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Cultivation of Agronomy
plants and raising
of animals tor human use Study and
development of techniques
forimproving apricultural practices

Ploughing Horticulture
Process of
loosening and
turning the soil for Cultivation of fruits, vegetables and
better ornamental plants.
percolation of water and air.

Preparation of soil Animal husbandry

Process of
Rearing and
domesticated animals.
management of
of the soil
to reduce soil erosion.

Adding plant nutrients
to increase the
fertility Cutting of mature
of the soil

Seeds are scattered in the field
Separation of grains
manually by hand. froncrop

Drill sowing Winnowing

Spread seeds by seed drill having Separation of chaf|

Sowing funnelattached to plough. fromgrains.

Transplantation Storing grains for
Seedlings grown in nurseries are consumption till
transferredto the field. next harvest season

management Irrigation Crop protection
Supplying of water
Addition of essential1
nutrients to plants for their tocropsinthefield. Moat
growth and development. Traditional Chain pump Removal of unwanted

methods Rahat plants grown along the|

Natural Fertilisersand
methods manures
Pest control
Killing of living organisms
Field fallow
(tungi insects, rats, etc.)
Drip irrigation
Crop rotation Modern which can destroy crops by

Mixed cropping methods, Sprinkler system using pesticides.


Ch-1 Crop Production and Management

Class -VIII
Answer key

Q1 Define agriculture
Ans Growing plants and rearing animals for food, clothing and other useful products is called

Q2 What are crops? Name two types of crops on the basis of their growing season.

Ans Plants of the same kind grown on a large scale for food, clothing. etc., are called crops.
Based on the growing season, the crops grown in India can be classified as kharif and rabi crops.

Q3 Why do we need to prepare the soil before growing a crop?

Ans Soil is the main medium in which plants grow. The roots of plants absorb water, air and vital
utrients from the soil. In order to ensure that these are readily available to the roots, the soil is
prepared before growing a crop.

Q4 Why does the soil need levelling?

Ans The leveling of ploughed soil is beneficial because:
The levelling of ploughed fields prevents the top fertile soil from being carried away by strong
winds or washed away by rain water.

The levelling of ploughed fields helps in the uniform distribution of water in the fields during
The levelling of ploughed fields helps in preventing the loss of moisture
Long answer questions

Qi Describe the various steps involved in preparing the soil.

Ans Soil preparation involves ploughing, levelling, and applying fertilizers.
The process of loosening and turning the soil is called ploughing. Soil is ploughed with the help of a
tool called a plough. The plough and other tools needed to carry out agrlculture practices are called
agricultural implements. Ploughs are drawn either by bullocks or other animals such as horses and
camels, or using a tractor
Even after ploughing, big lumps of soil (called clods) may remain in the fleld. These are crushed using
wooden or iron planks called levelers and this process is called leveling.
When crops are grown in a field, they absorb nutrients from the soil. After growing different crops in
the same fleld over a period of time, the level of nutrients in the soil may decrease as they are being
used up by the crops. Eventually, the soil may even turn infertile (i.e., not allow growth of crops at
al). To avoid this situation, farmers often add substances called fertilizers to the soil.

Q2 What are fertilizers? Why is it important to add them to soil? Differentlate between natural and
chemical fertilizers.

Ans Fertilizers are natural or chemical substances that contain one or more nutrients essential for plant
growth. Ater growing different crops in the same field over a period of tinme, the level of nutrients
in the soll may decrease as they are being used by the crops. Eventually, the soil may even turn
infertile. To avoid this situation, it is important to add fertilizers to soil.
Table: Differences between manures and fertilisers
Manures Fertilisers
S. No.
(i) These are natural organic substances. These are inorganic salts made by
These rich in humus but not in inorganic These are rich in inorganic nutrients but do not
(11) are
contain humus.
These are prepared in factories.
These are prepared in fields.
nutrient specitic and provide
(iv) Manure is not nutrient specific. It only removes are
nutrients to the soil.
the general deficiency of the soil. specific
Fertilisers soluble in water and are readilv
Manure is not readily soluble in water. Thus, are
it is absorbed by the plants slowly. absorbed by the plants.
Fertilisers cause soil and water poliuiion.
(vi) Manures do not cause pollution.
Short answer questions

Q5 What does NSC stand for? What role does it play in agriculture?
Ans NSC stand for National Seeds Corporation. NSC is involved in the production of good-quality
agricultural seeds.

