2023 Spring Turkey Hunting Regs
2023 Spring Turkey Hunting Regs
2023 Spring Turkey Hunting Regs
ild turkeys may be pursued, taken, possessed, or
transported only as outlined in this booklet. For MDC’s MO Hunting App Makes
complete hunting regulations, refer to the Wild- Permits Easy
life Code of Missouri, available at sos.mo.gov/adrules/csr/
The Conservation Department’s free MO
Hunting app offers a quick, easy, and
The following methods are allowed: convenient option for carrying your
◾ Shotguns with shot not larger than No. 4 permits afield, voiding a permit after
◾ Longbows, recurve bows, or compound bows. Hand-held harvesting a turkey, and Telechecking
string-releasing devices, illuminated sights, scopes, and your harvest.
quickpoint sights are allowed. The app, which is available for Apple and Android
◾ Crossbows devices, allows you to:
◾ Atlatls ◾ Purchase permits.
◾ See all the hunting, fishing, and trapping permits you
The following methods are prohibited:
have purchased — even if they were purchased from
◾ Shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shells in
a traditional vendor, online, or by telephone.
magazine and chamber combined
◾ Carry valid, electronic permits afield.
◾ Shot larger than No. 4 (in use or in possession)
◾ Electronically “notch” (void) your turkey permits
◾ Rifles and handguns
directly from the app.
◾ Firearms that propel a single projectile at one discharge
◾ Telecheck your turkey, using an easy-to-fill form.
◾ Any sighting device that casts a beam of light on the game
Telecheck will upload a confirmation number to the
◾ Thermal imagery equipment or night vision equipment (in
app. You can also see turkeys and deer you have
use or in possession)
Telechecked in the past. Note: Wildlife labeling
◾ Recorded calls (in use or in possession)
requirements still apply. See Page 20.
◾ Use of dogs or live decoys
◾ Flood-prone areas in southeast Missouri are closed to all To log in to MO Hunting, you’ll need your Conservation
hunting during spring turkey season when river levels Number. This nine-digit number can be found on your
exceed certain limits on local river gauges. To see if an area Heritage Card, Conservation Permit Card, or any current
is closed for hunting, visit mdc.mo.gov/semofloods. or previous permit. For help locating your Conservation
◾ Use of bait, which includes grain or other feed placed or Number, call 573-522-0107 during regular business
scattered so as to attract turkeys. An area is considered hours or go to short.mdc.mo.gov/ZkH.
baited for 10 days after complete removal of the bait. A MO Hunting is available for free in the Google Play
hunter can be in violation if they take or attempt to take a and Apple App stores. You can also get MO Hunting and
turkey by aid of bait where the hunter knows or reasonably learn more about the app at short.mdc.mo.gov/Zi2.
should know the area is or was baited. It is illegal to place Note: Make sure you update MO Hunting before
bait in a way that causes others to be in violation of the each hunting season to ensure you are using the most
baiting rule. recent version of the app and that all of your permits
Voiding the Permit: If you harvest a turkey, you must notch are visible while hunting.
your permit immediately. See Page 20.
Tagging and Checking: See pages 20–21 for tagging and
checking requirements.
Coyotes may not be
Additional Information: chased, pursued, or taken
◾ If you kill or injure a turkey, you must make a reasonable during daylight hours from
effort to retrieve and include it in your season limit, but this April 1–16, 2023. During
does not authorize trespass. the regular spring turkey
◾ It is a violation to wantonly leave, abandon, or waste com- season, coyotes may be
monly edible portions of game. taken only from one-half
◾ During the regular spring turkey season, anyone assisting hour before sunrise to
another hunter must be properly licensed with either a 1 p.m., using only legal
filled or unfilled spring turkey hunting permit. spring turkey hunting methods, and only by hunters
◾ During youth turkey season, you do not need a permit to holding an unfilled spring turkey hunting permit and
assist a properly licensed youth hunter. You must, how- either a Resident Small Game Hunting Permit or a
ever, be 18 or older and hunter-education certified or born Nonresident Furbearer Hunting and Trapping Permit.
