Msme Auto Fill For Od/Cc: Senior Branch Manager 05/04/2022
Msme Auto Fill For Od/Cc: Senior Branch Manager 05/04/2022
Msme Auto Fill For Od/Cc: Senior Branch Manager 05/04/2022
From To
Canara Bank Canara Bank
Name of the Borrower:: Sagar Enterprises
Sanctioning Authority:: SENIOR BRANCH MANAGER
Sanction letter dated / ref:: 6714/22/2022
500000 05/04/2022
1. All loan papers required have been obtained by us and we have not deviated from
the terms of sanction.
2. Personal guarantee / Corporate Guarantee have been obtained by us on
05/04/2022 as per sanction terms.
3. The charge / modification of charge in favour of our bank in r/o the above advance
wherever required has been got registered / have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies on .
4. We confirm having registered the applicable assets* with CERSAI. Date of
CERSAI registration: and applicable charges are collected to the
debit of party's account. (* Movables & Intangibles, Equitable Mortgages involving non-
agricultural immovable properties created on or after 31.03.2011)
5. The advance has been properly classified as PRIORITY / NON PRIORITY sector
6. Bank guarantee has been issued in the model form prescribed / format approved
by R&L section of Circle office.
7. We confirm having obtained stamped counter indemnity and / or pledge in our
usual forms.
8. Prescribed processing fee + documentation fee of Rs.0 0
been collected on_______________________
Date:: 05/04/2022
Place:: GAYA
Abhijeet Kumar
OR NF 1010
Abhijeet Kumar ( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
oQ>fl[Ur ï D$[a bJmB© JB© VÒdram| H{$ ZrM{ Ï`o∫$JV Zm_ Am°a gß]ßoYV H´$_mßH$ (H$mS>© H{$ AJb{ ^mJ _| CZH{$ Zm_m| H{$ gm_Z{ oXImB©
X{Z{dmb{) obI{ OmZ{ h¢$&
Note : Below the photographs pasted above, the individual name and respective Serial Nos. (as appearing
against their names on the front portion of the card) are to be written.
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
8.20 Running
500000 241242.31 STOCK IN Limit
500000 IN TRADE 9.15
NF 1010
Term Loan NA NA NA NA NA
If banking with this bank, customer ID to be given here:
It is certified that our unit has not availed any loan from any other Bank / Financial Institution in the
past and I/we am/are not indebted to any other Bank / Financial Institution other than those
mentioned in column no. E above.
F. Credit Facilities Proposed: (In Rs.)
Type of Facilities Amount Purpose for which Details of Primary Security Offered
Required (with approx. value to be mentioned)
Term Loan NA NA NA
G. In case of Working Capital: Basis of Cash Credit Limit applied: (In Rs.)
Past Performance / Future Estimates (Actual performance for two previous years, estimates for
current year and projections for next year to be provided for working capital facilities. However for
term loan facilities projections to be provided till the proposed year of repayment of loan)
Past Year-II Past Year-I Present Year Next Year (Projection)
(Actual) (Actual) (Estimate)
Net Sales
Net Profit
Capital (Net
Worth in case of
Whether Remarks
Complied with (Any details in
Statutory Obligations (select Yes/No) connection with the
If not applicable relevant obligation to be
then select N. A. given )
1. Registration under Shops and Establishment Act
2. Registration under MSME (Provisional /Final)
3. Drug License
4. Latest Sales Tax Return Filed
5.Latest Income Tax Returns Filed
6.Any other Statutory dues remaining outstanding
K. Declaration:
I/We hereby certify that all information furnished by me/us is true, correct and complete. I/We have no
borrowing arrangements for the unit except as indicated in the application form. There is/are no
overdue / statutory due owed by me/us. I/We shall furnish al alll other information that may be required
by Bank in connection with my/our application. The information may also be exchanged by you with
any agency you may deem fit. You, your representatives or Reserve Bank of India or Mudra Ltd., or
any other agency as authorised by you, may at any time, inspect/ verify my/our assets, books of
accounts etc. in our factory/business premises as given above. You may take appropriate
Date: 05/04/2022
Place: GAYA
Ref: 6714/22/2022
Date: 05/04/2022
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar so/wo Prem Kumar
Gurudwara Road, Behind Devi Asthan,Near Navaratan Transport Gaya
Dear Sir/Madam,
SUBJECT: Credit Facility: _________________________________________________________________
REF.:Your Application Dated: ____________________________________________________________
We are pleased to sanction the following credit facility/ies on terms and conditions set out here below:
Repayment Holiday4 NOT APPLICABLE
Tenability5 1 YEAR UPTO 04/04/2023
Disbursement & Utilization TO BE UTILIZED FOR BUSINESS
Sanctioning Authority SENIOR BRANCH MANAGER
Periodicity of Stock statement / Book Debt Statements QUARTERLY
Periodicity of CA Certified Book debt statement QUARTERLY
Periodicity of Inspection of Stock QUARTERLY
Periodicity of Inspection of Outstation Godowns NOT APPLICABLE
Other Conditions:
01. The Bank may revoke in part or in full or withdraw / stop financial assistance, at any stage by
giving reasonable notice to the borrower for any proposal whatsoever.
02. This sanction does not vest in any one right to claims any damage against bank for any reason
03. Unconditionally Cancellable Credit (UCC):'Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove, the
Bank at any time reserves the absolute right to cancel the limits (either fully or partially)
unconditionally without prior notice: (a) In case the limits/part of the limits are not utilized by you
and/or; (b) In case deterioration in the loan accounts in any manner whatsoever and/or; (c) In
case of non-compliance of terms and conditions of sanction.
04. Credit facilities sanctioned are to be availed as under: Working Capital / Term Loan - 3 Months
from the date of this letter / sanction; For Short Term Loans / Ad hoc limits - 30 days from the date
of this letter / sanction. Failing which the limits will automatically stand cancelled.
absolute discretion may extend the said period to a maximum of similar period with or without any
change in the sanction terms mentioned herein. The Bank also reserves the right to revise the rate
of interest a
05. In the case of prepayment of loan or pre-closure by transfer of your loan account to other
banks/financial institutions, you shall be liable to pay a pre-payment penalty of 2% on the
outstanding liability.
06. Unit / Borrower should submit Annual Financial Statements; ABS; GST returns periodically. Penal
interest of 2% on the outstanding liability will be collected if the Audited financial statement is not
submitted before 31st October of every year or within 7 months from the date of closing if
accounting year ending is other than 31st March or within a fortnight from the date of Audit of
financial accounts of the company whichever is earlier. (This shall not be applicable to PSUs/
Government organizations)
07. As the pricing6 of loan is based on the Provisional financial statements, the Bank reserves the right
to reprice the credit exposure permitted on receipt of audited financial statements.
08. Borrower to ensure completion of mortgage/Registration of Charge with ROC within 30
days/Stipulated time
09. Co-obligant also should join the borrower for executing the loan papers.
10. Stock statement/Book debts are to be submitted 7th day of succeeding month on
monthly/quarterly/Half yearly basis as per requirements of the bank. Penal interest @2% will be
charged to you for the delayed period, if submitted with delay.
11. You are required to maintain suitable records for stock, purchases, sales, debtors, creditors as the
same are required to be verified by the bank as and when required.
12. Recovery of installments will beeffected through ECS Debit mandate and borrower/s shall
providesufficient balance in their Salary Account/Operative Business Account atthe destination
Bank Branch.
14. Stock/Securities hypothecated/mortgaged to the bank are to be adequately insured at your cost
against comprehensive risks with bank clause.
15. In case of book debt limits, age wise statement of the book debts with invoice number, date of
invoice, name of the debtors to be submitted to us on monthly/Quarterly/Half yearly basis along
with the stock statement.
16. Bank has right to charge any fee, commission, service charges, and commitment charges, as per
17. All other terms and condition will be as per the loan agreement/documents to be executed.
18. Processing charges / Upfront fees of Rs 0 - payable.Documentation
- payable.EMT / Mortgage charges of
0 -Inspection, CERSAI, Credit Information Report, Other charges
0 along with applicable tax shall be payable by you.
19. For Term Loans AnnualReview charges shall be collected on the outstanding in the term loan a/c
& shall be levied at a/c level if liability is Rs 1Cr& above in the respective account & shall be
collected annually commencing from completion of one year from the date of first disbursement.
20. Interest during holiday period to be serviced by the party as and when due. A suitable undertaking
in this regard to be submitted.
21. The Collection of interest / discount on all categories of bills (including Supply Bills) shall be on bill
to bill basis upfront.
22. Loan amount/Term Loan disbursement/ Other facilities will not be disbursed before completion of
equitable / registered mortgage of securities stipulated.
23. Margin should be brought up front and before disbursement.
25. Entire turnover should be transacted through our OCC account only.Borrower should not open any
Current Accountwith any other bank without express permission from us. If Bank comes to know
that any such unauthorized Current Account is operated by you, appropriate penal action will be
taken by the Bank as per RBI guidelines RBI/2015-16/112 DBR.Leg.BC.25./09.07.005/2015-16
dated July 02, 2015.
26. Firm to submit Project Implementation and Progress Report till the completion of the project at
Please return the duplicate of this communication duly signed by you immediately in acceptance of the
credit facilities sanctioned to you and the terms and conditions applicable thereon. Also, please
indicate whether a set of copies of loan documents is required by you or not.
Yours faithfully,
Date: 05/04/2022
Place: GAYA
Strike out if not applicable.
NF 1042
र◌ ु .10.00
10.00 लाखलाख
तक तक क◌े एमएसएमई
के एमएसएमई ण ◌ो◌ं
ऋणो केऋिलए ललए
क◌े त
सरलीकृ सरलीक
सामा य मू ◌ृयांत मान्य
म◌ू ल्◌ा◌ो◌ं कन ापन
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714 Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
I (b). ए जर / EXPOSURE :
( . लाखों म Rs in Lakhs)
Fund Based / Non Fund Based
Details of Proprietor/Partners/Directors:
( . लाखों म / Rs in Lakhs)
Name of Promoters /
Proprietor /Partners/ Desig- DIN %age of
Directors nation share Networth
Source Year
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714 Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
III. वतसमान
ए) क◌ाय◌ाश◌ील
a) To permit प◌ू
the◌ं जी सीम◌ा क◌ो
Working Capital limitमह◌ीन◌े
............ /वर◌्◌ाof
for a period क◌ी12अव ध क◌े लas
months ए नम्न◌ान◌ु सार
मर◌् करना:
a) To permit the Working Capital limit for a period ......... months/year as under:
ऋण सीमा का कार / Nature of limit लागू लाखों म
वतसमान ालवत
Applicable Existing Proposed
a) Regular : 5.00 5.00 5.00
b) Adhoc : NA NA NA
Total Fund Based Limit
5.00 5.00 5.00
c) Regular : NA NA NA
d) Adhoc : NA NA NA
Total Non-Fund Based Limit NA NA NA
5.00 5.00 5.00
Stock 0.00 0.00
Book Debts
NFB Cash Margin
Rate of Interest 9.15 8.20% 9.15
Commission NA NA NA
Processing Charges 0 NA 0
Documentation Charges NA
0 0
Other Charges 0 NA 0
क) मों Sanction
ज़ूरी की terms
शत लजसकी sought
मा◌ो◌ं ग : / Sanction terms sought:
की गई Particulars
S.No. Existing Proposed
a) Our Format (or) Lead Bank format OUR FORMAT OUR FORMAT
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
S.No. Particulars
Existing Proposed
6. Period of LC NOT NOT
b) FLC
Applicable Proposed
ग) कAny न ◌् य अन◌ु
ई अother मलतय◌ा◌ोNOT
permission: ◌ं / APPLICABLE
Any other
Permissions :
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714 Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
IV. र् ◌ा
यLATEST क नव◌ीनतम
LIMITS, ऋण&स◌ीम◌ाए
◌ो◌ं , AS ◌े यत◌ाए
ON व अलति◌◌े य
05/04/2022 स ऋण
रालशसीम◌ाओ◌ो◌ं ST/ADHOC
एस ट◌ी ति◌र् LIMITS):
LIMITS): ( . लाखों म Rs in Lakhs)
Nature Loan /
Of Limit Limit Liability DP Overdues ROI/Commission Exposure
5.00 2.41 5.00 9.15 5.00
5.00 2.41 5.00 9.15 5.00
तभ◌ू लतय◌ाOF
Value in
Type Nature Source & Rs./Lakhs)
Particulars of of Date of
Asset charge Valuation
i)Working Capital STOCK FIRST
05/04/2022 29.96
ii)Term Loan NA NA NA NA
Total NA NA NA
b) वै य क गारों टी / Personal Guarantee:
Name Net worth Source and date
c) गारों
टी ावरण(कवर)
Availability की उपलCover:
of Guarantee ता/ Availability of Guarantee
15/09/2021 18/09/2021
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714 Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
Net Sales
Current Ratio
Quick Ratio
VII. कायसशील
जं ी मू ल्◌ा◌ो◌ं कन / WORKING CAPITAL
a) पTurnover
Method: प लत / Turnover Method:
Sl No Particulars PROJ
1 Projected Sales 28
2 Accepted Projection of Sales 28
3 25% of 2 = Working Capital Gap
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714 Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
b) एन एफ बी ए ्पfor
Assessment जरNFB
क◌े स◌ो◌ं ब◌ो◌ं ि◌ म◌े ◌ं Assessment
Exposure: म◌ू ल◌्◌ा◌ो◌ं for
/ Exposure:
e. (c-d)
f. Purchase on DA basis NA
g. Usance Period in months NA
h. Transit period NA
e. Transit period NA
Branch M/s………………………… Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
बक गारो
Bank ं टी / Bank Guarantee:
बी जी ऋण सीमाofकी
Computation BGगणना
Computation of BG limit:
( . लाखों म / Rs in Lakhs)
Outstanding BGs as on NA
BGs required during 20 – 20 NA
Bid Bond at
Performance Guarantee at
Advance Payment at
Other/Misc for retention
Requirement of BGs NA
Requirement of BG limit NA
1) पररय जन◌ा
Comments onक◌ेNature,पbrief
पर लटdescription,
लणय◌ा◌ा◌ँ , need
स◌ो◌ं लfor the
लववरण, पररय Promoters.
Project, जन◌ा क◌ी
आवश्यकत◌ा, वतसक
Comments on Nature, brief description, need for the Project, Promoters.
2) पररय
Costजन◌ा क◌ी लागत
of project और लव
& Means क◌े साि◌न:
of Finance
( . लाखों म Rs. in Lakhs)
Particulars Amount
Particulars Amount
Land NA Term NA
3) मालनत लाभ
Comments onऔर ि◌◌ा◌ा◌ँ
Projected P &इ L:
NOT एों ड एल) पर
लट लणया◌ा◌ँ :
4) पूComments
वासनुमालनतonतुलन प पर लट
Projected लणया◌ा◌ँ
Balance Sheet:: NOT APPLICABLE
Comments on Projected Balance Sheet:
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714 Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
5) डीएससीआर गणना
DSCR Calculation
1.Debt Equity Ratio Not more than 4:1 NOT APPLICABLE NOT
3.FACR /Hard Cost/ Not less than 1.33. NOT APPLICABLE NOT
Term Loan) Exceptions upto 1.20 APPLICABLE
7) सा◌ो◌ं लविलक
Statutory अनुपालन / Statutory
Compliance Status. Give full Details viz.
Since When pending/ Mitigants put in
place/When expected to be rectified /
Branch M/s Ref No:
GAYA PURANI GODOWN 6714 Sagar Enterprises 6714/22/2022
f) Any other matter (LC devolvement/
BG Invocation/Overdues etc) NOT APPLICABLE
(शाख◌ा क◌े औ च क◌ो यह◌ा◌ं न ि◌◌ा कय◌ा जाना ह◌ै / Branch Justifications to be
of 06 YEARS
here) He/She is running his/her business under the name Sagar Enterprises
is dealing को
with us
ान since ◌े ए हम इस नोट केHis/Her
म रखर्19-08-2019 पैरा III केdealing
अनुसार with
अनुमbank is satisfactory.
र् ि◌◌ े सकर् ◌े ह।
In view of the above we may permit as per Para III of this note.
XI. शत / Terms and Conditions:
So we recommend a limit of Rs 500000 for one year with rate of interest of 9.15
Od limit is covered under CGFMU scheme of bank and fees is payable by borrower as and when its due.
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully
DATE: 05/04/2022
NF 373 :: Particulars of
Vehicles/Machinery/Equipment/Livestock etc.,
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
The Manager/Sr.Manager
Canara Bank,GAYA
Particulars Value
Yours faithfully,
Date:- 05/04/2022
Canara Bank
(HO : Bangalore -2)
Credit Report No : 6714/22/2022
JAG NARAYAN RAM 04/04/2022
JAG NARAYAN RAM 04/04/2022
3 04/04/2022
4 04/04/2022
Note: 1. Where the aggregate of credit limits recommended does not exceed Rs.50,000/-, the
minimum number of informants is two.
2. Where the aggregate of credit limits recommended exceeds Rs.50,000/-, the
minimum number of informants is three.
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
Sagar Enterprises
HO Cir. 770 /2021 dated 03.12.2021
Sub: Introduction of a new unit visit report format for pre sanction inspection
A nnexure I
Sagar Enterprises
Pre Sanction Unit visit report of M/s.
Date: 04/04/2022
Place: GAYA
Canara Bank
The Manager
Canara Bank
This is to place on record that the undersigned has visited the business
premises of the party. There are no adverse remarks warranting regarding
the utilization of the loan proceeds. The asset has been created/available.
The address of the site visited is give below.
Sagar Enterprises
Name & Address:
Abhijeet Kumar
Gurudwara Road, Behind Devi Asthan,Near Navaratan
Transport Gaya
Place: GAYA
Borrower Name : Sagar Enterprises
Loan Account No : 6714261000024
Sagar Enterprises
Place: GAYA
NF 814/04-2019/SESHAASAI
Sagar Enterprises
1. H$. CYmaH$Vm© H$m Zm_
a. Name of the Borrower
5. ÒQ>m∞H$ H$m{ ghr VarH{$ g{ aIm J`m h° `m Zht $& Stock properly stored
Whether Stocks are properly stored
7. oZÂZm| [a Adbm{H$Z :
Observation on:
H$. H´$` - odH´$` ]rOH$ H$m gÀ`m[Z
a. Verification of purchase and sales invoice Found in order
I. ÒQ>m∞H$ H$m dÒVw[aH$ gÀ`m[Z Adequate Stock
b. Physical verification of stock
J. ‡m{ggH$Vm©/Om] dH©$/A›` ]mhar Jm{Xm_m| g{ ÒQ>m∞H$
c. Stocks held with processors/job works/ NA
other outstation godown
_¢ ‡_moUV H$aVm h±ˇ oH$ _¢Z{..................................H$m{ ÒQ>m∞H$ H$m oZarjU oH$`m h° Am°a _{a{ Adbm{H$Z C[`w©∫$ AZwgma h° $&
I certify that the stocks were inspected by me on.............................and the observations are as mentioned above.
ÒWmZ/Place: GAYA
oXZmßH$ /Date:05/04/2022 ‡]ßYH$/dna> ‡]ßYH$/Manager/Senior Manager
Format to be submitted by the branch officials on inspection of the immovable
properties mortgaged / offered as security to the Bank
(To be preserved / kept along with the relevant loan papers)
- Area
- Place
- Postal Address
- North
- South
- East
- West
2. Classification URBAN
I / ___________________ (Officer of the Branch), have inspected the above property on the
date/s mentioned and based on market enquiry/ inspection of the property, state as under:
(a) Market enquiry does not appear to reveal any pending litigation / dispute.
DATE: 05/04/2022 OFFICER
From (Borrowers) To
Canara Bank
Sagar Enterprises
Branch Name:
Abhijeet Kumar
Gurudwara Road, Behind Devi Asthan,Near Navaratan
Transport Gaya
The existing interest clause stand substituted by the following RLLR linked rate
clause in our loan documents/deeds/agreements dated
The existing MCLR clause may be substituted by the following Repo Linked Lending
Rate (RLLR) clause in our loan documents (fresh loans) in which RLLR will be
“The borrower shall pay interest at 2.25
………. %(premium) above the Repo Linked
Lending Rate (RLLR) per annum compounded monthly. The RLLR shall be subject to
review and variation once in 3 months. The change in RLLR notified by the Bank on
its website and notice board of the Bank/Branch shall be conclusive notice to the
borrower in respect of such change of RLLR. The Borrower hereby specifically waives
serving of notice by the Bank for any variation in interest rate including enhancement
from time to time as may be stipulated by the Head Office of the Bank. In the event
Borrower’s credit assessment undergoes substantial change, the premium that is
payable above the RLLR shall be subject to change/ revision.”
DATE: 05/04/2022
The existing clause shall be substituted by the following RLLR linked rate clause in our loan
documents (fresh loans) in which RLLR will be applicable. Ref HO Cir 501/2019 (ENCL IV)
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
Dear Sir,
I/We hereby confirm that I/We do not enjoy Open Cash Credit facility anywhere except
with yourselves. I/We undertake not to avail similar facilities elsewhere in future
also except with your consent in writing.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Place: GAYA
Date: 05/04/2022
Canara Bank
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
To :
The Manager
Canara Bank
Dear Sir,
Yours faithfully,
11/02/2021 500000
Sagar Enterprises
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
Sagar Enterprises
Sagar Enterprises
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
H$amaZm_m gh Am_ _wªVmaZm_m H{$ Í$[ _|
ÒQ>¢[ß oH$`m OmZm h°
To be stamped as an agreement
cum general power of attornery
`h H$amaZm_m AmO ............................. oXZ ........................ _hrZm Xm{ hOma ....................................................... (20.........) H$m{
THIS AGREEMENT executed on this .......................... day of ..............................................
Two Thousand .................(20............)
2. Hß$[Zr AoYoZ`_, 1956 H{$ A‹`mYrZ oZJo_V gmP{Xmar \$_© Hß$[Zr _{gg© “gro_V X{`Vm gmP{Xmar AoYoZ`_, 2008 H{$ ‡mdYmZm| H{$ VhV [ßOrH•$V gro_V X{`m
gmP{Xmar’’ ..................................................................................................................................................¤mam$&
Sagar Enterprises
By M/s. ..............................................................................................................................................................
a partnership firm/s, Company, incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, a limited liability partnership registered under the
provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
O]oH$ ]¢H$ Z{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ AZwam{Y [a „`mO, bmJV| AoYJ´hrV H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© H{$ dV©_mZ Edß ^odÓ` ÒQ>m∞H$, ]hr F$U AmoX H{$ —oÔ>]ßYZ H$s ‡oV^yoV [a Am°a
A]g{ AmJ{ ]VmB© JB© A›` eVm~ [a CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ZH$X CYma gwodYm H{$ Í$[ _| .............................................................................................
VH$ _ßOya H$aZ{ H{$ obE gh_oV Ï`∫$ H$s/_ßOya oH$`m$&
WHEREAS the Bank has at the request of the Borrower agreed to grant/granted accommodation to the Borrower by way of cash
credit facility upto Rs.......................................(Rupees.....................................................................................)
on the security of hypothecation of stocks, book debts etc., present and future belonging to the Borrower for securing repayment
of the aforesaid amount with interest, costs, charges and expenses and on other terms and conditions hereinafter stated.
9. CYmaH$Vm© Bg ‡oV^yoV H$s oZaßVaVm H{$ Xm°amZ, _mb Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| `m CZ_| H{$ oH$gr ohÒg{ H{$ ]mOma _yÎ` `m bmJV _yÎ` Om{ ^r H$_ hm{, [a ]¢H$ ¤mam
g_`-g_` [a oZYm©naV _moO©Z aI{Jm Am°a CgH$m AZwajU H$a{Jm$&
The Borrower shall at all times during the continuance of this security keep and maintain a margin stipulated by the Bank from time
to time on the market value or cost price whichever is less (as found by the Bank) of the goods and the said debts and assets or any
part thereof.
10. CYmaH$Vm© g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV AZwgma ‡oV^yoV (BgH{$ VhV odoZoX©Ô>/ÒdrH•$V Am°a) [a AmdÌ`H$ _moO©Z C[b„Y H$amZ{ H{$ obE H$oWV _mb Am°a/`m H$oWV
X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$s [`m©· ‡_mÃm h_{em AZwaojV aI{Jm Am°a A]g{ O] H$^r AmdÌ`H$ hm{, A[{ojV _moO©Z AZwaojV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ZH$X AXm`Jr ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{
g߇oV X{` amoe H$_ H$aZ{ H{$ obE `m E{g{ _moO©Z ]hmb H$aZ{ H{$ obE O] H$^r AmdÌ`H$ hm{ ]¢H$ ¤mam AZw_m{oXV AoVna∫$ _mb Am°a X{ZXmna`m± Am°a AmpÒV`m± C[b„Y
That the Borrower will at all times maintain a sufficient quantity of the said goods and/or the said debts and assets to provide the
necessary margin on security (as specified in sanction) and as may be required by the Bank from time to time and will forthwith
whenever necessary provide further goods and debts and assets approved by the Bank to restore such margins or reduce the
amount for the time being due to the Bank by cash payment so as to maintain the required margins.
11. CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV oH$`{ OmZ{ [a A[Zr gmar AmpÒV`m| Am°a H$oWV _mb Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$m [yam-[yam „`m{a{ [{e H$a{Jm Am°a CZH$m Am°a gma{
Ao^b{I ]oh`m± Am°a Cgg{ gß]oß YV dmCMam| H$m oZarjU H$aZ{ H{$ obE ]¢H$ `m CgH{ ‡moYH•$V EO|Q> `m ^m na ]¢/S>r AmB© gr Or gr/^m Am° od ]¢/^m b Am° od ]¢/Zm]mS>© AoYH$mna`m|
H$m{ AZw_V H$a{Jm Am°a H$oWV _mb Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| _| g{ oH$gr H$s bmJV Am°a _yÎ` H{$ [na‡{˙` _| ]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV gm˙` C[b„Y H$am`{Jm$&
That the Borrower shall whenever so required by the Bank furnish full particulars of all the assets of the Borrower and of the said
goods and the said debts and assets and shall allow Bank or its authorised agents or the Officer of RBI/IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD to take
inspection thereof and of all records, books and vouchers pertaining thereof and will produce such evidence as Bank may require as
to the cost and value of any of the said goods and the said debts and assets.
CYmaH$Vm© H$oWV _mb Am°a/`m H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$m g_woMV Xam| [a, Mmh{ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZ`V H$s JB© hm{ `m Zht, _yÎ`mßH$Z H$a{Jm Am°a CZH$m AoY_yÎ`Z Zht H$a{Jm$&
oH$gr ^r hmbV _|, g_`-g_` [a `m H$^r ]¢H$ ¤mam oZ`w∫$ _yÎ`mßH$H$ `m _yÎ` oZYm©aH$ ¤mam H$oWV _mb Am°a/`m H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$m oZarjU Am°a _yÎ`mßH$Z
H$aZ{ _| AmOmX hm{Jm/AßoV_ hm{Jm Am°a AXmbV _| `m AXmbV H{$ ]mha CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ Am]’ H$a{Jm$&
That the Borrower shall value the said goods and/or the said debts and assets at the appropriate rates whether fixed by the Bank
or not and shall not overvalue the same. In any case, the Bank shall be at liberty from time to time and at any time to have any of the
said goods and/or the said debts and assets inspected and valued by an appraiser or valuer appointed by the Bank which value shall
be conclusive and binding on the Borrower both in and out of Court.
E{g{ oZarjU, _yÎ`mßH$Z `m _yÎ` oZYm©aU (oOgH{$ _m_b{ _| ]¢H$ H$m H$WZ AßoV_ hm{Jm) ewÎH$, bmJV|, ‡^ma Am°a Ï`` ]¢H$ ¤mam _m±J{ OmZ{ [a CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam CR>m`{ Am°a AXm
oH$`{ Om`|J{ Am°a `m| AXm Zht oH$`{ OmV{/Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H$oWV ZH$X CYma ImV{ _| Zm_{ S>mb{ Om`|J{ Am°a d{ EVX≤¤mam ‡oV^yV aH$_m| H$m ohÒgm hm|J{$&
That the fees, costs, charges and expenses of such inspection, appraisal or valuation (the Bank’s statement in regard thereto being
conclusive) shall be borne and paid by the Borrower to the Bank on demand and may, if not so paid, be debited to the said cash credit
account of the Borrower and shall form part of the monies hereby secured.
