Project 1 Teaching and Learning Strategies
Project 1 Teaching and Learning Strategies
Project 1 Teaching and Learning Strategies
One of the fundamental rights for every human being is education. Education
prepares the individual for changes in life.
Consequently Gujjar, Khan, Baig, Ramzan, and Saifi (2010) opined that education does not
only deliver information but for developing complete personality of the child.
In Nigeria there are three levels of education; primary, secondary, tertiary level. Secondary
education is the level between primary and tertiary education. It equally prepares students to
be productive members of the society (Jegede and Owolabi, 2003). In developed countries,
secondary school is seen as the gateway to providing not only citizens but also a capable
According to the world bank in etim (2006), secondary education is now being recognized as
the cornerstone of educational system in the 21st century. It is therefore means that quality
secondary education is indispensible in creating a bright future for individuals and nations
Economics is one of the subjects in secondary schools. It is an important subject that is being
taught in the secondary schools. Economics is important both to the students and the society
at large because it cuts across all spheres of human endeavors.
Economics as a discipline was introduced into the Nigerian secondary school
curriculum in 1966, much later than most other secondary school subject. Ever since
economics was first taken as a school subject in West Africa School certificate in 1967, the
number of schools that teach it and the number of students that take the examination has
witnessed a phenomenal increase. Economics may be described as a social science that deals
with the way individuals; firms’ societies organize themselves to solve the universal problem
of limited scarce resources. Economics is regarded as a social science because it studies
human behaviours. Davies (2003) defines economics as the study of production, distribution
and consumption of wealth in human society. Also Robbins cited in Oleabhiele (2012) sees
economics as a science which studies human behaviour in relationship to ends and scarce
means which have an alternative uses.
The two main areas of economics among the others are: micro and macroeconomics.
Microeconomics is the study of economics at the level of individual consumer, individual
firms in an industry, individual demand for commodity, and the unit price of product in a
market. Apparently, there is no very sharp distinction between micro and macroeconomics.
As microeconomics deals with the individual unit of an economy, the macroeconomics deals
with the aggregation of the individual units of the economy. Thus, macroeconomics studies
the economy as a whole. Macroeconomics looks at issued like the general price level,
aggregate demand, aggregate expenditure, the level of unemployment in the economy among
1.2 Statement of Problem
Economics being taught in secondary schools has been observed that student
performed poorly in the 2012 May/June senior certificate examination.
It has also been observed that there are lots of factors militating against the effective teaching
and learning in the secondary schools in this study area.
Poor performance in secondary school certificate examination WAEC is caused by many
factors such as students ineffective study techniques, quality of teachers and methods of
teaching and problem of inadequate instructional materials for teaching and learning of
economics in schools.
The teacher does not teach with the most relevant, meaningful and useful materials for
specific students, he must recognize and adopt a good and well-researched technique of
teaching that guarantees better understanding and also stimulates and motivate the students.
1.3 Purpose of the study
This study will try to assess the strategies that is used to enhance the teaching and learning of
economics in Oluyole local Government Area of Oyo State.
• To find out the strategies for effective teaching and learning of economics in senior
secondary schools
• To find out how the teachers make use of these strategies in effective teaching and
learning of economics in senior secondary schools
• To find out how students are adapting to these strategies for effective teaching and
learning of economics.
1.4 Research questions
• What are the strategies to enhance teaching and learning of economics in
senior secondary schools?
• To what extent do the teachers make use of these strategies for effective
teaching and learning of economics in senior secondary schools?
• To what extent do the students learn and adapt to these strategies for effective
teaching and learning of economics in senior secondary schools?
a. Concept of Teaching
b. Concept of Learning
c. Concept of Economics
d. Concept of Strategies
e. Strategies of effective teaching
f. Factors enhancing effective teaching and learning of economics
Theoretical framework
• social learning theory (SLT)
• constructive learning theory
• two factor theory
Empirical studies
Summary of review of related literature
a. Concept of Teaching
Teaching is an umbrella that refers to teacher’s values attitudes, beliefs and intentions
towards teaching. It can also be referred as a process of facilitating students learning
(Kember, 2010). Researchers have found that teaching practices are often underpinned by a
set of inter-related beliefs and values, which is generally known as 'conception of teaching'.
