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Health 9 Quarter 4 - MELC 1-4

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Quarter 4 – MELC 1-4
Differentiates intentional injuries from unintentional injuries.
Describe the type of intentional injuries

Name of Learner: _________________________________ Grade Level: _____
Section: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.

Background Information for Learners

The basic needs of mankind include food, clothing, and shelter. However, it is not
enough that we have these if we are living in fear and the uncertainty of danger every day.
Today, one rising necessity that we need to focus on is safety.

We are always exposed to dangers, whether we are young or old, rich or poor. It is
therefore necessary that we are aware of what these possible dangers are, how all of these
can affect us, and how we can prepare ourselves to prevent them from happening or
minimize their effects if they happen to us.

The convention on the Rights of the Child states that children around the world have
a right to a safe environment and to protection from injury and violence. Although the adults
should protect the child against any harm that may threaten their safety and their lives, one
cannot rely on adults all the time. Children have the responsibility and capability of shielding
themselves from the dangerous world that we live in today.

A Philippine study conducted for the development of a suicide prevention strategy

showed that commonly used methods by those who decided to end their lives include
hanging, strangulation, and suffocation.


Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from violence. It can be divided into two: a.)
self-inflicted, when a person harms himself/herself on purpose; and b.) assault, when
person/persons harm another on purpose.
Suicide and parasuicide are intentional injuries that are self-inflicted, while assault
has four classifications: (1) those that were committed within the family; (2) those that were
committed by peers: (3) those that were committed by other groups: and (4) those that were
committed by the family, peers or other groups.
Suicide and Parasuicide
Suicide is the intentional taking of one’s own life. On the other hand, a suicide attempt in
which a person does not intend to die is called parasuicide.
Domestic Violence- is an act that includes physical assault (hitting, pushing, shoving, etc.),
sexual abuse, (unwanted or forced sexual activity), and verbal abuse. It includes abuse and
actions such as:
● Keeping a partner from contacting his/her family or friends
● Withholding money/allowance or denying financial support
● Stopping a partner from getting or keeping a job
● Actual or threatened physical harm
● Sexual assault
● Stalking
● Intimidation
Bullying is an unwanted, aggressive behavior. The behavior is repeated, or can be
repeated, over time.

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
Classifications of Bullying
1. Verbal bullying

● Teasing
● Name-calling
● Making inappropriate sexual comments
● Taunting
● Threatening to cause harm

2. Social bullying/relational bullying

3. Physical bullying
4. Cyberbullying

Stalking- is a pattern of behavior that makes you feel afraid, nervous, harassed, or in
danger. It is when someone repeatedly contacts you, follows you, sends you things, and
talks to you even when you don’t want them to.
Extortion- is the act of using force or threats to force people to hand over their money or
properties, on favors.
Gang and Youth Violence
Gang- is defined as a relatively though, most street-based group of young people who
regard themselves and may be a group that engages in a range of criminal activity and
Fraternity-is a group of people with similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or
tastes. In campuses and Universities. Fraternities are represented by Greek letters.
Kidnapping-is taking away or forcefully moving a person against his/her will and holding
him/her in unjust captivity.
Acts of Terror or Terrorism- is the use of violence for political goals and putting the public
or a great number of people in fear.
Categories of Terror Acts:
● State Terrorism
● Cyberterrorism
● Ecoterrorism
● Nuclear Terrorism
● Narcoterrorism
Verbal abuse- is a form of cruelty that involves the use of words. These words are used to
attack, control, and cause harm on another person.
Sexual Abuse (Incest, Molestation and Rape)
Incest- is sexual contact between persons who are closely related that a marriage
between them is considered illegal (e.g., parents and children, uncles/aunts and
Molestation- is the sexual abuse of a person (whether a child or adult) by an adult for
sexual pleasure or for profit. It may include the following:
● Fondling
● Mutual masturbation
● Sodomy

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
● Coitus
● Child pornography
● Child prostitution
Rape- is forced sexual intercourse, including vaginal, anal, or oral penetration.
Penetration may be by a body part or an object.