Q6 What should we keep in mind while sowing seeds?

Ans The following points must be kept in mind while sowing seeds:
Seeds should be sown at appropriate distance from one another.
Seeds should be sown at the corect depth, neither too shallow nor too deep.

Q7 What are two most common disadvantages of manual weeding?

Ans Manual weeding has the following disadvantages:
1. It is time consuming and may even lead to accidental removal ofdesired crops.
2. The implements used are made of iron and need regular maintenance to prevent rusting
Q8 Why should we not use chemical weedicides and pesticides?
Ans We should not use chemical weedicides and pesticides because of the following reasons:
1. Accidental contact with these chemicals may adversely affect the health farmers
2. Traces of these poisonous chemicals may remain in crops, which can be very harmful to human life.

Long answer questions (page 24)

Q3 Explain the various methods of irigation involved in agriculture.

Ans Water for irigation is obtained from wells, rivers, lakes and tube wells. Methods of irrigation can be
considered under two broad categories:
Traditional methods
Canal irigation, furrow irrigation, chain pump, moat, dhekli and rahat are some of the traditional
methods of irigation. These methods are cheaper, but ofen lead to wastage of water
Modern methods
1. Sprinkler irrigation is a method that involve pumping water under pressure through nozzles and
spraying it over soil like artificial rain.
irigation is
by drop directly at
base of
use of pipes tubes with very small holes to deliver

in help saving

Q4 What are the various ways in which we protect crops from weeds and pests?
Ans Weeding can be done either manually or by using chemicals called weedicides.
Manual weeding
Weeds can be uprooted either by hand or with the help of implements such as harrow, trowel and hoe.

Using weedicides
A is that is used to destroy weeds without affecting the crops. Dalapon, metachlor etc
weedicidea chemical
are examples of weedicides.
Short answer questions (page 23-24)

Q9 What kind of a place is ideal for storage of harvested grains?

Ans The place which is free from moisture and pests are ideal for storage of harvested grains.

Q10 What is animal husbandry?

Ans Rearing animals on a large scale, for food and other needs, is called animal husbandry.

Long answer questions (page 24)

Q5 How can we ensure increase in crop yield?

Ans Carrying out the basic agricultural practices systematically can substantially increase crop yield.
Techniques such as mixed cultivation and crop rotation can increase crop yield further.

Mixed Cultivation: In this type of cultivation, two or more diferent types of crops are sownm in a particular
field at the same time. The crops chosen are such that the nutrient needs of one crop are fulfilled by the other.
For example, a leguminous plant (iLe., a plant having seeds in long pods) such as chickpea or mung can be

grown in the same field, along with a cereal such as wheat.

Crop Rotation: The practice of growing two or more dissimilar crops in the same field, one after the other, is
called crop rotation. This is done keeping in mind the nutrient requirements ofa particular crop. For example,
crops such as wheat and paddy use up a lot of nitrogen from the soil. This lost nitrogen can be replaced
naturally if leguminous plants such as pea, soya bean, or green beans are sown after wheat or paddy.
Let's Apply HOTS| (page 25)

Q1 The salt content of soil has increased in Kabir's farm and is harming the crops. What could be t
main reason for this, even though he is not spraying salty water?
Ans This can be due to water lo8ging.

