11 27 DMA0 channel0 global interrupt 0x0000_006C

GD32F4xx User Manual
Interrupt Vector
Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address
Number Number
IRQ 12 28 DMA0 channel1 global interrupt 0x0000_0070
IRQ 13 29 DMA0 channel2 global interrupt 0x0000_0074
IRQ 14 30 DMA0 channel3 global interrupt 0x0000_0078
IRQ 15 31 DMA0 channel4 global interrupt 0x0000_007C
IRQ 16 32 DMA0 channel5 global interrupt 0x0000_0080
IRQ 17 33 DMA0 channel6 global interrupt 0x0000_0084
IRQ 18 34 ADC global interrupt 0x0000_0088
IRQ 19 35 CAN0 TX interrupts 0x0000_008C
IRQ 20 36 CAN0 RX0 interrupts 0x0000_0090
IRQ 21 37 CAN0 RX1 interrupts 0x0000_0094
IRQ 22 38 CAN0 EWMC interrupts 0x0000_0098
IRQ 23 39 EXTI line[9:5] interrupts 0x0000_009C
TIMER0 break interrupt and TIMER8
IRQ 24 40 0x0000_00A0
global interrupt
TIMER0 update interrupt and TIMER9
IRQ 25 41 0x0000_00A4
global interrupt
TIMER0 trigger and Channel commutation
IRQ 26 42 0x0000_00A8
interrupts and TIMER10 global interrupt
IRQ 27 43 TIMER0 capture compare interrupt 0x0000_00AC
IRQ 28 44 TIMER1 global interrupt 0x0000_00B0
IRQ 29 45 TIMER2 global interrupt 0x0000_00B4
IRQ 30 46 TIMER3 global interrupt 0x0000_00B8
IRQ 31 47 I2C0 event interrupt 0x0000_00BC
IRQ 32 48 I2C0 error interrupt 0x0000_00C0
IRQ 33 49 I2C1 event interrupt 0x0000_00C4
IRQ 34 50 I2C1 error interrupt 0x0000_00C8
IRQ 35 51 SPI0 global interrupt 0x0000_00CC
IRQ 36 52 SPI1 global interrupt 0x0000_00D0
IRQ 37 53 USART0 global interrupt 0x0000_00D4
IRQ 38 54 USART1 global interrupt 0x0000_00D8
IRQ 39 55 USART2 global interrupt 0x0000_00DC
IRQ 40 56 EXTI line[15:10] interrupts 0x0000_00E0
IRQ 41 57 RTC alarm from EXTI interrupt 0x0000_00E4
IRQ 42 58 USBFS wakeup from EXTI interrupt 0x0000_00E8
TIMER7 break interrupt and TIMER11
IRQ 43 59 0x0000_00EC
global interrupt
TIMER7 update interrupt and TIMER12
IRQ 44 60 0x0000_00F0
global interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
Interrupt Vector
Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address
Number Number
TIMER7 trigger and Channel commutation
IRQ 45 61 0x0000_00F4
interrupts and TIMER13 global interrupt
IRQ 46 62 TIMER7 capture compare interrupt 0x0000_00F8
IRQ 47 63 DMA0 channel7 global interrupt 0x0000_00FC
IRQ 48 64 EXMC global interrupt 0x0000_0100
IRQ 49 65 SDIO global interrupt 0x0000_0104
IRQ 50 66 TIMER4 global interrupt 0x0000_0108
IRQ 51 67 SPI2 global interrupt 0x0000_010C
IRQ 52 68 UART3 global interrupt 0x0000_0110
IRQ 53 69 UART4 global interrupt 0x0000_0114
TIMER5 global interrupt
IRQ 54 70 0x0000_0118
DAC0, DAC1 underrun error interrupt
IRQ 55 71 TIMER6 global interrupt 0x0000_011C
IRQ 56 72 DMA1 channel0 global interrupt 0x0000_0120
IRQ 57 73 DMA1 channel1 global interrupt 0x0000_0124
IRQ 58 74 DMA1 channel2 global interrupt 0x0000_0128
IRQ 59 75 DMA1 channel3 global interrupt 0x0000_012C
IRQ 60 76 DMA1 channel4 global interrupt 0x0000_0130
IRQ 61 77 Ethernet global interrupt 0x0000_0134
IRQ 62 78 Ethernet wakeup from EXTI interrupt 0x0000_0138
IRQ 63 79 CAN1 TX interrupts 0x0000_013C
IRQ 64 80 CAN1 RX0 interrupts 0x0000_0140
IRQ 65 81 CAN1 RX1 interrupt 0x0000_0144
IRQ 66 82 CAN1 EWMC interrupt 0x0000_0148

IRQ 67 83 USBFS global interrupt 0x0000_014C

IRQ 68 84 DMA1 channel5 global interrupt 0x0000_0150

IRQ 69 85 DMA1 channel6 global interrupt 0x0000_0154
IRQ 70 86 DMA1 channel7 global interrupt 0x0000_0158
IRQ 71 87 USART5 global interrupt 0x0000_015C
IRQ 72 88 I2C2 event interrupt 0x0000_0160
IRQ 73 89 I2C2 error interrupt 0x0000_0164
IRQ 74 90 USBHS endpoint 1 out interrupt 0x0000_0168
IRQ 75 91 USBHS endpoint 1 in interrupt 0x0000_016C
IRQ 76 92 USBHS wakeup from EXTI interrupt 0x0000_0170
IRQ 77 93 USBHS global interrupt 0x0000_0174
IRQ78 94 DCI global interrupt 0x0000_0178
IRQ79 95 Reserved 0x0000_017C
IRQ80 96 TRNG global interrupt 0x0000_0180
IRQ 81 97 FPU global interrupt 0x0000_0184

GD32F4xx User Manual
Interrupt Vector
Peripheral Interrupt Description Vector Address
Number Number
IRQ82 98 UART6 global interrupt 0x0000_0188
IRQ83 99 UART7 global interrupt 0x0000_018C
IRQ84 100 SPI3 global interrupt 0x0000_0190
IRQ85 101 SPI4 global interrupt 0x0000_0194
IRQ86 102 SPI5 global interrupt 0x0000_0198
IRQ87 103 Reserved 0x0000_019C
IRQ88 104 TLI global interrupt 0x0000_01A0
IRQ89 105 TLI global error interrupt 0x0000_01A4
IRQ90 106 IPA global interrupt 0x0000_01A8

6.4. External interrupt and event (EXTI) block diagram

Figure 6-1. Block diagram of EXTI

Polarity Software
Control Trigger

EXTI Line0~22

Interrupt Mask

To Wakeup Unit
Event Event Mask
Generate Control

6.5. External Interrupt and Event function overview

The EXTI contains up to 23 independent edge detectors and generates interrupts request or
event to the processer. The EXTI has three trigger types: rising edge, falling edge and both
edges. Each edge detector in the EXTI can be configured and masked independently.

GD32F4xx User Manual
The EXTI trigger source includes 16 external lines from GPIO pins and 7 lines from internal
modules (including LVD, RTC Alarm, USB Wakeup, Ethernet Wakeup, RTC Tamper and
TimeStamp, RTC Wakeup). All GPIO pins can be selected as an EXTI trigger source by
configuring SYSCFG_EXTISSx registers in SYSCFG module (please refer to SYSCFG
section for detail).

EXTI can provide not only interrupts but also event signals to the processor. The Cortex-M4
processor fully implements the Wait For Interrupt (WFI), Wait For Event (WFE) and the Send
Event (SEV) instructions. The Wake-up Interrupt Controller (WIC) enables the processor and
NVIC to be put into a very low-power sleep mode leaving the WIC to identify and prioritize
interrupts and event. EXTI can be used to wake up processor and the whole system when
some expected event occurs, such as a special GPIO pin toggling or RTC alarm.

Table 6-3. EXTI source

0 PA0/PB0/PC0/PD0/PE0/PF0/PG0/PH0/PI0
1 PA1/PB1/PC1/PD1/PE1/PF1/PG1/PH1/PI1
2 PA2/PB2/PC2/PD2/PE2/PF2/PG2/PH2/PI2
3 PA3/PB3/PC3/PD3/PE3/PF3/PG3/PH3/PI3
4 PA4/PB4/PC4/PD4/PE4/PF4/PG4/PH4/PI4
5 PA5/PB5/PC5/PD5/PE5/PF5/PG5/PH5/PI5
6 PA6/PB6/PC6/PD6/PE6/PF6/PG6/PH6/PI6
7 PA7/PB7/PC7/PD7/PE7/PF7/PG7/PH7/PI7
8 PA8/PB8/PC8/PD8/PE8/PF8/PG8/PH8/PI8
9 PA9/PB9/PC9/PD9/PE9/PF9/PG9/PH9/PI9
10 PA10/PB10/PC10/PD10/PE10/PF10/PG10/PH10/PI10
11 PA11/PB11/PC11/PD11/PE11/PF11/PG11/PH11/PI11
12 PA12/PB12/PC12/PD12/PE12/PF12/PG12/PH12
13 PA13/PB13/PC13/PD13/PE13/PF13/PG13/PH13
14 PA14/PB14/PC14/PD14/PE14/PF14/PG14/PH14
15 PA15/PB15/PC15/PD15/PE15/PF15/PG15/PH15
16 LVD
17 RTC Alarm
18 USBFS Wakeup
19 Ethernet Wakeup
20 USBHS Wakeup
21 RTC Tamper and TimeStamp event
22 RTC Wakeup

GD32F4xx User Manual
6.6. Register definition

EXTI base address: 0x4001 3C00

6.6.1. Interrupt enable register (EXTI_INTEN)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22: 0 INTENx Interrupt enable bit

0: Interrupt from Linex is disabled.
1: Interrupt from Linex is enabled.

6.6.2. Event enable register (EXTI_EVEN)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22: 0 EVENx Event enable bit

0: Event from Linex is disabled.
1: Event from Linex is enabled.

GD32F4xx User Manual
6.6.3. Rising edge trigger enable register (EXTI_RTEN)
Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22:0 RTENx Rising edge trigger enable

0: Rising edge of Linex is invalid
1: Rising edge of Linex is valid as an interrupt/event request

6.6.4. Falling edge trigger enable register (EXTI_FTEN)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31: 23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22: 0 FTENx Falling edge trigger enable

0: Falling edge of Linex is invalid
1: Falling edge of Linex is valid as an interrupt/event request

6.6.5. Software interrupt event register (EXTI_SWIEV)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22: 0 SWIEVx Interrupt/Event software trigger

0: Deactivate the EXTIx software interrupt/event request
1: Activate the EXTIx software interrupt/event request

6.6.6. Pending register (EXTI_PD)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: undefined

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved PD22 PD21 PD20 PD19 PD18 PD17 PD16

rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

PD15 PD14 PD13 PD12 PD11 PD10 PD9 PD8 PD7 PD6 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0

rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31: 23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22: 0 PDx Interrupt pending status

0: EXTI Linex is not triggered
1: EXTI Linex is triggered. This bit is cleared to 0 by writing 1 to it.

GD32F4xx User Manual
7. General-purpose and alternate-function I/Os (GPIO
and AFIO)

7.1. Overview

There are up to 140 general purpose I/O pins (GPIO), named PA0 ~ PA15, PB0 ~ PB15, PC0
~ PC15, PD0 ~ PD15, PE0 ~ PE15, PF0 ~ PF15, PG0 ~ PG15, PH0 ~ PH15 and PI0 ~ PI11
for the device to implement logic input/output functions. Each GPIO port has related control
and configuration registers to satisfy the requirements of specific applications. The external
interrupts on the GPIO pins of the device have related control and configuration registers in
the Interrupt/Event Controller Unit (EXTI).

The GPIO ports are pin-shared with other alternative functions (AFs) to obtain maximum
flexibility on the package pins. The GPIO pins can be used as alternative functional pins by
configuring the corresponding registers regardless of the AF input or output pins.

Each of the GPIO pins can be configured by software as output (push-pull or open-drain),
input, peripheral alternate function or analog mode. Each GPIO pin can be configured as pull-
up, pull-down or no pull-up/pull-down. All GPIOs are high-current capable except for analog

7.2. Characteristics

 Input/output direction control

 Schmitt trigger input function enable control
 Each pin weak pull-up/pull-down function
 Output push-pull/open drain enable control
 Output set/reset control
 External interrupt with programmable trigger edge – using EXTI configuration registers.
 Analog input/output configuration
 Alternate function input/output configuration
 Port configuration lock
 Single cycle toggle output capability

7.3. Function overview

Each of the general-purpose I/O ports can be configured as GPIO inputs, GPIO outputs, AF
function or analog mode by GPIO 32-bit configuration registers (GPIOx_CTL). When select
AF function, the pad input or output is decided by selected AF function output enable. When
the port is output (GPIO output or AFIO output), it can be configured as push-pull or open
drain mode by GPIO output mode registers (GPIOx_OMODE). And the port max speed can
GD32F4xx User Manual
be configured by GPIO output speed registers (GPIOx_OSPD). Each port can be configured
as floating (no pull-up and pull-down), pull-up or pull-down function by GPIO pull-up/pull-down
registers (GPIOx_PUD).

Table 7-1. GPIO configuration table


Floating 00
X pull-up 00 X 01
pull-down 10
Floating 00
push-pull pull-up 0 01
GPIO pull-down 10
OUTPUT Floating 00
open-drain pull-up 1 01
pull-down 10
Floating 00
X pull-up 10 X 01
pull-down 10
Floating 00
push-pull pull-up 0 01
AFIO pull-down 10
OUTPUT Floating 00
open-drain pull-up 1 01
pull-down 10

Figure 7-1. Basic structure of a standard I/O port bit shows the basic structure of an I/O
Port bit.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 7-1. Basic structure of a standard I/O port bit

Write Bit Operate

Output Output driver
Control Vdd
Read/Write Register

Control Vdd
Alternate Function Output
Analog ( Input / Output ) I/O pin

Alternate Function Input

Read Input
Input driver trigger

7.3.1. GPIO pin configuration

During or just after the reset period, the alternative functions are all inactive and the GPIO
ports are configured into the input floating mode that input disabled without Pull-Up(PU)/Pull-
Down(PD) resistors. But the JTAG/Serial-Wired Debug pins are in input PU/PD mode after

PA15: JTDI in PU mode

PA14: JTCK / SWCLK in PD mode

PA13: JTMS / SWDIO in PU mode

PB4: NJTRST in PU mode

PB3: JTDI in Floating mode

The GPIO pins can be configured as inputs or outputs. When the GPIO pins are configured
as input pins, all GPIO pins have an internal weak pull-up and weak pull-down which can be
chosen. And the data on the external pins can be captured at every AHB clock cycle to the
port input status register (GPIOx_ISTAT).

When the GPIO pins are configured as output pins, user can configure the speed of the ports.
And chooses the output driver mode: Push-Pull or Open-Drain mode. The value of the port
output control register (GPIOx_OCTL) is output on the I/O pin.

There is no need to read-then-write when programming the GPIOx_OCTL at bit level, the
user can modify only one or several bits in a single atomic AHB write access by programming
‘1’ to the bit operate register (GPIOx_BOP, or for clearing only GPIOx_BC, or for toggle only
GPIOx_TG). The other bits will not be affected.

GD32F4xx User Manual
7.3.2. External interrupt/event lines

All ports have external interrupt capability. To use external interrupt lines, the port must be
configured as input mode.

7.3.3. Alternate functions (AF)

When the port is configured as AFIO (set CTLy bits to “0b10”, which is in GPIOx_CTL
registers), the port is used as peripheral alternate functions. Each port has sixteen alternate
functions can be configured by GPIO alternate functions selected registers (GPIOx_AFSELz
(z = 0,1)). The detail alternate function assignments for each port are in the device datasheet.

7.3.4. Additional functions

Some pins have additional functions, which have priority over the configuration in the standard
GPIO registers. When for ADC or DAC additional functions, the port must be configured as
analog mode. When for RTC, WKUPx and oscillators additional functions, the port type is set
automatically by related RTC, PMU and RCU registers. These ports can be used as normal
GPIO when the additional functions disabled.

7.3.5. Input configuration

When GPIO pin is configured as Input:

 The schmitt trigger input is enabled.

 The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors could be chosen.
 Every AHB clock cycle the data present on the I/O pin is got to the port input status
 The output buffer is disabled.

Figure 7-2. Input configuration shows the input configuration.

Figure 7-2. Input configuration

Alternate Function Input Vdd


Read Input I/O pin

Input driver trigger


GD32F4xx User Manual
7.3.6. Output configuration

When GPIO pin is configured as output:

 The schmitt trigger input is enabled.

 The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors could be chosen.
 The output buffer is enabled.
 Open Drain Mode: The pad output low level when a “0” in the output control register;
while the pad leaves Hi-Z when a “1” in the output control register.
 Push-Pull Mode: The pad output low level when a “0” in the output control register; while
the pad output high level when a “1” in the output control register.
 A read access to the port output control register gets the last written value.
 A read access to the port input status register gets the I/O state.

Figure 7-3. Output configuration shows the output configuration.

Figure 7-3. Output configuration

Write Bit Operate

Output driver
Control Vdd
Read/Write Register

Alternate Function Output Control Vdd

I/O pin

Read Input
Input driver trigger

7.3.7. Analog configuration

When GPIO pin is used as analog configuration:

 The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors are disabled.

 The output buffer is disabled.
 The schmitt trigger input is disabled.
 The port input status register of this I/O port bit is “0”.

Figure 7-4. Analog configuration shows the analog configuration.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 7-4. Analog configuration


Analog ( Input / Output ) I/O pin

7.3.8. Alternate function (AF) configuration

To suit for different device packages, the GPIO supports some alternate functions mapped to
some other pins by software.

When be configured as alternate function:

 The output buffer is enabled in open-drain or push-pull configuration.

 The output buffer is driven by the peripheral.
 The schmitt trigger input is enabled.
 The weak pull-up and pull-down resistors could be chosen.
 The I/O pin data is stored into the port input status register every AHB clock.
 A read access to the port input status register gets the I/O state.
 A read access to the port output control register gets the last written value.

Figure 7-5. Alternate function configuration shows the alternate function configuration.

Figure 7-5. Alternate function configuration

Output driver

Alternate Function Output Output

Control Vdd

I/O pin

Alternate Function Input

Input driver trigger

7.3.9. GPIO locking function

The locking mechanism allows the IO configuration to be protected.

The protected registers are GPIOx_CTL, GPIOx_OMODE, GPIOx_OSPD, GPIOx_PUD and

GPIOx_AFSELz (z=0, 1). It allows the I/O configuration to be frozen by the 32-bit locking
GD32F4xx User Manual
register (GPIOx_LOCK). When the special LOCK sequence has occurred on LKK bit in
GPIOx_LOCK register and the LKy bit is set in GPIOx_LOCK register, the corresponding port
is locked and the corresponding port configuration cannot be modified until the next reset. It
recommended to be used in the configuration of driving a power module.

7.3.10. GPIO single cycle toggle function

GPIO could toggle the I/O output level in single AHB cycle by writing 1 to the corresponding
bit of GPIOx_TG register. The output signal frequency could up to the half of the AHB clock.

GD32F4xx User Manual
7.4. Register definition

GPIOA base address: 0x4002 0000

GPIOB base address: 0x4002 0400
GPIOC base address: 0x4002 0800
GPIOD base address: 0x4002 0C00
GPIOE base address: 0x4002 1000
GPIOF base address: 0x4002 1400
GPIOG base address: 0x4002 1800
GPIOH base address: 0x4002 1C00
GPIOI base address: 0x4002 2000

7.4.1. Port control register (GPIOx_CTL, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0xA800 0000 for port A;
0x0000 0280 for port B;
0x0000 0000 for others.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

CTL15[1:0] CTL14[1:0] CTL13[1:0] CTL12[1:0] CTL11[1:0] CTL10[1:0] CTL9[1:0] CTL8[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CTL7[1:0] CTL6[1:0] CTL5[1:0] CTL4[1:0] CTL3[1:0] CTL2[1:0] CTL1[1:0] CTL0[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 CTL15[1:0] Pin 15 configuration bits
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

29:28 CTL14[1:0] Pin 14 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

27:26 CTL13[1:0] Pin 13 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

25:24 CTL12[1:0] Pin 12 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

23:22 CTL11[1:0] Pin 11 configuration bits

GD32F4xx User Manual
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

21:20 CTL10[1:0] Pin 10 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

19:18 CTL9[1:0] Pin 9 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

17:16 CTL8[1:0] Pin 8 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

15:14 CTL7[1:0] Pin 7 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

13:12 CTL6[1:0] Pin 6 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

11:10 CTL5[1:0] Pin 5 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

9:8 CTL4[1:0] Pin 4 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

7:6 CTL3[1:0] Pin 3 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

5:4 CTL2[1:0] Pin 2 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

3:2 CTL1[1:0] Pin 1 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to CTL0[1:0]description

1:0 CTL0[1:0] Pin 0 configuration bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: GPIO Input mode (reset value)
01: GPIO output mode
10: Alternate function mode.
11: Analog mode (Input and Output)

GD32F4xx User Manual
7.4.2. Port output mode register (GPIOx_OMODE, x=A..I)
Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

OM15 OM14 OM13 OM12 OM11 OM10 OM9 OM8 OM7 OM6 OM5 OM4 OM3 OM2 OM1 OM0

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 OM15 Pin 15 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

14 OM14 Pin 14 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

13 OM13 Pin 13 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

12 OM12 Pin 12 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

11 OM11 Pin 11 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

10 OM10 Pin 10 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

9 OM9 Pin 9 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

8 OM8 Pin 8 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

7 OM7 Pin 7 output mode bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

6 OM6 Pin 6 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

5 OM5 Pin 5 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

4 OM4 Pin 4 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

3 OM3 Pin 3 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

2 OM2 Pin 2 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

1 OM1 Pin 1 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OM0 description

0 OM0 Pin 0 output mode bit

These bits are set and cleared by software.
0: Output push-pull mode (reset value)
1: Output open-drain mode

7.4.3. Port output speed register (GPIOx_OSPD, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0C00 0000 for port A;
0x0000 00C0 for port B;
0x0000 0000 for others.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

OSPD15[1:0] OSPD14[1:0] OSPD13[1:0] OSPD12[1:0] OSPD11[1:0] OSPD10[1:0] OSPD9[1:0] OSPD8[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

OSPD7[1:0] OSPD6[1:0] OSPD5[1:0] OSPD4[1:0] OSPD3[1:0] OSPD2[1:0] OSPD1[1:0] OSPD0[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:30 OSPD15[1:0] Pin 15 output max speed bits
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

29:28 OSPD14[1:0] Pin 14 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

27:26 OSPD13[1:0] Pin 13 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

25:24 OSPD12[1:0] Pin 12 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

23:22 OSPD11[1:0] Pin 11 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

21:20 OSPD10[1:0] Pin 10 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

19:18 OSPD9[1:0] Pin 9 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

17:16 OSPD8[1:0] Pin 8 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

15:14 OSPD7[1:0] Pin 7 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

13:12 OSPD6[1:0] Pin 6 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

11:10 OSPD5[1:0] Pin 5 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

9:8 OSPD4[1:0] Pin 4 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

7:6 OSPD3[1:0] Pin 3 output max speed bits

GD32F4xx User Manual
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

5:4 OSPD2[1:0] Pin 2 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

3:2 OSPD1[1:0] Pin 1 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to OSPD0[1:0]description

1:0 OSPD0[1:0] Pin 0 output max speed bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: Output speed level 0 (reset state)
01: Output speed level 1
10: Output speed level 2
11: Output speed level 3

7.4.4. Port pull-up/pull-down register (GPIOx_PUD, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x6400 0000 for port A;
0x0000 0100 for port B;
0x0000 0000 for others.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

PUD15[1:0] PUD14[1:0] PUD13[1:0] PUD12[1:0] PUD11[1:0] PUD10[1:0] PUD9[1:0] PUD8[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

PUD7[1:0] PUD6[1:0] PUD5[1:0] PUD4[1:0] PUD3[1:0] PUD2[1:0] PUD1[1:0] PUD0[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 PUD15[1:0] Pin 15 pull-up or pull-down bits
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

29:28 PUD14[1:0] Pin 14 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

27:26 PUD13[1:0] Pin 13 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

25:24 PUD12[1:0] Pin 12 pull-up or pull-down bits

GD32F4xx User Manual
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

23:22 PUD11[1:0] Pin 11 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

21:20 PUD10[1:0] Pin 10 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

19:18 PUD9[1:0] Pin 9 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

17:16 PUD8[1:0] Pin 8 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

15:14 PUD7[1:0] Pin 7 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

13:12 PUD6[1:0] Pin 6 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

11:10 PUD5[1:0] Pin 5 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

9:8 PUD4[1:0] Pin 4 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

7:6 PUD3[1:0] Pin 3 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

5:4 PUD2[1:0] Pin 2 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

3:2 PUD1[1:0] Pin 1 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to PUD0[1:0]description

1:0 PUD0[1:0] Pin 0 pull-up or pull-down bits

These bits are set and cleared by software.
00: Floating mode, no pull-up and pull-down (reset value)
GD32F4xx User Manual
01: With pull-up mode
10: With pull-down mode
11: Reserved

7.4.5. Port input status register (GPIOx_ISTAT, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 XXXX
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 ISTATy Pin input status(y=0..15)

These bits are set and cleared by hardware.
0: Input signal low
1: Input signal high

7.4.6. Port output control register (GPIOx_OCTL, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 OCTLy Pin output control(y=0..15)

These bits are set and cleared by software.
0: Pin output low

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Pin output high

7.4.7. Port bit operate register (GPIOx_BOP, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x18
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

CR15 CR14 CR13 CR12 CR11 CR10 CR9 CR8 CR7 CR6 CR5 CR4 CR3 CR2 CR1 CR0

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 CRy Pin Clear bit y(y=0..15)
These bits are set and cleared by software.
0: No action on the corresponding OCTLy bit
1: Clear the corresponding OCTLy bit to 0

15:0 BOPy Pin Set bit y(y=0..15)

These bits are set and cleared by software.
0: No action on the corresponding OCTLy bit
1: Set the corresponding OCTLy bit to 1

7.4.8. Port configuration lock register (GPIOx_LOCK, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved LKK


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

LK15 LK14 LK13 LK12 LK11 LK10 LK9 LK8 LK7 LK6 LK5 LK4 LK3 LK2 LK1 LK0

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
16 LKK Lock sequence key
It can only be setted using the Lock Key Writing Sequence. And can always be
0: GPIO_LOCK register is not locked and the port configuration is not locked.
1: GPIO_LOCK register is locked until an MCU reset.
LOCK key configuration sequence
Write 1→Write 0→Write 1→ Read 0→ Read 1
Note: The value of LK[15:0] must hold during the LOCK Key Writing sequence.

15:0 LKy Port Lock bit y(y=0..15)

These bits are set and cleared by software.
0: The corresponding bit port configuration is not locked
1: The corresponding bit port configuration is locked when LKK bit is “1”

7.4.9. Alternate function selected register 0 (GPIOx_AFSEL0, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x20
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

SEL7[3:0] SEL6[3:0] SEL5[3:0] SEL4[3:0]

rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SEL3[3:0] SEL2[3:0] SEL1[3:0] SEL0[3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 SEL7[3:0] Pin 7 alternate function selected
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL0 [3:0]description

27:24 SEL6[3:0] Pin 6 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL0 [3:0]description

23:20 SEL5[3:0] Pin 5 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL0 [3:0]description

19:16 SEL4[3:0] Pin 4 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL0 [3:0]description

15:12 SEL3[3:0] Pin 3 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.

GD32F4xx User Manual
refer to SEL0 [3:0]description

11:8 SEL2[3:0] Pin 2 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL0 [3:0]description

7:4 SEL1[3:0] Pin 1 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL0 [3:0]description

3:0 SEL0[3:0] Pin 0 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
0000: AF0 selected (reset value)
0001: AF1 selected
0010: AF2 selected
0011: AF3 selected

1111: AF15 selected

7.4.10. Alternate function selected register 1 (GPIOx_AFSEL1, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x24
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

SEL15[3:0] SEL14[3:0] SEL13[3:0] SEL12[3:0]

rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SEL11[3:0] SEL10[3:0] SEL9[3:0] SEL8[3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 SEL15[3:0] Pin 15 alternate function selected
These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL8[3:0] description

27:24 SEL14[3:0] Pin 14 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL8[3:0] description

23:20 SEL13[3:0] Pin 13 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL8[3:0] description

19:16 SEL12[3:0] Pin 12 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
GD32F4xx User Manual
refer to SEL8[3:0] description

15:12 SEL11[3:0] Pin 11 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL8[3:0] description

11:8 SEL10[3:0] Pin 10 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL8[3:0] description

7:4 SEL9[3:0] Pin 9 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
refer to SEL8[3:0] description

3:0 SEL8[3:0] Pin 8 alternate function selected

These bits are set and cleared by software.
0000: AF0 selected (reset value)
0001: AF1 selected
0010: AF2 selected
0011: AF3 selected

1111: AF15 selected

7.4.11. Bit clear register (GPIOx_BC, x=A..I)

Address offset: 0x28
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CR15 CR14 CR13 CR12 CR11 CR10 CR9 CR8 CR7 CR6 CR5 CR4 CR3 CR2 CR1 CR0

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CRy Pin Clear bit y(y=0..15)

These bits are set and cleared by software
0: No action on the corresponding OCTLy bit
1: Clear the corresponding OCTLy bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
7.4.12. Port bit toggle register (GPIOx_TG, x=A..I)
Address offset: 0x2C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)/half-word(16-bit)/byte(8-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

TG15 TG14 TG13 TG12 TG11 TG10 TG9 TG8 TG7 TG6 TG5 TG4 TG3 TG2 TG1 TG0

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 TGy Pin toggle bit y(y=0..15)

These bits are set and cleared by software.
0: No action on the corresponding OCTLy bit
1: Toggle the corresponding OCTLy bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
8. CRC calculation unit (CRC)

8.1. Overview

A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting code commonly used in digital

networks and storage devices to detect accidental changes to raw data.

This CRC calculation unit can be used to calculate 32 bit CRC code with fixed polynomial.

8.2. Characteristics

 32-bit data input and 32-bit data output. Calculation period is 4 AHB clock cycles for 32-
bit input data size from data entered to the calculation result available.

 Free 8-bit register is unrelated to calculation and can be used for any other goals by any
other peripheral devices.

 Fixed polynomial: 0x4C11DB7


This 32-bit CRC polynomial is a common polynomial used in Ethernet.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 8-1. Block diagram of CRC calculation unit

Data Input
Input Data Register (32 bit)

CRC Calculation Unit

Fixed polynomial


Data Output
Output Data Register (32 bit)

Data Access
Free Purpose Register (8 bit)

8.3. Function overview

 CRC calculation unit is used to calculate the 32-bit raw data, and CRC_DATA register
will receive the raw data and store the calculation result.

If the CRC_DATA register has not been cleared by software setting the CRC_CTL
register, the new input raw data will be calculated based on the result of previous value

CRC calculation will spend 4 AHB clock cycles for 32-bit data size, during this period
AHB will not be hanged because of the existence of the 32-bit input buffer.

 This module supplies an 8-bit free register CRC_FDATA.

CRC_FDATA is unrelated to the CRC calculation, any value you write in will be read out
at anytime.

GD32F4xx User Manual
8.4. Register definition

CRC base address: 0x4002 3000

8.4.1. Data register (CRC_DATA)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 DATA [31:0] CRC calculation result bits
Software writes and reads.
This register is used to calculate new data, and the register can be written the new
data directly. Written value cannot be read because the read value is the previous
CRC calculation result.

8.4.2. Free data register (CRC_FDATA)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit).

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Reserved FDATA[7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 FDATA [7:0] Free Data Register bits

GD32F4xx User Manual
Software writes and reads.
These bits are unrelated with CRC calculation. This byte can be used for any goal
by any other peripheral. The CRC_CTL register will take no effect to the byte.

8.4.3. Control register (CRC_CTL)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit).

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Reserved RST


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 RST Set this bit can reset the CRC_DATA register to the value of 0xFFFFFFFF then
automatically cleared itself to 0 by hardware. This bit will take no effect to
Software writes and reads.

GD32F4xx User Manual
9. True random number generator (TRNG)

9.1. Overview

The true random number generator (TRNG) module can generate a 32-bit random value by
using continuous analog noise.

9.2. Characteristics

 About 40 periods of TRNG_CLK are needed between two consecutive random numbers

 Disable TRNG module will significantly reduce the chip power consumption

 32-bit random value seed is generated from analog noise, so the random number is a
true random number.

9.3. Function overview

Figure 9-1. TRNG block diagram

AHB 32-bit Bus


Clock Check Seed Check


Analog Seed

The random number seed comes from analog circuit. This analog seed is then plugged into
a linear feedback shift register (LFSR), where a 32-bit width random number is generated.

The analog seed is generated by several ring oscillators. The LFSR is driven by a configurable
TRNG_CLK (refer to Reset and clock unit (RCU) chapter), so that the quality of the
GD32F4xx User Manual
generated random number depends on TRNG_CLK exclusively, no matter what HCLK
frequency was set or not.

The 32-bit value of LFSR will transfer into TRNG_DATA register after a sufficient number of
seeds have been sent to the LFSR.

At the same time, the analog seed and TRNG_CLK clock are monitored. When an analog
seed error or a clock error occurs, the corresponding status bit in TRNG_STAT will be set and
an interrupt will generate if the IE bit in TRNG_CTL is set.

9.3.1. Operation flow

The following steps are recommended for using TRNG block:

1). Enable the interrupt as necessary, so that when a random number or an error occurs, an
interrupt will be generated.

2). Enable the TRNGEN bit.

3). When an interrupt occurs, check the status register TRGN_STAT, if SEIF=0, CEIF=0 and
DRDY=1, then the random value in the data register could be read.

As required by the FIPS PUB 140-2, the first random data in data register should be saved
but not be used. Every subsequent new random data should be compared to the previously
random data. The data can only be used if it is not equal to the previously one.

9.3.2. Error flags

(1) Clock Error

When the TRNG_CLK frequency is lower than the 1/16 of HCLK, the CECS and CEIF bit will
be set. In this case, the application should check TRNG_CLK and HCLK frequency
configurations and then clear CEIF bit. Clock error will not impact the previous random data.

(2) Seed Error

When the analog seed is not changed or always changing during 64 TRNG_CLK periods, the
SECS and SEIF bit will be set. In this case, the random data in data register should not be
used. The application needs to clear the SEIF bit, then clear and set TRNGEN bit for restarting
the TRNG.

GD32F4xx User Manual
9.4. Register definition

TRNG base address: 0x5006 0800

9.4.1. Control register (TRNG_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved IE TRNGEN Reserved

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 IE Interrupt enabled bit. This bit controls the generation of an interrupt when
DRDY,SEIF or CEIF was set
0: TRNG Interrupt disable
1: TRNG Interrupt enable

2 TRNGEN TRNG enabled bit.

0: TRNG module disable(reduce power consuming)
1: TRNG module enable

1:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9.4.2. Status register (TRNG_STAT)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rc_w0 rc_w0 r r r

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 SEIF Seed error interrupt flag

This bit will be set if more than 64 consecutive same bit or more than 32
consecutive 01(or 10) changing are detected.
0: No fault detected
1: Seed error has been detected. The bit is cleared by writing 0.

5 CEIF Clock error interrupt flag

This bit will be set if TRNG_CLK frequency is lower than 1/16 HCLK frequency.
0: No fault detected
1: Clock error has been detected. The bit is cleared by writing 0.

4:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

2 SECS Seed error current status

0: Seed error is not detected at current time. In case of SEIF=1 and SECS=0, it
means seed error has been detected before but now is recovered.
1: Seed error is detected at current time if more than 64 consecutive same bits or
more than 32 consecutive 01(or 10) changing are detected

1 CECS Clock error current status

0: Clock error is not detected at current time. In case of CEIF=1 and CECS=0, it
means clock error has been detected before but now is recovered.
1: Clock error is detected at current time. TRNG_CLK frequency is lower than 1/16
HCLK frequency

0 DRDY Random Data ready status bit. This bit is cleared by reading the TRNG_DATA
register and set when a new random number is generated.
0: The content of TRNG data register is not available.
1: The content of TRNG data register is available

9.4.3. Data register (TRNG_DATA)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Application must make sure DRDY is set before reading this register

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TRNDATA[31:0] 32-Bit Random data

GD32F4xx User Manual
10. Direct memory access controller (DMA)

10.1. Overview

The direct memory access (DMA) controller provides a hardware method of transferring data
between peripherals and/or memory without intervention from the MCU, thereby increasing
system performance by off-loading the MCU from copying large amounts of data and avoiding
frequent interrupts to serve peripherals needing more data or having available data.

Two AHB master interfaces and eight four-word depth 32-bit width FIFOs are presented in
each DMA controller, which achieves a high DMA transmission performance. There are 16
independent channels in the DMA controller (8 for DMA0 and 8 for DMA1). Each channel is
assigned a specific or multiple target peripheral devices for memory access request
management. Two arbiters respectively for memory and peripheral are implemented inside
to handle the priority among DMA requests.

Both the DMA controller and the Cortex-M4 core implement data access through the system
bus. An arbitration mechanism is implemented to solve the competition between these two
masters. When the same peripheral is targeted, the MCU access will be suspended for some
specific bus cycles. A round-robin scheduling algorithm is utilized in the bus matrix to guaranty
at least half the bandwidth to the MCU.

10.2. Characteristics

 Two AHB master interface for transferring data, and one AHB slave interface for
programming DMA

 16 channels (8 for DMA0 and 8 for DMA1), up to 8 peripherals per channel with fixed
hardware peripheral requests

 Support independent single, 4, 8, 16-beat incrementing burst memory and peripheral


 Support switch-buffer transmission between peripheral and memory

 Software DMA channel priority (low, medium, high, ultra high) and hardware DMA
channel priority (DMA channel 0 has the highest priority and DMA channel 7 has the
lowest priority)

 Support independent 8, 16, 32-bit memory and peripheral transfer

 Support independent fixed and increasing address generation algorithm of memory and

 Support circular transfer mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
 Support three transfer modes:
– Read from memory and write to peripheral

– Read from peripheral and write to memory

– Read from memory and write to memory (only for DMA1)

 Both DMA and peripheral can be configured as flow controller

– DMA: Programmable length of data to be transferred, max to 65535

– Peripheral: The last request signal given to DMA from peripheral determines the
end of transfer

 Support two data processing modes by use of the four-word depth 32-bit width FIFOs:

– Multi-data mode: Pack/Unpack data when memory transfer width are different from
peripheral transfer width

– Single-data mode: Read data from source when FIFO is empty and wirte data to
destination when one data has been pushed into FIFO.

 One separate interrupt per channel with five types of event flags

 Support interrupt enable and clear

10.3. Block diagram

Figure 10-1. Block diagram of DMA

DMA AHB slave interface


Channel 7

Memory control

& data MUX

Channel 2 Memory AHB master interface

Channel 1
Channel 0
Memory control

state & counter Memory

management arbiter

Peripheral control

state & counter Peripheral

management arbiter

Peripheral control

& data MUX

Peripheral AHB master interface


As shown in Figure 10-1. Block diagram of DMA, a DMA controller consists of four main
GD32F4xx User Manual

 DMA configuration through AHB slave interface

 Data access through two AHB master interfaces respectively for memory access and
peripheral access
 Two arbiters inside to manage multiple peripheral requests coming at the same time
 Channel data management to control data packing/unpacking and counting

10.4. Function overview

The DMA controller transfers data from one address to another without CPU intervention. It
supports multiple data sizes, burst types, address generation algorithm, priority levels and
several transfer modes to allow for flexible application by configuring the corresponding bits
in DMA registers. All the DMA registers can be 32-bit configured through AHB slave interface.

Three transfer modes are supported, including peripheral-to-memory, memory-to-peripheral

and memory-to-memory, which is determined by the TM bits in the DMA_CHxCTL register,
as listed in Table 10-1. Transfer mode.

Table 10-1. Transfer mode

Transfer mode TM[1:0] Source Destination
Peripheral to memory 00 DMA_CHxPADDR
Memory to peripheral 01 DMA_CHxPADDR
Memory to memory 10 DMA_CHxPADDR

Note: 1. The MBS bit in DMA_CHxCTL register determines which is selected as the memory
buffer address in DMA_CHxM0ADDR and DMA_CHxM1ADDR register. For more information,
refer to section Switch-buffer mode.

2. The TM bits in DMA_CHxCTL register are forbidden to configure to 0b11, or the channel
will be automatically disabled.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 10-2. Data stream for three transfer modes

 peripheral-to-memory
peripheral FIFO memory
AHB master peripheral memory
(DMA_CHxPADDR) interface port port (DMA_CHxM0ADDR/

 memory-to-peripheral
peripheral FIFO memory
AHB master peripheral memory AHB master
(DMA_CHxPADDR) interface port port interface (DMA_CHxM0ADDR/

 memory-to-memory

FIFO memory
memory AHB master peripheral memory
interface port port (DMA_CHxM0ADDR/

As shown in Figure 10-2. Data stream for three transfer modes, Two AHB master
interfaces are implemented in each DMA respectively for memory and peripheral.

 Memory to peripheral: read data from memory through AHB master interface for memory,
and write data to peripheral through AHB master interface for peripheral;

 Peripheral to memory: read data from peripheral through AHB master interface for
peripheral, and write data to memory through AHB master interface for memory;

 Memory to memory: read data from memory through AHB master interface for peripheral,
and write data to another memory through AHB master interface for memory

10.4.1. Data process


Two arbiters are implemented in each DMA respectively for memory and peripheral port.
When two or more requests are received at the same time, the arbiter determines which
channel is selected to respond according to the following priority rules:

 Software priority: Four levels, including low, medium, high and ultra high by configuring
the PRIO bits in the DMA_CHxCTL register.

 For channels with equal software priority level, priority is given to the channel with lower
channel number.

Transfer width, burst and counter

Transfer width

PWIDTH and MWIDTH in the DMA_CHxCTL register indicate the data width of a peripheral
GD32F4xx User Manual
and memory transfer seperately. The DMA supports 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit transfer width. In
multi-data mode, if PWIDTH is not equal to MWIDTH, the DMA can automatically
packs/unpacks data to achieve an integrated and correct data transfer operation. In single-
data mode, MWIDTH is automatically locked as PWIDTH by hardware immediately after
enable the DMA channel.

Transfer burst type

PBURST and MBURST in the DMA_CHxCTL register indicate the burst type of a peripheral
and memory transfer seperately. The DMA supports single burst, 4-beat, 8-beat and 16-beat
incrementing burst for peripheral port and memory port. In single-data mode, only single burst
type is supported and PBURST and MBURST are automatically locked as ‘00’ by hardware
immediately after enable the DMA channel.

In peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-peripheral mode, if PBURST is different from ‘00’,

DMA responses a increasing burst transfer of 4, 8, 16-beat based on the PBURST bits for
each peripheral request. If the remaining bytes number of data item to be transferred is less
than the bytes number needed for a burst transfer, the remaining data items are transferred
in single transaction.

AMBA protocol specifies that bursts must not cross a 1kB address boundary, or a transfer
error will be responsed to the master. In each DMA, the peripheral burst transfer crossing a
1kB address boundary is decomposed to 4, 8 or 16 single transactions depend on the
PBURST bits, as the same as the memory burst transfer.

Transfer counter

The CNT bits in the DMA_CHxCNT register control how many data to be transmitted on the
channel and must be configured before enable the CHEN bit in the register. If the peripheral
is configured as the flow controller, the CNT bits are forced to ‘0xFFFF’ immediately after
enabling the channel whatever the CNT bits are. During the transmission, the CNT bits
indicate the remaining number of data items to be transferred.

The CNT bits are related to peripheral transfer width, the number of data bytes to be
transferred is the CNT bits multiplied by the byte number of the peripheral transfer width. For
example, if the PWIDTH bits are equal to ‘11’, and the number of data bytes to be transferred
is CNT×4. The CNT bits is decreased by 1 when a single or a beat of the burst peripheral
transfer (the source memory transfer in the memory-to-memory mode) has been completed
even if the transfer mode is peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-memory.

When configuring the CNT bits, the following rules must be respected to guarantee a good
DMA operation:

If the circular mode is disabled by clearing the CMEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL register, the
rules to configure the CNT bits in the DMA_CHxCNT register based on the transfer width are
listed in the Table 10-4 CNT configuration.

The number of data bytes must be an integer multiple of the memory transfer width to

GD32F4xx User Manual
guarantee an integrated single memory transfer.

Note: The number of data bytes does not need to be an interger multiple of the bytes number
of a memory burst transfer or a peripheral burst number if the PBURST or/and MBURST bits
are not equal to ‘00’. The remaining data not enough for a burst transfer are transferred can
be divided into single transaction automatically.

Table 10-2. CNT configuration

8-bit 16-bit Multiple of 2
8-bit 32-bit Multiple of 4
16-bit 32-bit Multiple of 2
Others Any value

1. If the circular mode is enabled by setting the CMEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL register. The
number of data bytes must be an integer multiple of the byte number of a peripheral burst
transfer and a memory burst transfer to gurantee an integrated memory and peripheral
burst transfer:

a) 𝑃𝐵𝑈𝑅𝑆𝑇_𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑠 𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑏𝑒 𝑎𝑛 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑔𝑒𝑟.

(CNT × PWIDTH_bytes)
b) ⁄(MBURST_beats × MWIDTH_bytes) must be an integer.

① PWIDTH_bytes is the byte number of the peripheral transfer width, 1 for 8-bit, 2 for 16-bit
and 4 for 32-bit.

② PBURST_beats is the beat number of a peripheral burst transfer, 1 for single burst, 4 for
INCR4, 8 for INCR8 and 16 for INCR16.

③ MWIDTH_bytes is the byte number of the peripheral transfer width, 1 for 8-bit, 2 for 16-bit
and 4 for 32-bit.

④ MBURST_beats is the beat number of a peripheral burst transfer, 1 for single burst, 4 for
INCR4, 8 for INCR8 and 16 for INCR16.
For example:

1. If PWIDTH is 16-bit, PBURST is INCR4, MWIDTH is 8-bit and MBURST is INCR16,

CNT⁄4 and ( CNT×2)⁄(1×16) must be an integer, so the CNT bits must be configured
to the multiple of 8.

2. If the If PWIDTH is 8-bit, PBURST is INCR16, MWIDTH is 16-bit and MBURST is INCR4,
CNT⁄16 and ( CNT×1)⁄(2×4) must be an integer, so the CNT bits must be configured
to the multiple of 16.

Note: when the switch-buffer mode is enabled by setting the SBMEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL
register, the circular mode is enabled automatically by hardware, and the above rules must
also be respected.

GD32F4xx User Manual

A four-word depth 32-bit FIFO is implemented as a data buffer for each DMA channel. Data
reading from the source address is stored in the FIFO temporarily and transmitted to the
destination through the destination port. Two data processing modes are supported depend
on the FIFO configuration, including single-data mode and multi-data mode. When the
transfer mode is memory-to-memory, only multi-data mode is supported to implement the
DMA data processing.

Multi-data mode

The multi-data mode is selected by configuring the MDMEN bit in the DMA_CHxFCTL register
to ‘1’.

In this mode, the DMA responds the source request when there is enough FIFO space for a
source transfer, pushing the data reading from the source address into the FIFO. If the
destination is a peripheral, the DMA responds the peripheral request when there is enough
FIFO data for a peripheral burst transfer. If the memory is configured as the destination, the
FIFO counter critical value configured in the FCCV bits of the DMA_CHxFCTL register
controls the memory data processing. Only when the FIFO counter is reached the critical
value, the data in the FIFO are entirely poped and written into the memory address.

To gurantee a good DMA behavior, the FIFO counter critical value (FCCV bits in the
DMA_CHxFCTL register) must be an integer multiple of a memory burst transfer to ensure
there is enough data for memory burst transfers. The configuration rules of the FIFO counter
critical value depending on memory transfer width and memory burst types are listed in Table
10-3. FIFO counter critical value configuration rules.

Table 10-3. FIFO counter critical value configuration rules

FIFO counter critical value
1-word 2-word 3-word 4-word
4 single 8 single 12 single 16 single
transactions transactions transactions transactions
2 burst
8-bit INCR4 1 burst transaction 3 burst transactions 4 burst transactions
INCR8 ERROR 1 burst transaction ERROR 2 burst transactions
INCR16 ERROR ERROR ERROR 1 burst transaction
2 single 4 single 6 single 8 single
transactions transactions transactions transactions
16-bit INCR4 ERROR 1 burst transaction ERROR 2 burst transactions
INCR8 ERROR ERROR ERROR 1 burst transaction
1 single 2 single 3 single 4 single
transaction transactions transactions transactions
INCR4 ERROR ERROR ERROR 2 burst transactions
GD32F4xx User Manual

Note: When the transfer mode is peripheral-to-memory, if the

PBURST_beats×PWIDTH_bytes = 16, the FIFO counter critical value must not be equal to
‘10’. When receiving a peripheral request, DMA initiates a peripheral burst transfer to entirely
fill the FIFO. Then DMA lanches memory burst transfers to pop three words from the FIFO
depending on the FIFO counter critical value and a word is still remained in the FIFO. There
is no enough space for a peripheral burst transfer and the FIFO counter critical value is not
reached, which make DMA transfer frozen.

Single-data mode

The single-data mode is selected by configuring the MDMEN bit in the DMA_CHxFCTL
register to ‘0’. In this mode, only single transfer is supported to implement the DMA data
access, and the FIFO counter critical value configured in the FCCV bits of the
DMA_CHxFCTL register has no meaning.

In single-data mode, DMA responds the source request only when the FIFO is empty, pushing
the data reading from the source address into the FIFO whatever the source transfer width is.
When the FIFO is not empty, DMA responds the destination request, poping the data from
the FIFO and writing it to the destination address.


In single-data mode, the MWIDTH bits are equal to the PWIDTH bits by force, data
packing/unpacking is not needed.

In multi-data mode, the independent PWIDTH and MWIDTH bits configuration are supported
for flexible DMA transfer. When the PWIDTH bits and the MWIDTH bits are not equal, DMA
reading access and writing access are executed in different transfer width, and DMA
packs/unpacks the data automatically. In DMA transfer operation, only little-endian
addressing for both memory and peripheral is supported.

Suppose the CNT bits are 16, the PWIDTH bits are equal to ‘00’, and both PNAGA and
MNAGA are set. The DMA transfer operations for different MWIDTH are shown in the Figure
10-3. Data packing/unpacking when PWIDTH = ‘00’.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 10-3. Data packing/unpacking when PWIDTH = ‘00’

 PAIF = 0, MWIDTH = 8-bit

read 0xB0[7:0] @0x0 read 0xB8[7:0] @0x8 B15 B14 B13 B12 word 4 write 0xB0[7:0] @0x0 write 0xB8[7:0] @0x8
read 0xB1[7:0] @0x1 read 0xB9[7:0] @0x9 write 0xB1[7:0] @0x1 write 0xB9[7:0] @0x9
read 0xB2[7:0] @0x2 read 0xB10[7:0] @0xA B11 B10 B9 B8 word 3 write 0xB2[7:0] @0x2 write 0xB10[7:0] @0xA
read 0xB3[7:0] @0x3 read 0xB11[7:0] @0xB write 0xB3[7:0] @0x3 write 0xB11[7:0] @0xB
read 0xB4[7:0] @0x4 read 0xB12[7:0] @0xC push data pop data write 0xB4[7:0] @0x4 write 0xB12[7:0] @0xC
B7 B6 B5 B4 word 2
read 0xB5[7:0] @0x5 read 0xB13[7:0] @0xD write 0xB5[7:0] @0x5 write 0xB13[7:0] @0xD
read 0xB6[7:0] @0x6 read 0xB14[7:0] @0xE write 0xB6[7:0] @0x6 write 0xB14[7:0] @0xE
read 0xB7[7:0] @0x7 read 0xB15[7:0] @0xF B3 B2 B1 B0 word 1 write 0xB7[7:0] @0x7 write 0xB15[7:0] @0xF

 PAIF = 1, MWIDTH = 16-bit

read 0xB0[7:0] @0x0 read 0xB32[7:0] @0x20 B60 B56 B52 B48 word 4 write 0xB4B0[15:0] @0x0
read 0xB4[7:0] @0x4 read 0xB36[7:0] @0x24 write 0xB12B8[15:0] @0x2
read 0xB8[7:0] @0x8 read 0xB40[7:0] @0x28 B44 B40 B36 B32 word 3 write 0xB20B16[15:0] @0x4
read 0xB12[7:0] @0xC read 0xB44[7:0] @0x2C write 0xB28B24[15:0] @0x6
read 0xB16[7:0] @0x10 read 0xB48[7:0] @0x30 push data pop data write 0xB36B32[15:0] @0x8
B28 B24 B20 B16 word 2
read 0xB20[7:0] @0x14 read 0xB52[7:0] @0x34 write 0xB44B40[15:0] @0xA
read 0xB24[7:0] @0x18 read 0xB56[7:0] @0x38 write 0xB52B48[15:0] @0xC
read 0xB28[7:0] @0x1C read 0xB60[7:0] @0x3C B12 B8 B4 B0 word 1 write 0xB60B56[15:0] @0xE

 PAIF = 0, MWIDTH = 32-bit

read 0xB0[7:0] @0x0 read 0xB8[7:0] @0x8 B15 B14 B13 B12 word 4
read 0xB1[7:0] @0x1 read 0xB9[7:0] @0x9
read 0xB2[7:0] @0x2 read 0xB10[7:0] @0xA B11 B10 B9 B8 word 3 write 0xB3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0
read 0xB3[7:0] @0x3 read 0xB11[7:0] @0xB write 0xB7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4
read 0xB4[7:0] @0x4 read 0xB12[7:0] @0xC push data pop data write 0xB11B10B9B8[31:0] @0x8
B7 B6 B5 B4 word 2
read 0xB5[7:0] @0x5 read 0xB13[7:0] @0xD write 0xB15B14B13B12[31:0] @0xC
read 0xB6[7:0] @0x6 read 0xB14[7:0] @0xE
read 0xB7[7:0] @0x7 read 0xB15[7:0] @0xF B3 B2 B1 B0 word 1

 Suppose the CNT bits are 8, the PWIDTH bits are equal to ‘01’, and both PNAGA and
MNAGA are set. The DMA transfer operations for different MWIDTH are shown in the

Figure 10-4. Data packing/unpacking when PWIDTH = ‘01’

 PAIF = 0, MWIDTH = 8-bit

read 0xB1B0[15:0] @0x0 B15 B14 B13 B12 word 4 write 0xB0[7:0] @0x0 write 0xB8[7:0] @0x8
read 0xB3B2[15:0] @0x2 write 0xB1[7:0] @0x1 write 0xB9[7:0] @0x9
read 0xB5B4[15:0] @0x4 B11 B10 B9 B8 word 3 write 0xB2[7:0] @0x2 write 0xB10[7:0] @0xA
read 0xB7B6[15:0] @0x6 write 0xB3[7:0] @0x3 write 0xB11[7:0] @0xB
read 0xB9B8[15:0] @0x8 push data pop data write 0xB4[7:0] @0x4 write 0xB12[7:0] @0xC
B7 B6 B5 B4 word 2
read 0xB11B10[15:0] @0xA write 0xB5[7:0] @0x5 write 0xB13[7:0] @0xD
read 0xB13B12[15:0] @0xC write 0xB6[7:0] @0x6 write 0xB14[7:0] @0xE
read 0xB15B14[15:0] @0xE B3 B2 B1 B0 word 1 write 0xB7[7:0] @0x7 write 0xB15[7:0] @0xF

 PAIF = 0, MWIDTH = 16-bit

read 0xB1B0[15:0] @0x0 B15 B14 B13 B12 word 4 write 0xB1B0[15:0] @0x0
read 0xB3B2[15:0] @0x2 write 0xB3B2[15:0] @0x2
read 0xB5B4[15:0] @0x4 B11 B10 B9 B8 word 3 write 0xB5B4[15:0] @0x4
read 0xB7B6[15:0] @0x6 write 0xB7B6[15:0] @0x6
read 0xB9B8[15:0] @0x8 push data pop data write 0xB9B8[15:0] @0x8
B7 B6 B5 B4 word 2
read 0xB11B10[15:0] @0xA write 0xB11B10[15:0] @0xA
read 0xB13B12[15:0] @0xC write 0xB13B12[15:0] @0xC
read 0xB15B14[15:0] @0xE B3 B2 B1 B0 word 1 write 0xB15B14[15:0] @0xE

 PAIF = 1, MWIDTH = 32-bit

read 0xB1B0[15:0] @0x0 B29 B28 B25 B24 word 4
read 0xB5B4[15:0] @0x4
read 0xB9B8[15:0] @0x8 B21 B20 B17 B16 word 3 write 0xB5B4B1B0[31:0] @0x0
read 0xB13B12[15:0] @0xC write 0xB13B12B9B8[31:0] @0x4
read 0xB17B16[15:0] @0x10 push data pop data write 0xB21B20B17B16[31:0] @0x8
B13 B12 B9 B8 word 2
read 0xB21B20[15:0] @0x14 write 0xB29B28B25B24[31:0] @0xC
read 0xB25B24[15:0] @0x18
read 0xB29B28[15:0] @0x1C B5 B4 B1 B0 word 1

 Suppose DMA_CHxCNT is 4, the PWIDTH bits are equal to ‘10’, and both PNAGA and
MNAGA are set. The DMA transfer operations for different MWIDTH are shown in the

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 10-5. Data packing/unpacking when PWIDTH = ‘10’

 PAIF = 1, MWIDTH = 8-bit

B15 B14 B13 B12 word 4 write 0xB0[7:0] @0x0 write 0xB8[7:0] @0x8
write 0xB1[7:0] @0x1 write 0xB9[7:0] @0x9
read 0xB3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0 B11 B10 B9 B8 word 3 write 0xB2[7:0] @0x2 write 0xB10[7:0] @0xA
read 0xB7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4 write 0xB3[7:0] @0x3 write 0xB11[7:0] @0xB
read 0xB11B10B9B8[31:0] @0x8 push data pop data write 0xB4[7:0] @0x4 write 0xB12[7:0] @0xC
B7 B6 B5 B4 word 2
read 0xB15B14B13B12[31:0] @0xC write 0xB5[7:0] @0x5 write 0xB13[7:0] @0xD
write 0xB6[7:0] @0x6 write 0xB14[7:0] @0xE
B3 B2 B1 B0 word 1 write 0xB7[7:0] @0x7 write 0xB15[7:0] @0xF

 PAIF = 0, MWIDTH = 16-bit

B15 B14 B13 B12 word 4 write 0xB1B0[15:0] @0x0
write 0xB3B2[15:0] @0x2
read 0xB3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0 B11 B10 B9 B8 word 3 write 0xB5B4[15:0] @0x4
read 0xB7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4 write 0xB7B6[15:0] @0x6
read 0xB11B10B9B8[31:0] @0x8 push data pop data write 0xB9B8[15:0] @0x8
B7 B6 B5 B4 word 2
read 0xB15B14B13B12[31:0] @0xC write 0xB11B10[15:0] @0xA
write 0xB13B12[15:0] @0xC
B3 B2 B1 B0 word 1 write 0xB15B14[15:0] @0xE

 PAIF = 0, MWIDTH = 32-bit

B15 B14 B13 B12 word 4

read 0xB3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0 B11 B10 B9 B8 word 3 write 0xB3B2B1B0[31:0] @0x0

read 0xB7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4 write 0xB7B6B5B4[31:0] @0x4
read 0xB11B10B9B8[31:0] @0x8 push data pop data write 0xB11B10B9B8[31:0] @0x8
B7 B6 B5 B4 word 2
read 0xB15B14B13B12[31:0] @0xC write 0xB15B14B13B12[31:0] @0xC

B3 B2 B1 B0 word 1

10.4.2. Address generation

Two kinds of address generation algorithm are implemented independently for memory and
peripheral, including the fixed mode and the increased mode. The PNAGA and MNAGA bit in
the DMA_CHxCTL register are used to configure the next address generation algorithm of
peripheral and memory.

In the fixed mode, the next address is always equal to the base address configured in the
base address registers (DMA_CHxPADDR, DMA_CHxM0ADDR, and DMA_CHxM1ADDR).

In the increasing mode, the next address is euqal to the current address plus 1 or 2 or 4,
depending on the transfer data width. In Multi-data mode with PBURST in the DMA_CHxCTL
register different from ‘00’, if PAIF in the DMA_CHxCTL register is enable, the next peripheral
address increment is fixed to 4, and has nothing to do with the peripheral transfer data width.
The PAIF has no meaning to the memory address generation.

Note: If PAIF in the DMA_CHxCTL register is enable, the peripheral base address configured
in the DMA_CHxPADDR register must be 32-bit alignment.

10.4.3. Circular mode

Circular mode is implemented to handle continue peripheral requests. The CMEN bit in the
DMA_CHxCTL register is used to enable/disable the circular mode. Circular mode is available
only when DMA controls the transfer flow. When the peripheral is selected as the transfer flow
controller by setting the TFCS, the circular mode is automatically disabled immediately after
the channel is enabled.

In circular mode, the CNT bits are automatically reloaded with the pre-programmed value and
the full transfer finish flag is asserted at the end of every DMA transfer. DMA can always
respond the peripheral request until a transfer error is detected or the CHEN bit in the

GD32F4xx User Manual
DMA_CHxCTL register is cleared.

10.4.4. Switch-buffer mode

Similar to circular mode, switch-buffer mode is also implemented to handle continues

peripheral requests. The SBMEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL register is used to enable/disable
the switch-buffer mode. When the switch-buffer mode is enabled, the circular mode is
automatically enabled immediately after the channel is enabled. Switch-buffer mode is only
available when the transfer mode is peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-peripheral. When
the transfer mode is memory-to-memory, the switch-buffer mode is automatically disabled
immediately after the channel is enabled.

Switch-buffer mode is supported with two memory buffers and the base address of the two
memory buffers are separately configured in the DMA_CHxM0ADDR and
DMA_CHxM1ADDR register. In switch-buffer mode, the DMA memory pointer switches from
the current memory buffer to another at the end of every DMA transfer. During the DMA
transmission, the memory buffer not being processed by DMA can be accessed by other AHB
masters. In switch-buffer mode, the base address of the memory buffer not accessed by DMA
can be updated even if the channel is enabled.

The MBS bit in the DMA_CHxCTL register is configured to select which memory buffer is
accessed by DMA at the first DMA transfer before the channel is enabled. In switch-buffer
mode, this bit switches automatically between ‘0’ and ‘1’ at the end of every DMA transfer,
and can be used as a flag indicating the current memory buffer accessed by DMA during the
transmission. The DMA operation of switch-buffer mode are shown in Figure 10-6. DMA
operation of switch-buffer mode.

Figure 10-6. DMA operation of switch-buffer mode

MBS = 0
transfer mode : peripheral-to-memory
Enable the channel

memory buffer 0
Peripheral push data pop data Memory 0

transfer finish transfer finish

MBS = 0 MBS = 1

memory buffer 1
Peripheral push data pop data Memory 1

10.4.5. Transfer flow controller

The transfer flow controller controls the number of data items to be transferred. The TFCS bit
in the DMA_CHxCTL register determines which of DMA and peripheral is selected to control
GD32F4xx User Manual
the transfer flow.

 DMA as transfer flow controller: The CNT bits in the DMA_CHxCNT register determine
the number of data items to be transferred. The CNT bits must be configured before the
channel is enabled.

 Peripheral as transfer flow controller: The CNT bits configured in the DMA_CHxCNT
register before the channel is enabled have no meaning and these bits are force to
‘0xFFFF’ immediately after the channel is enabled. The peripheral determines when to
finish the DMA transfer by informing a last request signal to DMA.

Note: When the transfer mode is memory-to-memory, the transfer flow controller is fixed to
be DMA whatever the TFCS bit is configured to.

10.4.6. Transfer operation

Three transfer modes are supported to implement the data transfer, including peripheral-to-
memory, memory-to-peripheral and memory-to-memory. Memory and peripheral can be
configured as source and destination relatively.

Memory transfer

 Peripheral-to-memory mode:

- In single-data mode, when the FIFO is not empty, DMA initiates a single memory
transfer and writes data into the corresponding memory address.

- In multi-data mode, when the FIFO counter reaches the critical value, DMA starts
single or burst memory transfers to entirely fetch the FIFO data and write to the

 Memory-to-peripheral mode:

- In single-data mode, when the channel is enabled, DMA starts a single memory
transfer and pushes the reading data into the FIFO immediately. During the
transmission, the memory transfer is initiated only when the FIFO is empty.

- In multi-data mode, when the channel is enabled, DMA starts several single or burst
transfers to fill up the FIFO whether the peripheral request is asserted or not. During
the transmission, the memory transfer is initiated once when there is enough space
for it in the FIFO.

 Memory-to-memory mode: Only the multi-data mode is supported. When the FIFO
counter reaches the critical value, DMA starts single or burst memory transfers to entirely
fetch the FIFO data and write to the memory.

Peripheral transfer

 Peripheral-to-memory mode: When receiving a peripheral request and there is enough

space in the FIFO for a peripheral transfer, DMA starts a peripheral transfer and pushes

GD32F4xx User Manual
the reading data into the FIFO.

 Memory-to-peripheral mode: When receiving a peripheral request and there is enough

data in the FIFO for a peripheral transfer, DMA starts a peripheral transfers to fetch the
FIFO data and write to the peripheral.

 Memory-to-memory mode: Only the multi-data mode is supported. When the channel is
enabled, DMA starts several peripheral transfers to fill up the FIFO. During the
transmission, the peripheral transfer is initiated once when there is enough space for it
in the FIFO.

10.4.7. Transfer finish

The DMA transfer is finished automatically and the FTFIFx bit in the DMA_INTF0 or
DMA_INTF1 register is set when one of the following situations occurs:

 Transfer completion

 Software clear

 Error detection

Transfer completion

When enabled, the DMA begins to transfer data between peripheral and memory. After the
pre-programmed number of data items has been transferred successfully, the DMA transfer
is completed and the CHEN bit is automatically cleared in the DMA_CHxCTL register.

 Peripheral-to-memory mode: If DMA is the transfer flow controller, when the CNT bits
reach to zero and the contents of the FIFO have been entirely transferred into the
memory, an end of transfer is generated. If peripheral is the transfer flow controller, the
DMA transfer is completed when the last peripheral request has been responded and
the contents of the FIFO have been entirely transferred into the memory.

 Memory-to-peripheral mode: If DMA is the transfer flow controller, when the CNT bits in
the DMA_CHxCNT register reach to zero, an end of transfer is achieved. If peripheral is
the transfer flow controller, the DMA transfer is completed when the last peripheral
request has been responded.

 Memory-to-memory: only DMA can be the transfer flow controller. When the CNT bits
reach to zero and the contents of the FIFO have been entirely transferred into the
memory, an end of transfer is generated.

Software clear

The DMA transfer can be stopped by clearing the CHEN bit in the DMA_CHxCTL register by
software. After the software cleared operation, the CHEN bit is still read as 1 to indicate that
there are memory or peripheral transfers still active or the remaining data in the FIFO need
to be transferred.
GD32F4xx User Manual
 Peripheral-to-memory: After the software cleared operation, the peripheral transfer is
stopped when the current single or burst transfer is completed. To ensure that the data
had been read from peripheral can be entirely transferred into the memory, the memory
transfer continues to be active until the FIFO is empty. If the remaining byte number in
the FIFO is not enough for a burst memory transfer, these data items are transferred in
single transaction. If the remaining byte number is less than the memory transfer width,
these data items are still written in memory transfer width with MSBs filled with zero. The
software can read the CNT bits to calculate the number of valid data items in the memory.
After the contents of the FIFO has been entirely transferred into the memory, the CHEN
bit is cleared automatically by hardware and the FTFIFx bit in the DMA_INTF0 or
DMA_INTF1 register is set.

 Memory-to-peripheral: After the software cleared operation, the DMA transfer is stopped
when the current memory and peripheral transfer are completed. Then the CHEN bit is
cleared and the FTFIFx bit is set.

 Memory-to-memory: The same as the peripheral-to-memory mode with the source

memory transfer is implemented through the peripheral port.

Error detection

Three types error can disable the DMA transfer:

 FIFO error: When a wrong FIFO configuration is detected, the DMA channel is disabled
immediately without starting any transfers. In this situation, the FTFIFx is not asserted.
For more information about the FIFO error, refer to section 10.5.4_Error.

 Bus error: When the memory or peripheral port attempts to access an address beyond
the access scope, a bus error is detected and the DMA transfer is stopped immediately
without setting the FTFIFx. If this error is aroused by the peripheral port, the CNT bits
are still decreased by 1. For more information about the bus error, refer to section

 Register access error: In switch-buffer mode, an access error is detected when a write
command is active on the memory base address register which is being accessed by
DMA. When this error occurs, the DMA operation is the same as it after the CHEN bit
software cleared. For more information about the register access error, refer to section

10.4.8. Channel configuration

When starting a new DMA transfer, it is recommended to respect the following steps:

1. Read the CHEN bit and judge whether the channel is enabled or not. If the channel is
enabled, clear the CHEN bit by software or wait the current DMA transfer finished. When
the CHEN bit is read as ‘0’, configuring and starting a new DMA transfer is allowed.

2. Clear the FTFIFx bit in the DMA_INTF0 or DMA_INTF1 register, or a new DMA transfer
GD32F4xx User Manual
can not be re-enabled.

3. Configure the TM bits in the DMA_CHxCTL register to set the transfer mode.

4. Configure the PERIEN bits in the DMA_CHxCTL register to select the target peripheral.
If the transfer mode is memory-to-memory, the PERIEN bits have no meaning and this
step can be skipped.

5. Configure the memory and peripheral burst types, the target memory buffer, switch-
buffer mode, priority of the channel, memory and peripheral transfer width, memory and
peripheral address generation algorithm, circular mode, the transfer flow controller in the
DMA_CHxCTL register.

6. Configure multi-data mode, and the FCCV bits to set the FIFO counter critical value if
multi-data mode is enabled in the DMA_CHxFCTL register.

7. Configure the enable bit for full transfer finish interrupt, half transfer finish interrupt,
transfer access error interrupt, single-data mode exception interrupt in the
DMA_CHxCTL register and the enable bit for FIFO error and exception interrupt in the
DMA_CHxFCTL register.

8. Configure the DMA_CHxPADDR register for setting the peripheral base address.

9. If the switch-buffer mode is enabled, configure the DMA_CHxM0ADDR and

DMA_CHxM1ADDR register for setting the memory base address. If only one memory
buffer is to be used, configure the DMA_CHxM0ADDR or DMA_CHxM1ADDR
corresponding with the MBS bit in the DMA_CHxCTL register.

10. Configure the DMA_CHxCNT register to set the total transfer data number.

11. Configure the CHEN bit with ‘1’ in the DMA_CHxCTL register to enable the channel.

When restarting the suspended DMA transfer, it is recommended to respect the following

1. Read the CHEN bit and ensure the DMA suspend operation has been completed. When
the CHEN bit is read as ‘0’, restarting the DMA transfer is allowed.

2. Clear the FTFIFx bit in the DMA_INTF0 or DMA_INTF1 register, or the DMA transfer can
not be re-enabled.

3. Read the DMA_CHxCNT register to obtain the number of the remaining data items and
calculate the number of the data items had already been transferred.

4. Configure the DMA_CHxPADDR register to update the peripheral address pointer.

5. Configure the DMA_CHxM0ADDR or the DMA_CHxM1ADDR register to update the

memory address pointer.

6. Configure the DMA_CHxCNT with the number of the remaining data items.

7. Configure the CHEN bit with ‘1’ in the DMA_CHxCTL register to restart the channel.

GD32F4xx User Manual
10.5. Interrupts

Each DMA channel has a dedicated interrupt. There are five interrupt events connected to
each interrupt, including full transfer finish interrupt, half transfer finish interrupt, transfer
access error interrupt, single-data mode exception interrupt, and FIFO error and exception
interrupt. A DMA channel interrupt may be produced when any interrupt event occurs on the

Each interrupt event has a dedicated flag bit in the DMA_INTF0 or DMA_INTF1 register, a
dedicated clear bit in the DMA_INTC0 and DMA_INTC1 register, and a dedicated enable bit
in the DMA_CHxCTL and CHxFCTL register, as described in the Table 10-6. DMA interrupt

Table 10-4. DMA interrupt events

Flag bit Enable bit Clear bit
Interrupt event DMA_INTF0 or DMA_CHxCTL or DMA_INTC0 or

Full transfer finish FTFIF FTFIE FTFIFC

Half transfer finish HTFIF HTFIE HTFIFC
Transfer access error TAEIF TAEIE TAEIFC
Single-data mode
FIFO error and

These five events can be divided into three types:

 Flag: Full transfer finish flag and half transfer finish flag

 Exception: Single-data mode exception and FIFO exception

 Error: Transfer access error and FIFO error

When the exception events occur, the DMA transmission is not affected and continues
transferring normally. When the error events are detected, the DMA transmission is stopped.
These three types of event are described in detail in the following sections.

10.5.1. Peripheral handshake

To ensure a well-organized and efficient data transfer, a handshake mechanism is introduced

between the DMA and peripherals, including a request signal and a acknowledge signal:

 Request signal asserted by peripheral to DMA controller, indicating that the peripheral is
ready to transmit or receive data

 Acknowledge signal responded by DMA to peripheral, indicating that the DMA controller
has initiated an AHB command to access the peripheral

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 10-7. Handshake mechanism shows how the handshake mechanism works between
the DMA controller and peripherals.

Figure 10-7. Handshake mechanism

Peripheral is ready to transmit Peripheral releases the

or receive data, and assert the request signal when it receives Peripheral launches
request signal to DMA the acknowledge signal the next request

Peripheral Peripheral
Peripheral request
request request

Wait the DMA bus idle and The DMA controller deasserts
other higher priority channels the acknowledge signal when
to have been processed it receives low request signal
DMA acknowledge

The corresponding channel has

the highest priority and the DMA
controller sents an AHB command
to access the peripheral

Each DMA has 8 channels, with fixed multiple peripheral requests. The PERIEN bits in the
DMA_CHxCTL register determine which peripheral request signal connectes to each DMA
channel. The peripheral requests mapping of DMA0 is listed in Table 10-5. Peripheral
requests to DMA0, and the peripheral requests mapping of DMA1 is listed in Table 10-6.
Peripheral requests to DMA1.

As listed in the Table 10-5. Peripheral requests to DMA0 and Table 10-6. Peripheral
requests to DMA1, a peripheral request can be connected to two different DMA channels. It
is forbidden to simultaneously enable these two DMA channels with selecting the same
peripheral request. For example, in DMA0, SPI2_RX is connected to channel 0 and channel
2. When the PERIEN bits in the DMA_CH0CTL register are configured to 0b000 and the
PERIEN bits in the DMA_CH2CTL register are configured to 0b000, enable these two
channels and responsing the request from SPI2 at the same time will cause transmission

Table 10-5. Peripheral requests to DMA0

Channel Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7







GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 10-6. Peripheral requests to DMA1
Channel Channel 0 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Channel 5 Channel 6 Channel 7
000 ADC0 ● TIMER7_CH1 ● ADC0 ● TIMER0_CH1 ●


010 ADC2 ADC2 ● SPI4_RX SPI4_TX ● ● ●

011 SPI0_RX ● SPI0_RX SPI0_TX ● SPI0_TX ● ●





10.5.2. Flag

Two flag events are supported, including full transfer finish flag and half transfer finish flag.

The full transfer finish flag is asserted, when one of the following situations occurs:

 The CNT bits reach to zero when DMA is the transfer flow controller.

 When peripheral is the transfer flow controller, the last request is responded completely
and the contents of the FIFO are entirely written into the memory in peripheral-to-memory

 When the channel is disabled by software before the end of the transfer, the current
memory and peripheral is completed and the contents of the FIFO are entirely written
into the memory in peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-memory mode.

 When the channel is disabled because of register access error before the end of the
transfer, the current memory and peripheral is completed and the contents of the FIFO
are entirely written into the memory in peripheral-to-memory or memory-to-memory

When the full transfer finish flag is asserted and the enabled bit for the full transfer finish
interrupt is set, an interrupt is generated.

The half transfer finish flag is asserted, only when DMA is the transfer flow controller and half
of the CNT bits are transferred. If peripheral is the transfer flow controller, DMA does not know
when half of data items has been transferred and the half transfer finish flag will stay zero.

When the half transfer finish flag is asserted and the enabled bit for the half transfer finish
interrupt is set, an interrupt is generated.

GD32F4xx User Manual
10.5.3. Exception

Two exception events are supported, including single-data mode exception and FIFO
exception. These exceptions have no effect on the DMA transmission.

Single-data mode exception

This exception can be detected only when the single-data mode is enabled and the transfer
mode is peripheral-to-memory. When a peripheral request is valid and the FIFO is not empty,
there are two or more data items stored in the FIFO after responding the peripheral request,
which could be a problem for the subsequent processing of the data.

When the single-data mode exception is asserted and the enabled bit for the single-data
mode exception interrupt is set, an interrupt is generated.

FIFO exception

When a FIFO underrun or a FIFO overrun condition occurs, the FIFO exception is asserted.
This exception can be detected only when the transmission is between peripheral and

In peripheral-to-memory mode, when a peripheral request is valid and there is not enough
space in the FIFO for the single or burst peripheral transfer, a FIFO overrun condition is
detected. This peripheral request is not responded until the FIFO space is enough, and the
accuracy of the data transmission will not be destroyed.

In memory-to-peripheral mode, when a peripheral request is valid and there is not enough
data in the FIFO for the single or burst peripheral, a FIFO underrun condition is detected. This
peripheral request is not responded until the data number in the FIFO is enough, and the
accuracy of the data transmission will not be destroyed.

When the FIFO exception is asserted and the enabled bit for the FIFO error and exception
interrupt is set, an interrupt is generated.

10.5.4. Error

FIFO error and transfer access error (including the register access error and bus error) can
be detected during the DMA transmission, and the transmission can be stopped when one of
the errors occurs.

FIFO error

For a good DMA operation, when the multi-data mode is enabled, the right and wrong
configurations of the FIFO counter critical value corresponding with the memory transfer width
and memory burst types are listed in Table 10-5. FIFO counter critical value configuration

GD32F4xx User Manual

If a wrong configuration is detected after enable the channel, a FIFO error is generated and
the channel is disabled immediately without starting any transfers.

When the FIFO error is asserted and the enabled bit for the FIFO error and exception interrupt
is set, an interrupt is generated.

Register access error

The register access error is detected only when the switch-buffer is enabled. If the software
attempts to update a memory address register currently accessed by the DMA controller, a
register access error is detected. For example, when the memory 0 buffer is the current
source or destination, a write access on the DMA_CHxM0ADDR register could produce a
register access error. When a register access error occurs, the DMA transmission is stopped
when the current memory and peripheral transfer are completed and the valid FIFO data are
entirely drained into the memory if needed.

When the register access error is asserted and the enabled bit for the transfer access error
and exception interrupt is set, an interrupt is generated.

Bus error

When the address accessed by the DMA controller is beyond the allowed area, a response
error will be received and the channel is disabled immediately. The allowed and forbidden
access region for DMA0 and DMA1 are shown in Figure 10-8. System connection of DMA0
and DMA1 When the bus error is asserted and the enabled bit for the transfer access error

GD32F4xx User Manual
and exception interrupt is set, an interrupt is generated.

Figure 10-8. System connection of DMA0 and DMA1

Bus matrix FMC_I Bus matrix FMC_I




memory port memory port
DMA config

DMA config
peripheral port SRAM1 peripheral port SRAM1

… …
Peripheral Peripheral
request ADDSRAM request ADDSRAM



GD32F4xx User Manual
10.6. Register definition

DMA0 base address: 0x4002 6000

DMA1 base address: 0x4002 6400

10.6.1. Interrupt flag register 0 (DMA_INTF0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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r r r r r r r r r r

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r r r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27/21/11/5 FTFIFx Full Transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…3)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC0 register.
0: Transfer has not finished on channel x
1: Transfer has finished on channel x

26/20/10/4 HTFIFx Half transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…3)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC0 register.
0: Half number of transfer has not finished on channel x
1: Half number of transfer has finished on channel x

25/19/9/3 TAEIFx Transfer access error flag of channel x (x=0…3)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC0 register.
0: Transfer access error has not occurred on channel x
1: Transfer access error has occurred on channel x

24/18/8/2 SDEIFx Single data mode exception of channel x (x=0…3)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC0 register.
0: Single data mode exception has not occurred on channel x
1: Single data mode exception has occurred on channel x

23/17/7/1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22/16/6/0 FEEIFx FIFO error and exception of channel x (x=0…3)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC0 register.
0: FIFO error or exception has not occurred on channel x

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: FIFO error or exception has occurred on channel x

10.6.2. Interrupt flag register 1 (DMA_INTF1)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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r r r r r r r r r r

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r r r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27/21/11/5 FTFIFx Full Transfer finish flag of channel x (x=4…7)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC1 register.
0: Transfer has not finished on channel x
1: Transfer has finished on channel x

26/20/10/4 HTFIFx Half transfer finish flag of channel x (x=4…7)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC1 register.
0: Half number of transfer has not finished on channel x
1: Half number of transfer has finished on channel x

25/19/9/3 TAEIFx Transfer access error flag of channel x (x=4…7)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC1 register.
0: Transfer access error has not occurred on channel x
1: Transfer access error has occurred on channel x

24/18/8/2 SDEIFx Single data mode exception of channel x (x=4…7)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC1 register.
0: Single data mode exception has not occurred on channel x
1: Single data mode exception has occurred on channel x

23/17/7/1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22/16/6/0 FEEIFx FIFO error and exception of channel x (x=4…7)

Hardware set and software cleared by configuring DMA_INTC1 register.
0: FIFO error or exception has not occurred on channel x
1: FIFO error or exception has occurred on channel x

GD32F4xx User Manual
10.6.3. Interrupt flag clear register 0 (DMA_INTC0)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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w w w w w w w w w w

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w w w w w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27/21/11/5 FTFIFCx Clear bit for Full transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…3)
0: No effect
1: Clear full transfer finish flag

26/20/10/4 HTFIFCx Clear bit for half transfer finish flag of channel x (x=0…3)
0: No effect
1: Clear half transfer finish flag

25/19/9/3 TAEIFCx Clear bit for ransfer access error flag of channel x (x=0…3)
0: No effect
1: Clear transfer access error flag

24/18/8/2 SDEIFCx Clear bit for single data mode exception of channel x (x=0…3)
0: No effect
1: Clear single data mode exception flag

23/17/7/1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22/16/6/0 FEEIFCx Clear bit for FIFO error and exception of channel x (x=0…3)
0: No effect
1: Clear FIFO error and exception flag

10.6.4. Interrupt flag clear register 1 (DMA_INTC1)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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w w w w w w w w w w

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GD32F4xx User Manual

w w w w w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27/21/11/5 FTFIFCx Clear bit for full transfer finish flag of channel x (x=4…7)
0: No effect
1: Clear full transfer finish flag

26/20/10/4 HTFIFCx Clear bit for half transfer finish flag of channel x (x=4…7)
0: No effect
1: Clear half transfer finish flag

25/19/9/3 TAEIFCx Clear bit for transfer access error flag of channel x (x=4…7)
0: No effect
1: Clear transfer access error flag

24/18/8/2 SDEIFCx Clear bit for single data mode exception of channel x (x=4…7)
0: No effect
1: Clear single data mode exception flag

23/17/7/1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22/16/6/0 FEEIFCx Clear bit for FIFO error and exception of channel x (x=4…7)
0: No effect
1: Clear FIFO error and exception flag

10.6.5. Channel x control register (DMA_CHxCTL)

x = 0...7, where x is a channel number

Address offset: 0x10 + 0x18 × x

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved PERIEN[2:0] MBURST[1:0] PBURST[1:0] Reserved MBS SBMEN PRIO[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:25 PERIEN[2:0] Peripheral enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
Software set and cleare.
000: Enable peripheral 0
001: Enable peripheral 1
010: Enable peripheral 2
011: Enable peripheral 3
100: Enable peripheral 4
101: Enable peripheral 5
110: Enable peripheral 6
111: Enable peripheral 7
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

24:23 MBURST[1:0] Transfer burst type of memory

Software set and cleare.
00: single burst
01: INCR4 (4-beat incrementing burst)
10: INCR8 (8-beat incrementing burst)
11: INCR16 (16-beat incrementing burst)
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.
These bits are automatically locked as ‘00’ by hardware immdiately after enable
CHEN if MDMEN in the DMA_CHxFCTL register is configured to ‘0’.

22:21 PBURST[1:0] Transfer burst type of peripheral

Software set and cleare.
00: single burst
01: INCR4 (4-beat incrementing burst)
10: INCR8 (8-beat incrementing burst)
11: INCR16 (16-beat incrementing burst)
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.
These bits are automatically locked as ‘00’ by hardware immediately after enable
CHEN if MDMEN in the DMA_CHxFCTL register is configured to ‘0’.

20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 MBS Memory buffer select

Hardware and software set, Hardware and software clear.
0: Memory 0 is selected as memory transfer area
1: Memory 1 is selected as memory transfer area
This bit can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.
During the transmission, this bit can be set and cleared by hardware at the end of
transfer to indicate which memory buffer is being accessed by DMA.

18 SBMEN Switch-buffer mode enable

Software set and clear.
0: Disable switch-buffer mode
1: Enable switch-buffer mode
This bit can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

GD32F4xx User Manual
17:16 PRIO[1:0] Priority level
Software set and clear.
00: Low
01: Medium
10: High
11: Ultra high
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

15 PAIF Peripheral address increment fixed

Software set and clear.
0: The peripheral address increment is determined by PWIDTH
1: The peripheral address increment is fixed to 4
This bit can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.
During the transmission, when PNAGA is configured to ‘0’, this bit has no effect.
These bits are automatically locked as ‘0’ by hardware immediately after enable
CHEN if MDMEN in the DMA_CHxFCTL register is configured to ‘0’ or PBURST
are not equal to ‘00’.

14:13 MWIDTH[1:0] Transfer width of memory

Software set and clear.
00: 8-bit
01: 16-bit
10: 32-bit
11: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.
These bits are automatically locked as PWIDTH by hardware immediately after
enable CHEN if MDMEN in the DMA_CHxFCTL register is configured to ‘0’.

12:11 PWIDTH[1:0] Transfer width of peripheral

Software set and clear.
00: 8-bit
01: 16-bit
10: 32-bit
11: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

10 MNAGA Next address generation algorithm of memory

Software set and clear
0: Fixed address mode
1: Increasing address mode
This bit can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

9 PNAGA Next address generation algorithm of peripheral

Software set and clear
0: Fixed address mode
1: Increasing address mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

8 CMEN Circular mode enable

Software set and clear.
0: Disable circular mode.
1: Enable circular mode
This bit can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.
This bit is automatically locked as ‘0’ by hardware immediately after enable CHEN
if TFCS is configured to ‘1’.
This bit is automatically locked as ‘1’ by hardware immediately after enable CHEN
if SBMEN is configured to ‘1’.

7:6 TM[1:0] Transfer mode

Software set and clear.
00: Read from peripheral and write to memory
01: Read from memory and write to peripheral
10: Read from memory and write to memory
11: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

5 TFCS Transfer flow controller select

Software set and clear.
0: DMA is selected as the transfer flow controller
1: Peripheral is selected as the transfer flow controller
This bit can NOT be written when CHEN is ‘1’.

4 FTFIE Enable bit for full transfer finish interrupt

Software set and clear.
0:Disable full transfer finish interrupt
1:Enable full transfer finish interrupt

3 HTFIE Enable bit for half transfer finish interrupt

Software set and clear.
0: Disable half transfer finish interrupt
1: Enable half transfer finish interrupt

2 TAEIE Enable bit for tranfer access error interrupt

Software set and clear.
0: Disable tranfer access error interrupt
1: Enable tranfer access error interrupt

1 SDEIE Enable bit for single data mode exception interrupt

Software set and clear.
0: Disable single data mode exception interrupt
1: Enable single data mode exception interrupt

0 CHEN Channel enable

Software set, hardware clear.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disable channel
1: Enable channel
When this bit is asserted, the DMA transfer is started. This bit is automaticly
cleared when one of the following situations occurs:
When the transfer of channel is fully finished.
When a wrong FIFO configuration or a transfer access error is detected.
After a software clear operation, this bit is still read as 1 to indicate that there are
memory or peripheral transfers still active until hardware has terminated all
activity, at which point this bit is read as 0. Software can therefore poll this bit to
determine when this channel is free for a new DMA transfer.

10.6.6. Channel x counter register (DMA_CHxCNT)

x = 0...7, where x is a channel number

Address offset: 0x14 + 0x18 × x

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CNT[15:0] Transfer counter

These bits can NOT be written when CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’.
These bits are related to PWIDTH. During the transmission, These bits signify the
number of remaining data to be transferred. After each DMA peripheral transfer,
CNT is decreamented by 1. If CMEN or SBMEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is
configured to ‘1’, CNT can be reloaded automatically to the original value at the
end of transfer.

10.6.7. Channel x peripheral base address register (DMA_CHxPADDR)

x = 0...7, where x is a channel number

Address offset: 0x18 + 0x18 × x

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 PADDR[31:0] Peripheral base address
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’.
When PWIDTH is 01 (16-bit), the LSB of these bits is ignored. Access is
automatically aligned to a half word address.
When PWIDTH is 10 (32-bit), the two LSBs of these bits are ignored. Access is
automatically aligned to a word address.
Note:If PAIF in the DMA_CHxCTL register is enable, these bits must be
configured to 32-bit alignment.

10.6.8. Channel x memory 0 base address register (DMA_CHxM0ADDR)

x = 0...7, where x is a channel number

Address offset: 0x1C + 0x18 × x

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 M0ADDR[31:0] Memory 0 base address
When MBS in the DMA_CHxCTL register is read as to ‘0’, these bits specific the
memory base address accessed by DMA during the transmission.
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’
and MBS in the DMA_CHxCTL register is read as ‘0’.
When memory 0 is selected as memory transfer area and MWIDTH in the
DMA_CHxCTL register is 01 (16-bit), the LSB of these bits is ignored. Access is
automatically aligned to a half word address.

GD32F4xx User Manual
When memory 0 is selected as memory transfer area and MWIDTH in the
DMA_CHxCTL register is 10 (32-bit), the two LSBs of these bits are ignored.
Access is automatically aligned to a word address.

10.6.9. Channel x memory 1 base address register (DMA_CHxM1ADDR)

x = 0...7, where x is a channel number

Address offset: 0x20 + 0x18 × x

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 M1ADDR[31:0] Memory 1 base address
When MBS in the DMA_CHxCTL register is read as to ‘1’, these bits specific the
memory base address accessed by DMA during the transmission.
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’
and MBS in the DMA_CHxCTL register is read as ‘1’.
When memorty 1 is selected as memory tranfer area and MWIDTH in the
DMA_CHxCTL register is 01 (16-bit), the LSB of these bits is ignored. Access is
automatically aligned to a half word address.
When memorty 1 is selected as memory tranfer area and MWIDTH in the
DMA_CHxCTL register is 10 (32-bit), the two LSBs of these bits are ignored.
Access is automatically aligned to a word address.

10.6.10. Channel x FIFO control register (DMA_CHxFCTL)

x = 0...7, where x is a channel number

Address offset: 0x24 + 0x18 × x

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved FEEIE Reserved FCNT[2:0] MDMEN FCCV[1:0]

rw r rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 FEEIE Enable bit for FIFO error and exception interrupt

Software set and clear.
0: Disable FIFO error and exception interrupt
1: Enable FIFO error and exception interrupt

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:3 FCNT[2:0] FIFO counter

Hardware set and clear.
000: No data
001: One word
010: Two words
011: Three words
100: Empty
101: Full
110~111: Reserved
These bits specific the number of data stored in FIFO during the transmission.
When MDMEN is configured to ‘0’, these bits has no meaning.

2 MDMEN Multi-data mode enable

Software set and clear.
0: Disable Multi-data mode
1: Enable Multi-data mode
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’.
These bits are automatically locked as ‘1’ by hardware immediately after enable
CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register if TM in the DMA_CHxCTL register is
configured to ‘10’.

1:0 FCCV[1:0] FIFO counter critical value

Software set and clear
00: One word
01: Two Words
10: Three Words
11: Four Words
These bits can NOT be written when CHEN in the DMA_CHxCTL register is ‘1’.
When MDMEN is configured to ‘0’, these bits has no meaning.

GD32F4xx User Manual
11. Image processing accelerator (IPA)

11.1. Overview

The IPA provides a configurable and flexible image format conversion from one or two source
image to the destination image, with the following four conversion modes:

 Copy one source image to the destination image

 Convert one source image to the destination image with specific pixel format

 Convert and blend two source images to the destination image with specific pixel format

 Fill up the destination image with a specific color

Eleven pixel formats from 4-bit up to 32-bit per pixel independently for the two source images
and five pixel formats from 16-bit up to 32-bit per pixel for the destination image are supported.
Two 256*32 bits LUTs (Look-Up Table) separately for the two source images are implemented
for the indirect pixel formats.

11.2. Characteristics

 One AHB master interface for memory access and one AHB slave interface for IPA
configuration with 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit

 Three four-word depth 32-bit FIFOs independently for the source and destination images

 Support four pixel-format-convert modes

– Copy one source image to the destination image

– Convert one source image to the destination image with specific pixel format

– Convert and blend two source images to the destination image with specific pixel

– Fill up the destination image with a specific color

 Support configurable LUT size independently for two source images

 Support two LUT pixel formats separately for two source images

 Support LUT automatically loading for two source images

 Support transfer hang up and stop

 Support pixel offset per line independently for the source and destination images

 Support pre-defined pixel channel value independently for the source and destination
GD32F4xx User Manual
 Support three alpha channel value calculation algorithms separately for two source

 Support eleven pixel formats independently for two source images

 Support five pixel formats for the destination image

 Support configurable image size

 Support automatically AHB bandwidth adjustment with an internal timer

 Support one interrupt with six types of event flags

 Support interrupt enable and clear

11.3. Block diagram

Figure 11-1. IPA block diagram

AHB slave

Background PCE
LUT Destination PCC
control state &
counter BG pixel
management ARGB8888 Destination control
state & counter
Alpha channel management
Foreground PCE Red channel Blending
Foreground Alpha channel
LUT Foreground Green channel FG pixel
FIFO Red channel
control state & Blue channel ARGB8888
counter Green channel
management Blue channel
Alpha channel

FIFO Red channel

Green channel
Blue channel

AHB master
Foregroundm Background Destination
emory port memory port memory port

As showed in Figure 11-1. IPA block diagram, the IPA consists of six main parts:

 IPA configuration through AHB slave interface

 Image data access through AHB master interface

 Foreground and background LUT

 Foreground and background pixel channel extension (PCE)

 Foreground and background pixel blending

 Destination pixel channel compression (PCC)

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.4. Function overview

The IPA is a pixel format converter, supporting multiple conversion modes, foreground pixel
formats and line offset, background pixel formats and line offset, destination pixel formats and
line offset to allow for flexible application by configuring the corresponding bits in the IPA
registers. All the IPA registers (expect for LUT accesses only 32-bit supported) can be 8-bit,
16-bit and 32-bit configured through AHB slave interface.

Four conversion modes are supported, which is determined by the PFCM bits in the IPA_CTL
register, as listed in the Table 11-1. IPA conversion mode.

 Copy foreground image to the destination image

In this mode, the pixel data in the foreground memory are copied to the destination
memory without pixel conversion. So the configured pixel format of the foreground and
destination images have no specific meaning. The foreground pixel format only defines
the bit number per pixel.

 Convert foreground image to the destination image

In this mode, the pixel data in the foreground memory are converted from the foreground
pixel format to the destination pixel format, and then written into the destination memory.
If the foreground pixel format is indirect (L8, AL44, AL88, L4), the data read from the
foreground memory is used as an index to retrieve the pixel data from the foreground

 Convert and blend the foreground and background images to the destination image

In this mode, the pixel data in the foreground and background memory are firstly
converted from the foreground and background pixel format to ‘ARGB8888’. Pairs of
foreground and background pixel value are blended and converted from ‘ARGB8888’ to
the destination pixel format, and then written into the destination memory.

If the foreground pixel format is indirect, the data read from the foreground memory is
used as an index to retrieve the pixel data from the foreground LUT.

If the background pixel format is indirect, the data read from the background memory is
used as an index to retrieve the pixel data from the background LUT.

 Fill up the destination image with a specific color

In this mode, the destination image is filled up with the pre-defined pixel channel value,
corresponding with the destination pixel format.

Table 11-1. IPA conversion mode

Conversion mode Pixel
PFCM[1:0] Blending
Source Destination conversion
00 Foreground image No No
GD32F4xx User Manual
Conversion mode Pixel
PFCM[1:0] Blending
Source Destination conversion
01 Foreground image Yes No
Foreground and background Destination
10 Yes Yes
image image
Pixel value pre-defined in the Destination
11 No No
register image

11.4.1. Conversion operation

An IPA transaction consists of seven operations:

1) Read pixel data from the foreground memory addressed through the IPA_FMADDR.
Retrieve the pixel data from the foreground LUT if the foreground pixel format is indirect.
2) Extend the foreground pixel value to a 32-bit value, and calculate the alpha channel value
according to the FAVCA bits in the IPA_FPCTL register
3) Read pixel data from the background memory addressed through the IPA_BMADDR.
Retrieve the pixel data from the background LUT if the background pixel format is indirect.
4) Extend the background pixel value to a 32-bit value, and calculate the alpha channel
value according to the BAVCA bits in the IPA_BPCTL register
5) Blend the processed foreground and background pixel data.
6) Compress the pixel data into the value with the destination pixel format determined by
the DPF bits in the IPA_DPCTL register
7) Write the converted pixel data into the destination memory addressed through the

Three four-word depth 32-bit FIFOs are implemented for the foreground, background and
destination pixel data processing. The foreground and background FIFO are buffers to store
the data reading from the corresponding source memory and the destination FIFO is pushed
with the processed pixel data which is ready to write into the destination memory when the
AHB bus is idle.
If the PFCM bits in the IPA_CTL register is configured to ‘00’ or ‘01’ to copy or convert
foreground image to the destination image, only the foreground FIFO and destination FIFO
are activated. If the IPA operates to fill up the destination image with the specific color, none
of these three FIFOs is activated.

11.4.2. Foreground and background LUT

Two LUTs are implemented in the IPA to store the pixel value for the usage of the indirect
pixel format. The pixel value must be written into the LUT before the IPA transfer is enabled
when the pixel format is indirect. The pixel value in the LUT can be updated in two ways:

 Automatically loading:

Enable the FLLEN/BLLEN bit in the IPA_FPCTL/IPA_BPCTL register. The FCNP or

GD32F4xx User Manual
BCNP bits in the IPA_FPCTL or IPA_BPCTL register define the number of pixels to be
loaded, which is equal to FCNP+ 1 or BCNP + 1.

 Software program:

The pixel data is written into the corresponding memory address through the IPA AHB
slave interface. The base address offset of foreground LUT is 0x0400, and the base
address offset of background LUT is 0x0800.

Two pixel formats are supported for the LUTs, including ‘ARGB8888’ and ‘RGB888’, which is
determined by the FLPF or BLPF bit in the IPA_FPCTL or IPA_BPCTL register, as listed in
the Table 11-2. Foreground and background CLUT pixel format.

Table 11-2. Foreground and background CLUT pixel format

Memory address
BLPF/FLPF LUT pixel format
base + 0x3 base + 0x2 base + 0x1 base + 0x0
0 ARGB8888 A0[7:0] R0[7:0] G0[7:0] B0[7:0]

R3[7:0] G3[7:0] B3[7:0] R2[7:0]

1 RGB888 G2[7:0] B2[7:0] R1[7:0] G1[7:0]

B1[7:0] R0[7:0] G0[7:0] B0[7:0]

Note: If the pixel format is ‘RGB888’, the alpha value is fixed to 0xFF when updating the pixel
data in the LUT.

11.4.3. Foreground and background pixel channel extension (PCE)

In the IPA pixel-format-convert mode with pixel conversion, the foreground (and background)
pixel values are extended from the foreground or background pixel format to the ‘ARGB8888’

The FPF and BPF bits in the IPA_FPCTL and IPA_BPCTL register determine the pixel format
of the foreground and background image, as listed in the Table 11-3. Foreground and
background pixel format_Hlk454820194.

A pixel consists of five channels:

 Alpha channel: opacity, 0x00: transparent; 0xFF: opaque.

 Red channel: redness, 0x00 No red, 0xFF: fully red.

 Green channel: greenness, 0x00 No green, 0xFF: fully green.

 Blue channel: blueness, 0x00 No blue, 0xFF: fully blue.

 Luminance channel: In the IPA, the value of the luminance channel is used as an index
to retrieve the pixel data from the foreground or background LUT.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 11-3. Foreground and background pixel format
Memory address
BPF[3:0]/FPF[3:0] Pixel format
base + 0x3 base + 0x2 base + 0x1 base + 0x0
0000 ARGB8888 A0[7:0] R0[7:0] G0[7:0] B0[7:0]

R3[7:0] G3[7:0] B3[7:0] R2[7:0]

0001 RGB888 G2[7:0] B2[7:0] R1[7:0] G1[7:0]

B1[7:0] R0[7:0] G0[7:0] B0[7:0]

0010 RGB565 R1[4:0]G1[5:3] G1[2:0]B1[4:0] R0[4:0]G0[5:3] G0[2:0]B0[4:0]

0011 ARGB1555 A1[0]R1[4:0]G1[4:3] G1[2:0]B1[4:0] A0[0]R0[4:0]G0[4:3] G0[2:0]B0[4:0]

0100 ARGB4444 A1[3:0]R1[3:0] G1[3:0]B1[3:0] A0[3:0]R0[3:0] G0[3:0]B0[3:0]

0101 L8 L3[7:0] L2[7:0] L1[7:0] L0[7:0]

0110 AL44 A3[3:0]L3[3:0] A2[3:0]L2[3:0] A1[3:0]L1[3:0] A0[3:0]L0[3:0]

0111 AL88 A1[7:0] L1[7:0] A0[7:0] L0[7:0]

1000 L4 L7[3:0]L6[3:0] L5[3:0]L4[3:0] L3[3:0]L2[3:0] L1[3:0]L0[3:0]

1001 A8 A3[7:0] A2[7:0] A1[7:0] A0[7:0]

1010 A4 A7[3:0]A6[3:0] A5[3:0]A4[3:0] A3[3:0]A2[3:0] A1[3:0]A0[3:0]

If the pixel format is ‘RGB888’, the alpha channel value is equal to 0xFF when extending the
pixel data, as shown in Figure 11-2. Pixel extension from ‘RGB888’ to ‘ARGB8888’.

Figure 11-2. Pixel extension from ‘RGB888’ to ‘ARGB8888’

 RGB888  ARGB8888

A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0]

G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0]

B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0]

If the pixel format is ‘RGB565’, the alpha channel value is equal to 0xFF when extending the
pixel data. The red, green and blue channel value is extended to 8-bit by setting the MSBs to
the original bits and copying the MSBs to the LSBs, as shown in Figure 11-3. Pixel extension
from ‘RGB565’ to ‘ARGB8888’.

Figure 11-3. Pixel extension from ‘RGB565’ to ‘ARGB8888’

 RGB565  ARGB8888

A A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

R R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R[4] R[3] R[2]

G G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G[5] G[4]

B B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B[4] B[3] B[2]

If the pixel format is ‘ARGB1555’ or ‘ARGB4444’, The value of every channel is extended to
8-bit by setting the MSBs to the original bits and copying the MSBs to the LSBs, as shown in
the Figure 11-4. Pixel extension from ‘ARGB1555’ or ‘ARGB4444’ to ‘ARGB8888’.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 11-4. Pixel extension from ‘ARGB1555’ or ‘ARGB4444’ to ‘ARGB8888’
 ARGB1555  ARGB8888

A A[0] A A[0] A[0] A[0] A[0] A[0] A[0] A[0] A[0]

R R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R[4] R[3] R[2]

G G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G[4] G[3] G[2]

B B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B[4] B[3] B[2]

 ARGB4444  ARGB8888

A A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] A A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0]

R R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0]

G G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0]

B B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0]

If the pixel format is ‘L8’ or ‘L4’, the pixel data is retrieved from the LUT with the 8-bit luminance
channel value (MSBs filled with ‘0’ when ‘L4’).

If the pixel format is ‘AL44’, only the red, green and blue channel values are retrieved from
the LUT with the 8-bit luminance channel value (MSBs filled with ‘0’). And the alpha channel
value is extended to 8-bit by setting the MSBs to the original bits and copying the MSBs to
the LSBs.

If the pixel format is ‘AL88’, only the red, green and blue channel values are retrieved from
the LUT with the 8-bit luminance channel value.

If the pixel format is ‘A8’, the red, green and blue channel values are separately equal to the
FPDRV or BPDRV bits, FPDGV or BPDGV bits and FPDBV or BPDBV bits in the IPA_FPV
or IPA_BPV register.

If the pixel format is ‘A4’, the alpha channel value is extended to 8-bit by setting the MSBs to
the original bits and copying the MSBs to the LSBs. The red, green and blue channel values
are separately equal to the FPDRV or BPDRV bits, FPDGV or BPDGV bits and FPDBV or
BPDBV bits in the IPA_FPV or IPA_BPV register.

Three algorithms are supported to modulate the alpha channel value, which is determined by
the FAVCA or BAVCA bits in the IPA_FPCTL or IPA_BPCTL register, as described in Table
11-4. Alpha channel value modulation.

Table 11-4. Alpha channel value modulation

FAVCA[1:0]/BAVCA[1:0] Alpha calculation algorithm
00/11 No effect, equal to the original value
Equal to the FPDAV or BPDAV bits in the IPA_FPCTL or IPA_BPCTL
Equal to the FPDAV or BPDAV bits multiplied by the original alpha value
and divided by 255

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.4.4. Blending

When the IPA operates to convert and blend the foreground and background images to the
destination image, the foreground and background pixel data after extending are blended by
pair to get a 32-bit pixel value.

The alpha channel value is blended on the base of the following equations (AF is the
foreground alpha value, AB is the background alpha value):
Amix =
Ablend =AF +AB -Amix

The red, green and blue channel value are blended on the base of the following equations
(RF, GF, BF is the foreground red, green and blue value; RB, GB, BB is the background red,
green and blue value):
RF ×AF +RB ×AB -RB ×Amix
Rblend =
GF ×AF +GB ×AB -GB ×Amix
Gblend =
BF ×AF +BB ×AB -BB ×Amix
Bblend =

Note: 1) The quotient of the division is rounded down to the nearest integer. 2) If the Ablend is
equal to zero, the Rblend, Gblend and Bblend is equal to ‘0xFF’.

11.4.5. Destination pixel channel compression (PCC)

In the IPA pixel-format-convert mode with pixel conversion, the pixel data need to be
compressed from the ‘ARGB8888’ format into the destination pixel format before they are
written into the destination memory.

The DPF bits in the IPA_DPCTL register determine the pixel format of the destination image,
as listed in Table 11-5. Destination pixel format.

Table 11-5. Destination pixel format

Memory address
DPF[2:0] Pixel format
base + 0x3 base + 0x2 base + 0x1 base + 0x0
000 ARGB8888 A0[7:0] R0[7:0] G0[7:0] B0[7:0]
R3[7:0] G3[7:0] B3[7:0] R2[7:0]

001 RGB888 G2[7:0] B2[7:0] R1[7:0] G1[7:0]

B1[7:0] R0[7:0] G0[7:0] B0[7:0]

010 RGB565 R1[4:0]G1[5:3] G1[2:0]B1[4:0] R0[4:0]G0[5:3] G0[2:0]B0[4:0]

011 ARGB1555 A1[0]R1[4:0]G1[4:3] G1[2:0]B1[4:0] A0[0]R0[4:0]G0[4:3] G0[2:0]B0[4:0]

100 ARGB4444 A1[3:0]R1[3:0] G1[3:0]B1[3:0] A0[3:0]R0[3:0] G0[3:0]B0[3:0]

Note: If the PFCM bits in the IPA_CTL register are equal to ‘00’ (copy the foreground image

GD32F4xx User Manual
to the destination image), the DPF bits have no meaning, and the FPF bits in the IPA_FPCTL
register determine the bit number per pixel for both the source and destination.

As shown in Figure 11-5. Pixel compression, the destination compression is performed by

discarding the LSBs.

Figure 11-5. Pixel compression

 ARGB8888  RGB888

A A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] A

R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0]

G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0]

B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0]

 ARGB8888  RGB565

A A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] A

R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3]

G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2]

B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3]

 ARGB8888  ARGB1555

A A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] A A[7]

R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3]

G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3]

B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3]

 ARGB8888  ARGB4444

A A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4] A[3] A[2] A[1] A[0] A A[7] A[6] A[5] A[4]

R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4] R[3] R[2] R[1] R[0] R R[7] R[6] R[5] R[4]

G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4] G[3] G[2] G[1] G[0] G G[7] G[6] G[5] G[4]

B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4] B[3] B[2] B[1] B[0] B B[7] B[6] B[5] B[4]

11.4.6. Inter-timer

To reduce the AHB bandwidth usage of IPA AHB master interface, a timer is implemented to
insert a number of clocks between two consecutive AHB commands during IPA transmission
and LUT automatic loading.

The internal timer is enabled by setting the ITEN bit in the IPA_ITCTL register. The NCCI bits
in the IPA_ITCTL register define the minimum number of clock inserted between two
consecutive AHB commands, and these bits have no meaning when the timer is disabled.

Updating the NCCI bits when the ITEN bit is enabled have no effect until the current counting

GD32F4xx User Manual
is completed, as shown in Figure 11-6. Inter timer operation.

Figure 11-6. Inter timer operation

ITEN = 1'b1

Timer counter 0 1 2 … A 1 2 … B 0 1 2


cmd 1 cmd 2 cmd 3
AHB cmd
2 request time

11.4.7. Line mark

The marked line number can be set by configuring the LM bits in the IPA_LM register. As soon
as the last pixel data of the line mark has been written into the destination memory, the TLMIF
bit in the IPA_INTF register is asserted to detailing the progression of the IPA transfer.

Note: If the LM bits are equal to zero, no line mark flag is asserted during the transmission.

11.4.8. Transfer flow

The foreground/background LUT automatically loading is enabled by setting the

FLLEN/BLLEN bit in the IPA_FPCTL/IPA_BPCTL register. Once the loading transfer is
launched, the FLLEN/BLLEN bit is used as a transmission flag and writing ‘0’ to the
FLLEN/BLLEN bit has no meaning. The FLLEN/BLLEN can be automatically cleared when
the loading is finished.

The IPA transfer is enabled by setting the TEN bit in the IPA_CTL register. Once the IPA
transfer is launched, the TEN bit is used as a transmission flag and writing ‘0’ to it has no
meaning. The TEN bit can be automatically cleared when the IPA transfer is finished.

At any time, the foreground/background LUT automatic loading and IPA transfer can be
hanged up by setting the THU bit in the IPA_CTL register. The LUT loading and IPA transfer
is paused until the THU bit is cleared by software. When none of the foreground/background
LUT automatically loading and IPA transfer is enabled, setting the THU bit has no effect and
the THU bit is read as 0.

The foreground/background LUT automatic loading and IPA transfer can be stopped by
setting the TST bit in the IPA_CTL register. The LUT loading or IPA transfer is stopped
immediately by resetting the FLLEN/BLLEN bit in the IPA_FPCTL/IPA_BPCTL register or the
TEN bit in the IPA_CTL register even though the LUT loading or IPA transfer is being hanged
up. The TST bit is automatically reset when the current transfer is disabled. When none of the
foreground/background LUT automatic loading and IPA transfer is enabled, setting the TST
bit has no effect and the TST bit is read as 0.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Only one of the foreground LUT loading, background LUT loading and IPA transfer can be
working at a time. For example, when the IPA transfer is ongoing, setting the FLLEN or BLLEN
bit has no effect and the FLLEN and BLLEN bit is automatically reset.

11.4.9. Configuration

Before launching any transfers, it is necessary to read the TEN, FLLEN and BLLEN bit to
check whether the IPA transfer or the LUT loading is active. If one of them is ongoing, set the
TST bit to stop it or wait it finished. When all of the TEN, FLLEN and BLLEN bit are read as
0, starting a new transfer is allowed.

Foreground LUT loading

When starting a new foreground LUT loading, it is recommended to respect the following

1. Configure the IPA_FLMADDR register to set the foreground LUT memory base address.
2. Configure the FLPF bit in the IPA_FPCTL register to set the foreground LUT pixel format.
3. Configure the FCNP bits in the IPA_FPCTL register to set the number of pixel in the
foreground LUT to be loaded.
4. Configure the needed enable bit for wrong configuration interrupt, LUT loading finish
interrupt, LUT access conflict interrupt and transfer access error interrupt in the IPA_CTL
5. Configure the FLLEN bit with ‘1’ in the IPA_FPCTL register to enable the foreground LUT
automatically loading.

Background LUT loading

When starting a new background LUT loading, it is recommended to respect the following

1. Configure the IPA_BLMADDR register to set the background LUT memory base address.
2. Configure the BLPF bit in the IPA_BPCTL register to set the background LUT pixel format.
3. Configure the BCNP bits in the IPA_BPCTL register to set the number of pixel in the
background LUT to be loaded.
4. Configure the needed enable bit for wrong configuration interrupt, LUT loading finish
interrupt, LUT access conflict interrupt and transfer access error interrupt in the IPA_CTL
5. Configure the BLLEN bit with ‘1’ in the IPA_BPCTL register to enable the background LUT
automatically loading.

IPA transfer

When starting a new IPA transfer, the configuration steps corresponding with the pixel format
convert mode are as follows:

GD32F4xx User Manual
Copy the foreground image to the destination image

1. Configure the IPA_FMADDR and IPA_DMADDR register to set the foreground and
destination memory base address.
2. Configure the FPF bits in the IPA_FPCTL register to set the foreground pixel format.
3. Configure the FLOFF and DLOFF bits in the IPA_FLOFF and IPA_DLOFF register to set
the foreground and destination line offset.
4. Configure the LM bits in the IPA_LM register to set the line mark if needed.
5. Configure the WIDTH and HEIGHT bits in the IPA_IMS register to set the image size.
6. Configure the needed enable bit for wrong configuration interrupt, LUT access conflict
interrupt, transfer line mark interrupt, full transfer finish interrupt and transfer access error
interrupt in the IPA_CTL register.
7. Configure the TEN bit with ‘1’ in the IPA_CTL register to enable the IPA transfer.

Convert foreground image to the destination image

If the foreground pixel format is indirect, the pixel data must be loaded into the foreground
LUT before starting the IPA transfer. The LUT automatic loading procedure is described in the
Foreground LUT loading.

1. Configure the IPA_FMADDR and IPA_DMADDR register to set the foreground and
destination memory base address.
2. Configure the FAVCA and FPF bits in the IPA_FPCTL register to set the foreground alpha
value calculation algorithm and the foreground pixel format.
3. Configure the pre-defined pixel value, including alpha, red, green and blue value in the
IPA_FPCTL and IPA_FPV register if the foreground format is not ARGBxxxx type.
4. Configure the DPF bits in the IPA_DPCTL register to set the destination pixel format.
5. Configure the FLOFF and DLOFF bits in the IPA_FLOFF and IPA_DLOFF register to set
the foreground and destination line offset.
6. Configure the LM bits in the IPA_LM register to set the line mark if needed.
7. Configure the WIDTH and HEIGHT bits in the IPA_IMS register to set the image size.
8. Configure the needed enable bit for wrong configuration interrupt, LUT access conflict
interrupt, transfer line mark interrupt, full transfer finish interrupt and transfer access error
interrupt in the IPA_CTL register.
9. Configure the TEN bit with ‘1’ in the IPA_CTL register to enable the IPA transfer.

Convert and blend the foreground and background images to the destination

If the foreground or background pixel format is indirect, the pixel data must be loaded into the
corresponding LUT before starting the IPA transfer. The foreground and background LUT
automatically loading procedure is described in the Foreground LUT loading and
Background LUT loading.

1. Configure the IPA_FMADDR, IPA_BMADDR and IPA_DMADDR register to set the

foreground, background and destination memory base address.
2. Configure the FAVCA and FPF bits in the IPA_FPCTL register to set the foreground alpha

GD32F4xx User Manual
value calculation algorithm and the foreground pixel format.
3. Configure the foreground pre-defined pixel value, including alpha, red, green and blue
value in the IPA_FPCTL and IPA_FPV register if the foreground format is not ARGBxxxx
4. Configure the BAVCA and BPF bits in the IPA_BPCTL register to set the background
alpha value calculation algorithm and the background pixel format.
5. Configure the background pre-defined pixel value, including alpha, red, green and blue
value in the IPA_BPCTL and IPA_BPV register if the background format is not ARGBxxxx
6. Configure the DPF bits in the IPA_DPCTL register to set the destination pixel format.
7. Configure the FLOFF, BLOFF and DLOFF bits in the IPA_FLOFF, IPA_BLOFF and
IPA_DLOFF register to set the foreground, background and destination line offset.
8. Configure the LM bits in the IPA_LM register to set the line mark if needed.
9. Configure the WIDTH and HEIGHT bits in the IPA_IMS register to set the image size.
10. Configure the needed enable bit for wrong configuration interrupt, LUT access conflict
interrupt, transfer line mark interrupt, full transfer finish interrupt and transfer access error
interrupt in the IPA_CTL register.
11. Configure the TEN bit with ‘1’ in the IPA_CTL register to enable the IPA transfer.

Fill up the destination image with a specific color

1. Configure the IPA_DMADDR register to set the destination memory base address.
2. Configure the DPF bits in the IPA_DPCTL register to set the destination pixel format.
3. Configure the destination pre-defined pixel value, including alpha, red, green and blue
value in the IPA_DPV register.
4. Configure the DLOFF bits in the IPA_DLOFF register to set the destination line offset.
5. Configure the LM bits in the IPA_LM register to set the line mark if needed.
6. Configure the WIDTH and HEIGHT bits in the IPA_IMS register to set the image size.
7. Configure the needed enable bit for wrong configuration interrupt, LUT access conflict
interrupt, transfer line mark interrupt, full transfer finish interrupt and transfer access error
interrupt in the IPA_CTL register.
8. Configure the TEN bit with ‘1’ in the IPA_CTL register to enable the IPA transfer.

Configuration rules

The IPA configuration must respect a number of rules, otherwise the transfer or loading is
automatically reset and the WCFIF bit in the IPA_INTF register is asserted immediately after
it is enabled. The rules are described as follows:

When the foreground LUT automatically loading is enabled:

– The FLMADDR bits in the IPA_FLMADDR register must be 32-bit alignment when the
FLPF bit in the IPA_FPCTL register is equal to ‘0’.

When the background LUT automatically loading is enabled:

– The BLMADDR bits in the IPA_BLMADDR register must be 32-bit alignment when the
BLPF bit in the IPA_BPCTL register is equal to ‘0’.

GD32F4xx User Manual
When the IPA transfer is enabled:

1) The FMADDR bits in the IPA_FMADDR register must be 32-bit alignment when the FPF
bits in the IPA_FPCTL register are ‘ARGB8888’ and be 16-bit alignment when the FPF
bits are ‘RGB565’, ‘ARGB1555’, ‘ARGB4444’ or ‘AL88’ .
2) The FLOFF bits in the IPA_FLOFF register must be even when the FPF bits in the
IPA_FPCTL register are ‘A4’ or ‘L4’.
3) The BMADDR bits in the IPA_BMADDR register must be 32-bit alignment when the BPF
bits in the IPA_BPCTL register are ‘ARGB8888’ and be 16-bit alignment when the BPF
bits are ‘RGB565’, ‘ARGB1555’, ‘ARGB4444’ or ‘AL88’ .
4) The BLOFF bits in the IPA_BLOFF register must be even when the BPF bits in the
IPA_BPCTL register are ‘A4’ or ‘L4’.
5) The FPF bits in the IPA_FPCTL register must be valid and less than or equal to ‘0b1010’.
6) The BPF bits in the IPA_BPCTL register must be valid and less than or equal to ‘0b1010’.
7) The DPF bits in the IPA_DPCTL register must be valid and less than or equal to ‘0b100’.
8) The DMADDR bits in the IPA_DMADDR register must be 32-bit alignment when the DPF
bits in the IPA_DPCTL register are ‘ARGB8888’ and be 16-bit alignment when the DPF
bits are ‘RGB565’, ‘ARGB1555’, ‘ARGB4444’.
9) The DLOFF bits in the IPA_DLOFF register must be even when the FPF bits in the
IPA_FPCTL register are ‘A4’ or ‘L4’.
10) The WIDTH bits in the IPA_IMS register must be even when the FPF bits in the
IPA_FPCTL register are ‘A4’ or ‘L4’.
11) The WIDTH bits in the IPA_IMS register must be even when the BPF bits in the
IPA_BPCTL register are ‘A4’ or ‘L4’.
12) The WIDTH bits in the IPA_IMS register must be greater than zero.
13) The HEIGHT bits in the IPA_IMS register must be greater than zero.

When the PFCM bits are equal to ‘00’, only 1), 2), 5), 9), 10), 12), 13) are considerable.
When the PFCM bits are equal to ‘01’, only 1), 2), 5), 7), 8), 10), 12), 13) are considerable.
When the PFCM bits are equal to ‘10’, all the configuration rules except 10) are considerable.
When the PFCM bits are equal to ‘11’, only 12), 13) are considerable.

11.5. Interrupts

There are six interrupt events connected to the IPA interrupt, including wrong configuration
interrupt, LUT loading finish interrupt, LUT access conflict interrupt, transfer line mark interrupt,
full transfer finish interrupt and transfer access error interrupt. An IPA interrupt can be
produced when any interrupt events occurs.

Each interrupt event has a dedicated flag bit in the IPA_INTF register, a dedicated clear bit in
the IPA_INTC register, and a dedicated enable bit in the IPA_CTL register. The relationship is
described in the Table 11-6. IPA interrupt events.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 11-6. IPA interrupt events
Flag bit Enable bit Clear bit
Interrupt event

wrong configuration interrupt WCFIF WCFIE WCFIFC

LUT loading finish interrupt LLFIF LLFIE LLFIFC
LUT access conflict interrupt LACIF LACIE LACIFC
transfer line mark interrupt TLMIF TLMIE TLMIFC
full transfer finish interrupt FTFIF FTFIE FTFIFC
transfer access error interrupt TAEIF TAEIE TAEIFC

Wrong configuration interrupt

The wrong configuration interrupt flag is asserted immediately after the LUT loading or IPA
transfer is enabled, when any of the configuration rules listed in the Configuration rules is
broken. The LUT loading or IPA transfer is automatically disabled without launching any

When the wrong configuration interrupt flag is asserted and the enabled bit for wrong
configuration interrupt is set, an IPA interrupt is generated.

LUT loading finish interrupt

The LUT loading finish interrupt flag is asserted immediately after the last pixel data has been
loaded into the foreground or background LUT. A stop operation during the loading cannot
assert the LUT loading finish interrupt flag.

When the LUT loading finish interrupt flag is asserted and the enabled bit for LUT loading
finish interrupt is set, an IPA interrupt is generated.

LUT access conflict interrupt

A number of rules must be respected when accessing the foreground and background LUT
by software:
– During the foreground LUT automatic loading, the foreground LUT is forbidden to be
accessed by software.
– During the background LUT automatic loading, the background LUT is forbidden to be
accessed by software.
– During the IPA transfer with the PFCM bits equal to ‘0b01’ or ‘0b10’, if the foreground
pixel format is indirect, the foreground LUT is forbidden to be accessed by software.
– During the IPA transfer with the PFCM bits equal to ‘0b10’, if the background pixel format
is indirect, the background LUT is forbidden to be accessed by software.

When one of the above rules is broken, the LUT access conflict interrupt flag is asserted and
the software access has no effect (writing access is not be executed, reading access is
returned with an invalid value).

When the LUT access conflict interrupt flag is asserted and the enabled bit for the LUT access
conflict interrupt is set, an IPA interrupt is generated.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Transfer line mark interrupt

The transfer line mark interrupt flag is asserted immediately after the last pixel data of the line
mark is written into the destination memory. If the LM bits in the IPA_LM register are equal to
0, the transfer line mark interrupt flag will never be asserted during the IPA transmission.

When the transfer line mark interrupt flag is asserted and the enabled bit for the transfer line
mark interrupt is set, an IPA interrupt is generated.

Full transfer finish interrupt

The full transfer finish interrupt flag is asserted immediately after the last pixel data has been
written into the destination memory. A stop operation during the IPA transmission cannot
assert the full transfer finish interrupt flag.

When the full transfer finish interrupt flag is asserted and the enabled bit for the full transfer
finish interrupt is set, an IPA interrupt is generated.

Transfer access error interrupt

When the address accessed by the IPA is beyond the allowed area, a response error will be
received and the transfer (LUT loading or IPA transfer) is disabled immediately without
asserting the LUT loading finish interrupt flag or the full transfer finish interrupt flag. The
allowed and forbidden access region for IPA is shown in Figure 11-7. System connection
of IPA.

When the transfer access error interrupt flag is asserted and the enabled bit for the transfer
access error interrupt is set, an IPA interrupt is generated.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 11-7. System connection of IPA

Bus matrix FMC_I




Master port
IPA config

Dest inat ion


B ackground






GD32F4xx User Manual
11.6. Register definition

IPA base address: 0x4002 B000

11.6.1. Control register (IPA_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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Reserved PFCM[1:0]


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rw rw rw rw rw rw rs rw rs

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17:16 PFCM[1:0] Pixel format convert mode

Software set and clear.
00: Foreground memory to destination memory without pixel format convert
01: Foreground memory to destination memory with pixel format convert
10: Blending foreground and background memory to destination memory
11: Fill up destination memory with specific color
These bits can NOT be written when TEN is ‘1’.

15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

13 WCFIE Enable bit for wrong configuration interrupt

Software set and clear
0: Disable configuration error interrupt
1: Enable configuration error interrupt

12 LLFIE Enable bit for LUT loading finish interrupt

Software set and clear
0: Disable LUT loading finish interrupt
1: Enable LUT loading finish interrupt

11 LACIE Enable bit for LUT access conflict interrupt

Software set and clear
0: Disable LUT access conflict interrupt
1: Enable LUT access conflict interrupt

10 TLMIE Enable bit for transfer line mark interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
Software set and clear
0: Disable transfer line mark interrupt
1: Enable transfer line mark interrupt

9 FTFIE Enable bit for full transfer finish interrupt

Software set and clear
0: Disable full transfer finish interrupt
1: Enable full transfer finish interrupt

8 TAEIE Enable bit for transfer access error interrupt

Software set and clear
0: Disable transfer access error interrupt
1: Enable transfer access error interrupt

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

2 TST Transfer stop

Software set, software and hardware clear.
0: No effect
1: Stop the current transfer
When this bit is enabled, the current transfer (including LUT automatic loading and
IPA transfer) is stopped. This bit can be cleared by hardware immediately when
the current transfer is disabled.

1 THU Transfer hang up

Software set, software and hardware clear.
0: No effect
1: Hang up the current transfer
When this bit is enabled, the current transfer (including LUT automatic loading and
IPA transfer) is hanged up. When this bit is cleared, the current transfer continues.
This bit can be cleared by hardware immediately when the current transfer is

0 TEN Transfer enable

Software set, hardware clear.
0: Transfer disable
1: Transfer enable
When this bit is enabled, the IPA transfer is started. This bit is automatically
cleared when one of the following situations occurs:
- When the TST bit is enabled to stop the current transfer.
- When the transfer is fully finished.
- When a wrong configuration or a transfer access error is detected.
- When the foreground LUT or background LUT is being loaded (FLLEN bit in
the IPA_FPCTL register or BLLEN bit in the IPA_BPCTL register is ‘1’).

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.6.2. Interrupt flag register (IPA_INTF)
Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 WCFIF Wrong configuration interrupt flag

Hardware set, Software cleared by enable ‘WCFIFC’ bit in the IPA_INTC register.
0: No wrong configuration is detected when IPA transfer or LUT loading is enable.
1: A wrong configuration is detected when IPA transfer or LUT loading is enable.

4 LLFIF LUT loading finish interrupt flag

Hardware set, software cleared by enable ‘LLFIFC’ bit in the IPA_INTC register.
0: No LUT loading finish is detected
1: A LUT loading finish is detected

3 LACIF LUT access conflict interrupt flag

Hardware set, software cleared by enable ‘LACIFC’ bit in the IPA_INTC register.
0: No LUT access conflict is detected.
1: A LUT access conflict is detected.

2 TLMIF Transfer line mark interrupt flag

Hardware set, Software cleared by enable ‘CTCLIF’ bit in the IPA_INTC register.
0: The number of pixel transferred has not exactly reached the line mark
1: The number of pixel transferred has exactly reached the line mark

1 FTFIF Full transfer finish interrupt flag

Hardware set, software cleared by enable ‘CTFIF’ bit in the IPA_INTC register.
0: No full transfer finish is detected.
1: A full transfer finish is detected.

0 TAEIF Transfer access error interrupt flag

Hardware set, software cleared by enable ‘CTEIF’ bit in the IPA_INTC register.
0: No transfer access error is detected.
1: A transfer access error is detected.

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.6.3. Interrupt flag clear register (IPA_INTC)
Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 WCFIFC Clear bit for wrong configuration interrupt flag

Software set, hardware clear
0: No effect
1: Clear wrong configuration interrupt flag

4 LLFIFC Clear bit for LUT loading finish interrupt flag

Software set, hardware clear
0: No effect
1: Clear LUT loading finish interrupt flag

3 LACIFC Clear bit for LUT access conflict interrupt flag

Software set, hardware clear
0: No effect
1: Clear LUT access conflict interrupt flag

2 TLMIFC Clear bit for transfer line mark interrupt flag

Software set, hardware clear
0: No effect
1: Clear transfer line mark interrupt flag

1 TFIFC Clear bit for full transfer finish interrupt flag

Software set, hardware clear
0: No effect
1: Clear full transfer finish interrupt flag

0 TAEIFC Clear bit for transfer access error interrupt flag

Software set, hardware clear
0: No effect
1: Clear transfer access error interrupt flag

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.6.4. Foreground memory base address register (IPA_FMADDR)
Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 FMADDR[31:0] Foreground memory base address
These bits must be aligned to 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit corresponding with the
foreground pixel format. If foreground pixel format is ARGB8888, these bits must
be 32-bit aligned; If the foreground pixel format is RGB565, ARGB1555,
ARGB4444 or AL88, these bits must be 16-bit aligned. If the above alignment
rules are broken, a wrong configuration will be detected when the transfer is
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.5. Foreground line offset register (IPA_FLOFF)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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Reserved FLOFF[13:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:0 FLOFF[13:0] Foreground line offset

These bits indicate the number of pixel between the last pixel of the current line
and the first pixel of the next line. If the foreground pixel format is A4 or L4, the
FLOFF must be configured to be an even number, otherwise a wrong configuration
will be detected when the transfer is enable.
GD32F4xx User Manual
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.6. Background memory base address register (IPA_BMADDR)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 BMADDR[31:0] Background memory base address
These bits must be aligned to 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit corresponding with the
background pixel format. If background pixel format is ARGB8888, these bits must
be 32-bit aligned; If the background pixel format is RGB565, ARGB1555,
ARGB4444 or AL88, these bits must be 16-bit aligned. If the above alignment rules
are broken, a wrong configuration will be detected when the transfer is enable.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.7. Background line offset register (IPA_BLOFF)

Address offset: 0x18
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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Reserved BLOFF[13:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:0 BLOFF[13:0] Background line offset

These bits indicate the number of pixel between the last pixel of the current line
and the first pixel of the next line. If the background pixel format is A4 or L4, the

GD32F4xx User Manual
BLOFF must be configured to be an even number, otherwise a configuration error
will be detected when the transfer is enable.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.8. Foreground pixel control register (IPA_FPCTL)

Address offset: 0x1C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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FPDAV[7:0] Reserved FAVCA[1:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FCNP[7:0] Reserved FLLEN FLPF FPF[3:0]

rw rc_w1 rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 FPDAV[7:0] Foreground pre- defined alpha value
Software set and clear
These bits define an alpha value. These bits are used to calculate the foreground
alpha channel value with the alpha value read from foreground memory or
foreground LUT according to the foreground alpha calculation algorithm.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

23:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17:16 FAVCA[1:0] Foreground alpha value calculation algorithm

Software set and clear
00: No effect
01: FPDAV[7:0] is selected as the foreground alpha value
10: FPDAV[7:0] multiplied by the alpha data read from foreground memory or
foreground LUT divided by 255 is selected as the foreground alpha value
11: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

15:8 FCNP[7:0] Foreground LUT number of pixel

Software set and clear
The pixel number of foreground LUT is equal to FCNP + 1.
These bits can NOT be written when FLLEN is ‘1’.

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

5 FLLEN Foreground LUT loading enable

Software set, hardware clear.
0: Disable foreground LUT loading
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable foreground LUT loading
When this bit is enabled, the foreground LUT loading is started. This bit is
automatically cleared when one of the following situations occurs:
- When the TST bit is enabled
- When the foreground LUT loading is finished
- When a wrong configuration or a transfer error is detected
- When the IPA transfer is ongoing or the background LUT is being loaded (TEN
bit in the IPA_CTL register or BLLEN bit in the IPA_BPCTL register is ‘1’).

4 FLPF Foreground LUT pixel format

Software set and clear
0: ARGB8888
1: RGB888
This bit can NOT be written when FLLEN is ‘1’.

3:0 FPF[3:0] Foreground pixel format

software set and clear
0000: ARGB8888
0001: RGB888
0010: RGB565
0011: ARGB1555
0100: ARGB4444
0101: L8
0110: AL44
0111: AL88
1000: L4
1001: A8
1010: A4
1011 ~ 1111: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.9. Foreground pixel value register (IPA_FPV)

Address offset: 0x20
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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Reserved FPDRV[7:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FPDGV[7:0] FPDBV[7:0]

rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23:16 FPDRV[7:0] Foreground pre-defined red value

Software set and clear
When the foreground pixel format is A4 or A8, these bits are used as the
foreground red value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

15:8 FPDGV[7:0] Foreground pre-defined green value

Software set and clear
When the foreground pixel format is A4 or A8, these bits are used as the
foreground green value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

7:0 FPDBV[7:0] Foreground pre-defined blue value

Software set and clear
When the foreground pixel format is A4 or A8, these bits are used as the
foreground blue value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.10. Background pixel control register (IPA_BPCTL)

Address offset: 0x24
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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BPDAV[7:0] Reserved BAVCA[1:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

BCNP[7:0] Reserved BLLEN BLPF BPF[3:0]

rw rc_w1 rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 BPDAV[7:0] Background pre- defined alpha value
Software set and clear
These bits define an alpha value. These bits are used to calculate the background
alpha channel value with the alpha value read from background memory or
background LUT according to the background alpha calculation algorithm.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

23:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17:16 BAVCA[1:0] Background alpha value calculation algorithm

Software set and clear
GD32F4xx User Manual
00: No effect
01: BPDAV[7:0] is selected as the foreground alpha value
10: BPDAV[7:0] multiplied by the alpha data read from background memory or
background LUT divided by 255 is selected as the background alpha value
11: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

15:8 BCNP[7:0] Background LUT number of pixel

Software set and clear
The number of pixel of background LUT is equal to BCNP + 1.
These bits can NOT be written when BLLEN is ‘1’.

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

5 BLLEN Background LUT loading enable

Software set, hardware clear.
0: Background LUT loading disable
1: Background LUT loading enable
This bit is automatically cleared when one of the following situations occurs:
- When the TST bit is enabled
- When the background LUT loading is finished
- When a wrong configuration or a transfer error is detected
- When the IPA transfer is ongoing or the foreground LUT is being loaded (TEN
bit in the IPA_CTL register or FLLEN bit in the IPA_FPCTL register is ‘1’).

4 BLPF Background LUT pixel format

Software set and clear
0: ARGB8888
1: RGB888
This bit can NOT be written when BLLEN is ‘1’.

3:0 BPF[3:0] Background pixel format

software set and clear
0000: ARGB8888
0001: RGB888
0010: RGB565
0011: ARGB1555
0100: ARGB4444
0101: L8
0110: AL44
0111: AL88
1000: L4
1001: A8
1010: A4
1011 ~ 1111: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.6.11. Background pixel value register (IPA_BPV)
Address offset: 0x28
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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Reserved BPDRV[7:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

BPDGV[7:0] BPDBV[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23:16 BPDRV[7:0] Background pre-defined red value

Software set and clear
When the background pixel format is A4 or A8, these bits are used as the
background red value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

15:8 BPDGV[7:0] Background pre-defined green value

Software set and clear
When the background pixel format is A4 or A8, these bits are used as the
background green value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

7:0 BPDBV[7:0] Background pre-defined blue value

Software set and clear
When the background pixel format is A4 or A8, these bits are used as the
background blue value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.12. Foreground LUT memory base address register (IPA_FLMADDR)

Address offset: 0x2C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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GD32F4xx User Manual
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 FLMADDR[31:0] Foreground LUT memory base address
Software set and clear
The address must be aligned to 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit corresponding with the
foreground LUT pixel format. If foreground LUT pixel format is ARGB8888, these
bits must be 32-bit aligned. If the above alignment rule is broken, a wrong
configuration will be detected when the foreground LUT loading is enable.
These bit can NOT be written when FLLEN in the IPA_FPCTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.13. Background LUT memory base address register (IPA_BLMADDR)

Address offset: 0x30
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 BLMADDR[31:0] Background LUT memory base address
Software set and clear
The address must be aligned to 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit corresponding with the
background LUT pixel format. If background LUT pixel format is ARGB8888, these
bits must be 32-bit aligned. If the above alignment rule is broken, a wrong
configuration will be detected when the background LUT loading is enable.
These bit can NOT be written when BLLEN in the IPA_BPCTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.14. Destination pixel control register (IPA_DPCTL)

Address offset: 0x34
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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GD32F4xx User Manual

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Reserved DPF[2:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 DPF[2:0] Destination pixel format

Software set and clear
000: ARGB8888
001: RGB888
010: RGB565
011: ARGB1555
100: ARGB4444
101~111: Reserved
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.15. Destination pixel value register (IPA_DPV)

Address offset: 0x38
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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DPDAV[7:0] DPDRV[7:0]






15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DPDGV[7:0] DPDBV[7:0]

DPDGV[7:0] DPDBV[7:0]

DPDRV[4:0] DPDGV[5:0] DPDBV[4:0]


DPDAV[3:0] DPDRV[3:0] DPDGV[3:0] DPDBV[3:0]


When the destination pixel format is ARGB8888, the FIRST row is valid.

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 DPDAV[7:0] Destination pre-defined alpha value
Software set and clear

GD32F4xx User Manual
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination alpha value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

23:16 DPDRV[7:0] Destination pre-defined red value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination red value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

15:8 DPDGV[7:0] Destination pre-defined green value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination green value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

7:0 DPDBV[7:0] Destination pre-defined blue value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination blue value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

When the destination pixel format is RGB888, the SECOND row is valid.

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Meaningless These bit can be set and cleared by software, but these bits have no meaning
when the destination pixel format is RGB888.

23:16 DPDRV[7:0] Destination pre-defined red value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination red value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

15:8 DPDGV[7:0] Destination pre-defined green value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination green value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

7:0 DPDBV[7:0] Destination pre-defined blue value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination blue value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

When the destination pixel format is RGB565, the THIRD row is valid.
GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:16 Meaningless These bit can be set and cleared by software, but these bits have no meaning
when the destination pixel format is RGB565.

15:11 DPDRV[4:0] Destination pre-defined red value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination red value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

10:5 DPDGV[5:0] Destination pre-defined green value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination green value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

4:0 DPDBV[4:0] Destination pre-defined blue value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination blue value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

When the destination pixel format is ARGB1555, the FOURTH row is valid.

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Meaningless These bit can be set and cleared by software, but these bits have no meaning
when the destination pixel format is ARGB1555.

15 DPDAV Destination pre-defined alpha value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination alpha value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

14:10 DPDRV[4:0] Destination pre-defined red value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination red value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

9:5 DPDGV[4:0] Destination pre-defined green value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination green value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

4:0 DPDBV[4:0] Destination pre-defined blue value

Software set and clear
GD32F4xx User Manual
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination blue value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

When the destination pixel format is ARGB4444, the FIFTH row is valid.

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Meaningless These bit can be set and cleared by software, but these bits have no meaning
when the destination pixel format is ARGB4444.

15:12 DPDAV[3:0] Destination pre-defined alpha value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination alpha value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11:8 DPDRV[3:0] Destination pre-defined red value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination red value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

7:4 DPDGV[3:0] Destination pre-defined green value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination green value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

3:0 DPDBV[3:0] Destination pre-defined blue value

Software set and clear
When IPA is configured to fill up destination memory with specific color, these bits
are used as the destination blue value.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.16. Destination memory base address register (IPA_DMADDR)

Address offset: 0x3C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 DMADDR[31:0] Destination memory base address
software set and clear
The address must be aligned to 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit corresponding with the
destination pixel format. If the destination pixel format is ARGB8888, these bits
must be 32-bit aligned; If the destination pixel format is RGB565, ARGB1555 or
ARGB4444, these bits must be 16-bit aligned. If the above alignment rules are
broken, a wrong configuration will be detected when the transfer is enable.
These bit can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.17. Destination line offset register (IPA_DLOFF)

Address offset: 0x40
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved DLOFF[13:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:0 DLOFF[13:0] Destination line offset

software set and clear
These bits indicate the number of pixel between the last pixel of the current line
and the first pixel of the next line. When PFCM in the IPA_CTL register is
configured to ‘00’, if the foreground pixel format is A4 or L4, these bits must be
configured to be an even number, or a wrong configuration will be detected when
the transfer is enable.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.18. Image size register (IPA_IMS)

Address offset: 0x44
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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GD32F4xx User Manual
Reserved WIDTH[13:0]


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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29:16 WIDTH[13:0] Width of the image to be processed

Software set and clear
These bits signify the number of pixels per line. If the foreground or background
pixel format is A4 or L4, these bits must be configured to be an even number,
otherwise a wrong configuration will be detected when the transfer is enable.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

15:0 HEIGHT[15:0] Height of the image to be processed

Software set and clear
These bits specify the number of lines of image to be processed.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

11.6.19. Line mark register (IPA_LM)

Address offset: 0x48
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 LM[15:0] line mark

Software set and clear
These bits define a line number to signify the transfer level. An interrupt flag is
asserted as soon as the last pixel of the marked line has been written into the
destination memory.
These bits can NOT be written when TEN in the IPA_CTL register is ‘1’.

GD32F4xx User Manual
11.6.20. Inter-timer control register (IPA_ITCTL)
Address offset: 0x4C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

Note: This register can be accessed by byte (8-bit), half-word (16-bit) and word (32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

NCCI[7:0] Reserved ITEN

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:8 NCCI[7:0] Number of clock cycles interval

Software set and clear
These bits have no meaning if ITEN is ‘0’. If the ITEN is ‘1’, two consecutive AHB
commands are issued with an interval equal to or greater than these bits.

7:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 ITEN Inter-timer enable

An inter-timer is implemented to reduce the AHB bus bandwidth usage of IPA.
0: Disable inter-timer
1: Enable inter-timer

GD32F4xx User Manual
12. Debug (DBG)

12.1. Overview

The GD32F4xx series provide a large variety of debug, trace and test features. They are
implemented with a standard configuration of the ARM CoreSightTM module together with a
daisy chained standard TAP controller. Debug and trace functions are integrated into the ARM
Cortex-M4. The debug system supports serial wire debug (SWD) and trace functions in
addition to standard JTAG debug. The debug and trace functions refer to the following

 Cortex-M4 Technical Reference Manual

 ARM Debug Interface v5 Architecture Specification
The DBG hold unit helps debugger to debug power saving mode, TIMER, I2C, RTC, WWDGT,
FWDGT and CAN. When corresponding bit is set, provide clock when in power saving mode
or hold the state for TIMER, WWDGT, FWDGT, RTC, I2C or CAN.

12.2. JTAG/SW function description

Debug capabilities can be accessed by a debug tool via Serial Wire (SW - Debug Port) or
JTAG interface (JTAG - Debug Port).

12.2.1. Switch JTAG or SW interface

By default, the JTAG interface is active. The sequence for switching from JTAG to SWD is:

 Send 50 or more TCK cycles with TMS = 1

 Send the 16-bit sequence on TMS = 1110011110011110 (0xE79E LSB first)
 Send 50 or more TCK cycles with TMS = 1
The sequence for switching from SWD to JTAG is:

 Send 50 or more TCK cycles with TMS = 1

 Send the 16-bit sequence on TMS = 1110011100111100 (0xE73C LSB first)
 Send 50 or more TCK cycles with TMS = 1

12.2.2. Pin assignment

The JTAG interface provides 5-pin standard JTAG, known as JTAG clock (JTCK), JTAG mode
selection (JTMS), JTAG data input (JTDI), JTAG data output (JTDO) and JTAG reset
(NJTRST, active low). The serial wire debug (SWD) provide 2-pin SW interface, known as
SW data input/output (SWDIO) and SW clock (SWCLK). The two SW pin are multiplexed with
two of five JTAG pin, which is SWDIO multiplexed with JTMS, SWCLK multiplexed with JTCK.
GD32F4xx User Manual
The JTDO is also used as Trace async data output (TRACESWO) when async trace enabled.

The pin assignment are:

By default, 5-pin standard JTAG debug mode is chosen after reset. Users can also use JTAG
function without NJTRST pin, then the PB4 can be used to other GPIO functions. (NJTRST
tied to 1 by hardware). If switch to SW debug mode, the PA15/PB4/PB3 are released to other
GPIO functions. If JTAG and SW not used, all 5-pin can be released to other GPIO functions.
Please refer to 错误!未找到引用源。 .

12.2.3. JTAG daisy chained structure

The Cortex-M4 JTAG TAP is sconnected to a Boundary-Scan (BSD) JTAG TAP. The BSD
JTAG IR is 5-bit width, while the Cortec-M4 JTAG IR is 4-bit width. So when JTAG in IR shift
step, it first shift 5-bit BYPASS instruction (5’b 11111) for BSD JTAG, and then shift normal 4-
bit instruction for Cortext-M4 JTAG. Because of the data shift under BSD JTAG BYPASS
mode, adding 1 extra bit to the data chain is needed.

The BSD JTAG IDCODE is 0x790007A3.

12.2.4. Debug reset

The JTAG-DP and SW-DP register are in the power on reset domain. The System reset
initializes the majority of the Cortex-M4, excluding NVIC and debug logic, (FPB, DWT, and
ITM). The NJTRST reset can reset JTAG TAP controller only. So, it can perform debug feature
under system reset. Such as, halt-after-reset, which is the debugger sets halt under system
reset, and the core halts immediately after the system reset is released.

12.2.5. JEDEC-106 ID code

The Cortex-M4 integrates JEDEC-106 ID code, which is located in ROM table and mapped
on the address of 0xE00FF000_0xE00FFFFF.