There is also keen interest in understanding. How teachers' conception of teaching affects
their teaching as such influences the quality of students' learning. “Concept of teaching” is an
umbrella term that refers to a teacher's values, attitudes, beliefs and intentions towards
teaching. Types of conception of teaching: Kember (1997) reviewed studies that examined
teachers' conceptions of teaching, and summarized the major categories. In general, there are
two contrasting conceptions, the teacher-centred and student- centred. In-between these two
poles, there is an intermediate kind of conception. We will explore each of these three forms
of conception of teaching in turn.
Student-centred conception of teaching includes the following set of beliefs
Teaching is viewed as a process of facilitating students' learning Teacher is viewed as a
facilitator to support students' learning Students are considered to have agency and
responsibility of how to learn Knowledge is constructed by the students Teacher-centred
conception of teaching includes the following set of beliefs The teacher is viewed as
presenter of information and knowledge, whereas
Teaching is viewed as a process of imparting information and knowledge from one end to
another. Students are considered as passive receiver as if they are empty vessels receiving the
'pouring' from the teacher Knowledge is possessed by the teacher Intermediate transitional
conception of teaching includes the following sets of beliefs In-between the two ends of
conception of teaching, there is one in the middle that bears some of the characteristics from
each pole: Teaching is viewed as a process of student-teacher interaction Teachers serve the
dual role of a teacher and a tutor to facilitate learning Students are considered as participants
in the process Knowledge is constructed by students within the teachers' framework Why
does understanding conception of teaching matter? Conceptions of teaching affect an arrays
of teachers' choices in practice, which include, teaching method, design and choice of
learning tasks, design and choice of assessment tasks, assessment demands and workload of a
subject/course. All of these can influence students’ ways of studying and the quality of
learning. For example, if a teacher has a teacher- centred conception of teaching, it is highly
likely that he or she will rely on the use of lectures as the main activity to teach; see students
attentiveness to one's lecture as the major criterion of goodness; and define knowledge as
clear-cut. On the other hand, if a teacher endorses a student-centred conception of teaching, it
doesn't imply that he or she will never lecture in his or her class. On the contrary, it means
that one will select the most appropriate form of activity to facilitate students' learning, and
lecture is among one of the strategies. Furthermore, teacher will have a more malleable view
of correctness and take mistake as good opportunities to aid students to construct knowledge.
b. Concept of Learning
Researchers found that learning behaviors, in like terms as conception of teaching, are often
underpinned by a set of inter-related beliefs and values, which is generally known as
'conception of learning'. There is also keen interest in understanding how students' conception
of learning affects their studying and ultimately their quality of students' learning.
Concept of learning is an umbrella term that refers to one's values, attitude, beliefs and
intention towards learning. Quantitative conception of learning is gathering and remembering
bits of information in accumulative manner. Learning therefore is marked by countable
number of facts and items remembered. Contents to be learnt are isolated and unrelated items.
Process of learning is seen as transmission of knowledge from authority to oneself.
Qualitative conception of learning is about meaning making of new information encountered,
understanding of self and ways of interpreting the world Learning is therefore viewed as a
developmental process Contents to be learnt are complex and inter-related, and may have the
potential to relate to one-self Learning is the process of constructing meaning by students
themselves with the facilitation of teachers. Why does understanding students' conception of
learning matter?
