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High Strength Self Compacting Concrete Using Replacement Material in Substitution of Cement

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Submitted by:-
Submitted to:-


(Department of CIVIL)




This is to declare that the work in the Major Project entitled “HIGH STRENGTH
SUBSTITUTION OF CEMENT” submitted by Snohit Kumar Patro (CVE20L03),

Abinash Nayak (CVE20L25), Antariksha Nayak (CVE20L11), Rojalinee Mohanty

(CVE20L04), Kunja Bihari Pradhan (1901227017) members of group 3 in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the 6th Semester for Bachelor of Technology is a
work carried out by us under the supervision and guidance of “DR. SWAGATO


It is clear that result of all engineering efforts whatever form they take is a direct
outcome of not just an individual’s thinking but represents the organization. The
same view holds good for this seminar report and we will try our best to emphasize
this point at the very outset. The report couldn’t be finished without the help of
experienced and versatile personality. First of all, we pay heartfelt regards to DR.
SWAGATO DAS for their invaluable guidance, help and support at each stage of
our topic.
i. Metakaolin
ii. Silica Fume
iii. Fly ash
iv. GGBS(Ground Granulated Blast Furness Slag)
v. Lime stone powder
With the tremendous development of construction of mega structures, the world over, the
demand for self-compacting concrete (SCC) application is increasing. Many sites have the
problems of congestion of reinforcement in principal structural members. The design issues are
compounded due to the high risk of seismic zone, vulnerability to cyclonic storms and huge
capacity addition of the plants to a very large scale. SCC has become the only choice in such
difficult site environments. Ideally the development of concrete mix where placing and
compaction has minimal dependence on the Standard of workmanship available on a particular
site should improve the true quality of the concrete in the final structure, and hence its durability.
This was an important driving force behind the development of self-compacting concrete (SCC).
Self-compacting concrete is considered as a breakthrough in concrete technology due to its
improved performance and working environment. It has wide application from thin elements to
bulk robust structures. SCC can be taken as greatest technical advancement and most
revolutionary development in concrete technology over the years’ is a concrete of future, as it
will be replacing normal concrete due to its distinct advantages. Self-compacting concrete (SCC)
also called as Self Consolidating Concrete or Rheodynamic concrete is an innovative concrete
that does not require vibration for placing and compaction. It is able to flow under its own
weight, completely filling formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the presence of
congested reinforcement. The hardened concrete is dense, homogeneous and has at least
engineering properties at par with and durability as traditional vibrated concrete. The principle
behind Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) is that the settlement of aggregates is related to the
viscosity of the fresh concrete. SCC can be produced using the same ingredients as that of
normal concrete. However, a closer tolerance is required to ensure strict control of workability
characteristics. The proportioning of SCC mix is much more scientific than that of conventional
concrete mixes. SCC mix requires high powder content, lesser quantity of coarse aggregate, high
range superplasticizer and VMA (Viscosity Modifying Agent) to give stability and fluidity to
concrete mix. The workability of SCC is equilibrium of fluidity, deformability, filling ability and
resistance to segregation. This equilibrium has to be maintained for a sufficient time period to
allow for its transportation, placing and finishing. Combinations of tests are required to
characterize the workability properties.
Concrete that requires little vibration or compaction has been used in Europe since the early
1970s but Self-Compacting Concrete was not developed until late 1980s in Japan.
In Europe it was probably first used in civil works for transportation networks in Sweden in the
mid-1990s. The EC funded a multinational, industry lead project “SCC” 1997-2000 and since
then SCC has found increasing use in all European countries and the use is increasing all over
the world, and in India also. In India, the SCC has been used (about 5000 Cum.) in Kaiga
Nuclear Power Project (Karnataka) and also in Kota Atomic Power project (Rajasthan).
Some of the projects where SCC has been used are
• Delhi Metro Project – 10000 Cum.
• Tarapore Atomic Power Project – 6000 Cum.
• Gosikhurd Project – 5000 Cum.
• Purna Dam Project – 500 Cum.
• Lower Wardha Project – 2000 Cum.
The use of SCC is increasing day by day in India and many infrastructure projects are going in
for SCC, the example being ‘The Signature Bridge’ on river Yamuna near New Delhi and the
Bandra-Worli sea link project, Mumbai. Self-Compacting Concrete offers a rapid rate of
concrete placement, with faster construction times and ease of flow around congested
reinforcement. The fluidity and segregation resistance of SCC ensures high level of
homogeneity, minimal concrete voids and uniform concrete strength, providing the potential for
a superior level of finish and durability to the structure. SCC is often produced with low water-
cement ratio providing the potential for high early strength, earlier de-moulding and faster use of
elements and structures. The elimination of vibrating equipment improves the environment on
and near construction sites where concrete is being placed, reducing the exposure of workers to
noise and vibration.
SCC is considered as a preferred option due to its well-known properties of flowability, passing
ability and compatibility. SCC is an excellent repair material for concrete encasement because
of its ability to flow through narrow openings. Care shall be taken to avoid shrinkage of concrete
by adding shrinkage compensating admixtures since bonding of new concrete with the old
concrete is a requirement in repair works. Congested reinforcements, secondary concreting of
gate slots, complicated shapes of concrete elements necessities the use of SCC (Photograph 1).
i) Self compacting concrete (SCC) is a concrete which is able to flow under its own weight,
completely filling formwork & achieving full compaction, even in the congested places. The
SCC mixes have these attributes because of their good deformability enabling them to maintain
homogeneity at fresh state. It can be placed & compacted under its self-weight with little or no
vibration effort & which is at the same time is cohesive enough to be handled without
segregation & bleeding.
ii) Self compacting concrete offers a rapid rate of concrete placement with faster construction
times & ease of flow around congested reinforcement. The fluidity & segregation resistance of
SCC ensures a high level of homogeneity, minimal concrete voids & uniform concrete strength
in situ, providing the potential for a superior level of finish & durability to the structure.
iii) Use of fly ash in SCC is an eco-friendly option and is useful in controlling the excess heat of
hydration in concreting. It also improves to the qualities like homogeneity, permeability and
durability of the concrete.
iv) Use of fly ash is mostly necessary to provide higher quantity of powdery material required in
SSC. SCC has got a property of self-compacting which removes one of the main reasons of
discrepancy between the performance of laboratory concrete specimens and that of the concrete
structures at site, namely the degree of compaction of the fresh concrete; as SCC mixture does
not depend on the degree of compaction of the fresh concrete.
v) SCC enables reduction in noise at site and so it ensures improved health and safety at site. The
use of SCC reduces the exposure of the workers to sound intensities that are as low as one tenth
of those produced when placing traditional vibrated concrete; introduction of SCC is truly a quiet
revolution in concrete.
vi) SCC requires reduced manpower over conventional concrete placing of SCC is much less
strenuous activity than placing traditional vibrated concrete.
vii) More innovative designs, more complex shapes, more thinner sections are possible with use
of SCC.
viii) SCC exhibit greater stability than traditional concrete.
ix) Reduced internal bleeding when SCC is used is responsible for a denser and stronger ITZ
with respect to that of CC. The positive role of SCC in decreasing microcracking and porosity of
interfacial transition zone (ITZ) is also responsible for a more durable concrete.
x) Large amount of fly ash or limestone filler in SCC favors formation of a less porous and,
hence, a stronger transition zone due to a limited amount of microcracking in the vicinity of the


