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Assignment - Introduction To Business Communication

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Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

Assignment: Introduction to Business Communication

Task 1 of 3 Email Newsletter:

Dear All,

This is a newsletter to give you some useful information about the

purpose of communication and what medium to adopt depending on the situation. 

First, here is an article focused on the aims of business communication:

Traditionally in organizations, a distinction is made between internal and external


This distinction essentially concerns the objectives and the audience targeted by the

External communication is aimed at the company's environment (suppliers, customers, State,

financial or non-financial institutions and other external partners). Its objectives are to
exchange information with the outside world, to make itself known, to conquer the market
and build customer loyalty.

Internal communication is aimed at the members of the company or subcontractors who

participate in the functioning of the organization. Its objectives are to exchange information
with them, to mobilize them, to develop their sense of belonging and to encourage dialogue.

In this article, we will focus on internal communication.

The fundamental aim of internal communication is to encourage the exchange of information

in order to support the company's project: obtaining certification, introducing changes in the
production process, etc.

Thus, internal communication is inseparable from the management of the organization. It

aims at the understanding of a strategy, an action plan, procedures, operating modes, by the
members of the company who will be the actors.

For communication to be effective, it is not enough for messages to be communicated to the

right people as well as understood by these same people. The recipient of the message must
appropriate himself its meaning, its stakes and thus contribute to the company's development.
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

Communication in the company is a fundamental act of management that contributes to the

functioning of an organization in its various dimensions:

 The structure (division and coordination of work)

 Procedures (rules, methods and tools)
 Culture (values, behaviours, image and belonging)

Communication thus fulfils different functions depending on the specific objectives and the
nature of the information:

 a normative function: linked to compliance with regulations, legislation, quality standards

or the requirements of a reference system. A good way to make sure that employees of a
company comply with all kind of different elements required in order to allow the
business to exist and function is to make all information clearly available and visible on
the company’s website. These requirements must also be communicated whenever an
employee enters the company and communicated with regularity;

 a coordination function: linked to the implementation of procedures, operating modes,

work methods, execution programs or action plans and to the distribution of
responsibilities between hierarchical levels. A good way to ensure a good coordination in
a company is to hold team meetings regularly. Assemble the team on a regular basis will
allow to check if all the procedures, programs and plans among others are followed and
executed. A manager could for example have weekly meeting at the beginning of each
week to discuss with his team and follow the progress in their missions;

 a motivational function: linked to the alignment of individual and organizational

objectives, but also to the processes of mobilization and integration through information
on the internal context (life in the company, issues) and external context (projects,
customers, environment, etc.). A good example of how to motivate employees is to adopt
storytelling to relate accomplishments. When the company as a whole reaches a milestone
or gets some sort of recognition, it is important to share this with all the workers. Write a
good story explaining the achievement and specify who contributed to it. This will
encourage all employees because they will know that their efforts are not only appreciated
but recognized by the whole company.

In addition, the dimensions of an organization have an impact on:

 the form of communications;
 the content of messages;
 the way in which they circulate their effectiveness.
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

Internal communication can also play a crucial role in the effectiveness of the organizational
process. It tends to modify or influence the behaviour of an individual or a group in order to
orient them towards the achievement of certain objectives, such as adopting good practices,
using a new tool, documenting an activity...

Moreover, internal communication aims to ensure the proper distribution of available

information and contributes to the efficiency of the decision-making system as well as the
fundamental processes within the company. It helps to clarify "who does what" and "who is
responsible for what".

In this context, in order to elaborate a real communication strategy within the company, it is
necessary to establish a communication plan that will support the communication actions to
be deployed according to the targeted objectives and in a concern of global coherence within
the company.

Here is a diagram showing the communication process with the most frequent barriers

to communication:

Wrong message

Fear Lack of confidence Cultural differences

Sender Encoding Channel Decoding Receiver

Values Attitude Language Noise Hearing

barriers problems

Wrong feedback
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

This next article is focused on how communication barriers caused both by the sender
and receiver of a message can be overcome:

Sender and receiver both have an equal responsibility in the effort of communicating well.

However, the sender, being the initiator of the communication, plays a more active role.

