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Deep-Spying: Spying Using Smartwatch and Deep Learning: Master Thesis

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arXiv:1512.05616v1 [cs.

CR] 17 Dec 2015

Master Thesis

Deep-Spying: Spying using

Smartwatch and Deep Learning

Author: Tony Beltramelli

Supervisor: Sebastian Risi, Ph.D.

IT University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark

A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the

degree of Master of Science.

December 2015

Wearable technologies are today on the rise, becoming more common and
broadly available to mainstream users. In fact, wristband and armband de-
vices such as smartwatches and fitness trackers already took an important
place in the consumer electronics market and are becoming ubiquitous. By
their very nature of being wearable, these devices, however, provide a new
pervasive attack surface threatening users privacy, among others.

In the meantime, advances in machine learning are providing unprece-

dented possibilities to process complex data efficiently. Allowing patterns to
emerge from high dimensional unavoidably noisy data.

The goal of this work is to raise awareness about the potential risks re-
lated to motion sensors built-in wearable devices and to demonstrate abuse
opportunities leveraged by advanced neural network architectures.

The LSTM-based implementation presented in this research can perform

touchlogging and keylogging on 12-keys keypads with above-average accuracy
even when confronted with raw unprocessed data. Thus demonstrating that
deep neural networks are capable of making keystroke inference attacks based
on motion sensors easier to achieve by removing the need for non-trivial pre-
processing pipelines and carefully engineered feature extraction strategies.
Our results suggest that the complete technological ecosystem of a user can
be compromised when a wearable wristband device is worn.

Keywords: Security, Side-Channel Attack, Keystroke Inference, Motion

Sensors, Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Network, Wearable Computing


I would first like to deeply thank Sebastian Risi for his insightful advice
during the entire duration of this thesis and his immediate interest in the
project idea. Special thanks also go to the seven voluntary participants who
took some of their time to help me collect valuable data.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my beloved parents Jean-Claude and

Marie, my sister Leslie and all my family for their continuous support and
encouragement throughout my master studies. I would also like to thank
Cecilie for inspiring me and for her constant support.

Finally, I would like to thank the REAL lab, the PITlab, and the IT
department at the IT University of Copenhagen for providing me with hard-
ware and computational resources allowing me to conduct the experiments
detailed in this work.


Abstract i

Acknowledgments ii

Contents iii

List of figures vii

List of tables x

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Problem Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2 Related Work 5
2.1 Key Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.1 Computer Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.2 Wearable Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.1.3 Machine Learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Background: Artificial Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1 Recurrent Neural Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.2.2 Long Short-Term Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.2.3 Backpropagation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3 Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.1 Motion-Based Keystroke Inference Attack . . . . . . . 17 Keylogging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Touchlogging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.2 Classification of Motion Sensors Signal . . . . . . . . . 20 Classifier Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Contents Data Analysis and Feature Extraction . . . . 21

2.3.3 Additional Mentions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 Attack Description 25
3.1 Attacker Goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
3.2 Threat Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Attack Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4 System 29
4.1 System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
4.2 Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2.1 Wearable Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
4.2.2 Mobile Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
4.2.3 Training Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4.3 Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5 Data Analytics 36
5.1 Data Acquisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.2 Pre-processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.2.1 Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5.2.2 Median Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
5.2.3 Butterworth Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.2.4 Kalman Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.3 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.1 Sensor Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.3.2 Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Segmentation from Labels . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Heuristic Segmentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.3.3 Statistical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.4 Classifier Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
5.4.1 Performance Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54


5.4.2 Sensor Fusion Benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.4.3 Model Benchmark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

6 Evaluation 61
6.1 Empirical Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
6.2 Experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.2.1 Experiment 1: Touchlogging Attack . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.2.2 Experiment 2: Keylogging Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.2.3 Experiment 3: from Touchlogging to Keylogging . . . . 69
6.3 Discussions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

7 Conclusion 72
7.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.2 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Bibliography 75

Appendices 85

A Backpropagation 86

B Signal Pre-processing 88
B.1 Gyroscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
B.2 Accelerometer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

C Confusion Matrices from Model Benchmark 94

C.1 Model Training with Statistical Features . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
C.2 Model Training with Data Segment as Features . . . . . . . . 95

D Experiment Results 98
D.1 Results for Experiment 1: Touchlogging Attack . . . . . . . . 99
D.1.1 FNN-Sigmoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
D.1.2 FNN-Tanh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101


D.1.3 RNN-LSTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

D.2 Results for Experiment 2: Keylogging Attack . . . . . . . . . . 106
D.2.1 FNN-Sigmoid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
D.2.2 FNN-Tanh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
D.2.3 RNN-LSTM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
D.3 Results for Experiment 3: from Touchlogging to Keylogging . 112

List of Figures

2.1 Related research fields. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.2 A feedforward neural network with 3 input neurons, 2 hidden
layers h and h0 containing 4 neurons each, and 2 output neurons. 9
2.3 A standard feedforward cell i with three other neurons a, b,
and c connected to its input. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 A standard RNN cell (see text for details). . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 A RNN can be seen as an unfolded deep FNN. The depth
corresponds to the length n of the input sequence. . . . . . . . 12
2.6 LSTM memory cell (see text for details). . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3.1 Smartphone attack overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2 ATM attack overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

4.1 System overview using the Client-Server architectural model. . 30

4.2 Components communication during data acquisition. . . . . . 32
4.3 Training devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.4 Data analytics server main components. . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5.1 Data processing pipeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5.2 Noisy raw signals recorded from motion sensors. . . . . . . . . 37
5.3 Signals after calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
5.4 Signals after median filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
5.5 Signals after Butterworth filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
5.6 Signals ready for feature extraction after the last step of the
pre-processing pipeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.7 Effect of the pre-processing pipeline on the recorded signal. . . 45
5.8 Gyroscope and accelerometer mean signal aligned with time
fitting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

List of Figures

5.9 Segmentation of a gyroscope signal consisting of two sequences

of the same four keys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.10 Example of peaks detected (shown as green circles) from the
gyroscope Peak-to-Average Power Ratios with actual keystroke
positions (shown as vertical dashed lines). . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.11 Neural network used for sensor fusion benchmark. . . . . . . . 56
5.12 Neural network template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
5.13 Hidden layer benchmark (see Table 5.2 for references). . . . . 60

6.1 Neural network architectures selected for experiments. . . . . . 62

6.2 F1 Score for the different ANN architectures during the touchlog-
ging experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
6.3 F1 Score for the different ANN architectures on the keylogging
experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

B.1 Gyroscope raw signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

B.2 Gyroscope signal after calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
B.3 Gyroscope signal after median filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
B.4 Gyroscope signal after low-pass Butterworth filtering. . . . . . 90
B.5 Gyroscope signal after Kalman filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
B.6 Pre-processed gyroscope signal with labels. . . . . . . . . . . . 90
B.7 Accelerometer raw signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
B.8 Accelerometer signal after calibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
B.9 Accelerometer signal after median filtering. . . . . . . . . . . . 92
B.10 Accelerometer signal after high-pass Butterworth filtering. . . 92
B.11 Accelerometer signal after Kalman filtering. . . . . . . . . . . 92
B.12 Pre-processed accelerometer signal with labels. . . . . . . . . . 93

C.1 Feedforward Sigmoid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

C.2 Feedforward Tanh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
C.3 Feedforward Sigmoid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
C.4 Feedforward Tanh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

List of Figures

C.5 Recurrent LSTM with forget gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

C.6 Recurrent LSTM with peephole connections. . . . . . . . . . . 97

D.1 Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

D.2 Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
D.3 Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
D.4 Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
D.5 Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh P-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
D.6 Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh P-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
D.7 Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh R-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
D.8 Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh R-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
D.9 Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM P-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
D.10 Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM P-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
D.11 Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM R-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
D.12 Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM R-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
D.13 Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
D.14 Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
D.15 Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
D.16 Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
D.17 Keylogging with FNN-Tanh P-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
D.18 Keylogging with FNN-Tanh P-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
D.19 Keylogging with FNN-Tanh R-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
D.20 Keylogging with FNN-Tanh R-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
D.21 Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
D.22 Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
D.23 Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
D.24 Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
D.25 Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-T . . . . . . 112
D.26 Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-H . . . . . . 113
D.27 Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-T . . . . . . 113
D.28 Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-H . . . . . . 114

List of Tables

2.1 Typical motion sensors on mobile and wearable devices. . . . . 7

2.2 Popular activation functions used in ANNs. . . . . . . . . . . 10

5.1 Fusion strategy benchmark results (average values for 100 train-
ing Epochs). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5.2 Hidden layer benchmark (see Figure 5.13 for graphical repre-
sentation). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

6.1 Touchlogging using FNN-Sigmoid with statistical features. . . 65

6.2 Touchlogging using FNN-Tanh with data segment as features. 65

6.3 Touchlogging using RNN-LSTM with data segment as features. 66

6.4 Keylogging using FNN-Sigmoid with statistical features. . . . 67

6.5 Keylogging using FNN-Tanh with data segment as features. . 68

6.6 Keylogging using RNN-LSTM with data segment as features. . 69

6.7 Results from RNN-LSTM trained for touchlogging and evalu-

ated for keylogging with data segments used as features. . . . 70

This chapter will first introduce the reader to the problem being addressed
in this research and the related implications. Finally, the methodology em-
ployed to provide a practical proof-of-concept system will be shortly de-

1.1 Problem Statement

The keyboard is one of the oldest human-computer interface and still one
of the most common devices to input information into various types of ma-
chines. Some of this information can be sensitive and highly valuable, such
as passwords, PINs, social security numbers, and credit card numbers. Re-
lated works (detailed in Chapter 2) have shown that the data from the mo-
tion sensors of a smartphone can be used to infer keystrokes entered on its
touchscreen [16, 84, 66]. Other research has proved that the motion sen-
sors from a smartphone standing on a flat surface can be used to infer the
keystrokes typed on a nearby physical computer keyboard [61]. Moreover, re-
cently published works have demonstrated that smartwatches motion sensors
could be exploited to infer keystrokes on both virtual and physical keyboards
[81, 59, 56].

Chapter 1. Introduction

The security of Wearable Wristband and Armband Devices (WADs) such as

smartwatches and fitness trackers is of great concern not directly because of
the device itself being exploitable1 but because of the very nature of wearable
devices being wearable. A smartwatch is indeed potentially worn for an
extended period such as the whole day, offering a pervasive attack surface to

The implications are therefore significant: exploiting motion sensors for

keystrokes inference can happen continuously as long as a WAD is worn.
More dramatically, the whole technological ecosystem of the user is compro-
mised each time a WAD is worn. One can indeed extrapolate that keystrokes
inference attack is possible on any keypad used by a person while she is
wearing a WAD. For example, the virtual keyboard of a tablet computer,
a smartphone touchscreen, the physical keyboard of a laptop computer, the
keypad of an electronic building access system, the keypad of a hotel room
safe or even the keyboard of a bank ATM. Eavesdropping on WAD sensors
can thus have implications reaching far beyond a simple privacy leakage and
have the potential to cause important damages.

Moreover, recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and notably Deep Learn-

ing have allowed algorithms to solve problems with impressive performance
sometimes even surpassing human experts. Deep neural networks are able
to process robustly noisy real-world data and can automatically learn fea-
tures from raw data. These powerful models have successfully been applied
to complex tasks in the fields of Computer Vision, Natural Language Pro-
cessing and Speech Recognition [54, 73]. Deep Learning has however com-
paratively been used poorly to process time series data such as motion sen-
sors [52]. These state-of-the-art scientific tools used to require advanced
A smartwatch is not dramatically different from a smartphone from a technological
point of view, the sensors are the same and the features are largely similar. It is even
reasonable to assume that a smartwatch is much more limited because of power and
performance limitations.