i) Self compacting Concrete is a new technology and hence, requires well maintained and high
degree of quality control & quality assurance methods. Production and placing of SCC need to
be carried out by trained personnel only.
ii) Absence of internal and external bleeding in SCC, however is one of the causes for their
higher plastic shrinkage compared to traditional vibrated concrete. Hence, SCC should be cured
as soon as practicable after placement to prevent surface shrinkage cracking.
iii) The lower MSA (nominal maximum size of aggregate) and reduction in % of coarse
aggregate in volume of SCC are responsible for lower modulus of elasticity compared to the
conventional concrete. For this reason, the total shrinkage of SSC is also slightly higher.
iv) SCC requires good and leak proof formwork due to presence of more fines and flowable
concrete. Special attention is needed in design of the formwork for pressures based on the
flowability, cohesiveness, rate and method of placing or pumping (from top/from bottom) etc.
v) Before any SCC is produced at the plant and used at the job site, the mix must be properly
proportioned and tested to assure compliance with the functional requirements and the project
specifications. The ingredients and the equipment used in developing the mix and testing should
be the same ingredients and equipment to be used in the final mix for the project.
vi) Most common concrete mixers can be used for producing SCC. However, the mixing time
may be longer than that for the conventional vibrated concrete.
vii) SCC is more sensitive to the total water content in the mix. It is necessary to take into
account the moisture/water content in the aggregates and the admixtures before adding the
remaining water in the mix. The mixer must be clean and moist, and contains no free water.
viii) The truck drivers (transit mixer) should be given oral and written instructions for handling
SCC. He must check the concrete drum before filling with SCC to make sure that the drum is
clean and moist, but with no free water. Extra care must be taken for long deliveries. The truck
driver shall also be given training in regional languages about the effects of wrong handling,
adding extra water etc. This training will help them to know the importance so that the
instructions given to them can be implemented effectively.
ix) The truck drivers should not be allowed to add water and/or admixtures during transit.
x) SCC is more sensitive to temperature during the hardening process than the conventional
vibrated concrete hence extra care shall be taken about the handling and keeping the concrete
xi) Because of high cementitious content, the control on temperature of concrete is highly
important in extreme hot environment.

Mix proportions for SCC differ from those of ordinary concrete, in that the former has more
powder content and less coarse aggregate. Moreover, SCC incorporates high range water
reducers (HRWRA, superplasticizers) in larger amounts and frequently a viscosity modifying
agent (VMA) in small doses. However, the constituent materials for SCC are the same as those
used in traditional vibrated concrete conforming to IS 456:2000. In most cases the requirements
for constituents are individually covered by relevant Indian standards. However, in order to be
sure of uniform and consistent performance for SCC, additional care is needed in initial selection
and also in the continual monitoring for uniformity of incoming batches. The questions that
dominate the selection of materials for SCC are: (i) limits on the amount of marginally
unsuitable aggregates, that is, those deviating from ideal shapes and sizes, (ii) choice of
HRWRA, (iii) choice of VMA, and (iv) interaction and compatibility between cement, HRWRA
and VMA. These are discussed below To achieve these requirements the control of the
constituent materials needs to be increased and the tolerable variations restricted, so that daily
production of SCC is within the conformity criteria without the need to test and/or adjust every

1) Cement:- Cements conforming to the concerned Indian Standard can be used for the
production of SCC. The correct choice of cement type is normally dictated by the specific
requirements of each application or what is currently being used by the producer rather than the
specific requirements of SCC. However, there exists the problem of incompatibility between
cement and HRWRA (high range water reducing admixture) particularly at low water contents.
In concretes having low water content and high super plasticizer dosage (SNF based), gypsum
(present in cement) may precipitate out causing a premature stiffening of the paste and
consequent loss of slump. When lignosulphonates (which may have sugar in them) are used for
retarding action to retain slump in hot weather conditions and VMAs are used the concrete may
not set for nearly twenty hours. Hence, before using any brand of cement it is advisable to verify
its compatibility with the superplasticizer being used. As it is difficult for the field engineer to
either verify the compatibility himself or get it tested every time. It is better to get a certificate /
confirmation from admixture supplier about this aspect, as supplier would have done detailed
compatibility study on each brand / grade of cement in the market. This certificate will also be
useful for getting an estimate of optimum dosage.
2)Additions (Additives / Mineral admixtures):- Due to the fresh property requirements of SCC
and higher powdery content, inert and pozzolanic/hydraulic additions are commonly used to
improve and maintain the cohesion and segregation resistance. The addition will also regulate the
cement content in order to reduce the heat of hydration and thermal shrinkage. These are also
called as mineral admixtures. The additions are classified according to their reactive capacity
with water as shown in following Table 4.

Self-compacting concrete is also selected for its high-quality finish and good appearance but this
may be compromised if the source of the addition does not have good colour consistency.
3)Mineral fillers:- the particle size distribution, shape and water absorption of mineral fillers
may affect the water demand /sensitivity and therefore suitability for use in the manufacture of
SCC. Calcium carbonate based mineral fillers are widely used and can give excellent rheological
properties and a good finish. The most advantageous fraction is that smaller than 0.075 mm (75
μm) and in general it is desirable for >70% to pass a 0.063mm sieve. (In many cases the concrete
may be deficit of the particles of size 200μm to 45 μm, and in such cases filler particles of the
requires size can improve the performance of concrete.) Fillers specifically ground for this
application offer the advantage of improved batch to batch
consistency of particle size distribution, giving improved
control over water demand and making them particularly suitable
for SCC compared with other available materials. Coarse
fraction (>45 μm) of fly ash behaves more as a filler material
rather as pozzolanic. Mineral fillers may include use of lime
stone powder/ granite powder passing through 125-micron sieve which increases paste volume.
 Fly ash:- Fly ash has been shown to be an effective addition for SCC providing increased
cohesion and reduced sensitivity to changes in water content. In India, in particular fly-
ash is amply available and can be a sustainable alternative. However, high levels of fly
ash may produce a paste fraction which is so cohesive that it can be resistant to flow.
Fraction of fly ash below 45 μm are useful as pozzolanic, however, particles finer than 5
μm are highly useful. Fly ash must confirm to the relevant IS standard (IS: 3812 – 2007).

 Micro silica /Silica fume:- the high

level of fineness and practically
spherical shape of silica fume results in
good cohesion and improved
resistance to segregation. However,
silica fume is also very effective in reducing or eliminating bleed and this can give rise to
problems of rapid surface crusting. This can result in cold joints or surface defects if there
are any breaks in concrete delivery and also to difficulty in finishing the top surface.
Also, since silica fume has to be imported it is a costly alternative. The silica fume shall
confirm to IS15388. Typically, substantial part of micro silica should be below 1μm size,
and silica fume should have particles below 0.1 μm.

 Ground Granulated Blast Furnace:- Slag Ground granulated blast furnace slag
(GGBS) provides reactive fines with a low heat of hydration. GGBS is already present in
some cement but is also available as an addition
and may be added at the mixer. A high proportion
of GGBS may affect stability of SCC resulting in
reduced robustness with problems of consistence
control while slower setting can also increase the
risk of segregation. The GGBS shall confirm to IS12089. Typically, active hydraulic slag
has particle size smaller than cement.

