Barbara Lüthi, Migration and Migration History,: Version: 1.0, In: Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, 28.09.2010
Barbara Lüthi, Migration and Migration History,: Version: 1.0, In: Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, 28.09.2010
Barbara Lüthi, Migration and Migration History,: Version: 1.0, In: Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, 28.09.2010
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A Terminological Approach
Migration has been a constant feature of human history – "homo migrans" has
existed ever since "homo sapiens".[1] Moving away from the traditional
nation-based dichotomy of emigration – immigration, the less specific term
migration allows for many possible trajectories, time spans, directions and
destinations. It can be temporary or long-term, voluntary or forced. It can occur
in stages or in cycles, and can be mono-directional or more varied. Generally
speaking, however, human migration can be defined as crossing the boundary of
a political or administrative unit for a certain minimum period. [2] More specifically,
international migration means crossing the frontiers that separate one country
from another, whereas internal migration refers to a move from one
administrative area (a province, district or municipality) to another within the
same country. Some scholars argue that internal and international migrations are
part of the same process, and should be analyzed together. With respect to
physical movement, the term mobility encompasses a broader range of people –
migrants as well as tourists, business people, the armed forces, etc. [3]
Migration history historicizes the agency and motives of migrants who, "within
their capabilities, negotiate societal options and constraints in pursuit of
life-plans".[4] It also looks at both ends of human mobility and at the process of
migration. Whether it be from a macro-regional perspective or at the micro-level,
migration history investigates the following areas: the reasons and conditions
under which people leave the specific social, legal and economic setting of their
place of departure, coupled with the impact of out-migration on families and
societies; the dimensions and patterns of movement through space and time
(circular, seasonal or definite); the migrants' process of acceptance into or
exclusion from their host societies, coupled with their impact on the host
countries, regions or localities; the interconnections between the places of
departure and arrival; and the power that states have exercised over migrations
and the technologies they have used to manage migrants. Migration historians
also study the migrants' agency in migrational processes (e.g. motivations,
networks, impact on structures such as family and state) within specific
structural constraints.[5] A definition based on migrant agency within structural
constraints must to a certain degree be modified for involuntary migrants (such
as enslaved or indentured workers and refugees) since these are often deprived
of agency.
Even a highly selective picture of human migration during the twentieth century
reveals its complexity and diversity.[8] Parallel to disintegration of the multi-
ethnic Habsburg, Ottoman, and Romanov empires, nation-states reached their
apogee in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. During the first half
of the twentieth century the Balkan Wars and the First and Second World Wars
triggered refugee movements in unforeseen numbers. Whereas World War I
itself generated millions of refugees, the new postwar nation-states introduced
programs of "unmixing" peoples or "ethnic cleansing". [9] Under the nation-state
regimes, as states successfully usurped the "monopoly of the legitimate means
of movement", and with the introduction of citizenship and identity
documentation, entry regulations became more restrictive and demands for
military service and loyalty to the nation increased. [10]
By the end of World War I most states of the North Atlantic world no longer
required additional industrial workers, thus ending the prevalence of labor
migrants across the globe; wars and national expansion were themselves
destroying the lives of millions of people. For example, after 1900 Japan
launched an aggressive invasion into Korea, followed by Manchuria, China, and
finally into much of east and southeast Asia. By the late 1930s millions of
Chinese refugees had fled the advancing armies. During the same time period
the Nazi ideology – which had saturated not only Germany's state policies but
those of their collaborators throughout Europe – led to the deportation of
German and European Jews, Gypsies, political opponents, "alien enemies",
homosexuals and many others to labor and concentration camps. In turn, the
wars of Jewish refugees in Palestine with their neighboring Arab states caused
resident Palestinians to flee. In many of these wars, colonial laborers were often
used to support the war efforts. Forced migration was not only an effect of wars
but also harsh labor regimentation following the seizure of power in the Soviet
Union under Stalin, particularly in the 1930s. Following the coerced
collectivization of agriculture there was a collapse in production that led to
famine-induced mass migrations.
Whereas the interwar period and the Second World War itself were marked by
the mobility of millions of "displaced persons", refugees and people fleeing from
the new communist regimes in central and eastern Europe, another of its
hallmarks was colonization and those empires which served as a foundation for
contemporary global migration. After the end of World War II, decolonization and
unequal global terms of trade imposed on the southern hemisphere by the
"North" shifted refugee and labor migrations to the "South". The Western
countries, which had formerly sent their people abroad, now became the
destination of often desperately poor migrants, and, to date, highly militarized
border controls have mostly proven ineffective; the Western imperialist states
had missed the opportunity to negotiate an end to colonialism. Wars of
independence were begun by peoples in the colonies of Asia as well as North and
sub-Saharan Africa. By the 1960s the countries of Britain, France, the
Netherlands, Italy and Belgium were forced to abandon most of their colonies
and – mainly as a consequence of this decolonization – major refugee
populations were spawned in Africa.