Chapter 1. Introduction

knowledge to be implemented and applied successfully. However, their re-

markable qualities lead to the development of various Open-Source projects
[79, 21, 20, 9, 7, 28, 47, 36, 78] making them available and free to use by
anyone. Even though this offers great possibilities to everyone from busi-
nesses to hobbyists, it potentially puts Deep Learning in the toolbox of

To the best of our knowledge, keystroke inference in related works has

only been performed using shallow models requiring manual feature extrac-
tion and carefully engineered signal processing pipelines. The use of a deep
neural network approach can drastically cut down the number of technical
steps towards successful keystroke inference. Thus making the attack a more
plausible threat against users of WAD.2

Two research goals can thus be formulated:

• Assess the practicality of motion-based keystroke inference attack using

wearable wristband/armband technology.

• Assess the practicality of motion-based keystroke inference attack using

deep neural network models.

1.2 Methodology

The research questions enunciated in Section 1.1 are answered in a practical

manner. First, a system is implemented to collect, process, analyze mo-
A bug in Android was discovered while working on this research project and was
thought to lead to a vulnerability. In fact, the bug leads applications targeting Android
Wear to grant some permissions without them being explicitly defined in the manifest file
[8]. A responsible disclosure process was thus initiated with Google to fix the issue. After
further investigations, the problem turned out to be a bug in the Android SDK with no
serious security implications towards users.

Chapter 1. Introduction

tion sensors data and perform experimental indirect passive attacks such as
keylogging and touchlogging. Second, experiments are conducted to collect
data in a deployment environment. Finally, the results are interpreted and

Challenges that will be addressed in particular are:

1. Data Acquisition: The system should allow sensor recording at specific

keystroke intervals in the continuous data stream.

2. Data Pre-processing: For comparison purpose in different contexts,

data obtained from sensor outputs need to be reduced to a meaningful
synthesis to limit the effect of noise.

3. Feature Extraction: For comparison purpose with traditional methods,

successful classification traditionally relies on carefully chosen discrim-
inant features.

4. Classification: The artificial neural network should be trained as opti-

mally as possible in order to avoid over-fitting and improve generaliza-

5. Evaluation: The quality of the classifier must be quantified to assess

its performance in practice with exotic data as input.

Related Work
This chapter’s goal is twofold. First to define the key concepts of the theo-
retical and technical background on which this work is based. This research
project is highly multidisciplinary and established at the intersection of var-
ious research fields (as illustrated in Figure 2.1). The second goal is thus
to review and reflect on the previous relevant studies and the current state-
of-the-art in the related fields. The core focus is the security of wearable
technologies and relies primarily on machine learning methods for data anal-

Figure 2.1: Related research fields.

Chapter 2. Related Work

2.1 Key Concepts

2.1.1 Computer Security

Passive Attack: A passive attack is characterized by an attacker eaves-

dropping on a communication channel. In such an attack, the attacker does
not attempt to break the system or alter the transmitted data (i.e. active
attack). Instead, the attacker is monitoring the exchanged packets to gain
information about the target (e.g. the users, the system, the communicating
entities) [15].

Side-channel Attack: A side-channel attack is defined by an attacker using

side-channel information to obtain insights about a system. Side-channel
information can be gained from data leaked at the physical layer (e.g. timing
information, power consumption, electromagnetic emanations, sound) [19].

Keylogging and Touchlogging: Keylogging is the action of recording the

keys entered on a keyboard by a user. Similarly, touchlogging is the action
of recording the buttons pressed on a touch screen, or the coordinates of the
touch events allowing the inference of the keys virtually touched by the user
[23]. Keystroke inference refers to techniques used to perform keylogging or
touchlogging from side-channels.

2.1.2 Wearable Computing

Wearable Technology: Wearable technologies are envisioned to be small

and portable computers integrated into clothes or worn continuously (e.g.
glasses, armband, wristband). These devices are designed to be extensively
mobile and operate in environments that may have limited computing infras-
tructure support [50].

Chapter 2. Related Work

Motion Sensors: Modern mobile and wearable devices usually come with
built-in motion sensors measuring the movements of the device. Analyzing
the output data of such sensors allow the estimation of specific types of
motion that the device undergoes such as translation, tilt, shake, rotation,
or swing. The typical motion sensors available in standard devices are listed
in Table 2.1. Software-based sensors usually derive their data from hardware-
based sensors, namely the accelerometers (one for each axis x, y, and z), and
the gyroscope [42, 40, 43, 1].

Type Description Implementation

Accelerometer Acceleration force along Hardware
three directions: lateral
(x axis), longitudinal (y
axis), and vertical (z axis)
(including gravity).
Gravity Direction and magnitude of Software
gravity along the x, y, and z
Linear Accelerometer Acceleration force along the Software
x, y, and z axes (excluding
Gyroscope Orientation change along Hardware
three angles: pitch (x axis),
roll (y axis), and azimuth (z
Rotation Vector Orientation around the x, y, Software
and z axes.

Table 2.1: Typical motion sensors on mobile and wearable devices.

Chapter 2. Related Work

2.1.3 Machine Learning

Classification: In the field of machine learning, classification is the process

of assigning categories to data. The classifier is a function assigning labels to
data by building a statistical model (i.e. data structure) based on a training
set containing example data with known associated classes. This process is
known as supervised learning since the statistical model needs to be trained
with expert-annotated data to classify subsequently unseen samples [12, 31].

Feature Extraction: Building a relevant statistical model is only possible if

the information used is describing the problem in a meaningful way. The term
Feature Extraction is used to refer to methods allowing the selection of such
valuable information in a raw dataset. This dimensionality reduction process
consists of building feature vectors of discrete length allowing to reduce the
volume of data to process and improving its quality. Feature Engineering is
the process of manual feature selection from experts. Unsupervised Feature
Learning is a process where the model selects features automatically through
training [12, 73].

2.2 Background: Artificial Neural Network

Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a class of biologically-inspired statisti-

cal model consisting of a set of connected nodes (i.e. neurons) where each
connection (i.e. synapses) has a weight associated with it [12, 33]. A typical
ANN consists of an input layer with a number of input neurons equal to the
length of the feature vector. Its output layer can be built with a variable
number of neurons depending on the task at hand (e.g. equal to the number
of classes for classification, two output neurons for binary classification, one
output neuron for regression). ANNs are usually additionally composed of

Chapter 2. Related Work

hidden layers each containing a variable number of neurons as depicted in

Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2: A feedforward neural network with 3 input neurons, 2 hidden

layers h and h0 containing 4 neurons each, and 2 output neurons.

The network is activated by feeding its input layer with a feature vector
that will be mapped to an output vector thanks to the network internal struc-
ture. The neurons map inputs to outputs by using a predefined activation
function (examples listed in Table 2.2). The output value of a given neuron
i can be computed as follows:

yi = φ(xi ) = φ Wij yj (2.1)

With φ the activation function of the neuron, n the number of neurons

connected to neuron i, W the weight associated with the connection between
two neurons, and y the output value. The input x to a neuron is thus the
weighted sum of outputs from connected neurons as illustrated in Figure 2.3.

Chapter 2. Related Work

Function Definition Derivative

Logistic Function 1 ∂φ(x)
φ(x) = = φ(x)(1 − φ(x))
(Sigmoid) 1 + e−x ∂x

Hyperbolic Tangent ex − e−x ∂φ(x)

φ(x) = = 1 − φ(x)2
(Tanh) ex + e−x ∂x
Rectified Linear Unit ∂φ(x) 0 if x ≤ 0,
φ(x) = max(0, x) =
(ReLU) ∂x 1 if x > 0;

Normalized ∂φ(xi )
e xi = φ(xi )(δij − φ(xj )),
φ(xi ) = P
e xj 0 if i 6= j,
j=1 δij =
(Softmax) 1 if i = j;

Table 2.2: Popular activation functions used in ANNs.

Figure 2.3: A standard feedforward cell i with three other neurons a, b, and
c connected to its input.

An ANN is trained by adjusting its weights until the correct output vector
is generated from a given input so as to minimize the global error. The terms
Feedforward Neural Network (FNN) and Vanilla Neural Network are used to
refer to the most basic ANN architecture where the neurons are connected
forward in an acyclic way. That is, the activation flow is unidirectional from
the input layer to the output layer.

Chapter 2. Related Work

2.2.1 Recurrent Neural Network

Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is a class of ANN able to model relation-

ships between sequential data-points. This type of model have gain great
interest for application in context where data with time relation have to be
processed. The network can indeed associate data in series by using a feed-
back loop allowing information to persist over time. That is, when an input
vector is fed into the network, it will produce an output vector from the
new input vector but also according to the vector previously seen as illus-
trated in Figure 2.4. This memory state makes RNNs particularly suitable
for processing sequential data such as time series, sound, video or text.

Figure 2.4: A standard RNN cell (see text for details).

Mathematically, the output of an RNN cell can be expressed as follows:

yt = φ0 (Wxi xt + Wyi yt−1 ) (2.2)

with xt the new input vector at time t, yt−1 the previously produced output
vector, and the activation function φ0 the Hyperbolic Tangent (Tanh). As
shown in Figure 2.5, RNNs can be seen as unfolded deep FNNs where each
layer is connected to its past instance. It is thus possible to use RNN to map
one input to one output, one input to many outputs, many inputs to one
output, or many inputs to many outputs.

Chapter 2. Related Work

(a) RNN with one hidden recurrent unit. (b) Unfolded RNN.

Figure 2.5: A RNN can be seen as an unfolded deep FNN. The depth corre-
sponds to the length n of the input sequence.

Despite the interesting properties of RNN, Bengio et al. [10] have shown
that standard RNNs are in practice unable to learn long-term dependencies in
contexts where information need to be connected over long time intervals. In
fact, training RNN with gradient descent methods such as Backpropagation
(details in Section 2.2.3) lead to gradually vanishing gradient because of
nested activation functions. In the case of RNN where the depth can be
both layer-related and time-related, this leads the network to be unable to
associate information separated over long periods because the error cannot
be preserved over such intervals.

2.2.2 Long Short-Term Memory

Hochreiter and Schmidhuber [34] overcame the limitations of standard RNN

by introducing a new architecture termed Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
which allows the association of input with memories remote in time by pre-
serving the backpropagated error through time and layers. While many
LSTM implementation variants have been proposed [30, 45], the following
detailed LSTM cell use a forget gate [27] with no bias for simplicity reasons.

Chapter 2. Related Work

Figure 2.6: LSTM memory cell (see text for details).

As depicted in Figure 2.6, an LSTM memory cell consists of many different

gates that can learn to store, read, write and erase information. Weights are
associated with the connection between the different gates and are updated
during training. The cell state c learns to memorize information by connect-
ing one of its output to its inputs as traditional RNN cells. The input gate
i is used to control the error flow on the inputs of cell state c to avoid input
weight conflicts that occur in traditional RNN because the same weight has to
be used for both storing certain inputs and ignoring others. The output gate
o controls the error flow from the outputs of the cell state c to prevent output
weight conflicts that happen in standard RNN because the same weight has
to be used for both retrieving information and not retrieving others. The
LSTM memory block can thus use i to decide when to write information in

Chapter 2. Related Work

c and use o to decide when to read information from c [34]. Additionally, a

forget gate f is used to reset memory and, as a result, help the network pro-
cess continuous sequences or sequences that are not segmented with precise
starting and ending time [27]. The different gates outputs can be computed
as follows:

it = φ(Wxi xt + Wyi yt−1 ) (2.3)

ft = φ(Wxf xt + Wyf yt−1 ) (2.4)
ot = φ(Wxo xt + Wyo yt−1 ) (2.5)
zt = φ0 (Wxz xt + Wyz yt−1 ) (2.6)
ct = ft ct−1 + it zt (2.7)
yt = ot φ0 (ct ) (2.8)

With W the weight, xt the new input vector, yt−1 the previously produced
output vector, ct−1 the previously produced cell state’s output, φ the Logistic
Function (Sigmoid), and φ0 the Hyperbolic Tangent (Tanh).

