Strumazol Strong Iodine Solution
Strumazol Strong Iodine Solution
Strumazol Strong Iodine Solution
Brand Name Dose strength Adverse/ Side Nursing
Mechanism of Drug
and Drug and Effect and Drug Responsibilitie Rationale Client teaching Evaluation
Classificatio formulation interaction s
Antithyroid tab Indication: Adverse/ Side Assess for Which could be Provide Monitor
Agents Mild to severe Effects: history of cautions or thorough patient
Initial Dose: hyperthyroidism, nausea, vomiting, allergy to any contraindication patient response to
Strumazol 15-60 mg daily treatment of gastric discomfort, antithyroid s to use of the teaching, the drug
(Thiamazole) Graves' disease, headache, hair drug; drug. including (lowering of
Dose is preparation of loss, bone marrow pregnancy and measures to thyroid
gradually hyperthyroid depression may lactation avoid adverse hormone
reduced to a patients for occur. status; and effects, levels).
maintenance thyroidectomy and pulmonary warning signs
dose, usually as an adjunct to When given at edema or of problems Monitor for
5-15 mg daily radioactive iodine HIGH doses: pulmonary (fever, sore adverse
(Euthyroid therapy. fever, arthralgia, tuberculosis if throat and effects
Patient). arthritis and using strong nose (bradycardia
Mechanism of rashes (eg, iodine bleeding), and , anxiety,
Children: Initia Drug Action: urticaria), solutions. the need for blood
l Dose: 400 Sulfur containing hepatotoxicity. regular dyscrasias,
mcg/kg in imidazole Assess for skin To determine evaluation if skin rash).
divided doses; derivative. Rare: lesions; baseline status used for longer
for Strumazol reduces aplastic anemia, orientation before beginning than Evaluate the
maintenance synthesis of the thrombocytopenia and affect; therapy and for recommended effectiveness
this dose may thyroid hormones , nephrotic baseline pulse, any potential , to enhance of the
be halved. by inhibiting the syndrome and a blood adverse effects. patient teaching
incorporation of loss of the sense of pressure, and knowledge of plan (patient
iodide in the taste ECG; drug therapy can name
thyroglobulins of respiration and and promote drug,
the thyroid gland. Drug Interaction: adventitious compliance. dosage,
As Strumazol leads sounds; and adverse
Contraindication/ to a change in the thyroid effects to
s: metabolism, it function tests. watch for,
Known may be necessary and specific
hypersensitivity to to adjust dosage of Monitor To assess patient measures to
thiamazole or other drugs. response response and to avoid them).
carbimazole. carefully and monitor for
An increased risk arrange for adverse effects. Monitor the
Strumazol should for bleeding exists periodic blood effectiveness
only be used in when PTU is tests. of comfort
pregnancy upon administered with measures
consultation with a oral and
specialist. anticoagulants. compliance
to the
Another method of Changes in serum regimen
feeding the baby levels of
should be chosen if theophylline,
an antithyroid drug metoprolol,
is needed during propranolol, and
lactation because digitalis may lead
of the risk of to changes in the
antithyroid activity effects of PTU as
in the infant, the patient moves
including the from the
development of a hyperthyroid to
neonatal goiter. the euthyroid
Generic/ Indication/
Dose strength Adverse/ Side
Brand Name Mechanism of Nursing
and Effect and Drug Rationale Client teaching Evaluation
and Drug Drug Action/ Responsibilities
formulation interaction
Classification Contraindications
Antithyroid tab/sol Indication: Adverse/ Side Assess for Which could be Provide Monitor
Agents (Iodine Adult: one Treatment of Effect: history of cautions or thorough patient
Solutions) tablet, or 2–6 hyperthyroidism, Rash, allergy to any contraindications patient response to
drops (gtt) PO thyroid blocking in hypothyroidism antithyroid to use of the teaching, the drug
Sodium Iodine daily to t.i.d. radiation , goiter, drug; drug. including (lowering of
Solution, emergencies; swelling of the pregnancy and measures to thyroid
Potassium Pediatric (>1 presurgical salivary glands, lactation avoid adverse hormone
Iodide (Thyro- yr): adult dose suppression of the iodism (metallic status; and effects, levels).
Block) thyroid gland, taste, burning pulmonary warning signs
Pediatric (<1 treatment of mouth and edema or of problems Monitor for
yr): 1⁄2 tablet acute throat, sore pulmonary (fever, sore adverse
or 3 gtt PO thyrotoxicosis teeth and gums, tuberculosis if throat and effects
daily to t.i.d until thioamide head cold using strong nose bleeding), (bradycardia,
levels can take symptoms, iodine and the need anxiety, blood
effect. stomach upset, solutions. for regular dyscrasias,
diarrhea), evaluation if skin rash).
Mechanism of allergic Assess for skin To determine used for longer
Drug Action: reactions. lesions; baseline status than Evaluate the
The iodine orientation and before beginning recommended, effectiveness
solutions cause Drug affect; baseline therapy and for to enhance of the
the thyroid cells to Interaction: pulse, blood any potential patient teaching plan
become anticoagulants, pressure, and adverse effects. knowledge of (patient can
oversaturated theophylline, ECG; drug therapy name drug,
with iodine and digoxin, respiration and and promote dosage,
stop producing metoprolol, and adventitious compliance. adverse
thyroid hormone. propranolol. sounds; and effects to
In some cases, the thyroid watch for, and
thyroid cells are function tests. specific
actually measures to
destroyed. Monitor To assess patient avoid them).
response response and to
Contraindications: carefully and monitor for Monitor the
contraindicated in arrange for adverse effects. effectiveness
the presence of periodic blood of comfort
any known allergy tests. measures and
to antithyroid compliance to
drugs to prevent Give iodine To decrease the regimen
hypersensitivity solution staining of teeth.
reactions and through a
during pregnancy straw; tablets
because of the can be crushed.
risk of adverse
effects on the Monitor So the drug can
fetus and the patients be stopped
development of receiving immediately if
cretinism. iodine solution such signs
for any sign of appear.
Another method iodism.
of feeding the
baby should be
chosen if an
antithyroid drug is
needed during
lactation because
of the risk of
activity in the
infant, including
the development
of a neonatal
Use of strong
iodine products is
with pulmonary
edema or