before Jan. 1, 1967.
lthough wild turkeys can be found throughout Missouri’s wild turkeys were no exception. Although an
Missouri’s diverse landscapes, turkey numbers in increase in turkey numbers above current population levels
the Show-Me State have declined since their peak is possible when good production occurs, it is unlikely turkey
in the early-to-mid 2000s. Based on recent research, poor numbers will ever increase to the peak populations observed
production — not poor survival or overharvest — appears following restoration. Wild turkey populations are dynamic,
to be the greatest contributor to turkey population declines. and turkey reproductive success is rarely constant from year
Unfortunately, turkey production in Missouri and neighboring to year. In the future, hunters should expect to see consider-
states has exhibited a long-term downward trend and has able fluctuations in turkey numbers. There will be periods
been especially poor the past few years. when poor production reduces turkey numbers for several
Multiple factors influence turkey production, including years and periods when improved production will result in
weather, habitat, predators, and food availability. Although more turkeys on the landscape.
land managers cannot control the weather, they can create
and improve turkey nesting and brood-rearing habitat. In A Comprehensive Approach to Wild
general, this type of cover consists of a knee-high mixture Turkey Management
of grasses and other herbaceous vegetation. Planting native The mission of the Conservation Department’s Wild Turkey
warm-season grasses in open areas and thinning woodlands Management Program is to use science-based methods,
are great ways to establish this type of cover. If you have spe- including public engagement, to manage wild turkey
cific questions about how to improve turkey habitat on your populations throughout Missouri that provide quality hunting
property, contact your local MDC private land conservationist. and other recreational opportunities. A range of biological
information is collected annually to monitor trends in turkey
Transitional Times production, abundance, and population age-structure. The
Missouri’s turkey population has undergone a transition Department has conducted a number of wild turkey research
during the past several decades. In the 1970s and 1980s, projects, and data from these studies provide important
when the recently restored population was expanding rapidly, information used to make management decisions. The
people often reported seeing flocks of turkeys during winter Department also surveys thousands of hunters each year to
that numbered well into the hundreds. During that time, learn about their opinions, success, and satisfaction.
production was extremely high as turkeys took advantage of
vacant, highly suitable habitat. But a basic ecological principle Looking Ahead to the 2023 Season
eventually caught up with Missouri’s turkeys. As wildlife The Show-Me State still offers great turkey hunting even
populations grow, factors that limit their size exert ever- when numbers are down. Each year, the spring turkey harvest
greater influence. Habitats become crowded, predators find continues to be among the highest in the nation, and despite
easy prey, and disease spreads more quickly. By increasing relatively poor production the past few years, the 2023 season
mortality, decreasing production, or doing both, each limiting should be no exception.
factor puts the brakes on an expanding population.
his table is intended to inform hunters of opportunities Area Name County 1 2 3 4
for hunting wild turkeys on public land managed or
owned by the Conservation Department. Elam Bend Gentry ✓
Turkey hunting is only allowed on Department areas Elrod Mill Access Andrew ✓
that are listed in the table. If an area that is owned or man- Floyd Memorial Chariton ✓
aged by the Conservation Department is not listed, turkey
Fountain Grove Linn, Livingston ✓ ✓
hunting is not allowed. For hunting opportunities on public
land that is not owned or managed by the Conservation Gallatin Daviess ✓
Department, contact the appropriate agency. Grand Pass Saline ✓ ✓
For maps and more details of areas listed on the following
Grand Trace Harrison ✓
pages, contact the regional office or visit mdc.mo.gov/atlas.
Hadorn Bridge Access Andrew ✓
Regulation key for table Happy Holler Lake Andrew ✓
Hardin Ray ✓
1. Statewide turkey seasons and limits apply.
2. Longbows, recurve bows, compound bows, atlatls, and Helton Memorial Harrison ✓
crossbows may be used. Turkey hunting with firearms Holmes Bend Access Daviess ✓
is prohibited. All other statewide turkey seasons and Honey Creek Andrew ✓
limits apply.