Finally, socialist Eastern Bloc countries have shown singular migration patterns.
Collectivization, uneven rural-urban development, economic growth in Hungary
and Yugoslavia and in parts of the USSR as well as investments in southern
Siberia resulted in interregional and interstate mobility. A ban on emigration
separated this macro-region from all other migration regions. Only with collapse
of the system in 1989 have new east-to-west migrations occurred, and centers
such as Moscow and Prague have attracted internal, Chinese and Western
Although immigrant and ethnic history accounted for most of the early migration
history in North America and Australia, migration received little attention from
scholars before the twentieth century. By the end of the century, scholars had
shifted their focus from a state-centered framework to analyzing human agency,
emphasizing differences in migration according to gender, race, class, age and
other categories. During the past decade, migration has increasingly developed
into a subject of interdisciplinary approaches, with practitioners of each involved
discipline making contributions to the field. [14] Especially since the 1990s, new
paradigms and approaches have gained momentum, tackling specific
terminological inaccuracies and a wide range of misconceptions that have
distorted scholarship in migration studies. First of all, scholars have begun to
look beyond the normative model of "global" migration – one that focuses solely
on European migration and the Western world – to focus on the rich and
complex migration patterns and circulations of the entire modern (and
premodern) world. The reductionist "push"-"pull"/modernization theory has also
been nuanced. A second source of distortion was the long-standing principle of
"methodological nationalism", which depicted migration as a linear process and
relied on the nation-based idea of "emigration"-"immigration" and notions of
"uprootedness".[15] Recognition of the specious nature of this assumption has
led to an epistemic move towards a more comprehensive "systems approach"
and the study of "transnational communities".
Beyond Europe
Critiques of this imbalance often come from outsiders to the field – for example,
from Patrick Manning, a scholar of world history and African migrations, or Adam
McKeown, a specialist in Chinese migrations. In his innovative article on "Global
Migration, 1846-1940", McKeown fundamentally questions the accepted belief
that the mass migration in the Atlantic world during that period was unique in
nature and volume.[16] Rather, by using a macro approach, he redirects the
reader's attention to two other major migration systems in northern and
southeast Asia between the mid-nineteenth century and the outbreak of World
War II. Furthermore, he argues that the Asian migrants moved for the same
reasons and under similar circumstances, reacting to economic stimuli and
moving to areas with a high demand for labor. He also shows that all three
migration systems were integrated in the same global economy. [17]
Systems Approach
Transnational/Transcultural Lives
Another concept which gained currency in migration studies and global history in
the 1990s was transnationalism. First formulated by anthropologists, it has had
an impact on migration research in several disciplines. Challenges to nation-state
homogeneity have existed in various regions since the 1910s, e.g. by
intellectuals such as Randolph S. Bourne, Horace Kallen or Fernando Ortiz. But
the concept gained new relevance within migration studies through publication of
the anthropologists Nina Glick Schiller, Linda Basch, and Cristina Blanc-Szanton's
influential book Towards a Transnational Perspective on Migration (1992), which
defined transnational migration as the activities of migrant groups whose social
relations connected two or more countries. The authors' aim was to overcome
the binary model of emigration and immigration in order to observe the border-
crossing practices of migrants.[28]
Transnational migrants lead a "double life": They often speak more than one
language, move between different cultures, have emotional ties to two or more
cultural spaces, and follow political, economic or cultural interests that span more
than one nation.[29] Transnational processes are understood as signs of the
global era; though transnational practices and flows may not be "new" per se,
their intensification under the particular conditions of late modernity (travel
means, communication technologies, the economic nexus of remittances) make
them significant social forces.[30]
There have been at least three critical questions addressed regarding the
concept of transnationalism.[31] First, the term transnationalism has been used
for a variety of phenomena, ranging from long-term migrant groups to tourists
and travelers. This ambiguity indicates a need for more precise definitions.