One popular LSTM architecture alternative was proposed by Gers et al.

[26] to allow recurrent networks to distinguish between sequences of variable
length. This implementation adds peephole connections to pass the previous
cell state to the input gate and the forget gate and the current cell state to
the output gate. The gates outputs can thus be computed as follows:

it = φ(Wxi xt + Wyi yt−1 + Wci ct−1 ) (2.9)

ft = φ(Wxf xt + Wyf yt−1 + Wcf ct−1 ) (2.10)
ot = φ(Wxo xt + Wyo yt−1 + Wco ct ) (2.11)

Chapter 2. Related Work

2.2.3 Backpropagation

Backpropagation is a popular algorithm designed to train ANNs using a gra-

dient descent method to minimize the network prediction error [70]. The
network error is computed from a loss function (e.g. Mean Squared Error,
Root Mean Squared Error, Quadratic Loss, Minkowski-R Error) by compar-
ing the predicted vector with the expected vector. The error is propagated
backward from the output layer to the input layer to adjust the weights along
the way. Since each weight is responsible for a portion of the error, they are
updated using the chain rule (the reader is invited to refer to Appendix A
for additional theory details) to compute the partial derivative with respect
to each weight such that:

= ei yj (2.12)

With E the output error to minimize, W the weight to update, y the

output value, and e the local error. The local error e is computed differently
depending on the neuron type. If the neuron belongs to the output layer,
the error is proportional to the difference between the predicted value and
the expected output. Otherwise, the error of hidden neurons is proportional
to the weighted sum of errors from connected neurons [12, 31, 33]. That is,
the error of a neuron i is computed as follows:

∂φ(xi )
 ∂xi (Ti − yi )

 if i ∈ output layer,
ei = ∂φ(x ) X (2.13)

 ∂xi
 Wij ej otherwise;

With ∂φ(x
the derivative of the activation function (see Table 2.2), x the
input to the neuron (computed from Equation 2.1), T the target expected

Chapter 2. Related Work

output1 , and y the predicted output. Since the error is being backpropagated,
j refer to neurons connected to i in the next higher layer. The gradient thus
represent the change to all the weights with regard to the change in the global
output error. The weights can finally be updated such that:

Wij = Wij − η ei yj (2.14)

With η the learning rate, a constant value usually chosen in the range
(0.0, 1.0) used to tune the training algorithm by determining how much the
weights are updated at each training iteration. A high learning rate can
quicken the training process by doing big training steps but can prevent
the global minima from being reached if too big. A low learning rate allows
precise steps towards the solution but can lead to convergence in local minima
if too small.

Many methods have been developed to further improve and optimize ANN
training (e.g. Adaptive Learning Rate, Bias, Weight Decay). Moreover, dif-
ferent variants to the Backpropagation algorithm have been implemented to
increase the performance of the algorithm or adapt the technique to differ-
ent ANN architectures. A significant alternative is Backpropagation Through
Time [82] used to train RNNs.

2.3 Literature Review

The goal of this section is to investigate and understand the methods and
techniques used in previous studies from relevant similar research fields. The
For regression tasks, the expected output vector usually consist of one or more con-
tinuous values. For classification tasks, the targeted output vector usually consists of
binary values. For example for three classes, class a: h1, 0, 0i, class b: h0, 1, 0i, and class
c: h0, 0, 1i.

Chapter 2. Related Work

objective being to compare alternative approaches, analyze their respective

advantages and disadvantages, and inform and justify decisions made during
the whole research process.

2.3.1 Motion-Based Keystroke Inference Attack

Side-channel keystroke inference have been extensively explored in various

studies. Traditionally by exploiting characteristics of physical keyboards such
as electromagnetic waves [80], sound [2, 85, 11], and timing [75, 25]. However,
such side-channels are ineffective to exploit virtual keyboard, albeit sound
have been successfully exploited on smartphones [71].

Studies have shown the great potential of recovering sound, music, voice
conversations, and even typing by simply observing slight vibrations in the
environment produced by physical events [24, 6]. Such investigations have
shown that motion invisible to the human eye can convey a surprisingly
significant amount of information, establishing motion as a pertinent source
of valuable data and thus a reliable side-channel. Although the camera can
be used to detect motion, we are here interested in motion sensors because
they are currently available on the majority of WAD, which is not the case
for cameras.

Using motion as a side-channel imply that only movement dynamics will

be used to attempt to infer information about the system. In our case, in-
ferring keystrokes entered on a physical or virtual keyboard by a user. This
attack works based on the observation that device motion during a keystroke
is correlated to and consistent with keys typed by the user. In the case of
such attack on a smartphone device, it is reasonable to assume that the mo-
tion of the device, while the user is typing, is affected by multiple factors.
For example, the device dimension, the screen orientation, the sensor chips

Chapter 2. Related Work

specifications, the keyboard layout, the user habits, and the relative user
position and motion. This assumption leads many security researchers to
question the practicality of such an attack. However, studies [17, 3] have
shown that motion-based keystroke inference attack remains effective and
practical despite the obvious assumptions that the previously enunciated
factors might alter the robustness and the accuracy of the inference. Mo-
tion is thus established as a significant side-channel allowing the leakage of
sensitive information. Keylogging

Marquardt et al. [61] have shown that the motion sensors output from a
smartphone standing on a flat surface can be used to infer keystrokes typed
on a nearby physical computer keyboard standing on the same surface. Their
attack scenario is based on two observations. First, that access to the ac-
celerometer data was not protected by any mobile operating system, thus
allowing any installed application to monitor the accelerometer events. Sec-
ondly, that many users place their smartphones on the desk next to their
computer keyboard when they are working. In their experiment setup, an
iPhone device is collecting the accelerometer data to send them to a remote
server where data processing and classification is performed. They demon-
strated the ability to recover up to 80% of typed content by matching ab-
stracted words with candidate dictionaries after classification. This research,
therefore, shows the great potential of successfully inferring keystrokes from
subtle motions such as small vibrations.

Chapter 2. Related Work Touchlogging

Related works [16, 84, 66, 63] have shown that the data from the motion
sensors of a smartphone can be used to infer keystrokes entered on its touch-
screen. Cai et al. [16] demonstrated that a malicious Android application
can infer as much as 70% of the keystrokes entered on a number-only virtual
keyboard on an Android device. For their attack to work, the user, however,
need to grant the application access to the motion sensors at install time.
Cai et al. believed this assumption is not unrealistic considering that most
users will not treat motion data as sensitive as camera or microphone for

In their paper, Owusu et al. [66] proposed a system that reads accelerom-
eter data to extract 6-character passwords on an Android device. Their
experiment consists of a QWERTY virtual keyboard used to perform the
keystroke reconstruction attack. Additionally, a data collection screen is
used to collect ground truth from acceleration measurements matching key
presses at specific screen regions. They managed to break 59 of 99 passwords
using only the accelerometer data.

Xu et al. [84] introduced a keystroke inference attack by using a Trojan

application running on the Android platform. First, the host application
is used to train the system when the user is interacting with it. Finally,
keystroke inference is performed by the Trojan when the user enters sensitive
information into the device (e.g. password of screen lock, numbers entered
during a phone call). They were able to infer the majority of keys entered
by the users in various experiment configurations.

Miluzzo et al. [63] have demonstrated that the motion sensors built-in
smartphones and tablets could be used to infer keystrokes entered on a com-
plete 26-letters keyboard with an accuracy reaching as much as 90%. In their

Chapter 2. Related Work

work, they have also shown that combining both the accelerometer and the
gyroscope can leverage the accuracy of the classification. Their approach
combines the results of multiple shallow classifiers to improve the prediction

2.3.2 Classification of Motion Sensors Signal

Inferring keystrokes require the attacker to be able to associate measured raw

sensor data with specific labels corresponding to the keys entered (i.e. the
attacker needs to classify the motion signals). Motion sensors signal classi-
fication have been explored extensively in studies involving activity recogni-
tion [5, 68, 51] in the field of Pervasive Computing and gesture recognition
[67, 72, 55, 83] in the area of Human-Computer Interaction. In both fields,
the use of accelerometer sensors is historically studied more deeply although
some studies explored sensors fusion to increase robustness [74, 58]. While
approaches used in these fields can be borrowed, an important difference ex-
ists. In fact, the motion duration and the motion amplitude of a keystroke
are respectively much shorter and lower than the motion caused by a gesture
(e.g. finger swipe, hand waving) or an activity (e.g. running, sitting). Since
classification is an approach to recognizing patterns in the signal, one can
argue that patterns can emerge more significantly in long signals with high
amplitude. Therefore making keystroke motions hard to classify. Classifier Model

According to Tanwani [77], the classification accuracy of a given algorithm is

largely dependent on the nature of the dataset rather than the classification
algorithm itself. In fact, the choice of a classifier model varies greatly in
the related studies with no major advantage of one model over one another;

Chapter 2. Related Work

confirming that classification quality relies mostly on the feature extraction

strategy and the quality of the training set (i.e. ground truth). Success-
ful classification is traditionally only possible after suitable pre-processing to
clean the signal and judicious feature extraction to select meaningful infor-
mation from the data to represent the motion event in a relevant way. That
is, good feature vectors contain features distinctive between motion signals
from different keystrokes and consistent among motion signals caused by the
same keystroke.

As mentioned by Cai et al. the smaller the required training set, the easier
the attack. In their implementation [17], they showed that the inference
accuracy level stabilizes when the training set reaches a certain size (i.e.
12 for alphabet-only keyboard and 8 for number-only keyboard). It is also
important to note that the choice of the motion sensor can affect the quality
of the classification. In fact, studies have shown that the gyroscope is a better
side-channel than the accelerometer for keystroke inference [1, 17, 63]. Data Analysis and Feature Extraction

Processing data from motion sensors such as accelerometers and gyroscopes

bring additional challenges. In fact, hardware specification such as the mo-
tion sensor sampling rate is not fixed and is much lower than the sampling
rates of acoustic and electromagnetic sensors used in related eavesdropping
attacks [61, 17, 1]. In consequences, deciphering individual keystroke be-
comes difficult because the sensors return new values as sensor events only
when these values are different from those reported in the previous event.

Cai et al. [17] proposed a pre-processing solution allowing them to use

signal analysis methods. The approach, termed de-jittering, consists of nor-
malizing the sensors sampling rate to obtain a constant interval sampling.

Chapter 2. Related Work

In their work, they build feature vectors from time domain data such as the
duration of the motion data segment, the peaks time difference, the num-
ber of spikes, the peaks interval, the attenuation rate, and the vertex angle
between peaks. In another work, Cai et al. [16] experimented with the pat-
terns produced by the motion during keystrokes. They first identified the
starting and ending time of keystrokes by calculating the Peak-to-Average
Power Ratio of the pitch angle and the roll angle. Then they observed that
when these angles values are plotted, distinctive lobes appear on the pattern
with some interesting properties. In fact, they noticed that lobes directions
are similar for same keys while the angles of the lobes vary for different keys.
Based on this 2D representation, they built three pairs of features consisting
of geometric metrics such as the angle between the direction axis of the upper
lobe and the lower lobe with the x-axis, the angles of the two dominating
edges, and finally the average width of both the upper and lower lobe.