 Other additions:- Metakaolin, natural pozzolana, ground glass, air cooled slag and other
fine fillers have also been used or considered as additions for SCC but their effects need
to be carefully and individually evaluated before use for both short- and long-term effects
on the concrete. Other type of slags (such as copper slag) can also qualify for use as
additive, which have been investigated in details and tested. Other additions like
metakaolin, etc. should confirm to the relevant IS standards.
 Blending of additives:- Multiple blending (of additives) can give better particle packing
(i.e. particle size distribution) and hence can result in better performance. However, with
more blending materials, the techniques for arriving at optimum results will be more
elaborate, which will be of worth for getting better performance. Performance is also
improved, as the phase of reaction of different pozzolanic material being different, results
in pore refinement.
 Grading of material (particle
size distribution):- In
general finer particles required
are more compared to
ordinary concrete. With
adjustment of powdery content,
enough cohesiveness is
also imparted to concrete. Additive
should be proportioned to
result in continuously
graded particle size distribution, to
get optimum performance. For optimizing, the grading of powdery material with finer
aggregate and coarse aggregate should merge in for better performance.

4)Aggregates:- Aggregates constitute the bulk of a concrete mixture, and give dimensional
stability to concrete. Among the various properties of aggregate, the important ones for SCC are
the shape and gradation. Many researchers have been able to produce self-compacting concrete
with locally available aggregate. It is observed from these studies that self-compatibility is
achievable at lower cement (or fines) content when rounded aggregates are used, as compared to
angular aggregates. Although there have been several studies on the effect of coarse aggregate
content on the flow behaviour of SCC, enough attention has not been paid to quantify the effect
of the shape of the aggregate. In the case of SCC, rounded aggregates would provide a better
flowability and less blocking potential for a
given water-to- powder ratio, compared to
angular and semi rounded aggregates.
Moreover, the presence of flaky and
elongated particles may give rise to blocking
problems in confined areas and also increase the
minimum yield stress Another deficiency
in aggregates is poor gradation. Use of fillers
(either reactive or inert) has been suggested
as a means of overcoming this problem
Course fly ash (fraction >45μm) can help
in improving the gradation of finer
aggregates. A trial and error approach are used to fix the type and amount of filler.
Alternatively, particle packing models could be used to reduce the number of experimental trials.
Normal-weight aggregates should conform to IS383 and meet the durability requirements. The
moisture content, water absorption, grading and variations in fines content of all aggregates
should be closely and continuously monitored and must be taken into account in order to produce
SCC of constant quality. Using washed aggregates will normally give a more consistent product.
Changing the source of supply is likely to make a significant change to the concrete properties
and should be carefully and fully evaluated. The shape and particle size distribution of the
aggregate is very important and affects the packing and voids content. Some mix design methods
use the voids content of the aggregate in predicting the volumes of paste and of mortar required.
Single size aggregates and/or a gap in the grading between coarse and fine aggregates are used in
some mix designs. The reinforcement spacing is the main factor in determining the maximum
aggregate size. Aggregate blocking must be avoided as SCC flows through the reinforcement and
the L-box test is indicative of the passing ability of an SCC mix. The maximum aggregate size
should generally be limited to 12 – 20 mm, although larger sizes are being used. The particle size
distribution and the shape of coarse aggregate directly influence the flow and passing ability of
SCC and its paste demand. As already indicated above the more spherical the aggregate particles
the less they are likely to cause blocking and the greater the flow because of reduced internal
5)Fine Aggregate / Sand:- The influence of fine aggregates on the fresh properties of the SCC is
significantly greater than that of coarse aggregate. Particles size fractions of less than 0.075 mm
should be included in the fines content of the paste and should also be taken into account in
calculating the water powder ratio. The high volume of paste in SCC mixes helps to reduce the
internal friction between the sand particles but a good grain size distribution is still very
important. Many SCC mix design methods use blended sands to match an optimised aggregate
grading curve and this can also help to reduce the paste content. Some producers prefer gap-
graded sand. The sand shall conform to IS383. In view of reduced availability of river sand, use
of manufactured sand and other alternative fine aggregate has become essential in some regions.
In fact, river sand is simply not available in many areas. Although there are studies that have
shown that quarry run could be used as a filler instead of limestone for SCC, there has not been
sufficient documentation of the use of manufactured sand, either as fine aggregate or as a filler,
in SCC. Partial replacement of sand by crushed fines has been found useful. Further research on
this topic will be useful. Option of using Crushed Stone Sand or Manufactured sand (M-sand)
can be considered. In fact research studies have concluded that M-sand is more suited to SCC as
it contains higher percentage of micro fines passing through 150 micron and 75 micron in
comparison to natural river sand. Use of M-sand demands slightly more water and higher dosage
of admixture. This can be established through laboratory trials. However, it should be clearly
understood that Quarry Dust is not manufactured sand.

6) Ad-mixtures :- SCC invariably incorporates chemical admixtures - in particular, a high range

water reducing admixture (HRWRA) and sometimes, viscosity-modifying agent (VMA). The
HRWRA helps in achieving excellent flow at low water contents and VMA reduces bleeding and
improves the stability of the concrete mixture. An effective VMA can also bring down the
powder requirement and still give the required stability. Moreover, SCC almost always includes
a mineral admixture, to enhance the deformability and stability of concrete. Superplasticizers or
high range water reducing admixtures (HRWRA) conforming to IS9103.Viscosity modifying
admixtures (VMA) may also be used to
help reduce segregation and the
sensitivity of the mix due to variations in
other constituents, especially to moisture
content. Other admixtures including
air entraining, accelerating and
retarding may be used in the same way as in traditional vibrated concrete but advice should be
sought from the admixture manufacturer on use and the optimum time for addition and they
should conform to IS9103.
Choice of admixture for optimum performance may be influenced by the physical and chemical
properties of the binder/addition. Factors such as fineness, carbon content, alkalis and C3A may
have an effect. It is therefore recommended that compatibility is carefully checked if a change in
supply of any of these constituents is to be made. Admixtures will normally be very consistent
from batch to batch but moving to another source or to another type from the same manufacturer
is likely to have a significant effect on SCC performance and should be fully checked before any
change is made. Though all varieties of HRWRAs are mentioned, SNF based admixtures can be
used because of lower price than PCE. But it is well known that PCE based admixtures have
better performance than other varieties.

7)Mixing water:- Water

used in SCC mixes shall be in
accordance with the requirements
of IS456. Where recycled water,
recovered from processes in the
concrete industry, is used
the type/content and in particular,
any variation in content of
suspended particles should be taken into account as this may affect batch-to-batch uniformity of
the mix.
Engineering Properties
Self-compacting concrete and traditional vibrated concrete of similar compressive strength
have comparable properties and hence SCC can be used in most applications where traditional
vibrated concrete is used. However, SCC composition does differ from that of traditional
concrete and the difference exists in the performance during fresh state; not much in terms of
properties of hardened state.
In the design of concrete structures, engineers may refer to a number of structural properties
of concrete which are not always part of the concrete specification. The most relevant are:
 Compressive strength
 Tensile strength
 Modulus of elasticity
 Creep
 Shrinkage
Where the development of a specific concrete property is dependant on time, tests should be
carried out taking into account the exposure conditions as per the relevant Indian Standard.
 Compressive strength

Compressive strength is the most routinely and widely specified and tested engineering
property and number of other concrete properties can be related and evaluated from
compressive strength.
Self-compacting concrete with a similar water cement or cement binder ratio will usually
have a slightly higher strength compared with traditional vibrated concrete, and this is due to
an improved interface between the aggregate and hardened paste due to absence of
vibrations. The strength development will be similar to traditionally vibrated concrete so
maturity testing will be an effective way to control the strength development whether
accelerated heating is used or not.
 Tensile strength

For the SCC of specified strength, class and maturity, the tensile strength may be safely
assumed to be the same as the one for a normal vibrated concrete as the volume of paste
(cement + fines + water) which is more in SCC has no significant effect on tensile strength.
In fact due to improvement in homogeneity and denser microstructure, the mechanical
properties, and in particular, tensile strength of SCC may be higher than for conventional
concrete. Also, due to a less porous microstructure, tensile strength of SCC should be higher
than that of conventional concrete, Values available in literature seems to indicate higher
split tensile strength for SCC with respect to conventional concrete.