12.3. Debug hold function description

12.3.1. Debug support for power saving mode

When STB_HOLD bit in DBG control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) is set and entering the standby
mode, the clock of AHB bus and system clock are provided by CK_IRC16M, and the debugger
can debug in standby mode. When exit the standby mode, a system reset generated.

When DSLP_HOLD bit in DBG control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) is set and entering the Deep-

GD32F4xx User Manual
sleep mode, the clock of AHB bus and system clock are provided by CK_IRC16M, and the
debugger can debug in Deep-sleep mode.

When SLP_HOLD bit in DBG control register 0 (DBG_CTL0) is set and entering the sleep
mode, the clock of AHB bus for CPU is not closed, and the debugger can debug in sleep

12.3.2. Debug support for TIMER, I2C, RTC, WWDGT, FWDGT and CAN

When the core halted and the corresponding bit in DBG control register 1 (DBG_CTL1) or
DBG control register 2 (DBG_CTL2) is set, the following behaved.

For TIMER, the timer counters stopped and hold for debug.

For I2C, SMBUS timeout hold for debug.

For WWDGT or FWDGT, the counter clock stopped for debug.

For RTC, the counter stopped for debug.

For CAN, the receive register stopped counting for debug.

GD32F4xx User Manual
12.4. DBG registers

DEBUG base address: 0xE004 2000

12.4.1. ID code register (DBG_ID)

Address: 0xE004 2000

Read only

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ID_CODE[31:0] DBG ID code register
These bits read by software, These bits are unchanged constant.

12.4.2. Control register 0 (DBG_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000; power reset only

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved TRACE_MODE Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:6 TRACE_MODE[1:0] Trace pin allocation mode

This bit is set and reset by software
00: Trace pin used in asynchronous mode
01: Trace pin used in synchronous mode and the data length is 1
10: Trace pin used in synchronous mode and the data length is 2
11: Trace pin used in synchronous mode and the data length is 4

GD32F4xx User Manual
5 TRACE_IOEN Trace pin allocation enable
This bit is set and reset by software
0: Trace pin allocation disable
1: Trace pin allocation enable

4:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

2 STB_HOLD Standby mode hold register

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: At the standby mode, the clock of AHB bus and system clock are provided by
CK_IRC16M, a system reset generated when exit standby mode

1 DSLP_HOLD Deep-sleep mode hold register

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: At the Deep-sleep mode, the clock of AHB bus and system clock are provided
by CK_IRC16M

0 SLP_HOLD Sleep mode hold register

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: At the sleep mode, the clock of AHB is on.

12.4.3. Control register 1 (DBG_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000; power reset only

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Reserved Reserved Reserved
rw rw rw rw rw
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 CAN1_HOLD CAN1 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: the receive register of CAN1 stops receiving data when core halted

25 CAN0_HOLD CAN0 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: no effect
1: the receive register of CAN0 stops receiving data when core halted

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

23 I2C2_HOLD I2C2 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the I2C2 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted

22 I2C1_HOLD I2C1 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the I2C1 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted

21 I2C0_HOLD I2C0 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the I2C0 SMBUS timeout for debug when core halted

20:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

12 FWDGT_HOLD FWDGT hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the FWDGT counter clock for debug when core halted

11 WWDGT_HOLD WWDGT hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the WWDGT counter clock for debug when core halted

10 RTC_HOLD RTC hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the RTC counter for debug when core halted

9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

8 TIMER13_HOLD TIMER 13 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 13 counter for debug when core halted

7 TIMER12_HOLD TIMER 12 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 12 counter for debug when core halted

6 TIMER11_HOLD TIMER 11 hold bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 11 counter for debug when core halted

5 TIMER6_HOLD TIMER 6 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 6 counter for debug when core halted

4 TIMER5_HOLD TIMER 5 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 5 counter for debug when core halted

3 TIMER4_HOLD TIMER 4 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 4 counter for debug when core halted

2 TIMER3_HOLD TIMER 3 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 3 counter for debug when core halted

1 TIMER2_HOLD TIMER 2 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 2 counter for debug when core halted

0 TIMER1_HOLD TIMER 1 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 1 counter for debug when core halted

12.4.4. Control register 2 (DBG_CTL2)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000; power reset only

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
rw rw rw
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

18 TIMER10_HOLD TIMER 10 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 10 counter for debug when core halted

17 TIMER9_HOLD TIMER 9 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 9 counter for debug when core halted

16 TIMER8_HOLD TIMER 8 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 8 counter for debug when core halted

15:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

1 TIMER7_HOLD TIMER 7 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 7 counter for debug when core halted

0 TIMER0_HOLD TIMER 0 hold bit

This bit is set and reset by software
0: no effect
1: hold the TIMER 0 counter for debug when core halted

GD32F4xx User Manual
13. Programmable current reference (IREF)

13.1. Overview

A programmable current reference module is included in the MCU.

Two different running modes are supplied for user to use current reference, one mode named
Low Power Mode (LPM) and another one named High Current Mode (HCM).

The difference between two modes is the current step and maximum current.

The former’s (LPM) step current is 1uA and the (HCM) 8uA.

The former’s (LPM) maximum current is 63uA and the (HCM) 504uA.

13.2. Characteristics

Current reference features:

 Programmable current.
 Programmable source or sink.
 Low Power Mode(LPM) and High Current Mode(HCM).

13.3. Function overview

13.3.1. Signal description

When IREF is used, the relevant pin should be configured to analog input mode.

13.3.2. User trimming

User can trim the IREF output current by programming CPT bit in IREF_CTL register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
13.4. Register definition

IREF base address: 0x4000 C400

13.4.1. Control register (IREF_CTL)

Address offset: 0x300

Reset value: 0x0000 0F00

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CREN SSEL Reserved CPT[4:0] SCMOD Reserved CSDT[5:0]

rw rw rw rw rw

timer Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 CREN Current Reference Enable

0: Disable current reference
1: Enable current reference

14 SSEL Step selection

0: Low power, 1uA step
1: High current, 8uA step

13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

12:8 CPT[4:0] Current precision trim for output current offset

0x00: -15%
0x1F: +16%

7 SCMOD Sink current mode

0: Source current mode
1: Sink current mode

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
5:0 CSDT[5:0] Current step data
0x00: Default value.
0x01: Step * 1
0x3F: Step * 63

GD32F4xx User Manual
14. Analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

14.1. Overview

The 12-bit ADC is an analog-to-digital converter using the successive approximation method.
It has 19 multiplexed channels making the ADC convert analog signals from 16 external
channels, 2 internal channels and the battery voltage (VBAT) channel. The analog watchdog
allows the application to detect whether the input voltage goes outside the user-defined higher
or lower thresholds. The analog signals of the channels can be converted by the ADC in single,
continuous, scan or discontinuous mode. A left-aligned or right-aligned 16-bit data register
holds the output of the ADC. An on-chip hardware oversample scheme improves
performances while off-loading the related computational burden from the MCU.

14.2. Characteristics

 High performance:
- 12-bit, 10-bit, 8-bit or 6-bit configurable resolution
- ADC sampling rate: 2.6 MSPs for 12-bit resolution, 3.0 MSPs for 10-bit resolution,
faster sampling rate can be obtained by lowering the resolution
– Self-calibration time: 131 ADC clock periods
– Programmable sampling time
– Data alignment with built-in data coherency
– DMA support

 Analog input channels

– 16 external analog inputs
– 1 channel for internal temperature sensor (VSENSE)
– 1 channel for internal reference voltage (VREFINT)
– 1 channel for external battery power supply pin (V BAT)

 Start-of-conversion can be initiated

– By software
– By hardware triggers

 Conversion modes
– Converts a single channel or scans a sequence of channels
– Single mode converts selected inputs once per trigger
– Continuous mode converts selected inputs continuously
– Discontinuous mode
– SYNC mode(the device with two or more ADCs)

 Analog watchdog

 Interrupt generation at the end of regular and inserted group conversions, in case of
GD32F4xx User Manual
analog watchdog event and overflow event

 Oversampler
– 16-bit data register
– Oversampling ratio adjustable from 2 to 256x
– Programmable data shift up to 8-bit

 ADC supply requirements: 2.6V to 3.6V, and typical power supply voltage is 3.3V

 ADC input range: VREF- ≤VIN ≤VREF+

14.3. Pins and internal signals

Table 14-1. ADC internal signals shows the ADC block diagram and
Internal signal name Signal type Description
VSENSE Input Internal temperature sensor output voltage
VREFINT Input Internal voltage reference output voltage

Table 14-2. ADC pins definition gives the ADC pin description.

Table 14-1. ADC internal signals

Internal signal name Signal type Description
VSENSE Input Internal temperature sensor output voltage
VREFINT Input Internal voltage reference output voltage

Table 14-2. ADC pins definition

Name Signal type Remarks
Input, analog power Analog power supply equal to VDD and
supply 2.6 V ≤ VDDA≤ 3.6 V
Input, analog power
VSSA Ground for analog power supply equal to VSS
supply ground
Input, analog reference The positive reference voltage for the ADC,
positive 2.6 V ≤VREF+≤ VDDA
Input, analog reference The negative reference voltage for the
negative ADC,VREF- = VSSA
ADCx_IN[15:0] Input, Analog signals Up to 16 external channels
VBAT Input, Analog signals External battery voltage

Note: VDDA and VSSA have to be connected to VDD and VSS, respectively.

GD32F4xx User Manual
14.4. Functional description

Figure 14-1. ADC module block diagram



… …

Trig select Trig select

Regular Inserted
channels channels
Channel Management RVOF
Analog event
Channel selector

ADC_IN1 GPIO Injected data registers A


(16 bits x 4) P
ADC_IN15 Over B
SAR ADC 6~12bit
Regular data registers
VSENSE (16 bits) B
self calibration
VREFN 12, 10, 8, 6 bits

14.4.1. Calibration (CLB)

The ADC has a foreground calibration feature. During the procedure, the ADC calculates a
calibration factor which is internally applied to the ADC until the next ADC power-off.The
application must not use the ADC during calibration and must wait until it is completed.
Calibration should be performed before starting A/D conversion. The calibration is initiated by
software by setting bit CLB=1. CLB bit stays at 1 during all the calibration sequence. It is then
cleared by hardware as soon as the calibration is completed.

When the ADC operating conditions change (such as supply power voltage VDDA, positive
reference voltage VREFP, temperature and so on), it is recommended to re-run a calibration

The internal analog calibration can be reset by setting the RSTCLB bit in ADC_CTL1 register.

Calibration software procedure:

1. Ensure that ADCON=1

GD32F4xx User Manual
2. delay 14 ADCCLK to wait for ADC stability
3. Set RSTCLB (optional)
4. Set CLB=1
5. Wait until CLB=0

14.4.2. ADC clock

The ADCCLK clock provided by the clock controller is synchronous with the AHB and APB2
clock. The maximum frequency is 40MHz. The RCU controller has a dedicated programmable
prescaler for the ADC clock.

14.4.3. ADCON switch

The ADCON bit on the ADC_CTL1 register is the enable switch of the ADC module. The ADC
module will keep in reset state if this bit is 0. For power saving, when this bit is reset, the
analog submodule will be put into powerdown mode.

14.4.4. Regular and inserted channel groups

The ADC supports 19 multiplexed channels and organizes the conversion results into two
groups: a regular channel group and an inserted channel group.

In the regular group, a sequence of up to 16 conversions can be organized in a specific

sequence. The ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers specify the selected channels of the
regular group. The RL[3:0] bits in the ADC_RSQ0 register specify the total conversion
sequence length.

In the inserted group, a sequence of up to 4 conversions can be organized in a specific

sequence. The ADC_ISQ register specify the selected channels of the inserted group. The
IL[1:0] bits in the ADC_ISQ register specify the total conversion sequence length.

14.4.5. Conversion modes

Single conversion mode

This mode can be running on both regular and inserted channel group. In the single
conversion mode, the ADC performs conversion on the channel specified in the RSQ0[4:0]
bits of ADC_RSQ2 at a regular trigger or the channel specified in the ISQ3[4:0] bits of
ADC_ISQ. When the ADCON has been set high, the ADC samples and converts a single
channel, once the corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 14-2. Single conversion mode



After conversion of a single regular channel, the conversion data will be stored in the
ADC_RDATA register, the EOC will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the EOCIE bit is

After conversion of a single injected channel, the conversion data will be stored in the
ADC_IDATA0 register, the EOC and EOIC will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the
EOCIE or EOICIE bit is set.

Software procedure for a single conversion of a regular channel:

1. Make sure the DISRC, SM in the ADC_CTL0 register and CTN bit in the ADC_CTL1
register are reset
2. Configure RSQ0 with the analog channel number
3. Configure ADC_SAMPTx register
4. Configure ETMRC and ETSRC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
5. Set the SWRCST bit, or generate an external trigger for the regular group
6. Wait the EOC flag to be set
7. Read the converted in the ADC_RDATA register
8. Clear the EOC flag by writing 0 to it

Software procedure for a single conversion of an inserted channel:

1. Make sure the DISIC, SM in the ADC_CTL0 register are reset
2. Configure ISQ3 with the analog channel number
3. Configure ADC_SAMPTx register
4. Configure ETMIC and ETSIC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
5. Set the SWICST bit, or generate an external trigger for the inserted group
6. Wait the EOC/EOIC flags to be set
7. Read the converted in the ADC_IDATA0 register
8. Clear the EOC/EOIC flags by writing 0 to them

Continuous conversion mode

This mode can be run on the regular channel group. The continuous conversion mode will be
enabled when CTN bit in the ADC_CTL1 register is set. In this mode, the ADC performs
conversion on the channel specified in the RSQ0. When the ADCON has been set high, the
ADC samples and converts specified channel, once the corresponding software trigger or
external trigger is active. The conversion data will be stored in the ADC_RDATA register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 14-3. Continuous conversion mode



Software procedure for continuous conversion on a regular channel:

1. Set the CTN bit in the ADC_CTL1 register
2. Configure RSQ0 with the analog channel number
3. Configure ADC_SAMPTx register
4. Configure ETMRC and ETSRC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
5. Set the SWRCST bit, or generate an external trigger for the regular group
6. Wait the EOC flag to be set
7. Read the converted in the ADC_RDATA register
8. Clear the EOC flag by writing 0 to it
9. Repeat steps 6~8 as soon as the conversion is in need

To get rid of checking, DMA can be used to transfer the converted data:
1. Set the CTN and DMA bit in the ADC_CTL1 register
2. Configure RSQ0 with the analog channel number
3. Configure ADC_SAMPTx register
4. Configure ETMRC and ETSRC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
5. Prepare the DMA module to transfer data from the ADC_RDATA (refer to the spec of the
DMA module).
6. Set the SWRCST bit, or generate an external trigger for the regular group

Scan conversion mode

The scan conversion mode will be enabled when SM bit in the ADC_CTL0 register is set. In
this mode, the ADC performs conversion on the channels with a specific sequence specified
in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers or ADC_ISQ register. When the ADCON has been
set high, the ADC samples and converts specified channels one by one in the regular or
inserted group till the end of the regular or inserted group, once the corresponding software
trigger or external trigger is active. The conversion data will be stored in the ADC_RDATA or
ADC_IDATAx register. After conversion of the regular or inserted channel group, the EOC or
EOIC will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the EOCIE or EOICIE bit is set. The DMA
bit in ADC_CTL1 register must be set when the regular channel group works in scan mode.

After conversion of a regular channel group, the conversion can be restarted automatically if
the CTN bit in the ADC_CTL1 register is set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 14-4. Scan conversion mode, continuous disable
CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH16 CH12 CH17 CH2 CH1 ···



One circle of regular group, RL=8

CH9 CH10 CH8 CH6 CH9 CH10 ···


One circle of inserted group, IL=4

Software procedure for scan conversion on a regular channel group:

1. Set the SM bit in the ADC_CTL0 register and the DMA bit in the ADC_CTL1 register
2. Configure ADC_RSQx and ADC_SAMPTx registers
3. Configure ETMRC and ETSRC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
4. Prepare the DMA module to transfer data from the ADC_RDATA (refer to the spec of the
DMA module).
5. Set the SWRCST bit, or generate an external trigger for the regular group
6. Wait the EOC flag to be set
7. Clear the EOC flag by writing 0 to it

Software procedure for scan conversion on an inserted channel group:

1. Set the SM bit in the ADC_CTL0 register
2. Configure ADC_ISQ and ADC_SAMPTx registers
3. Configure ETMIC and ETSIC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
4. Set the SWICST bit, or generate an external trigger for the inserted group
5. Wait the EOC/EOIC flags to be set
6. Read the converted in the ADC_IDATAx register
7. Clear the EOC/EOIC flag by writing 0 to them

Figure 14-5. Scan conversion mode, continuous enable

CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH2 ···



One circle of regular group, RL=5

Discontinuous mode

For regular channel group, the discontinuous conversion mode will be enabled when DISRC
bit in the ADC_CTL0 register is set. In this mode, the ADC performs a short sequence of n
GD32F4xx User Manual
conversions (n<=8) which is a part of the sequence of conversions selected in the
ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 registers. The value of n is defined by the DISNUM[2:0] bits in the
ADC_CTL0 register. When the corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active, the
ADC samples and coverts the next n channels selected in the ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2
registers until all the channels in the regular sequence are done. The EOC will be set after
every circle of the regular channel group. An interrupt will be generated if the EOCIE bit is set.

For inserted channel group, the discontinuous conversion mode will be enabled when DISIC
bit in the ADC_CTL0 register is set. In this mode, the ADC performs one conversion which is
a part of the sequence of conversions selected in the ADC_ISQ register. When the
corresponding software trigger or external trigger is active, the ADC samples and coverts the
next channel selected in the ADC_ISQ register until all the channels in the inserted sequence
are done. The EOIC will be set after every circle of the inserted channel group. An interrupt
will be generated if the EOICIE bit is set.

The regular and inserted groups cannot both work in discontinuous conversion mode. Only
one group conversion can be set in discontinuous conversion mode at a time.

Figure 14-6. Discontinuous conversion mode

CH2 CH1 CH5 CH7 CH11 CH16 CH12 CH17 CH2 CH1 CH5 ···



One circle of regular group, RL=8, DISNUM=3'b010

CH9 CH10 CH8 CH9 CH10 ···


One circle of inserted group, IL=3

Software procedure for discontinuous conversion on a regular channel group:

1. Set the DISRC bit in the ADC_CTL0 register and the DMA bit in the ADC_CTL1 register
2. Configure DISNUM[2:0] bits in the ADC_CTL0 register
3. Configure ADC_RSQx and ADC_SAMPTx registers
4. Configure ETMRC and ETSRC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
5. Prepare the DMA module to transfer data from the ADC_RDATA (refer to the spec of the
DMA module).
6. Set the SWRCST bit, or generate an external trigger for the regular group
7. Repeat step6 if in need.
8. Wait the EOC flag to be set
9. Clear the EOC flag by writing 0 to it

Software procedure for discontinuous conversion on an inserted channel group:

1. Set the DISIC bit in the ADC_CTL0 register
2. Configure ADC_ISQ and ADC_SAMPTx registers

GD32F4xx User Manual
3. Configure ETMIC and ETSIC bits in the ADC_CTL1 register if in need
4. Set the SWICST bit, or generate an external trigger for the inserted group
5. Repeat step4 if in need
6. Wait the EOC/EOIC flags to be set
7. Read the converted in the ADC_IDATAx register
8. Clear the EOC/EOIC flag by writing 0 to them

14.4.6. Inserted channel management


The inserted group channels are automatically converted after the regular group channels
when the ICA bit in ADC_CTL0 register is set. In this mode, external trigger on inserted
channels cannot be enabled. A sequence of up to 20 conversions programmed in the
ADC_RSQ0~ADC_RSQ2 and ADC_ISQ registers can be used to convert in this mode. In
addition to the ICA bit, if the CNT bit is also set, regular channels followed by inserted
channels are continuously converted.

Figure 14-7. Auto-insertion, CNT = 1

CH0 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 CH0 CH1 ···




The auto insertion mode cannot be enabled when the discontinuous conversion mode is set.

Triggered insertion

If the ICA bit is cleared, the triggered insertion occurs if a software or external trigger occurs
during the regular group channel conversion. In this situation, the ADC aborts from the current
conversion and starts the conversion of inserted channel sequence in scan mode. After the
inserted channel group is done, the regular group channel conversion is resumed from the
last aborted conversion.

Figure 14-8. Triggered insertion

CH0 CH1 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH4 ···

CH15 CH15




GD32F4xx User Manual
14.4.7. Analog watchdog

The analog watchdog is enabled when the RWDEN and IWDEN bits in the ADC_CTL0
register are set for regular and inserted channel groups respectively. When the analog voltage
converted by the ADC is below a low threshold or above a high threshold, the WDE bit in
ADC_STAT register will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the WDEIE bit is set. The
ADC_WDHT and ADC_WDLT registers are used to specify the high and low threshold. The
comparison is done before the alignment, so the threshold value is independent of the
alignment, which is specified by the DAL bit in the ADC_CTL1 register. One or more channels,
which are select by the RWDEN, IWDEN, WDSC and WDCHSEL[4:0] bits in ADC_CTL0
register, can be monitored by the analog watchdog.

14.4.8. Data alignment

The alignment of data stored after conversion can be specified by DAL bit in the ADC_CTL1

After being decreased by the user-defined offset written in the ADC_IOFFx registers, the
inserted group data value may be a negative value. The sign value is extended.

Figure 14-9. Data alignment

Regular group data

0 0 0 0 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Inserted group data

Sign Sign Sign Sign D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0


Regular group data

D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0 0

Inserted group data

Sign D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0 0


6-bit resolution data alignment is different from 12-bit/10-bit/8-bit resolution data alignment,
shown as Figure 14-10. 6-bit data alignment.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 14-10. 6-bit data alignment

Regular group data

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0

Inserted group data

Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0


Regular group data

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0 0

Inserted group data

Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign Sign D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 0


14.4.9. Programmable sample time

The number of ADCCLK cycles which is used to sample the input voltage can be specified
by the SPTn[2:0] bits in the ADC_SAMPT0 and ADC_SAMPT1 registers. A different sample
time can be specified for each channel. For 12-bits resolution, the total conversion time is
“sampling time + 12.5” ADCCLK cycles.


ADCCLK = 40MHz and sample time is 3 cycles, the total conversion time is “3+12” ADCCLK
cycles, that means 0.375us.

14.4.10. External trigger

The conversion of regular or inserted group can be triggered by rising/falling edge of external
trigger inputs. The ETMRC[1:0] and ETMIC[1:0] bits in the ADC_CTL1 register control the
trigger modes of regular and inserted group respectively. The external trigger source of
regular channel group is controlled by the ETSRC[3:0] bits in the ADC_CTL1 register, while
the external trigger source of inserted channel group is controlled by the ETSIC[3:0] bits in
the ADC_CTL1 register

ETSRC[3:0] and ETSIC[3:0] control bits are used to specify which out of 16 possible events
can trigger conversion for the regular and inserted groups.

Table 14-3. External trigger modes

ETMRC[1:0]/ETMIC[1:0] Trigger mode
00 External trigger disable
01 Rising edge of external trigger enable
10 Falling edge of external trigger enable
11 Rising and falling edge of external trigger enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 14-4. External trigger for regular channels
ETSRC [3:0] Trigger Source Trigger Type
0000 TIMER0_CH0
0001 TIMER0_CH1
0010 TIMER0_CH2
0011 TIMER1_CH1
0100 TIMER1_CH2
0101 TIMER1_CH3
0111 TIMER2_CH0 Internal on-chip signal
1001 TIMER3_CH3
1010 TIMER4_CH0
1011 TIMER4_CH1
1100 TIMER4_CH2
1101 TIMER7_CH0
1111 EXTI_11 External signal

Table 14-5. External trigger for inserted channels

ETSIC[3:0] Trigger Source Trigger Type
0000 TIMER0_CH3
0010 TIMER1_CH0
0100 TIMER2_CH1
0101 TIMER2_CH3
0110 TIMER3_CH0
0111 TIMER3_CH1 Internal on-chip signal
1000 TIMER3_CH2
1010 TIMER4_CH3
1100 TIMER7_CH1
1101 TIMER7_CH2
1110 TIMER7_CH3
1111 EXTI_15 External signal

The selection of the external triggers can be changed on the fly, while no trigger event occurs
due to this change.

14.4.11. DMA request

The DMA request, which is enabled by the DMA bit of ADC_CTL1 register, is used to transfer
GD32F4xx User Manual
data of regular group for conversion of more than one channel. The ADC generates a DMA
request at the end of conversion of a regular channel. When this request is received, the DMA
will transfer the converted data from the ADC_RDATA register to the destination location
which is specified by the user.

14.4.12. Overflow detection

Overflow detection is enabled when DMA is enabled or EOCM bit in ADC_CTL1 is set. An
overflow event occurs when a regular conversion is done before the prior regular data has
been read out. The ROVF bit of the ADC_STAT is set. Overflow interrupt is generated if the
ROVFIE bit in the ADC_CTL0 is set.

It is recommended to reinitialize the DMA module to recover the ADC from ROVF state. To
ensure the regular converted data are transferred correctly, the internal state machine is reset.
The ADC conversion will be stalled until the ROVF bit is cleared.

Software procedure for recovering the ADC from ROVF state:

1. Clear DMA bit of ADC_CTL1 to 0

2. Clear ADON bit of ADC_CTL1 to 0

3. Clear CHEN bit of DMA_CHxCTL to 0 with reinit DMA module

4. Clear ROVF bit of ADC_STAT to 0

5. Set CHEN bit of DMA_CHxCTL to 1

6. Set DMA bit of ADC_CTL1 to 1

7. Set ADCON bit of ADC_CTL1 to 1

8. Wait T(setup)

9. Start conversion with software or trigger

14.4.13. Temperature sensor, internal reference voltage VREFINT and external

battery voltage VBAT

When the TSVREN bit of ADC_SYNCCTL register is set, the temperature sensor channel
(ADC0_CH16) and VREFINT channel (ADC0_CH17) is enabled. The temperature sensor can
be used to measure the ambient temperature of the device. The sensor output voltage can
be converted into a digital value by ADC. The sampling time for the temperature sensor is
recommended to be set to at least 17.1 µs. When this sensor is not in use, it can be put in
power down mode by resetting the TSVREN bit.

The output voltage of the temperature sensor changes linearly with temperature. Because
there is an offset, which is up to 45 °C and varies from chip to chip due to process variation,
the internal temperature sensor is more suited for applications that detect temperature

GD32F4xx User Manual
variations instead of absolute temperature. When it is used to detect accurate temperature,
an external temperature sensor part should be used to calibrate the offset error.

The internal voltage reference (VREFINT) provides a stable (bandgap) voltage output for the
ADC and Comparators. VREFINT is internally connected to the ADC0_CH17 input channel.

When the VBATEN bit of ADC_SYNCCTL register is set, the external battery voltage can be
detected by ADC0_CH18. To ensure the the V BAT voltage is no higher than VDDA, the battery
voltage is internal divided by 4.

14.4.14. Programmable resolution (DRES) - fast conversion mode

It is possible to obtain faster conversion time (tADC) by reducing the ADC resolution.

The resolution can be configured to be either 12, 10, 8, or 6 bits by programming the
DRES[1:0] bits in the ADC_CTL0 register. Lower resolution allows faster conversion time for
applications where high data precision is not required.The DRES[1:0] bits must only be
changed when the ADCON bit is reset.The result of the conversion is always 12 bits wide and
any unused LSB bits are read as zeroes.Lower resolution reduces the conversion time
needed for the successive approximation steps as shown in Table 14-6. tCONV timings
depending on resolution .

Table 14-6. tCONV timings depending on resolution

DRES[1:0] tCONV(ns) at tADC(us) at
(ADC clock (ADC clock (ADC clock
bits fADC=40MHz fADC=40MHz
cycles) cycles) cycles)
12 12 300 ns 3 15 375 ns
10 10 250 ns 3 13 325 ns
8 8 200 ns 3 11 275 ns
6 6 150 ns 3 9 225 ns

14.4.15. On-chip hardware oversampling

The on-chip hardware oversampling circuit performs data preprocessing to offload the CPU.
It can handle multiple conversions and average them into a single data with increased data
width, up to 16-bit. It provides a result with the following form, where N and M can be adjusted,
and Dout(n) is the n-th output digital signal of the ADC:
Result = ∗ ∑N−1
n=0 D𝑜𝑢𝑡 (n) (14-1)

The on-chip hardware oversampling circuit performs the following functions: summing and bit
right shifting. The oversampling ratio N is defined by the OVSR[2:0] bits in the
ADC_OVSAMPCTL register. It can range from 2x to 256x. The division coefficient M means
bit right shifting up to 8-bit. It is configured through the OVSS[3:0] bits in the

The summation unit can yield a result up to 20 bits (256 x 12-bit), which is first shifted right.
GD32F4xx User Manual
The upper bits of the result are then truncated, keeping only the 16 least significant bits
rounded to the nearest value using the least significant bits left apart by the shifting, before
being finally transferred into the data register.

Figure 14-11. 20-bit to 16-bit result truncation

19 15 11 7 3 0

Raw 20-bit data


15 11 7 3 0

Truncation and

Note: If the intermediate result after the shifting exceeds 16 bits, the upper bits of the result
are simply truncated.

Figure 14-12. Numerical example with 5-bits shift and rounding

shows a numerical example of the processing, from a raw 20-bit accumulated data to the
final 16-bit result.

Figure 14-12. Numerical example with 5-bits shift and rounding

19 15 11 7 3 0

Raw 20-bit data 2 A C D 6

15 11 7 3 0

Final result after 5-bit shift and rounding

1 5 6 6
to nearest

The Table 14-7. Maximum output results vs N and M Grayed values indicates

below gives the data format for the various N and M combination, for a raw conversion

GD32F4xx User Manual
data equal to 0xFFF.

Table 14-7. Maximum output results vs N and M Grayed values indicates truncation
1-bit 2-bit 3-bit 4-bit 5-bit 6-bit 7-bit 8-bit
Oversa Max No-shift
shift shift shift shift shift shift shift shift
mpling Raw OVSS=
ratio data 0000
0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000
2x 0x1FFE 0x1FFE 0x0FFF 0x07FF 0x03FF 0x01FF 0x00FF 0x007F 0x003F 0x001F
4x 0x3FFC 0x3FFC 0x1FFE 0x0FFF 0x07FF 0x03FF 0x01FF 0x00FF 0x007F 0x003F
8x 0x7FF8 0x7FF8 0x3FFC 0x1FFE 0x0FFF 0x07FF 0x03FF 0x01FF 0x00FF 0x007F
16x 0xFFF0 0xFFF0 0x7FF8 0x3FFC 0x1FFE 0x0FFF 0x07FF 0x03FF 0x01FF 0x00FF
32x 0x1FFE0 0xFFE0 0xFFF0 0x7FF8 0x3FFC 0x1FFE 0x0FFF 0x07FF 0x03FF 0x01FF
64x 0x3FFC0 0xFFC0 0xFFE0 0xFFF0 0x7FF8 0x3FFC 0x1FFE 0x0FFF 0x07FF 0x03FF
128x 0x7FF80 0xFF80 0xFFC0 0xFFE0 0xFFF0 0x7FF8 0x3FFC 0x1FFE 0x0FFF 0x07FF
256x 0xFFF00 0xFF00 0xFF80 0xFFC0 0xFFE0 0xFFF0 0x7FF8 0x3FFC 0x1FFE 0x0FFF

The conversion timings in oversampled mode do not change compared to standard

conversion mode: the sample time is maintained equal during the whole oversampling
sequence. New data are provided every N conversion, with an equivalent delay equal to:

N×tADC =N×(tSMPL +tCONV ) (12-2)

14.5. ADC sync mode

In devices with two or three ADCs, ADC sync mode can be used.

In ADC sync mode, the conversion of ADC1 and ADC2 are synchronized by the triggers of
ADC0. The two or three ADCs convert parallelly or rotately, according to the mode selected
by the SYNCM[4:0] bits in ADC_SYNCCTL register.

In ADC sync mode, when the conversion is configured to be triggered by an external event,
the external trigger must be disabled for ADC1 and ADC2. The converted data of regular
channel groups is stored in the ADC sync regular data register (ADC_SYNCDATA).

The following modes can be configured:

– Free mode
– Regular parallel mode
– Inserted parallel mode
– Follow-up mode
– trigger rotation mode
– Regular parallel mode & inserted parallel mode
– Regular parallel mode & trigger rotation mode

When the ADCs are in a sync mode other than free mode, they shold be configured to free
mode before being configured to another sync mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
The ADC sync scheme is shown in Figure 14-13. ADC sync block diagram .

Figure 14-13. ADC sync block diagram

Inserted Inserted data registers

channels (16 bits x 4)

Regular Regular data registers

channels (16 bits)


Inserted Inserted data registers

channels (16 bits x 4)

Regular Regular data registers

channels (16 bits)
(slave) B

Inserted Injected data registers
ADC_IN1 GPIO channels (16 bits x 4)


VSENSE Regular Regular data registers

channels (16 bits)
ADC sync engine
Sync data registers
(32 bits)
trigger mux ADC0

trigger mux

14.5.1. Free mode

In this mode, the ADC synchronization is bypassed, and each ADC works freely.

14.5.2. Regular parallel mode

The regular parallel mode is enabled by setting the SYNCM[4:0] bits in the ADC_SYNCCTL
register to 00110 or 10110. In the regular parallel mode, all of the ADCs convert the regular
channel group parallelly at the selected external trigger of ADC0. The triggers is selected by
configuring the ETSRC[3:0] bits in the ADC_CTL1 register of ADC0.

EOC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end of conversion
events according to the EOCM bit in the ADC_CTL1 register. The behavior of regular

GD32F4xx User Manual
parallel mode is shown in the Figure 14-14. Regular parallel mode on 16 channels .

Figure 14-14. Regular parallel mode on 16 channels

ADC0 CH0 CH1 CH2 CH3 ··· CH14 CH15 CH0 CH1 ···

ADC1 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 ··· CH2 CH3 CH4 CH5 ···

ADC2 CH8 CH9 CH10 CH11 ··· CH6 CH7 CH8 CH9 ···



Note: 1. Do not convert the same channel on two ADCs at a given time (no overlapping
sampling times for the ADCs when converting the same channel).
2. Make sure to trigger the ADCs when none of them is converting (do not trigger
ADC0 when some of the conversions are not finished).
3. ADC2 works freely if SYNCM=00110.

14.5.3. Inserted parallel mode

The inserted parallel mode is enabled by setting the SYNCM[4:0] bits in the ADC_SYNCCTL
register to 00101 or 10101. In the inserted parallel mode, all of the ADCs convert the inserted
channel group parallelly at the selected external trigger of ADC0. The trigger is selected by
configuring the ETSIC[3:0] bits in the ADC_CTL1 register of ADC0.

EOIC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end of the inserted
sequences. The converted data are stored in the ADC_IDATAx registers of each ADC
interface.The behavior of inserted parallel mode is shown in the Figure 14-15. Inserted
parallel mode on 4 channels .

Figure 14-15. Inserted parallel mode on 4 channels

ADC0 CH0 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH0 CH1 ···

ADC1 CH4 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH4 CH5 ···

ADC2 CH8 CH9 CH10 CH11 CH8 CH9 ···

Inserted Sample

EOIC Convert

1. Do not convert the same channel on two ADCs at a given time (no overlapping
sampling times for the two ADCs when converting the same channel).
2. Make sure to trigger the ADCs when none of them is converting (do not trigger ADC0
when some of the conversions are not finished).

GD32F4xx User Manual
3. ADC2 works freely if SYNCM=00101.

14.5.4. Follow-up mode

The follow-up mode is enabled by setting the SYNCM[4:0] bits in the ADC_SYNCCTL register
to 00111 or 10111. In the follow-up mode, ADC0 converts the regular channel group at the
selected external trigger. The triggers are selected by configuring the ETSRC[3:0] bits in the
ADC_CTL1 register of ADC0. After a delay time, ADC1 converts the regular channel group.
After another delay time, ADC2 converts the regular channel group. The regular channel
group in above descriptions only includes one regular channel.

The delay time between two consecutive sample phase is configured by the SYNCDLY[3:0]
bits in the ADC_SYNCCTL register. To prevent more than one ADCs from sampling the same
channel at a given time, if the delay time configured by the SYNCDLY bits is shorter than the
sample time, the delay time of (sample time + 2) ADCCLK cycles will be used.

If the CNT bit in ADC_CTL1 register is set, the selected regular channels are continuously
converted. EOC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end of
conversion events according to the EOCM bit in the ADC_CTL1 register. The behavior of
follow-up mode is shown in the Figure 14-16. Follow-up mode on 1 channel in continuous
conversion mode .

Figure 14-16. Follow-up mode on 1 channel in continuous conversion mode

ADC0 CH1 CH1 CH1 CH1 ···

ADC1 CH1 CH1 CH1 CH1 ···

ADC2 CH1 CH1 CH1 CH1 ···




1. Make sure to trigger the ADCs when none of them is converting (do not trigger ADC0
when some of the conversions are not finished).
2. ADC2 works freely if SYNCM=00111.

14.5.5. Trigger rotation mode

The trigger rotation mode is enabled by setting the SYNCM[4:0] bits in the ADC_SYNCCTL
register to 01001 or 11001. In the trigger rotation mode, the inserted channel group of the
GD32F4xx User Manual
ADCs is triggered in turn by the selected external trigger. If SYNCM=01001, the selected
external trigger triggers the ADCs in the sequence: ADC0->ADC1->ADC0->ADC1, and etc.
If SYNCM=11001, the selected external trigger triggers the ADCs in the sequence:
ADC0->ADC1->ADC2->ADC0->ADC1->ADC2, and etc. The triggers are selected by
configuring the ETSIC[3:0] bits in the ADC_CTL1 register of ADC0.

EOIC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end of the inserted
sequences. The behavior of trigger rotation mode DISIC bit is 0 is shown in the Figure 14-17.
trigger rotation: DISIC=0, IL=1 when DISIC bit is 0

Figure 14-17. trigger rotation: DISIC=0, IL=1

ADC0 CH1 CH2 CH1 CH2 ···

ADC1 CH3 CH4 CH3 CH4 ···

ADC2 CH5 CH6 CH5 CH6 ···





The behavior of trigger rotation mode is shown in the Figure 14-18. trigger rotation:
DISIC=1, IL=1 when DISIC bit is 1.

Figure 14-18. trigger rotation: DISIC=1, IL=1

ADC0 CH1 CH2 CH1 ···

ADC1 CH3 CH4 CH3 ···

ADC2 CH5 CH6 CH5 ···





1. Do not convert the same channel on two ADCs (no overlapping sampling times for
the two ADCs when converting the same channel).
2. ADC2 works freely if SYNCM=01001.

GD32F4xx User Manual
14.5.6. Combined regular parallel & inserted parallel mode

The combined regular parallel & inserted parallel mode is enabled by setting the SYNCM[4:0]
bits in the ADC_SYNCCTL register to 00001 or 10001. In the combined regular parallel &
inserted parallel sync mode, it is also possible to interrupt parallel conversion of a regular
group to insert parallel conversion of an inserted group.

EOC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end of regular
conversion events according to the EOCM bit in the ADC_CTL1 register.

EOIC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end of the inserted

1. Do not convert the same channel on two ADCs at a given time (no
overlappingsampling times for the two ADCs when converting the same channel).
2. The inserted sequence length of the ADCs should be configured the same.
3. ADC2 works freely if SYNCM =00001.

14.5.7. Combined regular parallel & trigger rotation mode

The combined regular parallel & trigger rotation mode is enabled by setting the SYNCM[4:0]
bits in the ADC_SYNCCTL register to 00010 or 10010. In the combined regular parallel &
trigger rotation mode, it is possible to interrupt regular group parallel conversion by triggerring
conversion of an inserted group rotately. When the inserted event occurs, the inserted
conversion is immediately started. When the regular conversions are interrupted, the regular
conversion of the ADCs is stopped at the inserted trigger and resumed parallelly at the end
of the inserted conversion. The behavior of regular parallel conversion interrupted by inserted
triggers rotately is shown in the Figure 14-19. Regular parallel & trigger rotation mode:
SYNCM = 00010 EOC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end
of regular conversion events according to the EOCM bit in the ADC_CTL1 register.

EOIC interrupts (if enabled on the ADC interfaces) are generated at the end of the inserted

Figure 14-19. Regular parallel & trigger rotation mode: SYNCM = 00010
CH0 CH1 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH4 CH5 ···

CH4 CH5 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH7 CH8 CH9 ···



If another inserted trigger occurs during an inserted conversion, the latter trigger will be
ignored, as shown in Figure 14-20. Trigger occurs during inserted conversion: SYNCM
= 00010.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 14-20. Trigger occurs during inserted conversion: SYNCM = 00010
CH0 CH1 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH4 CH5 ···

CH4 CH5 CH5 CH6 CH7 CH7 CH8 CH9 ···

this trigger is ignored

1. Do not convert the same channel on two ADCs at a given time (no overlapping
sampling times for the two ADCs when converting the same channel).
2. The inserted sequence length of the ADCs should be configured the same.
3. ADC2 works freely if SYNCM =00010.

14.5.8. Use DMA in ADC sync mode

In ADC sync mode, the converted data of regular channel groups are stored in the ADC sync
regular data register (ADC_SYNCDATA). DMA can be used to transfer data from
ADC_SYNCDATA register. There are three DMA work modes, which can work well with the
various ADC sync modes.

ADC sync DMA mode 0

In ADC sync DMA mode 0, the bitwidth of DMA transfer is 16. One DMA request transfers
one data, which is selected from the regular data of the ADCs in turn. For every request, the
source address of the DMA channel should be fixed to the ADC_SYNCDATA register, while
the content of the ADC_SYNCDATA changes to the data that is to be transferred. When
ADC0 and ADC1 work in SYNC mode, the transfer sequence is ADC0_RDATA[15:0] ->
ADC1_RDATA[15:0] -> ADC0_RDATA[15:0] -> ADC1_RDATA[15:0]. When all of the three
ADCs work in SYNC mode, the transfer sequence is ADC0_RDATA[15:0] ->
ADC1_RDATA[15:0] -> ADC2_RDATA[15:0] -> ADC0_RDATA[15:0] -> ADC1_RDATA[15:0]
-> ADC2_RDATA[15:0].

The ADC Sync DMA mode 0 is properly for:

 ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel & inserted parallel mode

 ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel & trigger rotation mode

 ADC0 and ADC1 work in regular parallel mode (SYNCM=01100)

 All ADCs work in combined regular parallel & inserted parallel mode(SYNCM=10001)

 All ADCs work in combined regular parallel & trigger rotation mode(SYNCM=10010)

GD32F4xx User Manual
 All ADCs work in Regular parallel mode (SYNCM=10110)

ADC sync DMA mode 1

In ADC sync DMA mode 1, the bitwidth of DMA transfer is 32. One DMA request transfers
two data, which are selected from the regular data of the ADCs in turn. For every request, the
source address of the DMA channel should be fixed to the ADC_SYNCDATA register, while
the content of the ADC_SYNCDATA changes to the data that is to be transferred. When
ADC0 and ADC1 works in SYNC mode, the transfer data are always {ADC1_RDATA[15:0],
ADC0_RDATA[15:0]}. When all of the three ADCs work in SYNC mode, the transfer sequence
is {ADC1_RDATA[15:0],ADC0_RDATA[15:0]} -> {ADC0_RDATA[15:0],ADC2_RDATA[15:0]}
->{ADC2_RDATA[15:0],ADC1_RDATA[15:0]} -> {ADC1_RDATA[15:0],ADC0_RDATA[15:0]}.

The ADC Sync DMA mode 1 is properly for:

 ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel & inserted parallel mode

 ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel & trigger rotation mode

 ADC0 and ADC1 work in regular parallel mode (SYNCM=01100)

 ADC0 and ADC1 work in follow-up mode (SYNCM=00111)

 All ADCs work in follow-up mode (SYNCM=10111)

14.6. ADC interrupts

The interrupt can be produced on one of the events:

 End of conversion for regular and inserted groups
 The analog watchdog event
 Overflow event

Separate interrupt enable bits are available for flexibility.

The interrupts of ADC0, ADC1 and ADC2 are mapped into the same interrupt vector ISR[18].

GD32F4xx User Manual
14.7. ADC registers

ADC0 base address: 0x4001 2000

ADC1 base address: 0x4001 2100

ADC2 base address: 0x4001 2200

14.7.1. Status register (ADC_STAT)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 ROVF Regular data register overflow

0: Regular data register not overflow
1: Regular data register overflow
This bit is set by hardware when the regular data registers are overflow, in single
mode or multi mode. This flag is only set when DMA is enabled or end of
conversion mode is set to 1(EOCM=1). The recent regular data is lost when this
bit is set.
Cleared by software writing 0 to it.

4 STRC Start flag of regular channel group

0: No regular channel group started
1: Regular channel group started
Set by hardware when regular channel conversion starts.
Cleared by software writing 0 to it.

3 STIC Start flag of inserted channel group

0: No inserted channel group started
1: Inserted channel group started
Set by hardware when inserted channel group conversion starts.
Cleared by software writing 0 to it.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2 EOIC End of inserted group conversion flag
0: No end of inserted group conversion
1: End of inserted group conversion
Set by hardware at the end of all inserted group channel conversion.
Cleared by software writing 0 to it.

1 EOC End of group conversion flag

0: No end of group conversion
1: End of group conversion
Set by hardware at the end of a regular or inserted group channel conversion.
Cleared by software writing 0 to it or by reading the ADC_RDATA register.

0 WDE Analog watchdog event flag

0: No analog watchdog event
1: Analog watchdog event
Set by hardware when the converted voltage crosses the values programmed in
the ADC_WDLT and ADC_WDHT registers. Cleared by software writing 0 to it.

14.7.2. Control register 0 (ADC_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved ROVFIE DRES[1:0] RWDEN IWDEN Reserved

rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 ROVFIE Interrupt enable for ROVF

0: ROVF interrupt disable
1: ROVF interrupt enable

25:24 DRES[1:0] ADC data resolution

00: 12bit;
01: 10bit;
10: 8bit;
11: 6bit

23 RWDEN Regular channel analog watchdog enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Regular channel analog watchdog disable
1: Regular channel analog watchdog enable

22 IWDEN Inserted channel analog watchdog enable

0: Inserted channel analog watchdog disable
1: Inserted channel analog watchdog enable

21:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:13 DISNUM[2:0] Number of conversions in discontinuous mode

The number of channels to be converted after a trigger will be DISNUM+1

12 DISIC Discontinuous mode on inserted channels

0: Discontinuous mode on inserted channels disable
1: Discontinuous mode on inserted channels enable

11 DISRC Discontinuous mode on regular channels

0: Discontinuous mode on regular channels disable
1: Discontinuous mode on regular channels enable

10 ICA Inserted channel group convert automatically

0: Inserted channel group convert automatically disable
1: Inserted channel group convert automatically enable

9 WDSC When in scan mode, analog watchdog is effective on a single channel

0: Analog watchdog is effective on all channels
1: Analog watchdog is effective on a single channel

8 SM Scan mode
0: scan mode disable
1: scan mode enable

7 EOICIE Interrupt enable for EOIC

0: EOIC interrupt disable
1: EOIC interrupt enable

6 WDEIE Interrupt enable for WDE

0: WDE interrupt disable
1: WDE interrupt enable

5 EOCIE Interrupt enable for EOC

0: EOC interrupt disable
1: EOC interrupt enable

4:0 WDCHSEL[4:0] Analog watchdog channel select

00000: ADC channel0
00001: ADC channel1
00010: ADC channel2
00011: ADC channel 3
00100: ADC channel 4
GD32F4xx User Manual
00101: ADC channel 5
00110: ADC channel 6
00111: ADC channel 7
01000: ADC channel 8
01001: ADC channel 9
01010: ADC channel 10
01011: ADC channel 11
01100: ADC channel 12
01101: ADC channel 13
01110: ADC channel 14
01111: ADC channel15
10000: ADC channel16
10001: ADC channel17
10010: ADC channel18
Other values are reserved.
Note: ADC0 analog inputs Channel16, Channel17 and Channel 18 are internally
connected to the temperature sensor, to VREFINT and to VBAT analog inputs. ADC1
analog inputs Channel16, Channel17 and Channel18 are internally connected to
VSSA. ADC2 analog inputs Channel16, Channel17 and Channel18 are internally
connected to VSSA.

14.7.3. Control register 1 (ADC_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved SWRCST ETMRC[1:0] ETSRC[3:0] Reserved SWICST ETMIC[1:0] ETSIC[3:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30 SWRCST Software start on regular channel.

Setting 1 on this bit starts a conversion of a group of regular channels. It is set by
software and cleared by software or by hardware immediately after the conversion

29:28 ETMRC[1:0] External trigger mode for regular channel

00: External trigger for regular channel disable

GD32F4xx User Manual
01: Rising edge of external trigger for regular channel enable
01: Falling edge of external trigger for regular channel enable
11: Rising and falling edge of external trigger for regular channel enable

27:24 ETSRC[3:0] External trigger select for regular channel

0000: Timer 0 CH0
0001: Timer 0 CH1
0010: Timer 0 CH2
0011: Timer 1 CH1
0100: Timer 1 CH2
0101: Timer 1 CH3
0110: Timer 1 TRGO
0111: Timer 2 CH0
1000: Timer 2 TRGO
1001: Timer 3 CH3
1010: Timer 4 CH0
1011: Timer 4 CH1
1100: Timer 4 CH2
1101: Timer 7 CH0
1110: Timer 7 TRGO
1111: EXTI line 11

23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22 SWICST Software start on inserted channel.

Setting 1 on this bit starts a conversion of a group of inserted channels if ETSIC is
111. It is set by software and cleared by software or by hardware immediately after
the conversion starts.

21:20 ETMIC[1:0] External trigger mode for inserted channel

00: External trigger for inserted channel disable
01: Rising edge of external trigger for inserted channel enable
01: Falling edge of external trigger for inserted channel enable
11: Rising and falling edge of external trigger for inserted channel enable

19:16 ETSIC[3:0] External trigger select for inserted channel

0000: Timer 0 CH3
0001: Timer 0 TRGO
0010: Timer 1 CH0
0011: Timer 1 TRGO
0100: Timer 2 CH1
0101: Timer 2 CH3
0110: Timer 3 CH0
0111: Timer 3 CH1
1000: Timer 3 CH2
1001: Timer 3 TRGO

GD32F4xx User Manual
1010: Timer 4 CH3
1011: Timer 4 TRGO
1100: Timer 7 CH1
1101: Timer 7 CH2
1110: Timer 7 CH3
1111: EXTI line 15

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 DAL Data alignment

0: LSB alignment
1: MSB alignment

10 EOCM End of conversion mode

0: Only at the end of a sequence of regular conversions, the EOC bit is set.
Overflow detection is disabled unless DMA=1.
1: At the end of each regular conversion, the EOC bit is set. Overflow is detected

9 DDM DMA disable mode

This bit configure the DMA disable mode for single ADC mode
0: The DMA engine is disabled after the end of transfer signal from DMA controller
is detected.
1: When DMA=1, the DMA engine issues a request at end of each regular

8 DMA DMA request enable.

0: DMA request disable
1: DMA request enable

7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

3 RSTCLB Reset calibration

This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware after the calibration registers
are initialized.
0: Calibration register initialize done.
1: Initialize calibration register start

2 CLB ADC calibration

0: Calibration done
1: Calibration start

1 CTN Continuous mode

0: Continuous mode disable
1: Continuous mode enable

0 ADCON ADC ON. The ADC will be wake up when this bit is changed from low to high and
take a stabilization time. For power saving, when this bit is reset, the analog
submodule will be put into powerdown mode.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: ADC disable and power down
1: ADC enable

14.7.4. Sample time register 0 (ADC_SAMPT0)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved SPT18[2:0] SPT17[2:0] SPT16[2:0] SPT15[2:1]

rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SPT15[0] SPT14[2:0] SPT13[2:0] SPT12[2:0] SPT11[2:0] SPT10[2:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

26:24 SPT18[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

23:21 SPT17[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

20:18 SPT16[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

17:15 SPT15[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

14:12 SPT14[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

11:9 SPT13[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

8:6 SPT12[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

5:3 SPT11[2:0] refer to SPT10[2:0] description

2:0 SPT10[2:0] Channel sample time

000: 3 cycles
001: 15 cycles
010: 28 cycles
011: 56 cycles
100: 84 cycles
101: 112 cycles
110: 144 cycles
111: 480 cycles

GD32F4xx User Manual
14.7.5. Sample time register 1 (ADC_SAMPT1)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved SPT9[2:0] SPT8[2:0] SPT7[2:0] SPT6[2:0] SPT5[2:1]

rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SPT5[0] SPT4[2:0] SPT3[2:0] SPT2[2:0] SPT1[2:0] SPT0[2:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

29:27 SPT9[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

26:24 SPT8[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

23:21 SPT7[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

20:18 SPT6[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

17:15 SPT5[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

14:12 SPT4[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

11:9 SPT3[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

8:6 SPT2[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

5:3 SPT1[2:0] refer to SPT0[2:0] description

2:0 SPT0[2:0] Channel sample time

000: 3 cycles
001: 15 cycles
010: 28 cycles
011: 56 cycles
100: 84 cycles
101: 112 cycles
110: 144 cycles
111: 480 cycles

14.7.6. Inserted channel data offset register x (ADC_IOFFx) (x=0..3)

Address offset: 0x14-0x20

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved IOFF[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 IOFF[11:0] Data offset for inserted channel x

These bits will be subtracted from the raw converted data when converting
inserted channels. The conversion result can be read from in the ADC_IDATAx

14.7.7. Watchdog high threshold register (ADC_WDHT)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0FFF

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved WDHT[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 WDHT[11:0] Analog watchdog high threshold

These bits define the high threshold for the analog watchdog.

14.7.8. Watchdog low threshold register (ADC_WDLT)

Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WDLT[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 WDLT[11:0] Analog watchdog low threshold

These bits define the low threshold for the analog watchdog.

14.7.9. Regular sequence register 0 (ADC_RSQ0)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved RL[3:0] RSQ15[4:1]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

RSQ15[0] RSQ14[4:0] RSQ13[4:0] RSQ12[4:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23:20 RL[3:0] Regular channel group length.

The total number of conversion in regular group equals to RL[3:0]+1.

19:15 RSQ15[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

14:10 RSQ14[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

9:5 RSQ13[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

4:0 RSQ12[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

14.7.10. Regular sequence register 1 (ADC_RSQ1)

Address offset: 0x30

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reserved RSQ11[4:0] RSQ10[4:0] RSQ9[4:1]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

RSQ9[0] RSQ8[4:0] RSQ7[4:0] RSQ6[4:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

29:25 RSQ11[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

24:20 RSQ10[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

19:15 RSQ9[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

14:10 RSQ8[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

9:5 RSQ7[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

4:0 RSQ6[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

14.7.11. Regular sequence register 2 (ADC_RSQ2)

Address offset: 0x34

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved RSQ5[4:0] RSQ4[4:0] RSQ3[4:1]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

RSQ3[0] RSQ2[4:0] RSQ1[4:0] RSQ0[4:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

29:25 RSQ5[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

24:20 RSQ4[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

19:15 RSQ3[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

14:10 RSQ2[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

9:5 RSQ1[4:0] refer to RSQ0[4:0] description

4:0 RSQ0[4:0] The channel number (0..18) is written to these bits to select a channel as the nth

GD32F4xx User Manual
conversion in the regular channel group.

14.7.12. Inserted sequence register (ADC_ISQ)

Address offset: 0x38

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved IL[1:0] ISQ3[4:1]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ISQ3[0] ISQ2[4:0] ISQ1[4:0] ISQ0[4:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

21:20 IL[1:0] Inserted channel group length.

The total number of conversion in Inserted group equals to IL[1:0] + 1.

19:15 ISQ3[4:0] refer to ISQ0[4:0] description

14:10 ISQ2[4:0] refer to ISQ0[4:0] description

9:5 ISQ1[4:0] refer to ISQ0[4:0] description

4:0 ISQ0[4:0] The channel number (0..18) is written to these bits to select a channel at the nth
conversion in the inserted channel group.
Unlike the regular conversion sequence, the inserted channels are converted
starting from (4 - IL[1:0] - 1), if IL[1:0] length is less than 4.
IL Insert channel order
3 ISQ0 >> ISQ1 >> ISQ2 >> ISQ3
2 ISQ1 >> ISQ2 >> ISQ3
1 ISQ2 >> ISQ3
0 ISQ3

14.7.13. Inserted data register x (ADC_IDATAx) (x= 0..3)

Address offset: 0x3C - 0x48

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 IDATAn[15:0] Inserted number n conversion data

These bits contain the number n conversion result, which is read only.

14.7.14. Regular data register (ADC_RDATA)

Address offset: 0x4C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 RDATA[15:0] Regular channel data

These bits contain the conversion result from regular channel, which is read only.

14.7.15. Oversample control register (ADC_OVSAMPCTL)

Address offset: 0x80
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved TOVS OVSS[3:0] OVSR[2:0] Reserved OVSEN

rw rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 TOVS Triggered Oversampling

This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: All oversampled conversions for a channel are done consecutively after a trigger
1: Each conversion needs a trigger for a oversampled channel and the number of
triggers is determined by the oversampling ratio(OVSR[2:0]).
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON=0 (which ensures that
no conversion is ongoing).

8:5 OVSS[3:0] Oversampling shift

This bit is set and cleared by software.
0000: No shift
0001: Shift 1-bit
0010: Shift 2-bits
0011: Shift 3-bits
0100: Shift 4-bits
0101: Shift 5-bits
0110: Shift 6-bits
0111: Shift 7-bits
1000: Shift 8-bits
Other codes reserved
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON =0 (which ensures that
no conversion is ongoing).

4:2 OVSR[2:0] Oversampling ratio

This bit filed defines the number of oversampling ratio.
000: 2x
001: 4x
010: 8x
011: 16x
100: 32x
101: 64x
110: 128x
111: 256x
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON =0 (which ensures that
no conversion is ongoing).

1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 OVSEN Oversampler Enable

This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: Oversampler disabled
1: Oversampler enabled
Note: Software is allowed to write this bit only when ADCON =0 (which ensures that

GD32F4xx User Manual
no conversion is ongoing).

14.7.16. Summary status register (ADC_SSTAT)

Address offset: 0x300(for ADC0 base address)

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

This register is read only and provides a summary of the three ADCs. This register is not
available in ADC1 and ADC2.

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r r r r r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r r r r r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 ROVF2 This bit is the mirror image of the ROVF bit of ADC2

20 STRC2 This bit is the mirror image of the STRC bit of ADC2

19 STIC2 This bit is the mirror image of the STIC bit of ADC2

18 EOIC2 This bit is the mirror image of the EOIC bit of ADC2

17 EOC2 This bit is the mirror image of the EOC bit of ADC2

16 WDE2 This bit is the mirror image of the WDE bit of ADC2

15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 ROVF1 This bit is the mirror image of the ROVF bit of ADC1

12 STRC1 This bit is the mirror image of the STRC bit of ADC1

11 STIC1 This bit is the mirror image of the STIC bit of ADC1

10 EOIC1 This bit is the mirror image of the EOIC bit of ADC1

9 EOC1 This bit is the mirror image of the EOC bit of ADC1

8 WDE1 This bit is the mirror image of the WDE bit of ADC1

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 ROVF0 This bit is the mirror image of the ROVF bit of ADC0

GD32F4xx User Manual
4 STRC0 This bit is the mirror image of the STRC bit of ADC0

3 STIC0 This bit is the mirror image of the STIC bit of ADC0

2 EOIC0 This bit is the mirror image of the EOIC bit of ADC0

1 EOC0 This bit is the mirror image of the EOC bit of ADC0

0 WDE0 This bit is the mirror image of the WDE bit of ADC0

14.7.17. Sync control register (ADC_SYNCCTL)

Address offset: 0x304(for ADC0 base address)

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

This register is not available in ADC1 and ADC2.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved TSVREN VBATEN Reserved ADCCK[2:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

SYNCDMA[1:0] SYNCDDM Reserved SYNCDLY[3:0] Reserved SYNCM[4:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 TSVREN Channel 16 (temperature sensor) and 17 (internal reference voltage) enable of

0: Channel 16 and 17 of ADC0 disable
1: Channel 16 and 17 of ADC0 enable

22 VBATEN Channel 18 (1/4 voltage of external battery) enable of ADC0.

0: Channel 18 of ADC0 disable
1: Channel 18 of ADC0 enable

21:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18:16 ADCCK[2:0] ADC clock.

These bits configure the ADC clock for all the ADCs.
3'b000:PCLK2 div2;
3'b001:PCLK2 div4;
3'b010:PCLK2 div6;
3'b011:PCLK2 div8;
3'b100:HCLK div5;
3'b101:HCLK div6;

GD32F4xx User Manual
3'b110:HCLK div10;
3'b111:HCLK div20.

15:14 SYNCDMA[1:0] ADC sync DMA mode selection

00: ADC sync DMA disabled
01: ADC sync DMA mode 0
10: ADC sync DMA mode 1
11: reserved

13 SYNCDDM ADC sync DMA disable mode

This bit configures the DMA disable mode for ADC sync mode
0: The DMA engine is disabled after the end of transfer signal from DMA controller
is detected.
1: When SYNCDMA is not equal to 2’b00, the DMA engine issues requests
according to the SYNCDMA bits.

12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:8 SYNCDLY[3:0] ADC sync delay

These bits are used to configure the delay between 2 sampling phases in ADC sync
modes to (5+SYNCDLY) ADC clock cycles.

7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4:0 SYNCM[4:0] ADC sync mode

When ADC sync mode is enabled these bits should be set to 00000 firstly before
change to another value.
00000: ADC sync mode disabled. All the ADCs work independently.
00001: ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel & inserted parallel
mode. ADC2 works independently.
00010: ADC0 and ADC1 work in combined regular parallel & trigger rotation
mode. ADC2 works independently.
00101: ADC0 and ADC1 work in inserted parallel mode. ADC2 works
00110: ADC0 and ADC1 work in regular parallel mode. ADC2 works
00111: ADC0 and ADC1 work in follow-up mode. ADC2 works independently.
01001: ADC0 and ADC1 work in trigger rotation mode. ADC2 works
10001: All ADCs work in combined regular parallel & inserted parallel mode
10010: All ADCs work in combined regular parallel & trigger rotation mode
10101: All ADCs work in inserted parallel mode
10110: All ADCs work in regular parallel mode
10111: All ADCs work in follow-up mode
11001: All ADCs work in trigger rotation mode
All other values are reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual
14.7.18. Sync regular data register (ADC_SYNCDATA)

Address offset: 0x308(for ADC0 base address)

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

This register is not available in ADC1 and ADC2.

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 SYNCDATA1[15:0] Regular data2 in ADC sync mode

15:0 SYNCDATA0[15:0] Regular data1 in ADC sync mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
15. Digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

15.1. Introduction

The Digital-to-analog converter converts 12-bit digital data to a voltage on the external pins.
The digital data can be configured in 8-bit or 12-bit mode, left-aligned or right-aligned mode.
DMA can be used to update the digital data on external triggers. The output voltage can be
optionally buffered for higher drive capability.

The two DACs can work independently or concurrently.

15.2. Main features

DAC’s main features are as follows:

 8-bit or 12-bit resolution. Left or right data alignment

 DMA capability with underrun error detection
 Conversion update synchronously
 Conversion trigged by external triggers
 Configurable internal buffer
 Input voltage reference, VREF+
 Noise wave generator (LFSR noise mode and Triangle noise mode)
 Two DACs in concurrent mode

Figure 15-1. DAC block diagram shows the block diagram of DAC and Table 15-1. DAC
pins gives the pin description.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 15-1. DAC block diagram

DAC control register


DMA r equestx



Trigger selectorx


Control DOx DAC
logic 12-bit
DHx 12-bit




Table 15-1. DAC pins

Name Description Signal type
VDDA Analog power supply Input, analog supply
VSSA Ground for analog power supply Input, analog supply ground
VREF+ Positive reference voltage for the DAC, Input, analog positive reference
2.6 V ≤ VREF+ ≤ VDDA
DAC_OUTx DACx analog output Analog output signal

The GPIO pins (PA4 for DAC0, PA5 for DAC1) should be configured to analog mode before
enable the DAC module.

15.3. Function description

15.3.1. DAC enable

The DACs can be powered on by setting the DENx bit in the DAC_CTL register. A t WAKEUP
time is needed to startup the analog DAC submodule.

15.3.2. DAC output buffer

For reducing output impedance and driving external loads without an external operational
amplifier, an output buffer is integrated inside each DAC module.

GD32F4xx User Manual
The output buffer, which is turned on by default, can be turned off by seting the DBOFFx bits
in the DAC_CTL register.

15.3.3. DAC data configuration

The 12-bit DAC holding data (DACx_DH) can be configured by writing any one of these
registers (DACx_R12DH, DACx_L12DH or DACx_R8DH). When the data is loaded into
DACx_R8DH register, only the MSB 8 bits are configurable, the LSB 4 bits are forced to

15.3.4. DAC trigger

The DAC external trigger is enabled by setting the DTENx bits in the DAC_CTL register. The
DAC external triggers are selected by the DTSELx bits in the DAC_CTL register.

Table 15-2. External triggers of DAC

DTSELx[2:0] Trigger Source Trigger Type
Internal on-chip signal
110 EXTI_9 External signal
111 SWTRIG Software trigger

The TIMERx_TRGO signals are generated from the timers, while the software trigger can be
generated by setting the SWTRx bits in the DAC_SWT register.

15.3.5. DAC conversion

If the external trigger is enabled by setting the DTENx bit in DAC_CTL register, the DAC
holding data is transferred to the DAC output data (DACx_DO) register when the selected
trigger event happened. When the external trigger is disabled, the transfer is performed

When the DAC holding data (DACx_DH) is loaded into the DACx_DO register, after the time
tSETTLING, the analog output is valid, and the value of t SETTLING is related to the power supply
voltage and the analog output load.

15.3.6. DAC noise wave

There are two methods of add noise wave to the DAC output data: LFSR noise wave mode
and Triangle wave mode. The noise wave mode can be selected by the DWMx bits in the
DAC_CTL register. The amplitude of the noise can be configured by the DAC noise wave bit
width (DWBWx) bits in the DAC_CTL register.
GD32F4xx User Manual
LFSR noise wave mode: there is a Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) in the DAC control
logic, it controls the LFSR noise signal which is added to the DACx_DH value. When the
configured DAC noise wave bit width is less than 12, the noise signal equals to the LSB
DWBWx bits of the LFSR register, while the MSB bits are masked.

Figure 15-2. DAC LFSR algorithm


X12 X6 X4 X X0

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Triangle noise mode: in this mode, a triangle signal is added to the DACx_DH value. The
minimum value of the triangle signal is 0, while the maximum value of the triangle signal is
(2<<DWBWx) -1.

Figure 15-3. DAC triangle noise wave

(2<<DWBWx)-1 +
DACx_DH value

DACx_DH value

15.3.7. DAC output voltage

The analog output voltages on the DAC pin are determined by the following equation:

DACoutput = VREF+ ∗ DAC_DO/4096 (15-1)

The digital input is linearly converted to an analog output voltage whose range is 0 to VREF+.

GD32F4xx User Manual
15.3.8. DMA request

When the external trigger is enabled, the DMA request can be enabled by setting the
DDMAENx bits of the DAC_CTL register. A DMA request will be generated by DAC when an
external hardware trigger (not a software trigger) occurs.

If a second external trigger arrives before the acknowledgement of the previous request, the
new request will not be serviced, and an underrun error event occurs. The DDUDRx bit in the
DAC_STAT register is set, an interrupt will be generated if the DDUDRIEx bit in the DAC_CTL
register is set. The DMA request will be stalled until the DDUDRx bit is cleared.

15.3.9. DAC concurrent conversion

In order to maximize the utilization of the bus bandwidth, we can make the two DACs work at
the same time using concurrent mode. In this mode, the data transfer (DACx_DH to
DACx_DO) of two DACs is performing at the same time.

There are three concurrent registers that can be used to load the DACx_DH value:
DACC_R8DH, DACC_R12DH and DACC_L12DH. One of the three registers needs to be
configured for driving two DACs at the same time.

When external trigger is enabled, DTENx bit of two DACs must be set both. DTSEL0 and
DTSEL1 bits should be configured with the same value.

When DMA is enabled, only one of the DDMAENx bits should be set.

The noise mode and noise bit width can be configured either the same or different, depending
on the application scenario.

GD32F4xx User Manual
15.4. DAC registers

DAC base address: 0x4000 7400

15.4.1. Control register (DAC_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved DDUDRIE1 DDMAEN1 DWBW1[3:0] DWM1[1:0] DTSEL1[2:0] DTEN1 DBOFF1 DEN1

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved DDUDRIE0 DDMAEN0 DWBW0[3:0] DWM0[1:0] DTSEL0[2:0] DTEN0 DBOFF0 DEN0

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29 DDUDRIE1 DAC1 DMA Underrun Interrupt enable

0: DAC1 DMA Underrun Interrupt disabled
1: DAC1 DMA Underrun Interrupt enabled

28 DDMAEN1 DAC1 DMA enable

0: DAC1 DMA mode disabled
1: DAC1 DMA mode enabled

27:24 DWBW1[3:0] DAC1 noise wave bit width

These bits specify bit width of the noise wave signal of DAC1. These bits indicate
that unmask LFSR bit [n-1, 0] in LFSR noise mode or the amplitude of the triangle
is ((2<<(n-1))-1) in triangle noise mode, where n is the bit width of wave.
0000: The bit width of the wave signal is 1
0001: The bit width of the wave signal is 2
0010: The bit width of the wave signal is 3
0011: The bit width of the wave signal is 4
0100: The bit width of the wave signal is 5
0101: The bit width of the wave signal is 6
0110: The bit width of the wave signal is 7
0111: The bit width of the wave signal is 8
1000: The bit width of the wave signal is 9
1001: The bit width of the wave signal is 10
1010: The bit width of the wave signal is 11
≥1011: The bit width of the wave signal is 12

GD32F4xx User Manual
23:22 DWM1[1:0] DAC1 noise wave mode
These bits specify the mode selection of the noise wave signal of DAC1 when
external trigger of DAC1 is enabled (DTEN1=1).
00: wave disabled
01: LFSR noise mode
1x: Triangle noise mode

21:19 DTSEL1[2:0] DAC1 trigger selection

These bits select the external trigger of DAC1 when DTEN1=1.
000: Timer 5 TRGO
001: Timer 7 TRGO
010: Timer 6 TRGO
011: Timer 4 TRGO
100: Timer 1 TRGO
101: Timer 3 TRGO
110: EXTI line 9
111: Software trigger

18 DTEN1 DAC1 trigger enable

0: DAC1 trigger disabled
1: DAC1 trigger enabled

17 DBOFF1 DAC1 output buffer turn off

0: DAC1 output buffer turn on to reduce the output impedance and improve the
driving capability
1: DAC1 output buffer turn off

16 DEN1 DAC1 enable

0: DAC1 disabled
1: DAC1 enabled

15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 DDUDRIE0 DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt enable

0: DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt disabled
1: DAC0 DMA Underrun Interrupt enabled

12 DDMAEN0 DAC0 DMA enable

0: DAC0 DMA mode disabled
1: DAC0 DMA mode enabled

11:8 DWBW0[3:0] DAC0 noise wave bit width

These bits specify bit width of the noise wave signal of DAC0. These bits indicate
that unmask LFSR bit [n-1, 0] in LFSR noise mode or the amplitude of the triangle
is ((2<<n)-1) in triangle noise mode, where n is the bit width of wave.
0000: The bit width of the wave signal is 1
0001: The bit width of the wave signal is 2
0010: The bit width of the wave signal is 3
GD32F4xx User Manual
0011: The bit width of the wave signal is 4
0100: The bit width of the wave signal is 5
0101: The bit width of the wave signal is 6
0110: The bit width of the wave signal is 7
0111: The bit width of the wave signal is 8
1000: The bit width of the wave signal is 9
1001: The bit width of the wave signal is 10
1010: The bit width of the wave signal is 11
≥1011: The bit width of the wave signal is 12

7:6 DWM0[1:0] DAC0 noise wave mode

These bits specify the mode selection of the noise wave signal of DAC0 when
external trigger of DAC0 is enabled (DTEN0=1).
00: wave disabled
01: LFSR noise mode
1x: Triangle noise mode

5:3 DTSEL0[2:0] DAC0 trigger selection

These bits select the external trigger of DAC0 when DTEN0=1.
000: Timer 5 TRGO
001: Timer 7 TRGO
010: Timer 6 TRGO
011: Timer 4 TRGO
100: Timer 1 TRGO
101: Timer 3 TRGO
110: EXTI line 9
111: Software trigger

2 DTEN0 DAC0 trigger enable

0: DAC0 trigger disabled
1: DAC0 trigger enabled

1 DBOFF0 DAC0 output buffer turn off

0: DAC0 output buffer turn on to reduce the output impedance and improve the
driving capability
1: DAC0 output buffer turn off

0 DEN0 DAC0 enable

0: DAC0 disabled
1: DAC0 enabled

15.4.2. Software trigger register (DAC_SWT)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Reserved SWTR1 SWTR0

w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 SWTR1 DAC1 software trigger, cleared by hardware

0: Software trigger disabled
1: Software trigger enabled

0 SWTR0 DAC0 software trigger, cleared by hardware

0: Software trigger disabled
1: Software trigger enabled

15.4.3. DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R12DH)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved DAC0_DH[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC0.

15.4.4. DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC0_L12DH)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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DAC0_DH[11:0] Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:4 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data

These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC0.

3:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15.4.5. DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC0_R8DH)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Reserved DAC0_DH[7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 DAC0_DH[7:0] DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the MSB 8 bits of the data that is to be converted by DAC0.

15.4.6. DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R12DH)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
Reserved DAC1_DH[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC1.

15.4.7. DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data holding register (DAC1_L12DH)

Address offset: 0x18
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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DAC1_DH[11:0] Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:4 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data

These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC1.

3:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15.4.8. DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data holding register (DAC1_R8DH)

Address offset: 0x1C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved DAC1_DH[7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 DAC1_DH[7:0] DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the MSB bits of the data that is to be converted by DAC1.

15.4.9. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit right-aligned data holding register

Address offset: 0x20
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved DAC1_DH[11:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved DAC0_DH[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC1.

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC0.

15.4.10. DAC concurrent mode 12-bit left-aligned data holding register


Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DAC1_DH[11:0] Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DAC0_DH[11:0] Reserved


GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 DAC1_DH[11:0] DAC1 12-bit left-aligned data
These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC1.

19:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:4 DAC0_DH[11:0] DAC0 12-bit left-aligned data

These bits specify the data that is to be converted by DAC0.

3:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15.4.11. DAC concurrent mode 8-bit right-aligned data holding register


Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DAC1_DH [7:0] DAC0_DH [7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:8 DAC1_DH[7:0] DAC1 8-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the MSB 8-bit of the data that is to be converted by DAC1.

7:0 DAC0_DH[7:0] DAC0 8-bit right-aligned data

These bits specify the MSB 8-bit of the data that is to be converted by DAC0.

15.4.12. DAC0 data output register (DAC0_DO)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved DAC0_DO [11:0]

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 DAC0_DO [11:0] DAC0 data output

These bits, which are read only, reflect the data that is being converted by DAC0.

15.4.13. DAC1 data output register (DAC1_DO)

Address offset: 0x30

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved DAC1_DO [11:0]

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 DAC1_DO [11:0] DAC1 data output

These bits, which are read only, reflect the data that is being converted by DAC1.

15.4.14. Status register (DAC_STAT)

Address offset: 0x34

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved DDUDR1 Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved DDUDR0 Reserved


GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29 DDUDR1 DAC1 DMA underrun flag

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1 to it.
The underrun error occurs when the frequency of the current selected trigger that
is driving DAC conversion is too higher than the DMA service capability rate.
0: No DMA underrun error occurred
1: DMA underrun error occurred

28:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 DDUDR0 DAC0 DMA underrun flag

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 1 to it.
The underrun error occurs when the frequency of the current selected trigger that
is driving DAC conversion is too higher than the DMA service capability rate.
0: No DMA underrun error occurred
1: DMA underrun error occurred

12:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
16. Watchdog timer (WDGT)

The watchdog timer (WDGT) is a hardware timing circuitry that can be used to detect system
failures due to software malfunctions. There are two watchdog timer peripherals in the chip:
free watchdog timer (FWDGT) and window watchdog timer (WWDGT). They offer a
combination of a high safety level, flexibility of use and timing accuracy. Both watchdog timers
are offered to resolve malfunctions of software.

The watchdog timer will generate a reset (or an interrupt in window watchdog timer) when the
internal counter reaches a given value. The watchdog timer counter can be stopped while the
processor is in the debug mode.

16.1. Free watchdog timer (FWDGT)

16.1.1. Overview

The free watchdog timer (FWDGT) has free clock source (IRC32K). Thereupon the FWDGT
can operate even if the main clock fails. It’s suitable for the situation that requires an
independent environment and lower timing accuracy.

The free watchdog timer causes a reset when the internal down counter reaches 0. The
register write protection function in free watchdog timer can be enabled to prevent it from
changing the configuration unexpectedly.

16.1.2. Characteristics
 Free-running 12-bit downcounter
 Reset when the downcounter reaches 0, if the watchdog is enabled
 Free clock source,FWDGT can operate even if the main clock fails such as in standby
and Deep-sleep modes
 Hardware free watchdog timer bit, automatically start the FWDGT at power on
 FWDGT debug mode, the FWDGT can stop or continue to work in debug mode

16.1.3. Function overview

The free watchdog timer consists of an 8-stage prescaler and a 12-bit down-counter.Figure
16-1. Free watchdog timer block diagram shows the functional block of the free watchdog
timer module.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 16-1. Free watchdog timer block diagram

Status: PUD

IRC32K 12-Bit Reset

/4/8…256 DownCounter


Control register Reload

register Status: PUD

The free watchdog timer is enabled by writing the value 0xCCCC to the control register
(FWDGT_CTL), then the counter starts counting down. When the counter reaches the value
0x000, there will be a reset.

The counter can be reloaded by writing the value (0xAAAA) to the FWDGT_CTL register at
anytime. The reload value comes from the FWDGT_RLD register. The software can prevent
the watchdog reset by reloading the counter before the counter reaches the value 0x000.

The free watchdog timer can automatically start when power on if the hardware free watchdog
timer bit in the device option bits is set. To avoid reset, the software should reload the counter
before the counter reaches 0x000.

The FWDGT_PSC register and the FWDGT_RLD register are write protected. Before writing
these registers, the software should write the value (0x5555) to the FWDGT_CTL register.
These registers will be protected again by writing any other value to the FWDGT_CTL register.
When an update operation of the prescaler register (FWDGT_PSC) or the reload value
register (FWDGT_RLD) is ongoing, the status bits in the FWDGT_STAT register are set.

If the FWDGT_HOLD bit in DBG module is cleared, the FWDGT continues to work even the
Cortex™-M4 core halted (Debug mode). The FWDGT stops in Debug mode if the
FWDGT_HOLD bit is set.

Table 16-1. Min/max FWDGT timeout period at 32 kHz (IRC32K)

Min timeout (ms) Max timeout (ms)

Prescaler divider PSC[2:0] bits
RLD[11:0]=0x000 RLD[11:0]=0xFFF

1/4 000 0.125 512

1/8 001 0.25 1024
1/16 010 0.5 2048
1/32 011 1.0 4096
1/64 100 2.0 8192
1/128 101 4.0 16384
GD32F4xx User Manual
Min timeout (ms) Max timeout (ms)
Prescaler divider PSC[2:0] bits
RLD[11:0]=0x000 RLD[11:0]=0xFFF

1/256 110 or 111 8.0 32768

The FWDGT timeout can be more accurate by calibrating the IRC32K.

GD32F4xx User Manual
16.1.4. Register definition
FWDGT base address: 0x4000 3000

Control register (FWDGT_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CMD[15:0] Write only. Several different fuctions are realized by writing these bits with different
0x5555: Disable the FWDGT_PSC and FWDGT_RLD write protection
0xCCCC: Start the free watchdog timer counter. When the counter reduces to 0,
the free watchdog timer generates a reset
0xAAAA: Reload the counter

Prescaler register (FWDGT_PSC)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit).

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Reserved PSC[2:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 PSC[2:0] Free watchdog timer prescaler selection. Write 0x5555 in the FWDGT_CTL register

GD32F4xx User Manual
before writing these bits. During a write operation to this register, the PUD bit in the
FWDGT_STAT register is set and the value read from this register is invalid.
000: 1/4 001: 1/8 010: 1/16
011: 1/32 100: 1/64 101: 1/128
110: 1/256 111: 1/256
If several prescaler values are used by the application, it is mandatory to wait until
PUD bit is reset before changing the prescaler value. However, after updating the
prescaler value it is not necessary to wait until PUD is reset before continuing
code execution.

Reload register (FWDGT_RLD)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0FFF

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit).

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Reserved RLD [11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 RLD[11:0] Free watchdog timer counter reload value. Write 0xAAAA in the FWDGT_CTL
register will reload the FWDGT counter with the RLD value.
These bits are write-protected. Write 0x5555 in the FWDGT_CTL register before
writing these bits. During a write operation to this register, the RUD bit in the
FWDGT_STAT register is set and the value read from this register is invalid.
If several reload values are used by the application, it is mandatory to wait until RUD
bit is reset before changing the reload value. However, after updating the reload
value it is not necessary to wait until RUD is reset before continuing code execution.

Status register (FWDGT_STAT)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit).

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Reserved RUD PUD

r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 RUD Free watchdog timer counter reload value update

During a write operation to FWDGT_RLD register, this bit is set and the value read
from FWDGT_RLD register is invalid. This bit is reset by hardware after the update
operation of FWDGT_RLD register.

0 PUD Free watchdog timer prescaler value update

During a write operation to FWDGT_PSC register, this bit is set and the value read
from FWDGT_PSC register is invalid. This bit is reset by hardware after the update
operation of FWDGT_PSC register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
16.2. Window watchdog timer (WWDGT)

16.2.1. Overview

The window watchdog timer (WWDGT) is used to detect system failures due to software
malfunctions. After the window watchdog timer starts, the value of down counter reduces
progressively. The watchdog timer causes a reset when the counter reached 0x3F (the CNT[6]
bit has been cleared). The watchdog timer also causes a reset when the counter is refreshed
before the counter reached the window register value. So the software should refresh the
counter in a limited window. The window watchdog timer generates an early wakeup status
flag when the counter reaches 0x40 or refreshes before the counter reaches the window value.
Interrupt occurs if it is enabled.

The window watchdog timer clock is prescaled from the APB1 clock. The window watchdog
timer is suitable for the situation that requires an accurate timing.

16.2.2. Characteristics
 Programmable free-running 7-bit downcounter
 Generate a reset in two conditions when WWDGT is enabled:
– Reset when the counter reached 0x3F
– The counter is refreshed when the value of the counter is greater than the window
register value
 Early wakeup interrupt (EWI): if the watchdog is started and the interrupt is enabled, the
interrupt occurs when the counter reaches 0x40 or refreshes before it reaches the
window value
 WWDGT debug mode, the WWDGT can stop or continue to work in debug mode

16.2.3. Function overview

If the window watchdog timer is enabled (set the WDGTEN bit in the WWDGT_CTL), the
watchdog timer cause a reset when the counter reaches 0x3F (the CNT[6] bit becomes
cleared), or the counter is refreshed before the counter reaches the window register value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 16-2. Window watchdog timer block diagram

PCLK1/4096 Prescaler

7-Bit Down Counter CNT[6]=0



Window WIN Reset


The watchdog is always disabled after power on reset. The software starts the watchdog by
setting the WDGTEN bit in the WWDGT_CTL register. When window watchdog timer is
enabled, the counter counts down all the time, the configured value of the counter should be
greater than 0x3F, (it implies that the CNT[6] bit should be set). The CNT[5:0] determine the
maximum time interval between two reloading. The count down speed depends on the APB1
clock and the prescaler (PSC[1:0] bits in the WWDGT_CFG register).

The WIN[6:0] bits in the configuration register (WWDGT_CFG) specify the window value. The
software can prevent the reset event by reloading the down counter. The counter value is less
than the window value and greater than 0x3F, otherwise the watchdog causes a reset.

The early wakeup interrupt (EWI) is enabled by setting the EWIE bit in the WWDGT_CFG
register, and the interrupt will be generated when the counter reaches 0x40 or the counter is
refreshed before it reaches the window value. The software can do something such as
communication or data logging in the interrupt service routine (ISR) in order to analyse the
reason of software malfunctions or save the important data before resetting the device.
Moreover the software can reload the counter in ISR to manage a software system check and
so on. In this case, the WWDGT will never generate a WWDGT reset but can be used for
other things.

The EWI interrupt is cleared by writing '0' to the EWIF bit in the WWDGT_STAT register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 16-3. Window watchdog timing diagram


Start Start
0x7F Write CNT



CNT[6]=0 cause a reset


cause a reset

Calculate the WWDGT timeout by using the formula below.

tWWDGT =tPCLK1 ×4096 ×2PSC ×( CNT[5:0]+1) (ms) (16-1)

tWWDGT: WWDGT timeout
tPCLK1: APB1 clock period measured in ms

The table below shows the minimum and maximum values of the tWWDGT.

Table 16-2. Min/max timeout value at 50 MHz (fPCLK1)

Min timeout value Max timeout value
Prescaler divider PSC[1:0]
CNT[6:0] =0x40 CNT[6:0]=0x7F
1/1 00 81.92 μs 5.24 ms
1/2 01 163.84 μs 10.49 ms
1/4 10 327.68 μs 20.97 ms
1/8 11 655.36 μs 41.94 ms

If the WWDGT_HOLD bit in DBG module is cleared, the WWDGT continues to work even the
Cortex™-M4 core halted (Debug mode). While the WWDGT_HOLD bit is set, the WWDGT
stops in Debug mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
16.2.4. Register definition
WWDGT base address: 0x4000 2C00

Control register (WWDGT_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 007F

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WDGTEN CNT[6:0]

rs rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 WDGTEN Start the window watchdog timer. Cleared by a hardware reset. Writing 0 has no
0: Window watchdog timer disabled
1: Window watchdog timer enabled

6:0 CNT[6:0] The value of the watchdog timer counter. A reset occurs when the value of this
counter decreases from 0x40 to 0x3F. When the value of this counter is greater than
the window value, writing this counter also causes a reset.

Configuration register (WWDGT_CFG)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 007F

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved EWIE PSC[1:0] WIN[6:0]

rs rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 EWIE Early wakeup interrupt enable. An interrupt occurs when the counter reaches 0x40
GD32F4xx User Manual
or the counter is refreshed before it reaches the window value if the bit is set. It can
be cleared by a hardware reset or by a RCU WWDGT software reset. A write
operation of ‘0’ has no effect.

8:7 PSC[1:0] Prescaler. The time base of the watchdog timer counter
00: (PCLK1 / 4096) / 1
01: (PCLK1 / 4096) / 2
10: (PCLK1 / 4096) / 4
11: (PCLK1 / 4096) / 8

6:0 WIN[6:0] The Window value. A reset occurs if the watchdog counter (CNT bits in
WWDGT_CTL) is written when the value of the watchdog counter is greater than
the Window value.

Status register (WWDGT_STAT)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserve EWIF


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 EWIF Early wakeup interrupt flag. When the counter reaches 0x40 or refreshes before it
reaches the window value, this bit is set by hardware even the interrupt is not
enabled (EWIE in WWDGT_CFG is cleared). This bit is cleared by writing 0 to it.
There is no effect when writing 1 to it.

GD32F4xx User Manual
17. Real time clock (RTC)

17.1. Overview

The RTC provides a time which includes hour/minute/second/sub-second and a calendar

includes year/month/day/week day. The time and calendar are expressed in BCD code except
sub-second. Sub-second is expressed in binary code. Hour adjust for daylight saving time.
Working in power saving mode and smart wakeup is software configurable. Support improving
the calendar accuracy using extern accurate low frequency clock.

17.2. Characteristics

 Daylight saving compensation supported by software

 External high-accurate low frequency(50Hz or 60Hz) clock used to achieve higher
calendar accuracy performed by reference clock detection option function
 Atomic clock adjust(max adjust accuracy is 0.95PPM) for calendar calibration performed
by digital calibration function
 Sub-second adjustment by shift function
 Time-stamp function for saving event time
 Two Tamper sources can be chosen and tamper type is configurable
 Programmable calendar and two field maskable alarms
 Maskable interrupt source:
- Alarm 0 and Alarm 1
- Time-stamp detection
- Tamper detection
- Auto wakeup event
 Twenty 32-bit (80 bytes total) universal backup registers which can keep data under
power saving mode. Backup register will be reset if tamper event detected

GD32F4xx User Manual
17.3. Function overview

17.3.1. Block diagram

Figure 17-1. Block diagram of RTC

Alarm-1 Flag

Alarm-0 Flag
Alarm-0/1 Logic =
RTC Output
Block Diagram 512Hz
Selection Logic
(Default 256 Hz) ck_spre
(Default 1 Hz)
7-bit 15-bit
HXTAL/2~31 Asynchronous Coarse Synchronous
Prescaler Calibration Prescaler
LXTAL(32.768KHz) Calibration Calendar
(Default = 128) (Default = 256)
RTC Clock ck_spre
(Default 1 Hz)
WTCS Auto-reload wakeup
RTC/2,4,8,16 timer

Control logic

RTC_TAMP0 Backup register

and RTC
RTC_TAMP1 tamper control
RTC_AF1 logic

The RTC unit includes:

 Alarm event/interrupt
 Tamper event/interrupt
 32-bit backup registers
 Optional RTC output function:
- 512Hz (default prescale) :RTC_AF0(PC13)
- 1Hz(default prescale): RTC_AF0(PC13)
- Alarm event(polarity is configurable): RTC_AF0(PC13)
- Automatic wakeup event(polarity is configurable): RTC_AF0(PC13)
 Optional RTC input function:
- time stamp event detection(RTC_TS): RTC_AF0(PC13) and RTC_AF1(PI8)
- tamper 0 event detection(RTC_TAMP0): RTC_AF0(PC13) and RTC_AF1(PI8)
- tamper 1 event detection( RTC_TAMP1): RTC_AF1(PI8)

GD32F4xx User Manual
- reference clock input RTC_REFIN(50 or 60 Hz)
RTC_AF0(PC13) and RTC_AF1(PI8) pin configuration refer to General-purpose and
alternate-function I/Os (GPIO and AFIO)

17.3.2. Clock source and prescalers

RTC unit has three independent clock sources: LXTAL, IRC32K and HXTAL with divided by
2~31(configured in RCU_CFG register).

In the RTC unit, there are two prescalers used for implementing the calendar and other
functions. One prescaler is a 7-bit asynchronous prescaler and the other is a 15-bit
synchronous prescaler. Asynchronous prescaler is mainly used for reducing power
consumption. The asynchronous prescaler is recommended to set as high as possible if both
prescalers are used.

The frequency formula of two prescalers is shown as below:

𝑓ck_apre = FACTOR_A + 1 (17-1)
𝑓ck_apre 𝑓rtcclk
𝑓ck_spre = FACTOR_S + 1 = (FACTOR_A + 1)*(FACTOR_S + 1) (17-2)

The ck_apre clock is used to driven the RTC_SS down counter which stands for the time left
to next second in binary format and when it reaches 0 it will automatically reload FACTOR_S
value. The ck_spre clock is used to driven the calendar registers. Each clock will make second
plus one.

17.3.3. Shadow registers introduction

BPSHAD control bit decides the location when APB bus accesses the RTC calendar register
RTC_DATE, RTC_TIME and RTC_SS. By default, the BPSHAD is cleared, and APB bus
accesses the shadow calendar registers. Shadow calendar registers is updated with the value
of real calendar registers every two RTC clock and at the same time RSYNF bit will be set
once. This update mechanism is not performed in Deep-Sleep mode and Standby mode.
When exiting these modes, software must clear RSYNF bit and wait it is asserted (the max
wait time is 2 RTC clock) before reading calendar register under BPSHAD=0 situation.

Note: When reading calendar registers (RTC_SS, RTC_TIME, RTC_DATE) under

BPSHAD=0, the frequency of the APB clock (fapb) must be at least 7 times the frequency of
the RTC clock (frtcclk).

System reset will reset the shadow calendar registers.

17.3.4. Configurable and field maskable alarm

RTC alarm function is divided into some fields and each has a maskable bit.

RTC alarm function can be enabled or disabled by ALRMxEN bit in RTC_CTL. If all the alarm
fields value match the corresponding calendar value when ALRMxEN=1, the Alarm flag will
be set.
GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: FACTOR_S in the RTC_PSC register must be larger than 3 if MSKS bit reset in

If a field is masked, the field is considered as matched in logic. If all the fields have been
masked, the Alarm Flag will assert 3 RTC clock later after ALRMxEN is set.

17.3.5. Configurable periodic auto-wakeup counter

In the RTC block, there is a 16-bit down counter designed to generate periodic wakeup flag.
This function is enabled by set the WTEN to 1 and can be running in power saving mode.
Two clock sources can be chose for the down counter:
1) RTC clock divided by 2/4/8/16

Assume RTC clock comes from LXTAL (32.768 KHz), this can periodically assert wakeup
interrupt from 122us to 32s under the resolution down to 61us.

2) Internal clock ck_spre

Assume ck_spre is 1Hz, this can periodically assert wakeup interrupt from 1s to 36 hours
under the resolution down to 1s.

- WTCS[2:1] = 0b10.This will make period to be 1s to 18 hours

- WTCS[2:1] = 0b11.This will make period to be 18 to 36 hours

When this function is enabled, the down counter is running. When it reaches 0, the WTF flag
is set and the wakeup counter is automatically reloaded with RTC_WUT value.

When WTF asserts, software must then clear it.

If WTIE is set and this counter reaches 0, a wakeup interrupt will make system exit from the
power saving mode. System reset has no influence on this function.

WTF is also can be output to RTC_AF0 from RTC_ALARM channel.

17.3.6. RTC initialization and configuration

RTC register write protection

BKPWEN bit in the PMU_CTL register is cleared in default, so writing to RTC registers needs
setting BKPWEN bit ahead of time.

After power-on reset, most of RTC registers are write protected. Unlocking this protection is
the first step before writing to them.

Following below steps will unlock the write protection:

1. Write ‘0xCA’ into the RTC_WPK register
2. Write ‘0x53’ into the RTC_WPK register

Writing a wrong value to RTC_WPK will make write protection valid again. The state of write
protection is not affected by system reset. Following registers are writing protected but others
GD32F4xx User Manual
are not:



Calendar initialization and configuration

The prescaler and calendar value can be programmed by the following steps:
1. Enter initialization mode (by setting INITM=1) and polling INITF bit until INITF=1.
2. Program both the asynchronous and synchronous prescaler factors in RTC_PSC register.

3. Write the initial calendar values into the shadow calendar registers (RTC_TIME and
RTC_DATE), and use the CS bit in the RTC_CTL register to configure the time format
(12 or 24 hours).

4. Exit the initialization mode (by setting INITM=0).

About 4 RTC clock cycles later, real calendar registers will load from shadow registers and
calendar counter restarts.

Note: Reading calendar register (BPSHAD=0) after initialization, software should confirm the
RSYNF bit to 1.

YCM flag indicates whether the calendar has been initialized by checking the year field of

Daylight saving Time

RTC unit supports daylight saving time adjustment through S1H, A1H and DSM bit.

S1H and A1H can subtract or add 1 hour to the calendar when the calendar is running.S1H
and A1H operation can be tautologically set and DSM bit can be used to recording this adjust
operation. After setting the S1H/A1H, subtract/add 1 hour will perform when next second

Alarm function operation process

To avoid unexpected alarm assertion and metastable state, alarm function has an operation

1. Disable Alarm (by resetting ALRMxEN in RTC_CTL)

2. Set the Alarm registers needed(RTC_ALRMxTD/RTC_ALRMxSS)
3. Enable Alarm function (by setting ALRMxEN in the RTC_CTL)

17.3.7. Calendar reading

Reading calendar registers under BPSHAD=0

When BPSHAD=0, calendar value is read from shadow registers. For the existence of
GD32F4xx User Manual
synchronization mechanism, a basic request has to meet: the APB1 bus clock frequency must
be equal to or greater than 7 times the RTC clock frequency.APB1 bus clock frequency lower
than RTC clock frequency is not allowed in any case whatever happens.

When APB1 bus clock frequency is not equal to or greater than 7 times the RTC clock
frequency, the calendar reading flow should be obeyed:

1. reading calendar time register and date register twice

2. if the two values are equal, the value can be seen as the correct value
3. if the two values are not equal, a third reading should performed
4. the third value can be seen as the correct value

RSYNF is asserted once every 2 RTC clock and at this time point, the shadow registers will
be updated to current time and date.

To ensure consistency of the 3 values (RTC_SS, RTC_TIME, and RTC_DATE), below

consistency mechanism is used in hardware:

1. reading RTC_SS will lock the updating of RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE

2. reading RTC_TIME will lock the updating of RTC_DATE
3. reading RTC_DATE will unlock updating of RTC_TIME and RTC_DATE

If the software wants to read calendar in a short time interval(smaller than 2 RTCCLK periods),
RSYNF must be cleared by software after the first calendar read, and then the software must
wait until RSYNF is set again before next reading.

In below situations, software should wait RSYNF bit asserted before reading calendar
registers (RTC_SS, RTC_TIME, and RTC_DATE):

1. after a system reset

2. after an initialization
3. after shift function

Especially that software must clear RSYNF bit and wait it asserted before reading calendar
register after wakeup from power saving mode.

Reading calendar registers under BPSHAD=1

When BPSHAD=1, RSYNF is cleared and maintains as 0 by hardware so reading calendar

registers does not care about RSYNF bit. Current calendar value is read from real-time
calendar counter directly. The benefit of this configuration is that software can get the real
current time without any delay after wakeup from power saving mode (Deep-sleep /Standby

Because of no RSYNF bit periodic assertion, the results of the different calendar registers
(RTC_SS/RTC_TIME/RTC_DATE) might not be coherent with each other when clock
ck_apre edge occurs between two reading calendar registers.

In addition, if current calendar register is changing and at the same time the APB bus reading
GD32F4xx User Manual
calendar register is also performing, the value of the calendar register read out might be not

To ensure the correctness and consistency of the calendar value, software must perform
reading operation as this: read all calendar registers continuously, if the last two values are
the same, the data is coherent and correct.

17.3.8. Resetting the RTC

There are two reset sources used in RTC unit: system reset and backup domain reset.

System reset will affect calendar shadow registers and some bits of the RTC_STAT. When
system reset is valid, the bits or registers mentioned before are reset to the default value.

Backup domain reset will affect the following registers and system reset will not affect them:
- RTC current real-time calendar registers
- RTC Control register (RTC_CTL)
- RTC Prescaler register (RTC_PSC)
- RTC Wakeup timer register (RTC_WUT)
- RTC Coarse calibration register (RTC_COSC)
- RTC High resolution frequency compensation register (RTC_HRFC)
- RTC Shift control register (RTC_SHIFTCTL)
- RTC Time stamp registers (RTC_SSTS/RTC_TTS/RTC_DTS)
- RTC Tamper register (RTC_TAMP)
- RTC Backup registers (RTC_BKPx)
- RTC Alarm registers (RTC_ALRMxSS/RTC_ALRMxTD)

The RTC unit will go on running when system reset occurs or enter power saving mode, but
if backup domain reset occurs, RTC will stop counting and all registers will reset.

17.3.9. RTC shift function

When there is a remote clock with higher degree of precision and RTC 1Hz clock (ck_spre)
has an offset (in a fraction of a second) with the remote clock, RTC unit provides a function
named shift function to remove this offset and thus make second precision higher.

RTC_SS register indicates the fraction of a second in binary format and is down counting
when RTC is running. Therefore by adding the SFS[14:0] value to the synchronous prescaler
counter SSC[15:0] or by adding the SFS[14:0] value to the synchronous prescaler counter
SSC[15:0] and at the same time set A1S bit can delay or advance the time when next second

The maximal RTC_SS value depends on the FACTOR_S value in RTC_PSC. The higher
FACTOR_S, the higher adjust precision.

Because of the 1Hz clock (ck_spre) is generated by FACTOR_A and FACTOR_S, the higher
FACTOR_S means the lower FACTOR_A, then more power consuming.

Note: Before using shift function, the software must check the MSB of SSC in RTC_SS
(SSC[15]) and confirm it is 0.

GD32F4xx User Manual
After writing RTC_SHIFTCTL register, the SOPF bit in RTC_STAT will be set at once. When
shift operation is complete, SOPF bit is cleared by hardware. System reset does not affect
SOPF bit.

Shift operation only works correctly when REFEN=0.

Software must not write to RTC_SHIFTCTL if REFEN=1.

17.3.10. RTC reference clock detection

RTC reference clock detection is another way to increase the precision of RTC second. To
enable this function, you should have an external clock source (50Hz or 60 Hz) which is more
precise than LXTAL clock source.

After enabling this function (REFEN=1), each 1Hz clock (ck_spre) edge is compared to the
nearest RTC_REFIN clock edge. In most cases, the two clock edges are aligned every time.
But when two clock edges are misaligned for the reason of LXTAL poor precision, the RTC
reference clock detection function will shift the 1Hz clock edge a little to make next 1Hz clock
edge aligned to reference clock edge.

When REFEN=1, a time window is applied at every second update time different detection
state will use different window period.

7 ck_apre window is used when detecting the first reference clock edge and 3 ck_apre window
is used for the edge aligned operation.

Whatever window used, the asynchronous prescaler counter will be forced to reload when
the reference clock is detected in the window. When the two clock (ck_spre and reference
clock) edges are aligned, this reload operation has no effect for 1Hz clock. But when the two
clock edge are not aligned, this reload operation will shift ck_spre clock edge a bit to make
the ck_spre(1Hz) clock edge aligned to the reference clock edge.

When reference detection function is running while the external reference clock is removed
(no reference clock edge found in 3 ck_apre window), the calendar updating still can be
performed by LXTAL clock only. If the reference clock is recovered later, detection function
will use 7 ck_apre window to identify the reference clock and use 3 ck_apre window to adjust
the 1Hz clock (ck_spre) edge.

Note: Software must configure the FACTOR_A=0x7F and FACTOR_S=0xFF before enabling
reference detection function (REFEN=1)

Reference detection function does not work in Standby Mode and must not be used with
coarse digital function.

17.3.11. RTC coarse digital calibration

There are two digital methods can be chose for calibration: coarse digital calibration and
smooth digital calibration. These two types cannot be used together.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Coarse digital calibration can be used to add or mask ck_apre clock cycles at the output of
the asynchronous prescaler.

When COSD=0, 2 ck_apre cycles are added every minute for the first 2xCOSS minutes. The
effect of such configuration will make calendar to be updated sooner.

When COSD=1, 1 ck_apre cycle is removed every minute for the first 2xCOSS minutes. The
effect of such configuration will make calendar to be updated later.

Only in initialization mode can configure coarse calibration and the function starts after
clearing INITM bit. The full calibration window lasts 64 minutes. The first 2xCOSS minutes of
this 64-minute window are take adjust.

About 2PPM resolution is taken for negative calibration and about 4PPM resolution is taken
for positive calibration.

Note: The calibration can be performed either on LXTAL or HXTAL clock. If FACTOR_A<6,
the calibration may not work correctly.


FACTOR_A and FACTOR_S are default values. LXTAL is the RTC clock source and
frequency is 32.768 KHz.

During a calibration window (64 minutes), the ck_apre clock frequency is only adjusted in the
first 2xCOSS minutes. If COSS=1, this means only the first 2 minutes of 64 minutes will make

The calibration step therefore has the effect of adding 512 or subtracting 256 oscillator cycles
for each calibration window (64min x 60s/min x 32768cycles/s).In another word, this is
equivalent to +4.069PPM or -2.035PPM per calibration step. Then for one month running, the
minimum calibration step is +10.5 or -5.27 seconds and the maximum calibration step is +5.45
to -2.72 minutes.

17.3.12. RTC smooth digital calibration

RTC smooth calibration function is a way to calibrate the RTC frequency based on RTC clock
in a configurable period time.

This calibration is equally executed in a period time and the cycle number of the RTC clock
in the period time will be added or subtracted. The resolution of the calibration is about
0.954PPM with the range from -487.1PPM to +488.5PPM.

The calibration period time can be configured to the 220/219/218 RTC clock cycles which
stands for 32/16/8 seconds if RTC input frequency is 32.768 KHz.

The High resolution frequency compensation register (RTC_HRFC) specifies the number of
RTCCLK clock cycles to be calibrated during the period time:

So using CMSK can mask clock cycles from 0 to 511 and thus the RTC frequency can be
reduced by up to 487.1PPM.
GD32F4xx User Manual
To increase the RTC frequency the FREQI bit can be set. If FREQI bit is set, there will be 512
additional cycles to be added during period time which means every 211/210/29(32/16/8
seconds) RTC clock insert one cycle.

So using FREQI can increase the RTC frequency by 488.5PPM.

The combined using of CMSK and FREQI can adjust the RTC cycles from -511 to +512 cycles
in the period time which means the calibration range is -487.1PPM to +488.5PPM with a
resolution of about 0.954PPM.

When calibration function is running, the output frequency of calibration is calculated by the
following formula:
𝑓cal = 𝑓rtcclk × (1 + 2𝑁 +𝐶𝑀𝑆𝐾−𝐹𝑅𝐸𝑄𝐼×512) (17.3)

Note: N=20/19/18 for 32/16/8 seconds window period

Calibration when FACTOR_A < 3

When asynchronous prescaler value (FACTOR_A) is set to less than 3, software should not
set FREQI bit to 1 when using calibration function. FREQI setting will be ignored when

When the FACTOR_A is less than 3, the FACTOR_S value should be set to a value less than
the nominal value. Assuming that RTC clock frequency is nominal 32.768 KHz, the
corresponding FACTOR_S should be set as following rule:

FACTOR_A = 2: 2 less than nominal FACTOR_S (8189 with 32.768 KHz)

FACTOR_A = 1: 4 less than nominal FACTOR_S (16379 with 32.768 KHz)
FACTOR_A = 0: 8 less than nominal FACTOR_S (32759 with 32.768 KHz)

When the FACTOR_A is less than 3, CMSK is 0x100,the formula of calibration frequency is
as follows:
𝑓cal = 𝑓rtcclk × (1 + 2𝑁 +𝐶𝑀𝑆𝐾−256) (17.4)

Note: N=20/19/18 for 32/16/8 seconds window period

Verifying the RTC calibration

Calibration 1Hz output is provided to assist software to measure and verify the RTC precision.

Up to 2 RTC clock cycles measurement error may occur when measuring the RTC frequency
over a limited measurement period. To eliminate this measurement error the measurement
period should be the same as the calibration period.

 When the calibration period is 32 seconds(this is default configuration)

Using exactly 32s period to measure the accuracy of the calibration 1Hz output can guarantee
the measure is within 0.477PPM (0.5 RTCCLK cycles over 32s)

 When the calibration period is 16 seconds(by setting CWND16 bit)

GD32F4xx User Manual
In this configuration, CMSK[0] is fixed to 0 by hardware. Using exactly 16s period to measure
the accuracy of the calibration 1Hz output can guarantee the measure is within 0.954PPM
(0.5 RTCCLK cycles over 16s)

 When the calibration period is 8 seconds(by setting CWND8 bit)

In this configuration, CMSK[1:0] is fixed to 0 by hardware. Using exactly 8s period to measure

the accuracy of the calibration 1Hz output can guarantee the measure is within 1.907PPM
(0.5 RTCCLK cycles over 8s)

Re-calibration on-the-fly

When the INITF bit is 0, software can update the value of RTC_HRFC using following steps:
1) Wait the SCPF=0
2) Write the new value into RTC_HRFC register
3) After 3 ck_apre clocks, the new calibration settings take effect

17.3.13. Time-stamp function

Time-stamp function is performed on RTC_TS pin and is enabled by control bit TSEN.
RTC_TS pin can be choose from RTC_AF0 or RTC_AF1.

When a time-stamp event occurs on RTC_TS pin, the calendar value will be saved in time-
stamp registers (RTC_DTS/RTC_TTS/RTC_SSTS) and the time-stamp flag (TSF) is set to 1
by hardware. Time-stamp event can generate an interrupt if time-stamp interrupt enable (TSIE)
is set.

Time-stamp registers only record the calendar at the first time time-stamp event occurs which
means that time-stamp registers will not change when TSF=1.

To extend the time-stamp event source, one optional feature is provided: tamper function can
also be considered as time-stamp function if TPTS is set.

Note: When the time-stamp event occurs, TSF is set 2 ck_apre cycles delay because of
synchronization mechanism. If RTC_AF0 is configured for level filter mode tamper0 input and
RTC_AF1 is configured for timestamp, timestamp flag may not work correctly.

17.3.14. Tamper detection

The RTC_TAMPx pin input can be used for tamper event detection under edge detection
mode or level detection mode with configurable filtering setting.

RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPx)

The RTC backup registers are located in the VDD backup domain that remains powered-on
by VBAT even if VDD power is switched off. The wake up action from Standby Mode or System
Reset does not affect these registers.

GD32F4xx User Manual
These registers are only reset by detected tamper event and backup domain reset.

Tamper detection function initialization

RTC tamper detection function can be independently enabled on tamper input pin by setting
corresponding TPxEN bit. Tamper detection configuration is set before enable TPxEN bit.
When the tamper event is detected, the corresponding flag (TPxF) will assert. Tamper event
can generate an interrupt if tamper interrupt enable (TPIE) is set. Any tamper event will reset
all backup registers (RTC_BKPx).

Timestamp on tamper event

The TPTS bit can control whether the tamper detection function is used as time-stamp
function. If the bit is set to 1, the TSF bit will be set when the tamper event detected as if
“enable” the time-stamp function. Whatever the TPTS bit is, the TPxF will assert when tamper
event detected.

Edge detection mode on tamper input detection

When FLT bit is set to 0x0, the tamper detection is set to edge detection mode and TPxEG
bit determines the rising edge or falling edge is the detecting edge. When tamper detection is
under edge detection mode, the internal pull-up resistors on the tamper detection input pin
are deactivated.

Because of detecting the tamper event will reset the backup registers (RTC_BKPx), writing
to the backup register should ensure that the tamper event reset and the writing operation will
not occur at the same time, a recommend way to avoid this situation is disable the tamper
detection before writing to the backup register and re-enable tamper detection after finish

Note: Tamper detection is still running when VDD power is switched off if tamper is enabled.

Level detection mode with configurable filtering on tamper input detection

When FLT bit is not reset to 0x0, the tamper detection is set to level detection mode and FLT
bit determines the consecutive number of samples (2, 4 or 8) needed for valid level. When
DISPU is set to 0x0(this is default), the internal pull-up resistance will pre-charge the tamper
input pin before each sampling and thus larger capacitance is allowed to connect to the
tamper input pin. The pre-charge duration is configured through PRCH bit. Higher
capacitance needs long pre-charge time.

The time interval between each sampling is also configurable. Through adjusting the sampling
frequency (FREQ), software can balance between the power consuming and tamper
detection latency.

GD32F4xx User Manual
17.3.15. Calibration clock output

Calibration clock can be output on the RTC_AF0 if COEN bit is set to 1.

When the COS bit is set to 0(this is default) and asynchronous prescaler is set to
0x7F(FACTOR_A), the frequency of RTC_CALIB is f rtcclk/64.When the RTCCLK is 32.768KHz,
RTC_CALIB output is corresponding to 512Hz.It’s recommend to using rising edge of
RTC_CALIB output for there may be a light jitter on falling edge.

When the COS bit is set to 1, the RTC_CALIB frequency is:

𝑓𝑟𝑡𝑐_𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑏 = (𝐹𝐴𝐶𝑇𝑂𝑅_𝐴+1)×(𝐹𝐴𝐶𝑇𝑂𝑅_𝑆+1) (17-5)

When the RTCCLK is 32.768 KHz, RTC_CALIB output is corresponding to 1Hz if prescaler
are default values.

17.3.16. Alarm output

When OS control bits are not reset, RTC_ALARM alternate function output is enabled. This
function will directly output the content of alarm flag or auto wakeup flag bit in RTC_STAT.

The OPOL bit in RTC_CTL can configure the polarity of the alarm or auto wakeup flag output
which means that the RTC_ALARM output is the opposite of the corresponding flag bit or not.

17.3.17. RTC power saving mode management

Table 17-1 RTC power saving mode management

Mode Active in Mode Exit Mode

Sleep Yes RTC Interrupts

Deep- Yes: if clock source is LXTAL or RTC Alarm / Tamper Event / Timestamp Event /
Sleep IRC32K Wake up

Yes: if clock source is LXTAL or RTC Alarm / Tamper Event / Timestamp Event /
IRC32K Wake up

17.3.18. RTC interrupts

All RTC interrupts are connected to the EXTI controller.

Below steps should be followed if you want to use the RTC alarm/tamper/timestamp/auto
wakeup interrupt:

1) Configure and enable the corresponding interrupt line to RTC

alarm/tamper/timestamp/auto wakeup event of EXTI and set the rising edge for triggering
2) Configure and enable the RTC alarm/tamper/timestamp/auto wakeup interrupt
3) Configure and enable the RTC alarm/tamper/timestamp/auto wakeup function

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 17-2 RTC interrupts control
Exit Exit Deep- Exit
Interrupt Event flag Control Bit
Sleep sleep Standby
Alarm 0 ALRM0F ALRM0IE Y Y(*) Y(*)

Alarm 1 ALRM1F ALRM1IE Y Y(*) Y(*)

Wakeup WTF WTIE Y Y(*) Y(*)

Timestamp TSF TSIE Y Y(*) Y(*)

Tamper 0 TP0F TPIE Y Y(*) Y(*)

Tamper 1 TP1F TPIE Y Y(*) Y(*)

* Only active when RTC clock source is LXTAL or IRC32K.

GD32F4xx User Manual
17.4. Register definition

RTC base address: 0x4000 2800

17.4.1. Time register (RTC_TIME)

Address offset: 0x00
System reset value: 0x0000 0000 when BPSHAD = 0.
Not affected when BPSHAD = 1.
This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved PM HRT[1:0] HRU[3:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved MNT[2:0] MNU[3:0] Reserved SCT[2:0] SCU[3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22 PM AM/PM mark
0: AM or 24-hour format
1: PM

21:20 HRT[1:0] Hour tens in BCD code

19:16 HRU[3:0] Hour units in BCD code

15: Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:12 MNT[2:0] Minute tens in BCD code

11:8 MNU[3:0] Minute units in BCD code

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 SCT[2:0] Second tens in BCD code

3:0 SCU[3:0] Second units in BCD code

17.4.2. Date register (RTC_DATE)

Address offset: 0x04
System reset value: 0x0000 2101 when BPSHAD = 0.
Not affected when BPSHAD = 1.
This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved YRT[3:0] YRU[3:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DOW[2:0] MONT MONU[3:0] Reserved DAYT[1:0] DAYU[3:0]

rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23:20 YRT Year tens in BCD code

19:16 YRU[3:0] Year units in BCD code

15:13 DOW[2:0] Days of the week

0x0: Reserved
0x1: Monday

0x7: Sunday

12 MONT Month tens in BCD code

11:8 MONU[2:0] Month units in BCD code

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:4 DAYT[1:0] Day tens in BCD code

3:0 DAYU[3:0] Day units in BCD code

17.4.3. Control register (RTC_CTL)

Address offset: 0x08
System reset: not affected
Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register is writing protected

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved COEN OS[1:0] OPOL COS DSM S1H A1H

rw rw rw rw rw w w

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 COEN Calibration output enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disable calibration output
1: Enable calibration output

22:21 OS[1:0] Output selection

This bit is used for selecting flag source to output
0x0: Disable output RTC_ALARM
0x1: Enable alarm0 flag output
0x2: Enable alarm1 flag output
0x3: Enable wakeup flag output

20 OPOL Output polarity

This bit is used to invert output RTC_ALARM
0: Disable invert output RTC_ALARM
1: Enable invert output RTC_ALARM

19 COS Calibration output selection

Valid only when COEN=1 and prescalers are at default values
0: Calibration output is 512 Hz
1: Calibration output is 1Hz

18 DSM Daylight saving mark

This bit is flexible used by software. Often can be used to recording the daylight
saving hour adjustment.

17 S1H Subtract 1 hour(winter time change)

One hour will be subtracted from current time if it is not 0
0: No effect
1: 1 hour will be subtracted at next second change time.

16 A1H Add 1 hour(summer time change)

One hour will be added from current time
0: No effect
1: 1 hour will be added at next second change time

15 TSIE Time-stamp interrupt enable

0: Disable time-stamp interrupt
1: Enable time-stamp interrupt

14 WTIE Auto-wakeup timer interrupt enable

0: Disable auto-wakeup timer interrupt
1: Enable auto-wakeup timer interrupt

13 ALRM1IE RTC alarm-1 interrupt enable

0: Disable alarm interrupt
1: Enable alarm interrupt

12 ALRM0IE RTC alarm-0 interrupt enable

0: Disable alarm interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable alarm interrupt

11 TSEN Time-stamp function enable

0: Disable time-stamp function
1: Enable time-stamp function

10 WTEN Auto-wakeup timer function enable

0: Disable function
1: Enable function

9 ALRM1EN Alarm-1 function enable

0: Disable alarm function
1: Enable alarm function

8 ALRM0EN Alarm-0 function enable

0: Disable alarm function
1: Enable alarm function

7 CCEN Coarse calibration function enable

0: Disable function
1: Enable function
Note: FACTOR_A must be greater than 6 before enabled and can only be written
in initialization state.

6 CS Clock System
0: 24-hour format
1: 12-hour format
Note: Can only be written in initialization state

5 BPSHAD Shadow registers bypass control

0: Reading calendar from shadow registers
1: Reading calendar from current real-time calendar
Note: If frequency of APB1 clock is less than seven times the frequency of
RTCCLK, this bit must set to 1.

4 REFEN Reference clock detection function enable

0: Disable reference clock detection function
1: Enable reference clock detection function
Note: Can only be written in initialization state and FACTOR_S must be 0x00FF

3 TSEG Valid event edge of time-stamp

0: rising edge is valid event edge for time-stamp event
1: falling edge is valid event edge for time-stamp event

2:0 WTCS[2:0] Auto-wakeup timer clock selection

0x0:RTC Clock divided by 16
0x1:RTC Clock divided by 8
0x2:RTC Clock divided by 4
0x3:RTC Clock divided by 2
GD32F4xx User Manual
0x4:0x5: ck_spre (default 1Hz) clock
0x6:0x7: ck_spre (default 1Hz) clock and 216 is added to wake-up counter.

17.4.4. Status register (RTC_STAT)

Address offset: 0x0C
System reset: Only INITM, INITF and RSYNF bits are set to 0. Others are not affected
Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0007
This register is writing protected except RTC_STAT[14:8].

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved SCPF

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rw r rc_w0 r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 SCPF Smooth calibration pending flag

Set to 1 by hardware when software writes to RTC_HRFC without entering
initialization mode and set to 0 by hardware when smooth calibration configuration
is taken into account.

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 TP1F RTC_TAMP1 detected flag

Set to 1 by hardware when tamper detection is found on tamper1 input pin.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 into this bit.

13 TP0F RTC_TAMP0 detected flag

Set to 1 by hardware when tamper detection is found on tamper0 input pin.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 into this bit.

12 TSOVRF Time-stamp overflow flag

This bit is set by hardware when a time-stamp event is detected if TSF bit is set
Cleared by software writing 0.

11 TSF Time-stamp flag

Set by hardware when time-stamp event is detected.
Cleared by software writing 0.

10 WTF Wakeup timer flag

Set by hardware when wakeup timer decreased to 0.
Cleared by software writing 0.

GD32F4xx User Manual
This flag must be cleared at least 1.5 RTC Clock periods before WTF is set to 1

9 ALRM1F Alarm-1 occurs flag

Set to 1 by hardware when current time/date matches the time/date of alarm 1
setting value.
Cleared by software writing 0.

8 ALRM0F Alarm-0 occurs flag

Set to 1 by hardware when current time/date matches the time/date of alarm 0
setting value.
Cleared by software writing 0.

7 INITM Enter initialization mode

0: Free running mode
1: Enter initialization mode for setting calendar time/date and prescaler. Counter
will stop under this mode.

6 INITF Initialization state flag

Set to 1 by hardware and calendar register and prescaler can be programmed in
this state.
0: Calendar registers and prescaler register cannot be changed
1: Calendar registers and prescaler register can be changed

5 RSYNF Register synchronization flag

Set to 1 by hardware every 2 RTCCLK which will copy current calendar time/date
into shadow register. Initialization mode (INITM), shift operation pending flag
(SOPF) or bypass mode (BPSHAD) will clear this bit. This bit is also can be
cleared by software writing 0.
0:Shadow register are not yet synchronized
1:Shadow register are synchronized

4 YCM Year configuration mark

Set by hardware if the year field of calendar date register is not the default value 0.
0: Calendar has not been initialized
1: Calendar has been initialized

3 SOPF Shift function operation pending flag

0: No shift operation is pending
1: Shift function operation is pending

2 WTWF Wakeup timer write enable flag

0: Wakeup timer update is not allowed
1: Wakeup timer update is allowed

1 ALRM1WF Alarm 1 configuration can be write flag

Set by hardware if alarm register can be wrote after ALRM1EN bit has reset.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Alarm registers programming is not allowed
1: Alarm registers programming is allowed

0 ALRM0WF Alarm 0 configuration can be write flag

Set by hardware if alarm register can be wrote after ALRM0EN bit has reset.
0: Alarm registers programming is not allowed.
1: Alarm registers programming is allowed.

17.4.5. Prescaler register (RTC_PSC)

Address offset: 0x10
System reset: not effected
Backup domain reset value: 0x007F 00FF
This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved FACTOR_A[6:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved FACTOR_S[14:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22:16 FACTOR_A[6:0] Asynchronous prescaler factor

ck_apre frequency = RTCCLK frequency/(FACTOR_A+1)

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:0 FACTOR_S[14:0] Synchronous prescaler factor

ck_spre frequency = ck_apre frequency/(FACTOR_S+1)

17.4.6. Wakeup timer register (RTC_WUT)

Address offset: 0x14
System reset: not effected
Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 FFFF
This register is writing protected.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 WTRV[15:0] Auto-wakeup timer reloads value.

Every (WTRV[15:0]+1) ck_wut period the WTF bit is set after WTEN=1.The
ck_wut is selected by WTCS[2:0] bits.
Note: This configure case is forbidden: WTRV=0x0000 with WTCS[2:0]=0b011.
This register can be written only when WTWF=1.

17.4.7. Coarse calibration register (RTC_COSC)

Address offset: 0x18
System reset: not effect
Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved COSD Reserved COSS[4:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 COSD Coarse Calibration direction

0: Increase calendar update frequency
1: Decrease calendar update frequency

6:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4:0 COSS[4:0] Coarse Calibration step

When COSD=0:
0x00:+0 PPM
0x01:+4 PPM(approximate value)
0x02:+8 PPM(approximate value)
0x1F:+126 PPM(approximate value)
When COSD=1:
0x00:-0 PPM
0x01:-2 PPM(approximate value)
0x02:-4 PPM(approximate value)

GD32F4xx User Manual
0x1F:-63 PPM(approximate value)

17.4.8. Alarm 0 time and date register (RTC_ALRM0TD)

Address offset: 0x1C
System reset: not effect
Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

MSKM MNT[2:0] MNU[3:0] MSKS SCT[2:0] SCU[3:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 MSKD Alarm date mask bit
0: Not mask date/day field
1: Mask date/day field

30 DOWS Day of the week selected

0: DAYU[3:0] indicates the date units
1: DAYU[3:0] indicates the week day and DAYT[1:0] has no means.

29:28 DAYT[1:0] Date tens in BCD code

27:24 DAYU[3:0] Date units or week day in BCD code

23 MSKH Alarm hour mask bit

0: Not mask hour field
1: Mask hour field

22 PM AM/PM flag
0: AM or 24-hour format
1: PM

21:20 HRT[1:0] Hour tens in BCD code

19:16 HRU[3:0] Hour units in BCD code

15 MSKM Alarm minutes mask bit

0: Not mask minutes field
1: Mask minutes field

14:12 MNT[2:0] Minutes tens in BCD code

11:8 MNU[3:0] Minutes units in BCD code

GD32F4xx User Manual
7 MSKS Alarm second mask bit
0: Not mask second field
1: Mask second field

6:4 SCT[2:0] Second tens in BCD code

3:0 SCU[3:0] Second units in BCD code

17.4.9. Alarm 1 time and date register (RTC_ALRM1TD)

Address offset: 0x20
System reset: not effect
Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register is write protected and can only be written in initialization state

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

MSKM MNT[2:0] MNU[3:0] MSKS SCT[2:0] SCU[3:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 MSKD Alarm date mask bit
0: Not mask date/day field
1: Mask date/day field

30 DOWS Day of the week selected

0: DAYU[3:0] indicates the date units
1: DAYU[3:0] indicates the week day and DAYT[3:0] has no means.

29:28 DAYT[1:0] Day tens in BCD code

27:24 DAYU[3:0] Day units or week day in BCD code

23 MSKH Alarm hour mask bit

0: Not mask hour field
1: Mask hour field

22 PM AM/PM flag
0: AM or 24-hour format
1: PM

21:20 HRT[1:0] Hour tens in BCD code

19:16 HRU[3:0] Hour units in BCD code

15 MSKM Alarm minutes mask bit

0: Not mask minutes field
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Mask minutes field

14:12 MNT[2:0] Minutes tens in BCD code

11:8 MNU[3:0] Minutes units in BCD code

7 MSKS Alarm second mask bit

0: Not mask second field
1: Mask second field

6:4 SCT[2:0] Second tens in BCD code

3:0 SCU[3:0] Second units in BCD code

17.4.10. Write protection key register (RTC_WPK)

Address offset: 0x24
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WPK[7:0]

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 WPK[7:0] Key for write protection

17.4.11. Sub second register (RTC_SS)

Address offset: 0x28

System reset value: 0x0000 0000 when BPSHAD = 0.
Not affected when BPSHAD = 1.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
15:0 SSC[15:0] Sub second value
This value is the counter value of synchronous prescaler. Second fraction value is
calculated by the below formula:
Second fraction = ( FACTOR_S - SSC ) / ( FACTOR_S + 1 )

17.4.12. Shift function control register (RTC_SHIFTCTL)

Address offset: 0x2C

System reset: not effect
Backup Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register is writing protected and can only be wrote when SOPF=0

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

A1S Reserved

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved SFS[14:0]

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 A1S One second add
0: Not add 1 second
1: Add 1 second to the clock/calendar.
This bit is jointly used with SFS field to add a fraction of a second to the clock.

30:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:0 SFS[14:0] Subtract a fraction of a second

The value of this bit will add to the counter of synchronous prescaler.
When only using SFS, the clock will delay because the synchronous prescaler is a
down counter:
Delay (seconds) = SFS / ( FACTOR_S + 1 )
When jointly using A1S and SFS, the clock will advance:
Advance (seconds) = ( 1 - ( SFS / ( FACTOR_S + 1 ) ) )

Note: Writing to this register will cause RSYNF bit to be cleared.

17.4.13. Time of time stamp register (RTC_TTS)

Address offset: 0x30

Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000
System reset: no effect
This register will record the calendar time when TSF is set to 1.
Reset TSF bit will also clear this register.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22 PM AM/PM mark
0:AM or 24-hour format

21:20 HRT[1:0] Hour tens in BCD code

19:16 HRU[3:0] Hour units in BCD code

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:12 MNT[2:0] Minute tens in BCD code

11:8 MNU[3:0] Minute units in BCD code

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 SCT[2:0] Second tens in BCD code

3:0 SCU[3:0] Second units in BCD code

17.4.14. Date of time stamp register (RTC_DTS)

Address offset: 0x34

Backup domain reset value: 0x0000 0000
System reset: no effect
This register will record the calendar date when TSF is set to 1.
Reset TSF bit will also clear this register.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DOW[2:0] MONT MONU[3:0] Reserved DAYT[1:0] DAYU[3:0]

r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:13 DOW[2:0] Days of the week

12 MONT Month tens in BCD code

11:8 MONU[3:0] Month units in BCD code

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
5:4 DAYT[1:0] Day tens in BCD code

3:0 DAYU[3:0] Day units in BCD code

17.4.15. Sub second of time stamp register (RTC_SSTS)

Address offset: 0x38

Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000
System reset: no effect
This register will record the calendar date when TSF is set to 1.
Reset TSF bit will also clear this register.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 SSC[15:0] Sub second value

This value is the counter value of synchronous prescaler when TSF is set to 1.

17.4.16. High resolution frequency compensation register (RTC_HRFC)

Address offset: 0x3C

Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000
System Reset: no effect
This register is write protected.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FREQI CWND8 CWND16 Reserved CMSK[8:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 FREQI Increase RTC frequency by 488.5PPM

0: No effect
1: One RTCCLK pulse is inserted every 211 pulses.
This bit should be used in conjunction with CMSK bit. If the input clock frequency
GD32F4xx User Manual
is 32.768KHz, the number of RTCCLK pulses added during 32s calibration
window is (512 * FREQI) - CMSK

14 CWND8 Frequency compensation window 8 second selected

0: No effect
1: Calibration window is 8 second
Note: When CWND8=1, CMSK[1:0] are stuck at “00”.

13 CWND16 Frequency compensation window 16 second selected

0: No effect
1: Calibration window is 16 second
Note: When CWND16=1, CMSK[0] are stuck at “0”.

12:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8:0 CMSK[8:0] Calibration mask number

The number of mask pulse out of 220 RTCCLK pulse.
This feature will decrease the frequency of calendar with a resolution of 0.9537

17.4.17. Tamper register (RTC_TAMP)

Address offset: 0x40

Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000
System reset: no effect

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18 AOT RTC_ALARM Output Type

0: Open-drain output type
1: Push-pull output type

17 TSSEL Timestamp input mapping selection:

0: Timestamp function input mapping to RTC_AF0
1: Timestamp function input mapping to RTC_AF1

16 TP0SEL Tamper 0 function input mapping selection

0: Tamper 0 function input mapping to RTC_AF0
1: Tamper 0 function input mapping to RTC_AF1.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: TP0EN must be reset when TP0SEL is changed

15 DISPU RTC_TAMPx pull up disable bit

0: Enable inner pull-up before sampling for pre-charge RTC_TAMPx pin
1: Disable pre-charge duration

14:13 PRCH[1:0] Pre-charge duration time of RTC_TAMPx

This setting determines the pre-charge time before each sampling.
0x0: 1 RTC clock
0x1: 2 RTC clock
0x2: 4 RTC clock
0x3: 8 RTC clock

12:11 FLT[1:0] RTC_TAMPx filter count setting

This bit determines the tamper sampling type and the number of consecutive
0x0: Detecting tamper event using edge mode. Pre-charge duration is disabled
0x1: Detecting tamper event using level mode.2 consecutive valid level samples
will make an effective tamper event
0x2: Detecting tamper event using level mode.4 consecutive valid level samples
will make an effective tamper event
0x3: Detecting tamper event using level mode.8 consecutive valid level samples
will make an effective tamper event

10:8 FREQ[2:0] Sampling frequency of tamper event detection

0x0: Sample once every 32768 RTCCLK(1Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)
0x1: Sample once every 16384 RTCCLK(2Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)
0x2: Sample once every 8192 RTCCLK(4Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)
0x3: Sample once every 4096 RTCCLK(8Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)
0x4: Sample once every 2048 RTCCLK(16Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)
0x5: Sample once every 1024 RTCCLK(32Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)
0x6: Sample once every 512 RTCCLK(64Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)
0x7: Sample once every 256 RTCCLK(128Hz if RTCCLK=32.768KHz)

7 TPTS Make tamper function used for timestamp function

0:No effect
1:TSF is set when tamper event detected even TSEN=0

6:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 TP1EG Tamper 1 event trigger edge

If tamper detection is in edge mode(FLT =0):
0: Rising edge triggers a tamper detection event
1: Falling edge triggers a tamper detection event
If tamper detection is in level mode(FLT !=0):
0: Low level triggers a tamper detection event

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: High level triggers a tamper detection event

3 TP1EN Tamper 1 detection enable

0: Disable tamper 1 detection function
1: Enable tamper 1 detection function

2 TPIE Tamper detection interrupt enable

0: Disable tamper interrupt
1: Enable tamper interrupt

1 TP0EG Tamper 0 event trigger edge

If tamper detection is in edge mode(FLT =0):
0: Rising edge triggers a tamper detection event
1: Falling edge triggers a tamper detection event
If tamper detection is in level mode(FLT !=0):
0: Low level triggers a tamper detection event
1: High level triggers a tamper detection event

0 TP0EN Tamper 0 detection enable

0:Disable tamper 0 detection function
1:Enable tamper 0 detection function

Note: It’s strongly recommended that reset the TPxEN before change the tamper configuration.

17.4.18. Alarm 0 sub second register (RTC_ALRM0SS)

Address offset: 0x44

Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000
System reset: no effect
This register is write protected and can only be wrote when ALRM0EN=0 or INITM=1

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved MSKSSC[3:0] Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved SSC[14:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:24 MSKSSC[3:0] Mask control bit of SSC

0x0: Mask alarm sub second setting. The alarm asserts at every second time point
if all the rest alarm fields are matched.
0x1: SSC[0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x2: SSC[1:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x3: SSC[2:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored

GD32F4xx User Manual
0x4: SSC[3:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x5: SSC[4:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x6: SSC[5:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x7: SSC[6:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x8: SSC[7:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x9: SSC[8:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xA: SSC[9:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xB: SSC[10:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xC: SSC[11:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xD: SSC[12:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xE: SSC[13:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xF: SSC[14:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
Note: The bit 15 of synchronous counter (SSC[15] in RTC_SS) is never compared.

23:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:0 SSC[14:0] Alarm sub second value

This value is the alarm sub second value which is to be compared with
synchronous prescaler counter SSC. Bit number is controlled by MSKSSC bits.

17.4.19. Alarm 1 sub second register (RTC_ALRM1SS)

Address offset: 0x48

Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000
System reset: no effect
This register is write protected and can only be wrote when ALRM1EN=0 or INITM=1

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved MSKSSC[3:0] Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved SSC[14:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:24 MSKSSC[3:0] Mask control bit of SSC

0x0: Mask alarm sub second setting. The alarm asserts at every second time point
if all the rest alarm fields are matched.
0x1: SSC[0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x2: SSC[1:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x3: SSC[2:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x4: SSC[3:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x5: SSC[4:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored

GD32F4xx User Manual
0x6: SSC[5:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x7: SSC[6:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x8: SSC[7:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0x9: SSC[8:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xA: SSC[9:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xB: SSC[10:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xC: SSC[11:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xD: SSC[12:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xE: SSC[13:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
0xF: SSC[14:0] is to be compared and all others are ignored
Note: The bit 15 of synchronous counter (SSC[15] in RTC_SS) is never compared.

23:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:0 SSC[14:0] Alarm sub second value

This value is the alarm sub second value which is to be compared with
synchronous prescaler counter SSC. Bit number is controlled by MSKSSC bits.

17.4.20. Backup registers (RTC_BKPx) (x=0..19)

Address offset: 0x50~0x9C

Backup domain reset: 0x0000 0000
System reset: no effect

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 DATA[31:0] Data
These registers can be wrote or read by software. The content remains valid even
in power saving mode because they can powered-on by VBAT. Tamper detection
flag TPxF assertion will reset these registers.

GD32F4xx User Manual

Table 18-1. Timers (TIMERx) are divided into five sorts


TYPE Advanced General-L0 General-L1 General-L2 Basic

Prescaler 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit

Counter 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit
Center-aligned Center-aligned

Repetition ● × × × ×

CH Capture/
4 4 2 1 0
● × × × ×
& Dead-time

Break ● × × × ×

Single Pulse ● ● ● × ●

● ● × × ×
● ● ● × ×
●(1) ●(2) ●(3) ×
connection DAC

DMA ● ● × × ●(4)

Debug Mode ● ● ● ● ●









Only update events will generate DMA request. Note that TIMER5/6 do not have DMA configuration

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.1. Advanced timer (TIMERx, x=0, 7)

18.1.1. Overview

The advanced timer module (Timer0&Timer7) is a four-channel timer that supports both input
capture and output compare. They can generate PWM signals to control motor or be used for
power management applications. The advanced timer has a 16-bit counter that can be used
as an unsigned counter.

In addition, the advanced timers can be programmed and be used for counting, their external
events can be used to drive other timers.

Timer also includes a dead-time Insertion module which issuitable for motor control

Timer and timer are completely independent with each other, but they may be synchronized
to provide a larger timer with their counters incrementing in unison.

18.1.2. Characteristics
 Total channel num: 4.
 Counter width: 16 bit.
 Source of counter clock is selectable:
internal clock, internal trigger, external input, external trigger.
 Multiple counter modes: count up, count down, count up/down.
 Quadrature Decoder: used to track motion and determine both rotation direction and
 Hall sensor: for 3-phase motor control.
 Programmable prescaler: 16 bit.The factor can be changed on the go.
 Each channel is user-configurable:
input capture mode, output compare mode, programmable PWM mode, single pulse
 Programmable dead time insertion.
 Auto reload function.
 Programmable counter repetition function.
 Break input.
 Interrupt output or DMA request on: update, trigger event, compare/capture event, and
break input.
 Daisy chaining of timer modules allows a single timer to initiate multiple timers.
 Timer synchronization allows selected timers to start counting on the same clock cycle.
 Timer Master/Slave mode controller.



0 =1
CH1_IN Input Logic
0 0

0 Synchronizer&Filter Edge selector Prescaler

Block diagram

CH2_IN &Edge Detector

the advanced timer.


External Trigger Trigger processor
Input logic
Trigger Selector&Counter DMA REQ/ACK
Polarity selection Quadrate Decoder TIMER_CK
Edge detector TIMERx_CH0
Slave mode processor TIMERx_CH1
Figure 18-1. Advanced timer block diagram

Prescaler TIMERx_CH2
Filter DMA controller ……. TIMERx_CH3
TIMERx_TRGO req en/direct req set TIMERx_CMT
APB BUS Register /Interrupt
Interrupt Output Logic
Register set and update CH0_O
generation of outputs signals in CH0_ON
break Interrupt collector and
CAR compare, PWM,and mixed modes
controller CH1_O
trig/ctrl according to initialization,
cap/cmt CH1_ON
Repeater complementary mode, software
output control, deadtime insertion,
CKM break input, output mask, and
clock monitor polarity control CH3_O

GD32F4xx User Manual

Figure 18-1. Advanced timer block diagram provides details of the internal configuration of

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.1.4. Function overview

Clock selection

The advanced timer has the capability of being clocked by either the TIMER_CK or an
alternate clock source controlled by SMC (TIMERx_SMCFG bit [2:0]).

 SMC [2:0] == 3’b000. Internal clock CK_TIMER is selected as timer clock source which
is from module RCU.

The default clock source is the CK_TIMER for driving the counter prescaler when the slave
mode is disabled (SMC [2:0] == 3’b000). When the CEN is set, the CK_TIMER will be divided
by PSC value to generate PSC_CLK.

In this mode, the TIMER_CK, which drives counter’s prescaler to count, is equal to
CK_TIMER which is from RCU.

If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMC [2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register
to an available value including 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x7, the prescaler is clocked by other clock
sources selected by the TRGS [2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register, details as follows. When
the slave mode selection bits SMC [2:0] are set to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal clock
TIMER_CK is the counter prescaler driving clock source.

Figure 18-2. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1



update event generate(UPG)

Reload Pulse

Update event (UPE)


CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

 SMC [2:0] == 3’b111 (external clock mode 0). External input pin is selected as timer clock

The TIMER_CK, which drives counter’s prescaler to count, can be triggered by the event of
rising or falling edge on the external pin TIMERx_CH0/TIMERx_CH1. This mode can be
selected by setting SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6.

And, the counter prescaler can also be driven by rising edge on the internal trigger input pin

GD32F4xx User Manual
ITI0/1/2/3. This mode can be selected by setting SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x0,
0x1, 0x2 or 0x3.

 SMC1== 1’b1 (external clock mode 1). External input is selected as timer clock source

The TIMER_CK, which drives counter’s prescaler to count, can be triggered by the event of
rising or falling edge on the external pin ETI. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC1
bit in the TIMERx_SMCFG register to 1. The other way to select the ETI signal as the clock
source is to set the SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x7 respectively. Note that the
ETI signal is derived from the ETI pin sampled by a digital filter. When the ETI signal is
selected as clock source, the trigger controller including the edge detection circuitry will
generate a clock pulse on each ETI signal rising edge to clock the counter prescaler.


The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to a counter clock (PSC_CLK) by any
factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled by prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which can
be changed on the go but is taken into account at the next update event.

Figure 18-3. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2




CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 0 01 02 03 04


Reload Pulse

PSC value 0 1

Prescaler BUF 0 1

Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Up counting mode

In this mode, the counter counts up continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is
defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the

GD32F4xx User Manual
counter reload value, the counter restarts from 0. If the repetition counter is set, the update
events will be generated after (TIMERx_CREP+1) times of overflow. Otherwise the update
event is generated each time when overflows. The counting direction bit DIR in the
TIMERx_CTL0 register should be set to 0 for the up counting mode.

Whenever, if the update event software trigger is enabled by setting the UPG bit in the
TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update

If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto reload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

Figure 18-4. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 show some examples of the counter
behavior for different clock prescaler factor when TIMERx_CAR=0x63.

Figure 18-4. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1



PSC = 0

CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

PSC = 1


CNT_REG 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-5. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go




ARSE = 0
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

ARSE = 1
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 ... 62 63 00

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Hardware set

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

Auto-reload shadow register 65 63

Down counting mode

In this mode, the counter counts down continuously from the counter-reload value, which is
defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, to 0 in a count-down direction. Once the counter
reaches to 0, the counter restarts to count again from the counter-reload value. If the repetition
counter is set, the update event will be generated after (TIMERx_CREP+1) times of underflow.
Otherwise the update event is generated each time when underflows. The counting direction
bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL0 register should be set to 1 for the down-counting mode.

When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter
value will be initialized to the counter-reload value and generates an update event.

If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto reload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

Figure 18-6. Down-counter timechart, PSC=0/1 show some examples of the counter
behavior in different clock frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-6. Down-counter timechart, PSC=0/1



PSC = 0

CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5C 5B 5A

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

PSC = 1


CNT_REG 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-7. Down-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go




ARSE = 0
CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

ARSE = 1
CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 ... 01 00 65 64 63

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Hardware set

Auto-reload register 65 63 65

change CAR Vaule change CAR Vaule

Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 65

Center-aligned counting mode

In the center-aligned counting mode, the counter counts up from 0 to the counter-reload value
and then counts down to 0 alternatively. The Timer module generates an overflow event when
the counter counts to the counter-reload value subtract 1 in the up-counting direction and
generates an underflow event when the counter counts to 1 in the down-counting direction.
The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL0 register is read-only and indicates the
counting direction when in the center-aligned mode. The counting direction is updated by
hardware automatically.

Setting the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register will initialize the counter value to 0 and
generates an update event irrespective of whether the counter is counting up or down in the
center-align counting mode.

The UPIF bit in the TIMERx_INTF register can be set to 1 either when an underflow event or
an overflow event occurs. While the CHxIF bit is associated with the value of CAM in
TIMERx_CTL0. The details refer to Figure 18-8. Center-aligned counter timechart .

If set the UPDIS bit in the TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto-reload register,
GD32F4xx User Manual
prescaler register) are updated.

Figure 18-8. Center-aligned counter timechart show some examples of the counter
behavior when TIMERx_CAR=0x63. TIMERx_PSC=0x0

Figure 18-8. Center-aligned counter timechart




CNT_REG 03 02 01 00 01 02 …. 62 63 62 61 …. 01 00 01 02 …. 62 63 62 61




TIMERx_CTL0 CAM = 2'b11


TIMERx_CTL0 CAM = 2'b10 (upcount only )


TIMERx_CTL0 CAM = 2'b10 (downcount only )


Hardware set

Software clear

Counter repetition

Counter Repetition is used to generator update event or updates the timer registers only after
a given number (N+1) of cycles of the counter, where N is CREP in TIMERx_CREP register.
The repetition counter is decremented at each counter overflow in up-counting mode, at each
counter underflow in down-counting mode or at each counter overflow and at each counter
underflow in center-aligned mode.

Setting the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register will reload the content of CREP in
TIMERx_CREP register and generator an update event.

For odd values of CREP in center-aligned mode, the update event occurs either on the
overflow or on the underflow depending on when the CREP register was written and when
GD32F4xx User Manual
the counter was started. The update event generated at overflow when the CREP was written
before starting the counter, and generated at underflow when the CREP was written after
starting the counter.

Figure 18-9. Repetition timecart for center-aligned counter




03 02 01 00 01 02 …. 62 63 62 61 …. 01 00 01 02 …. 62 63 62 61 …. 01 00 01 02 …. 62 63 62 61







Figure 18-10. Repetition timechart for up-counter




CNT_REG 60 61 62 63 00 01 … 62 63 00 01 … 62 63 00 01 … 62 63 00 01 … 62 63 00 01 … 62 63 00 01








GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-11. Repetition timechart for down-counter




CNT_REG 03 02 01 00 63 62 …. 01 00 63 62 …. 01 00 63 62 …. 01 00 63 62 …. 01 00 63 62 …. 01 00 63 62







Capture/compare channels

The advanced timer has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs or
compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture compare register
including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage.

 Input capture mode

Capture mode allows the channel to perform measurements such as pulse timing, frequency,
period, duty cycle and so on. The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity
selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. When a selected edge occurs on the
channel input, the current value of the counter is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV register,
at the same time the CHxIF bit is set and the channel interrupt is generated if enabled by
CHxIE = 1.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-12. Input capture logic

Edge Detector
Synchronizer Edge selector
Filter Based on

Rising/Falling Rising&Falling

Capture IS0
Clock CI1FE0
Processer Counter Register presclare


Capture INT From Other Channal ITI0

One of channels’ input signals (CIx) can be chosen from the TIMERx_CHx signal or the
Excusive-OR function of the TIMERx_CH0, TIMERx_CH1 and TIMERx_CH2 signals. First,
the channel input signal (CIx) is synchronized to TIMER_CK domain, and then sampled by a
digital filter to generate a filtered input signal. Then through the edge detector, the rising and
falling edge are detected. You can select one of them by CHxP. One more selector is for the
other channel and trig, controlled by CHxMS. The IC_prescaler make several the input event
generate one effective capture event. On the capture event, CHxVAL will restore the value of

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Filter configuration. (CHxCAPFLT in TIMERx_CHCTL0)
Based on the input signal and requested signal quality, configure compatible

Step2: Edge selection. (CHxP/CHxNP in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Rising or falling edge, choose one by CHxP/CHxNP.