Owusu et al. [66] solved the sampling rate problem by using an approach
involving linear interpolation to create consistent sampling intervals through-
out the recorded accelerometer data. They extracted the individual motion
signals from each keypress using Root Mean Square anomalies for spike de-
tection. In their work, they used a set of 46 features consisting of 44 acceler-
ation stream information (i.e. min, max, Root Mean Square, number of local
peaks, number of local crests, etc.) and two meta-features (i.e. total time
and window size). A wrapper [49] was then used for feature subset selection
to maximize the accuracy of the prediction.

In their work, Marquardt et al. [61] used a 100ms long time window
as Asonov et al. [2] to extract features from the signal. They overcame the
sampling rate problem by using a combination of domains to build the feature
vectors. That is, time domain features (i.e. Root Mean Square, skewness,
variance, kurtosis), spectral domain features (i.e. Fast Fourier Transform),
and cepstrum features (i.e. Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients). For their

Chapter 2. Related Work

attack to work, Marquardt et al. introduced an approach creating word

profiles. First, each word in a training dictionary is broken down into its
constituent characters and character-pairs. Secondly, they defined keypress
events as pairs of successive events and their relation to each other. That is,
the horizontal location (i.e. left or right) of each keypress and the distance
between consecutive keypresses (i.e. near or far). Finally, words can be
represented by profiles corresponding to the successive events leading to this
word being entered. The feature vectors are then used to train two different
classifiers, one for classifying left or right and one for classifying near or far.
These labels are then used to specify the word profiles. During the logging
phase, a word matching module is in charge of determining the actual text
entered on the keyboard by scoring the predicted profiles against each word
in a dictionary.

Xu et al. [84] selected features from the signal in a time window bounded
by the touch-down and the touch-up events triggered when the user interact
with the touchscreen. They used three features to determine if the touch
event occurred on the left side or on the right side of the screen (i.e. roll
angle variations) and three features to determine if the touch event occurred
on the top or the bottom of the screen (i.e. pitch angle variations).

2.3.3 Additional Mentions

While Deep-Spying was implemented, related studies worth mentioning were

published. Wang et al. [81] developed a system to perform keylogging on a
laptop keyboard using the motion sensors of a smartwatch. Their approach
requires statistical features extraction to train a classifier, and non-trivial
techniques such as point cloud fitting and Bayesian Inference.

Using the linear accelerometer built-in a smartwatch, Maiti et al. [59]

Chapter 2. Related Work

created a system to infer keystrokes entered by a user on a number-only key-

board displayed on a smartphone touchscreen. They managed to reach an
accuracy of 90% thanks to a solution relying on shallow classifiers trained
using supervised learning with engineered feature vectors containing 54 val-

In their paper, Liu et al. [56] focused on performing keylogging with a

smartwatch on both a number-only physical keypad and a standard QW-
ERTY computer keyboard. They used the outputs of an accelerometer to
train classification algorithms and acoustic emanations recorded from the
microphone built-in the smartwatch to help identify keystrokes and segment
the signal appropriately. The described approach depends on time domain
features (i.e. displacement vectors) and spectral domain features (i.e. Fast
Fourier Transform).

Attack Description
This chapter will provide an overview of three envisioned attack scenarios
where an attacker (Eve) uses a smartphone wirelessly paired with a WAD
worn by the victim (Alice) to perform a motion-based keystroke inference
attack. All scenarios are similar regarding attacker goal, threat model, and
methods employed. They only differ on the type of keypad being eaves-

3.1 Attacker Goals

The attacker goal is to eavesdrop on the keys entered by the victim on a

virtual or a physical keyboard. Eve could monitor Alice’s keystrokes for
various reasons.1 Generally speaking, Eve might want to:

• Steal passwords and other credentials.

• Steal sensitive information such as PINs, social security numbers, and

credit card numbers.

• Direct spying by eavesdropping on messages typed.

Gaining access to Alice’s private information could be used to impersonate Alice, to
steal money or to get access to password-protected content for example.

Chapter 3. Attack Description

3.2 Threat Model

Pairing a WAD with a smartphone is a risky task and can be a vector of

choice for an attacker to gain access to the WAD. In fact, device pairing has
been extensively studied in the field of Computer Security [76, 62, 4, 18, 29]
and has proven to be challenging. The establishment of a key between two
devices in the presence of an active adversary remains a hard problem and
existing solutions usually require trade-offs. With many users unaware of
the risks, it is not unrealistic to consider the possibility of a WAD being
paired with an attacker’s smartphone. Bluetooth technology is currently
the preferred medium used to pair smartwatches and fitness trackers with
smartphones [41, 39, 44]. This communication channel being wireless further
increases the risk of device pairing.2

Once the WAD is paired with the attacker’s device, applications can be
installed wirelessly on the WAD. Because the security risks of motion sen-
sors are not well understood and often underestimated, current smartwatch
operating systems (i.e. Android Wear 5.1 Lollipop, Apple Watch watchOS
2) does not require any user permissions for an application to use the motion
sensors. Additionally, applications can run as Services in the background
without displaying any GUI. Alice would, therefore, be unaware that an un-
known application installed on her WAD by Eve is monitoring her motions.
Wireless Networks offer by definition more opportunities to eavesdroppers than tra-
ditional wired networks because of their very nature of wireless transmission. The data
is transmitted using radio waves through air, allowing anyone with a suitable receiver to
collect and decode signals exchanged between two parties. The range of Bluetooth tech-
nology is application specific: Core Specification [13] mandates a minimum range of 10
meters while the signal can still be transmitted up to 100 meters. External antennas can
also potentially be used by an attacker to receive the signal from a further away location.

Chapter 3. Attack Description

3.3 Attack Scenarios

It is important to note that it is assumed that the victim is wearing the

WAD on the wrist of the preferred hand used to interact with keyboards.
In fact, in our attack scenario it would be harder, if not impossible, for the
attacker to infer keystrokes if the victim is right-handed but is wearing the
WAD on the left hand for example. The use of an exploit or the deployment
of malware to compromise the WAD is not in the scope of this research work.
Instead, it is assumed that the attacker has already compromised the WAD
and can eavesdrop on the sensors output. The following attack scenarios will
be studied to assess their feasibility.

Touchlogging Attack on Smartphone Touchscreen: Alice is typing

her PIN code on the touchscreen virtual keyboard of her smartphone and
Eve is trying to infer the keystrokes from the motion sensors signal of the
compromised WAD as illustrated in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1: Smartphone attack overview.

Keylogging Attack on ATM-like Keypad: Alice is entering her credit

card password on an ATM-style physical keypad and Eve is trying to infer
the keystrokes from the motion sensors signal of the compromised WAD as
shown in Figure 3.2.

Chapter 3. Attack Description

Figure 3.2: ATM attack overview.

From Touchlogging Training to Keylogging Attack: This attack sce-

nario is based on two assumptions. First, that it would be difficult, for
example, for an attacker to gain access to an ATM to train his algorithm
with labeled data. However, getting access to, or installing malware on the
victim’s smartphone is more realistic. The second assumption is that the
motion of the user’s hand while typing on a touchscreen is extrapolated to
be similar to the motion when she is typing on a physical keypad. Conceding
that the typing surfaces are oriented with equivalent angles and that Alice
is typing using the same technique on both user interfaces. That is, if the
thumb is preferred to enter keystrokes on touchscreens, the thumb should also
be used to enter keys on physical keypads. This for the resulting motions to
potentially display similar patterns. This attack scenario will thus explore
the practicality of a machine learning algorithm trained for touchlogging to
be used as such to perform keylogging attacks targeting unfamiliar devices.


This chapter’s purpose is twofold. First, to introduce the reader to the system
architecture, its different components, and their relationships. Second, to
describe each component respective purpose and the methods employed for
their implementation.

4.1 System Architecture

The system should take WAD sensor data as input and infer keystrokes as
output. The main architectural model adopted is Client-Server because of
its flexibility. In fact, this distributed system paradigm allows client ma-
chines with limited computational resources (e.g. mobile devices, wearable
computers) to delegate heavy computations to more powerful machines such
as a networked server. A server host provides services to the different clients
connected to it while the clients initiate communication sessions with the
server that await incoming requests.

As shown in Figure 4.1, the system consists of two clients connected to a

processing server on the same local network. A smartphone client is acting
as a proxy by receiving motion sensor events from the WAD and by relaying

Chapter 4. System

Figure 4.1: System overview using the Client-Server architectural model.

the data to the processing server. In the training phase, a second client is
in charge of sending the labels to the server. One can see here an important
advantage of the Client-Server model. This architecture indeed allows flexi-
bility to experiment with different types of training devices without having
to change the rest of the system. That is, the very same services provided
by the networked server are directly available to any client connected to the
same local network.

4.2 Client

4.2.1 Wearable Application

A wearable application is implemented to read the sensor values from the

WAD and was tested on a Sony SmartWatch 3. The developed software is

Chapter 4. System

written in Java and designed to be deployed on devices running Android Wear

API level 21. The application primary goal is to listen to accelerometer and
gyroscope sensor events and to send them for further processing. Because
such WAD has limited networking capabilities, the smartwatch is not able
to send motion sensors data directly to the server. Instead, the smartwatch
is paired using Bluetooth with a compatible Android device to establish a
communication channel allowing the use of the Android Wearable Data Layer
API to encapsulate the sensor data. The paired mobile phone is then relaying
the data to the server.

4.2.2 Mobile Application

This mobile application is needed for the relay device and was tested on an
LG Nexus 4 smartphone and implemented in Java to target devices running
Android API level 19. As shown in Figure 4.2, a recording session begins
when a user requests the mobile client to start recording. The smartphone
then sends one message to the server to initiate a new session and one message
to the WAD to start listening to motion sensor events. When the user is
typing on the training client, labels with timestamps1 are sent to the server.
In the meantime, the user’s hand motions are recorded by the WAD and
reported to the relay device as an Android Wearable Data Layer message
containing a timestamp value, a three-dimensional array (i.e. one dimension
per axis), and the type of sensor that spread the event (i.e. gyroscope or
accelerometer). The relay device stores the data locally in a buffer for each
sensor type. Once a buffer is full (i.e. reach a defined size limit), the data are
serialized to the JSON data-interchange format [65] and sent to the server
through a TCP socket connection. JSON makes it easy for humans to read
the data and for machines to parse, which enable fast to implement and less
The timestamps are measured in ms and require the devices (i.e. the WAD and the
training device) to have synchronized clocks.

Chapter 4. System

error-prone cross-device communication protocols.

Figure 4.2: Components communication during data acquisition.

A recording session stops when the user requests the mobile client to stop
recording. The relay device then sends a message to the WAD to stop lis-
tening to motion sensors and wait until it receives the last message that was
waiting to be transmitted.2 Once the WAD receives the last message, the
smartphone flushes the buffer by serializing and transmitting all of its re-
maining data. Finally, the relay smartphone sends a message to the server
to close the session.
As a result of Bluetooth limited throughput and the important amount of motion
events to be sent, the relay device sometimes need to wait few minutes for all the packets
to be received successfully from the WAD.