 Static modulus of elasticity

The modulus of elasticity (E-value, the ratio between stress and strain), is used in the
elastic calculation of deflection, often the controlling parameter in slab design, and of pre or
post tensioned elements.
As the bulk of the volume of concrete is aggregate, the type and amount of aggregate as
well as its E-value have the most influence. Selecting an aggregate with a high E-value will
increase the modulus of elasticity of concrete. However, increasing the paste volume could
decrease the E-value. Because SCC often has a higher paste content and lower maximum size
of coarse aggregate and reduced coarse aggregate volume than traditional vibrated concrete,
the E-value of SCC may be somewhat lower thereby lowering the tendency to form cracks
with respect to conventional concrete with the same time dependent deformations.
If SCC does have a slightly lower E modulus than traditional vibrated concrete, this will
affect the relationship between the compressive strength and the camber due to prestressing
or post-tensioning. For this reason, careful control should be exercised over the strength at
the time when the prestressing and post-tensioning strands or wires are released.
 Creep

Creep is defined as the gradual increase in deformation (strain) with time for a constant
applied stress. It has both components, time dependent as well as stress dependant.
Creep takes place in the cement paste and it is influenced by its porosity which is directly
related to its water to cementitious material ratio. During hydration, the porosity of the
cement paste reduces and so for a given concrete, creep reduces as the strength increases.
The type of cement is important if the age of loading is fixed. Cements that hydrate more
rapidly will have higher strength at the age of loading, a lower stress/strength ratio and a
lower creep. As the aggregates restrain the creep of the cement paste, the higher the volume
of the aggregate and the higher the E-value of the aggregate, the lower the creep will be.
Due to the higher volume of cement paste, the creep coefficient for SCC may be expected
to be higher than for normal concrete of equal strength, but such differences are small and
covered by the safe assumptions in the tables and the formulae provided in the relevant
However, for prestressed structural members the study conducted by Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering University of Wisconsin, USA states that “Creep and
shrinkage strains, approximately twice that of a normal mix, do constitute a significant
increase in the effects of creep and shrinkage which, in turn, would likely result in less than
expected long term prestress in a girder after losses and undesirable girder behavior" & hence
necessity precautions shall be taken when using SCC for prestressed structures.
 Plastic Settlement

The beneficial effect in reducing internal bleeding is confirmed by the reduction of plastic
settlement in SCC with respect to conventional concrete.
 Shrinkage

a) Plastic Shrinkage
Absence of internal and external bleeding in SCC is one of the causes for its higher
plastic shrinkage with respect to the conventional concrete. Researchers have found that
for the same loss of water, plastic shrinkage of SCC is at least 2 times higher than that of
conventional concrete. The lower water/fine material and the finer capillary for structure
are responsible for a faster development of the negative pressure causing plastic
shrinkage. Higher plastic shrinkage of SCC means that in order to gain beneficial effect
on strength and durability due to improvement in properties, in real structures curing of
fresh SCC surface shall be given great care. Early curing efforts and use of polymeric
fibers results in good control over plastic shrinkage cracks. As SCC might shrink more
than normal concrete because of presence of higher paste volume, use of synthetic fibers
such as polypropylene/polyester will reduce shrinkage cracks being developed.
b) Drying Shrinkage
During hardening and in hardened concrete shrinkage is the sum of the autogenous and
the drying shrinkage. Autogenous shrinkage occurs during setting and is caused by the
internal consumption of water during hydration. The volume of the hydration products is
less than the original volume of un-hydrated cement and water and this reduction in
volume causes tensile stresses and results in autogenous shrinkage.
Drying shrinkage is caused by the loss of water from the concrete to the atmosphere.
Generally this loss of water is from the cement paste, but with a few types of aggregate
the main loss of water is from the aggregate. Drying shrinkage is relatively slow and the
stresses it induces are partially balanced by tension creep relief.
The aggregate restrains the shrinkage of the cement paste and so the higher the volume
of the aggregate and the higher the E-value of the aggregate, the lower the drying
shrinkage. A decrease in the maximum aggregate size which results in a higher paste
volume increases the drying shrinkage.
Tests performed and shrinkage of different types of SCC and a reference concrete show
that, in SCC:
• The deformation caused by shrinkage may be higher
• The value for the sum of the deformations due to shrinkage and creep are almost similar
Due to the restrain of the presence of reinforcement in a cross section the shrinkage
strain will cause tension in concrete and compression in the reinforcement.
 Durability

The durability of a concrete structure is closely associated to the permeability of the

surface layer, the one that should limit the ingress of substances that can initiate or propagate
possible deleterious actions (CO2 , chloride, sulphate, water, oxygen, alkalis, acids, etc.). In
practice, durability depends on the material selection, concrete composition, as well as on the
degree of supervision during placing, compaction, finishing and curing.
Honey-comb and lack of compaction of the surface layer, due to vibration difficulties in
narrow spaces between the formwork and the re-bars or other inserts (e.g. posttensioning
ducts) has been recognized as a key factor of poor durability performance of reinforced
concrete structures exposed to aggressive environments. Overcoming this was one of the
main reasons for the original development of SCC in Japan.
Traditional vibrated concrete is subjected to compaction via vibration (or tamping), which
is a discontinuous process. In the case of internal vibration, even when correctly executed,
the volume of concrete within the area of influence of the vibrator does not receive the same
compaction energy at all locations. This means, in the vibrated concrete there remains
portions of over-vibrated and under-vibrated concrete.
Similarly, in the case of external vibration, the resulting compaction is essentially
heterogeneous, depending on the distance to the vibration sources.
Therefore, result of the vibration is the concrete in structure with uneven compaction and
with different permeabilities, which enhances the selective ingress of aggressive substances.
Naturally, the consequences of incorrect vibration (honeycombing, segregation, bleeding,
etc.) have a much stronger negative effect on permeability and, hence, on durability.
Self compacting concrete with the right properties will be free from those shortcomings
and result in a material of consistently low and uniform permeability, offering less weak
points for deleterious actions of the environment and, hence, better durability.
The greater durability of self compacting concrete satisfies the request for sustainability
because it will be possible to minimize and delay the maintenance and repairs. So, it can be
concluded that:
Extension of durability of SCC structures and elements is due to –
i. the improved durability of SCC itself, as direct consequence of the better quality of
the interfacial transition zone (itz) and of the lower tendency to crack in comparison
with the conventional concrete.
ii. A better quality of the concrete in the job-site, due to the reduced dependency on the
procedures of casting and compaction.
 Rheology of concrete

