The Impact of Cyberbullying To The Mental Health of Senior High School Student in Salapinga National High School
The Impact of Cyberbullying To The Mental Health of Senior High School Student in Salapinga National High School
The Impact of Cyberbullying To The Mental Health of Senior High School Student in Salapinga National High School
Chapter 1
Nowadays, we use social media to connect to our relatives even to strangers. The benefits
of having social media account like Facebook account is that we can react, message, or call to
our friends and relatives even if they’re far away. But besides with these benefits there is still
negative effects of having a social media account such as easy access of pornography,
aggressiveness, harassment, and cyberbullying. According to an Anonymous
(2014),”cyberbullying happens for many of the same reasons as any other type of bullying,
but it may be even more appealing because it can be done anonymously”.
Cyberbullying is an action of using the social media technology to bully others in main
cases, it is used anonymously. Cyberbullying may not harm somebody physically; instead it
may harm them mentally. There’s a lot of reasons why a perpetrator (someone who bully) do
a bullying through online. According to an article in there is three
reasons why do people choose to bully in online platforms, these are anonymity, ignorance of
consequences, and social pressure.
Cyberbullying can have emotional, mental, and behavioral effects to its victims. In some
cases this can lead to serious effects like having a suicidal behavior. To begin with the
emotional effects of cyberbullying are humiliation, isolation, anger, and powerlessness.
Furthermore the mental effects of cyberbullying are low self-esteem, academic issue,
depression and suicidal thoughts. While in the behavioral effects of cyberbullying are using a
drugs or alcohols, skipping classes, and carrying a weapon.
Conceptual framework
Frequency of
being bullied
Types of
abusive online
behavior that Descriptive method The impact of
they Survey questionnaire cyberbullying to the mental
experienced health of senior high school
This study aims to identify the impact of cyberbullying to the mental health of senior high
school students in bugallon integrated school.
Specifically, this seeks answer the following questions.
1. What is the profile of senior high school students in terms of their
• Sex
• Age
• Strand
• Family income
• Frequency of being bullied
• Types of abusive online behavior that they’d experienced
2. What are the effects of cyberbullying to their mental health?
3. How they cope with the effects of cyberbullying?
Victims of cyberbullying- this study will help them to know what the purposes why they
bullied through online, what are effects of cyberbullying to their overall health especially to their
mental health, and law that can protect their rights.
Parents- this study will help them to guide their children on using a social media.
Teachers- this study will help them to know more about a cyberbullying and this will be an
inspiration for taking an action to their students who had been victimized by cyberbullying.
Future researcher- this study will help them to know more about a cyberbullying and to their
future studies.
Community- this study will help the community to be more aware and knowledgeable about
Scope and delimitation
The study was conducted in salapingao national high School during 2022-2023 with a 60
respondents. The main objective of the study is to determine what are the impacts of
cyberbullying among senior high students in salapingao national high School.
Definition of terms
Anti-Bullying republic act of 10627 - Is an act or law protecting the rights of any
individual especially students and people who bullied related to their gender identity, sexual
orientation etc.
Cyberbullying - is a type of bullying that use an electronic devices such as laptop, smart
phone to harass his/her victim.
Depression - is a common type of mental illness that can be considered as serious mental
Harassment - is any unwanted behavior, verbal or physical action that can feel someone
uncomfortable, mentally distressed etc.
Humiliation – is an action to make someone feel embarrassed or ashamed.
Powerlessness – is the expectancy of perception that one’s own behavior can’t control
the occurrence of personal and social outcomes.
Perpetrator – someone who bully.