12. H$oWV _mb Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m± Am°a AmpÒV`m± CYmaH$Vm© H$s Om{oI_ Am°a Ï``m| [a aI{ Om`|J{ Am°a CYmaH$Vm© Bg ‡oV^yoV H$s oZaßVaVm H{$ Xm°amZ A[Z{ Ï``m| [a H$oWV
_mb A¿N>r Am°a od[UZr` pÒWoV _| Am°a H$m_ H$aZ{ H$s ghr pÒWoV _| aI{Jm Am°a Bgr Vah A[Z{ hr Ï`` [a H$oWV _mb H$m AmJ, XßJ{, ZmJnaH$ AmßXm{bZ Am°a gmar E{g{
A›` Om{oI_m| Am°a ]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV A›` Om{oI_m| H{$ oIbm\$ Am°a CZH{$ [ya{ ]mOma/‡oVÒWm[Z _yÎ` H{$ obE oH$gr ]r_m H$m`m©b` `m ]¢H$ ¤mam AZw_m{oXV oH$`{ OmZ{dmb{
H$m`m©b` _| ]r_m H$a{ `m Am°a C›h| ]r_m oH$`m h˛Am aI{ `m Am°a Bgr Vah ‡À`{H$ E{gr ]r_m [mobgr H$s AmoIar oH$ÒV AXm`Jr agrX X{Jm Am°a E{gr ]r_m [mobgr ]¢H$ H$m{
g_ZwX{oeV aI{Jm Am°a Bg ‡oV^yoV H$s oZaßVaVm H{$ Xm°amZ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ‡m· oH$`{ J`{ [mogbr AmJ_ amoe ]¢H$ H$m{ AXm H$a X{Jm Am°a ]r_mH$aU agrX| Am°a [mobog`m± ]¢H$
H{$ hdmb{ H$a X{Jm$& MyH$ H$aZ{ [a, ]¢H$ (b{oH$Z ]m‹` Zht hm{Jm) H$oWV _mb H$m{ A¿N>r pÒWoV _| aI{Jm Am°a C›h| od[UZZr` Am°a H$m_ H$aZ{ H$s A¿N>r pÒWoV _| aI{Jm$Am°a
E{g{ ]r_m ‡^modV `m ZdrH$aU H$a{Jm$& ]¢H$ ¤mam AXm H$s JB© H$m{B© oH$ÒV `m ]¢H$ ¤mam CR>mB© JB© bmJV| ‡^ma Am°a Ï`` _m±J{ OmZ{ [a VÀH$mb CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam AXm H$a oX`{
Om`|J{ Am°a C∫$ Xa [a „`mO MwH$Vm H$a oX`{ OmZ{ VH$ EVX≤¤mam —oÔ>]ßoYV aI{ JE H$oWV _mb Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| [a ‡^ma hm{Jm$& A[Z{ A›` gma{ hH$m|
Am°a AoYH$mam| H$s [yU©YmaUm H{$ o]Zm E{gr oH$ÒVm| bmJVm|, ‡^mam| Am°a Ï``m| H$s amoe`m|, CZH{$ ¤mam gßJV g_P{ J`{ VarH{$ g{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ F$U ImVm| _| Zm_{ S>mbZ{ H$m{ Ah©
hm{Jm$& E{g{ ]r_m H{$ AYrZ ‡m· H$s JB© gmar aH$_| BgH{$ VhV oX`{ J`{ AZwgma o\$bhmb ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` amoe`mß [nag_m· H$aZ{ H{$ obE `m CgH{$ [nag_m[Z _| AZw‡`w∫$ hm|Jr$&
That the said goods and the said debts and assets shall be kept at the Borrower’s risk and expenses and the Borrower shall at their
own expense during the continuance of this security keep the said goods in good and marketable condition and in proper working
order and shall likewise at its own expense insure and keep insured the said goods against loss or damage by fire, roit, civil commotion
and all such other risks as the Bank shall require for the full market/replacement value thereof in an insurance office or offices to be
approved by the Bank and shall deliver the policies of insurance to the Bank and shall likewise deliver the receipt for the last premium
paid for every such policy of insurance and shall assign to the Bank every such policy of insurance and shall pay to the Bank all
proceeds of any policy received by the Borrower during the continuance of this security and deliver to the Bank the renewal receipts
and policies. In default, the Bank may (but shall not be bound to) keep in good condition and render marketable and in good working
order the said goods or effect or renew such insurance. Any premium paid by the Bank and any costs, charges and expenses incurred
by the Bank shall be repaid by the Borrower on demand forthwith and shall until repayment with interest at the rate aforesaid to be
a charge on the said goods and the said debts and assets hereby hypothecated. The Bank shall be entitled without prejudice to all
its other rights and powers, to debit the amounts of such premium costs, charges and expenses to the cash credit accounts of the
Borrower in such manner as it deems fit. All sums received under such insurance shall be applied in or towards liquidation of the
amount for the time being due to the Bank as provided therein.
H$) CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ha g_` joV[yoV© H$aZ{ Am°a ]¢H$ H$m{ joV[yoV©V aIZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h°$&
a) The Borrower hereby undertakes to indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified at all times.
I) ]¢H$ H$m{ `h ÒdVßÃVm h° Am°a oH$gr ^r ]r_m Hß$[Zr H{$ gmW ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡m∏$obV ‡oV^yoV H{$ _yÎ` H$s hX VH$ hr CYmaH$Vm© H{$ Om{oI_, oOÂ_{Xmar Am°a IM} [a Bg Vah
H$s ]r_m ‡^modV H$aZ{ H$m{ ]m‹` Zht h° Am°a ‡oV^yoV H$s ]r_m H$aZ{ H$s Xem _|, Mmh{ Xmdm ]¢H$ ¤mam oH$`m OmVm hm{ `m CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ¤mam gß[yU©Vï `m AßeVï Xmd{
H$s AÒdrH•$oV `m dm[gr H{$ obE ]¢H$ oOÂ_{Xma `m CŒmaXm`r Zht R>ham`m OmEJm `m _mZm OmEJm$&
b) The Bank is at liberty and is not bound to effect such insurance, at the risk, responsibility and expense of the Borrower with
any Insurance Company only to the extent of the value of the security as estimated by the Bank and that in the event of
insuring the security, the Bank shall not be considered or deemed to be responsible or liable for non-admission or rejection of
the claim wholly or in part whether the claim is made by the Bank or the Borrower.
J) CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam `h Ò[Ô>Vï dMZ oX`m OmVm h° oH$ oH$gr H$maUde h˛B© hmoZ/joV H{$ ]ma{ _| gyoMV oH$`{ o]Zm IwX A[Z{ Am[ Xmdm \$mBb H$aZm, ]¢H$/]r_m Hß$[Zr
H$m{ AmdÌ`H$ OmZH$mar [{e H$aZm O°gm H$X_ CR>m`{Jm$&
c) It is expressly undertaken hereby the Borrower that he/it shall himself/itself of his/its own accord take all steps like initiation
of filing claims/furnishing necessary information to the Bank/Insurance Company without being informed of details of loss/
damage for any reasons whatsoever.
K) E{gr ]r_m [mogbr g{ `m CgH{$ ogbogb{ _| CX≤^yV H$m{B© oddmX CYmaH$Vm© H$s bmJV [a _‹`ÒW H{$ [mg b{ OmZ{ H{$ gmW-gmW O°gm ^r hm{ oH$gr ^r VarH{$ g{ g_m`m{oOV
oZ[Q>mZ{ Am°a g_Pm{°Vm H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma hm{Jm Am°a E{gm g_m`m{OZ, oZ[Q>mZ g_mPm°Vm Am°a E{gr _‹`ÒWVm _| `m A›`Wm oX`m J`m H$m{B© AdmS>© `m ob`m J`m H$m{B© oZU©`
odoY_m›` hm{Jm Am°a CYmaH$Vm© [a Am]’ hm{Jm Am°a E{g{ ]r_m `m Cg_| oH$`{ J`{ oH$gr Xmd{ H{$ A‹`YrZ gßXm` gmar aH$_ ‡m· H$aZ{ Am°a CgH$s odoY_m›` agrX X{Z{
H{$ obE ^r ]¢H$ Ah© hm{Jm Am°a `m| ‡m· H$s JB© amoe`m± H$oWV oH$gr ZH$X CYma ImV{ _| O_m H$a Xr Om`|Jr Am°a CYmaH$Vm© H$m{B© gdmb Zht H$a{Jm oH$ dhr aH$_ ‡m·
H$s OmZr h° Am°a `m| O_m oH$`{ OmZ{ H{$ ]mX H$oWV oH$gr ^r ZH$X CYma ImV{ _| e{f [a H$m{B© oddmX CR>mZ{ _| Ah© Zht hm{Jm$&
d) That the Bank shall be entitled to adjust, settle and compromise in any manner whatsoever, including by reference to
arbitration at the Borrower’s cost any dispute arising under or in connection with any policy of insurance and such adjust-
ment, settlement, compromise and any award made or decision given in any such arbitration or otherwise shall be valid and
binding on the Borrower and the Bank shall also be entitled to receive all monies payable under any such insurance or under any
claim made thereunder and to issue a valid receipt thereof and that the amounts so received shall be credited to any of the said
cash credit accounts and that the Borrower will not raise any question that a larger sum might or ought to have been received
or be entitled to raise any dispute on the balance in any of the said cash credit accounts after such credit.
L>) ‡oV^yoV H$m{ h˛B© hmoZ/joV H{$ H$maU [ya{ `m AmßoeH$ Í$[ _| Xmd{ H{$ AÒdrH$ma oH$`{ OmZ{ [a, ]r_m Hß$[Zr H{$ oIbm\$ _wH$‘_m MbmZ{ H{$ obE ]¢H$ g{ A[{jm H$aZ{ H{$
]J°a gmar ]H$m`m X{`Vm ]¢H$ H$m{ MwH$Vm H$aZ{ H{$ obE Am°a ]r_m Hß$[Zr g{ amoe`m± ‡m· Zht hm{Z{ [a hr Cgg{ _mßJmZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© ]m‹` hm{Jm$& Xmdm oZ[Q>m`{ Zht
OmZ{ [a, ]¢H$ A[Z{ oZVmßV odd{H$ [a, E{gm H$aZ{ H{$ obE oH$gr ^r ‡H$ma H$s H$V©Ï`]’Vm H{$ ]J°a CYmaH$Vm©/Am| H$s A[Zr bmJV Am°a oOÂ_{Xmar [a ]r_m Hß$[Zr H{$
oIbm\$ H$mZyZr H$ma©dmB© H$a gH$Vm h° `m H$ma©dmB© H$aZ{ H{$ obE IwX CYmaH$Vm© g{ A[{jm H$a gH$Vm h° oOg_| CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ H{$ oZU©` H$m gdmb H$aZ{ H$m{ Ah© Zht
e) In the event of rejection of claim either in whole or in part on account of loss/damage to the security, the Borrower shall be
liable to pay to the Bank the entire outstanding liability without requiring the Bank to proceed in the first instance against the
Insurance company and to make a demand on him/it only in the event of non-recovery of the amounts from the Insurance
Company. In the event of non-settlement of claim, the Bank may at its absolute discretion take legal action against the
Insurance Company at the Borrower/s cost and responsibility, without being under any obligation to do so require the
Borrower himself / itself to take action in which case the Borrower shall not be entitled to question the decision of the Bank.
M) ]¢H$ E{gr [mobgr H{$ AYrZ oZYm©naV gr_m H{$ AßXa [mobgr H{$ A‹`YrZ Xmdm [{e Zht H$aVm Vm{ ]r_m H$s JB© amoe H$s dgybr H{$ obE ]r_m Hß$[Zr `m oH$gr A›`
Ï`o∫$ H{$ oIbm\$ H$m{B© Xmdm `m _wH$X_m Xm`a Zht H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ‡oV odd{H$ [a ]r_m gß]ßYr A[{jm`|, gßJV g_P{ J`{ odÒVma VH$ Am°a E{g{ VarH{$ g{
AoYÀ`oOV H$a gH$Vm h°$&
f) If the Bank does not lodge any claim under the policy within the time limit prescribed under such policy, the Bank shall not be
liable to the Borrower for not filing any claim or suit for recovery of the insured amount against the Insurance Company or any
other person. Provided that the Bank may at their own absolute discretion waive any of the requirements as to insurance, to
such extent and in such manner as they may deem fit.
13. CYmaH$Vm© oH$gr AMb gß[oŒm _| `m oOZ[a H$oWV _mb `m CgH$m ohÒgm o\$bhmb [S>m h˛Am hm{ CgH{$ obE gma{ oH$am`{ H$a AXm`oJ`m± Am°a ]ohJ©_ AXm H$a{Jm Am°a AmJ
g{ Zw∑gmZ `m joV H{$ oIbm\$ E{gr gß[oŒm H$m{ ]r_m H$aH{$ aI{Jm Am°a Cg{ ]¢H$ g{ A[{ojV AZwgma E{g{ A›` Om{oI_m| H{$ oIbm\$ ^r ]r_m H$a{Jm Am°a O] H$^r CZH{$ ¤mam
A[{ojV oH$`m Om`{Jm, ]¢H$ H$m{ E{gr ]r_m [mobog`m± [{e H$a{Jm$&
That the Borrower shall pay all rents, taxes, payments and outgoings in respect of any immovable property in/on which the said goods
or any part thereof may for the time being be lying and shall keep such property insured against loss or damage by fire and shall also
insure the same against such other risks as the Bank shall require and shall produce the policies of insurance to the Bank whenever
required by them.
14. O]-V] gßXm` hm|J{ H$oWV gmar X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$s AXm`Jr ‡m· H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© Or OmZ g{ H$m{oee H$a{Jm Am°a ‡m· hm{ OmZ{ [a E{gr gmar amoe`m± ]¢H$
_| ahZ{dmb{ H$oWV ZH$X CYma ImV{ _| O_m H$a X{Jm$& AmJ{ ]¢H$ H$s oboIV gh_oV H{$ o]Zm CYmaH$Vm© H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| _| g{ oH$gr H$m{, Am_ Ï`m[a, [´oH´$`m
H$m{ N>m{S>H$a, ‡m· od_m{oMV `m `m°oJH$ Zht H$a{Jm Am°a E{gm H$m{B© ^r H$m_ Zht H$a{Jm oOgg{ CgH$s dgybr odbßo]V, ]moYV, [yd©YmaUm`w∫$, am{H$ `m g_` Ï`VrV hm{
gH$Vm h°$&
That the Borrower shall make best endeavours to obtain payment of all the said debts and assets as and when the same shall become
payable and pay all such sums when received into the said cash credit accounts with the Bank. Further, the Borrower shall not,
except in the ordinary course of business, receive, release or compound any of the said debts and assets without the consent in
writing of the Bank and will not do anything whereby the recovery thereof may be delayed, impeded, prejudiced, prevented or
become time barred.
15. CYmaH$Vm© A[Z{ Ï`m[ma H$s CoMV b{Im ]oh`m± aI{Jm Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m± Am°a AmpÒV`m± `m CZ_| g{ oH$gr Aße H{$ ogbogb{ _| `m Cgg{ OwS>{ h˛E `m Cg{ gmo]V H$aZ{dmb{
`m gmo]V H$a gH$Z{ dmb{ gma{ ‡b{Im|, H$mJOmV Am°a dmCMa oh\$mOV g{ aI{Jm Am°a gßaojV H$a{Jm Am°a E{gr ]oh`m±, ‡b{I, H$mJOmV Am°a dmCMa ]¢H$m| `m CZ_| g{ oH$gr
]¢H$ Am°a CZH{$ gß]ßoYV AoYH$mna`m| Am°a EO|Q>m| H{$ oZarjU H{$ obE [{e oH$`m OmZm A[{ojV hm{Z{ [a H$^r ^r [{e H$a{Jm Am°a C›h| X{IZ{ `m CZH$s ‡oV`m± `m C’aU b{Z{ H{$
obE AZw_V H$a{Jm Am°a gZXr b{ImH$ma g{ Omar oH$`m J`m ]hr F$U ‡_mU[Ã [{e H$aZ{ H{$ obE ]¢H$ ¤mam oZX{oeV h˛Am h° Vm{ ]¢H$ ¤mam gyoMV E{g{ _‹`mßVam| _| [{e H$aZ{ H{$
obE ^r aI{Jm$&
That the Borrower shall keep proper books of accounts of his business and carefully keep and preserve all the documents, papers and
vouchers in connection with or relating to or which prove or are likely to prove the said debts and assets or any part thereof and will
at any time when required to produce such books, documents, papers and vouchers for the inspection of the Bank or any of them and
their respective officers and agents and allow them or it or him access thereto and to make copies of or extracts from the same and
if directed by the Bank to submit Book debt certificate issued by Chartered Accountant at such intervals as may be advised by Bank.
16. H$) oH$ `h ]¢H$ AWdm BgH{$ EO|Q>m|, Zmo_oV`m|, AoYH$mna`m| AWdm ^m na ]¢/oZ ]r gm Jm oZ H{$ H$_©Mmna`m| AWdm Bg AoJ´_ H{$ Omar ahZ{ H{$ Xm°amZ oH$gr ^r g_` Am°a
CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ H$m{B© Am°a/AWdm C∫$ F$U AWdm AmpÒV`m± Am°a b{Im ]oh`m|, H$mJOmVm|, ‡b{Im| Am°a dmCMam| Am°a C∫$ dÒVwAm| g{ gß]ßoYV A›` naH$mS>m~ AWdm
C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m± pÒWV hm{ AWdm aIr hm{ AWdm ^ßS>mnaV hm| (Am°a ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr ‡odoÔ> H{$ ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE, `oX AmdÌ`H$ hm{, CYmaH$Vm© H{$ _w∫$maZm_{ H{$
Í$[ _| H$aZ{ H{$ obE Am°a CYmaH$Vm© H{$ bm^ _| Am°a g^r H$m`m~, odb{Im| Am°a dÒVwAm| Am°a CZ_| g{ H$m{B© AmdÌ`H$ g_Pr Om`{Jr Am°a ]r_m _yÎ` H$m oZarjU H$aZ{,
[`©d{jH$ oZ[Q>mZ Am°a/AWdm g^r H{$ oddaU b{Z{ AWdm, C∫$ dÒVwAm| H{$ oH$gr ^mJ Am°a C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$s Om±M H$aZ{ H{$ obE Am°a H$m{B© ^r oddaoU`m|,
b{Im|, na[m{Q>© Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$s Om±M H$aZ{ H{$ obE Am°a H$m{B© ^r oddaoU`m|, b{Im|, na[m{Q>© Am°a gyMZm Am°a `oX CYmaH$Vm© oH$gr amoe H$m{ _m±JZ{ [a [wZ^w©JVmZ H$aZ{
_| Ag_W© hm{Jm Vm{ BgH{$ ]mX CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam AXm H$s Om`{Jr AWdm oH$gr ^r [napÒWoV`m| H{$ AßVJ©V Om{ oH$ ]¢H$ H{$ _yb oZU©` AWdm CZ_| g{ H$m{B© joVH$a hm{
AWdm Om{oI_ _| hm{ AWdm BgH{$ ]mX g•oOV H$s J`r hmoZH$a AWdm Om{oI_ ^ar ‡oV^yoV`m± gÂ`ydVï hm{ AWdm `oX H$m{B© oZÓ[mXZ H$s H$m{B© Hw$H$s© H$s OmVr h°
AWdm oH$gr gß[oŒm [a bmJy H$s OmVr h° AWdm CYmaH$Vm© H$s oH$gr ^r AmpÒV`m| (AWdm `oX H$m{B© Ï`o∫$ Amd{XZ H{$ obE H$X_ CR>m`{Jm AWdm oH$gr H$s gß[oŒm
H{$ ‡m·H$Vm© H$s oZ`wo∫$ H{$ obE AmX{e ‡m· H$a{Jm AWdm CYmaH$Vm© H$s oH$gr ^r AmpÒV`m|) AWdm `oX E{g{ ‡m·H$Vm© oZ`w∫$ oH$`m OmVm h° AWdm `oX H$m{B© Ï`o∫$
Amd{XZ H$a{Jm AWdm CYmaH$Vm© H{$ g_m[Z H{$ obE AmX{e ‡m· H$a{Jm AWdm, `oX E{gm H$m{B© AmX{e ]Zm`m J`m AWdm H$m{B© H$X_ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ g_m[Z H{$ obE H$m{B©
gßH$Î[ [mg H$aZ{ H{$ obE oH$gr Ï`o∫$ ¤mam CR>m`m J`m AWdm `oX E{gm H$m{B© gßH$Î[ [mg oH$`m Om`{Jm AWdm `oX CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ]Im©ÒV H$a{Jm AWdm H$mam{]ma
X{IZ{ H{$ obE H$hm Om`{Jm AWdm ]¢H$ H$s gßVwoÔ> H{$ obE A[Z{ H$mam{]ma H$aZ{ H{$ obE AWdm Cg_| H$m{B© Am°a E{g{ H$m{B© _m_b{ _| ]¢H$ H{$ obE ‡^ma, am{H$, dgybr ‡mo·
oZ`w∫$ ‡m·H$Vm© H$m{ hoW`mV{ Am°a g^r dÒVwAm| AWdm C∫$ dÒVwAm| H{$ oH$gr ^mJ H{$ H$„Om b{Z{ Am°a C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m| Am°a g^r b{Im ]oh`m|, [{[am| ‡b{Im|
Am°a dmCMam| Am°a Cgg{ gß]ßoYV A›` naH$mS>m~ Am°a Cg[a `m VwaßV AWdm oH$gr g_` Am°a g_`-g_` [a ]{MZ{ dgyb{ oZ[Q>mZ{ gmd©OoZH$ Zrbm_r AWdm Q>|S>a
AWdm oZOr gßodXm gohV oH$gr ^r VarH{$ g{ H$mam{]ma H$aZ{ Am°a oH$gr H{$ o]Zm XIb]mOr g{ AWdm C∫$ dÒVwAm| H$s oH$gr ohÒg{ Am°a C∫$ F$Um| Am°a AmpÒV`m| _|
E{g{ VarH{$ Am°a E{gr eV~ ]¢H$ AWdm Cg_| g{ H$m{B© R>rH$ g_P| dh odoY gÂ_V hm{Jm$&
a) That it shall be lawful for the Bank or its agents, nominees, officers or employees of RBI/IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD forthwith or at any
time during the continuance of this advance and without any notice to the Borrower to enter into or upon the place or
premises where or wherein any of the said goods and/or the said debts and assets and books of accounts, papers, documents
and vouchers and other records relating to the said goods or the said debts and assets may be or situated or kept or stored
(and for the purpose of such entry, if necessary, to do so attorney of the Borrower and in the name of the Borrower and to do
all acts, deeds and things deemed necessary by the Bank or any of them) and to inspect, value, insure, superintend disposal
and/or take particulars of all or any part of the said goods and said debts and assets and check any statements, accounts,
reports and informantion and also, if the Borrower shall fail to repay on demand any monies, which ought to be paid by the
Borrower hereunder or shall commit any breach of any agreement on its part herein contained or under any circumstances
which in the sole judgement of the Bank or any of them is prejudicial to or imperil or is likely to prejudice or imperil the security
created hereunder or if any distress of execution is levied or enforced against any property or assets whatsoever of the
Borrower or if a person shall take any steps towards applying for or obtaining an order for the appointment of the receiver of
any property or assets whatsoever of the Borrower or if any such order is made or if any step is taken by any person towards
passing any resolution to wind up the Borrower or if any such resolution shall be passed or if the Borrower shall suspend or
cease to carry on business or to conduct its business to the satisfaction of the Bank or any of them and in any such case it shall
be lawful for the Bank to take charge, seize, recover, receive, appoint receivers or remove and take possession of all or any
part of the said goods and the said debts and assets and also of all books of accounts, papers, documents and vouchers and
other records relating thereto and thereupon either forthwith or at any time and from time to time to sell, realise, dispose of
and deal within any manner including by public auction or tender or private contract and whether with or without intervention
of the Court all or any part of the said goods and the said debts and assets in such manner and upon such terms and conditions
as the Bank or any of them think fit.
I) oH$ ]¢H$ [yd©dVu eo∫$`m| H$m{ o]Zm [yd©J´h, CYmaH$Vm© H{$ Om{oI_ [a ^r hH$Xma hm{Jm Am°a IM~ Am°a `oX CYmaH$Vm© H{$ Zm_ H$s Am{a _wªVmamZm_m H{$ Í$[ _| AmdÌ`H$
AWdm/A›`Wm ]¢H$ (CYmaH$Vm© A[Z{ _wªVmaZm_m H{$ obE ]¢H$ H$m{ oZ`w∫$ H$aVm h°) H$„Om b{Zm CoMV g_P{Jm Am°a/AWdm g^r H{$ ‡m·H$Vm©Am| H$m{ oZ`w∫$ H$aZ{
AWdm C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$s g^r AWdm CgH$m Hw$N> ohÒgm Am°a CYmaH$Vm©Am| H$m{ gyMZm`| Am°a _m±J H$aZ{ Am°a V•Vr` [moQ>©`m± oOÂ_{Xma hm|Jr Am°a _m±J,
_wH$X≤_m dgybr, ‡m· dgybr Am°a _m›` ‡mo· X{Z{ Am°a C∫$ H{$ oZ_m}MZ Am°a o]H´$s AWdm `m Vm{ gmd©OoZH$ Zrbm_r ¤mam AWdm oZOr gßodXm ¤mam dgybr Am°a AßVaU,
[•>mßH$Z, g_ZwX{eZ, gw[wX©Jr AWdm A›`Wm g^r b{Z-X{Z AWdm C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$m Hw$N> ^mJ Am°a bmJy H$aZm, dgybr, od_m{MZ H{$ gßX^© H{$ _m‹`_ gohV
oH$gr ^r VarH{$ g{ oZ[Q>mZ g_Pm°Vm H$aH{$ Am°a/AWdm g^r AWdm C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m| H{$ oH$gr ohÒg{ Am°a CgH{$ gß]ßoYV oH$gr oZ`wo∫$ H$m{ [yU© H$a{Jm$&
b) That the Bank shall, without prejudice to the foregoing powers, be also entitled at the Borrower’s risk and expenses and if
necessary either as attorney for and on behalf and in the name of the Borrower or otherwise as the Bank may deem fit (the
Borrower hereby appointing the Bank to be its attorney) to take possession and/or to appoint receivers of all or any of the
said debts and assets and to give notices and demands to debtors and third parties liable thereof and to demand, sure for,
recover, receive, realise and give effectual receipts and discharges for the same and sell or realise either by Public auction or
private contract and to transfer, endorse, assign, deliver or otherwise dispose of or deal with all or any of the said debts and
assets and to enforce, realise, settle and compromise in any manner whatsoever including by reference to arbitration and/or
deal in any manner with all or any of the said debts and assets and to complete any engagement relating thereto.
J) oH$ ]¢H$ [yd©dVu eo∫$`m| H$m{ o]Zm [yd©J´mhr bmJy, dgyb oZ[Q>mZ, g_Pm°V{ Am°a C[`w©∫$ AoYH$mam| H{$ oH$gr b{Z-X{Z C∫$ dÒVwAm| Am°a C∫$ F$Um| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H{$
gß]ßY _| hm{Jm oH$›Vw, o]Zm BZ AoYH$mam| AWdm eo∫$`m| H$m ‡`m{J H$aZ{ H{$ obE o]Zm ]m‹` oH$`m AWdm Cg[a ‡`m{J H$aZ{ _| H$m{B© ZwH$gmZ H{$ obE oOÂ_{Xma hm{Jm
Am°a H$m{B© E{g{ ‡`m{J _wH$X_m AWdm A›`Wm ]¢H$ H{$ AoYH$mam| Am°a C[Mmam| H{$ o]Zm [yd©J´h hm{Jm Am°a BgH{$ gmW AoZUuV _wH$X_m AWdm H$m`©dmhr hm|$&
c) That the Bank shall without prejudice to the foregoing powers be also entitled generally to enforce, realise, settle, compromise
and deal with any of the rights aforesaid as regards the said goods and the said debts and assets, but without being bound to
exercise any of these rights or powers or being liable for any loss in the exercise thereof and any such exercise shall be without
prejudice to the rights and remedies of the Bank of suit or otherwise and notwithstanding that there may be pending suit or
other proceedings.
K) oH$ CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam C∫$ dÒVwAm| Am°a C∫$ F$Um| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$s _m±J [a ]¢H$ H$m{ VÀH$mb H$„Om X{Z{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h° Am°a ]¢H$ ¤mam O] H$^r A[{ojV hm{Jm
Vm{ CYmaH$Vm©Am| H$m{ gyMZm X{Jm Am°a g^r gß]ßoYV gßodXm`| [•>mßH$Z, CÀ[mX Am°a g^r gß]rYV gßodXm`|, ‡oV^yoV`m±, Zm{Q> Am°a odoZ_` o]bm| Am°a A›` [aH´$m_U
obIVm| H$m{ ]¢H$ gw[wX© H$a{Jm Am°a ImVm| H$s g^r ]oh`m±, odb{I, [{[a \$mBb| Am°a C∫$ dÒVwAm| Am°a C∫$ F$Um| g{ gß]ßoYV dmCMam| Am°a AmpÒV`m| Am°a o]H´$s H{$ ImVm|
H$m{ ÒdrH$ma H$aZ{ H{$ obE g_Pm°Vm| Am°a dgybr J`r amoe`m| H{$ g_mYmZ ‡_mU H{$ Í$[ _| ]¢H$ ¤mam H$s J`r dgyob`m± Am°a gß]ßoYV IM} Am°a CgH{$ ]mX oXIm`r J`r
H$m{B© H$_r AWdm ÃwoQ>`m| g{ gß]ßYr _m±J [a AXm H$a{Jm$& o]H´$s H$s AmJ_ amoe, AWdm C∫$ dÒVwAm| H$s A›` dgybr Am°a C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m|/F$Um|/X{`VmAm|
H{$ ‡oV ]¢H$ ¤mam Amd{oXV H$s Om`{Jr$&
d) That the Borrower hereby undertakes to give immediate possession to the Bank on demand of the said goods and the said debts
and assets and to give notices to the debtors as and when required by the Bank and to transfer, endorse, produce and deliver
to the Bank all relative contracts, securities, notes, bills of exchange and other negotiable instruments and also all books of
accounts, documents, papers, files and vouchers relating to the said goods and the said debts and assets and agrees to accept
the accounts of sales and realisations given by the Bank as conclusive proof of amounts realised and relative expenses and to
pay on demand any shortfall or deficiencies thereby shown. The proceeds of sale or other realisation of the said goods and the
said debts and assets shall be applied by the Bank towards debt/liability.