Here are some barriers that a sender could cause and suggestions on how he could overcome

 Selecting the wrong type of message:

Senders must consider several things as they prepare to select the type of message they
will send and the channel through which they will send it. For examples questions like
Do I need or want a permanent record of this communication? Will my receiver(s)
readily accept the message? Where and how large is the audience for the message? Is
the message long or complex? Do I need immediate feedback? Is credibility a
concern? Answering these questions will direct the sender on which type of message
to choose for the communication.

 Not selecting the appropriate channel:

Communication usually travels from the sender to the receiver through channels. It is
crucial to choose the correct channel to suit the message type. A message with valid
content but delivered through the wrong channel will possibly not get the result it
would have otherwise gotten. Written message channels include memos, letters, e-
mail, web pages, notes, reports, telegrams, newsletters, and news releases. Oral
message channels can occur in many forms, including face-to-face conversations,
telephone conversations, voice mail, in-person conferences, video conferences, and

 Failing to analyse the receiver:

Analysing the receiver means finding out why he is receiving the message and how
you, as a sender, can best satisfy his needs and requirements. People differ on many
aspects such as their educational background, culture, experience, etc...
The sender should learn as much as possible about how a particular receiver or group
of receivers thinks and feels, in general and with respect to the situation about which
the communication is based. More in details, four concrete areas are the most
important ones: knowledge, interests, attitudes, and emotional reaction.

 Failing to consider the receiver viewpoint:

The sender should give primary consideration to the receiver’s point of view when
composing and sending messages. It will make him better informed to use his
understanding of the receiver’s knowledge to influence the ideas he can include and
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

the amount of explanation he should offer. Moreover, he will be oriented to use words
the receiver will understand and accept.

 Not facilitating feedback:

Feedback can be considered as the culmination of any communication process. It is a
form of confirmation that the receiver has correctly understood the message. Indeed,
an appropriate receiver response is one of the goals of business communication.
So, in order to achieve this goal, the sender must not forget to:
o Ask directly or indirectly for a response.
o Assist the receiver in giving this response.

 Not maintaining verbal and non-verbal coherence:

Words and gestures simultaneously send out signals. The sender should make sure that
non-verbal cues, including the body language, are concordant with the verbal message.
Indeed, our words and facial expressions must send out the same message. For
example, if a reprimand is said with a smile, it would send out wrong and conflicting
signals. It would leave the receiver guessing whether the sender is actually annoyed or
is just joking.

Then, on the other side is the receiver who is the listener, reader, or observer in
the communication process. A sender can successfully disseminate his message only if his
receiver cooperates. Thus, the receiver should not remain a passive partner in communication,
he should contribute actively in making the communication successful. In order to ensure a
good communication, the receiver should observe these very important points:

o Listening or reading carefully

o Being open to different types of senders and to new ideas
o Making notes when necessary
o Providing appropriate feedback to the sender
o Asking questions to clarify the message

Here is a diagram showing two common communication models within an organisation

and a short explanation:

Aristotle’s persuasion model:

Sender/Speaker Message Receiver/Audience

Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

This very old communication model from Aristotle is mainly focused on two elements of
communication (speaker and speech). It considers that the speaker plays an active role and is
required to prepare a speech beforehand according to the target audience. On the other hand,
the receiver’s role is less critical as he plays a passive role in the communication process. This
model does not encourage an optimal communication between managers and their staff
because it is a one-way process where the receiver plays a passive role. Indeed, the
acknowledgment from the receiver has no importance, when feedback is crucial in most
business communications.

Shanon and Weaver’s Information Theory Model:

Information Sender Media or Receiver of

Source Transmitter Channel Message

Source of

Response or Feedback

The Shannon and Weaver’s Information Theory Model is a linear communication model
which includes the concept of the sender, message, transmitter, encoding, decoding, the
channel of transmission, receiver, noise, etc. According to this communication model, the
message sent by the sender can be distorted because of the presence of noise in the channel.
On the contrary of the model presented above, this communication model gives importance to
the feedback from the receiver. Thus, this model is more adapted to a business environment
and a better communication between managers and their staff. However, as it is observable in
the diagram, noise can be a barrier to the transfer of information by interrupting the whole
process. Indeed, managers and staff have to be very careful to avoid to add noise to their
communication. Some examples of noise can be wrongly spelled messages in an email or text
message, bad phone network signal, or external noises while making a speech.
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

Task 2 of 3 Email Newsletter:

Dear All,

This is a newsletter focused on the different forms of communication and several tips to
understand and master them.