Q2 Maya is confused why Kishan always grows soya bean plants after wheat every year. Can you tell
her why?
Ans Soya bean is a leguminous plant. Leguminous plants have a special kind of bacteria called
nitrogen-fixing bacteria in their roots that help in restoring the nitrogen content of the soil.
What are the advantages of levelling?
Following are the advantages of levelling:
Levelling helps to prevent soil erosion caused by wind or air.
It helps in sowing the seeds uniformly, and thus helps the plants to grow
uniformly too.
It helps in proper
irrigation by allowing the water to get distributed uniformly
throughout the soil.

Why the depth at which seeds are planted is important?

If the seed is planted too deep then it will not
get enough sunlight to germinate. If the
seed is
planted too shallow
then it
The depth for sowing seed also
will not get enough
soil to support germination.
depends upon the seed size.

Why sowing seeds with seed drill is

better than broadcasting?
Seed drill sows the seeds uniformly at proper distances and depths, whereas
broadcasting of seeds scatter them non-uniformly on the ground surface which are
susceptible to be picked up by birds.

Rajan felt worried about the condition of water scarcity in his village during the
ropping season.He went to Ministry of Agricuture and Farmers Welfare of
his area to get the solution of this problem. There he came to know about
effective method of irrigation and drought resistant varieties of
He requested the head of department of the ministry to arrange some
Workshop on this topic to educate the farmers in these methods.

Name modern methods of irigation that help us to use water economically.

What is drought resistant varieties of crop?
Can you name some crops that require less amount of water?


Drip rrigation system and sprinkler method.

Crops that need very little amount of rainfall or irigation to grow are called
drought resistant varieties of crop.
Sorghum, pearl millet, chickpea, groundnut, etc.


() Thesc crops are sown on the onset of (i) These crops are sown on the
onsoon. onest of winter scason.
(i) These crops require lot of water. (ii) These require moderate water
(ii) Rice. maize jowar bajractc are main ii) Whcat, barley. pocs. gram. ctc.
kharif crups.
(iv) These are harvested in winter (iv) Crops are harvested in summer.
Objective type questions
correct words.
A. Fill in the blanks with the
a series of activities in Da7,licalohany/a
1. To grow crops, farmers perform
particular) sequence.
the roots to reach,deeper into the soil.
Plnuahin?_(Ploughing/Levelling) allows
3. To avoid the soil from becoming
infertile, farmers often add tlizgz(seeds/
sometimes washed away into water bodies by the process of
4. Chemical fertilizers
achuing (leaching/irigation).
5. Seeds sown by bitodcasing (broadcasting/using a seed drill) are distributed
unevenly and may not ensuYe that all seeds are sown at the correct depth.
6. We should useAMD (sprinkler/drip) irrigation method in places that have a
shortage of water.
7. Excess water on the field may cause a condition called lwalAAgLleaching/
waterlogging) which may harm the crops.
8. Animals like rats and insects damage the crops and can be destroyed by using
p2tideA (weedicides/pesticides).
9. A machine called the- - (combine harvester/combine winnower) is used
for both harvesting and threshing.
10. Bacteriain roots of eguminetsleguminous/all cultivated) plants help in restoring
the t n C n (oxygen/nitrogen) content of the sol.
B. Choose the correct option.
1. Which of these involves preparing the soil for sowing seeds?
a. Ploughing, weeding, and threshing . Ploughing, levelling, and adding fertilizers
C.Weeding, sowing, and harvesting d. None of these
2. Which of these helps to trap air into the soil? 6
a. Tilling
C. Levelling
b. Burrowing action of earthworms
Both a. and b.
3. Which of these processes involve separation of grain from the chaff?
a. Weeding b. Harvesting
4. In
C.Threshing dWinnowing
which of these places will you store
a. Outside in the rain harvested grains?
bIn dry and clean rooms
storehouse that
is humid and clean d. In a dry room that is clean but has rats
5. Which of these best refers to the
a. Agriculture
practice of rearing honeybees?
b. Sericulture
Apiculture d. Mixed cultivation
6. Which of these crops are generally
planted November and harvested in April?
a. Wheat and rice J Pea and gram . Maize and cotton d. Cotton and Barley
S Scanned with

