Mad Libs at The Park - Ver - 1
Mad Libs at The Park - Ver - 1
Mad Libs at The Park - Ver - 1
At the Park
1. Choose a ‘storyteller’, who will read the story quietly to themselves, but
will stop at each gap and ask the other players in turn to give a suggestion
which matches the type of word or phrase required. The storyteller writes
the word or phrase into the story and continues until all the gaps are
filled. Then, they read the completed story out loud. Cue laughter!
At the Park
Grammatical Features Revision Sheet
Examples in
Part of Speech Definition Examples
a sentence
river, computer, tiger, He lives with his dog
noun The name of a thing.
apple, motorcycle on a boat.
1 proper noun
3 adverb
4 noun
5 plural noun
6 adjective
7 question
8 adjective
9 command
10 adverb
12 exclamation
13 adverb
15 noun
16 adjective
17 statement
At the Park
It was a beautiful day. Anika and her mum sat on the grass in
1. Proper noun
Park, watching the ducks on the
2. verb ending in -ing 3. adverb
pond. The felt warm.
4. noun
After a while, she got bored and decided to go and look at the
8. adjective
ducks. A few geese on the path hissed at her as she went past.
As Anika back
13. adverb 14. verb ending in -ed
across to where her mum was, a ran across in front of her
15. noun
and tripped her up. Her hands and knees were all and dirty.
16. adjective