Conception of learning, like conception of teaching, affects an arrays of students' learning
behavior, which includes, motivation to study, approach to study, perception of workload and
how they understanding what constitutes knowledge and knowing. And all of these relate to
quality of learning. For example, if a student who endorses a quantitative conception of
learning, he or she will likely to rely on rote learning and memorizing materials taught by
teaching; and will not see the need to make sense of things learnt; will define knowledge as
clear-cut and correctness can be neatly judged by teacher. Furthermore, students with this
conception will be less likely to persist when in difficulty and see ill- structured problem as
difficult and unnecessary and therefore as extra workload On the other hand, if a student
endorses a qualitative conception of learning, it is likely that he or she will actively make
sense of those newly taught materials and relate to their existing knowledge; they will treat
knowledge as inter-related and complex will therefore require persistence to acquire and
c. Concept of Economics
The word ‘’Economics’’ has some broad meanings, according to Robinson, it is the social
science which study human behaviour with the relationship between the ends and the scarce
means which has alternative uses. Economics is a process of recording, classifying, selecting,
measuring, interpreting, summarizing and analyzing data for decision making. There is basic
fundamental which guide the economist in recording, appreciating and assessing information
as well as the preparation and interpretation of data. The economics information system is
proven, time honoured and its formal is universally understood.
According to Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004), stated that the broad goal of secondary
school education is to prepare individual for useful living within the society and higher
education. The curriculum designed for senior secondary school as one of the six years’
duration, is given in the two stages, comprehensive and broad based aimed at broadening
student’s knowledge and outlook. Subjects offered in the senior secondary schools are three
groups; core- subject, vocational and non-vocational subjects, one of the vocational subjects
is economics.
According to WAEC (2005) the objectives of the studying economics at senior secondary
school are as follows:
- To enable senior secondary school student to appreciate the basic rule functions and
principles of economics.
- To lay proper foundation for further study of economics and allied courses at higher level.
- To enable the students, understand basic fundamentals and their application to modern
business activities.
The importance of economics in different areas of human life is discussed below: In
the daily life of people: People are confronted with manifold wants in their daily life. But the
resources to satisfy those wants are limited. By studying economics we can know the use of
limited resources to satisfy alternative wants on the basis of priority. In the proper use of
resources: We can learn about the use of resources with the knowledge of economics. Study
of economics helps us to understand about how to produce the maximum output by the
proper use of limited resources.
In state management: The knowledge of economics is indispensable to manage the
economic and development activities of a state. For this reason the politicians and the
government officers need to have proper knowledge of the currency system, banking system,
tax system, industrial and trade policy, budgeting etc. The knowledge of economics helps in
managing the state affairs. To social workers: Economic causes lie at the roots of maximum
social problems. The social workers need to have knowledge of economics to diagnose and
solve the problems of poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, excessive growth of population,
lack of housing and medical facilities etc. To the labor leaders: The leaders of the workers
should have the knowledge of economics for improving their bargaining capacity in respect
of the formation of trade unions, the increase of wage and other benefits, the improvement of
their working conditions etc.
d. Concept of strategies
A strategy is a method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of
a goal or solution to a problem. The concept of strategy has been borrowed from the military
and adapted for use in business and educational aspects. A strategy is also a technique used
by the teachers to help students become independent. These strategies becoming learning
strategies when students independently select the appropriate ones and use them effectively to
accomplish tasks or meet goals.
These strategies can:
• Motivate students and help them focus attention
• Organize information for understanding and remembering
• Monitor and asses learning
Strategy is a general framework that provides guidance for actions to be taken and at the
same time, is shaped by the actions taken. This means that the necessary precondition for
formulating strategy is a clear and widespread understanding of the ends to be obtained.
Teaching strategies refers to the methods used to help the students learn the desired course
contents and be able to develop achievable goods in the future.
Teaching strategies identify the different available learning methods to enable them to
develop right strategy to deal with the target group.
5. Guided approach: makes the teacher to control and directs students in all areas of
lesson. The teachers initiate the topic, the hypotheses, the collection and analysis of
the data and guide the students to arrive at a solution. The modified approach, here
student have some knowledge about the topic, so, they can handle some parts of the
procedure while teacher assists the students in areas they don’t know. Free approach
student can handle the problem on their own they can formulate the topic and work on
it up to the solution level.