Learning Competencies with code:

Differentiates intentional injuries from unintentional injuries. (H9IS-IVA-D-31)

Describe the type of Intentional injuries (H91S-IVA-32)

What I know?


concept of injury? Complete the sentences for each character and share your responses.

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
1. For a construction worker, injury may be

2. For a firefighter, injury may be


3. For an athlete, injury may be


4. For a doctor, injury may be


5. For a mother, injury may be


Rubric for scoring

1 2 3

Capitalization Four or more One or three Each sentence and

capitalization errors capitalization errors any proper nouns
are present are present begin with a capital

Punctuation Four or more Four to three Each sentence ends

punctuation errors punctuation errors with the appropriate
are present are present punctuation and
proper rules of
punctuation are
observed throughout
each sentence.

Grammar Four or more One to three errors Each sentence is

grammar errors are in grammar are grammatically
present present correct.

Spelling Multiple spelling Most used words Most words,

errors are present, are spelled correctly; including
including commonly challenging words challenging words,
used words. are spelled are spelled correctly.

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.

Vocabulary Usage The vocabulary The vocabulary The vocabulary

word is used word is used word is used
incorrectly in at least incorrectly in two to correctly in each
five sentences four sentences. sentence.

Sentence Structure Sentences are Sentences are Sentences are

incomplete or complete but may complete and show
ineffective. not be effective. a high level of

ACTIVITY 2: NEWS BULLETIN. Read the news headlines below then classify them as to
whether they refer to intentional or unintentional injuries. Write your answers in table form on
your worksheet.

Pulis na nakainom
habang Sunog sa Makati,mula
Estudyante,nagpakamatay nagdradrive, sa kalan na
matapos ma-bully Bata, nahulog
sumalpok ang napabayaan! Lima ang
sa kanal sasakyan,patay! patay

Isang tatay
Rider, naglason dahil
binangga ng sa selos

kapwa rider
Binatilyo,nagbigti Sekyu,nasaga-saan
A. Neophyte, patay sa dahil sa sobrang
dahil iniwan ng hazing!
INTENTIONAL kalasingan

Guide Questions:
1. Explain how you classified each news headline.
2. How did you distinguish the difference between intentional and unintentional injuries?

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
B. Now that you can tell the difference between intentional and unintentional injuries,
unscramble the phrases to form the meaning.

Intended to
Injuries in Intentional injuries
Type of _______________________________________________
Which some
harm was

ACTIVITY 3: QUIZ BEE. Read and understand each situation. Write your answer on the
space provided for.
___1. What kind of bullying is characterized as using technology and electronic means?
A. Cyber bullying
B. Physical bullying
C. Social bullying
D. Verbal bullying
___2. Which of the following is classified as intentional injury?
A. Burn
B. Laceration
C. Suicide
D. Vehicular accident

___3. Which of the following describes social bullying?

A. Using mobile devices
B. Spreading rumors about someone
C. Taking or breaking someone’s things
D. Threatening to cause harm
___4. Self-defense is one of the best ways to prevent intentional injuries. Which of the
following best describes it?
A. Emotional unpreparedness
B. Mental preparedness, to be alert for the possibilities of danger
C. No self-defense
D. Physical strategies, such as learning self-defense skills

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
___5. What form of violence is used for political goals which includes putting the public or
a great number of people in fear?

A. Bullying
B. Kidnapping
C. Suicide
D. Terrorism
___6. You are being bullied in school. What is the best thing to do?
A. Report him/her to the school authorities
B. Get even with him/her that you do not like what he/she is doing.
C. Do not do anything. He/she will eventually stop when he/she finds someone else
to bully
D. Confront the bully and tell him/her that you don’t like what he/she is doing
___7. Which is a risk factor of suicide attempt?
A. Effective clinical care for mental, physical and substance use disorder.
B. Good solving problem skills
C. History of trauma and abuse
D. Strong connections to family and community support
___8. Why do some victims of sexual abuse remain quiet and do not report the incident?
A. The victim might be afraid of what will happen to him/her if he/she tells someone
especially if the abuser has threatened him/her.
B. The victim might be told that what was happening is normal and does not realize
that it is a form of abuse.
C. The victim might not know that help is available, or he/she does not know whom
to talk to.
D. All of the above.
___9. You heard your friend Danny telling your other friend to Shun Alex because they
recently had a fight. What will you do?
A. Nothing. No harm will happen from it
B. Nothing. I do not want to get involved.
C. I will convince all of my friends to Shun Alex because he is a bully.
D. I will confront Danny and tell him to stop what he is doing because it is bullying.

