Tool cleaning solvents like paraffin or white spirit should be used to clean tools. Any spills should be wiped off surfaces before the compound dries. Solvents should be used in well ventilated areas and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing should be avoided. In the event of inhalation or skin exposure, remove the affected person to fresh air and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
Tool cleaning solvents like paraffin or white spirit should be used to clean tools. Any spills should be wiped off surfaces before the compound dries. Solvents should be used in well ventilated areas and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing should be avoided. In the event of inhalation or skin exposure, remove the affected person to fresh air and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
Tool cleaning solvents like paraffin or white spirit should be used to clean tools. Any spills should be wiped off surfaces before the compound dries. Solvents should be used in well ventilated areas and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing should be avoided. In the event of inhalation or skin exposure, remove the affected person to fresh air and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
Tool cleaning solvents like paraffin or white spirit should be used to clean tools. Any spills should be wiped off surfaces before the compound dries. Solvents should be used in well ventilated areas and contact with skin, eyes, and clothing should be avoided. In the event of inhalation or skin exposure, remove the affected person to fresh air and seek medical attention if symptoms persist.
n,eyesandnon- pro- tectiv ecl othing. ( BITUMEN PAI NT which has Tool smaybecl eanedwit hparaff i norwhi t espi ri t. dri edont hes ki nmayber emov edwithapropr i - Spil l agesshoul dbewi pedof fs ur facesbef oret he etaryhandcl eanser). compoundhasset. Whenwor kingwitht heproduct,unti li thasdried, ens urethatt hear eai swellventi lat edtherefore avoidingbui ldupofs olventvapor. STORAGE I ndef i nit einundamaged,t i ght l yseal edcont ai ner s. EMERGENCYACTI ON I nt heev entofnar cos i sduet oinhalat i onofcon- PACKAGI NG centratedv apour-r emov epersont ofreshair . Av ail abl ein25l i tr econt ainer s. Callformedi calattenti on. Cont actwitheyes-t horoughlyi rri gateeyeswith cl ean,col dwat er.Cal lf ormedi calatt ent ion. HANDLI NG I nt he ev entoff i re -ex ti nguish wit h eit hera carbondi oxide,drychemi calorfoam fi r eex t in- BITUMENPAI NTi ssol ventbasedandgi v esoffanin- gui s her,sandorear t h. f lammablev apour .Thes ol ventmayhav eanar cot ic eff ecti finhaledorabs orbedt hroughtheski n.The f ollowi ng precaut i ons ar et herefor e advi sed when usingi t: Wearpr ot ecti veglovesandabar ri ercr eam on exposedskin. Avoi ds moking,hotl i ghts,nakedfl amesandcr e- at ingsparks. Nevertaketheproducti nternal l y.