6. Lecture Method: This is the process whereby the teachers verbally deliver a per-
planned body of knowledge to his student. The teachers talk while the learners listen
and jot down some points. In some cases, the teachers may not take question from the
students. This method which is teachers may not take question from the students. This
method which is teacher-centred is often used in upper classes of secondary schools
and in post-secondary school or institutions. It is one of earlier methods (Traditional)
in use. Early Greek Philosophers i.e. Socrates (470-399 B.C) and Plato (427-347 B.C)
used this method during their times. They were used to be surrounded by their
students who alternatively listed while they talked or pour out their knowledge or
wisdom. In this method students pay attention and jot down notes which make the
teacher to have full control in what the learner should know and cover a wide area of
study also few instructional materials are required and it enable the teacher to teach
large population of students at once.
Availability of Enough qualified economics teachers: Lexvis, (2003) pointed out that one
of the major impediment to effective teaching and learning of economics is non availability
of qualified economics teachers with adequate training. He said that there are no enough
qualified teachers who will transmit the information expected. In the teaching of the subject,
at times graduated of other field are employed to handle the subject due to the lack of
teachers in economics.
A sound knowledge and understanding of economics does not mean only to be able to say
easily, numerous economics definition as given by various authors of the accumulation of a
vast of array of concepts, techniques and detailed theoretical constructions, but rather, the
knowledge and understanding of central core of scarce and unlimited human wants and
Ajayi, (2000) stated that lack of adequately qualified teachers inhibits the effective teaching
and learning of economics in senior secondary school in research carried out by him, finding
shows that, 60.5 percent of economic teachers are not professionals and 39.5 percent are
professionals while out of 39.5 percent, 26,2 percent are none graduate (NCE) only 13.3
percent are graduate (BSc.Ed). This means professional economics teachers are insufficient
in our secondary school to cater for the needs of the students.
In view of this, Gbenga (2001) stated that students with certified teachers performed better
than students with no certified teachers or with emergency certification.
Availability of Enough Teaching Aids in Economics: One of the major problem facing
economics teachers is due to lack of relevant teaching instructional materials like relevant
text books on economics, audio usual aids as graphs, slides chart, diagrams, radio, chalkboard
etc. due to inadequate teaching aids, it hinder proper teaching of economics in senior
secondary schools administration and curriculum designers should provide special funds for
the procurement of enough teaching aids for both students and teachers of secondary schools.
According to Akudu (2009) in the teaching and learning process, there can never be
any effective teaching without adequate use of instructional materials. They are of paramount
important in teaching and learning process as it help the teacher in concertizing the abstract
idea and for the proper understanding of the lesson by the students.
Wale (1990) stated that “use of instructional resources would make students discover fact,
glued firmly to his or her memory. Savory (1993) suggested a catalogue of useful visual aids
that are good for teaching economics are graphs, pictures, chart, diagrams and models. He
said that selection of material which are related to base content of a course or a lesion, helps
in depth understanding of such lesson by the students in that they mate the lesson attractive to
them, there by arresting their attention and thus, motivating than to learn. He suggested a
catalogue of aids which could be use to teach economics. He advocated the use of picture,
which will help children in grounding their thoughts and feelings. He said that pictures are
use as alternatives to real objects where it is impossible to imagine activities.
Fayemi (2002) in his survey conducted hypothesis shows that 69.2 percent of economic
teachers in secondary schools are not using proper teaching aids while 30.8 percent are using
it effectively.
Adeyemo (2012) stated that the availability of economics teaching aids in secondary has
increased as compared to the previous years. Adeyemo noted that in 2000 the use of
economic teaching aids in secondary school is only 36 percent while at 2012 the rate
increased to 68 percent. Adeyemo recommended that one way to improve the achievements
of students in economics is to increase the provision of adequate instructional resources and
trained economics teachers on how to use the available instructional materials effectively.