Chapter 4. System

4.2.3 Training Application

Two different training softwares are implemented to experiment with both

touchlogging and keylogging. Despite the fact that the technologies used are
different for the two training platforms, both applications are communicating
with the server using the same communication protocol. During training,
labels corresponding to entered keys and their respective timestamps are
serialized to JSON and sent to the server using the HTTP protocol [22].

Touchlogging: To enable any touchscreen device (e.g. smartphone, tablet)

to be used as a training application, the touchlogging training application is
implemented using web technologies HTML and JavaScript. The UI can thus
be scaled and adapted to any screen size as shown in Figure 4.3 (a) where
the interface is displayed on an iPhone 4S screen. The virtual keyboard is
displayed on a surface of size 65mm × 50mm.

Keylogging: The keylogging training application is implemented in C++

for the Open-Source Arduino microcontroller [57]. This training device con-
sists of an Arduino UNO board with an Ethernet shield for networking ca-
pabilities and a physical keypad for label input. Because of hardware limi-
tations, the application need to request the current timestamp in ms to the
server at the beginning of the training session.3 The built physical prototype
is depicted in Figure 4.3 (b). The keypad effective surface is 55mm × 45mm
in size.
The microcontroller stores long variables on 32bits and lack a Unix epoch clock. The
rest of the system is using Unix timestamps in ms consisting of 13 digits hence require at
least 41bits to be stored assuming that the first digit will not change until 2033 from now.
Therefore making the hardware unable to handle such numbers. To solve this problem, it
is first assumed that recording sessions are under one hour in duration. Then the reference
timestamp received from the server is split: the first 5 digits are stored in a char array,
and the remaining 8 digits are stored in a long which require now only 27 bits. When a
key is entered by the user, the long value is incremented by the number of ms that have
passed since the time at which the training session started. This value is concatenated
with the first digits stored in the char array and ready to be sent to the server.

Chapter 4. System

(a) Web application for touchlogging (b) Physical device prototype for keylogging
attack scenario. attack scenario.

Figure 4.3: Training devices.

4.3 Server

The server is needed to fulfil two main tasks. First to receive data from the
different clients, organize them and save them persistently. Secondly and
most importantly to perform data analytics by using the previously saved
data; namely keystroke inference from motion sensor measurements.

The TCP socket and HTTP modules used to manage the data acquisition
process are implemented in Java, and the data analytics process is imple-
mented in Python to benefit from flexible data structures and scientific com-
putation tools.4 When the server receives the end-of-session message from
the relay device, the data are first sorted by timestamps because they are
not guaranteed to be ordered when received. The server then saved them
The ANNs are implemented using modules available in the PyBrain Open-Source
library [7] with a C++ wrapper additionally used to speed up the computations. Some
experiments were also performed using Torch [21] and the programming language Lua.

Chapter 4. System

(b) Logging phase.

(a) Training phase.

Figure 4.4: Data analytics server main components.

in one CSV file per sensor. Figure 4.4 presents the main components of the
data analytics pipeline and their connections. The raw data can initially be
pre-processed to mitigate the effect of noise and measurement inaccuracies.
Features are then extracted from the data in time windows corresponding to
the keystrokes duration. During the training phase, the classification model
is trained with the extracted features by iteratively evaluating the prediction
outputs until a satisfying accuracy is reached or a maximum number of itera-
tions have occurred. At the end of this phase, the trained model is serialized
in XML and saved persistently. During the logging phase, the classification
model is deserialized from the file system, and its inputs are activated with
newly recorded data to attempt to predict the labels.

Data Analytics
The first objective of this chapter is to detail how the data are recorded and
what methodologies have been used to clean the signal. As shown in Figure
5.2, the raw signal is subject to noise and, therefore, can be pre-processed
before to be used for data analysis purpose. On one hand, the important
amount of noise can potentially obfuscate patterns and largely alter the clas-
sification accuracy. On the other hand, a deep neural network architecture
would, in theory, be able to handle such noisy data. Pre-processing can thus
be applied optionally depending on the experiments.

Figure 5.1: Data processing pipeline.

To remove noise and smooth the signal, four pre-processing operations

are applied to both sensors data as illustrated in Figure 5.1. The reader is
invited to refer to Appendix B for visual examples depicting the improvement

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

of the signal after each pre-processing operation on a 12-keystrokes signal.

Secondly, this chapter details the signal segmentation approaches and the
feature extraction strategy employed to reduce the data to a meaningful
selection. Finally, the statistical models chosen to perform classification are

(a) Gyroscope.

(b) Accelerometer.

Figure 5.2: Noisy raw signals recorded from motion sensors.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

5.1 Data Acquisition

Sensor Recording: The data are acquired from the gyroscope and ac-
celerometer sensors built-in the smartwatch. Sensor events data are stored
in tuples (ti , xi , yi , zi ), i = 1...n, where ti is the time in ms at which the
event occurred, xi , yi , zi are the values along the three axes x, y, and z,
respectively, and n is the total number of motion sensor events in an entire
recording session. We observed that while the sampling rate was not con-
stant, the delay between sensor events varies slightly enough for us to initially
ignore the sampling rate problem during pre-processing.

Label Recording: The training device reports labels in the form of tuples
(tj , lj ), j = 1...m, where tj is the time in ms at which the keystroke appended,
lj is the label (i.e. the value of the entered key), and m is the total number
of keystrokes in the entire recording session.

5.2 Pre-processing

5.2.1 Calibration

Both motion sensors need to be calibrated to align all three axes. In fact,
the accelerometer axes contain values in different absolute ranges because of
the effect of gravity (as illustrated in Figure 5.2 (b)). Although the gyro-
scope axes should average to zero, a small non-zero difference was observed.
Calibration is performed by subtracting each sensor value with the mean of
its axes, such that:

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

f (vi ) = vi − v (5.1)

Where v is the amplitude value on the given axis. The result of this
operation can be seen in Figure 5.3.

(a) Gyroscope.

(b) Accelerometer.

Figure 5.3: Signals after calibration.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

5.2.2 Median Filter

The moving median filter is a first pre-processing step used to mitigate the
effect of noise in the data. The moving mean filter is a possible alternative
but has the disadvantage to attenuate the trends in the data. The moving
median removes the noise while preserving the signal pattern and is applied
with a sliding window to compute the median value in a fixed range [46],
that is:

f (vi ) = M edian(vi− 1 (w−1) , ..., vi , ..., vi+ 1 (w−1) ) (5.2)

2 2

Where v is the amplitude value on the given axis and w is an odd number
representing the size of the sliding window. Since the sensors sampling fre-
quencies are different, the number of data-points at the end of a recording
session is different. Hence, the sliding window size has to be different for
each sensor to remove noise optimally while preserving the signal as much as
possible. Experiments show that w = 9 and w = 5 provide satisfying filtering
results for the gyroscope and the accelerometer, respectively. As shown in
Figure 5.4, the operation helps to remove noise but the signals need to be
further processed to be smoother.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

(a) Gyroscope.

(b) Accelerometer.

Figure 5.4: Signals after median filtering.

5.2.3 Butterworth Filter

The Android API makes it possible to define a delay at which the events are
received. The documentation however clearly stipulates that the specified
delay is just a hint to the system and that events can be received faster or
slower than the specified rate. In our context, knowing the maximum delay
between sensor events in the worth case scenario allow us to optimize the
pre-processing algorithm to clean the signal appropriately. The maximum

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

delay for the gyroscope and the accelerometer was found to be 10 000µs and
62 500µs, respectively. Elementary physics tells us that the sampling rate
frequency can be computed from the sampling delay such that:

f= (5.3)
d · 10−6

Where d is the sampling delay in µs and f is the frequency in Hz. Using

the maximum delay measured in the data acquisition step, we can estimate
that the sensors will report new data with a frequency of 100Hz and 16Hz
for the gyroscope and the accelerometer, respectively.

For the gyroscope, we only want to keep signals with a frequency lower
than a certain cutoff frequency and attenuates signals with frequencies higher,
hence the use of a low-pass filter. At contrary for the accelerometer, we want
to attenuate signals with frequencies lower than the cutoff frequency, thus the
need to use a high-pass filter [14]. Using the frequencies previously calculated,
the filters can be applied with Nyquist frequencies set to 8Hz and 50Hz, for
the gyroscope and the accelerometer, respectively. The resulting signals can
be seen in Figure 5.5.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

(a) Gyroscope processed with low-pass filter.

(b) Accelerometer processed with high-pass filter.

Figure 5.5: Signals after Butterworth filtering.

5.2.4 Kalman Filter

The Kalman Filter algorithm produces estimates that minimize Mean Squared
Error by observing a series of measurements. Even with data containing sta-
tistical noise, the filter can produce estimates allowing patterns to emerge
more significantly from the signal [32]. This advanced filtering technique
proved to be useful to our application context by smoothing the signal evenly
and attenuating irregular peaks and pits (as shown in Figure 5.6).

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

(a) Gyroscope signal after Kalman filtering.

(b) Accelerometer signal after Kalman filtering.

Figure 5.6: Signals ready for feature extraction after the last step of the
pre-processing pipeline.

The signals are finally normalized before to be returned. The output of

the pre-processing pipeline is a smoother signal where the effect of noise is
reduced while the signal patterns are preserved as much as possible. Figure
5.7 compares both motion sensor signals before and after being pre-processed.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

Figure 5.7: Effect of the pre-processing pipeline on the recorded signal.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

5.3 Feature Extraction

5.3.1 Sensor Fusion

As mentioned in Section 2.3.2, studies have shown that sensors fusion can
increase the robustness of motion sensor outputs classification. In fact, sen-
sors can be subject to inaccurate measurements while recording, merging
their outputs with other sensors can minimize uncertainty and provide more
accurate measurements. However, the accelerometer is recorded with a sam-
pling frequency significantly lower than the gyroscope1 , thus making sensor
fusion hard using the recorded data as such. Moreover, data-points need to
be evenly distributed to allow trends to emerge from the data. The sampling
rate can be made constant by distributing the data-points evenly over the
complete recording session duration. The implemented algorithm is described
as follows:

1. First, create a new set T 0 of k elements with:

k= (t n − t 0 ) + 1 (5.4)
Where t is the timestamp at which a motion sensor event have been
recorded, n is the total number of events in an entire recording session,
and α is a constant integer referring to the target sampling rate that
was defined to be 2ms. Then populate T 0 such that:

t0i = t0 + α i (5.5)
t0 ∈ T 0

By a factor of 6.25 according to the sensors maximum delay measured in the data
acquisition step. This factor was confirmed experimentally by dividing the total number
of data-point recorded for the gyroscope with the total number of data-point recorded for
the accelerometer during a recording session.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

Where i is the index position of the time value in T 0 .

2. Secondly, perform a union operation T 00 = T 0 ∪ T where T 0 is the

previously generated target set with constant time intervals, and T is a
set generated from the measurements with variable time intervals. The
operation ensures that no timestamp duplicates exist and return a new
set T 00 of size k 0 .

3. Third, create a new list of tuples (t0i , x0i , y 0i , z 0i ), i = 1...k 0 where t0 is

set to the values in T 00 , while x0i , y 0i , and z 0i are respectively set to xi ,
yi , and zi when the values are known from the recorded measurements
(i.e. when t0i ∈ T ).

4. Fourth, linear interpolation is used to compute the unknown values in

the tuples list, that is:

f (vi ) = vi−1 + (vj − vi−1 ) (5.6)
v∈{X 0 ,Y 0 ,Z 0 } j − (i − 1)

Where vi is an unknown value on the given axis at the position index i,

and j is the position index of the next known value in the time series.
Note that the algorithm is computing missing values from left to right
so vi−1 is always known when vi is computed.