Likewise, the equation of transnational practices with the broad term
"transnationalism" begs the question of whether transnationalism connotes a
specific "way of life" or implies an ideological dimension (comparable to other
Second, although the term "transnational" does not completely deny the
importance of the nation-state, national territory, national identities and national
loyalties, it does anticipate their diminishing significance. [32] The response has
been a critical revision of the long-standing tradition of methodological
nationalism within the social sciences and humanities. Yet recent historical
research has questioned this trend by emphasizing the power of nation-states
to shape and delimit transnational migration through restrictive immigration
policies and border controls, especially since World War I. [33]
Third, a similar critique has been voiced against the common view of
transnational migrants as "nomadic subjects" in a global era. In reality the image
of unfettered transnational biographies, of lives lived in "in-between spaces"
(Homi Bhabha), excludes the majority of migrants: Transnational lives are
dependent on the legal status of people in transit. Global connectivity is indeed
promoting international mobility; yet this is still largely the privilege of wealthy
people from the West, in particular the northern industrialized countries, and
certain Asian ones as well.[34]
Both refugees and so-called illegal migrants have traditionally been deeply
embedded in the (global) rhetorics of crisis. Both have played important roles
throughout the twentieth century and will remain relevant for the foreseeable
future. These inevitably selective themes and their underlying debates are briefly
outlined below.
There is nothing new about the phenomenon of people being forced to leave
their homelands. However, the legal concept of "refugee" and its employment as
an object of academic research is more recent and constitutes an important
aspect of contemporary migration.
The 1951 United Nations Geneva Convention defined a refugee as any individual
who, "owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race,
religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion",
had crossed an international boundary to seek protection. [38] Since the adoption
of that definition, the distribution of refugees has attained a global scope. The
twentieth-century nation-state system was highly effective at generating
refugees, with Europe taking the lead in the first half of the century,
post-colonial Africa and Asia in the second. Whereas the refugee convention was
originally defined for those who had fled Nazi persecution in Germany and
occupied Europe, from the 1960s on, as a result of decolonization and wars,
new refugee populations arose mainly in the developing nations of Africa, south
and southeast Asia, and Central America. As Khalid Koser reminds us, what had
begun "as a largely European problem at the end of the Second World War had
become a truly global phenomenon, with immense complexities". [39]
The 1990s saw the return of refugee crises to developed countries, with groups
originating in such regions as Bosnia, Kosovo and the former Soviet Union
sharing the plight of those in Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor. But
despite the myth of "asylum invasion" in Western Europe, the majority of
refugees are currently found in the southern hemisphere, particularly Africa and
Asia. The bulk of the burden of supporting them therefore still falls upon the
poorest parts of the world.
With respect to refugee migration, though, the historian Peter Gatrell has argued
that questions should be asked not only about the circumstances of
displacement, or the practices of states and non-governmental agencies
involved, but also "about the complex relationship between those who observe
and those who experience displacement". [45] Historians' perspectives both
depend upon and determine their source material: Is one writing with regard to
the history of the state or rather from a refugee-centered perspective?
Moreover, since refugee situations are very much the product of power
imbalances, the "refugee voice" is unlikely to even be heard, let alone recorded.
In researching contemporary refugeeness,oral history may provide a helpful tool
in creating new sources and in gleaning new insights. This may also reveal
refugees' "capacity for agency against all odds". [46]
Evoking very little response in scholarly studies of the past decade have been
calls to historicize "refugeeness" and the diversity of refugee experiences and
strategies as well as the vast array of discursive and institutional fields within
which such labels as "the refugee" are being constructed. Such marginal
attention to refugees in migration history may result from a "sedentary bias" in
reaction to perceived challenges to nation-state approaches in history and the
social sciences in general. But the studies of refugees and displacement may well
offer fresh insights into the concepts of culture and community as bounded and
territorialized units.
Despite being one of the leading subjects of current debates on migration today,
one finds only sparse literature on the construction of the concept of "illegality"
and its historical development.[47] As the anthropologist Nicholas De Genova has
observed, whereas the term "illegal" migrant supplies a "broad legal or
descriptive rubric" it encompasses a tremendous heterogeneity: "illegality" must
be understood as an epistemological, methodological and political problem. [48] It
is vital to produce a historically informed account of the sociopolitical processes
of "illegalization" themselves. "Illegalization" is the discursive and legal production
of migrant "illegality", which, as a social relation, is inseparable from citizenship;
and despite their stigmatization, "illegal" migrants do not exist in hermetically
sealed communities – in everyday life they often entertain close social relations
with "legal" migrants and citizens. Like migration itself, "illegality" is a truly global
phenomenon, achieving specific relevance only in specific historical and social
contexts. "Illegal" migrants leave their countries for the same reasons as any
other migrants. The reason for the increasing numbers of migrants moving in
"illegal" ways can mainly be seen in the increased state control over mobility. At
present, despite the desire of large numbers of people to relocate, legal
opportunities to do so exist only for a privileged few – and human trafficking and
migrant smuggling have developed into lucrative businesses. [49]
"Illegal" migration is a complex concept. For Western states, [50] "illegal" migration
covers people 1) crossing borders without the proper authority, including
unauthorized exit; those 2) crossing a border in a seemingly legal way through
the use of fraudulent documents or by using legal documents fraudulently, or,
alternatively, through "marriages of convenience" or impostor relatives; and
those 3) entering legally and overstaying one's period of authorization. Related
to the principle that the state defines who crosses and occupies its territory, one
must distinguish between what states and what people consider to be legitimate.