Physical Space: To create a classroom environment conducive to learning, you must first
focus on the physical space. Use every possible area of the room to create an atmosphere that
encourages participation and learning. The physical space includes the layout and
arrangement of the desks or tables, the placement of computers and equipment, and items on
the bulletin boards and walls.
In modern classrooms the tables and desks are usually not fixed, allowing for various seating
arrangements. Take time to draw up a seating plan based on how you expect to conduct your
lessons. If you’ll give a lot of instruction, it’s ideal to have any students who have difficulties
closer to you so that they have greater access to the lesson. If you’ll require your students to
take part in collaborative activities, you can arrange the classroom so that you have maximum
visibility of all groups, which may then be clustered around the classroom as appropriate.
You may be required to make individual seating changes based on disruptive behavior,
keeping students who are more likely to be disruptive closer to you and rewarding them by
allowing them to move if they learn to conduct themselves more appropriately. You could
also allow students to be clustered around focus areas for activities, moving back to a more
traditional seating arrangement when they have completed the activity. Always try to
accommodate the physical size of students by procuring an adequately sized desk for them.
Another dimension of the physical classroom is the wall space. Wall space should be pleasing
to the eye, with special attention to student morale and learning. One way of accomplishing
this is an organized display of student work. Displaying student work not only boosts morale
but also fosters ownership of the classroom.
Getting Students to Cooperate: One of the most challenging aspects of maintaining a neat
and organized environment that is conducive to learning is getting the students to cooperate.
To begin, you should clearly define the rules and routines for transitions between activities
and classes. Practice the transitions with the class, and correct undesirable behaviors.
Decrease the amount of unstructured time by having materials prepared and readily available.
After you’ve established the ground rules, you’re responsible for making appropriate
demands, giving clear signals, and being consistent. You’ll also learn to anticipate problems
and correct them as a means of preventing disorder. You must have a plan for every minute
of the day and have a goal of keeping students busy.
Classroom Climate and Culture: After establishing a classroom community, the final step
in creating a positive atmosphere conducive to learning is to develop a positive classroom
climate and culture. A classroom’s climate and culture are the atmosphere and quality of life
in a classroom. Your role as teacher is that of the primary contributor to the climate and
culture. Your interaction with the students, disciplinary measures, mannerisms, support,
encouragement, cooperation, and focus on individual students all contribute to an atmosphere
conducive to learning.
Although they are complex and multifaceted, classrooms with a climate and culture
conducive to learning share similar characteristics. The teacher is caring and supportive. The
lessons are well organized, progress smoothly, and are free from interruptions. The content is
challenging without being frustrating, and activities are relevant and interest students. Open,
warm relationships among students are encouraged, and cooperation and respect are
expected. Stress and anxiety levels are low, and there is limited conflict.
Theoretical framework
Theory is acknowledged by Rubin and Babble (2001) as it plays an important role in social
research work, as it does in social work practice. This cannot be denied. For this study the
following theories were used to outline the frame action.
• Social learning theory (SLT)
• Constructive learning theory
• Two factor theory
Social learning theory (SLT) develop by Albert Bandura (Bandura, Ross & Ross 1994)
hypothesizes that learning is obtained through people observation, imitation, and modeling.
His Original BOBO Boll experiment (Bandura, Ross and Ross, 1994) studied modeled
aggressive behavior in per school children. The results conduced that aggressive behavior
may be learned through observation. Four (4) characteristics must be present in order for
social learning to take place; the person must be attending of which they were paying
attention to mental reproduction of the image should take place and lastly, the individual
needs to have motivation and a good reason to imitate or demonstrate what they learned.
Reproach determines nation, also developed by Bandura (1994), theorizes that a person’s
behavior is conditioned by ones personal factors, like their cognition, conjunction with their
In addition, he stressed television acted as a persuader for modeling violent behavior.