Rheology may be defined as the science of the deformation and flow of material and is
concerned with relationships between stress, strain, rate of strain and time. The term rheology
deals with materials whose flow properties are more complicated than those of ideal liquids
which follow Newton’s law of viscous flow viz. shear stress being proportional to the rate of
shear strain are termed as Newtonian liquids. The flow behavior of fresh concrete does not
conform to it. The ratio of shear stress to shear rate is not constant for concrete. The fact that
concrete can stand in a pile (as in case of slump test) suggests that there is some minimum
stress necessary for flow to occur. The minimum stress is called as yield stress and
designated by symbol τ0. Thus for fresh concrete the flow equation is expressed by Bingham
equation which can be written as
τ = τ0 +μ ‫'ال‬
Where τ = yield value indicating cohesion of material.
μ = Plastic viscosity
‫' = ال‬Rate of shear.
Thus, Bingham’s equation gives relationship between shear stress of material expressed
in terms of cohesion, plastic viscosity and rate at which the shear load is applied.
The Bingham’s equation can be represented as given in figure 1
The concrete normally follows the Bingham’s equation under practical circumstances
with certain limits i.e. yield stress is not well defined and the flow curves is not linear except
over a limited range of shear rates.
Qualitative description of concrete rheology is shown in Figure 2

The rheology of fresh concrete like workability includes the parameters of stability,
mobility and compactibility. These parameters encompass all the different attributes of fresh
concrete which in turn determine the suitability of any concrete mix. The parameters can be
represented as below (Figure 3)
Stability is defined as a condition in which the aggregate particles are held in homogenous
dispersion in matrix of concrete. The segregation and bleeding are 2 attributes which measure the
 Specifying SCC

SCC will normally be specified as a prescribed concrete or proprietary concrete. The
proprietary concrete is the one wherein the producer assures the performance and need
not declare the composition i.e. performance specification based concrete. The prescribed
concrete is the one in which the user specifies the composition and the requirements.
Basic requirements
The specification for self compacting concrete shall contain:
a) Requirement confirming to “The European Guidelines for SCC, May 2005, Annex A”
b) Compressive strength
c) Exposure class(s) and/or limiting values of composition, e.g. maximum w/c ratio,
minimum cement content. ( as per IS 456: 2000, & it’s Amendment no.3);
d) Maximum nominal coarse aggregate size
e) Class of exposure related to chloride ion penetration.
f) Slump flow class or in special cases, a target value
The filling ability and stability of self-compacting concrete in the fresh state can be
defined by the following four key characteristics. Each characteristic can be addressed by
one or more test methods:

The test methods excluding the sieve test are given in Annexure C (C.1 to C.5). Two important
properties specific to SCC in its plastic state are its flowability and stability. SCC mixtures
typically have a higher paste volume, less coarse aggregate, and higher sand-to-coarse aggregate
ratio than typical concrete mixtures; mix is highly cohesive.
 Additional requirements

In addition to the basic requirements (Sub-clause 6.1.1) the following additional

requirements and provisions shall be:
a) T500 value for the Slump flow test or a V-funnel class (see 6.3 & Annex C);
b) L-box class or, in special cases, a target value (see Annex C);
c) Segregation resistance class or, in special cases, a target value
d) Requirements for the temperature of the fresh concrete,
e) Other technical requirements.

 Requirements in the fresh state

Specific requirements for SCC in the fresh state depend on the type of application, and
especially on:
 Confinement conditions related to the concrete element geometry, and the quantity, type
and location of reinforcement its congestion, inserts, cover and recesses etc
 Placing equipment (e.g. pump, direct from truck-mixer, skip, tremie)
 Placing methods (e.g. number and position of delivery points)
 Finishing method. The classifying system allows for an appropriate specification of SCC
to cover these requirements, which are characterized as:
 Flowability Slump-flow
 Viscosity (measure of the speed of flow)
 Passing ability (flow without blocking)
 Segregation resistance Details of the test methods for these characteristics can be found
in Annexure -C Information on selection of parameters and classes is given in Clause 6.3.
Self-compacting concrete requirements in the fresh state that are appropriate for a
given application should be selected from one or more of these four key characteristics and then
specified by class or target value .
Passing ability, viscosity and segregation resistance will affect in-situ properties of the
hardened concrete. But these should only be specified if specifically needed.
 If there is little or no reinforcement, there may be no need to specify passing ability as a
requirement may not be needed.
 Viscosity may be important where good surface finish is required or reinforcement is
highly congested but may not be specified in most other cases.
 Segregation resistance becomes increasingly important with higher fluidity and lower
viscosity SCC but if it needs to be specified. See Clause 6.3 for additional advice on
The required consistence retention time will depend on the transportation and placing
time.This should be determined and specified and it is the responsibility of the producer
to ensure that the SCC maintains its specified fresh properties during this period.
Self-compacting concrete should, if possible be placed in one continuous pour so delivery
rates should be matched to placing rate and also be agreed with the producer in order to
avoid placing stoppages due to lack of concrete or long delays in placing after the
concrete reaches site.
 Consistence classification- The EFNARC specifications for SCC gives the classification
for SCC as under
 Slump-flow
Slump-flow value describes the flowability of a fresh mix in unconfined conditions. It
is a sensitive test that will normally be specified for all SCC, as the primary check that
the fresh concrete consistence meets the specification. Visual observations during the test
and/or measurement of the T 500 time can give additional information on the segregation
resistance and uniformity of each delivery.
The following are typical slump-flow classes for a range of applications:
a) Slump flow-1(SF1) 550 - 650 mm is appropriate for:
• Unreinforced or slightly reinforced concrete structures that are cast from the top
with free displacement from the delivery point (e.g. housing slabs)
• Casting by a pump injection system (e.g. tunnel linings)
• Sections those are small enough to prevent long horizontal flow (e.g. piles and some
deep foundations). [Note: For piles slump flow 400 to 600 mm may be provided]
b) Slump flow- 2 (SF2) 660 - 750 mm is suitable for many normal applications (e.g.
walls, columns) c) Slump flow-3 (SF3) 760 – 850 mm is typically produced with a
small maximum size of aggregates (less than 16 mm) and is used for vertical
applications in very congested structures, structures with complex shapes, or for
filling under formwork. SF3 will often give better surface finish than SF 2 for normal
vertical applications but segregation resistance is more difficult to control.
Target values higher than 850 mm may be specified in some special cases but great
care should be taken regarding segregation and the maximum size of aggregate
should normally be lower than 12 mm.
 Viscosity
Viscosity can be assessed by the T 500 time during the slump-flow test or assessed
by the V-funnel flow time. The time value obtained does not measure the viscosity of
SCC but is related to it by describing the rate of flow. Concrete with a low viscosity will
have a very quick initial flow and then stop. Concrete with a high viscosity may continue
to creep forward over an extended time. Viscosity (low or high) should be specified only
in special cases such as those given below. It can be useful during mix development and
it may be helpful to measure and record the T 500 time while doing the slump-flow test
as a way of confirming uniformity of the SCC from batch to batch.
a) Viscosity VS1 has good filling ability even with congested reinforcement. It is
capable of self-leveling and generally has the best surface finish. However, it is more
likely to suffer from bleeding and segregation.
b) Viscosity VS2 has no upper class limit but with increasing flow time it is more likely
to exhibit thixotropic effects, which may be helpful in limiting the formwork pressure
(see Clause 10.5) or improving segregation resistance. Negative effects may be
experienced regarding surface finish (e.g. blow holes - see clause 12.2) and sensitivity
to stoppages or delays between successive lifts.
 Passing ability
Passing ability describes the capacity of the fresh mix to flow through confined
spaces and narrow openings such as areas of congested reinforcement without
segregation, loss of uniformity or causing blocking. In defining the passing ability, it is
necessary to consider the geometry and density of the reinforcement, the
flowability/filling ability and the maximum aggregate size.
The defining dimension is the smallest gap (confinement gap) through which SCC
has to continuously flow to fill the formwork. This gap is usually but not always related
to the reinforcement spacing. Unless the reinforcement is very congested, the space
between reinforcement and formwork cover is not normally taken into account as SCC
can surround the bars and does not need to continuously flow through these spaces.
Examples of passing ability specifications are given below:
1. Passing ability PA1 structures with a gap of 80 mm to 100 mm, (e.g. housing, vertical
2. Passing ability PA2 structures with a gap of 60 mm to 80 mm, (e.g. civil engineering
3. For thin slabs where the gap is greater than 80 mm and other structures where the gap
is greater than 100 mm no specified passing ability is required.
4. For complex structures with a gap less than 60 mm, specific mock-up trials may be
 Segregation resistance
Segregation resistance is fundamental for SCC in-situ homogeneity and quality. SCC
can suffer from segregation during placing and also after placing but before stiffening.
Segregation occurring after placing will be most detrimental in tall elements but even in
thin slabs, it can lead to surface defects such as cracking or a weak surface.
In the absence of relevant experience, the following general guidance on segregation
resistance classes is given in the following:
Segregation resistance becomes an important parameter with higher slump-flow
classes and/or the lower viscosity class, or if placing conditions promotes segregation. If
none of these apply, it is usually not necessary to specify a segregation resistance class.
a) Segregation resistance1 (SR1) is generally applicable for thin slabs and for vertical
applications with a flow distance of less than 5 meters and a confinement gap greater than
80 mm.
b) Segregation resistance 2 (SR2) is preferred in vertical applications if the flow distance
is more than 5 meters with a confinement gap greater than 80 mm in order to take care of
segregation during flow.
SR2 may also be used for tall vertical applications with a confinement gap of less than
80 mm if the flow distance is less than 5 meters but if the flow is more than 5 meters a
target SR value of less than 10% is recommended. SR2 or a target value may be specified
if the strength and quality of the top surface is particularly critical.

