The Strategic Management Paper
The Strategic Management Paper
The Strategic Management Paper
The learners shall be grouped into a maximum of three (3) members and are expected to have an
organization (business or non-profit) that shall be the subject of their STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
Note: This STRAMA paper will not include projected cash flow statements, income statements, and
balance sheets for financial projections to make this course realistic for the given period. The learners,
however, should take note that financial projection is a vital part of strategic management in the real-
world scenario.
III. The Evaluation of the STRAMA Paper and the Oral Defense
1. The learners shall submit the following before the evaluation of the STRAMA Paper and the oral
a. three (3) copies/sets of their STRAMA paper to the professor on or before the deadlines for
Midterm and Final Summative Assessments, respectively.
b. Soft copy of STRAMA Paper and printed result of the plagiarism test result of the STRAMA
2. The STRAMA paper shall be evaluated based on how well it meets the requirements stated under
sections I and II above and on how well the learners can present and defend it before a panel.
3. The evaluation of the STRAMA paper and the oral defense will be done jointly by the STRAMA
professor who acts as the chair of the panel and two (2) panel members.
4. The learners will receive a grade for the actual STRAMA paper submitted (to be given a weight of
70%) and for the oral defense (to be given a weight of 30%). The weighted average will then weigh
30% in the overall STRAMA grade of the learner (see Grading System in the syllabus).
5. The Evaluation of the STRAMA Paper. The following criteria will be used for grading the STRAMA
a. Completeness and technical correctness (30 pts) – the degree to which the prescribed content
requirements of the paper have been met, at the same time indicating the correct application
of the STRAMA concepts, theories, and tools.
b. Critical thinking (25 pts) – the ability to integrate information and ideas and carry out a
rational and in-depth analysis and the ability to identify key strategic management issues and
produce substantive, creative, logical, and well-thought-out strategy recommendations.
c. Organization and Writing Skills (15 pts) - the degree to which the topics have been logically
sequenced within sections, use of correct grammar, spelling, tables, and figures formats,
appropriateness of language used, and the overall written communication skill as reflected in
the paper.
6. The Oral Defense. The oral defense grade will be based on the degree to which the learner
demonstrates mastery of the subject through the presentation of the summary and strategic issues and
strategy recommendations and handling of the questions from the panel members. The learner’s oral
communication skills, clarity, and effectiveness of the presentation materials used are also important
and will be considered in the evaluation.
The following rubric will be used in assessing the quality of the presentation during oral defense:
Organization The presentation There were minimal The presentation The presentation
Was the lacked organization signs of had organized ideas was well-organized,
presentation well and had little organization or but could have been well-prepared, and
organized and easy evidence of preparation. much stronger with easy to follow.
to follow? preparation. better preparation.
Presentation The presenters were Presenters were not Presenters were The presenters were
Did the presenters unconfident and consistent with the occasionally all very confident in
speak clearly? Did demonstrated little level of confidence/ confident with their their delivery and
they engage in the evidence of preparedness they presentation they did an
class? Was it planning before the showed the however it was not excellent job of
obvious the presentation. classroom but had as engaging as it engaging the class.
material had been some strong could have been for Preparation is
rehearsed? moments. the class. evident.
Use of Media Media is Relies heavily on Looks at the Media are used
Did the group use superfluous or the media used. materials often to effortlessly to
any media or nothing was used Materials rarely keep track of the enhance the
materials to support during the support the presentation. They presentation.
their presentation? presentation. presentation. are easy to use and materials are
Did they reinforce understand. appropriate, easy to
the presentation and understand, and
are appropriate, attractive.
easy to understand,
and attractive?
7. For the STRAMA paper and the oral defense, the grade will be determined jointly by the STRAMA
professor and the other two defense panel members based on a defined set of criteria and rubrics. The
learners’ grades for the STRAMA paper and oral defense will be the weighted average of the grades
given by the three (3) panel members.
Provide a summary or overview of the strategy paper (in two pages at most), stating what the
business of the company is, the main results of the external and internal analyses, results of strategy
formulation tools used, the key strategic management issues and the recommended strategic and financial
objectives (at least for the next three years), and strategies and significant action plans.
Include a short background on the company.
Nature of business/products/services
Current revenue size and profit
Major markets served.
Number of employees
Other relevant basic information
2. Analyze your industry using Porter’s Five Forces framework of competitive analysis and
based on the preceding analysis, state your conclusion for each force.
3. Do a competitor analysis:
a. Identify your major competitors and provide relevant information for each, e.g.,
revenue size, financial health, market share, strategies, etc. If there are too many,
select and focus only on a few (about two or three) and explain why you chose to
focus on these competitors.
b. Evaluate your competitors and your company vis-à-vis the critical success factors
A. Review the company’s performance in terms of key performance indicators:
1. Revenue/sales in the past three years
2. How does the company’s growth compare with industry growth or vis-à-vis the other
3. Profitability, other relevant performance indicators
4. Applicable financial ratios
5. Value Chain Analysis
C. From the above, identify the company’s major strengths and weaknesses.
D. Use the IFE matrix to evaluate the overall internal strengths and weaknesses of the company.
Note that the business and organizational strategies may also be combined if deemed
more appropriate.
Additional Guidelines:
Do not be constrained by the company’s current strategic plans or what you think will be
acceptable to the company’s management. What is important is that your recommended strategies
follow the logic of your external and internal analyses, your strategy formulation tools, and your
strategic insights.
Make assumptions whenever necessary but state these assumptions clearly.
Ensure internal consistency of your strategic and action plans with the action plan/projections.
While the STRAMA paper will be evaluated largely based on its logic, substance, and content, it
should be professionally done and written in a formal style using the correct grammar, spelling,
choice of words, and proper format. In addition, all tables and figures in the paper should be
numbered for easy reference and should have appropriate titles, with units of measures used and
data sources indicated. The previous three years’ financial statements should be included in the
paper as part of the Appendices.
Acknowledge and cite your references and data sources. Proper footnoting should be followed.
Note that the school enforces strict rules against plagiarism.