5. Finally, since the known values have now been used to compute the
missing data-points, the last step consists of keeping only the tuples
where t0i ∈ T 0 , the previously generated target set with constant time

Linear interpolation allowed both sensor tuple sets to contain data-points

evenly distributed over the recording session duration. However, it is not
yet possible to fuse the sensors because the accelerometer timestamps values
are different from the gyroscope’s since the sensors have been reporting new

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

events asynchronously independent of each others. The sensors have thus

recorded data in slightly shifted time windows. The accelerometer measure-
ments are therefore processed using the same previously described approach
to normalize the sampling rate. That is, linear interpolation (Equation 5.6)
is used to compute unknown accelerometer values at the same timestamps as
the gyroscope’s. Figure 5.8 shows the two sensors mean signals after linear
interpolation of the accelerometer to fit the gyroscope time values.

Figure 5.8: Gyroscope and accelerometer mean signal aligned with time fit-

The sensor fusion algorithm returns a vector for each time frame ti and
allow multiple combinations of axes to perform different classification exper-
iments. For example, hgxi , gyi , gzi , ai i is a possible four-dimensions vector
returned by the fusion algorithm. With x, y, and z values along the different
axes of the accelerometer a and the gyroscope g. Mean values gi and ai are
simply the average of the three axes values (i.e. gi = 13 (gxi + gyi + gzi )).

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

5.3.2 Segmentation

The server is receiving a continuous stream of motion sensor events. There-

fore, it is important to segment the data stream into sections corresponding
to each keystroke before to perform classification. Segmentation from Labels

As mentioned in Section 5.1, tuples containing labels and timestamps in ms

are sent to the server during training. These time values are used as reference
points to segment the signal into m pieces, where m is the total number of
keystrokes in the entire recording session (Figure 5.9 shows an example of a
signal after segmentation). We defined a fixed-size sampling window to select
subsets of data-points occurring during keystrokes as follows:

[ti − α, ti + α[= {vi ∈ {X, Y, X} vi−α ≤ vi < vi+α } (5.7)

Where α is half the size of the sampling window. Considering that Asonov
et al. [2] determined the duration of a key-press to be approximately 100ms
and knowing that our target sampling rate was defined to be 2ms (see Section
5.3.1), we defined a sampling window of 50 data-points. Thus α = 25 in our

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

(a) Labels position over sensor signals aligned using timestamps.

(b) Final segmentation from label positions.

Figure 5.9: Segmentation of a gyroscope signal consisting of two sequences

of the same four keys.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics Heuristic Segmentation

As explained in Chapter 3, it is assumed that the attacker has not compro-

mised the target device on which the user is entering keys. Therefore, both
the training phase and the logging phase cannot realistically rely on keystroke
timestamps to segment the signal. Observations have showed that keystrokes
tend to cause high peaks in the signal. Therefore, the Peak-to-Average Power
Ratio can be used to detect such peaks as follows:

1. First of all, we observed that the gyroscope’s signal peaks were better
aligned with the actual keystroke timestamps than the accelerometer’s.
Considering that the sensors data are three-dimensional, the signals on
the three axes are merged by simply calculating the gyroscope’s mean
signal g such that:

gi = (gxi + gyi + gzi ) (5.8)
2. Secondly, the mean signal can now be used to compute the Peak-to-
Average Power Ratio defined as the square Crest Factor as follows:

f (vi ) = (5.9)
Where vi is the amplitude of the mean signal g at the index position i
and r(g) return the Root Mean Square of the signal such that:

u n
u1 X
r(g) = t gi 2 (5.10)
n i=1

Where n is the total number of data-points in the gyroscope’s average

signal g.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

3. Finally, the peaks can be detected by applying the following First-Order

Logic rule:

peak(ri ) → (ri > ri−1 ) ∧ (ri > ri+1 ) ∧ (ri > α) (5.11)

Where ri is the Peak-to-Average Power Ratio at the index position i,

and α is a constant value α = 0.4 used to discard peaks too small to
be the result of a keystroke. If the rule is evaluated to true, then there
is a peak in the signal at position i.

As shown in Figure 5.10, this heuristic allows the detection of potential

keystroke positions. Once the peak positions are known, it is possible to seg-
ment the signal by following the same approach described in Section

Figure 5.10: Example of peaks detected (shown as green circles) from the
gyroscope Peak-to-Average Power Ratios with actual keystroke positions
(shown as vertical dashed lines).

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

5.3.3 Statistical Features

Statistical models such as RNNs are designed to process sequential data

by performing Unsupervised Feature Learning. However, traditional FNNs
usually need engineered features to model the data efficiently. The following
statistical vector is therefore calculated:

hmin, max, RM S, ρ, λ, σ, κ, γi (5.12)

With RM S the Root Mean Square, ρ the number of peaks in the signal
detected using the approach described in Section, λ the Crest Factor
computed from Equation 5.9, σ the skewness, κ the kurtosis, and γ the vari-
ance. This statistical vector is computed for all three axes for both sensors.
Thus returning a statistical feature vector of length 48.

5.4 Classifier Model

The classifier takes accelerometer and gyroscope data as input and output
classes corresponding to keystrokes. A typical input vector consists of values
normalized in the range [−1, 1] and the output is a binary vector of the same
length as the number of labels. That is, each label is assigned a binary
representation stored in a look-up table. Different multi-class classification
models were implemented to compare their respective efficiency to process
the data. Each of the models is trained with supervised learning thanks
to a dataset containing labeled data-points. An online approach is used to
update the weights each time a training example is shown to the network.
The weights are updated using an improved variant of the Backpropagation
iterative gradient descent termed Rprop- [69, 37]. For result reproducibility,

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

the weights are initialized with a pseudo-random number generator seeded

with a hard-coded constant integer. All models rely on the same loss function
to compute the network error. Namely, the Mean Squared Error defined as

E= (Ti − yi )2 (5.13)
n i=1

With n the number of neurons in the output layer, T the target expected
output, and y the predicted output.

5.4.1 Performance Evaluation

Measuring how well a classifier performs allows the selection of an optimal

solution for the problem at hand. Some metrics thus need to be defined to
assess the performance and the effectiveness of a classification model.

Precision, Recall, and F1 Score: The precision P is important to measure

the overall quality of the classification results while the recall R determines
the classifier capacity to analyse efficiently the majority of the data it is
exposed to, such that:

P = ,R = (5.14)

Where T P is the number of true positives (i.e. the number of correctly

classified items), F P is the number of false positives (i.e. the number of
incorrectly classified items, with T P + F P equal to the collection size), and
F N the number of false negatives (i.e. the number of items incorrectly mis-
classified). A more accurate performance metrics termed F-score combines

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

both precision and recall to provide an overall performance score such that:

P ·R
F = (1 + β)2 (5.15)
β2 ·P +R

With β 2 = 1 to compute the harmonic mean of precision and recall (i.e.

F1 Score) [60].

Reliability: The F1 Score is an efficient method to measure the quality of

the classification results but does not provide any information about how
reliable the results are. Hüsken and Stagge [35] proposed a method to assess
the reliability of a classification algorithm based on the value distribution
of the output neurons. That is, if the predicted values of all the output
neurons are numerically close, the classifier is not totally convinced by its
classification decision. On the contrary, if the value of one output neuron is
high while the rest of the neurons produce lower values, the classifier is very
confident with its classification decision. The reliability R of a classification
result can be computed from the Entropy S such that:

R=1− S (5.16)
log n
S=− yi log yi (5.17)

Where n is the total number of output neurons (i.e. classes), and yi is

the output value of the output neuron i. If all the output neurons generate
similar values, R will tend to 0 and by opposition tends to 1 if one of the
output neuron generates a value numerically far from the others.

K-Fold Cross-Validation: Testing a classifier traditionally involve split-

ting the dataset into two parts: one used for training and one used for evalua-

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

tion. However, the main downside of this method, termed holdout, is that the
data used for evaluation are never used to train the classifier and vice versa.
Thus leading to a less general performance assessment. Different techniques
have been developed to address this issue. A popular solution termed K-Fold
Cross-Validation is used in this project to assess the quality of the different
classification models. This method first consists of shuffling the dataset and
splitting it into k partitions (i.e. folds) approximately equal in size. The
classifier is then trained with k − 1 datasets and evaluated on the remaining
partition. This process is repeated k times by selecting a different training
set and evaluation set such that every partition is used at most one time for
evaluation and k − 1 times for training. The evaluation results are finally
averaged to represent the global performance of the classifier. All data are
thus used for both training and evaluation to provide a more general and
accurate performance assessment [48].

5.4.2 Sensor Fusion Benchmark

Figure 5.11: Neural network used for sensor fusion benchmark.

Experiments were performed to select the sensor fusion strategy holding the
best classification results. Observations showed that signals resulting from
motions occurring while typing on keys in opposite corners (i.e. 1, 3, ∗, #)
were differentiable enough to be recognized with the naked eye by simply

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

looking at the resulting signal patterns (example in Figure 5.9). Thus, mo-
tions from keystrokes on these specific keys were recorded to construct a toy
dataset based on the assumption that a good classifier model should be able
to do as well as the human eye on these simple patterns. The toy dataset
contains a total of 120 keystrokes targeting 4 labels, resulting in 30 instances
per key.

Vector F1 Score Reliability

hgxi , gyi , gzi i 0.94 0.57
haxi , ayi , azi i 0.75 0.44
hgi i 0.68 0.43
hai i 0.62 0.35
hgi , ai i 0.76 0.41
hgi , axi , ayi , azi i 0.81 0.45
hgxi , gyi , gzi , ai i 0.95 0.54
hgxi , gyi , gzi , axi , ayi , azi i 0.99 0.64

Table 5.1: Fusion strategy benchmark results (average values for 100 training

To assess the quality of the different fusion strategies, the vectors were
used to train an RNN with one hidden LSTM layer of 9 units (as illustrated
in Figure 5.11) for 100 Epochs using the toy dataset. That is, 100 passes
through the entire training dataset. The number of units in the linear input
layer depends on the length of the feature vector returned by the fusion
algorithm. The output layer is a standard linear layer and the evaluation
is performed with the same dataset used for training. Although this would
be a bad approach for evaluating the performance of the classifier itself,
the goal here is only to assess the quality of the features returned from the

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

fusion algorithm. In fact, a good fusion strategy allows the generation of

feature vectors that the classifier should be able to memorize and remember.
Thus, a fusion strategy is satisfying if the classifier can learn to generate the
appropriate output if the same input vector is seen again. As shown in Table
5.1, the best sensor fusion strategy is a six-dimensions vector consisting of
the three axes of both the gyroscope and the accelerometer.

5.4.3 Model Benchmark

Now that a fusion strategy has been chosen to leverage the quality of the
predictions, it is possible to compare different types of models. Each ANN
is built following the architecture template illustrated in Figure 5.12 and
trained for 100 Epochs on the same toy dataset used in Section 5.4.2. A
linear layer is first used to forward the input vector to the internal structure
of the network. Each layer is then fully connected to the next layer in the
network. Since classification is performed, a Softmax layer is finally used as
output (see Table 2.2 for mathematical definition of Softmax). The compared
models only differ from the type of hidden layer employed and the type of
features they are trained on. The hidden layers each contains 128 hidden
units. The following results are measured using K-Fold Cross-Validation
with k = 5. The results are therefore averaged mean and averaged standard
deviation. Confusion matrices generated during this benchmark can be seen
in Appendix C.

Figure 5.12: Neural network template.