L>) oH$ ]¢H$ g^r g_` Am°a o]Zm oH$gr gyMZm H{$ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ‡d•V H$aZ{ Am°a A›` oH$gr amoe AWdm amoe`m| H$m{ C∫$ ZH$X gmI ImVm| AWdm D$[a ]Vm`{ AZwgma
ImVm| _| ]H$m`m H{$ obE ]¢H$ H$m{ oH$gr ^r g_` X{` H$m{B© amoe H$s AXm`Jr H{$ ‡oV AWdm CYmaH$Vm© g{ gß]ßoYV AWdm gmI H{$ ‡oV ÒWmo[V H$aZ{ `m ]¢H$ H{$ `hm±
aIZ{ H$m hH$Xma hm{Jm Am°a _wH$‘_m AWdm C∫$ ZH$X gmI ImVm (Vm|) H{$ AßVJ©V ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` e{f CYmaH$Vm© g{ oH$gr ^r g_` dgyb H$a{Jm AWdm A›`Wm g^r AWdm
H$m{B© ^r ‡oV^yoV`m± ]H$m`m hm{Jr Am°a AWdm dgyb Zht H$s J`r hm{Jr$&
e) That the Bank shall be entitled at all times and without any notice to the Borrower to set off and apply any other money or
monies in the hands of the Bank standing to the credit of or belonging to the Borrower in or towards payments of any amount
at any time being payable to the Bank or towards the outstandings in the said cash credit accounts or as otherwise aforesaid
and to recover at any time from the Borrower by suit or otherwise the balance remaining payable to the Bank under the said
cash credit account/s or otherwise notwithstanding that all or any of the securities may be outstanding and/or may not have
been realised.
M) ]eV~ oH$ ]¢H$ H$s BZ g^r eVm~ H{$ AZwgma CYmaH$Vm© C∫$ dÒVwAm| H$m{ ]{M gH$Vm h° Am°a H$mam{]ma H{$ Xm°amZ g_`-g_` [a C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m| H$m b{Z-X{Z
^r H$a gH$Vm h° ]eV} oH$ ]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV ‡oV^yoV g{ gß]ßYr _moO©Z H$m [yam aIm J`m hm{ Am°a AXm`Jr H$s [yoV© AWdm CgH$s Hw$b AmJ_ amoe ]¢H$ H$m{ gw[wX© H$s
J`r hm{ AWdm Cg[a CgH$s ‡mo· H$s VÀH$mb odb{I hm{$& BgH{$ Abmdm ]eV} oH$ CYmaH$Vm© C∫$ dÒVw AWdm C∫$ F$U Am°a AmpÒV`m| H{$ oH$gr ohÒg{ H$m ]{MZm
Zht Am°a E{gm H$aZ{ H{$ obE oH$gr ]¢H$ H$m{ _Zm Zht H$a{Jm$&
f) Provided also that subject to all these powers of the Bank the Borrower may sell the said goods and deal with the said debts and
assets from time to time in due course of business provided the margin on security required by the Bank is fully maintained and
on condition of payment or delivery to the Bank of the net proceeds thereof or documents therefor immediately on receipt
thereof. Provided further that the Borrower shall not make any sale of any of the said goods or any realisation of the said debts
and assets upon being prohibited in writing by the Bank from doing so.
CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam Km{fUm H$aVm h° Am°a gh_V h° oH$ H$ama H{$ AZwgma g_` g_` [a oX`{ OmZ{dmb{ odŒmr`Z H$m{ H{$db D$[a CoÑoIV CX≤X{Ì` H{$ ob`{ C[`m{J oH$`m
OmVm h° CgH{$ oH$gr ^mJ H$m{ A›` oH$gr CX≤X{Ì` H{$ ob`{ `m CYmaH$Vm© H{$ oH$gr A›` oH´$`mH$bm[m| H{$ ob`{ C[`m{J Zht oH$`m Om`{Jm$& AmJ{ CYmaH$Vm© gh_V h° oH$
`oX ]¢H$ H$m{ eH$ hm{ `m _mZZ{ H{$ ob`{ H$m{B© H$maU CÀ[fi hm{ oH$ CYmaH$Vm© Z{ CÑßKZ oH$`m h°/H$a ahm h° Vm{ BZ H$ama _| `m oH$gr A›` H$ama _| CoÑoIV oH$gr H$WZ
H{$ Ï`o∫$H´$_ H{$ [yd©J´h H{$ o]Zm gß[yU© AoJ´_ `m CgH{$ oH$gr ^mJ H$m{ dm[g b{ gH$Vm h°$&
The Borrower hereby declares and agrees that the finances provided from time to time in terms of this agreement shall be
applied by the Borrower only for purpose as mentioned hereinabove and no part of it shall be applied by him/it for any other
purpose or any other activity of the Borrower. Further the Borrower agrees that the Bank suspects or has reason to believe
that the Borrower has violated/violating the undertaking the Bank may recall the advance or any part thereof at once not
withstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement or any other agreement.
17. H$) CgH{$ AoVna∫$ CYmaH$Vm© Km{fUm H$aVm h° Am°a gh_V hm{Vm h° oH$ dh/`h g^r AWdm BgH{$ oH$gr ohÒg{ H$s AmpÒV`m| AoYH$mam| AWdm „`mO H$m oZ[Q>mZ H$aZ{
H$m hH$Xma Zhrß hm{Jm oOgH{$ [naUm_ÒdÍ$[ Òdmo_Àd H$m$ AßVaU hm{Jm AWdm ]¢H$ H$s oboIV gh_oV H{$ o]Zm BgH{$ Òdmo_Àd H{$ AßoV_ AßVaU H$m{ ‡^modV Zht
a) The Borrower further declares and agrees that he/it shall not be entitled to dispose of all or any of its assets, rights or interest
which will result in the transfer of ownership or will have the effect of ultimately transferring its ownership to any other or
others without the written consent of the Bank.
I) BgH{$ Abmdm CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam Km{fUm H$aVm h° Am°a gh_V hm{Vm h° oH$ dh A›` eVm~ H{$ ]rM Bg H$ama H{$ CÑßKZ H$aZ{dmbm g_Pm Om`{Jm `oX CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$
¤mam C[b„Y oH$`{ J`{ oH$gr ^r g`_ oZoY`m| H{$ od[WZ H{$ H$maU H$m{B© H$X_ CR>m`m J`m Vm{ Bg _m_b{ _| ]¢H$ Mmh{ Bg_| ]Vm`{ AZwgma oZoY`m| _| od[WZ oH$`m J`m
hm{ AWdm Zht CYmaH$Vm© Cgg{ ]m‹` hm{Jm$&
b) The Borrower hereby further declares and agrees that he/it shall be deemed to have committed breach of this agreement
among other conditions if the Borrower takes any steps on account of which diversion of funds at any time provided by the
Bank is made by the Borrower and decision of the Bank in the matter whether there has been or is diversion of funds as stated
herein is made or not shall be binding on the Borrower.
J) CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ H$s oboIV ÒdrH•$oV H{$ o]Zm C∫$ dÒVwAm|/AmpÒV`m| H$m hQ>m`{Jm AWdm odIßoS>V Zht H$a{Jm$& ogdm`, CYmaH$Vm© H{$ odMma g{, `oX Ohm± E{g{ hQ>mZ{
AWdm odIßoS>V oKgm-o[Q>m [wamZm aX≤X oH$`m J`m, Mm{Q> J´ÒV joVJ´ÒV AWdm Qy>Q>m h˛Am H$maUm| g{ C∫$ H$m{ hQ>mZ{ `m odIßoS>V H$aZ{ H$s OÍ$aV hm{ Vm{, E{g{ _m_bm|
_| `Wm oKgm-o[Q>m [wamZm, aX≤≤X oH$`m J`m, Mm{Q> J´ÒV, joVJ´ÒV AWdm Qy>Q>m h˛Am Bgr Vah H$s ‡H•$oV H{$ A›`m| g{ ]Xbm Om`{Jm Am°a H$_ g{ H$_ CgH{$ ]am]a Am°a
Ohm± H$ht AmdÌ`H$ hm{ Vm{ ZdrH$aU AWdm ]XbmZm h°$& E{gr g^r AmpÒV`m± C∫$ ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE ‡`w∫$ H$s OmZ{ H{$ obE AWdm CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H$mam{]ma g{ gß]ßYr Am°a
H$^r C∫$ oKgm-o[Q>m, [wamZm aX≤X oH$`m J`m, joVJ´ÒV AWdm Qy>Q>m h˛Am hm{Jm$&
c) The Borrower, shall not remove or dismantle any of the said goods, assets without the consent in writing of the Bank except
in any case where such removal or dismantling shall in the opinion of the Borrower be rendered necessary by reason of the same
being worn out, obsolete, discarded, injured, damaged or broken and in such case will replace those so worn out, obsolete,
discarded, injured, damaged or broken by others of a similar nature and of at least equal value and shall also whenever
necessary renew or replace all such assets to be used for the purpose of or in connection with the business of the Borrower
as and when the same shall be worn out, obsolete, discarded, injured, damaged or broken.
K) CYmaH$Vm© gh_V h° oH$ C∫$ dÒVwAm| Am°a C∫$ F$Um| Am°a AmpÒV`m| Am°a CgH{$ oH$gr odb{Im| H$m{ ]¢H$ ¤mam AoZUuV am{H$Z{, CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ‡m· H$s J`r H$m{B© ]r_m
amoe BgH{$ ]mX g•oOV ‡oV^yoV H{$ Img Vm°a [a C[`w©∫$ H$s J`r ]¢H$ H$s EH$ _mà gß[oŒm H{$ Í$[ _| CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam aIr Om`{Jr Am°a CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ H$s oboIV ÒdrH•$oV
H{$ o]Zm oH$gr ]ßYH$ ‡^ma H{$ ]Xb{ _| AWdm F$UJ´ÒVVm H$m{ o]Zm ‡^modV oH$`{ AWdm CgH{$ oH$gr ^mJ H$m{ Z Vm{ oH$gr ]mV H$s AZw_oV X{Jm oOgH{$ oH$ g•oOV
H$s J`r AWdm g•oOV H$aZ{ H{$ obE gh_oV [a AWdm oH$gr ‡oV^yoV [a ]¢H$ ¤mam `Wm AZw_m{{oXV Om{ Hw$N> ^r CgH$s ]MV H$a{Jm$&
d) The Borrower/s agree that pending seizure by the Bank of the said goods and the said debts and assets any documents
therefor, any insurance monies received by the Borrower shall be held by the Borrower as the exclusive property of the Bank
specifically appropriated to the security created hereunder and the Borrower will not without the written consent of the
Bank first hand and obtained make or suffer or attempt to make or suffer any mortgage, charge lien or encumbrance to affect
the same or any part thereof not do or allow anything which may prejudice the security hereby created or agreed to be
created nor create any security whatsoever save as approved by the Bank.
L>) CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ H$s A[{jm H{$ AZwgma Jm{Xm_, O°gm `m gm_mZ aIZ{dmb{ A›` ÒWmZm| [a oOg_| `m oOg[a C[H©$oWV H$m{B© _mb Am°a H$oWV AmpÒV d H$oWV X{`Vm
o\$bhmb C[`w©∫$mZwgma —oÔ>]ßYH$ h° Edß ‡^mnaV h° `m Bg ‡oV^yoV H{$ Omar ahV{ h˛E bm`{ J`{ h°, CZ [a `m CZH{$ AßVJ©V ]¢H$ H$m Zm_ gm\$ Edß Ò[Ô> Í$[ g{ oboIV
`m _wo–V [Q≤>Q> `m [Q≤>Q>m| H$m ‡Xe©Z ha g_` oH$gr ‡_wI ÒWmZ [a H$a| Am°a oH$gr MyH$ H$s pÒWoV _| ]¢H$ IwX BgH$m ‡Xe©Z H$a|$&
e) The Borrower shall if so required by the Bank cause, and in default, the Bank may itself cause, a Board or Boards with the name
of the Bank legibly and distinctly printed or written thereon to be placed and at all times maintained in a conspicuous position
upon and within all godowns, jaithas or other places of storage into or upon which any of the said goods and said debts and said
assets for the time being hypothecated and charged as aforesaid are or shall be brought in during the continuance of this
M) A[Zr gß[oŒm Zht hm{Z{dmbr H$oWV AmpÒV`m± ahZ{dmbm H$m{B© Jm{Xm_ `m O°gm `m H$m{B© OJh [≈>{Xmar `m oH$am`{Xmar, AZw_oV `m AZwko· b{Z{ [a `oX ]¢H$ ¤mam (Am°a
Bg oXem _| H$m{B© odoY h° Vm{ CgH{$ ‡mdYmZm| H{$ AYrZ) E{gm A[{ojV oH$`m OmVm h° Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© Cg{ ]¢H$ H{$ Zm_ g{ aoOÒQ>a H$am`{Jm Am°a CgH{$ _m_b{ _| AXm oH$`{
J`{ oH$am`{ `m gßXm` A›` X{`VmAm| H$s agrX| ]¢H$ H{$ hdmb{ H$a X{Jm$& Am°a ]¢H$ H{$ Zm_ g{ oH$`{ J`{ E{g{ aoOÒQ≠>rH$aU `m AßVaU H{$ [naUm_ g{ hm{Z{dmbr oH$gr `m gmar
X{`Vm H{$ EdO _| ]¢H$ H$m{ joV[yV© H$a{Jm Am°a H$oWV ImVm{ (Vm|) H{$ AYrZ ]¢H$ H$m{ gßXm` hm{Z{dmbr H$m{B© ^r amoe AXm H$a{Jm Am°a E{gr gmar amoe`m| [a AZwÍ$[ „`mO
hm{Jm VWm C›h| Bg ‡oV^yoV ¤mam AoYJ´hrV AoJ´_ _mZm Om`{Jm$&
f) The Borrower shall forthwith upon obtaining any lease or tenancy, leave or licence to occupy any godown or jaitha or any place
containing any and of the said assets which is not its own property if so required by the Bank (and subject to the provisions
of any law in this behalf) register the same in the name of the Bank and hand over the receipts for any rents or other dues
payable in respect thereof to the Bank and keep the Bank indemnified against any and all liability in consequence of such
transfer or registration in the Bank’s name and shall pay any sum becoming payable to the Bank under the said Account/s and
all such sums shall carry like interest and shall be treated as an advance secured by this security.
N>) `h ‡oV^yoV H$oWV ImV{ (Vm|) H{$ AYrZ g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` e{f H{$ obE oZaßVa ‡oV^yoV hm{Jr Am°a g_m[Z (E{p¿N>H$ `m A›`Wm) `m oH$gr odb` `m
gßodb`Z, oH$gr A›` Hß$[Zr H{$ gmW CYmaH$Vm© H$m [wZJ©R>Z A›`Wm `m CYmaH$Vm© H{$ C[H´$_ H{$ Ao^J´hU `m amÔ≠>r`H$aU CYmaH$Vm© H$s X{`Vm H$m{ ‡^modV A[j`
Zht H$a{Jm $& CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` oH$›ht amoe`m| H$s dgybr H{$ obE EVXßVJ©V Ò[Ô> oH$`{ J`{ Vœ` g{ A›` H$m{B© ^r Vœ` ]¢H$ H$s gm߇oVH$ `m ^modpÓ`H$ ‡oV^yoV
H$m{ `m CgH{$ hH$ `m C[m` H$m{ [yd©YmaUm`w∫$ Zht ]Zm`{Jm$&
g) This security shall be a continuing security for the balance from time to time due to the Bank under the said account/s and shall
not affect, impair or discharge the liability of the Borrower by winding up (voluntary or otherwise) or by any merger or
amalgamation, reconstruction or otherwise of the Borrower with any other company or take over of the management or
nationalisation of the undertaking of the Borrower. Nothing herein contained shall prejudice any other security present or
future or any right or remedy of the Bank otherwise than hereunder for the recovery of any monies due by the Borrower to
the Bank.
O) CYmaH$Vm© Km{fUm H$aVm/V{ h°/h¢ oH$ dh/d{ A›`Ã H$m{B© ZH$X Am°a gwodYmAm| H$m C[^m{J Zht H$aVm/V{ Am°a dMZ X{Vm/V{ h°/h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ H$s [yd©gh_oV H{$ o]Zm
dh/d{ A›`Ã Bgr ‡H$ma H$s gwodYm`| Zht b{Jm/b|J{$&
h) Borrower declares that he/they do not enjoy any Open Cash Credit facility elsewhere and undertakes not to avail similar
facility elsewhere in future without the prior consent of the Bank.
P) CYmaH$Vm© `h ^r Km{ofV H$aVm h° oH$ d{/dh ]¢H$ H$s oboIV gh_oV H{$ o]Zm A›` oH$gr ]¢H$, gßÒWm H{$ gmW Ï`dhma Zht H$a{Jm/H$a|J{ Am°a dMZ X{Vm/V{ h°/h°ß oH$,
]¢H$ H$s oboIV gh_oV H{$ o]Zm, A›` oH$gr Hß$[Zr/oZ`m| `m A›` oH$gr Ï`o∫$/`m| H$m{ H$m{B© F$U g•oOV Zht H$a{Jm/H$a{ßJ{ `m F$U Zht X{Jm/X|J{ `m H$m{B© odŒmr`
JmaßQ>r/A›` JmaßoQ>`m± Zht X{Jm/X|J{ `m Hß$[Zr H$s AmpÒV`m| H$m{ H$m{B© ‡oV^yoV H{$ Í$[ _| Zht ‡XmZ H$a{Jm/H$a|J{$&
i) Borrower further declares that they/it shall not deal with any other Bank, institution without the prior written consent of the
Bank and shall undertake not to make any loan or give any loan or give any financial guarantee/other guarantees or provide
any security of the assets of the company to any other company/ies or any other person/s without the prior written
permission of the Bank.
18. CYmaH$Vm© CgH{$ `m o\$bhmb CgH{$ ‡]ßYH$ H{$ ‡_mU[Ãm| ¤mam Bg Ame` H{$ gmW oH$ oddaUm| _| ]VmB© JB© ‡_mÃm`| Am°a amoe`±m ghr h° Am°a H$oWV gmam _mb ]r_m ¤mam [yU©Vï
‡dnaV h° gÀ`mo[V amoe`m± Mmby ]r_m [m∞obog`m| Am°a ]r_mH•$V amoe`m± H$s gyMr H{$ gmW H$oWV _mb H{$ ÒQ>m∞H$ oddaU Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m| Am°a AmpÒV`m| H{$ oddaU ^r
_mogH$ `m [mojH$ `m oOVZr ]ma _m±J{ OmV{ h¢ CVZr ]ma [{e H$a{Jm Am°a Bg gyMr _| ]¢H$ ¤mam odoZoX©Ô> E{g{ A›` ‡_mU [Ã Am°a „`m{a{ ^r hm|J{$& VWm ]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV gma{
odŒm Am°a A›` oddaU, na[m{Q>© oddaoU`m± ‡_mU [Ã ImV{, ‡b{I, „`m{am Am°a OmZH$mar Edß E{gm A›` AmdoYH$ S>mQ>m ^r [{e H$a{Jm Am°a gÀ`mo[V H$a{Jm$&
That the Borrower will submit to the Bank monthly or fortnightly or as often as may be required, stock statements of the said goods
and also statements of the said debts and assets together with list of current insurance policies and amounts insured verified by
certificates of the Borrower or the Manager for the time being of the Borrower that the quantities and amounts stated in the
statements are correct and that all the said goods are fully covered by the insurance and containing such other certificates and
particulars as may be specified by the Bank and will also furnish and verify all financial and other statements, reports, returns
certificates, accounts, documents, particulars and information and such other periodical data as may be required by the Bank.
CYmaH$Vm© H$oWV X{ZmXmna`m± Am°a AmpÒV`m± ]¢H$ H$m{ gw[wX© H$aZ{ H{$ obE Am°a C›h| H$^r ^r ]¢H$ ¤mam CJmh{ `m AßVnaV oH$`{ OmZ{ H{$ obE V°`ma aIZ{ H{$ obE ‡oV^yoV H$m{ [yU©Vï
‡^modV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV gma{ ‡b{I AßVaU g_ZwX{eZ Am°a [amßH$Z H$a{Jm VWm gma{ H$m_ H$a{Jm$&
That the Borrower will also execute all documents, transfers, assignments and endorsements and do all acts, deeds and things which
the Bank may require for vesting the said debts and assets to the Bank and to render the same readily realisable or transferable by
the Bank at any time and also for giving full effect to the security.
CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ AodH$Î[r Í$[ g{ AQ>Zu H{$ Í$[ _| (CZH{$ EO|Q>m| Am°a Zmo_oV`m| H{$ Ona`{) Am°a E{g{ ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE ]¢H$ ¤mam _mßJ H$s JB© VmarI g{ EH$ h‚V{ H{$
AßXa E{gm H$aZ{ _| CYmaH$Vm© MyH$ H$aVm h° Vm{ Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ A‹`YrZ `m BgH{$ _m_b{ _| H$aZ{ `m oZÓ[moXV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ]¢H$ ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© g{ oH$`m OmZm A[{ojV E{g{
gma{ H$m_, H$m`© Am°a E{g{ gma{ ‡b{I, AßVaU g_ZwX{e [amßH$Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© H{$ CgH{$ obE Am°a CgH{$ Zm_ g{ H$aZ{ H{$ ob`{ AQ>moZ©`m| H{$ Í$[ _| oZ`w∫$ H$aVm h°$&
That the Borrower hereby irrevocably appoints the Bank (through their agents and nominees) to be attorneys and attorney of and
for and in the name of the Borrower to do all such acts, deeds and things and execute all such documents, transfers, assignments,
endorsements, whatever which the Borrower may be required by the Bank, to do or execute under or in respect of this Agreement
in the event of the Borrower failing to do so within a week from the date of demand by the Bank for such purpose.
19. `h H$amaZm_m ‡oV^yoV H{$ Í$[ _| ah{Jm Am°a `h ‡oV^yoV H$oWV ZH$X CYma ImV{ [a ]¢H$ H$m{ g_` - g_` [a X{` e{f H{$ obE Am°a gmar amoe`m|, F$UJ´ÒVVm Am°a EVX≤≤¤mam
AoYJ´hrV X{`mVmAm| H{$ obE oZaßVa ‡oV^yoV ah{Jr Am°a Bg ‡oV^yoV H{$ obE H$oWV ZH$X CYma ImV{ H$m{ ]ßX oH$`m J`m ImVm Zht g_PmZm h° Am°a oH$gr g_` [a `m g_`-
g_` [a H$oWV ImV{ H$m{ O_m _| bm`{ OmZ{ `m ey›` _| bm`{ OmZ{ H{$ H$maU `m O_m H$aZ{ H{$ obE AXm oH$`{ OmZ{ H{$ ¤mam ]mX _| o\$a g{ Im{bm J`m h° Vm{ [ya{ odÒVma VH$ oZH$mb
oX`{ OmZ{ H{$ H$maU Bg ‡oV^yoV H$m{ g_m· g_PZm Zht MmohE$&
That this Agreement shall operate as and this security shall be continuing security for the balance from time to time due to the Bank,
on the said Cash Credit Account and for all monies, indebtedness and liabilities hereby secured and the said cash credit account is not
to be considered to be closed for the purpose of this security and the security is not to be considered exhausted by reason of the
said account being brought to credit or to nil balance at any time or from time to time or of its being drawn upon to the full extent
if afterwards reopened by a payment to credit.
20. CYmaH$Vm© H{$ AZwam{Y [a gmI gwodYm/Am| X{`Vm/Am| H$m{ ]¢H$ H$s A›` emIm/Am| H{$ AßVnaV H$a oX`{ OmZ{ [a E{gr emIm/`| Bg H$amaZm_{ H$m{ Am°a EVXßVJ©V ‡oV^yoV`m±
‡doV©V H$aZ{ H$m{ Ah© hm|/hm|Jr O°g{ Bg H$amaZm_{ _| CgH{$ [j _| ‡odÔ> oH$`m J`m hm{$&
In the event of transfer of credit facility/ies/liability/ies to any other branch/es of the Bank at the request of the Borrower, such
branch is entitled to enforce this agreement and securities hereunder as if this agreement is entered in its favour.
21. g߇oV X•oÔ>]ßoYV H$oWV _mb Am°a H$oWV X{ZXmna`m± Am°a AmpÒV`m± CYmaH$Vm© H$s oZVmßV gß[oŒm h° Am°a CYmaH$Vm© H{$ EH$b oZ[Q>mZ _| hm{Jr Am°a d{ oH$gr [yd© MmO© `m F$UJ´ÒVVm
g{ _w∫$ h¢ Am°a —oÔ>]ßoYV oH$`{ OmZ{dmb{ gma{ ^odpÓ`H$ _mb Am°a X{ZXmna`m± VWm AmpÒV`m± Bgr Vah CYmaH$Vm© H$s F$UJ´ÒV oZVmßV Am°a oZ[Q>mZ `m{Ω` gß[oŒm hm|Jr$&
That all the said goods and the said debts and assets presently hypothecated are the absolute property of the Borrower at the sole
disposal of the Borrower and free from any prior charge or encumbrance and that all the further goods and debts and assets that will
be hypothecated shall be likewise the unencumbered and absolute and disposable property of the Borrower.
22. H$oWV _mb Am°a/`m H$oWV X{ZXmna`m± Am°a AmpÒV`m± ]¢H$ H{$ Òdm`oŒmH$aU _| hm| gß^d h˛Am Vm{ CZH$s ‡_mÃ, JwUdŒmm, dOZ, _yÎ` Am°a pÒWoV Am°a AßoV_ Í$[ H{$ obE Am°a
Mm{ar, CR>mB©oJar, AmJ, XßJm Am°a ogodb AmßXm{bZ Xw^m©d[yU© odZÔ> H{$ H$maU Bg_| h˛B© hmoZ odZÔ> `m Iam]r hm{ OmZ{ H{$ obE `m A›`Wm O°gr ^r [napÒWoV`m± hm{ `m H$maU
hm{ `m CgH{$ Zm°H$am| _| g{ `m Zmo_oV`m| _| `m EO|Q>m| H$s H$m{B© H$ma©dmB©, ÃwoQ>, A[{jm, Ny>Q> H{$ gmW-gmW oH$gr ‡H$ma H$s hmoZ, odZÔ>, Iam]r hm{ CgH{$ obE ]¢H$ oH$gr ^r Vah
g{ oOÂ_{Xma Zht hm{Jm$&
That the Bank shall not in any way be responsible in respect of the quantity, quality, weight, amount, value, condition and final out-
turn of the said goods and/or the said debts and assets if the same are or happen to be in possession of the Bank and for any loss,
destruction or deterioration thereof or damage thereto occasioned by theft, pilferage, robbery, fire, riot and civil commotion,
malicious damage or otherwise howsoever whatever may be circumstances or the reasons under or for which the loss, destruction,
deterioration or damage may arise, including any act, omission, negligence, default of the Bank or any of their servants or nominees
or agents.
23. Bg H$mamaZm_{ H{$ [jH$ma g{ H$s OmZ{dmbr H$m{B© _m±J `m Zm{oQ>g Cg{ E{g{ [jH$ma H{$ [ßOrH•$V H$m`m©b` `m ‡.H$m. _| (O°gr ^r pÒWoV hm{) N>m{S>Z{ `m [ßOrH•$V S>mH$ g{ ^{OZ{ H{$
¤mam H$s `m ^{Or Om` Am°a E{gr ha EH$ _m±J `m Zm{oQ>g [jH$ma H$m{ E{g{ g_` [a Am°a E{g{ ÒWmZ [a ‡m· h˛Am g_Pm OmVm h° O] Cg{ ‡eZJV [ßOrH•$V/‡YmZ/ÒWmoZH$ ‡YmZ
H$m`m©b` _| N>m{S>m J`m hm{ `m Am_ Vm°a [a S>mH$ g{ O] Cg{ gw[X© H$a oX`m OmVm h°$&
Any demand or notice to be made on or given to on or to any party hereto may be made or given by leaving same at or posting the
same by registered post in an envelope addressed to such party at its Registered Office or H.O. or Local Office as the case may be
and every such demand or notice shall be deemed to be received as the case may be at the time at which it is left or at the time at
which it would have been delivered in the ordinary course of post at the Registered/Head/Local Office in question.
24. (i ) _¢/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h° oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/A›` J°a oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmEß ‡XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| [yd© eV© H{$ Í$[ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr
F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`Àd d CgH$s [yoV© _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ gß]ßY _| H$m{B© ^r gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s
OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h°$&
I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/advances/other non-fund based credit facilities to
me/us, the Canara Bank, requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information and data relating to me/us,
of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be assumed, by me/us, in relation thereto and
default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof.
(ii) VXZwgma, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V h±ˇ / h° VWm `h gh_oV X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm ‡H$Q> H$s OmE Om{ oZÂZdV≤ h° ï
Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such :
(H$) _{a{/h_ma{ gß]ßY _| gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ / (a) Information and data relating to me/us
(I) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| gyMZm `m AmßH$S>{, VWm
(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and
(J) _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`Àd H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© H$m{B© MyH$
(c) default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.
(iii ) _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H{$Zam ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr JB© gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ gÀ` d ghr h°$&
I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct.
(H$) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s JB© H$oWV gyMZm d AmßH$S>m| H$m{ CZH{$ ¤mam `m{Ω` g_P{ JE VarH{$ g{ C[`m{J
_| bm gH$V{ h¢ d ‡m{g{g H$a gH$V{ h¢$&
(a) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said information and data
disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and
(I) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ‡m{g{g H$s JB© gyMZm `m CZH{$ ¤mam V°`ma oH$E JE CgH{$ JwUZ\$b H$m{ odMmamW© ]¢H$m|/odŒmr`
gßÒWmAm| VWm A›` F$U ‡XmZ H$aZ{dmbm| `m [ßOrH•$V C[`m{JH$Vm©Am| H$m{ Bg [j _| ^maVr` naOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ _| ‡ÒVwV H$a gH$Vm h°$&
(b) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration, the processed
information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial institutions and other credit granters
or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank in this behalf.
