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Prof. Kareem AL-Tameemi

 Objectives of learning :
 To understand the pathophysiology of head pain . ( nice to know )
 History taking with characterization of headache into acute, sub-acute and chronic . ( Must to know )
 To perform careful physical examination . (must to know )
 To formulate a differential diagnosis . ( nice to know )
 Red flags for serious headache disorders . ( must to know )
 Investigation of headache . ( must to know )
 Treatment of headache ( be aware )

 Pathophysiology of headache and facial pain .

 Headache is caused by traction , displacement , , inflammation or distension of the
pain sensitive structure in the head or neck . ( skull , parenchyma and Dura : painless).
A.Pain sensitive structure within cranial vault :
 Venous sinuses .
 Ant. And middle meningeal arteries .
 Dura at the base of skull .
 V , IX , X cranial nerves .
 Proximal portion of the internal carotid artery and its branches near the circle of
 BS periaqueductal grey matter .
B. Extra cranial pain sensitive structures : these include periosteum of the skull ; skin ;
subcutaneous tissues , muscles and arteries ; neck muscles ; C2-C3 cervical nerves ; eyes ;
ears , teeth , sinuses , and oropharynx ; and mucous membrane of the nasal cavity .

 History :
1. Onset :
 Acute ?
 Sub-acute ?
 Chronic ?
2. Precipitating factors :
 Stress , chocolate : migraine
 Alcohol : cluster
 Chewing : Tension
3. Prodromal symptoms ( aura ) .
4. Character of pain ?
5. Location of pain ?
6. Associated symptoms : weight loss , fever , dyspnea , visual disturbance , N/V ,
photophobia , rhinorrhea .
7. Pattern ?
8. Condition releiving pain ?
9. Condition exacerbating pain ?
10.History of headache?

 Physical Examination
 Vital signs
 General : weight loss , skin , scalp , face and head .
 Neck : stiffness
 Heart &lung
 Neurological examination :
1. Mental state
2. Cranial nerves
 2nd - papilledema ( ICP ) , subhyaloid hemorrhage (SAH )
 3rd - pupils , movement .
 5th – sensation .
3. Motor for asymmetry .
4. Sensory : any focal or segmental loss , decrease corneal reflex ( red flag ) .


1. Systemic symptoms ( fever , cancer , HIV ) , illness conditions .

2. Neurological signs & symptoms ( altered mental status , neurological deficit ,
neck stiffness , seizure , menigismus , coma ) .
3. Onset is new ( especially age >40 , sudden ) .
4. Other associated condition or features ( head trauma , , headache awaken from
sleep , worse on valsalva , exertion , or sexual activity ).
5. Previous headache history ; progressive symptoms or changes in frequency and
severity .

 Some typical features of serious causes of headache

Disease Features Diagnosi
Meningitis Neck stiffness , headache , photophobia , and LP
prostration , may not be febrile .
ICH Nuchal rigidity , headache ± clouded CT
consciousness ± seizure LP
SOL Pounding headache + N/V ± focal neurological CT
deficit ± mental state changes MRI
Temporal Unilateral headache , elderly , visual changes , ESR
arteritis jaw claudication Biopsy
Acute angle Severe eye pain , red dilated pupil , N/V I.O.P
closed glaucoma ( increase )
Migraine Unilateral , throbbing , N/V , photophobic, Clinical
decrease by sleep , increase by movement
Cluster Severe retro ocular pain , ptosis , rhinorrhea , Clinical
male , increase by alcohol
Tension Bi frontal or bi occipital , band like , decrease by Clinical
Trigeminal Episodic , unilateral facial pain ,increase by Clinical
neuralgia laughing , eating , shaving , normal trigeminal
nerve examination
 Exercise : match the headache type ( A-E ) to the clinical
presentation below :
A. Migraine headache
B. Tension headache
C. Cluster headache
E. Meningitis

1. A 42 old man with polycystic kidney disease who complained

of sudden onset of severe headache and then lost
consciousness .
2. A 21 old college student with fever , headache , photophobia
and 25 WBC/HPF but no RBC or Xanthochromic in CSF .
3. A 31 old women with long history of intermittent severe
headache , unilateral throbbing but no preceding symptoms
and no visual disturbance , occur once or twice / month .

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