First, here is an article evaluating the benefits and limitations of several communication
mediums in the context of different business situations:

Situation: A company wants to develop a complete timeline in order to launch a product in

collaboration with members of multiple departments.
Best medium: Face-to-face communication

Face-to-face communication being the richest communication channel among all, has many
benefits. This channel makes it easier to express feelings because it installs a more favourable
situation for people to share some ideas, and feelings better. Being face to face with eye
contact helps to gain people’s attention and make the message more memorable. It can also be
very quickly organized inside a company in case of emergencies. Nevertheless, this
communication medium has some limitations. The main one is the cost associated to face-to-
face meetings. For example, it requires more money to conduct an interview in person than
virtually. In the case of the company developing this product, depending on the company size,
it could be expensive to gather all their different teams in one single place. Some people may
need to take some time to travel, and thus this could generate relatively important costs. Also,
these kinds of face-to-face meeting require a structure and clear purpose, because otherwise
they could just end up unproductive and inefficient.

Situation: An employee unexpectedly has to take a couple of days off, and a colleague needs
to go over what tasks urgently needs to be done.
Best medium: Phone call

Phone calls are a great alternative to face-to-face or video conferencing in case there is a need
to communicate with a sense of urgency and get answers quickly. A phone call is a real-time,
two-way communication channel that still let hearing tone of voices. In addition, as long as no
visuals are needed to convey the message, this channel also allows for a lengthy and personal
discussion. In the case of situation of a task handover to the colleague replacing, a phone call
is very fitting because it can be immediately done and with a very low cost. However, phone
calls have several limitations. Indeed, there are no written records kept and there can also be
some confusion if the message is not clear enough. It can also be very time consuming and
demands high listening skills in some cases.
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

Situation: A broker wants to quickly finalize a deal proposition and a written confirmation
from his counterparty is required to validate the transaction.
Best medium: Email

Email is a good communication medium because it is a formal communication channel which

is time efficient and does not require any scheduling. This channel of communication is a
great way to send formal announcements in a structured manner, especially when sending
messages down the chain of command. Emails are also a fitting replacement for outdated
written communication methods, like letters and memos, as they offer more security. This is
especially important if one wants to forward a document that is too sensitive to be left on
someone’s desk. In the broker’s case, email is the best option because on addition to the
points mentioned above, it allows some preparation time in order to send the best formulated
offer. It also will leave a permanent record of the message. Nevertheless, emails can have
some disadvantages like a difficulty to get the message across. Indeed, emails can be too
impersonal and not allow for an optimal transfer of information and sharing of ideas. Another
important inconvenient from communicating by emails is the viruses that they can carry.
There are many ill-intention people online, and there is always a danger of sensible
information fishing or even viruses attacking directly the company internal informatic system
and data storage.

Following is an article on face-to-face communication with advices on how to

communicate effectively and a special focus on two important elements: physical
appearance and body language:

Oral and face-to-face communication occupies most of the relational time of the actors in the
corporate world. Listening and speaking skills are a requisite to a good mastery of the work
relationship and the technique of meetings, an important manifestation of internal
communication in the company.

Face-to-face communication is the distinction of being able to see the other party or parties in
a conversation. It allows for a better exchange of information since both speaker and listener
are able to see and interpret body language and facial expressions.

In order to communicate effectively face-to-face, several elements must be taken into account
and must be perfectly mastered in hopes to communicate effectively.

Firstly, it is necessary to improve your verbal communication. Although your so-called verbal
communication (the use of words) is estimated to represent about 7% of your communication
with others, it is nonetheless worth working on. Diction, articulation, vocabulary used... are
all elements to be chosen carefully and intelligently in order to transmit your message
effectively. Talking about figures and financial ratios with a purely technical interlocutor
would make your message totally sterile. In the same way, speaking in highly technical and
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

specific language to a financial person would have the same consequence: losing their

Secondly, there is the non-verbal communication, which is often more crucial in the context
of face-to-face communication. Indeed, body language has a great importance and a strong
influence in the way we communicate with others. Our gestures, our posture, the tone of our
voice, the way we articulate our message, etc. all these non-verbal elements alone transmit
93% of the message. That's why it's important to take a closer look at them and work on them.