AmJ{, _¢ / h_ EVX≤¤mam [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢ oH$ gr AmB© gr / A›` ‡moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE / OmZ{dmbr gyMZm / „`m°a{ H{$ gß]ßY _{ _¢/h_ oH$gr Vah H$m H$m{B© oddmX ‡ÒVwV Zhr
H$Íß$Jm/H$a|J{ Am°a `h _wP{/h_ [a ]ßYZH$mar h° $&
Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding information/details furnished/to be
furnished to CICs/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
25. “Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$m AZw‡dV©Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm h±ˇ /H$aV{ h¢, CgH{$ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ AZw_oV X{Vm
h±ˇ/X{V{ h¢ $&
In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement, I/We agree and authorise the Bank, access to my/our
_{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oX`{ ‡moYH$aU H{$ AZwgma ]¢H$ A[Zr B¿N>m d AmdÌ`H$Vm H{$ AZwgma Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ bmJy ahZ{ H$s AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ, Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma
br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H{$ gß]ßY _| _{a{/h_ma{ b{I-[arjH$m| ¤mam grY{ hr `m _wPg{/h_g{ H$m{B© ^r ode{f ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$s Om±M H$aZ{ h{Vw _m±J
gH$Vm h°$&
As per the authorisation given by me/us to the Bank, the Bank can at its desire and requirement, at any point during the subsistence
of this agreement call for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific certification/details regarding the usage
of the funds borrowed under this agreement, so as to verify the end usage of the funds.
_¢/h_ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV CoMV g_` gr_m H{$ AßVJ©V ‡_mU[Ã ‡m· H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ oZX{em| H$m AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ H{$ obE CoMV AZwX{e X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& Bg gß]ßY _|,
_{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m [yam „`m°am ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& `oX _¢/h_ _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ ]XbV{ h¢, Vm{ E{gm ]Xbmd H$s gyMZm _¢/ h_ VwaßV ]¢H$ H$m{
Xy±Jm / X|J{$&”
I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the Bank for obtaining the certificate
within a reasonable time stipulated by the Bank. In this connection I/We agree to give full details of my/our auditors to the Bank. If
I/We change my/our auditors, then such changes shall be intimated to the Bank immediately.
`oX _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| ¤mam gyMZm ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ _| AZwoMV X{ar hm{ Om`{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _m±Jm J`m AmdÌ`H$ ‡_mUrH$aU/
„`m°am X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma oH$`m Om`{ `m ]mX _| `h [m`m Om`{ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam oX`{ J`{ ‡_mU[Ã/„`m°a{ _| H$m{B© h{a\{$a oH$`m J`m h°, Vm{ _¢/h_
Bg ]mV g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ F$U dm[g _m±JZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ [yam AoYH$ma h°$&
If there is any undue delay in submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our auditors/myself/ourselves
refuse to submit the required certificate/details called for or if it is subsequently found that there is some manipulation in the
certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree that the Bank has full discretion to recall the loan.
26. ]¢H$ H$s oZÂZ _m_b{ _| odd{H$moYH$ma ‡`m{J H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma hm{Jm :-
“The Bank shall have the right to exercise discretion with respect to the following :
(i) ]¢H$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V gr_m g{ AoYH$ F$U ImV{ _{ g{ amoe AmhaU H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ AZw_oV $&
Allowing the borrower to withdraw amount from the loan account over and above the limit sanctioned to it by the Bank.
(ii) AJa ]¢H$ _mZVm h° oH$ ]¢H$ ¤mam oOg C‘{Ì` g{ F$U ÒdrH•$V oH$`m J`m h°, Cgg{ [a{ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam M{H$ Omar oH$`m J`m h° V] V•Vr` [mQ>u H{$ [j _| CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam
AmhnaV M{H$ H$m{ CXŒm H{$ Í$[ _| bm°Q>mZm $&
Returning the cheques drawn on the loan account by the borrower in favour of third parties as unpaid, if the Bank has reasons
to believe that such cheques have been issued by the borrower for purposes other than which the loan has been sanctioned
by the Bank.
(iii) CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H$mam{]ma _| Am°a AoYH$ d•o’ d odH$mg h{Vw F$U ImV{ _| g{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ¤mam AoYH$ amoe H$s oZH$mgr H$s ]¢H$ H{$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V gr_m g{ AoYH$ h°,
(I) AJa E{gr AoYH$ amoe H$s oZH$mgr ]¢H$ H{$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V Zhr h° (J) AJa CYmaH$mV© H$m{ ÒdrH•$V F$U gwodYmAm| H$m ZdrH$aU oH$gr ^r H$maU g{ Zht oH$`m
J`m h°, VWm (K) AJa ]¢H$ _mZVm h° oH$ ]¢H$ ¤mam oOg C‘{Ì` H{$ obE F$U ÒdrH•$V oH$`m J`m h°, Cgg{ hQ>H$a AmhnaV oH$`m J`m h° $&
Disallowing large cash withdrawals by the borrowers from the loan account, for meeting the requirements of further growth
and development of the business of the borrower, (a) if such withdrawals are over and above the limits sanctioned to the
borrower by the Bank, (b) if such overdrawals have not been sanctioned by the Bank, (c) if the loan facilities sanctioned to the
borrower have not been renewed for any reason whatsoever, and (d) if the Bank has reason to believe that such withdrawals
are being made for purposes other than which the loan facility has been sanctioned by the Bank.
(iv) oZÂZmqH$V H$maUm| H{$ obE ÒdrH•$V F$U gwodYmAm| _| g{ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam AoVna∫$ AmhaU H$m{ ZH$maZ{ H$m ^r ]¢H$ H{$ [mg odd{H$moYH$ma hm{Jm :-
The Bank shall also have the discretion and right to refuse further withdrawals by the borrower from the loan facilities granted
to it for the following reasons.
(i) AJa CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ImV{ H$m{ ]¢H$ ¤mam A[Zr ]hr _| AZO©H$ AmpÒV`m| H{$ Í$[ _| dJuH•$V oH$`m hm{ $&
If the account of the borrower has been classified as a non performing asset by the Bank in its books.
(ii) AJa CYmaH$Vm© gßXo^©V F$U H$ama H$s eV© VWm CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ÒdrH•$V F$U gwodYm H{$ _m_b{ _| g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ ¤mam odoZoX©Ô> A›` eVm}ß H$m AZw[mbZ
Zhr oH$`m hm{ $&
If the borrower has not complied with the terms of this loan agreement referred and the other terms which the Bank may
specify from time to time with respect to the loan facility granted by it to the borrower.
(v) ]¢H$ ¤mam A[ZmE JE C∫$ odd{H$moYH$ma oZa[j d o]Z eV© H$m hm{Jm VWm CYmaH$Vm© oH$gr ^r g_` [a BgH{$ gß]ßY _| H$m{B© ‡ÌZ `m oddmX CÀ[fi Zht H$a{Jm $&
The discretion exercised by the Bank as stated above shall be absolute and unconditional, and the borrower shall not question
or raise any dispute about the same at any point of time whatsoever.
27. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢ oH$ dh/d{, BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© g{ gß]ßoYV oXeoZX}em| H{$ AZwgma, BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© H{$ Í$[ _| Ao^oZYm©naV EH$ Hß$[Zr/\$_© H{$ oZX{eH$
_ßS>b _| oZX}eH$ H{$ Í$[ _| H$m`©aV oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ Zht b{Jm/b{ßJ{ Am°a E{g{ _m_b{ _| Ohm± E{g{ oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm© Hß$[Zr H{$ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b _| gmP{Xma/oZX{eH$ H{$ Í$[
_| [m`m J`m Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© E{g{ Ï`o∫$ H$m{ A[Z{ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b/gmP{Xmar \$_© g{ hQ>mZ{ H{$ obE VwaßV Ed_≤ ‡^mdr H$X_ CR>mEJm/CR>mEßJ{$&
The borrower/s hereby undertake/s that he/they will not induct a person who is a Director on the Board of the company / partner
in a partnership firm which has been identified as a Wilful Defaulter as per the guidelines for classification as wilful defaulter and in
case such a person is found to be a Partner / Director on the Board of the borrower company the borrwer/s would take expeditious
and effective steps for removal of such persons from its Board / Partnership firm.
28. ]¢H$ oH$gr ^r gwodYm H$m{ oXE OmZ{ `m Omar aIZ{ H{$ obE ]m‹` Zht hm{Jm, ]pÎH$ ]¢H$ A[Z{ gß[yU© odd{H$moYH$ma _| Om{ C[`w∫$ g_P{Jm Cg{ o]Zm oH$gr oZoX©Ô> H$maU Am°a
[yd© gyMZm H{$ o]Zm oH$gr ^r g_` oH$gr ^r gwodYmAm|/gr_mAm| H$m{ a‘ H$aZ{ H{$ obE ÒdVßà hm{Jm$& Bg gß]ßY _| CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ g{ H$m{B© amoe O°g{ _wAmdOm, joV `m A›`Wm
Xmdm H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma Zht hm{Jm Am°a `h [yU© Í$[ g{ ]¢H$ H{$ odd{H$moYH$ma _| hm{Jm$&
The Bank shall not be obliged to grant or continue any facility/accommodation except that it shall in its absolute discretion consider
fit and that the Bank shall always be at liberty to cancel the unavailed facilities / limits at any time without prior notice and without
assigning any reason. The Borrower shall not be entitled to claim any amount from the Bank, as compensation, damages or otherwise
on exercising Bank's discretion in this regard.
29. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm H$m{ em{Yj_ d oXdmob`m[Z gßohVm, 2016 (gßoj· Í$[ _| "gßohVm') H$s Ymam 3(13) _| [na^mofV "odŒmr` gyMZm' H{$ ‡H$Q>Z/‡ÒVwV
H$aZ{ H{$ obE, ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm g{ ‡m· H$s OmZ{ dmbr F$U/odŒmr` gwodYmAm| H{$ gß]ßY _|, g_`-g_` [a, gßohVm H$s Ymam 3 (21) _| [na^mofV oH$gr ^r "gyMZm C[`m{oJVm'
(gßoj· Í$[ _| "AmB© `y') Om{ gßohVm _| oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_m|/oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma, O°gmoH$ gßem{oYV Edß g_`-g_` [a bmJy Am°a O°gmoH$ BgH{$ AßVJ©V odoZoX©Ô> AZwgma,
gßohVm H{$ AßVJ©V oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_Z H{$ AZwgma, ^maVr` naµOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$m| H$m{ Omar oXem-oZX}em| VWm EVX≤¤mam gß]ßoYV AmB© `y H{$ AZwam{Y oH$E
OmZ{ [a ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm ¤mam O_m H$s JB© odŒmr` OmZH$mar H$m{ VwaßV ‡_moUV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ode{f Í$[ g{ gh_V h¢$&
The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing/submitting the 'financial information' as defined in
Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code' for brief) read with the relevant Regulations/Rules framed under
the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under from time to time, in respect of the Credit/
Financial facilities availed from the Bank/Lender, from time to time, to any 'Information Utility' ('IU' for brief) as defined in Section 3
(21) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of India
to the banks from time to time and hereby specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information' submitted by the
Bank/Lender, as and when requested by the concerned 'IU'.
30. CYmaH$Vm©/gh-]m‹`VmYmar gh_V h° oH$ ]¢H$ H$m{ CZH$m/CZH{$ H$O©/AmpÒV`m| H$m{ AmpÒV [wZg™aMZm Hß$[oZ`m| H$m{ gm¢[Z{/]{MZ{ H$m odd{H$moYH$ma h°$&
The Borrower/s agree/s that the Bank has sole discretion to assign/sell his/their debt/assets to Asset Reconstruction Companies
oXZmßH$/Date : 05/04/2022
NF 721/04-2019/SESHAASAI
dMZ [Ã ï F$U/AoJ´_/Letter of undertaking re : Loans/Advances
‡{fH$ / From : g{dm _|/To :
Sagar Enterprises dna> ‡]ßYH$/‡]ßYH$/The Senior Manager/Manager
_{a/{ h_mar \$_©/h_mar Hß$[Zr (\$_© Am°a Hß$[Zr O°gm ^r _m_bm hm{ H$m Zm_ ]Vm`|) H$m{ F$U gwodYmAm| h{Vw Cg Am°a O°gm g_`-g_` [a C[`w∫$ g_Pm Om`{ Cg gr_m
VH$ ]¢H$ ¤mam _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/F$U gwodYm ‡XmZ H$aZ{ h{Vw _{a{/h_ma{ Amd{XZ H{$ gßX^© _| _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V hˇ±/h¢ VWm ]¢H$ H{$ gmW oZÂZ dMZ X{Vm hˇ±/
Sagar Enterprises
With reference to my/our application for certain credit facilities to me/our firm/our Company ..................................................
............................(mention the name of firm or Company, as the case may be) and the grant of loan/advance/credit facilities to
me/us by the Bank to such extent as it may deem fit from time to time, I/we hereby agree and undertake with the Bank as follows:
(1) _wP{/h_| CYma Xr J`r amoe [a ]¢H$ ¤mam F$U gwodYm ‡XmZ H$aV{ g_` Am°a/`m VXZwgma g_`-g_` [a O°gm oZYm©naV oH$`m J`m hm{ bmJy Xa [a Cg g_` „`mO
H{$ gmW _¢/h_ ‡_wI amoe H$m ^wJVmZ H$aZ{ _| gh_V hˇ±/h¢$&
I/We agree to repay the principal sum borrowed by me/us with interest thereon at such times and at such rates as may be prescribed
by the Bank, while sanctioning the credit facility and/or subsequently from time to time.
(2) _¢/h_ ÒdrH•$oV/AoJ´_/AmX{e `m F$U/AoJ´_ F$U gwodYm ‡XmZ H$aZ{ g{ gß]’ A›` [ÃmMmam| ¤mam ]¢H$ ¤mam AoYam{o[V g^r eVm~ H$m [mbZ H$aZ{ h{Vw gh_V
hˇ/± h¢$&
I/We agree to abide by all the terms and conditions as the Bank may impose in its sanction/advance/order or other communications
relating to the grant of loans/advance/credit facility.
(3) Bg_| `w∫$ eV} VWm dMZ CZ eVm~ H$s AZw[yaH$ hm{Jr Om{ F$U/‡oV^yoV ‡b{Im| oO›h| _¢/h_ C∫$ F$U/AoJ´_/F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| ]¢H$ H{$ [j _| A] `m CgH{$
]mX oZÓ[moXV H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{$&
The terms, conditions and undertakings herein contained shall be supplementary to the terms and conditions contained in the loan/
security document which I/We may execute now or hereafter in favour of the Bank in connection with the said loan/advance/credit
(4) F$U/AoJ´_ F$U gwodYm _ßOyar AmX{e _| `w∫$ eV© H{$ ]mdOyX _°¢/h_ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ A[Z{ ÒdoZU©` g{ ÒdrH•$V _moO©Z `m A›` eVm} `m gmI gwodYmAm| H{$
‡H$ma H$m{ [nadoV©V `m H$_ H$a gH$Vm h°$& ]¢H$ H$m{ `h ^r AoYH$ma h° oH$ dh ÒdrH•$V F$U gwodYm H$m{ `m Vm{ EH$ gmW `m oH$ÌVm| _| `m AdÒWmAm| _|, O°gm dh CoMV
g_P{, gßodVnaV H$a gH$Vm h°$&
Notwithstanding anything contained in the loan/Advance/credit facilities sanction order. I/We agree that the Bank in its discretion
may reduce or otherwise vary the limits, margins or other conditions or types of credit facilities so sanctioned. The Bank is also at
liberty to disburse the sanctioned credit facility either in one lump sum or in instalments or stages as it deems fit.
(5) Cg_| AWdm _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H{$ [j _| F$U/‡oV^yoV ‡b{Im| H{$ ]mdOyX _¢/h_ gh_V hy±/h¢ oH$ [yam AoJ´_ ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` hm{ OmEJm Am°a ]¢H$ Cg{ dgyb H$aZ{ H{$
obE _wPg{/h_g{ `m Vm{ Ï`o∫$JV Í$[ g{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ‡ÒVwV ‡oV^yoV ¤mam ‡m· H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma hm{Jm, AWm©V≤
Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the loan/security documents executed by me/us in favour of the Bank. I/we agree
that the whole advance shall forthwith become due and payable by me/us to the Bank and the Bank shall be entitled to enforce
recovery of the same either personally from me/us and/or by enforcing the securities furnished by me/us upon the happening of any
of the following events, namely :
(H$) AXm`Jr H{$ oZpÌMV oXZ [a oH$gr oH$ÌV `m _yb Aße H{$ AXm Z H$aZ{ [a,
(a) any instalments or portion of the principal monies remaining unpaid after due date;
(I) oH$gr „`mO `m CgH$m Aße CgH{$ AXm H$aZ{ H{$ oZpÌMV oXZ H{$ ]mX VrZ _mg H$s AdoY VH$ ]H$m`m ah J`r hm{, Mmh{ AXm H$aZ{ H$s _m±J H$s J`r hm{ `m Zht,
(b) any interest or portion remaining unpaid and in arrears for a space of three months after the same shall have become due,
whether demanded or not;
(J) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam BZ ‡ÒVwoV`m| H{$ AZw[mbZ `m oZÓ[mXZ _| Am°a F$U gwodYm H$s ÒdrH•$oV eVm~ `m F$U/‡oV^yoV ‡b{Im| _| `w∫$ eVm~ Am°a/`m ‡ÒVmd Am°a
`m ]¢H$ ¤mam AoJ´_ H{$ gß]ßY _| g_`-g_` [a bmJy oH$›ht A›` eVm~ H{$ ^ßJ `m MyH$ H$aZ{ [a,
(c) My/Our committing any breach or default in the performance or observance of these presents and the terms of sanction of the
credit facility or the conditions contained in loan/security documents and/or proposal and/or any other terms or conditions
imposed by the Bank relating to the advance, from time to time;
(K) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _¢Z{/h_Z{ F$UXmVmAm| H{$ gmW H$m{B© R>hamd `m gßJR>Z H$a ob`m hm{ AWdm oXdmob`m/g_m[Z H$m H$m`© H$aZ{ [a,
(d) My/Our entering into any arrangement or composition with my/our creditors or committing any act of insolvency/winding up;
(L> ) _{ar/h_mar gmar AWdm AmßoeH$ gß[oŒm H{$ odÈ’ oZÓ[mXZ `m Hw$H$s© A_b _| bm`r J`r hm{ `m CJmhr H$s JB© Vm{,
(e) Execution or distress being enforced or levied against the whole or any part of my/our property;
(M) h_ma{ (\$_© H{$ _m_b{ _|) [nag_m[Z H$aZ{ [a (EH$sH$aU AWdm [wZoZ©_m©U H{$ ‡`m{OZ H$m{ N>m{∂S>H$a),
(f) Our (in the case of a Company) going into liquidation (except for the purpose of amalgation or reconstruction);
(N> ) oH$gr gmP{Xma (\$_© H{$ _m_b{ _|) H$m AoYoZoU©V oXdmob`m hm{Zm `m oXdmob`m H$O©Xma H$s ghm`Vm H{$ obE ]Z{ oH$gr H$mZyZ H$m \$m`Xm CR>mZ{ [a,
(g) Any of the partners (in the case of a firm) being adjudged insolvent or taking advantage of any Law for the relief of insolvent
(O) _{a{/h_ma{ g_J´ AWdm AmßoeH$ gß[oŒm H{$ gß]ßY _| oH$gr ‡m·H$Vm© H$s oZ`wo∫$ [a,
(h) A Receiver being appointed in respect of the whole or any part of my/our property;
(P) _{a{/h_ma{ Ï`dgm` ]ßX H$aZ{ `m ]ßX H$aZ{ H$s Y_H$s X{{Z{ [a,
(i) My/Our ceasing or threatening to cease to carry on business;
(ƒm) E{gr H$m{B© [napÒWoV CÀ[fi hm{ Om` Om{ ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr J`r ‡oV^yoV H{$ obE AohVH$a hm{, Cg{ jrU H$a ahr hm{, CgH$m IVam hm{ `m ‡oV^yoV `m Ad_yÎ` H$a ahr
hm{ AWdm Cgg{ gwajm ‡oV^yoV H{$ AohV H{$ H$maU Ad_yÎ` hm{ OmZ{ H$s AmeßH$m hm{,
(j) The occurrence of any circumstance which in the opinion of the Bank is prejudicial to or impairs, imperils or depreciates or
likely to prejudice, impair, imperil or depreciate the security, if any, given to the Bank;
(Q>) E{gr KQ>Zm `m [napÒWoV CÀ[fi hm{ Om{ ]¢H$ H$s —oÔ> g{ _{a{/h_ma{ F$U AXm H$aZ{ H$s j_Vm H$m{ oH$gr ‡H$ma od[arV T>ßJ g{ `m hmoZH$maH$ T>ßJ g{ ‡^modV H$a
ahr hm{ AWdm Cg ‡H$ma ‡^modV H$aZ{ H$s AmeßH$m CÀ[fi H$a ahr hm{,
(k) The occurrence of any event or circumstance which in the opinion of the Bank would or is likely to prejudicially or adversely
affect in any manner my/our capacity to repay the loan;
(R>) oOg h{Vw ]¢H$ ¤mam F$U ÒdrH•$V oH$`m J`m hm{ Cg ‡H$ma F$U gwodYm H$m BÒV{_mb Z H$aZ{ `m MyH$ hm{Z{ [a VWm,
(l) Failure or neglect to utilise the credit facility or any part thereof for the purpose for which it was sanctioned by the Bank; and
(S> ) h_ma{ F$U Amd{XZ _| oX`{ Vœ`m| H$s gyMZm `m oH$gr ‡oVd{XZ `m ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr OmZ{ dmbr VXZßVa gyMZmAm| H{$ AgÀ` [m`{ OmZ{ [a,
(m) Any representation or information of facts given in our loan application or subsequent communications to the Bank being found
to be untrue;
Cg ‡ÌZ [a oH$ ∑`m C[`w©∫$ H$m{B© [napÒWoV`m| _| g{ oH$gr H{$ CÀ[fi hm{Z{ [a ]¢H$ H$m oZU©` hr AßoV_ hm{Jm Am°a _¢/h_ Cgg{ Am]’ hˇ±Jm/hm|J{$&
On the question whether any of the above events has happened, the decision of the bank shall be conclusive and binding on me/us.
(6) _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ E{gr gmar gyMZm X|J{ Om{ Am[ Cg ]mV H$s gßVwoÔ> H{$ obE _m±J{ oH$ CYma H$s g^r eVm~ H$m [mbZ hm{ ahm h° VWm C∫$ CYma H{$ C[`m{J g{ ‡m· C[bp„Y`m|
H{$ ]ma{ _| oZpÌMV H$a b{Z{ H{$ ‡`m{OZ g{ Am[ Om{ ^r g_` g_` [a ‡oVd{XZ VWm gyMZm oH$gr ^r g_` oH$gr ^r Í$[, VWm oH$›ht ^r oddaUm| H{$ gmW _m±J H$a|$&
CZ g]H$m{ _¢/h_ ‡ÒVwV H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{$&
I/We will furnish the Bank with all such information as you may reasonally required for your satisfaction as to due compliance with
the terms of the advance and all such periodical reports and information at such times, in such form and containing such particulars,
as you may call for, for the purpose of ascertaining the results of the utilisation of the said advance.
(7) _¢/h_ Ò[Ô> Í$[ g{ gh_V h±̌/h¢ oH$ h__| g{ oH$gr H$m{ „`mO Xa H$s ]∂T>m{Œmar H{$ gß]ßY _| Zm{oQ>g g^r H$m{ oX`m J`m g_Pm OmEJm Am°a Cg ‡H$ma H$m Zm{oQ>g [`m©· VWm
g^r [a bmJy hm{Jm Am°a ‡À`{H$ H$s Am{a g{ Bg ‡H$ma H{$ Zm{oQ>g ‡m· H$aZ{ H{$ obE ‡moYH•$V H$aV{ h¢$&
I/We expressly agree that any notice addressed to any one of us regarding enhancement in the rate of interest shall be deemed to
be notice given to all and such notice shall sufficient and binding on all of us and each one of us expressly authorises the others
severally to receive such notice on each one’s behalf.
(8) _¢/h_ AmJ{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ Am°a ]¢H$ H$m{, [wZod©Œm/F$U JmaßQ>r gßÒWmAm|, O°gm ]¢H$ ghr g_P{ H$m{ g^r gyMZm`| Am°a E{gr gyMZm`| Om{ g_` g_` [a AmJ{ ‡moYH$aU
[a odŒmr`Z pÒWoV g{ gß]’ hm{ `m h_ma{ CYma d [wZ^w©JVmZ g{ gß]ßoYV E{gr gyMZm`| ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ h{Vw ‡moYH•$V H$aVm hˇ±/H$aV{ h¢$&
I/We further agree and authorise the Bank to furnish to any of the refinancing/credit guarantee institutions as the Bank may deem
fit, such information relating to our borrowing and repayment or the financial position, from time to time, without any further
(9) _¢/h_ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ h_ma{ b{ZX{Z Am°a gßMmbZ H$m oZarjU H$aZ{ h{Vw A[Z{ Zm_mßoH$Vr H$m{ h_ma{ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b `m ‡]ßY, O°gm ^r _m_bm hm{, ]ZZ{ H{$ obE
oZ`w∫$ H$a| `m ‡]ßY H$m{ oZ`w∫$ H$a gH$Vm h°, Bg ‡H$ma H{$ Zm_mßoH$Vr/‡]ßYH$ H$m{ X{` [mnalo_H$ `m CZH{$ ¤mam oH$`m J`m H$m{B© IM© h_ma{ ImV{ _| Zm_{ oH$`m Om` Am°a
h_g{ dgyb oH$`m Om`$&
I/We further agree that the Bank is at liberty to appoint its nominee to be on our Board of Directors or Management as the case may
be or to appoint a Manager to supervise our operations and transactions. Any remuneration payable to such nominee/Manager and
any expense which may be incurred by him may be debited to our account and be recovered from us.
(10) _¢/h_ oZÂZoboIV dMZ b{Vm hˇ±/b{V{ h¢$&
I/We further undertake as follows :
(H$) _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$s [yd© gÂ_oV H{$ o]Zm oH$gr Z`r JoVodoY H$m{ J´hU H$aZ{ `m odÒVaU H$m`©H´$_ H$s oH$gr `m{OZm H$m gXÒ` Zht ]Zy±Jm/J{,
(a) I/We will not enter upon any scheme of expansion programme or take up any new activity without the prior written consent
of the Bank;
(I) _¢/h_ gm_m›` ‡oH´$`m H{$ Abmdm CYma `m oZd{e Zht H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{ `m ]¢H$ g{ oboIV AZw_oV H{$ o]Zm JmaßQ>rH$Vm© `m ‡oV^yoV H$m H$m_ Zht H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{,
(b) I/We will not invest or lent money except in the normal course of business or act as Surety or Guarantor without getting the
written consent of the Bank;
(J) dV©_mZ _| AZw_oV [na`m{OZm H{$ odŒmr`Z h{Vw gßgmYZ H$s oH$gr H$_r H$m{, Am°a/`m o_Ãm| d gß]ßoY`m| g{ CYma Jm°a ‡À`m^yV H{$ _m‹`_ g{ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam dhZ
oH$`m OmEJm$& _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam oX`m OmZ{dmbm `m oX`m J`m H$m{B© ]mhar CYma Am°a/`m ]¢H$ ¤mam _wP{/h_| ‡m· H$am`{ OmZ{dmbm/‡m· H$am`{ J`{ gmdoY F$U/
H$m`©erb gr_m H{$ [j _| ]¢H$ H{$ AYrZÒW g_Pm OmEJm,
(c) Any shortfall in the resources for financing the project estimated at present would be met by me/us from my/our resources
and/or by way of unsecured borrowing from friends and relatives. Any outside borrowings already made and/or to be made by
me/us shall be subordinated to the Bank towards the term loan/working limits made available/to be made available to me/us
by the Bank;
(K) _¢/h_ Am[H{$ gmW _{a{/h_mar [yar ]¢qH$J gro_V aIy±Jm/aI|J{,
(d) I/We will confine my/our entire banking with you;
(L> ) _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$s [yd© oboIV AZw_oV H{$ o]Zm ]¢H$ H$m{ oJadr ^dZ/_erZar dmhZ/A›` gß[oŒm`m± `m ^dZ/_erZar/dmhZ/A›` oJadr gß[oŒm`m| H$m H$m{B©
ohÒgm Z Vm{ ]{My±Jm d Z [≈>{ [a Xy±Jm Am°a Z hr ]¢H$ H$s [yd© oboIV AZw_oV H{$ o]Zm [na`m{OZm/_erZar/dmhZ `m A›` gß[oŒm`m| H$m{ A›` oH$gr ÒWmZ [a
b{ OmD±$Jm/Om`|J{,
(e) I/We will not lease out or dispose of the building/machinery/vehicle/other assets or any part of the building/machinery/
vehicle/other assets mortgaged/hypothecated to the Bank without the prior written consent of the Bank, nor shift the plant
and machinery/vehicle/other assets to any other place without the prior written consent of the Bank;
(M) oH$gr ^r H$maUde O°g{ hS>Vmb, Vmbm]›Xr, `mßoÃH$ Iam]r, H$É{ _mbm| H{$ A^md, V°`ma _mb H{$ odVaU Z hm{Z,{ D$Om© eo∫$ H$m A^md `m/Am°a oH$gr A›`
H$maUde H$m`© R>fl[ [S> OmZ{ g{ `m \°$∑Q>ar ]ßX hm{ OmZ{ [a, _¢/h_ KQ>Zm AWm©V≤ H$m`© H{$ ]ßX `m R>fl[ hm{ OmZ{ H{$ VrZ oXZ H{$ ^rVa ]¢H$ H$m{ gyoMV H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{$&
(f) In the event of the closure of the factory or stoppage of work due to strike, lock-out, mechanical breakdown, want of raw
materials, non-movement of finished goods, power shortage or/and for any other reason, intimation will be sent to the Bank
by me/us within 3 days of the occurrence, i.e. closure or stoppage of work;
(N> ) _¢/h_ g^r H$am| H$m{ O] Am°a O°g{ hr X{` hm{Jm AXm H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{$& O] VH$ oH$`{ oddmXmÒ[X Z hm{
(g) I/We will duly and punctually pay/discharge all taxes as and when due, unless contested in good faith;
(O) _¢/h_ CoMV naH$mS>© d b{Im H$m aIaImd H$ͱ$Jm Am°a ]¢H$ ¤mam _m±J OmZ{ [a CZH$s na[m{Q>© Am°a oddaU ‡ÒVwV H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{
(h) I/We will maintain proper records and accounts and furnish statements and reports thereof as and when required by the Bank;
(P) F$U H$s H$a{›gr H{$ Xm°amZ _¢/h_ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ H$s [yd© AZw_oV H{$ o]Zm dV©_mZ gmP{Xmar _| oH$gr [nadV©Z `m ]Xbmd H$aZ{ `m/Am°a [wZJ©R>Z Am°a/
`m odKQ>Z Zht H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{$& (`h eV© H{$db gmP{Xmar \$_m} H{$ _m_b{ _| bmJy hm{Jm$&)
(i) During the currency of the loan, I/We agree not to dissolve and/or to reconstitute and/or to make any alterations or change
in the existing partnership without the prior written permission of the Bank. (This clause is applicable in the case of partnership
firms only.)