___10. Why does domestic violence happen?

A. The abuser is trying to control the victim
B. The abuser is in a stressful relationship
C. The couple do not have much money, and this causes stress in the relationship
D. None of these.

ACTIVITY 4: AGREE OR DISAGREE? Read the following statements carefully, then write
AGREE or DISAGREE for each item in your worksheet and provide an explanation for your
If a child misbehaves, it is fair for him/her to receive a corporal

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.

Fraternity/ sorority hazing is acceptable because it is an initiation rite to

2. the brotherhood/ sisterhood.


A woman who acts and dresses provocatively does not deserve to be



Read the poem below, and then answer the questions that follow.
Kyra Lee

My name is Sasha And soon enough “How dare you

My sister is Leigh Dad the walks in Make me so mad
I am six Don’t make a sound This is all your fault
And she is three don’t say a word Go cry be sad!
Our dad’s always mad I pray inside,deep within My name is Sasha
He screams and he yells But Leigh,she cannot My sister is Leigh
I don’t think he likes us help herself I”m six

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
It’s easy to tell For the pain is just too And my beautiful sister

Mom’s only kind much was only three

When dad’s not around “O-God” she yells That day my Daddy
And when he is home “Why are you so mean?” Murdered her
She hardly makes a He doesn’t like what she My best friend
sound has said She was my world
Mum’s always out, And beats her even more We stuck together
Never home And with one last hit Through thick and thin
Dad’s always drunk, Hard and strong,he pulls But now she’s gone
And always alone away and watches I’m lost within
As soon as we hear She takes one last gasp When I was six my sister
Those jingly keys of air three
We run and hide Our hands still holding My Daddy murdered
We run and plea Then falls to the ground Leigh
We find a place where I sat Since that day I have not
And curl up tight and doesn’t move a spoke
I hold her hand muscle For it’s speaking that
And she holds mine I stare at him made her die
My eyes so blue
He looks at me
And yells “O you!”

Guide Questions
1. What is the poem all about? Give/ write the summary
2. What did you feel after reading the poem? Why?
3. Could this really have happened? Why/ How?
4. If you were the writer, how would you end the story?
5. What would you do if you were the following and why?
a. The mother
b. Sasha
c. Leigh
d. A concerned neighbor

Poem Analysis Rubrics:

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1

Comprehensio Student clearly Student seems Student Students have

n understands the to understand understands trouble
poem and most of the some of the understanding
accurately poem and poem and most parts of
answers accurately accurately the story or
questions answers most answers some answers are
related to the questions questions incomplete.
story. related to the related to the

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
poem. poem.

Analysis Insightfully Accurately Describes Has trouble

describes describes a some dominant identifying the
several couple of elements and dominant
dominant dominant poetic devices elements and
elements and elements and used by the poetic devices
poetic devices poetic devices poet, but has used in the
used by the used by the difficulty poem.
poet and poet and describing how
thoughtfully accurately these relate to
relates how relates how the meaning or
they are used these are used feeling of the
by the poet to by the poet to poem.
reinforce the reinforce the
theme, theme,
meaning, mood, meaning,
or feeling of the mood, or
poem. feeling of the

Interpretation Form a creative Forms a Student Students find it

hypothesis somewhat identifies the difficult to
about the reasonable literal meaning interpret the
symbolic or hypothesis of the work and/ meaning or
metaphorical about the or can relate mood of the
meaning of the symbolic how the work.
poem and is creative answers work
able to support hypothesis makes him/her
this with about the personally.
evidence from symbolic or
the text. metaphorical
meaning and is
able of the
poem and is
able to support
this with
evidence from
the text.