From a state perspective, "illegals" are not simply transgressing the law but are
undermining the ability of the state to control its territory. By contrast, as the
historian Mae Ngai reminds us, illegal aliens, who are marginalized by their
position in the lower strata of the workforce and through their exclusion from
the polity, "might be understood as a caste, unambiguously situated outside the
boundaries of formal membership and social legitimacy." Yet the meaning of
illegality shifts across time and space and there are important regional
differences in the way the concept of legal/illegal migration is applied. A historical
perspective may show how the sovereign state's relationship to legal and moral
norms is contingent and subject to change. [51]
Whereas the various notions of illegality and the concept of being illegal date
back to the process of state formation and the emergence of systems of local
poverty relief, the term "illegal" – as it applies to migrants – was only coined in
the 1930s. In early-modern Europe, people outside of the highly organized labor
market (e.g. vagrants), along with anyone else seen as a potential burden to
local social relief systems, were restricted from relocating or from gaining
admission to a municipality. Similar vagrancy policies were reproduced in the
colonial empires of the nineteenth century. Yet in the early modern period few
restrictions existed on immigration at the state level, whereas emigration was
understood as a loss of state revenue in the form of taxes as well as a loss of
manpower; there was also the accompanying fear that local social systems would
be made responsible for those left behind.
Although the period between 1850 and 1914 has often been regarded as the
apex of "free migration", it also saw the emergence of racially motivated
migration regimes which excluded, for example, Asian migrants from white
settler colonies.[52] Several decades later the exclusion of people seen as
"non-white" and therefore racially inferior – e.g. the Chinese – produced diverse
forms of illegality, as presently illustrated by the example of Mexican immigrants
to the U.S. Movements to legally curtail rights of entrance went hand in hand in
many countries with the monopolization of migration control. [53] The rise of
nationalism made it essential for states to be able to identify their citizens.
Whereas race and national origin did not automatically lead to exclusion, the rise
in political participation and the extension of social rights were the result of a
varied palette of restrictions and control technologies. As the following examples
show, several continuities began to develop with regard to illegality:[54] Poor
migrants in general were not welcome and were prone to deportation (although
not all deportations sprang from illegality) and state control tightened with the
state's interest in social welfare and labor market regulation (especially in highly
developed postwar welfare states).
1. ↑ Kla us Ba de , Euro pa in Be we gung: Migra tio n vo m spä te n 18. Ja hrhunde rt bis zur Ge ge nwa rt,
Münche n 2000, p. 11.
2. ↑ T he Unite d Na tio ns de fine s a n inte rna tio na l m igra nt a s a pe rso n who sta ys o utside o f the ir usua l
co untry o f re side nce fo r a t le a st o ne ye a r.
3. ↑ Ste phe n C a stle s, Migra tio n. So cio lo gica l Aspe cts, in: Ne il Sm e lse r/Pa ul B. Ba lte s (e d.), Inte rna tio na l
Encyclo pe dia o f the So cia l a nd Be ha vio ra l Scie nce s, Vo l. 14, Am ste rda m 2001, pp. 9824-9828; Kha lid
Ko se r, Inte rna tio na l Migra tio n. A Ve ry Sho rt Intro ductio n, O x fo rd/Ne w Yo rk 2007; Dirk Ho e rde r, Fro m
Im m igra tio n to Migra tio n Syste m . Ne w C o nce pts in Migra tio n Histo ry, in: O AH Ma ga zine o f Histo ry, 14
(1999) 1, pp. 5-11.
4. ↑ C hristia ne Ha rzig/Dirk Ho e rde r, with Do nna Ga ba ccia , W ha t is Migra tio n Histo ry, C a m bridge 2009, p.
3; Wa lte r Nuge nt, C ro ssings: T he Gre a t Tra nsa tla ntic Migra tio ns, 1870-1914, Blo o m ingto n/IN 1992.
5. ↑ Jo che n O ltm e r, Einführung. Euro pä ische Migra tio nsve rhä ltnisse und Migra tio nsre gim e in de r Ne uze it,
in: Ge schichte und Ge se llscha ft 35 (2009) 1, pp. 5-27.