(ƒm) ]¢H$ H$m Xmdm, [mnalo_H$, „`mO AmoX H{$ Í$[ _| gmP{Xmam|/oZX{eH$m| H{$ Xmd{ H{$ D$[a AJ´Vm H´$_ g{ hm{Jm,
(j) The claims of the Bank shall have precedence over the claim of the partners/Directors by way of remuneration, interest, etc.,
(Q>) _¢/h_ gh_V hˇ±/h° oH$ Am[H$m{ g_`-g_` [a CÉ ÒVar` ‡]ßY _| [nadV©Z H{$ odf` _| gyoMV H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{$&
(k) I/We agree to keep you informed of the changes in top level management, from time to time.
(11) EVX≤¤mam _{am/h_mam AZwam{Y h° Am°a Am[H$m{ ‡moYH•$V oH$`m OmVm h° oH$ Am[ _moO©Z amoe h{Vw _{a{/h_ma{ ]MV ]¢H$/Mmby/Am{daS≠>m‚Q> ImVm gߪ`m
............................. H$m{ È. ..................................................................................... Zm_{ S>mb| Am°a F$U gßKQ>H$ gohV
dmhZ/_erZar H$s bJmV H$m ^wJVmZ _| ..................................................... H$m{ H$a|$&
I/We hereby request and authorise you to debit a sum of Rs. ....................................................................... from my/ our
SB/Current/Overdraft account No. 6714261000024
............................................ being the margin amount and pay the cost of the vehicle/
machinery to the dealer/supplier M/s...................................................................... along with the loan component. I/We
also request and authorise you to debit a sum of Rs. ..........................................from my/our above mentioned account being
the margin amount and pay the cost of body building charges to M/s. ................................................along with the loan
I/We undertake to bring the vehicle for inspection when the body building is completed.
(i ) _¢/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h° oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/A›` J°a oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmEß ‡XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| [yd© eV© H{$ Í$[ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/
br OmZ{dmbr F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`Àd d CgH$s [yoV© _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ gß]ßY _| H$m{B© ^r gyMZm d AmßH$S>{
H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h°$&
(ii) VXZwgma, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V h° VWm `h gh_oV X{V{ h¢ oH$ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm ‡H$Q> H$s OmE Om{ oZÂZdV≤ h° ï
(H$) _{a{/h_ma{ gß]ßY _| gyMZm d AmßH$S>{
(I) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| gyMZm `m AmßH$S>{, VWm
(J) _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`Àd H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© H$m{B© MyH$
(iii) _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H{$Zam ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr JB© gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ gÀ` d ghr h°$&
(iv) _¢/h_ dMZ X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$
(H$) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s JB© H$oWV gyMZm d AmßH$S>m| H$m{ CZH{$ ¤mam `m{Ω` g_P{ JE VarH{$
g{ C[`m{J _| bm gH$V{ h¢ d ‡m{g{g H$a gH$V{ h¢$&
(I) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ‡m{g{g H$s JB© gyMZm `m CZH{$ ¤mam V°`ma oH$E JE CgH{$ JwUZ\$b H$m{ odMmamW©
]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| VWm A›` F$U ‡XmZ H$aZ{dmbm| `m [ßOrH•$V C[`m{JH$Vm©Am| H$m{ Bg [j _| ^maVr` naOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ _| ‡ÒVwV
H$a gH$Vm h°$&
(i) I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/advances/other non-fund based credit facilities to
me/us, the Canara Bank, requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information and data relating to me/us,
of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be assumed, by me/us, in relation thereto
and default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof.
(ii) Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such :
(a) Information and data relating to me/us
(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and
(c) default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.
(iii) I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct.
(iv) I/We, undertake that :
(a) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said information and data
disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and
(b) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration, the processed
information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial institutions and other credit granters
or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank in this behalf.
AmJ{, _¢/h_ EVX≤Xûmam [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ gr AmB© gr/A›` ‡moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE/OmZ{dmbrgyMZm/„`m°a{ H{$ gß]ßY _| _¢/h_ oH$gr Vah H$m H$m{B© oddmX
‡ÒVwV Zht H$Íß$J/H$a|J{ Am°a `h _wP/h_ [a ]ßYZH$mar h° $&
Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding information/details furnished/
to be furnished to CICs/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
“Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$m AZw‡dV©Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm h±̌ / H$aV{ h¢, _{a{ /CgH{$ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ AZw_oV
X{V{ h¢$&
_{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oX`{ ‡moYH$aU H{$ AZwgma ]¢H$ A[Zr B¿N>m d AmdÌ`H$Vm H{$ AZwgma Bg H$amaZm_| H{$ bmJy ahZ{ H$s AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ, Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV
CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H{$ gß]ßY _| _{a{/h_ma{ b{I-[arjH$m| ¤mam grY{ hr `m _wPg{/h_g{ H$m{B© ^r ode{f ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$s Om±M
H$aZ{ h{Vw _m±J gH$Vm h°$&
_¢/h_ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV CoMV g_` gr_m H{$ AßVJ©V ‡_mU[Ã ‡m· H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ oZX{em| H$m AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ H{$ obE CoMV AZwX{e X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& Bg
gß]ßY _|, _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m [yam „`m°am ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& `oX _¢/h_ _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ ]XbV{ h¢, Vm{ E{gm ]Xbmd H$s gyMZm h_
VwaßV ]¢H$ H$m{ X|J{$&”
`oX _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| ¤mam gyMZm ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ _| AZwoMV X{ar hm{ Om`{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _m±Jm J`m AmdÌ`H$
‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma oH$`m Om`{ `m ]mX _| `h [m`m Om`{ oH$ _{a/{ h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a/{ h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam oX`{ J`{ ‡_mU[Ã/„`m°a{ _| H$m{B© h{a\{$a oH$`m
J`m h°, Vm{ _¢/h_ Bg ]mV g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ F$U dm[g _m±JZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ [yam AoYH$ma h°$&
“In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement. I/We agree and authorise the Bank, access to my/our
As per the authorisation given by me/us to the Bank, the Bank can at its desire and requirement, at any point during the subsistence
of this agreement call for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific certification/details regarding the usage
of the funds borrowed under this agreement, so as to verify the end usage of the funds.
I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the Bank for obtaining the certificate
within a reasonable time stipulated by the Bank. In this connection I/We agree to give full details of my/our auditors to the Bank.
If I/We change my/our auditors, then such changes shall be intimated to the Bank immediately.
If there is any undue delay in submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our auditors/myself/ourselves
refuse to submit the required certificate/details called for or if it is subsequently found that there is some manipulation in the
certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree that the Bank has full discretion to recall the loan.”
CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢ oH$ dh/d{, BamXVZ MwH$H$Vm© g{ gß]ßoYV oXemoZX}em| H{$ AZwgma, BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© H{$ Í$[ _| Ao^oZYm©naV EH$ Hß$[Zr/
\$_© H{$ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b _| oZX{eH$ _ßS>b _¢ oZX}eH$ H{$ Í$[ _| H$m`©aV oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ Zht b{Jm/b{J| Am°a E{g{ _m_g{ _| Ohm± oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm© Hß$[Zr H{$
oZX}eH$ _ßS>b _| gmP{Xma/oZX{eH$ H{$ Í$[ _| [m`m J`m Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© E{g{ Ï`o∫$ H$m{ A[Z{ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b/gmP{Xmar \$_© g{ hS>mZ{ H{$ brE VwaßV ‡^mdr H$X_ CR>mEJm/
CR>mEßJ${ &
The borrowers hereby undertake/s that he/they will not induct a person who is Director on the Board of the company/partner in
a partnership firm which has been identified as a Wilful Defaulter as per the guidelines for classification as wilful defaulter and in case
such a person is found to be Partner/Director on the Board of the borrower company the borrower/s would take expeditious and
effective steps for remove of such persons from its Board/Partnership firm.
CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm H$m{ em{Yj_ d oXdmob`m[Z gßohVm, 2016 (gßoj· Í$[ _| "gßohVm') H$s Ymam 3(13) _| [na^mofV "odŒmr` gyMZm' H{$
‡H$Q>Z/‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ H{$ obE, ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm g{ ‡m· H$s OmZ{ dmbr F$U/odŒmr` gwodYmAm| H{$ gß]ßY _|, g_`-g_` [a, gßohVm H$s Ymam 3 (21) _| [na^mofV
oH$gr ^r "gyMZm C[`m{oJVm' (gßoj· Í$[ _| "AmB© `y') Om{ gßohVm _| oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_m|/oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma, O°gmoH$ gßem{oYV Edß g_`-g_` [a bmJy Am°a
O°gmoH$ BgH{$ AßVJ©V odoZoX©Ô> AZwgma, gßohVm H{$ AßVJ©V oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_Z H{$ AZwgma, ^maVr` naµOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$m| H$m{ Omar
oXem-oZX}em| VWm EVX≤¤mam gß]ßoYV AmB© `y H{$ AZwam{Y oH$E OmZ{ [a ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm ¤mam O_m H$s JB© odŒmr` OmZH$mar H$m{ VwaßV ‡_moUV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ode{f Í$[
g{ gh_V h¢$&
The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing/submitting the 'financial information' as defined in
Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code' for brief) read with the relevant Regulations/Rules framed under
the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under from time to time, in respect of the Credit/
Financial facilities availed from the Bank/Lender, from time to time, to any 'Information Utility' ('IU' for brief) as defined in Section
3 (21) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of
India to the banks from time to time and hereby specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information' submitted by
the Bank/Lender, as and when requested by the concerned 'IU'.
CYmaH$Vm©/gh-]m‹`VmYmar gh_V h° oH$ ]¢H$ H$m{ CZH$m/CZH{$ H$O©/AmpÒV`m| H$m{ AmpÒV [wZg™aMZm Hß$[oZ`m| H$m{ gm¢[Z{/]{MZ{ H$m odd{H$moYH$ma h°$&
The Borrower/s agree/s that the Bank has sole discretion to assign/sell his/their debt/assets to Asset Reconstruction Companies
_¢/h_ [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ Bg F$U [a bmJy hm{Z{dmb{ oZ`_ _wP{/h_| Ò[Ô> H$a oX`{ J`{ h¢ Am°a _¢Z{/h_Z{ CgH$m{ g_P ob`m h° $&
I/We confirm that the rules governing this loan have been explained to me/us and I/we have understood the same.
_¢/h_ oJadr km[Z [à /H$amaZm_m / A›` XÒVmZ H$m{ ^r Cg_| gßXo^©V ‡oV^yoV`m| gohV gßbΩZ H$aVm h±ˇ/H$aV{ h¢ $&
I/We also enclose the Memorandum of Pledge/Agreement/other documents/together with securities referred to therein.
^dXr`/Yours faithfully,
oXZmßH$/Date : 05/04/2022
ÒWmZ/Place : GAYA CYmaH$Vm©/Borrower/s
NF 372/04-2019/SESHAASAI
‡{fH$ / From : g{dm _|/To :
Sagar Enterprises ‡]ßYH$/The Manager
Abhijeet Kumar H{$Zam ]¢H$/CANARA BANK
H$/a) A›` XÒVmd{Om| H{$ gmW ‡m{Zm{Q> oH$ odoYdV≤ oZÓ[mXZ/Promissory Note duly executed with other documents.
I/b) A›` gßJV XÒVmd{Om| H{$ gmW [•>mßoH$V gm_m›` ‡m{Zm{Q>/GP Notes endorsed with other relevant documents.
J/c) A›` C[`w∑V XÒVmd{Om| H{$ gmW odoYdV≤ g_ZwXo{ eV ]r_m [mobog`m±/Insurance Policy duly assigned with other relevant documents.
K/d) A›` gßJV XÒVmd{Om| H{$ gmW AßVnaV S>r_{Q> e{`a/‡À`j e{`a/Demant Shares/Physical Shares transferred with other relevant documents.
M/e) Z_yZm hÒVmja H$mS>©/Specimen Signature Card/s.
N>/f) AZwam{Y [Ã d A›` XÒVmd{Om| H{$ gmW _r`mXr O_m agrX/agrXm|/Fixed Deposit Receipt/s with request letter and other documents.
* H•$[`m ‡oV^yoV`m| H$m „`m{am oZÂZmZwgma ‡ÒVwV oH$`m OmE/Please furnish details of security as follows :
i) e{`a/oS>]|Ma h{Vw ï Hß$[Zr H$m Zm_, ‡m[Ã/odoeÔ> (oS>pÒQ>®H≤$oQ>d) gߪ`m e{`am|, oS>]|Mam| H$s gߪ`m/e{`am|/
oS>]|Mam| H$s l{Ur, AmßoH$V _yÎ`, ]mOma _yÎ`$&
For Shares / Debentures : Name of the Company, Certificate / Distinctive No., Number of Shares /
Debentures, Class of Shares / Debentures, Face Value, Market Value.
ii) Eb AmB© [r/[r Eb AmB© [r h{Vw ï [m∞obgr gߪ`m, AmÌdmogV amoe, A⁄VZ Egdr, [na[dVm oVoW, ‡ro_`_ ^wJVmZ H$aZ{ H$m
For LIP / PLIP : Policy No. Sum Assured, Latest SV, Date of Maturity, Mode of Payment of
iii) A›` ‡oV^yoV`m| h{Vw ï oddaU, AßoH$V _yÎ`, ]mOma _yÎ`$&
For Other Securities : Description, face value, market value.
2. _wPg{/h_g{ hÒVmjnaV È....................... H{$ _mßJ dMZ[Ã, _wOg{/h_g{ ...................................... H{$ Zm_ g{ odohV
Mmby Im{V{ _| ‡m· oH$E OmZ{dmb{ È..................................... H{$ Am{daS≠>m‚Q> H{$ [wZ^w©JVmZ H{$ obE Am°a AßoV_ e{f `m AoYH$df© [a
^wJVmZ Zm H$s h˛B© aH$_ H{$ obE, ‡oV^yoV H{$ Í$[ _| Am[H$m{ oX`m OmVm h° Am°a AoYH$df© ImV{ _| g{ oZH$mgr H$aZ{ H$m, ImV{ _| O_m H$aZ{ H{$ g_`
[a Am{daS≠>m‚Q> H{$ KQ>Z{ `m g_m· hm{Z{ H{$ `m H$oWV ImV{ H{$ e{f H$m O_m _| ahZ{ `m oZH$mgr `m Zm_{ S>mbZ{ H{$ H$oWV ImV{ H$s gr_m g{ AoYH$ amer
AmhnaV hm{Z{ H{$ ]mdOyX ^r, _¢/h_ _m±J dMZ[à H{$ ‡oV CŒmaXm`r hˇ±/h¢$&
The on-demand promissory note for Rs............................................. signed by me/us enclosed is given to you as
Security for repayment of any overdraft to the extent of Rs.............................................................
Sagar Enterprises
which I/We may avail of hereafter in Current Account styled ........................................................................ as
also for the ultimate balance or sum remaining unpaid on the overdraft and I/We are to remain liable on the promissory
note not withstanding the fact that by payments or credits made into the account of the Overdraft may from time to
time be reduced or extinguished or even that the balance of the said account may be at credit or by the drawing or
debits against the account, the said account may be overdrawn beyond the limit sanctioned.
3.1 CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ H$m{ oZoY H{$ gr_mßV bmJV [a CYmar Xa (E_ gr Eb Ama) H{$ D$[a _mogH$/ð_mogH$/N>_mhr AmYma [a ....................%
g{ „`mO H$m ^wJVmZ H$a{Jm$& dmÒVodH$ F$U Xa, Om{ E_grEbAma g{ Ow∂S>r h°, ]¢H$ ¤mam oZoX©Ô> g_` AßVamb [a g_rjm Am°a [nadV©Z H{$ AYrZ
hm{Jr$& ]¢H$ ¤mam E_grEbAma [nadV©Z H{$ gß]ßY _| A[Zr d{]gmBQ> VWm ]¢H$/emIm H$s gyMZm[≈> [a AoYgyoMV H$s JB© OmZH$mar CYmaH$Vm© H{$
obE AßoV_ gyMZm hm{Jr$& ]¢H$ H{$ ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` H{$ oZX}e H{$ AZwgma g_`-g_` [a h˛B© ]∂T>m{Œmar gohV „`mO Xa _| h˛B© oH$gr ‡H$ma H{$ [nadV©Z
H{$ obE ]¢H$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ‡{ofV H$s OmZ{ dmbr Zm{oQ>g g{ ode{fÍ$[ g{ Ny>Q> ‡m· h°$&
The Borrower shall pay interest at .....................% above the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR)
compounded monthly/quarterly/half yearly. The actual lending rate which is linked to the MCLR shall be subject to
review and variation at the time interval specified by the Bank. The change in MCLR notified by the Bank on its
website and notice board of the Bank/Branch shall be conclusive notice to the borrower in respect of such change
of MCLR. The Borrower hereby specifically waives serving notice by the Bank for any variation in interest rate
including enhancement from time to time as may be directed by the Head Office of the Bank.
3.2 gh_V eVm}ß [a oH$gr oH$ÒV H$s AXm`Jr H$aZ{ _| Am°a ImV{ H$m{ oZ`o_V H$aZ{ _| _{a{/h_ma{ Ag\$b hm{Z{ H$s pÒWoV _| E{g{ Ï`p∑VH´$_ H$s oVoW g{
ImV{ H$m{ oZ`o_V/g_em{oYV H$aZ{ VH$ O°gm ^r _m_bm hm{, AoJ´_ H{$ obE gh_V Xa H{$ D$[a 2% H$s Xa [a „`mO ‡^mnaV H$aZ{ H{$ obE Am[
ÒdVßà h¢$&
In the event of my/our default in payment of any instalment or not regularising the account as per terms agreed
upon, you are free to charge interest at 2% over the agreed rate for the advances from the date of such default till
regularising / clearing the account as the case may be.
3.3 _wP{ / h_| _mby_ h° oH$ `⁄mo[ dMZ [Ã _| _yb „`mO Xa g{ gÂ]’ „`mO H$s Xa CpÎboIV h°, g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ ¤mam A[Z{ gyMZm [Q>b _| ‡Xoe©V
AZwgma ]∂T>mB© JB© Xa _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam „`mO X{` hm{Jm$&
I/We am/are aware that even though pronote mentions rate of interest linked to Bench mark PLR, I/We am/are liable
to pay any upward revision as notified by the Bank in the notice board of the Bank from time to time.
3.4 _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ _¢/h_ _ßOyar H{$ g_` _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam gh_V „`mO Xa _| H$m{B© H$Q>m°Vr H{$ obE Ah© Zht hˇ±/h¢ Am°a
`h ^r H$s _ßOyar H{$ g_` oZYm©naV „`mO Xa _| oH$gr gßem{YZ H{$ [naUm_ ÒdÍ$[ ]∂T>mB© JB© Xa [a _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam „`mO X{` hm{Jm$&
I/We hereby specifically agree that I/We am/are not entitled to any reduction in the rate of interest agreed by me/
us at the time of sanction and also that I/we am/are bound to pay any upward revision in the said rate of interest
stipulated at the time of sanction.
3.5 _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ H{$ ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` H{$ oXemoZX}em| H{$ AZwgma g_`-g_` [a „`mO Xa ]∂T>mB© OmZ{ H$m{ emo_b
H$a „`mO Xa _| oH$E OmZ{dmb{ [nadV©Z H$s gyMZm _wP{/h_| Xr OmZ{ H$s AmdÌ`H$Vm Zht h°$& _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ „`mO Xa _| oH$E
OmZ{dmb{ E{g{ [naga _| pÒWV gyMZm [Q>b _| gyoMV oH$`m OmVm h° Vm{ ]h _{a{/h_ma{ obE [`m©· gwMZm hm{Jr Am°a _¢/h_ g^r X{JVmAm| H$s [yar MyH$m°Vr
hm{Z{ VH$ g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ H{$ gyMZm [Q>b _| gyoMV Xa [a „`mO H$m ^wJVmZ H$aZ{ h{Vw gh_V hˇ±/h¢$&
I/We hereby specifically agree that I/We waive notice of variation of interest including enhancement from time to
time as per the directions of the Head Office of the bank. I/We further agree that such premises shall be sufficient
notice to me/us and that I/We agree to pay interest at the rate notified in the Notice Board of the Bank from time to
time until all dues are cleared in full.
3.6 _¢/h_ Ò[Ô> Í$[ g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ A[Z{ ImV{ _| R>rH$ gm° VH$ JwUZ\$b ]∂T>mH$a X°oZH$ Zm_{ e{f [a „`mO [naH$obV H$a|$& Bg [´H$ma H$aV{ g_`
[Mmg g{ H$_ e{f N>m{∂T> oX`m Om gH$Vm h° Am°a [Mmg Am°a Cgg{ AoYH$ e{f amoe H$m{ oZH$Q>V_ gm° VH$ [yUm©qH$V oH$`m Om gH$Vm h°$&
I/We expressly agree to your computing interest on daily debit balance in our account extending products correct
to a hundred, in doing so, balance below fifty may be neglected and balances of fifty and above may be rounded off
to the nearest next hundred.
4. _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam dMZ X{Vm hˇ±/X{V{ h¢ oH$ _¢/h_ oOgH{$ obE ÒdrH•$V oH$`m J`m h°, Cgr ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE amoe H$m ‡`m{J H$ͱ$Jm/H$a|J{ Am°a oOgH{$
obE ÒdrH•$V oH$`m J`m h°, CgH{$ Abmdm oH$gr ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE CgH$m H$m{B© ohÒgm AWdm amoe H$m ‡`m{J Zht H$ȱJm/H$a|J{ BgH{$ AoVna∑V _¢/
h_ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ `oX ]¢H$ H$m{ gßX{h hm{ AWdm CgH{$ odÌdmg H{$ H$maU hm{ oH$ _¢Z{/h_Z{ Bg dMZ H$m CÎbßKZ oH$`m h° AWdm H$a ahm hˇ±/ah| Vm{
]¢H$ F$U amoe dm[g _m±J gH$Vm h° AWdm Bg_| A›VodoÔ> A›` oH$gr H$ama _| H$m{B© ^r odam{Yr ]mVm| H{$ hm{V{ h˛E ^r VÀH$mb CgH{$ H$m{B© ohgg{ _m±J
H$a gH$Vm h°$&
I/We hereby undertake that I/We shall use the amount only for the purpose for which it is sanctioned and shall not
use the amount or any part thereof for any purpose other than for which it is sanctioned. Further, I/We agree that
if the bank suspects or has reason to believe that I/We have violated or am/are violating this undertaking, the Bank
may recall the loan amount or any part thereof at once not withstanding anything to the contrary contained or in any
other agreement.
5. _¢/h_ AmJ{, Am[g{ `h Zm{Q> H$aZ{ H$m AZwam{Y H$aVm hˇ±/h¢ oH$ O] Am°a O°g{ ]¢H$ ¤mam _m±J H$s OmVr h°, ImV{ H$m{ Ï`dpÒWV ]ZmZ{ _| _wPg{/h_g{
MyH$ hm{Z{ H$s pÒWoV _| _wP{/h__| g{ oH$gr EH$ `m AoYH$ [a X{`Vm `m ImV{ H{$ gß]ßY _| Am[ ¤mam YmnaV ‡oV^yoV`m| H{$ C[Mma [a oH$gr [ydm©J´h H{$
o]Zm Am[ _m°oIH$ `m oboIV Í$[ g{ _wP{/h__| g{ oH$gr EH$ `m AoYH$ H$m{ ^wJVmZ H$aZ{ h{Vw g_` X{Z{ H{$ obE ÒdVßà hm|J{$&
I/We further request you to note that on my/our failure to put the account in order as and when demanded by the
bank, you shall be at liberty to give time for payment to me/any one or more of us, on verbal or written application
without prejudice to the liability on myself / any one or more of us or to anyone of the remedies of securities you
hold in respect of the account.
6. g^r o]bm|/_m±J dMZ[Ãm| VWm M{H$m| H$s X{`aH$_ H$g [wZ^w©JVmZ H{$ obE _¢/h_ Ï`o∫$JV Í$[ g{ oOÂ_{Xma ahˇ±Jm/ah|J{ VWm oOgH{$ AmJm_ H$m{ _¢/
h_ `h h__| g{ H$m{B© EH$ `m AoYH$ Ï`o∫$ `m/Am°a ‡moYH•$V oH$E JE `m CgH{$ ]mX h_g{ ‡moYH•$V oH$E OmZ{dmb{ EH$ `m AoYH$ Ï`p∑V H{$ H$oWV
Am{daS≠>m‚Q> ImV{ _| O_m H$aZ{ H{$ obE oZd{XZ H$ȱJm/H$a|J{/Oa|J{ Am°a „`mO, H$_reZ, Vmam| H$s bmJV Am°a g^r ‡mgqJH$ IMm}ß d A›` ]¢H$ ‡^ma
VWm oH$›ht AÒdrH•$V o]bm|, dMZ[Ãm| `m M{H$m| H$s amoe`m| H$m{ H$oWV ImV{ _| Zm_{ S>mb{ X{$& _¢/h_ C∑V o]bm|, dMZ[Ãm| M{H$m| H{$ AZmXaU H{$ gß]ßY
_| ZH$ma gyMZm H$m{ Ò[Ô> Í$[ g{ AoYÀ`mJ H$aVm/H$aV{ h¢$&
I/We shall be personally responsible for repayment of all amount due under any bills, promissory notes or cheques
proceeds which I/We or any one of more of us or the person or/and one or more of the persons now authorised or
to be hereafter authorised by us may request you to credit to the said overdraft account and you may debit the same
account of any dishonoured bills, promissory notes or cheques. I/We expressly waive notice of dishonour with regard
to the sight bills, promissory notes or cheques.
7. (i) _¢/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h° oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/A›` J°a oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmEß ‡XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| [yd© eV© H{$ Í$[ _| _{a{/h_ma{
¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`Àd d CgH$s [yoV© _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ gß]ßY
_| H$m{B© ^r gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h°$&
(ii) VXZwgma, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V h° VWm `h gh_oV X{V{ h¢ oH$ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm ‡H$Q> H$s OmE Om{ oZÂZdV≤ h° ï
(H$) _{a{/h_ma{ gß]ßY _| gyMZm d AmßH$S>{
(I) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| gyMZm `m AmßH$S>{, VWm
(J) _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`Àd H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© H$m{B© MyH$
(iii) _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H{$Zam ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr JB© gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ gÀ` d ghr h°$&
(iv) _¢/h_ dMZ X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$
(H$) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s JB© H$oWV gyMZm d AmßH$S>m| H$m{ CZH{$ ¤mam
`m{Ω` g_P{ JE VarH{$ g{ C[`m{J _| bm gH$V{ h¢ d ‡m{g{g H$a gH$V{ h¢$&
(I) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ‡m{g{g H$s JB© gyMZm `m CZH{$ ¤mam V°`ma oH$E JE CgH{$ JwUZ\$b
H$m{ odMmamW© ]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| VWm A›` F$U ‡XmZ H$aZ{dmbm| `m [ßOrH•$V C[`m{JH$Vm©Am| H$m{ Bg [j _| ^maVr` naOd© ]¢H$
¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ _| ‡ÒVwV H$a gH$Vm h°$&
(i) I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/advances/other non-fund based credit
facilities to me/us, the Canara Bank, requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information
and data relating to me/us, of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be
assumed, by me/us, in relation thereto and default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof.
(ii) Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such :
(a) Information and data relating to me/us
(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and
(c) default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.
(iii) I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct.
(iv) I/We, undertake that :
(a) the Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said
information and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and
(b) the Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consider-
ation, the processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial
institutions and other credit granters or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank in
this behalf.
AmJ{, _¢/h_ EVX≤Xûmam [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ gr AmB© gr/A›` ‡moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE/OmZ{dmbrgyMZm/„`m°a{ H{$ gß]ßY _| _¢/h_ oH$gr
Vah H$m H$m{B© oddmX ‡ÒVwV Zht H$Íß$J/H$a|J{ Am°a `h _wP/h_ [a ]ßYZH$mar h° $&
Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding information/
details furnished/to be furnished to CICs/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
8. Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$m AZw‡dV©Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢, _{a{ /CgH{$ b{Im
[arjH$m| H$m{ AZw_oV X{V{ h¢$& _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oX`{ ‡moYH$aU H{$ AZwgma ]¢H$ A[Zr B¿N>m d AmdÌ`H$Vm H{$ AZwgma Bg H$amaZm_| H{$ bmJy
ahZ{ H$s AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ, Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H{$ gß]ßY _| _{a{/h_ma{ b{I-[arjH$m| ¤mam grY{ hr `m _wPg{/h_g{
H$m{B© ^r ode{f ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$s Om±M H$aZ{ h{Vw _m±J gH$Vm h°$&
_¢/h_ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV CoMV g_` gr_m H{$ AßVJ©V ‡_mU[Ã ‡m· H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ oZX{em| H$m AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ H{$ obE CoMV AZwX{e X{Z{ H{$ obE
gh_V h¢$& Bg gß]ßY _|, _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m [yam „`m°am ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& `oX _¢/h_ _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ ]XbV{ h¢,
Vm{ E{gm ]Xbmd H$s gyMZm h_ VwaßV ]¢H$ H$m{ X|J{$&
`oX _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| ¤mam gyMZm ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ _| AZwoMV X{ar hm{ Om`{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _m±Jm
J`m AmdÌ`H$ ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma oH$`m Om`{ `m ]mX _| `h [m`m Om`{ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam oX`{ J`{
‡_mU[Ã/„`m°a{ _| H$m{B© h{a\{$a oH$`m J`m h°, Vm{ _¢/h_ Bg ]mV g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ F$U dm[g _m±JZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ [yam AoYH$ma h°$&
“In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement. I/We agree and authorise the Bank,
access to my/our auditors.