3. Only nontoxic shot may be used. Jamesport
Daviess ✓
4. Managed hunt. See pages 16–17 for details. Community Lake
King Lake DeKalb, Gentry ✓
Northwest 816-271-3100 Kneib Memorial Buchanan ✓
Area Name County 1 2 3 4 Lake Paho Mercer ✓
Agency Buchanan ✓ Little Compton Lake Carroll ✓
Aspinwall Bend Atchison ✓ ✓ Little Tarkio Prairie Holt ✓
Bagley Woods 1
Mercer ✓ Logan Memorial Buchanan ✓
Bee Creek Buchanan ✓ Lower Hamburg Bend Atchison ✓ ✓
Belcher Branch Lake Buchanan ✓ McClure Mercer ✓
Bilby Ranch Lake Nodaway ✓ McCormack Holt ✓
Bluffwoods Buchanan ✓ McGee Family Clinton ✓
Bonanza Caldwell ✓ McKinny Carroll ✓
Brickyard Hill Atchison ✓ Mockingbird Hill Access Grundy ✓
Brown (Bob) Holt ✓ ✓ Monkey Mountain Holt ✓
Bunch Hollow Carroll ✓ Mussel Fork Linn, Macon ✓
Chloe Lowry Marsh Mercer ✓ Nishnabotna Atchison ✓ ✓
Christie Andrew ✓ Nodaway County
Nodaway ✓
Corning Atchison, Holt ✓ ✓ Community Lake
Crooked River Ray ✓ Nodaway Valley Holt, Andrew ✓ ✓
Dalton Bottoms Access Chariton ✓ O’Keefe Buchanan ✓
Davis Memorial Andrew ✓ Pawnee Prairie Harrison ✓
Denton Access Gentry ✓ Pigeon Hill Buchanan ✓
Deroin Bend Atchison, Holt ✓ ✓ Pony Express Lake Dekalb ✓
Dupree Memorial Buchanan ✓ Poosey Livingston ✓
Price Bridge Access Chariton ✓
This area is landlocked. You must get permission from
Punkin Center Access Livingston ✓
landowner to gain access.
8 2023 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
Area Name County 1 2 3 4 Area Name County 1 2 3 4
Riverbreaks Holt ✓ Griffiths Memorial Macon ✓
Rush Bottoms Holt ✓ ✓ Heath Memorial Clark ✓
Schifferdecker Memorial Carroll ✓ Henry Sever Lake Knox ✓
Seat Memorial Gentry, Worth ✓ Hidden Hollow Macon ✓
Sowards Ford Access Worth ✓ Hunnewell Access Shelby ✓
Star School Hill Prairie Atchison ✓ Hunnewell Lake Shelby ✓
Sterling Price Indian Hills Scotland ✓
Chariton ✓
ommunity Lake Julian Steyermark Woods Marion ✓
Sunbridge Hills Buchanan ✓ LaBelle Lake Lewis ✓
Tarkio Prairie Atchison ✓ Locust Creek Sullivan ✓
Thurnau Holt ✓ ✓ McPike Access Marion ✓
VanDyke Mercer ✓ Mineral Hills Putnam ✓
Wagner Ray ✓ Montgomery Woods Adair, Macon ✓
Wiese2 Chariton ✓ Morris Prairie Sullivan ✓
Wolf Creek Bend Holt ✓ ✓ Mound View Access Shelby ✓
Worth County Neeper Clark ✓
Worth ✓
ommunity Lake
Pin Oak Shelby ✓
Worthwine Island Andrew ✓
Ranacker Pike ✓
Yellow Creek Chariton ✓
Ray Memorial Marion ✓
Northeast 660-785-2420
Rebel’s Cove Putnam, Schuyler ✓
Area Name County 1 2 3 4
Redman Macon ✓
Anderson Ralls, Pike ✓
Rocky Hollow Monroe ✓
Arrow-Wood Shelby ✓
Rose Pond Clark ✓ ✓
Atlanta —
Macon ✓ Sears Community Lake Sullivan ✓
Long Branch Lake
Macon, Shanks Pike ✓ ✓
Bee Hollow ✓
andolph Shoemaker Adair ✓
Big Creek Adair ✓ Soulard Access Marion ✓
Black Hawk Access Marion ✓ Sugar Creek Adair ✓
Bollow Shelby ✓ Sunnyside School
Lewis ✓
Callahan Mound Access Marion ✓ Access
T his area is landlocked. You must get permission from
landowner to gain access.