6. ↑ T his sho uld no t le a d to a fa lse no tio n in the se nse o f the m o de rniza tio n pa ra digm pro po se d by
W ilbur Ze link sy a nd o the rs who a rgue d tha t m igra tio n be ca m e a significa nt phe no m e no n o nly in the
nine te e nth ce ntury a s a re sult o f industria liza tio n a nd urba niza tio n. Fo r a critique o f this pa ra digm
se e Le slie Pa ge Mo ch, Mo ving Euro pe a ns. Migra tio n in We ste rn Euro pe since 1650, Blo o m ingto n/IN
7. ↑ Dirk Ho e rde r, Hum a n Mo bility, in: Ak ira Iriye /P ie rre -Yve s Sa unie r (e ds.), T he Pa lgra ve Dictio na ry o f
Tra nsna tio na l Histo ry, Ba singsto k e 2009, p. 503.
8. ↑ T his cha pte r is la rge ly ba se d o n Ha rzig/Ho e rde r, W ha t is Migra tio n Histo ry, pp. 42ff.
9. ↑ Fo r a n e x te nde d o ve rvie w se e No rm a n M. Na im a rk , Fire s o f Ha tre d. Ethnic C le a nsing in Twe ntie th-
C e ntury Euro pe , C a m bridge 2001; De tle f Bra nde s/Ho lm Sundha usse n/Ste fa n Tro e bst (e ds.), Le x ik o n
de r Ve rtre ibunge n. De po rta tio n, Zwa ngsa ussie dlung und e thnische Sä ube rung im Euro pa de s 20.
Ja hrhunde rts, W ie n/Kö ln/We im a r 2010.
10. ↑ Se e Jo hn To rpe y, T he Inve ntio n o f the Pa sspo rt. Surve illa nce , C itize nship a nd the Sta te , C a m bridge
2000; id., C o m ing a nd Go ing. O n the Sta te Mo no po liza tio n o f the Le gitim a te ‘Me a ns o f Mo ve m e nt’,
in: So cio lo gica l T he o ry 16 (1998), pp. 239-259.
11. ↑ Ko se r, Inte rna tio na l Migra tio n, p. 74.
12. ↑ Ha rzig/Ho e rde r, W ha t is Migra tio n Histo ry, p. 46.
13. ↑ Ibid., pp. 48ff.
14. ↑ C a ro line B. Bre tte ll/Ja m e s F. Ho llifie ld, Migra tio n T he o ry. Ta lk ing a cro ss Discipline s, Ne w
Yo rk /Lo ndo n 2000.
15. ↑ Se e Andre a s W im m e r/Nina Glick Schille r, Me tho do lo gica l Na tio na lism a nd Be yo nd. Na tio n-Sta te
Building, Migra tio n a nd the So cia l Scie nce s, in: Glo ba l Ne two rk s 2 (2002) 4, pp. 301-334.
16. ↑ Ada m McKe o wn, Glo ba l Migra tio n, 1846-1949, in: Jo urna l o f Wo rld Histo ry 15 (2004) 2, pp.
17. ↑ Le o Luca sse n, Migra tio n a nd Wo rld Histo ry. R e a ching a Ne w Fro ntie r, in: Inte rna tio na l R e vie w o f
So cia l Histo ry 52 (2007), pp. 89-96.
18. ↑ McKe o wn’s re sults ha ve le d to a n inte nse de ba te . Fo r a n o ngo ing de ba te se e , fo r e x a m ple ,
Inte rna tio na l R e vie w o f So cia l Histo ry 52 (2007), pp. 89-142.
19. ↑ Fo r a n o ve rvie w o ve r the o rie s o f a nd a ppro a che s in m igra tio n re se a rch se e Do ugla s S. Ma sse y e t
a l., T he o rie s o f Inte rna tio na l Migra tio n. A R e vie w a nd Appra isa l, in: Po pula tio n a nd De ve lo pm e nt
R e vie w 19 (1993), pp. 431-466; Dirk Ho e rde r/Ja n Luca sse n/Le o Luca sse n, Te rm ino lo gie n und
Ko nze pte in de r Migra tio nsfo rschung, in: Kla us Ba de /P ie te r C . Em m e r/Le o Luca sse n/Jo che n O ltm e r
(e ds.), Enzyk lo pä die Migra tio n in Euro pa . Vo m 17. Ja hrhunde rt bis zur Ge ge nwa rt, Pa de rbo rn 2007,
pp. 28-53; Ale ja ndro Po rte s/Jo sh De W ind (e ds.), R e think ing Migra tio n. Ne w T he o re tica l a nd Em pirica l
Pe rspe ctive s, Ne w Yo rk /O x fo rd 2007; Ja n Luca sse n/Le o Luca sse n (e ds.), Migra tio n, Migra tio n Histo ry,
Histo ry. O ld Pa ra digm s a nd Ne w Pe rspe ctive s, 3rd e d., Be rn 2005.