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

Multilayer FNN: Standard FNN is one of the most simple ANN architec-
ture and is interesting for comparing their performance with more advanced
ANNs such as networks with recurrent architecture. Layers with different
activation functions are compared to select an appropriate FNN architecture
for the problem at hand. Standard Rprop- is used for training. As presented
in Table 5.2 and Figure 5.13, FNN with Sigmoid hidden layers can process
statistical features significantly more efficiently than Tanh layers. However,
when the network is trained with data segments directly, Tanh layers are
able to make more reliable predictions with a smaller standard deviation.

F1 Score Reliability
Ref. Hidden Layer Features
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
A Sigmoid Statistical 0.816 0.056 0.999 0.0014
B Tanh Statistical 0.762 0.167 0.979 0.0192
C Sigmoid Segment 0.908 0.061 0.972 0.0134
D Tanh Segment 0.866 0.016 0.982 0.0045
E LSTM Segment 0.891 0.042 0.924 0.0247
F LSTM peephole Segment 0.866 0.055 0.924 0.0315

Table 5.2: Hidden layer benchmark (see Figure 5.13 for graphical represen-

Multilayer LSTM: Since LSTMs are designed to process sequential data

(as explained in Section 2.2), they are especially suitable to process motion
sensors from WADs. The training algorithm is however slightly different
from the one used to train multilayer FNNs. To allow time-related patterns
to emerge, Backpropagation Through Time is used to pass along the LSTM
internal state to the next recurrent LSTM instance (i.e. the previous cell
state ct−1 , the previous output vector yt−1 , and the new datapoint xt ). The
LSTM initial cell state is a vector consisting of null values that is passed

Chapter 5. Data Analytics

together with the first data-point of the sequence. During evaluation, the
predictions from an FNN are returned as generated by the neural network.
However, because LSTM units first need to be activated to initialize their
memory cell internal structure, the outputs generated for the whole sequence
are contributing to the final prediction result. The output vectors are sim-
ply added together and normalized before to be returned. Two different
LSTM implementations were studied: standard recurrent LSTM consisting
of a forget gate, and LSTM with peephole connections. Table 5.2 and Fig-
ure 5.13 show that while LSTM with peepholes is able to make remarkably
good predictions in some cases, the standard deviation remains higher than
when a standard recurrent LSTM layer is used. Thus making the peephole
implementation less robust in this specific application context.

Figure 5.13: Hidden layer benchmark (see Table 5.2 for references).

This chapter first goal is to describe the different experiments setup to collect
empirical data from various people. Secondly, to describe the different results
returned by the system. Finally, to interpret the results and their relations
with the research questions enunciated in Section 1.1.

6.1 Empirical Data Collection

Seven persons external to this research and aged between 23 and 30 have
participated in the following experiments. Each person was asked to enter
multiple series of keystrokes on a touchscreen and a keypad while wearing
a WAD on their wrist. To prevent the influence of external motions, the
participants were required to sit in a comfortable position allowing them
to stay still for the entire duration of the recording session. Each dataset
contains 240 keystrokes with 20 instances of each of the 12 labels (i.e. 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, ∗, #). If a classifier makes its predictions at random,
the probability of correctly classifying a keystroke K is P (K) = 12 .

Chapter 6. Evaluation

6.2 Experiments

Classification Model: As detailed in Section 5.4, different ANN architec-

tures were compared to select appropriate models for experimenting with real
data. The number of output units is increased to reflect the number of labels
in the collected measurements. The terms FNN-Sigmoid and FNN-Tanh are
used to refer to the feedforward implementations depicted in Figure 6.1 (a)
and (b), respectively. FNN-Sigmoid is preferred to process statistical fea-
tures while FNN-Tanh is the feedforward architecture chosen to process data
segments as features. The chosen recurrent implementation to process data
sequences is shown in Figure 6.1 (c) and referred to as RNN-LSTM.

(a) FNN-Sigmoid.

(b) FNN-Tanh.


Figure 6.1: Neural network architectures selected for experiments.

Chapter 6. Evaluation

Data Preparation Schemes: The experiments require many different data

preparation schemes to compare the performance of the classifiers in various
contexts. Notably, we want to observe how well deep models can process
both pre-processed data and noisy raw data. We consider the data raw when
non-trivial pre-processing operations are completely ignored (only calibration
as described in Section 5.2.1 is allowed, which is used mostly to ignore the
effect of gravity on the accelerometer measurements). The feature extraction
steps detailed in Section 5.3 are subsequently applied indifferently to the data
being pre-processed or raw (including normalizing the sampling rate during
sensor fusion as described in Section 5.3.1). The following data preparation
schemes are used to train and evaluate the three classifiers:

• P-T : Pre-processed data with timestamp-based segmentation.

• P-H : Pre-processed data with heuristic segmentation.

• R-T : Raw data with timestamp-based segmentation.

• R-H : Raw data with heuristic segmentation.

The results are measured using K-Fold Cross-Validation with k = 5 by

training every classifier for 100 Epochs. The results are averaged over all
folds and the seven participants. Each one of the three classifiers is thus
trained for five folds on four different data schemes. Leading to a total of 60
training sessions for each participant in every respective experiment. These
computationally intensive tasks were performed on a dedicated machine and
took several days to complete. The reader is invited to refer to Chapter 3 to
read about the motivations behind the following experiments. Appendix D
provides confusion matrices and loss graphs for further details.

Chapter 6. Evaluation

6.2.1 Experiment 1: Touchlogging Attack

The goal of this experiment is to assess the likelihood of a touchlogging attack

on a smartphone touchscreen using motion sensor outputs from a WAD.
The participants were invited to enter keystrokes on our training application
running on an iPhone 4S (interface shown in Figure 4.3 (a)). Figure 6.2
provides a graphical representation comparing the performances of the three
classifiers. The results are detailed in the subsequent Tables.

Figure 6.2: F1 Score for the different ANN architectures during the touchlog-
ging experiment.

The results presented in Table 6.4 shows that FNN-Sigmoid is better at

analysing pre-processed data than raw data. Despite performing worse on
unprocessed data, it is a surprise that the model can still classify such features
with reliable predictions and low standard deviation. The lower F1 Score on
raw data can be explained by the fact that the model relies on statistical
features. As a consequence, raw data displays unstable statistical properties,
thus demonstrating the benefit of pre-processing the measurements before-
hand to train such classifier.

Chapter 6. Evaluation

F1 Score Reliability
Data Prep.
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
P-T 0.672 0.0193 0.982 0.0029
P-H 0.720 0.0339 0.969 0.0094
R-T 0.614 0.0029 0.980 0.0022
R-H 0.570 0.0029 0.982 0.0024

Table 6.1: Touchlogging using FNN-Sigmoid with statistical features.

Unexpectedly, the FNN-Tanh implementation is able to learn from data

segment in a relatively acceptable way. Thus, allowing the model to make
predictions similar in quality to the FNN-Sigmoid model. Even though being
very basic, the two-layered model seems to be able to perform Unsupervised
Feature Learning to some extent. Table 6.2 additionally shows that FNN-
Tanh can make slightly better predictions than FNN-Sigmoid on raw data,
probably because the former can learn features from the data it is exposed to
without relying on engineered statistical features sensible to noise. However,
the evolution of the loss during training (as illustrated in Figures D.5 and
D.6 in Appendix D) suggests that FNN-Tanh is harder to train on raw data
when patterns are difficult to learn by the network naive internal structure.

F1 Score Reliability
Data Prep.
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
P-T 0.685 0.0106 0.948 0.0019
P-H 0.672 0.0415 0.912 0.0080
R-T 0.635 0.0029 0.840 0.0021
R-H 0.625 0.0183 0.864 0.0170

Table 6.2: Touchlogging using FNN-Tanh with data segment as features.

Chapter 6. Evaluation

As depicted in Figure D.9 and as expected, RNN-LSTM can be trained ef-

ficiently on time-series data. In fact, this architecture outperforms the other
ANNs in most cases as illustrated in Figure 6.2. Although the model dis-
plays no difficulty processing raw data, it nevertheless seems to have trouble
analysing heuristically-segmented raw data. Thanks to its capacity to process
sequence data, RNN-LSTM is the champion of the touchlogging task.

F1 Score Reliability
Data Prep.
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
P-T 0.697 0.0128 0.902 0.0097
P-H 0.737 0.0088 0.935 0.0057
R-T 0.647 0.0460 0.808 0.0118
R-H 0.660 0.0147 0.822 0.0074

Table 6.3: Touchlogging using RNN-LSTM with data segment as features.

6.2.2 Experiment 2: Keylogging Attack

This experiment’s purpose is to determine the feasibility of a keylogging

attack by analysing WAD motions while typing on an ATM-like physical
keypad. The keystrokes were entered by the participants on our training
device (depicted in Figure 4.3 (b)) by using the same method to type on both
the touchscreen and the keypad. That is, if the index finger were preferred
to enter keystrokes on the smartphone, the index finger should also be used
to enter keys on the physical keypad to use the same data for Experiment 3
(see Chapter 3 for motivation details).

Chapter 6. Evaluation

Figure 6.3: F1 Score for the different ANN architectures on the keylogging

Despite the fact that the FNN-Sigmoid is convinced by its predictions, the
quality of its decisions is far from satisfying. In fact, Table 6.4 shows that the
average reliability score is high with a small standard deviation even thought
the standard deviation of the F1 Score is very important. The predictions
average close to and below average.

F1 Score Reliability
Data Prep.
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
P-T 0.515 0.1078 0.973 0.0153
P-H 0.518 0.1745 0.973 0.0088
R-T 0.454 0.1417 0.964 0.0149
R-H 0.415 0.1868 0.969 0.0101

Table 6.4: Keylogging using FNN-Sigmoid with statistical features.

Similarly to the FNN-Sigmoid model, FNN-Tanh is not performing opti-

mally during the keylogging task as conveyed by Table 6.5. Its predictions

Chapter 6. Evaluation

for raw data classification are indeed below average. FNN-Tanh reliability
is fluctuating with a great standard deviation, showing that the model has
difficulties to generate strong predictions. This ANN architecture clearly
struggles to achieve Unsupervised Feature Learning on the keypad dataset.

F1 Score Reliability
Data Prep.
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
P-T 0.524 0.1493 0.913 0.0276
P-H 0.523 0.1594 0.908 0.0244
R-T 0.425 0.1234 0.775 0.0179
R-H 0.368 0.1468 0.759 0.0275

Table 6.5: Keylogging using FNN-Tanh with data segment as features.

The graphical comparison represented in Figure 6.3 distinctly shows the

performance of the RNN-LSTM implementation surpassing the other models
in a significant way. In fact, the predictions are above average with a small
standard deviation. RNN-LSTM performs equally on the four different data
preparation schemes and is even able to make its best predictions when ex-
posed to the most chaotic data scheme, namely, raw data with heuristic
segmentation (i.e. R-H). This ANN is undeniably the best performing ANN
architecture for the keylogging task.

Chapter 6. Evaluation

F1 Score Reliability
Data Prep.
Mean Std. Dev Mean Std. Dev
P-T 0.556 0.0110 0.871 0.0201
P-H 0.554 0.0200 0.858 0.0184
R-T 0.541 0.0110 0.758 0.0021
R-H 0.593 0.0310 0.776 0.0225

Table 6.6: Keylogging using RNN-LSTM with data segment as features.