Mastering the non-verbal communication as much as the verbal communication will allow the
activation of the different areas of your interlocutor's brain and thus maximize his listening by
playing, in particular, on his emotions, his feelings, etc... in short... by capturing his attention
in an optimal way.

Two of the main elements impacting very strongly the non-verbal communication are the
physical appearance and body language.

Physical appearance is responsible for the well-known first impression, which may or may not
express credibility. Therefore, it is normal to listen to advice that during job interviews,
candidates should dress appropriately and respectfully in order to show a professional image.
In addition to the issue of clothing, physical appearance is entirely about your image, from the
haircut to the clean fingernails to the use of beard or makeup.
Body language directly affects the outcome of your communication, and can reinforce your
message or demonstrate the lack of connection between the spoken words and your true
feelings or intentions. It is therefore one of the main points of non-verbal communication,
because its understanding helps you to communicate more effectively and to identify the true
purpose of other transmitters. This type of communication can be decisive in the emergence
of conflicts in interpersonal relationships, especially in cases where you cannot express what
you really want.

Posture or body expression is an important part of the body language. Indeed, it shows not
only personality traits, but also how someone feels about their environment and the people
around them. In general, posture shows whether someone is open or closed, i.e. interested and
active or simply reticent and distracted. Within this concept, the movements of the head, the
position of the arms, legs and shoulders, give away your thoughts. Finally, body expression is
a whole, so analysing the different parts helps to have a conclusion about the whole.

Facial expressions are also almost as significant in body language. Facial expressions are
another way to express what we are feeling or thinking. Many people say one thing, but at
first glance it is clear that they mean something else. Facial expressions are also a key factor
in clear and honest communication. Eye movements, eyebrows, nose and mouth can tell you
everything the receiver needs to know, without you saying a word. Even eye contact is a great
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

differential for sending a message. Gestures are a form of non-verbal communication that can
express the cultural characteristics of the individual.

Here is an article focusing on written communication, both formal and informal, and
giving some tips to make them more effective:

Communicating effectively in writing in a business context and for business purposes is a

skill that can be learned. For this reason, in the past, within companies, writing mail was
allocated to personnel with specialized training (secretaries or assistants). With the advent of
messaging software, writing skills are becoming essential for a growing number of
professionals. While traditional letter writers were supported by a number of guides or
"sample letters", there are far fewer tools to assist with e-mail writing. In written
communication, it is necessary to master both formal and informal communication.

Written formal communication is a means of transmitting information in a formal, well-

established, transparent way. It is often intended for everyone. It usually comes from the
company's management and is intended for employees (of the company as a whole or of a
division or department). Formal communication is often strict, very corporate, and issued in a
sustained, official language. Its "formal" side is sometimes appreciated, sometimes criticized
for its lack of liveliness, fun and playfulness. Formal communication in companies can take
the form of reports, letters to clients, memos.

Written informal communication is one that does not follow any predefined channel for the
transmission of information. This type of communication moves freely in all directions and is
therefore very fast. In any organization, this type of communication is very natural as people
interact about their work life, personal life and other topics. Compared to formal
communication, it has no formal recognition and is not supported by any of the
communication principles specified by an organisation. However, it is said to be the best way
to keep the mood and environment clear and to ensure that everyone has a good time together.
This type of communication is based entirely on informal or personal relationships with a
person and, for the same reason, is free of any kind of organisational formalities and
conventional rules. Formal communication in companies can take the form of newsletters,
emails, notes.

Written communication skills are the ability to write our thoughts in an understandable and
easy to read. Instead of using body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions as we
would when speaking verbally, written communication depends on good grammar,
punctuation, and word choice. Here are the main elements to master this important skill in the
professional environment.
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

Firstly, it is necessary to identify the objective. What are you trying to achieve with the
message? It's important that you identify this early on, so you can articulate your thoughts in
that direction. You can get people to open and read your emails easily with effective writing.
A message written without a clear objective in mind is like a running commentary. You will
have a full page of content without saying anything concrete. The content of your message
can be misleading to the recipient if you don't understand your objective.