Step3: Capture source selection. (CHxMS in TIMERx_CHCTL0)

As soon as you select one input capture source by CHxMS, you have set the channel
to input mode ( CHxMS!=0x0) and TIMERx_CHxCV cannot be written any more.

Step4: Interrupt enable. (CHxIE and CHxDEN in TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Enable the related interrupt enable; you can got the interrupt and DMA request.

Step5: Capture enables. (CHxEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

GD32F4xx User Manual
Result: when you wanted input signal is got, TIMERx_CHxCV will be set by counter’s value.
And CHxIF is asserted. If the CHxIF is high, the CHxOF will be asserted also. The interrupt
and DMA request will be asserted based on the configuration of CHxIE and CHxDEN in

Direct generation: if you want to generate a DMA request or Interrupt, you can set CHxG by
software directly.

The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the
TIMERx_CHx pins. For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture
signals to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 2’b01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0)
and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to
2’b10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The
counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERX_CH0CV
can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty.

 Output compare mode

In output compare mode, the TIMERx can generate timed pulses with programmable position,
polarity, duration and frequency. When the counter matches the value in the CHxVAL register
of an output compare channel, the channel (n) output can be set, cleared, or toggled based
on CHxCOMCTL. When the counter reaches the value in the CHxVAL register, the CHxIF bit
is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHxIE = 1. And the DMA request will be
assert, if CxCDE=1.

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Clock Configuration. Such as clock source, clock prescaler and so on.

Step2: Compare mode configuration.

* Set the shadow enable mode by CHxCOMSEN
* Set the output mode (Set/Clear/Toggle) by CHxCOMCTL.
* Select the active high polarity by CHxP/CHxNP
* Enable the output by CHxEN

Step3: Interrupt/DMA-request enables configuration by CHxIE/CxCDE

Step4: Compare output timing configuration by TIMERx_CAR and TIMERx_CHxCV

About the CHxVAL; you can change it on the go to meet the waveform you expected.

Step5: Start the counter by CEN.

The timechart below show the three compare modes toggle/set/clear. CAR=0x63,

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-13. Output-compare under three modes



CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 ….


match toggle


match set

match clear

PWM mode

In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 3’b110 (PWM mode0) or to 3’b
111(PWM mode1), the channel can generate PWM waveform according to the TIMERx_CAR
registers and TIMERx_CHxCV registers.

Based on the counter mode, we can also divide PWM into EAPWM (Edge aligned PWM) and
CAPWM (Centre aligned PWM).

The EAPWM period is determined by TIMERx_CAR and duty cycle is determined by

TIMERx_CHxCV. Figure 18-14. EAPWM timechart shows the EAPWM output and interrupts

The CAPWM period is determined by 2*TIMERx_CAR, and duty cycle is by

2*TIMERx_CHxCV. Figure 18-15. CAPWM timechart shows the CAPWM output and
interrupts waveform.

If TIMERx_CHxCV is greater than TIMERx_CAR, the output will be always active under PWM
mode0 (CHxCOMCTL==3’b110).
And if TIMERx_CHxCV is equal to zero, the output will be always inactive under PWM mode0

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-14. EAPWM timechart





Interrupt signal



Figure 18-15. CAPWM timechart



Interrupt signal
CAM=2'b01 down only


CAM=2'b10 up only


CAM=2'b11 up/down


Channel output reference signal

When the TIMERx is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel
x Output prepare signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL filed. The OxCPRE signal has

GD32F4xx User Manual
several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the
CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to
0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register.

The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which
is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal
level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter
value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detail description refer to the
relative bit definition.

Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an
inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the
TIMERx_CHxCV values.

The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIFE signal is derived from the external
ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next
update event occurs.

Outputs complementary

Function of complementary is for a pair of CHx_O and CHx_ON. Those two output signals
cannot be active at the same time. The TIMERx has 4 channels, but only the first three
channels have this function. The complementary signals CHx_O and CHx_ON are controlled
by a group of parameters: the CHxEN and CHxNEN bits in the TIMERx_CHCTL2 register
and the POEN, ROS, IOS, ISOx and ISOxN bits in the TIMERx_CCHP and TIMERx_CTL1
registers. The outputs polarity is determined by CHxP and CHxNP bits in the
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 18-2. Complementary outputs controlled by parameters

Complementary Parameters Output Status


CHx_O / CHx_ON = LOW

CHx_O / CHx_ON output disable.

1 CHx_O = CHxP CHx_ON = CHxNP

0 CHx_O/CHx_ON output disable.

1 If clock is enable:
0 0/1
0 CHx_O/CHx_ON output disable.

1 CHx_O = CHxP CHx_ON = CHxNP

0 CHx_O/CHx_ON output enable.

1 If clock is enable:

CHx_O/CHx_ON output disable.
CHx_O output disable. CHx_ON output enable
CHx_O output enable CHx_ON output disable.
CHx_O output enable CHx_ON output enable
1 0/1
CHx_O output disable. CHx_ON output disable.
CHx_O output enable CHx_ON output enable
CHx_O output enable CHx_ON output enable.
CHx_O output enable CHx_ON output enable.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Dead time insertion

The dead time insertion is enabled when both CHxEN and CHxNEN are 1’b1, and set POEN
is also necessary. The field named DTCFG defines the dead time delay that can be used for
all channels expect for channel 3. The detail about the delay time, refer to the register

The dead time delay insertion ensures that no two complementary signals drive the active
state at the same time.

When the channel (x) match (TIMERx counter = CHxVAL) occurs, OxCPRE will be toggled
because under PWM0 mode. At point A in the Figure 18-16. Complementary output with
dead-time insertion. CHx_O signal remains at the low value until the end of the deadtime
delay, while CHx_ON will be cleared at once. Similarly, At point B when counter match
(counter = CHxVAL) occurs again, OxCPRE is cleared, CHx_O signal will be cleared at once,
while CHx_ON signal remains at the low value until the end of the dead time delay.

Sometimes, we can see corner cases about the dead time insertion. For example:

The dead time delay is greater than or equal to the CHx_O duty cycle, then the CHx_O signal
is always the inactive value. (as show in the Figure 18-16. Complementary output with
dead-time insertion. )

 The dead time delay is greater than or equal to the CHx_ON duty cycle, then the
CHx_ON signal is always the inactive value.

Figure 18-16. Complementary output with dead-time insertion.





Corner case Deadtime > pulse width
Pulse width




Break function

In this function, the output CHx_O and CHx_ON are controlled by the POEN, IOS and ROS
bits in the TIMERx_CCHP register, ISOx and ISOxN bits in the TIMERx_CTL1 register and
cannot be set both to active level when break occurs. The break sources are input break pin

GD32F4xx User Manual
and HXTAL stuck event by Clock Monitor (CKM) in RCU. The break function enabled by
setting the BRKEN bit in the TIMERx_CCHP register. The break input polarity is setting by
the BRKP bit in TIMERx_CCHP.

When a break occurs, the POEN bit is cleared asynchronously, the output CHx_O and
CHx_ON are driven with the level programmed in the ISOx bit and ISOxN in the
TIMERx_CTL1 register as soon as POEN is 0. If IOS is 0 then the timer releases the enable
output else the enable output remains high. The complementary outputs are first put in reset
state, and then the dead-time generator is reactivated in order to drive the outputs with the
level programmed in the ISOx and ISOxN bits after a dead-time.

When a break occurs, the BRKIF bit in the TIMERx_INTF register is set. If BRKIE is 1, an
interrupt generated.

Figure 18-17. Output behavior in response to a break(The break high active)



CHxEN: 1 CHxNEN: 1 CHx_O = ISOx

CHxP : 0 CHxNP : 0

CHxEN: 1 CHxNEN: 0 CHx_O = ISOx

CHxP: 0 CHxNP : 0

CHxEN: 1 CHxNEN: 0 CHx_O

CHxP : 0 CHxNP : 0

Quadrature decoder

The quadrature decoder function uses two quadrature inputs CI0 and CI1 derived from the
TIMERx_CH0 and TIMERx_CH1 pins respectively to interact to generate the counter value.
The DIR bit is modified by hardware automatically during each input source transition. The
input source can be either CI0 only, CI1 only or both CI0 and CI1, the selection mode by
setting the SMC [2:0] to 0x01, 0x02 or 0x03. The mechanism for changing the counter
direction is shown in the following table. The quadrature decoder can be regarded as an
GD32F4xx User Manual
external clock with a directional selection. This means that the counter counts continuously in
the interval between 0 and the counter-reload value. Therefore, users must configure the
TIMERx_CAR register before the counter starts to count.

Table 18-3. Counting direction versus encoder signals

Counting mode Level
Rising Falling Rising Falling
CI0 only CI1FE1=High Down Up - -
counting CI1FE1=Low Up Down - -
CI1 only CI0FE0=High - - Up Down
counting CI0FE0=Low - - Down Up
CI1FE1=High Down Up X X
CI0 and CI1 CI1FE1=Low Up Down X X
counting CI0FE0=High X X Up Down
CI0FE0=Low X X Down Up

Note:"-" means "no counting"; "X" means impossible.

Figure 18-18. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode



Counter UP down

Figure 18-19. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted



Counter down UP

GD32F4xx User Manual
Hall sensor function

Hall sensor is generally used to control BLDC Motor; advanced timer can support this function.

Figure 18-20. Hall sensor is used to BLDC motor show how to connect. And we can see
we need two timers. First TIMER_in(Advanced/GeneralL0 TIMER) should accept three
Rotor Position signals from Motor.

Each of the 3 sensors provides a pulse that applied to an input capture pin, can then be
analyzed and both speed and position can be deduced.

By the internal connection such as TRGO-ITIx, TIMER_in and TIMER_out can be connected.
TIMER_out will generate PWM signal to control BLDC motor’s speed based on the ITRx.
Then, the feedback circuit is finished, also you change configuration to fit your request.

About the TIMER_in, it need have input XOR function, so you can choose from
Advanced/GeneralL0 TIMER.

And TIMER_out need have functions of complementary and Dead-time, so only advanced
timer can be chosen. Else, based on the timers’ internal connection relationship, pair’s timers
can be selected. For example:



And so on.

After getting appropriate timers combination, and wire connection, we need to configure
timers. Some key settings include:

 Enable XOR by setting TI0S, then, each of input signal change will make the CI0 toggle.
CH0VAL will record the value of counter at that moment.

 Enable ITIx connected to commutation function directly by setting CCUC and CCSE.

 Configuration PWM parameter based on your request.

Figure 18-20. Hall sensor is used to BLDC motor

Hall Sensor Rotor

Position signals

Input capture

Driver Motor CPU


Output compare
PWM output


GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-21. Hall sensor timing between two timers

Advanced/General L0 TIMER_in under input capture mode





Va Vb Vc


Advanced TIMER_out under output compare mode(PWM with Dead-time)







Slave controller

The TIMERx can be synchronized with a trigger in several modes including the restart mode,
the pause mode and the event mode which is selected by the SMC [2:0] in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register. The trigger input of these modes can be selected by the TRGS
[2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 18-4. Slave controller examples

Mode Selection Source Selection Polarity Selection Filter and Prescaler

LIST SMC[2:0] If you choose the CI0FE0 or For the ITIx no filter and prescaler
000: ITI0
CI1FE1, configure the CHxP can be used.
3'b100 (restart 001: ITI1
and CHxNP for the polarity
mode) 010: ITI2 For the CIx, configure Filter by
selection and inversion.
011: ITI3 CHxCAPFLT, no prescaler can
3'b101 (pause
100: CI0F_ED If you choose the ETIF, be used.
101: CI0FE0 configure the ETP for
For the ETIF, configure Filter by
3'b110 (event 110: CI1FE1 polarity selection and
ETFC and Prescaler by ETPSC.
mode) 111: ETIFP inversion.

Exam1 Restart mode - -
For ITI0, no polarity selector
ITI0 is the For the ITI0, no filter and
The counter can be can be used.
selection. prescaler can be used.
clear and restart
when a rising
trigger input.

Figure 18-22. Restart mode



CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02



Internal sync delay


Exam2 Pause mode TI0S=0.(Non-xor) Filter is bypass in this

[CH0NP==0, CH0P==0] example.
The counter can be CI0FE0 is the no inverted. Capture will be
paused when the selection. sensitive to the rising edge only.
trigger input is low.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Mode Selection Source Selection Polarity Selection Filter and Prescaler

Figure 18-23. Pause mode



CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63




Exam3 Event mode ETP = 0 no polarity ETPSC = 1, divided by 2.
The counter will ETIF is the change.
ETFC = 0 , no filter
start to count when selection.
a rising trigger

Figure 18-24. Event mode




CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61


Single pulse mode

Single pulse mode is opposite to the repetitive mode, which can be enabled by setting SPM
in TIMERx_CTL0. When you set SPM, the counter will be clear and stop when the next update
event automatically. In order to get pulse waveform, you can set the TIMERx to PWM mode
or compare by CHxCOMCTL.

Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer
enable bit CEN in the TIMERx_CTL0 register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to
generate a pulse can be sourced from the trigger signals edge or by setting the CEN bit to 1
using software. Setting the CEN bit to 1 or a trigger from the trigger signals edge can generate
a pulse and then keep the CEN bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the CEN
bit is written to 0 by software. If the CEN bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be
stopped and its value held. If the CEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update
GD32F4xx User Manual
event, the counter will be reinitialized.

In the single pulse mode, the trigger active edge which sets the CEN bit to 1 will enable the
counter. However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between
the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum
value, the user can set the CHxCOMFEN bit in each TIMERx_CHCTL0/1 register. After a
trigger rising occurs in the single pulse mode, the OxCPRE signal will immediately be forced
to the state which the OxCPRE signal will change to, as the compare match event occurs
without taking the comparison result into account. The CHxCOMFEN bit is available only
when the output channel is configured to operate in the PWM0 or PWM1 output mode and
the trigger source is derived from the trigger signal.

Figure 18-25. Single pulse mode TIMERx_CHxCV = 0x04 TIMERx_CAR=0x60



Under SPM, counter stop


CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 5F 60 00


Timers interconnection

The timers can be internally connected together for timer chaining or synchronization. This
can be implemented by configuring one timer to operate in the master mode while configuring
another timer to be in the slave mode. The following figures present several examples of
trigger selection for the master and slave modes.

Figure 18-26. Timer0 Master/Slave mode timer example shows the timer0 trigger
selection when it is configured in slave mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-26. Timer0 master/slave mode timer example


Master TRG O ITI0
Pre scaler Counter mode


Pre scaler Counter mode

Master TRG O ITI2
Pre scaler Counter mode
control Trigger Slave mode
Pre scaler Counter
selection control
Pre scaler Counter mode




Other interconnection examples:

 Timer 2 as prescaler for timer 0

We configure Timer2 as a prescaler for Timer 0. Refer to Figure 18-26. Timer0 Master/Slave
mode timer example for connections. Do as bellow:

1. Configure Timer2 in master mode and select its update event (UPE) as trigger
output (MMC=3’b010 in the TIMER2_CTL1 register). Then timer2 drives a periodic
signal on each counter overflow.

2. Configure the Timer2 period (TIMER2_CAR registers).

3. Select the Timer0 input trigger source from Timer2(TRGS=3’b010 in the

TIMERx_SMCFG register).

4. Configure Timer0 in external clock mode 0 (SMC=3’b111 in TIMERx_SMCFG


5. Start Timer0 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER0_CTL0 register).

6. Start Timer2 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER2_CTL0 register).

 Start timer 0 with timer 2’s Enable/Update signal

First, we enable Timer0 with the enable out of Timer2. Refer to Figure 18-27. Triggering
TIMER0 with enable signal of TIMER2. Timer0 starts counting from its current value on the
divided internal clock after trigger by timer2 enable output.

GD32F4xx User Manual
When Timer0 receives the trigger signal its CEN bit is set automatically and the counter
counts until we disable timer0. Both counter clock frequencies are divided by 3 by the
prescaler compared to TIMER_CK (fCNT_CLK = fTIMER_CK /3). Do as follow:

1. Configure Timer2 master mode to send its enable signal as trigger

output(MMC=3’b001 in the TIMER2_CTL1 register)

2. Configure Timer0 to select the input trigger from Timer2 (TRGS=3’b010 in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register).

3. Configure Timer0 in event mode (SMC=3’b 110 in TIMERx_SMCFG register).

4. Start Timer2 by writing 1 in the CEN bit (TIMER2_CTL0 register).

Figure 18-27. Triggering TIMER0 with enable signal of TIMER2



61 62 63



11 12 13 14

In this example, we also can use update Event as trigger source instead of enable signal.
Refer to Figure 18-28. Triggering TIMER0 with update signal of TIMER2. Do as follow:

1. Configure Timer2 in master mode and send its update event (UPE) as trigger output
(MMC=3’b010 in the TIMER2_CTL1 register).

2. Configure the Timer2 period (TIMER2_CARL registers).

3. Configure Timer0 to get the input trigger from Timer2 (TRGS=3’b010 in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register).

4. Configure Timer0 in event mode (SMC=3’b110 in TIMERx_SMCFG register).

5. Start Timer2 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER2_CTL0 register).

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-28. Triggering TIMER0 with update signal of TIMER2




62 63 00 01 02



11 12 13 14

 Enable Timer0 count with Timer2’s enable/O0CPRE. signal

In this example, we control the enable of Timer0 with the enable output of Timer2 .Refer to
Figure 18-29. Pause Timer0 with enable signal of TIMER2. Timer0 counts on the divided
internal clock only when Timer 2 is enable. Both counter clock frequencies are divided by 3
by the prescaler compared to CK_TIMER (fCNT_CLK = fPCLK /3). Do as follow:

1. Configure Timer2 input master mode and output enable signal as trigger output
(MMC=3’b001 in the TIMER2_CTL1 register).

2. Configure Timer0 to get the input trigger from Timer2 (TRGS=3’b010 in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register).

3. Configure Timer0 in pause mode (SMC=3’b101 in TIMERx_SMCFG register).

4. Enable Timer0 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER0_CTL0 register)

5. Start Timer2 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER2_CTL0 register).

6. Stop Timer2 by writing ‘0 in the CEN bit (TIMER2_CTL0 register).

Figure 18-29. Pause TIMER0 with enable signal of TIMER2



61 62 63


11 12 13

GD32F4xx User Manual
In this example, we also can use O0CPRE as trigger source instead of enable signal output.
Do as follow:

1. Configure Timer2 in master mode and output 0 Compare Prepare signal (O0CPRE)
as trigger output (MMS=3’b100 in the TIMER2_CTL1 register).

2. Configure the Timer2 O0CPRE waveform (TIMER2_CH0CTL register).

3. Configure Timer0 to get the input trigger from Timer2 (TRGS=3’b010 in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register).

4. Configure Timer0 in pause mode (SMC=3’b101 in TIMERx_SMCFG register).

5. Enable Timer0 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER0_CTL0 register).

6. Start Timer2 by writing ‘1 in the CEN bit (TIMER2_CTL0 register).

Figure 18-30. Pause TIMER0 with O0CPREF signal of Timer2



60 61 62 63 00 01



11 12 13 14

 Using an external trigger to start 2 timers synchronously

We configure the start of Timer0 is triggered by the enable of Timer2, and Timer2 is triggered
by its CI0 input rises edge. To ensure 2 timers start synchronously, Timer2 must be configured
in Master/Slave mode. Do as follow:

1. Configure Timer2 slave mode to get the input trigger from CI0 (TRGS=3’b100 in the
TIMER2_SMCFG register).

2. Configure Timer2 in event mode (SMC=3’b110 in the TIMER2_SMCFG register).

3. Configure the Timer2 in Master/Slave mode by writing MSM=1 (TIMER2_SMCFG


4. Configure Timer0 to get the input trigger from Timer2 (TRGS=3’b010 in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register).

5. Configure Timer0 in event mode (SMC=3’b110 in the TIMER0_SMCFG register).

When a rising edge occurs on Timer2’s CI0, two timer’s counters start counting synchronously
on the internal clock and both TRGIF flags are set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-31. Triggering TIMER0 and TIMER2 with TIMER2’s CI0 input





00 01 02 03





CNT_REG 00 01 02 03

Timer DMA mode

Timer’s DMA mode is the function that configures timer’s register by DMA module. The
relative registers are TIMERx_DMACFG and TIMERx_DMATB. Of course, you have to
enable a DMA request which will be asserted by some internal event. When the interrupt
event was asserted, TIMERx will send a request to DMA, which is configured to M2P mode
and PADDR is TIMERx_DMATB, then DMA will access the TIMERx_DMATB. In fact, register
TIMERx_DMATB is only a buffer; timer will map the TIMERx_DMATB to an internal register,
appointed by the field of DMATA in TIMERx_DMACFG . If the field of DMATC in
TIMERx_DMACFG is 0(1 transfer), then the timer’s DMA request is finished. While if
TIMERx_DMATC is not 0, such as 3( 4 transfers), then timer will send 3 more requests to
DMA, and DMA will access timer’s registers DMATA+0x4, DMATA+0x8, DMATA+0xc at the
next 3 accesses to TIMERx_DMATB. In one word, one time DMA internal interrupt event
assert, DMATC+1 times request will be send by TIMERx.

If one more time DMA request event coming, TIMERx will repeat the process as above.

Timer debug mode

When the Cortex™-M4 halted, and the TIMERx_HOLD configuration bit in DBG_CTL2
register is set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.1.5. TIMERx registers(x=0, 7)

TIMER0 base address: 0x4001 0000

TIMER7 base address: 0x4001 0400

Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division

The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between
the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which
is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters.
01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2
10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4
11: Reserved

7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable

0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled
1: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is enabled

6:5 CAM[1:0] Counter aligns mode selection

00: No center-aligned mode (edge-aligned mode). The direction of the counter is
specified by the DIR bit.
01: Center-aligned and counting down assert mode. The counter counts under
center-aligned and channel is configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register). Only when the counter is counting down, compare
interrupt flag of channels can be set.
10: Center-aligned and counting up assert mode. The counter counts under
center-aligned and channel is configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register). Only when the counter is counting up, compare
interrupt flag of channels can be set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
11: Center-aligned and counting up/down assert mode. The counter counts under
center-aligned and channel is configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register). Both when the counter is counting up and counting
down, compare interrupt flag of channels can be set.
After the counter is enabled, cannot be switched from 0x00 to non 0x00.

4 DIR Direction
0: Count up
1: Count down
This bit is read only when the timer is configured in center-aligned mode or
encoder mode.

3 SPM Single pulse mode.

0: Counter continues after update event.
1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event.

2 UPS Update source

This bit is used to select the update event sources by software.
0: Any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA request:
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt or DMA

1 UPDIS Update disable.

This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation.
0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers
are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs:
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter
and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UG bit is set or if the slave mode
controller generates a hardware reset event.

0 CEN Counter enable

0: Counter disable
1: Counter enable
The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause
mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit

Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x04

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 ISO3 Idle state of channel 3 output

Refer to ISO0 bit

13 ISO2N Idle state of channel 2 complementary output

Refer to ISO0N bit

12 ISO2 Idle state of channel 2 output

Refer to ISO0 bit

11 ISO1N Idle state of channel 1 complementary output

Refer to ISO0N bit

10 ISO1 Idle state of channel 1 output

Refer to ISO0 bit

9 ISO0N Idle state of channel 0 complementary output

0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set low.
1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_ON is set high
This bit can be modified only when PROT [1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is

8 ISO0 Idle state of channel 0 output

0: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set low.
1: When POEN bit is reset, CH0_O is set high
The CH0_O output changes after a dead-time if CH0_ON is implemented. This bit
can be modified only when PROT [1:0] bits in TIMERx_CCHP register is 00.

7 TI0S Channel 0 trigger input selection

0: The TIMERx_CH0 pin input is selected as channel 0 trigger input.
1: The result of combinational XOR of TIMERx_CH0, CH1 and CH2 pins is
selected as channel 0 trigger input.

6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control

These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to
slave timers for synchronization function.
000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is
GD32F4xx User Manual
generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter
case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset.
001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to
control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode
controller selects the counter enable signal as TRGO. The counter enable signal
is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode is high. There
is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO output, except
if the master-slave mode is selected.
010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as
011: Capture/compare pulse. In this mode the master mode controller generates
a TRGO pulse when a capture or a compare match occurred in channal0.
100: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O0CPRE
signal is used as TRGO
101: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O1CPRE
signal is used as TRGO
110: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O2CPRE
signal is used as TRGO
111: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O3CPRE
signal is used as TRGO

3 DMAS DMA request source selection

0: DMA request of channel x is sent when capture/compare event occurs.
1: DMA request of channel x is sent when update event occurs.

2 CCUC Commutation control shadow register update control

When the commutation control shadow enable (for CHxEN, CHxNEN and
CHxCOMCTL bits) are set (CCSE=1), these shadow registers update are
controlled as below:
0: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set.
1: The shadow registers update by when CMTG bit is set or a rising edge of TRGI
When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect.

1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 CCSE Commutation control shadow enable

0: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are
1: The shadow registers for CHxEN, CHxNEN and CHxCOMCTL bits are
enabled. After these bits have been written, they are updated based when
commutation event coming.
When a channel does not have a complementary output, this bit has no effect.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Slave mode configuration register (TIMERx_SMCFG)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ETP SMC1 ETPSC[1:0] ETFC[3:0] MSM TRGS[2:0] Reserved SMC[2:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15 ETP External trigger polarity
This bit specifies the polarity of ETI signal
0: ETI is active at high level or rising edge.
1: ETI is active at low level or falling edge.

14 SMC1 Part of SMC for enable External clock mode1.

In external clock mode 1, the counter is clocked by any active edge on the ETIF
0: External clock mode 1 disabled
1: External clock mode 1 enabled.
It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 1 with the restart mode,
pause mode or event mode. But the TRGS bits must not be 3’b111 in this case.
The external clock input will be ETIF if external clock mode 0 and external clock
mode 1 are enabled at the same time.
Note: External clock mode 0 enable is in this register’s SMC bit-filed.

13:12 ETPSC[1:0] External trigger prescaler

The frequency of external trigger signal ETI must not be at higher than 1/4 of
TIMER_CK frequency. When the external trigger signal is a fast clock, the
prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETI frequency.
00: Prescaler disable
01: ETI frequency will be divided by 2
10: ETI frequency will be divided by 4
11: ETI frequency will be divided by 8

11:8 ETFC[3:0] External trigger filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
ETI signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETI.
0000: Filter disabled. fSAMP= fDTS, N=1.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0001: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=2.
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4.
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8.
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6.
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8.
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6.
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8.
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6.
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8.
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5.
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6.
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8.
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5.
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6.
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8.

7 MSM Master-slave mode

This bit can be used to synchronize selected timers to begin counting at the same
time. The TRGI is used as the start event, and through TRGO, timers are
connected together.
0: Master-slave mode disable
1: Master-slave mode enable

6:4 TRGS[2:0] Trigger selection

This bit-field specifies which signal is selected as the trigger input, which is used
to synchronize the counter.
000: Internal trigger input 0 (ITI0)
001: Internal trigger input 1 (ITI1)
010: Internal trigger input 2 (ITI2)
011: Internal trigger input 3 (ITI3)
100: CI0 edge flag (CI0F_ED)
101: channel 0 input Filtered output (CI0FE0)
110: channel 1 input Filtered output (CI1FE1)
111: External trigger input filter output(ETIFP)
These bits must not be changed when slave mode is enabled.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 SMC[2:0] Slave mode control

000: Disable mode. The slave mode is disabled; The prescaler is clocked directly
by the internal clock (TIMER_CK) when CEN bit is set high.
001: Quadrature decoder mode 0.The counter counts on CI1FE1 edge, while the
direction depends on CI0FE0 level.
010: Quadrature decoder mode 1.The counter counts on CI0FE0 edge, while the
direction depends on CI1FE1 level.
011: Quadrature decoder mode 2.The counter counts on both CI0FE0 and
GD32F4xx User Manual
CI1FE1 edge, while the direction depends on each other.
100: Restart mode. The counter is reinitialized and the shadow registers are
updated on the rising edge of the selected trigger input.
101: Pause mode. The trigger input enables the counter clock when it is high and
disables the counter when it is low.
110: Event mode. A rising edge of the trigger input enables the counter. The
counter cannot be disabled by the slave mode controller.
111: External clock mode 0. The counter counts on the rising edges of the
selected trigger.

DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 TRGDEN Trigger DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

13 CMTDEN Commutation DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

12 CH3DEN Channel 3 capture/compare DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

11 CH2DEN Channel 2 capture/compare DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

10 CH1DEN Channel 1 capture/compare DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

9 CH0DEN Channel 0 capture/compare DMA request enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: disabled
1: enabled

8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

7 BRKIE Break interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

6 TRGIE Trigger interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

5 CMTIE commutation interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

4 CH3IE Channel 3 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

3 CH2IE Channel 2 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

2 CH1IE Channel 1 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

1 CH0IE Channel 0 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

0 UPIE Update interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 . rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 CH3OF Channel 3 over capture flag

Refer to CH0OF description

11 CH2OF Channel 2 over capture flag

Refer to CH0OF description

10 CH1OF Channel 1 over capture flag

Refer to CH0OF description

9 CH0OF Channel 0 over capture flag

When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a
capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared
by software.
0: No over capture interrupt occurred
1: Over capture interrupt occurred

8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 BRKIF Break interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware when the break input goes active, and cleared by
software if the break input is not active.
0: No active level break has been detected.
1: An active level has been detected.

6 TRGIF Trigger interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware on trigger event and cleared by software. When the
slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but pause mode, an active edge on
trigger input generates a trigger event. When the slave mode controller is enabled
in pause mode both edges on trigger input generates a trigger event.
0: No trigger event occurred.
1: Trigger interrupt occurred.

5 CMTIF Channel commutation interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware when channel’s commutation event occurs, and
cleared by software
0: No channel commutation interrupt occurred
1: Channel commutation interrupt occurred

4 CH3IF Channel 3 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

Refer to CH0IF description

3 CH2IF Channel 2 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

GD32F4xx User Manual
Refer to CH0IF description

2 CH1IF Channel 1 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

Refer to CH0IF description

1 CH0IF Channel 0 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input
mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output
mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs.
0: No Channel 0 interrupt occurred
1: Channel 0 interrupt occurred

0 UPIF Update interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software.
0: No update interrupt occurred
1: Update interrupt occurred

Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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w w w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 BRKG Break event generation

This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is
set, the POEN bit is cleared and BRKIF flag is set, related interrupt or DMA
transfer can occur if enabled.
0: No generate a break event
1: Generate a break event

6 TRGG Trigger event generation

This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is
set, the TRGIF flag in TIMERx_INTF register is set, related interrupt or DMA
transfer can occur if enabled.
0: No generate a trigger event
1: Generate a trigger event

GD32F4xx User Manual
5 CMTG Channel commutation event generation
This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is
set, channel’s capture/compare control registers (CHxEN, CHxNEN and
CHxCOMCTL bits) are updated based on the value of CCSE (in the
0: No affect
1: Generate channel’s c/c control update event

4 CH3G Channel 3’s capture or compare event generation

Refer to CH0G description

3 CH2G Channel 2’s capture or compare event generation

Refer to CH0G description

2 CH1G Channel 1’s capture or compare event generation

Refer to CH0G description

1 CH0G Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation

This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in
channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH0IF
flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In
addition, if channel 1 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter
is captured in TIMERx_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF
flag was already high.
0: No generate a channel 1 capture or compare event
1: Generate a channel 1 capture or compare event

0 UPG Update event generation

This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this
bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or up counting mode is
selected, else (down counting) it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler
counter is cleared at the same time.
0: No generate an update event
1: Generate an update event

Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0)

Address offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Rw rw rw rw rw rw

Output compare mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15 CH1COMCEN Channel 1 output compare clear enable
Refer to CH0COMCEN description

14:12 CH1COMCTL[2:0] Channel 1 compare output control

Refer to CH0COMCTL description

11 CH1COMSEN Channel 1 output compare shadow enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

10 CH1COMFEN Channel 1 output compare fast enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection

This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH1EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).
00: Channel 1 is configured as output
01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to CI1FE1
10: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to CI0FE1
11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

7 CH0COMCEN Channel 0 output compare clear enable.

When this bit is set, the O0CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on
ETIF input.
0: Channel 0 output compare clear disable
1: Channel 0 output compare clear enable

6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control

This bit-field controls the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which
drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON
active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits.
000: Timing mode. The O0CPRE signal keeps stable, independent of the
comparison between the register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter TIMERx_CNT.
001: Set the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
010: Clear the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.

GD32F4xx User Manual
011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the output
compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level.
101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level.
110: PWM mode0. When counting up, O0CPRE is active as long as the counter is
smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive. When counting down, O0CPRE is
inactive as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else active.
111: PWM mode1. When counting up, O0CPRE is inactive as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else active. When counting down, O0CPRE is
active as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive.
When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the output
compare mode switches from “Timing mode” mode to “PWM” mode or when the
result of the comparison changes.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00(COMPARE MODE).

3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 compare output shadow enable

When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, which
updates at each update event, will be enabled.
0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable
1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable
The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in single
pulse mode (SPM bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set).
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00.

2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable

When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the
capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0
or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input
as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from
the result of the comparison.
0: Channel 0 output quickly compare disable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles.
1: Channel 0 output quickly compare enable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles.

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 I/O mode selection

This bit-field specifies the work mode of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH0EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).).
00: Channel 0 is configured as output
01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI0FE0
10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI1FE0
11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to ITS, This mode is

GD32F4xx User Manual
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

Input capture mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:12 CH1CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 1 input capture filter control
Refer to CH0CAPFLT description

11:10 CH1CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 1 input capture prescaler

Refer to CH0CAPPSC description

9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0.
0000: Filter disabled, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1
0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8

3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler

This bit-field specifies the factor of the prescaler on channel 0 input. The
prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is clear.
00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge
01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges
10: Capture is done every 4channel input edges
11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection

GD32F4xx User Manual
Same as Output compare mode

Channel control register 1 (TIMERx_CHCTL1)

Address offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rw rw rw rw rw rw

Output compare mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15 CH3COMCEN Channel 3 output compare clear enable
Refer to CH0COMCEN description

14:12 CH3COMCTL[2:0] Channel 3 compare output control

Refer to CH0COMCTL description

11 CH3COMSEN Channel 3 output compare shadow enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

10 CH3COMFEN Channel 3 output compare fast enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection

This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH3EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).
00: Channel 3 is configured as output
01: Channel 3 is configured as input, IS3 is connected to CI3FE3
10: Channel 3 is configured as input, IS3 is connected to CI2FE3
11: Channel 3 is configured as input, IS3 is connected to ITS, This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

7 CH2COMCEN Channel 2 output compare clear enable.

When this bit is set, the O2CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on
ETIF input.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Channel 2 output compare clear disable
1: Channel 2 output compare clear enable

6:4 CH2COMCTL[2:0] Channel 2 compare output control

This bit-field controls the behavior of the output reference signal O2CPRE which
drives CH2_O and CH2_ON. O2CPRE is active high, while CH2_O and CH2_ON
active level depends on CH2P and CH2NP bits.
000: Timing mode. The O2CPRE signal keeps stable, independent of the
comparison between the output compare register TIMERx_CH2CV and the
counter TIMERx_CNT.
001: Set the channel output. O2CPRE signal is forced high when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH2CV.
010: Clear the channel output. O2CPRE signal is forced low when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH2CV.
011: Toggle on match. O2CPRE toggles when the counter matches the output
compare register TIMERx_CH2CV.
100: Force low. O2CPRE is forced low level.
101: Force high. O2CPRE is forced high level.
110: PWM mode0. When counting up, O0CPRE is active as long as the counter is
smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive. When counting down, O0CPRE is
inactive as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else active.
111: PWM mode1. When counting up, O0CPRE is inactive as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else active. When counting down, O0CPRE is
active as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive.
When configured in PWM mode, the O2CPRE level changes only when the output
compare mode switches from “Timing mode” mode to “PWM” mode or when the
result of the comparison changes.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH2MS bit-filed is 00(COMPARE MODE).

3 CH2COMSEN Channel 2 compare output shadow enable

When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH2CV register, which
updates at each update event will be enabled.
0: Channel 2 output compare shadow disable
1: Channel 2 output compare shadow enable
The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in single
pulse mode (SPM bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set).
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00.

2 CH2COMFEN Channel 2 output compare fast enable

When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the
capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM1
or PWM2 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input
as a compare match, and CH2_O is set to the compare level independently from

GD32F4xx User Manual
the result of the comparison.
0: Channel 2 output quickly compare disable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH2_O output is 5 clock cycles.
1: Channel 2 output quickly compare enable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH2_O output is 3 clock cycles.

1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 I/O mode selection

This bit-field specifies the work mode of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH2EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).).
00: Channel 2 is configured as output
01: Channel 2 is configured as input, IS2 is connected to CI2FE2
10: Channel 2 is configured as input, IS2 is connected to CI3FE2
11: Channel 2 is configured as input, IS2 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

Input capture mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:12 CH3CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 3 input capture filter control
Refer to CH0CAPFLT description

11:10 CH3CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 3 input capture prescaler

Refer to CH0CAPPSC description

9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

7:4 CH2CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 2 input capture filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
CI2 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI2.
0000: Filter disable, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1
0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6

GD32F4xx User Manual
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8

3:2 CH2CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 2 input capture prescaler

This bit-field specifies the factor of the prescaler on channel 2 input. The prescaler
is reset when CH2EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is clear.
00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge
01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges
10: Capture is done every 4 channel input edges
11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges

1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Address offset: 0x20

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 CH3P Channel 3 capture/compare function polarity

Refer to CH0P description

12 CH3EN Channel 3 capture/compare function enable

Refer to CH0EN description

11 CH2NP Channel 2 complementary output polarity

Refer to CH0NP description

10 CH2NEN Channel 2 complementary output enable

Refer to CH0NEN description

9 CH2P Channel 2 capture/compare function polarity

Refer to CH0P description

8 CH2EN Channel 2 capture/compare function enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
Refer to CH0EN description

7 CH1NP Channel 1 complementary output polarity

Refer to CH0NP description

6 CH1NEN Channel 1 complementary output enable

Refer to CH0NEN description

5 CH1P Channel 1 capture/compare function polarity

Refer to CH0P description

4 CH1EN Channel 1 capture/compare function enable

Refer to CH0EN description

3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the complementary
output signal polarity.
0: Channel 0 active high
1: Channel 0 active low
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, In conjunction with CH0P, this bit is
used to define the polarity of CI0.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 or 10.

2 CH0NEN Channel 0 complementary output enable

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the
complementary output in channel0.
0: Channel 0 complementary output disabled
1: Channel 0 complementary output enabled

1 CH0P Channel 0 capture/compare function polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal
0: Channel 0 active high
1: Channel 0 active low
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal
[CH0NP, CH0P] will select the active trigger or capture polarity for CI0FE0 or
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==0]: CIxFE0’s rising edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will not be inverted.
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be inverted.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==0]: Reserved.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling and rising edge are both the active
signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be not

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 or 10.

0 CH0EN Channel 0 capture/compare function enable

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O
signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit
enables the capture event in channel0.
0: Channel 0 disabled
1: Channel 0 enabled

Counter register (TIMERx_CNT)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can
change the value of the counter.

Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC)

Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock
GD32F4xx User Manual
The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of
this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update

Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CARL[15:0] Counter auto reload value
This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter.

Counter repetition register (TIMERx_CREP)

Address offset: 0x30

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CREP[7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 CREP[7:0] Counter repetition value

This bit-filed specifies the update event generation rate. Each time the repetition
counter counting down to zero, an update event is generated. The update rate of
the shadow registers is also affected by this bit-filed when these shadow registers
are enabled.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV)

Address offset: 0x34

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel0
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 1 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH1CV)

Address offset: 0x38

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH1VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel1
When channel 1 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 1 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Channel 2 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH2CV)

Address offset: 0x3C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH2VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 2
When channel 2 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 2 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 3 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH3CV)

Address offset: 0x40

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH3VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 3
When channel3 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 3 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the
shadow register updates every update event.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Complementary channel protection register (TIMERx_CCHP)

Address offset: 0x44

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15 POEN Primary output enable
This bit s set by software or automatically by hardware depending on the OAEN
bit. It is cleared asynchronously by hardware as soon as the break input is active.
When one of channels is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables the
channel outputs (CHx_O and CHx_ON) if the corresponding enable bits (CHxEN,
CHxNEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register) have been set.
0: Channel outputs are disabled or forced to idle state.
1: Channel outputs are enabled.

14 OAEN Output automatic enable

This bit specifies whether the POEN bit can be set automatically by hardware.
0: POEN can be not set by hardware.
1: POEN can be set by hardware automatically at the next update event, if the
break input is not active.
This bit can be modified only when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 00.

13 BRKP Break polarity

This bit specifies the polarity of the BRKIN input signal.
0: BRKIN input active low
1; BRKIN input active high

12 BRKEN Break enable

This bit can be set to enable the BRKIN and CCS clock failure event inputs.
0: Break inputs disabled
1; Break inputs enabled
This bit can be modified only when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 00.

11 ROS Run mode off-state configure

When POEN bit is set, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which

GD32F4xx User Manual
has a complementary output and has been configured in output mode.
0: When POEN bit is set, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are
1: When POEN bit is set, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are
enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 10 or 11.

10 IOS Idle mode off-state configure

When POEN bit is reset, this bit specifies the output state for the channels which
has been configured in output mode.
0: When POEN bit is reset, the channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are
1: When POEN bit is reset, he channel output signals (CHx_O/CHx_ON) are
enabled, with relationship to CHxEN/CHxNEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 10 or 11.

9:8 PROT[1:0] Complementary register protect control

This bit-filed specifies the write protection property of registers.
00: protect disable. No write protection.
01: PROT mode 0.The ISOx/ISOxN bits in TIMERx_CTL1 register and the
BRKEN/BRKP/OAEN/DTCFG bits in TIMERx_CCHP register are writing
10: PROT mode 1. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 0, the CHxP/CHxNP
bits in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register (if related channel is configured in output mode)
and the ROS/IOS bits in TIMERx_CCHP register are writing protected.
11: PROT mode 2. In addition of the registers in PROT mode 1, the
CHxCOMCTL/ CHxCOMSEN bits in TIMERx_CHCTL0/1 registers (if the related
channel is configured in output) are writing protected.
This bit-field can be written only once after the reset. Once the TIMERx_CCHP
register has been written, this bit-field will be writing protected.

7:0 DTCFG[7:0] Dead time configure

This bit-field controls the value of the dead-time, which is inserted before the
output transitions. The relationship between DTCFG value and the duration of
dead-time is as follow:
DTCFG [7:5] =3’b0xx: DTvalue =DTCFG [7:0]x tDT, tDT=tDTS.
DTCFG [7:5] =3’b 10x: DTvalue = (64+DTCFG [5:0])xtDT, tDT =tDTS*2.
DTCFG [7:5] =3’b 110: DTvalue = (32+DTCFG [4:0])xtDT, tDT=tDTS*8.
DTCFG [7:5] =3’b 111: DTvalue = (32+DTCFG [4:0])xtDT, tDT =tDTS*16.
This bit can be modified only when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 00.

GD32F4xx User Manual
DMA configuration register (TIMERx_DMACFG)

Address offset: 0x48

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved DMATC[4:0] Reserved DMATA [4:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12:8 DMATC [4:0] DMA transfer count

This filed is defined the number of DMA will access(R/W) the register of

7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4:0 DMATA [4:0] DMA transfer access start address

This filed define the first address for the DMA access the TIMERx_DMATB.
When access is done through the TIMERx_DMA address first time, this bit-field
specifies the address you just access. And then the second access to the
TIMERx_DMATB, you will access the address of start address + 0x4.
5’b0_0000: TIMERx_CTL0
5’b0_0001: TIMERx_CTL1

In a word: Start Address = TIMERx_CTL0 + DMATA*4

DMA transfer buffer register (TIMERx_DMATB)

Address offset: 0x4C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 DMATB[15:0] DMA transfer buffer
When a read or write operation is assigned to this register, the register located at
the address range (Start Addr + Transfer Timer* 4) will be accessed.
The transfer Timer is calculated by hardware, and ranges from 0 to DMATC.

Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG)

Address offset: 0xFC

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CHVSEL Write CHxVAL register selection

This bit-field set and reset by software.
1: If write the CHxVAL register, the write value is same as the CHxVAL value, the
write access ignored
0: No effect

0 OUTSEL The output value selection

This bit-field set and reset by software
1: If POEN and IOS is 0, the output disabled
0: No effect

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.2. General level0 timer (TIMERx, x=1, 2, 3, 4)

18.2.1. Overview

The general level0 timer module (Timer1, 2, 3, 4) is a four-channel timer that supports input
capture, output compare. They can generate PWM signals to control motor or be used for
power management applications. The general level0 time reference is a 16-bit or 32-bit
counter that can be used as an unsigned counter.

In addition, the general level0 timers can be programmed and be used to count or time
external events that drive other timers.

Timer and timer are completely independent, but there may be synchronized to provide a
larger timer with their counters incrementing in unison.

18.2.2. Characteristics
 Total channel num: 4.
 Counter width: 16bit (TIMER2&3), 32bit (TIMER1&4).
 Source of count clock is selectable:
internal clock, internal trigger, external input, external trigger.
 Multiple counter modes: count up, count down, count up/down.
 Quadrature decoder: used to track motion and determine both rotation direction and
 Hall sensor: for 3-phase motor control.
 Programmable prescaler: 16 bit. Factor can be changed on the go.
 Each channel is user-configurable:
Input capture mode, output compare mode, programmable PWM mode, single pulse
 Auto-reload function.
 Interrupt output or DMA request on: update, trigger event, and compare/capture event.
 Daisy chaining of timer modules to allow a single timer to initiate multiple timing events.
 Timer synchronization allows selected timers to start counting on the same clock cycle.
 Timer Master/Slave mode controller.

18.2.3. Block diagram

Figure 18-32. General Level0 timer block diagram provides details on the internal

0 =1
CH1_IN 0 0
Input Logic
0 Synchronizer&Filter
CH2_IN Edge selector Prescaler
&Edge Detector

External Trigger Trigger processor
Input logic
configuration of the general level0 timer.

Trigger Selector&Counter
Polarity selection TIMER_CK
ETIFP Quadrate Decoder PSC DMA REQ/ACK
ETI Edge detector Slave mode processor
Prescaler TIMERx_CH0
DMA controller TIMERx_CH1
Filter ……. TIMERx_CH2
Figure 18-32. General Level 0 timer block diagram

Register /Interrupt req en/direct req set

Output Logic CH0_O

APB BUS Register set and update
generation of outputs signals in
Interrupt collector and
CAR compare, PWM,and mixed modes
controller CH1_O
according to initialization, software
output mask, and polarity control


GD32F4xx User Manual

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.2.4. Function overview

Clock selection

The general level0 TIMER has the capability of being clocked by either the CK_TIMER or an
alternate clock source controlled by SMC (TIMERx_SMCFG bit [2:0]).

 SMC [2:0] == 3’b000. Internal timer clock CK_TIMER which is from module RCU.

The default internal clock source is the CK_TIMER used to drive the counter prescaler when
the slave mode is disabled (SMC [2:0] == 3’b000). When the CEN is set, the CK_TIMER will
be divided by PSC value to generate PSC_CLK.

In this mode, the TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, is equal to CK_TIMER
which is from RCU.

If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMC [2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register
to an available value including 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x7, the prescaler is clocked by other clock
sources selected by the TRGS [2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register and described as follows.
When the slave mode selection bits SMC [2:0] are set to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal clock
TIMER_CK is the counter prescaler driving clock source.

Figure 18-33. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1



update event generate(UPG)

Reload Pulse

Update event (UPE)


CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

 SMC [2:0] == 3’b111(external clock mode 0). External input pin source

The TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, can be triggered by the event of rising
or falling edge on the external pin TIMERx_CI0/TIMERx_CI1. This mode can be selected by
setting SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6.

And, the counter prescaler can also be driven by rising edge on the internal trigger input pin
ITI0/1/2/3. This mode can be selected by setting SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x0,
0x1, 0x2 or 0x3.

GD32F4xx User Manual
 SMC1== 1’b1(external clock mode 1). External input pin source (ETI)

The TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, can be triggered by the event of rising
or falling edge on the external pin ETI. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC1 bit in
the TIMERx_SMCFG register to 1. The other way to select the ETI signal as the clock source
is set the SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x7 respectively. Note that the ETI signal is
derived from the ETI pin sampled by a digital filter. When the clock source is selected to come
from the ETI signal, the trigger controller including the edge detection circuitry will generate a
clock pulse during each ETI signal rising edge to clock the counter prescaler.


The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (PSC_CLK by any
factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which
can be changed on the go but be taken into account at the next update event.

Figure 18-34. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2




CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 0 01 02 03 04


Reload Pulse

PSC value 0 1

Prescaler BUF 0 1

Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Up counting mode

In this mode, the counter counts up continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is
defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the
counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. The update event is
generated at each counter overflow. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL1
register should be set to 0 for the up counting mode.

When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter
value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event.

GD32F4xx User Manual
If the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto reload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock
prescaler factor when TIMERx_CAR=0x63.

Figure 18-35. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1




CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)



CNT_REG 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-36. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go.




ARSE = 0
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

ARSE = 1
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 ... 62 63 00

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Hardware set

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

Auto-reload shadow register 65 63

Down counting mode

In this mode, the counter counts down continuously from the counter-reload value, which is
defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, to 0 in a count-down direction. Once the counter
reaches to 0, the counter restarts to count again from the counter-reload value. If the repetition
counter is set, the update event was generated after the number (TIMERx_CREP+1) of
underflow. Else the update event is generated at each counter underflow. The counting
direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL0 register should be set to 1 for the down-counting mode.

When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter
value will be initialized to the counter-reload value and generates an update event.

If the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto reload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock
frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-37. Down-counter timechart, PSC=0/1



PSC = 0

CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5C 5B 5A

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

PSC = 1


CNT_REG 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Figure 18-38. Down-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go.




ARSE = 0
CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 60 5F 5E 5D 5C

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

ARSE = 1
CNT_REG 05 04 03 02 01 00 63 62 61 ... 01 00 65 64 63

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Hardware set

Auto-reload register 65 63 65

change CAR Vaule change CAR Vaule

Auto-reload shadow register 65 63 65

GD32F4xx User Manual
Center-aligned counting mode

In the center-aligned counting mode, the counter counts up from 0 to the counter-reload value
and then counts down to 0 alternatively. The Timer module generates an overflow event when
the counter counts to the counter-reload value subtract 1 in the up-counting mode and
generates an underflow event when the counter counts to 1 in the down-counting mode. The
counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL0 register is read-only and indicates the
counting direction when in the center-aligned mode. The counting direction is updated by
hardware automatically.

Setting the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register will initialize the counter value to 0
irrespective of whether the counter is counting up or down in the center-align counting mode
and generates an update event.

The UPIF bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register can be set to 1 when an underflow event at
count-down (CAM in TIMERx_CTL0 is “2’b01”), an overflow event at count-up (CAM in
TIMERx_CTL0 is “2’b10”) or both of them occur (CAM in TIMERx_CTL0 is “2’b11”).

If the UPDIS bit in the TIMERx_CTL0 register is set, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, autoreload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock
frequencies when TIMERx_CAR=0x63, TIMERx_PSC=0x0.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-39. Center-aligned counter timechart




CNT_REG 03 02 01 00 01 02 …. 62 63 62 61 …. 01 00 01 02 …. 62 63 62 61




TIMERx_CTL0 CAM == 2'b11


TIMERx_CTL0 CAM == 2'b10 (upcount only )


TIMERx_CTL0 CAM == 2'b10 (downcount only )


Hardware set

Software clear

Capture/compare channels

The general level0 Timer has four independent channels which can be used as capture inputs
or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture compare register
including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage.

 Input capture mode

Capture mode allows the channel to perform measurements such as pulse timing, frequency,
period, duty cycle and so on. The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity
selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. When a selected edge occurs on the
channel input, the current value of the counter is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV register,
at the same time the CHxIF bit is set and the channel interrupt is generated if enabled by
CHxIE = 1.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-40. Input capture logic

Edge Detector
Synchronizer Edge selector
Filter Based on

Rising/Falling Rising&Falling

Capture IS0
Clock CI1FE0
Processer Counter Register presclare


Capture INT From Other Channal ITI0

One of channels’ input signals (CIx) can be chosen from the TIMERx_CHx signal or the
Excusive-OR function of the TIMERx_CH0, TIMERx_CH1 and TIMERx_CH2 signals. First,
the channel input signal (CIx) is synchronized to TIMER_CK domain, and then sampled by a
digital filter to generate a filtered input signal. Then through the edge detector, the rising and
fall edge are detected. You can select one of them by CHxP. One more selector is for the
other channel and trig, controlled by CHxMS. The IC_prescaler make several the input event
generate one effective capture event. On the capture event, CHxVAL will restore the value of

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Filter Configuration. (CHxCAPFLT in TIMERx_CHCTL0)
Based on the input signal and requested signal quality, configure compatible

Step2: Edge Selection. (CHxP/CHxNP in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Rising or falling edge, choose one by CHxP/CHxNP.

Step3: Capture source Selection. (CHxMS in TIMERx_CHCTL0)

As soon as you select one input capture source by CHxMS, you have set the channel
to input mode ( CHxMS!=0x0) and TIMERx_CHxCV cannot be written any more.

Step4: Interrupt enable. (CHxIE and CHxDEN in TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Enable the related interrupt enable; you can got the interrupt and DMA request.

Step5: Capture enables. (CHxEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

GD32F4xx User Manual
Result: When you wanted input signal is got, TIMERx_CHxCV will be set by counter’s value.
And CHxIF is asserted. If the CHxIF is high, the CHxOF will be asserted also. The interrupt
and DMA request will be asserted based on the your configuration of CHxIE and CHxDEN in

Direct generation: If you want to generate a DMA request or interrupt, you can set CHxG by
software directly.

The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the
TIMERx_CHx pins. For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture
signals to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 2’b01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0)
and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to
2’b10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The
counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERX_CH0CV
can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty.

 Output compare mode

In Output Compare mode, the TIMERx can generate timed pulses with programmable
position, polarity, duration, and frequency. When the counter matches the value in the
CHxVAL register of an output compare channel, the channel (n) output can be set, cleared,
or toggled based on CHxCOMCTL. when the counter reaches the value in the CHxVAL
register, the CHxIF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHxIE = 1. And the
DMA request will be assert, if CxCDE=1.

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Clock configuration. Such as clock source, clock prescaler and so on.

Step2: Compare mode configuration.

* Set the shadow enable mode by CHxCOMSEN
* Set the output mode (Set/Clear/Toggle) by CHxCOMCTL.
* Select the active high polarity by CHxP/CHxNP
* Enable the output by CHxEN

Step3: Interrupt/DMA-request enables configuration by CHxIE/CxCDE

Step4: Compare output timing configuration by TIMERx_CAR and TIMERx_CHxCV.

About the CHxVAL, you can change it on the go to meet the waveform you expected.

Step5: Start the counter by CEN.

The timechart below show the three compare modes toggle/set/clear. CAR=0x63,

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-41. Output-compare under three modes



CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 ….


match toggle


match set

match clear

PWM mode

In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 3’b110 (PWM mode0) or to 3’b
111(PWM mode1), the channel can outputs PWM waveform according to the TIMERx_CAR
registers and TIMERx_CHxCV registers.

Based on the counter mode, we have can also divide PWM into EAPWM (Edge aligned PWM)
and CAPWM (Centre aligned PWM).

The EAPWM period is determined by TIMERx_CAR and duty cycle is by TIMERx_CHxCV.

Figure 18-42. EAPWM timechart shows the EAPWM output and interrupts waveform.

The CAPWM period is determined by 2*TIMERx_CAR, and duty cycle is determined by

2*TIMERx_CHxCV. Figure 18-43. CAPWM timechart shows the CAPWM output and
interrupts waveform.

If TIMERx_CHxCV is greater than TIMERx_CAR, the output will be always active under PWM
mode0 (CHxCOMCTL==3’b110).
And if TIMERx_CHxCV is equal to zero, the output will be always inactive under PWM mode0

GD32F4xx User Manual

Figure 18-42. EAPWM timechart





Interrupt signal



Figure 18-43. CAPWM timechart



Interrupt signal
CAM=2'b01 down only


CAM=2'b10 up only


CAM=2'b11 up/down


GD32F4xx User Manual
Channel output reference signal

When the TIMERx is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel
x Output prepare signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL filed. The OxCPRE signal has
several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the
CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to
0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register.

The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which
is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal
level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter
value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detail description refer to the
relative bit definition.

Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an
inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the
TIMERx_CHxCV values.

The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIFE signal is derived from the external
ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next
update event occurs.

Quadrature decoder

The quadrature decoder function uses two quadrature inputs CI0 and CI1 derived from the
TIMERx_CH0 and TIMERx_CH1 pins respectively to interact to generate the counter value.
The DIR bit is modified by hardware automatically during each input source transition. The
input source can be either CI0 only, CI1 only or both CI0 and CI1, the selection made by
setting the SMC [2:0] to 0x01, 0x02 or 0x03. The mechanism for changing the counter
direction is shown in the following table. The quadrature decoder can be regarded as an
external clock with a directional selection. This means that the counter counts continuously in
the interval between 0 and the counter-reload value. Therefore, users must configure the
TIMERx_CAR register before the counter starts to count.

Table 18-5. Counting direction versus encoder signals

Counting mode Level
Rising Falling Rising Falling

CI0 only CI1FE1=High Down Up - -

counting CI1FE1=Low Up Down - -
CI1 only CI0FE0=High - - Up Down
counting CI0FE0=Low - - Down Up
CI0 and CI1 CI1FE1=High Down Up X X

GD32F4xx User Manual
Counting mode Level
Rising Falling Rising Falling

counting CI1FE1=Low Up Down X X

CI0FE0=High X X Up Down
CI0FE0=Low X X Down Up

Note:"-" means "no counting"; "X" means impossible.

Figure 18-44. Example of counter operation in encoder interface mode



Counter UP down

Figure 18-45. Example of encoder interface mode with CI0FE0 polarity inverted



Counter down UP

Slave controller

The TIMERx can be synchronized with a trigger in several modes including the restart mode,
the pause mode and the event mode which is selected by the SMC [2:0] in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register. The trigger input of these modes can be selected by the TRGS
[2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 18-6. Slave controller examples

Mode Selection Source Selection Polarity Selection Filter and Prescaler

LIST SMC[2:0] If you choose the CI0FE0 or For the ITIx no filter and
000: ITI0
CI1FE1, configure the prescaler can be used.
3'b100 (restart mode) 001: ITI1
CHxP and CHxNP for the
010: ITI2 For the CIx, configure
3'b101 (pause mode) polarity selection and
011: ITI3 Filter by CHxCAPFLT, no
3'b110 (event mode) 100: CI0F_ED prescaler can be used.
101: CI0FE0 If you choose the ETIF,
For the ETIF, configure
110: CI1FE1 configure the ETP for
Filter by ETFC and
111: ETIFP polarity selection and
Prescaler by ETPSC.

Exam1 Restart mode - -
For ITI0, no polarity selector
ITI0 is the For the ITI0, no filter and
The counter can be can be used.
selection. prescaler can be used.
clear and restart when
a rising trigger input.

Figure 18-46. Restart mode



CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02



Internal sync delay


Exam2 Pause mode TI0S=0.(Non-xor) Filter is bypass in this

[CH0NP==0, CH0P==0] example.
The counter can be CI0FE0 is the no inverted. Capture will be
paused when the selection. sensitive to the rising edge
trigger input is low. only.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Mode Selection Source Selection Polarity Selection Filter and Prescaler

Figure 18-47. Pause mode



CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63




Exam3 Event mode ETP = 0 no polarity change. ETPSC = 1, divided by 2.
The counter will start to ETIF is the
ETFC = 0 , no filter
count when a rising selection.
trigger input.

Figure 18-48. Event mode




CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61


Single pulse mode

Single pulse mode is opposite to the repetitive mode, which can be enabled by setting SPM
in TIMERx_CTL0. When you set SPM, the counter will be clear and stop when the next update
event automatically. In order to get pulse waveform, you can set the TIMERx to PWM mode
or compare by CHxCOMCTL.

Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer
enable bit CEN in the TIMERx_CTL0 register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to
generate a pulse can be sourced from the trigger signals edge or by setting the CEN bit to 1
using software. Setting the CEN bit to 1 or a trigger from the trigger signals edge can generate
a pulse and then keep the CEN bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the CEN
bit is written to 0 by software. If the CEN bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be
stopped and its value held. If the CEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update
event, the counter will be reinitialized.

GD32F4xx User Manual
In the single pulse mode, the trigger active edge which sets the CEN bit to 1 will enable the
counter. However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between
the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum
value, the user can set the CHxCOMFEN bit in each TIMERx_CHCTL0/1 register. After a
trigger rising occurs in the single pulse mode, the OxCPRE signal will immediately be forced
to the state which the OxCPRE signal will change to, as the compare match event occurs
without taking the comparison result into account. The CHxCOMFEN bit is available only
when the output channel is configured to operate in the PWM0 or PWM1 output mode and
the trigger source is derived from the trigger signal.

Figure 18-49. Single pulse mode TIMERx_CHxCV = 0x04 TIMERx_CAR=0x60



Under SPM, counter stop


CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 5F 60 00


Timers interconnection

Refer to Advanced timer (TIMERx, x=0, 7).

Timer DMA mode

Timer’s DMA mode is the function that configures timer’s register by DMA module. The
relative registers are TIMERx_DMACFG and TIMERx_DMATB; Of course, you have to
enable a DMA request which will be asserted by some internal interrupt event. When the
interrupt event was asserted, TIMERx will send a request to DMA, which is configured to M2P
mode and PADDR is TIMERx_DMATB, then DMA will access the TIMERx_DMATB. In fact,
register TIMERx_DMATB is only a buffer; timer will map the TIMERx_DMATB to an internal
register, appointed by the field of DMATA in TIMERx_DMACFG . If the field of DMATC in
TIMERx_DMACFG is 0(1 transfer), then the timer’s DMA request is finished. While if
TIMERx_DMATC is not 0, such as 3( 4 transfers), then timer will send 3 more requests to
DMA, and DMA will access timer’s registers DMASAR+0x4, DMASAR+0x8, DMASAR+0xc
at the next 3 accesses to TIMERx_DMATB. In one word, one time DMA internal interrupt
event assert, DMATC+1 times request will be send by TIMERx.

If one more time DMA request event coming, TIMERx will repeat the process as above.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Timer debug mode

When the Cortex™-M4 halted, and the TIMERx_HOLD configuration bit in DBG_CTL2
register set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.2.5. TIMERx registers(x=1, 2, 3, 4)

TIMER1 base address: 0x4000 0000

TIMER2 base address: 0x4000 0400

TIMER3 base address: 0x4000 0800

TIMER4 base address: 0x4000 0C00

Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division

The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between
the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which
is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters.
01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2
10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4
11: Reserved

7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable

0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled
1: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is enabled

6:5 CAM[1:0] Counter aligns mode selection

00: No center-aligned mode (edge-aligned mode). The direction of the counter is
specified by the DIR bit.
01: Center-aligned and counting down assert mode. The counter counts under
center-aligned and channel is configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register). Only when the counter is counting down, compare
interrupt flag of channels can be set.
10: Center-aligned and counting up assert mode. The counter counts under

GD32F4xx User Manual
center-aligned and channel is configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register). Only when the counter is counting up, compare
interrupt flag of channels can be set.
11: Center-aligned and counting up/down assert mode. The counter counts under
center-aligned and channel is configured in output mode (CHxMS=00 in
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register). Both when the counter is counting up and counting
down, compare interrupt flag of channels can be set.
After the counter is enabled, cannot be switched from 0x00 to non 0x00.

4 DIR Direction
0: Count up
1: Count down
This bit is read only when the timer is configured in Center-aligned mode or
Encoder mode.

3 SPM Single pulse mode.

0: Counter continues after update event.
1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event.

2 UPS Update source

This bit is used to select the update event sources by software.
0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt
or DMA request.

1 UPDIS Update disable.

This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation.
0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers
are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs:
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter
and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UG bit is set or if the slave mode controller
generates a hardware reset event.

0 CEN Counter enable

0: Counter disable
1: Counter enable
The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause
mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved TI0S MMC[2:0] DMAS Reserved

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 TI0S Channel 0 trigger input selection

0: The TIMERx_CH0 pin input is selected as channel 0 trigger input.
1: The result of combinational XOR of TIMERx_CH0, CH1 and CH2 pins is
selected as channel 0 trigger input.

6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control

These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to
slave timers for synchronization function.
000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is
generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter
case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset.
001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to
control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode
controller selects the counter enable signal TIMERx_EN as TRGO. The counter
enable signal is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode
is high. There is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO
output, except if the master-slave mode is selected.
010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as
011: Capture/compare pulse. In this mode the master mode controller generates
a TRGO pulse when a capture or a compare match occurred.
100: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O0CPRE
signal is used as TRGO
101: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O1CPRE
signal is used as TRGO
110: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O2CPRE
signal is used as TRGO
111: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O3CPRE

GD32F4xx User Manual
signal is used as TRGO

3 DMAS DMA request source selection

0: DMA request of channel x is sent when channel x event occurs.
1: DMA request of channel x is sent when update event occurs.

2:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Slave mode configuration register (TIMERx_SMCFG)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ETP SMC1 ETPSC[1:0] ETFC[3:0] MSM TRGS[2:0] Reserved SMC[2:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15 ETP External trigger polarity
This bit specifies the polarity of ETI signal
0: ETI is active at high level or rising edge.
1: ETI is active at low level or falling edge.

14 SMC1 Part of SMC for enable External clock mode1.

In external clock mode 1, the counter is clocked by any active edge on the ETIF
0: External clock mode 1 disabled
1: External clock mode 1 enabled.
It is possible to simultaneously use external clock mode 1 with the restart mode,
pause mode or event mode. But the TRGS bits must not be 3’b111 in this case.
The external clock input will be ETIF if external clock mode 0 and external clock
mode 1 are enabled at the same time.
Note: External clock mode 0 enable is in this register’s SMC bit-filed.

13:12 ETPSC[1:0] External trigger prescaler

The frequency of external trigger signal ETI must not be at higher than 1/4 of
TIMER_CK frequency. When the external trigger signal is a fast clock, the
prescaler can be enabled to reduce ETI frequency.
00: Prescaler disable
01: ETI frequency will be divided by 2
10: ETI frequency will be divided by 4
GD32F4xx User Manual
11: ETI frequency will be divided by 8

11:8 ETFC[3:0] External trigger filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
ETI signal and the length of the digital filter applied to ETI.
0000: Filter disabled. fSAMP= fDTS, N=1.
0001: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=2.
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4.
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8.
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6.
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8.
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6.
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8.
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6.
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8.
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5.
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6.
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8.
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5.
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6.
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8.

7 MSM Master-slave mode

This bit can be used to synchronize selected timers to begin counting at the same
time. The TRGI is used as the start event, and through TRGO, timers are
connected together.
0: Master-slave mode disable
1: Master-slave mode enable

6:4 TRGS[2:0] Trigger selection

This bit-field specifies which signal is selected as the trigger input, which is used
to synchronize the counter.
000: Internal trigger input 0 (ITI0)
001: Internal trigger input 1 (ITI1)
010: Internal trigger input 2 (ITI2)
011: Internal trigger input 3 (ITI3)
100: CI0 edge flag (CI0F_ED)
101: channel 0 input Filtered output (CI0FE0)
110: channel 1 input Filtered output (CI1FE1)
111: External trigger input filter output(ETIFP)
These bits must not be changed when slave mode is enabled.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 SMC[2:0] Slave mode control

GD32F4xx User Manual
000: Disable mode. The slave mode is disabled; The prescaler is clocked directly
by the internal clock (TIMER_CK) when CEN bit is set high.
001: Quadrature decoder mode 0.The counter counts on CI1FE1 edge, while the
direction depends on CI0FE0 level.
010: Quadrature decoder mode 1.The counter counts on CI0FE0 edge, while the
direction depends on CI1FE1 level.
011: Quadrature decoder mode 2.The counter counts on both CI0FE0 and
CI1FE1 edge, while the direction depends on each other.
100: Restart mode. The counter is reinitialized and the shadow registers are
updated on the rising edge of the selected trigger input.
101: Pause mode. The trigger input enables the counter clock when it is high and
disables the counter when it is low.
110: Event mode. A rising edge of the trigger input enables the counter. The
counter cannot be disabled by the slave mode controller.
111: External clock mode0. The counter counts on the rising edges of the
selected trigger.

DMA and interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 TRGDEN Trigger DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 CH3DEN Channel 3 capture/compare DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

11 CH2DEN Channel 2 capture/compare DMA request enable

0: disabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: enabled

10 CH1DEN Channel 1 capture/compare DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

9 CH0DEN Channel 0 capture/compare DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 TRGIE Trigger interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 CH3IE Channel 3 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

3 CH2IE Channel 2 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

2 CH1IE Channel 1 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

1 CH0IE Channel 0 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

0 UPIE Update interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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GD32F4xx User Manual

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 CH3OF Channel 3 over capture flag

Refer to CH0OF description

11 CH2OF Channel 2 over capture flag

Refer to CH0OF description

10 CH1OF Channel 1 over capture flag

Refer to CH0OF description

9 CH0OF Channel 0 over capture flag

When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a
capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared
by software.
0: No over capture interrupt occurred
1: Over capture interrupt occurred

8:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 TRGIF Trigger interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware on trigger event and cleared by software. When the
slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but pause mode, an active edge on
trigger input generates a trigger event. When the slave mode controller is enabled
in pause mode both edges on trigger input generates a trigger event.
0: No trigger event occurred.
1: Trigger interrupt occurred.

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 CH3IF Channel 3 ‘s capture/compare interrupt enable

Refer to CH0IF description

3 CH2IF Channel 2 ‘s capture/compare interrupt enable

Refer to CH0IF description

2 CH1IF Channel 1 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

Refer to CH0IF description

1 CH0IF Channel 0 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input
mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output

GD32F4xx User Manual
mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs.
0: No Channel 1 interrupt occurred
1: Channel 1 interrupt occurred

0 UPIF Update interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software.
0: No update interrupt occurred
1: Update interrupt occurred

Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved TRGG Reserved CH3G CH2G CH1G CH0G UPG

w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 TRGG Trigger event generation

This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is
set, the TRGIF flag in TIMERx_STAT register is set, related interrupt or DMA
transfer can occur if enabled.
0: No generate a trigger event
1: Generate a trigger event

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 CH3G Channel 3’s capture or compare event generation

Refer to CH0G description

3 CH2G Channel 2’s capture or compare event generation

Refer to CH0G description

2 CH1G Channel 1’s capture or compare event generation

Refer to CH0G description

1 CH0G Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation

This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in
channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH1IF
flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In

GD32F4xx User Manual
addition, if channel 1 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter
is captured in TIMERx_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF
flag was already high.
0: No generate a channel 1 capture or compare event
1: Generate a channel 1 capture or compare event

0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this
bit is set, the counter is cleared if the center-aligned or up counting mode is
selected, else (down counting) it takes the auto-reload value. The prescaler
counter is cleared at the same time.
0: No generate an update event
1: Generate an update event

Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0)

Address offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rw rw rw rw rw rw

Output compare mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15 CH1COMCEN Channel 1 output compare clear enable
Refer to CH0COMCEN description

14:12 CH1COMCTL[2:0] Channel 1 compare output control

Refer to CH0COMCTL description

11 CH1COMSEN Channel 1 output compare shadow enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

10 CH1COMFEN Channel 1 output compare fast enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection

This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH1EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).

GD32F4xx User Manual
00: Channel 1 is configured as output
01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to CI0FE1
10: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to CI1FE1
11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

7 CH0COMCEN Channel 0 output compare clear enable.

When this bit is set, the O0CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on
ETIF input.
0: Channel 0 output compare clear disable
1: Channel 0 output compare clear enable

6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control

This bit-field controls the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which
drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON
active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits.
000: Timing mode. The O0CPRE signal keeps stable, independent of the
comparison between the register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter TIMERx_CNT.
001: Set the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
010: Clear the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the output
compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level.
101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level.
110: PWM mode0. When counting up, O0CPRE is active as long as the counter is
smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive. When counting down, O0CPRE is
inactive as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else active.
111: PWM mode1. When counting up, O0CPRE is inactive as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else active. When counting down, O0CPRE is
active as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive.
When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the output
compare mode switches from “Timing mode” mode to “PWM” mode or when the
result of the comparison changes.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00(COMPARE MODE).

3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 compare output shadow enable

When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, which
updates at each update event, will be enabled.
0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable
1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable
The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in single

GD32F4xx User Manual
pulse mode (SPM bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set).
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00.

2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable

When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the
capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0
or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input
as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from
the result of the comparison.
0: Channel 0 output quickly compare disable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles.
1: Channel 0 output quickly compare enable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles.

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 I/O mode selection

This bit-field specifies the work mode of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH0EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).).
00: Channel 0 is configured as output
01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI0FE0
10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI1FE0
11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

Input capture mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:12 CH1CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 1 input capture filter control
Refer to CH0CAPFLT description

11:10 CH1CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 1 input capture prescaler

Refer to CH0CAPPSC description

9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0.
0000: Filter disabled, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1
0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8
GD32F4xx User Manual
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8

3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler

This bit-field specifies the factor of the prescaler on channel 0 input. The
prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is clear.
00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge
01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges
10: Capture is done every 4 channel input edges
11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

Channel control register 1 (TIMERx_CHCTL1)

Address offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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rw rw rw rw rw rw

Output compare mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15 CH3COMCEN Channel 3 output compare clear enable
Refer to CH0COMCEN description

GD32F4xx User Manual
14:12 CH3COMCTL[2:0] Channel 3 compare output control
Refer to CH0COMCTL description

11 CH3COMSEN Channel 3 output compare shadow enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

10 CH3COMFEN Channel 3 output compare fast enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection

This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH3EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).
00: Channel 3 is configured as output
01: Channel 3 is configured as input, IS3 is connected to CI2FE3
10: Channel 3 is configured as input, IS3 is connected to CI3FE3
11: Channel 3 is configured as input, IS3 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

7 CH2COMCEN Channel 2 output compare clear enable.

When this bit is set, the O2CPRE signal is cleared when High level is detected on
ETIF input.
0: Channel 2 output compare clear disable
1: Channel 2 output compare clear enable

6:4 CH2COMCTL[2:0] Channel 2 compare output control

This bit-field controls the behavior of the output reference signal O2CPRE which
drives CH2_O and CH2_ON. O2CPRE is active high, while CH2_O and CH2_ON
active level depends on CH2P and CH2NP bits.
000: Timing mode. The O2CPRE signal keeps stable, independent of the
comparison between the output compare register TIMERx_CH2CV and the
counter TIMERx_CNT.
001: Set the channel output. O2CPRE signal is forced high when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH2CV.
010: Clear the channel output. O2CPRE signal is forced low when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH2CV.
011: Toggle on match. O2CPRE toggles when the counter matches the output
compare register TIMERx_CH2CV.
100: Force low. O2CPRE is forced low level.
101: Force high. O2CPRE is forced high level.
110: PWM mode0. When counting up, O0CPRE is active as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive. When counting down, O0CPRE is
inactive as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else active.
111: PWM mode1. When counting up, O0CPRE is inactive as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else active. When counting down, O0CPRE is

GD32F4xx User Manual
active as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive.
When configured in PWM mode, the O2CPRE level changes only when the
output compare mode switches from “Timing mode” mode to “PWM” mode or
when the result of the comparison changes.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 and CH2MS bit-filed is 00(COMPARE MODE).

3 CH2COMSEN Channel 2 compare output shadow enable

When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH2CV register, which
updates at each update event will be enabled.
0: Channel 2 output compare shadow disable
1: Channel 2 output compare shadow enable
The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in single
pulse mode (SPM bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set).
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00.

2 CH2COMFEN Channel 2 output compare fast enable

When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the
capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM1
or PWM2 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input
as a compare match, and CH2_O is set to the compare level independently from
the result of the comparison.
0: Channel 2 output quickly compare disable. The minimum delay from an edge
on the trigger input to activate CH2_O output is 5 clock cycles.
1: Channel 2 output quickly compare enable. The minimum delay from an edge
on the trigger input to activate CH2_O output is 3 clock cycles.

1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 I/O mode selection

This bit-field specifies the work mode of the channel and the input signal
selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH2EN bit
in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).).
00: Channel 2 is configured as output
01: Channel 2 is configured as input, IS2 is connected to CI2FE2
10: Channel 2 is configured as input, IS2 is connected to CI3FE2
11: Channel 2 is configured as input, IS2 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

Input capture mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:12 CH3CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 3 input capture filter control
Refer to CH0CAPFLT description

GD32F4xx User Manual
11:10 CH3CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 3 input capture prescaler
Refer to CH0CAPPSC description

9:8 CH3MS[1:0] Channel 3 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

7:4 CH2CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 2 input capture filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
CI2 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI2.
0000: Filter disable, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1
0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8

3:2 CH2CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 2 input capture prescaler

This bit-field specifies the factor of the prescaler on channel 2 input. The
prescaler is reset when CH2EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is clear.
00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge
01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges
10: Capture is done every 4 channel input edges
11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges

1:0 CH2MS[1:0] Channel 2 mode selection

Same as output compare mode

Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Address offset: 0x20

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved CH3P CH3EN CH2NP Reserved CH2P CH2EN CH1NP Reserved CH1P CH1EN CH0NP Reserved CH0P CH0EN

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 CH3P Channel 3 capture/compare function polarity

Refer to CH0P description

12 CH3EN Channel 3 capture/compare function enable

Refer to CH0EN description

11 CH2NP Channel 2 complementary output polarity

Refer to CH0NP description

10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 CH2P Channel 2 capture/compare function polarity

Refer to CH0P description

8 CH2EN Channel 2 capture/compare function enable

Refer to CH0EN description

7 CH1NP Channel 1 complementary output polarity

Refer to CH0NP description

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 CH1P Channel 1 capture/compare function polarity

Refer to CH0P description

4 CH1EN Channel 1 capture/compare function enable

Refer to CH0EN description

3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit should be keep reset value.
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, In conjunction with CH0P, this bit is
used to define the polarity of CI0.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 or 10.

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CH0P Channel 0 capture/compare function polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal
0: Channel 0 active high
1: Channel 0 active low

GD32F4xx User Manual
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal
[CH0NP, CH0P] will select the active trigger or capture polarity for CI0FE0 or
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==0]: CIxFE0’s rising edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will not be inverted.
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be inverted.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==0]: Reserved.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling and rising edge are both the active
signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be not
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 or 10.

0 CH0EN Channel 0 capture/compare function enable

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O
signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit
enables the capture event in channel0.
0: Channel 0 disabled
1: Channel 0 enabled

Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) (x=1, 4)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CNT[31:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can
change the value of the counter.

Counter register (TIMERx_CNT) (x=2, 3)

Address offset: 0x24

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can change
the value of the counter.

Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC)

Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock
The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of
this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update

Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) (x=1, 4)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CARL[31:0] Counter auto reload value
This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter.

Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR) (x=2, 3)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CARL[15:0] Counter auto reload value
This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter.

Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV) (x=1, 4)

Address offset: 0x34

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CH0VAL[31:0] Capture or compare value of channel0
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
GD32F4xx User Manual
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV) (x=2, 3)

Address offset: 0x34

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel0
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 1 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH1CV) (x=1, 4)

Address offset: 0x38

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CH1VAL[31:0] Capture or compare value of channel1
When channel 1 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 1 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the
GD32F4xx User Manual
shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 1 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH1CV) (x=2, 3)

Address offset: 0x38

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH1VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel1
When channel 1 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 1 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the
shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 2 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH2CV) (x=1, 4)

Address offset: 0x3C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CH2VAL[31:0] Capture or compare value of channel 2
When channel 2 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 2 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the

GD32F4xx User Manual
shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 2 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH2CV) (x=2, 3)

Address offset: 0x3C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH2VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 2
When channel 2 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 2 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 3 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH3CV) (x=1, 4)

Address offset: 0x40

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CH3VAL[31:0] Capture or compare value of channel 3
When channel3 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 3 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the

GD32F4xx User Manual
shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 3 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH3CV) (x=2, 3)

Address offset: 0x40

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH3VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel 3
When channel3 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 3 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

DMA configuration register (TIMERx_DMACFG)

Address offset: 0x48

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved DMATC[4:0] Reserved DMATA [4:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12:8 DMATC [4:0] DMA transfer count

This filed is defined the number of DMA will access(R/W) the register of

GD32F4xx User Manual
7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4:0 DMATA [4:0] DMA transfer access start address

This filed define the first address for the DMA access the TIMERx_DMATB.
When access is done through the TIMERx_DMA address first time, this bit-field
specifies the address you just access. And then the second access to the
TIMERx_DMATB, you will access the address of start address + 0x4.
5’b0_0000: TIMERx_CTL0
5’b0_0001: TIMERx_CTL1

In a word: Start Address = TIMERx_CTL0 + DMASAR*4

DMA transfer buffer register (TIMERx_DMATB)

Address offset: 0x4C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 DMATB[15:0] DMA transfer buffer
When a read or write operation is assigned to this register, the register located at
the address range (Start Addr + Transfer Timer* 4) will be accessed.
The transfer Timer is calculated by hardware, and ranges from 0 to DMATC.

Input remap register (TIMERx_IRMP) (x=1)

Address offset: 0x50

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved ITI1_RMP Reserved


GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:10 ITI1_RMP Internal trigger input1 remap

01:Ethernet PTP

9:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Input remap register (TIMERx_IRMP) (x=4)

Address offset: 0x50

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CI3_RMP Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:6 CI3_RMP Channel 3 input remap.

00: GPIO pin. Refer to GPIO remap table
01: IRC32K
11:RTC wakeup interrupt

5:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG )

Address offset: 0xFC

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reserved CHVSEL Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CHVSEL Write CHxVAL register selection

This bit-field set and reset by software.
1: If write the CHxVAL register, the write value is same as the CHxVAL value, the
write access ignored
0: No effect

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.3. General level1 timer (TIMERx, x=8, 11)

18.3.1. Overview

The general level1 timer module (Timer8, 11) is a two-channel timer that supports input
capture, output compare. They can generate PWM signals to control motor or be used for
power management applications. The general level1 time reference is a 16-bit counter that
can be used as an unsigned counter.

In addition, the general level1 timers can be programmed and be used to count or time
external events that drive other Timers.

Timer and timer are completely independent, but there may be synchronized to provide a
larger timer with their counters incrementing in unison.

18.3.2. Characteristics
 Total channel num: 2.
 Counter width: 16bit.
 Source of count clock is selectable:
internal clock, internal trigger, external input, external trigger.
 counter mode: Count up only.
 Programmable prescaler: 16 bit. Factor can be changed on the go.
 Each channel is user-configurable:
Input capture mode, Output compare mode, Programmable PWM mode, Single pulse
 Auto-reload function.
 Interrupt output on: update, trigger event, and compare/capture event.
 Daisy chaining of timer modules to allow a single timer to initiate multiple timing events.
 Timer synchronization allows selected timers to start counting on the same clock cycle.
 Timer Master/Slave mode controller.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.3.3. Block diagram

Figure 18-50. General level1 timer block diagram provides details on the internal
configuration of the general level1 timer.

Figure 18-50. General level1 timer block diagram

Input Logic
CH1_IN Synchronizer&Filter Edge selector Prescaler
CI1 &Edge Detector

Counter TIMERx_CHxCV
Trigger processor
Trigger Selector&Counter TIMER_CK
Quadrate Decoder PSC
Slave mode processor Output Logic
generation of outputs signals in CH0_O

compare, PWM,and mixed modes

APB BUS according to initialization, software CH1_O
Register /Interrupt output mask, and polarity control
Register set and update
Interrupt Trigger CAR
Interrupt collector and
Cap/Com controller

GD32F4xx User Manual

18.3.4. Function overview

Clock selection

The general level1 TIMER has the capability of being clocked by either the CK_TIMER or an
alternate clock source controlled by SMC (TIMERx_SMCFG bit [2:0]).

 SMC [2:0] == 3’b000. Internal timer clock CK_TIMER which is from module RCU.

The default internal clock source is the CK_TIMER used to drive the counter prescaler when
the slave mode is disabled (SMC [2:0] == 3’b000). When the CEN is set, the CK_TIMER will
be divided by PSC value to generate PSC_CLK.

In this mode, the TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, is equal to CK_TIMER
which is from RCU.

If the slave mode controller is enabled by setting SMC [2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register
to an available value including 0x1, 0x2, 0x3 and 0x7, the prescaler is clocked by other clock
sources selected by the TRGS [2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register and described as follows.
When the slave mode selection bits SMC are set to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6, the internal clock
TIMER_CK is the counter prescaler driving clock source.

Figure 18-51. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1



update event generate(UPG)

Reload Pulse

Update event (UPE)


CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

 SMC [2:0] == 3’b111 (external clock mode 0). External input pin source

The TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, can be triggered by the event of rising
or falling edge on the external pin TIMERx_CI0/TIMERx_CI1. This mode can be selected by
setting SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x4, 0x5 or 0x6.

And, the counter prescaler can also be driven by rising edge on the internal trigger input pin

GD32F4xx User Manual
ITI0/1/2/3. This mode can be selected by setting SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x0,
0x1, 0x2 or 0x3.

 SMC1== 1’b1 (external clock mode 1). External input pin source (ETI)

The TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, can be triggered by the event of rising
or falling edge on the external pin ETI. This mode can be selected by setting the SMC1 bit in
the TIMERx_SMCFG register to 1. The other way to select the ETI signal as the clock source
is set the SMC [2:0] to 0x7 and the TRGS [2:0] to 0x7 respectively. Note that the ETI signal is
derived from the ETI pin sampled by a digital filter. When the clock source is selected to come
from the ETI signal, the Trigger Controller including the edge detection circuitry will generate
a clock pulse during each ETI signal rising edge to clock the counter prescaler.


The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (PSC_CLK by any
factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which
can be changed on the go but be taken into account at the next update event.

Figure 18-52. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2




CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 0 01 02 03 04


Reload Pulse

PSC value 0 1

Prescaler BUF 0 1

Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Up counting mode

In this mode, the counter counts up continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is
defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the
counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. The update event is
generated at each counter overflow. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL1
register should be set to 0 for the up counting mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter
value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event.

If the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto reload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock
prescaler factor when TIMERx_CAR=0x63.

Figure 18-53. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1




CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)



CNT_REG 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-54. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go.




ARSE = 0
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

ARSE = 1
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 ... 62 63 00

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Hardware set

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

Auto-reload shadow register 65 63

Capture/compare channels

The general level1 timer has two independent channels which can be used as capture inputs
or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture compare register
including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage.

 Input capture mode

Capture mode allows the channel to perform measurements such as pulse timing, frequency,
period, duty cycle and so on. The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity
selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. When a selected edge occurs on the
channel input, the current value of the counter is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV register,
at the same time the CHxIF bit is set and the channel interrupt is generated if enabled by
CHxIE = 1.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-55. Input capture logic

Edge Detector
Synchronizer Edge selector
Filter Based on

Rising/Falling Rising&Falling

Capture IS0
Clock CI1FE0
Processer Counter Register presclare


Capture INT From Other Channal ITI0

First, the channel input signal (CIx) is synchronized to TIMER_CK domain, and then sampled
by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal. Then through the edge detector, the rising
and fall edge are detected. You can select one of them by CHxP. One more selector is for the
other channel and trig, controlled by CHxMS. The IC_prescaler make several the input event
generate one effective capture event. On the capture event, CHxVAL will restore the value of

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Filter configuration. (CHxCAPFLT in TIMERx_CHCTL0)
Based on the input signal and requested signal quality, configure compatible

Step2: Edge selection. (CHxP/CHxNP in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Rising or falling edge, choose one by CHxP/CHxNP.

Step3: Capture source selection. (CHxMS in TIMERx_CHCTL0)

As soon as you select one input capture source by CHxMS, you have set the channel
to input mode (CHxMS!=0x0) and TIMERx_CHxCV cannot be written any more.

Step4: Interrupt enable. (CHxIE and CHxDEN in TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Enable the related interrupt enable; you can got the interrupt and DMA request.

Step5: Capture enables. (CHxEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Result: When you wanted input signal is got, TIMERx_CHxCV will be set by Counter’s value.
And CHxIF is asserted. If the CHxIF is high, the CHxOF will be asserted also. The interrupt
GD32F4xx User Manual
and DMA request will be asserted based on the your configuration of CHxIE and CHxDEN in

Direct generation: If you want to generate a DMA request or Interrupt, you can set CHxG by
software directly.

The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the
TIMERx_CHx pins. For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture
signals to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 2’b01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0)
and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to
2’b10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The
counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERX_CH0CV
can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty.

 Output compare mode

In Output Compare mode, the TIMERx can generate timed pulses with programmable
position, polarity, duration, and frequency. When the counter matches the value in the
CHxVAL register of an output compare channel, the channel (n) output can be set, cleared,
or toggled based on CHxCOMCTL. when the counter reaches the value in the CHxVAL
register, the CHxIF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHxIE = 1. And the
DMA request will be assert, if CxCDE=1.

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Clock configuration. Such as clock source, clock prescaler and so on.

Step2: Compare mode configuration.

* Set the shadow enable mode by CHxCOMSEN
* Set the output mode (Set/Clear/Toggle) by CHxCOMCTL.
* Select the active high polarity by CHxP/CHxNP
* Enable the output by CHxEN

Step3: Interrupt/DMA-request enables configuration by CHxIE/CxCDE

Step4: Compare output timing configuration by TIMERx_CAR and TIMERx_CHxCV.

About the CHxVAL, you can change it on the go to meet the waveform you expected.

Step5: Start the counter by CEN.

The timechart below show the three compare modes toggle/set/clear. CAR=0x63,

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-56. Output-compare under three modes



CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 ….


match toggle


match set

match clear

PWM mode

In the output PWM mode (by setting the CHxCOMCTL bits to 3’b110 (PWM mode0) or to 3’b
111(PWM mode1), the channel can outputs PWM waveform according to the TIMERx_CAR
registers and TIMERx_CHxCV registers.

Based on the counter mode, we have can also divide PWM into EAPWM (Edge aligned PWM)
and CAPWM (Centre aligned PWM).

The EAPWM period is determined by TIMERx_CAR and duty cycle is by TIMERx_CHxCV.

Figure 18-57. EAPWM timechart shows the EAPWM output and interrupts waveform.

The CAPWM period is determined by 2*TIMERx_CAR, and duty cycle is determined by

2*TIMERx_CHxCV. Figure 18-58. CAPWM timechart shows the CAPWM output and
interrupt waveform.

If TIMERx_CHxCV is greater than TIMERx_CAR, the output will be always active under PWM
mode0 (CHxCOMCTL==3’b110).
And if TIMERx_CHxCV is equal to zero, the output will be always inactive under PWM mode0

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-57. EAPWM timechart





Interrupt signal



Figure 18-58. CAPWM timechart



Interrupt signal
CAM=2'b01 down only


CAM=2'b10 up only


CAM=2'b11 up/down


Channel output reference signal

When the TIMERx is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel
x Output prepare signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL filed. The OxCPRE signal has
several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the
CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by
GD32F4xx User Manual
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to
0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register.

The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which
is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal
level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter
value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detail description refer to the
relative bit definition.

Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an
inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the
TIMERx_CHxCV values.

The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIFE signal is derived from the external
ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next
update event occurs.

Slave controller

The TIMERx can be synchronized with a trigger in several modes including the Restart mode,
the Pause mode and the Event mode which is selected by the SMC [2:0] in the
TIMERx_SMCFG register. The trigger input of these modes can be selected by the TRGS
[2:0] in the TIMERx_SMCFG register.

Table 18-7.Slave controller examples

Mode Selection Source Selection Polarity Selection Filter and Prescaler

LIST SMC[2:0] If you choose the CI0FE0 or For the ITIx no filter and
000: ITI0
CI1FE1, configure the prescaler can be used.
3'b100 (restart mode) 001: ITI1
CHxP and CHxNP for the
010: ITI2 For the CIx, configure
3'b101 (pause mode) polarity selection and
011: ITI3 Filter by CHxCAPFLT, no
3'b110 (event mode) 100: CI0F_ED prescaler can be used.
101: CI0FE0 If you choose the ETIF,
For the ETIF, configure
110: CI1FE1 configure the ETP for
Filter by ETFC and
111: ETIFP polarity selection and
Prescaler by ETPSC.

Exam1 Restart mode - -
For ITI0, no polarity selector
ITI0 is the For the ITI0, no filter and
The counter can be can be used.
selection. prescaler can be used.
clear and restart when a
rising trigger input.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Mode Selection Source Selection Polarity Selection Filter and Prescaler

Figure 18-59. Restart mode



CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 00 01 02



Internal sync delay


Exam2 Pause mode TI0S=0.(Non-xor) Filter is bypass in this

[CH0NP==0, CH0P==0] example.
The counter can be CI0FE0 is the no inverted. Capture will be
paused when the trigger selection. sensitive to the rising edge
input is low. only.

Figure 18-60. Pause mode



CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63




Exam3 Event mode ETP = 0 no polarity change. ETPSC = 1, divided by 2.
The counter will start to ETIF is the
ETFC = 0 , no filter
count when a rising selection.
trigger input.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Mode Selection Source Selection Polarity Selection Filter and Prescaler

Figure 18-61. Event mode




CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61


Single pulse mode

Single pulse mode is opposite to the repetitive mode, which can be enabled by setting SPM
in TIMERx_CTL0. When you set SPM, the counter will be clear and stop when the next update
event automatically. In order to get pulse waveform, you can set the TIMERx to PWM mode
or compare by CHxCOMCTL.

Once the timer is set to operate in the single pulse mode, it is not necessary to set the timer
enable bit CEN in the TIMERx_CTL0 register to 1 to enable the counter. The trigger to
generate a pulse can be sourced from the trigger signals edge or by setting the CEN bit to 1
using software. Setting the CEN bit to 1 or a trigger from the trigger signals edge can generate
a pulse and then keep the CEN bit at a high state until the update event occurs or the CEN
bit is written to 0 by software. If the CEN bit is cleared to 0 using software, the counter will be
stopped and its value held. If the CEN bit is automatically cleared to 0 by a hardware update
event, the counter will be reinitialized.

In the single pulse mode, the trigger active edge which sets the CEN bit to 1 will enable the
counter. However, there exist several clock delays to perform the comparison result between
the counter value and the TIMERx_CHxCV value. In order to reduce the delay to a minimum
value, the user can set the CHxCOMFEN bit in each TIMERx_CHCTL0/1 register. After a
trigger rising occurs in the single pulse mode, the OxCPRE signal will immediately be forced
to the state which the OxCPRE signal will change to, as the compare match event occurs
without taking the comparison result into account. The CHxCOMFEN bit is available only
when the output channel is configured to operate in the PWM0 or PWM1 output mode and
the trigger source is derived from the trigger signal.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-62. Single pulse mode TIMERx_CHxCV = 0x04 TIMERx_CAR=0x60



Under SPM, counter stop


CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 5F 60 00


Timers interconnection

Refer to Advanced timer (TIMERx, x=0, 7).

Timer debug mode

When the Cortex™-M4 halted, and the TIMERx_HOLD configuration bit in DBG_CTL2
register set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.3.5. TIMERx registers(x=8, 11)

TIMER8 base address: 0x4001 4000

TIMER11 base address: 0x4000 1800

Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved CKDIV[1:0] ARSE Reserved SPM UPS UPDIS CEN

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division

The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between
the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which
is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters.
01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2
10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4
11: Reserved

7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable

0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled
1: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is enabled

6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 SPM Single pulse mode.

0: Counter continues after update event.
1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event.

2 UPS Update source

This bit is used to select the update event sources by software.
0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or
DMA request:
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event

GD32F4xx User Manual
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt
or DMA request.

1 UPDIS Update disable.

This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation.
0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers
are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs:
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter
and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UG bit is set or if the slave mode
controller generates a hardware reset event.

0 CEN Counter enable

0: Counter disable
1: Counter enable
The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause
mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit

Slave mode configuration register (TIMERx_SMCFG)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved MSM TRGS[2:0] Reserved SMC[2:0]

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 MSM Master-slave mode

This bit can be used to synchronize selected timers to begin counting at the same
time. The TRGI is used as the start event, and through TRGO, timers are
connected together.
0: Master-slave mode disable
1: Master-slave mode enable

6:4 TRGS[2:0] Trigger selection

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit-field specifies which signal is selected as the trigger input, which is used
to synchronize the counter.
000: Internal trigger input 0 (ITI0)
001: Internal trigger input 1 (ITI1)
010: Internal trigger input 2 (ITI2)
011: Internal trigger input 3 (ITI3)
100: CI0 edge flag (CI0F_ED)
101: channel 0 input Filtered output (CI0FE0)
110: channel 1 input Filtered output (CI1FE1)
111: External trigger input filter output(ETIFP)
These bits must not be changed when slave mode is enabled.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 SMC[2:0] Slave mode control

000: Disable mode. The slave mode is disabled; The prescaler is clocked directly
by the internal clock (TIMER_CK) when CEN bit is set high.
001: Reserved
010: Reserved
011: Reserved
100: Restart mode. The counter is reinitialized and the shadow registers are
updated on the rising edge of the selected trigger input.
101: Pause mode. The trigger input enables the counter clock when it is high and
disables the counter when it is low.
110: Event mode. A rising edge of the trigger input enables the counter. The
counter cannot be disabled by the slave mode controller.
111: External clock mode0. The counter counts on the rising edges of the
selected trigger.

Interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved TRGIE Reserved CH1IE CH0IE UPIE

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
6 TRGIE Trigger interrupt enable
0: disabled
1: enabled

5:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 CH1IE Channel 1 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

1 CH0IE Channel 0 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

0 UPIE Update interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved CH1OF CH0OF Reserved TRGIF Reserved CH1IF CH0IF UPIF

rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 CH1OF Channel 1 over capture flag

Refer to CH0OF description

9 CH0OF Channel 0 over capture flag

When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a
capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared
by software.
0: No over capture interrupt occurred
1: Over capture interrupt occurred

8:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 TRGIF Trigger interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware on trigger event and cleared by software. When the
GD32F4xx User Manual
slave mode controller is enabled in all modes but pause mode, an active edge on
trigger input generates a trigger event. When the slave mode controller is enabled
in pause mode both edges on trigger input generates a trigger event.
0: No trigger event occurred.
1: Trigger interrupt occurred.

5:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 CH1IF Channel 1 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

Refer to CH0IF description

1 CH0IF Channel 0 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input
mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output
mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs.
0: No Channel 1 interrupt occurred
1: Channel 1 interrupt occurred

0 UPIF Update interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software.
0: No update interrupt occurred
1: Update interrupt occurred

Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved TRGG Reserved. CH1G CH0G UPG

w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 TRGG Trigger event generation

This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware automatically. When this bit is
set, the TRGIF flag in TIMERx_STAT register is set, related interrupt or DMA
transfer can occur if enabled.
0: No generate a trigger event
1: Generate a trigger event

5:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2 CH1G Channel 1’s capture or compare event generation
Refer to CH0G description

1 CH0G Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation

This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in
channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH1IF
flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In
addition, if channel 1 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter
is captured in TIMERx_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF
flag was already high.
0: No generate a channel 1 capture or compare event
1: Generate a channel 1 capture or compare event

0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this
bit is set, the counter is cleared. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same
0: No generate an update event
1: Generate an update event

Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0)

Address offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Reserved CH1COMCTL[2:0] Reserved CH0COMCTL[2:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Output compare mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:12 CH1COMCTL[2:0] Channel 1 compare output control

Refer to CH0COMCTL description

11 CH1COMSEN Channel 1 output compare shadow enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

10 CH1COMFEN Channel 1 output compare fast enable

Refer to CH0COMSEN description

9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit-field specifies the direction of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH1EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).
00: Channel 1 is configured as output
01: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to CI0FE1
10: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to CI1FE1
11: Channel 1 is configured as input, IS1 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control

This bit-field controls the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which
drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON
active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits.
000: Timing mode. The O0CPRE signal keeps stable, independent of the
comparison between the register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter TIMERx_CNT.
001: Set the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
010: Clear the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the output
compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level.
101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level.
110: PWM mode0. When counting up, O0CPRE is active as long as the counter is
smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive. When counting down, O0CPRE is
inactive as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else active.
111: PWM mode1. When counting up, O0CPRE is inactive as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else active. When counting down, O0CPRE is
active as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive.
When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the output
compare mode switches from “Timing mode” mode to “PWM” mode or when the
result of the comparison changes.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00(COMPARE MODE).

3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 compare output shadow enable

When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, which
updates at each update event, will be enabled.
0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable
1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable
The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in single
pulse mode (SPM bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set).

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register is
11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00.

2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable

When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the
capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0
or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input
as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from
the result of the comparison.
0: Channel 0 output quickly compare disable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles.
1: Channel 0 output quickly compare enable. The minimum delay from an edge on
the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles.

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 I/O mode selection

This bit-field specifies the work mode of the channel and the input signal selection.
This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH0EN bit in
TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).).
00: Channel 0 is configured as output
01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI0FE0
10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI1FE0
11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

Input capture mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:12 CH1CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 1 input capture filter control
Refer to CH0CAPFLT description

11:10 CH1CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 1 input capture prescaler

Refer to CH0CAPPSC description

9:8 CH1MS[1:0] Channel 1 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0.
0000: Filter disabled, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1
0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6
GD32F4xx User Manual
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8

3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler

This bit-field specifies the factor of the prescaler on channel 0 input. The
prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is clear.
00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge
01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges
10: Capture is done every 4 channel input edges
11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection

Same as Output compare mode

Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Address offset: 0x20

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved CH1NP Reserved CH1P CH1EN CH0NP Reserved CH0P CH0EN

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 CH1NP Channel 1 complementary output polarity

Refer to CH0NP description

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 CH1P Channel 1 capture/compare function polarity

Refer to CH0P description

GD32F4xx User Manual
4 CH1EN Channel 1 capture/compare function enable
Refer to CH1EN description

3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit should be keep reset value.
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, In conjunction with CH0P, this bit is
used to define the polarity of CI0.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 or 10.

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CH0P Channel 0 capture/compare function polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal
0: Channel 0 active high
1: Channel 0 active low
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal
[CH0NP, CH0P] will select the active trigger or capture polarity for CI0FE0 or
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==0]: CIxFE0’s rising edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will not be inverted.
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be inverted.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==0]: Reserved.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling and rising edge are both the active
signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be not
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 or 10.

0 CH0EN Channel 0 capture/compare function enable

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O
signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit
enables the capture event in channel0.
0: Channel 0 disabled
1: Channel 0 enabled

Counter register (TIMERx_CNT)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can
change the value of the counter.

Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC)

Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock
The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of
this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update

Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CARL[15:0] Counter auto reload value
This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter.

Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV)

Address offset: 0x34

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel0
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled, the
shadow register updates every update event.

Channel 1 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH1CV)

Address offset: 0x38

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH1VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel1
GD32F4xx User Manual
When channel 1 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 1 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG )

Address offset: 0xFC

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CHVSEL Reserved

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CHVSEL Write CHxVAL register selection

This bit-field set and reset by software.
1: If write the CHxVAL register, the write value is same as the CHxVAL value, the
write access ignored
0: No effect

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.4. General level2 timer (TIMERx, x=9, 10, 12, 13)

18.4.1. Overview

The general level2 timer module (Timer9, 10, 12, 13) is a one-channel timer that supports
input capture, output compare. They can generate PWM signals to control motor or be used
for power management applications. The general level2 time reference is a 16-bit counter
that can be used as an unsigned counter.

In addition, the general level2 timers can be programmed and be used to count or time
external events that drive other Timers.

18.4.2. Characteristics
 Total channel num: 1.
 Counter width: 16bit.
 Source of count clock is internal clock only.
 Counter mode: count up only.
 Programmable prescaler: 16 bit. Factor can be changed on the go.
 Each channel is user-configurable:
Input capture mode, output compare mode, programmable and PWM mode.
 Auto-reload function.
 Interrupt output on: update, trigger event, and compare/capture event.

18.4.3. Block diagram

Figure 18-63. General level2 timer block diagram provides details on the internal

GD32F4xx User Manual
configuration of the general level2 timer.

Figure 18-63. General level2 timer block diagram

CH0_IN CI0 Input Logic

Synchronizer&Filter Prescaler
&Edge Detector

CK_TIMER Trigger processor

Trigger Selector&Counter
Counter TIMERx_CHxCV


APB BUS Register /Interrupt

CAR Output Logic
Update Register set and update generation of outputs signals in
Trigger Interrupt collector compare, PWM,and mixed modes CH0_O
according to initialization, software
output mask, and polarity control

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.4.4. Function overview

Clock selection

The general level2 TIMER can only being clocked by the CK_TIMER.

 Internal timer clock CK_TIMER which is from module RCU

The general level2 TIMER has only one clock source which is the internal CK_TIMER, used
to drive the counter prescaler. When the CEN is set, the CK_TIMER will be divided by PSC
value to generate PSC_CLK.

The TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, is equal to CK_TIMER which is from

Figure 18-64. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1



update event generate(UPG)

Reload Pulse

Update event (UPE)


CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07


The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (PSC_CLK by any
factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which
can be changed on the go but be taken into account at the next update event.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-65. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2




CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 0 01 02 03 04


Reload Pulse

PSC value 0 1

Prescaler BUF 0 1

Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Up counting mode

In this mode, the counter counts up continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is
defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the
counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0. The update event is
generated at each counter overflow. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL1
register should be set to 0 for the up counting mode.

When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter
value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event.

If the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto reload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock
prescaler factor when TIMERx_CAR=0x63.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-66. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1




CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)



CNT_REG 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Figure 18-67. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go




ARSE = 0
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

ARSE = 1
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 ... 62 63 00

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Hardware set

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

Auto-reload shadow register 65 63

GD32F4xx User Manual
Capture/compare channels

The general level2 timer has one independent channel which can be used as capture inputs
or compare match outputs. Each channel is built around a channel capture compare register
including an input stage, channel controller and an output stage.

 Input capture mode

Capture mode allows the channel to perform measurements such as pulse timing, frequency,
period, duty cycle and so on. The input stage consists of a digital filter, a channel polarity
selection, edge detection and a channel prescaler. When a selected edge occurs on the
channel input, the current value of the counter is captured into the TIMERx_CHxCV register,
at the same time the CHxIF bit is set and the channel interrupt is generated if enabled by
CHxIE = 1.

Figure 18-68. Input capture logic

Edge Detector
Synchronizer Edge selector
Filter Based on

Rising/Falling Rising&Falling

Capture IS0
Clock CI1FE0
Processer Counter Register presclare


Capture INT From Other Channal ITI0

First, the channel input signal (CIx) is synchronized to TIMER_CK domain, and then sampled
by a digital filter to generate a filtered input signal. Then through the edge detector, the rising
and fall edge are detected. You can select one of them by CHxP. One more selector is for the
other channel and trig, controlled by CHxMS. The IC_prescaler make several the input event
generate one effective capture event. On the capture event, CHxVAL will restore the value of

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Filter configuration. (CHxCAPFLT in TIMERx_CHCTL0)
Based on the input signal and requested signal quality, configure compatible
GD32F4xx User Manual

Step2: Edge selection. (CHxP/CHxNP in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Rising or falling edge, choose one by CHxP/CHxNP.

Step3: Capture source selection. (CHxMS in TIMERx_CHCTL0)

As soon as you select one input capture source by CHxMS, you have set the channel
to input mode ( CHxMS!=0x0) and TIMERx_CHxCV cannot be written any more.

Step4: Interrupt enable. (CHxIE in TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Enable the related interrupt enable; you can got the interrupt.

Step5: Capture enables. (CHxEN in TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Result: When you wanted input signal is got, TIMERx_CHxCV will be set by Counter’s value.
And CHxIF is asserted. If the CHxIF is high, the CHxOF will be asserted also. The interrupt
will be asserted based on the your configuration of CHxIE in TIMERx_DMAINTEN

Direct generation: If you want to generate a DMA request or Interrupt, you can set CHxG by
software directly.

The input capture mode can be also used for pulse width measurement from signals on the
TIMERx_CHx pins. For example, PWM signal connect to CI0 input. Select channel 0 capture
signals to CI0 by setting CH0MS to 2’b01 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0)
and set capture on rising edge. Select channel 1 capture signal to CI0 by setting CH1MS to
2’b10 in the channel control register (TIMERx_CHCTL0) and set capture on falling edge. The
counter set to restart mode and restart on channel 0 rising edge. Then the TIMERX_CH0CV
can measure the PWM period and the TIMERx_CH1CV can measure the PWM duty.

 Output compare mode

In Output Compare mode, the TIMERx can generate timed pulses with programmable
position, polarity, duration, and frequency. When the counter matches the value in the
CHxVAL register of an output compare channel, the channel (n) output can be set, cleared,
or toggled based on CHxCOMCTL. when the counter reaches the value in the CHxVAL
register, the CHxIF bit is set and the channel (n) interrupt is generated if CHxIE = 1.

So the process can be divided to several steps as below:

Step1: Clock configuration. Such as clock source, clock prescaler and so on.

Step2: Compare mode configuration.

* Set the shadow enable mode by CHxCOMSEN
* Set the output mode (Set/Clear/Toggle) by CHxCOMCTL.
* Select the active high polarity by CHxP/CHxNP
* Enable the output by CHxEN

Step3: Interrupt/DMA-request enables configuration by CHxIE

Step4: Compare output timing configuration by TIMERx_CAR and TIMERx_CHxCV.

About the CHxVAL, you can change it on the go to meet the waveform you expected.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Step5: Start the counter by CEN.

The timechart below show the three compare modes toggle/set/clear. CAR=0x63,

Figure 18-69. Output-compare under three modes



CNT_REG 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 …. 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 ….


match toggle


match set

match clear

Channel output reference signal

When the TIMERx is used in the compare match output mode, the OxCPRE signal (Channel
x Output prepare signal) is defined by setting the CHxCOMCTL filed. The OxCPRE signal has
several types of output function. These include, keeping the original level by setting the
CHxCOMCTL field to 0x00, set to 1 by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x01, set to 0 by
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x02 or signal toggle by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to
0x03 when the counter value matches the content of the TIMERx_CHxCV register.

The PWM mode 0 and PWM mode 1 outputs are also another kind of OxCPRE output which
is setup by setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x06/0x07. In these modes, the OxCPRE signal
level is changed according to the counting direction and the relationship between the counter
value and the TIMERx_CHxCV content. With regard to a more detail description refer to the
relative bit definition.

Another special function of the OxCPRE signal is a forced output which can be achieved by
GD32F4xx User Manual
setting the CHxCOMCTL field to 0x04/0x05. Here the output can be forced to an
inactive/active level irrespective of the comparison condition between the counter and the
TIMERx_CHxCV values.

The OxCPRE signal can be forced to 0 when the ETIFE signal is derived from the external
ETI pin and when it is set to a high level by setting the CHxCOMCEN bit to 1 in the
TIMERx_CHCTL0 register. The OxCPRE signal will not return to its active level until the next
update event occurs.

Timers interconnection

Refer to Advanced timer (TIMERx, x=0, 7).

Timer debug mode

When the Cortex™-M4 halted, and the TIMERx_HOLD configuration bit in DBG_CTL2
register set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.4.5. TIMERx registers(x=9, 10, 12, 13)

TIMER9 base address: 0x4001 4400

TIMER10 base address: 0x4001 4800

TIMER12 base address: 0x4000 1C00

TIMER13 base address: 0x4000 2000

Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CKDIV[1:0] ARSE Reserved UPS UPDIS CEN

rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 CKDIV[1:0] Clock division

The CKDIV bits can be configured by software to specify division ratio between
the timer clock (TIMER_CK) and the dead-time and sampling clock (DTS), which
is used by the dead-time generators and the digital filters.
01: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /2
10: fDTS= fTIMER_CK /4
11: Reserved

7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable

0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled
1: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is enabled

6:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 UPS Update source

This bit is used to select the update event sources by software.
0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or
DMA request:
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt
or DMA request.

1 UPDIS Update disable.

This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation.
0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers
are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs:
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter
and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UG bit is set or if the slave mode
controller generates a hardware reset event.

0 CEN Counter enable

0: Counter disable
1: Counter enable
The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause
mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit

Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved MMC[2:0] Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control

These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to
slave timers for synchronization function.
000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is
generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter
case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset.
001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to
control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
controller selects the counter enable signal TIMERx_EN as TRGO. The counter
enable signal is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode
is high. There is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO
output, except if the master-slave mode is selected.
010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as
011: Capture/compare pulse. In this mode the master mode controller generates
a TRGO pulse when a capture or a compare match occurred.
100: Compare. In this mode the master mode controller selects the O0CPRE
signal is used as TRGO
101: Reserved
110: Reserved
111: Reserved

3:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CH0IE UPIE

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CH0IE Channel 0 capture/compare interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

0 UPIE Update interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CH0OF Reserved. CH0IF UPIF

rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 CH0OF Channel 0 over capture flag

When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this flag is set by hardware when a
capture event occurs while CH0IF flag has already been set. This flag is cleared
by software.
0: No over capture interrupt occurred
1: Over capture interrupt occurred

8:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CH0IF Channel 0 ‘s capture/compare interrupt flag

This flag is set by hardware and cleared by software. When channel 0 is in input
mode, this flag is set when a capture event occurs. When channel 0 is in output
mode, this flag is set when a compare event occurs.
0: No Channel 1 interrupt occurred
1: Channel 1 interrupt occurred

0 UPIF Update interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software.
0: No update interrupt occurred
1: Update interrupt occurred

Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CH0G UPG

w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CH0G Channel 0’s capture or compare event generation

This bit is set by software in order to generate a capture or compare event in
channel 0, it is automatically cleared by hardware. When this bit is set, the CH1IF
flag is set, the corresponding interrupt or DMA request is sent if enabled. In
addition, if channel 1 is configured in input mode, the current value of the counter
is captured in TIMERx_CH0CV register, and the CH0OF flag is set if the CH0IF
flag was already high.
0: No generate a channel 1 capture or compare event
1: Generate a channel 1 capture or compare event

0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this
bit is set, the counter is cleared. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same
0: No generate an update event
1: Generate an update event

Channel control register 0 (TIMERx_CHCTL0)

Address offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CH0COMCTL[2:0]
Reserved. SEN FEN CH0MS[1:0]


rw rw rw

Output compare mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 CH0COMCTL[2:0] Channel 0 compare output control

This bit-field controls the behavior of the output reference signal O0CPRE which
drives CH0_O and CH0_ON. O0CPRE is active high, while CH0_O and CH0_ON
active level depends on CH0P and CH0NP bits.
000: Timing mode. The O0CPRE signal keeps stable, independent of the
comparison between the register TIMERx_CH0CV and the counter
001: Set the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced high when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.

GD32F4xx User Manual
010: Clear the channel output. O0CPRE signal is forced low when the counter
matches the output compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
011: Toggle on match. O0CPRE toggles when the counter matches the output
compare register TIMERx_CH0CV.
100: Force low. O0CPRE is forced low level.
101: Force high. O0CPRE is forced high level.
110: PWM mode0. When counting up, O0CPRE is active as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive. When counting down, O0CPRE is
inactive as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else active.
111: PWM mode1. When counting up, O0CPRE is inactive as long as the counter
is smaller than TIMERx_CH0CV else active. When counting down, O0CPRE is
active as long as the counter is larger than TIMERx_CH0CV else inactive.
When configured in PWM mode, the O0CPRE level changes only when the
output compare mode switches from “Timing mode” mode to “PWM” mode or
when the result of the comparison changes.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00(COMPARE MODE).

3 CH0COMSEN Channel 0 compare output shadow enable

When this bit is set, the shadow register of TIMERx_CH0CV register, which
updates at each update event, will be enabled.
0: Channel 0 output compare shadow disable
1: Channel 0 output compare shadow enable
The PWM mode can be used without validating the shadow register only in single
pulse mode (SPM bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register is set).
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 and CH0MS bit-filed is 00.

2 CH0COMFEN Channel 0 output compare fast enable

When this bit is set, the effect of an event on the trigger in input on the
capture/compare output will be accelerated if the channel is configured in PWM0
or PWM1 mode. The output channel will treat an active edge on the trigger input
as a compare match, and CH0_O is set to the compare level independently from
the result of the comparison.
0: Channel 0 output quickly compare disable. The minimum delay from an edge
on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 5 clock cycles.
1: Channel 0 output quickly compare enable. The minimum delay from an edge
on the trigger input to activate CH0_O output is 3 clock cycles.

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 I/O mode selection

This bit-field specifies the work mode of the channel and the input signal
selection. This bit-field is writable only when the channel is not active. (CH0EN bit
in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is reset).).
00: Channel 0 is configured as output
01: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI0FE0

GD32F4xx User Manual
10: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to CI1FE0
11: Channel 0 is configured as input, IS0 is connected to ITS. This mode is
working only if an internal trigger input is selected through TRGS bits in
TIMERx_SMCFG register.

Input capture mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:4 CH0CAPFLT[3:0] Channel 0 input capture filter control

An event counter is used in the digital filter, in which a transition on the output
occurs after N input events. This bit-field specifies the frequency used to sample
CI0 input signal and the length of the digital filter applied to CI0.
0000: Filter disabled, fSAMP=fDTS, N=1
0001: fSAMP=fTIMER_CK, N=2
0010: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=4
0011: fSAMP= fTIMER_CK, N=8
0100: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=6
0101: fSAMP=fDTS/2, N=8
0110: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=6
0111: fSAMP=fDTS/4, N=8
1000: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=6
1001: fSAMP=fDTS/8, N=8
1010: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=5
1011: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=6
1100: fSAMP=fDTS/16, N=8
1101: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=5
1110: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=6
1111: fSAMP=fDTS/32, N=8

3:2 CH0CAPPSC[1:0] Channel 0 input capture prescaler

This bit-field specifies the factor of the prescaler on channel 0 input. The
prescaler is reset when CH0EN bit in TIMERx_CHCTL2 register is clear.
00: Prescaler disable, capture is done on each channel input edge
01: Capture is done every 2 channel input edges
10: Capture is done every 4 channel input edges
11: Capture is done every 8 channel input edges

1:0 CH0MS[1:0] Channel 0 mode selection

Same as output compare mode

Channel control register 2 (TIMERx_CHCTL2)

Address offset: 0x20

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word(32-bit)

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Reserved.. CH0NP Reserved CH0P CH0EN

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 CH0NP Channel 0 complementary output polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the
complementary output signal polarity.
0: Channel 0 active high
1: Channel 0 active low
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, In conjunction with CH0P, this bit is
used to define the polarity of CI0.
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 or 10.

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CH0P Channel 0 capture/compare polarity

When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit specifies the output signal
0: Channel 0 active high
1: Channel 0 active low
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit specifies the CI0 signal
[CH0NP, CH0P] will select the active trigger or capture polarity for CI0FE0 or
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==0]: CIxFE0’s rising edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will not be inverted.
[CH0NP==0, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling edge is the active signal for capture or
trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be inverted.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==0]: Reserved.
[CH0NP==1, CH0P==1]: CIxFE0’s falling and rising edge are both the active
signal for capture or trigger operation in slave mode. And CIxFE0 will be not
This bit cannot be modified when PROT [1:0] bit-filed in TIMERx_CCHP register
is 11 or 10.

0 CH0EN Channel 0 capture/compare function enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, setting this bit enables CH0_O
signal in active state. When channel 0 is configured in output mode, setting this bit
enables the capture event in channel0.
0: Channel 0 disabled
1: Channel 0 enabled

Counter register (TIMERx_CNT)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can
change the value of the counter.

Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC)

Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock
The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of
this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update

GD32F4xx User Manual
Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CARL[15:0] Counter auto reload value
This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter.

Channel 0 capture/compare value register (TIMERx_CH0CV)

Address offset: 0x34

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CH0VAL[15:0] Capture or compare value of channel0
When channel 0 is configured in input mode, this bit-filed indicates the counter
value corresponding to the last capture event. And this bit-filed is read-only.
When channel 0 is configured in output mode, this bit-filed contains value to be
compared to the counter. When the corresponding shadow register is enabled,
the shadow register updates every update event.

Input remap register (TIMERx_IRMP) (x=10)

Address offset: 0x50

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).
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Reserved ITI1_RMP Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:10 ITI1_RMP Internal trigger input1 remap

00: Based on GPIO setting
01: Based on GPIO setting
10: HXTAL _DIV(Clock used for RTC which is HXTAL clock divided by RTCDIV
bits in RCU_CFG0 register)
11: Based on GPIO setting

9:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Configuration register (TIMERx_CFG )

Address offset: 0xFC

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved CHVSEL Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CHVSEL Write CHxVAL register selection

This bit-field set and reset by software.
1: If write the CHxVAL register, the write value is same as the CHxVAL value, the
write access ignored
0: No effect

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.5. Basic timer (TIMERx, x=5, 6)

18.5.1. Overview

The basic timer module (Timer5, 6) reference is a 16-bit counter that can be used as an
unsigned counter. The basic timer can be configured to generate DMA request and TRGO to

18.5.2. Characteristics
 Counter width: 16bit.
 Source of count clock is internal clock only.
 Multiple counter modes: count up.
 Programmable prescaler: 16 bit. Factor can be changed on the go.
 Auto-reload function.
 Interrupt output or DMA request on update event.

18.5.3. Block diagram

Figure 18-70. Basic timer block diagram provides details on the internal configuration of
the basic timer.

Figure 18-70. Basic timer block diagram

CK_TIMER Trigger processor

PSC Counter
Trigger Selector&Counter

APB BUS Register /Interrupt

Update Register set and update
Interrupt collector

18.5.4. Function overview

Clock selection

The basic TIMER can only being clocked by the internal timer clock CK_TIMER, which is from
the source named CK_TIMER in RCU

GD32F4xx User Manual
The TIMER_CK, driven counter’s prescaler to count, is equal to CK_TIMER used to drive the
counter prescaler. When the CEN is set, the CK_TIMER will be divided by PSC value to
generate PSC_CLK.

Figure 18-71. Normal mode, internal clock divided by 1



update event generate(UPG)

Reload Pulse

Update event (UPE)


CNT_REG 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07


The prescaler can divide the timer clock (TIMER_CK) to the counter clock (PSC_CLK by any
factor between 1 and 65536. It is controlled through prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC) which
can be changed on the go but be taken into account at the next update event.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-72. Counter timing diagram with prescaler division change from 1 to 2




CNT_REG F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC 0 01 02 03 04


Reload Pulse

PSC value 0 1

Prescaler BUF 0 1

Prescaler CNT 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1

Up counting mode

In this mode, the counter counts up continuously from 0 to the counter-reload value, which is
defined in the TIMERx_CAR register, in a count-up direction. Once the counter reaches the
counter reload value, the counter restarts to count once again from 0.The update event is
generated at each counter overflow. The counting direction bit DIR in the TIMERx_CTL1
register should be set to 0 for the up counting mode.

When the update event is set by the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register, the counter
value will be initialized to 0 and generates an update event.

If set the UPDIS bit in TIMERx_CTL0 register, the update event is disabled.

When an update event occurs, all the registers (repetition counter, auto reload register,
prescaler register) are updated.

The following figures show some examples of the counter behavior for different clock
prescaler factor when TIMERx_CAR=0x63.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-73. Up-counter timechart, PSC=0/1




CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)



CNT_REG 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 18-74. Up-counter timechart, change TIMERx_CAR on the go




ARSE = 0
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Update event (UPE)

Hardware set
Update interrupt flag (UPIF)

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

ARSE = 1
CNT_REG 5E 5F 60 61 62 63 64 65 00 01 02 ... 62 63 00

Update event (UPE)

Update interrupt flag (UPIF) Hardware set Software clear

Hardware set

Auto-reload register 65 63

change CAR Vaule

Auto-reload shadow register 65 63

Timer debug mode

When the Cortex™-M4 halted, and the TIMERx_HOLD configuration bit in DBG_CTL2
register set to 1, the TIMERx counter stops.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18.5.5. TIMERx registers(x=5, 6)

TIMER5 base address: 0x4000 1000

TIMER6 base address: 0x4000 1400

Control register 0 (TIMERx_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved ARSE Reserved SPM UPS UPDIS CEN

rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 ARSE Auto-reload shadow enable

0: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is disabled
1: The shadow register for TIMERx_CAR register is enabled

6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 SPM Single pulse mode.

0: Counter continues after update event.
1: The CEN is cleared by hardware and the counter stops at next update event.

2 UPS Update source

This bit is used to select the update event sources by software.
0: When enabled, any of the following events generate an update interrupt or DMA
The UPG bit is set
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: When enabled, only counter overflow/underflow generates an update interrupt
or DMA request.

1 UPDIS Update disable.

This bit is used to enable or disable the update event generation.
0: update event enable. The update event is generate and the buffered registers
are loaded with their preloaded values when one of the following events occurs:
The UPG bit is set

GD32F4xx User Manual
The counter generates an overflow or underflow event
The slave mode controller generates an update event.
1: update event disable. The buffered registers keep their value, while the counter
and the prescaler are reinitialized if the UG bit is set or if the slave mode controller
generates a hardware reset event.

0 CEN Counter enable

0: Counter disable
1: Counter enable
The CEN bit must be set by software when timer works in external clock, pause
mode and encoder mode. While in event mode, the hardware can set the CEN bit

Control register 1 (TIMERx_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved MMC[2:0] Reserved


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 MMC[2:0] Master mode control

These bits control the selection of TRGO signal, which is sent in master mode to
slave timers for synchronization function.
000: Reset. When the UPG bit in the TIMERx_SWEVG register is set or a reset is
generated by the slave mode controller, a TRGO pulse occurs. And in the latter
case, the signal on TRGO is delayed compared to the actual reset.
001: Enable. This mode is useful to start several timers at the same time or to
control a window in which a slave timer is enabled. In this mode the master mode
controller selects the counter enable signal TIMERx_EN as TRGO. The counter
enable signal is set when CEN control bit is set or the trigger input in pause mode
is high. There is a delay between the trigger input in pause mode and the TRGO
output, except if the master-slave mode is selected.
010: Update. In this mode the master mode controller selects the update event as

3:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Interrupt enable register (TIMERx_DMAINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved UPDEN Reserved UPIE

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 UPDEN Update DMA request enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

7:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 UPIE Update interrupt enable

0: disabled
1: enabled

Interrupt flag register (TIMERx_INTF)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved UPIF


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 UPIF Update interrupt flag

This bit is set by hardware on an update event and cleared by software.
0: No update interrupt occurred
1: Update interrupt occurred

GD32F4xx User Manual
Software event generation register (TIMERx_SWEVG)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Reserved UPG

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 UPG This bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware automatically. When this
bit is set, the counter is cleared. The prescaler counter is cleared at the same
0: No generate an update event
1: Generate an update event

Counter register (TIMERx_CNT)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 CNT[15:0] This bit-filed indicates the current counter value. Writing to this bit-filed can
change the value of the counter.

Prescaler register (TIMERx_PSC)

Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 PSC[15:0] Prescaler value of the counter clock
The PSC clock is divided by (PSC+1) to generate the counter clock. The value of
this bit-filed will be loaded to the corresponding shadow register at every update

Counter auto reload register (TIMERx_CAR)

Address offset: 0x2C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit).

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 CARL[15:0] Counter auto reload value
This bit-filed specifies the auto reload value of the counter.

GD32F4xx User Manual
19. Universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver
/transmitter (USART)

19.1. Overview

The Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (USART) provides a flexible

serial data exchange interface. Data frames can be transferred in full duplex or half duplex
mode, synchronously or asynchronously through this interface. A programmable baud rate
generator divides the peripheral clock (PCLK1 or PCLK2) to produce a dedicated baud rate
lock for the USART transmitter and receiver.

Besides the standard asynchronous receiver and transmitter mode, the USART implements
several other types of serial data exchange modes, such as IrDA (infrared data association)
SIR mode, smartcard mode, LIN (local interconnection network) mode and half-duplex
synchronous mode. It also supports multiprocessor communication mode, and hardware flow
control protocol (CTS/RTS). The data frame can be transferred from LSB or MSB bit. The
polarity of the data bits and the TX/RX pins can be configured independently and flexibly.

ALL USARTs support DMA function for high-speed data communication.

19.2. Characteristics

 NRZ standard format

 Asynchronous, full duplex communication
 Half duplex single wire communications
 Programmable baud-rate generator
– Divided from the peripheral clocks, PCLK2 for USART0/5, PCLK1 for USART1/2
and UART3/4/6/7.
– Oversampling by 8 or 16
– Maximum speed up to 12.5 MBits/s (PCLK2 100M and oversampling by 8)
 Fully programmable serial interface characteristics:
– Even, odd or no-parity bit generation/detection
– A data word length can be 8 or 9 bits
– 0.5, 1, 1.5 or 2 stop bit generation
 Transmitter and Receiver can be enabled separately
 Hardware flow control protocol (CTS/RTS)
 DMA request for data buffer access
 LIN Break generation and detection
 IrDA Support
 Synchronous mode and transmitter clock output for synchronous transmission
 ISO 7816-3 compliant smartcard interface

GD32F4xx User Manual
– Character mode (T=0)
– Block mode (T=1)
– Direct and inverse convention
 Multiprocessor communication
– Enter into mute mode if address match does not occur
– Wake up from mute mode by idle frame or address match detection
 Various status flags:
– Flags for transfer detection: Receive buffer not empty (RBNE), Transmit buffer
empty (TBE), transfer complete (TC), and busy (BSY).
– Flags for error detection: overrun error (ORERR), noise error (NERR), frame error
(FERR) and parity error (PERR)
– Flag for hardware flow control: CTS changes (CTSF)
– Flag for LIN mode: LIN break detected (LBDF)
– Flag for multiprocessor communication: IDLE frame detected ( IDLEF)
– Flags for smartcard block mode: end of block (EBF) and receiver timeout (RTF)
– Interrupt occurs at these events when the corresponding interrupt enable bits are

While USART0/1/2/5 is fully implemented, UART3/4/6/7 is only partially implemented with the
following features not supported.
 Smartcard mode
 Synchronous mode
 Hardware flow control protocol (CTS/RTS)
 Configurable data polarity

19.3. Function overview

The interface is externally connected to another device by the main pins listed in Table 19-1.
Description of USART important pins.

Table 19-1. Description of USART important pins

Pin Type Description
RX Input Receive Data
TX Output Transmit Data. High level when enabled but nothing to
I/O (single-wire/Smartcard mode) be transmitted
CK Output Serial clock for synchronous communication
nCTS Input Clear to send in hardware flow control mode
nRTS Output Request to send in hardware flow control mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 19-1. USART module block diagram

TX Shift
USART Data Register
RX Shift

USART Guard Time

and Prescaler Register CK
nRTS Hardware CK Controller
nCTS Controller

USART Control
Transmitter Transimit
clock Controller

Receiver Receiver
8/16 Wakeup Unit
clock Controller


USART Baud USART Interrupt

USART Status Register
Rate Register Controller

19.3.1. USART frame format

The USART frame starts with a start bit and end up with a number of stop bits. The length of
the data frame is configured by the WL bit in the USART_CTL0 register. The last data bit can
be used as parity check bit by setting the PCEN bit in USART_CTL0 register. When the WL
bit is reset, the parity bit is the 7th bit. When the WL bit is set, the parity bit is the 8th bit. The
method of calculating the parity bit is selected by the PM bit in USART_CTL0 register.

Figure 19-2. USART character frame (8 bits data and 1 stop bit)


Data frame
or parity bit
bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7 Stop Start

Idle frame Start

Break frame

In transmission and reception, the number of stop bits can be configured by the STB[1:0]
bits in the USART_CTL1 register.

Table 19-2. Configuration of stop bits

STB[1:0] stop bit length (bit) usage description
00 1 default value
01 0.5 Smartcard mode for receiving
10 2 normal USART and single-wire modes
GD32F4xx User Manual
STB[1:0] stop bit length (bit) usage description
11 1.5 Smartcard mode for transmitting and receiving

In an idle frame, all the frame bits are logic 1. The frame length is equal to the normal USART

The break frame structure is a number of low bits followed by the configured number of stop
bits. The transfer speed of a USART frame depends on the frequency of the PCLK, the
configuration of the baud rate generator and the oversampling mode.

19.3.2. Baud rate generation

The baud-rate divider is a 16-bit number which consists of a 12-bit integer and a 4-bit
fractional part. The number formed by these two values is used by the baud rate generator to
determine the bit period. Having a fractional baud-rate divider allows the USART to generate
all the standard baud rates.

If the oversampling 8 mode is disabled as default, the baud-rate divider (USARTDIV) has the
following relationship to the peripheral clock:
USARTDIV = (19-1)
16×Baud Rate

If the oversampling 8 mode is selected by setting the OVSMOD bit in the USART_CTL0
register, the baud-rate divider (USARTDIV) has the following relationship to the peripheral
USARTDIV = (19-2)
8×Baud Rate

The peripheral clock is PCLK2 for USART0/5 and PCLK1 for USART1/2 and UART3/4/6/7.
The peripheral clock must be enabled through the clock control unit before enabling the

19.3.3. USART transmitter

If the transmit enable bit (TEN) in USART_CTL0 register is set, when the transmit data buffer
is not empty, the transmitter shift out the transmit data frame through the TX pin. The polarity
of the TX pin can be configured by the TINV bit in the USART_CTL3 register. Clock pulses
can be output through the CK pin.

After the TEN bit is set, an idle frame will be sent. The TEN bit should not be cleared while
the transmission is ongoing.

After power on, the TBE bit is high by default. Data can be written to the USART_DATA when
the TBE bit of the USART_STAT0 register is asserted. The TBE bit is cleared by writing
USART_DATA register and it is set by hardware after the data is put into the transmit shift
register. If a data is written to the USART_DATA register while a transmission is ongoing, it
will be firstly stored in the transmit buffer, and transferred to the transmit shift register after

GD32F4xx User Manual
the current transmission is done. If a data is written to the USART_DATA register while no
transmission is ongoing, the TBE bit will be cleared and set soon, because the data will be
transferred to the transmit shift register immediately.

If a frame is transmitted and the TBE bit is asserted, the TC bit of the USART_STAT0 register
will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the corresponding interrupt enable bit (TCIE) is
set in the USART_CTL0 register.

The USART transmit procedure is shown in Figure 19-3. USART transmit procedure. The
software can follow this flow:

1. Set the UEN bit in USART_CTL0 to enable the USART.

2. Write the WL bit in USART_CTL0 to set the data bits length.

3. Set the STB[1:0] bits in USART_CTL1 to configure the number of stop bits.

4. Enable DMA (DENT bit) in USART_CTL2 if multibuffer communication is selected.

5. Set the baud rate in USART_BAUD.

6. Set the TEN bit in USART_CTL0.

7. Wait for the TBE being asserted.

8. Write the data to in the USART_DATA register.

9. Repeat step7-8 for each data, if DMA is not enabled.

10. Wait until TC=1 to finish.

Figure 19-3. USART transmit procedure

Write data0 to Write data1 to Write data2 to
DMA or software DMA or software DMA or software
TBE set by hardware set by hardware set by hardware

USART_DATA data0 data1 data2

idle frame frame0 frame1 frame2

TX pin
cleared by

set by hardware

It is necessary to wait for the TC bit to be asserted before disabling the USART or entering
the power saving mode. This bit can be cleared by a software sequence: reading the
USART_STAT0 register and then writing the USART_DATA register. If the multibuffer
communication is selected (DENT=1), this bit can also be cleared by writing 0 directly.

19.3.4. USART receiver

After power on, the USART receiver can be enabled by the follow procedure:

GD32F4xx User Manual
1. Set the UEN bit in USART_CTL0 to enable the USART.

2. Write the WL bit in USART_CTL0 to set the data bits length.

3. Set the STB[1:0] bits in USART_CTL1.

4. Enable DMA (DENR bit) in USART_CTL2 if multibuffer communication is selected.

5. Set the baud rate in USART_BAUD.

6. Set the REN bit in USART_CTL0.

After being enabled, the receiver receives a bit stream after a valid start pulse has been
detected. Detection on noisy error, parity error, frame error and overrun error is performed
during the reception of a frame.

When a frame is received, the RBNE bit in USART_STAT0 is asserted, an interrupt is

generated if the corresponding interrupt enable bit (RBNEIE) is set in the USART_CTL0
register. The status of the reception are stored in the USART_STAT0 register.

The software can get the received data by reading the USART_DATA register directly, or
through DMA. The RBNE bit is cleared by a read operation on the USART_DATA register,
whatever it is performed by software directly, or through DMA.

The REN bit should not be disabled when reception is ongoing, or the current frame will be

By default, the receiver gets three samples to evaluate the value of a frame bit. If the
oversampling 8 mode is enabled, the 3rd, 4th and 5th samples are used, while in the
oversampling 16 mode, the 7th, 8th, and 9th samples are used. If there are two or more
samples of a frame bit is 0, the frame bit is confirmed as a 0, else 1. If the three samples of
any bit of a frame are not the same, whatever it is a start bit, data bit, parity bit or stop bit, a
noisy error (NERR) status will be generated for the frame. An interrupt is generated, If the
receive DMA is enabled and the ERRIE bit in USART_CTL2 register is set. If the OSB bit in
USART_CTL2 register is set, the receiver get only one sample to evaluate a bit value. In this
situation, no noisy error will be detected.

Figure 19-4. Receiving a frame bit by oversampling method (OSB=0)

one frame bit

RX pin


8 mode

sample bits







16 mode

sample bits

If the parity check function is enabled by setting the PCEN bit in the USART_CTL0 register,
GD32F4xx User Manual
the receiver calculates the expected parity value while receiving a frame. The received parity
bit will be compared with this expected value. If they are not the same, the parity error (PERR)
bit in USART_STAT0 register will be set. An interrupt is generated, if the PERRIE bit in
USART_CTL0 register is set.

If the RX pin is evaluated as 0 during a stop bit, the frame error (FERR) bit in USART_STAT0
register will be set. An interrupt will be generated if the receive DMA is enabled and the ERRIE
bit in USART_CTL2 register is set.

When a frame is received, if the RBNE bit is not cleared yet, the last frame will not be stored
in the receive data buffer. The overrun error (ORERR) bit in USART_STAT0 register will be
set. An interrupt is generated, if the receive DMA is enabled and the ERRIE bit in
USART_CTL2 register is set, or if the RBNEIE is set.

The RBNE, NERR, PERR, FERR and ORERR flags are always set at the same time in a
reception. If the receive DMA is not enabled, software can check NERR, PERR, FERR and
ORERR flags when serving the RBNE interrupt.

19.3.5. Use DMA for data buffer access

To reduce the burden of the processor, DMA can be used to access the transmitting and
receiving data buffer. The DENT bit in USART_CTL2 is used to enable the DMA transmission,
and the DENR bit in USART_CTL2 is used to enable the DMA reception.

When DMA is used for USART transmission, DMA transfers data from internal SRAM to the
transmit data buffer of the USART. The configuration step are shown in Figure 19-5.
Configuration step when use DMA for USART transmission

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 19-5. Configuration step when use DMA for USART transmission

Clear the TC bit in USART_STAT0

Set the address of USART_DATA as the

DMA destination address

Set the address of data in internal SRAM

as the DMA source address

Set the number of data as the DMA

transfer number

Set other configurations of DMA,

interrupt enable, priority, etc

Enable the DMA channel for USART

Wait the TC bit to be set

After all of the data frames are transmitted, the TC bit in USART_STAT0 is set. An interrupt
occurs if the TCIE bit in USART_CTL0 is set.

When DMA is used for USART reception, DMA transfers data from the receive data buffer of
the USART to the internal SRAM. The configuration step is shown in Figure 19-6.
Configuration step when use DMA for USART reception. If the ERRIE bit in USART_CTL2
is set, interrupts can be generated by the Error status bits (FERR, ORERR and NERR) in

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 19-6. Configuration step when use DMA for USART reception

Set the address of USART_DATA as the

DMA source address

Set the address of the buffer in internal

SRAM as the DMA destination address

Set the number of data as the DMA

transfer number

Set other configurations of DMA,

interrupt enable, priority, etc

Enable the DMA channel for USART


When the number of the data received by USART reaches the DMA transfer number, an end
of transfer interrupt can be generated in the DMA module.

19.3.6. Hardware flow control

The hardware flow control function is realized by the nCTS and nRTS pins. The RTS flow
control is enabled by writing ‘1’ to the RTSEN bit in USART_CTL2 and the CTS flow control
is enabled by writing ‘1’ to the CTSEN bit in USART_CTL2.

Figure 19-7. Hardware flow control between two USARTs


TX module nCTS nRTS RX module



RX module nRTS nCTS TX module

GD32F4xx User Manual
RTS flow control

The USART receiver outputs the nRTS, which reflects the status of the receive buffer. When
data frame is received, the nRTS signal goes high to prevent the transmitter from sending
next frame. The nRTS signal keeps high when the receive buffer is full, and can be cleared
by reading the USART_DATA register.

CTS flow control

The USART transmitter monitors the nCTS input pin to decide whether a data frame can be
transmitted. If the TBE bit in USART_STAT0 is ‘0’ and the nCTS signal is low, the transmitter
transmits the data frame. When the nCTS signal goes high during a transmission, the
transmitter stops after the current transmission is accomplished.

Figure 19-8. Hardware flow control

RTS follow control


start data 1 stop idle start data 2 stop idle

CTS follow control


USART_DATA empty data 2 empty data 3 empty

TX data 1 stop start data 2 stop idle start data 3 stop idle

If the CTS flow control is enabled, the CTSF bit in USART_STAT0 is set when the nCTS pin
toggles. An interrupt is generated if the CTSIE bit in USART_CTL2 is set.

19.3.7. Multi-processor communication

In multiprocessor communication, several USARTs are connected as a network. It will be a

big burden for a device to monitor all of the messages on the RX pin. To reduce the burden
of a device, software can put an USART module into a mute mode by setting the RWU bit in
USART_CTL0 register.

If a USART is in mute mode, all of the receive status bits cannot be set. Software can wake
up the USART by resetting the RWU bit.

The USART can also be wake up by hardware by one of the two methods: idle frame method
and address match method.

The idle frame wake up method is selected by default. When an idle frame is detected on the
RX pin, the hardware clears the RWU bit and exits the mute mode. When it is woken up by
an idle frame, the IDLEF bit in USART_STAT0 will not be set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
When the WM bit in USART_CTL0 register is set, the MSB bit of a frame is detected as the
address flag. If the address flag is high, the frame is treated as an address frame. If the
address flag is low, the frame is treaded as a data frame. If the LSB 4 bits of an address frame
are the same as the ADDR[3:0] bits in the USART_CTL1 register, the hardware will clear the
RWU bit and exit the mute mode. The RBNE bit will be set for the frame that wakes up the
USART. The status bits are available in the USART_STAT0 register. If the LSB 4 bits of an
address frame differ from the ADDR[3:0] bits in the USART_CTL1 register, the hardware sets
the RWU bit and enters mute mode automatically. In this situation, the RBNE bit is not set.

If the address match method is selected, the receiver does not check the parity value of an
address frame by default. If the PCM bit in USART_CHC and PCEN bit in USART_CTL0 are
set, the MSB bit will be checked as the parity bit, and the bit preceding the MSB bit is detected
as the address flag.

19.3.8. LIN mode

The local interconnection network mode is enabled by setting the LMEN bit in USART_CTL1.
The CKEN, WL, STB[1:0] bits in USART_CTL1 and the SCEN, HDEN, IREN bits in
USART_CTL2 should be reset in LIN mode.

When transmit a normal data frame, the transmission procedure is the same as the normal
USART mode. When the SBKCMD bit in USART_CTL0 is set, the USART transmit
continuous 13 ‘0’ bits, followed by 1 stop bit.

The break detection function is totally independent from the normal USART receiver. So a
break frame can be detected during the idle state or during a frame. The expected length of
a break frame can be selected by LBLEN in USART_CTL1. When the RX pin is detected at
low state for a time that is equal to or longer than the expected break frame length (10 bits
when LBLEN=0, or 11 bits when LBLEN=1), the LBDF in USART_STAT0 is set. An interrupt
occurs if the LBDIE bit in USART_CTL1 is set.

As shown in Figure 19-9. Break frame occurs during idle state, if a break frame occurs
during the idle state on the RX pin, the USART receiver will receive an all ‘0’ frame, with an
asserted FERR status.

Figure 19-9. Break frame occurs during idle state

frame0 frame1 frame2

RX pin

1 frame time

USART_DATA data0 data1 00000000 data2


As shown in Figure 19-10. Break frame occurs during a frame, if a break frame occurs
during a frame on the RX pin, the FERR status will be asserted for the current frame.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 19-10. Break frame occurs during a frame
frame0 frame1 frame2

RX pin

1 frame time

USART_DATA data0 data1 data2


19.3.9. Synchronous mode

The USART can be used for full-duplex synchronous serial communications only in master
mode, by setting the CKEN bit in USART_CTL1. The LMEN bit in USART_CTL1 and SCEN,
HDEN, IREN bits in USART_CTL2 should be cleared in synchronous mode. The CK pin is
the clock output of the synchronous USART transmitter, and can be only activated when the
TEN bit is enabled. No clock pulse will be sent through the CK pin during he transmission of
the start bit and stop bit. The CLEN bit in USART_CTL1 can be used to determine whether
the clock is output or not during the last (address flag) bit transmission. The CPH bit in
USART_CTL1 can be used to determine whether data is captured on the first or the second
clock edge. The CPL bit in USART_CTL1 can be used to configure the clock polarity in the
USART synchronous idle state.

The CPL, CPH and CLEN bits in USART_CTL1 determine the waveform on the CK pin.
Software can only change them when the USART is disabled (UEN=0).

If the REN bit in USART_CTL0 is set, the receiver works differently from the normal USART
reception method. The receiver samples the data on the capture edge of the CK pin without
any oversampling.

Figure 19-11. Example of USART in synchronous mode

RX Data output
TX Data input

USART Device
(master mode) (slave mode)

CK Clock input

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 19-12. 8-bit format USART synchronous waveform (CLEN=1)

Idle frame data (8bit) Idle

CK pin (CPL=0, CPH=0)

CK pin(CPL=1, CPH=0)

CK pin (CPL=0, CPH=1)

CK pin (CPL=1, CPH=1)

Master data output Start

bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7
Master data input bit0 bit1 bit2 bit3 bit4 bit5 bit6 bit7

19.3.10. IrDA SIR ENDEC mode

The IrDA mode is enabled by setting the IREN bit in USART_CTL2. The LMEN, STB[1:0],
CKEN bits in USART_CTL1 and HDEN, SCEN bits in USART_CTL2 should be cleared in
IrDA mode.

In IrDA mode, the USART transmission data frame is modulated in the SIR transmit encoder
and transmitted to the infrared LED through the TX pin. The SIR receive decoder receives the
modulated signal from the infrared LED through the RX pin, and put the demodulated data
frame to the USART receiver. The baud rate should not be larger than 115200 for the encoder.

