Case Study: Ronald Mcdonald House BC & Yukon
Case Study: Ronald Mcdonald House BC & Yukon
Case Study: Ronald Mcdonald House BC & Yukon
Ronald McDonald House BC and Yukon
Michael Green Architecture (MGA).
Initiated by McFarlane Green Biggar
Architecture + Design.
Equilibrium Consulting Inc.
AME Consulting Group
Kane Consulting Partnership
ITC Construction Group; CLT by
Completed in 2014, the Ronald McDonald House at the BC Women’s and Children’s Structurlam Products
Hospital in Vancouver provides a home-like environment for children and their
families while undergoing treatment away from home. This LEED® Gold certified OCCUPANTS
project expanded the original 12-family Shaughnessy House to a 73-family facility 65 families and staff members
divided into four residential units connected by communal links. The facility was the
first use of tilt-up cross-laminated timber (CLT) construction with pre-installed ledgers NUMBER OF STOREYS
provided for interior timber I-joist floors, a construction solution that contributed 4
toward an early completion date two months ahead of schedule. 9-ply CLT panels
were used to carry the weight of green roofs and planters. GROSS FLOOR AREA
How low carbon materials were used in the project
Ronald McDonald House BC & larger wall sections were assembled
Yukon made extensive use of wood, horizontally on the ground and raised
a building material that has a lower into place. This consideration for the
embodied carbon footprint than other erection process helped to save time
building materials. A strategy used by on site and reduced the need for work
the team was an innovative use of CLT at height, contributing to worksite
tilt-up panels to speed erection. The safety. Floor and roof structures used
panels were formed in the shop with pre-engineered timber I-joists and CLT
cuts and notches where necessary panels supported on beams and ledgers
for connections and openings, then on CLT walls.
CASE STUDY: Ronald McDonald House BC & Yukon
Notable Awards
• 2016 Governor General’s Award in
• 2015 Lieutenant-Governor of BC Award
in Architecture (Merit)
• 2015 Masonry Institute of BC – Award
of Excellence – Low Rise
Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC).