Blue Green Nature Adventure Mountain Trifold Brochure
Blue Green Nature Adventure Mountain Trifold Brochure
Blue Green Nature Adventure Mountain Trifold Brochure
Tour and
Health and Safety Protocols
Romblon-bound fully vaccinated tourists from Alert Levels 1, 2, and 3 areas: a and enjoy the travel activities.
vaccination card or certificate that shows their fully vaccinated status
Fully vaccinated tourists from Alert Levels 4 and 5 areas: a negative RT-PCR test
result taken within 72 hours from arrival and a vaccination card or certificate
that shows their fully vaccinated status
For unvaccinated and partially vaccinated individuals: a negative RT-PCR test
result taken within 72 hours from arrival Justin Travel and Tour
Acceptance letter from the LGU of destination
Travel Coordination Permit (TCP) from
Valid ID
By Air
Tugdan Airport in Tablas is the gateway to the province
by plane. Cebu Pacific regularly fly to and from Romblon. Parc Bay Mansion (Contact No:
From the airport, catch a ride to Odiongan Port and hop Explore the unspoiled and virgin beaches of
+639215757760). A big fan room with
on to ferries going to Romblon Island or travel by land to Romblon. The beaches of Bonbon, Margie’s,
San Agustin where there are regular boat trips (10AM queen sized bed and colored television
and 3PM) to Romblon. Meanwhile, Romblon to San
Tiamban and Talipasak among others.
Visit St. Joseph Cathedral, the oldest church in costs P800 per night. Facilities are basic
Agustin boats departs at 8AM and 1PM everyday.
the province originally built in 15th century but the location is great, conveniently
By Sea but is now reconstructed with its facade made located near the port with a good view of
Booking period
regarded as twin beach of Boracay.
Scuba diving in more than 20 known dive spots across the province:
Agnay Sanctuary, Agpanabat Caves & Canyons and Sanctuary, Alad
Island, Bangug Island, Bonbon Beach, Cobrador Island, Tinang Island,
Coral Garden, Giant Clam Sanctuary, Logbon Island, Naguso’s Wall,
Today – 24 August, 2023
Phil’s Fan Coral Collection, Salvar Beach, San Pedro Cliff and
Sanctuary, Sasaigang Point, Sunken Island, Telsie’s Garden and
Turtles’ Feeding Place in Romblon Island; Blue Hole, Bonbon Sea
Grass Valley, Carmen’s Cliff, Guindauahan Island, Origon Rocks,
Peter’s Pinnacles and Times Square in Tablas Island; and Cresta de
Gallo in Sibuyan. Expect to see wrecks, sharks, rays, tuna, barracuda,
and other pelagics and tropical marine species, corals and crinoids.
Travel period
Dive shops in Romblon Island include: Cabanbanan Dive and Beach
Resort and The Three P Holiday & Dive Resort / Ducks Diving Today – 24 August, 2023
Snorkeling and other water sports
Trek Mt. Guiting-Guiting in Sibuyan Island
Buy marble products
Blue of Romblon