Figure 19-13. IrDA SIR ENDEC module

inside chip outside chip

Receive RX pin
1 Decoder

Normal Infrared

0 TX pin


In IrDA mode, the polarity of the TX pin and RX pin is different. The TX pin is usually at low
state, while the RX pin is usually at high state. The IrDA pins keep stable to represent the
logic ‘1’, while an infrared light pulse on the IrDA pins (a Return to Zero signal) represent the

GD32F4xx User Manual
logic ‘0’. The pulse width should be 3/16 of a bit period. The IrDA could not detect any pulse
if the pulse width is less than 1 PSC clock. While it can detect a pulse by chance if the pulse
width is greater than 1 but smaller than 2 times PSC clock.

Because the IrDA is a half-duplex protocol, the transmission and the reception should not be
carried out at the same time in the IrDA SIR ENDEC block.

Figure 19-14. IrDA data modulation

Normal Start 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Stop

tx frame 1

TX pin

RX pin

Normal rx Start 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 Stop

1 0 1

The SIR sub module can work in low power mode by setting the IRLP bit in USART_CTL2.
The transmit encoder is driven by a low speed clock, which is divided from the PCLK. The
divide ratio is configured by the PSC[7:0] bits in USART_GP register. The pulse width on the
TX pin is 3 cycles of this low speed period. The receiver decoder works in the same manner
as the normal IrDA mode.

19.3.11. Half-duplex communication mode

The half-duplex communication mode is enabled by setting the HDEN bit in USART_CTL2.
The LMEN, CKEN bits in USART_CTL1 and SCEN, IREN bits in USART_CTL2 should be
cleared in half-duplex communication mode.

In the half-duplex mode the receive line is internally connected to the TX pin, and the RX pin
is no longer used. The TX pin should be configured as output open drain mode. The software
should make sure that the transmission and reception process never conflict with each other.

19.3.12. Smartcard (ISO7816-3) mode

The smartcard mode is an asynchronous mode, which is designed to support the ISO7816-3
protocol. Both the character (T=0) mode and the block (T=1) mode are supported. The
smartcard mode is enabled by setting the SCEN bit in USART_CTL2. The LMEN bit in
USART_CTL1 and HDEN, IREN bits in USART_CTL2 should be cleared in smartcard mode.

A clock is provided to the external smartcard through the CK pin after the CKEN bit is set.
The clock is divided from the PCLK. The divide ratio is configured by the PSC[4:0] bits in
USART_GP register. The CK pin only provides a clock source to the smartcard.

The smartcard mode is a half-duplex communication protocol. When connected to a

GD32F4xx User Manual
smartcard, the TX pin must be configured as open drain mode, and an external pull-up resistor
will be needed, which drives a bidirectional line that is also driven by the smartcard. The data
frame consists of 1 start bit, 9 data bits (1 parity bit included) and 1.5 stop bits. The 0.5 stop
bit may be configured for a receiver.

Figure 19-15. ISO7816-3 frame format

S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P

ISO 7816-3 frame without parity error

S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 P
0.5 bit 1 bit
ISO 7816-3 frame with parity error

Character (T=0) mode

Comparing to the timing in normal operation, the transmission time from transmit shift register
to the TX pin is delayed by half baud clock, and the TC flag assertion time is delayed by a
guard time that is configured by the GUAT[7:0] bits in USART_GP. In Smartcard mode, the
internal guard time counter starts count up after the stop bits of the last data frame, and the
GUAT[7:0] bits should be configured as the character guard time (CGT) in ISO7816-3 protocol
minus 12. The TC status is forced reset while the guard time counter is counting up. When
the counter reaches the programmed value TC is asserted high.

During USART transmission, if a parity error event is detected, the smartcard may NACK the
current frame by pulling down the TX pin during the last 1 bit time of the stop bits. The USART
can automatically resend data according to the protocol for SCRTNUM times. An interframe
gap of 2.5 bits time will be inserted before the start of a resented frame. At the end of the last
repeated character the TC bit is set immediately without guard time. The USART will stop
transmitting and assert the framing error status if it still receives the NACK signal after the
programmed number of retries. The USART will not take the NACK signal as the start bit.

During USART reception, if the parity error is detected in the current frame, the TX pin is
pulled low during the last 1 bit time of the stop bits. This signal is the NACK signal to smartcard.
Then a frame error occurred in smartcard side. The RBNE/receive DMA request is not
activated if the received character is erroneous. According to the protocol, the smartcard can
resend the data. The USART stops transmitting the NACK and signals the error as a parity
error if the received character is still erroneous after the maximum number of retries specified
in the SCRTNUM bit field. The NACK signal is enabled by setting the NKEN bit in

The idle frame and break frame are not supported in the Smartcard mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Block (T=1) mode

In block (T=1) mode, the NKEN bit in the USART_CTL2 register should be cleared to
deactivate the NACK transmission.

When requesting a read from the smartcard, the RT[23:0] bits in USART_RT register should
be programmed with the BWT (block wait time) - 11 value and RBNEIE must be set. This
timeout period is expressed in baud time units. The RTF bit in USART_STAT1 will be asserted,
if no answer is received from the card before the expiration of this period. An interrupt is
generated if the RTIE bit in USART_CTL3 is set. The USART generates a RBNE interrupt if
the first character is received before the expiration of the RT[23:0] period. If DMA is used to
read from the smartcard in block mode, the DMA must be enabled only after the first character
is received.

After the first character is received, the RT[23:0] bits should be configured to the CWT
(character wait time) - 11 to enable the automatic check of the maximum interframe gap
between two consecutive characters. The RTF bit in USART_STAT1 will be asserted, if the
smartcard stop sending characters for the RT[23:0] period.

The USART uses a block length counter, which is reset when the USART is transmitting
(TBE=0), to count the number of received characters. The length of the block, which must be
programmed in the BL[7:0] bits in the USART_RT register, is received from the smartcard in
the third byte of the block (prologue field). The block length counter counts up from 0 to the
maximum value of BL[7:0]+4. The end of the block status (EBF bit in USART_STAT1) is set
after the block length counter reaches the maximum value. An interrupt is generated if the
EBIE bit in USART_CTL3 is set. The RTF bit may be set in case that an error in the block

If DMA is used for reception, this register field must be programmed to the minimum value
(0x0) before the start of the block. With this value, the end of the block interrupt occurs after
the 4th received character. The block length value can be read from the receive buffer at the
third byte.

If DMA is not used for reception, the BL[7:0] bits should be firstly configured with the maximum
value 0xFF to avoid generating an EBF status. The real block length value can be
reconfigured to the BL[7:0] bits after the third byte is received.

Direct and inverse convention

The smartcard protocol defines two conventions: direct and inverse.

When the direct convention is selected, the LSB of the data frame is transferred first, high
state on the TX pin represents logic ‘1’, the parity check mode is even. In this case the MSBF
and DINV bits in USART_CTL3 should be reset.

When the inverse convention is selected, the MSB of the data frame is transferred first, high
state on the TX pin represents logic ‘0’, the parity check mode is even. In this case the MSBF
and DINV bits in USART_CTL3 should be set.
GD32F4xx User Manual
19.3.13. USART interrupts

The USART interrupt events and flags are listed in Table 19-3. USART interrupt requests.

Table 19-3. USART interrupt requests

Interrupt event Event flag Control register
Control bit
Transmit data buffer empty TBE USART_CTL0 TBEIE
Transmission complete TC USART_CTL0 TCIE
Received buff not empty RBNE
Overrun error ORERR
Break detected flag in LIN mode LBDF USART_CTL1 LBDIE
Receiver timeout RTF USART_CTL3 RTIE
Reception Errors (Noise flag,
overrun error, framing error) in USART_CTL2 ERRIE
DMA reception

All of the interrupt events are ORed together before being sent to the interrupt controller, so
the USART can only generate a single interrupt request to the controller at any given time.
Software can service multiple interrupt events in a single interrupt service routine.

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Figure 19-16. USART interrupt mapping diagram











GD32F4xx User Manual
19.4. Register definition

USART0 base address: 0x4001 1000

USART1 base address: 0x4000 4400

USART2 base address: 0x4000 4800

UART3 base address: 0x4000 4C00

UART4 base address: 0x4000 5000

USART5 base address: 0x4001 1400

UART6 base address: 0x4000 7800

UART7 base address: 0x4000 7C00

19.4.1. Status register 0 (USART_STAT0)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 00C0

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rc_w0 rc_w0 r rc_w0 rc_w0 r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

9 CTSF CTS change flag

If CTSEN bit in USART_CTL2 is set, this bit set by hardware when the nCTS input
toggles. An interrupt occurs if the CTSIE bit in USART_CTL2 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it.
0: The status of the nCTS line does not change
1: The status of the nCTS line has changed
This bit is not available for UART3/4/6/7.

8 LBDF LIN break detected flag

LMEN bit in USART_CTL1 is set when LIN break is detected. An interrupt occurs if
the LBDIE bit in USART_CTL1 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it.
0: The USART does not detect a LIN Break

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: The USART has detected a LIN Break

7 TBE Transmit data buffer empty

This bit is set after power on or when the transmit data has been transferred to the
transmit shift register. An interrupt occurs if the TBEIE bit in USART_CTL0 is set.
This bit is cleared when the software write transmit data to the USART_DATA
0: Transmit data buffer is not empty
1: Transmit data buffer is empty

6 TC Transmission complete
This bit is set after power on. If the TBE bit has been set, this bit is set when the
transmission of current data is complete. An interrupt occurs if the TCIE bit in
USART_CTL0 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it.
0: Transmission of current data is not complete
1: Transmission of current data is complete

5 RBNE Read data buffer not empty

This bit is set when the read data buffer is filled with a data frame, which has been
received through the receive shift register. An interrupt occurs if the RBNEIE bit in
USART_CTL0 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it or by reading the USART_DATA register.
0: Read data buffer is empty
1: Read data buffer is not empty

4 IDLEF IDLE frame detected flag

This bit is set when the RX pin has been detected in idle state for a frame time. An
interrupt occurs if the IDLEIE bit in USART_CTL0 is set.
Software can clear this bit by reading the USART_STAT0 and USART_DATA
registers one by one.
0: The USART module does not detect an IDLE frame
1: The USART module has detected an IDLE frame

3 ORERR Overrun error

This bit is set if the RBNE is not cleared and a new data frame is received through
the receive shift register. An interrupt occurs if the ERRIE bit in USART_CTL2 is
Software can clear this bit by reading the USART_STAT0 and USART_DATA
registers one by one.
0: The USART does not detect a overrun error
1: The USART has detected a overrun error

2 NERR Noise error flag

When the OSB bit in USART_CTL2 is reset, this bit is set if the USART detects
noise on the RX pin when receiving a frame. An interrupt occurs if the ERRIE bit in
USART_CTL2 is set.
GD32F4xx User Manual
Software can clear this bit by reading the USART_STAT0 and USART_DATA
registers one by one.
0: The USART does not detect a noise error
1: The USART has detected a noise error

1 FERR Frame error flag

This bit is set when the RX pin is detected low during the stop bits of a receive
frame. An interrupt occurs if the ERRIE bit in USART_CTL2 is set.
Software can clear this bit by reading the USART_STAT0 and USART_DATA
registers one by one.
0: The USART does not detect a framing error
1: The USART has detected a framing error

0 PERR Parity error flag

This bit is set when the parity bit of a receive frame does not match the expected
parity value. An interrupt occurs if the PERRIE bit in USART_CTL0 is set.
Software can clear this bit the sequence: read the USART_STAT0 register, and
then read or write the USART_DATA register.
0: The USART does not detect a parity error
1: The USART has detected a parity error

19.4.2. Data register (USART_DATA)

Offset: 0x04
Reset value: Undefined

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved DATA[8:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:9 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

8:0 DATA[8:0] Transmit or read data value

Software can write these bits to update the transmit data or read these bits to get
the receive data.
If the parity check function is enabled, when transmit data is written to this register,
the MSB bit (bit 7 or bit 8 depending on the WL bit in USART_CTL0) will be replaced
by the parity bit.

GD32F4xx User Manual
19.4.3. Baud rate register (USART_BAUD)
Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The software must not write this register when the USART is enabled (UEN=1).
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

INTDIV [11:0] FRADIV[3:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

15:4 INTDIV[11:0] Integer part of baud-rate divider

3:0 FRADIV[3:0] Fraction part of baud-rate divider

Software must keep FRADIV[3] bit reset, if the oversample 8 mode is enabled.

19.4.4. Control register 0 (USART_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

15 OVSMOD Oversample mode

0: oversampling by 16
1: oversampling by 8
If SCEN=1, IREN=1 or LMEN=1, OVSMOD is forced to ‘0 by hardware.

14 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

13 UEN USART enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: USART disabled
1: USART enabled

12 WL Word length
0: 8 Data bits
1: 9 Data bits

11 WM Wakeup method in mute mode

0: wake up by idle frame
1: wake up by address match

10 PCEN Parity check function enable

0: Parity check function disabled
1: Parity check function enabled

9 PM Parity mode
0: Even parity
1: Odd parity

8 PERRIE Parity error interrupt enable.

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the PERR bit in USART_STAT0 is set.
0: Parity error interrupt is disabled
1: Parity error interrupt is enabled

7 TBEIE Transmitter buffer empty interrupt enable

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the TBE bit in USART_STAT0 is set.
0: Transmitter buffer empty interrupt is disabled
1: Transmitter buffer empty interrupt is enabled

6 TCIE Transmission complete interrupt enable

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the TC bit in USART_STAT0 is set.
0: Transmission complete interrupt is disabled
1: Transmission complete interrupt is enabled

5 RBNEIE Read data buffer not empty interrupt and overrun error interrupt enable
If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the RBNE bit or the ORERR bit in
USART_STAT0 are set.
0: Read data register not empty interrupt and overrun error interrupt disabled
1: Read data register not empty interrupt and overrun error interrupt enabled

4 IDLEIE IDLE line detected interrupt enable

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the IDLEF bit in USART_STAT0 is set.
0: IDLE line detected interrupt disabled
1: IDLE line detected interrupt enabled

3 TEN Transmitter enable

0: Transmitter is disabled
1: Transmitter is enabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
2 REN Receiver enable
0: Receiver is disabled
1: Receiver is enabled

1 RWU Receiver wakeup from mute mode.

Software can set this bit to make the USART work in mute mode and reset this bit
to wake up the USART.
In wake up by idle frame mode (WM=0), this bit can be reset by hardware when an
idle frame has been detected. In wake up by address match mode (WM=1), this bit
can be reset by hardware when receives an address match frame or set by
hardware when receives an address mismatch frame.
0: Receiver in active mode
1: Receiver in mute mode

0 SBKCMD Send break command

Software can set this be to send a break frame.
Hardware resets this bit automatically when the break frame has been transmitted.
0: Do not transmit a break frame
1: Transmit a break frame

19.4.5. Control register 1 (USART_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved LMEN STB[1:0] CKEN CPL CPH CLEN Reserved. LBDIE LBLEN Reserved ADDR[3:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

14 LMEN LIN mode enable

0: LIN mode disabled
1: LIN mode enabled

13:12 STB[1:0] STOP bits length

00: 1 Stop bit
01: 0.5 Stop bit
10: 2 Stop bits
11: 1.5 Stop bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
Only 1 stop bit and 2 stop bit are available for UART3/4/6/7.

11 CKEN CK pin enable

0: CK pin disabled
1: CK pin enabled
This bit reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

10 CPL CK polarity
This bit specifies the polarity of the CK pin in synchronous mode.
0: The CK pin is in low state when the USART is in idle state
1: The CK pin is in high state when the USART is in idle state
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

9 CPH CK phase
This bit specifies the phase of the CK pin in synchronous mode.
0: The capture edge of the LSB bit is the first edge of CK pin
1: The capture edge of the LSB bit is the second edge of CK pin
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

8 CLEN CK Length
This bit specifies the length of the CK signal in synchronous mode.
0: There are 7 CK pulses for an 8 bit frame and 8 CK pulses for a 9 bit frame
1: There are 8 CK pulses for an 8 bit frame and 9 CK pulses for a 9 bit frame
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

7 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

6 LBDIE LIN break detected interrupt enable

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the LBDF bit in USART_STAT0 is set.
0: LIN break detected interrupt is disabled
1: LIN break detected interrupt is enabled

5 LBLEN LIN break frame length

This bit specifies the length of a LIN break frame.
0: 10 bit
1: 11 bit

4 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

3:0 ADDR[3:0] Address of the USART

In wake up by address match mode (WM=1), the USART enters mute mode when
the LSB 4 bits of a received frame do not equal the ADDR[3:0] bits, and wakes up
when the LSB 4 bits of a received frame equal the ADDR[3:0] bits.

19.4.6. Control register 2 (USART_CTL2)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

11 OSB One sample bit method

This bit selects the sample method. When this bit is set, the USART get only one
sample for a data bit instead of 3 samples per bit. The noise error flag (NERR) is
disabled when the one sample bit method is selected.
0: Three sample bit method
1: One sample bit method

10 CTSIE CTS interrupt enable

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the CTSF bit in USART_STAT0 is set.
0: CTS interrupt is disabled
1: CTS interrupt is enabled
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

9 CTSEN CTS enable

This bit enables the CTS hardware flow control function.
0: CTS hardware flow control disabled
1: CTS hardware flow control enabled
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

8 RTSEN RTS enable

This bit enables the RTS hardware flow control function.
0: RTS hardware flow control disabled
1: RTS hardware flow control enabled
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

7 DENT DMA request enable for transmission

0: DMA request is disabled for transmission
1: DMA request is enabled for transmission

6 DENR DMA request enable for reception

0: DMA request is disabled for reception
1: DMA request is enabled for reception

5 SCEN Smartcard mode enable

This bit enables the smartcard work mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Smartcard Mode disabled
1: Smartcard Mode enabled
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

4 NKEN NACK enable in Smartcard mode

This bit enables the NACK transmission when parity error occurs in smartcard
0: Disable NACK transmission
1: Enable NACK transmission
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

3 HDEN Half-duplex enable

This bit enables the half-duplex USART mode.
0: Half duplex mode is disabled
1: Half duplex mode is enabled

2 IRLP IrDA low-power

This bit selects low-power mode of IrDA mode.
0: Normal mode
1: Low-power mode

1 IREN IrDA mode enable

This bit enables the IrDA mode of USART.
0: IrDA disabled
1: IrDA enabled

0 ERRIE Error interrupt enable

When DMA request for reception is enabled (DENR=1), if this bit is set, an interrupt
occurs when any one of the FERR, ORERR and NERR bits in USART_STAT0 is
0: Error interrupt disabled
1: Error interrupt enabled

19.4.7. Guard time and prescaler register (USART_GP)

Address offset: 0x18
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

GUAT[7:0] PSC[7:0]

rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:16 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

15:8 GUAT[7:0] Guard time value in Smartcard mode

TC flag assertion time is delayed by GUAT[7:0] baud clock cycles.
These bits are not available for UART3/4/6/7.

7:0 PSC[7:0] When the USART IrDA low-power mode is enabled, these bits specify the division
factor that is used to divide the peripheral clock (PCLK1/PCLK2) to generate the
low-power frequency.
00000000: Reserved - never program this value
00000001: divides by 1
00000010: divides by 2
11111111: divides by 255
When the USART works in IrDA normal mode, these bits must be set to 00000001.
When the USART smartcard mode is enabled, the PSC [4:0] bits specify the division
factor that is used to divide the peripheral clock (APB1/APB2) to generate the
smartcard clock (CK). The actual division factor is twice as the PSC [4:0] value.
00000: Reserved - never program this value
00001: divides by 2
00010: divides by 4
11111: divides by 62
The PSC [7:5] bits are reserved in smartcard mode.

19.4.8. Control register 3 (USART_CTL3)

Address offset: 0x80
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register is not available for UART3/4/6/7.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

11 MSBF Most significant bit first

This bit specifies the sequence of the data bits in transmit and receive.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: data is transmitted/received with the LSB first
1: data is transmitted/received with the MSB first
This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1).

10 DINV Data bit level inversion

This bit specifies the polarity of the data bits in transmission and reception.
0: Data bit signal values are not inverted
1: Data bit signal values are inverted
This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1).

9 TINV TX pin level inversion

This bit specifies the polarity of the TX pin.
0: TX pin signal values are not inverted
1: TX pin signal values are inverted
This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1).

8 RINV RX pin level inversion

This bit specifies the polarity of the RX pin.
0: RX pin signal values are not inverted
1: RX pin signal values are inverted
This bit field cannot be written when the USART is enabled (UEN=1).

7:6 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

5 EBIE Interrupt enable bit of end of block event

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the EBF bit in USART_STAT1 is set.
0: End of block interrupt is enabled
1: End of block interrupt is disabled

4 RTIE Interrupt enable bit of receive timeout event

If this bit is set, an interrupt occurs when the RTF bit in USART_STAT1 is set.
0: Receive timeout interrupt is enabled
1: Receive timeout interrupt is disabled

3:1 SCRTNUM[2:0] Smartcard auto-retry number

In Smartcard mode, these bits specify the number of retries in transmit and receive.
In transmission mode, a frame can be retransmitted by SCRTNUM times. If the
frame is NACKed by (SCRTNUM+1) times, the FERR is set.
In reception mode, a frame reception can be tried by (SCRTNUM+1) times. If the
parity bit mismatch event occurs (SCRTNUM+1) times for a frame, the RBNE and
PERR bits are set.
When these bits are configured as 0x0, there will be no automatic retransmission in
transmit mode.

0 RTEN Receiver timeout enable

This bit enables the receive timeout counter of the USART.
0: Receiver timeout function disabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Receiver timeout function enabled

19.4.9. Receiver timeout register (USART_RT)

Address offset: 0x84
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
This register is not available for UART3/4/6/7.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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BL[7:0] RT[23:16]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 BL[7:0] Block Length
These bits specify the block length in Smartcard T=1 Reception. Its value equals to
the number of information characters + the length of the Epilogue Field (1-LEC/2-
CRC) - 1.
This value, which must be programmed only once per received block, can be
programmed after the start of the block reception (using the data from the LEN
character in the Prologue Field). The block length counter is reset when TBE=0 in
Smartcard mode.
In other modes, when REN=0 (receiver disabled), or when the EBF bit of
USART_STAT1 is written to 0, the Block length counter is reset.

23:0 RT[23:0] Receiver timeout threshold

These bits are used to specify receiver timeout value in terms of number of baud
If Smartcard mode is not enabled, the RTF bit of USART_STAT1 is set if no new
start bit is detected longer than RT bits time after the last received character.
If Smartcard mode is enabled, the CWT and BWT are implemented by this value.
In this case, the timeout measurement is started from the start bit of the last received
These bits can be written on the fly. The RTF flag will be set if the new value is lower
than or equal to the internal timeout counter. These bits must only be programmed
once per received character.

19.4.10. Status register 1 (USART_STAT1)

Address offset: 0x88
Reset value: 0x0000 00C0
GD32F4xx User Manual
This register is not available for UART3/4/6/7.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved BSY

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved EBF RTF Reserved

w0 w0

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

16 BSY Busy flag

This bit is set when the USART is receiving a data frame.
0: USART reception path is idle
1: USART reception path is working

15:13 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

12 EBF End of block flag

This bit is set when the number of received bytes (from the start of the block,
including the prologue) is equal or greater than BLEN + 4. An interrupt occurs if the
EBIE bit in USART_CTL3 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it.
0: End of Block event not occurs
1: End of Block event has occurred

11 RTF Receiver timeout flag

This bit is set when the RX pin is in idle state for longer than RT bits time. An interrupt
occurs if the RTIE bit in USART_CTL3 is set.
Software can clear this bit by writing 0 to it.
0: Receiver timeout event not occurs
1: Receiver timeout event has occurred

10:0 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

19.4.11. Coherence control register (USART_CHC)

Address offset: 0xC0
Reset value: 0x0000_0000
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved EPERR Reserved BCM PCM HCM

w0c rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:9 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

8 EPERR Early parity error flag. This flag will be set as soon as the parity bit has been
detected, which is before RBNE flag. This flag is cleared by writing 0.
0: No parity error is detected
1: Parity error is detected

7:3 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

2 BCM Break frame coherence mode

0: When the CTS flow is enabled, the transmitter does not check the nCTS input
state to send a break
1: When the CTS flow is enabled, the transmitter checks the nCTS input state to
send a break
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

1 PCM Parity check coherence mode

0: In case of wakeup by an address match: the MSB bit of the data is taken into
account to identify an address but not the parity bit. And the receiver does not check
the parity of the address data (PERR is not set in case of a parity error)
1: In case of wakeup by an address match, the receiver check the parity of the
address data and PERR is set in case of a parity error

0 HCM Hardware flow control coherence mode

0: nRTS signal equals to RBNE bit in USART_STAT0 register
1: nRTS signal is set when the last data bit (parity bit when PCE is set) has been
This bit is reserved for UART3/4/6/7.

GD32F4xx User Manual
20. Inter-integrated circuit interface (I2C)

20.1. Overview

The I2C (inter-integrated circuit) module provides an I2C interface which is a two-line serial
interface for MCU to communicate with external I2C interface.I2C bus uses two serial lines:
a serial data line, SDA (serial data line), and a serial clock line, SCL (serial clock line).

The I2C interface implements standard I2C protocol with standard-mode and fast-mode as
well as CRC calculation and checking, SMBus (system management bus) and PMBus (power
management bus). It also supports multi-master I2C bus. The I2C interface provides DMA
mode for users to reduce CPU overload.

20.2. Characteristics

 Parallel-bus to I2C-bus protocol conversion and interface

 Both master and slave functions with the same interface

 Bi-directional data transfer between master and slave

 Supports 7-bit and 10-bit addressing and General Call Addressing

 Multi-master capability

 Supports standard-mode (up to 100 kHz) and fast-mode (up to 400 kHz)

 Configurable SCL stretching in slave mode

 Supports DMA mode

 SMBus 2.0 and PMBus compatible

 2 Interrupts: one for successful byte transmission and the other for error event

 Optional PEC (packet error checking) generation and check

 Support SAM_V mode

 Digital and analog noise filters

20.3. Function overview

Figure 20-1. I2C module block diagram below provides details of the internal
configuration of the I2C interface.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 20-1. I2C module block diagram

PEC register

CRC Calculation /

SDA SDA Controller Shift Register

SCL SCL Controller
filter Data Register

SMBA Control Registers

Timing and
Control Logic
Status Flags

DMA/ Interrupts

Table 20-1. Definition of I2C-bus terminology (refer to the I2C specification of Philips
Term Description
Transmitter The device which sends data to the bus
Receiver The device which receives data from the bus
Master The device which initiates a transfer, generates clock signals and
terminates a transfer

Slave The device addressed by a master

Multi-master More than one master can attempt to control the bus at the same time
without corrupting the message
Synchronization Procedure to synchronize the clock signals of two or more devices
Arbitration Procedure to ensure that, if more than one master tries to control the
bus simultaneously, only one is allowed to do so and the winning
master’s message is not corrupted

20.3.1. SDA and SCL lines

The I2C module has two external lines, the serial data SDA and serial clock SCL lines. The
two wires carry information between the devices connected to the bus.

Both SDA and SCL are bidirectional lines, connected to a positive supply voltage via current-
source or pull-up resistor. When the bus is free, both lines are HIGH. The output stages of
GD32F4xx User Manual
devices connected to the bus must have an open-drain or open-collect to perform the wired-
AND function. Data on the I2C-bus can be transferred at rates of up to 100 Kbit/s in the
standard-mode and up to 400 Kbit/s in the fast-mode. Due to the variety of different
technology devices (CMOS, NMOS, bipolar) that can be connected to the I2C-bus, the
voltage levels of the logical ‘0’ (LOW) and ‘1’ (HIGH) are not fixed and depend on the
associated level of VDD.

20.3.2. Data validation

The data on the SDA line must be stable during the HIGH period of the clock. The HIGH
or LOW state of the SDA line can only change when the clock signal on the SCL line is
LOW (see Figure 20-2. Data validation). One clock pulse is generated for each data bit
to be transferred.

Figure 20-2. Data validation



20.3.3. START and STOP condition

All transmissions begin with a START (S) and are terminated by a STOP (P) (see Figure
20-3. START and STOP condition).A HIGH to LOW transition on the SDA line while SCL
is HIGH defines a START condition. A LOW to HIGH transition on the SDA line while SCL
is HIGH defines a STOP condition.

Figure 20-3. START and STOP condition





20.3.4. Clock synchronization

Two masters can begin transmitting on a free bus at the same time and there must be a
method for deciding which master takes control of the bus and completes its transmission.
This is done by clock synchronization and bus arbitration. In a single master system, clock
synchronization and bus arbitration are unnecessary.

Clock synchronization is performed using the wired-AND connection of I2C interfaces to

the SCL line. This means that a HIGH to LOW transition on the SCL line causes the

GD32F4xx User Manual
masters concerned to start counting their LOW period, and once a master clock has gone
LOW, it holds the SCL line in that state until the clock HIGH state is reached (see Figure
20-4. Clock synchronization). However, if another clock is still within its LOW period,
the LOW to HIGH transition of this clock may not change the state of the SCL line. The
SCL line is therefore held LOW by the master with the longest LOW period. Masters with
shorter LOW period enter a HIGH wait-state during this time.

Figure 20-4. Clock synchronization

wait count



20.3.5. Arbitration

Arbitration, like synchronization, is part of the protocol where more than one master is used
in the system. Slaves are not involved in the arbitration procedure.

A master may start a transfer only if the bus is free. Two masters may generate a START
condition within the minimum hold time of the START condition which results in a valid START
condition on the bus. Arbitration is then required to determine which master will complete its

Arbitration proceeds bit by bit. During every bit, while SCL is HIGH, each master checks
whether the SDA level matches what it has been sent. This process may take many bits. Two
masters can even complete an entire transaction without error, as long as the transmissions
are identical. The first time a master tries to send a HIGH, but detects that the SDA level is
LOW, then the master knows that it has lost the arbitration and turns off its SDA output driver.
The other master goes on to complete its transmission.

Figure 20-5. SDA line arbitration

SDA from 1 0 1 1

SDA from 1 0 1 0

SDA 1 0 1 0


20.3.6. I2C communication flow

Each I2C device is recognized by a unique address (whether it is a microcontroller, LCD driver,
memory or keyboard interface) and can be operated as either a transmitter or receiver,
depending on the function of the device.
GD32F4xx User Manual
An I2C slave will continue to detect addresses after a START condition on I2C bus and
compare the detected address with its slave address which is programmed by software. Once
the two addresses match with each other, the I2C slave will send an ACK to the I2C bus and
response to the following command on I2C bus: transmitting or receiving the desired data.
Additionally, if General Call is enabled by software, the I2C slave always responds to a
General Call Address (0x00). The I2C block supports both 7-bit and 10-bit address modes.

An I2C master always initiates or ends a transfer using START or STOP condition and it’s
also responsible for SCL clock generation.

Figure 20-6. I2C communication flow with 7-bit address

Start Slave address ACK ……………… Stop

data transfer (N+1 bytes)

From master to slave From slave to master

Figure 20-7. I2C communication flow with 10-bit address (Master Transmit)
Slave address byte1
Start W(0) ACK Slave address byte2 ACK DATA0 ACK …… DATAN ACK Stop
1 1 1 1 0 x x
data transfer (N+1 bytes)
From master to slave From slave to master

Figure 20-8. I2C communication flow with 10-bit address (Master Receive)
Slave address byte1 Slave address Slave address
Start W(0) ACK ACK Start R(1) ACK DATA0 ACK …… DATAN NACK Stop
(hreader) byte2 byte1 (hreader)
1 1 1 1 0 x x

write data transfer (N+1 bytes)


From master to slave From slave to master

20.3.7. Programming model

An I2C device such as LCD driver may only be a receiver, whereas a memory can both
receive and transmit data. In addition to transmitters and receivers, devices can also be
considered as masters or slaves when performing data transfers. A master is the device which
initiates a data transfer on the bus and generates the clock signals to permit the transfer. At
that time, any device addressed is considered as a slave.

An I2C device is able to transmit or receive data whether it’s a master or a slave, thus, there’re
4 operation modes for an I2C device:

 Master Transmitter

 Master Receiver

 Slave Transmitter

 Slave Receiver

I2C block supports all of the four I2C modes. After system reset, it works in slave mode. After

GD32F4xx User Manual
sending a START condition on I2C bus, it changes into master mode. The I2C changes back
to slave mode after sending a STOP condition on I2C bus.

Programming model in slave transmitting mode

As is shown in Figure 20-9. Programming model for slave transmitting (10-bit

address mode), the following software procedure should be followed if users wish to
transmit data in slave transmitter mode:

1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related
registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure the correct I2C timing. After being enabled and
configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed
by an address on I2C bus.

2. After receiving a START condition followed by a matched address, either in 7-bit format
or in 10-bit format, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit in I2C_STAT0 register, which
should be monitored by software either by polling or interrupt. After that, software should
read I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1 to clear ADDSEND bit. If 10-bit addressing format
is selected, the I2C master should then send a repeated START(Sr) condition followed
by a header to the I2C bus. The slave sets ADDSEND bit again after it detects the
repeated START(Sr) condition and the following header. Software needs to clear the
ADDSEND bit again by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1.

3. Now I2C enters data transmission stage and hardware sets TBE bit because both the
shift register and data register I2C_DATA are empty. Once TBE is set, software should
write the first byte of data to I2C_DATA register, TBE is not cleared in this case because
the byte written in I2C_DATA is moved to the internal shift register immediately. I2C
begins to transmit data to I2C bus as soon as the shift register is not empty.

4. During the transmission of the first byte, software can write the second byte to I2C_DATA,
and this time TBE is cleared because neither I2C_DATA nor shift register is empty.

5. Any time TBE is set, software can write a byte to I2C_DATA as long as there is still data
to be transmitted.

6. During the transmission of the second last byte, software writes the last data to
I2C_DATA to clear the TBE flag and doesn’t care TBE anymore. So TBE will be set after
the byte’s transmission and not cleared until a STOP condition.

7. I2C master doesn’t acknowledge to the last byte according to the I2C protocol, so after
sending the last byte, I2C slave will wait for the STOP condition on I2C bus and sets
AERR (Acknowledge Error) bit to notify software that the transmission completes.
Software clears AERR bit by writing 0 to it.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 20-9. Programming model for slave transmitting (10-bit address mode)
I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow

1) Software initialization
Master generates START

Master sends Header

Slave sends Acknowledge

Master sends Address

Slave sends Acknowledge
Master generates repeated 2) Clear ADDSEND
START condition
Master sends header
Slave sends Acknowledge
2) Clear ADDSEND
SCL stretched by slave
Set TBE 3) Write DATA(1) to Transfer
buffer register(I2C_DATA)
Slave sends DATA(1)
4) Write DATA(2) to Transfer
Master sends Acknowledge
buffer register(I2C_DATA)
5) Write DATA(3) to Transfer
……(Data transmission) buffer register(I2C_DATA)
Write DATA(x) to Transfer
Slave sends DATA(N-2) buffer register(I2C_DATA)
Master sends Acknowledge
6)Write DATA(N) to Transfer
Slave sends DATA(N-1)
buffer register(I2C_DATA)
Master sends Acknowledge
Slave sends DATA(N)
Master don’t send ACK
Master generates STOP 7) Clear AEER
Clear TBE

Programming model in slave receiving mode

As is shown in Figure 20-10. Programming model for slave receiving (10-bit address
mode) the following software procedure should be followed if users wish to receive data in
slave receiver mode:

1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related
registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure correct I2C timing. After being enabled and
configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed
by address on I2C bus.

2. After receiving a START condition followed by a matched 7-bit or 10-bit address, the I2C
hardware sets the ADDSEND bit in I2C status register 0, which should be monitored by
software either by polling or interrupt. After that software should read I2C_STAT0 and
then I2C_STAT1 to clear ADDSEND bit. The I2C begins to receive data on I2C bus as
soon as ADDSEND bit is cleared.

3. As soon as the first byte is received, RBNE is set by hardware. Software can now read
the first byte from I2C_DATA and RBNE is cleared as well.

GD32F4xx User Manual
4. Any time RBNE is set, software can read a byte from I2C_DATA.

5. After the last byte is received, RBNE is set. Software reads the last byte.

6. STPDET bit is set when I2C detects a STOP condition on I2C bus and software reads
I2C_STAT0 and then writes I2C_CTL0 to clear the STPDET bit.

Figure 20-10. Programming model for slave receiving (10-bit address mode)
I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow

Master generates START
1) Software initialization

Master sends Header

Slave sends Acknowledge

Master sends Address

Slave sends Acknowledge
SCL stretched by slave 2) Clear ADDSEND

Master sends DATA(1)

Slave sends Acknowledge
3) Read DATA(1)
……(Data transmission)

4) Read DATA(x)
Master sends DATA(N)
Slave sends Acknowledge
Master generates STOP 5) Read DATA(N)
6) Clear STPDET

Programming model in master transmitting mode

As is shown in Figure 20-11. Programming model for master transmitting (10-bit

address mode), the following software procedure should be followed if users wish to make
transmit data in master transmitter mode:

1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related
registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure the correct I2C timing. After being enabled and
configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed
by address on I2C bus.

2. Software sets START bit to generate a START condition on I2C bus.

3. After sending a START condition, the I2C hardware sets the SBSEND bit in I2C status
register 0 and enters master mode. Now software should clear the SBSEND bit by
reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing a 7-bit address or header of a 10-bit address to
I2C_DATA. I2C begins to send address or header to I2C bus as soon as SBSEND bit is
cleared. If the address which has been sent is header of a 10-bit address, the hardware
sets ADD10SEND bit after sending the header and software should clear the
ADD10SEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing 10-bit lower address to I2C_DATA.

GD32F4xx User Manual
4. After the 7-bit or 10-bit address has been sent, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit
and software should clear the ADDSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1.

5. Now I2C enters data transmission stage and hardware sets TBE bit because both the
shift register and data register I2C_DATA are empty. Software now writes the first byte
data to I2C_DATA register, but the TBE will not be cleared because the byte written in
I2C_DATA is moved to internal shift register immediately. The I2C begins to transmit data
to I2C bus as soon as the shift register is not empty.

6. During the transmission of the first byte, software can write the second byte to I2C_DATA,
and this time TBE is cleared because neither I2C_DATA nor shift register is empty.

7. Any time TBE is set, software can write a byte to I2C_DATA as long as there is still data
to be transmitted.

8. During the transmission of the second last byte, software writes the last data to
I2C_DATA to clear the TBE flag and doesn’t care TBE anymore. So TBE will be asserted
after the byte’s transmission and not be cleared until a STOP condition.

9. After sending the last byte, I2C master sets BTC bit because both the shift register and
I2C_DATA are empty. Software should set the STOP bit to generate a STOP condition,
then the I2C clears both TBE and BTC flags.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 20-11. Programming model for master transmitting (10-bit address mode)
I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow

1) Software initialization


Master generates START
SCL stretched by master Set SBSEND
3) Clear SBSEND

Master sends Header

Slave sends Acknowledge
SCL stretched by master 4) Clear ADD10SEND

Master sends Address

Slave sends Acknowledge
4) Clear ADDSEND
SCL stretched by master
Set TBE 5) Write DATA(1) to Transfer
buffer register (I2C_DATA)
Master sends DATA(1)
6) Write DATA(2) to Transfer
Slave sends Acknowledge
buffer register (I2C_DATA)
7) Write DATA(3) to Transfer
……(Data transmission) buffer register (I2C_DATA)
Write DATA(x) to Transfer
Master sends DATA(N-2)
buffer register (I2C_DATA)
Slave sends Acknowledge
Set TBE 8)Write DATA(N) to Transfer
Master sends DATA(N-1) buffer register (I2C_DATA)
Slave sends Acknowledge
Master sends DATA(N)
Slave sends Acknowledge
SCL stretched by master 9) Set STOP
Master generates STOP

Programming model in master receiving mode

In master receiving mode, a master is responsible for generating NACK for the last byte
reception and then sending a STOP condition on I2C bus. So, special attention should be
paid to ensure the correct ending of data reception. Two solutions for master receiving are
provided here for applications: Solution A and B. Solution A requires the software’s quick
response to I2C events, while Solution B doesn’t.

Solution A

1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related
registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure the correct I2C timing. After being enabled and
configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed
by address on I2C bus.

2. Software sets START bit to generate a START condition on I2C bus.

3. After sending a START condition, the I2C hardware sets the SBSEND bit in I2C status
register 0 and enters master mode. Now software should clear the SBSEND bit by
reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing a 7-bit address or header of a 10-bit address to
I2C_DATA. I2C begins to send address or header to I2C bus as soon as SBSEND bit is
GD32F4xx User Manual
cleared. If the address which has been sent is header of a 10-bit address, the hardware
sets ADD10SEND bit after sending header and software should clear the ADD10SEND
bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing 10-bit lower address to I2C_DATA.

4. After the 7-bit or 10-bit address has been sent, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit
and software should clear the ADDSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1.
If the address is in 10-bit format, software should then set START bit again to generate
a repeated START condition on I2C bus and SBSEND is set after the repeated START
is sent out. Software should clear the SBSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing
header to I2C_DATA. Then the header is sent out to I2C bus, and ADDSEND is set again.
Software should again clear ADDSEND by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1.

5. As soon as the first byte is received, RBNE is set by hardware. Software now can read
the first byte from I2C_DATA and RBNE is cleared as well.

6. Any time RBNE is set, software can read a byte from I2C_DATA.

7. After the second last byte is received, the software should clear ACKEN bit and set STOP
bit. These actions should complete before the end of the last byte’s receiving to ensure
that NACK will be sent for the last byte.

8. After the last byte is received, RBNE is set. Software reads the last byte. I2C doesn’t
send ACK for the last byte and it generates a STOP condition after the transmission of
the last byte.

The above steps require byte number N>1. If N=1, Step 7 should be performed after Step 4
and completed before the end of the single byte’s receiving.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 20-12. Programming model for master receiving using Solution A (10-bit
address mode)
I2C Line State Hardware Software Flow
1) Software initialization


START Condition

SCL Strechd Set SBSEND

3) Clear SBSEND

Master sends Header

Slave sends Acknowledge
SCL stretched by master 4) Clear ADD10SEND

Master sends Address

Slave sends Acknowledge
4) Clear ADDSEND
SCL stretched by master
Master generates repeated
START condition
SCL stretched by master Set SBSEND
4) Clear SBSEND

Master sends Header

Slave sends Acknowledge
4) Clear ADDSEND
SCL stretched by master

Slave sends DATA(1)

Master sends Acknowledge

5) Read DATA(1)
……(Data transmission)

Read DATA(x)
Slave sends DATA(N-1)
Master sends Acknowledge
6) Read DATA(N-1)
Slave sends DATA(N)
Master don’t send Ack 7) Clear ACKEN,Set STOP

Master generates STOP Set RBNE

8) Read DATA(N)

Solution B

1. First of all, software should enable I2C peripheral clock as well as configure clock related
registers in I2C_CTL1 to make sure the correct I2C timing. After being enabled and
configured, I2C operates in its default slave state and waits for START condition followed
by address on I2C bus.

2. Software sets START bit to generate a START condition on I2C bus.

3. After sending a START condition, the I2C hardware sets the SBSEND bit in I2C status
register 0 and enters master mode. Now software should clear the SBSEND bit by
reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing a 7-bit address or header of a 10-bit address to
I2C_DATA. I2C begins to send address or header to I2C bus as soon as SBSEND bit is
cleared. If the address which has been sent is a header of 10-bit address, the hardware
sets ADD10SEND bit after sending header and software should clear the ADD10SEND
bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing 10-bit lower address toI2C_DATA.

4. After the 7-bit or 10-bit address has been sent, the I2C hardware sets the ADDSEND bit
GD32F4xx User Manual
and software should clear the ADDSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1.
If the address is in 10-bit format, software should then set START bit again to generate
a repeated START condition on I2C bus and SBSEND is set after the repeated START
is sent out. Software should clear the SBSEND bit by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing
header to I2C_DATA. Then the header is sent out to I2C bus, and ADDSEND is set again.
Software should again clear ADDSEND by reading I2C_STAT0 and then I2C_STAT1.

5. As soon as the first byte is received, RBNE is set by hardware. Software now can read
the first byte from I2C_DATA and RBNE is cleared as well.

6. Any time RBNE is set, software can read a byte from I2C_DATA until the master receives
N-3 bytes.

As shown in Figure 20-13. Programming model for master receiving mode using
solution B (10-bit address mode), the byte (N-2) is not read out by software, so after the
byte (N-1) is received, both BTC and RBNE are asserted. The bus is stretched by master to
prevent the reception of the last byte. Then software should clear ACKEN bit.

7. Software reads out byte (N-2), clearing BTC. After this, the byte (N-1) is moved from shift
register to I2C_DATA and bus is released and begins to receive the last byte. Master
doesn’t send an ACK for the last byte because ACKEN is already cleared.

8. After the last byte is received, both BTC and RBNE are set again, and SCL is stretched
low. Software sets STOP bit and master sends out a STOP condition on bus.

9. Software reads the byte (N-1), clearing BTC. After this the last byte is moved from shift
register to I2C_DATA.

10. Software reads the last byte, clearing RBNE.

The above steps require that byte number N>2. N=1 and N=2 are similar:


In Step4, software should reset ACKEN bit before clearing ADDSEND bit and set STOP bit
after clearing ADDSEND bit. Step 5 is the last step when N=1.


In Step 2, software should set POAP bit before setting START bit. In Step 4, software should
reset ACKEN bit before clearing ADDSEND bit. In Step 5, software should wait until BTC is
set and then set STOP bit and read I2C_DATA twice.

Figure 20-13. Programming model for master receiving mode using solution B (10-bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
address mode)
I2C Line State Hardware Action Software Flow

1) Software initialization


Master generates START
SCL stretched by master Set SBSEND
3) Clear SBSEND

Master sends Header

Slave sends Acknowledge
SCL stretched by master 4) Clear ADD10SEND

Master sends Address

Slave sends Acknowledge

4) Clear ADDSEND
SCL stretched by master
Master generates repeated
START condition
SCL stretched by master Set SBSEND
4) Clear SBSEND

Master sends Header

Slave sends Acknowledge
4) Clear ADDSEND
SCL stretched by master

Slave sends DATA(1)

Master sends Acknowledge

……(Data transmission) 5) Read DATA(1)
Slave sends DATA(N-2) 6) Read DATA(N-3)
Master sends Acknowledge
Slave sends DATA(N-1)
Master sends Acknowledge
Set RBNE and BTC
7) Clear ACKEN
SCL stretched by master
8) Read DATA(N-2)

Slave sends DATA(N)

Master don’t send Ack
Set RBNE and BTC
7) Set STOP
SCL stretched by master
Master generates STOP
condition 8) Read DATA(N-1)

9) Read DATA(N)

20.3.8. SCL line stretching

The SCL line stretching function is designed to avoid overflow error in reception and underflow
error in transmission. As is shown in Programming Model, when the TBE and BTC bits are
set in transmitting mode, the transmitter stretches the SCL line low until the transfer buffer
register is filled with the next data to be transmitted. When the RBNE and BTC bits are set in
receiving mode, the receiver stretches the SCL line low until the data in the transfer buffer is
read out.

GD32F4xx User Manual
When works in slave mode, the SCL line stretching function can be disabled by setting the
SS bit in the I2C_CTL0 register. If this bit is set, the software is required to be quick enough
to serve the TBE, RBNE and BTC status, otherwise, overflow or underflow situation might

20.3.9. Use DMA for data transfer

As is shown in Programming Model, each time TBE/RBNE is asserted, software should

write/read a byte, this may cause CPU to be high overloaded. The DMA controller can be
used to process TBE and RBNE flags: each time TBE/RBNE is asserted, DMA controller does
a read/write operation automatically.

The DMA request is enabled by the DMAON bit in the I2C_CTL1 register. This bit should be
set after clearing the ADDSEND status. If the SCL line stretching function is disabled for a
slave device, the DMAON bit should be set before the ADDSEND event.

Refer to the specification of the DMA controller for the configuration method of DM. The DMA
controller must be configured and enabled before the I2C transfer. When the configured
number of bytes have been transferred, the DMA controller generates End of Transfer (EOT)

When a master receives two or more bytes, the DMALST bit in the I2C_CTL1 register should
be set. The I2C master will not send NACK after the last byte. The software can set the STOP
bit to generate a STOP condition in the ISR of the DMA EOT interrupt.

When a master receives only one byte, the ACKEN bit must be cleared before clearing the
ADDSEND status. Software can set the STOP bit to generate a STOP condition after clearing
the ADDSEND status, or in the ISR of the DMA EOT interrupt.

20.3.10. Packet error checking

There is a CRC-8 calculator in I2C block to perform PEC (Packet Error Checking) for I2C data.
The polynomial of the CRC is x8 + x2 + x + 1 which is compatible with the SMBus protocol. If
enabled by setting PECEN bit, the PEC will calculate all the data transmitted through I2C
including address. I2C is able to send out the PEC value after the last data byte or check the
received PEC value with its calculated PEC using the PECTRANS bit. In DMA mode, the I2C
will send or check PEC value automatically if PECEN bit is set.

20.3.11. Analog and digital noise filters

The I2C protocol requires to supress spikes with length up to 50 ns on the SCL and SDA line
in FM mode. There are two methods that can be used to fulfill this requirement: analog noise
filter and digital noise filter.

The analog noise filter lies between the IO Pins of SCL/SDA and the I2C digital logic. It is an
analog block that can suppress spikes with length up to 50ns. The analog noise filter, which

GD32F4xx User Manual
is enabled by default, can be disabled by setting the AFD bit in the I2C_FCTL register.

The digital noise filter is a digital block lies inside the I2C digital logic. It suppresses spikes
with length up to (DF+1) PCLK cycles on the SCL/SDA inputs. If the analog filter is enabled,
the input of the digital noise filter is the output of the analog noise filter.

The configuration of the analog and digital noise filters can only be changed when I2C is

20.3.12. SMBus support

The System Management Bus (abbreviated to SMBus or SMB) is a single-ended simple two-
wire bus for the purpose of lightweight communication. Most commonly it is found in computer
motherboards for communication with power source for ON/OFF instructions.It is derived from
I2C for communication with low-bandwidth devices on a motherboard, especially power
related chips such as a laptop's rechargeable battery subsystem (see Smart Battery Data).

SMBus protocol

Each message transmission on SMBus follows the format of one of the defined SMBus
protocols. The SMBus protocols are a subset of the data transfer formats defined in the I2C
specifications. I2C devices that can be accessed through one of the SMBus protocols are
compatible with the SMBus specifications. I2C devices that do not adhere to these protocols
cannot be accessed by standard methods as defined in the SMBus and Advanced
Configuration and Power Management Interface (abbreviated to ACPI) specifications.

Address resolution protocol

The SMBus is realized based on I2C hardware and it uses I2C hardware addressing, but it
adds the second-level software for building special systems. Additionally, its specifications
include an Address Resolution Protocol that can make dynamic address allocations. Dynamic
reconfiguration of the hardware and software allows bus devices to be ‘hot-plugged’ and used
immediately, without restarting the system. The devices are recognized automatically and
assigned unique addresses. This advantage results in a plug-and-play user interface. In those
protocols there is a very useful distinction made between a System Host and all the other
devices in the system that can have the names and functions of masters or slaves.

Time-out feature

SMBus has a time-out feature which resets devices if a communication takes too long. This
explains the minimum clock frequency is 10 kHz to prevent locking up the bus. I2C can be a
‘DC’ bus, which means that a slave device stretches the master clock when performing some
routines while the master is accessing it. This will notify the master that the slave is busy but
does not want to lose the communication. The slave device will continue the communication
after its task is completed. There is no limit in the I2C bus protocol of how long this delay can
be, whereas for a SMBus system, it would be limited to 35ms. SMBus protocol just assumes
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that if something takes too long, then it means that there is a problem on the bus and that all
devices must reset in order to solve the problem. Slave devices are not allowed to hold the
clock low too long.

Packet error checking

SMBus 2.0 and 1.1 allow Packet Error Checking (PEC). In that mode, a PEC byte is appended
at the end of each transaction. The byte is a CRC-8 checksum of the entire message including
the address and read/write bit. The polynomial used is x8+x2+x+1 (the CRC-8-ATM HEC
algorithm, initialized to zero).

SMBus alert

The SMBus has an extra optional shared interrupt signal called SMBALERT# which can be
used by slaves to tell the host to ask its slaves about events of interest. SMBus also defines
a less common "Host Notify Protocol", providing similar notifications which is based on the
I2C multi-master mode but it can pass more data.

SMBus communication flow

The programming flow for SMBus is similar to normal I2C. In order to use SMBus mode, the
application should configure several SMBus specific registers, respond to some SMBus
specific flags and implement the upper protocols described in SMBus specification.

1. Before communication, SMBEN bit in I2C_CTL0 should be set and SMBSEL and ARPEN
bits should be configured to desired values.

2. In order to support address resolution protocol (ARP) (ARPEN=1), the software should
respond to HSTSMB flag in SMBus Host Mode (SMBTYPE =1) or DEFSMB flag in
SMBus Device Mode, and implement the function of ARP protocol.

3. In order to support SMBus Alert Mode, the software should respond to SMBALT flag and
implement the related function.

20.3.13. SAM_V support

To support the SAM_V standard, two additional pins are added to the I2C module: txframe
and rxframe. Txframe is an output pin, in master mode, it indicates the I2C is busy when it is
asserted. Rxframe is an input pin that is supposed to be multiplexed together with the
SMBALERT signal.

The SAM_V mode is enabled by setting the SAMEN bit of the I2C_SAMCS register. The
status of the txframe and rxframe pin can be reflected by the RFR, RFF, TFR, TFF, RXF, and
TXF flags of the I2C_SAMCS register. I2C interrupts will be generated if the corresponding
interrupt enable bits are set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
20.3.14. Status, errors and interrupts

There are several status and error flags in I2C, and interrupts may be asserted from these
flags by setting some register bits (refer to Register for detail).

Table 20-2. Event status flags

Event Flag Name Description
SBSEND START condition sent (master)
ADDSEND Address sent or received
ADD10SEND Header of 10-bit address sent
STPDET STOP condition detected
BTC Byte transmission completed
TBE I2C_DATA is empty when transmitting
RBNE I2C_DATA is not empty when receiving
RFR SAM_V mode rxframe pin rising edge is detected
RFF SAM_V mode rxframe pin falling edge is detected
TFR SAM_V mode txframe pin rising edge is detected
TFF SAM_V mode txframe pin falling edge is detected

Table 20-3. I2C error flags

I2C Error Name Description
BERR Bus error
LOSTARB Arbitration lost
OUERR Over-run or under-run when SCL stretch is disabled.
AERR No ACK received
PECERR CRC value doesn’t match
SMBTO Bus timeout in SMBus mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
20.4. I2C registers

I2C0 base address: 0x4000 5400

I2C1 base address: 0x4000 5800

I2C2 base address: 0x4000 5C00

20.4.1. Control register 0 (I2C_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

15 SRESET Software resets I2C, software should wait until the I2C lines are released to reset
the I2C
0: I2C is not reset
1: I2C is reset

14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 SALT SMBus Alert.

Issue alert through SMBA pin.
Software can set and clear this bit and hardware can clear this bit.
0: Don’t issue alert through SMBA pin
1: Issue alert through SMBA pin

12 PECTRANS PEC transfer

Software sets and clears this bit while hardware clears this bit when PEC is
transferred or START/STOP condition is detected I2CEN=0
0: Don’t transfer PEC value
1: Transfer PEC value

11 POAP Position of ACK and PEC when receiving

This bit is set and cleared by software and cleared by hardware when I2CEN=0
0: ACKEN bit specifies whether to send ACK or NACK for the current byte that is
being received. PECTRANS bit indicates that the current receiving byte is a PEC
1: ACKEN bit specifies whether to send ACK or NACK for the next byte that is to

GD32F4xx User Manual
be received, PECTRANS bit indicates the next byte that is to be received is a PEC

10 ACKEN ACK enable

This bit is set and cleared by software and cleared by hardware when I2CEN=0
0: ACK will not be sent
1: ACK will be sent

9 STOP Generate a STOP condition on I2C bus

This bit is set and cleared by software and set by hardware when SMBus timeout
and cleared by hardware when STOP condition is detected.
0: STOP will not be sent
1: STOP will be sent

8 START Generate a START condition on I2C bus

This bit is set and cleared by software and cleared by hardware when a START
condition is detected or I2CEN=0
0: START will not be sent
1: START will be sent

7 SS SCL stretching
Whether to stretch SCL low when data is not ready in slave mode.
This bit is set and cleared by software.
0: SCL stretching is enabled
1: SCL stretching is disabled

6 GCEN General Call enable

Whether or not to respond to a General Call
0: Slave won’t respond to a General Call
1: Slave will respond to a General Call
Note: The General Call address is 0x00.

5 PECEN PEC calculation enable

0: PEC calculation disable
1: PEC calculation enable

4 ARPEN ARP protocol enable

0: ARP is disabled
1: ARP is enabled

3 SMBSEL SMBus type selection

0: Device
1: Host

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 SMBEN SMBus/I2C mode switch

0: I2C mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: SMBus mode

0 I2CEN I2C peripheral enable

0: I2C is disabled
1: I2C is enabled

20.4.2. Control register 1 (I2C_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word(16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

15:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 DMALST Flag indicating DMA last transfer

0: Next DMA EOT is not the last transfer
1: Next DMA EOT is the last transfer

11 DMAON DMA is mode switched on

0: DMA mode switched off
1: DMA mode switched on

10 BUFIE Buffer interrupt enable

0: Buffer interrupt is disabled
1: Buffer interrupt is enabled, which means that interrupt will be generated when
TBE = 1 or RBNE = 1 if EVIE=1

9 EVIE Event interrupt enable

0: Event interrupt is disabled
1: Event interrupt is enabled, which means that interrupt will be generated when
SBSEND, ADDSEND, ADD10SEND, STPDET or BTC flag asserted or TBE=1 or
RBNE=1 if BUFIE=1.

8 ERRIE Error interrupt enable

0: Error interrupt is disabled
1: Error interrupt is enabled, which means that interrupt will be generated when

7:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:0 I2CCLK[5:0] I2C peripheral clock frequency

GD32F4xx User Manual
I2CCLK[5:0] should be the frequency of input APB1 clock in MHz which is at least
000000 - 000001: Not allowed
000010 - 110010: 2 MHz~50MHz
110011 - 111111: Not allowed due to the limitation of APB1 clock
Note: In I2C standard mode, the frequencies of APB1 must be equal or greater
than 2MHz. In I2C fast mode, the frequencies of APB1 must be equal or greater
than 8MHz.

20.4.3. Slave address register 0 (I2C_SADDR0)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved ADDRESS[9:8] ADDRESS[7:1]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

15 ADDFORMAT Address format for the I2C slave
0: 7-bit address
1: 10-bit address

14:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 ADDRESS[9:8] Highest two bits of a 10-bit address

7:1 ADDRESS[7:1] 7-bit address or bits 7:1 of a 10-bit address

0 ADDRESS0 Bit 0 of a 10-bit address

20.4.4. Slave address register 1 (I2C_SADDR1)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved ADDRESS2[7:1] DUADEN

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
7:1 ADDRESS2[7:1] The second I2C address for the slave in Dual-Address mode

0 DUADEN Dual-Address mode enable

0: Dual-Address mode is disabled
1: Dual-Address mode is enabled

20.4.5. Transfer buffer register (I2C_DATA)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved TRB[7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 TRB[7:0] Transmission or reception data buffer

20.4.6. Transfer status register 0 (I2C_STAT0)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed byhalf-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 rc_w0 r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

15 SMBALT SMBus Alert status
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0.
0: SMBA pin not pulled down (device mode) or no Alert detected (host mode)
1: SMBA pin pulled down (device mode) or Alert detected (host mode)

14 SMBTO Timeout signal in SMBus mode

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0.
0: No timeout error
1: Timeout event occurs (SCL is low for 25 ms)

13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
12 PECERR PEC error when receiving data
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0.
0: Received PEC matches calculated PEC
1: Received PEC doesn’t match calculated PEC, I2C will send NACK careless of
ACKEN bit.

11 OUERR Over-run or under-run situation occurs in slave mode, when SCL stretching is
disabled. In slave receiving mode, if the last byte in I2C_DATA is not read out
while the following byte is already received, overrun occurs. In slave transmitting
mode, if the current byte is already sent out, while the I2C_DATA is still empty,
under-run occurs.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0.
0: No over-run or under-run occurs.
1: Over-run or under-run occurs.

10 AERR ACK error

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0.
0: No ACK error
1: ACK error

9 LOSTARB Arbitration lost in master mode

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0.
0: No arbitration lost
1: Arbitration lost occurs and the I2C block changes back to slave mode.

8 BERR Bus error

A bus error occurs which indicates an unexpected START or STOP condition on
I2C bus.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by writing 0.
0: No bus error
1: A bus error detected

7 TBE I2C_DATA is empty during transmitting

This bit is set by hardware after it moves a byte from I2C_DATA to shift register
and cleared by writing a byte to I2C_DATA. If both the shift register and
I2C_DATA are empty, writing I2C_DATA won’t clear TBE (refer to Programming
Model for detail).
0:I2C_DATA is not empty
1:I2C_DATA is empty, software can write

6 RBNE I2C_DATA is not empty during receiving

This bit is set by hardware after it moves a byte from shift register to I2C_DATA
and cleared by reading I2C_DATA. If both BTC and RBNE are asserted, reading
I2C_DATA won’t clear RBNE because the shift register’s byte will be moved to
I2C_DATA immediately.
0: I2C_DATA is empty

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: I2C_DATA is not empty, software can read

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 STPDET STOP condition is detected in slave mode

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and then writing
0: STOP condition not detected in slave mode
1: STOP condition detected in slave mode

3 ADD10SEND Header of 10-bit address is sent in master mode

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing
0: No header of 10-bit address is sent in master mode
1: Header of 10-bit address is sent in master mode

2 BTC Byte transmission is completed.

If a byte is already received in shift register but I2C_DATA is still full in receiving
mode or a byte is already sent out from shift register but I2C_DATA is still empty
in transmitting mode, the BTC flag is asserted.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by 3 ways as follow:
Software clearing: reading I2C_STAT0 followed by reading or writing I2C_DATA
Hardware clearing: sending the STOP condition or START condition
Bit 0 (I2CEN bit) of the I2C_CTL0 is reset.
0: BTC not asserted
1: BTC asserted

1 ADDSEND Address is sent in master mode or received and matches in slave mode.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and reading
0: No address is sent or received
1: Address is sent out in master mode or a matched address is received in salve

0 SBSEND START condition is sent out in master mode

This bit is set by hardware and cleared by reading I2C_STAT0 and writing
0: No START condition sent
1: START condition sent

20.4.7. Transfer status register 1 (I2C_STAT1)

Address offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

GD32F4xx User Manual
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

15:8 PECV[7:0] Packet Error Checking value that calculated by hardware when PEC is enabled.

7 DUMODF Dual flag in slave mode indicates which address matches with the address in
Dual-Address mode
This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0
0: The address matches with SADDR0 address
1: The address matches with SADDR1 address

6 HSTSMB SMBus host Header detected in slave mode

This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0
0: No SMBus host Header is detected
1: SMBus host Header is detected

5 DEFSMB Default address of SMBus device

This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0.
0: The default address has not been received
1: The default address has been received for SMBus device

4 RXGC General call address (0x00) received.

This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0.
0: No general call address (0x00) received
1: General call address (0x00) received

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 TR Transmitter or receiver
This bit indicates whether the I2C is a transmitter or a receiver. It is cleared by
hardware after a STOP or a START condition or I2CEN=0 or LOSTARB=1.
0: Receiver
1: Transmitter

1 I2CBSY Busy flag

This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP condition
0: No I2C communication.
1: I2C communication active.

0 MASTER Master mode

A flag indicating whether I2C block is in master or slave mode.
This bit is set by hardware after a START condition generates.
This bit is cleared by hardware after a STOP condition or I2CEN=0 or
0: Slave mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Master mode

20.4.8. Clock configure register (I2C_CKCFG)

Address offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FAST DTCY Reserved CLKC[11:0]

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

15 FAST I2C speed selection in master mode
0: Standard speed
1: Fast speed

14 DTCY Duty cycle in fast mode

0: Tlow /Thigh = 2
1: Tlow /Thigh = 16/9

13:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 CLKC[11:0] I2C clock control in master mode

In standard speed mode: Thigh = Tlow = CLKC ∗ TPCLK1
In fast speed mode if DTCY=0:
Thigh = CLKC ∗ TPCLK1 , Tlow = 2 ∗ CLKC ∗ TPCLK1
In fast speed mode if DTCY=1:
Thigh = 9 ∗ CLKC ∗ TPCLK1 , Tlow = 16 ∗ CLKC ∗ TPCLK1
Note: If DTCY is 0, when PCLK1 is an integral multiple of 3, the baud rate will be
more accurate. If DTCY is 1, when PCLK1 is an integral multiple of 25, the baud
rate will be more accurate.

20.4.9. Rise time register (I2C_RT)

Address offset: 0x20

Reset value: 0x0002

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RISETIME[5:0]


GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
15:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:0 RISETIME[5:0] Maximum rise time in master mode

The RISETIME value should be the maximum SCL rise time incremented by 1.

20.4.10. Filter control register (I2C_FCTL)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved AFD DF

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

15:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 AFD Analog noise filter disable

0: Enable analog noise filter
1:Disable analog noise filter

3:0 DF[3:0] Digital noise filter

The Digital noise filter can filter spikes with the maximum length of DF[3:0] PCLK1
cycles on the input pins: SCL and SDA.
0000: Disable Digital noise filter
0001: Enable Digital noise filter and the maximum length of filtered spike up to 1
PCLK1 cycles.
1111: Enable Digital noise filter and the maximum length of filtered spike up to 15
PCLK1 cycles.

20.4.11. SAM control and status register (I2C_SAMCS)

Address offset: 0x80

Reset value: 0x0000

This register can be accessed by half-word (16-bit) or word (32-bit)

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r_w0 r_w0 r_w0 r_w0 r r rw rw rw rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
15 RFR Rxframe rise flag, cleared by software by writing 0

14 RFF Rxframe fall flag, cleared by software by writing 0

13 TFR Txframe rise flag, cleared by software by writing 0

12 TFF Txframe fall flag, cleared by software by writing 0

11:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 RXF Level of rxframe signal

8 TXF Level of txframe signal

7 RFRIE Rxframe rise interrupt enable

0: Rxframe rise interrupt disabled
1: Rxframe rise interrupt enabled

6 RFFIE Rxframe fall interrupt enable

0: Rxframe fall interrupt disabled
1: Rxframe fall interrupt enabled

5 TFRIE Txframe rise interrupt enable

0: Txframe rise interrupt disabled
1: Txframe rise interrupt enabled

4 TFFIE Txframe fall interrupt enable

0: Txframe fall interrupt disabled
1: Txframe fall interrupt enabled

3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 STOEN SAM_V interface timeout detect enable

0: SAM_V interface timeout detect disabled
1: SAM_V interface timeout detect enabled

0 SAMEN SAM_V interface enable

0: SAM_V interface disabled
1: SAM_V interface enabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
21. Serial peripheral interface/Inter-IC sound (SPI/I2S)

21.1. Overview

The SPI/I2S module can communicate with external devices using the SPI protocol or the I2S
audio protocol.

The Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) provides a SPI protocol of data transmission and
reception function in master or slave mode. Both full-duplex and simplex communication
modes are supported, with hardware CRC calculation and checking. Quad-SPI master mode
is also supported in SPI5.

The inter-IC sound (I2S) supports four audio standards: I2S Phillips standard, MSB justified
standard, LSB justified standard, and PCM standard. I2S works at either master or slave
mode for transmission and reception. (By using two extra I2S modules called I2S1_ADD and
I2S2_ADD, I2S full duplex mode is also supported in SPI1 and SPI2.)

21.2. Characteristics

21.2.1. SPI characteristics

 Master or slave operation with full-duplex or simplex mode
 Separate transmit and receive buffer, 16 bits wide
 Data frame size can be 8 or 16 bits
 Bit order can be LSB first or MSB first
 Software and hardware NSS management
 Hardware CRC calculation , transmission and checking
 Transmission and reception using DMA
 SPI TI mode supported
 Quad-SPI configuration available in master mode(only in SPI5)

21.2.2. I2S characteristics

 Master or slave operation with transmission or reception mode
 Master or slave operation with full-duplex mode(only in SPI1 and SPI2)
 Four I2S standards supported: Phillips, MSB justified, LSB justified and PCM standard
 Data length can be 16 bits, 24 bits or 32 bits
 Channel length can be 16 bits or 32 bits
 Transmission and reception using a 16 bits wide buffer
 Audio sample frequency can be 8 kHz to 192 kHz using I2S clock divider
 Programmable idle state clock polarity
 Master clock (MCK) can be output
 Transmission and reception using DMA

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.3. SPI block diagram

Figure 21-1. Block diagram of SPI


Clock Generator I


TxRx Control Logic O PAD


TX Buffer
Shift Register O PAD IO2
RX Buffer O PAD

21.4. SPI signal description

21.4.1. Normal configuration (Not Quad-SPI Mode)

Table 21-1. SPI signal description

Pin Name Direction Description

Master: SPI Clock Output

Slave: SPI Clock Input

Master: Data reception line

Slave: Data transmission line
MISO I/O Master with Bidirectional mode: Not used
Slave with Bidirectional mode: Data transmission and
reception Line.

Master: Data transmission line

Slave: Data reception line
MOSI I/O Master with Bidirectional mode: Data transmission and
reception Line.
Slave with Bidirectional mode: Not used
Software NSS Mode: Not Used
Master in Hardware NSS Mode: NSS output (NSSDRV=1) for
NSS I/O single master or (NSSDRV=0) for multi-master application.
Slave in Hardware NSS Mode: NSS input, as a chip select
signal for slave.

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.4.2. Quad-SPI configuration

SPI is in single wire mode by default and enters into Quad-SPI mode after QMOD bit in
SPI_QCTL register is set (only available in SPI5). Quad-SPI mode can only work at master

Software is able to drive IO2 and IO3 pins high in normal Non-Quad-SPI mode by using
IO23_DRV bit in SPI_QCTL register.

The SPI is connected to external devices through 6 pins in Quad-SPI mode:

Table 21-2. Quad-SPI signal description

Pin Name Direction Description

SCK O SPI Clock Output

MOSI I/O Transmission or Reception Data 0 line
MISO I/O Transmission or Reception Data 1 line
IO2 I/O Transmission or Reception Data 2 line
IO3 I/O Transmission or Reception Data 3 line
NSS O NSS output

21.5. SPI function overview

21.5.1. SPI clock timing and data format

CKPL and CKPH bits in SPI_CTL0 register decide the timing of SPI clock and data signal.
The CKPL bit decides the SCK level when idle and CKPH bit decides either first or second
clock edge is a valid sampling edge. These bits take no effect in TI mode.

Figure 21-2. SPI timing diagram in normal mode


MOSI D[0] D[7]
LF=1,FF16=0 MISO D[0] D[7]


GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 21-3. SPI timing diagram in Quad-SPI mode (CKPL=1, CKPH=1, LF=0)


MOSI D[4] D[0] D[4] D[0]

MISO D[5] D[1] D[5] D[1]

IO2 D[6] D[2] D[6] D[2]

IO3 D[7] D[3] D[7] D[3]



In normal mode, the length of data is configured by the FF16 bit in the SPI_CTL0 register.
Data length is 16 bits if FF16=1, otherwise is 8 bits. The data frame length is fixed to 8 bits in
Quad-SPI mode.

Data order is configured by LF bit in SPI_CTL0 register, and SPI will first send the LSB if LF=1,
or the MSB if LF=0. The data order is fixed to MSB first in TI mode.

21.5.2. NSS function

Slave Mode

When slave mode is configured (MSTMOD=0), SPI gets NSS level from NSS pin in hardware
NSS mode (SWNSSEN = 0) or from SWNSS bit in software NSS mode (SWNSSEN = 1) and
transmits/receives data only when NSS level is low. In software NSS mode, NSS pin is not

Master mode

In master mode (MSTMOD=1) if the application uses multi-master connection, NSS can be
configured to hardware input mode (SWNSSEN=0, NSSDRV=0) or software mode
(SWNSSEN=1). Then, once the NSS pin (in hardware NSS mode) or the SWNSS bit (in
software NSS mode) goes low, the SPI automatically enters to slave mode and triggers a
master fault flag CONFERR.

If the application wants to use NSS line to control the SPI slave, NSS should be configured
to hardware output mode (SWNSSEN=0, NSSDRV=1). NSS stays high after SPI is enabled
and goes low when transmission or reception process begins.

The application may also use a general purpose IO as NSS pin to realize more flexible NSS.

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.5.3. SPI operation modes

Table 21-3. SPI operation modes

Mode Description Register Configuration Data Pin Usage

RO = 0 MOSI: Transmission
MFD Master Full-Duplex
BDEN = 0 MISO: Reception
BDOEN: Don’t care
Master Transmission with RO = 0 MOSI: Transmission
unidirectional connection BDEN = 0 MISO: Not used
BDOEN: Don’t care
Master Reception with RO = 1 MOSI: Not used
unidirectional connection BDEN = 0 MISO: Reception
BDOEN: Don’t care
Master Transmission with RO = 0 MOSI: Transmission
bidirectional connection BDEN = 1 MISO: Not used
Master Reception with RO = 0 MOSI: Reception
bidirectional connection BDEN = 1 MISO: Not used
RO = 0 MOSI : Reception
SFD Slave Full-Duplex
BDEN = 0 MISO: Transmission
BDOEN: Don’t care
Slave Transmission with RO = 0 MOSI: Not used
unidirectional connection BDEN = 0 MISO: Transmission
BDOEN: Don’t care
Slave Reception with RO = 1 MOSI: Reception
unidirectional connection BDEN = 0 MISO: Not used
BDOEN: Don’t care
Slave Transmission with RO = 0 MOSI: Not used
bidirectional connection BDEN = 1 MISO: Transmission
Slave Reception with MSTMOD = 0 MOSI: Not used
bidirectional connection RO = 0 MISO: Reception

GD32F4xx User Manual
Mode Description Register Configuration Data Pin Usage

BDEN = 1

Figure 21-4. A typical Full-duplex connection

Master Slave




Figure 21-5. A typical simplex connection (Master: Receive, Slave: Transmit)

Master Slave




Figure 21-6. A typical simplex connection (Master: Transmit only, Slave: Receive)

Master Slave




GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 21-7. A typical bidirectional connection

Master Slave




SPI initialization sequence

Before transmiting or receiving data, application should follow the SPI initialization sequence
described below:
1. If master mode or slave TI mode is used, program the PSC[2:0] bits in SPI_CTL0 register
to generate SCK with desired baud rate or configure the Td time in TI mode, otherwise,
ignore this step.
2. Program data format (FF16 bit in the SPI_CTL0 register).
3. Program the clock timing register (CKPL and CKPH bits in the SPI_CTL0 register).
4. Program the frame format (LF bit in the SPI_CTL0 register).
5. Program the NSS mode (SWNSSEN and NSSDRV bits in the SPI_CTL0 register)
according to the application’s demand as described above in 21.5.2section.
6. If TI mode is used, set TMOD bit in SPI_CTL1 register, otherwise, ignore this step.
7. Configure MSTMOD, RO, BDEN and BDOEN depending on the operation modes
described above.
8. If Quad-SPI mode is used, set the QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register. Ignore this step if
Quad-SPI mode is not used.
9. Enable the SPI (set the SPIEN bit).

SPI basic transmission and reception sequence

Transmission sequence

After the initialization sequence, the SPI is enabled and stays at idle state. In master mode,
the transmission starts when the application writes a data into the transmit buffer. In slave
mode the transmission starts when SCK clock signal begins to toggle at SCK pin and NSS
level is low, so application should ensure that data is already written into transmit buffer before
the transmission starts in slave mode.

When SPI begins to send a data frame, it first loads this data frame from the data buffer to
the shift register and then begins to transmit the loaded data frame, TBE (transmit buffer
empty) flag is set after the first bit of this frame is transmited. After TBE flag is set, which
means the transmit buffer is empty, the application should write SPI_DATA register again if it
has more data to transmit.

GD32F4xx User Manual
In master mode, software should write the next data into SPI_DATA register before the
transmission of current data frame is completed if it desires to generate continuous

Reception sequence

The incoming data will be moved from shift register to the receive buffer after the last valid
sample clock and also, RBNE (receive buffer not empty) will be set. The application should
read SPI_DATA register to get the received data and this will clear the RBNE flag automatically.
In MRU and MRB modes, hardware continuously sends clock signal to receive the next data
frame, while in full-duplex master mode (MFD), hardware only receives the next data frame
when the transmit buffer is not empty.

SPI operation sequence in different modes (Not Quad-SPI or TI mode)

In full-duplex mode, either MFD or SFD, application should monitor the RBNE and TBE flags
and follow the sequences described above.

The transmission mode (MTU, MTB, STU or STB) is similar to full-duplex mode, except that
application should ignore the RBNE and OVRE flags and only perform transmission sequence
described above.

In master reception mode (MRU or MRB), the behavior is different from full-duplex mode or
transmission mode. In MRU or MRB mode, the SPI continuously generates SCK just after
SPI is enabled, until the SPI is disabled. So the application should ignore the TBE flag and
read out reception buffer in time after the RBNE flag is set, otherwise a data overrun fault will

The slave reception mode (SRU or SRB) is similar to full-duplex mode, except that application
should ignore the TBE flag and only perform reception sequence described above.

SPI TI mode

SPI TI mode takes NSS as a special frame header flag signal and its operation sequence is
similar to normal mode described above. The modes described above (MFD, MTU, MRU,
MTB, MRB, SFD, STU, SRU, STB and SRB) are still supported in TI mode. While, in TI mode
the CKPL and CKPH bits in SPI_CTL0 registers take no effect and the SCK sample edge is
falling edge.

Figure 21-8. Timing diagram of TI master mode with discontinuous transfer



GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 21-9. Timing diagram of TI master mode with continuous transfer



In master TI mode, SPI can perform continuous or non-continuous transfer. If the master
writes SPI_DATA register fast enough, the transfer is continuous, otherwise non-continuous.
In non-continuous transfer there is an extra header clock cycle before each byte. While in
continuous transfer, the extra header clock cycle only exists before the first byte and the
following bytes’ header clock is overlaid at the last bit of pervious bytes.

Figure 21-10. Timing diagram of TI slave mode


In Slave TI mode, after the last rising edge of SCK in transfer, the slave begins to transmit the
LSB bit of the last data byte, and after a half-bit time, the master begins to sample the line.
To make sure that the master samples the right value, the slave should continue to drive this
bit after the falling sample edge of SCK for a period of time before releasing the pin. This time
is called 𝑇𝑑 . 𝑇𝑑 is decided by PSC[2:0] bits in SPI_CTL0 register.

𝑇𝑑 = + 5 ∗ Tpclk (21-1)

For example, if PSC[2:0] = 010, 𝑇𝑑 is 9*Tpclk.

In slave mode, the slave also monitors the NSS signal and sets an error flag FE if it detects
an incorrect NSS behavior, for example: toggles at the middle bit of a byte.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Quad-SPI mode operation sequence

The Quad-SPI mode is designed to control quad SPI flash.

In order to enter Quad-SPI mode, the software should first verify that the TBE bit is set and
TRANS bit is cleared, then set QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register. In Quad-SPI mode, BDEN,
BDOEN, CRCEN, CRCNT, FF16, RO and LF in SPI_CTL0 register should be kept cleared
and MSTMOD should be set to ensure that SPI is in master mode. SPIEN, PSC, CKPL and
CKPH should be configured as desired.

There are 2 operation modes in Quad-SPI mode: quad write and quad read, decided by QRD
bit in SPI_QCTL register.

Quad write operation

SPI works in quad write mode when QMOD is set and QRD is cleared in SPI_QCTL register.
In this mode, MOSI, MISO, IO2 and IO3 are all used as output pins. SPI begins to generate
clock on SCK line and transmit data on MOSI, MISO, IO2 and IO3 as soon as data is written
into SPI_DATA (TBE is cleared) and SPIEN is set. Once SPI starts transmission, it always
checks TBE status at the end of a frame and stops when condition is not met.

The operation flow for transmitting in quad mode:

1. Configure clock prescaler, clock polarity, phase, etc. in SPI_CTL0 and SPI_CTL1 based
on your application requirements.
2. Set QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register and then enable SPI by setting SPIEN in SPI_CTL0.
3. Write the byte to SPI_DATA register and the TBE will be cleared.
4. Wait until TBE is set by hardware again before writing the next byte.

Figure 21-11. Timing diagram of quad write operation in Quad-SPI mode

Software Write
Hadware Sets TBE again



MOSI D1[4] D1[0] D2[4] D2[0]

MISO D1[5] D1[1] D2[5] D2[1]

IO2 D1[6] D1[2] D2[6] D2[2]

IO3 D1[7] D1[3] D2[7] D2[3]

GD32F4xx User Manual
Quad read operation

SPI works in quad read mode when QMOD and QRD are both set in SPI_QCTL register. In
this mode, MOSI, MISO, IO2 and IO3 are all used as input pins. SPI begins to generate clock
on SCK line as soon as a data is written into SPI_DATA (TBE is cleared) and SPIEN is set.
Writing data into SPI_DATA is only to generate SCK clocks, so the written data can be any
value. Once SPI starts transmission, it always checks SPIEN and TBE status at the end of a
frame and stops when condition is not met. So, software should always write dummy data
into SPI_DATA to make SPI generate SCK.

The operation flow for receiving in quad mode:

1. Configure clock prescaler, clock polarity, phase, etc. in SPI_CTL0 and SPI_CTL1
register based on your application requirements.
2. Set QMOD and QRD bits in SPI_QCTL register and then enable SPI by setting SPIEN
in SPI_CTL0 register.
3. Write an arbitrary byte (for example, 0xFF) to SPI_DATA register.
4. Wait until the RBNE flag is set and read SPI_DATA to get the received byte.
5. Write an arbitrary byte (for example, 0xFF) to SPI_DATA to receive the next byte.

Figure 21-12. Timing diagram of quad read operation in Quad-SPI mode

Hadware Sets TBE Software Writes

Software Writes
SPI_DATA Software Reads




MOSI D1[4] D1[0] D2[4] D2[0]

MISO D1[5] D1[1] D2[5] D2[1]

IO2 D1[6] D1[2] D2[6] D2[2]

IO3 D1[7] D1[3] D2[7] D2[3]

GD32F4xx User Manual
SPI disabling sequence

Different sequences are used to disable the SPI in different operation modes:


Wait for the last RBNE flag and then receive the last data. Confirm that TBE=1 and TRANS=0.
At last, disable the SPI by clearing SPIEN bit.


Write the last data into SPI_DATA and wait until the TBE flag is set and then wait until the
TRANS flag is cleared. Disable the SPI by clearing SPIEN bit.


After getting the second last RBNE flag, read out this data and delay for a SCK clock time
and then, disable the SPI by clearing SPIEN bit. Wait until the last RBNE flag is set and read
out the last data.


Application can disable the SPI when it doesn’t want to receive data, and then wait until the
TRANS=0 to ensure the on-going transfer completes.

TI mode

The disabling sequence of TI mode is the same as the sequences described above.

Quad-SPI mode

Before leaving quad wire mode or disabling SPI, software should first check that, TBE bit is
set and TRANS bit is cleared, then the QMOD bit in SPI_QCTL register and SPIEN bit in
SPI_CTL0 register are cleared.

21.5.4. DMA function

The DMA function frees the application from data writing and reading process during transfer,
thus improve the system efficiency.

DMA function in SPI is enabled by setting DMATEN and DMAREN bits in SPI_CTL1 register.
To use DMA function, application should first correctly configure DMA modules, then configure
SPI module according to the initialization sequence, at last enable SPI.

After being enabled, If DMATEN is set, SPI will generate a DMA request each time TBE=1,
then DMA will acknowledge to this request and write data into the SPI_DATA register
automatically. If DMAREN is set, SPI will generate a DMA request each time RBNE=1, then
DMA will acknowledge to this request and read data from the SPI_DATA register automatically.

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.5.5. CRC function

There are two CRC calculators in SPI: one for transmission and the other for reception. The
CRC calculation uses the polynomial in SPI_CRCPOLY register.

Application can switch on the CRC function by setting CRCEN bit in SPI_CTL0 register. The
CRC calculators continuously calculate CRC for each bit transmitted and received on lines,
and the calculated CRC values can be read from SPI_TCRC and SPI_RCRC register.

To transmit the calculated CRC value, application should set the CRCNT bit in SPI_CTL0
register after the last data is written to the transmit buffer. In full-duplex mode (MFD or SFD)
the SPI treats the incoming data as a CRC value when it transmits a CRC and will check the
received CRC value. In reception mode (MRB, MRU, SRU and SRB), the application should
set the CRCNT bit after the second-last data frame is received. When CRC checking fails,
the CRCERR flag will be set.

If DMA function is enabled, application doesn’t need to operate CRCNT bit and hardware will
automatically process the CRC transmitting and checking.

21.6. SPI interrupts

21.6.1. Status flags

 Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE)

This bit is set when the transmit buffer is empty, the software can write the next data to the
transmit buffer by writing the SPI_DATA register.

 Receive buffer not empty flag (RBNE)

This bit is set when receive buffer is not empty, which means that one data is received and
stored in the receive buffer, and software can read the data by reading the SPI_DATA register.

 SPI Transmitting On-Going flag (TRANS)

TRANS is a status flag to indicate whether the transfer is on-going or not. It is set and cleared
by internal hardware and not controlled by software. This flag doesn’t generate any interrupt.

21.6.2. Error conditions

 Configuration Fault Error (CONFERR)

CONFERR is an error flag in master mode. In NSS hardware mode and the NSSDRV is not
enabled, the CONFERR is set when the NSS pin is pulled low. In NSS software mode, the
CONFERR is set when the SWNSS bit is 0. When the CONFERR is set, the SPIEN bit and
the MSTMOD bit are cleared by hardware, the SPI is disabled and the device is forced into
slave mode.

The SPIEN and MSTMOD bit are write protection until the CONFERR is cleared. The
GD32F4xx User Manual
CONFERR bit of the slave cannot be set. In a multi-master configuration, the device can be
in slave mode with CONFERR bit set, which means there might have been a multi-master
conflict for system control.

 Rx Overrun Error (RXORERR)

The RXORERR bit is set if a data is received when the RBNE is set. That means, the last
data has not been read out and the newly incoming data is received. The receive buffer
contents won’t be covered with the newly incoming data, so the newly incoming data is lost.

 Format Error (FERR)

In slave TI mode, the slave also monitors the NSS signal and set an error flag if it detects an
incorrect NSS behavior, for example: toggles at the middle bit of a byte.

 CRC Error (CRCERR)

When the CRCEN bit is set, the CRC value received in the SPI_RCRC register will be
compared with the CRC value received immediately after the last frame of data. The
CRCERR will set when they are different.

Table 21-4. SPI interrupt requests

Flag Description Clear Method
enable bit
TBE Transmit buffer empty Write SPI_DATA register. TBEIE
RBNE Receive buffer not empty Read SPI_DATA register RBNEIE
Read or write SPI_STAT
CONFERR Configuration Fault Error register, then write SPI_CTL0
Read SPI_DATA register, then ERRIE
RXORERR Rx Overrun Error
read SPI_STAT register.
CRCERR CRC error Write 0 to CRCERR bit
FERR TI Mode Format Error Write 0 to FERR bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.7. I2S block diagram

Figure 21-13. Block diagram of I2S

Control Clock Generator

Registers O

Master Control Logic


Slave Control Logic

TX Buffer bits
MSB Shift Register LSB

RX Buffer bits

There are five sub modules to support I2S function, including control registers, clock generator,
master control logic, slave control logic and shift register. All the user configuration registers
are implemented in the control registers module, including the TX buffer and RX buffer. The
clock generator is used to produce I2S communication clock in master mode. The master
control logic is implemented to generate the I2S_WS signal and control the communication
in master mode. The slave control logic is implemented to control the communication in slave
mode according to the received I2SCK and I2S_WS. The shift register handles the serial data
transmission and reception on I2S_SD.

21.8. I2S signal description

There are four pins on the I2S interface, including I2S_CK, I2S_WS, I2S_SD and I2S_MCK.
I2S_CK is the serial clock signal, which shares the same pin with SPI_SCK. I2S_WS is the
frame control signal, which shares the same pin with SPI_NSS. I2S_SD is the serial data
signal, which shares the same pin with SPI_MOSI. I2S_MCK is the master clock signal. In
SPI0, SPI3 and SPI4, MCK shares the same pin with SPI_MISO. In SPI1 and SPI2, MCK has
a dedicated pin. MCK is an optional signal for I2S interface. It produces a frequency rate equal
to 256 x Fs, and Fs is the audio sampling frequency.

21.9. I2S function overview

21.9.1. I2S audio standards

The I2S audio standard is selected by the I2SSTD bits in the SPI_I2SCTL register. Four audio

GD32F4xx User Manual
standards are supported, including I2S Phillips standard, MSB justified standard, LSB justified
standard, and PCM standard. All standards except PCM handle audio data time-multiplexed
on two channels (the left channel and the right channel). For these standards, the I2S_WS
signal indicates the channel side. For PCM standard, the I2S_WS signal indicates frame
synchronization information.

The data length and the channel length are configured by the DTLEN bits and CHLEN bit in
the SPI_I2SCTL register. Since the channel length must be greater than or equal to the data
length, four packet types are available. They are 16-bit data packed in 16-bit frame, 16-bit
data packed in 32-bit frame, 24-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, and 32-bit data packed in 32-
bit frame. The data buffer for transmission and reception is 16-bit wide. In the case that the
data length is 24 bits or 32 bits, two write or read operations to or from the SPI_DATA register
are needed to complete a frame. In the case that the data length is 16 bits, only one write or
read operation to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame. When using
16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, 16-bit 0 is inserted by hardware automatically to extend
the data to 32-bit format.

For all standards and packet types, the most significant bit (MSB) is always sent first. For all
standards based on two channels time-multiplexed, the channel left is always sent first
followed by the channel right.

I2S Phillips standard

For I2S Phillips standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the falling edge of I2S_CK.
The timing diagrams for each configuration are shown below.

Figure 21-14. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-15. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1)

When the packet type is 16-bit data packed in 16-bit frame, only one write or read operation
to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame.

Figure 21-16. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

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Figure 21-17. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

When the packet type is 32-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, two write or read operations to or
from the SPI_DATA register are needed to complete a frame. In transmission mode, if a 32-
bit data is going to be sent, the first data written to the SPI_DATA register should be the higher
16 bits, and the second one should be the lower 16 bits. In reception mode, if a 32-bit data is
received, the first data read from the SPI_DATA register should be higher 16 bits, and the
second one should be the lower 16 bits.

Figure 21-18. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-19. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

When the packet type is 24-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, two write or read operations to or
from the SPI_DATA register are needed to complete a frame. In transmission mode, if a 24-
bit data D[23:0] is going to be sent, the first data written to the SPI_DATA register should be
the higher 16 bits D[23:8], and the second one should be a 16-bit data. The higher 8 bits of
this 16-bit data should be D[7:0] and the lower 8 bits can be any value. In reception mode, if
a 24-bit data D[23:0] is received, the first data read from the SPI_DATA register is D[23:8],
and the second one is a 16-bit data. The higher 8 bits of this 16-bit data are D[7:0] and the
lower 8 bits are zeros.

Figure 21-20. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-21. I2S Phillips standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

GD32F4xx User Manual
When the packet type is 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, only one write or read operation
to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame. The 16 remaining bits are
forced by hardware to 0x0000 to extend the data to 32-bit format.

MSB justified standard

For MSB justified standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the falling edge of I2S_CK.
The SPI_DATA register is handled in the exactly same way as that for I2S Phillips standard.
The timing diagrams for each configuration are shown below.

Figure 21-22. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-23. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=0, CKPL=1)

Figure 21-24. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-25. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=10, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

Figure 21-26. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

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Figure 21-27. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

Figure 21-28. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-29. MSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

LSB justified standard

For LSB justified standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the falling edge of I2S_CK.
In the case that the channel length is equal to the data length, LSB justified standard and
MSB justified standard are exactly the same. In the case that the channel length is greater
than the data length, the valid data is aligned to LSB for LSB justified standard while the valid
data is aligned to MSB for MSB justified standard. The timing diagrams for the cases that the
channel length is greater than the data length are shown below.

Figure 21-30. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-31. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=01, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

When the packet type is 24-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, two write or read operations to or
from the SPI_DATA register are needed to complete a frame. In transmission mode, if a 24-
bit data D[23:0] is going to be sent, the first data written to the SPI_DATA register should be
a 16-bit data. The higher 8 bits of the 16-bit data can be any value and the lower 8 bits should
be D[23:16]. The second data written to the SPI_DATA register should be D[15:0]. In reception

GD32F4xx User Manual
mode, if a 24-bit data D[23:0] is received, the first data read from the SPI_DATA register is a
16-bit data. The high 8 bits of this 16-bit data are zeros and the lower 8 bits are D[23:16]. The
second data read from the SPI_DATA register is D[15:0].

Figure 21-32. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=0)

Figure 21-33. LSB justified standard timing diagram (DTLEN=00, CHLEN=1, CKPL=1)

When the packet type is 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame, only one write or read operation
to or from the SPI_DATA register is needed to complete a frame. The 16 remaining bits are
forced by hardware to 0x0000 to extend the data to 32-bit format.

PCM standard

For PCM standard, I2S_WS and I2S_SD are updated on the rising edge of I2S_CK, and the
I2S_WS signal indicates frame synchronization information. Both the short frame
synchronization mode and the long frame synchronization mode are available and
configurable using the PCMSMOD bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register. The SPI_DATA register is
handled in the exactly same way as that for I2S Phillips standard. The timing diagrams for
each configuration of the short frame synchronization mode are shown below.

Figure 21-34. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-35. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-36. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram

GD32F4xx User Manual

Figure 21-37. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-38. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure21-39. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram


Figure 21-40. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-41. PCM standard short frame synchronization mode timing diagram

The timing diagrams for each configuration of the long frame synchronization mode are shown

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 21-42. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure21-43. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram


Figure 21-44. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-45. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-46. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-47. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram

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Figure 21-48. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram

Figure 21-49. PCM standard long frame synchronization mode timing diagram

21.9.2. I2S clock

Figure 21-50. Block diagram of I2S clock generator

I2SCLK Configurable I2S_MCK
frequency dividing ratio =
DIV * 2 + OF 0
1 I2S_CK

The block diagram of I2S clock generator is shown above. The I2S interface clocks are
configured by the DIV bits, the OF bit, the MCKOEN bit in the SPI_I2SPSC register and the
CHLEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register. The I2S bitrate can be calculated by the formulas
shown in the following table.

Table 21-5. I2S bitrate calculation formulas


0 0 I2SCLK / (DIV * 2 + OF)

0 1 I2SCLK / (DIV * 2 + OF)

GD32F4xx User Manual

1 0 I2SCLK / (8 * (DIV * 2 + OF))

1 1 I2SCLK / (4 * (DIV * 2 + OF))

The relationship between audio sampling frequency (Fs) and I2S bitrate is defined by the
following formula.

Fs = I2S bitrate / (number of bits per channel * number of channels)

So, in order to get the desired audio sampling frequency, the clock generator needs to be
configured according to the formulas listed in the following table.

Table 21-6. Audio sampling frequency calculation formulas


0 0 I2SCLK / (32 * (DIV * 2 + OF))

0 1 I2SCLK / (64 * (DIV * 2 + OF))

1 0 I2SCLK / (256 * (DIV * 2 + OF))

1 1 I2SCLK / (256 * (DIV * 2 + OF))

The source of I2S clock can be either from PLLI2S or an external I2S_CKIN pin, and this is
programmable in RCU. Software should carefully calculate the factor of I2S and PLLI2S to
get the most accurate audio sampling frequency. If PLLI2S cannot meet the application’s
precision demand, an external precise I2S clock can be imported from I2S_CKIN pin.

21.9.3. Operation

Operation modes

The operation mode is selected by the I2SOPMOD bits in the SPI_I2SCTL register. There are
four available operation modes, including master transmission mode, master reception mode,
slave transmission mode, and slave reception mode. The direction of I2S interface signals for
each operation mode is shown in the following table.

Table 21-7. Direction of I2S interface signals for each operation mode
Operation mode I2S_MCK I2S_CK I2S_WS I2S_SD I2S_ADD_SD(2)

output or
Master transmission output output output NU(1)
output or
Master reception output output input NU(1)
input or
Slave transmission input input output NU(1)
input or
Slave reception input input input NU(1)

GD32F4xx User Manual
Operation mode I2S_MCK I2S_CK I2S_WS I2S_SD I2S_ADD_SD(2)

output or output or
Full-duplex output output Input or output
NU(1) input
1. NU means the pin is not used by I2S and can be used by other functions.
2. To support full-duplex operation in I2S1 and I2S2, there are two extra I2S modules in chip
called I2S_ADD1 and I2S_ADD2. I2S_ADD_SD is the data pin of I2S_ADD module. Full-
duplex will be described later in this chapter.

I2S initialization sequence

I2S initialization sequence contains five steps shown below. In order to initialize I2S working
in master mode, all the five steps should be done. In order to initialize I2S working in slave
mode, only step 2, step 3, step 4 and step 5 should be done.
 Step 1: Configure the DIV[7:0] bits, the OF bit, and the MCKOEN bit in the SPI_I2SPSC
register, in order to define the I2S bitrate and whether I2S_MCK needs to be provided or
 Step 2: Configure the CKPL in the SPI_I2SCTL register, in order to define the idle state
clock polarity.
 Step 3: Configure the I2SSEL bit, the I2SSTD[1:0] bits, the PCMSMOD bit, the
I2SOPMOD[1:0] bits, the DTLEN[1:0] bits, and the CHLEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register,
in order to define the I2S feature.
 Step 4: Configure the TBEIE bit, the RBNEIE bit, the ERRIE bit, the DMATEN bit, and
the DMAREN bit in the SPI_CTL1 register, in order to select the potential interrupt
sources and the DMA capabilities. This step is optional.
 Step 5: Set the I2SEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register to enable I2S.

I2S master transmission sequence

The TBE flag is used to control the transmission sequence. As is mentioned before, the TBE
flag indicates that the transmit buffer is empty, and an interrupt will be generated if the TBEIE
bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. At the beginning, the transmit buffer is empty (TBE is high)
and no transmission sequence is processing in the shift register. When a half word is written
to the SPI_DATA register (TBE goes low), the data is transferred from the transmit buffer to
the shift register (TBE goes high) immediately. At the moment, the transmission sequence
begins. The data is parallel loaded into the 16-bit shift register, and shifted out serially to the
I2S_SD pin, MSB first. The next data should be written to the SPI_DATA register, when the
TBE flag is high. After a write operation to the SPI_DATA register, the TBE flag goes low.
When the current transmission finishes, the data in the transmit buffer is loaded into the shift
register, and the TBE flag goes back high. Software should write the next audio data into
SPI_DATA register before the current data finishes, otherwise, the audio data transmission is
not continuous.

For all standards except PCM, the I2SCH flag is used to distinguish the channel side to which
the data to transfer belongs. The I2SCH flag is refreshed at the moment when the TBE flag
goes high. At the beginning, the I2SCH flag is low, indicating the left channel data should be
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written to the SPI_DATA register.

In order to switch off I2S, it is mandatory to clear the I2SEN bit after the TBE flag is high and
the TRANS flag is low.

I2S master reception sequence

The RBNE flag is used to control the reception sequence. As is mentioned before, the RBNE
flag indicates the receive buffer is not empty, and an interrupt will be generated if the RBNEIE
bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. The reception sequence begins immediately when the
I2SEN bit in the SPI_I2SCTL register is set. At the beginning, the receive buffer is empty
(RBNE is low). When a reception sequence finishes, the received data in the shift register is
loaded into the receive buffer (RBNE goes high). The data should be read from the SPI_DATA
register, when the RBNE flag is high. After a read operation to the SPI_DATA register, the
RBNE flag goes low. It is mandatory to read the SPI_DATA register before the end of the next
reception. Otherwise, reception overrun error occurs. The RXORERR flag is set and an
interrupt may be generated if the ERRIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. In this case, it is
necessary to switch off and then switch on I2S before resuming the communication.

For all standards except PCM, the I2SCH flag is used to distinguish the channel side to which
the received data belongs. The I2SCH flag is refreshed at the moment when the RBNE flag
goes high.

Different sequences are used to disable the I2S in different standards, data length and
channel length. The sequences for each case are described below.

 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame in the LSB justified standard (DTLEN = 00, CHLEN =
1, and I2SSTD = 10)
1. Wait for the second last RBNE
2. Then wait 17 I2S CK clock (clock on I2S_CK pin) cycles
3. Clear the I2SEN bit

 16-bit data packed in 32-bit frame in the audio standards except the LSB justified
standard (DTLEN = 00, CHLEN = 1, and I2SSTD is not equal to 10)
1. Wait for the last RBNE
2. Then wait one I2S clock cycle
3. Clear the I2SEN bit

 For all other cases

1. Wait for the second last RBNE
2. Then wait one I2S clock cycle
3. Clear the I2SEN bit

I2S slave transmission sequence

The transmission sequence in slave mode is similar to that in master mode. The difference
between them is described below.

In slave mode, the slave has to be enabled before the external master starts the
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communication. The transmission sequence begins when the external master sends the clock
and when the I2S_WS signal requests the transfer of data. The data has to be written to the
SPI_DATA register before the master initiates the communication. Software should write the
next audio data into SPI_DATA register before the current data finishe. Otherwise,
transmission underrun error occurs. The TXURERR flag is set and an interrupt may be
generated if the ERRIE bit in the SPI_CTL1 register is set. In this case, it is mandatory to
switch off and switch on I2S to resume the communication. In slave mode, I2SCH is sensitive
to the I2S_WS signal coming from the external master.

In order to switch off I2S, it is mandatory to clear the I2SEN bit after the TBE flag is high and
the TRANS flag is low.

I2S slave reception sequence

The reception sequence in slave mode is similar to that in master mode. The difference
between them is described below.

In slave mode, the slave has to be enabled before the external master starts the
communication. The reception sequence begins when the external master sends the clock
and when the I2S_WS signal indicates a start of the data transfer. In slave mode, I2SCH is
sensitive to the I2S_WS signal coming from the external master.

In order to switch off I2S, it is mandatory to clear the I2SEN bit immediately after receiving
the last RBNE.

I2S Full-Duplex Mode

A single I2S only supports one-way transmission: transmit or receive mode. I2S full-duplex is
supported by using an extra I2S module: I2S_ADD simultaneously with I2S. I2S_ADD module
has the same function with I2S module, but can only work in slave mode. There are two
I2S_ADD modules: I2S_ADD1 and I2S_ADD2, so only I2S1 and I2S2 support full-duplex
mode. I2S_ADD’s I2S_CK and I2S_WS are internally connected to its respective I2S’s
respective ports. I2S_ADD’s I2S_SD pin is mapped to respective I2S’s SPI_MISO pin.

In order to work in full-duplex mode, application should enable the I2S module as well as its
corresponding I2S_ADD module. I2S supports two full-duplex modes: master mode and salve

In master full-duplex mode, software should set I2S as a master, and I2S_ADD as a slave.
Then I2S_ADD’s WS and SCK signals come from the master I2S.

In slave full-duplex mode, software should set both I2S and I2S_ADD as slaves. Then, the
WS and CK signals of both I2S_ADD and I2S come from external.

Application may configure I2S into either a transmitter or a receiver and thus, configure
I2S_ADD into opposite data direction. During transmission, software should operate registers
and handle interrupts for both I2S and I2S_ADD to make a full-duplex transmission.

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.9.4. DMA function

DMA function is the same as SPI mode. The only difference is that the CRC feature is not
available in I2S mode.

21.10. I2S interrupts

21.10.1. Status flags

There are four status flags implemented in the SPI_STAT register, including TBE, RBNE,
TRANS and I2SCH. The user can use them to fully monitor the state of the I2S bus.

 Transmit buffer empty flag (TBE)

This bit is set when the transmit buffer is empty, the software can write the next data to the
transmit buffer by writing the SPI_DATA register.

 Receive buffer not empty flag (RBNE)

This bit is set when receive buffer is not empty, which means that one data is received and
stored in the receive buffer, and software can read the data by reading the SPI_DATA register.

 I2S Transmitting On-Going flag (TRANS)

TRANS is a status flag to indicate whether the transfer is on-going or not. It is set and cleared
by internal hardware and not controlled by software. This flag doesn’t generate any interrupt.

 I2S channel side flag (I2SCH)

This flag indicates the channel side information of the current transfer and has no meaning in
PCM mode. It is updated when TBE rises in transmission mode or RBNE rises in reception
mode. This flag doesn’t generate any interrupt.

21.10.2. Error conditions

There are three error conditions:

 Transmission Underrun Error Flag (TXURERR)

In the slave transmit mode, when the valid SCK signal starts transmitting, if the transmit buffer
is empty, TXURERR will be set.

 Reception Overrun Error Flag (RXORERR)

This condition occurs when the receive buffer is full and a newly incoming data has been
completely received. When overrun occurs, the data in receive buffer is not updated and the
newly incoming data is lost.

 Format Error (FERR)

In slave I2S mode, the I2S monitors the I2S_WS signal and an error flag will be set if I2S_WS
GD32F4xx User Manual
toggles at an unexpected position.

I2S interrupt events and corresponding enabled bits are summed up in the following table.

Table 21-8. I2S interrupt

Flag Name Description Clear Method
Enable bit
TBE Transmit buffer empty Write SPI_DATA register TBEIE
RBNE Receive buffer not empty Read SPI_DATA register RBNEIE
TXURERR Transmission underrun error Read SPI_STAT register
Read SPI_DATA register and
RXORERR Reception overrun error ERRIE
then read SPI_STAT register.
FERR I2S Format Error Read SPI_STAT register

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.11. Register definition

I2S1_add base address: 0x4000 3400

SPI1/I2S1 base address: 0x4000 3800

SPI2/I2S2 base address: 0x4000 3C00

I2S2_add base address: 0x4000 4000

SPI0 base address: 0x4001 3000

SPI3 base address: 0x4001 3400

SPI4 base address: 0x4001 5000

SPI5 base address: 0x4001 5400

21.11.1. Control register 0 (SPI_CTL0)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

This register has no meaning in I2S mode.

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 BDEN Bidirectional enable

0: 2 line unidirectional transmit mode
1: 1 line bidirectional transmit mode. The information transfers between the MOSI
pin in master and the MISO pin in slave.

14 BDOEN Bidirectional transmit output enable

When BDEN is set, this bit determines the direction of transfer.
0: Work in receive-only mode
1: Work in transmit-only mode

13 CRCEN CRC calculation enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: CRC calculation is disabled
1: CRC calculation is enabled.

12 CRCNT CRC next transfer

0: Next transfer is Data
1: Next transfer is CRC value (TCR)
When the transfer is managed by DMA, CRC value is transferred by hardware.
This bit should be cleared.
In full-duplex or transmit-only mode, set this bit after the last data is written to
SPI_DATA register. In receive only mode, set this bit after the second last data is

11 FF16 Data frame format

0: 8-bit data frame format
1: 16-bit data frame format

10 RO Receive only
When BDEN is cleared, this bit determines the direction of transfer.
0: Full-duplex
1: Receive-only

9 SWNSSEN NSS software mode selection

0: NSS hardware mode. The NSS level depends on NSS pin.
1: NSS software mode. The NSS level depends on SWNSS bit.
This bit has no meaning in SPI TI mode.

8 SWNSS NSS pin selection in NSS software mode

0: NSS pin is pulled low
1: NSS pin is pulled high
This bit has an effect only when the SWNSSEN bit is set.
This bit has no meaning in SPI TI mode.

7 LF LSB first mode

0: Transmit MSB first
1: Transmit LSB first
This bit has no meaning in SPI TI mode.

6 SPIEN SPI enable

0: SPI peripheral is disabled
1: SPI peripheral is enabled

5:3 PSC[2:0] Master clock prescaler selection

000: PCLK/2 100: PCLK/32
001: PCLK/4 101: PCLK/64
010: PCLK/8 110: PCLK/128
011: PCLK/16 111: PCLK/256
PCLK means PCLK2 when using SPI0, SPI3, SPI4 and SPI5 or PCLK1 when

GD32F4xx User Manual
using SPI1 and SPI2.

2 MSTMOD Master mode enable

0: Slave mode
1: Master mode

1 CKPL Clock polarity selection

0: CLK pin is pulled low when SPI is idle
1: CLK pin is pulled high when SPI is idle

0 CKPH Clock phase selection

0: Capture the first data at the first clock transition.
1: Capture the first data at the second clock transition

21.11.2. Control register 1 (SPI_CTL1)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 TBEIE Transmit buffer empty interrupt enable

0: TBE interrupt is disabled.
1: TBE interrupt is enabled. An interrupt is generated when the TBE bit is set

6 RBNEIE Receive buffer not empty interrupt enable

0: RBNE interrupt is disabled.
1: RBNE interrupt is enabled. An interrupt is generated when the RBNE bit is set.

5 ERRIE Errors interrupt enable.

0: Error interrupt is disabled.
1: Error interrupt is enabled. An interrupt is generated when the CRCERR bit or
the CONFERR bit or the RXORERR bit or the TXURERR bit is set.

4 TMOD SPI TI mode enable

0: SPI TI Mode Disabled.

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: SPI TI Mode Enabled.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 NSSDRV Drive NSS output

0: NSS output is disabled.
1: NSS output is enabled.
If the NSS pin is configured as output, the NSS pin is pulled low in master mode
when SPI is enabled.
If the NSS pin is configured as input, the NSS pin should be pulled high in master
mode, and this bit has no effect.

1 DMATEN Transmit buffer DMA enable

0: Transmit buffer DMA is disabled
1: Transmit buffer DMA is enabled. When the TBE bit in SPI_STAT is set, it will
generate a DMA request at corresponding DMA channel.

0 DMAREN Receive buffer DMA enable

0: Receive buffer DMA is disabled
1: Receive buffer DMA is enabled, when the RBNE bit in SPI_STAT is set, it will
generate a DMA request at corresponding DMA channel.

21.11.3. Status register (SPI_STAT)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0002

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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rc_w0 r r r rc_w0 r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 FERR Format error

SPI TI Mode:
0: No TI Mode format error
1: TI Mode format error occurs.
I2S Mode:
0: No I2S format error
1: I2S format error occurs.

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set by hardware and is able to be cleared by writing 0.

7 TRANS Transmitting on-going bit

0: SPI or I2S is idle.
1: SPI or I2S is currently transmitting and/or receiving a frame
This bit is set and cleared by hardware.

6 RXORERR Reception overrun error bit

0: No reception overrun error occurs.
1: Reception overrun error occurs.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read operation on the SPI_DATA
register followed by a read access to the SPI_STAT register.

5 CONFERR SPI configuration error

0: No configuration fault occurs
1: Configuration fault occurred. (In master mode, the NSS pin is pulled low in NSS
hardware mode or SWNSS bit is low in NSS software mode.)
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read or write operation on the
SPI_STAT register followed by a write access to the SPI_CTL0 register.
This bit is not used in I2S mode.

4 CRCERR SPI CRC error bit

0: The SPI_RCRC value is equal to the received CRC data at last.
1: The SPI_RCRC value is not equal to the received CRC data at last.
This bit is set by hardware and is able to be cleared by writing 0.
This bit is not used in I2S mode.

3 TXURERR Transmission underrun error bit

0: No transmission underrun error occurs.
1: Transmission underrun error occurs.
This bit is set by hardware and cleared by a read operation on the SPI_STAT
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

2 I2SCH I2S channel side

0: The next data needs to be transmitted or the data just received is channel left.
1: The next data needs to be transmitted or the data just received is channel right.
This bit is set and cleared by hardware.
This bit is not used in SPI mode, and has no meaning in the I2S PCM mode.

1 TBE Transmit buffer empty

0: Transmit buffer is not empty
1: Transmit buffer is empty

0 RBNE Receive buffer not empty

0: Receive buffer is empty
1: Receive buffer is not empty

GD32F4xx User Manual
21.11.4. Data register (SPI_DATA)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 SPI_DATA[15:0] Data transfer register

The hardware has two buffers, including transmit buffer and receive buffer. Write
data to SPI_DATA will save the data to transmit buffer and read data from
SPI_DATA will get the data from receive buffer.
When the data frame format is set to 8-bit data, the SPI_DATA[15:8] is forced to 0
and the SPI_DATA[7:0] is used for transmission and reception, transmit buffer and
receive buffer are 8-bits. If the Data frame format is set to 16-bit data, the
SPI_DATA[15:0] is used for transmission and reception, transmit buffer and
receive buffer are 16-bit.

21.11.5. CRC polynomial register (SPI_CRCPOLY)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0007

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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CPR [15:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
15:0 CPR[15:0] CRC polynomial register
This register contains the CRC polynomial and it is used for CRC calculation. The
default value is 0007h.

21.11.6. RX CRC register (SPI_RCRC)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 RCR[15:0] RX CRC register

When the CRCERRN bit of SPI_CTL0 is set, the hardware computes the CRC
value of the received bytes and saves them in RCR register. If the Data frame
format is set to 8-bit data, CRC calculation is based on CRC8 standard, and saves
the value in RCR[7:0]. When the Data frame format is set to 16-bit data, CRC
calculation is based on CRC16 standard, and saves the value in RCR[15:0].
The hardware computes the CRC value after each received bit, when the TRANS
is set, a read to this register could return an intermediate value.
This register is reset when the CRCEN bit or the SPIEN bit in SPI_CTL0 register is

21.11.7. TX CRC register (SPI_TCRC)

Address offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 TCR[15:0] TX CRC register

When the CRCEN bit of SPI_CTL0 is set, the hardware computes the CRC value
of the transmitted bytes and saves them in TCR register. If the Data frame format
is set to 8-bit data, CRC calculation is based on CRC8 standard, and saves the
value in TCR [7:0].When the Data frame format is set to 16-bit data, CRC
calculation is based on CRC16 standard, and saves the value in TCR[15:0].
The hardware computes the CRC value after each transmitted bit, when the
TRANS is set, a read to this register could return an intermediate value. The
different frame format (LF bit of the SPI_CTL0) will get different CRC value.
This register is reset when the CRCEN bit or the SPIEN bit in SPI_CTL0 register is

21.11.8. I2S control register (SPI_I2SCTL)

Address offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 I2SSEL I2S mode selection

0: SPI mode
1: I2S mode
This bit should be configured when SPI mode or I2S mode is disabled.

10 I2SEN I2S enable

0: I2S is disabled
1: I2S is enabled
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

9:8 I2SOPMOD[1:0] I2S operation mode

00: Slave transmission mode
01: Slave reception mode
GD32F4xx User Manual
10: Master transmission mode
11: Master reception mode
This bit should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

7 PCMSMOD PCM frame synchronization mode

0: Short frame synchronization
1: long frame synchronization
This bit has a meaning only when PCM standard is used.
This bit should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:4 I2SSTD[1:0] I2S standard selection

00: I2S Phillips standard
01: MSB justified standard
10: LSB justified standard
11: PCM standard
These bits should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
These bits are not used in SPI mode.

3 CKPL Idle state clock polarity

0: The idle state of I2S_CK is low level
1: The idle state of I2S_CK is high level
This bit should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

2:1 DTLEN[1:0] Data length

00: 16 bits
01: 24 bits
10: 32 bits
11: Reserved
These bits should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
These bits are not used in SPI mode.

0 CHLEN Channel length

0: 16 bits
1: 32 bits
The channel length must be equal to or greater than the data length.
This bit should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

21.11.9. I2S clock prescaler register (SPI_I2SPSC)

Address offset: 0x20

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0002

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved MCKOEN OF DIV[7:0]

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 MCKOEN I2S_MCK output enable

0: I2S_MCK output is disabled
1: I2S_MCK output is enabled
This bit should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

8 OF Odd factor for the prescaler

0: Real divider value is DIV * 2
1: Real divider value is DIV * 2 + 1
This bit should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
This bit is not used in SPI mode.

7:0 DIV[7:0] Dividing factor for the prescaler

Real divider value is DIV * 2 + OF.
DIV must not be 0.
These bits should be configured when I2S mode is disabled.
These bits are not used in SPI mode.

21.11.10. Quad-SPI mode control register (SPI_QCTL) of SPI5

Address offset: 0x80

Reset value: 0x0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved IO23_DRV QRD QMOD

rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 IO23_DRV Drive IO2 and IO3 enable

0: IO2 and IO3 are not driven in single wire mode
1: IO2 and IO3 are driven to high in single wire mode
This bit is only available in SPI5.

1 QRD Quad-SPI mode read select.

0: SPI is in quad wire write mode
1: SPI is in quad wire read mode
This bit should be only be configured when SPI is not busy (TRANS bit cleared)
This bit is only available in SPI5.

0 QMOD Quad-SPI mode enable.

0: SPI is in single wire mode
1: SPI is in Quad-SPI mode
This bit should only be configured when SPI is not busy (TRANS bit cleared).
This bit is only available in SPI5.

GD32F4xx User Manual
22. Digital camera interface (DCI)

22.1. Overview

DCI is a parallel interface to capture video or picture from a camera. It supports various color
space such as YUV/RGB, as well as compression format such as JPEG.

22.2. Characteristics

 Digital video/picture capture

 8/10/12/14 data width supported

 High transfer efficiency with DMA interface

 Video/picture crop supported

 Various pixel digital encoding formats supported including YCbCr422/RGB565

 JPEG compression format supported

 Hard/embedded synchronous signals supported

22.3. Block diagram

The DCI contains these modules: Signal Processing, Pixel FIFO, FIFO controller, window
timing, embedded sync detection, DMA interface and control register.

Figure 22-1. DCI module block diagram

PIX_DATA[13:0] Pixel FIFO



DCI_PixClk Detection DMA
DCI_PixData[13:0] FIFO DMA Interface
DCI_Hs Request

Control Register AHB Interface

The signal processing module generates useful signals for other internal modules from
external input signals. The frequency of HCLK should be 2.5 times higher than DCI_PixClk to
ensure the proper operation of signal processing module.

GD32F4xx User Manual
The embedded sync detection module is designed to support embedded synchronization
mode. In DCI embedded synchronization mode, video synchronization information is
embedded into pixel data and there is no hardware horizontal or vertical synchronization
signal (DCI_Hs or DCI_Vs). DCI uses embedded sync detection module to extract
synchronization information from pixel data, and then recover horizontal and vertical
synchronization signals.

The window timing module performs image cutting function. This module calculates a pixel’s
position using synchronization signals either from DCI interface or embedded sync detection
module and then decides whether this pixel data needs to be received according to the
configuration of DCI_CWSPOS and DCI_CWSZ registers.

DCI uses a 4 word (32-bit) FIFO to buffer the received pixel data. If DMA mode is enabled,
the DMA interface asserts a DMA request every time the FIFO is not empty. Control register
provides register interface between DCI and software.

22.4. Signal description

Table 22-1. PINs used by DCI

Direction Name Width Description
Input DCI_PixClk 1 DCI Pixel Clock
Input DCI_PixData 14 DCI Pixel Data
Input DCI_Hs 1 DCI Horizontal Synchronization
Input DCI_Vs 1 DCI Vertical Synchronization

22.5. Function overview

22.5.1. DCI hardware synchronization mode

In DCI hardware synchronization mode (ESM bit in DCI_CTL register is 0), DCI_Hs and
DCI_Vs signals are used to indicate the start of a line and a frame. DCI captures pixel data
from DCI_PixData[13:0] at rising or falling edge of DCI_PixClk (clock polarity is configured by
CKS bit in DCI_CTL).

Figure 22-2. Hardware synchronization mode




DCI_PixData[13:0] Line 0 Line 1 Line 2 Line N-1


The above figure assumes that the polarities of both DCI_Hs and DCI_Vs are high during
GD32F4xx User Manual
blanking period, so the data on DCI_PixData lines is only valid when both DCI_Hs and
DCI_Vs are low.
JPEG mode
DCI supports JPEG video/picture compression format in hardware synchronization mode. In
JPEG mode (JM bit in DCI_CTL is set), the DCI_Vs is used to indicate start of a new frame,
and DCI_Hs is used as stream data valid signal.

Figure 22-3. Hardware synchronization mode: JPEG format supporting




DCI_PixData[13:0] JPEG Data JPEG Data JPEG Data

JPEG Frame

22.5.2. Embedded synchronization mode

DCI supports embedded synchronization mode. In this mode there are only DCI_PixData and
DCI_PixClk signals in DCI interface and the synchronization information is embedded in the
pixel data. This mode is enabled by setting ESM bit and clearing JM bit in DCI_CTL register.

In embedded synchronization mode, line and frame synchronization information is encoded

into sync code and embedded into the pixel data. There are four kinds of sync code: Line
Start(LS), Line End(LE), Frame Start(FS) and Frame End(FE). In this mode the data width is
forced to 8 and each sync code is composed by 4-byte sequence: FF-00-00-MN, and MN is
defined in DCI_SC register. In embedded synchronization mode, the 0xFF and 0x00 should
not appear in pixel data to avoid mistake.

In embedded synchronization mode, DCI starts to detect the sync codes after enabled and
recover line/frame synchronization information. For example, DCI starts to capture a new
frame if it detects a Frame End code and then a Frame Start Code.

When detecting sync code, it is possible to make DCI compare only a few bits of MN byte in
FF_00_00_MN sequence by configuring sync code unmask register (DCI_SCUMSK). DCI
will only compare bits unmasked by DCI_SCUMSK register. For example: LS in DCI_SC
register is A5 and LSM in DCI_SCUMSK is F0, then DCI will only compare the higher 4 bits
for LS sync code and thus, FF-00-00-A6 sequence will also be detected as a LS code.

22.5.3. Capture data using snapshot or continuous capture modes

The DCI supports two capture modes: snapshot and continuous capture. Capture mode is
configured by SNAP bit in DCI_CTL register.

After correctly configure, enable DCI and set CAP bit in DCI_CTL register, the DCI begins to
detect frame start. It begins to capture data once a frame start is detected. In snapshot
GD32F4xx User Manual
mode(SNAP=1), DCI automatically stops capturing and clears the CAP bit after a whole frame
is captured completely, while in continuous mode, DCI prepares to capture the next frame.
The DCI capture frequency is defined by FR[1:0] bits in continuous mode. For example, if
FR[1:0]=00, DCI captures each frame, and if FR[1:0]=01, DCI only captures every alternate

In continuous mode, software may clear the CAP bit any time when DCI is capturing data, but
DCI doesn’t stop capture immediately. It always stops after a complete frame ends. Software
should read back the CAP bit to know whether the DCI stops effectively.

22.5.4. Window function

DCI supports window function which is able to cut a part of image from the captured frame.
Window function is enabled by setting WDEN bit in DCI_CTL register and this function is
disabled in JPEG mode.

DCI continuously counts and calculates pixels’ horizontal and vertical position during
capturing, and compares the position and the values in crop window registers (DCI_CWSPOS
and DCI_CWSZ), and then discards those pixels outside the crop window and only pushes
pixels inside the window into the pixel FIFO.

If a frame ends when the vertical lines size defined in DCI_CWSZ is not reached yet, the end
of frame flag will be triggered and DCI stops the capture.

22.5.5. Pixel formats, data padding and DMA

DCI supports various pixel digital encoding formats including YCbCr422/RGB565. However,
DCI only receives these pixel data, pads these pixels into a word and push into a pixel FIFO.
DCI doesn’t perform any pixel format conversion or data processing and doesn’t care about
the detail of pixel format.

DCI uses a 32-bits width data buffer to transfer between DCI interface and pixel FIFO. These
are two padding method in this module: byte padding and half-word padding, depending on
the data width of DCI interface. Data width is configured by DCIF[1:0] in DCI_CTL register.
The data width is fixed to 8 in JPEG mode and embedded synchronization mode.

The DMA interface sends DMA request when FIFO is not empty.

Byte padding mode

Byte padding mode is used if data width of DCI interface is 8. In byte padding mode four bytes
are filled into the 32-bits width data buffer. In Non-JPEG mode, the DCI pushes the 32-bits
buffer’s data into the pixel FIFO when the buffer is full or meets the end of a line. In JPEG
mode, the DCI pushes the 32-bits buffer’s data into the pixel FIFO when the buffer is full or
meets the end of a frame.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 22-2. Memory view in byte padding mode
D3[7:0] D2[7:0] D1[7:0] D0[7:0]

D7[7:0] D6[7:0] D5[7:0] D4[7:0]

Half-word padding mode

Half-word padding is used if data width of DCI interface is configured into 10/12/14. In this
mode each pixel data is extended into 16-bits length by filling zero at higher position, so the
32-bits width data buffer is able to hold two pixel data. DCI pushes the data buffer into pixel
FIFO each time the buffer is full or line end.

Table 22-3. Memory view in half-word padding mode

2’b00 D1[13:0] 2’b00 D0[13:0]
2’b00 D3[13:0] 2’b00 D2[13:0]
2’b00 D5[13:0] 2’b00 D4[13:0]
2’b00 D7[13:0] 2’b00 D6[13:0]

22.6. Interrupts

There are several status and error flags in DCI, and interrupts may be asserted from these
flags. These status and error flags will assert global DCI interrupt if enabled by corresponding
bit in DCI_INTEN. These flags are cleared by writing into DCI_INTC register.

Table 22-4. Status/Error flags

Status Flag Name Description
ELF End of Line Flag
EFF End of Frame Flag
OVRF FIFO Overrun Flag
VSF Frame VS Blank Flag
ESEF Embedded Sync Error Flag

GD32F4xx User Manual
22.7. Register definition

DCI base address: 0x5005 0000

22.7.1. Control register (DCI_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 DCIEN DCI Enable

0: DCI is disabled
1: DCI is enabled

13:12 Reserved Must keep the reset value

11:10 DCIF[1:0] Digital Camera Interface Format

00: 8-bit data on every pixel clock
01: 10-bit data on every pixel clock
10: 12-bit data on every pixel clock
11: 14-bit data on every pixel clock

9:8 FR[1:0] Frame Rate

FR defines the frame capture rate in continuous capture mode
00: Capture All frames
01: Capture one in 2 frames
10: Capture one in 4 frames
11: reserved

7 VPS Vertical Polarity Selection

0: Low level during blanking period
1: High level during blanking period

6 HPS Horizontal Polarity Selection

0: Low level during blanking period

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: High level during blanking period

5 CKS Clock Polarity Selection

0: Capture at falling edge
1: Capture at rising edge

4 ESM Embedded Synchronous Mode

0: Embedded synchronous mode is disabled
1: Embedded synchronous mode is enabled

3 JM JPEG Mode
0: JPEG mode is disabled
1: JPEG mode is enabled

2 WDEN Window Enable

0: Window is disabled
1: Window is enabled

1 SNAP Snapshot Mode

0: Continuous capture mode
1: Snapshot capture mode

0 CAP Capture Enable

0: Frame not captured
1: Frame is captured

22.7.2. Status register0 (DCI_STAT0)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved FV VS HS

r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 FV FIFO Valid
0: No valid pixel data in FIFO
1: Valid pixel data in FIFO

1 VS VS line status

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Not in vertical blanking period
1: In vertical blanking period

0 HS HS line status
0: Not in horizontal blanking period
1: In horizontal blanking period

22.7.3. Status register1 (DCI_STAT1)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 ELF End of Line Flag

0 : No end of line flag
1: A line is captured by DCI

3 VSF Vsync Flag

0: No vsync flag
1: A vsync blanking detected

2 ESEF Embedded Synchronous Error Flag

0: No Embedded Synchronous Error Flag
1: A Embedded Synchronous Error detected

1 OVRF FIFO Overrun Flag

0: No FIFO Overrun
1: A FIFO overrun occurs

0 EFF End of Frame Flag

0: No end of frame flag
1: A frame is captured by DCI

22.7.4. Interrupt enable register (DCI_INTEN)

Address offset: 0x0C

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 ELIE End of Line Interrupt Enable

0: End of line flag won’t generate interrupt
1: End of line flag will generate interrupt

3 VSIE Vsync Interrupt Enable

0: Vsync flag won’t generate interrupt
1: Vsync flag will generate interrupt

2 ESEIE Embedded Synchronous Error Interrupt Enable

0: Embedded Synchronous Error Flag won’t generate interrupt
1: Embedded Synchronous Error Flag will generate interrupt

1 OVRIE FIFO Overrun Interrupt Enable

0: FIFO Overrun won’t generate interrupt
1: FIFO Overrun will generate interrupt

0 EFIE End of Frame Interrupt Enable

0: End of frame flag won’t generate interrupt
1: End of frame flag will generate interrupt

22.7.5. Interrupt flag register (DCI_INTF)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r r r r r

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 ELIF End of Line Interrupt Flag

3 VSIF Vsync Interrupt Flag

2 ESEIF Embedded Synchronous Error Interrupt Flag

1 OVRIF FIFO Overrun Interrupt Flag

0 EFIF End of Frame Interrupt Flag

22.7.6. Interrupt flag clear register (DCI_INTC)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 ELFC End of Line Flag Clear

Write 1 to clear end of line flag

3 VSFC Vsync flag clear

Write 1 to clear vsync flag

2 ESEFC Clear embedded synchronous Error Flag

Write 1 to clear Embedded Synchronous Error Flag

1 OVRFC Clear FIFO Overrun Flag

Write 1 to clear FIFO Overrun flag

0 EFFC Clear End of Frame Flag

Write 1 to clear end of frame flag

22.7.7. Synchronization codes register (DCI_SC)

Address offset: 0x18

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

FE[7:0] LE[7:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

LS[7:0] FS[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 FE[7:0] Frame End Code in Embedded Synchronous Mode

23:16 LE[7:0] Line End Code in Embedded Synchronous Mode

15:8 LS[7:0] Line Start Code in Embedded Synchronous Mode

7:0 FS[7:0] Frame Start Code in Embedded Synchronous Mode

22.7.8. Synchronization codes unmask register (DCI_SCUMSK)

Address offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

FEM[7:0] LEM[7:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

LSM[7:0] FSM[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 FEM[7:0] Frame End Code unMask Bits in Embedded Synchronous Mode

23:16 LEM[7:0] Line End Code unMask Bits in Embedded Synchronous Mode

15:8 LSM[7:0] Line Start Code unMask Bits in Embedded Synchronous Mode

7:0 FSM[7:0] Frame Start Code unMask Bits in Embedded Synchronous Mode

22.7.9. Cropping window start position register (DCI_CWSPOS)

Address offset: 0x20

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved WVSP[12:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WHSP[13:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:29 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

28:16 WVSP[12:0] Window Vertical Start Position

Zero means the first line

15:14 Reserved Must keep the reset value

13:0 WHSP[13:0] Window Horizontal Start Position

Zero means the first pixel in a line

22.7.10. Cropping window size register (DCI_CWSZ)

Address offset: 0x24

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved WVSZ[13:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WHSZ[13:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29:16 WVSZ[13:0] Window Vertical Size

WVSZ=X means X+1 lines

15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:0 WHSZ[13:0] Window Horizontal Size

WHSZ=X means X+1 pixels in a line

GD32F4xx User Manual
22.7.11. DATA register (DCI_DATA)

Address offset: 0x28

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DT3[[7:0] DT2[7:0]

r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DT1[7:0] DT0[7:0]

r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 DT3[7:0] Pixel Data 3

23:16 DT2[7:0] Pixel Data 2

15:8 DT1[7:0] Pixel Data 1

7:0 DT0[7:0] Pixel Data 0

GD32F4xx User Manual
23. TFT-LCD interface (TLI)

23.1. Overview

The TLI (TFT-LCD Interface) module handles the synchronous LCD interface and provides
pixel data, clock and timing signals for passive LCD display. It supports a wide variety of
displays with fully programmable timing parameters. A built-in DMA engine continuously move
data from system memory to TLI and then, output to an external LCD display. Two separate
layers are supported in TLI, as well as layer window and blending function.

23.2. Characteristics

 Supports up to 24 bits data output per pixel

 Supports up to 2048 x 2048 resolution

 Timing parameters is fully programmable

 Built-in DMA engine to handle frame data copy

 2 separate frame layers with window and blending function

 Support various pixel formats: ARGB8888, RGB888, RGB565, etc

 Support CLUT (Color Look-Up-Table) and Color-Keying format

 Dithering operation to low bits of a pixel

23.3. Block diagram

Figure below shows the block diagram of the TLI module. There are three clock domains in
TLI. The register works in APB clock and is visited by system APB bus. The Pixel DMA module
works in AHB clock and fetches pixel data from system memory using AHB bus. The
remaining modules work in TLI clock. The TLI clock is divided from PLLSAI-R clock. The
parameters of PLLSAI and dividing factor are configured in RCU module.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 23-1. TLI module block diagram


LCD RED[7:0]
APB Registers Timing GREEN[7:0]
Controller BLUE[7:0]
Dithering HS
Register DE
Reloading PIXCLK

Pixel Process
Unit 0 Window
DMA Pixel Process Blending
Unit 1

23.4. Signal description

TLI provides a 24-bit RGB Parallel display interface, which is shown in table below.

Table 23-1. Pins of display interface provided by TLI

Direction Name Width Description

Output HS 1 Horizontal Synchronous

Output VS 1 Vertical Synchronous

Output DE 1 Data Enable

Output PIXCLK 1 Pixel Clock

Output RED[7:0] 8 Pixel Red Data

Output GREEN[7:0] 8 Pixel Green Data

Output BLUE[7:0] 8 Pixel Blue Data

23.5. Function overview

23.5.1. LCD display timing

LCD interface is a synchronous data interface with pixel clock, pixel data and horizontal and
vertical synchronous signals. The figure below shows the signal timing of HS and VS for a
whole frame. The timing parameters are configured in TLI_SPSZ, TLI_BPSZ, TLI_ASZ and
TLI_TSZ registers. The timing values in these registers assume that the position of the first
point is (0, 0).

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 23-2. Display timing diagram




GREEN[7:0], 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 N-1

23.5.2. Pixel DMA function

Following the configuration of Register module, the Pixel DMA reads pixel data from memory
to the pixel buffer in internal PPU (Pixel Process Unit) continuously.

After enabled, the Pixel DMA begins to fetch pixel data from system and push these data into
the pixel buffer in PPU as long as the pixel buffer is not full. It always tries to use BURST16
AHB transaction to fetches pixel data.

TLI supports 2 separate frame layers and each layer has a separate frame buffer address in
system. The Pixel DMA has only one AHB access interface, so it will perform round-robin
arbitration between the 2 layers during pixels fetching, if both layers are enabled.

FBADD in TLI_LxFBADDR register define the frame buffer address or fetching address of
each layer.

FLL in TLI_LxFLLEN defines the line length in bytes of a frame. If the length of a frame line
in bytes is N, program FLL with N+3.

There may be some spacing between two frame lines in system memory and the spacing
information is defined by STDOFF in TLI_LxFLLEN register. For example if the address of
the first pixel in a frame line is M, and the address of the first pixel in the next frame line will
be M+STDOFF. If there is no memory spacing between frame lines, just program STDOFF
with FLL-3.

FTLN in TLI_LxFTLN register defines the number of lines in a frame.

GD32F4xx User Manual

23.5.3. Pixel formats

The Pixel DMA pushes pixel data into PPU in word format and PPU (Pixel Process Unit) is
responsible for converting various pixel formats into an internal ARGB8888 format. TLI
supports up to eight pixel formats as shown in the table below. The PPF[2:0] in TLI_LxPPF
register defines the pixel format.

ARGB8888 format needs 8-bits data in each channel (Alpha, Red, Green and Blue), while
ARGB1555 and ARGB4444 formats have fewer bits than 8 in some channels. PPU converts
these formats into ARGB8888 by filling LSBs with MSBs for each channel. When processing
RGB888 and RGB565 formats, PPU assumes that Alpha=255 and also fill filling LSBs with
MSBs if the channel bit number less than 8.

AL88, AL44 and L8 formats are LUT (Look-Up-Table) formats. In these channels, L is the
address of the look-up table. TLI has 2 internal look-up tables: one for each layer. The internal
look-up table size is 256x24bits (256 entries and each entry stores a 24-bits RGB value).
When processing LUT format pixel, PPU reads out an entry from the look-up table and uses
this entry as the RGB value. Because the address of look-up table is 8-bit, PPU also fill LSBs
with MSBs if L channel has bits less than 8. The entries in the look-up tables are uninitialized
after reset, so the application should initialize the look-up table with proper value using
TLI_LxLUT register before display a look-up table format layer. The TLI_LxLUT is a write-only
register and a write operation to this register will write an entry to the look-up table.

Each layer is able to be configured into color keying mode. The register LxCKEY defines a
RGB value. When color keying mode is enabled for a layer, PPU will compare each RGB
value of each pixel in this layer with the LxCKEY and force the pixel’s ARGB value to 0 if the
value matches.

Table 23-2. Supported pixel formats

PPF[2:0] Pixel Format
000 ARGB8888
001 RGB888
010 RGB565
011 ARGB1555
100 ARGB4444
111 AL88
101 L8
110 AL44

23.5.4. Layer window and blending function

TLI supports window function for each layer and blending function between two layers. TLI
first perform window operation to each layer and then blend two layers into a frame.

GD32F4xx User Manual
The window function defines a display window, and each layer has separate window
parameters defined by TLI_LxHPOS and TLI_LxVPOS registers. These window parameters
define a window inside the layer. The pixel inside the window will keep its original value, while
the pixel outside will be replaced with a default pixel defined in TLI_LxDC register.

The blending units first blends Layer0 and BG Layer into a temporary layer, and then blends
Layer1 and the temporary layer into destination layer. BG Layer’s ARGB value is defined
TLI_BGC register. If a layer is disabled, blending function uses the layer’s default color.

Figure 23-3. Block diagram of Blending


Destination Layer
BG Layer Layer

Blending formula
The general blending formula is:

BC  BF1  C  BF2  C s (23-1)

 BC is Blended color

 BF1 is alpha calculation Factor 1 of Blending Method

 C is Current layer color

 BF2 is alpha calculation Factor 2 of Blending Method

 Cs is subjacent layers blended color

The blend factor of current pixel is either normalization Pixel Alpha x normalization Specified
Alpha or normalization Specified Alpha which is decided by register configuration.

23.5.5. Layer configuration reload

As is described above, each layer has its own frame buffer, pixel format, window, default color
configuration registers and each register has a shadow register. A shadow register share the
same address with the real register. Each time when the application writes to a layer-related
register address, the corresponding shadow registers is updated immediately, while the real
register will not change until a reload operation and only the real register has effect to the TLI

There are two methods for application to trigger a reload operation: request reload and frame

GD32F4xx User Manual
blank reload. For request reload mode, then TLI begins to load the shadow registers into real
registers immediately after application set RQR bit in TLI_RL register. For frame blank reload
mode, after application set FBR bit in TLI_RL register, the TLI waits for a frame vertical
blanking and load the shadow registers. In both modes, hardware automatically clears the
RQR or FBR bit after successfully reload.

23.5.6. Dithering function

The dithering module adds a 2-bit pseudo-random value to each pixel channel. This function
is able to make the image smoother when 18-bits interface is used to display a 24-bit data.
Application may switch on this function using DFEN bit in TLI_CTL register.

23.6. Interrupts

There are several status and error flags in TLI, and interrupt may be asserted from these flags.
The status flags will assert global interrupt, while the error flags will assert error interrupt.

Table 23-3. Status flags

Status Flag Name Description
LMF Line Mark Flag
LCRF Layer Configuration Reloaded Flag

Table 23-4. Error flags

Error Flag Name Description
TEF Transaction Error Flag
FEF FIFO Error Flag

GD32F4xx User Manual
23.7. Register definition

TLI base address: 0x4001 6800

23.7.1. Synchronous pulse size register (TLI_SPSZ)

Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved HPSZ[11:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved VPSZ[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 HPSZ[11:0] Size of the horizontal synchronous pulse

The HPSZ value should be configured to the pixels number of horizontal
synchronous pulse minus 1.

15:12 Reserved Must keep the reset value

11:0 VPSZ[11:0] Size of the vertical synchronous pulse

The VPSZ value should be configured to the pixels number of vertical
synchronous pulse minus 1.

23.7.2. Back-porch size register (TLI_BPSZ)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved HBPSZ[11:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved VBPSZ[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 HBPSZ[11:0] Size of the horizontal back porch plus synchronous pulse
The HBPSZ value should be configured to the pixels number of horizontal back
porch and synchronous pulse minus 1.

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 VBPSZ[11:0] Size of the vertical back porch plus synchronous pulse
The VBPSZ value should be configured to the pixels number of vertical back porch
and synchronous pulse minus 1.

23.7.3. Active size register (TLI_ASZ)

Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved HASZ[11:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved VASZ[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 HASZ[11:0] Size of the horizontal active area width plus back porch and synchronous pulse
The HASZ value should be configured to the pixels number of horizontal active
area width plus back porch and synchronous pulse minus 1.

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 VASZ[11:0] Size of the vertical active area width plus back porch and synchronous pulse
The VASZ value should be configured to the pixels number of vertical active area
height plus back porch and synchronous pulse minus 1.

23.7.4. Total size register (TLI_TSZ)

Address offset: 0x14
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved HTSZ[11:0]

GD32F4xx User Manual

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved VTSZ[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 HTSZ[11:0] Horizontal total size of the display, including active area, back porch, synchronous
pulse and front porch
The HTSZ value should be configured to the pixels number of horizontal active
area width plus back porch, front porch and synchronous pulse minus 1.

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 VTSZ[11:0] Vertical total size of the display, including active area, back porch, synchronous
pulse and front porch
The VTSZ value should be configured to the pixels number of vertical active area
height plus back porch, front porch and synchronous pulse minus 1.

23.7.5. Control register (TLI_CTL)

Address offset: 0x18
Reset value: 0x0000 2220

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RDB[2:0] Reserved GDB[2:0] Reserved BDB[2:0] Reserved TLIEN

r r r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 HPPS Horizontal Pulse Polarity Selection
0: Horizontal Synchronous Pulse active low
1: Horizontal Synchronous Pulse active high

30 VPPS Vertical Pulse Polarity Selection

0: Vertical Synchronous Pulse active low
1: Vertical Synchronous Pulse active high

29 DEPS Data Enable Polarity Selection

0: Data Enable active low
1: Data Enable active high

28 CLKPS Pixel Clock Polarity Selection

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Pixel Clock is TLI clock
1: Pixel Clock is inverted TLI clock

27:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 DFEN Dither Function Enable

0: Dither function disable
1: Dither function enable

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14:12 RDB[2:0] Red channel Dither Bits Number

Fixed to 2, read only

11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:8 GDB[2:0] Green channel Dither Bits Number

Fixed to 2, read only

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 BDB[2:0] Blue channel Dither Bits Number

Fixed to 2, read only

3:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 TLIEN TLI enable bit

0: TLI disable
1: TLI enable

23.7.6. Reload layer register (TLI_RL)

Address offset: 0x24
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved FBR RQR

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 FBR Frame Blank Reload

This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware after reloading
0: Reload disable

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: The layer configuration will be reloaded into core at frame blank

0 RQR Request Reload

This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware after reloading
0: Reload disable
1: The layer configuration will be reloaded into core after this bit sets

23.7.7. Background color register (TLI_BGC)

Address offset: 0x2C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved BVR[7:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

BVG[7:0] BVB[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23:16 BVR[7:0] Background Value Red

15:8 BVG[7:0] Background Value Green

7:0 BVB[7:0] Background Value Blue

23.7.8. Interrupt enable register (TLI_INTEN)

Address offset: 0x34
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 LCRIE Layer Configuration Reloaded Interrupt Enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Layer configuration reloaded flag won’t generate an interrupt
1: Layer configuration reloaded flag will generate an interrupt

2 TEIE Transaction Error Interrupt Enable

0: Transaction error flag won’t generate an interrupt
1: Transaction error flag will generate an interrupt

1 FEIE FIFO Error Interrupt Enable

0: FIFO error flag won’t generate an interrupt
1: FIFO error flag will generate an interrupt

0 LMIE Line Mark Interrupt Enable

0: Line mark flag won’t generate an interrupt
1: Line mark flag will generate an interrupt

23.7.9. Interrupt flag register (TLI_INTF)

Address offset: 0x38
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 LCRF Layer Configuration Reloaded Flag

0: No layer configuration reloaded flag
1: Layer configuration is reloaded triggered by FBR bit in TLI_RL

2 TEF Transaction Error Flag

0: No transaction error flag
1: A transaction error on AHB bus occurs

1 FEF FIFO Error Flag

0: No FIFO error flag
1: A FIFO under-run error occurs
The under-run error occurs when the value written in TLI_LxFLLEN and
TLI_LxFTLN is less than required.

0 LMF Line Mark Flag

0: No line mark flag

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Line number reaches the specified value in TLI_LM

23.7.10. Interrupt flag clear register (TLI_INTC)

Address offset: 0x3C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 LCRC Layer Configuration Reloaded Flag Clear

Write 1 to clear layer configuration reloaded flag

2 TEC Transaction Error Flag Clear

Write 1 to clear transaction error flag

1 FEC FIFO Error Flag Clear

Write 1 to clear FIFO error flag

0 LMC Line Mark Flag Clear

Write 1 to clear line mark flag

23.7.11. Line mark register (TLI_LM)

Address offset: 0x40
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved LM[10:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
10:0 LM[10:0] Line Mark value
The LMF bit in TLI_INTF will be set after the line number reaches this value

23.7.12. Current pixel position register (TLI_CPPOS)

Address offset: 0x44
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 HPOS[15:0] Horizontal Position
Horizontal position of the current displayed pixel

15:0 VPOS[15:0] Vertical Position

Vertical position of the current displayed pixel

23.7.13. Status register (TLI_STAT)

Address offset: 0x48
Reset value: 0x0000 000F

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved HS VS HDE VDE

r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 HS Current HS status of the TLI

2 VS Current VS status of the TLI

1 HDE Current HDE status

0: HPOS in TLI_CPPOS register is not between the HBPSZ in TLI_BPSZ register

GD32F4xx User Manual
and HASZ in TLI_ASZ register.

1: HPOS in TLI_CPPOS register is between the HBPSZ in TLI_BPSZ register and

HASZ in TLI_ASZ register.

0 VDE Current VDE status

0: VPOS in TLI_CPPOS register is not between the VBPSZ in TLI_BPSZ register

and VASZ in TLI_ASZ register.

1: VPOS in TLI_CPPOS register is between the VBPSZ in TLI_BPSZ register and

VASZ in TLI_ASZ register.