20. ↑ Ha rzig/Ho e rde r, W ha t is Migra tio n Histo ry, pp. 87f.
21. ↑ Ha rzig/Ho e rde r, W ha t is Migra tio n Histo ry, p. 87.
22. ↑ Fo r a critica l o ve rvie w o f dia spo ra s se e R o bin C o he n, Glo ba l Dia spo ra s. An Intro ductio n, Se a ttle
1997; Miria m R ürup, Vo n de r re ligiö se n Se hnsucht zur k ulture lle n Diffe re nz. Dia spo ra k ulture n im
histo rische n Ve rgle ich, in: id. (e d.), P ra k tik e n de r Diffe re nz. Dia spo ra k ulture n in de r Ze itge schichte ,
Gö ttinge n 2009, pp. 9-39; Arif Dirlik , It is no t whe re yo u a re fro m , it is whe re yo u a re a t. P la ce -Ba se d
Alte rna tive s to Dia spo ra Disco urse s, in: Jo na tha n Frie dm a n/Sha lini R a nde ria (e ds.), Wo rlds o n the
Mo ve . Glo ba liza tio n, Migra tio n a nd C ultura l Se curity, Lo ndo n 2004, pp. 141-165.
23. ↑ Ha rzig/Ho e rde r, W ha t is Migra tio n Histo ry, pp. 110ff.
24. ↑ Bre tte ll/Ho llifie ld, Migra tio n T he o ry, pp. 1ff.
25. ↑ Na ncy L. Gre e n, T he C o m pa ra tive Me tho d a nd Po ststructura l Structura lism . Ne w Pe rspe ctive s fo r
Migra tio n Studie s, in: Luca sse n/Luca sse n, Migra tio n, pp. 57-72.
26. ↑ Se e Ro be rt E. Pa rk /He rbe rt A. Mille r/Ke nne th T ho m pso n, O ld Wo rld Tra its Tra nspla nte d. T he Ea rly
So cio lo gy o f C ulture , Ne w Yo rk 1921.
27. ↑ Ale ja ndro Po rte s, C hildre n o f Im m igra nts. Se gm e nte d Assim ilia tio n a nd its De te rm ina nts, in: id.
(e d.), T he Eco no m ic So cio lo gy o f Im m igra tio n, Ne w Yo rk 1995, pp. 248-279.
28. ↑ Linda Ba sch/Nina Glick Schille r/C ristina Bla nc-Sza nto n (e ds.), To wa rds a Tra nsna tio na l Pe rspe ctive
o n Migra tio n. R a ce , C la ss, Ethnicity, a nd Na tio na lism R e co nside re d, Ne w Yo rk 1992; id. (e ds.), Fro m
Im m igra nt to Tra nsm igra nt. T he o rizing Tra nsna tio na l Migra tio n, in: Anthro po lo gica l Q ua rte rly 68
(1995) 1, pp. 48-63.
29. ↑ Ale ja ndro Po rte s, Im m igra tio n fo r a Ne w C e ntury. So m e P ro ble m s a nd O ppo rtunitie s, in:
Inte rna tio na l Migra tio n R e vie w 31 (1997) 4, pp. 799-825. Fro m the burge o ning lite ra ture o n
tra nsna tio na lism se e , fo r e x a m ple , T ho m a s Fa ist, T he Vo lum e a nd Dyna m ics o f Inte rna tio na l
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Tra nsna tio na l Turn in Migra tio n Studie s, in: Glo ba l Migra tio n Pe rspe ctive s No. 6, O cto be r 2004, pp.
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30. ↑ Aihwa O ng, Fle x ible C itize nship. T he C ultura l Lo gics o f Tra nsna tio na lity, Durha m , NC 1999.
31. ↑ Pe te r Kistivo, T he o rizing Tra nsna tio na l Im m igra tio n: A C ritica l R e vie w o f C urre nt Effo rts, in: Ethnic
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32. ↑ Arjun Appa dura i, Mo de rnity a t La rge . C ultura l Dim e nsio ns o f Glo ba liza tio n, Minne a po lis 1996;
Sa sk ia Sa sse n, Lo sing C o ntro l? So ve re ignty in a n Age o f Glo ba liza tio n, Ne w Yo rk 1996.