The use of cementitious/pozzolanic materials in the production of self-compacting concrete

(SCC) as partial replacement of cement is necessary for several reasons:
(1) it reduces the production cost since cementing materials are usually cheaper than
portland cement, (2) it contributes to concrete sustainability by reducing the amount of
cement produ
(2) tion, thus less CO 2 emission in the atmosphere, and
(3) it helps preserve natural resources by reducing the amount of industrial-by-product
dumped in the landfill.


1) Metakaolin
2) Silica Fume
3) Fly Ash
4) Lime Stone Powder


Effect of Metakaolin Content on the Properties of High
Strength Concrete-P. Dinakar, Pradosh K. Sahoo, and G.
This study presents the effect of incorporating metakaolin (MK) on the mechanical and
durability properties of high strength concrete for a constant water/binder ratio of 0.3. MK
mixtures with cement replacement of 5, 10 and 15 % were designed for target strength and slump
of 90 MPa and 100 ± 25 mm. From the results, it was observed that 10 % replacement level
was the optimum level in terms of compressive strength. Beyond 10 % replacement levels, the
strength was decreased but remained higher than the control mixture. Compressive strength of 106
MPa was achieved at 10 % replacement. Splitting tensile strength and elastic modulus values have
also followed the same trend. In durability tests MK concretes have exhibited high resistance
compared to control and the resistance increases as the MK percentage increases. This investigation
has shown that the local MK has the potential to produce high strength and high-performance

Effects of Metakaolin Content on Fresh and Hardened Properties

of Self Compacted Concrete-Sanjeev Kumar, Rinku Saini-(2015):-

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not requires vibration for
placing and compaction. SCC has higher powder content and a lower coarse aggregate
volume ratio as compared to normally vibrated concrete. If only cement is used in SCC, it
becomes high costly, susceptible to be attack and produces much thermal crack. Therefore it
is necessary to replace some of the cement by additives like Metakaolin to achieve an
economical and durable concrete. Metakaolin (MK) is a pozzolanic material. It is a
dehydroxylated form of the clay mineral kaolinite. It is obtained by calcination of kaolinitic
clay at a temperature between 500°C and 800°C. Kaolin is a fine, white, clay mineral that has
been traditionally used in the manufacture of porcelain. A SSC mix prepaid with the
replacement of cement by metakaolin in different ratios (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). Slump
flow and V- Funnel time increase with increase in the percentage of metakaolin and
mechanical properties of SCC like Compressive strength, split tensile strength and elastic
modulus of SCC decreases with increases in percentage of metakaolin at the age of 7 days
and 28 days but increases with increases in percentage of metakaolin at the age of 90 days.
Properties of High-Strength Self-Compacting Concrete Blended
Jaja, Chimene Obunwo(2016):-

This study investigates the effects of metakaolin on the fresh state and compressive strength of
high strength self-compacting concrete. The particle parking model (PPM) was adopted for the
mix design of concrete constituents. The prime rational was to eliminate void in the self-
compacting concrete (SCC). Metakaolin was used to replace cement at three incorporation ratios
of 5%, 10% and 15% at varyingwater to cementitious ratios of 0.25, 0.30, 0.35 and 0.40.
Mixes were designed to achieve both self- compatibility and high compressive strength. Several
workability tests such as slump flow, L- box, V-funnel and J-ring were carried out. The
compressive strength was measured at 7, 14 and 28 days of wet curing. The results showed that
the mix design method was adequate to proportion SCC mixtures containing cement and
metakaolin. All fresh state properties satisfied EFNARC criteria (EFNARC, 2005). The highest
compressive strength of 69.6 MPa was obtained for concrete using metakaolin. For all mixtures,
metakaolin increased compressive strength appreciably. A similar trend was observed in all the
concrete mixes and there was progressive increase in compressive strength as metakaolin
inclusion level increased.

Effect of metakaolin on the properties of conventional and self-

compacting concrete -S. Lenkaa and K.C. Panda(2017):-

Supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) have turned out to be a vital portion of

extraordinary strength and performance concrete. Metakaolin (MK) is one of SCM material is
acquired by calcinations of kaolinite. Universally utilised as pozzolanic material in concrete to
enhance mechanical and durability properties. This study investigates the fresh and hardened
properties of conventional concrete (CC) and self-compacting concrete (SCC) by partially
replacing cement with MK in diverse percentages. In CC and SCC, partial replacement of
cement with MK varies from 5-20%. Fresh concrete properties of CC are conducted by slump
test and compaction factor tests and for SCC, slump flow, T500, J-Ring, L-Box, Funnel and U-
Box tests. Hardened concrete characteristics are investigated by compressive, split tensile and
flexural strengths at age of 7, 28 and 90 days of curing under water. Carbonation depth, water
absorption and density of MK based CC and SCC was also computed. Fresh concrete test results
indicated that increase in MK replacement increases workability of concrete in a constant w/b
ratio. Also, outcomes reveal that concrete integrating MK had greater compressive, flexural and
split tensile strengths. Optimum replacement level of MK for cement was 10%, which increased
mechanical properties and robustness properties of concrete.
Review on Self Compacting Concrete using Silica Fume-Shubham
J.Kalantri, Prof. S. R. Bhuskade(March 2019):-

The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of Silica Fume as an industrial by product
as a admixture in concrete . The silica fume industrial by product found to be an attractive
cementations material which is by product of smelting process in the silicon and ferrosilicon
industry. The partial replacement of silica fume and its effects on concrete properties has been
studies by adopting M-25 concrete mix in this dissertation. The main parameter investigated in
this study M-25 concrete mix with partial replacement by silica fume with varying 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
and 10% by weight of cement .
The aim of this review is create awareness regarding effect of silica fumes in different
proportions on properties of scc. The paper presents a detailed experimental study on
compressive strength, flexural strength and split tensile strength for 7 days and 28 days
respectively. The results of experimental investigation indicates that the use of silica fume in
concrete has increased the strength and durability at all age when compared to normal concrete.
Hence the use of Silica Fume leads to reduction in cement quantity for construction purpose and
its use should be promoted for better performance as well as for environmental sustainability. In
this review paper,there is various innovative method adopted and performed on self compacting
concrete. Most studies on behavior of scc due to silica fume are not considered.