23.7.14. Layer x control register (TLI_LxCTL)

Address offset: 0x84+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved LUTEN Reserved CKEYEN LEN

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 LUTEN LUT Enable

0: LUT is disabled
1: LUT is enabled

3:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CKEYEN Color Keying Enable

0: Color keying is disabled
1: Color keying is enabled

0 LEN Layer Enable

0: This layer is disabled
1: This layer is enabled

23.7.15. Layer x horizontal position parameters register (TLI_LxHPOS)

Address offset: 0x88+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved WRP[11:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WLP[11:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 WRP[11:0] Window Right Position

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 WLP[11:0] Window Left Position

23.7.16. Layer x vertical position parameters register (TLI_LxVPOS)

Address offset: 0x8C+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved WBP[11:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved WTP[11:0 ]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:16 WBP[11:0] Window Bottom Position

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 WTP[11:0] Window Top Position

23.7.17. Layer x color key register (TLI_LxCKEY)

Address offset: 0x90+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reserved CKEYR[7:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

CKEYG[7:0] CKEYB[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23:16 CKEYR[7:0] Color Key Red

15:8 CKEYG[7:0] Color Key Green

7:0 CKEYB[7:0] Color Key Blue

If the pixel RGB value in a layer equals the value in TLI_LxCKEY, the pixel RGB value is reset
to 0. That means these pixels is transparent to other layers.

23.7.18. Layer x packeted pixel format register (TLI_LxPPF)

Address offset: 0x94+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved PPF[2:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 PPF[2:0] Packeted Pixel Format

These bits configures the Packeted Pixel format
000: ARGB8888
001: RGB888
010: RGB565
011: ARGB1555
100: ARGB4444
101: L8
110: AL44
111: AL88

GD32F4xx User Manual
23.7.19. Layer x specified alpha register (TLI_LxSA)
Address offset: 0x98+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 00FF

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved SA [7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 SA [7:0] Specified Alpha

The Alpha value used for blending

23.7.20. Layer x default color register (TLI_LxDC)

Address offset: 0x9C+0x80*x x=0 or1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DCA[7:0] DCR[7:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DCG[7:0] DCB[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 DCA[7:0] The Default Color ALPHA

23:16 DCR[7:0] The Default Color Red

15:8 DCG[7:0] The Default Color Green

7:0 DCB[7:0] The Default Color Blue

The default color of a layer takes effect when the layer is disabled or outside the window
defined in TLI_LxHPOS and TLI_LxVPOS.

GD32F4xx User Manual
23.7.21. Layer x blending register (TLI_LxBLEND)
Address offset: 0xA0+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0607

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved ACF1[2:0] Reserved ACF2[2:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:8 ACF1[2:0] Alpha Calculation Factor 1 of Blending Method

000: Reserved
001: Reserved
010: Reserved
011: Reserved
100: normalization Specified Alpha
101: Reserved
110: normalization Pixel Alpha x normalization Specified Alpha

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 ACF2[2:0] Alpha Calculation Factor 2 of Blending Method

000: Reserved
001: Reserved
010: Reserved
011: Reserved
100: Reserved
101:1- normalization Specified Alpha
110: Reserved
111: 1-normalization Pixel Alpha x normalization Specified Alpha

23.7.22. Layer x frame base address register (TLI_LxFBADDR)

Address offset: 0xAC+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

GD32F4xx User Manual


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 FBADD[[31:0] Frame Buffer base Address
The base address of frame buffer

23.7.23. Layer x frame line length register (TLI_LxFLLEN)

Address offset: 0xB0+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved STDOFF[13:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved FLL[13:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29:16 STDOFF[13:0] Frame Buffer Stride Offset

This value defines the bytes number from start of a line to the start of next line

15:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:0 FLL[13:0] Frame Line Length

This value defines the bytes number of a line plus 3

23.7.24. Layer x frame total line number register (TLI_LxFTLN)

Address offset: 0xB4+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved FTLN[10:0]


GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:0 FTLN[10:0] Frame Total Line Number

This value defines the line number in a frame

23.7.25. Layer x look up table register (TLI_LxLUT)

Address offset: 0xC4+0x80*x x=0 or 1
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

TADD [7:0] TR[7:0]

w w

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

TG[7:0] TB[7:0]

w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 TADD[7:0] Look Up Table Write Address
The entry at this address in LUT will be updated with the value of RED, GREEN
and BLUE written

23:16 TR[7:0] Red Channel of a LUT entry

15:8 TG[7:0] Green Channel of a LUT entry

7:0 TB[7:0] Blue Channel of a LUT entry

GD32F4xx User Manual
24. Secure digital input/output interface (SDIO)

24.1. Introduction

The secure digital input/output interface (SDIO) defines the SD/SD I/O /MMC CE-ATA card
host interface, which provides command/data transfer between the APB2 system bus and SD
memory cards, SD I/O cards, Multimedia Card (MMC), and CE-ATA devices.

The supported SD memory card and SD I/O card system specifications are defined in the SD
card Association website at www.sdcard.org.

The supported Multimedia Card system specifications are defined through the Multimedia
Card Association website at www.jedec.org, published by the JEDEC SOLID STATE

The supported CE-ATA system specifications are defined through the CE-ATA workgroup
website at www.ce-ata.org.

24.2. Main features

The SDIO features include the following:

 MMC: Full support for Multimedia Card System Specification Version 4.2(and previous
versions) Card and three different data bus modes: 1-bit (default), 4-bit and 8-bit

 SD Card: Full support for SD Memory Card Specifications Version 2.0

 SD I/O: Full support for SD I/O Card Specification Version 2.0 card and two different data
bus modes: 1-bit (default) and 4-bit

 CE-ATA: Full compliance with CE-ATA digital protocol Version 1.1

 48MHz data transfer frequency and 8-bit data transfer mode.

 Interrupt and DMA request to processor.

 Completion Signal enables and disable feature (CE-ATA).

Note: SDIO supports only one SD, SD I/O, MMC4.2 card or CE-ATA device at any one time
and a stack of MMC4.1 or previous.

24.3. SDIO bus topology

After a power-on reset, the host must initialize the card by a special message-based bus

Each message is represented by one of the following tokens:

GD32F4xx User Manual
Command: a command is a token which starts an operation. A command is sent from the
host to a card. A command is transferred serially on the CMD line.

Response: a response is a token which is sent from the card to the host as an answer to a
previously received command. A response is transferred serially on the CMD line.

Data: data can be transferred from the card to the host or vice versa. Data is transferred via
the data lines. The number of data lines used for the data transfer can be 1(DAT0), 4(DAT0-
DAT3) or 8(DAT0-DAT7).

The structure of commands, responses and data blocks is described in Card functional
description. One data transfer is a bus operation.

There are different types of operations. Addressed operations always contain a command
and a response token. In addition, some operations have a data token; the others transfer
their information directly within the command or response structure. In this case no data token
is present in an operation. The bits on the DAT0-DAT7 and CMD lines are transferred
synchronous to the host clock.

Two types of data transfer commands are defined:

 Stream commands: These commands initiate a continuous data stream; they are
terminated only when a stop command follows on the CMD line. This mode reduces the
command overhead to an absolute minimum (only MMC supports).

 Block-oriented commands: These commands send a data block successfully by CRC

bits. Both read and write operations allow either single or multiple block transmission. A
multiple block transmission is terminated when a stop command follows on the CMD line
similarly to the sequential read.

The basic transaction on the bus is the command/response transaction (refer to Figure
24-1. SDIO “no response” and “no data” operations). This type of bus transaction
transfers their information directly within the command or response structure. In addition,
some operations have a data token. Data transfers to/from the Card/Device are done in

Figure 24-1. SDIO “no response” and “no data” operations

SDIO_CMD Command Command Response

Host to Device Host to Device Device to Host


Operation (no response) Operation (no data)

Note that the Multiple Block operation mode is faster than Single Block operation. A multiple
block transmission is terminated when a stop command follows on the CMD line. Data transfer
can be configured by the host to use single or multiple data lines. Figure 24-2. SDIO multiple

GD32F4xx User Manual
blocks read operation is the multiple blocks read operation and Figure 24-3. SDIO multiple
blocks write operation is the multiple block write operation. The block write operation uses
a simple busy signal of the write operation duration on the data (DAT0) line. CE-ATA device
has an optional busy before it is ready to receive the data.

Figure 24-2. SDIO multiple blocks read operation

SDIO_CMD Command Response Command Response

Host to Device Device to Host Host to Device Device to Host

Device to Host Device to Host Device to Host
Block read operation

Multiple block read operation Data stop operation

Figure 24-3. SDIO multiple blocks write operation

SDIO_CMD Command Response Command Response

Host to Device Device to Host Host to Device Device to Host


Host to Device Host to Device
Block write operation

Multiple block write operation

Data stop operation

Data transfers to/from SD memory cards, SD I/O cards (both IO only card and combo card)
and CE-ATA device are done in data blocks. Data transfers to/from MMC are done in data
blocks or streams. Figure 24-4. SDIO sequential read operation and Figure 24-5. SDIO
sequential write operation are the stream read and write operation.

Figure 24-4. SDIO sequential read operation

SDIO_CMD Command Response Command Response

Host to Device Device to Host Host to Device Device to Host


Device to Host

Data Read operation

Data stop operation

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 24-5. SDIO sequential write operation

SDIO_CMD Command Response Command Response

Host to Device Device to Host Host to Device Device to Host


Host to Device

Data Write operation

Data stop operation

24.4. SDIO functional description

The following figure shows the SDIO structure. There have two main parts:

 The SDIO adapter block consists of control unit which manage clock, command unit
which manage command transfer, data unit which manage data transfer.

 The APB interface block contains access registers by APB2 bus, contains FIFO unit
which is data FIFO used for data transfer, and generates interrupt and DMA request

Figure 24-6. SDIO block diagram

SDIO controller

APB interface SDIO adapter

control unit SDIO_CLK
DMA r equest

comm and
registers unit

APB bus
data unit SDIO_DAT[7:0]


24.4.1. SDIO adapter

The SDIO adapter contains control unit, command unit and data unit, and generates signals
to cards. The signals is descript bellow:
GD32F4xx User Manual
SDIO_CLK: The SDIO_CLK is the clock provided to the card. Each cycle of this signal directs
a one bit transfer on the command line (SDIO_CMD) and on all the data lines (SDIO_DAT).
The SDIO_CLK frequency can vary between 0 MHz and 20 MHz for a Multimedia Card V3.31,
between 0 and 48 MHz for a Multimedia Card V4.2, or between 0 and 25 MHz for an SD/SD
I/O card.

The SDIO uses two clock signals: SDIO adapter clock (SDIOCLK ≤ 48MHz) and APB2 bus
clock (PCLK2)

The frequency of PCLK2 must be no less than the 3/8 frequency of SDIO_CLK.

SDIO_CMD: This signal is a bidirectional command channel used for card initialization and
transfer of commands. Commands are sent from the SDIO controller to the card and
responses are sent from the card to the host. The CMD signal has two operation modes:
open-drain for initialization (only for MMC3.31 or previous), and push-pull for command
transfer (SD/SD I/O card MMC4.2 use push-pull drivers also for initialization).

SDIO_DAT[7:0]: These are bidirectional data channels. The DAT signals operate in push-pull
mode. Only the card or the host is driving these signals at a time. By default, after power up
or reset, only DAT0 is used for data transfer. A wider data bus can be configured for data
transfer, using either DAT0-DAT3 or DAT0-DAT7 (just for MMC4.2), by the SDIO controller.
The SDIO includes internal pull-ups for data lines DAT1-DAT7. Right after entering to the 4-
bit mode the card disconnects the internal pull-ups of lines DAT1 and DAT2 (DAT3 internal
pull-up is left connected due to the SPI mode CS usage). Correspondingly right after entering
to the 8-bit mode the card disconnects the internal pull-ups of lines DAT1, DAT2 and DAT4-

Table 24-1. SDIO I/O definitions

Pin function Direction Description
SDIO_CMD I/O Command input/output
SDIO_DAT[7:0] I/O Data input/output for data lines DAT[7:0]

The SDIO adapter is an interface to SD/SD I/O /MMC/CE-ATA. It consists of three subunits:

Control unit

The control unit contains the power management functions and the clock management
functions for the memory card clock. The power management is controlled by SDIO_PWRCTL
register which implements power off or power on. The power saving mode configured by
setting CLKPWRSAV bit in SDIO_CLKCTL register, which implements close the SDIO_CLK
when the bus is idle. The clock management generates SDIO_CLK to card. The SDIO_CLK
is generated by a divider of SDIOCLK when CLKBYP bit in SDIO_CLKCTL register is 0, or
directly SDIOCLK when CLKBYP bit in SDIO_CLKCTL register is 1.

The Hardware clock control is enabled by setting HWCLKEN in SDIO_CLKCTL register. This
functionality is used to avoid FIFO underrun and overrun errors by hardware control the
SDIO_CLK on/off depending on the system bus is very busy or not. When the FIFO cannot
GD32F4xx User Manual
receive or transmit data, the host will stop the SDIO_CLK and freeze SDIO state machines to
avoid the corresponded error. Only state machines are frozen, the APB2 interface is still alive.
So, the FIFO can access by APB2 bus.

Command unit

The command unit implements command transfer to the card. The data transfer flow is
controlled by Command State Machine (CSM). After a write operation to SDIO_CMDCTL
register and CSMEN in SDIO_CMDCTL register is 1, the command transfer starts. It firstly
sends a command to the card. The command contains 48 bits send by SDIO_CMD signal
which sends 1 bits to card at one SDIO_CLK. The 48 bits command contains 1 bit Start bit, 1
bit Transmission bit, 6 bits command index defined by CMDIDX bits in SDIO_CMDCTL
register, 32 bits argument defined in SDIO_CMDAGMT register, 7 bits CRC, and 1 bit end bit.
Then receive response from the card if CMDRESP in SDIO_CMDCTL register is not
0b00/0b10. There are short response which have 48 bits or long response which have 136
bits. The response stores in SDIO_RESP0 - SDIO_RESP3 registers. The command unit also
generates the command status flags defined in SDIO_STAT register.

Command state machine

CS_Idle After reset, ready to send command.
1.CSM enabled and WAITDEND enabled → CS_Pend
2.CSM enabled and WAITDEND disabled → CS_Send
3.CSM disabled → CS_Idle
Note: The state machine remains in the Idle state for at least eight SDIO_CLK periods to meet
the NCC and NRC timing constraints. NCC is the minimum delay between two host commands,
and NRC is the minimum delay between the host command and the response.

CS_Pend Waits for the end of data transfer.

1.The data transfer complete → CS_Send
2.CSM disabled → CS_Idle

CS_Send Sending the command.

1.The command transmitted has response → CS_Wait
2.The command transmitted doesn’t have response → CS_Idle
3.CSM disabled → CS_Idle

CS_Wait Wait for the start bit of the response.

1.Receive the response(detected the start bit) → CS_Receive
2.Timeout is reached without receiving the response → CS_Idle
3.CSM disabled → CS_Idle
Note: The command timeout has a fixed value of 64 SDIO_CLK clock periods.

GD32F4xx User Manual

CS_Receive Receive the response and check the CRC.

1.Response Received in CE-ATA mode and → CS_Waitcompl
interrupt disabled and wait for CE-ATA Command
Completion signal enabled
2.Response Received in CE-ATA mode and → CS_Pend
interrupt disabled and wait for CE-ATA Command
Completion signal disabled
3.CSM disabled → CS_Idle
4.Response received → CS_Idle
5.Command CRC failed → CS_Idle

CS_Waitcompl Wait for the Command Completion signal.

1.CE-ATA Command Completion signal received → CS_Idle
2.CSM disabled → CS_Idle
3.Command CRC failed → CS_Idle

Data unit

The data unit performs data transfers to and from cards. The data transfer uses
SDIO_DAT[7:0] signals when 8-bits data width (BUSMODE bits in SDIO_CLKCTL register is
0b10), use SDIO_DAT[3:0] signals when 4-bits data width (BUSMODE bits in SDIO_CLKCTL
register is 0b01), or SDIO_DAT[0] signal when 1-bit data width (BUSMODE bits in
SDIO_CLKCTL register is 0b00). The data transfer flow is controlled by Date State Machine
(DSM). After a write operation to SDIO_DATACTL register and DATAEN in SDIO_DATACTL
register is 1, the data transfer starts. It sends data to card when DATADIR in SDIO_DATACTL
register is 0, or receive data from card when DATADIR in SDIO_DATACTL register is 1. The
data unit also generates the data status flags defined in SDIO_STAT register.

Data state machine

DS_Idle The data unit is inactive, waiting for send and receive.
1.DSM enabled and data transfer direction is from → DS_WaitS
host to card
2.DSM enabled and data transfer direction is from → DS_WaitR
card to host
3.DSM enabled and Read Wait Started and SD I/O → DS_Readwait
mode enabled

DS_WaitS Wait until the data FIFO empty flag is deasserted or data
transfer ended.
1.Data transfer ended → DS_Idle
2.DSM disabled → DS_Idle

GD32F4xx User Manual
3.Data FIFO empty flag is deasserted → DS_Send

DS_Send Transmit data to the card.

1.Data block transmitted → DS_Busy
2.DSM disabled → DS_Idle
3.Data FIFO underrun error occurs → DS_Idle
4. Internal CRC error → DS_Idle

DS_Busy Waits for the CRC status flag.

1.Receive a positive CRC status → DS_WaitS
2.Receive a negative CRC status → DS_Idle
3.DSM disabled → DS_Idle
4.Timeout occurs → DS_Idle
Note: The command timeout programmed in the data timer register (SDIO_DATATO).

DS_WaitR Wait for the start bit of the receive data.

1.Data receive ended → DS_Idle
2.DSM disabled → DS_Idle
3.Data timeout reached → DS_Idle
4.Receives a start bit before timeout → DS_Receive
Note: The command timeout programmed in the data timer register (SDIO_DATATO).

DS_Receive Receive data from the card and write it to the data FIFO.
1.Data block received → DS_WaitR
2.Data transfer ended → DS_WaitR
3.Data FIFO overrun error occurs → DS_Idle
4.Data received and Read Wait Started and SD I/O → DS_Readwait
mode enabled
5.DSM disabled or CRC fails → DS_Idle

DS_Readwait Wait for the read wait stop command.

1.ReadWait stop enabled → DS_WaitR
2.DSM disabled → DS_Idle

24.4.2. APB2 interface

The APB2 interface implements access to SDIO registers, data FIFO and generates interrupt
and DMA request. It includes a data FIFO unit, registers unit, and the interrupt / DMA logic.

The interrupt logic generates interrupt when at least one of the selected status flags is high.
An interrupt enable register is provided to allow the logic to generate a corresponding interrupt.
GD32F4xx User Manual
The DMA interface provides a method for fast data transfers between the SDIO data FIFO
and memory. The following example describes how to implement this method:

1. Completes the card identification process

2. Increase the SDIO_CLK frequency

3. Send CMD7 to select the card and configure the bus width

4. Configure the DMA1 as follows:

Open the DMA1 controller and clear any pending flags. Configure the DMA1 _Channel3 or
DMA1 _Channel6 Peripheral4 source address register with the memory base address and
DMA1 _Channel3 or DMA1 _Channel6 Peripheral4 destination address register with the
SDIO_FIFO register address. Configure DMA1 _Channel3 or DMA1 _Channel6 Peripheral4
control register (memory with increment transfer, peripheral with not increment transfer,
peripheral and memory data size is word size). Program the incremental burst transfer to 4
on peripheral side in DMA1 _Channel 3 or DMA1 _Channel 6 Peripheral4.

5. Write block to card as follows:

Write the data size in bytes in the SDIO_DATALEN register. Write the block size in bytes
(BLKSZ) in the SDIO_DATACTL register; the host sends data in blocks of size BLKSZ each.
Program SDIO_CMDAGMT register with the data address, where data should be written.
Program the SDIO command control register (SDIO_CMDCTL): CMDIDX with 24, CMDRESP
with 1 (SDIO card host waits for a short response); CSMEN with ‘1’ (enable to send a
command). Other fields are their reset value.

When the CMDRECV flag is set, program the SDIO data control register (SDIO_DATACTL):
DATAEN with 1 (enable to send data); DATADIR with 0 (from controller to card); TRANSMOD
with 0 (block data transfer); DMAEN with 1 (DMA enabled); BLKSZ with 0x9 (512 bytes).
Other bits don’t care.

Wait for DTBLKEND flag is set. Check that no channels are still enabled by polling the DMA
Interrupt Flag register.

It consists the following subunits:

Register unit

The register unit which contains all system registers generates the signals to control the
communication between the controller and card.


The data FIFO unit has a data buffer, uses as transmit and receive FIFO. The FIFO contains
a 32-bit wide, 32-word deep data buffer. The transmit FIFO is used when write data to card
and TXRUN in SDIO_STAT register is 1. The data to be transferred is written to transmit FIFO
by APB2 bus, the data unit in SDIO adapter read data from transmit FIFO, and then send the
data to card. The receive FIFO is used when read data from card and RXRUN in SDIO_STAT
GD32F4xx User Manual
register is 1. The data to be transferred is read from the card and then write to receive FIFO.
The data in receive FIFO is read to APB2 bus when needed. This unit also generates FIFO
flags in SDIO_STAT registers.

24.5. Card functional description

24.5.1. Card registers

Within the card interface registers are defined: OCR, CID, CSD, EXT_CSD, RCA, DSR and
SCR. These can be accessed only by corresponding commands. The OCR, CID, CSD and
SCR registers carry the card/content specific information, while the RCA and DSR registers
are configuration registers storing actual configuration parameters. The EXT_CSD register
carries both, card specific information and actual configuration parameters. For specific
information, please refer to the relevant specifications.

OCR register: The 32-bit operation conditions register (OCR) stores the V DD voltage profile
of the card and the access mode indication (MMC). In addition, this register includes a status
information bit. This status bit is set if the card power up procedure has been finished. The
register is a little different between MMC and SD card. The host can use CMD1 (MMC),
ACMD41 (SD memory), CMD5 (SD I/O) to get the content of this register.

CID register: The Card Identification (CID) register is 128 bits wide. It contains the card
identification information used during the card identification phase. Every individual
Read/Write (RW) card shall have a unique identification number. The host can use CMD2 and
CMD10 to get the content of this register.

CSD register: The Card-Specific Data register provides information regarding access to the
card contents. The CSD defines the data format, error correction type, maximum data access
time, data transfer speed, whether the DSR register can be used, etc. The programmable part
of the register can be changed by CMD27. The host can use CMD9 to get the content of this

Extended CSD Register: Just MMC4.2 has this register. The Extended CSD register defines
the card properties and selected modes. It is 512 bytes long. The most significant 320 bytes
are the Properties segment, which defines the card capabilities and cannot be modified by
the host. The lower 192 bytes are the Modes segment, which defines the configuration the
card is working in. These modes can be changed by the host by means of the SWITCH
command. The host can use CMD8 (just MMC supports this command) to get the content of
this register.

RCA register: The writable 16-bit relative card address register carries the card address that
is published by the card during the card identification. This address is used for the addressed
host-card communication after the card identification procedure. The host can use CMD3 to
ask the card to publish a new relative address (RCA).

Note: The default value of the RCA register is 0x0001(MMC) or 0x0000(SD/SD I/O). The
GD32F4xx User Manual
default value is reserved to set all cards into the Stand-by State with CMD7.

DSR register (Optional): The 16-bit driver stage register can be optionally used to improve
the bus performance for extended operating conditions (depending on parameters like bus
length, transfer rate or number of cards). The CSD register carries the information about the
DSR register usage. The default value of the DSR register is 0x404. The host can use CMD4
to get the content of this register.

SCR register: Just SD/SD I/O (if has memory port) have this register. In addition to the CSD
register, there is another configuration register named SD CARD Configuration Register
(SCR), which is only for SD card. SCR provides information on the SD Memory Card's special
features that were configured into the given card. The size of SCR register is 64 bits. This
register shall be set in the factory by the SD Memory Card manufacturer. The host can use
ACMD51 to get the content of this register.

24.5.2. Commands

Commands types

There are four kinds of commands defined to control the Card:

 Broadcast commands (bc), no response

 Broadcast commands with response (bcr) response from all cards simultaneously

 Addressed (point-to-point) commands (ac) no data transfer on DAT

 Addressed (point-to-point) data transfer commands (adtc) data transfer on DAT

Command format

All commands have a fixed code length of 48 bits, as show in Figure 24-7. Command Token
Format, needing a transmission time of 1.92μs (25 MHz) 0.96μs(50 MHz) and 0.92us(52

Figure 24-7. Command Token Format

0 1 Content CRC 1

Total length = 48 bits

Table 24-2. Command format

Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 32 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘1’ x x x ‘1’
Description start bit transmission bit command index argument CRC7 end bit

A command always starts with a start bit (always 0), followed by the bit indicating the direction

GD32F4xx User Manual
of transmission (host = 1). The next 6 bits indicate the index of the command, this value being
interpreted as a binary coded number (between 0 and 63). Some commands need an
argument (e.g. an address), which is coded by 32 bits. A value denoted by ‘x’ in the table
above indicates this variable is dependent on the command. All commands are protected by
a CRC7. Every command code word is terminated by the end bit (always 1).

Command classes

The command set of the Card system is divided into several classes (See Table 24-3. Card
command classes (CCCs)). Each class supports a set of card functionalities. Table 24-3.
Card command classes (CCCs) determines the setting of CCC from the card supported

For SD cards, Class 0, 2, 4, 5 and 8 are mandatory and shall be supported. Class 7 except
CMD40 is mandatory for SDHC. The other classes are optional. The supported Card
Command Classes (CCC) are coded as a parameter in the card specific data (CSD) register
of each card, providing the host with information on how to access the card.

For MMC cards, Class 0 is mandatory and shall be supported. The other classes are either
mandatory only for specific card types or optional. By using different classes, several
configurations can be chosen (e.g. a block writable card or a stream readable card). The
supported Card Command Classes (CCC) are coded as a parameter in the card specific data
(CSD) register of each card, providing the host with information on how to access the card.

For CE-ATA device, the device shall support the MMC commands required to achieve the
transfer state during device initialization. Other interface configuration settings, such as bus
width, may require additional MMC commands also be supported. See the MMC reference.
CE-ATA makes use of the following MMC commands: CMD0 - GO_IDLE_STATE, CMD12 -
(CMD12), and FAST_IO (CMD39) are as defined in the MMC reference.
commands defined by CE-ATA.

Table 24-3. Card command classes (CCCs)

command 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
application specific
write protection
Stream write
Stream read

Block write
Block read

Lock card

I/O mode


Supported Class
command description

CMD0 M +

GD32F4xx User Manual
CMD1 M +
CMD2 M +
CMD3 M +
CMD4 M +
CMD5 O +
CMD6 M +
CMD7 M +
CMD8 M +
CMD9 M +
CMD10 M +
CMD11 M +
CMD12 M +
CMD13 M +
CMD14 M +
CMD15 M +
CMD16 M + + +
CMD17 M +
CMD18 M +
CMD19 M +
CMD20 M +
CMD23 M + +
CMD24 M +
CMD25 M +
CMD26 M +
CMD27 M +
CMD28 M +
CMD29 M +
CMD30 M +
CMD32 M +
CMD33 M +
CMD34 O +
CMD35 O +
CMD36 O +
CMD37 O +
CMD38 M +
CMD39 +
CMD40 +
CMD42 +
CMD50 O +
CMD52 O +
CMD53 O +
CMD55 M +

GD32F4xx User Manual
CMD56 M +
CMD57 O +
CMD60 M +
CMD61 M +
ACMD13 M +
ACMD22 M +
ACMD23 M +
ACMD41 M +
ACMD42 M +
ACMD51 M +

Note: 1.CMD1, CMD11, CMD14, CMD19, CMD20, CMD23, CMD26, CMD39 and CMD40 are
only available for MMC.CMD5, CMD32-34, CMD50, CMD52, CMD53, CMD57 and ACMDx
are only available for SD card. CMD60, CMD61 are only available for CE-ATA device.

2. All the ACMDs shall be preceded with APP_CMD command (CMD55).

3. CMD8 has different meaning for MMC and SD memory.

Detailed command description

The following tables describe in detail all bus commands. The responses R1-R7 are defined
in Responses. The registers CID, CSD and DSR are described in Card registers. The card
shall ignore stuff bits and reserved bits in an argument.

Table 24-4. Basic commands (class 0)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
CMD0 bc [31:0] stuff bits - GO_IDLE_STATE Resets all cards to idle state
Asks the card, in idle state, to
[31:0] OCR SEND_OP_CON send its Operating Conditions
CMD1 bc R3
without busy D Register contents in the
response on the CMD line.
Asks any card to send the CID
numbers on the CMD line (any
CMD2 bcr [31:0] stuff bits R2 ALL_SEND_CID
card that is connected to the host
will respond)
SEND_RELATIVE Ask the card to publish a new
CMD3 bcr [31:0] stuff bits R6
_ADDR relative address (RCA)
[31:16] DSR
CMD4 bc - SET_DSR Programs the DSR of all cards
[15:0] stuff bits

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
Only for I/O cards. It is similar to
the operation of ACMD41 for SD
CMD5 bcr R4 memory cards, used to inquire
[24]S18R OND
about the voltage range needed
[23:0] I/O OCR
by the I/O card.
[31:26] Set to 0
[25:24] Access Only for MMC. Switches the
[23:16] Index mode of operation of the selected
[15:8] Value card or modifies the EXT_CSD
[7:3] Set to 0 registers.
[2:0] Cmd Set
Command toggles a card
between the stand-by and
transfer states or between the
programming and disconnects
CMD7 ac R1b states. In both cases the card is
[15:0] stuff bits CT_CARD
selected by its own relative
address and gets deselected by
any other address; address 0
deselects the card.
[31:12]reserved Sends SD Memory Card
bits interface condition, which
[11:8]supply includes host supply voltage
voltage(VHS) information and asks the card
[7:0]check whether card supports voltage.
pattern Reserved bits shall be set to '0'.
For MMC only. The card sends
CMD8 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 SEND_EXT_CSD its EXT_CSD register as a block
of data.
Addressed card sends its card-
[31:16] RCA
CMD9 ac R2 SEND_CSD specific data (CSD) on the CMD
[15:0] stuff bits
Addressed card sends its card
[31:16] RCA
CMD10 ac R2 SEND_CID identification (CID) on CMD the
[15:0] stuff bits
STOP Forces the card to stop
CMD12 ac [31:0] stuff bits R1b
TRANSMISSION transmission
[31:16] RCA Addressed card sends its status
[15:0] stuff bits register.
A host reads the reversed bus
CMD14 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 BUSTEST_R
testing data pattern from a card.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
Sends an addressed card into
[31:16] RCA the Inactive State. This
CMD15 ac [15:0] reserved - command is used when the host
bits explicitly wants to deactivate a
A host sends the bus test data
CMD19 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 BUSTEST_W
pattern to a card.

Table 24-5. Block-Oriented read commands (class 2)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
In the case of a Standard
Capacity SD and MMC, this
command sets the block length
(in bytes) for all following block
commands (read, write, lock).
Default is 512 Bytes. Set length
is valid for memory access
commands only if partial block
read operation are allowed in
[31:0] block
In the case of a High Capacity SD
Memory Card, block length set by
CMD16 command does not
affect the memory read and write
commands. Always 512 Bytes
fixed block length is used. In both
cases, if block length is set larger
than 512Bytes, the card sets the
In the case of a Standard
Capacity SD and MMC, this
command reads a block of the
size selected by the
[31:0] data READ_SINGLE_B
CMD17 adtc R1 SET_BLOCKLEN command.
address LOCK
In the case of a High Capacity
Card, block length is fixed 512
Bytes regardless of the
CMD18 adtc [31:0] data R1 READ_MULTIPLE Continuously transfers data

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
address _BLOCK blocks from card to host until
interrupted by a
command. Block length is
specified the same as
Note: The transferred data must not cross a physical block boundary, unless READ_BLK_MISALIGN is set
in the CSD register

Table 24-6. Stream read commands (class 1) and stream write commands (class 3)
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
Reads data stream from the card,
[31:0] data READ_DAT_UNTI starting at the given address,
CMD11 adtc R1
Writes data stream from the host,
[31:0] data WRITE_DAT_UN starting at the given address,
CMD20 adtc R1
Note: The transferred data must not cross a physical block boundary, unless READ_BLK_MISALIGN is set
in the CSD register

Table 24-7. Block-Oriented write commands (class 4)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
See description in Table 24-5.
[31:0] block Block-Oriented read
length commands (class
Defines the number of blocks
which are going to be transferred
[31:16] set to 0 in the immediately succeeding
CMD23 ac [15:0] number R1 multiple block read or write
of blocks command. If the argument is all
0s, the subsequent read/write
operation will be open-ended.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
In the case of a Standard
Capacity SD, this command
writes a block of the size selected
[31:0] data by the SET_BLOCKLEN
address command. In the case of a
SDHC, block length is fixed 512
Bytes regardless of the
Continuously writes blocks of
data until a
CMD25 adtc R1
address E _BLOCK Block length is specified the
Programming of the card
identification register. This
command shall be issued only
once. The card contains
CMD26 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 PROGRAM_CID hardware to prevent this
operation after the first
programming. Normally this
command is reserved for the
Programming of the
CMD27 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 PROGRAM_CSD
programmable bits of the CSD.
Note: 1.The data transferred shall not cross a physical block boundary unless WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is
set in the CSD. In the case that write partial blocks is not supported, then the block length=default block
length (given in CSD).
2. Data address is in byte units in a Standard Capacity SD Memory Card and in block (512 Byte) units in a
High Capacity SD Memory Card.

Table 24-8. Erase commands (class 5)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
[31:0] data ERASE_WR_BLK Sets the address of the first write
CMD32 ac R1
address _START block to be erased.(SD)
Sets the address of the last write
[31:0] data ERASE_WR_BLK
CMD33 ac R1 block of the continuous range to
address _END
be erased.(SD)
Sets the address of the first erase
[31:0]data ERASE_GROUP_
CMD35 ac R1 group within a range to be
address START
selected for erase.(MMC)

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
Sets the address of the last erase
[31:0]data ERASE_GROUP_
CMD36 ac R1 group within a continuous range
address END
to be selected for erase.(MMC)
Erases all previously selected
CMD38 ac [31:0] stuff bits R1b ERASE
write blocks.
Note: 1.CMD34 and CMD37 are reserved in order to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions
of the MMC.
2. Data address is in byte units in a Standard Capacity SD Memory Card and in block (512 Byte) units in a
High Capacity SD Memory Card.

Table 24-9. Block oriented write protection commands (class 6)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
If the card has write protection
features, this command sets the
write protection bit of the
addressed group. The properties
[31:0] data SET_WRITE_PRO of write protection are coded in
CMD28 ac R1b
address T the card specific data
A High Capacity SD Memory
Card does not support this
If the card provides write
protection features, this
[31:0] data CLR_WRITE_PRO
CMD29 ac R1b command clears the write
address T
protection bit of the addressed
If the card provides write
[31:0] write protection features, this
CMD30 adtc protect data R1 command asks the card to send
address the status of the write protection
Note: 1. High Capacity SD Memory Card does not support these three commands.

Table 24-10. Lock card (class 7)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
CMD16 ac [31:0] block R1 SET_BLOCK_LEN See description in Table 24-5.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
length Block-Oriented read
commands (class 2).
Used to set/reset the password
or lock/unlock the card. The size
of the data block is set by the
bits (Set all
Reserved bits in the argument
and in Lock Card Data Structure
shall be set to 0.

Table 24-11. Application-specific commands (class 8)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
Sends host capacity support
information (HCS) and asks
[31]reserved bit
the accessed card to send its
operating condition
SD_SEND_OP_ register(OCR) content in the
ACMD41 bcr bits R3
COND response. HCS is effective
[23:0]VDD Voltage
when card receives
SEND_IF_COND command.
CCS bit is assigned to
Connect[1]/Disconnect[0] the
[31:1] stuff bits SET_CLR_CAR
ACMD42 ac R1 50K pull-up resistor on
[0]set_cd D_DETECT
CD/DAT3 (pin 1) of the card.
Reads the SD Configuration
ACMD51 adtc [31:0] stuff bits R1 SEND_SCR
Register (SCR).
Indicates to the card that the
next command is an
[31:16] RCA
CMD55 ac R1 APP_CMD application specific command
[15:0] stuff bits
rather than a standard
Used either to transfer a data
block to the card or to get a
data block from the card for
[31:1] stuff bits.
CMD56 adtc R1 GEN_CMD general purpose/application
[0] RD/WR
specific command. The host
sets RD/WR=1 for reading
data from the card and sets to

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
0 for writing data to the card.
[31] WR
[23:18] Address
R1(read)/ RW_MULTIPLE Read or write register in
CMD60 adtc [7:2] Byte Count
R1b(write) _REGISTER address range.
Other bits are
reserved bits.
[31] WR
[15:0] Data Unit
R1(read)/ RW_MULTIPLE Read or write data block in
CMD61 adtc Count
R1b(write) _BLOCK address range.
Other bits are
reserved bits
Note: 1.ACMDx is Application-specific Commands for SD memory.
2. CMD60, CMD61 are Application-specific Commands for CE-ATA device.

Table 24-12. I/O mode commands (class 9)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
Used to write and read 8 bit
(register) data fields. The
command addresses a card
and a register and provides the
[31:16] RCA
data for writing if the write flag
[15] register write
is set. The R4 response
CMD39 ac R4 FAST_IO contains data read from the
[14:8] register
addressed register if the write
flag is cleared to 0. This
[7:0] register data
command accesses application
dependent registers which are
not defined in the MMC
GO_IRQ_STAT Sets the system into interrupt
CMD40 bcr [31:0] stuff bits R5
E mode
[31] R/W Flag The IO_RW_DIRECT is the
[30:28] Function simplest means to access a
Number single register within the total
[27] RAW Flag IO_RW_DIREC 128K of register space in any
CMD52 adtc R5
[26] Stuff Bits T I/O function, including the
[25:9] Register common I/O area (CIA). This
Address command reads or writes 1
[8] Stuff Bits byte using only 1

GD32F4xx User Manual
Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
[7:0] Write command/response pair. A
Data/Stuff Bits common use is to initialize
registers or monitor status
values for I/O functions. This
command is the fastest means
to read or write single I/O
registers, as it requires only a
single command/response pair.
[31] R/W Flag
[30:28] Function
This command allows the
[27] Block Mode
IO_RW_EXTEN reading or writing of a large
CMD53 adtc [26] OP code
DED number of I/O registers with a
[25:9] Register
single command.
[8:0] Byte/Block
Note: 1.CMD39, CMD40 are only for MMC.
2. CMD52, CMD53 are only for SD I/O card.

Table 24-13. Switch function commands (class 10)

Cmd Response
type argument Abbreviation Description
index format
[31] Mode
0:Check function
1:Switch function
[30:24] reserved
[23:20] reserved for
function group 6 (0h or Fh)
Only for SD memory
[19:16] reserved for
and SD I/O. Checks
function group 5 (0h or Fh)
CMD6 adtc R1 SWITCH_FUNC switchable function
[15:12] reserved for
(mode 0) and switch
function group 4 (0h or Fh)
card function (mode 1).
[11:8] reserved for function
group 3 (0h or Fh)
[7:4] function group 2 for
command system
[3:0] function group 1 for
access mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
24.5.3. Responses

All responses are sent on the CMD line. The response transmission always starts with the left
bit of the bit string corresponding to the response code word. The code length depends on
the response type.

Responses types

There are 7 types of responses show as follows.

 R1 / R1b : normal response command.

 R2 : CID, CSD register.
 R3 : OCR register.
 R4 : Fast I/O.
 R5 : Interrupt request.
 R6 : Published RCA response.
 R7 : Card interface condition.

The SD Memory Card support five types of them, R1 / R1b, R2, R3, R6, R7. And the SD I/O
Card and MMC supports additional response types named R4 and R5, but they are not exactly
the same for SD I/O Card and MMC.

Responses format

Responses have two formats, as show in Figure 24-8. Response Token Format, all
responses are sent on the CMD line. The code length depends on the response type. Except
R2 is 136 bits length, others are all 48 bits length.

Figure 24-8. Response Token Format

0 1 Content CRC 1

Total length = 48 bits

0 1 Content = CID or CSD CRC 1

Total length = 136 bits

A response always starts with a start bit (always 0), followed by the bit indicating the direction
of transmission (card = 0). A value ‘x’ in the tables below indicates a variable entry. All
responses except for the type R3 are protected by a CRC. Every command code word is
terminated by the end bit (always 1).

R1 (normal response command)

Code length is 48 bits. The bits 45:40 indicate the index of the command to be responded to,
this value being interpreted as a binary coded number (between 0 and 63). The status of the
GD32F4xx User Manual
card is coded in 32 bits. Note that if a data transfer to the card is involved, then a busy signal
may appear on the data line after the transmission of each block of data. The host shall check
for busy after data block transmission. The card status is described in Data packets format

There are 3 data bus mode, 1-bit, 4-bit and 8-bit width. 1-bit mode is mandatory, 4-bit and 8-
bit mode is optional. Although using 1-bit mode, DAT3 also need to notify card current working
mode is SDIO or SPI, when card reset and initialize.

1-bit data packet format

After card reset and initialize, only DAT0 pin is used to transfer data. And other pin can be
used freely. Figure 24-9. 1-bit data bus width, Figure 24-10. 4-bit data bus width and
Figure 24-11. 8-bit data bus width show the data packet format when data bus wide is 1-bit,
4-bit and 8-bit.

Figure 24-9. 1-bit data bus width

Start End
bit bit
DAT0 0 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte …… nth Byte CRC 1

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

4-bit data packet format

Figure 24-10. 4-bit data bus width

Start End
1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte nth Byte
bit bit
DAT3 0 b7 b3 b7 b3 b7 b3 …… b7 b3 CRC 1

DAT2 0 b6 b2 b6 b2 b6 b2 …… b6 b2 CRC 1

DAT1 0 b5 b1 b5 b1 b5 b1 …… b5 b1 CRC 1

DAT0 0 b4 b0 b4 b0 b4 b0 …… b4 b0 CRC 1

GD32F4xx User Manual
8-bit data packet format

Figure 24-11. 8-bit data bus width

Start 1st 2nd 3rd nth End

bit Byte Byte Byte Byte bit

DAT7 0 b7 b7 b7 …… b7 CRC 1

DAT6 0 b6 b6 b6 …… b6 CRC 1

DAT5 0 b5 b5 b5 …… b5 CRC 1

DAT4 0 b4 b4 b4 …… b4 CRC 1

DAT3 0 b7 b3 b7 …… b3 CRC 1

DAT2 0 b6 b2 b6 …… b2 CRC 1

DAT1 0 b5 b1 b5 …… b1 CRC 1

DAT0 0 b4 b0 b4 …… b0 CRC 1

Two status fields of the card.

Table 24-14. Response R1
Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 32 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ x x x ‘1’
transmission command card
description start bit CRC7 end bit
bit index status


R1b is identical to R1 with an optional busy signal transmitted on the data line DAT0. The
card may become busy after receiving these commands based on its state prior to the
command reception. The Host shall check for busy at the response.

R2 (CID, CSD register)

Code length is 136 bits. The contents of the CID register are sent as a response to the
commands CMD2 and CMD10. The contents of the CSD register are sent as a response to
CMD9. Only the bits [127..1] of the CID and CSD are transferred, the reserved bit [0] of these
registers is replaced by the end bit of the response.

Table 24-15. Response R2

Bit position 135 134 [133:128] [127:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 127 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘111111’ x ‘1’
transmission CID or CSD
description start bit reserved end bit
bit register and

GD32F4xx User Manual

R3 (OCR register)

Code length is 48 bits. The contents of the OCR register are sent as a response to ACMD41
(SD memory), CMD1 (MMC). The response of different cards may have a little different.

Table 24-16. Response R3

Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 32 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘111111’ x ‘1111111’ ‘1’
transmission OCR
description start bit reserved reserved end bit
bit register

R4 (Fast I/O)

For MMC only. Code length 48 is bits. The argument field contains the RCA of the addressed
card, the register address to be read out or written to, and its contents. The status bit in the
argument is set if the operation was successful.

Table 24-17. Response R4 for MMC

Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] Argument field [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 16 1 7 8 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘100111’ x x x x x ‘1’
start transmission RCA status register end
description CMD39 address CRC7
bit bit [31:16] [15] contents bit


For SD I/O only. Code length is 48 bits. The SDIO card receive the CMD5 will respond with a
unique SD I/O response R4.

Table 24-18. Response R4 for SD I/O

47 46 [45:40] 39 [38:36] 35 [34:32] 31 [30:8] [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 1 3 1 3 1 23 7 1
‘1111 ‘1111
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ x x x ‘000’ x x 1
11’ 111’
descripti start transmiss Reser Memory Stuff S18 I/O Reser end
C of I/O
on bit ion bit ved Present Bits A OCR ved bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
R5 (Interrupt request)

For MMC only. Code length is 48 bits. If the response is generated by the host, the RCA field
in the argument will be 0x0.

Table 24-19. Response R5 for MMC

Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] Argument field [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 16 16 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘101000’ x x x ‘1’
RCA [31:16] of [15:0] Not defined.
start transmission end
description CMD40 winning card or of May be used for IRQ CRC7
bit bit bit
the host data


For SD I/O only. The SDIO card's response to CMD52 and CMD53 is R5. If the communication
between the card and host is in the 1-bit or 4-bit SD mode, the response shall be in a 48-bit
response (R5).

Table 24-20. Response R5 for SD I/O

Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:24] [23:16] [15:8] [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 16 8 8 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘11020X’ ‘0’ x x x ‘1’
start transmission Response Read or end
description CMD52/53 Stuff Bits CRC7
bit bit Flags Write Data bit

R6 (Published RCA response)

Code length is 48 bit. The bits [45:40] indicate the index of the command to be responded to
(CMD3). The 16 MSB bits of the argument field are used for the Published RCA number.

Table 24-21. Response R6

Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:8] Argument field [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 16 16 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘000011’ x x x ‘1’
start transmission New published RCA card status end
description CMD3 CRC7
bit bit of the card bits:23,22,19,12:0 bit

R7 (Card interface condition)

For SD memory only. Code length is 48 bits. The card support voltage information is sent by
the response of CMD8. Bits 19-16 indicate the voltage range that the card supports. The card
that accepted the supplied voltage returns R7 response. In the response, the card echoes
back both the voltage range and check pattern set in the argument.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 24-22. Response R7
Bit position 47 46 [45:40] [39:20] [19:16] [15:8] [7:1] 0
Width 1 1 6 20 4 8 7 1
Value ‘0’ ‘0’ ‘001000’ ‘00000h’ x x x ‘1’
start transmission Reserved Voltage echo-back of end
description CMD8 CRC7
bit bit bits accepted check pattern bit

24.5.4. Data packets format

There are 3 data bus mode, 1-bit, 4-bit and 8-bit width. 1-bit mode is mandatory, 4-bit and 8-
bit mode is optional. Although using 1-bit mode, DAT3 also need to notify card current working
mode is SDIO or SPI, when card reset and initialize.

1-bit data packet format

After card reset and initialize, only DAT0 pin is used to transfer data. And other pin can be
used freely. Figure 24-9. 1-bit data bus width, Figure 24-10. 4-bit data bus width and
Figure 24-11. 8-bit data bus width show the data packet format when data bus wide is 1-bit,
4-bit and 8-bit.

Figure 24-9. 1-bit data bus width

Start End
bit bit
DAT0 0 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte …… nth Byte CRC 1

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

4-bit data packet format

Figure 24-10. 4-bit data bus width

Start End
1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte nth Byte
bit bit
DAT3 0 b7 b3 b7 b3 b7 b3 …… b7 b3 CRC 1

DAT2 0 b6 b2 b6 b2 b6 b2 …… b6 b2 CRC 1

DAT1 0 b5 b1 b5 b1 b5 b1 …… b5 b1 CRC 1

DAT0 0 b4 b0 b4 b0 b4 b0 …… b4 b0 CRC 1

GD32F4xx User Manual
8-bit data packet format

Figure 24-11. 8-bit data bus width

Start 1st 2nd 3rd nth End

bit Byte Byte Byte Byte bit

DAT7 0 b7 b7 b7 …… b7 CRC 1

DAT6 0 b6 b6 b6 …… b6 CRC 1

DAT5 0 b5 b5 b5 …… b5 CRC 1

DAT4 0 b4 b4 b4 …… b4 CRC 1

DAT3 0 b7 b3 b7 …… b3 CRC 1

DAT2 0 b6 b2 b6 …… b2 CRC 1

DAT1 0 b5 b1 b5 …… b1 CRC 1

DAT0 0 b4 b0 b4 …… b0 CRC 1

24.5.5. Two status fields of the card

The SD Memory supports two status fields and others just support the first one:

Card Status: Error and state information of a executed command, indicated in the response

SD Status: Extended status field of 512 bits that supports special features of the SD Memory
Card and future Application-Specific features.

Card status

The response format R1 contains a 32-bit field named card status. This field is intended to
transmit the card’s status information (which may be stored in a local status register) to the
host. If not specified otherwise, the status entries are always related to the previous issued

The type and clear condition fields in the table are abbreviated as follows:


•E:Error bit. Send an error condition to the host. These bits are cleared as soon as the
response (reporting the error) is sent out.

•S:Status bit. These bits serve as information fields only, and do not alter the execution of the
command being responded to. These bits are persistent, they are set and cleared in
accordance with the card status.

•R:Exceptions are detected by the card during the command interpretation and validation
phase (Response Mode).

GD32F4xx User Manual
•X:Exceptions are detected by the card during command execution phase (Execution Mode).

Clear condition

•A: According to current state of the card.

•B: Always related to the previous command. Reception of a valid command will clear it (with
a delay of one command).

•C: Cleared by read

Table 24-23. Card status

Bits Identifier Type Value Description Clear
31 OUT_OF_RANGE ERX ’0’= no error The command’s argument was C
’1’= error out of the allowed range for this
30 ADDRESS_ERROR ERX ’0’= no error A misaligned address which did C
’1’= error not match the block length was
used in the command.
29 BLOCK_LEN_ERROR ERX ’0’= no error The transferred block length is C
’1’= error not allowed for this card, or the
number of transferred bytes
does not match the block
28 ERASE_SEQ_ERROR ER ’0’= no error An error in the sequence of C
’1’= error erase commands occurred.
27 ERASE_PARAM ERX ’0’= no error An invalid selection of write- C
’1’= error blocks for erase occurred.
26 WP_VIOLATION ERX ’0’= not protected Set when the host attempts to C
’1’= protected write to a protected block or to
the temporary or permanent
write protected card.
25 CARD_IS_LOCKED SX ‘0’ = card unlocked When set, signals that the card A
‘1’ = card locked is locked by the host
24 LOCK_UNLOCK_FAIL ERX ’0’= no error Set when a sequence or C
ED ’1’= error password error has been
detected in lock/unlock card
23 COM_CRC_ERROR ER ’0’= no error The CRC check of the previous B
’1’= error command failed.
22 ILLEGAL_COMMAND ER ’0’= no error Command not legal for the card B
’1’= error state.
21 CARD_ECC_FAILED ERX ’0’= success Card internal ECC was applied C
’1’= failure but failed to correct the data.
20 CC_ERROR ERX ’0’= no error Internal card controller error. C
GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Identifier Type Value Description Clear
’1’= error
19 ERROR ERX ’0’= no error A general or an unknown error C
’1’= error occurred during the operation.
18 UNDERRUN ERX ’0’= no error Only for MMC. The card could C
’1’= error not sustain data transfer in
stream read mode.
17 OVERRUN ERX ’0’= no error Only for MMC. The card could C
’1’= error not sustain data programming
in stream write mode.
16 CID/ ERX ’0’= no error Can be either one of the C
CSD_OVERWRITE ’1’= error following errors:
- The read only section of the
CSD does not match the card
- An attempt to reverse the
copy (set as original) or
permanent WP(unprotected)
bits was made.
15 WP_ERASE_SKIP ERX ’0’= not protected Set when only partial address C
’1’= protected space was erased due to
existing write protected blocks
or the temporary or permanent
write protected card was
14 CARD_ECC_DISABLE SX ’0’= enabled The command has been A
D ’1’= disabled executed without using the
internal ECC.
13 ERASE_RESET SR ’0’= cleared An erase sequence was C
’1’= set cleared before executing
because an out of erase
sequence command was
[12: CURRENT_STATE SX 0 = idle The state of the card when B
9] 1 = ready receiving the command. If the
2 = identification command execution causes a
3 = stand by state change, it will be visible to
4 = transfer the host in the response to the
5 = send data next command. The four bits
6 = receive data are interpreted as a binary
7 = programming coded number between 0 and
8 = disconnect 15.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Identifier Type Value Description Clear
9-14 = reserved
15 = reserved for
I/O mode
8 READY_FOR_DATA SX ’0’= not ready Corresponds to buffer empty A
’1’= ready signaling on the bus.
7 SWITCH_ERROR EX ’0’= no error If set, the card don’t switch to B
’1’= switch error the expected mode as
requested by the SWITCH
6 Reserved
5 APP_CMD SR ’0’= enabled The card will expect ACMD, or C
’1’= disabled an indication that the command
has been interpreted as ACMD.
4 Reserved
3 AKE_SEQ_ERROR ER ’0’= no error Only for SD memory. Error in C
’1’= error the sequence of the
authentication process.
2 Reserved for application specific commands.
[1:0] Reserved for manufacturer test mode.

Note: 18, 17, 7 bits are only for MMC. 14, 3 bits are only for SD memory.

SD status register

The SD Status contains status bits that are related to the SD Memory Card proprietary
features and may be used for future application-specific usage. The size of the SD Status is
one data block of 512 bits. The content of this register is transmitted to the Host over the DAT
bus along with a 16-bit CRC. The SD Status is sent to the host over the DAT bus as a
response to ACMD13 (CMD55 followed with CMD13). ACMD13 can be sent to a card only in
‘transfer state’ (card is selected). The SD Status structure is described below.

The same abbreviation for ‘type’ and ‘clear condition’ were used as for the Card Status above.

Table 24-24. SD status

Bits Identifier Type Value Description Clear
[511: DAT_BUS_WIDTH SR ’00’= 1 (default) Shows the currently defined A
510] ‘01’= reserved data bus width that was defined
‘10’= 4 bit width by SET_BUS_WIDTH
‘11’= reserved command
509 SECURED_MODE SR ’0’= Not in the Card is in Secured Mode of A
mode operation (refer to the “SD

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Identifier Type Value Description Clear
’1’= In Secured Security Specification”).
[508: reserved
[495: SD_CARD_TYPE SR The following In the future, the 8 LSBs will be A
480] cards are currently used to define different
defined: variations of an SD Memory
’0000’= Regular Card (Each bit will define
SD RD/WR Card. different SD Types). The 8
’0001’= SD ROM MSBs will be used to define SD
Card Cards that do not comply with
'0002'= OTP current SD Physical Layer
[479: SIZE_OF_PROTECT SR Size of protected (See below) A
448] ED_AREA area
[447: SPEED_CLASS SR Speed class of the (See below) A
440] card
[439: PERFORMANCE_M SR Performance of (See below) A
432] OVE move indicated by
1 [MB/s] step.
[431: AU_SIZE SR Size of AU (See below) A
[427: reserved
[423: ERASE_SIZE SR Number of AUs to (See below) A
408] be erased at a
[407: ERASE_TIMEOUT SR Timeout value for (See below) A
402] erasing areas
specified by
[401: ERASE_OFFSET SR Fixed offset value (See below) A
400] added to erase
[399: reserved
[311: reserved for manufacturer


GD32F4xx User Manual
Setting this field differs between SDSC and SDHC/SDXC.

In case of SDSC Card, the capacity of protected area is calculated as follows:


SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA is specified by the unit in MULT*BLOCK_LEN.

In case of SDHC and SDXC Cards, the capacity of protected area is calculated as follows:


SIZE_OF_PROTECTED_AREA is specified by the unit in byte.


This 8-bit field indicates the Speed Class.

00h: Class 0

01h: Class 2

02h: Class 4

03h: Class 6

04h: Class 10

05h–FFh: Reserved


This 8-bit field indicates Pm and the value can be set by 1 [MB/sec] step. If the card does not
move useing RUs, Pm should be considered as infinity. Setting to FFh means infinity. The
minimum value of Pm is defined in Table 24-25. Performance move field.

Table 24-25. Performance move field

00h Sequential Write
01h 1 [MB/sec]
02h 2 [MB/sec]
....... ......
FEh 254 [MB/sec]
FFh Infinity


This 4-bit field indicates AU Size and the value can be selected from 16 KB.

Table 24-26. AU_SIZE field

AU_SIZE Value Definition
0h Not Defined
1h 16 KB

GD32F4xx User Manual
2h 32 KB
3h 64 KB
4h 128 KB
5h 256 KB
6h 512 KB
7h 1 MB
8h 2 MB
9h 4 MB
Ah 8 MB
Bh 12 MB
Ch 16 MB
Dh 24 MB
Eh 32 MB
Fh 64 MB

The maximum AU size, depends on the card capacity, is defined in Table 24-26. AU_SIZE
field. The card can set any AU size specified in Table 24-27. Maximum AU size that is less
than or equal to the maximum AU size. The card should set smaller AU size as possible.

Table 24-27. Maximum AU size

Card Capacity up to 64MB up to 256MB up to 512MB up to 32GB up to 2TB
Maximum AU
512 KB 1 MB 2 MB 4 MB1 64MB


This 16-bit field indicates NERASE. When NERASE of AUs are erased, the timeout value is
specified by ERASE_TIMEOUT (Refer to ERASE_TIMEOUT). The host should determine
proper number of AUs to be erased in one operation so that the host can indicate progress of
erase operation. If this field is set to 0, the erase timeout calculation is not supported.

Table 24-28. Erase size field

ERASE_SIZE Value Definition
0000h Erase Time-out Calculation is not supported.
0001h 1 AU
0002h 2 AU
0003h 3 AU
....... .......
FFFFh 65535 AU


This 6-bit field indicates the T ERASE and the value indicates erase timeout from offset when
multiple AUs are erased as specified by ERASE_SIZE. The range of ERASE_TIMEOUT can
be defined as up to 63 seconds and the card manufacturer can choose any combination of
ERASE_SIZE and ERASE_TIMEOUT depending on the implementation. Once

GD32F4xx User Manual
ERASE_TIMEOUT is determined, it determines the ERASE_SIZE. The host can determine
timeout for any number of AU erase by the equation below.

Erase timeout of X AU = ∗ X + TOFFSET (24-1)

Table 24-29. Erase timeout field

ERASE_TIMEOUT Value Definition
00 Erase Time-out Calculation is not supported.
01 1 [sec]
02 2 [sec]
03 3 [sec]
....... .......
63 63 [sec]

If ERASE_SIZE field is set to 0, this field shall be set to 0.


This 2-bit field indicates the T OFFSET and one of four values can be selected. This field is
meaningless if ERASE_SIZE and ERASE_TIMEOUT fields are set to 0.

Table 24-30. Erase offset field

ERASE_OFFSET Value Definition
0h 0 [sec]
1h 1 [sec]
2h 2 [sec]
3h 3 [sec]

24.6. Programming sequence

24.6.1. Card identification

The host will be in card identification mode after reset and while it is looking for new cards on
the bus. While in card identification mode the host resets all the cards, validates operation
voltage range, identifies cards and asks them to publish Relative Card Address (RCA). This
operation is done to each card separately on its own CMD line. All data communication in the
Card Identification Mode uses the command line (CMD) only.

During the card identification process, the card shall operate in the clock frequency of the
identification clock rate FOD (400 kHz).

Card reset

The command GO_IDLE_STATE (CMD0) is the software reset command and sets MMC and
SD memory card into Idle State regardless of the current card state. The reset command

GD32F4xx User Manual
(CMD0) is only used for memory or the memory portion of Combo cards. In order to reset an
I/O only card or the I/O portion of a combo card, use CMD52 to write 1 to the RES bit in the
CCCR. Cards in Inactive State are not affected by this command.

After power-on by the host, all cards are in Idle State, including the cards that have been in
Inactive State before. After power-on or CMD0, all cards' CMD lines are in input mode, waiting
for start bit of the next command. The cards are initialized with a default relative card address
(RCA) and with a default driver strength with 400 KHz clock frequency.

Operating voltage range validation

At the start of communication between the host and the card, the host may not know the card
supported voltage and the card may not know whether it supports the current supplied voltage.
To verify the voltage, the following commands are defined in the related specification.

The SEND_OP_COND (CMD1 for MMC), SD_SEND_OP_COND (ACMD41 for SD memory),

IO_SEND_OP_COND (CMD5 for SD I/O) command is designed to provide hosts with a
mechanism to identify and reject cards which do not match the VDD range desired by the host.
This is accomplished by the host sending the required VDD voltage window as the operand of
this command. If the card cannot perform data transfer in the specified range it must discard
itself from further bus operations and go into Inactive State. Otherwise, the card shall respond
sending back its VDD range.

If the card can operate on the supplied voltage, the response echoes back the supply voltage
and the check pattern that were set in the command argument.

If the card cannot operate on the supplied voltage, it returns no response and stays in idle
state. It is mandatory to issue CMD8 prior to ACMD41 to initialize SDHC Card. Receipt of
CMD8 makes the cards realize that the host supports the Physical Layer Version 2.00 and
the card can enable new functions.

Card identification process

The card identification process differs in different cards. The card can be of the type MMC,
CE-ATA, SD, or SD I/O. All types of SD I/O cards are supported, they are, SDIO_IO_ONLY,
SDIO_MEM_ONLY, and SDIO COMBO cards. The identification process sequence includes
the following steps:

1. Check if the card is connected.

2. Identify the card type; SD, MMC(CE-ATA), or SD I/O.

– Send CMD5 first. If a response is received, then the card is SD I/O

– If not, send ACMD41; if a response is received, then the card is SD.

– Otherwise, the card is an MMC or CE-ATA.

3. Initialization the card according to the card type.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Use a clock source with a frequency = FOD (that is, 400 KHz) and use the following command

– SD card - Send CMD0, ACMD41, CMD2, CMD3.

– SDHC card - send CMD0, CMD8, ACMD41, CMD2, CMD3.

– SD I/O - Send CMD52, CMD0, CMD5, if the card doesn’t have memory port, send CMD3;
otherwise send ACMD41, CMD11 (optional), CMD2, and CMD3.

– MMC/CE-ATA - Send CMD0, CMD1, CMD2, CMD3.

4. Identify the MMC/CE-ATA device.

– CPU should query the byte 504 (S_CMD_SET) of EXT_CSD register by sending CMD8. If
bit 4 is set to 1, then the device supports ATA mode.

– If ATA mode is supported, the CPU should select the ATA mode by setting the ATA bit (bit 4)
in the EXT_CSD register slice 191(CMD_SET) to activate the ATA command set. The CPU
selects the command set using the SWITCH (CMD6) command.

– In the presence of a CE-ATA device, the FAST_IO (CMD39) and

RW_MULTIPLE_REGISTER (CMD60) commands will succeed and the returned data will be
the CE-ATA reset signature.

24.6.2. No data commands

To send any non-data command, the software needs to program the SDIO_CMDCTL register
and the SDIO_CMDAGMT register with appropriate parameters. Using these two registers,
the host forms the command and sends it to the command bus. The host reflects the errors
in the command response through the error bits of the SDIO_STAT register.

When a response is received the host sets the CMDRECV (CRC check passed) or
CCRCERR(CRC check error) bit in the SDIO_STAT register. A short response is copied in
SDIO_RESP0, while a long response is copied to all four response registers. The
SDIO_RESP3 bit 31 represents the MSB, and the SDIO_RESP0 bit 0 represents the LSB of
a long response.

24.6.3. Single block or multiple block write

During block write (CMD24 - 27) one or more blocks of data are transferred from the host to
the card. The block consists of start bits(1 or 4 bits LOW), data block, CRC and end bits(1 or
4 bits HIGH). If the CRC fails, the card indicates the failure on the SDIO_DAT line and the
transferred data are discarded and not written, and all further transmitted blocks are ignored.

If the host uses partial blocks whose accumulated length is not block aligned, block
misalignment is not allowed (CSD parameter WRITE_BLK_MISALIGN is not set), the card
will detect the block misalignment error before the beginning of the first misaligned block. The
card shall set the ADDRESS_ERROR error bit in the status register, and while ignoring all
GD32F4xx User Manual
further data transfer. The write operation will also be aborted if the host tries to write data on
a write protected area. In this case, however, the card will set the WP_VIOLATION bit (in the
status register).

Programming of the CID and CSD registers does not require a previous block length setting.
The transferred data is also CRC protected. If a part of the CSD or CID register is stored in
ROM, then this unchangeable part must match the corresponding part of the receive buffer.
If this match fails, then the card reports an error and does not change any register contents.

Some cards may require long and unpredictable time to write a block of data. After receiving
a block of data and completing the CRC check, the card will begin writing and hold the DAT0
line low if its write buffer is full and unable to accept new data from a new WRITE_BLOCK
command. The host may poll the status of the card with a SEND_STATUS command (CMD13)
at any time, and the card will respond with its status. The status bit READY_FOR_DATA
indicates whether the card can accept new data or whether the write process is still in
progress). The host may deselect the card by issuing CMD7 (to select a different card) which
will displace the card into the Disconnect State and release the DAT line without interrupting
the write operation. When reselecting the card, it will reactivate busy indication by pulling DAT
to low if programming is still in progress and the write buffer is unavailable.

For SD card. Setting a number of write blocks to be pre-erased (ACMD23) will make a
following Multiple Block Write operation faster compared to the same operation without
preceding ACMD23. The host will use this command to define how many number of write
blocks are going to be send in the next write operation.

Steps involved in a single-block or multiple-block write are:

1. Write the data size in bytes in the SDIO_DATALEN register.

2. Write the block size in bytes (BLKSZ) in the SDIO_DATACTL register; the host sends data
in blocks of size BLKSZ.

3. Program SDIO_CMDAGMT register with the data address to which data should be written.

4. Program the SDIO_CMDCTL register. For SD memory and MMC cards, use CMD24 for a
single-block write and CMD25 for a multiple-block write. For SD I/O cards, use CMD53 for
both single-block and multiple-block transfers. For CE-ATA, first use CMD60 to write the ATA
task file, then use CMD61 to write the data. After writing to the CMD register, host starts
executing a command, when the command is sent to the bus, the CMDRECV flag is set.

5. Write data to SDIO_FIFO.

6. Software should look for data error interrupts. If required, software can terminate the data
transfer by sending the STOP command (CMD12).

7. When a DTEND interrupt is received, the data transfer is over. For an open-ended block
transfer, if the byte count is 0, the software must send the STOP command. If the byte count
is not 0, then upon completion of a transfer of a given number of bytes, the host should send
the STOP command.

GD32F4xx User Manual
24.6.4. Single block or multiple block read

Block read is block oriented data transfer. The basic unit of data transfer is a block whose
maximum size is defined in the CSD (READ_BL_LEN), it is always 512 bytes. If
READ_BL_PARTIAL(in the CSD) is set, smaller blocks whose starting and ending address
are entirely contained within 512 bytes boundary may be transmitted.

CMD17 (READ_SINGLE_BLOCK) initiates a block read and after completing the transfer, the
card returns to the Transfer state. CMD18 (READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK) starts a transfer of
several consecutive blocks. CRC is appended to the end of each block, ensuring data transfer

Block Length set by CMD16 can be set up to 512 bytes regardless of READ_BL_LEN.

Blocks will be continuously transferred until a STOP_TRANSMISSION command (CMD12) is

issued. The stop command has an execution delay due to the serial command transmission.
The data transfer stops after the end bit of the stop command.

When the last block of user area is read using CMD18, the host should ignore
OUT_OF_RANGE error that may occur even the sequence is correct.

If the host uses partial blocks whose accumulated length is not block aligned and block
misalignment is not allowed, the card shall detect a block misalignment at the beginning of
the first misaligned block, set the ADDRESS_ERROR error bit in the status register, abort
transmission and wait in the Data State for a stop command.

Steps involved in a single block or multiple block read are:

1. Write the data size in bytes in the SDIO_DATALEN register.

2. Write the block size in bytes (BLKSZ) in the SDIO_DATACTL register. The host expects
data from the card in blocks of size BLKSZ each.

3. Program the SDIO_CMDAGMT register with the data address of the beginning of a data

4. Program the SDIO_CMDCTL. For SD and MMC cards, using CMD17 for a single-block
read and CMD18 for a multiple-block read. For SD I/O cards, using CMD53 for both single-
block and multiple-block transfers. For CE-ATA, first using CMD60 to write the ATA task file,
then using CMD 61 to read the data. After writing to the CMD register, the host starts
executing the command, when the command is sent to the bus, the CMDRECV flag is set.

5. Software should look for data error interrupts. If required, software can terminate the data
transfer by sending a STOP command.

6. The software should read data from the FIFO and make space in the FIFO for receiving
more data.

7. When a DTEND interrupt is received, the software should read the remaining data in the

GD32F4xx User Manual
24.6.5. Stream write and stream read (MMC only)

Stream write

Stream write (CMD20) starts the data transfer from the host to the card beginning from the
starting address until the host issues a stop command. If partial blocks are allowed (if CSD
parameter WRITE_BL_PARTIAL is set) the data stream can start and stop at any address
within the card address space, otherwise it shall start and stop only at block boundaries. Since
the amount of data to be transferred is not determined in advance, CRC cannot be used.

If the host provides an out of range address as an argument to CMD20, the card will reject
the command, remain in Tran state and respond with the ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE bit

Note that the stream write command works only on a 1 bit bus configuration (on DAT0). If
CMD20 is issued in other bus configurations, it is regarded as an illegal command.

In order to sustain data transfer in stream mode of the card, the time it takes to receive the
data (defined by the bus clock rate) must be less than the time it takes to program it into the
main memory field (defined by the card in the CSD register). Therefore, the maximum clock
frequency for the stream write operation is given by the following formula:

max write frequence = min (TRAN_SPEED, ) (24-2)

TRAN_SPEED: Max bus clock frequency.

WRITE_BL_LEN: Max write data block length.

NSAC: Data read access-time 2 in CLK cycles.

TAAC: Data read access-time 1.

R2W_FACTOR: Write speed factor.

All the parameters are defined in CSD register. If the host attempts to use a higher frequency,
the card may not be able to process the data and will stop programming, and while ignoring
all further data transfer, wait (in the Receive-data-State) for a stop command. As the host
sends CMD12, the card will respond with the TXURE bit set and return to Transfer state

Stream read

There is a stream oriented data transfer controlled by READ_DAT_UNTIL_STOP (CMD11).

This command instructs the card to send its data, starting at a specified address, until the
host sends a STOP_TRANSMISSION command (CMD12). The stop command has an
execution delay due to the serial command transmission. The data transfer stops after the
end bit of the stop command.

If the host provides an out of range address as an argument to CMD11, the card will reject

GD32F4xx User Manual
the command, remain in Transfer state and respond with the ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE
bit set.

Note that the stream read command works only on a 1 bit bus configuration (on DAT0). If
CMD11 is issued in other bus configurations, it is regarded as an illegal command.

If the end of the memory range is reached while sending data, and no stop command has
been sent yet by the host, the contents of the further transferred payload is undefined. As the
host sends CMD12 the card will respond with the ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE bit set and
return to Tran state.

In order to sustain data transfer in stream mode of the card, the time it takes to transmit the
data (defined by the bus clock rate) must be less than the time it takes to read it out of the
main memory field (defined by the card in the CSD register). Therefore, the maximum clock
frequency for stream read operation is given by the following formula:

max read frequence = min (TRAN_SPEED, ) (24-3)

TRAN_SPEED: Max bus clock frequency.

READ_BL_LEN: Max read data block length.

NSAC: Data read access-time 2 in CLK cycles.

TAAC: Data read access-time 1.

R2W_FACTOR: Write speed factor.

All the parameters are defined in CSD register. If the host attempts to use a higher frequency,
the card may not be able to process the data and will stop programming, and while ignoring
all further data transfer, wait (in the Receive-data-State) for a stop command. As the host
sends CMD12, the card will respond with the RXORE bit set and return to Transfer state

24.6.6. Erase

The erasable unit of the MMC/SD memory is the “Erase Group”; Erase group is measured in
write blocks which are the basic writable units of the card. The size of the Erase Group is a
card specific parameter and defined in the CSD.

The host can erase a contiguous range of Erase Groups. Starting the erase process is a three
steps sequence. First the host defines the start address of the range using the
defines the last address of the range using the ERASE_GROUP_END
(CMD36)/ERASE_WR_BLK_END(CMD33) command and finally it starts the erase process
by issuing the ERASE (CMD38) command. The address field in the erase commands is an
Erase Group address in byte units. The card will ignore all LSB’s below the Erase Group size,
effectively rounding the address down to the Erase Group boundary.

If an erase command (CMD35, CMD36, and CMD38) is received out of the defined erase
GD32F4xx User Manual
sequence, the card shall set the ERASE_SEQ_ERROR bit in the status register and reset
the whole sequence.

If the host provides an out of range address as an argument to CMD35 or CMD36, the card
will reject the command, respond with the ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE bit set and reset the
whole erase sequence.

If an ‘non erase’ command (neither of CMD35, CMD36, CMD38 or CMD13) is received, the
card shall respond with the ERASE_RESET bit set, reset the erase sequence and execute
the last command.

If the erase range includes write protected blocks, they shall be left intact and only the non-
protected blocks shall be erased. The WP_ERASE_SKIP status bit in the status register shall
be set.

As described above for block write, the card will indicate that an erase is in progress by
holding DAT0 low. The actual erase time may be quite long, and the host may issue CMD7 to
deselect the card.

24.6.7. Bus width selection

After the host has verified the functional pins on the bus it should change the bus width

For MMC, using the SWITCH command (CMD6).The bus width configuration is changed by
writing to the BUS_WIDTH byte in the Modes Segment of the EXT_CSD register (using the
SWITCH command to do so). After power-on or software reset, the contents of the
BUS_WIDTH byte is 0x00. If the host tries to write an invalid value, the BUS_WIDTH byte is
not changed and the SWITCH_ERROR bit is set. This register is write only.

For SD memory, using SET_BUS_WIDTH command (ACMD6) to change the bus width. The
default bus width after power up or GO_IDLE_STATE command (CMD0) is 1 bit.
SET_BUS_WIDTH (ACMD6) is only valid in a transfer state, which means that the bus width
can be changed only after a card is selected by SELECT/DESELECT_CARD (CMD7).

24.6.8. Protection management

In order to allow the host to protect data against erase or write, three methods for the cards
are supported in the card:

CSD register for card protection (optional)

The entire card may be write protected by setting the permanent or temporary write protect
bits in the CSD. Some cards support write protection of groups of sectors by setting the
WP_GRP_ENABLE bit in the CSD. It is defined in units of WP_GRP_SIZE erase groups as
specified in the CSD. The SET_WRITE_PROT command sets the write protection of the
addressed write protected group, and the CLR_WRITE_PROT command clears the write
protection of the addressed write protected group.
GD32F4xx User Manual
The High Capacity SD Memory Card does not support Write Protection and does not respond
to write protection commands (CMD28, CMD29 and CMD30).

Write protect switch on the card (SD memory and SD I/O card)

A mechanical sliding tablet on the side of the card will be used by the user to indicate that a
given card is write protected or not. If the sliding tablet is positioned in such a way that the
window is open it means that the card is write protected. If the window is closed the card is
not write protected.

Password card Lock/Unlock Operation

The Password Card Lock/Unlock protection is described in Card Lock/Unlock


24.6.9. Card Lock/Unlock operation

The password protection feature enables the host to lock a card while providing a password,
which later will be used for unlocking the card. The password and its size are kept in a 128-
bit PWD and 8-bit PWD_LEN registers, respectively. These registers are non-volatile so that
a power cycle will not erase them.

Locked cards respond to (and execute) all commands in the basic command class (class 0),
ACMD41, CMD16 and lock card command class (class 7). Thus, the host is allowed to reset,
initialize, select, query for status, but not to access data on the card. If the password was
previously set (the value of PWD_LEN is not 0), the card will be locked automatically after
power on.

Similar to the existing CSD register write commands, the lock/unlock command is available
in "transfer state" only. This means that it does not include an address argument and the card
shall be selected before using it.

The card lock/unlock command has the structure and bus transaction type of a regular single
block write command. The transferred data block includes all the required information of the
command (password setting mode, PWD itself, card lock/unlock etc.). Table 24-31. Lock
card data structure describes the structure of the command data block.

Table 24-31. Lock card data structure

Byte Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 Reserved(all set to 0) ERASE LOCK_UNLOCK CLR_PWD SET_PWD
…… Password data(PWD)

ERASE: 1 Defines Forced Erase Operation. In byte 0, bit 3 will be set to 1 (all other bits shall
be 0). All other bytes of this command will be ignored by the card.

LOCK/UNLOCK: 1 = Locks the card. 0 = Unlock the card (note that it is valid to set this bit
GD32F4xx User Manual
together with SET_PWD but it is not allowed to set it together with CLR_PWD).

CLR_PWD: 1 = Clears PWD.

SET_PWD: 1 = Set new password to PWD

PWDS_LEN: Defines the following password(s) length (in bytes). In case of a password
change, this field includes the total password length of old and new passwords. The password
length is up to 16 bytes. In case of a password change, the total length of the old password
and the new password can be up to 32 bytes.

Password data: In case of setting a new password, it contains the new password. In case of
a password change, it contains the old password followed by the new password.

Setting the password

 Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected.

 Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8-bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8-bit
password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the new password. In the case that
a password replacement is done, then the block size shall consider that both passwords
(the old and the new one) are sent with the command.

 Send the Card Lock/Unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data
line including the 16-bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode (SET_PWD), the
length (PWDS_LEN) and the password itself. In the case that a password replacement
is done, then the length value (PWDS_LEN) shall include both passwords (the old and
the new one) and the password data field shall include the old password (currently used)
followed by the new password. Note that the card shall handle the calculation of the new
password length internally by subtracting the old password length from PWDS_LEN field.

 In the case that the sent old password is not correct (not equal in size and content), then
the LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register and the old
password does not change. In the case that the sent old password is correct (equal in
size and content), then the given new password and its size will be saved in the PWD
and PWD_LEN registers, respectively.

Reset the password

 Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected.

 Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8-bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8-bit
password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the currently used password.

 Send the card lock/unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data line
including the 16-bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode CLR_PWD, the length
(PWDS_LEN), and the password itself. If the PWD and PWD_LEN content match the
sent password and its size, then the content of the PWD register is cleared and
PWD_LEN is set to 0. If the password is not correct, then the LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED
error bit will be set in the status register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Locking a card
 Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected.

 Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8-bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8-bit
password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the currently used password.

 Send the card lock/unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data line
including the 16-bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode LOCK, the length
(PWDS_LEN) and the password itself.

If the PWD content is equal to the sent password, then the card will be locked and the card-
locked status bit will be set in the status register. If the password is not correct, then the
LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register.

Unlocking the card

 Select a card (CMD7), if not previously selected.

 Define the block length (CMD16), given by the 8-bit card lock/unlock mode, the 8-bit
password size (in bytes), and the number of bytes of the currently used password.

 Send the card lock/unlock command with the appropriate data block size on the data line
including the 16-bit CRC. The data block shall indicate the mode UNLOCK, the length
(PWDS_LEN) and the password itself.

If the PWD content is equal to the sent password, then the card will be unlocked and the card-
locked status bit will be cleared in the status register. If the password is not correct, then the
LOCK_UNLOCK_FAILED error bit will be set in the status register.

24.7. Specific operations

24.7.1. SD I/O specific operations

The SD I/O only card and SD I/O combo card support these specific operations:

Read Wait operation

Suspend/resume operation


The SD I/O supports these operations only if the SDIO_DATACTL[11] bit is set, except for
read suspend that does not need specific hardware implementation.

SD I/O read wait operation

The optional Read Wait (RW) operation is defined only for the SD 1-bit and 4-bit modes. The
Read Wait operation allows a host to signal a card that is executing a read multiple (CMD53)
operation to temporarily stall the data transfer while allowing the host to send commands to

GD32F4xx User Manual
any function within the SD I/O card. To determine if a card supports the Read Wait protocol,
the host shall test SRW capability bit in the Card Capability byte of the CCCR. The timing for
Read Wait is based on the Interrupt Period. If a card does not support the Read Wait protocol,
the only means a host has to stall (not abort) data in the middle of a read multiple command
is to control the SDIO_CLK. The limitation of this method is that with the clock stopped, the
host cannot issue any commands, and so cannot perform other operations during the delay
time. Read Wait support is mandatory for the card to support suspend/resume. Figure 24-12.
Read wait control by stopping SDIO_CLK_Hlk454897322 and Figure 24-13. Read wait
operation using SDIO_DAT[2]_Hlk454897344 show the Read Wait mode about stop the
SDIO_CLK and use SDIO_DAT[2].

Figure 24-12. Read wait control by stopping SDIO_CLK


DAT Read data 1a Interrupt period H Read data 1b


Figure 24-13. Read wait operation using SDIO_DAT[2]



DAT[3:0] Read data 1a INT Read data 1b

DAT1 Read data 1a Read data 1b

DAT2 Read data 1a Read data 1b

4 CLK min(no wait)

We can start the Read Wait interval before the data block is received: when the data unit is
enabled (SDIO_DATACTL[0] bit set), the SD I/O specific operation is enabled
(SDIO_DATACTL[11] bit set), Read Wait starts (SDIO_DATACTL[10] = 0 and
SDIO_DATACTL[8] = 1) and data direction is from card to SD I/O (SDIO_DATACTL[1] = 1),
the DSM directly moves from Idle to Read Wait. In Read Wait the DSM drives SDIO_DAT[2]
to 0 after 2 SDIO_CLK clock cycles. In this state, when you set the RWSTOP bit
(SDIO_DATACTL[9]), the DSM remains in Wait for two more SDIO_CLK clock cycles to drive
SDIO_DAT[2] to 1 for one clock cycle. The DSM then starts waiting again until it receives data
from the card. The DSM will not start a Read Wait interval while receiving a block even if
Read Wait start is set: the Read Wait interval will start after the CRC is received. The
RWSTOP bit has to be cleared to start a new Read Wait operation. During the Read Wait
interval, the SDIO can detect SD I/O interrupts on SDIO_DAT[1].

SD I/O suspend/resume operation

GD32F4xx User Manual
Within a multi-function SD I/O or a Combo card, there are multiple devices (I/O and memory)
that share access to the SD bus. In order to allow the sharing of access to the host among
multiple devices, SD I/O and combo cards can implement the optional concept of
suspend/resume. If a card supports suspend/resume, the host may temporarily halt a data
transfer operation to one function or memory (suspend) in order to free the bus for a higher
priority transfer to a different function or memory. Once this higher-priority transfer is
completed, the original transfer is re-started where it left off (resume).

Figure 24-14. Function2 read cycle inserted during function1 multiple read
cycle_Hlk454897377 shows a condition where the first suspend request is not immediately
accepted. The host then checks the status of the request with a read and determines that the
bus has now been released (BS=0). At this time, a read to function 2 is started. Once that
single block read is completed, the resume is issued to function, causing the data transfer to
resume (DF=1).

Figure 24-14. Function2 read cycle inserted during function1 multiple read cycle

Suspend to
Read n blocks to function1 is not Check status, Read 1 blocks to Resume to
function 1 accepted bus suspended function 2 function 1

Read n blocks RES CMD52(RAW) CMD52(R) Read 1 block RES CMD52(RAW)

CMD(1) P(1) BR=1,BS=1 BS=0 CMD(2) P(1) FS=1,DF=1

Data Data Data

Fn1 Fn2 Fn1

When the host sends data to the card, the host can suspend the write operation. The
SDIO_CMDCTL[11] bit is set and indicates to the CSM that the current command is a suspend
command. The CSM analyzes the response and when the response is received from the card
(suspend accepted), it acknowledges the DSM that goes Idle after receiving the CRC token
of the current block.

To suspend a read operation, the DSM waits in the WaitR state, when the function to be
suspended sends a complete packet just before stopping the data transaction. The
application should continue reading receive FIFO until the FIFO is empty, and the DSM goes
Idle state automatically.

In order to allow the SD I/O card to interrupt the host, an interrupt function is added to a pin
on the SD interface. Pin number 8, which is used as SDIO_DAT[1] when operating in the 4-
bit SD mode, is used to signal the card’s interrupt to the host. The use of interrupt is optional
for each card or function within a card. The SD I/O interrupt is “level sensitive”, that is, the
interrupt line shall be held active (low) until it is either recognized and acted upon by the host
or de-asserted due to the end of the Interrupt Period. Once the host has serviced the interrupt,
it is cleared via function unique I/O operation.

When setting the SDIO_DATACTL[11] bit SD I/O interrupts can detect on the SDIO_DAT[1]

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 24-15. Read Interrupt cycle timing_Hlk454897402 shows the timing of the interrupt
period for single data transaction read cycles.

Figure 24-15. Read Interrupt cycle timing


CMD S Command read data E S Response E S Command read data E

DAT0 S Data E

DAT1 S Data E

DAT1(mode) interrupt data data

Figure 24-16. Write interrupt cycle timing


CMD S Command write data E S Response E S Command write data E


DAT1 S Data E

DAT1(mode) interrupt data interrupt

When transferring multiple blocks of data in the 4-bit SD mode, a special definition of the
interrupt period is required. In order to allow the highest speed of communication, the interrupt
period is limited to a 2-clock interrupt period. Card that wants to send an interrupt signal to
the host shall assert DAT1 low for the first clock and high for the second clock. The card shall
then release DAT1 into the hi-Z State. Figure 24-17. Multiple block 4-Bit read interrupt
cycle timing_Hlk454897422 shows the operation for an interrupt during a 4-bit multi-block
read and Figure 24-18. Multiple block 4-Bit write interrupt cycle timing_Hlk454897442
shows the operation for an interrupt during a 4-bit multi-block write

Figure 24-17. Multiple block 4-Bit read interrupt cycle timing


CMD S Command read data E S Response E

DAT0 S Data E S Data E

DAT1 S Data E S Data E


DAT1(mode) interrupt data int data int data

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 24-18. Multiple block 4-Bit write interrupt cycle timing


CMD S Command write data E S Response E

DAT0 S Data E S CRC E S Data E S CRC E


DAT1 S Data E S Data E


DAT1(mode) interrupt data interrupt data interrupt

24.7.2. CE-ATA specific operations

The CE-ATA device supports these specific operations:

Receive command completion signal

Send command completion disable signal

The SDIO supports these operations only when SDIO_CMDCTL[14] is set.

Command completion signal

CE-ATA defines a command completion signal that the device uses to notify the host upon
normal ATA command completion or when ATA command termination has occurred due to
an error condition the device has encountered.

If the ‘enable CMD completion’ bit SDIO_CMDCTL[12] is set and the ‘not interrupt Enable’ bit
SDIO_CMDCTL[13] is reset, the CSM waits for the command completion signal in the
Waitcompl state.

When start bit is received on the CMD line, the CSM enters the Idle state. No new command
can be sent for 7 bit cycles. Then, for the last 5 cycles (out of the 7) the CMD line is driven
to‘1’ in push-pull mode.

After the host detects a command completion signal from the device, it should issue a
FAST_IO (CMD39) command to read the ATA Status register to determine the ending status
for the ATA command.

Command completion disable signal

The host may cancel the ability for the device to return a command completion signal by
issuing the command completion signal disable. The host shall only issue the command
completion signal disable when it has received an R1b response for an outstanding

Command completion signal disable is sent 8 bit cycles after the reception of a short response
if the ‘enable CMD completion’ bit, SDIO_CMDCTL[12] is not set and the ‘not interrupt Enable’
bit SDIO_CMDCTL[13] is reset.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 24-19. The operation for command completion disable signal

CMD S CMD E S Response E

Ncr Nrc Command completion

signal disable

GD32F4xx User Manual
24.8. SDIO registers

SDIO base address: 0x4001 2C00

24.8.1. Power control register (SDIO_PWRCTL)

Address offset: 0x00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved PWRCTL[1:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 PWRCTL[1:0] SDIO power control bits.

These bits control the SDIO state, card input or output.
00: SDIO power off: SDIO cmd/data state machine reset to IDLE, clock to card
stopped, no cmd/data output to card
01: Reserved
10: Reserved
11: SDIO Power on

Note: Between Two write accesses to this register, it needs at least 3 SDIOCLK + 2 pclk2 which used
to sync the registers to SDIOCLK clock domain.

24.8.2. Clock control register (SDIO_CLKCTL)

Address offset: 0x04
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register controls the output clock SDIO_CLK.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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DIV[8] Reserved


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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 DIV[8] MSB of Clock division
This field defines the MSB division between the input clock (SDIOCLK) and the
output clock, refer to bit 7:0 of SDIO_CLKCTL

30:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 HWCLKEN Hardware Clock Control enable bit

If this bit is set, hardware controls the SDIO_CLK on/off depending on the system
bus is very busy or not. There is no underrun/overrun error when this bit is set,
because hardware can close the SDIO_CLK when almost underrun/overrun.
0: HW Clock control is disabled
1: HW Clock control is enabled

13 CLKEDGE SDIO_CLK clock edge selection bit

0: Select the rising edge of the SDIOCLK to generate SDIO_CLK
1: Select the falling edge of the SDIOCLK to generate SDIO_CLK

12:11 BUSMODE[1:0] SDIO card bus mode control bit

00: 1-bit SDIO card bus mode selected
01: 4-bit SDIO card bus mode selected
10: 8-bit SDIO card bus mode selected

10 CLKBYP Clock bypass enable bit

This bit defines the SDIO_CLK is directly SDIOCLK or not.
0: NO bypass, the SDIO_CLK refers to DIV bits in SDIO_CLKCTL register.
1: Clock bypass, the SDIO_CLK is directly from SDIOCLK (SDIOCLK/1).

9 CLKPWRSAV SDIO_CLK clock dynamic switch on/off for power saving.

This bit controls SDIO_CLK clock dynamic switch on/off when the bus is idle for
power saving
0: SDIO_CLK clock is always on
1: SDIO_CLK closed when bus idle

8 CLKEN SDIO_CLK clock output enable bit

0: SDIO_CLK is disabled
1: SDIO_CLK is enabled

7:0 DIV[7:0] Clock division

This field and DIV[8] bit defines the division factor to generator SDIO_CLK clock to
card. The SDIO_CLK is divider from SDIOCLK if CLKBYP bit is 0, and the
SDIO_CLK frequency = SDIOCLK / (DIV[8:0] + 2).

Note: Between Two write accesses to this register, it needs at least 3 SDIOCLK + 2 pclk2 which used
to sync the registers to SDIOCLK clock domain.

GD32F4xx User Manual
24.8.3. Command argument register (SDIO_CMDAGMT)
Address offset: 0x08
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register defines 32 bit command argument, which will be used as part of the command
(bit 39 to bit 8).
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CMDAGMT[31:0] SDIO card command argument
This field defines the SDIO card command argument which sent to card. This field
is the bits [39:8] of command message. If the command message contains an
argument, this field must update before writting SDIO_CMDCTL register when
sending a command.

24.8.4. Command control register (SDIO_CMDCTL)

Address offset: 0x0C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The SDIO_CMDCTL register contains the command index and other command control bits to
control command state machine.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 ATAEN CE-ATA command enable(CE-ATA only)

If this bit is set, the host enters the CE-ATA mode, and the CSM transfers CMD61.
0: CE-ATA disable

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: CE-ATA enable

13 NINTEN No CE-ATA Interrupt (CE-ATA only)

This bit defines if there is CE-ATA interrupt or not. This bit is only used when CE-
ATA card.
0: CE-ATA interrupt enable
1: CE_ATA interrupt disable

12 ENCMDC CMD completion signal enabled (CE-ATA only)

This bit defines if there is command completion signal or not in CE-ATA card.
0: no completion signal
1: have completion signal

11 SUSPEND SD I/O suspend command(SD I/O only)

This bit defines whether the CSM to send a suspend command or not. This bit is
only used for SDIO card.
0: no effect
1: suspend command

10 CSMEN Command state machine (CSM) enable bit

0: Command state machine disable (stay on CS_Idle)
1: Command state machine enable

9 WAITDEND Waits for ends of data transfer.

If this bit is set, the command state machine starts to send a command must wait
the end of data transfer.
0: no effect
1: Wait the end of data transfer

8 INTWAIT Interrupt wait instead of timeout

This bit defines the command state machine to wait card interrupt at CS_Wait state
in command state machine. If this bit is set, no command wait timeout generated.
0: Not wait interrupt.
1: Wait interrupt.

7:6 CMDRESP[1:0] Command response type bits

These bits define the response type after sending a command message.
00: No response
01: Short response
10: No response
11: Long response

5:0 CMDIDX[5:0] Command index

This field defines the command index to be sent to SDIO card.

Note: Between Two write accesses to this register, it needs at least 3 SDIOCLK + 2 pclk2 which used
to sync the registers to SDIOCLK clock domain.

GD32F4xx User Manual
24.8.5. Command index response register (SDIO_RSPCMDIDX)
Address offset: 0x10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RSPCMDIDX[5:0]

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:0 RSPCMDIDX[5:0] Last response command index

Read-only bits field. This field contains the command index of the last command
response received. If the response doesn’t have the command index (long response
and short response of R3), the content of this register is undefined.

24.8.6. Response register (SDIO_RESPx x=0..3)

Address offset: 0x14+(4*x), x=0..3
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

These register contains the content of the last card response received.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RESPx[31:0] Card state. The content of the response, see Table 24-32. SDIO_RESPx register
at different response type.

The short response is 32 bits, the long response is 127 bits (bit 128 is the end bit 0).

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 24-32. SDIO_RESPx register at different response type

Register Short response Long response

SDIO_RESP0 Card response[31:0] Card response[127:96]

SDIO_RESP1 reserved Card response [95:64]

SDIO_RESP2 reserved Card response [63:32]

SDIO_RESP3 reserved Card response [31:1],plus bit 0

24.8.7. Data timeout register (SDIO_DATATO)

Address offset: 0x24
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 DATATO[31:0] Data timeout period
These bits define the data timeout period count by SDIO_CLK. When the DSM enter
the state WaitR or BUSY, the internal counter which loads from this register starts
decrement. The DSM timeout and enter the state Idle and set the DTTMOUT flag
when the counter decreases to 0.

Note: The data timer register and the data length register must be updated before being written to the
data control register when need a data transfer.

24.8.8. Data length register (SDIO_DATALEN)

Address offset: 0x28
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved DATALEN[24:16]


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GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:25 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

24:0 DATALEN[24:0] Data transfer length

This register defined the number of bytes to be transferred. When the data transfer
starts, the data counter loads this register and starts decrement.

Note: If block data transfer selected, the content of this register must be a multiple of the block
size (refer to SDIO_DATACTL). The data timer register and the data length register must be
updated before being written to the data control register when need a data transfer.

24.8.9. Data control register (SDIO_DATACTL)

Address offset: 0x2C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register controls the DSM.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 IOEN SD I/O specific function enable(SD I/O only)

0: Not SD I/O specific function
1: SD I/O specific function

10 RWTYPE Read wait type(SD I/O only)

0: Read Wait control using SDIO_DAT[2]
1: Read Wait control by stopping SDIO_CLK

9 RWSTOP Read wait stop(SD I/O only)

0: No effect
1: Stop the read wait process if RWEN bit is set

8 RWEN Read wait mode enabled(SD I/O only)

0: Read wait mode is disabled
1: Read wait mode is enabled

7:4 BLKSZ[3:0] Data block size

GD32F4xx User Manual
These bits defined the block size when data transfer is block transfer.
0000: block size = 20 = 1 byte
0001: block size = 21 = 2 bytes
0010: block size = 22 = 4 bytes
0011: block size = 23 = 8 bytes
0100: block size = 24 = 16 bytes
0101: block size = 25 = 32 bytes
0110: block size = 26 = 64 bytes
0111: block size = 27 = 128 bytes
1000: block size = 28 = 256 bytes
1001: block size = 29 = 512 bytes
1010: block size = 210 = 1024 bytes
1011: block size = 211 = 2048 bytes
1100: block size = 212 = 4096 bytes
1101: block size = 213 = 8192 bytes
1110: block size = 214 = 16384 bytes
1111: reserved

3 DMAEN DMA enable bit

0: DMA is disabled.
1: DMA is enabled.

2 TRANSMOD Data transfer mode

0: Block transfer
1: Stream transfer or SDIO multibyte transfer

1 DATADIR Data transfer direction

0: Write data to card.
1: Read data from card.

0 DATAEN Data transfer enable bit

Write 1 to this bit to start data transfer regardless this bit is 0 or 1. The DSM moves
to Readwait state if RWEN is set or to the WaitS, WaitR state depend on DATADIR
bit. Start a new data transfer, it not need to clear this bit to 0.

Note: Between Two write accesses to this register, it needs at least 3 SDIOCLK + 2 pclk2 which used
to sync the registers to SDIOCLK clock domain.

24.8.10. Data counter register (SDIO_DATACNT)

Address offset: 0x30
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register is read only. When the DSM from Idle to WaitR or WaitS, it loads value from data
length register (SDIO_DATALEN). It decrements with the data transferred, when it reaches 0,
the flag DTEND is set.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)
GD32F4xx User Manual
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved DATACNT[24:16]

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:25 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

24:0 DATACNT[24:0] Data count value

Read-only bits field. When these bits are read, the number of remaining data bytes
to be transferred is returned.

24.8.11. Status register (SDIO_STAT)

Address offset: 0x34
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register is read only. The following descripts the types of flag:
The flags of bit [23:22, 10:0] can only be cleared by writing 1 to the corresponding bit in
interrupt clear register (SDIO_INTC).
The flags of bit [21:11] are changing depend on the hardware logic.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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r r r r r r r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 ATAEND CE-ATA command completion signal received (only for CMD61)

22 SDIOINT SD I/O interrupt received

21 RXDTVAL Data is valid in receive FIFO

20 TXDTVAL Data is valid in transmit FIFO

19 RFE Receive FIFO is empty

18 TFE Transmit FIFO is empty

GD32F4xx User Manual
When HW Flow control is enabled, TFE signals becomes activated when the FIFO
contains 2 words.

17 RFF Receive FIFO is full

When HW Flow control is enabled, RFF signals becomes activated 2 words before
the FIFO is full.

16 TFF Transmit FIFO is full

15 RFH Receive FIFO is half full: at least 8 words can be read in the FIFO

14 TFH Transmit FIFO is half empty: at least 8 words can be written into the FIFO

13 RXRUN Data reception in progress

12 TXRUN Data transmission in progress

11 CMDRUN Command transmission in progress

10 DTBLKEND Data block sent/received (CRC check passed)

9 STBITE Start bit error in the bus.

8 DTEND Data end (data counter, SDIO_DATACNT, is zero)

7 CMDSEND Command sent (no response required)

6 CMDRECV Command response received (CRC check passed)

5 RXORE Received FIFO overrun error occurs

4 TXURE Transmit FIFO underrun error occurs

3 DTTMOUT Data timeout

The data timeout period depends on the SDIO_DATATO register.

2 CMDTMOUT Command response timeout

The command timeout period has a fixed value of 64 SDIO_CLK clock periods.

1 DTCRCERR Data block sent/received (CRC check failed)

0 CCRCERR Command response received (CRC check failed)

24.8.12. Interrupt clear register (SDIO_INTC)

Address offset: 0x38
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register is write only. Writing 1 to the bit can clear the corresponding bit in the SDIO_STAT
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
Reserved Reserved

w w

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



w w w w w w w w w w w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 ATAENDC ATAEND flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

22 SDIOINTC SDIOINT flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

21:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 DTBLKENDC DTBLKEND flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

9 STBITEC STBITE flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

8 DTENDC DTEND flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

7 CMDSENDC CMDSEND flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

6 CMDRECVC CMDRECV flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

5 RXOREC RXORE flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

4 TXUREC TXURE flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

3 DTTMOUTC DTTMOUT flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

2 CMDTMOUTC CMDTMOUT flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

1 DTCRCERRC DTCRCERR flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

0 CCRCERRC CCRCERR flag clear bit

Write 1 to this bit to clear the flag.

GD32F4xx User Manual
24.8.13. Interrupt enable register (SDIO_INTEN)
Address offset: 0x3C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register enables the corresponding interrupt in the SDIO_STAT register.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 ATAENDIE CE-ATA command completion signal received interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

22 SDIOINTIE SD I/O interrupt received interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

21 RXDTVALIE Data valid in receive FIFO interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

20 TXDTVALIE Data valid in transmit FIFO interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

19 RFEIE Receive FIFO empty interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

18 TFEIE Transmit FIFO empty interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

17 RFFIE Receive FIFO full interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

16 TFFIE Transmit FIFO full interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

15 RFHIE Receive FIFO half full interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

14 TFHIE Transmit FIFO half empty interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

13 RXRUNIE Data reception interrupt enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

12 TXRUNIE Data transmission interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

11 CMDRUNIE Command transmission interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

10 DTBLKENDIE Data block end interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

9 STBITEIE Start bit error interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

8 DTENDIE Data end interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

7 CMDSENDIE Command sent interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

6 CMDRECVIE Command response received interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

5 RXOREIE Received FIFO overrun error interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

4 TXUREIE Transmit FIFO underrun error interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

3 DTTMOUTIE Data timeout interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

2 CMDTMOUTIE Command response timeout interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

1 DTCRCERRIE Data CRC fail interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

0 CCRCERRIE Command response CRC fail interrupt enable

Write 1 to this bit to enable the interrupt.

24.8.14. FIFO counter register (SDIO_FIFOCNT)

Address offset: 0x48
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved FIFOCNT[23:16]

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23:0 FIFOCNT[23:0] FIFO counter.

These bits define the remaining number words to be written or read from the FIFO.
It loads the data length register (SDIO_DATALEN[24:2] if SDIO_DATALEN is word-
aligned or SDIO_DATALEN[24:2]+1 if SDIO_DATALEN is not word-aligned) when
DATAEN is set, and start count decrement when a word write to or read from the

24.8.15. FIFO data register (SDIO_FIFO)

Address offset: 0x80
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register occupies 32 entries of 32-bit words, the address offset is from 0x80 to 0xFC.
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 FIFODT[31:0] Receive FIFO data or transmit FIFO data
These bits are the data of receive FIFO or transmit FIFO. Write to or read from this
register is write data to FIFO or read data from FIFO.

GD32F4xx User Manual
25. External memory controller (EXMC)

25.1. Overview

The external memory controller EXMC, is used as a translator for CPU to access a variety of
external memories. By configuring the related registers, it can automatically convert AMBA
memory access protocol into a specific memory access protocol, such as SRAM, PSRAM,
ROM and NOR Flash. Users can also adjust the timing parameters in the configuration
registers to improve memory access efficiency. EXMC access space is divided into multiple
banks; each bank is assigned to access a specific memory type with flexible parameter
configuration as defined in the controlling register.

25.2. Characteristics

 Supported external memory:

 NOR Flash
 8-bit or 16-bit NAND Flash
 16-bit PC Card
 Synchronous DRAM(SDRAM)
 Protocol translation between the AMBA and the multitude of external memory protocol.
 Offering a variety of programmable timing parameters to meet user’s specific needs.
 Each bank has its own chip-select signal which can be configured independently.
 Independent read/write timing configuration to a sub-set memory type.
 Embedded ECC hardware for NAND Flash access.
 8, 16, or 32 bits bus width.
 Address and data bus multiplexing mechanism for NOR Flash and PSRAM.
 Write enable and byte select are provided if needed.
 Automatic AMBA transaction split when internal and external bus width are not

25.3. Function overview

25.3.1. Block diagram

EXMC is the combination of six modules: The AHB bus interface, EXMC configuration
registers, NOR/PSRAM controller, NAND/PC Card controller, SDRAM controller and external
device interface. AHB clock (HCLK) is the reference clock.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-1. The EXMC block diagram

AHB Bus Interface EXMC
from clock interrupt
controller to NVIC

EXMC Configuration


Controller Controller Controller











Pins Pins Pins /NAND Pins SDRAM Pins
Shared Pin Shared

25.3.2. Basic regulation of EXMC access

EXMC is the conversion interface between AHB bus and external device protocol. 32-bit of
AHB read/write accesses can be split into several consecutive 8-bit or 16-bit read/write
operations respectively. In the process of data transfer, AHB access data width and memory
data width may not be the same. In order to ensure consistency of data transmission,
read/write accesses follows the following basic regulation.

 When the width of AHB bus equals to the memory bus width, no conversion is applied.
 When the width of AHB bus is greater than memory bus width, the AHB accesses will
automatically split into several continuous memory accesses.
 When the width of AHB bus is shorter than memory bus width, if the external memory
devices support the byte selection function, such as SRAM, ROM, PSRAM, the
application can access the corresponding byte through EXMC_NBL[1:0]. Otherwise,
write operation is prohibited, but read operation is allowed unconditionally.

GD32F4xx User Manual
25.3.3. External device address mapping

Figure 25-2. EXMC memory banks

Address Banks Supported memory type

0x6000 0000
Bank0(4x64M) SQPI-PSRAM
0x7000 0000
0x8000 0000
0x9000 0000
Bank3(256M) PC Card

0xC000 0000
SDRAM Device0
0xD000 0000
SDRAM Device1

EXMC access space is divided into multiple banks. Each bank is 256 Mbytes. The first bank
(Bank0) is divided into four regions further, and each region is 64 Mbytes. Bankx(x=1,2) is
divided into two spaces, the attribute memory space and the common memory space. Bank3
is divided into three spaces, which are the attribute memory space, the common memory
space and the I/O memory space.

Each bank or region has a separate chip-select control signal, which can be configured

Bank0 is used for NOR and PSRAM device access.

Bank1 and bank2 are used to access NAND Flash exclusively.

Bank3 is used for PCCard access.

SDRAM Device0 and Device1 are used for Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) access.

GD32F4xx User Manual
NOR/PSRAM address mapping

Figure 25-3. Four regions of bank0 address mapping reflects the address mapping of the
four regions of bank0. Internal AHB address lines HADDR [27:26] bit are used to select the
four regions.

Figure 25-3. Four regions of bank0 address mapping

HADDR[27:26] Address Regions Supported memory type

00 Region0
01 Region1 NOR/PSRAM1
10 Region2 NOR/PSRAM2
11 Region3 NOR/PSRAM3

HADDR[25:0] is the byte address whereas the external memory may not be byte accessed,
this will lead to address inconsistency. EXMC can adjust HADDR to accommodate the data
width of the external memory according to the following rules.

 When data bus width of the external memory is 8-bits, in this case the memory address
is byte aligned. HADDR [25:0] is connected to EXMC_A [25:0] and then the EXMC_A
[25:0] is connected to the external memory address lines.
 When data bus width of the external memory is 16-bits., in this case the memory address
is half-word aligned. HADDR byte address must be converted into half-word aligned by
connecting HADDR [25:1] with EXMC_A [24:0]. The EXMC_A [24:0] is connected to the
external memory address lines.
 When data bus width of the external memory is 32-bits, in this case the memory address
is word aligned. HADDR byte address must be converted into word aligned by
connecting HADDR [25:2] with EXMC_A [23:0]. The EXMC_A [23:0] is connected to the
external memory address lines.

NAND/PC card address mapping

Bank1 and bank2 are designed to access NAND Flash, and bank3 is designed to access PC
Card. Each bank is further divided into several memory spaces as shown in Figure 25-4.
NAND/PC card address mapping.

Figure 25-4. NAND/PC card address mapping

GD32F4xx User Manual
EXMC Memory
Address Memory Space
0x7000_0000 Common Memory
0x73FF_FFFF Space

0x7800_0000 Bank1
Attribute Memory
0x7BFF_FFFF Space

0x8000_0000 Common Memory

0x83FF_FFFF Space

0x8800_0000 Bank2
Attribute Memory
0x8BFF_FFFF Space

0x9000_0000 Common Memory

0x93FF_FFFF Space

0x9800_0000 Attribute Memory Bank3

0x9BFF_FFFF Space
I/O Memory Space

NAND address mapping

For NAND Flash, the common space and the attribute space are further-divided into three
areas individually, the data area, the command area and the address area as shown in Figure
25-5. Diagram of bank1 common space.

Figure 25-5. Diagram of bank1 common space

EXMC Memory
HADDR[17:16] Address Memory Space
00 Data Area
01 Command Area
FFFF Bank1
1X Address Area
0x7003 Space


HADDR [17:16] bits are used to select one of the three areas.

GD32F4xx User Manual
 When HADDR [17:16] = 00, the data area is selected.

 When HADDR [17:16] = 01, the command area is selected.

 When HADDR [17:16] = 1X, the address area is selected.

Application software uses these three areas to access NAND Flash, their definitions are as
 Address area: This area is where the NAND Flash access address should be issued by
software, the EXMC will pull the address latch enable (ALE) signal automatically in
address transfer phase. ALE is mapped to EXMC_A [17].
 Command area: This area is where the NAND Flash access command should be issued
by the software, the EXMC will pull the command latch enable (CLE) signal automatically
in command transfer phase. CLE is mapped to EXMC_A [16].
 Data area: This area is where the NAND Flash read/write data should be accessed.
When the EXMC is in data transfer mode, software should write the data to be transferred
to the NAND Flash in this area. When the EXMC is in data reception mode, software
should read the data from the NAND Flash by reading this area. Data access address is
incremented automatically in consecutive mode, users need not to be concerned with
access address.

SDRAM address mapping

The HADDR [28] bit (internal AHB address line 28) is used to choose one of the two memory
banks as shown in Figure 25-6. SDRAM address mapping.

Figure 25-6. SDRAM address mapping

HADDR[28] Address Banks Supported memory type

0xC000 0000
0xD000 0000

The following table shows SDRAM address mapping of a 13-bit row and an 11-bit column

Table 25-1. SDRAM mapping

Maximum memory
Memory width Internal bank Row address Column address
64 Mbytes:
8-bit HADDR[25:24] HADDR[23:11] HADDR[10:0]
4 x 8K x 2K

GD32F4xx User Manual
Maximum memory
Memory width Internal bank Row address Column address
128 Mbytes:
16-bit HADDR[26:25] HADDR[24:12] HADDR[11:1]
4 x 8K x 2K x 2
256 Mbytes:
32-bit HADDR[27:26] HADDR[25:13] HADDR[12:2]
4 x 8K x 2K x 4

25.3.4. NOR/PSRAM controller

NOR/PSRAM memory controller controls bank0, which is designed to support NOR Flash,
PSRAM, SRAM, ROM and honeycomb RAM external memory. EXMC has 4 independent
chip-select signals for each of the 4 sub-banks within bank0, named NE[x] (x = 0, 1, 2, 3).
Other signals for NOR/PSRAM access are shared. Each sub-bank has its own set of
configuration register, but only sub-bank 0 support SQPI-PSRAM access, and owns its
corresponding unique register.


In asynchronous mode, all output signals of controller will change on the rise edge of internal
AHB bus clock (HCLK).

In synchronous mode, all output data of controller will change on the fall edge of extern
memory device clock (EXMC_CLK).

NOR/PSRAM memory device interface description

Table 25-2. NOR flash interface signals description

EXMC Pin Direction Mode Functional description
EXMC_CLK Output Sync Clock signal for sync
EXMC_A[25:0] Output Async/Sync Address bus signal
Muxed EXMC_A[25:16]
Input/output Address/Data bus
Input/output Data bus
EXMC_NE[x] Output Async/Sync Chip selection, x=0/1/2/3
EXMC_NOE Output Async/Sync Read enable
EXMC_NWE Output Async/Sync Write enable
EXMC_NWAIT Input Async/Sync Wait input signal
EXMC_NADV Output Async/Sync Address valid

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 25-3. PSRAM non-muxed signal description
EXMC Pin Direction Mode Functional description
EXMC_CLK Output Sync Clock signal for sync
EXMC_A[25:0] Output Async/Sync Address Bus
EXMC_D[15:0] Input/output Async/Sync Data Bus
EXMC_NE[x] Output Async/Sync Chip selection, x=0/1/2/3
EXMC_NOE Output Async/Sync Read enable
EXMC_NWE Output Async/Sync Write enable
EXMC_NWAIT Input Async/Sync Wait input signal
Latch enable (address
EXMC_NL(NADV) Output Async/Sync
valid enable, NADV)
EXMC_NBL[1] Output Async/Sync Upper byte enable
EXMC_NBL[0] Output Async/Sync Lower byte enable

Table 25-4. SQPI-PSRAM signal description

EXMC Pin Direction Mode Function
EXMC_CLK Output Sync Clock
EXMC_NE[0] Output Sync Chip selection, low
EXMC_D[0] Input/Output Sync Data signal and
Command signal
EXMC_D[1] Input/Output Sync Data signal in
EXMC_D[3:2] Input/Output Sync Data signal in SQPI/QPI

Supported memory access mode

Table below shows an example of the supported devices type, access modes and
transactions when the memory data bus is 16-bit for NOR, PSRAM and SRAM.

Table 25-5. EXMC bank 0 supports all transactions

AHB Memory
Memory Access Mode R/W Transaction Transaction Comments
Size Size
Async R 8 16
Async R 16 16
Async W 16 16
Split into 2 EXMC
Async R 32 16
NOR Flash accesses
Split into 2 EXMC
Async W 32 16
Sync R 16 16
Sync R 32 16

GD32F4xx User Manual
AHB Memory
Memory Access Mode R/W Transaction Transaction Comments
Size Size
Async R 8 16
Use of byte lanes
Async W 8 16
Async R 16 16
Async W 16 16
Split into 2 EXMC
Async R 32 16
Split into 2 EXMC
PSRAM Async W 32 16
Sync R 16 16
Sync R 32 16
Use of byte lanes
Sync W 8 16
Sync W 16 16
Split into 2 EXMC
Sync W 32 16
Async R 8 8
Async R 8 16
Split into 2 EXMC
Async R 16 8
Async R 16 16
Split into 4 EXMC
Async R 32 8
SRAM and Split into 2 EXMC
Async R 32 16
ROM accesses
Async W 8 8
Use of byte lanes
Async W 8 16
Async W 16 8
Async W 16 16
Async W 32 8
Async W 32 16

NOR Flash/PSRAM controller timing

EXMC provides various programmable timing parameters and timing models for SRAM, ROM,
PSRAM, NOR Flash and other external static memory.

Table 25-6. NOR / PSRAM controller timing parameters

Parameter Function Access mode Unit Min Max
CKDIV Sync Clock divide ratio Sync HCLK 2 16
GD32F4xx User Manual
Parameter Function Access mode Unit Min Max
DLAT Data latency Sync EXMC_CLK 2 17
BUSLAT Bus latency Async/Sync read HCLK 0 15
DSET Data setup time Async HCLK 1 255
AHLD Address hold time Async(muxed) HCLK 1 15
ASET Address setup time Async HCLK 0 15

Table 25-7. EXMC_timing models

Timing Extend Write timing Read timing
Mode description
model mode parameter parameter
Mode 2 0 NOR Flash
Mode A 1 EXMC_OE toggling on data
Mode B 1 NOR Flash
Mode C 1
toggling on data phase WASET ASET
Mode D 1 With address hold capability WAHLD AHLD
Mode AM 0 NOR Flash address/data mux
synchronous read DLAT DLAT
Mode E 0
synchronous write
Mode SM 0 NOR Flash address/data mux

As shown in Table 25-7. EXMC_timing models, EXMC NOR Flash / PSRAM controller
provides a variety of timing model, users can modify those parameters listed in Table 25-6.
NOR / PSRAM controller timing parameters to satisfy different external memory type and
user’s requirements. When extended mode is enabled via the EXMODEN bit in
EXMC_SNCTLx register, different timing patterns for read and write access could be
generated independently according to EXMC_SNTCFGx and EXMC_SNWTCFGx register’s

EXMC_CLK can be configured through the consecutive clock (CCK) bit. If CCK is set to 0,
when NOR flash synchronous access is performed, EXMC_CLK will be generated. If CCK is
GD32F4xx User Manual
set to 1, EXMC_CLK will be generated unconditionally whether the NOR flash is accessed in
synchronous or asynchronous mode.

Asynchronous access timing diagram

Mode 1 - SRAM/CRAM

Figure 25-7. Mode 1 read access


Chip Enable

Byte Lane Select


Output Enable

Write Enable

Memory Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


Figure 25-8. Mode 1 write access


Chip Enable

Byte Lane Select


Output Enable

Write Enable

EXMC Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


Table 25-8. Mode 1 related registers configuration

Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory and user
19 SYNCWR 0x0
18-16 Reserved 0x0
15 ASYNCWAIT Depends on memory
14 EXMODEN 0x0
13 NRWTEN 0x0
GD32F4xx User Manual
Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
12 WEN Depends on user
11 NRWTCFG No effect
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NRWTPOL Meaningful only when the bit 15 is set to 1
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN No effect
5-4 NRW Depends on memory
3-2 NRTP Depends on memory, except 2(Nor Flash)
1 NRMUX 0x0
0 NRBKEN 0x1
31-30 Reserved 0x0000
29-28 ASYNCMOD No effect
27-24 DLAT No effect
23-20 CKDIV No effect
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
Depends on memory and user (DSET+1 HCLK for
15-8 DSET
write, DSET HCLK for read)
7-4 AHLD No effect
3-0 ASET Depends on memory and user

Mode A - SRAM/PSRAM(CRAM) OE toggling

Figure 25-9. Mode A read access


Chip Enable

Byte Lane Select


Output Enable

Write Enable

Memory Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-10. Mode A write access


Chip Enable

Byte Lane Select


Output Enable

Write Enable

EXMC Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


The different between mode A and mode 1 write timing is that read/write timing is specified
by the same set of timing configuration, while mode A write timing configuration is
independent of its read configuration.

Table 25-9. Mode A related registers configuration

Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory and user
19 SYNCWR 0x0
18-16 Reserved 0x0
15 ASYNCWTEN Depends on memory
14 EXMODEN 0x1
13 NRWTEN 0x0
12 WEN Depends on user
11 NRWTCFG No effect
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NRWTPOL Meaningful only when the bit 15 is set to 1
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN No effect
5-4 NRW Depends on memory
3-2 NRTP Depends on memory, except 2(Nor Flash)
1 NRMUX 0x0
0 NRBKEN 0x1
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 ASYNCMOD 0x0
27-24 DLAT No effect

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
23-20 CKDIV No effect
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
Depends on memory and user (DSET+1 HCLK for
15-8 DSET
write, DSET HCLK for read)
7-4 AHLD No effect
3-0 ASET Depends on memory and user
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 WASYNCMOD 0x0
27-20 Reserved 0x00
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 WDSET Depends on memory and user
7-4 WAHLD 0x0
3-0 WASET Depends on memory and user

Mode 2/B - NOR Flash

Figure 25-11. Mode 2/B read access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

Memory Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-12. Mode 2 write access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

EXMC Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


Figure 25-13. Mode B write access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

EXMC Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


Table 25-10. Mode 2/B related registers configuration

Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
EXMC_SNCTLx(Mode 2, Mode B)
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory and user
19 SYNCWR 0x0
18-16 Reserved 0x0
15 ASYNCWTEN Depends on memory
14 EXMODEN Mode 2:0x0,Mode B:0x1
13 NRWTEN 0x0
12 WEN Depends on user
11 NRWTCFG No effect
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NRWTPOL Meaningful only when the bit 15 is set to 1

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
EXMC_SNCTLx(Mode 2, Mode B)
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN 0x1
5-4 NRW Depends on memory
3-2 NRTP 0x2,NOR Flash
1 NRMUX 0x0
0 NRBKEN 0x1
EXMC_SNTCFGx(Read and write in mode 2,read in mode B)
31-30 Reserved 0x0000
29-28 ASYNCMOD Mode B:0x1
27-24 DLAT No effect
23-20 CKDIV No effect
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 DSET Depends on memory and user
7-4 AHLD 0x0
3-0 ASET Depends on memory and user
EXMC_SNWTCFGx(Write in mode B)
31-30 Reserved 0x0000
29-28 WASYNCMOD Mode B:0x1
27-20 Reserved 0x000
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 WDSET Depends on memory and user
7-4 WAHLD 0x0
3-0 WASET Depends on memory and user

Mode C - NOR Flash OE toggling

Figure 25-14. Mode C read access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

Memory Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-15. Mode C write access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

EXMC Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


The different between mode C and mode 1 write timing is that when read/write timing is
specified by the same set of timing configuration, mode C write timing configuration is
independent of its read configuration.

Table 25-11. Mode C related registers configuration

Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory and user
19 SYNCWR 0x0
18-16 Reserved 0x0
15 ASYNCWTEN Depends on memory
14 EXMODEN 0x1
13 NRWTEN 0x0
12 WEN Depends on user
11 NRWTCFG No effect
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NRWTPOL Meaningful only when the bit 15 is set to 1
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN 0x1
5-4 NRW Depends on memory
3-2 NRTP 0x2,NOR Flash
1 NRMUX 0x0
0 NRBKEN 0x1
31-30 Reserved 0x0000
29-28 ASYNCMOD Mode C:0x2
27-24 DLAT 0x0

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
23-20 CKDIV 0x0
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 DSET Depends on memory and user
7-4 AHLD 0x0
3-0 ASET Depends on memory and user
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 WASYNCMOD Mode C:0x2
27-20 Reserved 0x000
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 WDSET Depends on memory and user
7-4 WAHLD 0x0
3-0 WASET Depends on memory and user

Mode D - Asynchronous access with extended address

Figure 25-16. Mode D read access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

Memory Output

Address Setup Time Address Hold Time Data Setup Time


GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-17. Mode D write access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

EXMC Output

Address Setup Time Address Hold Time Data Setup Time


Table 25-12. Mode D related registers configuration

Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory and user
19 SYNCWR 0x0
18-16 Reserved 0x0
15 ASYNCWTEN Depends on memory
14 EXMODEN 0x1
13 NRWTEN 0x0
12 WEN Depends on user
11 NRWTCFG No effect
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NRWTPOL Meaningful only when the bit 15 is set to 1
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN Depends on memory
5-4 NRW Depends on memory
3-2 NRTP Depends on memory
1 NRMUX 0x0
0 NRBKEN 0x1
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 ASYNCMOD Mode D:0x3
27-24 DLAT Don’t care
23-20 CKDIV No effect
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 DSET Depends on memory and user

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
7-4 AHLD Depends on memory and user
3-0 ASET Depends on memory and user
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 WASYNCMOD Mode D:0x3
27-20 Reserved 0x000
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 WDSET Depends on memory and user
7-4 WAHLD Depends on memory and user
3-0 WASET Depends on memory and user

Mode M - NOR Flash address / data bus multiplexing

Figure 25-18. Multiplex mode read access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

Data Mux
Address[15:0] Memory Output

Address Setup Time Address Hold Time Data Setup Time


Figure 25-19. Multiplex mode write access


Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable

Address[15:0] EXMC output

Address Setup Time Address Hold Time Data Setup Time


GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 25-13. Multiplex mode related registers configuration
Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory
19 SYNCWR 0x0
18-16 Reserved 0x0
15 ASYNCWTEN Depends on memory
14 EXMODEN 0x0
13 NRWTEN 0x0
12 WEN Depends on memory
11 NRWTCFG No effect
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NRWTPOL Meaningful only when the bit 15 is set to 1
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN 0x1
5-4 NRW Depends on memory
3-2 NRTP 0x2:NOR Flash
1 NRMUX 0x1
0 NRBKEN 0x1
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 ASYNCMOD 0x0
27-24 DLAT No effect
23-20 CKDIV No effect
Minimum time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 DSET Depends on memory and user
7-4 AHLD Depends on memory and user
3-0 ASET Depends on memory and user

Wait timing of asynchronous communication

Wait function is controlled by the bit ASYNCWAIT in register EXMC_SNCTLx. During external
memory access, data setup phase will be automatically extended by the active
EXMC_NWAIT signal if ASYNCWAIT bit is set. The extend time is calculated as follows:

If memory wait signal is aligned to EXMC_NOE/ EXMC_NWE:


If memory wait signal is aligned to EXMC_NE:


GD32F4xx User Manual





Figure 25-20. Read access timing diagram under async-wait signal assertion


Chip Enable



Output Enable

Memory Output

Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


Figure 25-21. Write access timing diagram under async-wait signal assertion


Chip Enable



Write Enable

Data EXMC Output


Address Setup Time Data Setup Time


Synchronous access timing diagram

The relationship between memory clock (EXMC_CLK) and system clock (HCLK) is as follows:

EXMC_CLK= (25-5)

CKDIV is the synchronous clock divider ratio, it is configured through the CKDIV control field
in the EXMC_SNTCFGx register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
1. Data latency and NOR Flash latency

Data latency (DLAT) is the number of EXMC_CLK cycles to wait before sampling the data.
The relationship between data latency and latency parameter of NOR Flash in specification
is as follows.

For specification of NOR Flash excludes the EXMC_NADV cycle, their relationship should be:

NOR Flash latency=DLAT+2 (25-6)

For specification of NOR Flash includes the EXMC_NADV cycle, their relationship should be:

NOR Flash latency=DLAT+3 (25-7)

2. Data wait

Users should guarantee that EXMC_NWAIT signal matches that of the external device. This
signal is configured through the EXMC_SNCTL registers, it is enabled by the NRWTEN bit,
and the active timing could be one data cycle before the wait state or active during the wait
state by the NRWTCFG bit, and the wait signal polarity is set by the NRWTPOL bit.

In NOR Flash synchronous burst access mode, when NRWTEN bit in EXMC_SNCTL register
is set, EXMC_NWAIT signal will be detected after a period of data latency. If EXMC_NWAIT
signal detected is valid, wait cycles will be inserted until EXMC_NWAIT becomes invalid.

 The valid polarity of EXMC_NWAIT:

NRWTPOL= 1: Valid level of EXMC_NWAIT signal is high.
NRWTPOL= 0: Valid level of EXMC_NWAIT signal is low.

 In synchronous burst mode, EXMC_NWAIT signal has two kinds of configurations:

NRWTCFG = 1: When EXMC_NWAIT signal is active, current cycle data is not valid.
NRWTCFG = 0: When EXMC_NWAIT signal is active, the next cycle data is not valid. It is
the default state after reset.

During wait state which is inserted via the EXMC_NWAIT signal, the controller continues to
send clock pulses to the memory, keep the chip select signal and output signals available,
and ignore the invalid data signal.

3. Automatic burst split at CRAM page boundary

Crossing page boundary burst access is prohibited in CRAM 1.5, an automatic burst split
functionality is implemented by the EXMC. To guarantee correct burst split operation, users
should specify CRAM page size by configuring the CPS bit in EXMC_SNCTLx register to
inform the EXMC when this functionality should be performed.

4. Mode SM - Single burst transmission

For synchronous burst transmission, if the needed data of AHB is 16-bit, EXMC will perform
a burst transmission whose length is 1. If the needed data of AHB is 32-bit, EXMC will make
the transmission divided into two 16-bit transmissions, that is, EXMC performs a burst
transmission whose length is 2.

GD32F4xx User Manual
For other configurations please refers to Table 25-5. EXMC bank 0 supports all

Read timing of synchronous multiplexed burst mode - NOR, PSRAM (CRAM)

Figure 25-22. Read timing of synchronous multiplexed burst mode



Address [25:16]

Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable


Data Memory Memory Memory

Address [15:0]
(EXMC_D[15:0]) Data 1 Data 2 Data 3

Data Latency (DATLAT + 2 HCLK) Wait Cycle (NRWTCFG = 0)

Burst read of three half-words

Table 25-14. Timing configurations of synchronous multiplexed read mode

Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory
19 SYNCWR No effect
18-16 Reserved 0x0
14 EXMODEN 0x0
13 NRWTEN Depends on memory
12 WEN No effect
11 NRWTCFG Depends on memory
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NRWTPOL Depends on memory
8 SBRSTEN 0x1,burst read enable
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN Depends on memory
5-4 NRW 0x1
3-2 NRTP Depends on memory,0x1/0x2
1 NRMUX 0x1, Depends on memory and users

GD32F4xx User Manual
0 NRBKEN 0x1
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 ASYNCMOD 0x0
27-24 DLAT Data latency
23-20 CKDIV The figure above: 0x1,EXMC_CLK=2HCLK
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 DSET No effect
7-4 AHLD No effect
3-0 ASET No effect

Mode SM – Write timing of synchronous multiplexed burst mode – PSRAM (CRAM)

Figure 25-23. Write timing of synchronous multiplexed burst mode



Address [25:16]

Chip Enable

Address Valid

Output Enable

Write Enable



Address [15:0]
(EXMC_D[15:0]) Data 1 Data 2 Data 3

Data Latency (DATLAT + 2 EXMC_CLK) Wait Cycle (NRWTCFG = 0)

Burst write of three half-words

Table 25-15. Timing configurations of synchronous multiplexed write mode

Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
31-21 Reserved 0x000
20 CCK Depends on memory
19 SYNCWR 0x1, synchronous write enable
18-16 Reserved 0x0
14 EXMODEN 0x0
13 NRWTEN Depends on memory
12 WREN 0x1

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bit Position Bit Name Reference Setting Value
11 NRWTCFG 0x0(Here must be zero)
10 WRAPEN 0x0
9 NTWTPOL Depends on memory
8 SBRSTEN No effect
7 Reserved 0x1
6 NREN Depends on memory
5-4 NRW 0x1
3-2 NRTP 0x1
1 NRMUX 0x1, Depends on users
0 NRBKEN 0x1
31-30 Reserved 0x0
29-28 ASYNCMOD 0x0
27-24 DLAT Data latency
23-20 CKDIV The figure above: 0x1,EXMC_CLK=2HCLK
Time between EXMC_NE[x] rising edge to
19-16 BUSLAT
EXMC_NE[x] falling edge
15-8 DSET No effect
7-4 AHLD No effect
3-0 ASET No effect

SPI/QPI-PSRAM access timing diagram

SPI/QPI-PSRAM is controlled by region0 of EXMC memory bank0 only. It is a PSRAM with

SPI and QPI interface, consisting of 6 IOs, the chip-enable, clock, and 4 data IOs. For more
informations, please refer to the the following table.

Table 25-16. SPI/QPI interface

Signal Direction SPI Mode QPI Mode
EXMC_CLK O Serial Clock
EXMC_NE[0] O Chip-Enable (active low)
EXMC_D[0] IO Serial Output Data IO[0]
EXMC_D[1] IO Serial Input Data IO[1]
EXMC_D[2] IO X Data IO[2]
EXMC_D[3] IO X Data IO[3]

1. Controller initialization

In the beginning, users should program the SPI initialization register EXMC_SINIT. Select the
data sampling clock edge by the POL bit. Configure the read device ID length by the IDL bit.
Set address bit number by the ADRBIT bit, and set command bit number by CMDBIT bit.

2. Read/Write operation

GD32F4xx User Manual
Three modes of memory access are supported, SPI, QPI, and SQPI. Access mode should be
configured before read/write operation. Read/write command mode is set by the RMODE bit
and WMODE bit. Wait cycle is controlled by the RWAITCYCLE bit and WWAITCYCLE bit,
and the specific memory operating command should be programmed by RCMD bit and
WCMD bit. These read/write settings are located in EXMC_SRCMD and EXMC_SWCMD
registers respectively.

After configuring memory access mode, read/write operation is the same as accessing
ordinary NOR Flash. Data to be transferred to the external memory is written into EXMC
bank0, region0, and data to be received is read from the same region.

3. Read device ID

Read device ID command is a special command. Firstly, poll the SC bit until it is 0, then set
SC bit to 1. After that, the lower 32-bit ID is stored in EXMC_SIDL register, and the upper 32-
bit ID is stored in EXMC_SIDH register.

4. SPI-PSRAM access timing

In SPI mode, the EXMC can communicates with the external memory through the SPI
protocol, with 4 IOs, the clock, chip-enable, an input and an output. As shown in the diagram
below, the command is first sent serially through the EXMC’s data output line, which sets the
external memory operating mode, and then set the address section which could be of various
size depending on EXMC’s configuration, and lastly, the read or write data. Data bytes are
written through the data output line, while read in through the input line.

The following SPI-PSRAM waveforms are configured with:

SADRBIT[4:0] = 24,

CMDBIT[1:0] = 1.

Figure 25-24. SPI-PSRAM access


Chip Enable

Command Address Data Output 1 Data Output 2

Data Input 1 Data Input 2

4-, 8- or 16-bit wide 1~26-bit wide 8-bit wide 8-bit wide

5. SQPI-PSRAM access timing

In SQPI mode, the EXMC can communicates with the external memory through the SPI
protocol in command phase, and Quad SPI protocol in address and data phase with 6 IOs,
the clock, chip-enable, and 4 bits data IO lines. As shown in the diagram below, the command
is first sent serially through the data[0] output line, which sets the external memory operating
mode, and then the 4 data IO lines output the parallel address and read/write datas.
GD32F4xx User Manual
The following SQPI-PSRAM waveforms are configured with:

ADRBIT[4:0] = 24,

CMDBIT[1:0] = 1 (can be different)

RWAITCYCLE[3:0] = WWAITCYCLE[3:0] = 2 (can be different)

Figure 25-25. SQPI-PSRAM access


Chip Enable

(EXMC_D[0]) Command 20 16 12 8 4 0 4 0 4 0

(EXMC_D[1]) 21 17 13 9 5 1 5 1 5 1

(EXMC_D[2]) 22 18 14 10 6 2 6 2 6 2

(EXMC_D[3]) 23 19 15 11 7 3 7 3 7 3

Command, width
Address, 24-bits Wait Data 1 Data 2
depends on CMDBIT

6. QPI-PSRAM access timing

The only difference between SQPI and QPI mode is that the command is also sent parallel
on the 4 data IO lines as shown in the diagram below.

The following QPI-PSRAM waveforms are configured with:

ADRBIT[4:0] = 24,

CMDBIT[1:0] = 1.

Figure 25-26. QPI-PSRAM access


Chip Enable

(EXMC_D[0]) 4 0 20 16 12 8 4 0 4 0 4 0

(EXMC_D[1]) 5 1 21 17 13 9 5 1 5 1 5 1

(EXMC_D[2]) 6 2 22 18 14 10 6 2 6 2 6 2

(EXMC_D[3]) 7 3 23 19 15 11 7 3 7 3 7 3

Command Address Wait Data 1 Data 2

GD32F4xx User Manual
25.3.5. NAND flash or PC card controller

EXMC has partitioned Bank1 and Bank2 as NAND Flash access field, bank3 as PC Card
access field. Each bank has its own set of control register for access timing configuration. 8-
and 16-bit NAND Flash and 16-bit PC Card are supported. An ECC hardware is provided for
the NAND Flash controller to ensure the robustness of data transfer and storage.

NAND flash or PC card interface function

Table 25-17. 8-bit or 16-bit NAND interface signal

EXMC Pin Direction Functional description
EXMC_A[17] Output NAND Flash address latch(ALE)
EXMC_A[16] Output NAND Flash command latch(CLE)
EXMC_D[7:0]/ 8-bit multiplexed, bidirectional address/data bus
Input /Output
EXMC_D[15:0] 16-bit multiplexed, bidirectional address/data bus
EXMC_NCE[x] Output Chip select, x = 1, 2
Output Output enable
EXMC_NWE Output Write enable
Input NAND Flash ready/busy input signal to the EXMC, x=1, 2

Table 25-18. 16-bit PC card interface signal

EXMC Pin Direction Functional description
EXMC_A[10:0] Output Address bus of PC Card
EXMC_NIORD Output I/O space output enable
EXMC_NIOWR Output I/O space write enable
Register signal indicating if access is in Common space
or Attribute space
EXMC_D[15:0] Input /Output Bidirectional data bus
EXMC_NCE3_x Output Chip select(x=0,1)
EXMC_NOE Output Output enable
EXMC_NWE Output Write enable
EXMC_NWAIT Input PC Card wait input signal to the EXMC
EXMC_INTR Input PC Card interrupt input signal
EXMC_CD Input PC Card presence detection. Active high.

Supported memory access mode

Table 25-19. Bank1/2/3 of EXMC support the memory and access mode
Memory Mode R/W AHB transaction size Comments
Async R 8
Async W 8
Async R 16 Automatically split into 2 EXMC
GD32F4xx User Manual
Memory Mode R/W AHB transaction size Comments
Async W 16 accesses
Async R 32 Automatically split into 4 EXMC
Async W 32 accesses
Async R 8
Async W 8 Not support this operation
16-bit Async R 16
NAND/PC Card Async W 16
Async R 32 Automatically split into 2 EXMC
Async W 32 accesses

NAND flash or PC card controller timing

EXMC can generate the appropriate signal timing for NAND Flash, PC Cards and other
devices. Each bank has a corresponding register to manage and control the external memory,
EXMC_PIOTCFG3 and EXMC_NECCx. Among these registers, EXMC_NPCTCFGx,
EXMC_NPATCFGx, EXMC_PIOTCFG3 can configure four timing parameters individually
according to user specification and features of the external memory.

Table 25-20. NAND flash or PC card programmable parameters

NAND Flash/
Programmable parameter W/R Unit Functional description PC Card
Min Max
Time to keep the data bus high
High impedance time of the
W/R HCLK impedance after starting write 1 255
memory data bus (HIZ)
The number of HCLK clock
cycles to keep address valid
Memory hold time(HLD) W/R HCLK after sending the command. In 1 254
write mode, it is also data hold
Minimum duration of sending
Memory wait time(WAIT) W/R HCLK 2 255
The number of HCLK clock
Memory setup time(SET) W/R HCLK cycles to build address before 1 256
sending command

The figure below shows the programmable parameters which are defined in the common
memory space operations. The programmable parameters of Attribute memory space or I/O
memory space (only for PC Card) are defined as well.

Figure 25-27. Access timing of common memory space of NAND flash or PC card

GD32F4xx User Manual



Chip Enable



Write Data

Read Data Valid



NAND Flash operation

When EXMC sends command or address to NAND Flash, it needs to use the command latch
signal (A [16]) or address latch signal (EXMC_A [17]), namely, the CPU needs to perform
write operation in particular address.

Example: NAND Flash read operation steps:

1. Configure EXMC_NPCTLx and EXMC_NPCTCFGx register. When pre-waiting is
needed, EXMC_NPATCFGx has to be configured.
2. Send the command of NAND Flash read operation to the common space. Namely, during
the valid period of EXMC_NCE and EXMC_NWE, when EXMC_CLE (EXMC_A [16])
becomes valid (high level), data on the I/O pins is regarded as a command by NAND
3. Send the start address of read operation to the common space. During the valid period
of EXMC_NCE and EXMC_NWE, when EXMC_ALE (EXMC_A [17]) becomes valid
(high level), the data on the I/O pins is regarded as an address by NAND Flash.
4. Waiting for NAND ready signal. In this period, NAND controller will maintain EXMC_NCE
5. Read data byte by byte from the data area of the common space.
6. If new command or address hasn’t been written, data of the next page can be read out
automatically. You can also read the data of the next page by going to step 3 then writing
a new address, or go to step2, writing a new command and address.

NAND Flash pre-wait functionality

Some NAND Flash requires that the controller should wait for NAND Flash to be busy after
the first command byte following the address bytes is send. Some EXMC_NCE-sensitive
NAND Flash also requires that the EXMC_NCE must remain valid before it is ready.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Taking TOSHIBA128 M x 8 bit NAND Flash as an example:

Figure 25-28. Access to none "NCE don’t care" NAND Flash

Chip Enable

Command Latch

Address Latch

Write Enable

Output Enable

Data CMD 0 ADD 0 ADD 1 ADD 2 ADD 3 CMD 1

(EXMC_D[7:0]) (00h) (CA0-7) (CA8-11) (PA0-7) (PA8-15) 30h



1. Write CMD0 into NAND Flash bank common space command area.
2. Write ADD0 into NAND Flash bank common space address area.
3. Write ADD1 into NAND Flash bank common space address area.
4. Write ADD2 into NAND Flash bank common space address area.
5. Write ADD3 into NAND Flash bank common space address area.
6. Write CMD1 into NAND Flash bank attribute space command area.

In step 6, EXMC uses the operation timing defined in EXMC_NPATCFGx register. After a
period of ATTHLD, NAND Flash waits for EXMC_INTx signal to be busy, and the time period
of ATTHLD should be greater than tWB (tWB is defined as the time from EXMC_NWE high
to EXMC_INTx low). For NCE-sensitive NAND Flash, after the first command byte following
address bytes has been entered, EXMC_NCE must remain low until EXMC_INTx goes from
low to high. The ATTHLD value of attribute space can be set in EXMC_NPATCFGx register
to meet the timing requirements of tWB. MCU can use the attribute space timing when writing
thefirst command byte following address bytes to the NAND Flash device. In other times, the
MCU must use the common space timing.

NAND flash ECC calculation module

An ECC calculation hardware is implemented in bank1 and bank2 respectively. Users can
choose page size according to the ECCSZ control field in the EXMC_NPCTLx register. ECC
offers one bit error correction and two bits errors detection.

When NAND memory block is enabled, ECC module will detect EXMC_D [15:0], EXMC_NCE
and EXMC_NWE signals. When a data size of ECCSZ has been read or written, software
must read the calculated ECC in theEXMC_NECCx register. When a recalculation of ECC is
needed, software must clear the EXMC_NECCx register value by resetting ECCEN bit of
EXMC_NPCTLx register to 0, and then restart ECC calculation by setting the ECCEN bit of
GD32F4xx User Manual
PC/CF card access

EXMC Bank3 is used exclusively for PC/CF Card, both memory and IO mode access are
supported. This bank is divided further into three sub spaces, memory, attribute and IO space.

EXMC_NCE3_0 and EXMC_NCE3_1 are the byte select signals, when only EXMC_NCE3_0
is active (Low), the lower byte or upper byte is selected depending on the EXMC_A[0], while
only EXMC_NCE3_1 is active (Low), the upper byte is selected which is not supported, when
both of these signals are active, 16-bit operation is performed. When NDTP is reset to select
PC/CF Card as external memory device, NDW must be set to 01 in EXMC_NPCTLx register
to guarantee correct EXMC operation.

EXMC PC/CF card access behavior for different spaces:

1. Common space: EXMC_NCE3_x (x = 0, 1) is the chip enable signal, it indicates whether

8- or 16-bit access operation is being performed. EXMC_NWE and EXMC_NOE dictates
whether the on-going operation is a write or read operation, and EXMC_NREG is high
during common space access.
2. Attribute space: EXMC_NCE3_x (x = 0, 1) is the chip enable signal, it indicates whether
8- or 16-bit access operation is being performed. EXMC_NWE and EXMC_NOE dictates
whether the on-going operation is a write or read operation, and EXMC_NREG is low
during attribute space access.
3. IO space: EXMC_NCE3_x (x = 0, 1) is the chip enable signal, it indicates whether 8- or
16-bit access operation is being performed. EXMC_NIOWR and EXMC_NIORD dictates
whether the on-going operation is a write or read operation, and EXMC_NREG is low
during IO space access.

AHB access on 16-bit PC/CF card:

1. Common space: It is usually where data are stored, it could be accessible either in byte
or in half-word mode, and odd address access is not supported in byte mode. When AHB
word access is selected, EXMC automatically splits it into 2 consecutive half-word
access. EXMC_NREG is high when common memory is targeted. EXMC_NOE and
EXMC_NWE are the read and write enable signal for this type of access.
2. Attribute space: It is usually where configuration information are stored, for byte AHB
access, only even address is possible. Half-word access converts into a single byte
access automatically, and word access is converted into two consecutive byte access
where only the even bytes are operational. In both half-word and word access, only
EXMC_NCE3_0 will be active. EXMC_NREG is low when attribute memory is targeted.
EXMC_NOE and EXMC_NWE are the read and write enable signal for this type of
3. IO space: Both byte and half-word AHB access are supported, in IO space memory
access, EXMC_NIORD and EXMC_NIOWR act as the read and write enable signal

GD32F4xx User Manual
25.3.6. SDRAM controller


 Two independent SDRAM devices

 8-,16- or 32-bit data bus width
 Up to 13-bits Row Address, 11-bits Column Address and 2-bits internal banks address
 Supported memory size: 4x16Mx32bit(256 MB), 4x16Mx16bit (128 MB) and 4x16Mx8bit
(64 MB)
 AHB Word, half-word and byte access
 Independent Chip Select control for each memory device
 Independent configuration for each memory device
 Write enable and byte lane select outputs
 Automatic row and bank boundary management
 Multi-device Ping-Pong access
 SDRAM clock configured as fHCLK/2 or fHCLK /3
 Programmable timing parameters
 Automatic Refresh operation with programmable Refresh rate
 SDRAM power-up initialization by software
 CAS latency of 1,2,3
 Write Data FIFO with 16 x35-bit depth
 Write Address FIFO with 16x31-bit depth
 Cacheable Read Data FIFO with 6 x32-bit depth
 Cacheable Read address FIFO with 6 x14-bit depth
 Adjustable read data sample clock
 Self-refresh mode
 Power-down mode

SDRAM overview

Synchronous dynamic random-access memory (SDRAM) is a dynamic random access

memory (DRAM). Its external interface is coordinated by a synchronous external clock, which
is provided by the EXMC through the SDRAM clock (EXMC_SDCLK) pin and can be
configured frequency to be fHCLK/2 or fHCLK /3 according to the SDRAM clock configuration
bit (SDCLK) in the EXMC_SDCTLx register. Command and data are always latched by the
SDRAM on the rising edge of EXMC_SDCLK and changes on its falling edge.

SDRAM is divided into several independent sections of memory called banks, allowing the
device to operate on several memory access commands in an interleaved fashion to achieve
greater concurrency and higher data transfer rates. Each bank could be pictured as a matrix
with each entry size equals to the memory data bus width, and the size of the matrix is the
number of rows by the number of columns, thus each memory bank size could be calculated
as entry_size*rows*columns. When interfacing with SDRAM, users should specify the
memory dimension configurations to EXMC through NBK, SDW, RAW and CAW bits in the

GD32F4xx User Manual
SDRAM control register EXMC_SDCTLx.

Due to the volatile nature of SDRAM, periodic refresh cycle is necessary to maintain the
stored information. Two refresh mode could be selected, self-refresh and auto-refresh mode.
Self-refresh mode is typically set in low power mode when EXMC is suspended, refresh is
provided by the SDRAM and timed by its internal counter. In auto-refresh mode, refresh
command is provided by the EXMC, this is necessary because SDRAM must maintain the
stored information during an on-going transaction, refresh commands are issued periodically
on the data bus timed by ARINTV bits in EXMC_SDARI register, the number of consecutive
refresh needed is configured through NARF bits in EXMC_SDCMD register. Refresh
command always take precedence over other command or read/write operation to guarantee
correct data storage, when memory access occurs simultaneously with refresh command,
memory access is buffered and processed when refresh command is completed. If a new
refresh command occurs while the previous refresh command is buffered, a refresh error flag
(REIF) is raised in EXMC_SDSTAT register, and interrupt is generated if REIE is set and
cleared by setting REC bit in EXMC_SDARI register.

CAS latency defines the delay in clock cycles, between the issued read command and the
availability of the first piece of data form SDRAM. CAS latency is configured by the CL bits in
the EXMC_SDCTLx register.

Mode Register it is used to define the specific operating mode of SDRAM, such modes include
burst length, burst type, CAS latency, and write mode. Users should refer to the SDRAM’s
specification for correct configuration. Once the operating mode has been decided, users
should write the mode register content to MRC bits and issuer load mode register command
through CMD bits in EXMC_SDCMD register. Load mode register command should be
performed before read or write access, otherwise SDRAM might not work as expected.