6.2.3 Experiment 3: from Touchlogging to Keylogging

For this experiment, the classifier is trained for 200 Epochs with the complete
dataset recorded during Experiment 1 when users are entering keys on a
smartphone touchscreen. The logging phase is later performed using the
full measurement collection recorded for Experiment 2 with users typing on
an ATM-like keypad. It is worth noting that the classifier is trained and
later evaluated with features generated by the same data scheme. That is,
when the model is trained with pre-processed data with timestamp-based
segmentation (i.e. P-T), the same data scheme is applied to the evaluation
dataset. This experimentation is completed using the RNN-LSTM model
because it is the model yielding the best results in both previous experiments.

The results presented in Table 6.7 are calculated at once when the eval-
uation dataset is shown to the classifier. Although the returned predictions
are far from excellent, RNN-LSTM is still able to recognize patterns from
unknown signals recorded when users are typing on a different keyboard than
the one used for training. In this application context, it is worth noting that
the classifier can perform better when it is both trained and evaluated with
pre-processed data. Similarly to the results presented in Figure 6.2 and Table

Chapter 6. Evaluation

6.3, RNN-LSTM have trouble learning from raw data with timestamp-based
segmentation (i.e. R-T).1

Data Prep. F1 Score Reliability

P-T 0.184 0.795
P-H 0.191 0.808
R-T 0.082 0.646
R-H 0.122 0.622

Table 6.7: Results from RNN-LSTM trained for touchlogging and evaluated
for keylogging with data segments used as features.

6.3 Discussions

The LSTM implementation is undeniably the best classification model used

in the experiments. In fact, this architecture can achieve touchlogging and
keylogging with a maximum accuracy of 73% and 59%, respectively. The
LSTM model can also successfully classify signals with an accuracy of 19%
when the dataset used for training and logging are originated from two dif-
ferent keypads.

Across all the different results, the heuristically-based segmentation usu-

ally leverages better classification decisions than timestamp-based segmen-
tation. This might be caused by two factors. First, the accuracy of the
timestamp sent to the server by the training devices is questionable. As de-
tailed in Section, keystrokes are thought to happen in a 100ms time
window on average and the timestamps used by the system are measured in
The F1 Score is 0.082 and corresponds to a random guess over 12 possible labels. Thus
showing that RNN-LSTM is completely unable to make educated predictions from R-T.

Chapter 6. Evaluation

ms. Even though these time values are expected to match actual keystrokes
when aligned with the signal (as shown on Figure 5.9), it is likely that small
time measuring inaccuracies can lead to worse classification results. Second,
the heuristic segmentation works by measuring physical properties of the
signal (as explained in Section With this in mind and given the
experiments results, it is reasonable to assume that these physical properties
are resilient across keystrokes and consequently a robust method for signal

As a reminder, both the touchlogging and the keylogging datasets contains

the same number of measurements with each keystroke being equally repre-
sented. The important difference between the FNNs performances during the
two first experiments is thus thought to be caused by the data themselves.
In fact, the size of the keypad built for Experiment 2 is smaller than the
size of the touchscreen used for Experiment 1. As a consequence, this slight
difference in size produces tinier motions with less extreme value variation.
Thus leading naive models to struggle finding subtle patterns in the signal,
even when manually selected statistical features are used.

Using a recurrent model such as LSTM have proved to yield in general

far better results than simple feedforward models. Thanks to its internal
structure designed to process sequential data, the RNN-LSTM model be-
haves robustly regardless of the data collection used and can even learn to
distinguish patterns in noisy measurements. An impressive characteristic
of the recurrent model is indeed its ability to process raw data as well as
pre-processed data as demonstrated in the experiments.

The purpose of this chapter is mainly to summarize and reflect on our find-
ings. Conceivable future works are also considered to extend this project.

7.1 Summary

The system developed in this work can perform touchlogging and keylog-
ging with an accuracy of 73% and 59%, respectively. Despite the fact that
these results are smaller than the ones claimed in related works, our classi-
fier can perform equally successfully when confronted with raw unprocessed
data. Thus demonstrating that deep neural networks are capable of mak-
ing keystroke inference attacks based on motion sensors easier to achieve by
removing the need for non-trivial pre-processing pipelines and carefully en-
gineered feature extraction strategies. All related works rely heavily on such
techniques as presented in Chapter 2.

Moreover, the system is still able to infer keystrokes with an accuracy

of 19% when trained and evaluated with datasets recorded from different
keypads. This result suggests that an attacker could log keys from a wide
range of devices even if its classifier is trained with measurements from a
different compromised device.

Chapter 7. Conclusion

Dramatically, these observations imply that a cyber-criminal would be

able, in theory, to eavesdropped on any device operated by the user while
wearing a WAD. Thus granting access to sensitive and highly valuable infor-
mation and possibly causing important damages.

To minimize the risk of such attacks, users should always wear their WAD
on their less preferred hand for device interaction. For example, a right-
handed person should wear the WAD on its left arm. Because of the demon-
strated risks, the different operations systems powering wearable technologies
should require user permissions before any application is allowed to use the
accelerometer and the gyroscope. Furthermore, a permission system should
restrict or allow access to the motion sensors in specific contexts or for trusted
applications only.

7.2 Future Work

Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a class of powerful deep models

designed to process multi-dimensional arrays such as images and video frames
[53]. A possible addition to this project could involve experiments with
such ANN architecture to classify motion sensors measurement sequences. It
would indeed be interesting to compare the performance of CNN with LSTM
in our application context.

A significant extension of this work could be the implementation of a more

dynamic system allowing automatic signal segmentation and classification in
real-time. For example, LSTM layers could be trained to identify keystrokes
in the measurement flow, segment the signal automatically, and pass the
resulting data forward to other layers responsible for further processing and

Chapter 7. Conclusion

An analogous attack targeting WAD users could be implemented to recon-

struct hand-written messages by recording and analysing the hand’s motion.
For example, gesture-based password (e.g. Android lock screen) could po-
tentially be cracked using such an attack.

In order to assess the security threat in specific contexts, it would be

interesting to perform further experiments using standard hardware such as
actual ATM keypads, electronic building access system keypads, or hotel
room safe keypads.

User’s moves can create important motion interferences that can poten-
tially obfuscate keystroke signal patterns. Experiments in such conditions
could be conducted to compare the results and the likelihood of such an at-
tack in these contexts (e.g. controlled environment when the user is sitting,
uncontrolled environment when she is walking).

Benchmarking different smartwatch and fitness tracker models could po-

tentially show that some products allow more accurate keystroke inference
than others. Thus possibly proving that users are at greater risk when using
specific WAD models.

The motion of WAD could also potentially be used for the identification
and tracking of users as studied in similar research [64, 38].

Some WAD models come built-in with a wide range of sensors including
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), heart rate sensor, Electromyography (EMG),
or ambient light sensor. Fusing motion sensors with one or many of these
additional sensors might further improve the accuracy and the robustness of
the keystroke predictions.


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This appendix provides additional details about the Backpropagation algo-
rithm [31, 12, 70, 33] to support Section 2.2. The total network error E is
computed from a loss function, such as the Mean Squared Error formalized
in Equation 5.13. According to the chain rule, the gradient can be expressed

∂E ∂E ∂yi ∂xi
= (A.1)
∂Wij ∂yi ∂xi ∂Wij

First, the partial derivative with respect to Wij can be computed from
Equation 2.1 as follows:

= yj (A.2)

Secondly, the partial derivative with respect to xi is:

∂yi ∂φ(xi )
= (A.3)
∂xi ∂xi

Which is the derivative of the activation function of neuron i. Thirdly, the

partial derivative with respect to yi can be computed as follows:

Appendix A. Backpropagation

 (Ti − yi ) if i ∈ output layer,
∂E  ∂yi

= (A.4)
∂yi  ∂ X ∂E

 ∂yi W ij otherwise;


Fourthly, combining the partial derivatives allow the computation of the

error at a given neuron i such that:

∂φ(xi )

 (Ti − yi ) if i ∈ output layer,

∂E ∂yi 
= ei = ∂φ(x ) X (A.5)
∂yi ∂xi 
 i
Wij ej otherwise;
 ∂xi


Finally, the weight can be updated from the gradient as follows:

∂E ∂E ∂yi ∂xi
= = ei yj (A.6)
∂Wij ∂yi ∂xi ∂Wij
Wij = Wij − η ei yj (A.7)

With η the learning rate.

Signal Pre-processing
This appendix illustrates the different pre-processing operations applied to
the sensor signals. On the following figures, both sensors data have been
recorded during the same typing session and the values along the three axis
(i.e. x, y, and z) are processed.

B.1 Gyroscope

Figure B.1: Gyroscope raw signal.

Appendix B. Signal Pre-processing

Figure B.2: Gyroscope signal after calibration.

Figure B.3: Gyroscope signal after median filtering.

Appendix B. Signal Pre-processing

Figure B.4: Gyroscope signal after low-pass Butterworth filtering.

Figure B.5: Gyroscope signal after Kalman filtering.

Figure B.6: Pre-processed gyroscope signal with labels.

Appendix B. Signal Pre-processing

B.2 Accelerometer

Figure B.7: Accelerometer raw signal.

Figure B.8: Accelerometer signal after calibration.

Appendix B. Signal Pre-processing

Figure B.9: Accelerometer signal after median filtering.

Figure B.10: Accelerometer signal after high-pass Butterworth filtering.

Figure B.11: Accelerometer signal after Kalman filtering.

Appendix B. Signal Pre-processing

Figure B.12: Pre-processed accelerometer signal with labels.

Confusion Matrices from Model

This appendix shows the confusion matrices generated during the benchmark
detailed in Section 5.4.3 and performed to compare different neural network
architectures on different types of features.

C.1 Model Training with Statistical Features

Figure C.1: Feedforward Sigmoid.

Appendix C. Confusion Matrices from Model Benchmark

Figure C.2: Feedforward Tanh.

C.2 Model Training with Data Segment as


Figure C.3: Feedforward Sigmoid.

Appendix C. Confusion Matrices from Model Benchmark

Figure C.4: Feedforward Tanh.

Figure C.5: Recurrent LSTM with forget gate.

Appendix C. Confusion Matrices from Model Benchmark

Figure C.6: Recurrent LSTM with peephole connections.

Experiment Results
This appendix provides result details (i.e. classifier loss during training,
confusion matrices from evaluation) to support Chapter 6.

Appendix D. Experiment Results

D.1 Results for Experiment 1: Touchlogging


D.1.1 FNN-Sigmoid

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.1: Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.2: Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-H

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.3: Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.4: Touchlogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-H

D.1.2 FNN-Tanh

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.5: Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh P-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.6: Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh P-H

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.7: Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh R-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.8: Touchlogging with FNN-Tanh R-H


(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.9: Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM P-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.10: Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM P-H

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.11: Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM R-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.12: Touchlogging with RNN-LSTM R-H

Appendix D. Experiment Results

D.2 Results for Experiment 2: Keylogging


D.2.1 FNN-Sigmoid

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.13: Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.14: Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid P-H

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.15: Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.16: Keylogging with FNN-Sigmoid R-H

D.2.2 FNN-Tanh

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.17: Keylogging with FNN-Tanh P-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.18: Keylogging with FNN-Tanh P-H

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.19: Keylogging with FNN-Tanh R-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.20: Keylogging with FNN-Tanh R-H


(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.21: Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.22: Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-H

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.23: Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.24: Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-H

D.3 Results for Experiment 3: from Touchlog-

ging to Keylogging

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.25: Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.26: Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM P-H

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.27: Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-T

Appendix D. Experiment Results

(a) Mean Squared Error optimization.

(b) Confusion Matrix.

Figure D.28: Touchlogging to Keylogging with RNN-LSTM R-H


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