Durability performance of silica fume Self-Compacting

Concrete-Ahmed M. Tahwia,AhmedH. Abdelraheem(Dec 2019):-

The main objective of this research is to investigate the influence of silica fume on the
characteristics of SCC in fresh, hardened states and durability performance. Five mixes
produced: four of them contain different percentages of SF and the last one is control
mixture without SF. Fresh properties were measured by three tests: - slump flow cone to
measure flowability for concrete, L-box test to measure the concrete ability for passing and
Screen stability to measure segregation resistance. The mechanical property was determined
by measuring compressive strength, tensile and flexural strengths. Durability performance
was determined by measuring sulfate resistance, chloride resistance, RCPT and permeability
of specimens. The microstructural analysis for the consolidated concrete was determined by
SEM. The results of the tests indicate that there is a noticeable improvement on the
mechanical and durability performance of SCC by increasing the percent of SF to about
16% as a percent of cement weight. Furthermore, the enhancement in permeation properties
was more significant when SF percent increased to 20% of cement weight.
Preliminary study of Self Compacting Concrete by adding Silica
Fume- A review paper:-Shobana K, Gobinath, Ramachandran,
Sundarapandi, Karuthapandi(Nov 2013):-
Concrete is the construction material widely used throughout the world. Construction materials used
in the industry should be friendly with the environment during its usage. Self-compacting concrete
(SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not require vibration for placing and compaction. It is able to
flow under its own weight, completely filling formwork and achieving full compaction, even in the
presence of congested reinforcement. The hardened concrete is dense, homogenous and has the same
engineering properties and durability as traditional vibrated concrete. In order to obtain the properties of
fresh concrete for SCC, proportion of mineral and chemical admixtures to be added. Since its first
development in Japan in 1988, SCC has gained wider acceptance in Japan, Europe and USA due to its
inherent distinct advantages. The contributingfactors to this reluctance appear to be lack of any
supportive evidenceof its suitability with local aggregates and the harsh environmentalconditions. In
this study a review is presented based on the development of self-compacting concrete with mineral
admixture- Silica Fume. On various percentages of Silica Fume the SCC properties were studied.
Silica Fume was added in 10%, 12.5% and 15% by weight of cement.

Effect of Silica Fume in Flow Properties and Compressive

Strength of Self Compacting Concrete-S.S.Vivek and
In the present paper to evaluate performance of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC) by replacing
cement with varying the silica fume (SF) percentages. An attempt was made to study the
performance of fresh concrete by slump flow test, T500 test and the hardened properties of
concrete by compression test. There were four mixes of SCC were made by replacement of
cement with various percentages of silica fume from 5 to 20% with an increment of 5%. Tests
were carried out to assess the compressive strength of concrete at different ages namely 7, 14 and
28 days. For SCC, super-plasticizer (Conplast SP430) was added in optimized dosage. It was
found that replacement of cement by 10% of silica fume with a water to powder (w/p) ratio of
0.8 gave better results on fresh properties and compressive strength of admixed concrete
Self-Compacting Concrete – an analysis of Properties using
FlyAsh Dasarathy.A, M. Tamil Selvi, D. Leela, S. Kumar:-

Self compacting concrete has ability involves not only high deformability of paste or mortar,
but also resistance to segregation between coarse aggregate and mortar when the concrete
flows through the confined zone of reinforcing bars. Several researchers have employed the
different methods to achieve self- compactability. In recent years, self-compacting concrete
(SCC) has gained wide use for placement in congested reinforced concrete structures with
difficult casting conditions. For such applications, the fresh concrete must possess high fluidity
and good cohesiveness. The initial results of an experimental program aimed at producing and
evaluating SCC made with high volumes of fly ash are presented and discussed. Nine SCC
mixtures and one control concrete were investigated in this study. The content of the
cementitious materials was maintained constant (400 kg/m3), while the water / cementitious
material ratios ranged from 0.35 to 0.45. The self-compacting mixtures had a cement
replacement of 40,50 and 60% by Class F fly ash. Tests were carried out on all mechanical
properties of hardened concretes such as compressive strength were also determined. The self-
compacting concretes developed a 28- day compressive strengths ranging from 26 to 48 MPa.
The results show that an economical self-compacting concrete could be successfully developed
by incorporating high-volumes of Class F fly ash. The present project investigates the making
of self-compacting concrete more affordable for the construction market by replacing high
volumes of Portland cement by fly ash. The study focuses on comparison of fresh properties of
SCC containing varying amounts of fly ash with that containing commercially available
admixture. Test result substantiate the feasibility to develop low cost SCC using Class F fly

Experimental Analysis of Self Compacting Concrete using Fly ash

and Fibres-Anisha Mary.M: -

Self-compacting concrete is a relatively invention in concrete and the addition of fibers to it

shows improved strength properties. Several studies has been done on self compacting concrete
with fiber addition. In this work, an attempt has been made to make glass fiber and polyester
fiber self-compacting concrete (FRSCC). FRSCC mixtures had a cement replacement of 25% fly
ash and addition of glass fiber and polyester fiber at 0.05%, 0.10%, 0.15% and 0.2% on total
volume of mix. For testing its properties in the fresh state, slum−flow test, L−box and V−funnel
were used. Compression (strength of 7 and 28 days), flexural and split tensile strength tests were
carried out.
Experimental Investigation on Self Compacting Concrete by
Partial Replacement of Cement with Flyash -Y.Chandrakala, EV
Raghava Rao, D.Satish:-

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) has high flow ability and cohesive properties as required. It
spread and consolidate readily into place (i.e. due to low viscosity) through and around the
narrow space/ congested/ dense reinforcement under self-weight. It fills formwork without
external vibration or some time little vibration, without segregation and bleeding. This study
presents an experimental investigation on self-compacting concrete (SCC) with cement
replacement of a FLY ASH (0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) were cast to study the effect on
compressive strength at 14, 28 & chemical admixtures like super plasticizers (SP). After each
mix preparation the specimens are cured in water for 3, 7 & 28 days. The slump, J-Box and L-
Box test are carried out on the fresh SCC and in harden concrete compressive strength and split
tensile strength values are determined. Attempts have been made to study the properties of such
SCCs and to investigate the suitability of FLY ASH to be used as partial replacement materials
for CEMENT in SCC.