SDRAM controller overview

The synchronous dynamic random-access memory controller (SDRAMC) block acts as the
interface between MCU and SDRAM memory. It translates AHB transactions into the
appropriate SDRAM protocol, and meanwhile, makes sure the access timing requirements of
the external SDRAM devices are satisfied by the configuration of EXMC_SDTCFG register.

SDRAMC could be divided in to 4 sub-modules, the read/write split, control registers, finite
state machine, and signal generator. Two pairs of FIFO is implemented to increase memory
access efficiency, one pair for write address and data, the other pair for read address and
data. SDRAMC’s block diagram is shown as follows.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-29. SDRAM controller block diagram




ref_req ref_ok

RDATA ack_ok
CACHE rw_ok

ADDRESS pre_req

cm_req cm_ok


REGS request FSM

The Signal Generator handles requests from Command mode FSM, Refresh Timer and the
RW split module.

The command timers are composed by timing counters which take case the timing
specification of the SDRAM protocol.

SDRAM commands are issued by the SDRAM controller interface in the following pattern.

Table 25-21. SDRAM command truth table

NW A[n] A[10] A[m] Command
H X X X X X X Command inhibit (No operation)
L H H H X X X No operation
L H H L X X X Burst Terminate
L H L H Bank L Col Burst read from current row
Burst read from current row, precharge when
L H L H Bank H Col
L H L L Bank L Col Burst write to current row
L H L L Bank H Col Burst write to current row, precharge when done
L L H H Bank Row Row Active, open row for read/write
L L H L Bank L X Precharge, close current row of the selected bank
L L H L X H X Precharge all, close current row of all banks
Auto-refresh when SDCKE = 1
Self-refresh when SDCKE = 0

GD32F4xx User Manual
NW A[n] A[10] A[m] Command
L L L L L Mode Mode Load mode register

SDRAM controller operation sequence

IO configuration

SDRAMC IO port must be configured first to interface with external SDRAM, otherwise it is
left as general purpose IOs, and could be utilized by other modules. IO ports related to
SDRAM operations are summarized in the following table.

Table 25-22. IO definition of SDRAM controller

Signal Direction Description
EXMC_SDCLK O SDRAM memory clock
EXMC_SDCKE[0] O Clock enable for SDRAM memory 0
EXMC_SDCKE[1] O Clock enable for SDRAM memory 1
EXMC_SDNE[0] O Chip select for SDRAM memory 0, active low
EXMC_SDNE [1] O Chip select for SDRAM memory 1, active low
EXMC_NRAS O Row address strobe, active low
EXMC_NCAS O Column address strobe, active low
EXMC_SDNWE O Write enable, active low
EXMC_A[12:0] O Address
EXMC_A[15:14] O Bank address
EXMC_D[31:0] I/O Read/Write Data
EXMC_NBL[3:0] O Write data mask, the Low byte lane is accessed

Controller initialization

Users should follow procedure to initialize the SDRAM controller, the initialization sequence
could be applied to a single SDRAM, or two SDRAM simultaneously. This choice is made by
the device selection bits DS0 and DS1 in EXMC_SDCMD register. Initialization sequence
must be performed before any read/write memory access, otherwise, EXMC’s behavior is not

1. Control parameter specification: SDRAM control register EXMC_SDCTLx should be

programed first to specify the external memory dimension, clock configuration, and
read/write strategy.

2. Timing parameter specification: SDRAM timing configuration register EXMC_SDTCFGx

should be programed according to external SDRAM data sheet for SDRAM controller to
keep pace with the operation of the external SDRAM. RPD and ARFD must be
programed in EXMC_SDTCFG0, those corresponding bit position in EXMC_SDTCFG1
are reserved.

3. Enable SDCLK: SDCLK enable command should be issued to the corresponding

GD32F4xx User Manual
SDRAM devices, this is done by writing 0b001 to the CMD bits in the EXMC_SDCMD
register, DS0 and DS1 selected which device will accept the command and start
receiving EXMC_SDCLK.

4. Power-up delay: typical delay is around 100us.

5. Precharge all: A precharge all command should be issued to reset all the SDRAM
memory banks to their idle state, waiting for subsequent operation. This is done by writing
0b010 to the CMD bits in the EXMC_SDCMD register, DS0 and DS1 defines
whichSDRAM device will receive this command.

6. Set auto-refresh: Auto-refresh command is sent by writing 0b011 in the CMD bits in
EXMC_SDCMD register. Users should also specify the number of consecutive refresh
command to issue each time by configuring the NARF bits, this configuration is
requested by SDRAM specification, it is also where users should refer to.DS0 and DS1
defines which SDRAM device will receive this command.

7. Mode register configuration: Mode register is programed by writing the mode register
content in MRC bits in EXMC_SDCMD register, mode register specifies the operating
mode of SDRAM, such modes include burst length, burst type, CAS latency, and write
mode. Users should refer to the SDRAM’s specification for correct configuration. CAS
latency should be the same as the CL bits in EXMC_SDCTLx register, and burst length
of 1 must be selected, otherwise SDRAMC’s behavior is not guaranteed. If the mode
register contents are different for both SDRAM devices, this step should be repeated,
targeting one device a time by the DS0 and DS1 configuration.

8. Set auto-refresh rate: Auto-refresh rate corresponds to the time between refresh cycles,
users must ensure that this time period match that of the SDRAM specification.

9. This SDRAMC is ready to proceed with memory access at this stage, if system reset
happens, the initialization sequence must be repeated. Initialization must be performed
at least once before SDRAM read/write access.


When the memory controller needs to access a different row, it must first return that bank’s
sense amplifiers to an idle state, ready to sense the next row. This is known as a precharge
operation, or deactivating the row. A precharge may be commanded explicitly by the
precharge all command, or it may performed automatically at the conclusion of a read or write
operation. There is a minimum time, the row precharge delay (RPD), which must elapse
before that banks is fully idle and it may receive another activate command.


The activate command activates an idle bank. It presents a 2-bit bank address
EXMC_A[15:14] and a 13-bit row address EXMC_A[12:0], and causes a read of that row into
the bank’s array of 16,384 column sense amplifiers. This also known as opening the row. This
operation has the side effect of refreshing the dynamic memory storage cells of that row.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Once the row has been activated, read/write commands are possible to that row. Activation
requires a minimum amount of time, called the row-to-column delay (RCD) before read/write
to it may occur. This time, rounded up to the next multiple of the clock period, specifies the
minimum number of wait cycles between an active command and a read/write command.
During these wait cycles, additional commands may be sent to other banks, because each
bank operates completely independently.

Read/Write access

SDRAMC can translate AHB single and burst read operation into single memory access.
SDRAMC always keeps track of the activated row number in order to perform consecutive
read access. If the next read location is in the same row or another active row, read access
is proceeded without interruption, else a precharge command is issued to deactivate the
current row, followed by the activation of the row where the next read access is targeted, and
then the read access is performed. A read FIFO is design to cache the read data during CAS
latency and pipe line delay (PIPED), Burst read (BRSTRD) must be set in order to enable the

The following diagram shows a burst read access to an in active row, a row activation
command is issued before read access. If read operation were performed on an active row,
row address strobe is not necessary, only column address strobe is needed.

Figure 25-30. Burst read operation


Address Row Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col
(EXMC_A[12:0]) n m m+1 m+2 m+3 m+4 m+5 m+6 m+7

Bank Address bank bank

(EXMC_A[15:14]) a a

Chip Enable

Row Address

Column Address

Write Enable

Data Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col

(EXMC_D[31:0]) m m+1 m+2 m+3 m+4 m+5 m+6 m+7

RCD = 3 CL = 3

Active Row

An internal generated clock, which has an adjustable delay from the HCLK can be used to
sample read data from external memories. This clock can be helpful when the read data can’t
be sampled correctly by HCLK. When this clock is enabled, the read data will be firstly stored
in an asynchronous FIFO before returned to the AHB bus. Additional delays of about 2~3
HCLK may be brought into the reading command process.

GD32F4xx User Manual
A clock delay chain module is added after the HCLK input to the signal generator, this delayed
clock is used as the sampling clock of the input data. The delay chain is controlled by the
EXMC_SDRSCTL register, RSEN bit select whether the HCLK output is delay at all, SSCR
bit select whether 1 additional HCLK cycle is added to the total delay, and SDSC select how
many delay cells is add, the number of delay cell could be added is within 0 and 15. The
following diagram shows how delay chain is added.

Figure 25-31. Data sampling clock delay chain

Delay Delay Delay Delay SDSC

Cell 0 Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 15 SSCR


Data Input
Sample Clock

SDRAMC can translate AHB single and burst write operation into single memory access.
Write protection must be disabled by resetting WPEN bit in EXMC_SDCTLx register.
SDRAMC always keeps track of the activated row number in order to perform consecutive
write access. If next write location is in the same row or another active row, write access is
proceeded without interruption, else a precharge command is issued to deactivate the current
row, followed by the activation of the row where the next write access is targeted, and then
the write access is performed.

The following diagram shows a write burst access to an inactive row, a row activation
command is issued before write access. If write operations were performed on an active row,
row address strobe is not necessary, only column address strobe is needed.

Figure 25-32. Burst write operation


Address Row Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col
(EXMC_A[12:0]) n m m+1 m+2 m+3 m+4 m+5 m+6 m+7 m+8 m+9 m+10

Bank Address bank bank

(EXMC_A[15:14]) a a

Chip Enable

Row Address

Column Address

Write Enable

Data Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col Col
(EXMC_D[31:0]) m m+1 m+2 m+3 m+4 m+5 m+6 m+7 m+8 m+9 m+10

RCD = 3

Active Row

The RW split module accepts AHB commands, and transfers them to single read/write
GD32F4xx User Manual
accesses on the SDRAM memory according to the ratio of the data width between the AHB
bus and the SDRAM memory interface.

Inside the RW split module, there are two write FIFOs, which buffers the data and address of
the AHB write commands. When neither of the write FIFOs is empty, write access occurs.

When the BRSTRD bit of EXMC_SDCTL0 register is set, the RW split module can anticipate
the next read access. The read FIFOs are used to store data read in advance during the CAS
latency period (configured by the CL bits of EXMC_SDCTLx) and during the PIPED delay
(configured by the PIPED bits of EXMC_SDCTL0).

The RDATA FIFO can buffers up to 6 32-bit read data words, while the RADDR FIFO carries
6 14-bit read address tags to identify each of them. Every address tag is comprised of 11 bits
for the column address, 2 bits for the internal bank address and 1 bit to select the SDRAM

When there is an read commands on the AHB bus, the RW split module will firstly checks
whether the address matches one of the address tags, and data are directly read from the
FIFO when it is true. Otherwise, a new read command is issued to the memory and the FIFO
is updated with new data. If the FIFO is full, the older data are lost.

Figure 25-33. Read access when FIFO not hit (BRSTRD=1, CL=2, SDCLK=2, PIPED=2)
and Figure 25-34 Read access when FIFO hit (BRSTRD=1) specify the Read FIFO

Figure 25-33. Read access when FIFO not hit (BRSTRD=1, CL=2, SDCLK=2, PIPED=2)

AHB Master IF

Read @0x0

Data0 @0x0
Data1 Data2 Data3 ...
@0x4 @0x8 @0xC ...

Data1 @0x4
SDRAM Data2 @0x8
Data3 @0xc

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-34. Read access when FIFO hit (BRSTRD=1)

AHB Master IF

Data2 @0x8
Read @0x8

Data1 Data2 Data3 ...

@0x4 @0x8 @0xC ...


The read FIFO will be flushed and ready to be filled with new data, when a write access or a
precharge command occurs.

The address decoder sub-module translate the address of the AHB bus address to chip select,
internal bank address, row address and column address according to the configuration of
external memory device.

The active cache sub-module records whether the internal banks (up to 8) are in the active
state. When an internal bank is in active state, the corresponding row address is also recorded.
When an AHB access or an auto-refresh command is issued, the RW split module will look
up this record and decide whether to generate the Active/Precharge commands or not.

Before read/write operation, the targeted row must be activated, the value of EXMC_A[15:14]
selects the bank, and EXMC_A[12:0] select the row. The selected row remains active until a
precharge command is issued. The precharge command is used to deactivate an active row
in a particular bank or the active row in all banks. A precharge command must be issued
before activating a different row in the same bank. Active and precharge are automatically
issued by the EXMC, its correctness depends on memory dimension configurations discussed
previously, read and write timing diagram concerning automatic row activation and precharge
are depicted as follows.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-35. Cross boundary read operation


Row n

Address Col Col Row Col Col Col

(EXMC_A[12:0]) m m+1 n+1 m m+1 m+2

Chip Enable

Row Address

Column Address

Write Enable

Data Col Col Col Col Col

(EXMC_D[31:0]) m m+1 m m+1 m+2

RPD = 3 RCD = 3 CL = 3

Precharge Active Row

Figure 25-36. Cross boundary write operation


Row n
Address Col Col Row Col Col Col
(EXMC_A[12:0]) m m+1 n+1 m m+1 m+2

Chip Enable

Row Address

Column Address

Write Enable

Data Col Col Col Col Col

(EXMC_D[31:0]) m m+1 m m+1 m+2

RPD = 3 RCD = 3

Precharge Active Row

The above diagrams depict read and write timing waveform when memory access crosses
row boundary, the following steps are preformed automatically:

1. Precharge the current active row.

2. Next row’s activation.

3. Read/write access.

Precharge delay (PRD) and row to column delay (RCD) are added according to their
configuration in EXMC_SDTCFGx register, other timing parameters should be configured as
SDRAM specification requires.

When this boundary happens to be at the end of a bank, two cases are possible:

GD32F4xx User Manual
1. When the current bank is not the last bank, the activation of the first row of the next bank
is performed, and this supports all row, column, and bus width configuration.

2. When the current bank is the last bank, and row, column, and bus width are configured
as, 13-bit, 11-bit, and 32-bit respectively, EXMC continues to read/write from the second
SDRAM device (SDRAM device 1), assuming that the current SDRAM is device 0.

Low power modes

Two low power mode are supported:

1. Self-refresh mode: In self-refresh mode, refresh is provided by the SDRAM itself to

maintain data integrity without external clock (EXMC_SDCLK). It is entered by writing
0b101 to CMD bits in EXMC_SDCMD register, DS0 andDS1 determines which SDRAM
device will receive the command. EXMC_SDCLK stops running after a RASD delay if
this command is issued to both SDRAM devices or one of the SDRAM device is not
2. Power-down mode: In power-down mode, refresh is provided by the SDRAM controller.
It is entered by writing 0b110 to CMD bits in EXMC_SDCMD register, DS0 and DS1
determines which SDRAM device will receive the command. If the write data FIFO is not
empty, all data are sent to the memory before activating power-down mode.

The Command Mode FSM also controls the switching process of between the normal mode
and the low-power modes (self-refresh/power-down).

The SDRAM controller returns to normal mode from self-refresh mode when a read/write
access occurs. If a read/write access occurs while the SDRAM controller is entering self-
refresh mode, the self-refresh entry process will be interrupted, and the SDRAM controller
remains in normal mode after the read/write access completed.

Figure 25-37. Process for self-refresh entry and exit


Clock Enable

Command PreA NOP ARef NOP ARef NOP

Self-refresh Entry Self-refresh Exit

If an auto-refresh request occurs when the SDRAM controller is in power-down mode, the
SDRAM controller returns to normal mode, issues the Precharge all and Auto-Refresh
command sequence, and enters power-down mode again automatically.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 25-38. Process for power-down entry and exit


Clock Enable

Command NOP Active

Power-down Entry Power-down Exit

Status and interrupt

The not ready status NRDY bit in EXMC_SDSTAT register specifies whether the SDRAM
controller is ready for a new command, this bit is cleared immediately after the command in
the SDRAMC’s internal register is sent.

Device0 and Device1 status bits STA0 and STA1 in EXMC_SDSTAT register defines the
status of SDRAM deivce0 and device1 respectively, 0b00 represents normal mode, 0b01
indicates that the corresponding SDRAM devices is in self-refresh mode, and 0b10 signifies
the power-down mode.

If a new refresh request occurs while the previous refresh command has not been served yet,
a refresh error flag (REIF) is raised in EXMC_SDSTAT register, and interrupt is generated if
REIE is set, refresh error flag is cleared by setting REC bit in EXMC_SDARI register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
25.4. Register definition

EXMC base address: 0xA000 0000

25.4.1. NOR/PSRAM controller registers

The peripheral registers have to be accessed by words (32-bit).

SRAM/NOR flash control registers (EXMC_SNCTLx) (x=0, 1, 2, 3)

Address offset: 0x00 + 8 * x, (x = 0, 1, 2, and 3)

Reset value: 0x0000 30DA

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


WREN WRAPEN Reserved NRW[1:0] NRTP[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

20 CCK Consecutive Clock

0: EXMC_CLK is generated only during synchronous access.
1: EXMC_CLK is generated unconditionally.
Note: Consecutive clock (CCK) bit is only present in EXMC_SNCTLR0 register,
and this bit position inside EXMC_SNCTLx (x = 1, 2, 3) registers is mearningless.

19 SYNCWR Synchronous write

0: Asynchronous write
1: Synchronous write

18:16 CPS[2:0] CRAM page size

000: Automatic burst split on page boundary crossing
001: 128 bytes
010: 256 bytes
011: 512 bytes
100: 1024 bytes
Others: Reserved

15 ASYNCWAIT Asynchronous wait

0: Disable the asynchronous wait function
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable the asynchronous wait function

14 EXMODEN Extended mode enable

0: Disable extended mode
1: Enable extended mode

13 NRWTEN NWAIT signal enable

For flash memory access in burst mode, this bit enables/disables wait-state insertion
to the NWAIT signal.
0: Disable NWAIT signal
1: Enable NWAIT signal

12 WREN Write enable

0: Disabled write in the bank by the EXMC, otherwise an AHB error is reported
1: Enabled write in the bank by the EXMC (default after reset)

11 NRWTCFG NWAIT signal configuration, only work in synchronous mode

0: NWAIT signal is active one data cycle before wait state
1: NWAIT signal is active during wait state

10 WRAPEN Wrapped burst mode enable

0: Disable wrap burst mode support
1: Enable wrap burst mode support

9 NRWTPOL NWAIT signal polarity

0: Low level of NWAIT is active
1: High level of NWAIT is active

8 SBRSTEN Synchronous burst enable

0: Disable burst access mode
1: Enable burst access mode

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 NREN NOR Flash access enable

0: Disable NOR Flash access
1: Enable NOR Flash access

5:4 NRW[1:0] NOR region memory data bus width

00: 8 bits
01: 16 bits(default after reset)
10/11: Reserved

3:2 NRTP[1:0] NOR region memory type

10: NOR Flash
11: Reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual
1 NRMUX NOR region memory address/data multiplexing
0: Disable address/data multiplexing function
1: Enable address/data multiplexing function

0 NRBKEN NOR region enable

0: Disable the corresponding memory bank
1: Enable the corresponding memory bank

SRAM/NOR flash timing configuration registers (EXMC_SNTCFGx) (x=0, 1, 2, 3)

Address offset: 0x04 + 8 * x, (x = 0, 1, 2, and 3)

Reset value: 0x0FFF FFFF

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved ASYNCMOD[1:0] DLAT[3:0] CKDIV[3:0] BUSLAT[3:0]

rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DSET[7:0] AHLD[3:0] ASET[3:0]

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29:28 ASYNCMOD[1:0] Asynchronous access mode

The bits are valid only when the EXMEN bit in the EXMC_SNCTLx register is 1.
00: Mode A access
01: Mode B access
10: Mode C access
11: Mode D access

27:24 DLAT[3:0] Data latency for NOR Flash. Only valid in synchronous access
0x0: Data latency of first burst access is 2 CLK
0x1: Data latency of first burst access is 3 CLK
0xF: Data latency of first burst access is 17 CLK

23:20 CKDIV[3:0] Synchronous clock divide ratio. This filed is only effect in synchronous mode.
0x0: Reserved
0x1: EXMC_CLK period = 2 * HCLK period
0xF: EXMC_CLK period = 16 * HCLK period

19:16 BUSLAT[3:0] Bus latency

GD32F4xx User Manual
The bits are defined in multiplexed read mode in order to avoid bus contention, and
the bits represent the minimum time the data bus used to return to a high impedance
0x0: Bus latency = 0 * HCLK period
0x1: Bus latency = 1 * HCLK period
0xF: Bus latency = 15 * HCLK period

15:8 DSET[7:0] Data setup time

This field is meaningful only in asynchronous access.
0x00: Reserved
0x01: Data setup time = 1 * HCLK period
0xFF: Data setup time = 255 * HCLK period

7:4 AHLD[3:0] Address hold time

This field is used to set the time of address hold phase, which only used in mode
D and multiplexed mode.
0x0: Reserved
0x1: Address hold time = 1 * HCLK
0xF: Address hold time = 15 * HCLK

3:0 ASET[3:0] Address setup time

This field is used to set the time of address setup phase.
Note: meaningful only in asynchronous access of SRAM,ROM,NOR Flash
0x0: Address setup time = 0 * HCLK
0xF: Address setup time = 15 * HCLK

SRAM/NOR flash write timing configuration registers (EXMC_SNWTCFGx) (x=0,

1, 2, 3)

Address offset: 0x104 + 8 * x, (X = 0, 1, 2, and 3)

Reset value: 0x0FFF FFFF

This register is meaningful only when the EXMODEN bit in EXMC_SNCTLx is set to 1.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved WASYNMOD[1:0] Reserved WBUSLAT

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

WDSET[7:0] WAHLD[3:0] WASET[3:0]

rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29:28 WASYNCMOD[1:0] Asynchronous access mode

The bits are valid only when the EXMEN bit in the EXMC_SNCTLx register is 1.
00: Mode A access
01: Mode B access
10: Mode C access
11: Mode D access

27:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:16 WBUSLAT[3:0] Bus latency

Bus latency added at the end of each write transaction to match with the minimum
time between consecutive transactions.
0x0: Bus latency = 0 * HCLK period
0x1: Bus latency = 1 * HCLK period
0xF: Bus latency = 15 * HCLK period

15:8 WDSET[7:0] Data setup time

This field is meaningful only in asynchronous access.
0x00: Reserved
0x01: Data setup time = 1 * HCLK period
0xFF: Data setup time = 255 * HCLK period

7:4 WAHLD[3:0] Address hold time

This field is used to set the time of address hold phase, which only used in mode
D and multiplexed mode.
0x0: Reserved
0x1: Address hold time = 1 * HCLK
0xF: Address hold time = 15 * HCLK

3:0 WASET[3:0] Address setup time

This field is used to set the time of address setup phase.
Note: Meaningful only in asynchronous access of SRAM,ROM,NOR Flash
0x0: Address setup time = 0 * HCLK
0x1: Address setup time = 1 * HCLK
0xF: Address setup time = 15 * HCLK

GD32F4xx User Manual
25.4.2. NAND flash/PC card controller registers

NAND flash/PC card control registers (EXMC_NPCTLx) (x=1, 2, 3)

Address offset: 0x40 + 0x20 * x, (x = 1, 2, and 3)

Reset value: 0x0000 0008

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved ECCSZ[2:0] ART[3]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ATR[2:0] CTR[3:0] Reserved ECCEN NDW[1:0] NDTP NDBKEN NDWTEN Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:17 ECCSZ[2:0] ECC size

000: 256 bytes
001: 512 bytes
010: 1024 bytes
011: 2048 bytes
100: 4096 bytes
101: 8192 bytes

16:13 ATR[3:0] ALE to RE delay

0x0: ALE to RE delay = 1 * HCLK
0xF: ALE to RE delay = 16 * HCLK

12:9 CTR[3:0] CLE to RE delay

0x0: CLE to RE delay = 1 * HCLK
0x1: CLE to RE delay = 2 * HCLK
0xF: CLE to RE delay = 16 * HCLK

8:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 ECCEN ECC enable

0: Disable ECC, and reset EXMC_NECCx
1: Enable ECC

5:4 NDW[1:0] NAND bank memory data bus width

00: 8 bits
01: 16 bits
GD32F4xx User Manual
Others: Reserved
Note: for PC/CF card, 16-bit bus width must be selected.

3 NDTP NAND bank memory type

0: PC Card, CF card, PCMCIA
1: NAND Flash

2 NDBKEN NAND bank enable

0: Disable corresponding memory bank
1: Enable corresponding memory bank

1 NDWTEN Wait function enable

0: Disable wait function
1: Enable wait function

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

NAND flash/PC card interrupt enable registers (EXMC_NPINTENx) (x=1, 2, 3)

Address offset: 0x44 + 0x20 * x, (x = 1,2, and 3)

Reset value: 0x0000 0042 (for bank1 and bank2), 0x0000 0040 (for bank3)

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 FFEPT FIFO empty flag

0: FIFO is not empty.
1: FIFO is empty.

5 INTFEN Interrupt falling edge detection enable

0: Disable interrupt falling edge detection
1: Enable interrupt falling edge detection

4 INTHEN Interrupt high-level detection enable

0: Disable interrupt high-level detection
1: Enable interrupt high-level detection

3 INTREN Interrupt rising edge detection enable bit

0: Disable interrupt rising edge detection

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable interrupt rising edge detection

2 INTFS Interrupt falling edge status

0: Not detect interrupt falling edge
1: Detect interrupt falling edge

1 INTHS Interrupt high-level status

0: Not detect interrupt high-level
1: Detect interrupt high-level

0 INTRS Interrupt rising edge status

0: Not detect interrupt rising edge
1: Detect interrupt rising edge

NAND flash/PC card common space timing configuration registers

(EXMC_NPCTCFGx) (x=1, 2, 3)

Address offset: 0x48 + 0x20 * x, (x = 1, 2, and 3)

Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFF

These operations applicable to common memory space for 16-bit PC Card, CF card and
NAND Flash.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 COMHIZ[7:0] Common memory data bus HiZ time
The bits are defined as time of bus keep high impedance state after writing the
0x00: COMHIZ = 1 * HCLK
0xFE: COMHIZ = 255 * HCLK
0xFF: Reserved

23:16 COMHLD[7:0] Common memory hold time

After sending the address, the bits are defined as the address hold time. In
write operation, they are also defined as the data signal hold time.
0x00: Reserved
0x01: COMHLD = 1 * HCLK

GD32F4xx User Manual
0xFE: COMHLD = 254 * HCLK
0xFF: Reserved

15:8 COMWAIT[7:0] Common memory wait time

Define the minimum time to maintain command
0x00: Reserved
0x01: COMWAIT = 2 * HCLK (+NWAIT active cycles)
0xFE: COMWAIT = 255 * HCLK (+NWAIT active cycles)
0xFF: Reserved

7:0 COMSET[7:0] Common memory setup time

Define the time to build address before sending command
0x00: COMSET = 1 * HCLK
0xFE: COMSET = 255 * HCLK
0xFF: Reserved

NAND flash/PC card attribute space timing configuration registers

(EXMC_NPATCFGx) (x=1, 2, 3)

Address offset: 0x4C + 0x20 * x, (x = 1, 2, and 3)

Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFF

It is used for 8-bit accesses to the attribute memory space of the PC Card or to access the
NAND Flash for the last address write access if another timing must be applied.

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 ATTHIZ[7:0] Attribute memory data bus HiZ time
The bits are defined as time of bus keep high impedance state after writing the
0x00: ATTHIZ = 0 * HCLK
0xFE: ATTHIZ = 254 * HCLK
0xFF: Reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual
23:16 ATTHLD[7:0] Attribute memory hold time
After sending the address, the bits are defined as the address hold time. In write
operation, they are also defined as the data signal hold time.
0x00: Reserved
0x01: ATTHLD = 1 * HCLK
0xFE: ATTHLD = 254 * HCLK
0xFF: Reserved

15:8 ATTWAIT[7:0] Attribute memory wait time

Define the minimum time to maintain command
0x00: Reserved
0x01: ATTWAIT = 2 * HCLK (+NWAIT active cycles)
0xFE: ATTWAIT = 255 * HCLK (+NWAIT active cycles)
0xFF: ATTWAIT = Reserved

7:0 ATTSET[7:0] Attribute memory setup time

Define the time to build address before sending command
0x00: ATTSET = 1 * HCLK
0xFE: ATTSET = 255 * HCLK
0xFF: Reserved

PC card I/O space timing configuration register (EXMC_PIOTCFG3)

Address offset: 0xB0

Reset value: 0xFFFFFFFF

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

IOHIZ[7:0] IOHLD[7:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

IOWAIT[7:0] IOSET[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 IOHIZ[7:0] IO space data bus HiZ time
The bits are defined as time of bus keep high impedance state after writing the
0x00: IOHIZ = 0 * HCLK

GD32F4xx User Manual
0xFF: IOHIZ = 255 * HCLK

23:16 IOHLD[7:0] IO space hold time

After sending the address, the bits are defined as the address hold time. In write
operation, they are also defined as the data signal hold time.
0x00: Reserved
0x01: IOHLD = 1 * HCLK
0xFF: IOHLD = 255 * HCLK

15:8 IOWAIT[7:0] IO space wait time

Define the minimum time to maintain command
0x00: Reserved
0x01: IOWAIT = 2 * HCLK (+NWAIT active cycles)
0xFF: IOWAIT = 256 * HCLK (+NWAIT active cycles)

7:0 IOSET[7:0] IO space setup time

Define the time to build address before sending command
0x00: IOSET = 1 * HCLK
0xFF: IOSET = 256 * HCLK

NAND flash ECC registers (EXMC_NECCx) (x=1, 2)

Address offset: 0x54+0x20 * x

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ECC[31:0] ECC result

NAND Flash page

ECCSZ[2:0] ECC bits
0b000 256 ECC[21:0]
0b001 512 ECC[23:0]
0b010 1024 ECC[25:0]
0b011 2048 ECC[27:0]
GD32F4xx User Manual
0b100 4096 ECC[29:0]
0b101 8192 ECC[31:0]

25.4.3. SDRAM controller registers

SDRAM control registers (EXMC_SDCTLx) (x=0, 1)

Address offset: 0x140+4*x, (x = 0, 1)

Reset value: 0x0000 02D0

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved PIPED[1:0] BRSTRD SDCLK[1:0] WPEN CL[1:0] NBK SDW[1:0] RAW[1:0] CAW[1:0]

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

14:13 PIPED[1:0] Pipeline delay

These bits specify the delay for reading data after CAS latency in HCLK clock
00: 0 HCLK clock cycle delay
01: 1 HCLK clock cycle delay
10: 2 HCLK clock cycle delay
11: reserved
Note: The corresponding bits in the EXMC_SDCTL1 register are reserved.

12 BRSTRD Burst read

When this bit is set, The SDRAM controller anticipates the next read commands
during the CAS latency and stores data in the Read FIFO.
0: burst read disabled
1: burst read enabled
Note: The corresponding bits in the EXMC_SDCTL1 register are reserved.

11:10 SDCLK[1:0] SDRAM clock configuration

These bits specifies the SDRAM clock period for both SDRAM devices. The
memory clock should be disabled before change, and the SDRAM memory must
be re-initialized after this configuration is changed.
00: SDCLK memory clock disabled
01: Reserved
10: SDCLK memory period = 2 x HCLK periods

GD32F4xx User Manual
11: SDCLK memory period = 3 x HCLK periods
Note: The corresponding bits in the EXMC_SDCTL1 register are reserved.

9 WPEN Write protection enable

This bit enables the write protection function.
0: Disable write protection, write accesses allowed
1: Enable write protection, write accesses ignored

8:7 CL[1:0] CAS Latency

This bits sets specifies SDRAM CAS latency in SDRAM memory clock cycle unit
00: reserved, do not use.
01: 1 cycle
10: 2 cycles
11: 3 cycles

6 NBK Number of banks

This bit specifies the number of internal banks.
0: 2 internal Banks
1: 4 internal Banks

5:4 SDW[1:0] SDRAM data bus width.

These bits specify the SDRAM memory data width.
00: 8 bits
01: 16 bits
10: 32 bits
11: reserved

3:2 RAW[1:0] Row address bit width

These bits specify the bit width of a row address.
00: 11 bit
01: 12 bits
10: 13 bits
11: reserved

1:0 CAW[1:0] Column address bit width

These bits specify the bit width of column address.
00: 8 bits
01: 9 bits
10: 10 bits
11: 11 bits.

SDRAM timing configuration registers (EXMC_SDTCFGx) (x=0, 1)

Address offset: 0x148+4*x, (x = 0, 1)

Reset value: 0x0FFF FFFF

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

GD32F4xx User Manual
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Reserved RCD[3:0] RPD[3:0] WRD[3:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

ARFD[3:0] RASD[3:0] XSRD[3:0] LMRD[3:0]

rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

27:24 RCD[3:0] Row to column delay

These bits specify the delay between an Activate command and a Read/Write
command in SDRAM memory clock cycle unit.
0x0: 1 cycle.
0x1: 2 cycles
0xF: 16 cycles

23:20 RPD[3:0] Row precharge delay

These bits specify the delay between a Precharge command and the next
command in SDRAM memory clock cycle unit.
0x0: 1 cycle
0x1: 2 cycles
0xF: 16 cycles
Note: The corresponding bits in the EXMC_SDTCFG1 register are reserved. If
two SDRAM memories are used, the RPD must be programmed with the
timings of the slower one.

19:16 WRD[3:0] Write recovery delay

These bits specify the delay between a Write and a Precharge command in
SDRAM memory clock cycle unit.
0x0: 1 cycle
0x1: 2 cycles
0xF: 16 cycles
Note: The corresponding bits in the EXMC_SDTCFG1 register are reserved. If
two SDRAM memories are used, the WRD must be programmed with the
timings of the slower one.

15:12 ARFD[3:0] Auto refresh delay

These bits specify the delay between two consecutive Refresh commands, the
delay between two Activate commands, as well as the delay between the
Refresh command and the Activate command in SDRAM memory clock cycle

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
0x0: 1 cycle
0x1: 2 cycles
0xF: 16 cycles
Note: The corresponding bits in the EXMC_SDTCFG1 register are reserved. If
two SDRAM memories are used, the ARFD must be programmed with the
timings of the slower one.

11:8 RASD[3:0] Row address select delay

These bits specify the delay between an Activate command and a Precharge
command in SDRAM memory clock cycle unit. The minimum delay between
two successive Self-refresh commands is also specified by these bits.
0x0: 1 cycle
0x1: 2 cycles
0xF: 16 cycles

7:4 XSRD[3:0] Exit Self-refresh delay

These bits specify the delay from a Self-refresh command to an Activate
command in SDRAM memory clock cycle unit.
0x0: 1 cycle
0x1: 2 cycles
0xF: 16 cycles

3:0 LMRD[3:0] Load Mode Register Delay

These bits specify the delay between a Load Mode Register command and a
Refresh or Active command in SDRAM memory clock cycle unit.
0x0: 1 cycle
0x1: 2 cycles
0xF: 16 cycles

SDRAM command register (EXMC_SDCMD)

Address offset: 0x150

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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Reserved MRC[12:7]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

MRC[6:0] NARF[3:0] DS0 DS1 CMD[2:0]

GD32F4xx User Manual
rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

21:9 MRC[12:0] Mode register content

These bits specify the SDRAM Mode Register content which will be programmed
when CMD = ‘100’.

8:5 NARF[3:0] Number of successive Auto-refresh

These bits specify how many successive Auto-refresh cycles will be send when
CMD = ‘011’.
0x0: 1 Auto-refresh cycle
0x1: 2 Auto-refresh cycles
0xE: 15 Auto-refresh cycles
0xF: Reserved

4 DS0 Device select 0

This bit indicates whether the SDRAM Device0 is selected or not.
0: SDRAM Device0 is not selected
1: SDRAM Device0 is selected

3 DS1 Device select 1

This bit indicates whether the SDRAM Device1 is selected or not.
0: SDRAM Device1 is not selected
1: SDRAM Device1 is selected

2:0 CMD[2:0] Command

These bits specify the commands, which are issued to the SDRAM device.
000: Normal operation command
001: Clock enable command
010: Precharge All command
011: Auto-refresh command
100: Load Mode Register command
101: Self-refresh command
110: Power-down entry command
111: Reserved
Note: At least one command device select bit (DS1 or DS0) must be set, when a
command is issued. If both devices are used, the commands must be issued to
the two devices by setting the DS1and DS0 bits at the same time.

SDRAM auto-refresh interval register (EXMC_SDARI)

Address offset: 0x154

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved REIE ARINTV[12:0] REC

rw rw w

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

14 REIE Refresh error interrupt Enable

0: Interrupt is disabled
1: An Interrupt is generated if RFE bit of the Status Register is set

13:1 ARINTV[12:0] Auto-Refresh Interval

This bit field specifies the interval of two successive auto-refresh commands in
memory clock cycle unit.
ARFITV = (SDRAM refresh period / Number of rows) - 20

0 REC Refresh error flag clear

The Refresh Error Flag (REIF) in the Status Register will be cleared when this bit
is set.
0: no effect
1: Clear the Refresh Error flag

SDRAM status register (EXMC_SDSTAT)

Address offset: 0x158

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved NRDY STA1[1:0] STA0[1:0] REIF

r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

5 NRDY Not Ready status

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit specifies whether the SDRAM controller is ready for a new command
0: SDRAM Controller is ready for a new command
1: SDRAM Controller is not ready for a new command

4:3 STA1[1:0] Device1 status

This bit defines the Status of SDRAM Device1.
00: Normal status
01: Self-refresh status
10: Power-down status

2:1 STA0[1:0] Device 0 status

This bit defines the Status of SDRAM Device 0.
00: Normal status
01: Self-refresh status
10: Power-down status

0 REIF Refresh error interrupt flag

0: No refresh error
1: A refresh error occurred. An interrupt is generated when REIE = 1.

SDRAM read sample control register (EXMC_SDRSCTL)

Address offset: 0x180

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved SDSC[3:0] Reserved SSCR RSEN

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

7:4 SDSC[3:0] Select the delayed sample clock of read data

0x0: Select the clock after 0 delay cell
0x1: Select the clock after 1 delay cell
0xF: Select the clock after 15 delay cell

3:2 Reserved Forced by hardware to 0.

1 SSCR Select sample cycle of read data

0: add 0 extra HCLK cycle to the read data sample clock besides the delay chain

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: add 1 extra HCLK cycle to the read data sample clock besides the delay chain

0 RSEN Read sample enable

0: Read sample disabled
1: Read sample enabled

25.4.4. SQPI-PSRAM controller registers

SPI initialization register(EXMC_SINIT)

Offset address: 0x310

Reset Value: 0x1801 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

POL IDL[1:0] ADRBIT[4:0] Reserved CMDBIT[1:0]

rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 POL Read data sample polarity.
0: Sample data at rising edge(default)
1: Sample data at falling edge.

30:29 IDL[1:0] SPI PSRAM ID Length.


28:24 ADRBIT[4:0] Bit number of SPI PSRAM address phase.

Value Range:1 to 26(default:24)
0x00: reserved
0x01: 1-bit address
0x1A: 26-bit address
0x1B: reserved
0x1F: reserved

23:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17:16 CMDBIT[1:0] Bit number of SPI PSRAM command phase

GD32F4xx User Manual
00: 4 bit
01: 8 bit (default)
10: 16 bit
11: Reserved

15:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

SPI read command register(EXMC_SRCMD)

Offset address: 0x320

Reset Value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

RDID Reserved RMODE[1:0] RWAITCYCLE[3:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 RDID Send SPI Read ID Command, command code and mode come from RCMD and

30:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21:20 RMODE[1:0] SPI PSRAM Read command mode

00: Not SPI mode
01: SPI mode
10: SQPI mode
11: QPI mode

19:16 RWAITCYCLE[3:0] SPI Read Wait Cycle number after address phase.
15:0 RCMD[15:0] SPI Read Command for AHB read transfer.
When CMDBIT is different, valid RCMD is different:
CMDBIT=00,RCMD[3:0] are valid.
CMDBIT=01,RCMD[7:0] are valid.
CMDBIT=10,RCMD[15:0] are valid.

Note: Before writing 1 to RDID bit, users must ensure it is cleared by reading RDID as 0.

SPI write command register(EXMC_SWCMD)

Offset address: 0x330

Reset Value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

SC Reserved WMODE[1:0] WWAITCYCLE[3:0]

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 SC Send SPI Special Command which does not have address and data phase,
command code and mode come from WCMD and WMODE.

30:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21:20 WMODE[1:0] SPI PSRAM Write command mode

00: Not SPI mode
01: SPI mode
10: SQPI mode
11: QPI mode

19:16 WWAITCYCLE[3:0] SPI Write Wait Cycle number after address phase

15:0 WCMD[15:0] SPI Write Command for AHB write transfer

Note: Before write 1 to SC bit, you must ensure it is cleared and after set SC to 1, you
must wait SC cleared.

SPI ID low register(EXMC_SIDL)

Offset address: 0x340

Reset Value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 SIDL[31:0] ID Low Data saved for SPI Read ID Command
SIDL[31:0] is valid when IDL=01 or 00.
SIDL[15:0] is valid when IDL=10.

GD32F4xx User Manual
SIDL[7:0] is valid when IDL=11.

SPI ID high register(EXMC_SIDH)

Offset address: 0x350

Reset Value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 SIDH[63:32] ID High Data saved for SPI Read ID Command.
Note: SIDH[31:0] is valid when IDL=00.

GD32F4xx User Manual
26. Controller area network (CAN)

26.1. Overview

CAN bus (Controller Area Network) is a bus standard designed to allow microcontrollers and
devices to communicate with each other without a host computer.
As CAN network interface, basic extended CAN supports the CAN protocols version 2.0A,
2.0B. The CAN interface automatically handles the transmission and the reception of CAN
frames. The CAN provides 28 scalable/configurable identifier filter banks. The filters are used
for selecting the input message as software requirement and otherwise discarding the
message. Three transmit mailboxes are provided to the software for transfer messages. The
transmission scheduler decides which mailbox will be transmitted firstly. Three complete
messages can be stored in every FIFO. The FIFOs are managed completely by hardware.
Two receiving FIFOs are used by hardware to store the incoming messages. In addition, the
CAN controller provides all hardware functions, which supports the time-triggered
communication option, in safety-critical applications.

26.2. Characteristics

 Supports CAN protocols version 2.0A, B

 Baud rates up to 1 Mbit/s

 Supports the time-triggered communication

 Interrupt enable and clear


 Supports 3 transmit mailboxes

 Supports prioritization of messages

 Supports time stamp at SOF transmission


 Supports 2 Rx FIFOs and each has 3 messages depth

 28 scalable/configurable identifier filter banks

 FIFO lock

Time-triggered communication

 Disable retransmission automatically in time-triggered communication mode.

 16-bit free timer

GD32F4xx User Manual
 Time stamp on SOF reception

 Time stamp sent in last two data bytes transmission

26.3. Function overview

Figure below shows the CAN block diagram.

Figure 26-1. CAN module block diagram

Mailbox 0
Mailbox 1
Mailbox 2
Transmit Receive
mailbox[0..2] FIFO[0..1]

Mailbox 2
Mailbox 0
Transmit Receive Mailbox 1 CAN1 Tx/Rx
mailbox[0..2] FIFO[0..1]

26.3.1. Working mode

The CAN interface has three working modes:

 Sleep working mode

 Initial working mode

 Normal working mode

Sleep working mode

Sleep working mode is the default mode after reset. In sleep working mode, the CAN is in the
low-power status and the CAN clock is stopped.

When SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register is set, the CAN enters the sleep working mode.
Then the SLPWS bit in CAN_STAT register is set by hardware.

To leave sleep working mode automatically: the AWU bit in CAN_CTL register is set and the
CAN bus activity is detected. To leave sleep working mode by software: clear the SLPWMOD
bit in CAN_CTL register.

Sleep working mode to initial working mode: set IWMOD bit and clear SLPWMOD bit in
GD32F4xx User Manual
CAN_CTL register.

Sleep working mode to normal working mode: clear IWMOD and SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL

Initial working mode

When the configuration of CAN bus communication is needed to be changed, the CAN must
enter initial working mode.

When IWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register is set, the CAN enters the initial working mode. Then
the IWS bit in CAN_STAT register is set.

Initial working mode to sleep working mode: set SLPWMOD bit and clear IWMOD bit in
CAN_CTL register.

Initial working mode to normal working mode: clear IWMOD bit and clear SLPWMOD bit in
CAN_CTL register.

Normal working mode

The CAN could communicate with other CAN communication nodes in normal working mode.

To enter normal working mode: clear IWMOD and SLPWMOD bit in CAN_ CTL register.

Normal working mode to sleep working mode: set SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register and
wait the current transmission or reception completed.

Normal working mode to initial working mode: set IWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register, and wait
the current transmission or reception completed.

26.3.2. Communication modes

The CAN interface has four communication modes:

 Silent communication mode

 Loopback communication mode

 Loopback and silent communication mode

 Normal communication mode

Silent communication mode

Silent communication mode means reception available and transmission disable.

The RX pin of the CAN could detect the signal from the network and the TX pin always holds
in recessive state.

When the SCMOD bit in CAN_BT register is set, the CAN enters the silent communication
mode. When it is cleared, the CAN leaves silent communication mode.
GD32F4xx User Manual
Silent communication mode is useful for monitoring the network messages.

Loopback communication mode

Loopback communication mode means the transmitted messages are transferred into the Rx
FIFOs, the RX pin is disconnected from the CAN network and the TX pin can still send
messages to the CAN network.

Set LCMOD bit in CAN_BT register to enter loopback communication mode with clear it to
leave. Loopback communication mode is useful on self-test.

Loopback and silent communication mode

Loopback and silent communication mode means the RX and TX pins are disconnected from
the CAN network while the transmitted messages are transferred into the Rx FIFOs.

Setting LCMOD and SCMOD bit in CAN_BT register to enter loopback and silent
communication mode, while clearing clear them to leave.

Loopback and silent communication mode is useful for self-test. The TX pin holds in recessive
state. The RX pin holds in high impedance state.

Normal communication mode

Normal communication mode is the default communication mode when the LCMOD and
SCMOD bit in CAN_BT register is set.

26.3.3. Data transmission

Transmission register

Three transmit mailboxes are used for the application. Transmit mailboxes are used by
configuring four transmission registers: CAN_TMIx, CAN_TMPx, CAN_TMDATA0x and
CAN_TMDATA1x. As is shown in figure below.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 26-2. Transmission register
TMP0 Transmit
TMDATA00 mailbox 0

TMP1 Transmit
TMDATA01 mailbox 1

TMP2 Transmit
TMDATA02 mailbox 2

Transmit mailbox state

A transmit mailbox can be used when it is free (empty state). If the mailbox is filled with data,
set TEN bit in CAN_TMIx register to prepare for starting the transmission (pending state). If
more than one mailbox is in the pending state, they need scheduling the transmission
(scheduled state). A mailbox with highest priority enters into transmit state and starts
transmitting the message (transmit state). After the message has been sent, the mailbox is
free (empty state). As is shown in figure below.

Figure 26-3. State of transmit mailbox

empty transmit

pending scheduled

Transmit status and error

The CAN_TSTAT register includes the transmit status with no error bits: MTF, MTFNERR,

 MTF: mailbox transmit finished. Typically, MTF is set when the frame in the transmit
mailbox has been sent.

 MTFNERR: mailbox transmit finished with no error. MTFNERR is set when the frame in
the transmit mailbox has been sent without any error.

 MAL: mailbox arbitration lost. MAL is set when the frame transmission is failed due to the
the arbitration lost.

GD32F4xx User Manual
 MTE: mailbox transmit error. MTE is set when the frame transmission is failed due to the
error detected on the CAN bus.

Steps of sending a frame

To send a frame through the CAN:

Step 1: Select one free transmit mailbox.

Step 2: Configure four transmission registers with the application’s acquirement.

Step 3: Set TEN bit in CAN_TMIx register.

Step 4: Check the transmit status. Typically, MTF and MTFNERR are set if transmission is

Transmission options


MST bit in CAN_TSTAT register can abort the transmission.

If the transmit mailbox’s status is pending or scheduled, the abort of transmission can be done

In the transmit state, the abort of transmission does not take effect immediately until the
transmission is finished. In case that the transmission is successful, the MTFNERR and MTF
in CAN_TSTAT are set and state changes to be empty. In case that the transmission is failed,
the state changes to be scheduled and then the abort of transmission can be done


When more than one transmit mailbox is pending, the transmission order is given by the TFO
bit in CAN_CTL register.

In case that TFO is 1, the three transmit mailboxes work first-in first-out (FIFO).

In case that TFO is 0, the transmit mailbox with lowest identifier has the highest priority of
transmission. If the identifiers are equal, the lower mailbox number will be scheduled firstly.

26.3.4. Data reception

Reception register

Two Rx FIFOs are used for the application. Rx FIFOs are managed by five registers:
CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x. FIFO’s status and operation can be handled by CAN_RFIFOx
register. Reception frame data can be achieved through the registers: CAN_RFIFOMIx,
GD32F4xx User Manual
Each FIFO consists of three receive mailboxes. As is shown in figure below.

Figure 26-4. Reception register



Mailbox 0
Mailbox 1
Mailbox 2
Receive FIFO0



Mailbox 0
Mailbox 1
Mailbox 2
Receive FIFO1



Rx FIFO has three mailboxes. The reception frames are stored in the mailbox according to
the arriving sequence. First arrived frame can be accessed by application firstly.

The number of frames in the Rx FIFO and the status can be accessed by the register

If at least one frame has been stored in the Rx FIFO0, the frame data is stored in the
registers. After reading the current frame, set RFD bit in CAN_RFIFO0 to release a frame in
the Rx FIFO and the software can read the next frame.

Receive FIFO status

RFL (Rx FIFO length) bits in CAN_RFIFOx register is 0 when no frame is stored in the Rx
FIFO and it is 3 when FIFOx is full.

When RFF bit in CAN_RFIFOx register is set, it indicates FIFOx is full, at this time, RFL is 3.

When a new frame arrives after the FIFO has held three frames, the RFO bit in CAN_RFIFOx
register will be set, and it indicates FIFOx is overrun. If the RFOD bit in CAN_CTL register is
set, the new frame is discarded. If the RFOD bit in CAN_CTL register is reset, the new frame
is stored into the Rx FIFO and the last frame in the Rx FIFO is discarded.

Steps of receiving a message

Step 1: Check the number of frames in the Rx FIFO.


GD32F4xx User Manual

Step 3: Set the RFD bit in CAN_RFIFOx register.

26.3.5. Filtering function

The CAN receives frames from the CAN bus. If the frame passes the filter, it is stored in the
receive FIFOs. Otherwise, the frame will be discarded without intervention by the software.

The identifier of frame from the CAN bus is used for the matching of the filter.


The filter consists of 28 banks: bank0 to bank27. Each bank has two 32-bit registers:

Each filter bank can be configured to 32-bit or 16-bit.

32-bit: SFID[10:0], EFID[17:0], FF and FT bits. As is shown in figure below.

Figure 26-5. 32-bit filter

FDATA[31:21] FDATA[20:3] FDATA[2:0]

SFID[10:0] EFID[17:0] FF FT 0

16-bit: SFID [10:0], FT, FF and EFID[17:15] bits. As is shown in figure below.

Figure 26-6. 16-bit filter

FDATA[31:21] FDATA[20:16] FDATA[15:5] FDATA[4:0]

SFID[10:0] FT FF EFID[17:15] SFID[10:0] FT FF EFID[17:15]

Mask mode

In mask mode the identifier registers are associated with mask registers which specifies the
bits of the identifier are handled as “must match” (when the bit in mask register is ‘1’) or as
“don’t care” (when the bit in mask register is ‘0’). 32-bit mask mode example is shown in figure

Figure 26-7. 32-bit mask mode filter

ID FDATA0[31:21] FDATA0[20:3] FDATA0[2:0]

Mask FDATA1[31:21] FDATA1[20:3] FDATA1[2:0]

SFID[10:0] EFID[17:0] FF FT 0

Figure 26-8. 16-bit mask mode filter

ID FDATA0[15:5] FDATA0[4:0] FDATA1[15:5] FDATA1[4:0]
Mask FDATA0[31:21] FDATA0[20:16] FDATA1[31:21] FDATA1[20:16]

SFID[10:0] FT FF EFID[17:15] SFID[10:0] FT FF EFID[17:15]

GD32F4xx User Manual
List mode

The filter consists of frame identifiers. The filter can determine whether a frame will be
discarded or not. When one frame arrived, the filter will check which member can match the
identifier of the frame.

32-bit list mode example is shown in figure below.

Figure 26-9. 32-bit list mode filter

ID FDATA0[31:21] FDATA0[20:3] FDATA0[2:0]

ID FDATA1[31:21] FDATA1[20:3] FDATA1[2:0]

SFID[10:0] EFID[17:0] FF FT 0

Figure 26-10. 16-bit list mode filter

ID FDATA0[31:21] FDATA0[20:16] FDATA0[15:5] FDATA0[4:0]

SFID[10:0] FT FF EFID[17:15] SFID[10:0] FT FF EFID[17:15]

Filter number

Filter consists of some filter bank. According to the mode and the scale of each of the filter
banks, filter has different effects.

For example, there are two filter banks. Bank0 is configured as 32-bit mask mode. Bank1 is
configured as 32-bit list mode. The filter number is shown in figure below.

Figure 26-11. 32-bit filter number

Filter Filter
Filter data register
bank number
0 0
F1DATA0-32bit-ID 1
F1DATA1-32bit-ID 2

Associated FIFO

28 banks can be associated with FIFO0 or FIFO1. If the bank is associated with FIFO0, the
frames passed the bank will be stored in the FIFO0.


The filter bank needs to be activated if the bank is to be used, otherwise, the filter bank should
be left deactivated.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Filtering index

Each filter number corresponds to a filtering rule. When the frame which is associated with a
filter number N passes the filters, the filter index is N. It stores in the FI bits in CAN_RFIFOMPx.

Filter bank has filter index once it is associated with the FIFO no matter whether the bank is
active or not.

The example about filtering index is shown in figure below.

Figure 26-12. Filtering index

Filter Filter Filter Filter
FIFO0 Active FIFO1 Active
bank nunber bank nunber
F0DATA0-32bits- F2DATA0[15:0]-
ID 16bits-ID
0 Yes 0 0
F0DATA1-32bits- F2DATA0[31:16]-
Mask 16bits-Mask
2 Yes
F1DATA0-32bits- F2DATA1[15:0]-
ID 16bits-ID
1 Yes 1
F1DATA1-32bits- F2DATA1[31:16]-
ID 16bits-Mask
3 4 No 2
F3DATA0[31:16]- F4DATA1-32bits-
16bits-Mask Mask
3 No
F5DATA0-32bits-ID 3
4 5 No
F5DATA1-32bits-ID 4
F7DATA0[15:0]- F6DATA0[15:0]-
5 5
16bits-ID 16bits-ID
F7DATA0[31:16]- F6DATA0[31:16]-
6 6
16bits- ID 16bits- ID
7 No 6 Yes
F7DATA1[15:0]- F6DATA1[15:0]-
7 7
16bits-ID 16bits-ID
F7DATA1[31:16]- F6DATA1[31:16]-
8 8
16bits- ID 16bits- ID
F8DATA0[15:0]- F10DATA0[15:0]-
16bits-ID 16bits-ID
F8DATA0[31:16]- F10DATA0[31:16]-
16bits- ID 16bits-Mask
8 Yes 10 No
F8DATA1[15:0]- F10DATA1[15:0]-
16bits-ID 16bits-ID
F8DATA1[31:16]- F10DATA1[31:16]-
16bits- ID 16bits-Mask

GD32F4xx User Manual
Filter Filter Filter Filter
FIFO0 Active FIFO1 Active
bank nunber bank nunber
F9DATA0[15:0]- F11DATA0[15:0]-
16bits-ID 16bits-ID
F9DATA0[31:16]- F11DATA0[31:16]-
16bits-Mask 16bits- ID
9 Yes 11 No
F9DATA1[15:0]- F11DATA1[15:0]-
16bits-ID 16bits-ID
F9DATA1[31:16]- F11DATA1[31:16]-
16bits-Mask 16bits- ID
F12DATA0-32bits- F13DATA0-32bits-
12 Yes 15 13 Yes
F12DATA1-32bits- F13DATA1-32bits-
Mask ID


The filters have the priority rules:

1. 32-bits mode is higher than 16-bits mode.
2. List mode is higher than mask mode.
3. Smaller filter number has the higher priority.

26.3.6. Time-triggered communication

The time-triggered CAN protocol is a higher layer protocol on top of the CAN data link layer.
Time-triggered communication means that activities are triggered by the elapsing of time
segments. In a time-triggered communication system, all time points of message transmission
are pre-defined.

In this mode, the 16-bit internal counter of the CAN hardware is activated and used to
generate the time stamp value which will be stored in the CAN_RFIFOMPx and CAN_TMPx
registers for reception and transmission respectively. The internal counter is increased each
CAN bit time. The internal counter is captured on the sample point of the SOF (Start of Frame)
bit in both reception and transmission.

The automatic retransmission is disabled in the time-triggered CAN communication.

26.3.7. Communication parameters

Nonautomatic retransmission mode

This mode has been implemented in order to fulfill the requirement of the time-triggered
communication option of the CAN standard. To configure the hardware in this mode the ARD
bit in the CAN_CTL register must be set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
In this mode, each transmission is started only once. If the first attempt fails, due to an
arbitration loss or an error, the hardware will not automatically restart the frame transmission.

At the end of the first transmission attempt, the hardware considers the request as finished
and sets the MTF bit in the CAN_TSTAT register. The result of the transmission is indicated
in the CAN_TSTAT register by the MTFNERR, MAL and MTE bits.

Bit time

On the bit-level, the CAN protocol uses synchronous bit transmission. This not only enhances
the transmitting capacity but also requires a sophisticated method of bit synchronization.
While bit synchronization in a character-oriented transmission (asynchronous) is performed
upon the reception which the start bit is available with each character, the synchronous
transmission protocol just need one start bit available at the beginning of a frame. To ensure
that the receiver correctly reads the messages, resynchronization is required. Phase buffer
segments’ sample point of the front-end and back-end should be inserted a bit interval.

The CAN protocol regulates bus access by bit-wise arbitration. The signal propagated from
sender to receiver and back to the sender must be completed within one bit-time. For
synchronization, in addition to the phase buffer segments, a propagation delay segment is
needed. The propagation delay segment is regarded as signal delays caused by transmitting
and receiving nodes in the process of the signal propagation on the bus.

The normal bit time from the CAN protocol has three segments as follows:

Synchronization segment (SYNC_SEG): a bit change is expected to occur within this time
segment. It has a fixed length of one time quantum (1 × 𝑡𝐶𝐴𝑁 ).

Bit segment 1 (BS1): It defines the location of the sample point. It includes the Propagation
delay segment and Phase buffer segment 1 in the CAN standard. Its duration is
programmable from 1 to 16 time quanta but it may be automatically lengthened to
compensate for positive phase drifts due to different frequency of the various nodes of the

Bit segment 2 (BS2): It defines the location of the transmit point. It represents the Phase
buffer segment 2 in the CAN standard. Its duration is programmable from 1 to 8 time quanta
but it may also be automatically shortened to compensate for negative phase drifts.

The bit time is shown as in the figure below.

Figure 26-13. The bit time

Normal Bit Time

Sync Propagation delay Phase buffer Phase buffer
segment segment segment 1 segment2


GD32F4xx User Manual
The resynchronization Jump Width (SJW): it can be lengthened or shortened to compensate
for the Synchronization error of the CAN network node. It is programmable from 1 to 4 time

A valid edge is defined as the first toggle in a bit time from dominant to recessive bus level
before the controller sends a recessive bit.

If a valid edge is detected in BS1, not in SYNC_SEG, BS1 is added up to SJW maximumly,
so that the sample point is delayed.

Conversely, if a valid edge is detected in BS2, not in SYNC_SEG, BS2 is cut down to SJW at
most, so that the transmit point is moved earlier.

Baud rate

The clock of CAN derives from the APB1 bus. The CAN calculates its baud rate as follow:

𝐵𝑎𝑢𝑑𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = (26-1)
𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐵𝑖𝑡 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒

𝑁𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑙 𝐵𝑖𝑡 𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 = 𝑡𝑆𝑌𝑁𝐶_𝑆𝐸𝐺 + 𝑡𝐵𝑆1 + 𝑡𝐵𝑆2 (26-2)


𝑡𝑆𝑌𝑁𝐶_𝑆𝐸𝐺 = 1 × 𝑡𝑞 (26-3)

𝑡𝐵𝑆1 = (1 + 𝐵𝑆1) × 𝑡𝑞 (26-4)

𝑡𝐵𝑆2 = (1 + 𝐵𝑆2) × 𝑡𝑞 (26-5)

𝑡𝑞 = (1 + 𝐵𝐴𝑈𝐷𝑃𝑆𝐶) × 𝑡𝑃𝐶𝐿𝐾1 (26-6)

26.3.8. Error flags

The error management which is described in the CAN protocol is handled entirely by using
Transmit error counter (TECNT value, in CAN_ERR register) and Receive error counter
(RECNT value, in the CAN_ERR register), which would be increased or decreased according
to the error condition by hardware. For detailed information about TECNT and RECNT
management, please refer to the CAN standard.

Both of them may be read by software to determine the stability of the network.

Furthermore, the CAN hardware provides detailed information on the current error status in
CAN_ERR register. By using the CAN_INTEN register (ERRIE bit, etc.), the software can
control the interrupt generation when error is detected.

Bus-Off recovery

The CAN controller is in Bus-Off state when TECNT is greater than 255. This state is indicated
by BOERR bit in CAN_ERR register. In Bus-Off state, the CAN is no longer able to transmit
and receive messages.
GD32F4xx User Manual
Depending on the ABOR bit in the CAN_CTL register, CAN will recover from Bus-Off
(becomes error active again) either automatically or on software request. But in two cases,
the CAN has to wait until the recovery sequence specified in the CAN standard is detected
(128 occurrences of 11 consecutive recessive bits monitored on CAN RX).

If ABOR is set, the CAN will start the recovering sequence automatically after it has entered
Bus-Off state.

If ABOR is cleared, CAN controller must be configured to enter initialization mode by setting
IWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register, then exit and enter nomal mode. After this operation, it will
recover when the recovering sequence is detected.

26.3.9. CAN interrupts

Four interrupt vectors are dedicated for CAN controller. Each interrupt source can be
independently enabled or disabled by setting or clearing related bits in CAN_INTEN.

The interrupt sources can be classified as:

 Transmit interrupt
 FIFO0 interrupt
 FIFO1 interrupt
 Error and status change interrupt

Transmit interrupt

The transmit interrupt can be generated by any of the following conditions and TMEIE bit in
CAN_INTEN register will be set:
 TX mailbox 0 transmit finished: MTF0 bit in the CAN_TSTAT register is set.
 TX mailbox 1 transmit finished: MTF1 bit in the CAN_TSTAT register is set.
 TX mailbox 2 transmit finished: MTF2 bit in the CAN_TSTAT register is set.

Rx FIFO0 interrupt

The Rx FIFO0 interrupt can be generated by the following conditions:

 Rx FIFO0 not empty: RFL0 bits in the CAN_RFIFO0 register are not ‘00’ and RFNEIE0
in CAN_INTEN register is set.
 Rx FIFO0 full: RFF0 bit in the CAN_RFIFO0 register is set and RFFIE0 in CAN_INTEN
register is set.
 Rx FIFO0 overrun: RFO0 bit in the CAN_RFIFO0 register is set and RFOIE0 in
CAN_INTEN register is set.

Rx FIFO1 interrupt

The Rx FIFO1 interrupt can be generated by the following conditions:

 Rx FIFO1 not empty: RFL1 bits in the CAN_RFIFO1 register are not ‘00’ and RFNEIE1
in CAN_INTEN register is set.
 Rx FIFO1 full: RFF1 bit in the CAN_RFIFO1 register is set and RFFIE1 in CAN_INTEN
GD32F4xx User Manual
register is set.
 Rx FIFO1 overrun: RFO1 bit in the CAN_RFIFO1 register is set and RFOIE1 in
CAN_INTEN register is set.

Error and working mode change interrupt

The error and working mode change interrupt can be generated by the following conditions:
 Error: ERRIF bit in the CAN_STAT register and ERRIE bit in the CAN_INTEN register
are set. Refer to ERRIF description in the CAN_STAT register.
 Wakeup: WUIF bit in the CAN_STAT register is set and WIE bit in the CAN_INTEN
register is set.
 Enter sleep working mode: SLPIF bit in the CAN_STAT register is set and SLPWIE bit in
the CAN_INTEN register is set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
26.4. CAN registers

CAN0 base address: 0x4000 6400

CAN1 base address: 0x4000 6800

26.4.1. Control register (CAN_CTL)

Address offset: 0x00

Reset value: 0x0001 0002

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved DFZ


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rs rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 DFZ Debug freeze

If the CANx_HOLD in DBG_CTL1 register is set, this bit defines the CAN
controller is in debug freezing mode or normal working mode. If the CANx_HOLD
in DBG_CTL1 register is cleared, this bit takes no effect.
0: CAN reception and transmission work normal even during debug
1: CAN reception and transmission stop working during debug

15 SWRST Software reset

0: No effect
1: Reset CAN to enter sleep working mode. This bit is automatically reset to 0.

14:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 TTC Time-triggered communication

0: Disable time-triggered communication
1: Enable time-triggered communication

6 ABOR Automatic bus-off recovery

0: The bus off state is left manually by software
1: The bus off state is left automatically by hardware

5 AWU Automatic wakeup

If this bit is set, the CAN leaves sleep working mode when CAN bus activity is

GD32F4xx User Manual
detected, and SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register will be cleared automatically.
0: The sleeping working mode is left manually by software
1: The sleeping working mode is left automatically by hardware

4 ARD Automatic retransmission disable

0: Enable automatic retransmission
1: Disable automatic retransmission

3 RFOD Rx FIFO overwrite disable

0: Enable Rx FIFO overwrite when Rx FIFO is full and overwrite the FIFO with the
incoming frame
1: Disable Rx FIFO overwrite when Rx FIFO is full and discard the incoming frame

2 TFO Tx FIFO order

0: Order with the identifier of the frame (the smaller identifier has higher priority)
1: Order with first in and first out

1 SLPWMOD Sleep working mode

If this bit is set by software, the CAN enters sleep working mode after current
transmission or reception is completed. This bit can be cleared by software or
hardware. If AWU bit in CAN_CTL register is set, this bit is cleared by hardware
when CAN bus activity is detected.
0: Disable sleep working mode
1: Enable sleep working mode

0 IWMOD Initial working mode

0: Disable initial working mode
1: Enable initial working mode

26.4.2. Status register (CAN_STAT)

Address offset: 0x04

Reset value: 0x0000 0C02

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


r r r r rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
11 RXL RX level

10 LASTRX Last sample value of RX pin

9 RS Receiving state
0: CAN is not working in the receiving state
1: CAN is working in the receiving state

8 TS Transmitting state
0: CAN is not working in the transmitting state
1: CAN is working in the transmitting state

7:5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 SLPIF Status change interrupt flag of entering sleep working mode

This bit is set by hardware when entering sleep working mode, and cleared by
hardware when the CAN is not in sleep working mode. This bit can also be cleared
by software when write 1 to this bit.
0: CAN is not in the sleep working mode
1: CAN is entering the sleep working mode.

3 WUIF Status change interrupt flag of wakeup from sleep working mode
This bit is set when CAN bus activity detected on sleep working mode. This bit can
cleared by software when writting 1 to this bit.
0: Wakeup event is not coming
1: Wakeup event is coming

2 ERRIF Error interrupt flag

This bit is set by the following events. The BOERR bit in CAN_ERR register is set
and BOIE bit in CAN_INTEN register is set. Or the PERR bit in CAN_ERR register
is set and PERRIE bit in CAN_INTEN register is set. Or the WERR bit in
CAN_ERR register is set and WERRIE bit in CAN_INTEN register is set. Or the
ERRN bits in CAN_ERR register are set to 1 to 6 (not 0 and not 7) and ERRNIE in
CAN_INTEN register is set. This bit is cleared by software when writting 1 to this
0: No error interrupt event
1: Any error interrupt event has happened

1 SLPWS Sleep working state

This bit is set by hardware when the CAN enter sleep working mode after set
SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register. If the CAN leave from normal working mode
to sleep working mode, it must wait the current frame transmission or reception
completed. This bit is cleared by hardware when the CAN leave sleep working
mode. Clear SLPWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register or automatically detect the CAN
bus activity when AWU bit is set in CAN_CTL register. If leave sleep working
mode to normal working mode, this bit will be cleared after receive 11 consecutive
recessive bits from the CAN bus.
0: CAN is not in the state of sleep working mode
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: CAN is in the state of sleep working mode

0 IWS Initial working state

This bit is set by hardware when the CAN enter initial working mode after set
IWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register. If the CAN leave from normal working mode to
initial working mode, it must wait the current frame transmission or reception
completed. This bit is cleared by hardware when the CAN leave initial working
mode after clear IWMOD bit in CAN_CTL register. If leave initial working mode to
normal working mode, this bit will be cleared after receive 11 consecutive
recessive bits from the CAN bus.
0: CAN is not the state of initial working mode
1: CAN is the state of initial working mode

26.4.3. Transmit status register (CAN_TSTAT)

Address offset: 0x08

Reset value: 0x1C00 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


r r r r r r r rs rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

MST1 Reserved MTE1 MAL1 MTF1 MST0 Reserved MTE0 MAL0 MTF0
R1 R0

rs rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rs rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 TMLS2 Transmit mailbox 2 last sending in Tx FIFO
This bit is set by hardware when transmit mailbox 2 has the last sending order in
the Tx FIFO with at least two frame are pending.

30 TMLS1 Transmit mailbox 1 last sending in Tx FIFO

This bit is set by hardware when transmit mailbox 1 has the last sending order in
the Tx FIFO with at least two frame are pending.

29 TMLS0 Transmit mailbox 0 last sending in Tx FIFO

This bit is set by hardware when transmit mailbox 0 has the last sending order in
the Tx FIFO with at least two frames pending.

28 TME2 Transmit mailbox 2 empty

0: Transmit mailbox 2 not empty
1: Transmit mailbox 2 empty

GD32F4xx User Manual
27 TME1 Transmit mailbox 1 empty
0: Transmit mailbox 1 not empty
1: Transmit mailbox 1 empty

26 TME0 Transmit mailbox 0 empty

0: Transmit mailbox 0 not empty
1: Transmit mailbox 0 empty

25:24 NUM[1:0] These bits are the number of the Tx FIFO mailbox in which the frame will be
transmitted if at least one mailbox is empty.
These bits are the number of the Tx FIFO mailbox in which the frame will be
transmitted at last if all mailboxes are full.

23 MST2 Mailbox 2 stop transmitting

This bit is set by the software to stop mailbox 2 transmitting.
This bit is reset by the hardware while the mailbox 2 is empty.

22:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 MTE2 Mailbox 2 transmit error

This bit is set by hardware when the transmit error occurs. This bit is reset by
writing 1 to this bit or MTF2 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by
hardware when next transmit starts.

18 MAL2 Mailbox 2 arbitration lost

This bit is set when the arbitration lost occurs. This bit is reset by writting 1 to this
bit or MTF2 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by hardware when next
transmit starts.

17 MTFNERR2 Mailbox 2 transmit finished with no error

This bit is set when the transmission finishes and no error occurs. This bit is reset
by writting 1 to this bit or MTF2 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by
hardware when the transmission finishes with error.
0: Mailbox 2 transmit finished with error
1: Mailbox 2 transmit finished with no error

16 MTF2 Mailbox 2 transmit finished

This bit is set by hardware when the transmission finishes or aborts. This bit is
reset by writting 1 to this bit or TEN bit in CAN_TMI2 is 1.
0: Mailbox 2 transmit is progressing
1: Mailbox 2 transmit finished

15 MST1 Mailbox 1 stop transmitting

This bit is set by software to stop mailbox 1 transmitting.
This bit is reset by hardware when the mailbox 1 is empty.

14:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 MTE1 Mailbox 1 transmit error

GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is set by hardware when the transmit error occurs. This bit is reset by
writting 1 to this bit or MTF1 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by
hardware when next transmit starts.

10 MAL1 Mailbox 1 arbitration lost

This bit is set when the arbitration lost occurs. This bit is reset by writting 1 to this
bit or MTF1 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by hardware when next
transmit starts.

9 MTFNERR1 Mailbox 1 transmit finished with no error

This bit is set when the transmission finishes and no error occurs. This bit is reset
by writting 1 to this bit or MTF1 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by
hardware when the transmission finishes with error.
0: Mailbox 1 transmit finished with error
1: Mailbox 1 transmit finished with no error

8 MTF1 Mailbox 1 transmit finished

This bit is set by hardware when the transmission finishes or aborts. This bit is
reset by writting 1 to this bit or TEN bit in CAN_TMI1 is 1.
0: Mailbox 1 transmit is progressing
1: Mailbox 1 transmit finished

7 MST0 Mailbox 0 stop transmitting

This bit is set by the software to stop mailbox 0 transmitting.
This bit is reset by the hardware when the mailbox 0 is empty.

6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 MTE0 Mailbox 0 transmit error

This bit is set by hardware when the transmit error occurs. This bit is reset by
writting 1 to this bit or MTF0 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by
hardware when next transmit starts.

2 MAL0 Mailbox 0 arbitration lost

This bit is set when the arbitration lost occurs. This bit is reset by writting 1 to this
bit or MTF0 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by hardware when next
transmit starts.

1 MTFNERR0 Mailbox 0 transmit finished with no error

This bit is set when the transmission finishes and no error occurs. This bit is reset
by writting 1 to this bit or MTF0 bit in CAN_TSTAT register. This bit is reset by
hardware when the transmission finishes with error.
0: Mailbox 0 transmit finished with error
1: Mailbox 0 transmit finished with no error

0 MTF0 Mailbox 0 transmit finished

This bit is set by hardware when the transmission finishes or aborts. This bit is
reset by writting 1 to this bit or TEN bit in CAN_TMI0 is 1.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Mailbox 0 transmit is progressing
1: Mailbox 0 transmit finished

26.4.4. Receive message FIFO0 register (CAN_RFIFO0)

Address offset: 0x0C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RFD0 RFO0 RFF0 Reserved RFL0[1:0]

rs rc_w1 rc_w1 r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 RFD0 Rx FIFO0 dequeue

This bit is set by software to start dequeuing a frame from Rx FIFO0.
This bit is reset by hardware when the dequeuing is done.

4 RFO0 Rx FIFO0 overfull

This bit is set by hardware when Rx FIFO0 is overfull and reset by software when
writting 1 to this bit.
0: The Rx FIFO0 is not overfull
1: The Rx FIFO0 is overfull

3 RFF0 Rx FIFO0 full

This bit is set by hardware when Rx FIFO0 is full and reset by software when
writting 1 to this bit.
0: The Rx FIFO0 is not full
1: The Rx FIFO0 is full

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 RFL0[1:0] Rx FIFO0 length

These bits are the length of the Rx FIFO0.

26.4.5. Receive message FIFO1 register (CAN_RFIFO1)

Address offset: 0x10

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RFD1 RFO1 RFF1 Reserved RFL1[1:0]

rs rc_w1 rc_w1 r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 RFD1 Rx FIFO1 dequeue

This bit is set by software to start dequeuing a frame from Rx FIFO1.
This bit is reset by hardware when the dequeuing is done.

4 RFO1 Rx FIFO1 overfull

This bit is set by hardware when Rx FIFO1 is overfull and reset by writting 1 to this
0: The Rx FIFO1 is not overfull
1: The Rx FIFO1 is overfull

3 RFF1 Rx FIFO1 full

This bit is set by hardware when Rx FIFO1 is full and reset by writting 1 to this bit.
0: The Rx FIFO1 is not full
1: The Rx FIFO1 is full

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 RFL1[1:0] Rx FIFO1 length

These bits are the length of the Rx FIFO1.

26.4.6. Interrupt enable register (CAN_INTEN)

Address offset: 0x14

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17 SLPWIE Sleep working interrupt enable

0: Sleep working interrupt disabled
1: Sleep working interrupt enabled

16 WIE Wakeup interrupt enable

0: Wakeup interrupt disabled
1: Wakeup interrupt enabled

15 ERRIE Error interrupt enable

0: Error interrupt disabled
1: Error interrupt enabled

14:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 ERRNIE Error number interrupt enable

0: Error number interrupt disabled
1: Error number interrupt enabled

10 BOIE Bus-Off interrupt enable

0: Bus-Off interrupt disabled
1: Bus-Off interrupt enabled

9 PERRIE Passive error interrupt enable

0: Passive error interrupt disabled
1: Passive error interrupt enabled

8 WERRIE Warning error interrupt enable

0: Warning error interrupt disabled
1: Warning error interrupt enabled

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 RFOIE1 Rx FIFO1 overfull interrupt enable

0: Rx FIFO1 overfull interrupt disabled
1: Rx FIFO1 overfull interrupt enabled

5 RFFIE1 Rx FIFO1 full interrupt enable

0: Rx FIFO1 full interrupt disabled
1: Rx FIFO1 full interrupt enabled

4 RFNEIE1 Rx FIFO1 not empty interrupt enable

0: Rx FIFO1 not empty interrupt disabled
1: Rx FIFO1 not empty interrupt enabled

3 RFOIE0 Rx FIFO0 overfull interrupt enable

0: Rx FIFO0 overfull interrupt disabled
1: Rx FIFO0 overfull interrupt enabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
2 RFFIE0 Rx FIFO0 full interrupt enable
0: Rx FIFO0 full interrupt disabled
1: Rx FIFO0 full interrupt enabled

1 RFNEIE0 Rx FIFO0 not empty interrupt enable

0: Rx FIFO0 not empty interrupt disabled
1: Rx FIFO0 not empty interrupt enabled

0 TMEIE Transmit mailbox empty interrupt enable

0: Transmit mailbox empty interrupt disabled
1: Transmit mailbox empty interrupt enabled

26.4.7. Error register (CAN_ERR)

Address offset: 0x18

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

RECNT[7:0] TECNT[7:0]

r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved ERRN[2:0] Reserved BOERR PERR WERR

rw r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 RECNT[7:0] Receive error count defined by the CAN standard

23:16 TECNT[7:0] Transmit error count defined by the CAN standard

15:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 ERRN[2:0] Error number

These bits indicate the error status of bit transformation. They are updated by
hardware. When the bit transformation is successful, they are equal to 0.
000: No error
001: Stuff error
010: Form error
011: Acknowledgment error
100: Bit recessive error
101: Bit dominant error
110: CRC error
111: Set by software

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2 BOERR Bus-Off error
Whenever the CAN enters Bus-Off state, the bit will be set by hardware.

1 PERR Passive error

Whenever the TECNT or RECNT is greater than 127, the bit will be set by

0 WERR Warning error

Whenever the TECNT or RECNT is greater than or equal to 96, the bit will be set
by hardware.

26.4.8. Bit timing register (CAN_BT)

Address offset: 0x1C

Reset value: 0x0123 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

SCMOD LCMOD Reserved SJW[1:0] Reserved BS2[2:0] BS1[3:0]

rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved BAUDPSC[9:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 SCMOD Silent communication mode
0: Silent communication disabled
1: Silent communication enabled

30 LCMOD Loopback communication mode

0: Loopback communication disabled
1: Loopback communication enabled

29:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

25:24 SJW[1:0] Resynchronization jump width

Resynchronization jump width time quantum= SJW[1:0]+1

23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22:20 BS2[2:0] Bit segment 2

Bit segment 2 time quantum = BS2[2:0]+1

19:16 BS1[3:0] Bit segment 1

Bit segment 1 time quantum = BS1[3:0]+1

15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
9:0 BAUDPSC[9:0] Baud rate prescaler
The CAN baud rate prescaler

26.4.9. Transmit mailbox identifier register (CAN_TMIx) (x=0..2)

Address offset: 0x180, 0x190, 0x1A0

Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX (bit0=0)

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:18] EFID[17:13]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:1 The frame identifier
8] SFID[10:0]: Standard format frame identifier
EFID[28:18]: Extended format frame identifier

20:16 EFID[17:13] The frame identifier

EFID[17:13]: Extended format frame identifier

15:3 EFID[12:0] The frame identifier

EFID[12:0]: Extended format frame identifier

2 FF Frame format
0: Standard format frame
1: Extended format frame

1 FT Frame type
0: Data frame
1: Remote frame

0 TEN Transmit enable

This bit is set by software when one frame will be transmitted and reset by the
hardware when the transmit mailbox is empty.
0: Transmit disabled
1: Transmit enabled

26.4.10. Transmit mailbox property register (CAN_TMPx) (x=0..2)

Address offset: 0x184, 0x194, 0x1A4

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved TSEN Reserved DLENC[3:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 TS[15:0] Time stamp
The time stamp of frame in transmit mailbox.

15:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 TSEN Time stamp enable

0: Time stamp disabled
1: Time stamp enabled. The TS[15:0] will be transmitted in the DB6 and DB7 in DL
This bit is available when the TTC bit in CAN_CTL is set.

7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3:0 DLENC[3:0] Data length code

DLENC[3:0] is the number of bytes in a frame.

26.4.11. Transmit mailbox data0 register (CAN_TMDATA0x) (x=0..2)

Address offset: 0x188, 0x198, 0x1A8

Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DB3[7:0] DB2[7:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DB1[7:0] DB0[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 DB3[7:0] Data byte 3

23:16 DB2[7:0] Data byte 2

GD32F4xx User Manual
15:8 DB1[7:0] Data byte 1

7:0 DB0[7:0] Data byte 0

26.4.12. Transmit mailbox data1 register (CAN_TMDATA1x) (x=0..2)

Address offset: 0x18C, 0x19C, 0x1AC

Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DB7[7:0] DB6[7:0]

rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DB5[7:0] DB4[7:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 DB7[7:0] Data byte 7

23:16 DB6[7:0] Data byte 6

15:8 DB5[7:0] Data byte 5

7:0 DB4[7:0] Data byte 4

26.4.13. Receive FIFO mailbox identifier register (CAN_RFIFOMIx) (x=0,1)

Address offset: 0x1B0, 0x1C0

Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:18] EFID[17:13]

r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

EFID[12:0] FF FT Reserved

r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 SFID[10:0]/EFID[28:1 The frame identifier
8] SFID[10:0]: Standard format frame identifier

GD32F4xx User Manual
EFID[28:18]: Extended format frame identifier

20:16 EFID[17:13] The frame identifier

EFID[17:13]: Extended format frame identifier

15:3 EFID[12:0] The frame identifier

EFID[12:0]: Extended format frame identifier

2 FF Frame format
0: Standard format frame
1: Extended format frame

1 FT Frame type
0: Data frame
1: Remote frame

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26.4.14. Receive FIFO mailbox property register (CAN_RFIFOMPx) (x=0,1)

Address offset: 0x1B4, 0x1C4

Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FI[7:0] Reserved DLENC[3:0]

r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 TS[15:0] Time stamp
The time stamp of frame in transmit mailbox.

15:8 FI[7:0] Filtering index

The index of the filter which the frame passed.

7:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3:0 DLENC[3:0] Data length code

DLENC[3:0] is the number of bytes in a frame.

26.4.15. Receive FIFO mailbox data0 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA0x) (x=0,1)

Address offset: 0x1B8, 0x1C8

GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DB3[7:0] DB2[7:0]

r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DB1[7:0] DB0[7:0]

r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 DB3[7:0] Data byte 3

23:16 DB2[7:0] Data byte 2

15:8 DB1[7:0] Data byte 1

7:0 DB0[7:0] Data byte 0

26.4.16. Receive FIFO mailbox data1 register (CAN_RFIFOMDATA1x) (x=0,1)

Address offset: 0x1BC, 0x1CC

Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

DB7[7:0] DB6[7:0]

r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

DB5[7:0] DB4[7:0]

r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 DB7[7:0] Data byte 7

23:16 DB6[7:0] Data byte 6

15:8 DB5[7:0] Data byte 5

7:0 DB4[7:0] Data byte 4

26.4.17. Filter control register (CAN_FCTL)

Address offset: 0x200

Reset value: 0x2A1C 0E01
GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved HBC1F[5:0] Reserved FLD

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:8 HBC1F[5:0] Header bank of CAN1 filter

These bits are set and cleared by software to define the first bank for CAN1 filter.
Bank0 ~ Bank HBC1F-1 is used for CAN0. Bank HBC1F ~ Bank27 is used for
CAN1. When set to 0, no bank is used for CAN0. When set to 27, no bank is used
for CAN1.

7:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 FLD Filter lock disable

0: Filter lock enabled
1: Filter lock disabled

26.4.18. Filter mode configuration register (CAN_FMCFG)

Address offset: 0x204

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). This register can be modified only when
FLD bit in CAN_FCTL register is set.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:0 FMODx Filter mode

0: Filter x with mask mode
1: Filter x with list mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
26.4.19. Filter scale configuration register (CAN_FSCFG)

Address offset: 0x20C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). This register can be modified only when
FLD bit in CAN_FCTL register is set.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved FS27 FS26 FS25 FS24 FS23 FS22 FS21 FS20 FS19 FS18 FS17 FS16

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FS15 FS14 FS13 FS12 FS11 FS10 FS9 FS8 FS7 FS6 FS5 FS4 FS3 FS2 FS1 FS0

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:0 FSx Filter scale

0: Filter x with 16-bit scale
1: Filter x with 32-bit scale

26.4.20. Filter associated FIFO register (CAN_FAFIFO)

Address offset: 0x214

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit). This register can be modified only when
FLD bit in CAN_FCTL register is set.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved FAF27 FAF26 FAF25 FAF24 FAF23 FAF22 FAF21 FAF20 FAF19 FAF18 FAF17 FAF16

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:0 FAFx Filter associated FIFO

0: Filter x associated with FIFO0
1: Filter x associated with FIFO1

GD32F4xx User Manual
26.4.21. Filter working register (CAN_FW)

Address offset: 0x21C

Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved FW27 FW26 FW25 FW24 FW23 FW22 FW21 FW20 FW19 FW18 FW17 FW16

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FW15 FW14 FW13 FW12 FW11 FW10 FW9 FW8 FW7 FW6 FW5 FW4 FW3 FW2 FW1 FW0

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:0 FWx Filter working

0: Filter x working disable
1: Filter x working enable

26.4.22. Filter x data y register (CAN_FxDATAy) (x=0..27, y=0,1)

Address offset: 0x240+8*x+4*y, (x=0..27, y=0,1)

Reset value: 0xXXXX XXXX

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

FD31 FD30 FD29 FD28 FD27 FD26 FD25 FD24 FD23 FD22 FD21 FD20 FD19 FD18 FD17 FD16

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

FD15 FD14 FD13 FD12 FD11 FD10 FD9 FD8 FD7 FD6 FD5 FD4 FD3 FD2 FD1 FD0

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 FDx Filter data
Mask mode
0: Mask match disabled
1: Mask match enabled
List mode
0: List identifier bit is 0
1: List identifier bit is 1

GD32F4xx User Manual

GD32F4xx User Manual
27. Ethernet (ENET)

27.1. Overview

This chapter describes the Ethernet peripheral module. There is a media access controller
(MAC) designed in Ethernet module to support 10/100Mbps interface speed. For more
efficient data transfer between Ethernet and memory, a DMA controller is designed in this
module. The support interface protocol for Ethernet is media independent interface (MII) and
reduced media independent interface (RMII). This module is mainly compliant with the
following two standards: IEEE 802.3-2002 and IEEE 1588-2008.

27.2. Characteristics

MAC feature
 10Mbit/s and 100Mbit/s data transfer rates support.
 MII and RMII interface support
 Loopback mode support for diagnosis
 CSMA/CD Protocol for Half-duplex back-pressure operation support.
 IEEE 802.3x flow control protocol support. Automatic delay a pause time which is
decoded from a receive pause frame after current transmitting frame complete. MAC
automatically transmits pause frame or back pressure feature depending on fill level of
RxFIFO in Full-duplex mode or in Half-duplex mode.
 Automatic transmission of pause frame on assertion and de-assertion of flow control
input frame. Zero-quanta pause time length frame for Full-duplex operation. IEEE 802.3x
flow control for Full-duplex operation support. Back pressure feature to the MAC core
based on RxFIFO fill level (Cut-Through mode) support. IEEE 802.3x flow control for
Half-duplex operation support.
 Software configurable for automatic PAD/CRC generation in transmits operation.
 Software configurable for automatic PAD/CRC stripping in receives operation.
 Software configurable for frame length to support standard frames with sizes up to 16
 Software configurable for inter-frame gap (40-96 bit times in steps of 8).
 Support different receiving filter mode.
 IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tag detection function support for reception frames.
 Support mandatory network statistics standard (RFC2819/RFC2665).
 Two types of wakeup frame detection: LAN remote wakeup frame and AMD Magic
PacketTM frames.
 Support checking IPv4 header checksum and TCP, UDP, or ICMP checksum
encapsulated in IPv4 or IPv6 datagram.
 Support Ethernet frame time stamping for both transmit and receive operation, which
describes in IEEE 1588-2008, and 64 bit time stamps are given in each frame’s status.
GD32F4xx User Manual
 Two independent FIFO of 2K Byte for transmitting and receiving.
 Support special condition frame discards handling, e.g. late collision, excessive collisions,
excessive deferral or underrun.
 Calculate and insert IPv4 header checksum and TCP, UDP, or ICMP checksum in frame
transmit under Store-and-Forward mode.

DMA Feature
 Two types of descriptor addressing: Ring and Chain.
 Each descriptor can transfer up to 8 KB of data.
 Programmable normal and abnormal interrupt for many status conditions
 Round-robin or fixed-priority arbitration between reception and transmission controller.

PTP Feature
 Support IEEE 1588 time synchronization function.
 Support two correction methods: Coarse or Fine.
 Pulse per second output.
 Preset target time reaching trigger and interrupt

27.2.1. Block diagram

The Ethernet module is composed of a MAC module, MII/RMII module and a DMA module
by descriptor control.

Figure 27-1. ENET module block diagram

AHB Master IF


buf) Inter
Arbiter Inter

face Ethernet Phy

AHB Slave IF

Time Stamp Gen Management
Ethernet Reg MSC
(PTP IEEE 1588)

The MAC module is connected to the external PHY by MII or RMII through one selection bit
(refer to SYSCFG_EXTISS0 register). The SMI (Station Management Interface) is used to
configure and manage external PHY.

Transmitting data module includes:

 TxDMA controller, used to read descriptors and data from memory and writes status to
GD32F4xx User Manual
 TxMTL, used to control, management and store the transmit data. TxFIFO is
implemented in this module and used to cache transmitting data from memory for MAC
 The MAC transmission relative control registers, used to control frame transmit.

Receiving data module includes:

 RxDMA controller, used to read descriptors from memory and writes received frame data
and status to memory.
 RxMTL, used to control, management and store reception data. RxFIFO is implemented
in this module and used to temporarily store received frame data before forwarding them
into the system physical memory.
 The MAC reception relative control registers, used to control frame receive and marked
the receiving state. Also a receiving filter with a variety of filtering mode is implemented
in MAC, used to filter out specific Ethernet frame

Note: The AHB clock frequency must be at least 25 MHz when the Ethernet is used.

27.2.2. MAC 802.3 Ethernet packet description

Data communication of MAC can use two frame formats:

 Basic MAC frame format;

 Tagged MAC frame format (extension of the basic MAC frame format).

Figure 27-2. MAC/Tagged MAC frame format describes the structure of the frame (Basic
and Tagged) that includes the following fields:

Figure 27-2. MAC/Tagged MAC frame format

byte transmission order LSB

46-1500 bytes

7 bytes 1 bytes 6 bytes 6 bytes 2 bytes 4 bytes

Destination Source Length/ MAC client PAD
Preamble SFD check
address address Type data (option)
Bit transmission order

Basic Format Qtag Prefix

46-1500 bytes
4 bytes

7 bytes 1 bytes 6 bytes 6 bytes 2 bytes 4bytes

Destination Source = Tag control Length/ MAC client PAD
Preamble SFD check
address address 802.1QTag information Type data (option)

Tagged Format MSB

User CFI(1-
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
priority(3-bit) bit)

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VLAN identifier (VID, 12-bit)

Note: The Ethernet controller transmits each byte at LSB first except FCS field.

CRC calculation data comes from all bytes in the frame except the Preamble and SFD domain.

GD32F4xx User Manual
The Ethernet frame’s 32-bit CRC calculation value generating polynomial is fixed
0x04C11DB7 and this polynomial is used in all 32-bit CRC calculation places in Ethernet
module, as follows:

G(x) = x32 + x26 + x23 + x22 + x16 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x7 + x5 + x4 + x2 + x + 1

27.2.3. Ethernet signal description

Table 27-1. Ethernet pin configuration shows the MAC module that pin is used default and
remapping functions and specific configuration in MII/RMII mode.

Table 27-1. Ethernet pin configuration

MAC signals PIN configure(AF11)
PIN(1) PIN(2) PIN(1) PIN(2)
Speed Level-3
ETH_MII_TXD2 PC2 - - -
Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
PA1 - PA1 -
ETH_RMII_REF_CLK Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
PA7 - PA7 -
ETH_RMII_CRS_DV Speed Level-3
ETH_MII_RXD0 Push-Pull
PC4 - PC4 -
ETH_RMII_RXD0 Speed Level-3
ETH_MII_RXD1 Push-Pull
PC5 - PC5 -
ETH_RMII_RXD1 Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3
Speed Level-3

GD32F4xx User Manual
MAC signals PIN configure(AF11)
PIN(1) PIN(2) PIN(1) PIN(2)
PB11 PG11 PB11 PG11
ETH_RMII_TX_EN Speed Level-3
ETH_MII_TXD0 Push-Pull
PB12 PG13 PB12 PG13
ETH_RMII_TXD0 Speed Level-3
ETH_MII_TXD1 Push-Pull
PB13 PG14 PB13 PG14
ETH_RMII_TXD1 Speed Level-3
Note: Application must be make sure only one PIN in PIN (1) and PIN(2) is configured to
AF11 whichever interface mode(MII/RMII)

27.3. Function overview

27.3.1. Interface configuration

The Ethernet block can transmit and receive Ethernet packets from an off-chip Ethernet PHY
connected through the MII/RMII interface. MII or RMII mode is selected by software and carry
on the PHY management through the SMI interface.

SMI: Station management interface

SMI is designed to access and configure PHY’s configuration.

Station management interface (SMI) is performed through two wires to communicate with the
external PHY: one clock line (MDC) and one data line (MDIO), it can access to the any PHY
register. The interface supports accessing up to 32 PHYs, but only one register in one PHY
can be addressed at the same time.

MDC and MDIO specific functions as follows:

 MDC: A clock of maximum frequency is 2.5 MHz. The pin remains low level when it is in
idle state. The minimum high or low level lasts time of MDC must be 160ns, and the
minimum period of MDC must be 400ns when it is in data transmission state;
 MDIO: Used to transfer data in conjunction with the MDC clock line, receiving data from
external PHY or sending data to external PHY.

Figure 27-3. Station management interface signals


SMI write operation

Applications need to write transmission data to the ENET_MAC_PHY_DATA register and

GD32F4xx User Manual
operate the ENET_MAC_PHY_CTL register as follows:

1. Set the PHY device address and PHY register address, and set PW to 1, so that can
select write mode;
2. Set PB bit to start transmission. In the process of transaction PB is always high until the
transfer is complete. Hardware will clear PB bit automatically.

The application can be aware of whether a transaction is complete or not through checking
PB bit. When PB is 1, it means the application should not change the PHY address register
contents and the PHY data register contents because of operation is running. Before writing
PB bit to 1, application must poll the PB bit until it is 0.

SMI read operation

Applications need to operate the ENET_MAC_PHY_CTL register as follows:

1. Set the PHY device address and PHY register address and set PW to 0, so that can
select read mode;
2. Set PB bit to start reception. In the process of transaction PB is always high until the
transfer is complete. Hardware will clear PB bit automatically.

The application can be aware of whether a transaction is complete or not through checking
PB bit. When PB is 1, it means the application should not change the PHY address register
contents and the PHY data register contents because of operation is running. Before writing
PB bit to 1, application must poll the PB bit until it is 0.

Note: Because the PHY register address 16-31 register function is defined by each
manufacturer, access different PHY device’s this part should see according to the
manufacturer’s manual to adjust the parameters of applications. Details of catalog that
firmware library currently supports the PHY device can refer to firmware library related

SMI clock selection

The SMI clock is generated by dividing application clock (AHB clock). In order to guarantee
the MDC clock frequency is no more than 2.5MHz, application should set appropriate division
factor according to the different AHB clock frequency. Table 27-2. Clock range lists the
frequency factor corresponding AHB clock selection.

Table 27-2. Clock range

AHB clock MDC clock Selection
150~200MHz AHB clock/102 0x4
35~60MHz AHB clock/26 0x3
20~35MHz AHB clock/16 0x2
100~150 MHz AHB clock/62 0x1
60~100MHz AHB clock/42 0x0

GD32F4xx User Manual
MII/RMII selection

The application can select the MII or RMII mode through the configuration bit 23 of the
SYSCFG_CFG1 register ENET_PHY_SEL while the Ethernet controller is under reset state
or before enabling the clocks. The MII mode is set by default.

MII: Media independent interface

The media-independent interface (MII) defines the interconnection between the MAC sub-
layer and the PHY for data transfer at 10 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s.

Figure 27-4. Media independent interface signals


MAC Controller External PHY


- MII_TX_CLK: clock signal for transmitting data. For the data transmission speed of 10Mbit/s,
the clock is 2.5MHz, for the data transmission speed of 100Mbit/s, the clock is 25MHz.

- MII_RX_CLK: Clock signal for receiving data. For the data transmission speed of 10Mbit/s,
the clock is 2.5MHz, for the data transmission speed of 100Mbit/s, the clock is 25MHz.

- MII_TX_EN: Transmission enable signal. It must be asserted synchronously with the first bit
of the preamble and must remain asserted while all bits to be transmitted are presented to
the MII.

- MII_TXD[3:0]: Transmit data line, each 4 bit data transfer, data is valid when the MII_TX_EN
signal is effective. MII_TXD[0] is the least significant bit and MII_TXD[3] is the most significant
bit. While MII_TX_EN is de-asserted the transmit data must have no effect upon the PHY.

- MII_CRS: Carrier sense signal, only working in Half-duplex mode and controlled by the PHY.
It is active when either transmit or receive medium is in non idle state. The PHY must ensure
that the MII_CRS signal remains asserted throughout the duration of a collision condition.
This signal is not required to transition synchronously with respect to the TX and RX clock.

- MII_COL: Collision detection signal, only working in Half-duplex mode, controlled by the
PHY. It is active when a collision on the medium is detected and must it will remain active
while the collision condition continues. This signal is not required to transition synchronously
GD32F4xx User Manual
with respect to the TX and RX clock.

- MII_RXD[3:0]: Receive data line, each 4 bit data transfer; data are valid when the
MII_RX_DV signal is effective. MII_RXD[0] is the least significant bit and MII_RXD[3] is the
most significant bit. While MII_RX_DV is de-asserted and MII_RX_ER is asserted, a specific
MII_RXD[3:0] value is used to indicate specific information (see Table 27-3. Rx interface
signal encoding).

- MII_RX_DV: Receive data valid signal, controlled by the PHY. It is asserted when PHY is
presenting data on the MII for reception. It must be asserted synchronously with the first 4-bit
of the frame and must remain asserted while all bits to be transmitted are presented on the
MII. It must be de-asserted prior to the first clock cycle that follows the final 4-bit. In order to
receive the frame correctly, the effective signal starting no later than the SFD field.

- MII_RX_ER: Receive error signal. It must be asserted for one or more RX clock to indicate
MAC detected an error in the receiving process. The specific error reason needs to cooperate
with the state of the MII_RX_DV and the MII_RXD[3:0] data value (see Table 27-3. Rx
interface signal encoding).

Table 27-3. Rx interface signal encoding

MII_RX_ER MII_RX_DV MII_RXD[3:0] Description
0 0 0000 to 1111 Normal inter-frame
0 1 0000 to 1111 Normal reception frame data
1 0 0000 Normal inter-frame
1 0 0001 to 1101 Reserved
1 0 1110 False carrier indication
1 0 1111 Reserved
1 1 0000 to 1111 Data reception with errors

MII clock sources

To generate both TX_CLK and RX_CLK clock signals, the external PHY needs an external
25MHz clock. This 25MHz clock does not require the same one with MAC clock. It can use
the external 25MHz crystal or the output clock of microcontroller’s CK_OUTx(x=0,1) pin. If the
clock source is selected from CK_OUTx(x=0,1) pin, the MCU needs to configure the
appropriate PLL to ensure the output frequency of CK_OUTx(x=0,1) pin is 25MHz.

RMII: Reduced media independent interface

The reduced media-independent interface (RMII) specification reduces the pin count during
Ethernet communication. According to the IEEE 802.3 standard, an MII contains 16 pins for
data and control. The RMII specification is dedicated to reduce the pin count to 7.

The RMII block has the following characteristics:

 The clock signal needs to be increased to 50MHz and only one clock signal.
 MAC and external PHY use the same clock source
 Using the 2-bit wide data transceiver
GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 27-5. Reduced media-independent interface signals



MAC Controller CRS_DV PHY



MII/RMII bit transmission order

No matter which interface (MII or RMII) is selected, the bit order of transmit/receive is LSB

The deference between MII and RMII is bit number and sending times. MII is low 4bits first
and then high 4bits, but RMII is the lowest 2bits, low 2bits, high 2bits and the highest 2bits.

For example: a byte value is: 10011101b (left to right order: high to low)
Transmission order for MII use 2 cycles: 1101 -> 1001 (left to right order: high to low)
Transmission order for RMII use 4 cycles: 01 -> 11 -> 01 -> 10 (left to right order: high to low)

RMII clock sources

To ensure the synchronization of the clock source, the same clock source is selected for the
MAC and external PHY which is called REF_CLK. The REF_CLK input clock can be
connected to the external 50MHz crystal or microcontroller CK_OUTx(x=0,1) pin. If the clock
source is from CK_OUTx(x=0,1) pin, then the MCU needs to configure the appropriate PLL
to ensure the output frequency of CK_OUTx(x=0,1) pin is 50MHz.

27.3.2. MAC function overview

MAC module can achieve the following functions:

Data package (transmission and reception)

 Frame detecting/decoding and frame boundary delimitation;

 Addressing (handling source address and destination address);
 Error conditions detect.

Medium access management in Half-duplex mode

 Medium allocation (prevent conflicts);

 Conflict resolution (dealing with conflicts).

GD32F4xx User Manual
The MAC module can work in two modes

 Half-duplex mode: with the CSMA/CD algorithm to contend for using of the physical
medium, at the same time only one transmission direction is active between two
stations is active;
 Full-duplex mode: simultaneous transmission and reception without any conflict mode,
if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

– PHY supports the feature of transmission and reception operations at the same
– Only two devices connect to the LAN and the two devices are both configured for
Full-duplex mode.

Transmission process of MAC

All transactions are controlled by the dedicated DMA controller and MAC in Ethernet. After
received the sending instruction, the TxDMA fetches the transmit frames from system memory
and pushes them into the TxFIFO, then the data in TxFIFO are poped to MAC for sending on
MII/RMII interface. The method of popping is according to the selected TxFIFO mode (Cut-
Through mode or Store-and-Forward mode, the specific definition see the next
paragraph).For convenient, application can configure automatically hardware calculated CRC
and insert it to the FCS domain of Ethernet frame function. The entire transmission process
complete when the MAC received the frame termination signal from transmit FIFO. When
transmission completed, the transmission status information will be composed of MAC and
write return to the DMA controller, the application can query through the DMA current transmit

Operation for popping data from FIFO to the MAC has two modes:

 In Cut-Through mode, as soon as the number of bytes in the FIFO crosses or equals
the configured threshold level or when the end-of-frame flag in descriptor is written, the
data is ready to be popped out and forwarded to the MAC. The threshold level is
configured using the TTHC bits of ENET_DMA_CTL;
 In Store-and-Forward mode, only after an integrated frame is stored in the FIFO, the
frame is popped towards the MAC. But there is another condition for FIFO popping out
data but the frame is not integrated. This is when the transmit FIFO size is smaller than
the Ethernet frame to be transmitted, the frame is popped towards the MAC when the
transmit FIFO becomes almost full.

Handle special cases

In the transmission process, due to the insufficient TxDMA descriptor or misuse of FTF bit in
ENET_DMA_CTL register (when this bit is set, it will clear FIFO data and reset the FIFO
pointer, after clear operation is completed, it will be reset), there will be a transmit data
underflow fault occurs because of insufficient data in FIFO. At the same time MAC will identify
such data underflow state and write relevant status flag.

GD32F4xx User Manual
If one transmit frame uses two TxDMA descriptors for sending data, then the first segment
(FSG) and the last segment (LSG) of the first descriptor should be 10b and the second ones
should be 01b.If both the FSG bit of the first and the second descriptor are set and the LSG
bit in the first descriptor is reset, then the FSB bit of the second descriptor will be ignored and
these two descriptors are considered to sending the only one frame.

If the byte length of one transmission MAC frame’s data field is less than 46 (for Tagged MAC
frame is less than 42), application can configure the MAC for automatically adding a load of
content of ‘0’ bit to make the byte length of frame’s data field in accordance with the relevant
domain of definition of IEEE802.3 specification. At the same time, if automatically adding
zeros function is performed, the MAC will certainly calculate CRC value of the frame and
append it to the frame’s FCS field domain no matter what configuration of DCRC bit in the
descriptor is.

Transmission management of MAC

Jabber timer

In case of one station occupies the PHY for a long time, there is a jabber timer designed for
cutting off the frame whose length is more than 2048 bytes. By default, jabber timer is enabled
so when application is transmitting a frames whose byte length is more then 2048, the MAC
will only transmit 2048 bytes and drop the last ones.

Collision condition solve mechanism – Re-transmission

When the MAC is running under Half-duplex mode, collision may happen when MAC is
transmitting frame data on interface. When no more than 96 bytes data popped from FIFO
towards MAC and collision condition occurs, the re-transmission function is active. In this
case, MAC will stop current transmitting and then read frame data from FIFO again and send
them on interface again. When more than 96 bytes data popped from FIFO towards MAC and
collision condition occurs, MAC will abort transmitting current frame data and not re-transmit
it. Also MAC will set late collision flag in descriptor to inform application.

Transmit status word

Transmit status word includes many transmit state flags for application and are updated after
the complete the transmission of the frame. If timestamp function is enable, the timestamp
value is also write back to transmit descriptor along with transmit status.

Transmit FIFO flush operation

Application can clear TxFIFO and reset the FIFO data pointer by setting FTF bit (bit 20) of
ENET_DMA_CTL register. The flush operation will be executed at once no matter whether
TxFIFO is popping data to MAC. This results in an underflow event in the MAC transmitter,
and the makes frame transmission abort. At the same time, MAC returns state information of
frame and transmit status words transferred to the application. The status of such a frame is
marked with both underflow and frame flush events (TDES0 bits 1 and 13). When the transmit

GD32F4xx User Manual
data in TxFIFO is flushed, the transmit status word will be written back to descriptor. After the
status is written, the flush operation is complete. When a flush operation is received, all the
following data which should be popped from TxFIFO into MAC will be dropped unless a new
FSG bit of descriptor is received. After operation completed, the FTF bit of ENET_DMA_CTL
register is then automatically cleared.

Transmit flow control

The MAC manages transmission frame through back pressure (in Half-duplex mode) and the
pause control frame (in Full-duplex mode) for flow control.

 Half-duplex mode flow control: Back Pressure

When MAC is configured in Half-duplex mode, there are two conditions to trigger the back
pressure feature. Both of the two conditions are triggered to enable back pressure function
which is implemented by sending a special pattern (called jam pattern) 0x5555 5555 once to
notify conflict to all other sites. The first condition is triggered by application setting the
FLCB/BKPA bit in ENET_MAC_FCTL register. The second condition occurs during receiving
frame. When MAC receiver is receiving frame, the byte number of RxFIFO is more and more
great. When this number is greater than the high threshold (RFA bits in ENET_MAC_FCTH),
MAC will set the back pressure pending flag. If this flag is set and a new frame presents on
interface, MAC will send a jam pattern to delay receiving this new frame a back pressure time.
After this back pressure time is end, external PHY will send this new frame again. If the
number of the RxFIFO is not less than low threshold (RFD bits in ENET_MAC_FCTH) during
this back pressure time, a jam pattern is send again. If the number of the RxFIFO is less than
low threshold (RFD bits in ENET_MAC_FCTH) during this back pressure time, MAC resets
the back pressure pending flag and is enable to receive the new frame instead of sending jam

 Full-duplex mode flow control: Pause Frame

The MAC uses a mechanism named "pause frame" for flow control in Full-duplex mode.
Receiver can send a command to the sender for informing it to suspend transmission a period
of time. If the application sets transmit flow control bit TFCEN in ENET_MAC_FCTL register,
MAC will generate and transmit a pause frame when either of two conditions is satisfied in
Full-duplex mode. There are two conditions to start transmit pause frames:

1. Application sets FLCB/BKPA bit in ENET_MAC_FCTL register to immediately send a

pause frame. When doing this, MAC sends a pause frame right now with the pause time
value PTM configured in ENET_MAC_FCTL register. If application considers the pause
time is no need any more because the transmit frame can be transmitted without pause
time, it can end the pause time by setting the pause time value PTM bits in
ENET_MAC_FCTL register to 0 and set FLCB/BKPA bit to send this zero pause time

2. MAC automatically sends pause time when the RxFIFO is in some condition. When MAC
is receiving frame, RxFIFO will be fill in many receive data. At same time RxFIFO pops
out data to RxDMA for forwarding to memory. If the popping frequency is lower than MAC
GD32F4xx User Manual
pushing frequency, the number of bytes in RxFIFO is getting great. Once the data
amount in RxFIFO is greater than the active threshold value (RFA bits in
ENET_MAC_FCTH) of flow control, MAC will send a pause frame with PTM value in it.
After sending pause frame, MAC will start a counter with configured reload value PLTS
in ENET_MAC_FCTL register, when configured PLTS time has spent, the MAC will
check RxFIFO again. If the byte number in RxFIFO is also greater than active threshold
value, the MAC sends a pause time again. When the byte number of RxFIFO is lower
than the de-active threshold value, MAC maybe send a pause frame with zero time value
in frame’s pause time field if DZQP bit in ENET_MAC_FCTL register is reset. This zero-
pause time frame can inform send station that RxFIFO is almost empty and can receive
new data again.

Transmit inter-frame gap management

MAC can manage the interval time between two frames. This interval time is called frame gap
time. For Full-duplex mode, after complete sending a frame or MAC entered idle state, the
gap time counter starts counting. If another transmit frame presents before this counter has
not reach the configured IGBS bit time in ENET_MAC_CFG register, this transmit frame will
be pended unless the counter reach the gap time. But if the second transmit frame presents
after the gap time counter has reached the configured gap time, this frame will send
immediately. For Half-duplex mode, the gap time counter follows the Truncated Binary
Exponential Backoff algorithm. Briefly speaking, the gap time counter starts after the previous
frame has completed transmitting on interface or the MAC entered idle state, and there are
three conditions may occur during the gap time:

 The carrier sense signal active in the first 2/3 gap period. In this case, the counter will
reload and restart;
 The carrier sense signal active in the last 1/3 gap period. In this case, the counter will
not reload but continue counting, and when reaches gap time, the MAC sends the
second frame;
 The carrier sense signal not active during the whole gap period. In this case, the
counter stops after reaches the configured gap time and sends frame if the second
frame has pended.

Transmit checksum offload

The MAC supports transmit checksum offload. This feature can calculate checksum and
insert it in the transmit frame, and detect error in the receive frame. This section describes
the operation of the transmit checksum offload.

Note: This function is enabled only when the TSFD bit in the ENET_DMA_CTL register is set
(TxFIFO is configured to Store-and-Forward mode) and application must ensure the TxFIFO
deep enough to store the whole transmit frame. If the depth of the TxFIFO is less than the
frame length, the MAC only does calculation and insertion for IPv4 header checksum field.

See IETF specifications RFC 791, RFC 793, RFC 768, RFC 792, RFC 2460 and RFC 4443
for IPv4, TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv6 and ICMPv6 packet header specifications, respectively.
GD32F4xx User Manual
 IP header checksum

If the value is 0x0800 in type field of Ethernet frame and the value is 0x4 in the IP datagram’s
version field, checksum offload module marks the frame as IPv4 package and calculated
value replace the checksum field in frame. Because of IPv6 frame header does not contain
checksum field, the module will not change any value of the IPv6’s header field. After IP
header checksum calculation end, the result is stored in IPHE bit (bit 16 in TDES0). The
following shows the conditions under which the IPHE bit can be set:

– For IPv4 frame type:

A). type field is 0x0800 but version filed in IP header is not 0x4.
B). IPv4 header length field value is greater than total frame byte length
C). the value of IPv4 header length field is less than 0x5 (20 bytes)

– For IPv6 frame type:

A). type field is 0x86dd but version field in IP header is not 0x6
B). the frame ends before the IPv6 standard header or extension header (as given in the
corresponding header length field in an extension header) has been completely received.

 TCP/UDP/ICMP payload checksum

The checksum offload module processes the IPv4 or IPv6 header (including extension
headers) and marks the type of frame (TCP, UDP or ICMP).

But when the following frame cases are detected, the checksum offload function will be
bypassed and these frames will not be processed by the checksum offload module:

– Incomplete IPv4 or IPv6 frames

– IP frames with security features (e.g. authentication header, security payload)

– IP frames without TCP/UDP/ICMPv4/ICMPv6 payload

– IPv6 frames with routing headers

The checksum offload module calculates the TCP, UDP, or ICMP payload and inserts the
result into its corresponding field in the header. It has two modes when working, as follows:

1. TCP, UDP, or ICMPv6 pseudo-header is not included in the checksum calculation and
is assumed to be present in the input frame’s checksum field. The checksum field is
included in the checksum calculation, and then replaced by the final calculated checksum;

2. Checksum offload module clears the contents of the checksum field in the transmission
frame and make calculation which includes TCP, UDP, or ICMPv6 pseudo-header data
and will instead the transmission frame’s original checksum field by the final calculation

After calculated by checksum offload module, the result can be found in IPPE bit (bit 12 in
TDES0). The following shows the conditions under which the IPPE bit can be set:

1. In Store-and-Forward mode, frame has been forwarded to MAC transmitter but no EOF

GD32F4xx User Manual
is written to TxFIFO;

2. Frame is ended but the byte numbers which the payload length field of the frame
indicates has not been reached.

If the packet length is greater than the marked length, checksum module does not report
errors, the excess data will be discarded as padding bytes. If the first condition of IPPE error
is detected, the value of the checksum does not insert a TCP, UDP or ICMP header. If the
second condition of IPPE error is detected, checksum calculation results will still insert the
appropriate header fields.

Note: For ICMP packets over IPv4 frame, the checksum field in the ICMP packet must always
be 0x0000 in both modes due to such packets are not defined pseudo-headers.

MAC receive filters

The MAC filter is divided into error filtering (such as too short frame, CRC error and other bad
frame filtering) and address filtering. This section mainly describes the address filtering.

Address filtering

Address filtering use the static physical address (MAC address) filter and hash list filter for
implementing the function. If the FAR bit in the ENET_MAC_FRMF register is '0' (by default),
only the frame passed the filter will be received. This function is configured according to the
parameters of the application (frame filter register) to filter the destination or/and source
address of unicast or multicast frame (The difference between an individual address and a
group address is determined by I/G bit in the destination address field) and report the result
of the corresponding address filtering. The frame not pass through the filter will be discarded.

Note: If the FAR bit in the ENET_MAC_FRMF register is set to 1, frames are all thought
passed the filter. In this case, even the filter result will also be updated in receive descriptor
but the result will not affect whether current frame passes the filter or not.

Unicast frame destination address filter

For a unicast frame, application has two modes for filtering: the one is using static physical
address (by setting HUF bit to ‘0’), the other is using hash list (by setting HUF bit to ‘1’).

 Static physical address (SPA) filtering

In the filter mode, MAC supports using four MAC addresses for unicast frame filtering. In this
way, the MAC compares all 6 bytes of the received unicast address to the programmed MAC
address. MAC address 0 is always used and MAC address 1 to address 3 can be configured
to use or not. Each byte of MAC address 1 to MAC address 3 register can be masked for
comparison with the corresponding destination address byte of received frame by setting the
corresponding mask byte bits (MB) in the corresponding register.

 Hash list filtering

In this filter mode, MAC uses a HASH mechanism. MAC uses a 64-bit hash list to filter the
GD32F4xx User Manual
received unicast frame. This filter mode obeys the followings two filtering steps:

1. The MAC calculates the CRC value of the received frame’s destination address;

2. Using the high 6 bits of the calculated CRC value as the index to retrieve the hash
list. If the corresponding value of hash list is 1, the received frame passes through
the filter, conversely, fail the filter.

The advantage of this type of filter is that it can cover any possible address just using a small
table. But the disadvantage is that the filter is imperfect and sometimes the frames should be
dropped are also be received by mistake.

Multicast frame destination address filter

Application can enable the multicast frame MAC address filtering by cleaning the MFD bit in
register ENET_MAC_FRMF. By configuring the value of HMF bit in ENET_MAC_FRMF
register application can choose two ways just like unicast destination address filtering for
address filtering.

Hash or perfect address filter

The destination address (DA) filter can be configured to pass a frame when its DA matches
either the hash list filter or the static physical address filter by setting the HPFLT bit in the
ENET_MAC_FRMF register and setting the corresponding HUF or HMF bit in the
ENET_MAC_FRMF register.

Broadcast frame destination address filter

At default, the MAC unconditionally receives the broadcast frames. But when setting BFRMD
bit in register ENET_MAC_FRMF, MAC discards all received broadcast frames.

Unicast frame source address filter

Enable MAC address 1 to MAC address 3 register and set the corresponding SAF bit in the
MAC address high register, the MAC compares and filter the source address (SA) field in the
received frame with the values programmed in the SA registers. MAC also supports the group
filter on the source address. If the SAFLT bit in frame filter register ENET_MAC_FRMF is set,
MAC drops the frame that failed the source address filtering; meanwhile the filter result will
reflect by SAFF bit in RDES0 of DMA receive descriptor. When the SAFLT bit is set, the
destination address filter is also at work, so the result of the filter is simultaneous determined
by DA and SA filter. This means that, as long as a frame does not pass any one of the filters
(DA filter or SA filter), it will be discarded. Only a frame passing the entire filter can be
forwarded to the application.

Reverse filtering operation

MAC can reverse filter-match result at the final output whether the destination address filtering
or source address filtering. By setting the DAIFLT and SAIFLT bits in ENET_MAC_FRMF
register, this address filter reverse function can be enabled. DAIFLT bit is used for unicast
GD32F4xx User Manual
and multicast frames’ DA filtering result, SAIFLT bit is used for unicast and multicast frames
SA filtering result.

The Table 27-4. Destination address filtering table and Table 27-5. Source address
filtering table summarize the destination address and source address filters working
condition at different configuration.

Table 27-4. Destination address filtering table

PM HUF DAIFLT HMF MFD DA filter operation
Type T D

1 - - - - - - Pass

Broadcast 0 - - - - - 0 Pass

0 - - - - - 1 Fail

1 - - - - - - Pass all frames

0 - 0 0 - - - Pass on perfect/group filter match

0 - 0 1 - - - Fail on perfect/group filter match

0 0 1 0 - - - Pass on hash filter match

0 0 1 1 - - - Fail on hash filter match

Pass on hash or perfect/group filter

0 1 1 0 - - -

0 1 1 1 - - - Fail on hash or perfect/group filter match

1 - - - - - - Pass all frames

- - - - - 1 - Pass all frames

Pass on perfect/group filter match and

0 - - 0 0 0 - drop PAUSE control frames if PCFRM =

Pass on hash filter match and drop

0 0 - 0 1 0 -
PAUSE control frames if PCFRM = 0x

Pass on hash or perfect/group filter

0 1 - 0 1 0 - match and drop PAUSE control frames if
PCFRM = 0x

Fail on perfect/group filter match and

0 - - 1 0 0 - drop PAUSE control frames if PCFRM =

Fail on hash filter match and drop

0 0 - 1 1 0 -
PAUSE control frames if PCFRM = 0x

Fail on hash or perfect/group filter match

0 1 - 1 1 0 - and drop PAUSE control frames if
PCFRM = 0x

GD32F4xx User Manual
Table 27-5. Source address filtering table
Frame type PM SAIFLT SAFLT SA filter operation
1 - - Pass all frames
Pass status on perfect/group filter match but
0 0 0
do not drop frames that fail
Fail status on perfect/group filter match but do
Unicast 0 1 0
not drop frame
Pass on perfect/group filter match and drop
0 0 1
frames that fail
Fail on perfect/group filter match and drop
0 1 1
frames that fail

Promiscuous mode

If the PM bit in ENET_MAC_FRMF register is set, promiscuous mode is enable. Then the
address filter function is bypassed, all frames are thought passed through the filter. At the
same time the receive status information DA / SA error bit is always '0'.

Pause control frame filter

When MAC received pause frame, it will detect 6 bytes DA field in the frame. If UPFDT bit in
ENET_MAC_FCTL register is 0, it is determined by whether the value of the DA field conforms
to the unique value (0x0180C2000001) with IEEE-802.3 specification control frames. If
UPFDT bit in ENET_MAC_FCTL register is set, MAC additionally compares DA field with the
programmed MAC address for bit match. If DA field match and receive flow control is enabled
(RFCEN bit in ENET_MAC_FCTL register is set), the corresponding pause control frame
function will be triggered. Whether this filter passed pause frame is forwarded to memory is
depending on the PCFRM[1:0] bit in ENET_MAC_FRMF register.

Reception process of MAC

Received frames will be pushed to the RxFIFO. The MAC strips the preamble and SFD of the
frame, and starts pushing the frame data beginning with the first byte following the SFD to the
RxFIFO. If IEEE 1588 time stamp function is enabled, the MAC will record the current system
time when a frame's SFD is detected. If the frame passes the address filter, this time stamp
is passed on to the application by writing it to descriptor.

The MAC can automatically strip PAD and FCS field data when the length/type field of
received frame is less than 1536 if APCD bit is set. MAC pushes the data of the frame into
RxFIFO up to the count specified in the length/type field, then starts dropping bytes (including
the FCS field). If the value of length/type field is greater than or equal to 0x600, the
automatically strip FCS field function is configured by the TFCD bit regardless of APCD.

If the watchdog timer is enabled (WDD bit in ENET_MAC_CFG is reset), a frame has more
than 2048 bytes (DA + SA + LT + DATA + FCS) will be cut off receiving when has received
2048 bytes. If the watchdog timer is disabled, the MAC can extend the max receiving data

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bytes to 16384(16K Bytes), any data beyond this number will be cut off.

When RxFIFO works at Cut-Through mode, it starts popping out data from RxFIFO when the
number of FIFO is greater than threshold value (RTHC bits in ENET_DMA_CTL register).
After all data of a frame pop out, receive status word is sent to DMA for writing back to
descriptor. In this mode, if a frame has started to forward to application by DMA from FIFO,
the forwarding will continue until the frame is end even if frame error is detected. Although
the error frame is not discarded, the error status will reflect in descriptor status field.

When RxFIFO works at Store-and-Forward mode (set by RSFD bit in ENET_DMA_CTL),

DMA reads frame data from RxFIFO only after RxFIFO has completed received the whole
frame. In this mode, if the MAC is configured to discard all error frames, then only valid frames
without any error can be read out from RxFIFO and forward to the application. Once the MAC
detects an SFD signal on the interface, a receive operation is started. The MAC strips the
preamble and SFD before processing the frame. The header fields are checked by filtering
and the FCS field used to verify the CRC for the frame. The frame is discarded by MAC if it
fails to pass the address filter.

Reception management of MAC

Receive operation on multi-frame handling

It is different from transmit operation, after receiving the last byte of a frame, the MAC can
judge the status of the receiving operation, so the second received frame’s forwarding is
surely followed by the first received frame data and status.

Receive flow control

In Full-duplex mode, the MAC can detect the pause control frames, and perform it by
suspending a certain time which is indicated in pause time field of detected pause control
frame and then to transmit data. This function can set by RFCEN bit in ENET_MAC_FCTL
register. If this function is not enabled, the MAC will ignore the received pause frames. If this
function is enabled, MAC can decode this frame. Type field, opcode field and pause time field
in the frame are all recognized by the MAC. During the pause time period, if MAC received a
new pause frame, the new pause time filed value is loaded to the pause time counter
immediately. If the new pause time filed is zero, then the pause time counter stops and
transmit operation recovers. Application can configure PCFRM bit in ENET_MAC_FRMF
register to decide the solving method for such control frame.

Receive checksum offload

Receive checksum offload is enabled when IPFCO bit in ENET_MAC_CFG register is set.
Receive checksum offload can calculate the IPv4 header checksum and check whether it
matches the contents of the IPv4 header checksum field. The MAC identifies IPv4 or IPv6
frames by checking for the value of 0x0800 or 0x86DD respectively in the received Ethernet
frame type field. This method is also used to identify frames with VLAN tags. Header
checksum error bits in DMA receive descriptor (the 7 bit in RDES0) reflects the header
GD32F4xx User Manual
checksum result. This bit is set if received IP header has the following errors:

 Any mismatch between the IPv4 calculation result by checksum offload module and the
value in received frame’s checksum field;
 Any inconsistent between the data type of Ethernet type field and IP header version
 Received frame length is less than the length indicated in IPv4 header length field, or
IPv4 or IPv6 header is less than 20 bytes.

Receive checksum offload also identifies the data type of the IP packet is TCP, UDP or ICMP,
and calculate their checksum according to TCP, UDP or ICMP specification. Calculation
process can include data of TCP/UDP/ICMPv6 pseudo-header. Payload checksum error bits
in DMA receive descriptor (bit 0 in RDES0) reflects the payload checksum result. This bit is
set if received IP payload has the following errors:

 Any mismatch between the TCP, UDP or ICMP checksum calculation result by
checksum offload and the received TCP/UDP/ICMP frame’s checksum field;
 Any inconsistent between the received TCP, UDP or ICMP data length and length of IP

The received checksum offload does not calculate the following conditions: Incomplete IP
packets, IP packets with security features, packets of IPv6 routing header and data type is
not TCP, UDP or ICMP.

Error handling

 If RxFIFO becomes full but the last received byte is not the end of frame (EOF), the
RxFIFO will discard the whole frame data and return an overflow status. Also the
counter of counting the overflow condition times will plus 1;
 If the RxFIFO is configured in Store-and-Forward mode, the MAC can filter and discard
all error frames. But according to the configuration of FERF and FUF bit in
ENET_DMA_CTL register, RxFIFO can also receive and forward such error frame and
the frame that length is less than the minimum length;
 If the RxFIFO is configured in Cut-Through mode, not all the error frames can be
dropped. Only when the start of frame (SOF) has not been read from RxFIFO and the
receive frame has been detected error status, the RxFIFO will discard the whole error

Receive status word

After receiving a complete frame, the MAC will analysis and record some state information
about the frame and receiving process. These detail status information will write back to the
receive descriptor and DMA status flag. Application can check these flags for upper protocol

Note: The value of frame length is 0 means that for some reason (such as FIFO overflow or
dynamically modify the filter value in the receiving process, resulting did not pass the filter,
etc), frame data is not written to FIFO completely.
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MAC loopback mode

Often, loopback mode is used for testing and debugging hardware and software system for
application. The MAC loopback mode is enabled by setting the LBM bit in ENET_MAC_CFG
register. In this mode, the MAC transmitter sends the Ethernet frame to its own receiver. This
mode is disabled by default.

27.3.3. MAC statistics counters: MSC

For knowing the statistics situation of transmitting and receiving frames, there is a group of
counters designed for gathering statistics data. These MAC counters are called statistics
counters (MSC).In Section ‘Register definition’, there is a detailed description of the function
of these registers.

When the transmit frame does not appear the following situation, it can be called ‘fine frame’
and MSC transmit counters will automatically update:

 Frame underflow
 No carrier
 Lose of carrier
 Excessive deferral
 Late collision
 Excessive collision
 Jabber Timeout

When the receiving frame does not appear the following situation, it can be called ‘fine frame’
and MSC reception counters will automatically update:

 Alignment error
 CRC mismatch(calculated CRC value is different from FSC field value)
 Runt frame (frame length is shorter than 64 bytes)
 Length error (length field value is different from the actual received data bytes)
 Range error (length field value is larger than maximum size of defined in
IEEE802.3,which is 1518 for untagged frame and 1522 for VLAN tagged frame)
 Error signal valid on pin MII_RX_ER

Note: Only when the discarded frame is a short frame whose length is less than 6 bytes (no
complete receives the DA), MSC reception counter is updated.

27.3.4. Wake up management: WUM

Ethernet (ENET) module supports two wakeup methods from Deep-sleep mode. The one is
remote wakeup frame and the other is Magic Packet wakeup frame. For reduce power
consuming, the host system and Ethernet can be powered down and thus the circuit driven
by HCLK or transmit clock is stop working. But the circuit driven by receive clock will continues
working for listening wakeup frame. If application sets the PWD bit in ENET_MAC_WUM

GD32F4xx User Manual
register, the Ethernet enters into power-down state. In power-down state, MAC ignores all the
frame data on the interface until the power-down state is exited. For exiting power-down state,
application can choose one of or both of the two methods mentioned above. Setting WFEN
bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register can make Ethernet wakeup if a remote wakeup frame
received and setting MPE bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register can make Ethernet wakeup if a
Magic Packet frame is received. When any type of wakeup frame is present on interface and
corresponding wakeup function is enabled, Ethernet will generate a wakeup interrupt and exit
power-down state at once.

Remote wakeup frame detection

Setting WFEN bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register can enable remote wakeup detection. When
the MAC is in power-down state and remote wakeup function enable bit is set, MAC wakeup
frame filter is active. If the received frame passes the address filter and filter CRC-16 matches
the incoming examined pattern, then MAC identified the received wakeup frame, and then
MAC returns to normal working state. Even if the length of the wakeup frame exceeds 512
bytes, as long as the frame has a correct CRC value, it is still considered to be effective. After
received the remote wakeup frame, the WUFR bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register will be set.
If remote wakeup interrupt is not masked, then a WUM interrupt is generated.

Remote wakeup frame filter register

Wakeup frame filter register is made up of eight different registers but shared the same
register offset address. So the inner pointer points the next filter register when the filter
register address is accessed by writing or reading. Whatever operation, write or read, it is
strongly recommended to operate eight times sequentially. This means continuously write 8
times will configure the filter registers and continuously read 8 times will get the values of filter

Figure 27-6. Wakeup frame filter register

Wakeup Frame
Filter 0 Byte Mask
Filter Register 0
Wakeup Frame
Filter 1 Byte Mask
Filter Register 1
Wakeup Frame
Filter 2 Byte Mask
Filter Register 2
Wakeup Frame
Filter 3 Byte Mask
Filter Register 3
Wakeup Frame Filter 3 Filter 2 Filter 1 Filter 0
Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve
Filter Register 4 Command Command Command Command
Wakeup Frame
Filter 3 Offset Filter 2 Offset Filter 1 Offset Filter 0 Offset
Filter Register 5
Wakeup Frame
Filter 1 CRC - 16 Filter 0 CRC - 16
Filter Register 6
Wakeup Frame
Filter 3 CRC - 16 Filter 2 CRC - 16
Filter Register 7

 Filter n Byte mask

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This register field defines using which bytes of the frame to determine the received frame is
wakeup frame or not by filter n (n=0, 1, 2, 3). Bit 31 must be set to 0. Bit 30 to bit 0 are valid
byte mask. If bit m(m means byte number) is set, the filter n offset + m of the receiving frame
is calculated by the CRC unit, conversely, filter n offset + m is ignored.

 Filter n command

This four bits command controls the operation of the filter n. The bit 3 of the field is address
type selection bit. If this bit is 1, the detection only detects a multicast frame and if this bit is
0, the detection only detects a unicast frame. Bit 2 and bit 1 must be set to 0. Bit 0 is the filter
switch bit. Setting it to 1 means enable and 0 means disable.

 Filter n offset

It is used in conjunction with filter n byte mask field. This register specifies offset (within the
frame) of the first byte which the filter n uses to check. The minimum allowable value is 12, it
represents the byte 13 in the frame (offset value 0 indicates the first byte of the frame).

 Filter n CRC-16

This register field contains the filter comparing CRC-16 code which is used for comparing the
calculated CRC-16 from frame data.

Magic packet detection

Another wakeup method is detecting Magic Packet frame (see ‘Magic Packet Technology’,
Advanced Micro Devices). A Magic Packet frame is a special frame with formed packet solely
intended for wakeup purposes. This packet can be received, analyzed and recognized by the
Ethernet block and used to trigger a wakeup event. Setting MPE bit in ENET_MAC_WUM
register can enable this function. This type of frame’s format is as follows: starts by 6
continuous bytes of the value 0xFF (0xFFFF FFFF FFFF) in anywhere of the frame behind
the destination and source address field, then there are 16 duplicate MAC addresses without
any interruption and pause. If there is any discontinuity between repeating it 16 times, MAC
needs to re-detect 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF in the receive frame. WUM module continuously
monitors each frame received. When a Magic Packet frame passing the address filter, MAC
will detect its format with Magic Packet format, once the format is matched the WUM will make
MAC wakeup from power down state. Then the MAC wakes up from power-down state after
receiving a Magic Packet frame. Module also accepts multicast frames as Magic Packet frame.

Example: An example of a Magic Packet with station address 0xAABB CCDD EEFF is the
following (MISC indicates miscellaneous additional data bytes in the packet):


……………………………………………………….FF FF FF FF FF FF



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Upon detecting a Magic Packet, the MPKR bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register will be set. If the
Magic Packet interrupt is enabled, the corresponding interrupt will generate.

Precautions during system power-down state

When the MCU is in Deep-sleep mode, if external interrupt line 19 is enabled, Ethernet WUM
module can still detecting frames. Because the MAC in power-down state needs detecting
Magic Packet or remote wakeup frame, the REN bit in ENET_MAC_CFG register must be
maintained set. The transmit function should be turned disable during the power-down state
by clearing the TEN bit in the ENET_MAC_CFG register. Moreover, the Ethernet DMA block
should be disabled during the power-down state, because it is not necessary that the Magic
Packet or remote wakeup frame is forwarded to the application. Application can disable the
Ethernet DMA block by clearing the STE bit and the SRE bit (for the TxDMA and the RxDMA,
respectively) in the ENET_DMA_CTL register.

Follow steps are recommended for application to enter and exit power-down state:

1. Wait the current sending frame completes and then reset the TxDMA block by clearing
STE bit in ENET_DMA_CTL register;

2. Clear the TEN and REN bit in ENET_MAC_CFG register to disable the MAC’s transmit
and receive function;

3. Check the RS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register, waiting receive DMA read out all the
frames in the receive FIFO and then close RxDMA;

4. Configure and enable the external interrupt line 19, so that it can generate an interrupt
or event. If EXTI line 19 is configured to generate an interrupt, application still needs to
modify ENET_WKUP_IRQ interrupt handling procedures to clear the pending bit of the
EXTI line 19;

5. Set the MPEN or WFEN (or both) bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register to enable Magic
Packet or Remote Wakeup frame(or both) detection;

6. Setting PWD bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register to enter power-down state;

7. Setting REN bit in ENET_MAC_CFG register to make MAC’s receive function work;

8. Make MCU enter Deep-sleep mode;

9. After received a wakeup type frame, the Ethernet module exits the power-down state;

10. Reading the ENET_MAC_WUM register to clear the power management event flags.
Enable MAC’s transmit function and enable TxDMA and RxDMA;

11. Initialize the MCU system clock: enable HXTAL and configure the RCU unit.
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27.3.5. Precision time protocol: PTP

The majority of protocols are implemented by the UDP layer application software. The PTP
module of the MAC is mainly to recording the transmitting and receiving PTP packets’
precision time and returning it to application.

Specific details about the precise time protocol (PTP) please see the document “IEEE
Standard 1588™”.

Reference clock source

System reference time in Ethernet is maintained by a 64-bit register whose high 32-bit
indicates ‘second’ time and low 32-bit indicates ‘subsecond’, this is defined in IEEE 1588

The input PTP reference clock is used to drive the system reference time (also called system
time for short) and capture timestamp value for PTP frame. The frequency of this reference
clock must be configured no less than the resolution of timestamp counter. The
synchronization accuracy between the master node and slave node is around 0.1us.

Synchronization accuracy

The accuracy of time synchronization depends on the following factors:

 PTP reference clock input period;

 Characteristics of the oscillator (drift);
 Frequency of the synchronization procedure.

System time correction method

The 64-bit PTP system time update by the PTP input reference clock. The PTP system time
is used as the source to record transmission/reception frame’s timestamp. The system time
initialization and calibration support two methods: coarse method and fine method. The
purpose of calibration is to correct the frequency offset.

If the coarse correction method is selected, application can configure PTP timestamp update
register (ENET_PTP_TSUH and ENET_PTP_TSUL) for system time initialization or
correction. If TMSSTI bit is set, PTP timestamp update register is used for initialization and if
TMSSTU bit is set, PTP timestamp update register is used for adjust system time by adding
or subtracting.

If fine correction method is selected, operation is different. The fine correction method corrects
system time not in a single clock cycle. The fine correction frequency can be configured by
application to make slave clock frequency smoothly adapt master clock without
unpredictability large jitter.

This method is referred to the value of ENET_PTP_TSADDEND added to the accumulator in

each HCLK cycle. PTP module will produce a pulse to increase the value of ENET_PTP_TSL
GD32F4xx User Manual
register when the accumulator overflowed. The increased value when this pulse occurs is in
ENET_PTP_SSINC register.

Figure 27-7. System time update using the fine correction method shows the fine
correction algorithm process:

Figure 27-7. System time update using the fine correction method

Register Increment
Addend Accumulator Subsecond Second
Addend update Register Constant Register Register
Register Value
+ +

The following concrete example is used to descript the fine correction method how to
update the system time:

Assuming the accuracy of the system time update circuit required to achieve 20ns, which
means the frequency of update is 50MHz. If the reference clock of HCLK is 75MHz, the
frequency ratio is calculated as 75/50, result is 1.5. Hence, the addend (TMSA bit in
ENET_PTP_TSADDEND register) value to be set is 232/1.5, which is equal to 0xAAAA AAAA.
If the reference clock frequency drifts lower, for example, down to 65MHz, the frequency ratio
changes to 65/50=1.3, the value to be set in the addend register is 232/1.30 = 0xC4EC 4EC4.
If the reference clock drift higher, for example, up to 85MHz, the value addend register must
be 0xA000 0000. Initially, the slave clock frequency is set to Clock Addend Value (0) in the
addend register. This value is calculated as above. In addition to configuring the addend
counter, application also needs to set subsecond increment register to ensure to achieve the
precision of 20ns. The value of the register is to update values of timestamp low 32-bit register
after accumulator register overflow. Because the timestamp low register (bit 0 to 30)
represents the subsecond value of system time, the precision is 10 9ns/231=0.46ns. So in order
to make the system time accuracy to 20ns, sub second increment register value should be
set to 20/0.46 = 0d43.

Note: The algorithm described below based on constant delay transferred between master
and slave devices (Master-to-Slave-Delay). Synchronous frequency ratio will be confirmed by
the algorithm after a few Sync cycles.

Algorithm is as follows:

 Define the master sends a SYNC message to slave time: MSYNCT (n).
Define the slave local time: SLOCALT (n).
Define the master local time: MLOCALT (n).

GD32F4xx User Manual
Calculation: MLOCALT (n) = MSYNCT (n) + Master-to-Slave-Delay (n)

 Define the master clock count number between two SYNC message sent:
Calculation: MCLOCKC (n) = MLOCALT (n) – MLOCALT (n-1)
Define the slave clock count number between two received SYNC messages: SCLOCKC
Calculation: SCLOCKC (n) = SLOCALT (n) - SLOCALT (n-1)

 Define the difference between these two count numbers: DIFFCC (n)
Calculation: DIFFCC (n) = MCLOCKC (n) - SCLOCKC (n)

 Define the slave clock frequency-adjusting factor: SCFAF (n)

Calculation: SCFAF (n) = (MCLOCKC (n) + DIFFCC (n)) / SCLOCKC (n)

 Define the Clock Addend Value for addend register: Clock Addend Value (n)
Clock Addend Value (n) = SCFAF (n) * Clock Addend Value (n-1)

Note: During the actual operation, application may need more than once SYNC message
between master and slave to lock.

System time initialization procedure

Setting TMSEN bit in ENET_PTP_TSCTL register to 1, timestamp function is enabled. Each

time after this bit is set from reset, application must initialize the timestamp counter at first.
Initialization steps as follow:

1. Setting bit 9 in the ENET_MAC_INTMSK register to mask the timestamp trigger

2. Setting bit 0 in the ENET_PTP_TSCTL register to enable timestamp function;
3. Configure the subsecond increment register according to the PTP clock frequency
4. If application hopes to use fine correction method, configure the timestamp addend
register and set bit 5 in the ENET_PTP_TSCTL register to 1. If application hopes to use
coarse correction method, please jump directly to step 7 and step 4-6 can be ignored;
5. Poll the bit 5 in the ENET_PTP_TSCTL register until it is cleared;
6. Set bit 1 in the ENET_PTP_TSCTL register to 1 to choose fine correction method;
7. Configure the timestamp update high and low register with the value of system time
application wants to initialize;
8. Send initialization command by setting bit 2 in the ENET_PTP_TSCTL register;
9. The timestamp counter starts counting as soon as the initialization process complete.

System time update steps under coarse correction method

1. Program the offset (may be negative) value in the timestamp update high and low
2. Set bit 3 (TMSSTU) in the ENET_PTP_TSCTL register to update the timestamp
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3. Poll TMSSTU bit until it is cleared.

System time update steps under fine correction method

1. Calculate the value of the desired system clock rate corresponding to the addend
register (System time correction method has explained before)
2. Program the addend register, and set the bits 5 in ENET_PTP_TSCTL register
3. Program the target high and low register and reset the bit 9 of the
ENET_MAC_INTMSK register to allow time stamp interrupt
4. Set bit 4 (TMSITEN) in ENET_PTP_TSCTL register
5. When an interrupt is generated by this event, read out the value of ENET_MAC_INTF
register and clear the corresponding interrupt flag
6. Rewrite the old value of addend register to timestamp addend register and set bit 5 in

Transmission and reception of frames with the PTP feature

After enabled the IEEE 1588 (PTP) timestamp function, timestamp is recorded when the
frame’s SFD field is outputting from the MAC or the MAC receives a frame’s SFD field. Each
transmitted frame can be marked in TxDMA descriptor to indicate whether a timestamp should
be captured or not, which is unrelated with whether the transmitted frame has PTP feature or
not, and the timestamp of all received frames will be recorded if ARFSEN bit in
ENET_PTP_TSCTL register is set. If ARFSEN is reset, the received frame which passed the
address filer should be matched with the configuration in ENET_PTP_TSCTL register. In
another word, only the frame matched the PTP configuration is marked a PTP frame, and
timestamp will be recorded in descriptor. To be marked as a PTP frame, the received frame
PTP version should be coincide with PFSV bit and then the corresponding frame type enable
bit(bit 13 to bit 11 in register ENET_PTP_TSCTL) is set. Specially, the non-IP payload PTP
frame (PTP on normal 802.3 Ethernet frame), also the DA should be the special MAC address
(e.g. the DA should be 0x0e00 00c2 8001 for PDELAY_REQ/ PDELAY_RESP/
PDELAY_RESP_FOLLOW_UP message type, and the DA address 0x0000 0019 1B01 for
other message type, detailed information refer to Specification IEEE1588-2008). If MAFEN is
set, this special MAC address can be extended to MAC address1-3 with SAF is reset.

Together with the state information of frame, the recorded timestamp value will also be stored
in the corresponding transmission/reception descriptor. The 64-bit timestamp information of
transmission frame is written back to the transmit descriptor and the 64-bit timestamp
information of reception frame is written back to the receive descriptor. See the detailed
description in “Transmit DMA descriptor” and “Receive DMA descriptor”

PTP trigger internal connection with TIMER1

MAC can provide trigger interrupt when the system time is no less than the target time. Using
an interrupt imports a known latency and an uncertainty in the command execution time. In
order to calculate the time of this known latency part, when the system time is greater than
target time, the PTP module sets an output signal. Set bits [11:10] of TIMER1_IRMP register
GD32F4xx User Manual
to 0x1 can make this signal internally connected to the ITI1 input of TIMER1. For this feature
designed, no uncertainty is introduced because the clock of the TIMER1 and PTP reference
clock (HCLK) are synchronous.

PTP pulse-per-second (PPS) output signal

Application configures ETH_PPS_OUT pin to AF11 to enable the PPS output function. This
function can output a signal with the pulse width of 125ms by default (other width is detailed
in register definition) which can be used to check the synchronization between all nodes in
the network. To test the difference between the slave clock and the master clock, both of the
slave and master can output PPS and connect them to one oscilloscope for clock

27.3.6. DMA controller description

Ethernet DMA controller is designed for frame transmission between FIFO and system
memory which can reduce the occupation of CPU. Communication between the CPU and the
DMA is achieved by the following two kinds of data structures:

 Descriptor table (ring or chain type) and data buffer;

 Control and status register.

Applications need to provide the memory for storage of descriptor tables and data buffers.
Descriptors that reside in the memory act as pointers to these buffers. Transmission has
transmission descriptor and reception has reception descriptor. The base address of each
table is stored in ENET_DMA_TDTADDR and ENET_DMA_RDTADDR register. Descriptors
of transmission constituted by 4 descriptor word (TDES0-TDES3) when DFM=0 and 8
descriptor word (TDES0-TDES7) when DFM=1 (Enhanced descriptor mode). Likewise,
reception descriptors constituted by 4 descriptor word (RDES0-RDES3) when DFM=0 and 8
descriptor word (RDES0-RDES7) when DFM=1. Each descriptor can point to a maximum of
two buffers. The value of the buffer 2 can be programmed to the second data address or the
next descriptor address which is determined by the configured descriptor table type: Ring or
Chain. Buffer space only contains frame data which are located in host’s physical memory
space. One buffer can store only one frame data but one frame data can be stored in more
than one buffer which means one buffer can only store a part of a frame. When chain structure
is set, descriptor table is an explicitly one and when ring structure is set, descriptor table is an
implicitly one. Explicit chaining of descriptors is accomplished by configuring the second
address chained in both receive and transmit descriptors (RDES1[14] and TDES0[20]), at this
time RDES2 and TDES2 are stored the data buffer address, RDES3 and TDES3 should be
stored the next descriptor address, this connection method of descriptor table is called chain
structure. Implicitly chaining of descriptors is accomplished by clearing the RDES1[14] and
TDES0 [20], at this time RDES2, TDES2 and RDES3, TDES3 should be all stored the data
buffer address, this connection method of descriptor table is called ring structure. When
current descriptor’s buffer address is used, descriptor pointer will point to the next descriptor.
If chain structure is selected, the pointer points to the value of buffer 2. If ring structure is

GD32F4xx User Manual
selected, the pointer points to an address calculated as below:

DFM=0: Next descriptor address = Current descriptor address + 16 + DPSL * 4

DFM=1: Next descriptor address = Current descriptor address + 32 + DPSL * 4

If current descriptor is the last one in descriptor table, application needs to set the bit 21 in
TDES0 or bit 15 in RDES1 to inform DMA the current descriptor is the last one of the table in
ring structure. At this time, the next descriptor pointer points back to the first descriptor
address of the descriptor table. In chain structure, can also set TDES3 or RDES3 value to
point back to the first descriptor address of the descriptor table. The DMA skips to the next
frame buffer when the end of frame is detected.