2023 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 15
Managed Spring Turkey Hunts
Archery (1 hunt — longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, crossbow, or atlatl only)
Youth-Only Firearms for Ages 11–15 (9 hunts — shotgun only) Note: Hunter-education certification is required, see Page 17.
CA = Conservation Area 5
nly first-time turkey hunters 18 and older who have never
dds of being selected are based on last year’s drawings. Telechecked a turkey are eligible. Hunters will be accompanied by a
anaged hunt occurs in a designated area; statewide regulations mentor during the hunt.
apply outside the designated area. 6
unters must permanently need to use a wheelchair to participate
unters permanently needing to use a wheelchair may bypass the in this hunt.
random drawing but do not displace others in the drawing. Send 7
ecause odds are for the previous year, 100 percent odds do not
a request with a statement from a licensed physician to: Managed guarantee you will be drawn.
Turkey Hunts, Missouri Department of Conservation, PO Box 180, 8
nly first-time turkey hunters ages 11–15 at the time of the hunt
Jefferson City, MO 64102-0180. Requests must be received by Feb. 28. who have never Telechecked a turkey are eligible.
o not apply for this hunt if you cannot attend the mandatory pre-
hunt orientation.
obblers are large birds with a black body and long beard. Hens sometimes have beards, but they are smaller, brown,
and have blue heads. Bearded hens produce young and help increase the turkey population. They should not be killed,
but any turkey with a visible beard is legal. Hens without beards are illegal to shoot during the spring turkey seasons.
Female Male
Breast Breast
HEN f eathers feathers GOBBLER
buff-tipped black-tipped
JUVENILE GOBBLERS have spurs less than 1/2 inch long and a beard less than 6 inches long.
eral swine are highly destructive and prolific pests. They
cause significant damage to wildlife habitat, compete with
native wildlife for food, prey upon native wildlife, destroy
nests of birds such as turkeys, degrade natural areas and agricul-
tural fields, pollute ponds and streams, and spread diseases to
livestock, people, and pets. Feral swine are a menace that must be
eliminated in Missouri.
Report Feral Swine
◾ Report feral swine sightings and damage to 573-522-4115,
ext. 3296.
◾ Releasing swine into the wild is illegal. If you see someone releas-
ing swine, report violators to your local conservation agent.
◾ During deer and turkey seasons, opportunistic take of feral
swine by hunters with an unfilled deer or turkey hunting permit
is allowed on lands owned, leased, or managed by the Conserva-
tion Department. Outside of deer and turkey seasons, the taking
of feral swine is prohibited on lands owned, leased, or managed
by the Conservation Department.
The Conservation Department and the U.S. Department of
Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, along with
private landowners and other partners, are working to eliminate
feral swine in Missouri. Swine are social animals that travel in
groups called sounders. Shooting one or two swine scatters
the sounder and makes trapping efforts aimed at catching the
entire group at once more difficult. With their high reproductive
rate, removing only one or two swine does not help to reduce
populations. Anyone who observes a feral swine or damage
caused by feral swine should report it to the Conservation
Department rather than shooting the animal.
Feral swine tracks are distinguished from deer tracks by the rounded or blunt tips of the toes. The
toes of a swine track on a firm surface tend to be more splayed than a deer track. A swine track also
appears rounded or square; deer tracks appear heart-shaped and have more sharply pointed toes.
The presence of dew claw marks with feral swine or white-tailed deer tracks is not an indicator of
sex as is commonly thought. Dew claw marks simply mean that the animal was running or stepping
on a soft surface.
Notch It
Immediately after harvesting a turkey, you must notch
your permit.