As per the authorisation given by me/us to the Bank, the Bank can at its desire and requirement, at any point during
the subsistence of this agreement call for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific certification/
details regarding the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement, so as to verify the end usage of the funds.
I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the Bank for obtaining the
certificate within a reasonable time stipulated by the Bank. In this connection I/We agree to give full details of my/
our auditors to the Bank. If I/We change my/our auditors, then such changes shall be intimated to the Bank
immediately. If there is any undue delay in submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our
auditors/myself/ourselves refuse to submit the required certificate/details called for or if it is subsequently found
that there is some manipulation in the certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree that
the Bank has full discretion to recall the loan.”
9. ‡oV^yoV H{$ Í$[ _| oJadr aI{ JE o_`mXr O_m/O_mAm| H{$ gß]ßY _| O_mamoe`m| [a „`mO VWm X{` oVoW [a _yb-amoe/amoe`m| H$m{ ‡m· H$aZ{ VWm
[ydm{p∑V Am{daS≠>m‚Q> ImV{ _| O_m H$aZ{ H{$ obE, _¢/h_ Am[H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm hˇ±/h¢$&
In the matter of Fixed deposit/s offered as security, I/We authorise you to collect and credit the interest on the
deposit/s as also the principal sum/s on the due date to the aforesaid overdraft account.
10. ‡oV^yoV H{$ Í$[ _| oXE JE Or [r Zm{Q>/e{`am| H{$ gß]ßY _| bm^mßem| H$m{ ‡m· H$aZ{ VWm C∑V ImV{ _| O_m H$aZ{ H{$ obE Am[H$m{ ‡moYH•$V oH$`m
OmVm h°$&
In the matter of the GP notes/shares offered as security, you are authorised to collect the interest/dividends and
credit the same to the aforesaid account.
11. _¢/h_ ImV{ H{$ gßMmbZ H{$ obE o\$bhmb Mmby _| ah{ ]¢H$ H{$ oZ`_m| H{$ AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ Am°a CZg{ Am]’ ahZ{ H{$ obE gh_V hˇ±/h¢ Am°a _{am/h_mam
oZd{XZ h° oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ .................................................................................... [V{ [a g^r Zm{oQ>g ^{O|$&
I/We agree to comply with and to be bound by the bank rules for the time being in force for the conduct of the
account and request you to deliver all notices to my/our address namely ..........................................................
Gurudwara Road, Behind Devi Asthan,Near Navaratan Transport Gaya
12. _¢/h_ [woÔ> H$aVm hˇ±/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ Bg Am{daS≠>m‚Q> H{$ gß]ßY _| bmJy hm{Z{dmb{ oZ`_m| H$m{ _wP{/h_| g_Pm`m J`m h° Am°a _°Z{/h_Z{ CZH$m{ g_Pm h°$&
I/We confirm that the rules governing the overdraft have been explained to me/us and I/We have understood the
13. AmJ{, Bg ImV{ _| hm{Z{dmbr X{`Vm H{$ ^wJVmZ H$aZ{ `m [argr_m H$m{ ]MmZ{ H{$ Ò[Ô> C‘{Ì` g{ ]¢H$ O] ^r Omh{ X{`VmAm| `m CZH{$ oH$gr Aße H$s
Ao^ÒdrH•$oV X{Z{ H{$ _m_b{ _| _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aVm hˇ±/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ h_| g{ oH$gr EH$ `m AZ{H$ ¤mam H•$V `m XŒm ^wJVmZ `m Ao^pÒdH•$oV h_ g^r H$a
gß`w∑V Am°a/`m [•WH$ Í$[ _| ]m‹` hm{Jm/hm{Jr Am°a `h oH$ h__| g{ oH$gr EH$ `m AZ{H$ ¤mam H•$V `m XŒm Cg ‡H$ma H{$ ^wJVmZ Am°a Ao^ÒdrH•$oV
[nagr_m oZ`_ H{$ C‘{Ì` g{, h_ g^r H{$ odÈ’ gß`w∑V Am°a [•WH$ Í$[ g{ [nagr_m H$m{ ]Mm`|J{$&
Further in the matter of making payments towards the liability arising in this account for acknowledging liabilities
or any part thereof as and when called upon by the bank to do so, for the specific purpose of saving limitation. I/We
declare that the payment or acknowledgement made or given by any one or more of us shall be binding on all of
us jointly and/or severally and that the said payment and acknowledgement so made or given by one or more of
us shall save limitation, against all of us jointly and/or severally for the purpose of law of limitaion, as such
acknowledgement/s of debt and/or payment/s shall be taken as given and made as agent/s of the other or others.
14. (i) ∑`m Amd{XH$ h_ma{/A›` ]¢H$ H{$ A‹`j/‡]ßY oZX{eH$/oZX{eH$ h°, `oX hm± Vm{, [yam „`m°am X|$&
Whether the applicant is a Chairman/Managing Director/Director of our/any other bank(s) if yes, furnish full
(ii) ∑`m h_ma{/A›` ]¢H$ H{$ A‹`j/oZX{eH$m|/oH$gr H$_©Mmar/oH$gr A›` ]¢H$ H{$ H$_©Mmar H{$ gß]ßYr h°, AJa hm± Vm{ [yam „`m{am ‡ÒVwV H$a|$&
Whether related to Chairman/Directors of our/any other Bank/any employees of our Bank/any other Bank, if
yes, furnish full details.
15. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm H$m{ em{Yj_ d oXdmob`m[Z gßohVm, 2016 (gßoj· Í$[ _| "gßohVm') H$s Ymam 3(13) _| [na^mofV "odŒmr`
gyMZm' H{$ ‡H$Q>Z/‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ H{$ obE, ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm g{ ‡m· H$s OmZ{ dmbr F$U/odŒmr` gwodYmAm| H{$ gß]ßY _|, g_`-g_` [a, gßohVm H$s Ymam
3 (21) _| [na^mofV oH$gr ^r "gyMZm C[`m{oJVm' (gßoj· Í$[ _| "AmB© `y') Om{ gßohVm _| oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_m|/oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma, O°gmoH$
gßem{oYV Edß g_`-g_` [a bmJy Am°a O°gmoH$ BgH{$ AßVJ©V odoZoX©Ô> AZwgma, gßohVm H{$ AßVJ©V oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_Z H{$ AZwgma, ^maVr`
naµOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$m| H$m{ Omar oXem-oZX}em| VWm EVX≤¤mam gß]ßoYV AmB© `y H{$ AZwam{Y oH$E OmZ{ [a ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm ¤mam O_m H$s
JB© odŒmr` OmZH$mar H$m{ VwaßV ‡_moUV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ode{f Í$[ g{ gh_V h¢$&
The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing/submitting the 'financial information'
as defined in Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code' for brief) read with the relevant
Regulations/Rules framed under the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under
from time to time, in respect of the Credit/Financial facilities availed from the Bank/Lender, from time to time, to any
'Information Utility' ('IU' for brief) as defined in Section 3 (21) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations
framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of India to the banks from time to time and hereby
specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information' submitted by the Bank/Lender, as and when
requested by the concerned 'IU'.
16. CYmaH$Vm©/gh-]m‹`VmYmar gh_V h° oH$ ]¢H$ H$m{ CZH$m/CZH{$ H$O©/AmpÒV`m| H$m{ AmpÒV [wZg™aMZm Hß$[oZ`m| H$m{ gm¢[Z{/]{MZ{ H$m odd{H$moYH$ma h°$&
The Borrower/s agree/s that the Bank has sole discretion to assign/sell his/their debt/assets to Asset Reconstruction
Companies (ARCs)
17. ]¢H$ oH$gr ^r gwodYm H$m{ oXE OmZ{ `m Omar aIZ{ H{$ obE ]m‹` Zht hm{Jm, ]pÎH$ ]¢H$ A[Z{ gß[yU© odd{H$mYoH$ma _| Om{ C[`w∫$ g_P{Jm Cg{ o]Zm
oH$gr oZoX©Ô> H$maU Am°a [yd© gyMZm H{$ o]Zm oH$gr ^r g_` oH$gr ^r gwodYmAm|/gr_mAm| H$m{ a‘ H$aZ{ H{$ obE ÒdVßà hm{Jm$& Bg gß]ßY _| CYmaH$Vm©
]¢H$ g{ H$m{B© amoe O°g{ _wAmdOm, joV `m A›`Wm Xmdm H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma Zht hm{Jm Am°a `h [yU© Í$[ g{ ]¢H$ H{$ odd{H$moYH$ma _| hm{Jm$&
The Bank shall not be obliged to grant or continue any facility/accommodation except that it shall in its absolute
discretion consider fit and that the Bank shall always be at liberty to cancel the unavailed facilities/limits at any time
without prior notice and without assigning any reason. The Borrower shall not be entitled to claim any amount from
the Bank, as compensation, damages or otherwise on exercising Bank's discretion in this regard.
^dXr`/Yours faithfully,
ÒWmZ/Place : GAYA
oXZmßH$/Date : 05/04/2022
(Amd{XH$/CYmaH$Vm©)/(Applicant / Borrower)
NF 493/04-2019/SESHAASAI
‡{fH$/From : g{dm _|/To :
1) Sagar Enterprises
................................................................... ‡]ßYH$/dna> ‡]ßYH$
................................................ F$UH$Vm©/JU The Manager/Senior Manager
Abhijeet Kumar
.................................................. Borrower/s H{$Zam ]¢H$/CANARA BANK
2) .................................................................... ...................................... emIm/Branch
............................................ gh-Am^mar/JU
................................................ Co-obligant/s ............................................................
""`h g_Pm J`m h° oH$ ‡^mnaV „`mO Xa ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV E_grEbAma Xa g{ OwS>m h° Am°a oH$, E_grEbAma Xa g_`-g_` [a ]XbVm h°$& Bg
eV© H$m{ ]¢H$ H{$ d{]gmBQ> _|/emIm H{$ gyMZm ]m{S>© _| AoYgyoMV oH$`m OmE `h _wP{/h_| AßoV_ Zm{oQ>g hm{Jr$& _¢/h_ oH$gr ^r [nadV©Z oOg_| „`mO
Xa ^r emo_b h° H{$ obE ]¢H$ ¤mam Zm{oQ>g ^{OZ{ H$s ]mV H$m{ ode{fH$a Ny>Q> X{Vm hˇ±/X{V{ h¢$&''
"It is understood that interest charged is linked to MCLR fixed by bank and that MCLR is subject to change from time
to time as may be notified in Bank's Website/Notice Board of branch, which shall be a conclusive notice to me/us. I/
We specifically waive service of notice by bank for any variation inclusive of enhancement in interest rate."
2. h_ma{ AZwam{Y [a Am[ C[`w©∑V gmI gr_m C[b„Y H$amZ{/ZdrH$aU H$aZ{/Omar H$amZ{ H{$ obE gh_V hm{ J`{ h¢ Am°a h_ EVX≤¤mam Km{fUm d [woÔ>
H$aV{ h¢ oH$ CpÎboIV g^r ‡b{Im|/F$U H$mJOmVm| Am°a ‡oV^yoV`m±, h_| g^r ‡`m{OZm| Am°a C‘{Ì`m| H{$ obE bmJy ah{Jr Am°a bmJy ahZ{ H{$ obE Omar
ah{Jr VWm ]m‹` ah{Jr Am°a BgH{$ AoVna∑V ‡b{Im|/H$oWV H$mJOmVm| H{$ VhV ‡oV^yoV aIZm Ï`dhma H$m°eb h° Am°a ]¢H$ _| h_ma{ ¤mam X{` g^r amoe
H$s AXm`Jr H{$ obE oH$gr ^r g_` ]¢H$ H$m{ C[b„Y H$am`m Omar aI|J{$&
At our request you have agreed to continue/continued to make available/renew the above credit limits and therefore,
we hereby declare and confirm that all the documents/loan papers and securities referred to above shall remain in
force and continue to remain in force and binding on us for all purposes and intents and further the security created
under the said documents/loan papers are intact and shall continue to be available to the Bank at all times for the
repayment of all the amounts due by us to the Bank.
3. h_ma{ AZwam{Y [a Am[ C[`w©∑V gmI gwodYmAm| H$s H$_ H$s JB© gr_m H{$ gmW Omar aIZ{/C[b„Y H$amZ{/ZdrH$aU H{$ obE oZÂZoboIV VarH{$ g{
gh_V hm{ J`{ h¢ ï
At our request you have agreed to continue/continued to make available/renew the above credit facilities with
reduced limits as under :
Am°a BgobE h_ EVX≤¤mam Km{fUm d [woÔ> H$aV{ h¢ oH$ [°am 1 H{$ A›VJ©V C[`w©∑V CpÎboIV g^r ‡b{I/F$U H$mJOmV Am°a ‡oV^yoV`m± h_ma{ g^r
‡`m{OZm| Am°a C‘{Ì`m| H{$ obE bmJy ah|Jr Am°a bmJy ah|J{ VWm ]m‹` ah|J{ Am°a CgH{$ AoVna∑V ‡b{Im|/F$U H$mJOmVm| H$s ‡oV^yoV H$m{ Omar aI|J{
Am°a ]¢H$ H{$ C[`w©∑V [°am _| CpÎboIV H$_ H$s JB© gr_m H{$ A›VJ©V h_ma{ ¤mam X{` g^r amoe H$s AXm`Jr H{$ obE oH$gr ^r g_` ]¢H$ H$m{ C[b„Y
H$amZ{ H$m{ Omar aI|J{$&
And therefore we hereby declare and confirm that all the documents/loan papers and securities referred to under
para 1 and above shall remain in force and continue to remain in force and binding on us for the reduced limit
referred to above for all purposes and intents and further the security in terms of the documents/loan papers are
intact and shall continue to be available to the bank at all times for the repayment of all the amounts due by us under
the reduced limits referred to in para 3 above, to the Bank.
4. h_ma{ AZwam{Y [a Am[ dV©_mZ gr_mAm| H$s d•o’ H$aZ{ h{Vw, C[`w©∑V gr_mAm| H$m{ Omar aIZ{/ZdrH$aU H$aZ{ h{Vw oZÂZoboIV AoVna∑V gr_m g{
gh_V h¢/h˛E h¢$&
At our request you have, in addition to continuation/renewal of above limits, agreed to grant/granted following
additional limits in enhancement of the existing limits.
5. h_| E{gr ]∂T>mB© JB© gr_m Am°a E{gr ]T>m`r J`r gr_mAm| g{ ‡m· X{`Vm H{$ CÀ[fi hm{Z{ H{$ gß]ßY _| ‡b{Im|/F$U H$mJOmVm| H$m{ AbJ g{ oZÓ[moXV H$a|J{/
H$aZm hm{Jm$&
We shall execute/have executed documents/loan papers separately pertaining to such enhanced limits and securing
the liability arising out of such enhanced limits.
6. h_ma{ AZwam{Y [a Am[Z{ g_`-g_` [a ‡oV^yoV`m| H{$ AmYma [a h_| F$U gwodYm`| ‡XmZ H$s h¢ Om{ C[am{∑V AZw¿N>{X-1 _| CpÎboIV ‡b{Im| H{$
oZÓ[mXZ [a AmYmnaV Wt, BgH{$ AoVna∫$, C[am{∫$ AZw¿N>{X-3 _| CpÎboIV H$_ H$s JB© gr_mZwgma Am[ F$U gwodYm`| Omar aIZ{/F$U
gwodYmAm| H$m{ ZdrH•$V H$aZ{ h{Vw gh_V h˛E h¢$& VWmo[, h_ma{ AZwam{Y [a Am[Z{ C[am{∑V AZw¿N>{X-1 _| CpÎboIV gr_mAm| H{$ AßXa, AoVna∑V
gr_m`| ‡XmZ H$aZ{ h{Vw A[Zr gh_oV Xr h°/‡XmZ H$s h°$&
At our request you have granted us from time to time credit facilities against the securities on the execution of
documents mentioned in Para No. 1 above and further you have agreed to continue to make available/renew the
credit facilities with reduced limits as mentioned in Para No. 3 above. However, at our request you have agreed to
grant/granted the additional limits as under within the limits as mentioned in Para No. 1 above.
F$U gwodYm H$m ÒdÍ$[ [hb{ H$_ H$s JB© gr_m dV©_mZ _| ‡XŒm AoVna∑V gr_m`| Hw$b F$U gr_m`|
Nature of the credit Limit reduced Additional limits granted Total limits
facility earlier at present
h_ EVX≤¤mam [woÔ> H$aV{ h¢ VWm Km{fUm H$aV{ h¢ oH$ Bg Vah H$s ]T>mB© JB© gr_mAm| H$m{ H$maU CÀ[fi h˛B© F$U gwodYmAm| H{$ ‡oV h_mar X{`Vm _m°OyXm
gr_mAm| H{$ AßXa hr h° VWm ah{Jr Edß AZw¿N>{X-1 _| Xem©E J`{ g^r ‡b{I d F$U ‡[Ã d ‡oV^yoV`m± [ya{ ‡^md _| h° VWm ‡^mdr ahZm Omar ah{Jm VWm
h_| g_ÒV C‘{Ì`m| H{$ obE ]m‹` aI|Jr Am°a C[am{∑V AZw¿N>{X-1 _| Xem©B© JB© ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` amoe`m± h_ma{ ¤mam MwH$mZ{ Om`|Jr$&
We hereby confirm and declare that the document/loan papers signed by us towards the credit facilities securing
the liabilities arising out of such enhanced limits are and shall be with in the existing limits and all documents and loan
papers and securities referred to in Para 1 shall remain in full force and continue to remain in force and binding on
us for all purposes and intents at all times for the repayment of all the amounts due by us under the limits referred
to in Para 1 above to the Bank.
7. (i ) _¢/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h° oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/A›` J°a oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmEß ‡XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| [yd© eV© H{$ Í$[ _| _{a{/h_ma{
¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`Àd d CgH$s [yoV© _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ gß]ßY
_| H$m{B© ^r gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h°$&
(i) I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/advances/other non-fund based credit
facilities to me/us, the Canara Bank, requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information
and data relating to me/us, of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be
assumed, by me/us, in relation thereto and default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof.
(ii) VXZwgma, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V h±ˇ / h° VWm `h gh_oV X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm ‡H$Q> H$s OmE Om{
oZÂZdV≤ h° ï
(ii) Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such :
(H$) _{a{/h_ma{ gß]ßY _| gyMZm d AmßH$S>{
(a) Information and data relating to me/us
(I) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| gyMZm `m AmßH$S>{, VWm
(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and
(J) _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`Àd H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© H$m{B© MyH$
(c) default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.
(iii) _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H{$Zam ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr JB© gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ gÀ` d ghr h°$&
(iii) I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct.
(iv) _¢/h_ dMZ X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$ (iv) I/We, undertake that :
(H$) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s JB© H$oWV gyMZm d AmßH$S>m| H$m{ CZH{$ ¤mam
`m{Ω` g_P{ JE VarH{$ g{ C[`m{J _| bm gH$V{ h¢ d ‡m{g{g H$a gH$V{ h¢$&
(a) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said information
and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and
(I) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ‡m{g{g H$s JB© gyMZm `m CZH{$ ¤mam V°`ma oH$E JE CgH{$ JwUZ\$b
H$m{ odMmamW© ]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| VWm A›` F$U ‡XmZ H$aZ{dmbm| `m [ßOrH•$V C[`m{JH$Vm©Am| H$m{ Bg [j _| ^maVr` naOd© ]¢H$
¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ _| ‡ÒVwV H$a gH$Vm h°$&
(b) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration,
the processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial institutions
and other credit granters or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank in this behalf.
AmJ{, _¢ / h_ EVX≤¤mam [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢ gr AmB© gr / A›` ‡moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE / OmZ{dmbr gyMZm / „`m°a{ H{$ gß]ßY
_{ _¢/h_ oH$gr Vah H$m H$m{B© oddmX ‡ÒVwV Zhr H$Íß$Jm/H$a|J{ Am°a `h _wP{/h_ [a ]ßYZH$mar h° $&
Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding
information/details furnished/to be furnished to CICs/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
8. ""Bg H$amaZm_| H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$m AZw‡dV©Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm h±ˇ /H$aV{ h¢, CgH{$ b{Im
[arjH$m| H$m{ AZw_oV X{Vm h±ˇ /X{V{ h¢ $&
"In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement, I/We agree and authorise the Bank,
access to my/our auditors.
_{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oX`{ ‡moYH$aU H{$ AZwgma ]¢H$ A[Zr B¿N>m d AmdÌ`H$Vm H{$ AZwgma Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ bmJy ahZ{ H$s AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ, Bg
H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H{$ gß]ßY _| _{a{/h_ma{ b{I-[arjH$m| ¤mam grY{ hr `m _wPg{/h_g{ H$m{B© ^r ode{f ‡_mUrH$aU/
„`m°am oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$s Om±M H$aZ{ h{Vw _m±J gH$Vm h°$&
As per the authorisation given by me/us to the Bank, the Bank can at its desire and requirement, at any point during
the subsistence of this agreement call for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific
certification/details regarding the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement, so as to verify the end usage
of the funds.
_¢/h_ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV CoMV g_` gr_m H{$ AßVJ©V ‡_mU[Ã ‡m· H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ oZX{em| H$m AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ H{$ obE CoMV AZwX{e X{Z{ H{$ obE
gh_V h¢$& Bg gß]ßY _|, _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m [yam „`m°am ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& `oX _¢/h_ _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ ]XbV{ h¢,
Vm{ E{gm ]Xbmd H$s gyMZm _¢/h_ VwaßV ]¢H$ H$m{ Xy±Jm/X|J{$&''
I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the Bank for obtaining the
certificate within a reasonable time stipulated by the Bank. In this connection I/We agree to give full details of my/
our auditors to the Bank. If I/We change my/our auditors, then such changes shall be intimated to the Bank
`oX _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| ¤mam gyMZm ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ _| AZwoMV X{ar hm{ Om`{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _m±Jm
J`m AmdÌ`H$ ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma oH$`m Om`{ `m ]mX _| `h [m`m Om`{ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam oX`{ J`{
‡_mU[Ã/„`m°a{ _| H$m{B© h{a\{$a oH$`m J`m h°, Vm{ _¢/h_ Bg ]mV g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ F$U dm[g _m±JZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ [yam AoYH$ma h°$&
If there is any undue delay in submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our auditors/
myself/ourselves refuse to submit the required certificate/details called for or if it is subsequently found that there
is some manipulation in the certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree that the Bank
has full discretion to recall the loan."
9. oZÂZ oboIV H{$ gß]ßY _| ]¢H$ A[Z{ odd{H$moYH$ma H$m C[`m{J H$a gH$Vm h° $&
The Bank shall have the right to exercise discretion with respect to the following :
i) ]¢H$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V gr_m g{ AoYH$ F$U ImV{ g{ amoe AmhnaV H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ AZw_oV X{Zm $&
Allowing the borrower to withdraw amount from the loan account over and above the limit sanctioned to it by
the Bank.
ii) CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam Vrgar [mQ>u H{$ [j _| F$U ImV{ [a AmhnaV M{H$m| H$m ^wJVmZ oH$E o]Zm bm°Q>mZm, `oX ]¢H$ H$m{ Bg ]mV [a odÌdmg H$aZ{
H{$ obE o_bV{ h° oH$ oOg CX≤X{Ì` H{$ obE F$U ‡XmZ oH$`m J`m Wm, CgH{$ ]Xb{ _| A›` ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE wYmaH$Vm© ¤mam M{H$ Omar oH$E
JE h° $&
Returning the cheques drawn on the loan account by the borrower in favour of third parties as unpaid, if the
Bank has reasons to believe that such cheques have been issued by the borrower for purposes other than
which the loan has been sanctioned by the Bank.
iii) CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H$mam{]ma _| d•o’ VWm odH$mg H$aZ{ H$m AmdÌ`H$VmAm| H$s [yoV© h{Vw, CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam F$U ImV{ g{ ]S>r _mÃm _| ZH$X AmhaU
H$aZm, AZw_V Z oH$`m OmZm,( H$) `oX E{g{ AmhaU ]¢H$ ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© H{$ obE ÒdrH•$V hm{ Vm{, (I) `oX E{g{ AoYH$ AmhaU ]¢H$ ¤mam
_ßOya Z oH$`m J`m hm{ Vm{, (J) `oX CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ _ßOya F$U gwodYmAm| H$m{ oH$gr ^r H$maU, [wZZ©drH$aU Z oH$`m J`m hm{ Vm{, Am°a (K)
`oX ]¢H$ Bg ]mV odÌdmg H$aZ{ H{$ obE ]m‹` hm{Vm h° oH$ oOg CX≤X{Ì` H{$ obE F$U ‡XmZ oH$`m J`m Wm, CgH{$ ]Xb{ _| A›` ‡`m{OZ h°Vw
CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam E{g{ AmhaU oH$E JE h° $&
Disallowing large cash withdrawals by the borrowers from the loan account, for meeting the requirements of
further growth and development of the business of the borrower, (a) if such withdrawals are over and above
the limits sanctioned to the borrower by the Bank, (b) if such overdrawals have not been sanctioned by the
Bank, (c) if the loan facilities sanctioned to the borrower have not been renewed for any reason whatsoever,
and (d) if the Bank has reason to believe that such withdrawals are being made for purposes other than which
the loan facility has been sanctioned by the Bank.
iv) ]¢H$ H$m{, CgH{$ ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ‡XmZ H$s J`r F$U gwodYmAm| g{ oZÂZmßoH$V H$maUm| H{$ obE AmhaU AZw_V Z H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma h°$&
The Bank shall also have the discretion and right to refuse further withdrawals by the borrower from the loan
facilities granted to it for the following reasons.
(i) `oX ]¢H$ H$s ]oh`m| _| CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ImV{ H$m{ AZw[`m{¡` AmpÒV`m| H{$ Í$[ _| dJuH•$V oH$`m J`m hm{ Vm{ $&
If the account of the borrower has been classified as a non performing asset by the Bank in its books.
(ii) `oX CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam CgH$m{ ‡XŒm F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| Bg F$U H$amaZm_{ _| CoÑoIV eVm~ H$m AZw[mbZ Zht oH$`mJ`m h°, Vm{
If the borrower has not complied with the terms of this loan agreement referred and the other terms
which the Bank may specify from time to time with respect to the loan facility granted by it to the
v) ]¢H$ ¤mam C[am{∫$Zwgma ‡`w∫$ odd{H$moYH$ma dmÒVodH$ Am°a o]Zm eV© H$m h° Am°a CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam oH$gr ^r g_` [a CgH{$ ]ma{ _| gdmb Zht
oH$`m OmVm `m H$m{B© oddmX Zht CR>m`m OmVm h° $&
The discretion exercised by the Bank as stated above shall be absolute and unconditional, and the borrower
shall not question or raise any dispute about the same at any point of time whatsoever.
10. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam dMZ X{Vm h° oH$ dh /d E{g{ Ï`o∫$ H$m{ Hß$[Zr H{$ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b _| oZX{eH$ /gmP{Xmar \$_© _| gmP{Xma H{$ Í$[ _| emo_b Zht
H$a{Jm/H$a|J{ oOg{ BamXVZ MyH$H$V© H{$ Í$[ _| dJuH$aU H{$ ob`{ oZemoZX{cem| H{$ AZwgma BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© H{$ Í$[ _| [hMmZm J`m h° Am°a `oX E{gm
Ï`o∫$ CYmaH$Vm© Hß$[Zr H{$ _ßS>b _| gmP{Xma /oZX{eH$ [m`m OmVm h° Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© A[Z{ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b /gmP{Xmar \$_© g{ E{g{ Ï`o∫$`m| H$m{ oZH$mbZ{
h{Vw erK´ VWm ‡^mdr H$a{Jm / J| $&
The borrowers hereby undertake/s that he/they will not induct a person who is a Director on the Board of the
company/parnter in a parntership firm which has been identified as a wilful defaulter as per the guidelines for
classifiction as wilful defaulter and in case such a person is found to be a Parnter / Director on the Board of the
borrower company, the borrower/s would take expeditous and effective steps for remvoal of such person from its
Board/Partnership Firm.
11. ]¢H$ oH$gr ^r gwodYm H$m{ oXE OmZ{ `m Omar aIZ{ H{$ obE ]m‹` Zht hm{Jm, ]pÎH$ ]¢H$ A[Z{ gß[yU© odd{H$mYoH$ma _| Om{ C[`w∫$ g_P{Jm Cg{ o]Zm
oH$gr oZoX©Ô> H$maU Am°a [yd© gyMZm H{$ o]Zm oH$gr ^r g_` oH$gr ^r gwodYmAm|/gr_mAm| H$m{ a‘ H$aZ{ H{$ obE ÒdVßà hm{Jm$& Bg gß]ßY _| CYmaH$Vm©
]¢H$ g{ H$m{B© amoe O°g{ _wAmdOm, joV `m A›`Wm Xmdm H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma Zht hm{Jm Am°a `h [yU© Í$[ g{ ]¢H$ H{$ odd{H$moYH$ma _| hm{Jm$&
The Bank shall not be obliged to grant or continue any facility/accommodation except that it shall in its absolute
discretion consider fit and that the Bank shall always be at liberty to cancel the unavailed facilities/limits at any time
without prior notice and without assigning any reason. The Borrower shall not be entitled to claim any amount from
the Bank, as compensation, damages or otherwise on exercising Bank's discretion in this regard.
12. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm H$m{ em{Yj_ d oXdmob`m[Z gßohVm, 2016 (gßoj· Í$[ _| "gßohVm') H$s Ymam 3(13) _| [na^mofV "odŒmr`
gyMZm' H{$ ‡H$Q>Z/‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ H{$ obE, ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm g{ ‡m· H$s OmZ{ dmbr F$U/odŒmr` gwodYmAm| H{$ gß]ßY _|, g_`-g_` [a, gßohVm H$s Ymam
3 (21) _| [na^mofV oH$gr ^r "gyMZm C[`m{oJVm' (gßoj· Í$[ _| "AmB© `y') Om{ gßohVm _| oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_m|/oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma, O°gmoH$
gßem{oYV Edß g_`-g_` [a bmJy Am°a O°gmoH$ BgH{$ AßVJ©V odoZoX©Ô> AZwgma, gßohVm H{$ AßVJ©V oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_Z H{$ AZwgma, ^maVr`
naµOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$m| H$m{ Omar oXem-oZX}em| VWm EVX≤¤mam gß]ßoYV AmB© `y H{$ AZwam{Y oH$E OmZ{ [a ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm ¤mam O_m H$s
JB© odŒmr` OmZH$mar H$m{ VwaßV ‡_moUV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ode{f Í$[ g{ gh_V h¢$&
The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing/submitting the 'financial information'
as defined in Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code' for brief) read with the relevant
Regulations/Rules framed under the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under
from time to time, in respect of the Credit/Financial facilities availed from the Bank/Lender, from time to time, to any
'Information Utility' ('IU' for brief) as defined in Section 3 (21) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations
framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of India to the banks from time to time and hereby
specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information' submitted by the Bank/Lender, as and when
requested by the concerned 'IU'.
13. CYmaH$Vm©/gh-]m‹`VmYmar gh_V h° oH$ ]¢H$ H$m{ CZH$m/CZH{$ H$O©/AmpÒV`m| H$m{ AmpÒV [wZg™aMZm Hß$[oZ`m| H$m{ gm¢[Z{/]{MZ{ H$m odd{H$moYH$ma
The Borrower/s agree/s that the Bank has sole discretion to assign/sell his/their debt/assets to Asset Reconstruction
Companies (ARCs)
oXZmßH$/Date : 05/04/2022
ÒWmZ/Place : GAYA
1. ...................................................................
2. ...................................................................
F$U gß./Loan 6714261000024
Sagar Enterprises
Zm_ d [Vm/Name & Address.................................................
Abhijeet Kumar
Gurudwara Road, Behind Devi Asthan,Near
Navaratan Transport Gaya
aH$_/Amount È./Rs................................................
dna>> ‡]ßYH$/‡]ßYH$
Sr. Manager/Manager
NF 855/04-2019/SESHAASAI
—oÔ>]ßYH$ H$amaZm_m d odb{I
Agreement Cum Deed of Hypothecation
`h H$amaZm_m AmO ............................ oXZ .................... _hrZm Xm{ $ hOma .......................................... (20......................) H$m{
*1. _{gg© .......................................................................................................... gmP{Xmar ‡oV>mZ H{$ Zm_ g{ Ï`m[ma H$aZ{dmb{
lr/lr_Vr .................................................................................................................... [wÃ/[wÃr /[ÀZr..........................
............................ Am`w ....................... df©, oZdmgr ...............................................................................................¤mam
*1. Hß$[Zr AoYoZ`_, 1956 H{$ AYrZ oZJo_V gmP{Xmar \$_© Hß$[Zr _{gg© R>gro_V X{`Vm gmP{Xmar AoYoZ`_, 2008 H{$ ‡mdYmZm| H{$ VhV [ßOrH•$V gro_V X{`m
oOZH$m Ï`m[mnaH$ ÒWmZ/[ßOrH•$V H$m`m©b` ..........................................................................................................................
........................................................................................................................................... _| h°, oO›h| Bg_|
AmJ g{ CYmaH$Vm© (oOg e„X _| Ohm±-H$hr gßX^© `m| A[{ojV H$aVm hm{ `m AZw_V H$aVm hm{ Vm{ g_`-g_` [a CZH{$ dmnag, oZÓ[mXH$, ‡emgH$, ÒdÀdmoYH$ma
_| CŒmamoYH$mar, g_ZwX{oeVr, AQ>moZ©`m| CgH$m/H{$ CŒmaOrdr Am°a ohV _| CZH{$ CŒmamoYH$mar, CŒmamoYH$mar Am°a g_ZwX{oeVr emo_b g_Pm Om`{Jm) H$hm J`m h°
H{$Zam ]¢H$ H{$ [j _| oH$`m J`m h°, Om{ ]¢qH$J Hß$[Zr AoYoZ`_ (C[H´$_m| H$m AoYJ´hU Am°a AßVaU) 1970 H{$ A‹`YrZ JoR>V oZJo_V oZH$m` h° oOgH$m
‡YmZ H$m`m©b` 112, O{. gr. am{S>, ]|Jbya - 560 002 _| h° Am°a A›`m| H{$ gmW-gmW ........................ ................................................ÒWmZ _|
oOgH$m emIm H$m`m©b` h° oOg{ Bg_| AmJ{ g{ ]¢H$ (oOg e„X _| Ohm± H$ht gßX^© `m| A[{ojV `m AZw_V H$aVm h° Vm{ CgH{$ g_ZwX{oeVr, AQ>Zu Am°a
ÒdÀdmoYH$ma _| CŒmamoYH$mar emo_b g_P{ Om`|J{) H$hm J`m h°$&
O]oH$ ..................................................................................................................................................................
.................... ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm©/Am| H$m{ odŒmr` ghm`Vm H$s AmdÌ`H$Vm h° VWm oXZmßH$ ....................... H{$ Amd{XZm| H{$ AZwgma CZH{$
AZwam{Y [a ]¢H$ CYmaH$Vm©/Am| H$m{ ................................................. È. o_`mXr F$U/odH$mg H$m`© h{Vw H•$of F$U ............................
..................................... È. H$m`©H$mar [ßyOr gr_m/F$U H{$ obE ghm`Vm h{Vw gh_V h˛Am h° VmoH$ CYmaH$Vm© C⁄m{J/g{dm/Ï`dgm`/H•$of gß]’
H$m`©H$bm[ H$a gH{$$& _erZm| gm_mZ ghm`H$ C[H$aU VWm A›` AMb AmpÒV`m| H$s IarX AWdm H•$of gß]ßYr H$m`©H$bm[ h{Vw .......................
.................................................................. C[H$aU H$s IarX H{$ obE _r`mXr F$U VWm H$m`©H$mar [±O y r H$s AmdÌ`H$VmAm| H$m{ [yam H$aZ{ H{$
obE H$m`©H$mar [y±Or gr_m C[b„Y hm{$&
5th APRIL 2022
This agreement executed on this ....................... day of ......................... two thousand .................... (............20.........)
Abhijeet Kumar
*1. By Sri/Smt. .............................................................................................................................................................
Prem Kumar
Son/Wife/Daughter of ...................................................................................................................................................
aged ..................................... years, residing at ....................................................................................................
Golbagicha Devi asthan Near Navratan Transport Gaya
..............................................................................................................................................carrying on business,
Sagar Enterprises
in the name and style of M/s. ............................................................................................................................a
proprietorship concern.
Sagar Enterprises
*1. By M/s ..........................................................................................................................................................
a partnership firm/s, Company, incorporated under the Compaines Act, 1956, a limited liability partnership registered
under the provisions of Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008.
Gurudwara Road, Behind Devi Asthan,Near Navaratan Transport Gaya
Having its place of business/Registered Office ...................................................................................................................
.......................................................................................................hereinafter called the “BORROWER” (which expression
shall whereever the context so requires or admits, be deemed to include his/her/its heirs, executors, administrators,
successors in title, assigns, attorneys, partners from time to time, survivor/s of them and their successors in interest,
successors and assigns) in favour of CANARA BANK, a body corporate constituted under the Banking Companies (acquisition
and transfer of undertakings) Act, 1970 with its Head Office at 112, J.C. Road, Bangalore - 560 002 and having amongst others
a Branch Office at ................................................................................................................................hereinafter
called “BANK” (which term whenever the context so requires or admits shall be deemed to include their assigns, attorneys
and successors in title).
* Om{ bmJy Z hm{ Cg{ H$mQ> X|/Strike off whichever is not applicable.
WHEREAS the borrower is/are in need of financial assistance for the purpose of .......................................................
...........................................................................................................................and at his/their request as per
his/their application dated ................................ the Bank has agreed to grant to the Borrower/s accommodation up to
the extent of Rs. .................................................... (Rupees...................................................................................)
500000 way of Term Loan, up to the extent of Rs. .............................................
by way of Working Capital limit/loan to enable the borrower to undertake ventures in Industry/Service/Business/Allied
activities the Term Loan being for purchase or acquiring machinery items, goods, accessories and any other Fixed Assets or
for the purchase of ...................................................................................................................................equipments
to carry on allied agricultural activities and the Working Capital limit being for meeting the said Working Capital needs.
O]oH$ C[am{∫$ dMZm| [a odMma H$aV{ h˛E lr .............................................................................................................................
..........................................H$s JmaßQ>r/gh Am^mnaVm Am°a/`m ]¢H$ ¤mam H$s JB© A[{ojV gmpÂ`H$/[ßOrH•$V ]ßYH$ `m H•$of ^yo_/^yo_ [a g•oOV ‡^ma oOg{
AZwgyMr ‘I’ _| CÎb{oIV oH$`m J`m h°/]¢H$ ¤mam A[{ojV Xr JB©/Xr OmZ{dmbr Cg [a g•oOV ‡^ma g^r _mb/_erZar*/dmhZ/C[H$aU/_d{er
...................................oOg_| ‡mH•$oVH$ d•o’ `m IarX `m A›` oH$gr Vah g{ hm{Z{dmbr d•o’ g{ ApÒVÀd _| AmZ{dmbr dÒVw`| emo_b h¢, oOg{ EVX≤[ÌMmV
gm_yohH$ Í$[ g{ ‘—oÔ>]ßoYV AmpÒV`m±’ H$hm Om`{Jm Am°a oOg{ AZwgyMr ‘H$’ _| oOgH$m Am°a godÒVma „`m{am oX`m J`m h°, dh CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ H$m{ X{`
^wJVmZ H$s amoe H{$ obE ‡oV^yoV H{$ Í$[ _| —oÔ>]ßoYV ah{Jm Am°a A›V _| Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AYrZ ]¢H$ d CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ]rM oZÂZoboIV H$ama oH$`m J`m h° ï
WHEREAS in consideration of the above premises in addition to the guarantee/co-obligation of Sri ..................................................
...............................................................................................................................................................and/or other
securities offered/to be offered as required by the Bank by way of equitable/registered mortgage/creation of charge on agricultural
land/lands and appurtenants thereto as described in Schedule B hereto, all the goods/machinery/vehicles/equipment/livestock/
................................................................................. ...................................................................... including those
which may come into existence by natural increase, accretion or purchase or otherwise hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Hypothecated
Assets’ and more fully described in the Schedule A hereto and belonging to the Borrower/s shall stand hypothecated to the Bank as security
for the due payment of the amount due by the Borrower to the Bank from time to time and ultimately under this agreement, it is hereby
agreed between the Bank and the Borrower as follows:
1. CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ g{ F$U amoe A[Z{ Mm Im/] ]¢ ImVm gß. .................. _| O_m H$aZ{ `m CgH{$/CZH$s Om{oI_ [a grY{ Am[yoV©H$Vm©Am| H$m{, `oX H$m{B© _moO©Z hm{,
Vm{ CgH{$ gmW ‡{ofV H$aZ{ H$m AZwam{Y H$aVm h°/H$aV{ h¢ Am°a ‡moYH$ma X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢$& CYmaH$Vm© oZYm©naV _moO©Z amoe H$m{ CgH{$/CZH{$ ]. ]¢H$/Mm Im _| Zm_{ S>mbZ{
H$m ‡moYH$ma ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Vm h°$& EVX≤¤mam —oÔ>]ßoYV AmpÒV 10 oXZ H{$ AßXa IarXZ{ H$m Am°a gß]’ dmCMa/o]b ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢$&
The borrower/s request and authorise the Bank to credit the loan amount to his/their CA/SB Account No.6714261000024 ............................ or
remit the same direct to the supplier at his/their risk and cost together with margin, if any. The Borrower/s authorise the Bank to
debit the amount to his/their SB/Current Account towards margin as stipulated. The Borrower/s hereby undertake/s to purchase
the hypothecated assets within 10 days and produce relevant vouchers/bills to the Bank.
2. CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ H$m{ oZoY H{$ gr_mßV bmJV [a CYmar Xa (E_ gr Eb Ama) H{$ D$[a _mogH$/ð_mogH$/N>_mhr AmYma [a ................ % g{ „`mO H$m ^wJVmZ
H$a{Jm$& dmÒVodH$ F$U Xa, Om{ E_grEbAma g{ Ow∂S>r h°, ]¢H$ ¤mam oZoX©Ô> g_` AßVamb [a g_rjm Am°a [nadV©Z H{$ AYrZ hm{Jr$& ]¢H$ ¤mam E_grEbAma [nadV©Z
H{$ gß]ßY _| A[Zr d{]gmBQ> VWm ]¢H$/emIm H$s gyMZm[≈> [a AoYgyoMV H$s JB© OmZH$mar CYmaH$Vm© H{$ obE AßoV_ gyMZm hm{Jr$& ]¢H$ H{$ ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` H{$ oZX}e
H{$ AZwgma g_`-g_` [a h˛B© ]∂T>m{Œmar gohV „`mO Xa _| h˛B© oH$gr ‡H$ma H{$ [nadV©Z H{$ obE ]¢H$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ‡{ofV H$s OmZ{ dmbr Zm{oQ>g g{ ode{fÍ$[ g{ Ny>Q>
‡m· h°$&
AJa CYmaH$Vm© AZw_V eVm~ H{$ AZwgma oH$ÒVm|/„`mO H{$ ^wJVmZ _| MyH$ H$aVm h° Vm{, CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ E{gr MyH$ H$s VmarI g{, ImV{ H$s [yar MwH$m°Vr oH$E OmZ{ VH$,
CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ AoVX{` „`mO CYma ImV{ [a ^mnaV „`mO g{ ................ % ‡.d. AoYH$ X{` H$aZm hm{Jm$&
2.25 above the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) compounded monthly/
The Borrower shall pay interest at..........%
quarterly/half yearly. The actual lending rate which is linked to the MCLR shall be subject to review and variation at the time interval
specified by the Bank. The change in MCLR notified by the Bank on its website and notice board of the Bank/Branch shall be conclusive
notice to the borrower in respect of such change of MCLR. The Borrower hereby specifically waives serving notice by the Bank for
any variation in interest rate including enhancement from time to time as may be directed by the Head Office of the Bank.
In the event of borrower’s default in payment of instalments/interest due as per agreed terms, the Borrower shall pay overdue
2 per annum above the rate of interest charged on the borrowal account from the date of such default till clearing
interest at.......%
the liability in full.
3. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ode{fVï gh_V h° oH$ F$U _ßOyar H{$ Xm°amZ CgH{$/CZH{$ ¤mam gÂ_V „`mO Xa _| H$Q>m°Vr H{$ obE Ah© Zht hm{Jm/hm{Jr/hm|J{ Am°a dh/d{ _ßOyar H{$
Xm°amZ oZYm©naV „`mO Xa _| H$m{B© ]∂T>m{Œmar hm{ Vm{ Cg{ AXm H$aZ{ H{$ obE V°`ma h°/h¢ $&
The Borrower/s hereby specifically agree/s that he/she/they is/are not entitled to any reduction in the rate of interest agreed by
him/her/them at the time of sanction and also that he/she/they is/are bound to pay any upward revision in the said rate of interest
stipulated at the time of sanction.
4. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ode{fVï gh_V h¢ oH$ dh/d{ g_` g_` [a h˛B© d•o’ gohV „`mO _| [nadV©Z H{$ Zm{oQ>g H$s Ny>Q> X{V{ h¢ VWm AmJ{ d{ gh_V h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ [naga _|
‡Xoe©V Zm{oQ>g ]m{S>© `m ]¢H$ d°]gmBQ> _| AoYgyoMV „`mO Xa _| [nadV©Z H$s gyMZm CgH{$/CZH{$ obE [`m©· h° VWm dh/d{ g^r X{ZXmna`m| H$m{ [yU© Í$[ g{ MwH$mZ{ VH$,
]¢H$ Zm{oQ>g ]m{S>© `m ]¢H$ d°]gmBQ> [a AoYgyoMV Xa [a „`mO AXm H$a{Jm/H$a{Jr/H$a|J{$&
The Borrower/s hereby specifically agree/s that he/she/they waive/s notice of variation of interest including enhancement from
time to time and further agrees that such variation in the rate of interest notified in Bank’s Website or the Notice Board in in the
branch premises shall be sufficient notice to him/her/them and that he/she/they agree/s to pay interest at the rate notified in the
Notice Board or Bank’s Website from time to time until the liabilities are cleared in full.
5. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam F$U amoe H$m C[`m{J C[`w∫$ odoZoX©Ô> ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE H$aZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢ Am°a gh_V hm{Vm h°/hm{V{ h¢ oH$ BgH{$ CÎbßKZ H{$ _m_b{ _|
]¢H$ F$U dm[g _m±J gH$Vm h°$&
The Borrower/s hereby undertake to utlilise the loan amount only for the purpose specified herein above and agrees that the Bank
may recall the same in case of any violation.
6. CYmaH$Vm© gh_V h°/h¢ Am°a dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢ oH$ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ‡ÒVmd/oddaU H$s gÀ`Vm H$m{ ‡^modV H$aZ{dmbr [napÒWoV`m| H$s OmZH$mar CYmaH$Vm© E{gr
[napÒWoV`m| H{$ KmoQ>V hm{Z{ H{$ 10 oXZm| H{$ AßXa ]¢H$ H$m{ oboIV Í$[ _| gyoMV H$a{Jm$&
The Borrower/s agrees and undertakes to notify the Bank in writing of any circumstances affecting the correctness of any of the
particulars set forth in the Borrower’s proposal/statement within 10 days after occurrence of any such circumstances.
7. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$ g{ gh_V h°/h¢ oH$ _r`mXr F$U gr_m H$s g^r AWdm oH$gr ^r X{`Vm H$s MwH$m°Vr hm{Z{ H$s Xem _| ]¢H$ H$s oboIV gh_oV Am°a CYmaH$Vm©
H{$ AZwam{Y [a F$U AmdÌ`H$VmAm| H{$ AmYma Am°a gm_m›` „`mO Xam| [a dh H$m`©H$mar [y±Or H$s gr_m H$m bm^ CR>mZm Omar aI gH$Vm h°$& ]¢H$ H$m{ ]H$m`m H$m`©H$mar
± r KQ>H$ H$m{ AßVnaV H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma h°$& Bg Ï`dÒWm H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© ‡ÌZ Zht H$a gH$Vm Am°a Z hr Am[oŒm H$a gH$Vm h°, O] VH$ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ]¢H$ H$s X{`Vm`|
]H$m`m Am°a [wZX}` hm|$&
The Borrower/s hereby agree/s with the Bank that in the event of clearance of all or any liability under the Term Loan limit with
express consent in writing of the Bank and at the request of the Borrower he may continue to enjoy the facility of the Working
Capital limit based upon his credit requirements at normal rate/s of interest and Bank shall be entitled to transfer the Working
Capital component outstanding and the arrangement shall not be liable to be questioned or objected to by the Borrower at any time
until the liabilities remain outstanding and repayable by the Borrower to the Bank.
8. CYmaH$Vm© .......................... È. (.................................................... È[`{) H$s gaH$mar AmoW©H$ ghm`Vm H$m [mà h° / h¢ Am°a ]¢H$ ï
The Borrower/s is/are entitled to a subsidy of Rs. .........................................(Rupees.......................................................
.....................................................)from the Govt. and the Bank shall:
i. CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ gyMZm Am°a H$m{B© oX`{ o]Zm CZH{$ F$U _| AmJ_ O_m H$a X{Jm/F$U amoe H{$ gmW AmoW©H$ ghm`Vm gßodVnaV H$a{Jm$& (E.J´m.od.H$m. H{$ obE)
Credit the proceeds thereof to his/their loan account/disburse the subsidy along with the loan amount without any further
reference to the Borrower/s. (For IRDP.)
ii. Bg{ gmdoY O_m ImV{ _| AbJ g{ O_m aI{Jm Am°a A[Z{ oZVmßV odd{H$moYH$ma g{ C∫$ [a „`mO H$m{ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam X{` „`mO H{$ ‡oV g_m`m{oOV H$a{Jm$& ]¢H$
H$m{ gdm}[na AoYH$ma Am°a C∫$ O_m H$s [na[∑dVm oVoW g{ [hb{ AmJ_ H$m odoZ`m{OZ H$aZ{, h{Vw C∫$ O_m [a ^ma hm{Jm oOgH{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ H$m{B© Xmdm
H$aZ{ `m ‡^ma bJmZ{ `m CX [a F$U _mßJZ{ H$m AoYH$ma Zht hm{Jm$& CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam oH$gr ^r X{` oH$ÒV H{$ ^wJVmZ _| MyH$ hm{Z{ [a ghm`H$s O_m H$m g`m`m{OZ
gmdoY F$U gßKQ>H$ H{$ AßVJ©V X{` AßoV_ oH$ÌV/Vm{| H{$ ‡oV g_m`m{oOV oH$`m OmE `m F$U ImV{ H{$ ‡oV odoZ`m{oOV oH$`m OmE$ Am°a e{f amoe, `oX H$m{B©
hm{, Vm{ gaH$ma H$m{ dm[g H$a Xr Om`{Jr, oOgZ{ AmoW©H$ ghm`Vm amoe H$m ^wJVmZ oH$`m h°$&
Keep the same in a separate Fixed Deposit Account. The Bank may, at its absolute discretion, adjust the interest thereon
towards the interest payable by the Borrower/s. The Bank shall have the paramount right and charge on the said deposit even
to appropriate the proceeds before maturity and the Borrower/s shall not be entitled to any claim or right to create charge
or raise loan thereon. The subsidy deposit shall be adjusted against the last instalment/s due under the term loan component
or appropriated towards the loan account at any time in the event of default in paying any instalment due by the Borrower/
s and the balance, if any, may be refunded to the Government which has paid the subsidy amount.
iii. F$U H{$ XwÈ[`m{J, [na`m{OZm/BH$mB© H$m{ g_m· H$aZ{/E{gr OJh ÒWmZmßVnaV H$aZ{, Om{ `m{OZm H{$ AßVJ©V Zht AmVr h° H$s Xem _| CYmaH$Vm© F$U ‡mo· H$s
oVoW$g{ ‡mWo_H$Vm j{Ã H{$ ob`{ bmJy na`m`Vr „`mO Xa VWm AmoW©H$ ghm`Vm H$m AoYH$mar Zht ah{Jm$&
In the event of misutilising the loan, abandoning/shifting the project/unit to an area not covered under the Scheme, the
Borrower/s shall not be entitled to the benefits under the Scheme such as the subsidy and the concessional rate of interest as
applicable to priority sector advances from the date of availing of the loan.
iv. ]¢H$ H$m{ AoYH$ma h° oH$ dh CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ gyoMV oH$`{ o]Zm AmoW©H$ ghm`Vm amoe H$m odoZ`m{J H$a gH$Vm h°$ Am°a CYmaH$Vm© Bg g_Pm°V{ H{$ AßVJ©V ]¢H$ ¤mam
bmJy g^r X{` ^wJVmZm| H{$ obE ]m‹` hm{Jm$&
The Bank shall be entitled to make such appropriation of the subsidy amount at its absolute discretion without any reference
or notice to the Borrower/s and the Borrower/s shall be liable for the due payment of all the liabilities ultimately enforceable
by the Bank under this agreement.
9. AJa oH$›hr dmÒVodH$ H$maUm| g{ MyH$ hm{Vr h° Vm{ ]¢H$ Am°a g_` X{ gH$Vm h° `m F$U H$s AdoY H$m{ ]∂T>m gH$Vm h° Am°a/AWdm X{` oH$ÌV H$s AdoY H$m [wZoZ©Ym©aU
H$a gH$Vm h° Am°a ]¢H$ ¤mam ]∂T>m`r JB© AdoY `m [wZoZ©Ym©aU H$m CYmaH$Vm© AZw[mbZ H$a{Jm$&
The Bank may in the opinion of it that any default due to genuine reasons has occured, grant further time or extend the period of loan
and/or reschedule the instalments due in which event the Borrower shall be liable to adhere to the extension so granted or
reschedule prescribed by the Bank.
10. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$ oH$ÒV H$s amoe, „`mO, ‡^ma bmJV `m oH$`{ h˛E IM© H$s amoe gohV VWm ]¢H$ H{$ oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma Cg{/C›h| H$m{B© Am°a hdmbm oX`{ o]Zm
oH$gr ^r g_` CgH{$/CZH{$ ] ]¢/Mm Im gß. ............................. _| Zm_{ S>mbZ{ H$m ‡moYH$ma X{Vm h° VWm CgH{$/CZH{$ ImVm| _| [`m©· amoe C[b„Y aIZ{
H$m dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢$&
The Borrower/s hereby authorise the Bank to debit his/their SB/Current Account No. 6714261000024 .............................. at any time with the
amount of instalment, interest, charges, costs, expenses incurred as per the rules of the Bank without any further reference to
him/them and undertake(s) to provide sufficient balance in his/their account/s.
11. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam Km{fUm d [woÔ> H$aVm h°/H$aV{ h°ß oH$ dh/d{ —oÔ>]ßoYV [nagß[oŒm`m| H$m/H{$ gß[yU© Òdm_r h°/h¢ VWm ]¢H$ H{$ obE d CgH$s Am{a g{ C›h| ›`mgr/
›`mog`m| d EO|Q>/Q>m| H{$ Í$[ _| A¿N>r pÒWoV _| aI|J{ Am°a/`m AZwgyMr ‘I’ _| CpÎboIV ^yo_ H$m/H{$ dh/d{ YmaH$ h°/h¢$&
The Borrower/s hereby declare/s and confirm/s that he/they is/are the absolute owner/s of the hypothecated assets and hold the
same in good condition as trustee/s and agent/s for and on behalf of the Bank and/or he/they is/are in possession of the lands
mentioned in the Schedule B.
12. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam oZÂZoboIV AZwgma gh_V h°/h¢ VWm dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢$ï
The Borrower/s hereby agree/s and undertake/s the following:
H$. g^r H$a, Xa d oH$am`{ oZ`o_V Í$[ g{ g_` [a AXm H$aZ{ Am°a —oÔ>]ßoYV dÒVwAm| H$m{ gßH$Q>, Hw$H$s© d odH´$` AmoX g{, _w∫$ aI{Jm/aI|J{$&
a. To pay all taxes, rates and rents regularly and in time and keep the hypothecated assets free from distress, attachment,
sale, etc.
I. AZwgyMr/AZwgyoM`m| _| CpÎboIV Mb/AMb gß[oŒm`m| H$m{ oH$gr ^r Vah g{ ]ßYH$, oJadr, ‡^mnaV, —oÔ>]ßYH$ aIZ{, ]{MZ{ `m A›` oH$gr VarH{$ g{ Zht
b. Not to mortgage, pledge, charge, hypothecate, sell or dispose off in any manner the movable/immovable property referred to
in the Schedule/s hereto.
K. O] VH$ h_ma{ ]¢H$ H$s H$m{B© X{`Vm ]H$m`m hm{Jr V] VH$ A›` oH$gr Ï`o∫$/gßÒWm g{ odŒmr` ghm`Vm ‡m· Zht H$a{Jm/H$a|J{$&
d. Not to obtain financial assistance from any other person/institution/s while any liability with our Bank is outstanding.
L>. `Wm ]¢H$ H$s A[{jmAm| H{$ AZwgma A›` H$m{B© ^r naH$mS>© oZÓ[moXV H$aZ{ Am°a/`m OmZH$mar X{Z{ VWm E{gm hr `m AoVna∫$ ‡^ma, ]ßYH$ `m ]¢H$ ¤mam [yN>{ OmZ{
[a oZoX©Ô> ‡moYH$mna`m| H{$ [mg [ßOrH$aU H$s Ï`dÒWm dh/d{ CgH{$/CZH{$ IM© [a H$a{Jm/H$a|J{$&
e. To execute any other records and/or to furnish any information as required by the Bank and create such other or additional
charge, mortgage and arrange for registration with the prescribed authorities whenever called upon by the Bank at his/their
M. ]¢H$ H$s A[{jm `m Cg g_` A_b _| ahZ{dmb{ A›` oH$gr H$mZyZ/`m{OZm H{$ AZwgma —oÔ>]ßoYV AmpÒV`m± Am°a/`m AMb gß[oŒm H$m AZwgyMr/AZwgyoM`m|
H{$ AZwgma CZH{$ gß[yU© ]mµOma _yÎ` H{$ obE “]¢H$ IßS>” ApΩZ Am°a/`m E{g{ A›` Om{oI_m| H{$ oIbm\$ ]r_mH•$V H$aZm VWm Cg{ ]¢H$ H$m{ gm°ß[ X{Zm E{gm Z H$aZ{
[a CYmaH$Vm© H{$ IM} g{ ]r_{ H$m{ ‡^mdr H$aZ{/]ZmE aIZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ AoYH$ma h°$& [a E{gm H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ oOÂ_{Xma Zht h°$&
f. To insure the hypothecated assets and/or immovable property as per Schedule/s for their full market value against fire and/
or such other risks as may be required by the Bank or prescribed by any law/scheme for the time being in force with ‘Bank
Clause’ and hand over the same to the Bank, failing which, the Bank shall be at liberty to effect/keep alive the insurance at the
expense of the Borrower, without being under any obligation so to do.