Writing skills Answers are Answers are Answers are Answers do not
and Mechanics well stated and well stated, but not clearly make logical
supported with rarely stated. Several sense
evidence from supported with mechanical Mechanical
the reading. No evidence from errors errors strongly
errors in the poem. inappropriate to affect
grammar, Minor, grade grade level, but readability.
sentence appropriate not strongly
structure, or errors in affecting
spelling. grammar, readability.
structure, or

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.


Grade 9 Physical Education and Health Textbook Learner’s Material

Pages: 368-393
Other Resources (Internet)

Prepared by:


Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
Quarter 4 – MELC 5-8
Analyzes the risk factors related to intentional injuries
Identifies protective factors related to intentional injuries
Demonstrates ways to prevent and control intentional injuries

Name of Learner: _________________________________ Grade Level: _____
Section: _________________________________________ Date: ____________

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
Background Information for Learners

Although the adults around you should protect you against any harm that may
threaten your safety and your life, you cannot rely on them all the time. You have the
responsibility and capacity of shielding yourself from the dangerous world that we live in

The Convention on the Rights of Children of the United Nations states that children
around the world have the right to a safe environment and of protection from injury and
violence. The following articles are excerpts from the UN Convention on the Rights of The
Article 19 (Protection from all Forms of Violence). Children have the right to be
protected from being hurt and mistreated, physically, or mentally. Governments should
ensure that children are properly cared for, and protect them from violence, abuse and
neglect by their parents, or anyone else who looks after them. In terms of discipline, the
Convention does not specify what forms of punishments parents should use. However, any
form of discipline involving violence is unacceptable. There are ways to discipline children
that are effective in helping children to learn about family and social expectations of their
behavior-- one that are non-violent, are appropriate to the child’s level of development and
take the best interests of the child into consideration.

Article 34 (Sexual Exploitation). Governments should protect children from all forms
of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Article 35 (Abduction, Sale and Trafficking). Government should take all measures
possible to make sure that children are not abducted, sold, or trafficked.

Learning Competencies:

Analyzes the risk factors related to intentional injuries. (H9IS-IVeh-33)

Identifies protective factors related to intentional injuries. (H9IS-IVe-h-34)
Demonstrates ways to prevent and control intentional injuries. (H9IS-IVe-h-35)


Research on the following legislation and read the content then answer the
questions. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Republic Act No.7610. “Special Protection of Children Against Abuse,

Exploitation and Discrimination Act”

2. Republic Act No. 10627. “Anti Bullying Act of 2013”

Processing Questions;

1. What are the highlights of the legislation?


Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
2. What problems are being addressed by the legislation?

3. If you were to revise the laws, what provisions would you add or remove so that they
can protect you better from violent acts or behaviors that cause intentional injuries?

4. Do you feel safe knowing that there are legislations that are focused on your safety
against intentional injuries?


Fill up the chart. Put a check on the column that corresponds to your answer?

Have you ever witnessed or Never Rarely Sometimes Often

experienced a problem

name calling?

bullying or intimidation?

sexual harassment?

gang-related violence?

extortion or theft?


mistreatment or disrespect
towards other people?

threats of weapons?

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
physical fights?

corporal punishments?

Processing Questions

1. Where did you experience or witness these situations or problems?


2. What did you do in the situation that you have experienced?


3. What do you feel toward the person who was responsible for these acts and behaviors?

4. Do you feel that you are safe from intentional injuries? Why? Why not?

5. What could you have done to prevent these violent actions and behaviors from
happening to you?


Answer the three questions for each situation. Write your answer on the
corresponding box allotted.

What are you

Situations What do you feel? What will you do?

You accidentally
broke an expensive
glassware and it has
made your mother
angry. As a
punishment, she
spanked you.

You talked to your

seatmate while your
teacher was
discussing the
lesson. As a result,

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
he got very angry and
he said bad words to

You saw your

classmate outside the
school extorting
money from a
younger student.

You noticed that your

classmate has scars
on his arms. They
looked like blade
marks. When you
confronted him, he
told you that it was
only tripping.

Your best friend

revealed to you that
she is being molested
by an uncle.


Draw a plant. On each leaf write the name of the people whom you trust the most.
Use as many leaves as you need. Then answer the questions that follow.

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
Image Source: https://www.google.com/search?

Among the people you trust, whom will you approach, inform, or seek help from if you

1. Bullied by your classmate? Why?


2. Verbally abused by a teacher. Why?


3. A victim of extortion by a local gang? Why?


4. Sexually abused by a relative. Why?


5. Being stalked by your boyfriend/girlfriend? Why?


6. Thinking of committing suicide? Why?


7. Physically abused by your parents. Why?



Complete a graphic organizer below. Indicate what you have learned (knowledge),
what you have discovered (skills), and what you have realized (attitudes) in the
corresponding boxes.

Knowledge Skills Attitudes

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
Accomplish the safety pledge as shown below.

My Safety Pledge
I promise to keep myself safe and ready from the dangers of intentional injuries by
practicing the following preventive measures;
I am safe! I am ready!
Accomplished by: Witnessed by:

_____________________________ _______________________
Signature over Printed Name Signature over Printed Name

Date Signed : __________________ Date Signed : _______________


Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write in CAPITAL letter the answer on
your paper.
1. What will you do if you are being bullied in school?
A. Report to school authorities
___ B. Ask friends for vengeance
C. Confront the bully and tell him that you don’t like what he is doing
D. Don’t do anything.

2. What form of violence is used for political goals?

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
___ A. Terrorism B. Bullying C. Kidnapping D. Suicide

3. Which is a risk factor in suicide attempt?

A. Good problem-solving skills
___ B. History of trauma and abuse
C. Strong connections to family
D. Care for mental, physical, and substance use disorders.

4. You are stalked by someone. What will you do?

___ A. Nothing
B. Run-away
C. Tell your parents and authorities
D. Make a scene to catch attention

5. Which is not verbal abuse?

A. Words that are manipulative and controlling.
___ B. Words that can cause loss of confidence.
C. Words that are used to explain mistakes.
D. Words that are hurtful.

6. Why does domestic violence happen?

A. The abuser is trying to control the victim.
___ B. The abuser is in a stressful relationship.
C. The couple don’t have much money and this causes stress.
D. All of the above.

7. Why does victim of sexual abuse remain quiet?

A. The victim does not know that help is available.
___ B. The victim does not want to talk.
C. The abuser threatens the victim.
D. All of the above

8. Which are not intentional injuries?

___ A. Vehicular accidents
B. fraternity Hazing
C. Suicide attempts
D. Suicide bombing

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.
9. It is a sexual contact between closely related persons________________.
___ A. Molestation B. Incest C. Fondling D. Molestation

___ 10. It is the act of using force or threats to force people to hand over the money
_ or property. A. Extortion B. Fraternity C. Bullying D. Terrorism

II. Fact or Bluff. Write FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if it is incorrect.
11. Bullying is common in school.
12. Rape is forced sexual intercourse.
13. Accidents are considered as intentional injuries.
14. Intentional injuries are injuries resulting from violence.
15. Nothing can stop a person when committing suicide.
16. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures, communities, and classes.
17. Alcohol and drug use are risk factors related to intentional injuries.
18. Involvement in gangs and fraternities may lead a person to commit violent
19. Knowing self defense will not help in preventing intentional injuries.
20. A person who failed in committing suicide will never try again.

Complete the following statements.
1. My knowledge in intentional injury and safety is important because

2. I am confused about

3. I have learned that


Grade 9 Physical Education and Health Textbook Learner’s Material
Pp. 398-417

Prepared by:

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.

Note: Practice hygiene and health protocols at all times.

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