Self-concrete design and performance using flyash -Ifrah

Mushtaq, Sandeep Nasier (April 2018):-

Concrete is the most heavily consumed man-made construction material in the world. The word
concrete is originated from the Latin word “concretes” which means condensed and hardened.
Concrete is made from three principle ingredients cement, aggregates and water. These materials
when mixed together produce a liquid that can be poured into almost any shape and with
time turns into a rock like material. Preparation of concrete utilizes plenty of natural
resources and hence in order to promote sustainability, use of agro industrial waste materials can
possibly prevent the excessive utilization of these natural resources to the point of depletion that
can have d detrimental impacts. Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is a flowing concrete
mixture that is able to consolidate under its own weight without undergoing any significant
segregation. This paper investigates the workability and Strength characteristics of Self-
Compacting Concrete (SCC) prepared by partially replacing cement (ordinary Portland cement)
with fly ash at different replacement levels (10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%). The Guidelines of
European Federation of National Associations Representing for Concrete (EFNARC) was
followed for mix designing purpose. The experiments were carried out by adopting a water-
powder ratio of 0.43. Workability of the fresh concrete is determined by using te s such as:
slump flow, T 50cm Slump, V funnel, and L-Box. The strength properties such as compressive
strength, splitting tensile strength and flexural strength were tested at the age of 7 and 28days
Properties of self-compacting concrete mixtures containing
metakaolin and blast furnace slag Eva Vejmelková, Martin Keppert,

Stefania Grzeszczyk, Bartłomiej Skalin ski, Robert C erny ,February

Rheological, mechanical and durability properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) mixes
produced using blended binders containing metakaolin and blast furnace slag are studied.
The rheological proper- ties of SCC mix with metakaolin are characterized by significant
yield stress and relatively low viscosity, while the mix with blast furnace slag shows zero
yield stress and higher viscosity. The compressive strength of SCC with metakaolin grows
very fast during the initial hardening period and remains signif- icantly higher, as compared
with the mix with blast furnace slag, up to 90 days. Durability properties of the mix
containing metakaolin are excellent. Water absorption coefficient and water penetration
depths are very low. The freeze resistance tests show zero mass loss after 56 cycles in
deicing salt solution

Use of recycled concrete aggregate and granulated blast furnace slag

in self-compacting concrete P. Abhishek, P. Ramachandra, P.S.
Niranjan ,(September 2020):-
In civil engineering industries, mass utilization of concrete has prompted to use
recycled aggregates and slag as one of the strategies and an option for whole
range of possibilities in the use and reuse of con- struction materials in civil
industry. In this paper, an investigation is carried out to study the fresh and
harden properties of granulated blast furnace slag (GBS) based normal vibrated
concrete (NVC) and self-compacting concrete (SCC) with partial replacement
of natural coarse aggregate (NCA) with recycled concrete aggregate (RCA).
The testing on constituent materials is conducted as per Indian code of prac-
tice. The tests on fresh NVC and SCC were conducted as per the Indian
standards and EFNARC guidelines respectively. The tests on harden state of
concrete include the compression test on cube specimens as per the Indian
standards. The present study is limited to investigate the fresh and harden
properties of GBS based NVC and SCC with partial replacement (0%, 20%,
25%, 30%, and 35%) of NCA with RCA with a mean target compressive
strength of 30 N/mm2. The topographic and compositional analysis on samples
of both NVC and SCC group specimens is determined using the Scanning
electron micrograph (SEM). From the present study it is concluded that the
compressive strength of the GBS based SCC group spec- imens with NCA
replaced by RCA of more than 20% s showed reduction in compressive strength
both for 7-day and 28-day results in comparison to respective NVC group
Design of self-compacting concrete with ground granulated blast
furnace slag, P. Dinakar, Kali Prasanna Sethy, Umesh C. Sahoo, MAY
Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS), due to its pozzolanic nature, could be a great
asset for the modern construction needs, because slag concretes can be of high performance, if
appropriately designed. The use of GGBS as a cementitious material as well as fine filler is
being increasingly advocated for the production of High Performance Concrete (HPC), Roller
Compacted Concrete (RCC) and self compacting concrete (SCC), etc. However, for obtaining
the required high performance in any of these concrete com- posites, slag should be properly
proportioned so that the resulting concrete would satisfy both the strength and performance
criteria requirements of the structure. The present paper is an effort towards presenting a new
mix design methodology for the design of self compacting GGBS concretes based on the
efficiency concept. The methodology has already been successfully verified through a proper
experimen- tal investigation and the self compacting slag concretes were evaluated for their self
compactability and strength characteristics. The results indicate that the proposed method can
be capable of producing high quality SCC.

Use of air-cooled blast furnace slag as supplementary cementitious

material for self-compacting concrete production Rudiele A.
Schankoski b , Ronaldo Pilar:-

The manufacturing process of pig iron generates large amounts of slag. The slow cooling of this
waste generates the air-cooled blast furnace slag (ACS). Since it is less reactive than granulated
blast furnace slag (GBFS), ACS finds little use as supplementary cementitious material (SCM) and
the existing studies use it only as aggregates in concrete. This work investigated the use of
finely ground ACS as SCM for selfcompacting concrete (SCC) production. Pastes and SCCs with
GBFS, ACS in two grinding levels and limestone filler (LF) were produced, and their fresh state
performance, hydration kinetics and compressive strength from 3 to 91 days were evaluated.
ACS increased the yield stress and viscosity of the pastes compared with LF, also increasing the
SCC’s superplasticizer content required to reach the target slump flow of 650 ± 50 mm.
Nonetheless, this increase was from 0.95 up to 1.36 kg/m3 of concrete, and all the mixes
presented V-funnel time of 4–6 s and were highly stable in the fresh state (VSI = 0, with no
segregation/ bleeding). Isothermal calorimetry indicated that ACS slightly shortened the
induction period compared with LF, but led to equivalent peak values. Concretes with ACS and
LF had similar strengths at all ages, reaching 32 ± 1 MPa at 3 days and 41 ± 2 MPa at 91 days,
indicating that no significant reaction was observed for ACS up to the later age. Furthermore,
blending ACS with LF in equal proportions resulted in a SCC with fresh performance equivalent
to that containing only LF, in addition to increasing the strength b about 5% at all ages. In
general, ACS had comparable performance to that of LF and can be used as SCM in SCC.

Effects of Limestone Powder on Self-compacting Concrete Properties
Yousif Hummaida Ahmed, and Khalid Salah Eldin Babiki (November

Powder type of self-compacting concrete (SCC) needs high cement content to achieve self-
compactibility, this will be undesirable in tropical climate of Sudan due to implication of high
hydration heat. This paper investigates reducing cement content up to 340 Kg/m3 by blending
limestone powder (LSP) up to 15 % as replacement of cement weight. Therefore, fifteen mixes
having maximum powder content (P) of 400 Kg/m3 have been carried out with four
water/powder ratios (W/P) (0.35, 0.4, 0.43 and 0.45). Fresh properties and compressive strength
of SCC were measured. Results show most of the mixes have achieved self-compactibility in the
fresh stages. However, the compressive strength of the mixes has been reduced with increased
level of LSP replacing cement. This reduction in strength is caused by dilution effect of adds

Effect of Limestone Powder on Self-Compacting Concrete Osama

Mohamed Ahmed Daoud and Omer Saadeldin Mahgoub Fadl Elsaid

August 2020:-

Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative construction material in the construction

industry. It is a highly fluid and stable concrete that flows under its own weight and fills
completely the formwork. The SCC requires high powder content (mainly of cement) up to
600kg/m3 to achieve its properties. This will be problematic because increasing the cement
content is not feasible, and may cause high cost and some other technical problems such as
higher heat of hydration and higher drying shrinkage. This paper investigates the effect of
limestone powder (LSP) on fresh and hardened properties of SCC due to the use of LSP as a
partial cement replacement. For comparison, a control sample of concrete was prepared without
LSP to compare it with the various samples containing different percentages of LSP as a partial
replacement of cement. Four mixes with a constant amount of (superplasticizer, sand, coarse
aggregate, and water) at various replacement levels of 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% from cement
weight were prepared. The experimental results show that the LSP can be effectively used as a
partial cement replacement on SCC to reduced cost and enhanced the performance of SCC in
fresh and hardened stages.

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