◾ To notch a paper permit, tear a small notch in the
month and day of harvest on the permit.
◾ To notch a permit using the MO Hunting app, simply
select the permit you wish to use from the list in the
app, and follow the short, easy prompts on the screen.
Once you notch your permit, you may transport your
turkey within Missouri. Note: Notching is not the same
as Telechecking. You must still Telecheck your turkey by
10 p.m. on the day of harvest.
Check It
You must Telecheck your turkey by 10 p.m. on the day
of harvest.
◾ If you’re using a paper permit, follow the Telecheck
instructions on Page 21. Write the confirmation
number provided by Telecheck on your permit.
◾ If you’re using the MO Hunting app, select your
notched permit from the list on the screen, tap
“Telecheck,” and follow the prompts. Telecheck will
upload a confirmation number directly to your
mobile device.
After you’ve reported to Telecheck, you may process
your turkey and transport it out of state.
Additional Information
◾ Until checked, turkeys must have the head and plumage intact.
◾ Notching voids the permit. Do not notch your permit until you harvest a turkey.
◾ All turkeys must be Telechecked before they are removed from Missouri.
◾ Only the person who harvested the turkey may possess and transport the turkey before Telechecking.
◾ After Telechecking, turkeys may be possessed and transported by anyone, but must be labeled with the taker’s full
name and address, or Conservation Number; date taken; and Telecheck confirmation number.
ll turkeys must be Telechecked online, by using the
MO Hunting app, or by telephone. If you are calling
Telecheck on your cellphone, be sure you have a clear
How to
signal. If the signal is spotty, move closer to a major highway,
go to higher ground, or wait until you get to a land-based line
Measure Spurs
to call. Avoid calling in areas with loud background noise. Spur length measurements help biologists
You do not need to Telecheck immediately after harvesting keep track of the age structure of the
a turkey. You can transport unchecked game within the state adult turkey
as long as you have notched your permit. You have until 10 population.
p.m. on the day taken to Telecheck your turkey. Please
Telecheck Using the MO Hunting App
your turkey’s
Step 1: Select your notched permit from the list. spurs before
Step 2: Tap “Telecheck.” checking it.
Step 3: Follow the prompts on the screen. This will ensure
Telecheck will upload a confirmation number to your biologists place your turkey in the correct
mobile device. age class. A difference in spur length of less
than 1/8 of an inch can be important, so
please take an accurate measurement.
Telecheck Using a Phone or the Internet Start at the outside center from the
Step 1: Before calling the toll-free number or going online, point where the spur protrudes from the
find your Telecheck ID number on your permit. Also get a leg scales, and measure to the tip of the
pen so you will be able to write your Telecheck confirmation spur. Report the length of the longest spur.
number on your permit.
Step 2: Fill out the orange form to the right, which contains
the information you will be asked when you use Telecheck.
Step 3: Call 800-314-6828 or visit mdc.mo.gov, then follow
the instructions. If you’re using a phone, speak clearly and → Your Telecheck ID number:
slowly. You can use Telecheck between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. ________________________________
Step 4: After you have provided the required information,
you will be given a confirmation number that verifies you → Turkey type:
have legally checked your turkey. Write this number on the □ Gobbler
permit. You have now completed Telecheck and can process □ J uvenile gobbler (see Page 18 for
your turkey. how to identify a juvenile)
→ □ B
earded hen (see Page 18 for details
on sexing a turkey)
box above)
□ Less than 1 inch
□ 1 inch or more
→ Beard length
Telecheck □ Less than 6 inches
□ 6 inches or more
your turkey at:
800-314-6828 → County of harvest
or mdc.mo.gov _______________________________
Go mobile with
MDC apps
MO Hunting MO Outdoors
Purchase, view, Find conservation areas,
and store permits. shooting ranges, and
Notch your permits nature centers. Tailor
and Telecheck your search to specific
your turkey activities, including
harvests. Access birdwatching, camping,
basic statewide fishing, hiking, hunting,
regulations and or shooting. Mark
season information. favorite locations to
quickly find them again.
mdc.mo.gov E00605 2023