33. ↑ Se e fo r e x a m ple Do nna Ga ba ccia , Juggling Ja rgo ns. “Ita lia ns Eve rywhe re ”, Dia spo ra o r
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34. ↑ Se e Hila ry C unningha m /Jo sia h McC . He ym a n, Intro ductio n. Mo bilitie s a nd Enclo sure s a t Bo rde rs, in:
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35. ↑ Se e fo r e x a m ple Pa tricia R . Pe ssa r/Sa ra h J. Ma hle r, Tra nsna tio na l Migra tio n. Bringing Ge nde r In, in:
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Im m igra nts a nd the C ha nging Am e rica n R e ligio us La ndsca pe , Ne w Yo rk /Lo ndo n 2007; Eithne
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36. ↑ Dirk Ho e rde r, Tra nsk ulture lle Le be nsfo rm e n. Me nsche n in lo k a le n – (po st-)na tio na le n – glo ba le n
We lte n, in: So zia l.Ge schichte 20 (2005) 1, pp. 11-29.
37. ↑ Se e fo r e x a m ple Anja Pe le ik is, Le ba ne se in Mo tio n. Ge nde r a nd the Ma k ing o f a Tra nslo ca l Villa ge ,
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in: Ide ntitie s: Glo ba l Studie s in C ulture a nd Po we r 13 (2006), pp. 395-425.
38. ↑ Se e http://www.unhcr.o rg/pro te ct/P R O T EC T IO N/3b66c2a a 10.pdf(04.09.2010). W he re a s in 1951 the
Unite d Na tio ns High C o m m issio ne r fo r R e fuge e s (UNHC R ) re co gnize d 1.5 m illio n re fuge e s, by 2001
the num be rs ha d incre a se d to 15.2 m illio n, with a n a dditio na l 9.5 m illio n “pe rso ns o f co nce rn”,
including a sylum se e k e rs, re turne e s, a nd inte rna lly displa ce d pe rso ns.
39. ↑ Ko se r, A Ve ry Sho rt, p. 74.
40. ↑ Liisa Ma lk k i, R e fuge e s a nd Ex ile . Fro m “R e fuge e Studie s” to the Na tio na l O rde r o f T hings, in:
Annua l R e vie w o f Anthro po lo gy 24 (1995), pp. 495-523; id., Spe e chle ss Em issa rie s. R e fuge e s,
Hum a nita ria nism , a nd De histo riciza tio n, in: C ultura l Anthro po lo gy 11 (1996) 3, pp. 377-404.
41. ↑ Pe rse cutio n o n gro unds o f ge nde r wa s include d o nly a s la te a s the 1990s.
42. ↑ R o ge r Ze tte r, Mo re La be ls, Fe we r R e fuge e s. R e m a k ing the R e fuge e La be l in a n Era o f Glo ba liza tio n,
in: Jo urna l o f Re fuge e Studie s 20 (2007) 2, pp. 172-192, he re p. 173; id., La be lling R e fuge e s.
Fo rm ing a nd Tra nsfo rm ing a Bure a ucra tic Ide ntity, in: Jo urna l o f R e fuge e Studie s 4 (1991) 1, pp.
43. ↑ Ze tte r 2007, p. 180.
44. ↑ Pe te r Nye rs, R e think ing R e fuge e s. Be yo nd Sta te s o f Em e rge ncy, Ne w Yo rk 2006; Ma rita Ea stm o nd,
R e fuge e s in Anthro po lo gy, in: Inte rna tio na l Encyclo pe dia o f the So cia l & Be ha vio ra l Scie nce s,
Am ste rda m 2001, pp. 12901-12905.
45. ↑ Pe te r Ga tre ll, Po pula tio n Displa ce m e nt in the Ba ltic R e gio n in the Twe ntie th C e ntury. Fro m “Re fuge e
Studie s” to R e fuge e Histo ry, in: Jo urna l o f Ba ltic Studie s 38 (2007) 1, pp. 43-60.
46. ↑ Da vid Turto n, C o nce ptua lising Fo rce d Migra tio n, R e fuge e Studie s C e ntre Wo rk ing Pa pe r No . 12,
O cto be r 2003, p. 12.
47. ↑ O the r te rm s such a s “undo cum e nte d”, “una utho rize d”, o r “irre gula r” pro ve to be just a s pro ble m a tic
o r m isle a ding a s “ille ga l”. Fo r e x a m ple , no t a ll ille ga l im m igra nts a re ne ce ssa rily undo cum e nte d o r
una utho rize d whe n e nte ring a co untry. T he te rm “ille ga l” sho uld re m ind us tha t no t the m igra nts
the m se lve s but ra the r the ir a ctivitie s a re re ga rde d a s “ille ga l” by the sta te s a nd the re fo re re fe rs to
the co nstructio n o f wha t is le ga l. Fo r lite ra ture se e Ma rlo u Schro ve r/Jo a nne va n de r Le un/Le o
Luca sse n/C hris Q uispe l (e ds.), Ille ga l Migra tio n a nd Ge nde r in a Glo ba l a nd Histo rica l Pe rspe ctive ,
Am ste rda m 2008; Bill Jo rda n/Fra nck Duve ll, Irre gula r Migra tio n. T he Dile m m a s o f Tra nsna tio na l
Mo bility, Surre y 2003.