Figure 27-8. Descriptor ring and chain structure

Chain structure Ring structure

If descriptor end Buffer 1

Buffer 1
Descriptor 0 Descriptor 0
Buffer 2

Buffer 1
Buffer 1 Descriptor 1
Descriptor 1
Buffer 2

Buffer 1
Descriptor 2

Descriptor 2 Buffer 1 Buffer 2


Buffer 1
Descriptor n
If descriptor end Buffer 2
Descriptor n

Next descriptor

Alignment rule for data buffer address

The DMA controller supports all alignment types: byte alignment, half-word alignment and
word alignment. This means application can configure the buffer address to any address. But
during the operation of the DMA controller, access address is always word align and is
different between write and read access. Follow example describes the detail:

 Buffer Reading: Assuming the transmit buffer address is 0x2000 0AB2, and 15 bytes
need to be transferred. After starting operating, the DMA controller will read five word
addresses which are 0x2000 0AB0, 0x2000 0AB4, 0x2000 0AB8, 0x2000 0ABC and
0x2000 0AC0. But when sending data to the FIFO, the first two bytes (0x2000 0AB0 and
0x2000 0AB1) and the last 3 bytes (0x2000 0AC1, 0x2000 0AC2 and 0x2000 0AC3) will
be dropped.

 Buffer Writing: Assuming the receive buffer address is 0x2000 0CD2, and 16 bytes need

GD32F4xx User Manual
to be stored. After starting operating, the DMA controller will write five times 32-bit data
from address 0x2000 0CD0 to 0x2000 0CE0. But the first 2 bytes (0x2000 0CD0 and
0x2000 0CD1) and the last 2 bytes (0x2000 0CE2 and 0x2000 0CE3) will be substituted
by the virtual bytes.

Note: DMA controller will not write any data out of the defined buffer range.

The effective length of the buffer

For the frame transmitting process, the effective length of the buffer is the same as the value
configured by application in TDES1. As mentioned before, a transmitting frame can use one
or more descriptors to indicate the frame information which means a frame data can be
located in many buffers. When the DMA controller reads a descriptor which the FSG bit in
TDES0 is set, it knows the current buffer is pointing to a new frame and the first byte of the
frame is included. When the DMA controller reads a descriptor with FSG bit and LSG bit in
TDES0 are both reset, it knows the current buffer is pointing to a part of current frame. When
the DMA controller reads a descriptor with LSG bit in TDES0 is set, it know the current buffers
is pointing to the last part of the current frame. Normally one frame is stored only in one buffer
(because buffer size is large enough for a normal frame), so FSG bit and LSG bit are set in
the same descriptor.

For the frame receiving process, the receive buffer size must be word align. But for word-align
buffer address or not word-align buffer address, the operation is different from transmitting.
When the receive buffer address is word align, it’s no difference with transmitting process,
the effective length of the buffer is the same as the value configured by application in RDES1.
When the receive buffer address is not word align, the effective length of the buffer is less
than the value configured by application in RDES1. The effective length of the buffer should
be the size value minus the low two bits value of buffer address. For example, assuming the
total buffer size is 2048 bytes and buffer address is 0x2000 0001, the low two bits are 0b01,
the effective length of the buffer is 2047 bytes whose address range is from 0x20000001 (for
the first received frame byte) to 0x2000 07FF.

When a start of frame (SOF) is received, the FSG bit is set by DMA controller and when the
end of the frame (EOF) is received, the LSG bit is set. If the receive buffer size is programmed
to be large enough to store the whole frame, the FSG and the LSG bit are set in the same
descriptor. The actual frame length FRML can be read from RDES0. So application can
calculate the left unused buffer space. The RxDMA always uses a new descriptor to receive
the start of next frame.

Arbitration for TxDMA and RxDMA controller

There are two types of arbitration method designed for improving the efficiency of DMA
controller between transmission and reception: fixed-priority and round-robin. When DAB bit
in ENET_DMA_BCTL register is reset, arbiter selects round-robin method. The arbiter
allocates the data bus in the ratio set by the RTPR bits in ENET_DMA_BCTL, when both of
TxDMA and RxDMA controller request access simultaneously. When DAB bit in

GD32F4xx User Manual
ENET_DMA_BCTL register is set, arbiter selects fixed-priority, and the RxDMA controller
always has higher priority over the TxDMA.

Error response to DMA controller

During the operation of the DMA controller, when a response error presents on the bus, the
DMA controller considers a fatal error occurs and stops operating at once with error flags
written to the DMA status register (ENET_DMA_STAT). After such fatal error (response error)
occurs, application must reset the Ethernet module and reinitialize the DMA controller.

DMA controller initialization for transmission and reception

Before using the DMA controller, the initialization must be done as follow steps:

1. Set the bus access parameters by writing the ENET_DMA_BCTL register;

2. Mask unnecessary interrupt source by configuring the ENET_DMA_INTEN register;
3. Program the Tx and Rx descriptor table start address by writing the
ENET_DMA_TDTADDR register and the ENET_DMA_RDTADDR register;
4. Configure filter option by writing related registers;
5. According to the auto-negotiation result with external PHY, set the SPD bit and DPM bit
for selecting the communication mode (Half-duplex/Full-duplex) and the communication
speed (10Mbit/s or 100Mbit/s). Set the TEN and REN bit in ENET_MAC_CFG register
to enable MAC transmit and receive operations;
6. Set STE bit and SRE bit in ENET_DMA_CTL register to enable TxDMA controller and
RxDMA controller.

Note: If the HCLK frequency is too much low, application can enable RxDMA before set REN
bit in ENET_MAC_CFG register to avoid RxFIFO overflow at start time.

TxDMA configuration

Operate on second frame in buffer

When OSF bit in ENET_DMA_CTL is reset, the order of the transmitting is follows: the first is
reading transmit descriptor, followed by reading data from memory and writing to FIFO, then
sending frame data on interface through MAC and last wait frame data transmitting complete
and writing back transmitting status.

Above procedure is TxDMA’s standard transmitting procedure but when HCLK is much faster
than TX_CLK, the efficiency of transmitting two frames will be greatly reduced.

To avoid the case mentioned above, application can set OSF to 1.If so, the second frame
data can be read from the memory and push into FIFO without waiting the first frame’s status
writing back. OSF function is only performed between two neighboring frames.

TxDMA operation mode (A) (default mode): Non-OSF

The TxDMA controller in Non-OSF mode proceeds as follows:

GD32F4xx User Manual
1. Initialize the frame data into the buffer space and configure the descriptor (TDES0-3)
with DAV bit of TDES0 sets to 1;
2. Enable TxDMA controller by setting STE bit in ENET_DMA_CTL register;
3. The TxDMA controller starts continue polling and performing transmit descriptor. When
the DAV bit in TDES0[31] that TxDMA controller read is cleared, or any error condition
occurs, the controller will enter suspend state and at the same time both the transmit
buffer unavailable bit in ENET_DMA_STAT and normal interrupt summary bit in
ENET_DMA_STAT register are set. If entered into suspend state, operation proceeds to
Step 8;
4. When the DAV bit in TDES0[31] of the acquired descriptor is set, the DMA decodes the
transmit frame configured and the data buffer address from the acquired descriptor;
5. DMA retrieve data from the memory and push it into the TxFIFO of MAC;
6. The TxDMA controller continues polling the descriptor table until the EOF data (LSG bit
is set) is transferred. If the LSG bit of current descriptor is reset, it will be closed by
resetting the DAV bit after all buffer data pushed into TxFIFO. Then the TxDMA
controller waits to write back descriptor status and IEEE 1588 timestamp value if
7. After the whole frame is transferred, the transmit status bit (TS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT
register) is set only when INTC bit in TDES0[30] is set. Also an interrupt generates if the
corresponding interrupt enable flag is set. The TxDMA controller returns to Step 3 for
the next frame;
8. In the suspend state, application can make TxDMA returns to running state by writing
any data to ENET_DMA_TPEN register and clearing the transmit underflow flag. Then
the TxDMA controller process turns to Step 3.

TxDMA operation mode (B): OSF

The TxDMA controller supports transmitting two frames without waiting status write back of
the first frame, this mode is called operation on second frame (OSF). When the frequency of
system is much faster than the frequency of the MAC interface (10Mbit/s or 100Mbit/s), the
OSF mode can improve the sending efficiency. Setting OSF bit in ENET_DMA_CTL register
can enable this mode. When the TxDMA controller received EOF of the first frame, it will not
enter the state of waiting status write back but to fetch the next descriptor, if the DAV bit and
FSG bit of the next descriptor is set, the TxDMA controller immediately read the second frame
data an push them into the MAC FIFO.

The TxDMA controller in OSF mode proceeds as follows:

1. Follow steps 1-6 operation in TxDMA default mode;

2. The TxDMA controller retrieves the next descriptor without closing the previous frame’s
last descriptor in which the LSG bit is set;
3. If the DAV bit of the next descriptor is set, the TxDMA controller starts reading the next
frame’s data from the buffer address. If the DAV bit of the next descriptor is reset,
TxDMA controller enters suspend state and the next operation goes to Step 7;

GD32F4xx User Manual
4. TxDMA controller continues polling descriptor and frame data until the EOF is
transferred. If a frame is described with more than one descriptor, the intermediate
descriptors are all closed by TxDMA controller after fetched;
5. The TxDMA controller enters the state of waiting for the transmission status and time
stamp of the previous frame (if timestamp enabled). With writing back status to
descriptor, the DAV bit is also cleared by TxDMA controller;
6. After the whole frame is transferred, the transmit status bit (TS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT
register) is set only when INTC bit in TDES0[30] is set. Also an interrupt generates if the
corresponding interrupt enable flag is set. The TxDMA controller returns to Step 3 for
the next frame if no underflow error occurred in previous frame. If underflow error of the
previous frame is occurred, the TxDMA controller enters in suspend state and the next
operation goes to Step 7;
7. In suspend state, when the status information and timestamp value (if the function is
enable) of the transmitting frame is available, the TxDMA controller writes them back to
descriptor and then close it by setting DAV=0 of descriptor;
8. In suspend state, application can make TxDMA returns to running state by writing any
data to ENET_DMA_TPEN register and clearing the transmit underflow flag. Then the
TxDMA controller process goes to Step 1 or Step 2.

Transmit frame format in buffer

According to IEEE 802.3 specification described before, a frame structure is made up of such
fields: Preamble, SFD, DA, SA, QTAG (option), LT, DATA, PAD (option), and FCS.

The Preamble and SFD are automatically generated by the MAC, so the application only need
store the DA, SA, QTAG(if needed), LT, DATA, DATA, PAD(if needed), FCS(if needed) parts.
If the frame needs padding which means PAD and FCS parts are not stored in buffer, then
application can configure the MAC to generate the PAD and FCS. If the frame only need FCS
which means only FCS part is not stored in buffer, the application can configure the MAC to
generate FCS. The DPAD bit and DCRC bit are designed to achieve the generate function of
the PAD and FCS field.

Transmit frame processing

As mentioned before, a frame can span over several buffers which means several descriptors.
When the FSG bit is set, the descriptor indicates the start of the frame and when the LSG bit
is set, the descriptor indicates the end of the frame. All the buffers among these descriptors
store the whole frame data. When the last descriptor is fetched and buffer finished reading,
the transmitting status will write back to it. The other descriptors (here means the descriptor
whose LSG bit is reset) of the current frame will not be changed by TxDMA controller except
the DAV bit will be reset to 0. After starting transfer frame data from memory to FIFO, the
transmitting has not actually start. The real start time for sending frame on interface is
depended on TxDMA mode: Cut-Through mode or Store-and-Forward mode. The former
mode starts sending when the byte number of FIFO is greater than configured threshold and
the latter mode starts sending when the whole frame data are transferred into FIFO or when

GD32F4xx User Manual
the FIFO is almost full.

Suspend during transmit polling

The DMA controller keeps querying the transmit descriptor after the transmission is started.
If either of the following conditions happens, the DMA controller will enter suspend state and
the transmit polling will stop. Though the DMA entered suspend state, the descriptor pointer
is maintained to the descriptor following of the last closed descriptor.

 The DMA controller fetches a descriptor with DAV=0, then it enters suspend state and
stops polling. In this case, the NI bit and TBU bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register are set;
 The MAC FIFO is empty during sending a frame on interface which means an error of
underflow occurs. In this case, the AI bit and TU bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register are
set. Also the transmit error status will write back to transmit descriptor.

Transmit DMA descriptor with IEEE 1588 timestamp format

When TTSEN bit is set, the timestamp function is enabled. The TxDMA controller writes
transmit timestamp status TTMSS and timestamp back to descriptor after the frame
transmission complete. The word address in descriptor for writing timestamp is depends on
DFM bit in ENET_DMA_BCTL register. If the descriptor format is normal mode (DFM=0),
TDES2 and TDES3 are used for timestamp recording and the old values in TDES2 and
TDES3 are overwritten. If the descriptor format is enhanced mode (DFM=1), TDES6 and
TDES7 are used for timestamp recording and the value in TDES2 and TDES3 are kept.

TxDMA descriptors in normal mode

The normal mode descriptor structure consists of four 32-bit words: TDES0 ~ TDES3. The
descriptions of TDES0, TDES1, TDES2 and TDES3 are given below:

Note: When a frame is described by more than one descriptor, only the control bits of the first
descriptor are accept by TxDMA controller (except INTC). But the status and timestamp (if
enabled) are written back to the last descriptor.

Figure 27-9. Transmit descriptor in normal mode

31 16 0
T R Res T
Ctrl Ctrl

TDES0 S e [19: M Status[16:0]

[30:26] E [23:20] S
s 18]

Reserved Buffer 2 byte size Reserved Buffer 1 byte size

TDES1 [31:29] [28:16] [15:13] [12:0]

Buffer 1 address[31:0]/Timestamp Low[31:0]


TDES3 Buffer 2 address[31:0] or Next descriptor address[31:0]/Timestamp High[31:0]

GD32F4xx User Manual
 TDES0: Transmit descriptor word 0
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 DAV DAV bit
The DMA clears this bit either when it completes the frame transmission or the buffer
allocated in the descriptor is read completely. This bit of the frame’s first descriptor
must be set after all subsequent descriptors belonging to the same frame have been
0: The descriptor is available for CPU not for DMA
1: The descriptor is available for DMA not for CPU

30 INTC Interrupt on completion bit

This is valid only when the last segment (TDES0[29]) is set.
0: TS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT is not set when frame transmission complete.
1: TS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT is set when frame transmission complete.

29 LSG Last segment bit

This bit indicates that the buffer contains the last segment of the frame.
0: The buffer of descriptor is not stored the last part of frame
1: The buffer of descriptor is stored the last part of frame

28 FSG First segment bit

This bit indicates that the buffer contains the first segment of a frame.
0: The buffer of descriptor is not stored the first block of frame
1: The buffer of descriptor is stored the first block of frame

27 DCRC Disable CRC bit

This is valid only when the first segment (TDES0[28]) is set.
0: The MAC automatic append a CRC to the end of the transmitted frame
1: The MAC does not append a CRC to the end of the transmitted frame

26 DPAD Disable adding pad bit

This is valid only when the first segment (TDES0[28]) is set.
0: The DMA automatically adds padding byte and CRC to a frame shorter than 64
bytes. Only the padding actually acts, the CRC is also appended. The DCRC bit is
don’t care.
1:The MAC does not automatically add padding to a frame

25 TTSEN Transmit timestamp function enable bit.

This field is only valid when the First segment control bit (TDES0[28]) is set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disable transmit timestamp function
1: When TMSEN is set (ENET_PTP_TSCTL bit 0), IEEE 1588 hardware time
stamping is activated for the transmit frame

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

23:22 CM[1:0] Checksum mode bits

0x0: Disabled checksum insertion function
0x1: Only enable function for IP header checksum calculation and insertion
0x2: Enable IP header checksum and payload checksum calculation and insertion,
pseudo-header checksum is not calculated in hardware
0x3: Enable IP Header checksum and payload checksum calculation and insertion,
pseudo-header checksum is calculated in hardware.

21 TERM Transmit end for ring mode bit

This bit is used only in ring mode and has higher priority than TCHM
0: The current descriptor is not the last descriptor in the table
1: The descriptor table reached its final descriptor. The DMA descriptor pointer
returns to the start address of the table.

20 TCHM The second address chained mode bit

This bit is used only in chain mode. When this bit, TCHM (TDES0[20]), is set, TB2S
(TDES1[28:16]) is don’t care.
0: The second address in the descriptor is the second buffer address
1:The second address in the descriptor is the next descriptor address

19:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17 TTMSS Transmit timestamp status bit

This bit is only valid when the descriptor’s last segment (LSG) control bit
(TDES0[29]) is set.
0: Timestamp was not captured
1:A timestamp was captured for the described transmit frame and push into
TDES2 (or TDES6 if DFM=1) and TDES3 (or TDES7 if DFM=1)

16 IPHE IP header error bit

IP header error occurs when any case of below happen:
IPv4 frames:
1) The header length field has a value less than 0x5.
2) The header length field value in transmitting IPv4 frame is mismatch with the
number of header bytes
3) The version field value does not match the length/type field value
IPv6 frames:
1) The main header length is not 40 bytes
2) The version field value does not match the length/type field value
0:The MAC transmitter did not detect error in the IP datagram header
1:The MAC transmitter detected an error in the IP datagram header

GD32F4xx User Manual
15 ES Error summary bit
Following bits are logical ORed to generate this bit:
TDES0[16]: IP header error
TDES0[14]: Jabber timeout
TDES0[13]: Frame flush
TDES0[12]: IP payload error
TDES0[11]: Loss of carrier
TDES0[10]: No carrier
TDES0[9]: Late collision
TDES0[8]: Excessive collision
TDES0[2]:Excessive deferral
TDES0[1]: Underflow error

14 JT Jabber timeout bit

Only set when the JBD bit is reset
0:No jabber timeout occurred
1:The MAC transmitter has experienced a jabber timeout

13 FRMF Frame flushed bit

This bit is set to flush the Tx frame by software

12 IPPE IP payload error bit

The transmitter checks the payload length received in the IPv4 or IPv6
header against the actual number of TCP, UDP or ICMP packet bytes received from
the application and issues an error status in case of a mismatch
0:No IP payload error occurred
1: MAC transmitter detected an error in the TCP, UDP, or ICMPIP datagram payload

11 LCA Loss of carrier bit

When the interface signal ‘CRS’ lost one or more cycles and no collision happened
during transmitting, the loss of carrier condition occurs.
This is valid only in Half-duplex mode.
0:No loss of carrier occurred
1:A loss of carrier occurred during frame transmission

10 NCA No carrier bit

0: PHY carrier sense signal is active
1: The carrier sense signal from the PHY was not asserted during transmission

9 LCO Late collision bit

If a collision occurs when 64 bytes (including preamble and SFD) has already
transferred, this situation called late collision.
0: No late collision occurred
1: Late collision situation occurred
Note: This bit is not valid if the UFE bit is set

8 ECO Excessive collision bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
If the RTD=1 (retry function disable), this bit is set after the first collision.
If the RTD=0 (retry function enable), this bit is set when failed 16 successive retry
When this bit is set, the transmission of current frame is aborted.
0: No excessive collision occurred
1: Excessive collision occurred

7 VFRM VLAN frame bit

0:The transmitted frame was a normal frame
1: The transmitted frame was a VLAN-type frame

6:3 COCNT[3:0] Collision count bits

This 4-bit counter value indicates the number of collisions occurring before the
frame was transmitted. The count is not valid when the ECO bit (TDES0[8]) is set

2 EXD Excessive deferral bit

This is valid when the DFC bit in the MAC configuration register is set
0: No excessive deferral occurred
1: The transmission has ended because of excessive deferral time is over 3036

1 UFE Underflow error bit

This bit indicates that the TxDMA comes across an empty TxFIFO while transmitting
the frame before EOF which is caused by pushing data to TxFIFO late from memory.
The transmission process enters the suspend state and sets both the TU (bit 5) and
the TS (bit 0) in ENET_DMA_STAT
0: No underflow error occurred
1: Underflow error occurred and the MAC aborted the frame transmitting

0 DB Deferred bit
This bit indicates whether the transmitting frame is deferred because of interface
signal CRS is active before MAC transmit frame.
Valid only in Half-duplex mode
0:No transmission deferred
1:The MAC is deferred before transmission

 TDES1: Transmit descriptor word 1

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved TB2S[12:0]


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved TB1S[12:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:29 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

28:16 TB2S[12:0] Transmit buffer 2 size bits

These bits indicate byte size of the second data buffer. This field is not valid if the
TCHM bit (TDES0[20]) is set.

15:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

12:0 TB1S[12:0] Transmit buffer 1 size bits

These bits indicate the byte size of the first data buffer. If this field is 0, the TxDMA
ignores this buffer and uses buffer 2 (for TCHM=0) or the next descriptor (for

 TDES2: Transmit descriptor word 2

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TB1AP/TTSL[31:0] Transmit buffer 1 address pointer/Transmit frame timestamp low 32-bit value bits
Before transmitting frame, application must configure these bits for transmit buffer
1 address (TB1AP). When the transmitting frame is complete, these bits can be
changed to the timestamp low 32-bit value (TTSL) for transmitting frame if DFM=0.
But if DFM=1, these bits will not change and keep the value of buffer address. When
these bits stand for buffer 1 address (TB1AP), the alignment is no limitation. When
these bits stand for timestamp low 32-bit value, the TTSEN and LSG bit of current
descriptor must be set.

 TDES3: Transmit descriptor word 3

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TB2AP/TTSH[31:0] Transmit buffer 2 address pointer (or next descriptor address) / Transmit frame
timestamp high 32-bit value bits
Before transmitting frame, application must configure these bits for transmit buffer
2 address (TB2AP) or the next descriptor address which is decided by descriptor

GD32F4xx User Manual
type is ring or chain. When the transmitting frame is complete, these bits can be
changed to the timestamp high 32-bit value (TTSH) for transmitting frame if DFM=0
and TTSEN =1. But if DFM=1 or TTSEN =0, these bits will not change and keep the
old value. When these bits stand for buffer 2 address (TCHM=0), the alignment is
no limitation. When these bits stand for the next descriptor address (TCHM=1),
these bits must be word-alignment. When these bits stand for timestamp high 32-
bit value, the TTSEN and LSG bit of current descriptor must be set.

TxDMA descriptors in enhanced mode

The enhanced mode descriptor structure consists of eight 32-bit words: TDES0 ~ TDES7.
The descriptions of TDES0, TDES1, TDES2 and TDES3 are the same with normal mode
descriptor; TDES4, TDES5, TDES6 and TDES7 are given below:

Note: When a frame is described by more than one descriptor, only the control bits of the first
descriptor are accept by DMA controller (except INTC). But the status and timestamp (if
enabled) are written back to the last descriptor.

Figure 27-10. Transmit descriptor in enhanced mode

31 16 0
T R Res T
Ctrl Ctrl

TDES0 S e [19: M Status[16:0]

[30:26] E [23:20] S
s 18]

Reserved Buffer 2 byte size Reserved Buffer 1 byte size

TDES1 [31:29] [28:16] [15:13] [12:0]

Buffer 1 address[31:0]

TDES3 Buffer 2 address[31:0] or Next descriptor address[31:0]

TDES4 Reserved

TDES5 Reserved

TDES6 Timestamp Low[31:0]

TDES7 Timestamp High[31:0]

 TDES4 Transmit descriptor word 4

All bits reserved

 TDES5 Transmit descriptor word 5

All bits reserved

 TDES6 Transmit descriptor word 6

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TTSL[31:0] Transmit frame timestamp low 32-bit value bits
When TTSEN =1 and LSG=1, there bits are updated by TxDMA for recording
timestamp low 32-bit value of the current transmitting frame.

 TDES7 Transmit descriptor word 7

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TTSH[31:0] Transmit frame timestamp high 32-bit value bits
When TTSEN =1 and LSG=1, these bits are updated by TxDMA for recording
timestamp high 32-bit value of the current transmitting frame.

RxDMA configuration

The receiving process of the RxDMA controller is described detailed as below:

1. Applications initialize the receive descriptors with the DAV bit (RXDES0[31]) is set;
2. Setting the SRE bit in ENET_DMA_CTL register to make RxDMA controller entering
running state. In running state, the RxDMA controller continually fetching the receive
descriptors from descriptor table whose starting address is configured in
ENET_DMA_RDTADDR register by application. If the DAV bit of the fetched receive
descriptor is set, then this descriptor is used for receiving frame. But if the DAV bit is
reset which means this receive descriptor cannot be used by RxDMA, the RxDMA
controller will enter suspend state and operation goes to Step 9;
3. From the valid receive descriptor (DAV=1), the RxDMA controller marks the receiving
control bit and data buffer address;
4. Processing the received frames and transfer data to the receive buffer from the RxFIFO;
5. If all frame data has completely transferred or the buffer is full, the RxDMA controller
fetches the next descriptor from receive descriptor table;

GD32F4xx User Manual
6. If the current receiving frame transfer is complete, the operation of RxDMA goes to
Step7. But if not complete, two conditions may occur:
– The next descriptor’s DAV bit is reset. The RxDMA controller sets descriptor error
bit DERR in RDES0 if flushing function is enabled. The RxDMA controller closes
current descriptor by resetting DAV bit and sets the LSG bit (if flushing is enabled)
or resets the LSG bit (if flushing is disabled). Then the operation goes to Step 8.
– The next descriptor’s DAV bit is set. The RxDMA controller closes current descriptor
by resetting DAV bit and operation goes to Step 4.
7. If IEEE 1588 time stamping function is enabled, the RxDMA controller writes the time
stamp value (if receiving frame meets the configured time stamping condition) to the
current descriptor’s RDES2 and RDES3 if DFM=0 or RDES6 and RDES7 if DFM=1. At
the same time (writing timestamp value) the RxDMA controller also writes the received
frame’s status word to the RDES0 with the DAV bit cleared and the LSG bit set;
8. The latest descriptor is fetched by RxDMA controller. If the fetched descriptor bit 31
(DAV) is set, the RxDMA controller operation goes to Step 4. If the fetched descriptor bit
31 is reset, the RxDMA controller enters the suspend state and sets the RBU bit in
register ENET_DMA_STAT. If flushing function is enabled, the RxDMA controller will
flush the received frame data in the RxFIFO before entering suspend state;
9. In suspended state, there are two conditions to exit. The first is writing data in the
ENET_DMA_RPEN register by application. The second is when a new received frame
is available which means the byte number of receiving frame is greater than threshold in
Cut-Through mode or when the whole frame is received in Store-and-Forward mode.
Once exiting suspend mode, the RxDMA controller fetches the next descriptor and the
following operation goes to Step 2.

Receive descriptor fetching regulation

Descriptor fetching occurs if any one or more of the following conditions are met:

 The time SRE bit is configured from 0 to 1 which makes the RxDMA controller entering
running state
 The total buffer size (buffer 1 for chain mode or buffer 1 plus buffer 2 for ring mode) of
the current descriptor cannot hold the current receiving frame. In other word, the last
byte stored in buffer space is not the EOF byte
 After a complete frame is transferred to buffer and before current descriptor is closed
 In suspend state, the MAC received a new frame
 Writing any value to receive poll enable register ENET_DMA_RPEN

Process of receiving frame

When a frame is presented on the interface, the MAC starts to receive it. At the same time,
the address filter block is running for this received frame. If the received frame fails the
address filtering it will be discarded from RxFIFO in MAC and not be forwarded to buffer by
RxDMA controller. If the received frame passes the address filtering, it will be forwarded to
buffer when the available time comes. If the RxDMA controller is configured in Cut-Through

GD32F4xx User Manual
mode, the available time means the byte number of the received frame is equal or greater
than the configured threshold. If the RxDMA controller is configured in Store-and-Forward
mode, the available time means the complete frame is stored in RxFIFO. During receiving
frame, if any one of the below cases occurs the MAC can discard the received frame data in
RxFIFO and the RxDMA controller will not forward these data:

 The received frame bytes is less than 64;

 Collision occurred during frame receiving;
 The premature termination for the receiving frame.

When the available time comes, the RxDMA controller starts transfer frame data from RxFIFO
to the receive buffer. If the SOF is included in current receive buffer, the FDES bit in RDES0
is set when the RxDMA controller writing receive frame status to indicate this descriptor is
used for storing the first part of the frame. If the EOF is included in current receive buffer, the
LDES bit in RDES0 is set when RxDMA controller writing receive frame status to indicate this
descriptor is used for storing the last part of the frame. Often when the buffer size is larger
than received frame, the FDES and LDES bit are set in the same descriptor. When the EOF
is transferred to buffer or the receive buffer space is exhausted, the RxDMA controller fetches
the next receive descriptor and closes previous descriptor by writing RDES0 with DAV=0. If
the LDES bit is set, the other status are also be updated and the RS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT
register will be set (immediately when DINTC=0 or delayed when DINTC=1). If the DAV bit of
the next descriptor is set, the RxDMA controller repeats above operation when received a
new frame. If the DAV bit of the next descriptor is reset, the RxDMA controller enters suspend
state and sets RBU bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register. The pointer value of descriptor address
table is retained and be used for the starting descriptor address after exiting suspend state.

Processing after a new frame received in suspend state

When a new frame is available (see available definition in the previous paragraph), the
RxDMA controller fetches the descriptor. If the DAV bit in RDES0 is set, the RxDMA controller
exits suspend state and returns to running state for frame reception. But if the DAV bit in
RDES0 is reset, application can choose whether these received frame data in RxFIFO are
flushed or not by configuring DAFRF bit in ENET_DMA_CTL register. If DAFRF=0, the
RxDMA controller discards these received frame data and makes the missed frame counter
(MSFC) increase one. If DAFRF=1, these frame data are will not be flushed and MSFC
counter will not increase until the RxFIFO is full. If the DAV bit is reset in fetched descriptor,
the RBU bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register will be set and the RxDMA controller will be still in
suspend state.

Receive DMA descriptor with IEEE 1588 timestamp format

If the IEEE 1588 function enabled, the MAC writes the timestamp value to RDES2 and RDES3
(DFM=0) or RDES6 and RDES7 (DFM=1) after a frame with timestamp reception complete
and before the RxDMA controller clears the DAV bit.

GD32F4xx User Manual
RxDMA descriptors in normal mode

In normal descriptor mode, the descriptor structure consists of four 32-bit words: RDES0 ~
RDES3. The detailed description of RDES0, RDES1, RDES2 and RDES3 are given below.

Figure 27-11. Receive descriptor in normal mode

31 16 0
RDES0 A Status[30:0]

CR Buffer 2 byte size Buffer 1 byte size
[15: e
29] 14] s

RDES2 Buffer 1 address[31:0]/Timestamp Low[31:0]

RDES3 Buffer 2 address[31:0] or Next descriptor address[31:0]/Timestamp High[31:0]

 RDES0: Receive descriptor word 0

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rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 DAV Descriptor available bit
This bit indicates the DMA controller can use this descriptor. The DMA clears this
bit either when it completes the frame reception or when the buffers in this descriptor
are full
0: The descriptor is owned by the CPU
1: The descriptor is owned by the DMA

30 DAFF Destination address filter fail bit

0: A frame passed the destination address filter
1: A frame failed the destination address filter

29:16 FRML[13:0] Frame length bits

These bits indicate the byte length of the received frame that was transferred to the
buffer (including CRC when received frame is not a type frame. If received frame is
a type frame, including CRC or not is controlled by TFCD bit in ENET_MAC_CFG).
This field is valid only when LDES=1 (RDES0[8]) and DERR=0 (RDES0[14]). If
LDES=0 and ERRS=0, these bits indicate the accumulated number of bytes that
have been transferred for the current frame.

15 ERRS Error summary bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
This field is valid only when the LDES (RDES0[8]) is set.
This bit is logical ORed by the following bits when DFM is equal to 0:
RDES0[14]: Descriptor error.
RDES0[11]: Overflow error
RDES0[6]: Late collision
RDES0[4]: Watchdog timeout
RDES0[3]: Receive error
RDES0[1]: CRC error
REDS0[7] = 0, REDS0[5] = 1 and REDS0[0] = 1: payload checksum error
REDS0[7] = 1, REDS0[5] = 1 and REDS0[0] = 0: header checksum error
REDS0[7] = 1, REDS0[5] = 1 and REDS0[0] = 1: both header and payload
checksum errors
This bit is logical ORed by the following bits when DFM is equal to 1:
REDS4[4]: IP frame payload error
REDS4[3]: IP frame header error
RDES0[14]: Descriptor error
RDES0[11]: Overflow error
RDES0[6]: Late collision
RDES0[4]: Watchdog timeout
RDES0[3]: Receive error
RDES0[1]: CRC error

14 DERR Descriptor error bit

This field is valid only when the LDES (RDES0[8]) is set.
When the current buffer cannot hold current received frame and the next
descriptor’s DAV bit is reset, the descriptor error occurs.
0: No descriptor error occurred
1: Descriptor error occurred

13 SAFF SA filtering fail bit

0: No source address filter fail occurred
1: A received frame failed the SA filter

12 LERR Length error bit

This bit is valid only when the FRMT (RDES0[5]) bit is reset.
This bit indicates the mismatch between the length field in received and the actual
frame length.
0: No length error occurred
1: Length error occurred

11 OERR Overflow error bit

When RxFIFO is overflow and the frame data has been partly forwarded to
descriptor buffer, the overflow error bit sets.
0: No overflow error occurred
1: RxFIFO overflowed and frame data is not valid

GD32F4xx User Manual
10 VTAG VLAN tag bit
0: Received frame is not a tag frame
1: Received frame is a tag frame

9 FDES First descriptor bit

This bit indicates that current descriptor contains the SOF of the received frame.
0: The current descriptor does not store the SOF of the received frame
1: The current descriptor buffer saves the SOF of the received frame

8 LDES Last descriptor bit

This bit indicates that current descriptor contains the EOF of the received frame
0: The current descriptor buffer does not store EOF of the received frame
1: The current descriptor buffer saves the EOF of the received frame

7 IPHERR/TSV IP frame header error bit/Timestamp valid bit

When DFM=0, bit 7, 5 and 0 indicate some special cases refer to the error status
When DFM=1, this bit indicates the timestamp value is taken and write to the
RDES6 and RDES7. This bit is valid only when LDES is set.

6 LCO Late collision bit

This bit indicates a collision occurs after 64 bytes have been received
This bit only valid in Half-duplex mode.
0: No late collision occurred
1: Late collision has occurred

5 FRMT Frame type bit

When DFM=0, bit 7, 5 and 0 indicate some special cases refer to the error status
When DFM=1, this bit indicates the received frame is an Ethernet type frame or a
tagged frame.
If the received frame is runt frame, this bit is not valid for application.
0: The received frame is an IEEE802.3 frame without tagged.
1: The received frame is an Ethernet-type frame (the length/type field is greater than
or equal to 0x0600, or this is a tagged frame)

4 RWDT Receive watchdog timeout bit

When WDD=0, this bit indicates a frame with more than 2048 bytes was detected.
When WDD=1, this bit indicates a frame with more than 16384 bytes was detected.
0: No receive watchdog timeout occurred
1: Watchdog timer overflowed during receiving and current frame is only a part of

3 RERR Receive error bit

This bit indicates the interface signal RX_ER asserted when RX_DV signal is active
during frame receiving process.
0:No receive error occurred

GD32F4xx User Manual
1:Receive error occurred

2 DBERR Dribble bit error bit

This bit is valid only in MII interface mode and indicates there is an incomplete byte
(odd cycles during reception) received.
0:No dribble bit error occurred
1: Dribble bit error occurred

1 CERR CRC error bit

This bit is valid only when the LDES (RDES0[8]) is set and indicates FCS field in
received frame is mismatch with the calculation result of the hardware
0:No CRC error occurred
1:A CRC error occurred

0 PCERR/EXSV Payload checksum error bit/Extended status valid bit

When DFM=0, bit 7, 5 and 0 indicate some special cases refer to the error status
When DFM=1, this bit indicates the descriptor RDES4 is valid for application.
This bit only valid when LDES is set.
0:RDES4 is not valid for application
1:RDES4 is valid for application

Table 27-6. Error status decoding in RDES0, only used for normal descriptor (DFM=0)
shows the combination meaning for bit 7, 5, and 0 in RDES0:

Table 27-6. Error status decoding in RDES0, only used for normal descriptor (DFM=0)
Bit 7: Bit 5: Bit 0:
Frame status
IEEE 802.3 normal frame (Length field value is less than 0x0600
0 0 0
and not tagged)
IPv4 or IPv6 frame, no header checksum error, payload
0 0 1
checksum is bypassed because of unsupported payload type
0 1 0 IPv4 or IPv6 frame, checksum checking pass
IPv4 or IPv6 frame, payload checksum error.
This error may cased by following condition:
0 1 1
1) Calculated checksum value mismatch the checksum field
2) byte number of received payload mismatch length field
1 0 0 Reserved
A type (length/type field equal or greater than 0x0600) or tagged
1 0 1 frame but neither IPv4 nor IPv6.
Offload check engine is bypassed.
IPv4 or IPv6 frame, but an header checksum error detected
1 1 0 This error may cased by following condition:
1) Type value inconsistent with version value

GD32F4xx User Manual
2) Calculated header checksum mismatch the header checksum
3) Expected IP header bytes is not received enough
IPv4 or IPv6 frame, both header and payload checksum detected
1 1 1

 RDES1: Receive descriptor word 1

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DINTC Reserved RB2S[12:0]

rw rw

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RERM RCHM Reserved RB1S[12:0]

rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 DINTC Disable interrupt on completion bit
0: RS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register will immediately set after receiving the
completed, then if enabled the corresponding interrupt, the interrupt will trigger.
1: RS bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register will is not immediately set after receiving the
completed, but will set after a configurable delay time.

30:29 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

28:16 RB2S[12:0] Receive buffer 2 size bits

The second buffer size in bytes. The buffer size must be a multiple of 4. This field
is ignored if RCHM (RDES1[14]) is set

15 RERM Receive end of ring mode bit

This bit indicates the final descriptor in table is arrived and the next descriptor
address is automatically set to the configured start descriptor address.
0: Current descriptor is not the last descriptor in table
1: Current descriptor is the last descriptor in table

14 RCHM Receive chained mode for second address bit

0: The second address points to the second buffer address.
1: The second address points to the next descriptor address. RB2S (RDES1[28:16])
is ignored.
Note: If the RERM=1, the next descriptor returns to base address even this bit is
set to 1.

13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

12:0 RB1S[12:0] Receive buffer 1 size bits

The first buffer size in bytes. The buffer size must be a multiple of 4. If this field is 0,
the RxDMA controller ignores this buffer and uses buffer 2 (RCHM=0) or the next
descriptor (RCHM=1)

GD32F4xx User Manual
 RDES2: Receive descriptor word 2
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RB1AP/RTSL[31:0] Receive buffer 1 address pointer / Receive frame timestamp low 32-bit
These bits are designed for two different functions: buffer address pointer (RB1AP)
or timestamp low 32-bit value (RTSL).
RB1AP: Before fetching this descriptor by RxDMA controller, these bits are
configured to the buffer 1 address by application. This buffer 1 address pointer is
used for RxDMA controller to store the received frame if RB1S is not 0. The buffer
address alignment has no limitation.
RTSL: When timestamp function is enabled and LDES is set, these bits will be
changed to timestamp low 32-bit value by RxDMA controller if received frame
passed the filter and satisfied the snapshoot condition. If the received frame does
not meet the snapshoot condition, these bits will keep RB1AP value.

 RDES3: Receive descriptor word 3

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RB2AP/RTSH[31:0] Receive buffer 2 address pointer (next descriptor address) / Receive frame
timestamp high 32-bit value bits
These bits are designed for two different functions: buffer address pointer or next
descriptor address (RB1AP) or timestamp high 32-bit value (RTSH).
RB2AP: Before fetching this descriptor by RxDMA controller, these bits are
configured to the buffer 2 address (RCHM=0) or the next descriptor address
(RCHM=1) by application. This buffer 2 address pointer is used for RxDMA
controller to store the received frame if RB1S is not 0 when RCHM=0. If RCHM=1
and RERM=0, this address pointer is used for fetching the next descriptor. If
RCHM=1 and RERM=1, these bits are ignored.
When this address is used for next descriptor address, the word alignment is
needed. The other conditions have no limitation for these bits.

GD32F4xx User Manual
RTSH: When timestamp function is enabled and LDES is set, these bits will be
changed to timestamp high 32-bit value by RxDMA controller if received frame
passed the filter and satisfied the snapshoot condition. If the received frame does
not meet the snapshoot condition, these bits will keep RB2AP value.

RxDMA descriptors in enhanced mode

In enhanced descriptor mode, the descriptor structure consists of eight 32-bit words: RDES0
~ RDES7. The description of RDES0, RDES1, RDES2 and RDES3 are the same with
descriptors in normal mode. The description of RDES4, RDES5, RDES6, and RDES7 are
given below.

Figure 27-12. Receive descriptor in enhanced mode

31 16 0
RDES0 A Status[30:0]

CR Buffer 2 byte size Buffer 1 byte size
[15: e
29] 14] s

RDES2 Buffer 1 address[31:0]

RDES3 Buffer 2 address[31:0] or Next descriptor address[31:0]

RDES4 Extended Status[31:0]

RDES5 Reserved[31:0]

Timestamp Low[31:0]

RDES7 Timestamp High[31:0]

 RDES4: Receive descriptor word 4

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rw rw rw Rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value

13 PTPVF PTP version format bit

0: Version 1 format
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Version 2 format

12 PTPOEF PTP on Ethernet frame bit

0: Received PTP frame is a IP-UDP frame if PTPMT is not zero
1: Received PTP frame is a IEEE802.3 Ethernet frame

11:8 PTPMT[3:0] PTP message type bits

PTP message type is decoded to following number:
0x0: Not PTP frame received
0x1: SYNC
0x5:For peer-to-peer transparent clock: PDELAY_REQ
For ordinary or boundary clock: ANNOUNCE
0x6: For peer-to-peer transparent clock: PDELAY_RESP
For ordinary or boundary clock: MANAGEMENT
0x7: For peer-to-peer transparent clock: PDELAY_RESP_FOLLOW_UP
For ordinary or boundary clock: SIGNALING

7 IPF6 IP frame in version 6 bit

0: Received frame is not a IPv6 frame
1: Received frame is a IPv6 frame

6 IPF4 IP frame in version 4 bit

0: Received frame is not a IPv4 frame
1: Received frame is a IPv4 frame

5 IPCKSB IP frame checksum bypassed bit

This bit is only valid when received frame is a IPv4 or IPv6 frame
0: Received frame checksum checking function is not bypassed
1: Received frame checksum checking function is bypassed

4 IPPLDERR IP frame payload error bit

This bit can be set by any of below cases: 1) the calculated checksum by hardware
mismatch with the TCP, UDP or ICMP checksum field in frame. 2) payload length
value in IP header mismatch the received payload length
0: Payload error not occurred in received frame
1: Payload error occurred in received frame

3 IPHERR IP frame header error bit

This bit can be set by any of below cases: 1) the calculated checksum by hardware
mismatch with the IP header checksum field value. 2) Type field in IP frame is not
consistent with version field (e.g. ‘type’ field value is 0x0800 but ‘version’ field value
is not 0x4, ‘type’ field value is 0x86dd but ‘version’ field value is not 0x6)
0: IP header error not occurred
1: IP header error occurred

GD32F4xx User Manual
2:0 IPPLDT[2:0] IP frame payload type bits
These bits are valid only when IPFCO=1, IPHERR=0 and LDES=1.
0x0: Unsupported payload type or IP payload bypassed
0x1: payload type is UDP
0x2: payload type is TCP
0x3: payload type is ICMP
0x4~0x7: Reserved

 RDES5: Receive descriptor word 5

All bits reserved

 RDES6: Receive descriptor word 6

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RTSL[31:0] Receive frame timestamp low 32-bit value
When timestamp function is enabled and LDES is set, these bits will be written to
timestamp low 32-bit value by RxDMA controller if received frame passed the filter
and satisfied the snapshoot condition.

 RDES7: Receive descriptor word 7

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RTSH[31:0] Receive frame timestamp high 32-bit value
When timestamp function is enabled and LDES is set, these bits will be written to
timestamp high 32-bit value by RxDMA controller if received frame passed the filter
and satisfied the snapshoot condition.

27.3.7. Example for a typical configuration flow of Ethernet

After power-on reset or system reset, the following operation flow is a typical process for
application to configure and run Ethernet:
GD32F4xx User Manual
 Enable Ethernet clock.

Program the RCU module to enable the HCLK and Ethernet Tx/Rx clock.

 Setup the communication interface.

Configure SYSCFG module to define which interface mode is selected (MII or RMII).
Configure GPIO module to make selected PADs to alternate function 11(AF11).

 Wait the resetting complete

Polling the ENET_DMA_BCTL register until the SWR bit is reset. (SWR bit is set by
default after power-on reset or system reset)

 Obtain and configure the parameters in PHY register

According to the frequency of HCLK, configure the SMI clock frequency and access
external PHY register to obtain the information of PHY (e.g. support Half/Full duplex or
not, support 10M/100Mbit speed or not, and so on). Based on supported mode of
external PHY, configure ENET_MAC_CFG register consistent with PHY register.

 Initialize the DMA in Ethernet module for transaction


ENET_DMA_CTL registers to initialize the DMA module. (Detailed information refer to
DMA controller description)

 Initialize the physical memory space for descriptor table and data buffer

According to the address value in ENET_DMA_RDTADDR and ENET_DMA_TDTADDR

register, program transmitting and receiving descriptors (with DAV=1) and data buffer.

 Enable MAC and DMA module to start transmit and receive

Set TEN and REN bit in ENET_MAC_CFG register to make MAC work for transmit and
receive. Set STE and SRE bit in ENET_DMA_CTL register to make DMA controller work
for transmit and receive.

 If transmitting frames is needed

1. Choose one or more programmed transmitting descriptor, write the transmit frame
data into buffer address which is decided in TDES.

2. Set the DAV bit in these one or more transmit frame descriptor.

3. Write any value in ENET_DMA_TPEN register to make TxDMA exit suspend state
and start transmitting

4. There are two methods for application to confirm whether current transmitting frame
is complete or not. The first method is that application can poll the DAV bit of current
transmit descriptor until it is reset, this means the transmitting is complete. The
second method can be used only when INTC=1. Application can poll the TS bit in
ENET_DMA_STAT register until it is set, this means the transmitting is complete.
GD32F4xx User Manual
 If receiving frames is enabled

1. Check the first receive descriptor in descriptor table (whose address is configured in

2. If DAV bit in RDES0 is reset, then the descriptor is used and receive buffer space
has stored the receive frame.

3. Handling this receive frame data.

4. Set DAV bit of this descriptor to release this descriptor for new frame receiving.

5. Check next descriptor in table, then goes to Step 2.

27.3.8. Ethernet interrupts

There are two interrupt vectors in Ethernet module. The first interrupt vector is made up of
normal operation interrupts and the second vector is made up of WUM events for wakeup
which is mapped to the EXTI line 19.

All of the MAC and DMA controller interrupt are connected to the first interrupt vector. The
description for the MAC interrupt and DMA controller interrupt are showed behind.

The WUM block event is connected to the second interrupt vector. The event can be remote
wakeup frame received event or/and Magic Packet wakeup frame received event. This
interrupt is inner mapped on the EXTI line 19. So, if the EXTI line 19 is enabled and configured
to trigger by rising edge, the Ethernet WUM event can make the system exiting Deep-sleep
mode after a WUM event occurred. In addition, if the WUM interrupt is not masked, both the
EXTI line 19 interrupt and Ethernet normal interrupt to CPU are both generated.

Note: Because of the WUM registers are designed in RX_CLK domain, clear these registers
by reading them will need a long time delay (depends on the frequency disparity between
HCLK and RX_CLK). To avoid entering the same event interrupt twice, it’s strongly
recommended that application polls the WUFR and MPKR bit until they reset to zero during
the interrupt service routine.

MAC interrupts

All of the MAC events can be read from ENET_MAC_INTF and each of them has a mask bit
for masking corresponding interrupt. The MAC interrupt is logical ORed of all interrupts.

Figure 27-13. MAC interrupt scheme

GD32F4xx User Manual



MAC Interrupt


DMA controller interrupts

The DMA controller has two types of event: Normal and Abnormal.

No matter what type the event is, it has an enable bit (just like mask bit) to control the
generating interrupt or not. Each event can be cleared by writing 1 to it. When all of the events
are cleared or all of the event enable bits are cleared, the corresponding summary interrupt
bit is cleared. If both normal and abnormal interrupts are cleared, the DMA interrupt will be

Figure 27-14. Ethernet interrupt scheme shows the Ethernet module interrupt connection:

Figure 27-14. Ethernet interrupt scheme


Normal Interrupt
MSCI Ethernet
TJTIE Abnormal Interrupt


GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4. Register definition

ENET base addresss: 0x4002 8000

Byte (8-bit) access, half word (16-bit) access and word (32-bit) access are all supported for

27.4.1. MAC configuration register (ENET_MAC_CFG)

Address offset: 0x0000
Reset value: 0x0000 8000

This register configures the operation mode of the MAC. It also configures the MAC receiver
and MAC transmitter operating mode.
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Reserved TFCD Reserved WDD JBD Reserved IGBS[2:0] CSD

rw rw rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved SPD ROD LBM DPM IPFCO RTD Reserved APCD BOL[1:0] DFC TEN REN Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

25 TFCD Type Frame CRC Dropping

0 :FCS field(last 4 bytes) of frame will not be dropped before forwarding
1: FCS field(last 4 bytes) of frame will be dropped before forwarding
Note: This bit only valid when LT field of frame greater than 0x0600

24 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

23 WDD Watchdog disable bit

This bit indicates the maximum bytes for receiving, data beyond this will be cut off.
0: The MAC allows no more than 2048 bytes of the frame being received
1: The MAC disables the watchdog timer on the receiver, and can receive frames
of up to 16384 bytes

22 JBD Jabber disable bit

This bit indicates the maximum bytes for transmitting data, data beyond this will be
cut off.
0: The maximum transmission byte is 2048
1: The maximum transmission byte can be 16384

21:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:17 IGBS[2:0] Inter frame gap bit selection bits

These bits can select the minimum inter frame gap bit time between two

GD32F4xx User Manual
neighboring frames during transmission.
0x0: 96 bit times
0x1: 88 bit times
0x2: 80 bit times
0x3: 72 bit times
0x4: 64 bit times
0x5: 56 bit times(For Half-duplex, must be reserved)
0x6: 48 bit times(For Half-duplex, must be reserved)
0x7: 40 bit times(For Half-duplex, must be reserved)

16 CSD Carrier sense disable bit

0: The MAC transmitter generates carrier sense error and aborts the transmission
1: The MAC transmitter ignores the MII CRS signal during frame transmission in
Half-duplex mode. Loss of carrier error and no carrier error will not be generated.

15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 SPD Fast Ethernet speed bit

Indicates the speed in Fast Ethernet mode:
0: 10 Mbit/s
1: 100 Mbit/s

13 ROD Receive own disable bit

This bit is not applicable if the MAC is operating in Full-duplex mode
0: The MAC receives all packets that are given by the PHY while transmitting
1: The MAC disables the reception of frames in Half-duplex mode

12 LBM Loopback mode bit

0: The MAC operates in normal mode
1: The MAC operates in loopback mode at the MII.

11 DPM Duplex mode bit

0: Half-duplex mode enable
1: Full-duplex mode enable

10 IPFCO IP frame checksum offload bit

0: The checksum offload function in the receiver is disabled
1: IP frame checksum offload function enabled for received IP frame

9 RTD Retry disable bit

This bit is applicable only in the Half-duplex mode
0: The MAC attempts retries up to 16 times based on the settings of BOL
1: The MAC attempts only 1 transmission.

8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 APCD Automatic pad/CRC drop bit

This bit only valid for a non tagged frame and its length field value is equal or less
than 1536.
GD32F4xx User Manual
0: The MAC forwards all received frames without modify it
1: The MAC strips the Pad/FCS field on received frames

6:5 BOL[1:0] Back-off limit bits

When a collision occurred, the MAC needs to retry sending current frame after
delay some time. The base time unit for this delay time (dt) called slot time which
means 1 slot time is equal to 512 bit times. This delay time (dt) is a random integer
number calculated by following formula : 0≤dt <2 k
0x0: k = min (n, 10)
0x1: k = min (n, 8)
0x2: k = min (n, 4)
0x3: k = min (n, 1),
n = number of times for retransmission attempt
Note: This bit is valid only in Half-duplex mode

4 DFC Deferral check bit

0: The deferral check function is disabled. MAC defers sending until the CRS goes
1: The deferral check function is enabled in the MAC. If deferred more than 24288
bit times, excessive deferral error occurs and MAC abort transmitting frame. If
CRS signal active during deferral time running, the deferral time will reset and
Note: This bit is valid only in Half-duplex mode

3 TEN Transmitter enable bit

0:The MAC transmit function is disabled after finish the transmission of the current
frame, and no frames to be transmitted anymore
1: The transmit function of the MAC is enabled for transmission

2 REN Receiver enable bit

0: The MAC reception function is disabled after finish the reception of the current
frame, and no frames will be received anymore.
1: The MAC reception function is enabled for receiving frames

1:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27.4.2. MAC frame filter register (ENET_MAC_FRMF)

Address offset: 0x0004
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the filtering method for receiving frames

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FAR Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

GD32F4xx User Manual

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 FAR Frames all receive bit
This bit controls the receive filter function.
0: Only the frame passed the filter can be forwarded to application.
1: All received frame are forwarded to application. But filter result will also be
updated to receive descriptor status.

30:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 HPFLT Hash or perfect filter bit

0: If the HUF or HMF bit is set, only frames that match the hash filter are passed
1: If the HUF or HMF bit is set, the receive filter passes frames that match either
the perfect filtering or the hash filtering

9 SAFLT Source address filter bit

Enable source address filtering function besides destination address filtering.
The filter also compares the SA field value in received frames with the values
configured in the enabled SA registers. If SA comparison matches, the SA match
bit in the receive descriptor status is set high
0: Source address function in filter disable
1: Source address function in filter enable

8 SAIFLT Source address inverse filtering bit

This bit makes the result of SA matching inverse.
0: Not inverse for source address filtering
1: Inverse source address filtering result. When SA matches the enabled SA
registers, filter marks it as failing the SA address filter

7:6 PCFRM[1:0] Pass control frames bits

These bits set the forwarding conditions for all control frames (including unicast
and multicast pause frame).
For pause control frame, the processing (not forwarding) depends only on RFCEN
0x0: MAC prevents all control frames from reaching the application
0x1: MAC only forwards all other control frames except pause control frame
0x2: MAC forwards all control frames to application even if they fail the address
0x3: MAC forwards control frames that only pass the address filter

5 BFRMD Broadcast frames disable bit

0:The address filters pass all received broadcast frames
1:The address filters filter all incoming broadcast frames

4 MFD Multicast filter disable bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
0:Filtering of multicast frame depends on the HMF bit
1:All received frames with a multicast destination address (first
bit in the destination address field is '1' and not all bits in the destination are ‘1’)
are passed

3 DAIFLT Destination address inverse filtering bit

This bit makes the result of DA filtering inverse
0: Not inverse DA filtering result
1: Inverse DA filtering result

2 HMF Hash multicast filter bit

0: The filter uses perfect mode for filtering multicast frame.
1: The filter uses hash mode for filtering multicast frame

1 HUF Hash unicast filter bit

0: The filter uses perfect mode for filtering unicast frame
1: The filter uses hash mode for filtering unicast frame

0 PM Promiscuous mode bit

This bit can make the filter bypassed which means all received frames are thought
pass the filer and DA/SA filtering result status in descriptor is always ‘0’.
0: Promiscuous mode disabled
1: Promiscuous mode enabled

27.4.3. MAC hash list high register (ENET_MAC_HLH)

Address offset: 0x0008
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 HLH[31:0] Hash list high bits
These bits take the high 32-bit value of hash list

27.4.4. MAC hash list low register (ENET_MAC_HLL)

Address offset: 0x000C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 HLL[31:0] Hash list low bits
These bits take the low 32-bit value of hash list

27.4.5. MAC PHY control register (ENET_MAC_PHY_CTL)

Address offset: 0x0010
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

PA[4:0] PR[4:0] Reserved CLR[2:0] PW PB

rw rw rw rw rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:11 PA[4:0] PHY address bits

These bits choose which PHY device is to be accessed

10:6 PR[4:0] PHY register bits

These bits choose the register address in selected PHY device

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4:2 CLR[2:0] Clock range bits

MDC clock divided factor select which is decided by HCLK frequency range
0x0: HCLK/42 (HCLK range: 60-100 MHz)
0x1: HCLK/62 (HCLK range: 100-150 MHz )
0x2: HCLK/16 (HCLK range: 20-35 MHz)
0x3: HCLK/26 (HCLK range: 35-60 MHz)
0x4: HCLK/102 (HCLK range: 150-200 MHz)
other: Reserved

1 PW PHY write bit

This bit indicate the PHY operation mode
0: Sending read operation to PHY

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Sending write operation to PHY

0 PB PHY busy bit

This bit indicates the running state of operation on PHY. Application sets this bit to
1 and should wait it cleared by hardware. Application must make sure this bit is
zero before writing data to ENET_MAC_PHY_CTL register and reading/writing
data from/to ENET_MAC_PHY_DATA register

27.4.6. MAC MII data register (ENET_MAC_PHY_DATA)

Address offset: 0x0014
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 PD[15:0] PHY data bits

For reading operation, these bits contain the data from external PHY. For writing
operation, these bits contain the data will be sent to external PHY.

27.4.7. MAC flow control register (ENET_MAC_FCTL)

Address offset: 0x0018
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the generation and reception of the control frames.
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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved DZQP Reserved PLTS[1:0] UPFDT RFCEN TFCEN

rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 PTM[15:0] Pause time bits
These bits configured the pause time filed value in transmit pause control frame.
15:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
7 DZQP Disable Zero-quanta pause bit
0: Enable automatic zero-quanta generation function for pause control frame.
1: Disable the automatic zero-quanta generation function for pause control frame
6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:4 PLTS[1:0] Pause low threshold bits

These bits configure the threshold of the pause timer for retransmitting frames
automatically. Application must make sure the low threshold bits are greater than 0
and less than configured pause time. The low threshold calculation formula is PTM-
PLTS. For example, if PTM = 0x80 (128 slot-times), and PLTS = 0x1 (28 slot-times),
then the second pause frame is automatically transmitted when pause timer counted
at 100 (128 - 28) slot-times after the first pause frame is transmitted
0x0: Pause time minus 4 slot times
0x1: Pause time minus 28 slot times
0x2: Pause time minus 144 slot times
0x3: Pause time minus 256 slot times
Note: One slot time equals the time of transmitting 512 bits on the MII interface
3 UPFDT Unicast pause frame detect bit
0: Only the unique multicast address for pause frame which is specified in
IEEE802.3 can be detected.
1: Besides the unique multicast address, MAC can also use the MAC0 address
(ENET_MAC_ADDR0H and ENET_MAC_ADDR0L register) to detecting pause
2 RFCEN Receive flow control enable bit
0: Decode function for pause frame is disabled
1: Enable decoding function for the received pause frame and process it. The MAC
disables its transmitter for a specified (pause time field value in received frame) time
1 TFCEN Transmit flow control enable bit
0: Disable the flow control operation in the MAC. Both pause frame sending in Full-
duplex mode and back-pressure feature in Half-duplex mode are not performed.
1: Enable the flow control operation in the MAC. Both pause frame sending in Full-
duplex mode and back-pressure feature in Half-duplex mode can be performed by
0 FLCB/BKPA Flow control busy/back pressure activate bit
This bit only valid when TFCEN is set.
This bit can send a pause frame in Full-duplex mode or activate the back pressure
function in Half-duplex mode by application.
For Full-duplex mode, application must make sure this bit is 0 before writing
ENET_MAC_FCTL register. After set by application, MAC sends a pause frame to
interface and this bit will keep set until the pause frame has completed transmitting.
For Half-duplex mode, MAC can enter back-pressure state by application setting
this bit. When the MAC is in back-pressure state, any frame presented on interface
will make the MAC send a JAM pattern to inform outside a collision occurred.

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.8. MAC VLAN tag register (ENET_MAC_VLT)
Address offset: 0x001C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the IEEE 802.1Q VLAN Tag to identify the VLAN frames. The MAC
compares the 13th and 14th byte (length/type field) of the receiving frame with 0x8100, and
the following 2 bytes (the 15th and 16th byte) are compared with the VLAN tag.
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Reserved VLTC


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 VLTC 12-bit VLAN tag comparison bit

This bit selects 12 or 16 bit VLAN tag for comparison.
0: All 16 bits (the 15th and 16th byte) of the VLAN tag in received frame are used
for comparison.
1: Only low 12 bits of the VLAN tag in received frame are used for comparison.

15:0 VLTI[15:0] VLAN tag identifier (for receive frames) bits

These bits are configured for detecting VLAN frame using 802.1Q VLAN tag
format. The format shows below:
VLTI[15:13]: UP(user priority)
VLTI[12]: CFI(canonical format indicator)
VLTI[11:0]: VID(VLAN identifier)
When comparison bits (VLTI[11:0] if VLTC=1 or VLTI[15:0] if VLTC=0) are all
zeros, VLAN tag comparison is bypassed and every frame with type filed value of
0x8100 is considered a VLAN frame.
When comparison bits not all zeros, VLAN tag comparison use bit VLTI[11:0] (if
VLTC=1) or VLTI[15:0] (if VLTC=0) for checking.

27.4.9. MAC remote wakeup frame filter register (ENET_MAC_RWFF)

Address offset: 0x0028
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The MAC remote wakeup frame filter register is actually a pointer to eight (with same address
offset) such wakeup frame filter registers. Eight sequential write operations to this address
with the offset (0x0028) will write all wakeup frame filter registers. Eight sequential read
operations from this address with the offset (0x0028) will read all wakeup frame filter registers.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 27-15. Wakeup frame filter register

31 0
Wakeup frame filter
Byte Mask of Filter-0

Wakeup frame filter

Byte Mask of Filter-1

Wakeup frame filter

Byte Mask of Filter-2

Wakeup frame filter

Byte Mask of Filter-3

Wakeup frame filter Filter 3 Filter 2 Filter 1 Filter 0

Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved
reg4 Command Command Command Command

Wakeup frame filter

Offset of Filter 3 Offset of Filter 2 Offset of Filter 1 Offset Filter 0

Wakeup frame filter

Filter 1 CRC - 16 Filter 0 CRC - 16

Wakeup frame filter

Filter 3 CRC - 16 Filter 2 CRC - 16

27.4.10. MAC wakeup management register (ENET_MAC_WUM)

Address offset: 0x002C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the request of wakeup events and monitors the wakeup events.
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WUFFRPR Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved GU Reserved WUFR MPKR Reserved WFEN MPEN PWD

rw rc_r rc_r rw rw rs

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 WUFFRPR Wakeup frame filter register pointer reset bit
This bit can reset the inner pointer of ENET_MAC_RWFF register by application
set it to 1. Hardware clears it when resetting completes.
0: No effect
1: Reset the ENET_MAC_RWFF register inner pointer

30:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 GU Global unicast bit

0: Not all of received unicast frame is considered to be a wakeup frame
1: Any received unicast frame passed address filtering is considered to be a
wakeup frame

8:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
6 WUFR Wakeup frame received bit
This bit is cleared when this register is read
0:Has not received the wake-up frame
1:The wakeup event was generated due to reception of a wakeup frame

5 MPKR Magic packet received bit

This bit is cleared when this register is read
0:Has not received the Magic Packet frame
1:The wakeup event was generated by the reception of a Magic Packet frame

4:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 WFEN Wakeup frame enable bit

0: Disable generating a wakeup event due to wakeup frame reception
1: Enable generating a wakeup event due to wakeup frame reception

1 MPEN Magic Packet enable bit

0:Disable generating a wakeup event due to Magic Packet reception
1: Enable generating a wakeup event due to Magic Packet reception

0 PWD Power down bit

This bit is set by application and reset by hardware. When this bit is set, MAC
drops all received frames. When power-down mode exit because of wakeup event
occurred, hardware resets this bit.

27.4.11. MAC debug register (ENET_MAC_DBG)

Address offset: 0x0034
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved TXFF TXFNE Reserved TXFW TXFRS[1:0] PCS SOMT[1:0] MTNI

ro ro ro ro ro ro ro

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RXFS[1:0] Reserved RXFRS[1:0] RXFW Reserved RXAFS[1:0] MRNI

ro ro ro ro ro

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

25 TXFF TxFIFO Full flag

0: TxFIFO not full
1: TxFIFO is full

24 TXFNE TxFIFO not empty flag

0: TxFIFO is empty

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: TxFIFO is not empty

23 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

22 TXFW TxFIFO is writing

0: TxFIFO is not doing write operation
1: TxFIFO is doing write operation

21:20 TXFRS[1:0] TxFIFO read operation status

0x0: Idle state
0x1: Reading state
0x2: Waiting feedback Tx status from MAC transmitter
0x3: Write Tx descriptor status or flush the TxFIFO

19 PCS Pause condition status

0: MAC transmitter is not in pause condition
1: MAC transmitter is under pause condition and will delay transmitting frame

18:17 SOMT[1:0] Status of MAC transmitter

0x0:Idle state
0x1:Waiting feedback of previous frame status or the end of IFG/BACKOFF period
0x2:For Full-duplex mode, indicates pause control frame is transmitting
0x3:Reading input frame from FIFO for transmission

16 MTNI MAC transmit state not idle

0: MAC transmitter is in idle state
1: MAC transmitter is not in idle state

15:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9:8 RXFS RxFIFO state

0x0:RxFIFO empty
0x1:RxFIFO number of value is lower than flow-control low threshold
0x2:RxFIFO number of value is greater than flow-control high threshold
0x3:RxFIFO full

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:5 RXFRS[1:0] RxFIFO read operation status

0x0: Idle state
0x1: Reading state
0x2: Reading frame status(including time-stamp)
0x3: Flushing frame

4 RXFW RxFIFO is writing

0: RxFIFO is not doing write operation
1: RxFIFO is doing write operation

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2:1 RXAFS[1:0] Rx asynchronous FIFO status
RXAFS[1]:Rx asynchronous FIFO reading state in HCLK Clock domain
RXAFS[0]:Rx asynchronous FIFO writing state in MAC RX_CLK Clock domain

0 MRNI MAC receive state not idle

0: MAC receiver is in idle state
1: MAC receiver is not in idle state

27.4.12. MAC interrupt flag register (ENET_MAC_INTF)

Address offset: 0x0038
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved TMST Reserved MSCT MSCR MSC WUM Reserved

rc_r r r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 TMST Time stamp trigger status bit

This bit is cleared when ENET_PTP_TSF register is read
0: The system time value is less than the value specified in the target time
1: The system time value equals or exceeds the value specified in the target time

8:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 MSCT MSC transmit status bit

0: All the bits in register ENET_MSC_TINTF are cleared
1: An interrupt is generated in the ENET_MSC_TINTF register

5 MSCR MSC receive status bit

0: All the bits in register ENET_MSC_RINTF are cleared
1: An interrupt is generated in the ENET_MSC_RINTF register

4 MSC MSC status bit

This bit is logic ORed from MSCT and MSCR bit.
0: Both MSCT and MSCR bits in this register are low
1: Any of bit 6 (MSCT) or bit 5 (MSCR) is set high

3 WUM WUM status bit

This bit is logic ORed from WUFR and MPKR bit in ENET_MAC_WUM register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Wakeup frame or Magic Packet frame is not received
1: A Magic packet or remote wakeup frame is received in power down Mode

2:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27.4.13. MAC interrupt mask register (ENET_MAC_INTMSK)

Address offset: 0x003C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved TMSTIM Reserved WUMIM Reserved

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

9 TMSTIM Timestamp trigger interrupt mask bit

0:Unmask the timestamp interrupt generation
1:Mask the timestamp interrupt generation

8:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 WUMIM WUM interrupt mask bit

0: Unmask the interrupt generation due to the WUM bit in ENET_MAC_INTF
1: Mask the interrupt generation due to the WUM bit in ENET_MAC_INTF register

2:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27.4.14. MAC address 0 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR0H)

Address offset: 0x0040
Reset value: 0x8000 FFFF

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MO Reserved


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Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31 MO Always read 1 and must be kept

30:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 ADDR0H[15:0] MAC address0 high16-bit

These bits contain the high 16-bit (bit 47 to 32) of the 6-byte MAC address0.
These bits are used for address filtering in frame reception and address inserting
in pause frame transmitting during transmit flow control.

27.4.15. MAC address 0 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR0L)

Address offset: 0x0044
Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ADDR0L[31:0] MAC addresss0 low 32-bit
These bits contain the low 32-bit (bit 31 to 0) of the 6-byte MAC address0. These
bits are used for address filtering in frame reception and address inserting in
pause frame transmitting during transmit flow control.

27.4.16. MAC address 1 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR1H)

Address offset: 0x0048
Reset value: 0x0000 FFFF

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

AFE SAF MB[5:0] Reserved

rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 AFE Address filter enable bit
0: The address filter ignores the MAC address1 for filtering
1: The address filter uses the MAC address1 for perfect filtering

30 SAF Source address filter bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: The MAC address1[47:0] is used to comparing with the DA field of the received
1: The MAC address1[47:0] is used to comparing with the SA field of the received

29:24 MB[5:0] Mask byte bits

When they are set high, the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of
received DA/SA with the contents of the MAC address1 registers. Each bit
controls one byte mask as follows:
MB[5]: ENET_MAC_ADDR1H [15:8]
MB[4]: ENET_MAC_ADDR1H [7:0]
MB[3]: ENET_MAC_ADDR1L [31:24]
MB[2]: ENET_MAC_ADDR1L[23:16]
MB[1]: ENET_MAC_ADDR1L[15:8]
MB[0]: ENET_MAC_ADDR1L [7:0]

23:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 ADDR1H[15:0] MAC address1 high [47:32] bits

This field contains the high 16-bit (bit 47 to 32) of the 6-byte MAC address1

27.4.17. MAC address 1 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR1L)

Address offset: 0x004C
Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ADDR1L[31:0] MAC address1 low 32-bit
This field contains the low 32-bit of the 6-byte MAC address1

27.4.18. MAC address 2 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR2H)

Address offset: 0x0050
Reset value: 0x0000 FFFF

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AFE SAF MB[5:0] Reserved

rw rw rw

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 AFE Address filter enable bit
0:The address filter ignores the MAC address2 for filtering
1:The address filter uses the MAC address2 for perfect filtering

30 SAF Source address filter bit

0:The MAC address2[47:0] is used to comparing with the DA fields of the received
1:The MAC address2[47:0] is used to comparing with the SA fields of the received

29:24 MB[5:0] Mask byte bits

When they are set high, the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of
received DA/SA with the contents of the MAC address2 registers. Each bit
controls one byte mask as follows:
MB[5]: ENET_MAC_ADDR2H [15:8]
MB[4]: ENET_MAC_ADDR2H [7:0]
MB[3]: ENET_MAC_ADDR2L [31:24]
MB[2]: ENET_MAC_ADDR2L[23:16]
MB[1]: ENET_MAC_ADDR2L[15:8]
MB[0]: ENET_MAC_ADDR2L [7:0]

23:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 ADDR2H[15:0] MAC address2 high 16-bit

This field contains the high 16-bit (bit 47 to 32) of the 6-byte MAC address2

27.4.19. MAC address 2 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR2L)

Address offset: 0x0054
Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ADDR2L[31:0] MAC address2 low 32-bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
This field contains the low 32-bit of the 6-byte MAC address2

27.4.20. MAC address 3 high register (ENET_MAC_ADDR3H)

Address offset: 0x0058
Reset value: 0x0000 FFFF

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AFE SAF MB[5:0] Reserved

rw rw rw

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 AFE Address filter enable bit
0:The address filter ignores the MAC address3 for filtering
1:The address filter use the MAC address3 for perfect filtering

30 SAF Source address filter bit

0:The MAC address3[47:0] is used to comparing with the DA fields of the received
1:The MAC address3[47:0] is used to comparing with the SA fields of the received

29:24 MB[5:0] Mask byte bits

When they are set high, the MAC does not compare the corresponding byte of
received DA/SA with the contents of the MAC address3 registers. Each bit
controls one byte mask as follows:
MB[5]: ENET_MAC_ADDR3H [15:8]
MB[4]: ENET_MAC_ADDR3H [7:0]
MB[3]: ENET_MAC_ADDR3L [31:24]
MB[2]: ENET_MAC_ADDR3L[23:16]
MB[1]: ENET_MAC_ADDR3L[15:8]
MB[0]: ENET_MAC_ADDR3L [7:0]

23:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 ADDR3H[15:0] MAC address3 high 16-bit

This field contains the high 16-bit (bit 47 to 32) of the 6-byte MAC address3

27.4.21. MAC address 3 low register (ENET_MAC_ADDR3L)

Address offset: 0x005C
Reset value: 0xFFFF FFFF

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ADDR3L[31:0] MAC address3 low 32-bit
This field contains the low 32-bit of the 6-byte MAC address3

27.4.22. MAC flow control threshold register (ENET_MAC_FCTH)

Address offset: 0x1080
Reset value: 0x0000 0015

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Reserved RFD[2:0] Reserved RFA[2:0]

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:4 RFD[2:0] Threshold of deactive flow control

This field configures the threshold of the deactive flow control. The value should
always be less than the Threshold of active flow control value configured in
bits[2:0]. When the value of the unprocessed data in RxFIFO is less than this
value configured, the flow control function will deactive.
0x0: 256 bytes
0x1: 512 bytes
0x2: 768 bytes
0x3: 1024 bytes
0x4: 1280 bytes
0x5: 1536 bytes
0x6,0x7: 1792 bytes

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 RFA[2:0] Threshold of active flow control

This field configures the threshold of the active flow control. If flow control function
is enabled, when the value of the unprocessed data in RxFIFO is more than this

GD32F4xx User Manual
value configured, the flow control function will active.
0x0: 256 bytes
0x1: 512 bytes
0x2: 768 bytes
0x3: 1024 bytes
0x4: 1280 bytes
0x5: 1536 bytes
0x6,0x7: 1792 bytes

27.4.23. MSC control register (ENET_MSC_CTL)

Address offset: 0x0100
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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rw wo rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 AFHPM Almost full or half preset mode

0: Preset all MSC counters to almost-half(0x7FFF FFF0) value
1: Preset all MSC counters to almost-full(0xFFFF FFF0) value
Note: This bit is valid only when PMC is set

4 PMC Preset MSC counter

0: No effect
1: Preset MSC counters to a preset value. Preset value depends on AFHPM.

3 MCFZ MSC counter freeze bit

0: MSC counters are not frozen
1: Freezes all the MSC counters to their current value. RTOR bit can work on this
frozen state.

2 RTOR Reset on read bit

0: The MSC counters are not reset after reading MSC counter
1: The MSC counters are reset to zero after read them

1 CTSR Counter stop rollover bit

0: The counters roll over to zero after they reached the maximum value
1: The counters do not roll over to zero after they reached the maximum value

GD32F4xx User Manual
0 CTR Counter reset bit
Cleared by hardware 1 clock after set.
This bit is cleared automatically after 1 clock cycle
0: No effect
1: Reset all counters

27.4.24. MSC receive interrupt flag register (ENET_MSC_RINTF)

Address offset: 0x0104
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved RGUF Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RFAE RFCE Reserved

rc_r rc_r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17 RGUF Received good unicast frames bit

0: Good unicast frame received counter is less than half of the maximum value
1: Good unicast frame received counter reaches half of the maximum value

16:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 RFAE Received frames alignment error bit

0: Alignment error frame received counter is less than half of the maximum value
1: Alignment error frame received counter reaches half of the maximum value

5 RFCE Received frames CRC error bit

0: CRC error frame received counter is less than half of the maximum value
1: CRC error frame received counter reaches half of the maximum value

4:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27.4.25. MSC transmit interrupt flag register (ENET_MSC_TINTF)

Address offset: 0x0108
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved TGF Reserved


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rc_r rc_r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 TGF Transmitted good frames bit

0: Good frame transmitted counter is less than half of the maximum value
1: Good frame transmitted counter reaches half of the maximum value

20:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 TGFMSC Transmitted good frames more single collision bit

0: Good frame after more than a single collision transmitted counter is less than
half of the maximum value
1:Good frame after more than a single collision transmitted counter reaches half of
the maximum value

14 TGFSC Transmitted good frames single collision bit

0: Good frame after a single collision transmitted counter is less than half of the
maximum value
1: Good frame after a single collision transmitted counter reaches half of the
maximum value

13:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27.4.26. MSC receive interrupt mask register (ENET_MSC_RINTMSK)

Address offset: 0x010C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The Ethernet MSC receive interrupt mask register maintains the masks for interrupts
generated when receive statistic counters reach half their maximum value
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Reserved RGUFIM Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Reserved RFAEIM RFCEIM Reserved

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17 RGUFIM Received good unicast frames interrupt mask bit

0: Unmask the interrupt when the RGUF bit is set

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Mask the interrupt when RGUF bit is set

16:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 RFAEIM Received frames alignment error interrupt mask bit

0: Unmask the interrupt when the RFAE bit is set
1: Mask the interrupt when the RFAE bit is set

5 RFCEIM Received frame CRC error interrupt mask bit

0: Unmask the interrupt when RFCE bit is set
1: Mask the interrupt when the RFCE bit is set

4:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27.4.27. MSC transmit interrupt mask register (ENET_MSC_TINTMSK)

Address offset: 0x0110
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The MSC transmit interrupt mask register configures the mask bits for interrupts generation
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Reserved TGFIM Reserved


15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 TGFIM Transmitted good frames interrupt mask bit

0: Unmask the interrupt when the TGF bit is set
1:Mask the interrupt when the TGF bit is set

20:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 TGFMSCIM Transmitted good frames more single collision interrupt mask bit
0: Unmask the interrupt when the TGFMSC bit is set
1: Mask the interrupt when the TGFMSC bit is set

14 TGFSCIM Transmitted good frames single collision interrupt mask bit

0: Unmask the interrupt when the TFGSC bit is set
1: Mask the interrupt when the TFGSC bit is set

13:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.28. MSC transmitted good frames after a single collision counter register

Address offset: 0x014C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register counts the number of successfully transmitted frames after a single collision in
Half-duplex mode.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 SCC[31:0] Transmitted good frames single collision counter bits
These bits count the number of a transmitted good frames after only a single

27.4.29. MSC transmitted good frames after more than a single collision counter

register (ENET_MSC_MSCCNT)
Address offset: 0x0150
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register counts the number of successfully transmitted frames after more than one single
collision in Half-duplex mode.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 MSCC[31:0] Transmitted good frames more one single collision counter bits
These bits count the number of a transmitted good frames after more than one
single collision

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.30. MSC transmitted good frames counter register (ENET_MSC_TGFCNT)
Address offset: 0x0168
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register counts the number of good frames transmitted.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TGF[31:0] Transmitted good frames counter bits
These bits count the number of transmitted good frames

27.4.31. MSC received frames with CRC error counter register

Address offset: 0x0194
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register counts the number of frames received with CRC error.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RFCER[31:0] Received frames with CRC error counter bits
These bits count the number of receive frames with CRC error

27.4.32. MSC received frames with alignment error counter register

Address offset: 0x0198
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register counts the number of received frames with alignment error.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RFAER[31:0] Received frames alignment error counter bits
These bits count the number of receive frames with alignment error

27.4.33. MSC received good unicast frames counter register

Address offset: 0x01C4
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register counts the number of good unicast frames received.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RGUF[31:0] Received good unicast frames counter bits
These bits count the number of good unicast frames received.

27.4.34. PTP time stamp control register (ENET_PTP_TSCTL)

Address offset: 0x0700
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the generation and updating for timestamp.

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Reserved MAFEN CKNT[1:0]

rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

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Bits Fields Descriptions
31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18 MAFEN MAC address filter enable for PTP frame

0: No effect
1: Enable MAC address1-3 to filter the PTP frame when received frame’s type
field is 0x88f7

17:16 CKNT[1:0] Clock node type for time stamp

0x0: Type of ordinary clock
0x1: Type of boundary clock
0x2: Type of end-to-end transparent clock
0x3: Type of peer-to-peer transparent clock

15 MNMSEN Received master node message snapshot enable

This bit is valid only when CKNT=0x0 or 0x1.
0: Snapshot is only taken for slave node message
1: Snapshot is only take for master node message

14 ETMSEN Received event type message snapshot enable

0: All type messages are taken snapshot except Announce, Management and
Signaling message
1: Only event type messages (SYNC, Delay_Req, Pdelay_Req and Pdelay_Resp)
are taken snapshot

13 IP4SEN Received IPv4 snapshot enable

0: Do not take snapshot for IPv4 frame
1: Take snapshot for IPv4 frame

12 IP6SEN Received IPv6 snapshot enable

0: Do not take snapshot for IPv6 frame
1: Take snapshot for IPv6 frame

11 ESEN Received Ethernet snapshot enable

0: Do not take snapshot when received non type frame
1: Take snapshot when received non type frame

10 PFSV PTP frame snooping version

0:Version 1(Revision of IEEE STD. 1588-2002/1588-2008)
1:Version 2(Revision of IEEE STD. 1588-2008)

9 SCROM Subsecond counter rollover mode

0: Binary rollover mode. Subsecond rollovers when reach 0x7FFF_FFFF
1: Digital rollover mode. Subsecond rollovers when reach

8 ARFSEN All received frames snapshot enable

0: Not all received frames are taken snapshot

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: All received frames are taken snapshot

5 TMSARU Time stamp addend register update bit

This bit is cleared when the update is completed. This register bit must be read as
zero before application set it.
0: The timestamp addend register’s contents are not updated to the PTP block for
fine correction
1: The timestamp addend register’s contents are updated to the PTP block for fine

4 TMSITEN Timestamp interrupt trigger enable bit

0: Disable timestamp interrupt
1: A timestamp interrupt is generated when the system time becomes greater than
the value written in target time register.
Note: When the timestamp trigger interrupt generated, this bit is cleared

3 TMSSTU Timestamp system time update bit

Both the TMSSTU and TMSSTI bits must be read as zero before application set
this bit
0: The system time is maintained without any change
1: The system time is updated (added to or subtracted from) with the value
specified in the timestamp update (high and low) registers. It is cleared by
hardware when the update finished.

2 TMSSTI Timestamp system time initialize bit

This bit must be read as zero before application set it.
0: The system time is maintained without any change
1: Initializing the system time with the value in timestamp update (high and low)
registers. It is cleared by hardware when the initialization finished.

1 TMSFCU Timestamp fine or coarse update bit

0:The system timestamp uses the coarse method for updating
1:The system timestamp uses the fine method for updating

0 TMSEN Timestamp enable bit

0: Disable timestamp function
1: Enable timestamp function for transmit and receive frames
Note: After setting this to 1, application must initialize the system time.

Table 27-7. Supported time stamp snapshot with PTP register configuration


Supported message type for snapshot
(Bit 17:16) (Bit 15) (Bit 14)
0X X(*) 0 SYNC, Follow_Up, Delay_Req, Delay_Resp
0X 1 1 Delay_Req
0X 0 1 SYNC
10 X 0 SYNC, Follow_Up, Delay_Req, Delay_Resp

GD32F4xx User Manual
10 X 1 SYNC, Follow_Up
SYNC, Follow_Up, Delay_Req, Delay_Resp,
11 X 0
Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp
11 X 1 SYNC, Pdelay_Req, Pdelay_Resp
*: X means do not care

27.4.35. PTP subsecond increment register (ENET_PTP_SSINC)

Address offset: 0x0704
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the 8-bit value for the incrementing subsecond register. In coarse
mode, this value is added to the system time every HCLK clock cycle. In fine mode, this value
is added to the system time when the accumulator reaches overflow.
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Reserved STMSSI[7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 STMSSI[7:0] System time subsecond increment bits

In every update operation, these bits are added to the subsecond value of system

27.4.36. PTP time stamp high register (ENET_PTP_TSH)

Address offset: 0x0708
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 STMS[31:0] System time second bits
These bits show the current second of the system time.

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.37. PTP time stamp low register (ENET_PTP_TSL)
Address offset: 0x070C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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STS STMSS[30:16]

r r

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 STS System time sign bit
0: Time value is positive
1: Time value is negative

30:0 STMSS[30:0] System time subseconds bits

These bits show the current subsecond of the system time with 0.46 ns accuracy if
required accuracy is 20 ns.

27.4.38. PTP time stamp update high register (ENET_PTP_TSUH)

Address offset: 0x0710
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the high 32-bit of the time to be written to, added to, or subtracted
from the system time value. The timestamp update registers (high and low) initialize or update
the system time maintained by the MAC core. Application must write both of these registers
before setting the TMSSTI or TMSSTU bits in the timestamp control register.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TMSUS[31:0] Time stamp update second bits
These bits are used for initializing or adding/subtracting to second of the system

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.39. PTP time stamp update low register (ENET_PTP_TSUL)
Address offset: 0x0714
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 TMSUPNS Timestamp update positive or negative sign bit
When TMSSTI is set, this bit must be 0.
0: Timestamp update value is added to system time
1: Timestamp update value is subtracted from system time

30:0 TMSUSS[30:0] Timestamp update subsecond bits

These bits are used for initializing or adding/subtracting to subsecond of the
system time

27.4.40. PTP time stamp addend register (ENET_PTP_TSADDEND)

Address offset: 0x0718
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register value is used only in fine update mode for adjusting the clock frequency. This
register value is added to a 32-bit accumulator in every clock cycle and the system time
updates when the accumulator reaches overflow.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TMSA[31:0] Time stamp addend bits
These registers contain a 32-bit time value which is added to the accumulator
register to achieve time synchronization

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.41. PTP expected time high register (ENET_PTP_ETH)
Address offset: 0x071C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ETSH[31:0] Expected time high bits
These bits store the expected target second time.

27.4.42. PTP expected time low register (ENET_PTP_ETL)

Address offset: 0x0720
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 ETSL[31:0] Expected time low bits
These bits store the expected target nanosecond time (signed).

27.4.43. PTP time stamp flag register (ENET_PTP_TSF)

Address offset: 0x0728
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved TTM TSSCO

GD32F4xx User Manual
ro ro

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 TTM Target time match bit

0: System time is not equal or greater than target time.
1: System time is equal or greater than target time
Note: Reading ENET_PTP_TSF register will clear this bit.

0 TSSCO Timestamp second counter overflow bit

0: Timestamp second counter has not overflowed
1: Timestamp second counter is greater than 0xFFFF FFFF

27.4.44. PTP PPS control register (ENET_PTP_PPSCTL)

Address offset: 0x072C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

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Reserved PPSOFC[3:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3:0 PPSOFC PPS output frequency configure

0x0: 1Hz(Pulse width: 125ms for binary rollover, 100ms for digital rollover)
0x1: 2Hz(Pulse width: 50% duty cycle for binary rollover)
0x2: 4Hz(Pulse width: 50% duty cycle for binary rollover)
0xF: 32768(215)Hz(Pulse width: 50% duty cycle for binary rollover)
Note: If digital rollover is selected, only PPSOFC=0 is recommended.

27.4.45. DMA bus control register (ENET_DMA_BCTL)

Address offset: 0x1000
Reset value: 0x0002 0101

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Reserved MB AA FPBL UIP RXDP[5:0] FB

rw rw rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rs

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 MB Mixed burst
0: AHB master interface only transfer fixed burst length with 16 and below
1: AHB master interface will transfer burst length greater than 16 with INCR
Note: MB and FB should be and must be only one of bit is set.

25 AA Address-aligned bit
0: Disable address-aligned
1: Enabled address-aligned. If the FB=1, all AHB interface address is aligned to
the start address LS bits (bit 1 to 0). If the FB=0, the AHB interface first access
address (accessing the data buffer’s start address) is not aligned, but subsequent
burst access addresses are aligned to the address

24 FPBL Four times PGBL mode bit

0: The PGBL value programmed (bits [22:17] and bits [13:8]) for the DMA data
number of beats to be transferred
1: Multiple the PGBL value programmed (bits [22:17] and bits [13:8]) four times for
the DMA data number of beats to be transferred

23 UIP Use independent PGBL bit

0: The PGBL value in bits [13:8] is applicable for both TxDMA and RxDMA
1: The RxDMA uses the RXDP[5:0] bits as burst length while the PGBL[5:0] is
used by TxDMA

22:17 RXDP[5:0] RxDMA PGBL bits

If UIP=0, these bits are not valid. Only when UIP=1, these bits is configured for the
maximum number of beats to be transferred in one RxDMA transaction.
0x01: max beat number is 1
0x02: max beat number is 2
0x04: max beat number is 4
0x08: max beat number is 8
0x10: max beat number is 16
0x20: max beat number is 32
Other: Reserved

16 FB Fixed burst bit

0: The AHB can use SINGLE and INCR burst transfer operations
1: The AHB can only use SINGLE, INCR4, INCR8 or INCR16 during start of
normal burst transfers

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: MB and FB should be and must be only one of bit is set.

15:14 RTPR[1:0] RxDMA and TxDMA transfer priority ratio bits

These bits indicate the access ratio between RxDMA and TxDMA.
0x0: RxDMA : TxDMA = 1:1
0x1: RxDMA : TxDMA = 2:1
0x2: RxDMA : TxDMA = 3:1
0x3: RxDMA : TxDMA = 4:1
Note: This bit is valid only when the arbitration mode is Round-robin (DAB=0)

13:8 PGBL[5:0] Programmable burst length bits

These bits indicate the maximum number of beats to be transferred in one DMA
transaction. When UIP=1, the PGBL value is only used for TxDMA. When UIP=0,
the PGBL value is used for both TxDMA and RxDMA.
0x01: max beat number is 1
0x02: max beat number is 2
0x04: max beat number is 4
0x08: max beat number is 8
0x10: max beat number is 16
0x20: max beat number is 32
Other: Reserved

7 DFM Descriptor format mode

0: Normal mode descriptor
1: Enhanced mode descriptor

6:2 DPSL[4:0] Descriptor skip length bit

These bits are valid only between two ring mode descriptors. They define the
number of words (32-bit) to skip between two unchained descriptors. The address
skipping starts from the end of current descriptor to the start of next descriptor.
When DPSL value equals zero, the descriptor table is taken as contiguous by the
DMA, in ring mode

1 DAB DMA arbitration bit

This bit indicates the arbitration mode between RxDMA and TxDMA.
0: Round-robin mode and DMA access priority is given in RTPR
1: Fixed mode. RxDMA has higher priority than TxDMA

0 SWR Software reset bit

This bit can reset all core internal registers located in CLK_TX and CLK_RX.
It is cleared by hardware when the reset operation is complete in all clock
Note: Application must make sure this bit is 0 before writing any MAC core
0: Core and inner register are not in reset state
1: Reset all core internal registers

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.46. DMA transmit poll enable register (ENET_DMA_TPEN)
Address offset: 0x1004
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register is used by the application to make the TxDMA controller poll the transmit
descriptor table. The TxDMA controller can go into suspend state because of an underflow
error in a transmitted frame or the descriptor unavailable (DAV=0). Application can write any
value into this register for attempting to re-fetch the current descriptor.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TPE[31:0] Transmit poll enable bits
Writing to this register with any value makes DMA read the current descriptor
address which is indicated in ENET_DMA_CTDADDR register. If the fetched
current descriptor is available (DAV=1), DMA exits suspend state and resumes
working. If the fetched current descriptor is unavailable (DAV=0), the DMA returns
to suspend state again and the TBU bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register will be set.

27.4.47. DMA receive poll enable register (ENET_DMA_RPEN)

Address offset: 0x1008
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register is used by the application to make the RxDMA controller poll the receive
descriptor table. Writing to this register makes the RxDMA controller exit suspend state.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RPE[31:0] Receive poll enable bits
Writing to this register with any value makes DMA read the current descriptor
address which is indicated in ENET_DMA_CRDADDR register. If the fetched
current descriptor is available (DAV=1), DMA exits suspend state and resumes
working. If the fetched current descriptor is unavailable (DAV=0), the DMA returns
GD32F4xx User Manual
to suspend state again and the RBU bit in ENET_DMA_STAT register will be set.

27.4.48. DMA receive descriptor table address register (ENET_DMA_RDTADDR)

Address offset: 0x100C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register points to the start of the receive descriptor table. The descriptor table is located
in the physical memory space and must be word-aligned. This register can only be written
when RxDMA controller is in stop state. Before starting RxDMA reception process, this
register must be configured correctly.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 SRT[31:0] Start address of receive table bits
These bits indicate the start address of the receive descriptor table. SRT[1:0] are
internally taken as zero so SRT[1:0] are read only.

27.4.49. DMA transmit descriptor table address register (ENET_DMA_TDTADDR)

Address offset: 0x1010
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register points to the start of the transmit descriptor table. The descriptor table is located
in the physical memory space and must be word-aligned. This register can only be written
when TxDMA controller is in stop state. Before starting TxDMA transmission process, this
register must be configured correctly.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 STT[31:0] Start address of transmit table bits
These bits indicate the start address of the transmit descriptor table. STT[1:0] are
internally taken as zero so STT[1:0] are read only.

GD32F4xx User Manual
27.4.50. DMA status register (ENET_DMA_STAT)
Address offset: 0x1014
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains all the status bits that the DMA controller recorded. Writing 1 to
meaningful bits in this register clears them but writing 0 has no effect. Each bit (bits [16:0])
can be masked by masking the corresponding bit in the ENET_DMA_INTEN register.
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

Reserved TST WUM MSC Reserved EB[2:0] TP[2:0] RP[2:0] NI

r r r r r r rc_w1

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rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:30 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

29 TST Timestamp trigger status bit

This bit indicates a timestamp event occurred. It is cleared by application through
clearing TMST bit. If the corresponding interrupt mask bit is reset, an interrupt is
0: Timestamp event has not occurred
1: Timestamp event has occurred

28 WUM WUM status bit

This bit indicates a WUM event occurred. It is cleared when both two source event
status bits are cleared. If the corresponding interrupt mask bit is reset, an interrupt
is generated.
0: WUM event has not occurred
1: WUM event has occurred

27 MSC MSC status bit

This bit indicates a MSC event occurred. It is cleared when all of event sources
are cleared. If the corresponding interrupt mask bit is reset, an interrupt is
0: MSC event has not occurred
1: MSC event has occurred

26 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

25:23 EB[2:0] Error bits status bit

When FBE=1, these bits decode the type of error that caused a bus response
error on AHB bus.
EB[0] 1: Error during data transfer by TxDMA
0: Error during data transfer by RxDMA

GD32F4xx User Manual
EB[1] 1: Error during read transfer
0: Error during write transfer
EB[2] 1: Error during descriptor access
0: Error during data buffer access

22:20 TP[2:0] Transmit process state bit

These bits decode the TxDMA state.
0x0: Stopped; Reset or Stop Transmit Command issued
0x1: Running; Fetching transmit transfer descriptor
0x2: Running; Waiting for status
0x3: Running; Reading Data from host memory buffer and queuing it to transmit
buffer (TxFIFO)
0x4, 0x5: Reserved
0x6: Suspended; Transmit descriptor unavailable or transmit buffer underflow
0x7: Running; Closing transmit descriptor

19:17 RP[2:0] Receive process state bit

These bits decode the RxDMA state.
0x0: Stopped: Reset or Stop Receive Command issued
0x1: Running: Fetching receive transfer descriptor
0x2: Reserved
0x3: Running: Waiting for receive packet
0x4: Suspended: Receive descriptor unavailable
0x5: Running: Closing receive descriptor
0x6: Reserved
0x7: Running: Transferring the receive packet data from receive buffer to host

16 NI Normal interrupt summary

The NI bit is logical ORed of the following if the corresponding interrupt bit is
enabled in the ENET_DMA_INTEN register:
TS (ENET_DMA_STAT [0]): Transmit interrupt
TBU (ENET_DMA_STAT [2]): Transmit buffer unavailable
RS (ENET_DMA_STAT [6]): Receive interrupt
ER (ENET_DMA_STAT [14]): Early receive interrupt
Note: Each time when this bit is set, application must cleared its source bit by
writing 1 to that bit.

15 AI Abnormal interrupt summary bit

The AI bit is logical ORed of the following if the corresponding interrupt bit is
enabled in the ENET_DMA_INTEN register:
TPS (ENET_DMA_STAT [1]):Transmit process stopped
TJT (ENET_DMA_STAT [3]):Transmit jabber timeout
RO (ENET_DMA_STAT [4]): Receive FIFO overflow
TU (ENET_DMA_STAT [5]): Transmit underflow
RBU (ENET_DMA_STAT [7]): Receive buffer unavailable
GD32F4xx User Manual
RPS (ENET_DMA_STAT [8]): Receive process stopped
RWT (ENET_DMA_STAT [9]): Receive watchdog timeout
ET (ENET_DMA_STAT [10]): Early transmit interrupt
FBE (ENET_DMA_STAT [13]): Fatal bus error
Note: Each time when this bit is set, application must cleared its source bit by
writing 1 to that bit.

14 ER Early receive status bit

This bit is automatically cleared when the ENET_DMA_STAT [6] is set.
0: The first buffer has not been filled
1: The first buffer has filled with received frame

13 FBE Fatal bus error status bit

This bit indicates a response error on AHB interface is occurred and the error type
can be decoded by EB[2:0] bits.
0: Bus error has not occurred
1: A bus error occurred and the corresponding DMA stops all operations

12:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 ET Early transmit status bit

0: The frame to be transmitted has not fully transferred into the TxFIFO
1: The frame to be transmitted has fully transferred into the TxFIFO

9 RWT Receive watchdog timeout status bit

0: No received a frame with a length greater than 2048 bytes
1: A frame with a length greater than 2048 bytes is received

8 RPS Receive process stopped status bit

0: The receive process is not in stop state
1: The receive process is in stop state

7 RBU Receive buffer unavailable status bit

0: The DAV bit in fetched next receive descriptor is set
1: The DAV bit in fetched next receive descriptor is reset and RxDMA enters
suspend state.

6 RS Receive status bit

0: Frame reception has not completed
1: Frame reception has completed

5 TU Transmit underflow status bit

0: Underflow error has not occurred during frame transmission
1: The TxFIFO encountered an underflow error during frame transmission and
entered suspend state

4 RO Receive overflow status bit

0: Receive overflow error has not occurred during frame reception
1: The RxFIFO encountered an overflow error during frame reception. If a part of
GD32F4xx User Manual
frame data has transferred to the memory, the overflow status in RDES0[11] is
also set

3 TJT Transmit jabber timeout status bit

0: Transmit jabber timeout has not occurred during frame transmission
1: The transmit jabber timer expired. The TxDMA controller cancels the current
transmission and enters stop state. This also causes JT bit in TDES0 set.

2 TBU Transmit buffer unavailable status bit

0: The DAV bit in fetched next transmit descriptor is set
1: The DAV bit in fetched next transmit descriptor is reset and TxDMA enters
suspend state.

1 TPS Transmit process stopped status bit

0: The transmission is not in stop state
1: The transmission is in stop state

0 TS Transmit status bit

This bit can only be set when both LSG and INTC are set in TDES0.
0: Current frame transmission is not finished
1: Current frame transmission is finished.

27.4.51. DMA control register (ENET_DMA_CTL)

Address offset: 0x1018
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures both the transmitting and receiving operation modes and commands.
This register should be written at last during the process of DMA initialization.
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Reserved RSFD DAFRF Reserved TSFD FTF Reserved TTHC[2]

rw rw rw rw rs rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

TTHC[1:0] STE Reserved FERF FUF Reserved RTHC[1:0] OSF SRE Reserved

rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 DTCERFD Dropping of TCP/IP checksum error frames disable bit

0: All error frames will be dropped when FERF=0
1: The received frame with only payload error but no other errors will not be

25 RSFD Receive Store-and-Forward bit

0: The RxFIFO operates in Cut-Through mode. The forwarding threshold depends
GD32F4xx User Manual
on the RTHC bits
1: The RxFIFO operates in Store-and-Forward mode. The RTHC bits are don’t
care and the frame forwarding starts after the whole frame has pushed into

24 DAFRF Disable flushing of received frames bit

0: The RxDMA flushes all frames because of unavailable receive descriptor
1: The RxDMA does not flush any frames even though receive descriptor is

23:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 TSFD Transmit Store-and-Forward bit

0: The TxFIFO operates in Cut-Through mode. The TTHC bits in
ENET_DMA_CTL register defines the start popping time from TxFIFO
1: The TxFIFO operates in Store-and-Forward mode. Transmission on interface
starts after the full frame has been pushed into the TxFIFO. The TTHC bits are
don’t care in this mode.
Note: This bit can be changed when transmission is in stop state

20 FTF Flush transmit FIFO bit

This bit can be set by application to reset TxFIFO inner control register and logic.
If set, all data in TxFIFO are flushed. It is cleared by hardware after the flushing
operation is finish.
Note: Before this bit is reset, this register (ENET_DMA_CTL) must not be written.

19:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16:14 TTHC[2:0] Transmit threshold control bit

These bits control the start transmitting byte threshold of the TxFIFO.
When TSFD=1, these bits are ignored.
0x0: 64
0x1: 128
0x2: 192
0x3: 256
0x4: 40
0x5: 32
0x6: 24
0x7: 16

13 STE Start/stop transmission enable bit

0: The TxDMA controller will enter stop state after transmitting complete if the
current frame is being transmitted. After complete transmitting, the next descriptor
address will become current descriptor address for the address pointer. If the
TxDMA controller is in suspend state, reset this bit make the controller entering
stop state.
1: The TxDMA controller will enter running state. TxDMA controller fetches current

GD32F4xx User Manual
descriptor address for frame transmitting. Transmit descriptor’s fetching can either
from base address in ENET_DMA_TDTADDR register or from the pointer position
when transmission was stopped previously. If the DAV bit of current descriptor is
reset, TxDMA controller enters suspend state and the TBU bit will be set. This bit
should be set after all other DMA registers have been configured otherwise the
action of TxDMA is unpredictable.

12:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 FERF Forward error frames bit

0: When RxFIFO is in Cut-Through mode (RSFD=0), if frame error (CRC error,
collision error, checksum error, watchdog timeout, overflow error) is detected
before popping RxFIFO data to memory, RxFIFO drops this error frame. But if
frame error is detected after popping RxFIFO data to memory, RxFIFO will not
drop this frame data. When RxFIFO is in Store-and-Forward mode, once frame
error is detected during reception the RxFIFO drops this frame.
1: All frame received with error except runt error are forwarded to memory

6 FUF Forward undersized good frames bit

0: The RxFIFO drops all frames whose length is less than 64 bytes. However, if
this frame has already started forwarding (may due to lower value of receive
threshold in Cut-Through mode), the whole frame will be forwarded.
1: The RxFIFO forwards received frame whose frame length is less than 64 bytes
but without any other error.

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4:3 RTHC[1:0] Receive threshold control bit

These bits control the threshold bytes of the RxFIFO.
Note: These bits are valid only when the RSFD=0 and are ignored when the
0x0: 64
0x1: 32
0x2: 96
0x3: 128

2 OSF Operate on second frame bit

0: The TxDMA controller process the second transmit frame after the status of the
first frame is written back to descriptor
1: The TxDMA controller process the second transmit frame after pushed all first
frame data into TxFIFO but before the status of the first frame is written back to

1 SRE Start/stop receive enable bit

0: The RxDMA controller will enter stop state after transfer complete if current
received frame is transmitting to memory by RxDMA. After transfer complete, the
next descriptor address in the receive table will become the current descriptor

GD32F4xx User Manual
address when restart the RxDMA controller. Only RxDMA controller is in running
state or suspend state, this bit can be reset by application.
1: The RxDMA controller will enter running state. RxDMA controller fetches
receive descriptor from receive descriptor table for receiving frames. The
descriptor address can either from current address in the ENET_DMA_RDTADDR
register or the address after previous frame stopped by application. If the DAV bit
in fetched descriptor is reset, RxDMA controller will enter suspend state and RBU
bit will be set. Setting this bit can only when RxDMA controller is in stop state or
suspend state. This bit should be set after all other DMA registers have been
configured otherwise the action of RxDMA is unpredictable.

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27.4.52. DMA interrupt enable register (ENET_DMA_INTEN)

Address offset: 0x101C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the interrupts which are reflected in ENET_DMA_STAT register.
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Reserved NIE


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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 NIE Normal interrupt summary enable bit

0: A normal interrupt is disabled.
1: A normal interrupt is enabled
This bit enables the following bits:
TS (ENET_DMA_STAT [0]): Transmit interrupt
TBU (ENET_DMA_STAT [2]): Transmit buffer unavailable
RS (ENET_DMA_STAT [6]): Receive interrupt
ER (ENET_DMA_STAT [14]): Early receive interrupt

15 AIE Abnormal interrupt summary enable bit

0: An abnormal interrupt is disabled.
1: An abnormal interrupt is enabled
This bit enables the following bits:
TPS (ENET_DMA_STAT [1]):Transmit process stopped
TJT (ENET_DMA_STAT [3]):Transmit jabber timeout
RO (ENET_DMA_STAT [4]): Receive FIFO overflow

GD32F4xx User Manual
TU (ENET_DMA_STAT [5]): Transmit underflow
RBU (ENET_DMA_STAT [7]): Receive buffer unavailable
RPS (ENET_DMA_STAT [8]): Receive process stopped
RWT (ENET_DMA_STAT [9]): Receive watchdog timeout
ET (ENET_DMA_STAT [10]): Early transmit interrupt
FBE (ENET_DMA_STAT [13]): Fatal bus error

14 ERIE Early receive interrupt enable bit

0: The early receive interrupt is disabled
1: The early receive interrupt is enabled

13 FBEIE Fatal bus error interrupt enable bit

0: The fatal bus error enable interrupt is disabled
1: The fatal bus error enable interrupt is enabled

12:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 ETIE Early transmit interrupt enable bit

0: The early transmit interrupt is disabled
1: The early transmit interrupt is enabled

9 RWTIE Receive watchdog timeout interrupt enable bit

0: The receive watchdog timeout interrupt is disabled
1: The receive watchdog timeout interrupt is enabled

8 RPSIE Receive process stopped interrupt enable bit

0: The receive stopped interrupt is disabled
1: The receive stopped interrupt is enabled

7 RBUIE Receive buffer unavailable interrupt enable bit

0: The receive buffer unavailable interrupt is disabled
1: The receive buffer unavailable interrupt is enabled

6 RIE Receive interrupt enable bit

0: The receive interrupt is disabled
1: The receive interrupt is disabled

5 TUIE Transmit underflow interrupt enable bit

0: The underflow interrupt is disabled
1: The underflow interrupt is enabled

4 ROIE Receive overflow interrupt enable bit

0: The overflow interrupt is disabled
1: The overflow interrupt is enabled

3 TJTIE Transmit jabber timeout interrupt enable bit

0: The transmit jabber timeout interrupt is disabled
1: The transmit jabber timeout interrupt is enabled

2 TBUIE Transmit buffer unavailable interrupt enable bit

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: The transmit buffer unavailable interrupt is disabled
1: The transmit buffer unavailable interrupt is enabled

1 TPSIE Transmit process stopped interrupt enable bit

0: The transmission stopped interrupt is disabled
1: The transmission stopped interrupt is enabled

0 TIE Transmit interrupt enable bit

0: The transmit interrupt is disabled
1: The transmit interrupt is enabled

27.4.53. DMA missed frame and buffer overflow counter register

Address offset: 0x1020
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

There are two counters designed in DMA controller for tracking the number of missed frames
during receiving. The counter value can be read from this register for debug purpose.
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Reserved MSFA[10:0] Reserved


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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

27:17 MSFA[10:0] Missed frames by the application bits

These bits indicate the number of frames dropped by RxFIFO

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 MSFC[15:0] Missed frames by the controller bits

These bits indicate the number of frames missed by the RxDMA controller
because of the unavailable receive buffer. Each time the RxDMA controller flushes
one frame, this counter will plus 1.

27.4.54. DMA receive state watchdog counter register (ENET_DMA_RSWDC)

Address offset: 0x1024
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The watchdog counter value register for RS bit (ENET_DMA_STAT register) set after delay
a configured time.
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Reserved WDCFRS[7:0]


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 WDCFRS[7:0] Watchdog counter for receive status (RS) bit.

These bits are only valid when DINTC (RXDES1) is set. When DINTC=1 and a
frame is received, the RS bit will be set delay a time of WDCFRS*256 HCLK after
receiving complete.

27.4.55. DMA current transmit descriptor address register (ENET_DMA_CTDADDR)

Address offset: 0x1048
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register points to the start descriptor address of the current transmit descriptor read by
the TxDMA controller.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TDAP[31:0] Transmit descriptor address pointer bits
These bits are automatically updated by TxDMA controller during operation.

27.4.56. DMA current receive descriptor address register (ENET_DMA_CRDADDR)

Address offset: 0x104C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register points to the start descriptor address of the current receive descriptor read by
the RxDMA controller.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RDAP[31:0] Receive descriptor address pointer bits
These bits are automatically updated by RxDMA controller during operation.

27.4.57. DMA current transmit buffer address register (ENET_DMA_CTBADDR)

Address offset: 0x1050
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register points to the current transmit buffer address being read by the TxDMA controller.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 TBAP[31:0] Transmit buffer address pointer bits
These bits are automatically updated by TxDMA controller during operation.

27.4.58. DMA current receive buffer address register (ENET_DMA_CRBADDR)

Address offset: 0x1054
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register points to the current receive buffer address being read by the RxDMA controller.
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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 RBAP[31:0] Receive buffer address pointer bits
These bits are automatically updated by RxDMA controller during operation.

GD32F4xx User Manual
28. Universal serial bus full-speed interface (USBFS)

28.1. Overview

USB Full-Speed (USBFS) controller provides a USB-connection solution for portable devices.
USBFS supports host and device modes, as well as OTG mode with HNP (Host Negotiation
Protocol) and SRP (Session Request Protocol). USBFS contains a full-speed internal USB
PHY and no more external PHY chip is needed. USBFS supports all the four types of transfer
(control, bulk, Interrupt and isochronous) defined in USB 2.0 protocol.

28.2. Characteristics

 Supports USB 2.0 host mode at Full-Speed(12Mb/s) or Low-Speed(1.5Mb/s)

 Supports USB 2.0 device mode at Full-Speed(12Mb/s)

 Supports OTG protocol with HNP (Host Negotiation Protocol) and SRP (Session
Request Protocol)

 Supports all the 4 types of transfer: control, bulk, interrupt and isochronous

 Includes a USB transaction scheduler in host mode to handle USB transaction request

 Includes a 1.25KB FIFO RAM

 Supports 8 channels in host mode.

 Includes 2 transmit FIFOs (periodic and non-periodic) and a receive FIFO (shared by all
channels) in host mode

 Includes 4 transmit FIFOs (one for each IN endpoint) and a receive FIFO (shared by all
OUT endpoints) in device mode

 Supports 4 OUT and 4 IN endpoints in device mode

 Supports remote wakeup in device mode.

 Includes a Full-Speed USB PHY with OTG protocol supported.

 Time intervals of SOFs is dynamic adjustable in host mode

 SOF pulse supports output to PAD

 Supports detecting ID pin level and VBUS voltage

 Needs external component to supply power for connected USB device in host mode or
OTG A-device mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
28.3. Block diagram

Figure 28-1. USBFS block diagram


AHB Slave Register

Device Host
bus Port
control Control
Data DP
Transcatio DM
Control Mux PHY ID
USB Clock
48MHz USB Clock Domain

28.4. Signal description

Table 28-1. USBFS signal description

I/0 port Type Description

VBUS Input Bus power port

DM Input/Output Differential D-

DP Input/Output Differential D+

ID Input USB identification: Mini

connector identification port

28.5. Function overview

28.5.1. USBFS clocks and working modes

USBFS can operate as a host, a device or a DRD (Dual-role-Device), it contains an internal

full-speed PHY.The maximum speed supported by USBFS is full-speed.

The internal PHY supports Full-Speed and Low-Speed in host mode, supports Full-speed in
device mode, and also supports OTG protocol with HNP and SRP. The USB clock used by
the USBFS should be 48MHz. The 48MHz USB clock is generated from internal clocks in
GD32F4xx User Manual
system, and its source and divider factors are configurable in RCU.

The pull-up and pull-down resistors have already been integrated into the internal PHY and
they can be controlled by USBFS automatically according to the current mode (host, device
or OTG mode) and connection status. A typical connection is shown in figure below

Figure 28-2. Connection with host or device mode


5V Power
GPIO (needed in
host mode)

USB A/B connector




When USBFS works in host mode (FHM bit is set and FDM bit is cleared), the VBUS is 5V
power detecting pin used for voltage detection defined in USB protocol. The internal PHY
cannot supply 5V VBUS power and only has some voltage comparers, charge and dis-charge
circuits on VBUS line. So, if application needs USB power, an external power supply IC is
needed. The VBUS connection between USBFS and the USB connector can be omitted in
host mode so USBFS doesn’t detect the voltage level on VBUS pin and always assumes that
the 5V power is present.

When USBFS works in device mode (FHM bit is cleared and FDM bit is set), the VBUS
detection circuit is decided by VBUSIG bit in USBFS_GCCFG register. So if the device
needn’t detect the voltage on VBUS pin, it can be configured by setting the VBUSIG bit, then
the VBUS pin can be freed for other use. Otherwise, the VBUS connection cannot be omitted,
and USBFS continuously monitor the VBUS voltage and will immediately switch off the pull-
up resistor on DP line once the VBUS voltage falls below the needed valid value. This will
cause a disconnection.

The OTG mode connection is described in the figure below. When USBFS works in OTG
mode, the FHM, FDM bits in USBFS_GUSBCS and VBUSIG bit in USBFS_GCCFG should
be cleared. In this mode, the USBFS needs all the four pins: DM, DP, VBUS and ID, and
needs to use several voltage comparers to monitor the voltage on these pins. USBFS also
contains VBUS charge and discharge circuits to perform SRP request described in OTG
protocol. The OTG A-device or B-device is decided by the level of ID pins. USBFS controls
the pull-up or pull-down resistor during the HNP protocol.
GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 28-3. Connection with OTG mode



USB Micro/Mini connector

GPIO 5V Power


28.5.2. USB host function

USB Host Port State

Host application may control state of the USB port via USBFS_HPCS register. After system
initialization the USB port stays at power-off state. After PP bit is set by software, the internal
USB PHY is powered on, and the USB port changes into disconnected state. After a
connection is detected, USB port changes into connected state. The USB port changes into
enabled state after a port reset is performed on USB bus.

Figure 28-4. State transition diagram of host port

Clear PP bit

clear PP bit or VBUS is clear PP bit

not valid in OTG host mode

set PP bit
clear PE bit port reset

disconnection event

Dis-connected connection event Connected

disconnection event

Connection, Reset and Speed identification

As a USB host, USBFS will trigger a connection flag for application after a connection is
GD32F4xx User Manual
detected and will trigger a disconnection flag after a disconnection event.

PRST bit is used for USB reset sequence. Application may set this bit to start a USB reset
and clear this bit to finish the USB reset. This bit only takes effect when port is at connected
or enabled state.

The USBFS performs speed identification during connection, and the speed information will
be reported in PS[1:0] bits in USBFS_HPCS register. USBFS identifies the device speed by
the voltage level of DM or DP. As described in USB protocol, full-speed device pulls up DP
line while low-speed device pulls up DM line.

Suspend and resume

USBFS supports suspend state and resume operation. When USBFS port is at enabled state,
writing 1 to PSP bit in USBFS_HPCS register will cause USBFS to enter suspend state. In
suspend state, USBFS stops sending SOFs on USB bus and this will cause the connected
USB device to enter suspend state after 3ms. Application can set the PREM bit in
USBFS_HPCS register to start a resume sequence to wake up the suspended device and
clear this bit to stop the resume sequence. The WKUPIF bit in USBFS_GINTF will be set and
the USBFS wake up interrupt will be triggered if a host in suspend state detects a remote
wakeup signal.

SOF generate

USBFS sends SOF tokens on USB bus in host mode. As described in USB 2.0 protocol, SOF
packets are generated (by the host controller or hub transaction translator) every 1ms in full-
speed links.

Each time after USBFS enters into enabled state, it will send the SOF packet periodically
which the time is defined in USB 2.0 protocol. While, application may adjust the length of a
frame by writing FRI[15:0] in USBFS_HFT registers. The FRI bits define the number of USB
clock cycles in a frame, so it is value should be calculated based on the frequency of USB
clock which is used by USBFS. The FRT[14:0] bits reflect the remaining clock cycles of the
current frame and stop changing during suspend state.

USBFS is able to generate a pulse signal each SOF packet and output it to a pin. The pulse
length is 16 HCLK cycle. If application desires to use this function, it needs to set SOFOEN
bit in USBFS_GCCFG register and configure the related pin registers in GPIO.

USB Channels and Transactions

USBFS includes 8 independent channels in host mode. Each channel is able to communicate
with an endpoint in USB device. The transfer type, direction, packet length and other
information are all configured in channel related registers such as USBFS_HCHxCTL and

USBFS supports all the four kinds of transfer types: control, bulk, interrupt and isochronous.
USB 2.0 protocol divides these transfers into 2 kinds: non-periodic transfer (control and bulk)
and periodic transfer (interrupt and isochronous). Based on this, USBFS includes two request

GD32F4xx User Manual
queues: periodic request queue and non-periodic request queue, perform efficient transaction
schedule. A request entry in a request queue described above may represent a USB
transaction request or a channel operation request.

Application needs to write packet into data FIFO via AHB register interface if it wants to start
an OUT transaction on USB bus. USBFS hardware will automatically generate a transaction
request entry in request queue after the application writes a whole packet.

The request entries in request queue are processed in order by transaction control module.
USBFS always tries to process periodic request queue first and then non-periodic request

After a start of frame USBFS begins to process periodic queue until the queue is empty or
bus time required by the current periodic request is not enough, and then process the non-
periodic queue. This strategy ensures the bandwidth of periodic transactions in a frame. Each
time the USBFS reads and pops a request entry from request queue. If this is a channel
disable request, it immediately disables the channel and prepares to process the next entry.

If the current request is a transaction request and the USB bus time is enough for this
transaction, USBFS will employ SIE to generate this transaction on USB bus.

When the required bus time for the current request is not enough in the current frame, and if
this is a periodic request, USBFS stops processing the periodic queue and starts to process
non-periodic request. If this is a non-periodic queue the USBFS will stop processing any
queue and wait until the end of current frame.

28.5.3. USB device function

USB Device Connection

In device mode USBFS stays at power-off state after initialization. After connecting to a USB
host with 5V power supply through VBUS pin or setting VBUSIG bit in USBFS_GCCFG
register, USBFS enters into powered state. USBFS begins to switch on the pull-up resistor
on DP line and thus, host side will detect a connection event.

Reset and Speed-Identification

The USB host always starts a USB reset when it detects a device connection, and USBFS in
device mode will trigger a reset interrupt by hardware when it detects the reset event on USB

After reset sequence, USBFS will trigger an ENUMF interrupt in USBFS_GINTF register and
reports current enumerated device speed in ES bits in USBFS_DSTAT register, this bit field
is always 11(full-speed).

As required by USB 2.0 protocol, USBFS doesn’t support low-speed in device mode.

Suspend and Wake-up

A USB device will enter into suspend state after the USB bus stays at IDLE state and has no
GD32F4xx User Manual
change on data lines for 3ms. When USB device is in suspend state, most of its clock to save
power. The USB host is able to wake up the suspended device by generating a resume signal
on USB bus. When USBFS detects the resume signal, the WKUPIF flag in USBFS_GINTF
register will be set and the USBFS wake up interrupt will be trigged.

In suspend mode, USBFS is also able to remote wake up the USB bus. Software may set
RWKUP bit in USBFS_DCTL register to sends a remote wake-up signal, and if remote-wake-
up is supported in USB host, the host will begin to send resume signal on USB bus.

Soft Disconnection

USBFS supports soft disconnection. After the device is powered on, USBFS will switch on
the pull-up resistor on DP line so that the host can detect the connection. It is able to force a
disconnection by setting the SD bit in USBFS_DCTL register. After the SD bit is set, USBFS
will directly switch off the pull-up resistor and so that USB host will detect a disconnection on
USB bus.

SOF tracking

When USBFS receives a SOF packet on USB bus, it will trigger a SOF interrupt and begin to
count the bus time using local USB clock. The frame number of the current frame is reported
in FNRSOF[13:0] in USBFS_DSTAT register. When the USB bus time reaches EOF1 or
EOF2 point (End of Frame, described in USB 2.0 protocol), USBFS will trigger an EOPFIF
interrupt in USBFS_GINTF register. These flags and registers can be used to get current bus
time and position information.

28.5.4. OTG function overview

USBFS supports OTG function described in OTG protocol 1.3; OTG function includes SRP
and HNP protocols.

A-Device and B-Device

A-Device is an OTG capable USB device with a Standard-A or Micro-A plug inserted into its
receptacle. The A-Device supplies power to VBUS and it is host at the start of a session. B-
Device is an OTG capable USB device with a Standard-B, Micro-B or Mini-B plug inserted
into its receptacle, or a captive cable ending being a Standard-A plug. The B-Device is a
peripheral at the start of a session. USBFS uses the voltage level of ID pin to identify A-Device
or B-Device. The ID status is reported in IDPS bit in USBFS_GOTGCS register. For the details
of transfer states between A-Device and B-Device, please refer to OTG 1.3 protocol.


The Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) allows the host function to be switched between two
directly connected On-The-Go devices and eliminates the necessity of switching the cable
connections for the change of control of communications between the devices. HNP will
typically be initialized by the user or an application on the On-The-Go B-Device. HNP may
only be implemented through the Micro-AB receptacle on a device.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Since On-The-Go devices have a Micro-AB receptacle, an On-The-Go device can default to
being either a host or a device, depending upon which type of plug (Micro-A plug for host,
Micro-B plug for device) is inserted. By utilizing the Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP), an On-
The-Go B-Device, which is the default device, may make a request to be a host. The process
for the exchange of the role to a host is described in this section. This protocol eliminates the
necessity of switching the cable connection for the change of the roles of the connected

When USBFS is in OTG A-Device host mode and it wants to give up its host role, it may first
set PSP bit in USBFS_HPCS register to make the USB bus enter suspend status. Then, the
B-Device will enter suspend state 3ms after. If the B-Device wants to change to be a host,
HNPREQ bit in USBFS_GOTGCS register should be set and the USBFS will begin to perform
HNP protocol on bus, and at last, the result of HNP is reported in HNPS bit in
USBFS_GOTGCS register. Besides, it is always available to get the current role (host or
device) from COPM bit in USBFS_GINTF register.


The Session Request Protocol (SRP) allows a B-Device to request the A-Device to turn on
VBUS and start a session. This protocol allows the A-Device, which may be battery powered,
to conserve power by turning VBUS off when there is no bus activity while still providing a
means for the B-Device to initiate bus activity. As described in OTG protocol, an OTG device
must compare VBUS voltage with several threshold values and the compare result should be
reported in ASV and BSV bits in USBFS_GOTGCS register.

Set SRPREQ bit in USBFS_GOTGCS register to start a SRP request when USBFS is in B-
Device OTG mode and USBFS will generate a success flag SRPS in USBFS_GOTGCS
register if the SRP request succeeds.

When USBFS is in OTG A-Device mode and it has detected a SRP request from a B-Device,
it sets a SESIF flag in USBFS_GINTF register. The 5V power supply for VBUS pin should be
prepared to switch on after getting this flag.

28.5.5. Data FIFO

The USBFS contains a 1.25K bytes data FIFO for packet data storage. The data FIFO is
implemented by using an internal SRAM in USBFS.

Host Mode

In host mode, the data FIFO space is divided into 3 parts: Rx FIFO for received packet, Non-
Periodic Tx FIFO for non-period transmission packet and Periodic Tx FIFO for periodic
transmission packet. All IN channels shares the Rx FIFO for packets reception. All the
periodic OUT channels share the periodic Tx FIFO to packets tramsmission. All the non-
periodic OUT channels share the non-Periodic FIFO for transmit packets. The size and start
offset of these data FIFOs should be configured using these registers: USBFS_GRFLEN,
USBFS_HNPTFLEN and USBFS_HPTFLEN. The figure below describes the structure of

GD32F4xx User Manual
these FIFOs in SRAM. The values in the figure are in term of 32-bit words.

Figure 28-5. HOST mode FIFO space in SRAM

Start: 0x00

Non-Periodic Tx FIFO HNPTXFD


End: 0x13F

USBFS provides a special register area for the internal data FIFO reading and writing. The
figure below describes the register memory area that the data FIFO can access. The
addresses in the figure are addressed in bytes. Each channel has its own FIFO access
register space, although all Non-periodic channels share the same FIFO and all the Periodic
channels share the same FIFO. This is important for USBFS to know which channel the
current pushed packet belongs to. Rx FIFO is also able to be accessed using

Figure 28-6. Host mode FIFO access register map

1000h-1FFFh CH0 FIFO Write/Read

2000h-2FFFh CH1 FIFO Write/Read


8000h-8FFFh CH7 FIFO Write/Read

Device mode

In device mode, the data FIFO is divided into several parts: one Rx FIFO, and 4 Tx FIFOs
(one for each IN endpoint). All the OUT endpoints share the Rx FIFO for receiving packets.

GD32F4xx User Manual
The size and start offset of these data FIFOs should be configured using USBFS_GRFLEN
and USBFS_DIEPxTFLEN (x=0…3) registers. The figure below describes the structure of
these FIFOs in SRAM. The values in the figure are in term of 32-bit words.

Figure 28-7. Device mode FIFO space in SRAM

Start: 0x00






End: 0x13F

USBFS provides a special register area for the internal data FIFO reading and writing. The
figure below describes the register memory area that the data FIFO can access. The
addresses in the figure are addressed in bytes. Each endpoint has its own FIFO access
register space. Rx FIFO is also able to be accessed using

GD32F4xx User Manual

Figure 28-8. Device mode FIFO access register map

1000h-1FFFh IEP0 FIFO Write/Read

2000h-2FFFh IEP1 FIFO Write/Read

4000h-4FFFh IEP3 FIFO Write/Read

28.5.6. Operation guide

This section describes the advised operation guide for USBFS.

Host mode

Global register initialization sequence

1. Program USBFS_GAHBCS register according to application’s demand, such as the

TxFIFO’s empty threshold, etc. GINTEN bit should be kept cleared at this time.

2. Program USBFS_GUSBCS register according to application’s demand, such as: the

operation mode (host, device or OTG) and some parameters of OTG and USB protocols.

3. Program USBFS_GCCFG register according to application’s demand.


register to configure the data FIFOs according to application’s demand.

5. Program USBFS_GINTEN register to enable Mode Fault and Host Port interrupt and set
GINTEN bit in USBFS_GAHBCS register to enable global interrupt.

6. Program USBFS_HPCS register and set PP bit.

7. Wait for a device’s connection, and once a device is connected, the connection interrupt
PCD in USBFS_HPCS register will be triggered. Then set PRST bit to perform a port
reset. Wait for at least 10ms and then clear PRST bit.

8. Wait PEDC interrupt in USBFS_HPCS register and then read PE bit to ensure that the

GD32F4xx User Manual
port is successfully enabled. Read PS [1:0] bits to get the connected device’s speed and
then program USBFS_HFT register to change the SOF interval if needed.

Channel initialization and enable sequence

1. Program USBFS_HCHxCTL registers with desired transfer type, direction, packet size,
etc. Ensure that CEN and CDIS bits keep cleared during configuration.

2. Program USBFS_HCHxINTEN register. Set the desired interrupt enable bits.

3. Program USBFS_HCHxLEN register. PCNT is the number of packets in a transfer and

TLEN is the total bytes number of all the transmitted or received packets in a transfer.

For OUT channel: If PCNT=1, the single packet’s size is equal to TLEN. If PCNT>1, the
former PCNT-1 packets are considered as max-packet-length packets whose size are
defined by MPL field in USBFS_HCHxCTL register, and the last packet’s size is
calculated based on PCNT, TLEN and MPL. If software want s to send out a zero-length
packet, it should program TLEN=0, PCNT=1.

For IN channel: Because the application doesn’t know the actual received data size
before the IN transaction finishes, TLEN can be set to a maximum possible value
supported by Rx FIFO.

4. Set CEN bit in USBFS_HCHxCTL register to enable the channel.

Channel disable sequence

Software can disable the channel by setting both CEN and CDIS bits at the same time.
USBFS will generate a channel disable request entry in request queue after the register
setting operation. When the request entry reaches the top of request queue, it is processed
by USBFS immediately:

For OUT channels, the specified channel will be disabled immediately. Then, a CH flag will
be generated and the CEN and CDIS bits will be cleared by USBFS.

For IN channels, USBFS pushes a channel disable status entry into Rx FIFO. Software should
then handle the Rx FIFO not empty event: read and pop this status entry, then, a CH flag will
be generated and the CEN and CDIS bits will be cleared.

IN transfers operation sequence

1. Initialize USBFS global registers.

2. Initialize the channel.

3. Enable the channel.

4. After the IN channel is enabled by software, USBFS generates an Rx request entry in the
corresponding request queue.

5. When the Rx request entry reaches the top of the request queue, USBFS begins to
process this request entry. If bus time for the IN transaction indicated by the request entry

GD32F4xx User Manual
is enough, USBFS starts the IN transaction on USB bus.

6. If the IN transaction finishes successfully (ACK handshake received), USBFS pushes the
received data packet into the Rx FIFO and triggers ACK flag. Otherwise, the status flag
(NAK) reports the transaction result.

7. If the IN transaction described in step 5 is successful and PCNT is larger than 1 in step2,
return to step 3 and continues to receive the remaining packets. If the IN transaction
described in step 5 is not successful, return to step 3 to re-receive the packet again.

8. After all the transactions in a transfer are successfully received on USB bus, USBFS
pushes a TF status entry into the Rx FIFO on top of the last packet data. Thus after
reading and poping all the received data packet, the TF status entry is need, USBFS
generates TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes.

9. Disable the channel. Now the channel is in IDLE state and is ready for other transfers.

OUT transfers operation sequence

1. Initialize USBFS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the channel.

3. Write a packet into the channel’s Tx FIFO (Periodic Tx FIFO or non-periodic Tx FIFO).
After the whole packet data is written into the FIFO, USBFS generates a Tx request entry
in the corresponding request queue and decreases the TLEN field in USBFS_HCHxLEN
register by the written packet’s size.

4. When the request entry reaches the top of the request queue, USBFS begins to process
this request entry. If bus time for the transaction indicated by the request entry is enough,
USBFS starts the OUT transaction on USB bus.

5. When the OUT transaction indicated by the request entry finishes on USB bus, PCNT in
USBFS_HCHxLEN register is decreased by 1. If the transaction finishes successfully
(ACK handshake received), the ACK flag is triggered. Otherwise, the status flag (NAK)
reports the transaction result.

6. If the OUT transaction described in step 5 is successful and PCNT is larger than 1 in
step2, return to step 3 and continues to send the remaining packets. If the OUT
transaction described in step 5 is not successful, return to step 3 to resend the packet

7. After all the transactions in a transfer are successfully sent on USB bus, USBFS
generates TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes.

8. Disable the channel. Now the channel is in IDLE state and is ready for other transfers.

Device mode

Global register initialization sequence

GD32F4xx User Manual
1. Program USBFS_GAHBCS register according to application’s demand, such as the
TxFIFO’s empty threshold, etc. GINTEN bit should be kept cleared at this time.

2. Program USBFS_GUSBCS register according to application’s demand, such as: the

operation mode (host, device or OTG) and some parameters of OTG and USB protocols.

3. Program USBFS_GCCFG register according to application’s demand.


register to configure the data FIFOs according to application’s demand.

5. Program USBFS_GINTEN register to enable Mode Fault, Suspend, SOF, Enumeration

Done and USB Reset interrupt and then, set GINTEN bit in USBFS_GAHBCS register to
enable global interrupt.

6. Program USBFS_DCFG register according to application’s demand, such as the device

address, etc.

7. After the device is connected to a host, the host will perform port reset on USB bus and
this will trigger the RST interrupt in USBFS_GINTF register.

8. Wait for ENUMF interrupt in USBFS_GINTF register.

Endpoint initialization and enable sequence

1. Program USBFS_DIEPxCTL or USBFS_DOEPxCTL register with desired transfer type,

packet size, etc.

2. Program USBFS_DIEPINTEN or USBFS_DOEPINTEN register. Set the desired interrupt

enable bits.

3. Program USBFS_DIEPxLEN or USBFS_DOEPxLEN register. PCNT is the number of

packets in a transfer and TLEN is the total bytes number of all the transmitted or received
packets in a transfer.

For IN endpoint:If PCNT=1, the single packet’s size is equal to TLEN. If PCNT>1, the
former PCNT-1 packets are considered as max-packet-length packets whose size are
defined by MPL field in USBFS_DIEPxCTL register, and the last packet’s size is
calculated based on PCNT, TLEN and MPL. If a zero-length packet is required to be sent,
it should program TLEN=0, PCNT=1.

For OUT endpoint:Because the application doesn’t know the actual received data size
before the OUT transaction finishes, TLEN can be set to a maximum possible value
supported by Rx FIFO.

4. Set EPEN bit in USBFS_DIEPxCTL or USBFS_DOEPxCTL register to enable the


Endpoint disable sequence

The endpoint can be disabled anytime when the EPEN bit in USBFS_DIEPxCTL or
USBFS_DOEPxCTL registers is cleared.
GD32F4xx User Manual
IN transfers operation sequence

1. Initialize USBFS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the IN endpoint.

3. Write packets into the endpoint’s Tx FIFO. Each time a data packet is written into the
FIFO, USBFS decreases the TLEN field in USBFS_DIEPxLEN register by the written
packet’s size.

4. When an IN token received, USBFS transmits the data packet, and after the transaction
finishes on USB bus, PCNT in USBFS_DIEPxLEN register is decreased by 1. If the
transaction finishes successfully (ACK handshake received), the ACK flag is triggered.
Otherwise, the status flags reports the transaction result.

5. After all the data packets in a transfer are successfully sent on USB bus, USBFS
generates TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes and disables the IN

OUT transfers operation sequence

1. Initialize USBFS global registers.

2. Initialize the endpoint and enable the endpoint.

3. When an OUT token received, USBFS receives the data packet or response with an NAK
handshake based on the status of Rx FIFO and register configuration. If the transaction
finishes successfully (USBFS receives and saves the data packet into Rx FIFO
successfully and sends ACK handshake on USB bus), PCNT in USBFS_DOEPxLEN
register is decreased by 1 and the ACK flag is triggered, otherwise, the status flags report
the transaction result.

4. After all the data packets in a transfer are successfully received on USB bus, USBFS
pushes a TF status entry into the Rx FIFO on top of the last packet data. Thus after
reading and poping all the received data packet, the TF status entry is read, USBFS
generates TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes and disables the OUT

28.6. Interrupts

USBFS has two interrupts: global interrupt and wake-up interrupt.

The source flags of the global interrupt are readable in USBFS_GINTF register and are listed
in the following table.

Table 28-2. USBFS global interrupt

Interrupt Flag Description Operation Mode

SEIF Session interrupt Host or device mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
Interrupt Flag Description Operation Mode

DISCIF Disconnect interrupt flag Host Mode

IDPSC ID pin status change Host or device mode

PTXFEIF Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt flag Host Mode

HCIF Host channels interrupt flag Host Mode

HPIF Host port interrupt flag Host Mode

ISOONCIF/PX Periodic transfer Not Complete Host or device mode

NCIF Interrupt flag /Isochronous OUT
transfer Not Complete Interrupt Flag

ISOINCIF Isochronous IN transfer Not Device mode

Complete Interrupt Flag

OEPIF OUT endpoint interrupt flag Device mode

IEPIF IN endpoint interrupt flag Device mode

EOPFIF End of periodic frame interrupt flag Device mode

ISOOPDIF Isochronous OUT packet dropped Device mode

interrupt flag

ENUMF Enumeration finished Device mode

RST USB reset Device mode

USB suspend
SP Device mode
Early suspend
ESP Device mode
Global OUT NAK effective
GONAK Device mode
Global IN Non-Periodic NAK effective
GNPINAK Device mode
Non-Periodic Tx FIFO empty
interrupt flag
Rx FIFO non-empty interrupt flag
RXFNEIF Host or device mode
Start of frame
SOF Host or device mode
OTG interrupt flag
OTGIF Host or device mode
Mode fault interrupt flag
MFIF Host or device mode

Wake-up interrupt can be triggered when USBFS is in suspend state, even when the USBFS’s
clocks are stopped. The source of the wake-up interrupt is WKUPIF bit in USHBS_GINTF

GD32F4xx User Manual
28.7. Register definition

USBFS start address: 0x5000 0000

28.7.1. USBFS global registers

Global OTG control and status register (USBFS_GOTGCS)

Address offset: 0x0000
Reset value: 0x0000 0800

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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r r r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0





rw rw rw r rw r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 BSV B-Session Valid (described in OTG protocol).

0: Vbus voltage level of a OTG B-Device is below VBSESSVLD
1: Vbus voltage level of a OTG B-Device is not below VBSESSVLD
Note: Only accessible in OTG B-Device mode.

18 ASV A- Session valid

A-host mode transceiver status.
0: Vbus voltage level of a OTG A-Device is below VASESSVLD
1: Vbus voltage level of a OTG A-Device is below VASESSVLD
The A-Device is the default host at the start of a session.
Note: Only accessible in OTG A-Device mode.

17 DI Debounce interval
Debounce interval of a detected connection.
0: Indicates the long debounce interval, when a plug-on and connection occurs on
USB bus
1: Indicates the short debounce interval, when a soft connection is used in HNP

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

16 IDPS ID pin status

Voltage level of connector ID pin
0: USBFS is in A-Device mode
1: USBFS is in B-Device mode
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 DHNPEN Device HNP enable

Enable the HNP function of a B-Device. If this bit is cleared, USBFS doesn’t start
HNP protocol when application set HNPREQ bit in USBFS_GOTGCS register.
0: HNP function is not enabled.
1: HNP function is enabled
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

10 HHNPEN Host HNP enable

Enable the HNP function of an A-Device. If this bit is cleared, USBFS doesn’t
response to the HNP request from B-Device.
0: HNP function is not enabled.
1: HNP function is enabled
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

9 HNPREQ HNP request

This bit is set by software to start a HNP on the USB. This bit can be cleared when
HNPEND bit in USBFS_GOTGINTF register is set, by writing zero to it, or clearing
the HNPEND bit in USBFS_GOTGINTF register.
0: Don’t send HNP request
1: Send HNP request
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

8 HNPS HNP successes

This bit is set by the core when HNP succeeds, and this bit is cleared when
HNPREQ bit is set.
0: HNP fails
1: HNP succeeds
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

7:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 SRPREQ SRP request

This bit is set by software to start a SRP on the USB. This bit can be cleared when
SRPEND bit in USBFS_GOTGINTF register is set, by writing zero to it, or clearing
the SRPEND bit in USBFS_GOTGINTF register.
0: No session request
1: Session request
GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

0 SRPS SRP success

This bit is set by the core when SRP succeeds, and this bit is cleared when
SRPREQ bit is set.
0: SRP fails
1: SRP succeeds
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

Global OTG interrupt flag register (USBFS_GOTGINTF)

Address offset: 0x0004
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0




rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 DF Debounce finish
Set by USBFS when the debounce during device connection is done.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

18 ADTO A-Device timeout

Set by USBFS when the A-Device’s waiting for a B-Device’ connection has timed
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

17 HNPDET Host negotiation request detected

Set by USBFS when A-Device detects a HNP request.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

16:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


GD32F4xx User Manual
Set by the core when a HNP ends. Read the HNPS in USBFS_GOTGCS register
to get the result of HNP.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

Set by the core when a SRP ends. Read the SRPS in USBFS_GOTGCS register
to get the result of SRP.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 SESEND Session end

Set by the core when VBUS voltage is below Vb_ses_vld.

1:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Global AHB control and status register (USBFS_GAHBCS)

Address offset: 0x0008
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 PTXFTH Periodic Tx FIFO threshold

0: PTXFEIF will be triggered when the periodic transmit FIFO is half empty
1: PTXFEIF will be triggered when the periodic transmit FIFO is completely empty
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

7 TXFTH Tx FIFO threshold

Device mode:
0: TXFEIF will be triggered when the IN endpoint transmit FIFO is half empty
1: TXFEIF will be triggered when the IN endpoint transmit FIFO is completely

GD32F4xx User Manual
Host mode:
0: NPTXFEIF will be triggered when the non-periodic transmit FIFO is half empty
1: NPTXFEIF will be triggered when the non-periodic transmit FIFO is completely

6:1 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

0 GINTEN Global interrupt enable

0: Global interrupt is not enabled.
1: Global interrupt is enabled.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

Global USB control and status register (USBFS_GUSBCS)

Address offset: 0x000C
Reset value: 0x0000 0A80

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw

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rw r/rw r/rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30 FDM Force device mode

Setting this bit will force the core to device mode irrespective of the USBFS ID
input pin.
0: Normal mode
1: Device mode
The application must wait at least 25 ms for the change taking effect after setting
the force bit.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

29 FHM Force host mode

Setting this bit will force the core to host mode irrespective of the USBFS ID input

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Normal mode
1: Host mode
The application must wait at least 25 ms for the change taking effect after setting
the force bit.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

28:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:10 UTT[3:0] USB turnaround time

Turnaround time in PHY clocks.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

9 HNPCEN HNP capability enable

Controls whether the HNP capability is enabled
0: HNP capability is disabled
1: HNP capability is enabled
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

8 SRPCEN SRP capability enable

Controls whether the SRP capability is enabled
0: SRP capability is disabled
1: SRP capability is enabled
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 TOC[2:0] Timeout calibration

USBFS always uses time-out value required in USB 2.0 when waiting for a packet.
Application may use TOC [2:0] to add the value is in terms of PHY clock. (The
frequency of PHY clock is 48MHZ.)

Global reset control register (USBFS_GRSTCTL)

Address offset: 0x0010
Reset value: 0x8000 0000

The application uses this register to reset various hardware features inside the core.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:6 TXFNUM[4:0] Tx FIFO number

Indicates which Tx FIFO will be flushed when TXFF bit in the same register is set.
Host Mode:
00000: Only non-periodic Tx FIFO is flushed
00001: Only periodic Tx FIFO is flushed
1XXXX: Both periodic and non-periodic Tx FIFOs are flushed
Other: Non data FIFO is flushed
Device Mode:
00000: Only Tx FIFO0 is flushed
00001: Only Tx FIFO1 is flushed

00011: Only Tx FIFO3 is flushed
1XXXX: All Tx FIFOs are flushed
Other: Non data FIFO is flushed

5 TXFF Tx FIFO flush

Application set this bit to flush data Tx FIFOs and TXFNUM[4:0] bits decide the
FIFO number to be flushed. Hardware automatically clears this bit after the flush
process completes. After setting this bit, application should wait until this bit is
cleared before any other operation on USBFS.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

4 RXFF Rx FIFO flush

Application set this bit to flush data Rx FIFO. Hardware automatically clears this
bit after the flush process completes. After setting this bit, application should wait
until this bit is cleared before any other operation on USBFS.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 HFCRST Host frame counter reset

Set by the application to reset the frame number counter in USBFS. After this bit is
set, the frame number of the following SOF returns to 0. Hardware automatically
clears this bit after the reset process completes. After setting this bit, application
should wait until this bit is cleared before any other operation on USBFS.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

1 HCSRST HCLK soft reset

GD32F4xx User Manual
Set by the application to reset AHB clock domain circuit.
Hardware automatically clears this bit after the reset process completes. After
setting this bit, application should wait until this bit is cleared before any other
operation on USBFS.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

0 CSRST Core soft reset

Resets the AHB and USB clock domains circuits, as well as most of the registers.