Secondly, you need to get under the recipient's skin. Written communication misses the mark
if the recipient doesn't have the background information or context to understand the message
they are reading. If you write to someone and mention things, they are unaware of, they will
be lost. Put yourself in the reader's shoes when writing your message. What do they know
about the topic? Do they need background information or context? Understanding the reader's
mindset on the topic also helps you choose the right words and tone to convey your message.

Then, it can help to write down ideas. After making a mental note to write a message, start
preparing for it by writing down the ideas that come to mind. Since you can't easily retrieve
your message from the recipient to make changes or updates, write down all of your points
ahead of time so you can include them in your message.

Also, very important is to be clear and simple. The most effective written communications are
simply clear and simple. There is no need to impress your reader with big words and
grammatical expressions. If you tend to want to sound smart by using fancy words, it will be
counterproductive in written communication. Remember, you won't be physically present
when the reader reads the message. So, you can't make things clear if they confuse the reader.

Finally, don’t forget to edit carefully. Reading messages with grammatical errors and typos is
a turn-off. Save your recipient the trouble by carefully editing your messages before you send
them. Resist the urge to send hastily written messages. No matter how urgent it is, take the
time to edit it. There may be unnecessary words, phrases and errors in messages. Going
through them one more time will help you spot them, but that won't happen if you don't take
the time to do it. If you have a reputation for sending messages with errors, people will be
reluctant to read your messages. They will allow your messages to linger until they have the
mental strength to withstand the stress of reading your content.
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

Task 3 of 3 Memo:


DATE: April 15, 2022

TO: All Employees

FROM: Marco Di Grazia, Chief IT Department

SUBJECT: IT Company Policy

As you are all aware, MDG Group wants you to use all IT-systems (e-mail, internet, chat,
video conference, VoIP, telephone, etc.) in a responsible way.

Because MDG Group is a part of the financial sector and because we are under the
supervision of the Swiss National Bank (SNB) and the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory
Authority (FINMA), there are a lot of rules and regulations that are applicable to detect and
avoid abuse, to manage the relationship with clients, to prevent undesirable behaviour and to
ensure the security and integrity of the financial sector. The FINMA has emphasized they will
be more severe in their supervision on the level of control a regulated firm has over the
account-manager client relation.

It is therefore inevitable and necessary to have an IT communication protocol that sets forth
how to use the IT systems in a responsible way and how the IT environment is registered and
monitored to comply with applicable laws and regulations.

In general, please keep in mind that:

 You use chat, e-mail, telephone etc. only for business purposes;

 For all work/business related telephone conversations you must use the business
telephone systems/devices and it is forbidden to use a private cell phone for this. Use
your private cell phone only for private conversations, but do this in a responsible way
and only if it’s necessary.

 The IT devices and e-mail, chat, internet, social media may only be used for private
purposes with restraint and if you do, use it in a responsible way.
Marco Di Grazia SSBM Geneva 2022

 All communication/IT systems should always be used with professionalism and

integrity with a business tone and respect for the reader / listener;

 In all of your communication you must avoid the use of discriminatory, racist,
(sexually) intimidating, violent, obscene, religious or profane language;

 You must avoid sending messages that may affect the good name or reputation of
MDG Group or visit internet sites that are discriminatory, racist, intimidating, violent,
obscene, profane or prohibited by law;

 You must be careful when sending confidential information and you must check that
the address is correct and the recipient is authorized to access the content of the

To avoid the piracy of your data, common sense and distrust are required. Here are the main
good practices against possible threats (such as data theft, virus and hacking):

 Never install software whose source is not verified.

 Do not connect an unknown USB key to your computer.
 Create complex passwords using a combination of numbers/letters/letters/lower
case/special characters. Do not use the same password everywhere and change it
 When making a purchase, check the authenticity of the website and its security by
making sure the URL starts with "https".
 If an email looks suspicious, don't open the attachments or click on the links.
 Finally, do not access to important company folders and data via public WiFi

As mentioned above, this is necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations and to
follow all the precautions mentioned above in order to preserve our system and data security
by avoiding possible threats (such as data theft, virus and hacking).

Thank you for your cooperation.

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