48. ↑ Nicho la s P. De Ge no va , Migra nt “Ille ga lity” a nd De po rta bility in Eve ryda y Life , in: Annua l R e vie w o f
Anthro po lo gy 2002, pp. 419-447.
49. ↑ Da vid Kyle /Re y Ko slo wsk i, Glo ba l Hum a n Sm uggling, Ba ltim o re 2001.
50. ↑ Se e Schro ve r/va n de r Le un/Luca sse n/Q uispe l (e ds.), Ille ga l Migra tio n, p. 10.
51. ↑ Ma e M. Nga i, Im po ssible Subje cts. Ille ga l Alie ns a nd the Ma k ing o f Mo de rn Am e rica ,
P rince to n/O x fo rd 2004, p. 2ff.
52. ↑ Se e Ada m M. McKe o wn, Me la ncho ly O rde r. Asia n Migra tio n a nd the Glo ba liza tio n o f Bo rde rs, Ne w
Yo rk 2008.
53. ↑ Jo hn To rpe y, T he Inve ntio n o f the Pa sspo rt. Surve illa nce , C itize nship a nd the Sta te , C a m bridge
54. ↑ Schro ve r/va n de r Le un/Luca sse n/Q uispe l (e ds.), Ille ga l Migra tio n, p. 19f.
55. ↑ Nga i, Im po ssible Subje cts; De Ge no va ,Migra nt “Ille ga lity”. Fro m a Me x ica n pe rspe ctive se e Da vid
Fitzge ra ld, A Na tio n o f Em igra nts: Ho w Me x ico Ma na ge s Its Migra tio n, Be rk e le y/Lo s Ange le s/Lo ndo n
56. ↑ Fo r e x a m ple , in the co nte x t o f tra ffick ing, whe re a s wo m e n a re o fte n de picte d a s be ing tra ffick e d,
i.e ., a ga inst the ir will, m e n a re ge ne ra lly spo k e n o f a s be ing sm uggle d, i.e ., with the ir co nse nt,
a ga inst pa ym e nt a nd the re fo re re ta ining co ntro l o f the ir o wn fa te s. T his ha bitua l po rtra ya l o f wo m e n
a s victim s ha s o fte n le d to pro a ctive sta te m e a sure s: in Ba ngla de sh, Indo ne sia o r Ne pa l, fo r
e x a m ple , e m igra tio n o f wo m e n is e ithe r highly re stricte d o r ba nne d a s a pro te ctive m e a sure –
so m e tim e s pro te cting wo m e n, but a lso o fte n re stricting the ir cho ice s. In a ny ca se , pro te ctio n a nd
punishm e nt a re une qua lly distribute d be twe e n wo m e n a nd m e n. Schro ve r/va n de r Le un/Luca sse n
/Q uispe l (e ds.), Ille ga l Migra tio n.
57. ↑ He in de Ha a s, T he Myth o f Inva sio n. Irre gula r Migra tio n fro m We st Africa to the Ma ghre b a nd the
Euro pe a n Unio n, Inte rna tio na l Migra tio n Institute (IMI) R e se a rch R e po rt 2007, Unive rsity o f O x fo rd.
58. ↑ Efthim ia Pa na gio tidis/Va ssilis Tsia no s, De na tura lizing “C a m ps”. Übe rwa che n und Entschle unige n in
de r Sche nge ne r Ägä is-Zo ne , in: Tra nsit Migra tio n Fo rschungsgruppe (e d.), Turbule nte R ä nde r. Ne ue
Pe rspe k tive n a uf Migra tio n a n de n Gre nze n Euro pa s, Bie le fe ld 2007, pp. 57-85; Suve ndrini Pe re ra ,
W ha t is a C a m p?, in: Bo rde rla nds E-Jo urna l 1 (2002) 1, rde rla t.a u/vo l1no 1_2002
/pe re ra _ca m p.htm l (04.09.2010).
59. ↑ Se e http://www.fro nte x .e uro pa .e u/(04.09.2010).
Recommended Reading
Jan Lucassen, Leo Lucassen (Hrsg.), Migration and Migration History, History:
Old Paradigms, New Perspectives, 3. Auflage. Peter Lang, Berlin 2005, ISBN
Patrick Manning, Migration in World History, Routledge, New York 2005, ISBN