Global interrupt flag register (USBFS_GINTF)

Address offset: 0x0014
Reset value: 0x0400 0021

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 WKUPIF Wakeup interrupt flag
This interrupt is triggered when a resume signal (in device mode) or a remote
wakeup signal (in host mode) is detected on the USB.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

30 SESIF Session interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered when a SRP is detected (in A-Device mode) or VBUS
becomes valid for a B- Device (in B-Device mode).
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

29 DISCIF Disconnect interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered after a device disconnection.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

28 IDPSC ID pin status change

Set by the core when ID status changes.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

GD32F4xx User Manual
27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 PTXFEIF Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered when the periodic transmit FIFO is either half or
completely empty. The threshold is determined by the periodic Tx FIFO empty
level bit (PTXFTH) in the USBFS_GAHBCS register.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

25 HCIF Host channels interrupt flag

Set by USBFS when one of the channels in host mode has raised an interrupt.
First read USBFS_ HACHINT register to get the channel number, and then read
the corresponding USBFS_HCHxINTF register to get the flags of the channel that
cause the interrupt. This bit will be automatically cleared after the respective
channel’s flags which cause channel interrupt are cleared.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

24 HPIF Host port interrupt flag

Set by the core when USBFS detects that port status changes in host mode.
Software should read USBFS_HPCS register to get the source of this interrupt.
This bit will be automatically cleared after the flags that causing a port interrupt are
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

23:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 PXNCIF Periodic transfer Not Complete Interrupt flag

USBFS sets this bit when there are periodic transactions for current frame not
completed at the end of frame. (Host mode)

ISOONCIF Isochronous OUT transfer Not Complete Interrupt Flag

At the end of a periodic frame (defined by EOPFT bit in USBFS_DCFG), USBFS
will set this bit if there are still isochronous OUT endpoints for that not completed
transactions. (Device Mode)

20 ISOINCIF Isochronous IN transfer Not Complete Interrupt Flag

At the end of a periodic frame (defined by EOPFT [1:0] bits in USBFS_DCFG),
USBFS will set this bit if there are still isochronous IN endpoints for that not
completed transactions. (Device Mode)
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

19 OEPIF OUT endpoint interrupt flag

Set by USBFS when one of the OUT endpoints in device mode has raised an
interrupt. Software should first read USBFS_DAEPINT register to get the device
number, and then read the corresponding USBFS_DOEPxINTF register to get the
flags of the endpoint that cause the interrupt. This bit will be automatically cleared
after the respective endpoint’s flags which cause this interrupt are cleared.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18 IEPIF IN endpoint interrupt flag
Set by USBFS when one of the IN endpoints in device mode has raised an
interrupt. Software should first read USBFS_DAEPINT register to get the device
number, and then read the corresponding USBFS_DIEPxINTF register to get the
flags of the endpoint that cause the interrupt. This bit will be automatically cleared
after the respective endpoint’s flags which cause this interrupt are cleared.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

17:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EOPFIF End of periodic frame interrupt flag

When USB bus time in a frame reaches the value defined by EOPFT [1:0] bits in
USBFS_DCFG register, USBFS sets this flag.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

14 ISOOPDIF Isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt flag

USBFS set this bit if it receives an isochronous OUT packet but cannot save it into
Rx FIFO because the FIFO doesn’t have enough space.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

13 ENUMF Enumeration finished

USBFS sets this bit after the speed enumeration finishes. Read USBFS_DSTAT
register to get the current device speed.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

12 RST USB reset

USBFS sets this bit when it detects a USB reset signal on bus.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

11 SP USB suspend
USBFS sets this bit when it detects that the USB bus is idle for 3 ms and enters
suspend state.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

10 ESP Early suspend

USBFS sets this bit when it detects that the USB bus is idle for 3 ms.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

9:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 GONAK Global OUT NAK effective

Write 1 to SGONAK bit in the USBFS_DCTL register and USBFS will set GONAK
flag after the writing to SGONAK takes effect.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

6 GNPINAK Global Non-Periodic IN NAK effective

Write 1 to SGINAK bit in the USBFS_DCTL register and USBFS will set GNPINAK
flag after the writing to SGINAK takes effect.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

5 NPTXFEIF Non-Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered when the non-periodic transmit FIFO is either half or
completely empty. The threshold is determined by the non-periodic Tx FIFO empty
level bit (TXFTH) in the USBFS_GAHBCS register.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

4 RXFNEIF Rx FIFO non-empty interrupt flag

USBFS sets this bit when there is at least one packet or status entry in the Rx
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

3 SOF Start of frame

Host Mode: USBFS sets this bit when it prepares to transmit a SOF or Keep-Alive
on USB bus. Software can clear this bit by writing 1.
Device Mode: USBFS sets this bit after it receives a SOF token. The application
can read the Device Status register to get the current frame number. Software can
clear this bit by writing 1.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

2 OTGIF OTG interrupt flag

USBFS sets this bit when the flags in USBFS_GOTGINTF register generate an
interrupt. Software should read USBFS_GOTGINTF register to get the source of
this interrupt. This bit is cleared after the flags in USBFS_GOTGINTF causing this
interrupt are cleared.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

1 MFIF Mode fault interrupt flag

USBFS sets this bit when software operates host-only register in device mode, or
operates device-mode in host mode. These fault operations won’t take effect.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

0 COPM Current operation mode

0: Device mode
1: Host mode
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

Global interrupt enable register (USBFS_GINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0018
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register works with the global interrupt flag register (USBFS_GINTF) to interrupt the
application. When an interrupt enable bit is disabled, the interrupt associated with that bit is
not generated. However, the global Interrupt flag register bit corresponding to that interrupt
is still set.

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw r rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 WKUPIE Wakeup interrupt enable
0: Disable wakeup interrupt
1: Enable wakeup interrupt
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

30 SESIE Session interrupt enable

0: Disable session interrupt
1: Enable session interrupt
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

29 DISCIE Disconnect interrupt enable

0: Disable disconnect interrupt
1: Enable disconnect interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

28 IDPSCIE ID pin status change interrupt enable

0: Disable connector ID pin status interrupt
1: Enable connector ID pin status interrupt
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 PTXFEIE Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable

0: Disable periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
1: Enable periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

25 HCIE Host channels interrupt enable

0: Disable host channels interrupt
1: Enable host channels interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
24 HPIE Host port interrupt enable
0: Disable host port interrupt
1: Enable host port interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

23:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 PXNCIE Periodic transfer not complete Interrupt enable

0: Disable periodic transfer not complete interrupt
1: Enable periodic transfer not complete interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

ISOONCIE Isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt enable

0: Disable isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt
1: Enable isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

20 ISOINCIE Isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt enable

0: Disable isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt
1: Enable isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

19 OEPIE OUT endpoints interrupt enable

0: Disable OUT endpoints interrupt
1: Enable OUT endpoints interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

18 IEPIE IN endpoints interrupt enable

0: Disable IN endpoints interrupt
1: Enable IN endpoints interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

17:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EOPFIE End of periodic frame interrupt enable

0: Disable end of periodic frame interrupt
1: Enable end of periodic frame interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

14 ISOOPDIE Isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt enable

0: Disable isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt
1: Enable isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

13 ENUMFIE Enumeration finish enable

0: Disable enumeration finish interrupt
1: Enable enumeration finish interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
12 RSTIE USB reset interrupt enable
0: Disable USB reset interrupt
1: Enable USB reset interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

11 SPIE USB suspend interrupt enable

0: Disable USB suspend interrupt
1: Enable USB suspend interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

10 ESPIE Early suspend interrupt enable

0: Disable early suspend interrupt
1: Enable early suspend interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

9:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 GONAKIE Global OUT NAK effective interrupt enable

0: Disable global OUT NAK interrupt
1: Enable global OUT NAK interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

6 GNPINAKIE Global non-periodic IN NAK effective interrupt enable

0: Disable global non-periodic IN NAK effective interrupt
1: Enable global non-periodic IN NAK effective interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

5 NPTXFEIE Non-periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable

0: Disable non-periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
1: Enable non-periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
Note: Only accessible in Host mode.

4 RXFNEIE Receive FIFO non-empty interrupt enable

0: Disable receive FIFO non-empty interrupt
1: Enable receive FIFO non-empty interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

3 SOFIE Start of frame interrupt enable

0: Disable start of frame interrupt
1: Enable start of frame interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

2 OTGIE OTG interrupt enable

0: Disable OTG interrupt
1: Enable OTG interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

1 MFIE Mode fault interrupt enable

0: Disable mode fault interrupt
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable mode fault interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Global receive status read/receive status read and pop registers

Address offset for Read: 0x001C
Address offset for Pop: 0x0020
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

A read to the receive status read register returns the entry of the top of the Rx FIFO. A read
to the Receive status read and pop register additionally pops the top entry out of the Rx

The entries in RxFIFO have different meanings in host and device modes. Software should
only read this register after when Receive FIFO non-empty interrupt flag bit of the global
interrupt flag register (RXFNEIF bit in USBFS_GINTF) is triggered.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

Host mode:

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r r

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r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

20:17 RPCKST[3:0] Received packet status

0010: IN data packet received
0011: IN transfer completed (generates an interrupt if poped)
0101: Data toggle error (generates an interrupt if poped)
0111: Channel halted (generates an interrupt if poped)
Others: Reserved

16:15 DPID[1:0] Data PID

GD32F4xx User Manual
The Data PID of the received packet
00: DATA0
10: DATA1
01: DATA2

14:4 BCOUNT[10:0] Byte count

The byte count of the received IN data packet.

3:0 CNUM[3:0] Channel number

The channel number to which the current received packet belongs.

Device mode:

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r r r

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r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

20:17 RPCKST[3:0] Received packet status

0001: Global OUT NAK (generates an interrupt)
0010: OUT data packet received
0011: OUT transfer completed (generates an interrupt)
0100: SETUP transaction completed (generates an interrupt)
0110: SETUP data packet received
Others: Reserved

16:15 DPID[1:0] Data PID

The Data PID of the received OUT data packet
00: DATA0
10: DATA1
01: DATA2

14:4 BCOUNT[10:0] Byte count

The byte count of the received data packet.

GD32F4xx User Manual
3:0 EPNUM[3:0] Endpoint number
The endpoint number to which the current received packet belongs.

Global receive FIFO length register (USBFS_GRFLEN)

Address offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000 0200

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.
15:0 RXFD[15:0] Rx FIFO depth
In terms of 32-bit words.

Host non-periodic transmit FIFO length register /Device IN endpoint 0 transmit

Address offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0200 0200

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Host Mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 HNPTXFD[15:0] Host Non-periodic Tx FIFO depth
In terms of 32-bit words.

15:0 HNPTXRSAR[15:0] Host Non-periodic Tx RAM start address

The start address for non-periodic transmit FIFO RAM is in term of 32-bit words.

Device Mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 IEP0TXFD[15:0] IN Endpoint 0 Tx FIFO depth
In terms of 32-bit words.

15:0 IEP0TXRSAR[15:0] IN Endpoint 0 TX RAM start address

The start address for endpoint0 transmit FIFO RAM is in term of 32-bit words.

Host non-periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register (USBFS_HNPTFQSTAT)

Address offset: 0x002C
Reset value: 0x0008 0200

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

This register reports the current status of the non-periodic Tx FIFO and request queue. The
request queue holds IN, OUT or other request entries in host mode.

Note: In Device mode, this register is not valid.

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:24 NPTXRQTOP[6:0] Top entry of the non-periodic Tx request queue

Entry in the non-periodic transmit request queue.
Bits 30:27: Channel number
Bits 26:25:
– 00: IN/OUT token
– 01: Zero-length OUT packet
– 11: Channel halt request
Bit 24: Terminate Flag, indicating last entry for selected channel.

23:16 NPTXRQS[7:0] Non-periodic Tx request queue space

The remaining space of the non-periodic transmit request queue.
0: Request queue is Full
1: 1 entry
2: 2 entries

n: n entries (0≤n≤8)
Others: Reserved

15:0 NPTXFS[15:0] Non-periodic Tx FIFO space

The remaining space of the non-periodic transmit FIFO.
In terms of 32-bit words.
0: Non-periodic Tx FIFO is full
1: 1 word
2: 2 words
n: n words (0≤n≤NPTXFD)
Others: Reserved

Global core configuration register (USBFS_GCCFG)

Address offset: 0x0038
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions
31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 VBUSIG VBUS ignored

When this bit is set, USBFS doesn’t monitor the voltage on VBUS pin and always
consider VBUS voltage as valid both in host mode and in device mode, then free
the VBUS pin for other usage.
0: VBUS is not ignored.
1: VBUS is ignored and always consider VBUS voltage as valid.

20 SOFOEN SOF output enable

0: SOF pulse output disabled.
1: SOF pulse output enabled.

19 VBUSBCEN The VBUS B-device Comparer enable

0: VBUS B-device comparer disabled
1: VBUS B-device comparer enabled

18 VBUSACEN The VBUS A-device Comparer enable

0: VBUS A-device comparer disabled
1: VBUS A-device comparer enabled

17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 PWRON Power on
This bit is the power switch for the internal embedded Full-Speed PHY.
0: Embedded Full-Speed PHY power off.
1: Embedded Full-Speed PHY power on.

15:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Core ID register (USBFS_CID)

Address offset: 0x003C
GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 1000

This register contains the Product ID.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CID Core ID
Software can write or read this field and uses this field as a unique ID for its

Host periodic transmit FIFO length register (USBFS_HPTFLEN)

Address offset: 0x0100
Reset value: 0x0200 0600

This register has to be accessed by word 32-bit)

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Bits Fields escriptions

31:16 HPTXFD[15:0] Host Periodic Tx FIFO depth

GD32F4xx User Manual
In terms of 32-bit words.

15:0 HPTXFSAR[15:0] Host periodic Tx FIFO RAM start address

The start address for host periodic transmit FIFO RAM is in term of 32-bit words.

Device IN endpoint transmit FIFO length register (USBFS_DIEPxTFLEN) (x =

1..3, where x is the FIFO_number)
Address offset: 0x0104 + (FIFO_number – 1) × 0x04
Reset value: 0x0200 0400

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 IEPTXFD[15:0] IN endpoint Tx FIFO depth
In terms of 32-bit words.

15:0 IEPTXRSAR[15:0] IN endpoint FIFO Tx RAM start address

The start address for IN endpoint transmit FIFOx is in term of 32-bit words.

28.7.2. Host control and status registers

Host control register (USBFS_HCTL)

Address offset: 0x0400
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the core after power on in host mode. Do not modify it after host

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 CLKSEL Clock select for usbclock.

01: 48MHz clock
others: reserved

Host frame interval register (USBFS_HFT)

Address offset: 0x0404
Reset value: 0x0000 BB80

This register sets the frame interval for the current enumerating speed when USBFS
controller is enumerating.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 FRI[15:0] Frame interval

This value describes the frame time in terms of PHY clocks. Each time when port

GD32F4xx User Manual
is enabled after a port reset operation, USBFS use a proper value according to the
current speed, and software can write to this field to change the value. This value
should be calculated using the frequency described below:
Full-Speed: 48MHz
Low-Speed: 6MHz

Host frame information remaining register (USBFS_HFINFR)

Address offset: 0x408
Reset value: 0xBB80 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 FRT[15:0] Frame remaining time
This field reports the remaining time of current frame in terms of PHY clocks.

15:0 FRNUM[15:0] Frame number

This field reports the frame number of current frame and returns to 0 after it
reaches 0x3FFF.

Host periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register (USBFS_HPTFQSTAT)

Address offset: 0x0410
Reset value: 0x0008 0200

This register reports the current status of the host periodic Tx FIFO and request queue. The
request queue holds IN, OUT or other request entries in host mode.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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r r

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 PTXREQT[7:0] Top entry of the periodic Tx request queue
Entry in the periodic transmit request queue.
Bits 30:27: Channel Number
Bits 26:25:
00: IN/OUT token
01: Zero-length OUT packet
11: Channel halt request
Bit 24: Terminate Flag, indicating last entry for selected channel.

23:16 PTXREQS[7:0] Periodic Tx request queue space

The remaining space of the periodic transmit request queue.
0: Request queue is Full
1: 1 entry
2: 2 entries

n: n entries (0≤n≤8)
Others: Reserved

15:0 PTXFS[15:0] Periodic Tx FIFO space

The remaining space of the periodic transmit FIFO.
In terms of 32-bit words.
0: periodic Tx FIFO is full
1: 1 word
2: 2 words
n: n words (0≤n≤PTXFD)
Others: Reserved

Host all channels interrupt register (USBFS_HACHINT)

Address offset: 0x0414
Reset value: 0x0000 0000
GD32F4xx User Manual
When a channel interrupt is triggered, USBFS set corresponding bit in this register and
software should read this register to know which channel is asserting interrupts.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 HACHINT[7:0] Host all channel interrupts

Each bit represents a channel: Bit 0 for channel 0, bit 7 for channel 7.

Host all channels interrupt enable register (USBFS_HACHINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0418
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be used by software to enable or disable a channel’s interrupt. Only the
channel whose corresponding bit in this register is set is able to cause the channel interrupt
flag HCIF in USBFS_GINTF register.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7:0 CINTEN[7:0] Channel interrupt enable

0: Disable channel-n interrupt
1: Enable channel-n interrupt
Each bit represents a channel: Bit 0 for channel 0, bit 7 for channel 7.

Host port control and status register (USBFS_HPCS)

Address offset: 0x0440
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register controls the port’s behavior and also has some flags which report the status of
the port. The HPIF flag in USBFS_GINTF register will be triggered if one of these flags in
this register is set by USBFS: PRST, PEDC and PCD.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw r rw rs rw rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18:17 PS Port speed

Report the enumerated speed of the device attached to this port.
01: Full speed
10: Low speed
GD32F4xx User Manual
Others: Reserved

16:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 PP Port power
This bit should be set before a port is used. Because USBFS doesn’t have power
supply ability, it only uses this bit to know whether the port is in powered state.
Software should ensure the true power supply on VBUS before setting this bit.
0: Port is powered off
1: Port is powered on

11:10 PLST Port line status

Report the current state of USB data lines
Bit 10: State of DP line
Bit 11: State of DM line

9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 PRST Port reset

Application sets this bit to start a reset signal on USB port. Application should
clear this bit when it wants to stop the reset signal.
0: Port is not in reset state
1: Port is in reset state

7 PSP Port suspend

Application sets this bit to put port into suspend state. When this bit is set the port
stops sending SOF tokens. This bit can only be cleared by the following
– PRST bit in this register is set by application
– PREM bit in this register is set
– A remote wakeup signal is detected
– A device disconnect is detected
0: Port is not in suspend state
1: Port is in suspend state

6 PREM Port resume

Application sets this bit to start a resume signal on USB port. Application should
clear this bit when it wants to stop the resume signal.
0: No resume driven
1: Resume driven

5:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 PEDC Port enable/disable change

Set by the core when the status of the Port enable bit 2 in this register changes.

2 PE Port Enable
This bit is automatically set by USBFS after a USB reset signal finishes and
cannot be set by software.
GD32F4xx User Manual
This bit is cleared by the following events:
– A disconnect condition
– Software clearing this bit
0: Port disabled
1: Port enabled

1 PCD Port connect detected

Set by USBFS when a device connection is detected. This bit can be cleared by
writing 1 to this bit.

0 PCST Port connect status

0: Device is not connected to the port
1: Device is connected to the port

Host channel-x control register (USBFS_HCHxCTL) (x = 0..7 where x =

Address offset: 0x0500 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rs rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 CEN Channel enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBFS.
0: Channel disabled
1: Channel enabled

Software should following the operation guide to disable or enable a channel.

30 CDIS Channel disable

Software can set this bit to disable the channel from processing transactions.
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable a channel.

GD32F4xx User Manual
29 ODDFRM Odd frame
For periodic transfers (interrupt or isochronous transfer), this bit controls that
whether in an odd frame or even frame this channel’s transaction is desired to be
0: Even frame
1: Odd frame

28:22 DAR Device address

The address of the USB device that this channel wants to communicate with.

21:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:18 EPTYPE Endpoint type

The transfer type of the endpoint that this channel wants to communicate with.
00: Control
01: Isochronous
10: Bulk
11: Interrupt

17 LSD Low-Speed device

The device that this channel wants to communicate with is a Low-Speed Device.

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EPDIR Endpoint direction

The transfer direction of the endpoint that this channel wants to communicate with.
0: OUT
1: IN

14:11 EPNUM Endpoint number

The number of the endpoint that this channel wants to communicate with.

10:0 MPL Maximum packet length

The target endpoint’s maximum packet length.

Host channel-x interrupt flag register (USBFS_HCHxINTF) (x = 0..7 where x =

channel number)
Address offset: 0x0508 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the status and events of a channel, when software get a channel
interrupt, it should read this register for the respective channel to know the source of the
interrupt. The flag bits in this register are all set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 DTER Data toggle error

The IN transaction gets a data packet but the PID of this packet doesn’t match
DPID [1:0] bits in USBFS_HCHxLEN register.

9 REQOVR Request queue overrun

The periodic request queue is full when software starts new transfers.

8 BBER Babble error

A babble condition occurs on USB bus. A typical reason for babble condition is
that a device sends a data packet and the packet length exceeds the endpoint’s
maximum packet length.

7 USBER USB Bus Error

The USB error flag is set when the following conditions occurs during receiving a
– A received packet has a wrong CRC field
– A stuff error detected on USB bus
– Timeout when waiting for a response packet

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

An ACK response is received or transmitted

A NAK response is received.

A STALL response is received.

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CH Channel halted
This channel is disabled by a request, and it will not response to other requests
GD32F4xx User Manual
during the request processing.

0 TF Transfer finished
All the transactions of this channel finish successfully, and no error occurs. For IN
channel, this flag will be triggered after PCNT bits in USBFS_HCHxLEN register
reach zero. For OUT channel, this flag will be triggered when software reads and
pops a TF status entry from the RxFIFO.

Host channel-x interrupt enable register (USBFS_HCHxINTEN) (x = 0..7, where

x = channel number)
Address offset: 0x050C + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enable bits for the flags in USBFS_HCHxINTF register. If
a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in USBFS_HCHxINTF register
is able to trigger a channel interrupt. The bits in this register are set and cleared by

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 DTERIE Data toggle error interrupt enable

0: Disable data toggle error interrupt
1: Enable data toggle error interrupt

9 REQOVRIE Request queue overrun interrupt enable

0: Disable request queue overrun interrupt
1: Enable request queue overrun interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
8 BBERIE Babble error interrupt enable
0: Disable babble error interrupt
1: Enable babble error interrupt

7 USBERIE USB bus error interrupt enable

0: Disable USB bus error interrupt
1: Enable USB bus error interrupt

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 ACKIE ACK interrupt enable

0: Disable ACK interrupt
1: Enable ACK interrupt

4 NAKIE NAK interrupt enable

0: Disable NAK interrupt
1: Enable NAK interrupt

3 STALLIE STALL interrupt enable

0: Disable STALL interrupt
1: Enable STALL interrupt

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 CHIE Channel halted interrupt enable

0: Disable channel halted interrupt
1: Enable channel halted interrupt

0 TFIE Transfer finished interrupt enable

0: Disable transfer finished interrupt
1: Enable transfer finished interrupt

Host channel-x transfer length register (USBFS_HCHxLEN) (x = 0..7, where x =

channel number)
Address offset: 0x0510 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

GD32F4xx User Manual


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:29 DPID[1:0] Data PID

Software should write this field before the transfer starts. For OUT transfers, this
field controls the Data PID of the first transmitted packet. For IN transfers, this field
controls the expected Data PID of the first received packet, and DTERR will be
triggered if the Data PID doesn’t match. After the transfer starts, USBFS changes
and toggles this field automatically following the USB protocol.
00: DATA0
10: DATA1
11: SETUP (For control transfer only)
01: Reserved

28:19 PCNT[9:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to be transmitted (OUT) or received (IN) in a
Software should program this field before the channel is enabled. After the transfer
starts, this field is decreased automatically by USBFS after each successful data
packet transmission.

18:0 TLEN[18:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
For OUT transfers, this field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired
to be transmitted in an OUT transfer. Software should program this field before the
channel is enabled. When software successfully writes a packet into the channel’s
data TxFIFO, this field is decreased by the byte size of the packet.
For IN transfer each time software or DMA reads out a packet from the RxFIFO,
this field is decreased by the byte size of the packet.

28.7.3. Device control and status registers

Device configuration register (USBFS_DCFG)

Address offset: 0x0800
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the core in device mode after power on or after certain control
commands or enumeration. Do not change this register after device initialization.

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12:11 EOPFT[1:0] End of periodic frame time

This field defines the percentage time point in a frame that the end of periodic
frame (EOPF) flag should be triggered.
00: 80% of the frame time
01: 85% of the frame time
10: 90% of the frame time l
11: 95% of the frame time

10:4 DAR[6:0] Device address

This field defines the USB device’s address. USBFS uses this field to match with
the incoming token’s device address field. Software should program this field after
receiving a Set Address command from USB host.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 NZLSOH Non-zero-length status OUT handshake

When a USB device receives a non-zero-length data packet during status OUT
stage, this field controls that either USBFS should receive this packet or reject this
packet with a STALL handshake.
0: Treat this packet as a normal packet and response according to the status of
NAKS and STALL bits in USBFS_DOEPxCTL register.
1: Send a STALL handshake and don’t save the received OUT packet.

1:0 DS[1:0] Device speed

This field controls the device speed when the device connected to a host.
11: Full speed
Others: Reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual
Device control register (USBFS_DCTL)
Address offset: 0x0804
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw w w w w r r rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 POIF Power-on initialization finished

Software should set this bit to notify USBFS that the registers are initialized after
waking up from power down state.

10 CGONAK Clear global OUT NAK

Software sets this bit to clear GONS bit in this register.

9 SGONAK Set global OUT NAK

Software sets this bit to set GONS bit in this register.
When GONS bit is zero, setting this bit will also cause GONAK flag in
USBFS_GINTF register triggered after a while. Software should clear the GONAK
flag before writing this bit again.

8 CGINAK Clear global IN NAK

Software sets this bit to clear GINS bit in this register.

7 SGINAK Set global IN NAK

Software sets this bit to set GINS bit in this register.
When GINS bit is zero, setting this bit will also cause GINAK flag in
USBFS_GINTF register triggered after a while. Software should clear the GINAK
flag before writing this bit again.

6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 GONS Global OUT NAK status

0: The handshake that USBFS response to OUT transaction packet and whether
GD32F4xx User Manual
to save the OUT data packet are decided by Rx FIFO status, endpoint’s NAK and
STALL bits.
1: USHBS always responses to OUT transaction with NAK handshake and doesn’t
save the incoming OUT data packet.

2 GINS Global IN NAK status

0: The response to IN transaction is decided by Tx FIFO status, endpoint’s NAK
and STALL bits.
1: USBFS always responses to IN transaction with a NAK handshake.

1 SD Soft disconnect
Software can use this bit to generate a soft disconnect condition on USB bus.
After this bit is set, USBFS switches off the pull up resistor on DP line. This will
cause the host to detect a device disconnect.
0: No soft disconnect generated.
1: Generate a soft disconnection.

0 RWKUP Remote wakeup

In suspend state, software can use this bit to generate a Remote wake up signal
to inform host that it should resume the USB bus.
0: No remote wakeup signal generated.
1: Generate remote wakeup signal.

Device status register (USBFS_DSTAT)

Address offset: 0x0808
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains status and information of the USBFS in device mode.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21:8 FNRSOF[13:0] The frame number of the received SOF.

USBFS always update this field after receiving a SOF token

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:1 ES[1:0] Enumerated speed

This field reports the enumerated device speed. Read this field after the ENUMF
flag in USBFS_GINTF register is triggered.
11: Full speed
Others: reserved

0 SPST Suspend status

This bit reports whether device is in suspend state.
0: Device is in suspend state.
1: Device is not in suspend state.

Device IN endpoint common interrupt enable register (USBFS_DIEPINTEN)

Address offset: 0x810
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enable bits for the flags in USBFS_DIEPxINTF register. If
a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in USBFS_DIEPxINTF register
is able to trigger an endpoint interrupt in USBFS_DAEPINT register. The bits in this register
are set and cleared by software.

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rw rw rw rw rw rw

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 IEPNEEN IN endpoint NAK effective interrupt enable bit

0: Disable IN endpoint NAK effective interrupt
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable IN endpoint NAK effective interrupt

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPTXFUDEN Endpoint Tx FIFO underrun interrupt enable bit

0: Disable endpoint Tx FIFO underrun interrupt
1: Enable endpoint Tx FIFO underrun interrupt

3 CITOEN Control In timeout interrupt enable bit

0: Disable control In timeout interrupt
1: Enable control In timeout interrupt

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDISEN Endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit

0: Disable endpoint disabled interrupt
1: Enable endpoint disabled interrupt

0 TFEN Transfer finished interrupt enable bit

0: Disable transfer finished interrupt
1: Enable transfer finished interrupt

Device OUT endpoint common interrupt enable register (USBFS_DOEPINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0814
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enable bits for the flags in USBFS_DOEPxINTF register.
If a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in USBFS_DOEPxINTF
register is able to trigger an endpoint interrupt in USBFS_DAEPINT register. The bits in this
register are set and cleared by software.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

GD32F4xx User Manual
31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 BTBSTPEN Back-to-back SETUP packets ( Only for control OUT endpoint) interrupt enable bit
0: Disable back-to-back SETUP packets interrupt
1: Enable back-to-back SETUP packets interrupt

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPRXFOVREN Endpoint Rx FIFO overrun interrupt enable bit

0: Disable endpoint Rx FIFO overrun interrupt
1: Enable endpoint Rx FIFO overrun interrupt

3 STPFEN SETUP phase finished (Only for control OUT endpoint) interrupt enable bit
0: Disable SETUP phase finished interrupt
1: Enable SETUP phase finished interrupt

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDISEN Endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit

0: Disable endpoint disabled interrupt
1: Enable endpoint disabled interrupt

0 TFEN Transfer finished interrupt enable bit

0: Disable transfer finished interrupt
1: Enable transfer finished interrupt

Device all endpoints interrupt register (USBFS_DAEPINT)

Address offset: 0x0818
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

When an endpoint interrupt is triggered, USBFS sets corresponding bit in this register and
software should read this register to know which endpoint is asserting an interrupt.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:16 OEPITB[3:0] Device all OUT endpoint interrupt bits

Each bit represents an OUT endpoint:
Bit 16 for OUT endpoint 0, bit 19 for OUT endpoint 3.

15:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3:0 IEPITB[3:0] Device all IN endpoint interrupt bits

Each bit represents an IN endpoint:
Bit 0 for IN endpoint 0, bit 3 for IN endpoint 3.

Device all endpoints interrupt enable register (USBFS_DAEPINTEN)

Address offset: 0x081C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be used by software to enable or disable an endpoint’s interrupt. Only the
endpoint whose corresponding bit in this register is set is able to cause the endpoint
interrupt flag OEPIF or IEPIF in USBFS_GINTF register.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:16 OEPIE[3:0] Out endpoint interrupt enable

0: Disable OUT endpoint-n interrupt
1: Enable OUT endpoint-n interrupt
Each bit represents an OUT endpoint:
Bit 16 for OUT endpoint 0, bit 19 for OUT endpoint 3.

15:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3:0 IEPIE[3:0] IN endpoint interrupt enable bits

0: Disable IN endpoint-n interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable IN endpoint-n interrupt
Each bit represents an IN endpoint:
Bit 0 for IN endpoint 0, bit 3 for IN endpoint 3.

Device VBUS discharge time register (USBFS_DVBUSDT)

Address offset: 0x0828
Reset value: 0x0000 17D7

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 DVBUSDT[15:0] Device VBUS discharge time

There is a discharge process after VBUS pulsing in SRP protocol. This field defines
the discharge time of VBUS. The true discharge time is 1024*DVBUSDT[15:0]
*TUSBCLOCK, where TUSBCLOCK is the period time of USB clock.

Device VBUS pulsing time register (USBFS_DVBUSPT)

Address offset: 0x082C
Reset value: 0x0000 05B8

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 DVBUSPT[11:0] Device VBUS pulsing time

This field defines the pulsing time for VBUS. The true pulsing time is
1024*DVBUSPT[11:0] *TUSBCLOCK, where TUSBCLOCK is the period time of USB

Device IN endpoint FIFO empty interrupt enable register

Address offset: 0x0834
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the enable bits for the Tx FIFO empty interrupts of IN endpoints.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3:0 IEPTXFEIE[3:0] IN endpoint Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable bits

This field controls whether the TXFE bits in USBFS_DIEPxINTF registers are able
to generate an endpoint interrupt bit in USBFS_DAEPINT register.
Bit 0 for IN endpoint 0, bit 3 for IN endpoint 3

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disable FIFO empty interrupt
1: Enable FIFO empty interrupt

Device IN endpoint 0 control register (USBFS_DIEP0CTL)

Address offset: 0x0900
Reset value: 0x0000 8000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rs w w rw rs r r r

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r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBFS.
0: Endpoint disabled
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

Software can set this bit to disable the endpoint. Software should following the
operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

29:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register.

25:22 TXFNUM[3:0] Tx FIFO number

Defines the Tx FIFO number of IN endpoint 0.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Software can set this bit to make USBFS sends STALL handshake when receiving
IN token. USBFS will clear this bit after a SETUP token is received on the
corresponding OUT endpoint 0. This bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this

GD32F4xx User Manual
register and GINS bit in USBFS_DCTL register. If both STALL and NAKS bits are
set, the STALL bit takes effect.

20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type

This field is fixed to ‘00’ for control endpoint.

17 NAKS NAK status

This bit controls the NAK status of USBFS when both STALL bit in this register
and GINS bit in USBFS_DCTL register are cleared:
0: USBFS sends data or handshake packets according to the status of the
endpoint’s Tx FIFO.
1: USBFS always sends NAK handshake to the IN token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
control this bit.

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This field is fixed to ‘1’ for endpoint 0.

14:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 MPL[1:0] Maximum packet length

This field defines the maximum packet length for a control data packet. As
described in USB 2.0 protocol, there are 4 kinds of length for control transfers:
00: 64 bytes
01: 32 bytes
10: 16 bytes
11: 8 bytes

Device IN endpoint-x control register (USBFS_DIEPxCTL) (x = 1..3, where x =

Address offset: 0x0900 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rs w w w w rw rw/rs rw r r

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GD32F4xx User Manual


rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBFS.
0: Endpoint disabled
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

Software can set this bit to disable the endpoint. Software should following the
operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

29 SODDFRM Set odd frame (For isochronous IN endpoints)

This bit has effect only if this is an isochronous IN endpoint.
Software sets this bit to set EOFRM bit in this register.

SD1PID Set DATA1 PID (For interrupt/bulk IN endpoints)

Software sets this bit to set DPID bit in this register.

28 SEVENFRM Set even frame (For isochronous IN endpoints)

Software sets this bit to clear EOFRM bit in this register.

SD0PID Set DATA0 PID (For interrupt/bulk IN endpoints)

Software sets this bit to clear DPID bit in this register.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register.

25:22 TXFNUM[3:0] Tx FIFO number

Defines the Tx FIFO number of this IN endpoint.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Software can set this bit to make USBFS sends STALL handshake when receiving
IN token. This bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this register and GINS bit
in USBFS_DCTL register. If both STALL and NAKS bits are set, the STALL bit
takes effect.
For control IN endpoint:
Only USBFS can clear this bit when a SETUP token is received on the
corresponding OUT endpoint. Software is not able to clear it.
For interrupt or bulk IN endpoint:

GD32F4xx User Manual
Only software can clear this bit

20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type

This field defines the transfer type of this endpoint:
00: Control
01: Isochronous
10: Bulk
11: Interrupt

17 NAKS NAK status

This bit controls the NAK status of USBFS when both STALL bit in this register
and GINS bit in USBFS_DCTL register are are cleared:
0: USBFS sends data or handshake packets according to the status of the
endpoint’s Tx FIFO.
1: USBFS always sends NAK handshake to the IN token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
control this bit.

16 EOFRM Even/odd frame (For isochronous IN endpoints)

For isochronous transfers, software can use this bit to control that USBFS only
sends data packets for IN tokens in even or odd frames. If the parity of the current
frame number doesn’t match with this bit, USBFS only responses with a zero-
length packet.
0: Only sends data in even frames
1: Only sends data in odd frames

DPID Endpoint data PID (For interrupt/bulk IN endpoints)

There is a data PID toggle scheme in interrupt or bulk transfer. Set SD0PID to set
this bit before a transfer starts and USBFS maintains this bit during transfers
according to the data toggle scheme described in USB protocol.
0: Data packet’s PID is DATA0
1: Data packet’s PID is DATA1

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This bit controls whether this endpoint is active. If an endpoint is not active, it
ignores all tokens and doesn’t make any response.

14:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:0 MPL[10:0] This field defines the maximum packet length in bytes.

Device OUT endpoint 0 control register (USBFS_DOEP0CTL)

Address offset: 0x0B00
Reset value: 0x0000 8000

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs r w w rs rw r r

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r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBFS.
0: Endpoint disabled
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

This bit is fixed to 0 for OUT endpoint 0.

29:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register

25:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Set this bit to make USBFS send STALL handshake during an OUT transaction.
USBFS will clear this bit after a SETUP token is received on OUT endpoint 0. This
bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this register, i.e. if both STALL and NAKS
bits are set, the STALL bit takes effect.

20 SNOOP Snoop mode

This bit controls the snoop mode of an OUT endpoint. In snoop mode, USBFS
doesn’t check the received data packet’s CRC value.
0:Snoop mode disabled
1:Snoop mode enabled

19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type

This field is fixed to ‘00’ for control endpoint.

GD32F4xx User Manual
17 NAKS NAK status
This bit controls the NAK status of USBFS when both STALL bit in this register
and GONS bit in USBFS_DCTL register are cleared:
0: USBFS sends data or handshake packets according to the status of the
endpoint’s Rx FIFO.
1: USBFS always sends NAK handshake for the OUT token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
control this bit.

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This field is fixed to ‘1’ for endpoint 0.

14:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 MPL[1:0] Maximum packet length

This is a read-only field, and its value comes from the MPL field of
USBFS_DIEP0CTL register:
00: 64 bytes
01: 32 bytes
10: 16 bytes
11: 8 bytes

Device OUT endpoint-x control register (USBFS_DOEPxCTL) (x = 1..3, where x

= endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0B00 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The application uses this register to control the operations of each logical OUT endpoint
other than OUT endpoint 0.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rs w w w w rw/rs rw rw r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

rw rw

GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBFS.
0: Endpoint disabled
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

Software can set this bit to disable the endpoint. Software should follow the
operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

29 SODDFRM Set odd frame (For isochronous OUT endpoints)

This bit has effect only if this is an isochronous OUT endpoint.
Software sets this bit to set EOFRM bit in this register.

SD1PID Set DATA1 PID (For interrupt/bulk OUT endpoints)

Software sets this bit to set DPID bit in this register.

28 SEVENFRM Set even frame (For isochronous OUT endpoints)

Software sets this bit to clear EOFRM bit in this register.

SD0PID Set DATA0 PID (For interrupt/bulk OUT endpoints)

Software sets this bit to clear DPID bit in this register.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register.

25:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Software can set this bit to make USBFS sends STALL handshake during an OUT
transaction. This bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this register and GINAK
in USBFS_DCTL register. If both STALL and NAKS bits are set, the STALL bit
takes effect.
For control OUT endpoint:
Only USBFS can clear this bit when a SETUP token is received on the
corresponding OUT endpoint. Software is not able to clear it.
For interrupt or bulk OUT endpoint:
Only software can clear this bit.

20 SNOOP Snoop mode

This bit controls the snoop mode of an OUT endpoint. In snoop mode, USBFS
doesn’t check the received data packet’s CRC value.
0:Snoop mode disabled
1:Snoop mode enabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type
This field defines the transfer type of this endpoint:
00: Control
01: Isochronous
10: Bulk
11: Interrupt

17 NAKS NAK status

This bit controls the NAK status of USBFS when both STALL bit in this register
and GONS bit in USBFS_DCTL register are cleared:
0: USBFS sends handshake packets according to the status of the endpoint’s Rx
1: USBFS always sends NAK handshake to the OUT token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
control this bit.

16 EOFRM Even/odd frame (For isochronous OUT endpoints)

For isochronous transfers, software can use this bit to control that USBFS only
receives data packets in even or odd frames. If the current frame number’s parity
doesn’t match with this bit, USBFS just drops the data packet.
0: Only sends data in even frames
1: Only sends data in odd frames

DPID Endpoint data PID (For interrupt/bulk OUT endpoints)

These is a data PID toggle scheme in interrupt or bulk transfer. Software should
set SD0PID to set this bit before a transfer starts and USBFS maintains this bit
during transfers following the data toggle scheme described in USB protocol.
0: Data packet’s PID is DATA0
1: Data packet’s PID is DATA1

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This bit controls whether this endpoint is active. If an endpoint is not active, it
ignores all tokens and doesn’t make any response.

14:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:0 MPL[10:0] This field defines the maximum packet length in bytes.

Device IN endpoint-x interrupt flag register (USBFS_DIEPxINTF) (x = 0..3, where

x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0908 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0080

This register contains the status and events of an IN endpoint, when an IN endpoint
interrupt occurs, read this register for the respective endpoint to know the source of the
interrupt. The flag bits in this register are all set by hardware and cleared by writing 1 except

GD32F4xx User Manual
the read-only TXFE bit.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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r rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 TXFE Transmit FIFO empty

The Tx FIFO of this IN endpoint has reached the empty threshold value defined by
TXFTH field in USBFS_GAHBCS register.

6 IEPNE IN endpoint NAK effective

The setting of SNAK bit in USBFS_DIEPxCTL register takes effect. This bit can be
cleared either by writing 1 to it or by setting CNAK bit in USBFS_DIEPxCTL

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPTXFUD Endpoint Tx FIFO underrun

This flag is triggered if the Tx FIFO has no packet data when an IN token is

3 CITO Control In Timeout interrupt

This flag is triggered if the device waiting for a handshake is timeout in a control IN

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDIS Endpoint disabled

This flag is triggered when an endpoint is disabled by the software’s request.

0 TF Transfer finished
This flag is triggered when all the IN transactions assigned to this endpoint have
been finished.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Device OUT endpoint-x interrupt flag register (USBFS_DOEPxINTF) (x = 0..3,
where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0B08 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the status and events of an OUT endpoint, when an OUT endpoint
interrupt occurs, read this register for the respective endpoint to know the source of the
interrupt. The flag bits in this register are all set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rc_w1/rw rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 BTBSTP Back-to-back SETUP packets ( Only for control OUT endpoint)

This flag is triggered when a control out endpoint has received more than 3 back-
to-back setup packets.
5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPRXFOVR Endpoint Rx FIFO overrun

This flag is triggered if the OUT endpoint’s Rx FIFO has no enough space for a
packet data when an OUT token is incoming. USBFS will drop the incoming OUT
data packet and sends a NAK handshake in this case.

3 STPF SETUP phase finished (Only for control OUT endpoint)

This flag is triggered when a setup phase finished, i.e. USBFS receives an IN or
OUT token after a setup token.

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDIS Endpoint disabled

This flag is triggered when an endpoint is disabled by the software’s request.

0 TF Transfer finished

GD32F4xx User Manual
This flag is triggered when all the OUT transactions assigned to this endpoint have
been finished.

Device IN endpoint 0 transfer length register (USBFS_DIEP0LEN)

Address offset: 0x0910
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

20:19 PCNT[1:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to be transmitted in a transfer.
Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the transfer starts, this field
is decreased automatically by USBFS after each successful data packet

18:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:0 TLEN[6:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to be transmitted in
an IN transfer. Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. When software
successfully writes a packet into the endpoint’s Tx FIFO, this field is decreased by
the byte size of the packet.

Device OUT endpoint 0 transfer length register (USBFS_DOEP0LEN)

Address offset: 0x0B10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

GD32F4xx User Manual
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rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:29 STPCNT[1:0] SETUP packet count

This field defines the maximum number of back-to-back SETUP packets this
endpoint can accept.
Program this field before setup transfers. Each time a back-to-back setup packet
is received, USBFS decrease this field by one. When this field reaches zero, the
BTBSTP flag in USBFS_DOEP0INTF register will be triggered.
00: 0 packet
01:1 packet
10: 2 packets
11: 3 packets

28:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 PCNT Packet count

The number of data packets desired to receive in a transfer.
Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the transfer starts, this field
is decreased automatically by USBFS after each successful data packet reception
on bus.

18:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:0 TLEN[6:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to receive in an
OUT transfer. Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. Each time
software reads out a packet from the Rx FIFO, this field is decreased by the byte
size of the packet.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Device IN endpoint-x transfer length register (USBFS_DIEPxLEN) (x = 1..3,
where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x910 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:29 MCPF[1:0] Multi packet count per frame

This field indicates the packet count that must be transmitted per frame for
periodic IN endpoints on the USB. It is used to calculate the data PID for
isochronous IN endpoints by the core.
01: 1 packet
10: 2 packets
11: 3 packets

28:19 PCNT[9:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to be transmitted in a transfer.
Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the transfer starts, this field
is decreased automatically by USBFS after each successful data packet

18:0 TLEN[18:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to be transmitted in
an IN transfer. Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. When software
successfully writes a packet into the endpoint’s Tx FIFO, this field is decreased by
the byte size of the packet.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Device OUT endpoint-x transfer length register (USBFS_DOEPxLEN) (x = 1..3,
where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0B10 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word(32-bit)

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r/rw rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:29 RXDPID[1:0] Received data PID (For isochronous OUT endpoints)

This field saves the PID of the latest received data packet on this endpoint.
00: DATA0
10: DATA1
Others: Reserved

STPCNT[1:0] SETUP packet count (For control OUT Endpoints.)

This field defines the maximum number of back-to-back SETUP packets this
endpoint can accept.
Program this field before setup transfers. Each time a back-to-back setup packet
is received, USBFS decrease this field by one. When this field reaches zero, the
BTBSTP flag in USBFS_DOEPxINTF register will be triggered.
00: 0 packet
01:1 packet
10: 2 packets
11: 3 packets

28:19 PCNT[9:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to receive in a transfer.
Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the transfer starts, this field
is decreased automatically by USBFS after each successful data packet reception
on bus.

GD32F4xx User Manual
18:0 TLEN[18:0] Transfer length
The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to receive in an
OUT transfer. Program this field before the endpoint is enabled. Each time after
software reads out a packet from the RxFIFO, this field is decreased by the byte
size of the packet.

Device IN endpoint-x transmit FIFO status register (USBFS_DIEPxTFSTAT) (x =

0..3, where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0918 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0200

This register contains the information of each endpoint’s Tx FIFO.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 IEPTFS[15:0] IN endpoint’s Tx FIFO space remaining

N endpoint’s Tx FIFO space remaining in 32-bit words:
0: FIFO is full
1: 1 word available

n: n words available

28.7.4. Power and clock control register (USBFS_PWRCLKCTL)

Address offset: 0x0E00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


Stop the HCLK to save power.
0:HCLK is not stopped
1:HCLK is stopped

0 SUCLK Stop the USB clock

Stop the USB clock to save power.
0:USB clock is not stopped
1:USB clock is stopped

GD32F4xx User Manual
29. Universal serial bus high-speed interface (USBHS)

29.1. Overview

USB High-Speed (USBHS) controller provides a USB-connection solution for portable

devices. USBHS supports both host and device modes, as well as OTG mode with HNP (Host
Negotiation Protocol) and SRP (Session Request Protocol). USBHS provides ULPI interface
for external USB PHY integration and it also contains a full-speed USB PHY internal. So for
full-speed or low-speed operation, no more external PHY chip is needed. USBHS supports
all the four types of transfer (control, bulk, Interrupt and isochronous) defined in USB 2.0
protocol. HUB connection is supported when USBHS operates at high-speed in host mode.
There is also a DMA engine operating as an AHB bus master in USBHS to speed up the data
transfer between USBHS and system.

29.2. Characteristics

 Supports USB 2.0 Host mode at High-Speed(480Mb/s) ,Full-Speed(12Mb/s) or Low-


 Supports USB 2.0 device mode at High-Speed(480Mb/s) or Full-Speed(12Mb/s)

 Supports OTG protocol with HNP (Host Negotiation Protocol) and SRP (Session
Request Protocol)

 Supports all the 4 types of transfer: control, bulk, Interrupt and isochronous

 Supports high-bandwidth interrupt and isochronous transfers

 Includes USB transaction scheduler in HOST mode to handle USB transaction request

 Includes a 4KB FIFO RAM

 Supports 12 channels in host mode.

 Contains 2 transmit FIFOs (periodic and non-periodic) and one receive FIFO (shared by
all channels) in host mode

 Contains 6 transmit FIFOs (one for each IN endpoint) and one receive FIFO (shared by
all OUT endpoints) in device mode

 Supports PING protocol in host mode when operates at High-Speed

 Supports HUB connection in High-Speed host mode

 Supports 6 OUT and 6 IN Endpoints in device mode

 Supports remote-wakeup in device mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
 Include a Full-Speed USB PHY with OTG protocol supported.

 Include an internal DMA scheduler and engine to perform data copy between USBHS
and system per the application’s request

 Time intervals of SOFs is dynamic adjusted in host mode

 Able to output SOF pulse to PAD

 Able to detect ID level and VBUS voltage

 Needs external component to supply power for connected USB device in Host mode or
OTG A-device.

29.3. Block diagram

Figure 29-1. USBHS block diagram

USB interrupt


Host Port
Control ULPI
Control ULPI Interface
Scheduler Control Mux
48MHz/60MHz USB Clock Domain

29.4. Signal description

Table 29-1. USBHS signal description

I/0 port Type Description Note

VBUS Input Bus power port For internal PHY only

DM Input/Output Differential D- For internal PHY only

DP Input/Output Differential D+ For internal PHY only

ID Input USB identification: Mini For internal PHY only

connector identification port
GD32F4xx User Manual
ULPI_D[7:0] Input/Output ULPI Data line For external ULPI PHY

ULPI_NXT Input ULPI next line For external ULPI PHY

ULPI_DIR Input ULPI Direction For external ULPI PHY

ULPI_STP Output ULPI Stop For external ULPI PHY

ULPI_CLK Input ULPI Clock For external ULPI PHY

29.5. Function overview

29.5.1. USBHS PHY selection, clocks and working modes

USBHS can operate as a host, a device or a DRD (Dual-role-Device) and supports two types
of connection: internal full-speed PHY and external ULPI PHY. The application choose to use
either the internal embedded Full-Speed PHY or the external ULPI PHY according to the

With internal PHY, the maximum speed supported by USBHS is full-speed, while using an
external high-speed ULPI PHY, USBHS supports high-speed. The application may also limit
the maximum speed of external ULPI PHY to full-speed using SPDFSLS bit in USBHS_HCTL
register in host mode or DS[1:0] in USBHS_DCFG register in device mode.

Table 29-2. USBHS supported speeds

Register configuration Host supported speed Device support speed

EMBPHY=1 Full-Speed
(Internal Low-Speed Full-Speed

EMBPHY=0 DS =01 (device Full-Speed

(External ULPI Low-Speed Full-Speed
PHY) st mode)
DS =00(device High-Speed High-Speed
Full-Speed Full-Speed
st mode) Low-Speed

The application control the working modes of USBHS: force host,force device by set FHM
and FDM bits in USBHS_GUSBCS register. When both bits are cleared, USBHS works in
OTG mode, which is the default mode after system reset.

Internal Full-Speed PHY

USBHS includes an internal Full-Speed PHY. The internal PHY supports Full-Speed and Low-
Speed in host mode, and Full-speed in device mode, supports OTG protocol with HNP and
SRP. Software needs to set EMBPHY bit in USBHS_GUSBCS register to use this PHY. If
internal full-speed PHY is selected, the USB clock used for the USBHS needs to be 48MHz.
GD32F4xx User Manual
This 48MHz USB clock is generated from internal clocks in system, and its source and divider
factors are configurable in RCU.

The pull-up and pull-down resistors are already integrated into the internal PHY and controlled
by USBHS automatically based on the current mode (host, device or OTG mode) and
connection status. A typical connection using internal PHY is shown in figure below.

Figure 29-2. Connection using internal embedded PHY with host or device mode


5V Power
GPIO (needed in
host mode)

USB A/B connector




When USBHS works in host mode (FHM bit is set and FDM bit is cleared), the VBUS is 5V
power pin defined in USB protocol. The internal PHY cannot supply 5V VBUS power and only
has some voltage comparers, charge and dis-charge circuit on VBUS line. If application needs
to supply USB power, an external power supply IC is needed. The VBUS connection between
USBHS and the USB connector can be omitted in host mode because USBHS doesn’t detect
the voltage level on VBUS pin and always assumes that the 5V power is present.

When USBHS works in device mode (FHM bit is cleared and FDM bit is set), the VBUS
detection circuit is decided by VBUSIG bit in USBHS_GCCFG register. If the device do not
need to detect the voltage on VBUS pin, it may set the VBUSIG bit and free the VBUS pin for
other use. Otherwise, the VBUS connection cannot be omitted, and USBHS continuously
monitor the VBUS voltage and will immediately switch off the pull-up resistor on DP line once
the VBUS voltage falls below the needed valid value. This will cause a disconnection.

The OTG mode connection is described in the figure below. When USBHS works in OTG
mode, the FHM, FDM bits in USBHS_GUSBCS and VBUSIG bit in USBHS_GCCFG should
be cleared. In this mode, the USBHS needs all the four pins: DM, DP, VBUS and ID, and uses
several voltage comparers to monitor the voltage on these pins. USBHS also includes VBUS
charge and discharge circuit to perform SRP request described in OTG protocol. The OTG
A-Device or B-Device is decided by the level of ID pins. USBHS controls the pull-up or pull-
down resistor during the HNP protocol.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 29-3. Connection using internal embedded PHY with OTG mode



GPIO 5V Power

USB Micro/Mini

External ULPI PHY

USBHS provides a ULPI interface for external PHY integration. An external High-Speed ULPI
PHY is needed to support high-speed USB applications. With external ULPI PHY, USBHS
supports high-speed host and device, all the modes described in internal Full-Speed PHY.

Software needs to clear the EMBPHY bit in USBHS_GUSBCS register to enable the ULPI
interface. When ULPI mode enabled, the USB clock which introduced from the ULPI_CLK pin
needs to be 60MHz.Software can switch on or off the 60MHz ULPI clock in RCU.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 29-4. Connection using external ULPI PHY

5V Power


USB Micro/Mini

External DP

29.5.2. USB host function

USB Host Port State

Host application may control state of the USB port via USBHS_HPCS register. After system
initialization the USB port, keep it at power-off state. After PP bit is set by software, the USB
PHY (either internal or external) is powered on, and the USB port changes into disconnected
state. After a connection is detected, USB port changes into connected state. The USB port
changes into enabled state after a port reset is performed on USB bus.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 29-5. State transition diagram of host port

clearPP bit

clear PP bit or VBUS is clear PP bit

not valid in OTG host mode

set PP bit
clear PE bit Port Reset

disconnection event

Dis-connected connection event Connected

disconnection event

Connection, Reset and Speed identification

As a USB host, USBHS will trigger a connection flag for application after a connection is
detected and will trigger disconnection flag after a disconnection event.

PRST bit is used for USB reset sequence. Application may set this bit to start a USB reset
and clear this bit to finish the USB reset. This bit only takes effect when port is at connection
or enabled state.

The USBHS performs speed identification during connection and reset, and the speed
information is reported in PS[1:0] bits in USBHS_HPCS register.

If the maximum supported speed is configured to full-speed (SPDFSLS = 1), USBHS only
performs speed-identification during device connection process and it identifies the device
speed from the voltage level of DM or DP. As is described in USB protocol, full-speed device
pulls up DP line while low-speed device pulls up DM line.

If the maximum supported speed is configured to high-speed (SPDFSLS = 0), USBHS first
performs speed-identification during connection. If a full-speed connection is detected, the
USBHS will try to perform high-speed identification (CHIRP sequence described in USB 2.0
protocol) during each USB reset sequence after the connection event. So the application on
host should perform a USB reset after a connection event and check the PS[1:0] bits again if
it desires to support high-speed device.

Suspend and resume

USBHS supports suspend state and resume operation. When USBHS port is at enabled state,
writing 1 to PSP bit in USBHS_HPCS register will cause USBHS to enter suspend state. In
suspend state, USBHS stops sending SOFs on USB bus and this will cause the connected
USB device to enter suspend state after 3ms. Application can set the PREM bit in
USBHS_HPCS register to start a resume sequence to wake up the suspended device and
clear this bit to stop the resume sequence. The WKUPIF bit in USBHS_GINTF and the

GD32F4xx User Manual
USBHS wake up interrupt will be triggered if a host in suspend state detects a remote
wakeup signal.

SOF generate

USBHS sends SOF tokens on USB bus in host mode. As described in USB 2.0 protocol, SOF
packets are generated (by the host controller or hub transaction translator) every 1ms for full-
speed links, and every 125 µs for high-speed links.

Each time after USBHS enters into enabled state, it will send SOF packet using the time
defined by USB 2.0 protocol. While, application may adjust the length of a frame or a micro-
frame by writing to FRI[15:0] in USBHS_HFT registers. The FRI bits define the number of
USB clock cycles in a frame or micro-frame and application should calculate the value based
on the frequency of USB clock used by USBHS. The FRT[14:0] bits reflect the remaining
clock cycles of the current frame or micro-frame and stops to change during suspend state.

USBHS is able to generate a pulse signal each SOF packet and output it to a pin. The pulse
length is 16 HCLK cycle. If application desires to use this function, it needs to set SOFOEN
bit in USBHS_GCCFG register and configure the related pin registers in GPIO.

USB Channels and Transactions

USBHS includes 12 independent channels in host mode. Each channel is able to

communicate with an endpoint in USB device. The transfer type, direction, packet length and
other information is configured in channel related registers such as USBHS_HCHxCTL and

USBHS supports all the four kinds of transfer types: control, bulk, interrupt and isochronous.
USB 2.0 protocol divides these transfers into 2 kinds: non-periodic transfer (control and bulk)
and periodic transfer (interrupt and isochronous). Based on this, USBHS includes two request
queues: periodic request queue and non-periodic request queue, in order to perform efficient
transaction schedule. A request entry in a request queue described above may represent a
USB transaction request or a channel operation request.

In non-DMA mode, application needs to write packet into data FIFO via AHB register interface
if it wants to start an OUT transaction on USB bus.USBHS hardware will automatically
generate a transaction request entry in request queue after the application writes a whole
packet. In DMA mode, application only needs to configure the channel property and channel
data buffer address, and the DMA engine in USBHS performs the packet data copy and
request entry generation.USBHS automatically generate IN request entries when the
application enable an IN channel.

The request entries in request queue are processed in order by transaction control module.
USBHS always try to process periodic request queue first, then process non-periodic request

After a start of frame USBHS begins to process periodic queue until the queue is empty or
bus time required by the current periodic request is not enough, and then process the non-
periodic queue. This strategy ensure the bandwidth of periodic transactions in a frame or
GD32F4xx User Manual
micro-frame. Each time the USBHS reads and pop a request entry from request queue. If this
is a channel disable request, it immediately disables the channel and prepare to process next

If the current request is a transaction request and the USB bus time is enough for this
transaction, USBHS will employ SIE to generate this transaction on USB bus.

When the required bus time by the current request is not enough in the current frame, if this
is a periodic request, USBHS stops the processing of periodic queue and starts to process
non-periodic request. If this is a non-periodic queue the USBHS will stop to process any queue
and wait until the end of current frame.

29.5.3. USB device function

USB Device Connection

In device mode USBHS stays at power-off state after initialization. After connected to a USB
host with 5V power supply present on VBUS pin or setting VBUSIG bit in USBHS_GCCFG
register, USBHS enters into powered state. USBHS begins to switch on the pull-up resistor
on DP line, host side will detect a connection event.

Reset and Speed-Identification

The USB host always starts a USB reset after it detects a device connection, USBHS in device
mode will trigger a reset interrupt for software after it detects the reset event on USB bus.

If the maximum supported speed is configured to full-speed (DS[1:0] = 01 in USBHS_DCFG

register), USBHS will operate as a full-speed device.If the maximum supported speed is
configured to high-speed (DS[1:0] = 00 in USBHS_DCFG register), USBHS device tries to
start a speed-identification (a chirp handshake described in USB 2.0 protocol) with host during
reset sequence. If the chirp handshake with host successes, the device enters high-speed
mode, otherwise, remains at full-speed mode.

After reset sequence, speed-identification process completes, USBHS triggers an ENUMF

interrupt in USBHS_GINTF register and reports current enumerated device speed in ES bits
in USBHS_DSTAT register.If software want to implement a high-speed device, it must wait
ENUMF interrupt first, then read the ES[1:0] bits to get the speed-identification result.

As required by USB 2.0 protocol, USBHS doesn’t support Low-Speed in device mode.

Suspend and Wake-up

A USB device will enter into suspend state after the USB bus stays at IDLE state and has no
change on data lines for 3ms. When USB device is in suspend state, software can switch off
most of its clock to save power. The USB host is able to wake up the suspended device by
generating a resume signal on USB bus. USBHS is able to detect the resume signal and
triggers the WKUPIF flag in USBHS_GINTF register and the USBHS wake up interrupt.

In suspend mode, USBHS is also able to remote wake-up the USB bus. Software may set

GD32F4xx User Manual
RWKUP bit in USBHS_DCTL register to sends a remote-wake-up signal, and if remote-wake
up is supported in USB host, the host will begin to send resume signal on USB bus.

Soft Disconnection

USBHS supports soft disconnection. After the device is power on, USBHS will switch on the
pull-up resistor on DP line and this will cause the host to detect the connection. Then, software
is able to force a disconnection by setting the SD bit in USBHS_DCTL register. After the SD
bit is set, if the current device speed is high-speed, USBHS will first return back to full-speed
device and then switch off the pull-up resistor on DP line, and if current speed is full-speed,
USBHS will directly switch off the pull-up resistor. This will cause USB host to detect a
disconnection on USB bus.

SOF tracking

When USBHS receives a SOF packet from USB bus, it triggers a SOF interrupt and begins
to count the bus time by using local USB clock. The frame number of the current frame is
reported in FNRSOF[13:0] in USBHS_DSTAT register. When the USB bus time reaches
EOF1 or EOF2 point (End of Frame, described in USB 2.0 protocol), USBHS will trigger a
interrupt EOPFIF in USBHS_GINTF register. Software is able to use these flags and registers
to get current bus time and position information.

29.5.4. OTG function overview

USBHS supports OTG function described in OTG protocol 1.3; OTG function includes SRP
and HNP protocols.

A-Device and B-Device

A-Device is an OTG capable USB device with a Standard-A or Micro-A plug inserted into its
receptacle. The A-Device supplies power for VBUS and it is host at the start of a session. B-
Device is an OTG capable USB device with a Standard-B, Micro-B or Mini-B plug inserted
into its receptacle, or a captive cable ending in a Standard-A plug. The B-Device is a
peripheral at the start of a session. USBHS uses the voltage level of ID pin to judge A-Device
or B-Device. The ID status is reported in IDPS bit in USBHS_GOTGCS register. For the
details of states transfer between A-Device and B-Device, please refer to OTG 1.3 protocol.


The Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP) allows the host function to be transferred between two
directly connected On-The-Go devices and eliminates the need for a user to switch the cable
connections in order to allow a change in control of communications between the
devices.HNP will typically be initiated by the user or an application on the On-The-Go B-
device. HNP may only be implemented through the Micro-AB receptacle on a device.

Since On-The-Go devices have a Micro-AB receptacle, an On-The-Go device can default to
being either Host or Peripheral, depending upon which type of plug (Micro-A plug for Host,
Micro-B plug for Peripheral) is inserted. By utilizing the Host Negotiation Protocol (HNP), an

GD32F4xx User Manual
On-The-Go B-Device, which is the default Peripheral, may make a request to be Host. The
process for this exchange of the role of Host is described in this section. This protocol
eliminates the need for the user to swap the cable connection in order to change the roles of
the connected devices.

When USBHS is in OTG A-Device host mode and it wants to give up its host role, it may first
set PSP bit in USBHS_HPCS register to make the USB bus enter suspend status. Then, the
B-device will enter suspend state after 3ms. If the B-Device wants to changes to host,
software needs to set HNPREQ bit in USBHS_GOTGCS register and the USBHS will begin
to perform HNP protocol on bus, and at last, the result of HNP is reported in HNPS bit in
USBHS_GOTGCS register. Besides, software is always able to get the current role (host or
peripheral) from COPM bit in USBHS_GINTF register.


The Session Request Protocol (SRP) allows a B-Device to request the A-Device to turn on
VBUS and start a session.This protocol allows the A-Device, which may be battery powered,
to conserve power by turning VBUS off when there is no bus activity while still providing a
means for the B-Device to initiate bus activity. As described in OTG protocol, an OTG device
must compare VBUS voltage with several threshold values and the compare result is reported
in ASV and BSV bits in USBHS_GOTGCS register.

Software may set SRPREQ bit in USBHS_GOTGCS register to start a SRP request when
USBHS is in B-Device OTG mode and USBHS will generate a success flag SRPS in
USBHS_GOTGCS register if the SRP request successes.

When USBHS is in OTG A-Device mode and it detects an SRP request from a B-Device, it
sets a SESIF flag in USBHS_GINTF register. The software should prepare to switch on the
5V power supply for VBUS pin after it gets this flag.

29.5.5. Data FIFO

The USBHS include a 4K bytes data FIFO to store packet data. The data FIFO is implemented
by using an internal SRAM in USBHS.

Host Mode

In host mode the data FIFO space is divided into 3 parts: Rx FIFO for received packet, Non-
Periodic Tx FIFO for non-period transmission packet and Periodic Tx FIFO for periodic
transmission packet. All IN channels shares the Rx FIFO for receiving packets. All the periodic
OUT channels share the periodic Tx FIFO to transmit packets. All the non-periodic OUT
channels share the non-Periodic FIFO for transmit packets. Software should configure the
size and start offset of these data FIFOs by use these registers: USBHS_GRFLEN,
USBHS_HNPTFLEN and USBHS_HPTFLEN. The figure below describes the structure of
these FIFOs in SRAM. The values in the figure are in term of 32-bit words.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 29-6. HOST mode FIFO space in SRAM

Start: 0x00

Non-Periodic HNPTXFD


End: 0x3FF

In DMA mode, DMA engine is responsible for packet data copy between system memory and
the internal data FIFOs. In non-DMA mode the application needs to manually write packet
data into or read packet from the data FIFOs. USBHS provides a special register area for
software to write and read the internal data FIFO. The figure below describes the register
memory area for data FIFO access. The addresses in the figure are in term of byte. Each
channel has its own FIFO access register space, although all Non-periodic channels share
the same FIFO and all the Periodic channels share the same FIFO. This is important for
USBHS to know the current pushed packet belongs to which channel. Rx FIFO is also able
to be accessed by using USBHS_GRSTATR/ USBHS_GRSTATP register.

Figure 29-7. Host mode FIFO access register map

1000h-1FFFh CH0 FIFO Write/Read

2000h-2FFFh CH1 FIFO Write/Read


C000h-CFFFh CH11 FIFO Write/Read

Device mode

In device mode, the data FIFO is divided into several parts: one Rx FIFO, and 6 Tx FIFOs
GD32F4xx User Manual
(one for each IN endpoint). All the OUT endpoints share the Rx FIFO for receiving packets.
Software should configure the size and start offset of these data FIFOs by using
USBHS_GRFLEN and USBHS_DIEPxTFLEN (x=0…5) registers. The figure below describes
the structure of these FIFOs in SRAM. The values in the figure are in term of 32-bit words.

Figure 29-8. Device mode FIFO space in SRAM

Start: 0x00






End: 0x3FF

In DMA mode, DMA engine is responsible for packet data copy between system memory and
the internal data FIFOs. In non-DMA mode the application needs to manually write packet
data into or read packet from the data FIFOs. USBHS provides a special register area for
software to write and read the internal data FIFO. The figure below describes the register
memory area for data FIFO access. The addresses in the figure are in term of byte. Each
endpoint has its own FIFO access register space. Rx FIFO is also able to be accessed by

GD32F4xx User Manual
Figure 29-9. Device mode FIFO access register map

1000h-1FFFh IEP0 FIFO Write/Read

2000h-2FFFh IEP1 FIFO Write/Read

6000h-6FFFh ...
IEP5 FIFO Write/Read

29.5.6. DMA function

This section describes the DMA scheduler and DMA engine in USBHS.

DMA Requests and Scheduler

DMA function is enabled by setting DMAEN bit in USBHS_GAHBCS register. When an

IN/OUT channel or IN endpoint is properly configured and enabled, or the Rx FIFO is not
empty, USBHS will generate DMA request. There is a DMA scheduler in USBHS responsible
for responding to theses DMA requests.

There may be several requests simultaneously and the DMA scheduler arbitrates among
these requests. These requests are sorted into 3 kinds: Rx FIFO DMA request, periodic
transfer DMA requests and non-periodic transfer DMA requests. Rx FIFO DMA request takes
the highest priority, and periodic transfer DMA requests take the medium priority, and non-
periodic transfer DMA requests take the lowest priority when arbitration. DMA scheduler
performs round-robin arbitration method within the periodic or non-periodic transfer DMA

As is described above, DMA will automatically handle the Rx FIFO not empty event, so
software should ignore the RXFNEIF flag in USBHS_GINTF register in DMA mode.

DMA Engine


In host or device mode, once Rx FIFO DMA request gets arbitration, DMA engine begins to
read a packet or a status entry form Rx FIFO. For data packet, DMA write the data into the
specified system address configured in the HCHxDMAADDR register or
GD32F4xx User Manual
DIEPxDMAADDR/DOEPxDMAADDR register. For status entry, DMA will generate the
specified flags or interrupts on related channels or endpoints.

Host Transfer:

When a periodic or non-periodic IN channel DMA request gets arbitration, DMA writes IN
request entries into the periodic or non-periodic request queue. After the desired IN transfers
completes, or an AHB/USB bus error occurs, DMA halts the specified channel and generate
TF and CH flags in USBHS_HCHxINTF register. The received packet during IN transfers
copied into system memory after the Rx FIFO DMA request is generated, as described above.

When an OUT periodic or non-periodic channel DMA request gets arbitration, DMA reads
packet data from system memory and writes to internal Tx FIFO. DMA always writes an OUT
request entry into the request queue when it finishes a packet data copying. After the desired
OUT transfers completes, or an AHB/USB bus error occurs, DMA halt the specified channel
and generate TF and CH flags in USBHS_HCHxINTF register.

Device Transfer:

In device mode, when an IN endpoint DMA request gets arbitration, DMA reads packet data
from system memory and writes to the endpoint’s Tx FIFO. When USBHS gets an IN token
on an IN endpoint, it transmits the packet copied by DMA engine.

29.5.7. Operation guide

This section describes the advised operation guide for USBHS.

Host mode

Global register initialization sequence

1. Program USBHS_GAHBCS register according to application’s demand, such as: whether

to enable DMA, burst type of DMA transfer and the TxFIFO’s empty threshold, etc.
GINTEN bit should be kept cleared at this time.

2. Program USBHS_GUSBCS register according to application’s demand, such as: the

operation mode (host, device or OTG) and some parameters of OTG,ULPI and USB

3. Program USBHS_GCCFG register according to application’s demand.


USBHS_HPTFLEN registers to configure the data FIFOs according to application’s

5. Program USBHS_GINTEN register to enable Mode Fault and Host Port interrupt and set
GINTEN bit in USBHS_GAHBCS register to enable global interrupt.

6. Program SPDFSLS bit in USBHS_HCTL register to select whether to limit the device
speed to full-speed.
GD32F4xx User Manual
7. Program USBHS_HPCS register and set PP bit.

8. Wait for a device’s connection, and once a device is connected, the connection interrupt
PCD in USBHS_HPCS register will be triggered. Then set PRST bit to perform a port
reset. Wait for at least 10ms and then clear PRST bit.

9. Wait PEDC interrupt in USBHS_HPCS register and then read PE bit to ensure that the
port is successfully enabled. Read PS[1:0] bits to get the connected device’s speed and
then program USBHS_HFT register if software want to change the SOF interval.

Channel initialization and enable sequence

1. Program USBHS_HCHxCTL register with desired transfer type, direction, packet size, etc.
Ensure that CEN and CDIS bits keep cleared during configuration.

2. Program USBHS_HCHxINTEN register. Set the desired interrupt enable bits.

3. If DMA is enabled, program USBHS_HCHxDMAADDR register.

4. Program USBHS_HCHxLEN register. PCNT is the number of packets in a transfer and

TLEN is the total bytes number of all the transmitted or received packets in a transfer.

For OUT channel: If PCNT=1, the single packet’s size is equal to TLEN. If PCNT>1, the
former PCNT-1 packets are considered as max-packet-length packets whose size are
defined by MPL field in USBHS_HCHxCTL register, and the last packet’s size is
calculated based on PCNT, TLEN and MPL. If software want s to send out a zero-length
packet, it should program TLEN=0, PCNT=1.

For IN channel: Because the application doesn’t know the actual received data size
before the IN transaction finishes, software may program TLEN as a maximum possible
value supported by Rx FIFO.

5. Set CEN bit in USBHS_HCHxCTL register to enable the channel.

Channel disable sequence

Software can disable the channel by setting both CEN and CDIS bits at the same time.
USBHS will generate a channel disable request entry in request queue after the register
setting operation. When the request entry reaches to the top of request queue, it is processed
by USBHS immediately:

For OUT channel, the specified channel will be disabled immediately. Then, a CH flag will be
generated and the CEN and CDIS bits will be cleared by USBHS.

For IN channels, USBHS pushes a channel disable status entry into Rx FIFO. Software
should then handle the Rx FIFO not empty event: read and pop this status entry, then, a CH
flag will be generated and the CEN and CDIS bits will be cleared.

IN transfers operation sequence with DMA disabled

1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

GD32F4xx User Manual
2. Initialize the channel.

3. Enable the channel.

4. After the IN channel is enabled by software, USBHS generates a Rx request entry in the
corresponding request queue.

5. When the Rx request entry reaches to the top of the request queue, USBHS begins to
process this request entry. If bus time for the IN transaction indicated by the request entry
is enough, USBHS starts the IN transaction on USB bus.

6. If the IN transaction finishes successfully (ACK handshake received), USBHS pushes the
received data packet into the Rx FIFO and triggers ACK flag. Otherwise, the status flag
(NAK) report the transaction result.

7. If the IN transaction described in step 5 is successful and PCNT is larger than 1 in step2,
software should return to step 3 and continues to receive the remaining packets. If the IN
transaction described in step 5 is not successful, software should return to step 3 to re-
receive the packet again.

8. After all the transactions in a transfer are successful received on USB bus, USBHS push
a TF status entry into the Rx FIFO on top of the last packet data. After software reads
and pops all the received data packet, and at last, the TF status entry, USBHS generates
TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes.

9. Disable the channel. Now the channel is in IDLE state and is ready for other transfers.

IN transfers operation sequence with DMA enabled

1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the channel.

3. After the IN channel is enabled by software, USBHS begins to generate Rx request entry
in the corresponding request queue.

4. USBHS processes the request entries in request queue one by one and perform the
indicated IN transactions on USB bus.

5. When a IN transaction gets a NAK handshake, the DMA is able to re-send IN tokens
automatically until that USBHS get the desired number of packets .

6. After USBHS gets the desired number of packets specified by PCNT in

USBHS_HCHxLEN register, USBHS generates TF and CH flags to indicate that the
transfer successfully finishes and the channel is disabled. If USB bus error or DMA write
error occurs during these transactions, DMA will trigger related error flags, stops the
processing for this channel, disable this channel and at last, trigger the CH flag.

Note: In DMA mode, software should not enable or process the RXFNEIF interrupt because
the DMA will automatically process the Rx FIFO.

OUT transfers operation sequence with DMA disabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the channel.

3. Write a packet into the channel’s Tx FIFO (Periodic Tx FIFO or non-periodic Tx FIFO).
After the whole packet data is written into the FIFO, USBHS generates a Tx request entry
in the corresponding request queue and decrease the TLEN field in USBHS_HCHxLEN
register with the written packet’s size.

4. When the request entry reaches to the top of the request queue, USBHS begins to
process this request entry. If bus time for the transaction indicated by the request entry is
enough, USBHS starts the OUT transaction on USB bus.

5. When the OUT transaction indicated by the request entry finishes on USB bus, PCNT in
USBHS_HCHxLEN register is decreased by 1. If the transaction finishes successfully
(ACK handshake received), the ACK flag is triggered. Otherwise, the status flag (NAK)
report the transaction result.

6. If the OUT transaction described in step 5 is successful and PCNT is larger than 1 in
step2, software should return to step 3 and continues to send the remaining packets. If
the OUT transaction described in step 5 is not successful, software should return to step
3 to resend the packet again.

7. After all the transactions in a transfer are successful sent on USB bus, USBHS generates
TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes.

8. Disable the channel. Now the channel is in IDLE state and is ready for other transfers.

OUT transfers operation sequence with DMA enabled

1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the channel.

3. DMA in USBHS begins to fetch packets from the address specified by DMAADDR in
USBHS_HCHxDMAADDR register and write them into the channel’s Tx FIFO (Periodic
Tx FIFO or non-periodic Tx FIFO). Each time a whole packet data is written into the FIFO,
USBHS generates a Tx request entry in the corresponding request queue and decrease
the TLEN field in USBHS_HCHxLEN register with the written packet’s size.

4. USBHS processes the request entries in request queue one by one and sends out the
indicated transactions on USB bus.

5. When a transaction gets a NAK or NYET handshake, the DMA is able to re-fetch and re-
send the packet as well as perform PING protocol automatically.

6. If all the transactions are successful sent on USB bus, USBHS generates TF and CH
flags to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes and the channel is disabled. If USB
bus error or DMA fetch error occurs during these transactions, DMA will trigger related
error flags, stops the processing for this channel, disable this channel and at last, trigger
the CH flag.
GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: In DMA mode, software should not enable or process the RXFNEIF interrupt because
the DMA will automatically process the Rx FIFO.

Device mode

Global register initialization sequence

1. Program USBHS_GAHBCS register according to application’s demand, such as: whether

to enable DMA, burst type of DMA transfer and the TxFIFO’s empty threshold, etc.
GINTEN bit should be kept cleared at this time.

2. Program USBHS_GUSBCS register according to application’s demand, such as: the

operation mode (host, device or OTG) and some parameters of OTG,ULPI and USB

3. Program USBHS_GCCFG register according to application’s demand.


USBHS_DIEPxTFLEN registers to configure the data FIFOs according to application’s

5. Program USBHS_GINTEN register to enable Mode Fault, Suspend, SOF, Enumeration

Done and USB Reset interrupt and then, set GINTEN bit in USBHS_GAHBCS register to
enable global interrupt.

6. Program USBHS_DCFG register according to application’s demand, such as the device

speed and device address, etc.

7. After the device is connected to a host, the host will perform port reset on USB bus and
this will trigger the RST interrupt in USBHS_GINTF register.

8. Wait for ENUMF interrupt in USBHS_GINTF register and then read ES[1:0] bits in
USBHS_DSTAT register to get the current enumerated device speed.

Endpoint initialization and enable sequence

1. Program USBHS_DIEPxCTL or USBHS_DOEPxCTL register with desired transfer type,

packet size, etc.

2. Program USBHS_DIEPINTEN or USBHS_DOEPINTEN register. Set the desired interrupt

enable bits.



4. Program USBHS_DIEPxLEN or USBHS_DOEPxLEN register. PCNT is the number of

packets in a transfer and TLEN is the total bytes number of all the transmitted or received
packets in a transfer.

For IN endpoint:If PCNT=1, the single packet’s size is equal to TLEN. If PCNT>1, the
former PCNT-1 packets are considered as max-packet-length packets whose size are

GD32F4xx User Manual
defined by MPL field in USBHS_DIEPxCTL register, and the last packet’s size is
calculated based on PCNT, TLEN and MPL. If software want s to send out a zero-length
packet, it should program TLEN=0, PCNT=1.

For OUT endpoint:Because the application doesn’t know the actual received data size
before the OUT transaction finishes, software may program TLEN as a maximum possible
value supported by Rx FIFO.

5. Set EPEN bit in USBHS_DIEPxCTL or USBHS_DOEPxCTL register to enable the


Endpoint disable sequence

Software can disable the endpoint anytime when clearing the EPEN bit in USBHS_DIEPxCTL
or USBHS_DOEPxCTL register.

IN transfers operation sequence with DMA disabled

1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the IN endpoint.

3. Write packets into the endpoint’s Tx FIFO. Each time a data packet is written into the
FIFO, USBHS decreases the TLEN field in USBHS_DIEPxLEN register with the written
packet’s size.

4. When an IN token is received, USBHS transmit the data packet, and after the transaction
finishes on USB bus, PCNT in USBHS_DIEPxLEN register is decreased by 1. If the
transaction finishes successfully (ACK handshake received), the ACK flag is triggered.
Otherwise, the status flags report the transaction result.

5. After all the data packets in a transfer are successful sent on USB bus, USBHS generates
TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes and disable the IN endpoint.

IN transfers operation sequence with DMA enabled

1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the IN endpoint.

3. DMA in USBHS begins to fetch packets from the address specified by DMAADDR in
USBHS_DIEPxDMAADDR register and write them into the IN endpoint’s Tx FIFO. Each
time a whole packet data is written into the FIFO, USBHS decreases the TLEN field in
USBHS_DIEPxLEN register with the written packet’s size.

4. When an IN token is received, USBHS transmit the data packet, and after the transaction
finishes on USB bus, PCNT in USBHS_DIEPxLEN register is decreased by 1. If the
transaction finishes successfully (ACK handshake received), the ACK flag is triggered.
Otherwise, the status flags report the transaction result.

5. If all the transactions are successful sent on USB bus, USBHS generates TF and EPDIS
flags to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes and the endpoint is disabled. If USB
GD32F4xx User Manual
bus error or DMA fetch error occurs during these transactions, DMA will trigger related
error flags.

Note: In DMA mode, software should not enable or process the RXFNEIF interrupt because
the DMA will automatically process the Rx FIFO.

OUT transfers operation sequence with DMA disabled

1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

2. Initialize the endpoint and enable the endpoint.

3. When an OUT token is received, USBHS receive the data packet or response with an
NAK handshake based on the status of Rx FIFO and register configuration. If the
transaction finishes successfully (USBHS receives and saves the data packet into Rx
FIFO successfully and sends ACK handshake on USB bus), PCNT in
USBHS_DOEPxLEN register is decreased by 1 and the ACK flag is triggered, otherwise,
the status flags report the transaction result.

4. After all the data packets in a transfer are successful received on USB bus, USBHS push
a TF status entry into the Rx FIFO on top of the last packet data. After software reads
and pops all the received data packet, and at last, the TF status entry, USBHS generates
TF flag to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes and disable the OUT endpoint.

OUT transfers operation sequence with DMA enabled

1. Initialize USBHS global registers.

2. Initialize and enable the OUT endpoint.

3. When an OUT token received, USBHS receive the data packet or response with an NAK
handshake based on the status of Rx FIFO and register configuration. If the transaction
finishes successfully (USBHS receives and saves the data packet into Rx FIFO
successfully and sends ACK handshake on USB bus), PCNT in USBHS_DOEPxLEN
register is decreased by 1 and the ACK flag is triggered, otherwise, the status flags report
the transaction result.

4. If all the transactions are successful received on USB bus, USBHS generates TF and
EPDIS flags to indicate that the transfer successfully finishes and the endpoint is disabled.
If USB bus error or DMA write error occurs during these transactions, DMA will trigger
related error flags.

Note: In DMA mode, software should not enable or process the RXFNEIF interrupt because
the DMA will automatically process the Rx FIFO.

29.6. Interrupts

USBHS has four interrupts: global interrupt, wake-up interrupt, endpoint1 IN interrupt and
endpoint1 OUT interrupt.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Global interrupt is the main interrupt software should process, the source flags of the global
interrupt are readable in USBHS_GINTF register and listed in the following table.

Table 29-3. USBHS global interrupt

Interrupt Flag Description Operation Mode

SEIF Session interrupt Host or device mode

DISCIF Disconnect interrupt flag Host Mode

IDPSC ID pin status change Host or device mode

PTXFEIF Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt flag Host Mode

HCIF Host channels interrupt flag Host Mode

HPIF Host port interrupt flag Host Mode

ISOONCIF/PXNC Periodic transfer Not Complete Host or device mode

IF Interrupt flag /
Isochronous OUT transfer Not
Complete Interrupt Flag

ISOINCIF Isochronous IN transfer Not Complete Device mode

Interrupt Flag

OEPIF OUT endpoint interrupt flag Device mode

IEPIF IN endpoint interrupt flag Device mode

EOPFIF End of periodic frame interrupt flag Device mode

ISOOPDIF Isochronous OUT packet dropped Device mode

interrupt flag

ENUMF Enumeration finished Device mode

RST USB reset Device mode

USB suspend
SP Device mode
Early suspend
ESP Device mode
Global OUT NAK effective
GONAK Device mode
Global IN Non-Periodic NAK effective
GNPINAK Device mode
Non-Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
Rx FIFO non-empty interrupt flag
RXFNEIF Host or device mode
Start of frame
SOF Host or device mode
OTG interrupt flag
OTGIF Host or device mode

GD32F4xx User Manual
Interrupt Flag Description Operation Mode
Mode fault interrupt flag
MFIF Host or device mode

Wake up interrupt is able to be triggered when USBHS is in suspend state, even when the
USBHS’s clocks are stopped. The source of the wake up interrupt is WKUPIF bit in
USBHS_GINTF register.

Endpoint 1 IN/OUT interrupts are two special interrupts for endpoint 1. Application can use
these two interrupts to make a quick response to the events on endpoint 1. The two interrupts
are individually enabled by USBHS_DEP1INT register. And the source of these two interrupts
also come from USBHS_DIEP1INTF and USBHS_DOEP1INTF registers, but the enable bits
for these flags to generate Endpoint 1 IN/OUT interrupts are in USBHS_DIEP1INTEN and

GD32F4xx User Manual
29.7. Register definition

USBHS start address: 0x4004 0000

29.7.1. USBHS global registers

Global OTG control and status register (USBHS_GOTGCS)

Address offset: 0x0000
Reset value: 0x0000 0800

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16



r r r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0





rw rw rw r rw r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 BSV B-Session Valid (described in OTG protocol).

0: Vbus voltage level of a OTG B-device is below VBSESSVLD
1: Vbus voltage level of a OTG B-Device is not below VBSESSVLD
Note: Only accessible in OTG B-Device mode.

18 ASV A- session valid

A-host mode transceiver status.
0: Vbus voltage level of a OTG A-device is below VASESSVLD
1: Vbus voltage level of a OTG A-device is below VASESSVLD
The A-device is as host default at the start of a session.
Note: Only accessible in OTG A-Device mode.

17 DI Debounce interval
Debounce interval of a detected connection.
0: Indicates the long debounce interval , when a plug-on and connection occur on
USB bus
1: Indicates the short debounce interval, when a soft connection is used in HNP

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

16 IDPS ID pin status

Voltage level of connector ID pin
0: USBHS is in A-device mode
1: USBHS is in B-device mode
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

15:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 DHNPEN Device HNP enable

Enable the HNP function of a B-device. If this bit is cleared, USBHS doesn’t start
HNP protocol when application set HNPREQ bit in USBHS_GOTGCS register.
0: HNP function is not enabled.
1: HNP function is enabled
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

10 HHNPEN Host HNP enable

Enable the HNP function of an A-device. If this bit is cleared, USBHS doesn’t
response to the HNP request from B-device.
0: HNP function is not enabled.
1: HNP function is enabled
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

9 HNPREQ HNP request

This bit is set by software to start a HNP on the USB. Software can clear this bit
when HNPEND bit in USBHS_GOTGINTF register is set, by writing zero to it, or
clearing the HNPEND bit in USBHS_GOTGINTF register.
0: Don’t send HNP request
1: Send HNP request
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

8 HNPS HNP successes

This bit is set by the core when HNP successes and cleared when HNPREQ bit is
0: HNP fails
1: HNP successes
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

7:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 SRPREQ SRP request

This bit is set by software to start a SRP on the USB. Software can clear this bit
when SRPEND bit in USBHS_GOTGINTF register is set, by writing zero to it, or
clearing the SRPEND bit in USBHS_GOTGINTF register.
0: No session request
1: Session request
GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

0 SRPS SRP success

This bit is set by the core when SRP successes and cleared when SRPREQ bit is
0: SRP fails
1: SRP successes
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

Global OTG interrupt flag register (USBHS_GOTGINTF)

Address offset: 0x0004
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 DF Debounce finish
Set by USBHS when the debounce during device connection is done.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

18 ADTO A-device timeout

Set by USBHS when the A-device’s waiting for a B-device’ connection has timed
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

17 HNPDET Host negotiation request detected

Set by USBHS when A-device detects a HNP request.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

16:10 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


GD32F4xx User Manual
Set by the core when a HNP ends. Software should read the HNPS in
USBHS_GOTGCS register to get the result of HNP.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

Set by the core when a SRP ends. Software should read the SRPS in
USBHS_GOTGCS register to get the result of SRP.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 SESEND Session end

Set by the core when VBUS voltage is below Vb_ses_vld.

1:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Global AHB control and status register (USBHS_GAHBCS)

Address offset: 0x0008
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 PTXFTH Periodic Tx FIFO threshold

0: PTXFEIF will be triggered when the periodic transmit FIFO is half empty
1: PTXFEIF will be triggered when the periodic transmit FIFO is completely empty
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

7 TXFTH Tx FIFO threshold

Device mode:
0: TXFEIF will be triggered when the IN endpoint transmit FIFO is half empty
1: TXFEIF will be triggered when the IN endpoint transmit FIFO is completely

GD32F4xx User Manual
Host mode:
0: NPTXFEIF will be triggered when the non-periodic transmit FIFO is half empty
1: NPTXFEIF will be triggered when the non-periodic transmit FIFO is completely

6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5 DMAEN DMA function Enable

0: DMA function is disabled
1: DMA function is enabled

4:1 BURST The AHB burst type used by DMA

0000: Single
0001: INCR
0011: INCR4
0101: INCR8
0111: INCR16

0 GINTEN Global interrupt enable

0: Global interrupt is not enabled.
1: Global interrupt is enabled.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

Global USB control and status register (USBHS_GUSBCS)

Address offset: 0x000C
Reset value: 0x0000 0A00

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw

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rw r/rw r/rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30 FDM Force device mode

Setting this bit will force the core to device mode irrespective of the USBHS ID

GD32F4xx User Manual
input pin.
0: Normal mode
1: Device mode
The application must wait at least 25 ms for the change taking effect after setting
the force bit.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

29 FHM Force host mode

Setting this bit will force the core to host mode irrespective of the USBHS ID input
0: Normal mode
1: Host mode
The application must wait at least 25 ms for the change taking effect after setting
the force bit.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

28:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 ULPIEOI ULPI external over-current indicator

ULPI PHY uses this bit to decide whether to use internal or external over-current
indicator. This bit only takes effect when external ULPI PHY is used (EMBPHY bit
in this register is 0).
0: ULPI PHY uses internal over-current indicator
1: ULPI PHY uses external over-current indicator

20 ULPIEVD ULPI external VBUS driver

ULPI PHY uses this bit to decide whether VBUS is driven by ULPI PHY or by
external power supply. This bit only takes effect when external ULPI PHY is used
(EMBPHY bit in this register is 0).
0: VBUS is driven by ULPI PHY
1: VBUS is driven by external power supply

19:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13:10 UTT[3:0] USB turnaround time

Turnaround time in PHY clocks.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

9 HNPCEN HNP capability enable

Controls whether the HNP capability is enabled
0: HNP capability is disabled
1: HNP capability is enabled
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

8 SRPCEN SRP capability enable

Controls whether the SRP capability is enabled
0: SRP capability is disabled
1: SRP capability is enabled
GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 EMBPHY Embedded PHY selected

Controls whether the internal embedded Full-Speed PHY or the external ULPI
PHY is used.
0: USBHS uses external ULPI PHY
1: USBHS uses the internal embedded Full-Speed PHY
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

5:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:0 TOC[2:0] Timeout calibration

USBHS always uses time-out value required in USB 2.0 when waiting for a
packet. Application may use TOC[2:0] to add the value is in terms of PHY clock.
(The frequency of PHY clock is decided by which PHY is used: 48MHZ with
internal embedded PHY and 60MHz with external ULPI PHY.)

Global reset control register (USBHS_GRSTCTL)

Address offset: 0x0010
Reset value: 0x8000 0000

The application uses this register to reset various hardware features inside the core.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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r r

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rw rs rs rs rs rs

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 DMAIDL DMA Idle state
This bit reports that whether DMA is in IDLE state or not.
0: DMA is not IDLE
1: DMA is IDLE

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.


This bit reports that whether DMA is busy.
0: DMA is not busy
1: DMA is busy
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

29:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:6 TXFNUM[4:0] Tx FIFO number

Indicates which Tx FIFO will be flushed when TXFF bit in the same register is set.
Host Mode:
00000: Only non-periodic Tx FIFO is flushed
00001: Only periodic Tx FIFO is flushed
1XXXX: Both periodic and non-periodic Tx FIFOs are flushed
Other: Non data FIFO is flushed
Device Mode
00000: Only Tx FIFO0 is flushed
00001: Only Tx FIFO1 is flushed

00101: Only Tx FIFO5 is flushed
1XXXX: All Tx FIFOs are flushed
Other: Non data FIFO is flushed

5 TXFF Tx FIFO flush

Application sets this bit to flush data Tx FIFOs and TXFNUM[4:0] bits decide the
FIFO number to be flushed. Hardware automatically clears this bit after the flush
process completes. After setting this bit, application should wait until this bit is
cleared before any other operation on USBHS.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

4 RXFF Rx FIFO flush

Application sets this bit to flush data Rx FIFO. Hardware automatically clears this
bit after the flush process completes. After setting this bit, application should wait
until this bit is cleared before any other operation on USBHS.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 HFCRST Host frame counter reset

Set by the application to reset the frame number counter in USBHS. After this bit
is set, the frame number of the following SOF returns to 0. Hardware automatically
clears this bit after the reset process completes. After setting this bit, application
should wait until this bit is cleared before any other operation on USBHS.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

1 HCSRST HCLK soft reset

GD32F4xx User Manual
Set by the application to reset AHB clock domain circuit.
Hardware automatically clears this bit after the reset process completes. After
setting this bit, application should wait until this bit is cleared before any other
operation on USBHS.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

0 CSRST Core soft reset

Resets the AHB and USB clock domains circuits, as well as most of the registers.

Global interrupt flag register (USBHS_GINTF)

Address offset: 0x0014
Reset value: 0x0400 0021

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 WKUPIF Wakeup interrupt flag
This interrupt is triggered when a resume signal (in device mode) or a remote
wakeup signal (in host mode) is detected on the USB.
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

30 SESIF Session interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered when a SRP is detected (in A-Device mode) or VBUS
becomes valid for a B- device (in B-Device mode).
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

29 DISCIF Disconnect interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered after a device disconnection.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

28 IDPSC ID pin status change

Set by the core when ID status changes.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 PTXFEIF Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered when the periodic transmit FIFO is either half or
completely empty. The threshold is determined by the periodic Tx FIFO empty
level bit (PTXFTH) in the USBHS_GAHBCS register.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

25 HCIF Host channels interrupt flag

Set by USBHS when one of the channels in host mode has raised an interrupt.
Software should first read USBHS_ HACHINT register to get the channel number,
and then read the corresponding USBHS_HCHxINTF register to get the flags of
the channel that cause the interrupt. This bit will be automatically cleared after
the respective channel’s flags which cause channel interrupt are cleared.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

24 HPIF Host port interrupt flag

Set by the core when USBHS detects that port status changes in host mode.
Software should read USBHS_HPCS register to get the source of this interrupt.
This bit will be automatically cleared after the flags that causing a port interrupt are
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

23:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 PXNCIF Periodic transfer Not Complete Interrupt flag

USBHS sets this bit when there are periodic transactions for current frame not
completed at the end of frame. (Host mode)

ISOONCIF Isochronous OUT transfer Not Complete Interrupt Flag

At the end of a periodic frame (defined by EOPFT bit in USBHS_DCFG), USBHS
will set this bit if there are still isochronous OUT endpoints that not completed
transactions. (Device Mode)

20 ISOINCIF Isochronous IN transfer Not Complete Interrupt Flag

At the end of a periodic frame (defined by EOPFT[1:0] bits in USBHS_DCFG),
USBHS will set this bit if there are still isochronous IN endpoints that not
completed transactions. (Device Mode)
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

19 OEPIF OUT endpoint interrupt flag

Set by USBHS when one of the OUT endpoints in device mode has raised an
interrupt. Software should first read USBHS_DAEPINT register to get the device
number, and then read the corresponding USBHS_DOEPxINTF register to get the
flags of the endpoint that cause the interrupt. This bit will be automatically cleared
after the respective endpoint’s flags which cause this interrupt are cleared.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

18 IEPIF IN endpoint interrupt flag

Set by USBHS when one of the IN endpoints in device mode has raised an
interrupt. Software should first read USBHS_DAEPINT register to get the device
number, and then read the corresponding USBHS_DIEPxINTF register to get the
flags of the endpoint that cause the interrupt. This bit will be automatically cleared
after the respective endpoint’s flags which cause this interrupt are cleared.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

17:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EOPFIF End of periodic frame interrupt flag

When USB bus time in a frame has reaches the value defined by EOPFT[1:0] bits
in USBHS_DCFG register, USBHS sets this flag.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

14 ISOOPDIF Isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt flag

USBHS set this bit if it receives an isochronous OUT packet but cannot save it into
Rx FIFO because the FIFO doesn’t have enough space.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

13 ENUMF Enumeration finished

USBHS sets this bit after the speed enumeration finishes. Software is able to read
USBHS_DSTAT register to get the current device speed.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

12 RST USB reset

USBHS sets this bit when it detects a USB reset signal on bus.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

11 SP USB suspend
USBHS sets this bit when it detects that the USB bus is idle for 3 ms and enters
suspend state.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

10 ESP Early suspend

USBHS sets this bit when it detects that the USB bus is idle for 3 ms.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

9:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 GONAK Global OUT NAK effective

Software is able to write 1 to SGONAK bit in the USBHS_DCTL register and
USBHS will set GONAK flag after writing to SGONAK takes effect.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

6 GNPINAK Global IN Non-Periodic NAK effective

Software is able to write 1 to SGINAK bit in the USBHS_DCTL register and

GD32F4xx User Manual
USBHS will set GNPINAK flag after writing to SGINAK takes effect.
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

5 NPTXFEIF Non-Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt flag

This interrupt is triggered when the non-periodic transmit FIFO is either half or
completely empty. The threshold is determined by the non-periodic Tx FIFO empty
level bit (TXFTH) in the USBHS_GAHBCS register.
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

4 RXFNEIF Rx FIFO non-empty interrupt flag

USBHS sets this bit when there is at least one packet or status entry in the Rx
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

3 SOF Start of frame

Host Mode: USBHS sets this bit when it prepares to transmit a SOF or Keep-Alive
on USB bus. Software can clear this bit by writing 1.
Device Mode: USBHS sets this bit to after it receives a SOF token. The
application can read the Device Status register to get the current frame number.
Software can clear this bit by writing 1.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

2 OTGIF OTG interrupt flag

USBHS sets this bit when the flags in USBHS_GOTGINTF register generate a
interrupt. Software should read USBHS_GOTGINTF register to get the source of
this interrupt. This bit is cleared after the flags in USBHS_GOTGINTF causing this
interrupt are cleared.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

1 MFIF Mode fault interrupt flag

USBHS sets this bit if software operates host-only register in device mode, or
operates device-mode in host mode. These fault operations won’t take effect.
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.
0 COPM Current operation mode
0: Device mode
1: Host mode
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

Global interrupt enable register (USBHS_GINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0018
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register works with the global interrupt flag register (USBHS_GINTF) to interrupt the
application. When an interrupt enable bit is disabled, the interrupt associated with that bit is
not generated. However, the global Interrupt flag register bit corresponding to that interrupt
is still set.
GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 WKUPIE Wakeup interrupt enable
0: Disable wakeup interrupt
1: Enable wakeup interrupt
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

30 SESIE Session interrupt enable

0: Disable session interrupt
1: Enable session interrupt
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

29 DISCIE Disconnect interrupt enable

0: Disable disconnect interrupt
1: Enable disconnect interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

28 IDPSCIE ID pin status change interrupt enable

0: Disable connector ID pin status interrupt
1: Enable connector ID pin status interrupt
Note: Accessible in both host and device modes.

27 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

26 PTXFEIE Periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable

0: Disable periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
1: Enable periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

25 HCIE Host channels interrupt enable

0: Disable host channels interrupt
1: Enable host channels interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
24 HPIE Host port interrupt enable
0: Disable host port interrupt
1: Enable host port interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

23:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 PXNCIE Periodic transfer not complete interrupt enable

0: Disable Periodic transfer not complete interrupt
1: Enable Periodic transfer not complete interrupt
Note: Only accessible in host mode.

ISOONCIE Isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt enable

0: Disable Isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt
1: Enable Isochronous OUT transfer not complete interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

20 ISOINCIE Isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt enable

0: Disable Isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt
1: Enable Isochronous IN transfer not complete interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

19 OEPIE OUT endpoints interrupt enable

0: Disable OUT endpoints interrupt
1: Enable OUT endpoints interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

18 IEPIE IN endpoints interrupt enable

0: Disable IN endpoints interrupt
1: Enable IN endpoints interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

17:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EOPFIE End of periodic frame interrupt enable

0: Disable end of periodic frame interrupt
1: Enable end of periodic frame interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

14 ISOOPDIE Isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt enable

0: Disable isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt
1: Enable isochronous OUT packet dropped interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

13 ENUMFIE Enumeration finish enable

0: Disable enumeration finish interrupt
1: Enable enumeration finish interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
12 RSTIE USB reset interrupt enable
0: Disable USB reset interrupt
1: Enable USB reset interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

11 SPIE USB suspend interrupt enable

0: Disable USB suspend interrupt
1: Enable USB suspend interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

10 ESPIE Early suspend interrupt enable

0: Disable early suspend interrupt
1: Enable early suspend interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

9:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 GONAKIE Global OUT NAK effective interrupt enable

0: Disable global OUT NAK interrupt
1: Enable global OUT NAK interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

6 GNPINAKIE Global non-periodic IN NAK effective interrupt enable

0: Disable global non-periodic IN NAK effective interrupt
1: Enable global non-periodic IN NAK effective interrupt
Note: Only accessible in device mode.

5 NPTXFEIE Non-periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable

0: Disable non-periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
1: Enable non-periodic Tx FIFO empty interrupt
Note: Only accessible in Host mode.

4 RXFNEIE Receive FIFO non-empty interrupt enable

0: Disable receive FIFO non-empty interrupt
1: Enable receive FIFO non-empty interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

3 SOFIE Start of frame interrupt enable

0: Disable start of frame interrupt
1: Enable start of frame interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

2 OTGIE OTG interrupt enable

0: Disable OTG interrupt
1: Enable OTG interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

1 MFIE Mode fault interrupt enable

0: Disable mode fault interrupt
GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable mode fault interrupt
Note: Accessible in both device and host modes.

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Global receive status read/receive status read and pop registers

Address offset for Read: 0x001C
Address offset for Pop: 0x0020
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

A read to the receive status read register returns the entry of the top of the Rx FIFO. A read
to the Receive status read and pop register additionally pops the top entry out of the Rx

The entries in RxFIFO have different meanings in host and device modes. Software should
only read this register after when Receive FIFO non-empty interrupt flag bit of the global
interrupt flag register (RXFNEIF bit in USBHS_GINTF) is triggered.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

Host mode:

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r r

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r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

20:17 RPCKST[3:0] Received packet status

0010: IN data packet received
0011: IN transfer completed (generates an interrupt if poped)
0101: Data toggle error (generates an interrupt if poped)
0111: Channel halted (generates an interrupt if poped)
Others: Reserved

16:15 DPID[1:0] Data PID

GD32F4xx User Manual
The Data PID of the received packet
00: DATA0
10: DATA1
01: DATA2

14:4 BCOUNT[10:0] Byte count

The byte count of the received IN data packet.

3:0 CNUM[3:0] Channel number

The channel number to which the current received packet belongs.

Device mode:

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r r r

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r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

20:17 RPCKST[3:0] Received packet status

0001: Global OUT NAK (generates an interrupt)
0010: OUT data packet received
0011: OUT transfer completed (generates an interrupt)
0100: SETUP transaction completed (generates an interrupt)
0110: SETUP data packet received
Others: Reserved

16:15 DPID[1:0] Data PID

The Data PID of the received OUT data packet
00: DATA0
10: DATA1
01: DATA2

14:4 BCOUNT[10:0] Byte count

GD32F4xx User Manual
The byte count of the received data packet.

3:0 EPNUM[3:0] Endpoint number

The endpoint number to which the current received packet belongs.

Global receive FIFO length register (USBHS_GRFLEN)

Address offset: 0x024
Reset value: 0x0000 0200

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Reserved 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 RXFD[15:0] Rx FIFO depth

In terms of 32-bit word.

Host non-periodic transmit FIFO length register /Device IN endpoint 0 transmit

Address offset: 0x028
Reset value: 0x0200 0200

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual



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Host Mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 HNPTXFD[15:0] Non-periodic Tx FIFO depth
In terms of 32-bit word.

15:0 HNPTXRSAR[15:0] Non-periodic Tx RAM start address

The start address for non-periodic transmit FIFO RAM in terms of 32-bit word.

Device Mode:

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 IEP0TXFD[15:0] IN Endpoint 0 Tx FIFO depth
In terms of 32-bit words.

15:0 IEP0TXRSAR[15:0] IN Endpoint 0 TX RAM start address

The start address for endpoint0 transmit FIFO RAM in terms of 32-bit word.

Host non-periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register (USBHS_HNPTFQSTAT)

Address offset: 0x002C
Reset value: 0x0008 0200

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

This register reports the current status of the non-periodic Tx FIFO and request queue. The
request queue holds IN, OUT or other request entries in host mode.

Note: In Device mode, this register is not valid.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

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r r

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:24 NPTXRQTOP[6:0] Top entry of the non-periodic Tx request queue

Entry in the non-periodic transmit request queue.
Bits 30:27: Channel number
Bits 26:25:
– 00: IN/OUT token
– 01: Zero-length OUT packet
– 11: Channel halt request
Bit 24: Terminate Flag, indicating last entry for selected channel.

23:16 NPTXRQS[7:0] Non-periodic Tx request queue space

The remaining space of the non-periodic transmit request queue.
0: Request queue is Full
1: 1 entry
2: 2 entries

n: n entries (0≤n≤8)
Others: Reserved

15:0 NPTXFS[15:0] Non-periodic Tx FIFO space

The remaining space of the non-periodic transmit FIFO.
In terms of 32-bit words.
0: Non-periodic Tx FIFO is full
1: 1 words
2: 2 words
n: n words (0≤n≤NPTXFD)
Others: Reserved

GD32F4xx User Manual
Global core configuration register (USBHS_GCCFG)
Address offset: 0x0038
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 VBUSIG VBUS Ignored

When this bit is set, USBHS doesn’t monitor the voltage on VBUS pin and
always considers VBUS voltage as valid both in host mode and in device mode,
then frees the VBUS pin for other usage.
0: VBUS is not ignored.
1: VBUS is ignored and always considers VBUS voltage as valid.

20 SOFOEN SOF output enable

0: SOF pulse output disabled.
1: SOF pulse output enabled.

19 VBUSBCEN The VBUS B-device Comparer enable

0: VBUS B-device comparer disabled
1: VBUS B-device comparer enabled

18 VBUSACEN The VBUS A-device Comparer enable

0: VBUS A-device comparer disabled
1: VBUS A-device comparer enabled

17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 PWRON Power on
This bit is the power switch for the internal embedded Full-Speed PHY.

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Embedded Full-Speed PHY power off.
1: Embedded Full-Speed PHY power on.

15:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Core ID register (USBHS_CID)

Address offset: 0x003C
Reset value: 0x0000 1000

This register contains the Product ID.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 CID Core ID
Software can write or read this field and uses this field as a unique ID for its

Host periodic transmit FIFO length register (USBHS_HPTFLEN)

Address offset: 0x0100
Reset value: 0x0200 0600

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 HPTXFD[15:0] Host Periodic Tx FIFO depth
In terms of 32-bit word.

15:0 HPTXFSAR[15:0] Host periodic Tx RAM start address

The start address for host periodic transmit FIFO RAM in terms of 32-bit word.

Device IN endpoint transmit FIFO length register (USBHS_DIEPxTFLEN) (x =

1..5, where x is the FIFO_number)
Address offset: 0x0104 + (FIFO_number – 1) × 0x04
Reset value: 0x0200 0400

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 IEPTXFD[15:0] IN endpoint Tx FIFO x depth
In terms of 32-bit word.

15:0 IEPTXRSAR[15:0] IN endpoint FIFOx Tx x RAM start address

The start address for IN endpoint transmit FIFO x in terms of 32-bit word.

GD32F4xx User Manual
29.7.2. Host control and status registers

Host control register (USBHS_HCTL)

Address offset: 0x0400
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the core after power-on in host mode. Do not modify it after host

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 SPDFSLS Speed limited to FS and LS

Software may use this bit to limit USBHS’s enumeration speed to FS/LS and make
USBHS not perform high-speed enumeration during reset. This bit is only useful
with external ULPI PHY, because internal embedded PHY only supports full-speed
and low-speed.
0: Speed not limited.
1: Speed limited in FS/LS only.

1:0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Host frame interval register (USBHS_HFT)

Address offset: 0x0404
Reset value: 0x0000 BB80

This register sets the frame interval for the current enumerating speed when USBHS
controller is enumerating.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 FRI[15:0] Frame interval

This value describes the frame time in terms of PHY clock.Port is enabled after a
port reset operation, USBHS uses a proper value according to the current speed,
and software can write to this field to change the value. This value should be
calculated using the frequency described below:
Internal Embedded Full-Speed PHY:
Full-Speed: 48MHz
Low-Speed: 6MHz
External ULPI PHY:

Host frame information remaining register (USBHS_HFINFR)

Address offset: 0x408
Reset value: 0xBB80 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:16 FRT[15:0] Frame remaining time
This field reports the remaining time of current frame in terms of PHY clock.

15:0 FRNUM[15:0] Frame number

This field reports the frame number of current frame and returns to 0 after it
reaches 0x3FF.

Host periodic transmit FIFO/queue status register (USBHS_HPTFQSTAT)

Address offset: 0x0410
Reset value: 0x0008 0200

This register reports the current status of the host periodic Tx FIFO and request queue. The
request queue holds IN, OUT or other request entries in host mode.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:24 PTXREQT[7:0] Top entry of the periodic Tx request queue
Entry in the periodic transmit request queue.
Bits 30:27: Channel Number
Bits 26:25:
– 00: IN/OUT token
– 01: Zero-length OUT packet
– 11: Channel halt request
Bit 24: Terminate Flag, indicating last entry for selected channel.

23:16 PTXREQS[7:0] Periodic Tx request queue space

The remaining space of the periodic transmit request queue.
0: Request queue is Full
1: 1 entry
2: 2 entries

GD32F4xx User Manual

n: n entries (0≤n≤8)
Others: Reserved

15:0 PTXFS[15:0] Periodic Tx FIFO space

The remaining space of the periodic transmit FIFO.
In terms of 32-bit word.
0: periodic Tx FIFO is full
1: 1 word
2: 2 words
n: n words (0≤n≤PTXFD)
Others: Reserved

Host all channels interrupt register (USBHS_HACHINT)

Address offset: 0x0414
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

When a channel interrupt is triggered, USBHS sets corresponding bit in this register and
software should read this register to know which channel is asserting interrupt.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 HACHINT[11:0] Host all channel interrupts

Each bit represents a channel: Bit 0 for channel 0, bit 11 for channel 11.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Host all channels interrupt enable register (USBHS_HACHINTEN)
Address offset: 0x0418
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be used by software to enable or disable a channel’s interrupt. Only the
channel whose corresponding bit in this register is set is able to cause the channel interrupt
flag HCIF in USBHS_GINTF register.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 CINTEN Channel interrupt enable

0: Disable channel-n interrupt
1: Enable channel-n interrupt
Each bit represents a channel: Bit 0 for channel 0, bit 11 for channel 11.

Host port control and status register (USBHS_HPCS)

Address offset: 0x0440
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register controls the port’s behavior and also has some flags which report the status of
the port. The HPIF flag in USBHS_GINTF register will be triggered if one of these flags in
this register is set by USBHS: PRST, PEDC and PCD.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw r rw rs rw rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:19 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

18:17 PS Port speed

Report the enumerated speed of the device attached to this port.
00: High speed
01: Full speed
10: Low speed
Others: Reserved

16:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12 PP Port power
This bit should be set before a port is used. Because USBHS doesn’t have power
supply ability, it only uses this bit to know whether the port is in powered state.
Software should ensure the true power supply on VBUS before setting this bit.
0: Port is powered off
1: Port is powered on

11:10 PLST Port line status

Report the current state of USB data lines
Bit 10: State of DP line
Bit 11: State of DM line

9 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

8 PRST Port reset

Application sets this bit to start a reset signal on USB port. Application should
clear this bit when it wants to stop the reset signal.
0: Port is not in reset state
1: Port is in reset state

7 PSP Port suspend

Application sets this bit to put port into suspend state. When this bit is set the port
stops sending SOF tokens. This bit can only be cleared by the following
– PRST bit in this register is set by application
– PREM bit in this register is set
– A remote wakeup signal is detected

GD32F4xx User Manual
– A device disconnection is detected
0: Port is not in suspend state
1: Port is in suspend state

6 PREM Port resume

Application sets this bit to start a resume signal on USB port. Application should
clear this bit when it wants to stop the resume signal.
0: No resume driven
1: Resume driven

5:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 PEDC Port enable/disable change

Set by the core when the status of the Port enable bit 2 in this register changes.

2 PE Port Enable
This bit is automatically set by USBHS after a USB reset signal finishes and
cannot be set by software.
This bit is cleared by the following events:
– A disconnection condition
– Software clears this bit
0: Port disabled
1: Port enabled

1 PCD Port connect detected

Set by USBHS when a device connection is detected. This bit can be cleared by
writing 1 to this bit.

0 PCST Port connect status

0: Device is not connected to the port
1: Device is connected to the port

Host channel-x control register (USBHS_HCHxCTL) (x = 0..11, where x =

Address offset: 0x0500 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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MPC [1:0]



rs rs rw rw rw rw rw

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rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 CEN Channel enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBHS.
0: Channel disabled
1: Channel enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable a channel.

30 CDIS Channel disable

Software can set this bit to disable the channel from processing transactions.
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable a channel.

29 ODDFRM Odd frame

For periodic transfers (interrupt or isochronous transfer), this bit controls that
whether in an odd frame or even frame this channel’s transaction is desired to be
0: Even frame
1: Odd frame

28:22 DAR Device address

The address of the USB device that this channel wants to communicate with.

21:20 MPC[1:0] Multiple Packet Count

This field only takes effect in DMA mode. It defines how many packets the DMA
should fetch or write for a channel in an arbitration opportunity.

19:18 EPTYPE Endpoint type

The transfer type of the endpoint that this channel wants to communicate with.
00: Control
01: Isochronous
10: Bulk
11: Interrupt

17 LSD Low-Speed device

The device that this channel wants to communicate with is a Low-Speed Device.

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EPDIR Endpoint direction

The transfer direction of the endpoint that this channel wants to communicate with.
0: OUT
1: IN

GD32F4xx User Manual
14:11 EPNUM Endpoint number
The number of the endpoint that this channel wants to communicate with.

10:0 MPL Maximum packet length

The target endpoint’s maximum packet length.

Host channel-x split transaction control register (USBHS_HCHxSTCTL) (x =

0..11, where x = channel_number)
Address offset: 0x0504 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rw

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rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 SPLEN Enable high-speed split transaction
Software can set this bit to enable the high-speed split transaction on this channel.
Split transaction is used to initiate a full-/low-speed transaction via the hub and
some full-/low-speed device endpoint.

30:17 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

16 CSPLT Complete-split enable

Software can set this bit to make USBHS perform complete-split transaction,
otherwise, USBHS performs start-split transaction.

15:14 ISOPCE[1:0] Isochronous OUT Payload Continuation Encoding

For full-speed isochronous OUT start-split, this field specifies how the high-speed
data payload corresponds to data for a full-speed data packet
00: High-speed data is the middle of the full-speed data payload
01: High-speed data is the end of the full-speed data payload
10: High-speed data is the beginning of the full-speed data payload
11: High-speed data is all of the full-speed data payload

GD32F4xx User Manual
13:7 HADDR[6:0] HUB address
This field contains the USB device address of the hub supporting the specified full-
/low-speed device for this full-/low-speed transaction.

6:0 PADDR[6:0] Port address

This field contains the port number of the target hub for this full-/low-speed

Host channel-x interrupt flag register (USBHS_HCHxINTF) (x = 0..11, where x =

channel number)
Address offset: 0x0508 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the status and events of a channel, when software gets a channel
interrupt, it should read this register for the respective channel to know the source of the
interrupt. The flag bits in this register are all set by hardware and cleared by writing 1.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 DTER Data toggle error

The IN transaction gets a data packet but the PID of this packet doesn’t match
DPID[1:0] bits in USBHS_HCHxLEN register.

9 REQOVR Request queue overrun

The periodic request queue is full when software starts new transfer.

8 BBER Babble error

A babble condition occurs on USB bus. A typical reason for babble condition is
that a device sends a data packet and the packet length exceeds to the endpoint’s

GD32F4xx User Manual
maximum packet length.

7 USBER USB Bus Error

The USB error flag is set when the following conditions occur during receiving a
– A received packet has a wrong CRC field
– A stuff error detected on USB bus
– Timeout when waiting for a response packet

A NYET response packet received (in High-Speed).

An ACK response is received or transmitted

A NAK response is received.

A STALL response is received.


An error occurs when DMA tries to fetch or write packet data for this channel.

1 CH Channel halted
When DMA is not enabled:
This channel is disabled by the software request.

When DMA is enabled:

This channel is disabled by DMA because all the transactions of this channel finish
successfully or an USB error occurs.

0 TF Transfer finished
All the transactions of this channel finish successfully, and no error occurs. For IN
channel, this flag will be triggered after PCNT bit in USBHS_HCHxLEN register
reaches to zero. For OUT channel, this flag will be triggered when software reads
and pops a TF status entry from the RxFIFO.

Host channel-x interrupt enable register (USBHS_HCHxINTEN) (x = 0..11, where

x = channel number)
Address offset: 0x050C + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enabled bits for the flags in USBHS_HCHxINTF register.
If a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in USBHS_HCHxINTF
register is able to trigger a channel interrupt. The bits in this register are set and cleared by

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10 DTERIE Data toggle error interrupt enable

0: Disable data toggle error interrupt
1: Enable data toggle error interrupt

9 REQOVRIE Request queue overrun interrupt enable

0: Disable request queue overrun interrupt
1: Enable request queue overrun interrupt

8 BBERIE Babble error interrupt enable

0: Disable babble error interrupt
1: Enable babble error interrupt

7 USBERIE USB bus error interrupt enable

0: Disable USB bus error interrupt
1: Enable USB bus error interrupt

6 NYETIE NYET interrupt enable

0: Disable NYET interrupt
1: Enable NYET interrupt

5 ACKIE ACK interrupt enable

0: Disable ACK interrupt
1: Enable ACK interrupt

4 NAKIE NAK interrupt enable

0: Disable NAK interrupt
1: Enable NAK interrupt

3 STALLIE STALL interrupt enable

GD32F4xx User Manual
0: Disable STALL interrupt
1: Enable STALL interrupt

2 DMAERIE DMA Error interrupt enable

0: Disable DMA Error interrupt
1: Enable DMA Error interrupt

1 CHIE Channel halted interrupt enable

0: Disable channel halted interrupt
1: Enable channel halted interrupt

0 TFIE Transfer finished interrupt enable

0: Disable transfer finished interrupt
1: Enable transfer finished interrupt

Host channel-x transfer length register (USBHS_HCHxLEN) (x = 0..11, where x

= channel number)
Address offset: 0x0510 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 PING PING token request

For OUT transfer, USBHS will perform PING protocol if software sets this bit.
USBHS will automatically set this bit when an OUT transaction receives a NAK or
NYET handshake. Do not set this bit for IN transfer.

30:29 DPID[1:0] Data PID

Software should write this field before the transfer starts. For OUT transfer, this
field controls the Data PID of the first transmitted packet. For IN transfer, this field
controls the expected Data PID of the first received packet, and DTERR will be

GD32F4xx User Manual
triggered if the Data PID doesn’t match. After the transfer starts, USBHS changes
and toggles this field automatically following the USB protocol.
00: DATA0
01: DATA2
10: DATA1
11: MDATA (non-control)/SETUP (control)

28:19 PCNT[9:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to be transmitted (OUT) or received (IN) in
Software should program this field before the channel is enabled. After the transfer
starts, this field is decreased automatically by USBHS after each successful data
packet transmission.

18:0 TLEN[18:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
For OUT transfer, this field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to
be transmitted in an OUT transfer. Software should program this field before the
channel is enabled. When software or DMA successfully writes a packet into the
channel’s data TxFIFO, this field is decreased by the byte size of the packet.
For IN transfer each time software or DMA reads out a packet from the RxFIFO,
this field is decreased by the byte size of the packet.

Host channel-x DMA address register (USBHS_HCHxDMAADDR) (x = 0..11,

where x = channel number)
Address offset: 0x0514 + (channel_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 DMAADDR[31:0] DMA address
GD32F4xx User Manual
This field defines the endpoint’s DMA address. DMA uses this address to fetch or
write packet data for this channel.

29.7.3. Device control and status registers

Device configuration register (USBHS_DCFG)

Address offset: 0x0800
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register configures the core in device mode after power-on or after certain control
commands or enumeration. Do not change this register after device initialization.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:13 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

12:11 EOPFT[1:0] End of periodic frame time

This field defines the percentage time point in a frame when the end of periodic
frame (EOPF) flag should be triggered.
00: 80% of the frame time
01: 85% of the frame time
10: 90% of the frame time
11: 95% of the frame time

10:4 DAR[6:0] Device address

This field defines the USB device’s address. USBHS uses this field to match with
the incoming token’s device address field. Software should program this field after
receiving a Set Address command from USB host.

3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2 NZLSOH Non-zero-length status OUT handshake

GD32F4xx User Manual
When a USB device receives a non-zero-length data packet during status OUT
stage, this field controls that USBHS should receive this packet or reject this
packet with a STALL handshake.
0: Treat this packet as a normal packet and response according to the status of
NAKS and STALL bits in USBHS_DOEPxCTL register.
1: Send a STALL handshake and don’t save the received OUT packet.

1:0 DS[1:0] Device speed

This field controls the device speed when the device is connected to a host.
00: High Speed (in external ULPI PHY mode)
01: Full speed
Others: Reserved

Device control register (USBHS_DCTL)

Address offset: 0x0804
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw w w w w r r rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11 POIF Power-on initialization finished

Software should set this bit to notify USBHS that the registers are initialized after
waking up from power off state.

10 CGONAK Clear global OUT NAK

Software sets this bit to clear GONS bit in this register.

9 SGONAK Set global OUT NAK

Software sets this bit to set GONS bit in this register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
When GONS bit is zero, setting this bit will also cause GONAK flag in
USBHS_GINTF register triggered after a while. Software should clear the GONAK
flag before writing this bit again.

8 CGINAK Clear global IN NAK

Software sets this bit to clear GINS bit in this register.

7 SGINAK Set global IN NAK

Software sets this bit to set GINS bit in this register.
When GINS bit is zero, setting this bit will also cause GINAK flag in
USBHS_GINTF register triggered after a while. Software should clear the GINAK
flag before writing this bit again.

6:4 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

3 GONS Global OUT NAK status

0: The handshake that USBHS response to OUT transaction packet and whether
to save the OUT data packet are decided by Rx FIFO status, endpoint’s NAK and
STALL bits.
1: USHBS always responses to OUT transaction with NAK handshake and doesn’t
save the incoming OUT data packet.

2 GINS Global IN NAK status

0: The response to IN transaction is decided by Tx FIFO status, endpoint’s NAK
and STALL bits.
1: USHBS always responses to IN transaction with a NAK handshake.

1 SD Soft disconnect
Software can use this bit to generate a soft disconnect condition on USB bus.
After this bit is set, USBHS first falls back to full-speed if currently operating at
high-speed, and then switches off the pull up resistor on DP line. This will cause
the host to detect a device disconnect.
0: No soft disconnect generated.
1: Generate a soft disconnect.

0 RWKUP Remote wakeup

In suspend state, software can use this bit to generate a Remote wake up signal
to inform host that it should resume the USB bus.
0: No remote wakeup signal generated.
1: Generate remote wakeup signal.

Device status register (USBHS_DSTAT)

Address offset: 0x0808
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains status and information of the USBHS in device mode.

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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r r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21:8 FNRSOF[13:0] The frame number of the received SOF.

USBHS always update this field after receiving a SOF token

7:3 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

2:1 ES[1:0] Enumerated speed

This field reports the enumerated device speed. Software should read this field
after the ENUMF flag in USBHS_GINTF register is triggered.
00: High speed
01: Full speed
Others: reserved

0 SPST Suspend status

This bit reports whether device is in suspend state.
0: Device is in suspend state.
1: Device is not in suspend state.

Device IN endpoint common interrupt enable register (USBHS_DIEPINTEN)

Address offset: 0x810
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enabled bits for the flags in USBHS_DIEPxINTF register.
If a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in USBHS_DIEPxINTF
register is able to trigger an endpoint interrupt in USBHS_DAEPINT register. The bits in this
register are set and cleared by software.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 NAKEN NAK handshake sent by USBHS interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
12:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 IEPNEEN IN endpoint NAK effective interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt
5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPTXFUDEN Endpoint Tx FIFO underrun interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

3 CITOEN Control In Timeout interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDISEN Endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

0 TFEN Transfer finished interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

Device OUT endpoint common interrupt enable register (USBHS_DOEPINTEN)

Address offset: 0x0814
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enabled bits for the flags in USBHS_DOEPxINTF
register. If a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in
GD32F4xx User Manual
USBHS_DOEPxINTF register is able to trigger an endpoint interrupt in USBHS_DAEPINT
register. The bits in this register are set and cleared by software.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 NYETEN Send NYET handshake interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

13:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 BTBSTPEN Back-to-back SETUP packets ( Only for control OUT endpoint) interrupt enable bit
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPRXFOVREN Endpoint Rx FIFO overrun interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

3 STPFEN SETUP phase finished (Only for control OUT endpoint) interrupt enable bit
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDISEN Endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

0 TFEN Transfer finished interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Enable interrupt

Device all endpoints interrupt register (USBHS_DAEPINT)

Address offset: 0x0818
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

When an endpoint interrupt is triggered, USBHS sets corresponding bit in this register and
software should read this register to know which endpoint is asserting an interrupt.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21:16 OEPITB[5:0] Device all OUT endpoints interrupt bits

Each bit represents an OUT endpoint:
Bit 16 for OUT endpoint 0, bit 21 for OUT endpoint 5.

15:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:0 IEPITB[5:0] Device all IN endpoints interrupt bits

Each bit represents an IN endpoint:
Bit 0 for IN endpoint 0, bit 5 for IN endpoint 5.

Device all endpoints interrupt enable register (USBHS_DAEPINTEN)

Address offset: 0x081C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be used by software to enable or disable an endpoint’s interrupt. Only the
endpoint whose corresponding bit in this register is set is able to cause the endpoint
interrupt flag OEPIF or IEPIF in USBHS_GINTF register.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21:16 OEPIE[5:0] Out endpoint interrupt enable

0: Disable OUT endpoint-n interrupt
1: Enable OUT endpoint-n interrupt
Each bit represents an OUT endpoint:
Bit 16 for OUT endpoint 0, bit 21 for OUT endpoint 5.

15:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:0 IEPIE[5:0] IN endpoint interrupt enable bits

0: Disable IN endpoint-n interrupt
1: Enable IN endpoint-n interrupt
Each bit represents an IN endpoint:
Bit 0 for IN endpoint 0, bit 5 for IN endpoint 5.

Device VBUS discharge time register (USBHS_DVBUSDT)

Address offset: 0x0828
Reset value: 0x0000 17D7

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual


Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 DVBUSDT[15:0] Device VBUS discharge time

There is a discharge process after VBUS pulsing in SRP protocol. This field defines
the discharge time of VBUS. The true discharge time is 1024*DVBUSDT[15:0]
*TUSBCLOCK, where TUSBCLOCK is the period time of USB clock.

Device VBUS pulsing time register (USBHS_DVBUSPT)

Address offset: 0x082C
Reset value: 0x0000 05B8

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:12 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

11:0 DVBUSPT[11:0] Device VBUS pulsing time

This field defines the pulsing time for VBUS. The true pulsing time is
1024*DVBUSPT[15:0] *TUSBCLOCK, where TUSBCLOCK is the period time of USB

GD32F4xx User Manual
Device IN endpoint FIFO empty interrupt enable register
Address offset: 0x0834
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the enabled bits for the Tx FIFO empty interrupts of IN endpoints.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:6 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

5:0 IEPTXFEIE[5:0] IN endpoint Tx FIFO empty interrupt enable bits

This field controls whether the TXFE bit in USBHS_DIEPxINTF register is able to
generate an endpoint interrupt bit in USBHS_DAEPINT register.
Bit 0 for IN endpoint 0, bit 5 for IN endpoint 5
0: Disable FIFO empty interrupt
1: Enable FIFO empty interrupt

Device endpoint 1 interrupt register (USBHS_DEP1INT)

Address offset: 0x0838
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

When ep1 out or in interrupt is triggered, USBHS sets corresponding bit in this register and
software should read this register to know which endpoint is asserting the ep1 interrupt.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual



15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0



Bits Fields Descriptions

31:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17 OEP1INT OUT Endpoint 1 interrupt

16:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 IEP1INT IN Endpoint 1 interrupt

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Device endpoint 1 interrupt enable register (USBHS_DEP1INTEN)

Address offset: 0x083C
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register can be used by software to enable or disable endpoint-1’s interrupt. Only the
endpoint whose corresponding bit in this register is set is able to cause the endpoint-1 in or
out interrupt.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
Bits Fields Descriptions
31:18 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

17 OEP1INTEN OUT Endpoint 1 interrupt enable

16:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 IEP1INTEN IN Endpoint 1 interrupt enable

0 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

Device IN endpoint-1 interrupt enable register (USBHS_DIEP1INTEN)

Address offset: 0x844
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enable bits for the flags in USBHS_DIEP1INTF register.
If a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in USBHS_DIEP1INTF
register is able to trigger an endpoint interrupt in USBHS_DEP1INT register. The bits in this
register are set and cleared by software.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 NAKEN Interrupt enable bit of NAK handshake sent by USBHS

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

GD32F4xx User Manual
12:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 IEPNEEN IN endpoint NAK effective interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPTXFUDEN Endpoint Tx FIFO underrun interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

3 CITOEN Control In Timeout interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDISEN Endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

0 TFEN Transfer finished interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

Device OUT endpoint-1 interrupt enable register (USBHS_DOEP1INTEN)

Address offset: 0x0884
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the interrupt enabled bits for the flags in USBHS_DOEP1INTF
register. If a bit in this register is set by software, the corresponding bit in
USBHS_DOEP1INTF register is able to trigger an endpoint interrupt in USBHS_DEP1INT
register. The bits in this register are set and cleared by software.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
rw rw rw rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 NYETEN Send NYET handshake interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

13:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 BTBSTPEN Back-to-back SETUP packets (Only for control OUT endpoint) interrupt enable bit
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPRXFOVREN Endpoint Rx FIFO over run interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

3 STPFEN SETUP phase finished (Only for control OUT endpoint) interrupt enable bit
0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDISEN Endpoint disabled interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

0 TFEN Transfer finished interrupt enable bit

0: Disable interrupt
1: Enable interrupt

Device IN endpoint 0 control register (USBHS_DIEP0CTL)

Address offset: 0x0900
Reset value: 0x0000 8000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rs w w rw rs r r r

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r rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBHS.
0: Endpoint disabled
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

Software can set this bit to disable the endpoint. Software should follow the
operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

29:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register.

25:22 TXFNUM[3:0] Tx FIFO number

Define the Tx FIFO number of IN endpoint 0.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Software can set this bit to make USBHS send STALL handshake when receiving
IN token. USBHS will clear this bit after a SETUP token is received on the
corresponding OUT endpoint 0. This bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this
register and GINS bit in USBHS_DCTL register. If both STALL and NAKS bits are
set, the STALL bit takes effect.

20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type

This field is fixed to ‘00’ for control endpoint.

17 NAKS NAK status

This bit controls the NAK status of USBHS when both STALL bit in this register
and GINS bit in USBHS_DCTL register are cleared:
0: USBHS sends data or handshake packets according to the status of the
endpoint’s Tx FIFO.
1: USBHS always sends NAK handshake to the IN token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
control this bit.

GD32F4xx User Manual
16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This field is fixed to ‘1’ for endpoint 0.

14:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 MPL[1:0] Maximum packet length

This field defines the maximum packet length for a control data packet. As
described in USB 2.0 protocol, there are 4 kinds of length for control transfers:
00: 64 bytes
01: 32 bytes
10: 16 bytes
11: 8 bytes

Device IN endpoint-x control register (USBHS_DIEPxCTL) (x = 1..5, where x =

Address offset: 0x0900 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rs w w w w rw rw/rs rw r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBHS.
0: Endpoint disabled
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

Software can set this bit to disable the endpoint. Software should following the
operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

GD32F4xx User Manual
29 SODDFRM Set odd frame (For isochronous IN endpoints)
This bit has effect only if this is an isochronous IN endpoint.
Software sets this bit to set EOFRM bit in this register.

SD1PID Set DATA1 PID (For interrupt/bulk IN endpoints)

Software sets this bit to set DPID bit in this register.

28 SEVENFRM Set even frame (For isochronous IN endpoints)

Software sets this bit to clear EOFRM bit in this register.

SD0PID Set DATA0 PID (For interrupt/bulk IN endpoints)

Software sets this bit to clear DPID bit in this register.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register.

25:22 TXFNUM[3:0] Tx FIFO number

Defines the Tx FIFO number of this IN endpoint.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Software can set this bit to make USBHS send STALL handshake when receiving
IN token. This bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this register and GINS bit
in USBHS_DCTL register. If both STALL and NAKS bits are set, the STALL bit
takes effect.
For control IN endpoint:
Only USBHS can clear this bit when a SETUP token is received on the
corresponding OUT endpoint. Software is not able to clear it.
For interrupt or bulk IN endpoint:
Only software can clear this bit

20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type

This field defines the transfer type of this endpoint:
00: Control
01: Isochronous
10: Bulk
11: Interrupt

17 NAKS NAK status

This bit controls the NAK status of USBHS when both STALL bit in this register
and GINS bit in USBHS_DCTL register are cleared:
0: USBHS sends data or handshake packets according to the status of the
endpoint’s Tx FIFO.
1: USBHS always sends NAK handshake to the IN token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
GD32F4xx User Manual
control this bit.

16 EOFRM Even/odd frame (For isochronous IN endpoints)

For isochronous transfer, software can use this bit to control that USBHS only
sends data packets for IN tokens in even or odd frames. If the current frame
number’s parity doesn’t match with this bit, USBHS only responses with a zero-
length packet.
0: Only sends data in even frames
1: Only sends data in odd frames

DPID Endpoint data PID (For interrupt/bulk IN endpoints)

These is a data PID toggle scheme in interrupt or bulk transfer. Software should
set SD0PID to set this bit before a transfer starts and USBHS maintains this bit
during transfers by following the data toggle scheme described in USB protocol.
0: Data packet’s PID is DATA0
1: Data packet’s PID is DATA1

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This bit controls whether this endpoint is active. If an endpoint is not active, it
ignores all tokens and doesn’t make any response.

14:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:0 MPL[10:0] This field defines the maximum packet length in bytes.

Device OUT endpoint 0 control register (USBHS_DOEP0CTL)

Address offset: 0x0B00
Reset value: 0x0000 8000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs r w w rs rw r r

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r r

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBHS.
0: Endpoint disabled

GD32F4xx User Manual
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

This bit is fixed to 0 for OUT endpoint 0.

29:28 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register

25:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Software can set this bit to make USBHS send STALL handshake during an OUT
transaction. USBHS will clear this bit after a SETUP token is received on OUT
endpoint 0. This bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this register, i.e. if both
STALL and NAKS bits are set, the STALL bit takes effect.

20 SNOOP Snoop mode

This bit controls the snoop mode of an OUT endpoint. In snoop mode, USBHS
doesn’t check the received data packet’s CRC value.
0:Snoop mode disabled
1:Snoop mode enabled

19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type

This field is fixed to ‘00’ for control endpoint.

17 NAKS NAK status

This bit controls the NAK status of USBHS when both STALL bit in this register
and GONS bit in USBHS_DCTL register are cleared:
0: USBHS sends data or handshake packets according to the status of the
endpoint’s Rx FIFO.
1: USBHS always sends NAK handshake to the OUT token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
control this bit.

16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This field is fixed to ‘1’ for endpoint 0.

14:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1:0 MPL[1:0] Maximum packet length

This is a read-only field, and its value comes from the MPL field of
USBHS_DIEP0CTL register:

GD32F4xx User Manual
00: 64 bytes
01: 32 bytes
10: 16 bytes
11: 8 bytes

Device OUT endpoint-x control register (USBHS_DOEPxCTL) (x = 1..5, where x

= endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0B00 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

The application uses this register to control the operation of each logical OUT endpoint
other than OUT endpoint 0.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rs rs w w w w rw/rs rw rw r r

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31 EPEN Endpoint enable
Set by the application and cleared by USBHS.
0: Endpoint disabled
1: Endpoint enabled
Software should follow the operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

30 EPD Endpoint disable

Software can set this bit to disable the endpoint. Software should follow the
operation guide to disable or enable an endpoint.

29 SODDFRM Set odd frame (For isochronous OUT endpoints)

This bit has effect only if this is an isochronous OUT endpoint.
Software sets this bit to set EOFRM bit in this register.

SD1PID Set DATA1 PID (For interrupt/bulk OUT endpoints)

Software sets this bit to set DPID bit in this register.

GD32F4xx User Manual
28 SEVENFRM Set even frame (For isochronous OUT endpoints)
Software sets this bit to clear EOFRM bit in this register.

SD0PID Set DATA0 PID (For interrupt/bulk OUT endpoints)

Software sets this bit to clear DPID bit in this register.


Software sets this bit to set NAKS bit in this register.

26 CNAK Clear NAK

Software sets this bit to clear NAKS bit in this register.

25:22 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

21 STALL STALL handshake

Software can set this bit to make USBHS send STALL handshake during an OUT
transaction. This bit has a higher priority than NAKS bit in this register and GINS in
USBHS_DCTL register. If both STALL and NAKS bits are set, the STALL bit takes
For control OUT endpoint:
Only USBHS can clear this bit when a SETUP token is received on the
corresponding OUT endpoint. Software is not able to clear it.
For interrupt or bulk OUT endpoint:
Only software can clear this bit.

20 SNOOP Snoop mode

This bit controls the snoop mode of an OUT endpoint. In snoop mode, USBHS
doesn’t check the received data packet’s CRC value.
0:Snoop mode disabled
1:Snoop mode enabled

19:18 EPTYPE[1:0] Endpoint type

This field defines the transfer type of this endpoint:
00: Control
01: Isochronous
10: Bulk
11: Interrupt

17 NAKS NAK status

This bit controls the NAK status of USBHS when both STALL bit in this register
and GONS bit in USBHS_DCTL register are cleared:
0: USBHS sends handshake packets according to the status of the endpoint’s Rx
1: USBHS always sends NAK handshake to the OUT token.
This bit is read-only and software should use CNAK and SNAK in this register to
control this bit.

16 EOFRM Even/odd frame (For isochronous OUT endpoints)

GD32F4xx User Manual
For isochronous transfer, software can use this bit to control that USBHS only
receives data packets in even or odd frames. If the current frame number’s parity
doesn’t match with this bit, USBHS just drops the data packet.
0: Only sends data in even frames
1: Only sends data in odd frames

DPID Endpoint data PID (For interrupt/bulk OUT endpoints)

These is a data PID toggle scheme in interrupt or bulk transfer. Software should
set SD0PID to set this bit before a transfer starts and USBHS maintains this bit
during transfer following the data toggle scheme described in USB protocol.
0: Data packet’s PID is DATA0
1: Data packet’s PID is DATA1

15 EPACT Endpoint active

This bit controls whether this endpoint is active. If an endpoint is not active, it
ignores all tokens and doesn’t make any response.

14:11 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

10:0 MPL[10:0] This field defines the maximum packet length in bytes.

Device IN endpoint-x interrupt flag register (USBHS_DIEPxINTF) (x = 0..5,

where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0908 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0080

This register contains the status and events of an IN endpoint, when software gets an IN
endpoint interrupt, it should read this register for the respective endpoint to know the source
of the interrupt. The flag bits in this register are all set by hardware and cleared by writing 1
except the read-only TXFE bit.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rc_w1 r rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

GD32F4xx User Manual

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:14 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

13 NAK NAK handshake sent by USBHS

USBHS sets this bit after it sends out a NAK handshake because the NAKS bit in
USBHS_DIEPxCTL register is set, or there is no packet data in endpoint’s Tx

12:8 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

7 TXFE Transmit FIFO empty

The Tx FIFO of this IN endpoint has reached the empty threshold value defined by
TXFTH field in USBHS_GAHBCS register.

6 IEPNE IN endpoint NAK effective

The setting of SNAK bit in USBHS_DIEPxCTL register takes effect. This bit can be
cleared either by writing 1 to it or by setting CNAK bit in USBHS_DIEPxCTL
5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPTXFUD Endpoint Tx FIFO underrun

This flag is triggered if the Tx FIFO has no packet data when an IN token is
3 CITO Control In Timeout interrupt
This flag is triggered if the device waiting for a handshake is timeout in a control IN

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDIS Endpoint disabled

This flag is triggered when an endpoint is disabled from the software’s request.

0 TF Transfer finished
This flag is triggered when all the IN transactions assigned to this endpoint have

Device OUT endpoint-x interrupt flag register (USBHS_DOEPxINTF) (x = 0..5,

where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0B08 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register contains the status and events of an OUT endpoint, when software gets an
OUT endpoint interrupt, it should read this register for the respective endpoint to know the
source of the interrupt. The flag bits in this register are all set by hardware and cleared by
writing 1.

GD32F4xx User Manual
This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rc_w1 rc_w1/rw rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1 rc_w1

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:15 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

14 NYET NYET handshake is sent

This flag is triggered if a NYET handshake is sent by USBHS.

13:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6 BTBSTP Back-to-back SETUP packets (Only for control OUT endpoint)

This flag is triggered when a control out endpoint has received more than 3 back-
to-back setup packets.
5 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

4 EPRXFOVR Endpoint Rx FIFO overrun

This flag is triggered if the OUT endpoint’s Rx FIFO has no enough space for a
packet data when an OUT token is incoming. USBHS will drop the incoming OUT
data packet and send a NAK handshake in this case.

3 STPF SETUP phase finished (Only for control OUT endpoint)

This flag is triggered when a setup phase finished, i.e. USBHS receives an IN or
OUT token after a setup token.

2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

1 EPDIS Endpoint disabled

This flag is triggered when an endpoint is disabled from the software’s request.

0 TF Transfer finished
This flag is triggered when all the OUT transactions assigned to this endpoint have

Device IN endpoint 0 transfer length register (USBHS_DIEP0LEN)

Address offset: 0x0910
GD32F4xx User Manual
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:21 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

20:19 PCNT[1:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to be transmitted in a transfer.
Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the
transfer starts, this field is decreased automatically by USBHS after each
successful data packet transmission.

18:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:0 TLEN[6:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to be transmitted in
an IN transfer. Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled.
When software or DMA successfully writes a packet into the endpoint’s Tx FIFO,
this field is decreased by the byte size of the packet.

Device OUT endpoint 0 transfer length register (USBHS_DOEP0LEN)

Address offset: 0x0B10
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw

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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:29 STPCNT[1:0] SETUP packet count

This field defines the maximum number of back-to-back SETUP packets what this
endpoint can accept.
Software should program this field before setup transfers. Each time a back-to-
back setup packet is received, USBHS decreases this field by one. When this field
reaches zero, the BTBSTP flag in USBHS_DOEP0INTF register will be triggered.
00: 0 packet
01:1 packet
10: 2 packets
11: 3 packets
28:20 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

19 PCNT Packet count

The number of data packets is desired to receive in a transfer.
Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the
transfer starts, this field is decreased automatically by USBHS after each
successful data packet reception on bus.

18:7 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

6:0 TLEN[6:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to receive in an
OUT transfer. Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled.
Each time software or DMA reads out a packet from the Rx FIFO, this field is
decreased by the byte size of the packet.

Device IN endpoint-x transfer length register (USBHS_DIEPxLEN) (x = 1..5,

where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x910 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16

GD32F4xx User Manual



rw rw

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0


Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:29 MCNT Multi count

This field indicates the number of packets which should be transmitted in a frame
01:1 packet
10: 2 packets
11: 3 packets

28:19 PCNT[9:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to be transmitted in a transfer.
Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the
transfer starts, this field is decreased automatically by USBHS after each
successful data packet transmission.

18:0 TLEN[18:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to be transmitted in
an IN transfer. Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled.
When software or DMA successfully writes a packet into the endpoint’s Tx FIFO,
this field is decreased by the byte size of the packet.

Device OUT endpoint-x transfer length register (USBHS_DOEPxLEN) (x = 1..5,

where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0B10 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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GD32F4xx User Manual
r/rw rw rw

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

30:29 RXDPID[1:0] Received data PID (For isochronous OUT endpoints)

This field saves the PID of the latest received data packet on this endpoint.
00: DATA0
01: DATA2
10: DATA1

STPCNT[1:0] SETUP packet count (For control OUT Endpoints.)

This field defines the maximum number back-to-back SETUP packets this
endpoint can accept.
Software should program this field before setup transfers. Each time a back-to-
back setup packet is received, USBHS decreases this field by one. When this field
reaches zero, the BTBSTP flag in USBHS_DOEPxINTF register will be triggered.
00: 0 packet
01: 1 packet
10: 2 packets
11: 3 packets

28:19 PCNT[9:0] Packet count

The number of data packets desired to receive in a transfer.
Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled. After the
transfer starts, this field is decreased automatically by USBHS after each
successful data packet reception on bus.

18:0 TLEN[18:0] Transfer length

The total data bytes number of a transfer.
This field is the total data bytes of all the data packets desired to receive in an
OUT transfer. Software should program this field before the endpoint is enabled.
Each time software or DMA reads out a packet from the RxFIFO, this field is
decreased by the byte size of the packet.

GD32F4xx User Manual
Device IN endpoint-x DMA address register (USBHS_DIEPxDMAADDR) / Device
OUT endpoint-x DMA address register (USBHS_DOEPxDMAADDR) (x = 0..5,
where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset:
IN endpoint: 0x0914 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
OUT endpoint: 0x0B14 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:0 DMAADDR[31:0] DMA address
This field defines the endpoint’s DMA address. DMA uses this address to fetch
packet data for IN endpoint or write packet data for OUT endpoint.

Device IN endpoint-x transmit FIFO status register (USBHS_DIEPxTFSTAT) (x

= 0..5, where x = endpoint_number)
Address offset: 0x0918 + (endpoint_number × 0x20)
Reset value: 0x0000 0200

This register contains the information of each endpoint’s Tx FIFO.

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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Bits Fields Descriptions

31:16 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.

15:0 IEPTFS[15:0] IN endpoint’s Tx FIFO space remaining

IN endpoint’s Tx FIFO space remaining in 32-bit word:
0: FIFO is full
1: 1 word available

n: n words available

29.7.4. Power and clock control register (USBHS_PWRCLKCTL)

Address offset: 0x0E00
Reset value: 0x0000 0000

This register has to be accessed by word (32-bit)

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rw rw

Bits Fields Descriptions

31:2 Reserved Must be kept at reset value.


Stop the HCLK to save power.
0: HCLK is not stopped
1:HCLK is stopped

0 SUCLK Stop the USB clock

Stop the USB clock to save power.
0: USB clock is not stopped
1:UCB clock is stopped

GD32F4xx User Manual
30. Revision history

Table 30-1. Revision history

Revision No. Description Date
1.0 Initial Release Aug.15, 2016
1.1 FMC,I2C,USBFS,USBHS,DMA with few changes Nov.7,2016
Document format、USART、FMC、RCU with few
1.2 Mar.9,2017
1.3 ENET、I2C、TIMER、FMC、DBG with few changes Nov.7,2017
2.0 Adapt To New Document Specification Dec.21,2018
2.1 TIMER,ADC,PMU,RCU,WDGT,ENET with few changes Nov.27,2019
2.2 PMU, I2C, EXMC with few changes Mar.9,2020

GD32F4xx User Manual

Important Notice
This document is the property of GigaDevice Semiconductor Inc. and its subsidiaries (the "Company"). This document, including any
product of the Company described in this document (the “Product”), is owned by the Company under the intellectual property laws and
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Information in this document is provided solely in connection with the Products. The Company reserves the right to make changes,
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© 2020 GigaDevice – All rights reserved


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