Therefore, it is possible that promiscuous sexual behavior in adolescence may be instigated
through representations they interpret from media.
Social learning theory (SLT) has been applied to sexuality education as well as many other
areas of health education, including tobacco use prevention, substance abuse prevention and
violence preventions. Since SLT aims to change behavior in participants, it is a good fit for
prevention- base sexually programme e.g those that aim to prevent pregnancy by preventing
sexual involvement or increasing condom use as opposed to more comprehensive family life
SLT is a particularly good for pregnancy, STI and HIV prevention programme
because sexual behavior is influenced by personal knowledge, skills, attitudes, interpersonal
relationships and environmental influences. All these are the factors addressed in SLT.
Constructive learning theory
Jean Piaget a psychologist propounded cognitive constructivism. Constructivism approach to
learning emphasis authentic, challenging project that include students teachers, and experts in
the learning community (Siemens 2004) its goal is to create learning communities that are
more closely related to the collaborative practices of the real world, where problem are seen
for different perspective, and are able to negotiate and generate meaning and solution through
shared understanding. This theory argus that it is impractical for teachers to make all the
current decisions and dump the information to students without involving students in the
decision process as well as assessing students ability to construct knowledge. Hence, students
learn through experiences.
However, Sharon suggests that the role of the teacher in constructivist learning environment
is one of facilitator, guide and coach. The learner assumes responsibility for her own learning
under the direction of the teacher. Therefore, in an economic enhanced learning environment,
the teachers provides the materials. He then guides the discussion paths while allowing the
learners to branch out into areas that present interest and discovery. Hence, the learner is free
to choose when to work, and manage her own time.
According to Siemens (2004) some basic limitation of this theory is that it did not address
learning that occurs outside of the people (ie learning that is stored and manipulated by
technology). They fail to describe how learning happens within organizations; it is worth
remembering that learning theories are concerned with the values of what is being learning.
When knowledge is abundant, the rapid evaluation is equally important (Siemens 2004) this
theory is necessary to this study in that could be applied in the classroom for improving the
teaching and learning of economics studies. Instructor can give assignments class work, to
enhance and engage learner. It provides opportunities for students-to- students –to- teacher
and students-to- subject platforms. Feedback can be swift and effective. Finally, it creates
room for evolution, bearing the process of learning in mind.
According to Shara, in constructivist economics studies, the learner is evaluated in a broader
method. Paper and pen tests are still appropriate but should not be the only method for
evaluation. Student’s reflection papers, self-reflection journals and co-operative authentic
project are also included.
Two factor theory
According to Siemens, (2004) Fredrick Hertzberg’s two factor theory also known as
(motivator Hygiene theory) attempt to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace,
the theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors motivation
and hygiene factors, respectively. An employer’s motivation to work is continually related to
the job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives and
individual to attain personal and organizational goals. Motivational factors with satisfaction
in work, for example, achievement, recognition and promotion opportunity. While hygiene
factor includes aspect of the working environment such as pay, company policy, supervisory
practices and other working conditions (Siemens 2004). The major limitation of this study is
that it does not consider individual difference. Conversely it predicted that all employees will
react in an identical manner to changes in motivation/hygiene factors.
This theory is relevant to this study in that, it would provide the school administrator or
principals with the knowledge required to track, analyze and improve teachers working
conditions, including ensuring strong school leadership time for teacher to develop their craft
and sufficient materials and recourse to teach effectively in their day to day management of
the schools. It also emphasizes the need for leaders to be flexible and their ability to change
their style, as situations requires.
Related empirical study
According to Uba (2006), under took a study on the strategies for enhancing the teaching and
learning of economic in secondary schools in Ebonyi state.