CropProduction and Management

7. Which of these should be kept in mind while sowing seeds?
a. The distance between one another b. The depth at which seed is sown
c. It cannot be done
manually tBoth a. and b.
8. Which of these irigation methods does not lead to wastage of water?
a. Dhekli and Rahat bSprinkler irigation
. Chain pump and moat d. All of these
9. Which of these are common implements used for removing weeds from fields?
a. Plough and leveller b. Combine harvester
Trowel and hoe d. Tractor and seed drll
10. Which of these processes is usually done with the help of a sickle?
a. Levelling b. Weeding Harvesting d. Winnowing

Il. Very short answer type questions

A. Give one word for the following.
1. Plants of the same kind grown on a large scale for food, clothing etc CAp
2. The process of loosening and turning the soil
3. Tools needed to carry out agricultural
Natural or chemical substances that contain one
or more nutrients for plant growth
5. Artifcial application of water to soil
Iigolit 7
6. Achemical used to
destroy weeds biesid
7. The process of removing weeds Wecdon
8. The process of cutting and gathering of crops
9. Aplace where bulk storage of grains is done Gamaies_silos
10. Rearing animals on a large scale for food and other need's Animal
B. Give two examples for the following.
1. Kharif crops Rice Mai ze
2. Cereal crops W hea
3. Rabi crops Pea
4. Traditional methods of irigation Maad Dekl
5. Implements used for manual weeding HaLAA) Hoe
6. Common weeds wild nat VA
7. Commonly used weedicides alapra Mtlachl
8. Leguminous plants
9Animasfrom which we get milk Cour
CS 10.Birds from which we get eggs to eat Hens
Recalland complete the concept map
given below.
Agricultural practices

St.lphepaiahien Ligatib
Levelling i p l i Feh,tizens

1. What has
happened to the fields here? lwialpa gi
(waterlogging/ leaching/ crop rotation)
2. Which of
these would happen that willaffect the roots here? o3
Lack of air in soil b. Lack of nitrogen in soil
c Lack of seeds in soil
3 ldentify the agricultural implements and mention the
stage of farming when each is used.

cHewel- d. `irkle
dih Jaky
Eind out the cash crops
and dams
eacn state or
indla. On a map of
lhdia, mark and label the
various canals beent main source of
Crop Production and Management
Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management

I. Choose the correct answer.

i) When healthy seeds are dipped in water, seeds

a) sink b) float c) neither sink nor float d) none of these

ii) Separating grains from chaff is called:

b) threshing c) harvesting d) fallow

a) winnowing

ii) The method of scattering seeds in the field by hand is:

a) hand picking b) transplantation c) broadcasting d) levelling

iv) In which of the following method of irrigation rotating nozzles are used?
a) Moat b) Drip system c) Chain pump d) Sprinkler system

v)Which of the following nutrient is replenished in the soil after growing leguminous plants?
c) Phosphorus d) Potassium
a) Nitrogen b) Oxygen

l1. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.

i) Freshly harvested grains are sun-dried to remove
i) Rice or Paddy_is a crop that is grown in standing water.
ii) Wheat and mustard are r a b i _ Crops.
iv) Soll preparation is the first step before growing a crop.

v) Excess water in the field may cause a condition called water logging_

III. Write one word for the following:

i) Bacteria present in the roots of leguminous plants. Rhizobium-

i) Rearing of animals at large scale. Animal huSbandry
ii) Undesirable plants that grow along
with crops. Weeds
iv) A machine used for harvesting as well threshing.
as Combine harvester
v) The practice of rearing honeybees for honey.
IV. ldentify the following figures:

Ranat system
Moat system

c) d)
Dhekli system Chain pump

V. Match the column A to columnB.

a) ) Hoe b)

i) Cultivater d)

i) Plough

d) iv) Seed dill


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