The study adopted a survey research design four research questions were formulated to guide
the study. A 33 time questionnaire was formulated and administered to 190 respondents
which include Economics teachers and Economics students from eighteen secondary schools
in three zones of the state. Random sampling technique was used for the study. While
frequency and simple mean was used for data analysis. The result of the study revealed that
appropriate methodology, adequate facilities, employment of qualified teachers,
establishment of cordial relationship between parents and teachers, instructional materials,
practical task and monitoring of students ability and the need for developing problem solving
skill to boost students learning abilities for teaching and learning of economics in secondary
This is very much related to this work in the both work identified methodology and training
of teacher as a strategy for improving or enhancing teaching and learning of Economics in
secondary schools.
Another study carried out by Hammer (1973) was strategies for increasing female student’s
enrollment in technical subject in Bauchi state. Three research questions and three null
hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A 51 item questionnaire was developed and
administered to 87 teachers and 192 students from three government secondary schools.
Mean and standard deliration were used for data analysis. The result of the study showed that
there is need to recruit qualified technical teachers and provide regular in service training for
them to master skills to fully equip them for effective teaching. All necessary facilities,
infrastructure and other input for technical education are provided the community and
industrial sector should continue in properly facilities for technical colleges. Some kind of
incentive is paid to female technical students to stimulate their interest.
Hammers work is similar to the present study since born identified recruitment as a major
However, the former study focused broadly on strategies for increasing female students
enrollment in technical subject, the present study focuses or strategies for enhancing
economics studies in secondary schools.
Orajekwe (2008) carried out a study on strategies for retooling instructions in secondary
health education for the information age. A descriptive design was adopted, three research
question were used. A random sample of 342 health education teachers in secondary schools
in Anambra state participated in the study. The study utilized a 21 item questionnaire
structured on a 4-point likert scale. Mean and standard dictation were used to answer the
research questions. The finding of the study indicated that retooling health education
instruction would involve the provision of information and communication technology (ICT)
infrastructure, building teachers captivity and the acquisition of ICT skill by health teachers.
Recommendations were made suggesting on what Government, PTA, principals and health
education teacher should do such as provision of ICT facilities, development and provision of
relatable locally produced software that will be easy to maintain. This study is related to the
present work in the sense that both studies are concerned with the strategies for improving
teaching and learning.
a. Research Design;
b. Population, sample and sampling techniques;
c. Instrumentation;
d. Procedure for Collecting Data;
e. Data analysis Techniques.
Research Design
A descriptive survey design will be used for this study. According to Nworgu (2015),
descriptive survey aims at collecting data and describing in a sequential and systematic
manner the characteristics of a specific population. This is the design most appropriate for
this study since it will to solicit information from the students and teachers in senior
secondary school in Oluyole LGA.
The instrument that will be used in gathering data for this study is a structured
questionnaire. The teacher’s questionnaire will consist of three sections: sections A and
Section B. Section A deals with personal data of the respondents like sex, age, qualification
and religion. Section b consist of 20 structured items related to help carry out the purpose of
this research work. The respondent is required to tick the appropriate options that best suit
their responses, the options ranged from strongly disagree (SD), disagree (D), agree (A) and
strongly agree (SA).
The student’s questionnaire will consist of three sections: sections A and Section B.
Section A deals with personal data of the respondents like sex, age, parents’ qualification and
religion. Section b consist of 20 structured items related to help carry out the purpose of this
research work. The respondent is required to tick the appropriate options that best suit their
responses, the options ranged from strongly disagree (SD), disagree (D), agree (A) and
strongly agree (SA).
The researcher will collect letter of introduction from the department of Economics,
Adekunle Ajasin University, the letter will be presented to the head of the schools to seek
permission before the administration of questionnaire. The researcher will personally
administer the questionnaire and collect them back with the aim of obtaining adequate
information for the use of the study. This help in gathering opinions and views of teachers
and pupils in the target population.
Questionnaires will be administered to seven hundred and twenty pupils’ randomly selected
from ten (10) government secondary schools from twelve government secondary schools in
oluyole local government.