N>. Xmd{ Xm`a H$aZ{, ]¢H$ H$m{/]r_m Hß$[Zr H$m{ AmdÌ`H$ OmZH$mar X{Z{ H{ gß]ßY _| AmdÌ`H$ H$ma©dmB© H$a|J{$&
g. To take all steps like initiation of filing claims, furnishing necessary information to the Bank and Insurance Company.
O. Xmd{ H{$ _m_b{ _|, ]¢H$ H$m{ ]r_m Hß$[Zr H{$ oIbm\$ H$ma©dmB© H$aZ{ H$s A[{jm oH$`{ o]Zm CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ]¢H$ H$m{ g^r ]H$m`m X{`Vm MwH$mZ{ H$m CŒmaXm`r hm{Z{ m MmohE$&
h. In the event of claim the Borrower shall be liable to repay to the Bank the entire outstanding liability without requiring the Bank
to proceed against the Insurance Company.
P. BZ dÒVwAm| ¤mam Xr JB© ‡oV^yoV ]¢H$ H$m{ AßVVï X{` ]H$m`m H{$ obE gVV ‡oV^yoV hm{Jr VWm Bg ‡oV^yoV H{$ ‡`m{OZ H{$ obE g_m· Zht g_Pr Om`{Jr$&
i. The security offered by these presents shall be a continuing security for the balance ultimately due to the Bank and is not to
be treated as closed for the purpose of this security.
ƒm. VÀg_` bmJy oH$gr ^r H$mZyZ g{ ‡^mdr hm{Z{dmb{ g^r [o_©Q> d bmB©g{›g V°`ma d ‡^mdr aI{Jm/aI|J{$&
j. To take out and keep in force all permits and licences required to be effected by any law for the time being in force.
13. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm h°/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ CgH{$/CZH{$ ImVm| g{ gß]ßoYV H$m{B© ^r OmZH$mar C›h| gyoMV oH$`{ o]Zm ]¢H$ ¤mam ]mhar EO|gr H$m{ X{
gH$Vm h°$&
The Borrower/s hereby authorise the Bank to disclose any particulars relating to his/their account to any outside agency without
further reference to the Borrower.
14. C[`w©∫$ AoJ´_ H{$ gß]ßY _| ]¢H$ ¤mam ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ g{ [wZod©Œm h{Vw Amd{XZ
Am°a [wZod©Œm ‡m· H$aZ{ H$s pÒWoV _| oZÂZoboIV gh_oV h° oH$ ï
In the event of Bank applying for and availing of refinance from the IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD in respect of the above advance, it is further
hereby agreed that:
H$. ]¢H$ H$m{ `h Ny>Q> hm{Jr H$s dh ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ H$m{ E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm
`m na[m{Q>© ‡ÒVwV H$a{ Om{ Cg{ `m Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© g{ ‡m· h˛B© h° AWdm dh ]¢H$ H{$ [mg hr C[b„Y hm{$&
a. The Bank shall be at liberty to furnish to IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD any such information or report whether received by the Bank from
the Borrower or otherwise in the Bank’s possession.
I. oOZ _m_bm| _| ]¢H$ ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ g{ [wZod©Œm ‡m· H$aVm h° CZ _m_bm{|
_{ß CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ o\$bhmb ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ H$s `m{OZmAm| H{$ AZwgma
„`mO X{Zm hm{Jm Am°a `h Xa gß]oß YV [wZod©Œm ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ H$m{ dm[g H$aZ{
VH$ bmJy ah{Jr$& CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oH$gr ^r oH$ÒV H{$ ^wJVmZ _| X{ar/MyH$ H$s Xem _| CYmaH$Vm© [°am 2 H{$ AZwgma „`mO `m AoVX{` „`mO H{$ ^wJVmZ
H{$ obE ]m‹` hm{Jm$&
b. Where the Bank avails refinance from IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD, the rate of interest payable by the Borrower shall be in accordance
with the terms of the scheme of IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD for the time being in force and such rate shall be applicable only until
relative refinance is reimbursed to IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD. In the event of delay/default in the repayment of any instalment by
the Borrower to the Bank, Borrower shall be liable to pay interest and overdue interest as mentioned in para 2 above.
J. CYmaH$Vm© [yd©H$WZmZwgma oX`{ J`{/_ßOya AoJ´_ H{$ gß]ßY _| ‡oV]’Vm ‡^mam| gohV ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r`
H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV g^r AoVna∫$ oZ`_ d eVm~ g{ ]m‹` hm{Jm Am°a ]¢H$ O] ^r Mmh{Jm dh ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr`
bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´mo_U odH$mg ]¢H$ H{$ oZ`_ d eVm~ H{$ AZwgma g^r AmdÌ`H$ odb{I d XÒVmd{O AmoX oZÓ[moXV H$a{Jm hmbm±oH$
]¢H$ H{$ obE `h ]m‹`H$a Zht hm{Jm oH$ dh ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ H$m{ AoVna∫$
oZ`_ eVm~ H{$ oH$gr ^r AoVna∫$ F$U XÒVmd{O AWdm H$amaZm_{ H$m{ ‡m· H$a{$& CYmaH$Vm© BZ oZ`_m| d eVm~ g{ ]m‹` hm{Jm Am°a CZH$m AZw[mbZ H$a{Jm$&
^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw C⁄m{J odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ H{$ Bg oZ`_ d eVm~ H$m{ ]¢H$ oboIV Í$[ g{ gyoMV
H$a{Jm$& oO›h| Cg H$amaZm_{ H$m ohÒgm _mZm Om`{Jm Am°a C›h| Bg H$amaZm_{ H$m ohÒgm _mZH$a [∂T>m Om`{Jm$&
c. The Borrower shall be bound by all such additional terms and conditions as may be stipulated by IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD including
payment of commitment charges in respect of the advance granted/agreed to be granted as aforesaid and the Borrower shall
execute all necessary deeds, documents, etc., for giving effect to the terms and conditions stipulated by IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD
when called upon by the Bank to execute the same. Provided however, it shall not be obligatory on the part of the Bank to obtain
any additional loan document or agreement containing the additional terms and conditions that may be stipulated by the IDBI/
SIDBI/NABARD and the said additional terms and conditions shall be binding on the borrower and be complied by him merely on
being communicated to him by the Bank in writing on the said terms and conditions that may be stipulated by the IDBI/SIDBI/
NABARD shall form part and parcel of this agreement and shall be read as if the same has been incorporated herein.
K. [wZod©Œm H$s d°YVm AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ ^maVr` Am°⁄m{oJH$ odH$mg ]¢H$/^maVr` bKw odH$mg ]¢H$/amÔ≠>r` H•$of Am°a J´m_rU odH$mg ]¢H$ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H$m`m©b`
d ImVm ]oh`m| BÀ`mXr H$s Om±M H$a gH$Vm h°$&
d. During the currency of refinance IDBI/SIDBI/NABARD may inspect the office and books of account etc. of the Borrower.
15. Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AYrZ `m A›` H$m{B© H$maU g{ ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` H$m{B© ]mH$s `m YZ H$s AXm`Jr _| CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam MyH$ H{$ _m_b{ _| `m oH$gr dOh g{ `oX ]¢H$ `h
g_P{ oH$ ‡oV^yoV IVa{ _| h°, Vm{ E{gr hmbV _| ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` ]mH$s H$s dgybr H{$ obE —oÔ>]ßoYV _mb ]¢H$ H{$ ¤mam _mßJ{ OmZ{ [a Cg{ gm¢[Z{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm©
V°`ma ah{Jm$&
In the event of the Borrower failing to pay the balance or any other money due to the Bank under or by virtue of this agreement or
if for any reason the Bank thinks that the security is in jeopardy the Borrower undertakes to deliver the said hypothecated assets
to the Bank, on demand to enable the Bank to deal with the hypothecated assets for realisation of the balance due.
16. ]¢H$ H{$ AoYH$mar d Zmo_V Ï`o∫$ CZH{$ obE AmdÌ`H$ Z hm{Z{ [a ^r, Ohm± [a X•oÔ>]oß YV _mb aIm h˛Am h°, dhm± ‡d{e H$aZ{ d ah H$a X{IZ{, oZarjU H$aZ{, _mb gyMr
]ZmZ{, CgH$m _yÎ` Am±H$Z{ d ]¢H$ H{$ oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma Cg _mb H$m{ CR>mZ{ `m C›h| Am_ Zrbm_r _| `m oZOr H$ama ¤mam ]{MZ{, `m oZ[Q>mZ{ AWdm CZH{$ C[`m{J H{$ obE
›`m`mb` H{$ hÒVj{[ H{$ o]Zm, CgH{$ oZdb AmJ_ CYmaH$Vm©/Am| ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ X{` g^r aH$_m| H{$ [nag_m[Z H$s Am{a ]¢H$ ¤mam `m{Ω` d AmdÌ`H$ g_P{ OmZ{dmb{
oZ`_m| g{ bJm`{ Om`|J{$& E{g{ oH$gr odH´$` `m dgybr H{$ oH$gr ^r ImV{ H$m{ ÒdrH$ma H$aZ{ g{ CYmaH$Vm© gh_V hm{Vm/hm{V{ h¢ d CgH$s amoe H$_ hm{Z{ H$s pÒWoV _|
CYmaH$Vm© g^r ]mH$s X{`VmAm| H$s AXm`Jr H$aZ{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢$&
The Officers or nominees of the Bank shall without any obligation to do so, be entitled to enter and remain at any place where the
hypothecated assets may be kept to view, inspect, make inventories and value the same or take possession of the same for the
purpose of plying; to sell or use or otherwise dispose off all or any of the hypothecated goods by public auction or private treaty
without intervention of the court and apply the net proceeds towards liquidation of all sums due by the Borrower/s as per the rules
of the Bank and as the Bank may deem fit and necessary. The Borrower/s hereby agree/s to accept the Bank’s account of any such
sale or realisation and in case of shortfall undertakes to pay such further balance as may be due by the Borrower/s forthwith.
17. CYmaH$Vm© A[Z{ _| g{ ‡À`{H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$a{Jm Am°a Km{ofV H$a{Jm oH$ CZ_| g{ oH$gr EH$ AWdm AZ{H$m{ ¤mam oH$`{ J`{ ^wJVmZ d ‡mo·`m| H{$ obE d{ g^r gß`w∫$ VWm/
AWdm [•WH$ Í$[ g{ oOÂ_{Xma hm|J{ Am°a [nagr_m H{$ oZ`_m| H{$ ‡`m{OZm| h{Vw C›h| gß`w∫$ VWm/AWdm [•WH$ Í$[ g{ oH$gr EH$ AWdm AoYH$ ¤mam oH$`{ J`{ ^wJVmZ
d ‡mo·`m| H{$ gß]ßY _| [nagr_mAm| H$m ]Mmd H$aZm hm{Jm$&
The Borrower/s hereby authorise each one of them and declare that the payment or acknowledgement made or given by one or more
of them shall be binding on all of them jointly and/or severally and the said payment or acknowledgement so made or given by one or
more of them shall save limitation against all of them jointly and/or severally for the purpose of law of limitation.
18. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam gmd©OoZH$ _m±J g{ gß]ßoYV oH$gr ^r odYmZ H$s eVm~ H{$ AZwgma YZ d CgH$s dgybr H{$ Í$[ _| dgyb oH$`{ OmZ{dmb{ F$U H$s dgybr H$s gh_oV
X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢ d ‡oV^yoV g{ gß]ßoYV CYmaH$Vm©Am| H{$ oH$gr ^r AoYH$ma, F$Um| d Xmd{ H$m oH$gr Vah g{ oZ[Q>mZ, g_m`m{OZ H$m AoYH$ma ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢$&
The Borrower/s hereby give/s his/their consent for the loans being recovered as a public demand/monies in terms of any legislation
relating to recovery thereof and authorise/s the Bank to settle, compromise and deal in any manner with any rights, debts, claims
of the Borrower/s relating to the security.
19. H$. _r`mXr F$U gr_mAm| H{$ AßVJ©V ‡XmZ H$s JB© odŒmr` ghm`Vm H{$ ‡W_ AZwXmZ H$s oVoW g{ .......................... _mh H{$ F$U ÒWJZ H{$ obE
CYmaH$Vm© [mà h° oOg{ .......................................................................................................................
.............................................................................................................................È. H$s dmof©H$/AY©dmof©H$/
oV_mhr/_mogH$ oH$ÒVm| _| ]¢H$ H$m{ MwH$m`m Om`{Jm AßoV_ oH$ÒV ........................................................È. H$s hm{Jr Am°a ‡W_ oH$ÒV
oXZmßH$ ........................................................................................ H$m{ AXm H$s Om`{Jr$&
a. The Borrower is entitled to a moratorium of......................... months from the date of first granting of financial
assistance under the Term Loan/Working Capital limit/loan and it shall be repaid by the Borrower to the Bank in
..................................... yearly/half yearly/quarterly/monthly instalments each of Rs. .........................................
(Rupees............................................................................................... ) and last instalment being
Rs. ...................................(Rupees...................................................................) The first of such instalments
shall be paid on ..............................................
I. CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ g{ Bg ]mV [a gh_V h° oH$ _r`mXr F$U gr_m H$s g^r AWdm oH$gr X{`Vm H$s MwH$m°Vr hm{Z{ H$s Xem _| ]¢H$ H$s oboIV gh_oV Am°a CYmaH$Vm©
H{$ AZwam{Y [a F$U AmdÌ`H$VmAm| H{$ AmYma Am°a gm_m›` „`mO Xam| [a dh H$m`©H$mar [y±Or H$s gr_m H$m bm^ CR>mZm Omar aI gH$Vm h°$& ]¢H$ H$m{ ]H$m`m
H$m`©H$mar [yO
± r YmaH$ H$m{ AßVnaV H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma h°$& Bg Ï`dÒWm H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© ‡ÌZ Zht H$a gH$Vm Am°a Z hr Am[oŒm H$a gH$Vm h° O] VH$ CYmaH$Vm©
[a ]¢H$ H$s X{`Vm`| ]H$m`m hm|$&
b. The Borrower hereby agrees with the Bank that in the event of clearance of all or any liability under the Term Loan limit with
express consent in writing of the Bank at the request of the Borrower, he may continue to enjoy the facility of the Working
Capital limit based upon his credit requirements at prevailing rates of interest and Bank shall be entitled to transfer the
Working Capital component outstanding under the composite loan account to Cash Credit/Overdraft Account and the composite
loan account closed at the discretion of the Bank and this arrangement shall not be liable to be questioned or objected to by
the Borrower at any time until the liabilities remain outstanding and repayable by the Borrower to the Bank.
20. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam Km{fUm H$aVm h°/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ Bg H$amaZm_{ H$m Ame` VWm Bg gßÏ`dhma g{ gß]ßoYV ]¢H$ H{$ H$mam{]ma oZ`_ CgH{$/CZH{$ obE/¤mam [∂T> J`{ h¢ Am°a
Cg{/C›h| Ò[Ô> H$a oX`{ J`{ h¢, C›hm|Z{ g_P ob`m h° VWm CgH{$/CZH{$ ¤mam ]m‹` hm{Z{ H$m dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢$&
The Borrower/s hereby declare that the contents of this agreement have been read by/read over/explained to him/them and he/
they have understood the same and signify/ies his/their consent to abide by the same.
21. ]¢H$ H$s oboIV gh_oV H{$ o]Zm CYmaH$Vm© AZwgyMr H{$ AZwgma oH$gr ^r _mb, AmpÒV H$m{ hQ>m AWdm odIßoS>V Zht H$a gH$Vm h° H{$db CZ _m_bm| H$m{ N>m{∂S>H$a
oOg_| CYmaH$Vm© H{ AZwgma dh oKg J`m Wm, A‡`w∫$ Wm, oZH$mbZ{ `m{Ω` Wm, joVJ´ÒV `m Qy>Q>m h˛Am Wm$& BgobE Cg{ hQ>mZm AmdÌ`H$ [m`m J`m CgH{$ g__yÎ`
H$s dÒVw g{ hr Cg{ ]Xb ob`m OmEJm, gmW hr CYmaH$Vm© H{$ Ï`dgm` H{$ gß]ßY _| `m ‡`m{OZ h{Vw Ohm± ^r oKg{ h˛E, A‡`w∫$, oZH$mbZ{ `m{Ω`, joVJ´ÒV, Qy>Q>r h˛B©
AmpÒV`m| H{$ ZdrH$aU ]Xbmd H$s AmdÌ`H$Vm hm{ dhm± E{gm oH$`m Om gH{ Jm$&
The Borrower shall not remove or dismantle any of the goods, assets as per schedule without the consent in writing of the Bank
except in any case where such removal or dismantling shall be in the opinion of the Borrower be rendered necessary by reason of the
same being worn out, obsolete, discarded, injured, damaged or broken and in such case will replace so worn out, obsolete, discarded,
injured, damaged or broken by other of a similar nature and of at least equal value shall also whenever necessary renew or replace
all such assets to be used for the purpose of or in connection with the business of the Borrower as and when the same shall be worn
out, obsolete, discared, injured, damaged or broken.
22. CYmaH$Vm© H{$ AZwam{Y [a ]¢H$ H$s oH$gr A›` emIm/Am| H$m{ `h F$U gwodYm/X{`Vm AßVnaV H$aZ{ H$s pÒWoV _| dh emIm Bg H$amaZm_{ VWm oZÂZmZwgma ‡oV^yoV`m|
H$m{ bmJy H$aZ{ H{$ obE Cgr Vah [mà hm{Jr _mZm{ `h H$amaZm_m CgH{$ [j _| hm{$&
In the event of transfer of credit facility/liability to any other branches of the Bank at the request of the Borrower such branch is
entitled to enforce this agreement and securities hereunder as if this agreement is entered in its favour.
23. (i ) _¢/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h° oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/A›` J°a oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmEß ‡XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| [yd© eV© H{$ Í$[ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/
br OmZ{dmbr F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`Àd d CgH$s [yoV© _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ gß]ßY _| H$m{B© ^r gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ H{$Zam
]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h°$&
I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/advances/other non-fund based credit facilities to
me/us, the Canara Bank, requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information and data relating to me/us,
of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be assumed, by me/us, in relation thereto and
default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof.
(ii) VXZwgma, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V h±ˇ / h° VWm `h gh_oV X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm ‡H$Q> H$s OmE Om{ oZÂZdV≤ h° ï
Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such :
(H$) _{a{/h_ma{ gß]ßY _| gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ / (a) Information and data relating to me/us
(I) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| gyMZm `m AmßH$S>{, VWm
(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and
(J) _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`Àd H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© H$m{B© MyH$
(c) default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.
(iii ) _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H{$Zam ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr JB© gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ gÀ` d ghr h°$&
I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct.
AmJ{, _¢ / h_ EVX≤¤mam [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢ oH$ gr AmB© gr / A›` ‡moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE / OmZ{dmbr gyMZm / „`m°a{ H{$ gß]ßY _{ _¢/h_ oH$gr Vah H$m H$m{B© oddmX
‡ÒVwV Zhr H$Íß$Jm/H$a|J{ Am°a `h _wP{/h_ [a ]ßYZH$mar h° $&
Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding information/details furnished/to be
furnished to CICs/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
24. Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$m AZw‡dV©Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm h±̌ /H$aV{ h¢, CgH{$ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ AZw_oV X{Vm
h±ˇ/X{V{ h¢ $&
In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement, I/We agree and authorise the Bank, access to my/our
_{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oX`{ ‡moYH$aU H{$ AZwgma ]¢H$ A[Zr B¿N>m d AmdÌ`H$Vm H{$ AZwgma Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ bmJy ahZ{ H$s AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ, Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV
CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H{$ gß]Yß _| _{a/{ h_ma{ b{I-[arjH$m| ¤mam grY{ hr `m _wPg{/h_g{ H$m{B© ^r ode{f ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$s Om±M H$aZ{
h{Vw _m±J gH$Vm h°$&
As per the authorisation given by me/us to the Bank, the Bank can at its desire and requirement, at any point during the subsistence
of this agreement call for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific certification/details regarding the usage
of the funds borrowed under this agreement, so as to verify the end usage of the funds.
_¢/h_ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV CoMV g_` gr_m H{$ AßVJ©V ‡_mU[Ã ‡m· H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ oZX{em| H$m AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ H{$ obE CoMV AZwX{e X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& Bg
gß]ßY _|, _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m [yam „`m°am ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& `oX _¢/h_ _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ ]XbV{ h¢, Vm{ E{gm ]Xbmd H$s gyMZm _¢/
h_ VwaßV ]¢H$ H$m{ Xy±Jm / X|J{$&”
I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the Bank for obtaining the certificate
within a reasonable time stipulated by the Bank. In this connection I/We agree to give full details of my/our auditors to the Bank. If
I/We change my/our auditors, then such changes shall be intimated to the Bank immediately.
`oX _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| ¤mam gyMZm ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ _| AZwoMV X{ar hm{ Om`{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _m±Jm J`m AmdÌ`H$
‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma oH$`m Om`{ `m ]mX _| `h [m`m Om`{ oH$ _{a/{ h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a/{ h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam oX`{ J`{ ‡_mU[Ã/„`m°a{ _| H$m{B© h{a\{$a oH$`m
J`m h°, Vm{ _¢/h_ Bg ]mV g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ F$U dm[g _m±JZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ [yam AoYH$ma h°$&
If there is any undue delay in submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our auditors/myself/ourselves
refuse to submit the required certificate/details called for or if it is subsequently found that there is some manipulation in the
certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree that the Bank has full discretion to recall the loan.
25. ]¢H$ H$s oZÂZ _m_b{ _| odd{H$moYH$ma ‡`m{J H$aZ{ H$m AoYH$ma hm{Jm :-
“The Bank shall have the right to exercise discretion with respect to the following :
(i) ]¢H$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V gr_m g{ AoYH$ F$U ImV{ _{ g{ amoe AmhaU H$aZ{ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ AZw_oV $&
Allowing the borrower to withdraw amount from the loan account over and above the limit sanctioned to it by the Bank.
(ii) AJa ]¢H$ _mZVm h° oH$ ]¢H$ ¤mam oOg C‘{Ì` g{ F$U ÒdrH•$V oH$`m J`m h°, Cgg{ [a{ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam M{H$ Omar oH$`m J`m h° V] V•Vr` [mQ>u H{$ [j _| CYmaH$Vm©
¤mam AmhnaV M{H$ H$m{ CXŒm H{$ Í$[ _| bm°Q>mZm $&
Returning the cheques drawn on the loan account by the borrower in favour of third parties as unpaid, if the Bank has reasons
to believe that such cheques have been issued by the borrower for purposes other than which the loan has been sanctioned
by the Bank.
(iii) CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H mam{]ma _| Am°a AoYH$ d•o’ d odH$mg h{Vw F$U ImV{ _| g{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ¤mam AoYH$ amoe H$s oZH$mgr H$s ]¢H$ H{$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V gr_m g{ AoYH$
h°, (I) AJa E{gr AoYH$ amoe H$s oZH$mgr ]¢H$ H{$ ¤mam ÒdrH•$V Zhr h° (J) AJa CYmaH$mV© H$m{ ÒdrH•$V F$U gwodYmAm| H$m ZdrH$aU oH$gr ^r H$maU g{
Zht oH$`m J`m h°, VWm (K) AJa ]¢H$ _mZVm h° oH$ ]¢H$ ¤mam oOg C‘{Ì` H{$ obE F$U ÒdrH•$V oH$`m J`m h°, Cgg{ hQ>H$a AmhnaV oH$`m J`m h° $&
Disallowing large cash withdrawals by the borrowers from the loan account, for meeting the requirements of further growth
and development of the business of the borrower, (a) if such withdrawals are over and above the limits sanctioned to the
borrower by the Bank, (b) if such overdrawals have not been sanctioned by the Bank, (c) if the loan facilities sanctioned to the
borrower have not been renewed for any reason whatsoever, and (d) if the Bank has reason to believe that such withdrawals
are being made for purposes other than which the loan facility has been sanctioned by the Bank.
(iv) oZÂZmqH$V H$maUm| H{$ obE ÒdrH•$V F$U gwodYmAm| _| g{ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam AoVna∫$ AmhaU H$m{ ZH$maZ{ H$m ^r ]¢H$ H{$ [mg odd{H$moYH$ma hm{Jm :-
The Bank shall also have the discretion and right to refuse further withdrawals by the borrower from the loan facilities granted
to it for the following reasons.
(a) `oX ]¢H$ H$s ]oh`m| _| CYmaH$Vm© H{$ ImV{ H$m{ AZw[`m{¡` AmpÒV`m| H{$ Í$[ _| dJuH•$V oH$`m J`m hm{ Vm{,
If the account of the borrower has been classified as a non performing asset by the Bank in its books.
(b) `oX CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam, CgH$m{ ‡XŒm F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| Bg F$U H$amaZm_| _| CpÎboIV eVm}ß H$m AZw[mbZ Zht oH$`m J`m h°, Vm{
If the borrower has not complied with the terms of this loan agreement referred and the other terms which the Bank may
specify from time to time with respect to the loan facility granted by it to the borrower.
(v) ]¢H$ ¤mam C[am{∑VmZwgma ‡`w∫$ odd{H$moYH$ma dmÒVodH$ Am°a ]rZm eV© H$m h° Am°a CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam oH$gr ^r g_` [a CgH{$ ]ma{ _| g`mb Zht oH$`m OmVm
`m H$m{B© oddmX Zht CR>m`m OmVm h¢ $&
The discretion exercised by the Bank as stated above shall be absolute and unconditional, and the borrower shall not question
or raise any dispute about the same at any point of time whatsoever.
26. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam gh_oV X{Vm /X{Vr h° / X{V{ h¢ oH$ CgH{$ /CZH{$ ¤mam F$U H$s AdoY [yd© ^wJVmZ / F$U ImVmß ]ßY oH$`m OmVm h°, `m _ßOyar H{$ g_` [a oZYm©naV F$U
MwH$m°oV AdoY H{$ [hb{ A›` ]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| _| F$U ImVm| H{$ AßVaU h{Vw AZwam{Y oH$`m OmVm h° V] CgH{$ / CZH{$ ¤mam A›` ]°|H$m| / odŒmr` gßÒWAm| _| AßVaU h{Vw
AdoY[yd© ^wJVmZ / AdoY[yd© ]ßX oH$E OmZ{ H{$ Xm°amZ ]H$m`m X{WVm [a......% H$s Xa [a [yd© ^wJVmZ XßS> ewÎH$ AXm oH$`m OmEJm $&
The Borrower/s hereby agree/s that in case he/she/they pre-pay/s the loan/close the loan account or request for transfer of the
loan accounts to other banks/Fls before the loan repayment period stipulated at the time of sanction, he/she/they shall be liable to
pay a pre-payment penalty at the rate of..............% on the outstanding liability at the time of pre-payment or preclosure by
transfer to other bank / Fls.
27. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢ oH$ dh/d{, BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© g{ gß]ßoYV oXeoZX}em| H{$ AZwgma, BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© H{$ Í$[ _| Ao^oZYm©naV EH$ Hß$[Zr/\$_© H{$ oZX{eH$
_ßS>b _| oZX}eH$ H{$ Í$[ _| H$m`©aV oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ Zht b{Jm/b{ßJ{ Am°a E{g{ _m_b{ _| Ohm± E{g{ oH$gr Ï`o∫$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm© Hß$[Zr H{$ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b _| gmP{Xma/oZX{eH$ H{$ Í$[
_| [m`m J`m Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© E{g{ Ï`o∫$ H$m{ A[Z{ oZX{eH$ _ßS>b/gmP{Xmar \$_© g{ hQ>mZ{ H{$ obE VwaßV Ed_≤ ‡^mdr H$X_ CR>mEJm/CR>mEßJ{$&
The borrower/s hereby undertake/s that he/they will not induct a person who is a Director on the Board of the company / partner
in a partnership firm which has been identified as a Wilful Defaulter as per the guidelines for classification as wilful defaulter and in
case such a person is found to be a Partner / Director on the Board of the borrower company the borrwer/s would take expeditious
and effective steps for removal of such persons from its Board / Partnership firm.
28. ]¢H$ oH$gr ^r gwodYm H$m{ oXE OmZ{ `m Omar aIZ{ H{$ obE ]m‹` Zht hm{Jm, ]pÎH$ ]¢H$ A[Z{ gß[yU© odd{H$mYoH$ma _| Om{ C[`w∫$ g_P{Jm Cg{ o]Zm oH$gr oZoX©Ô> H$maU Am°a
[yd© gyMZm H{$ o]Zm oH$gr ^r g_` oH$gr ^r gwodYmAm|/gr_mAm| H$m{ a‘ H$aZ{ H{$ obE ÒdVßà hm{Jm$& Bg gß]ßY _| CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ g{ H$m{B© amoe O°g{ _wAmdOm, joV `m A›`Wm
Xmdm H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma Zht hm{Jm Am°a `h [yU© Í$[ g{ ]¢H$ H{$ odd{H$moYH$ma _| hm{Jm$&
The Bank shall not be obliged to grant or continue any facility/accommodation except that it shall in its absolute discretion consider
fit and that the Bank shall always be at liberty to cancel the unavailed facilities/limits at any time without prior notice and without
assigning any reason. The Borrower shall not be entitled to claim any amount from the Bank, as compensation, damages or otherwise
on exercising Bank's discretion in this regard.
29. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm H$m{ em{Yj_ d oXdmob`m[Z gßohVm, 2016 (gßoj· Í$[ _| "gßohVm') H$s Ymam 3(13) _| [na^mofV "odŒmr` gyMZm' H{$ ‡H$Q>Z/‡ÒVwV
H$aZ{ H{$ obE, ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm g{ ‡m· H$s OmZ{ dmbr F$U/odŒmr` gwodYmAm| H{$ gß]ßY _|, g_`-g_` [a, gßohVm H$s Ymam 3 (21) _| [na^mofV oH$gr ^r "gyMZm C[`m{oJVm'
(gßoj· Í$[ _| "AmB© `y') Om{ gßohVm _| oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_m|/oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma, O°gmoH$ gßem{oYV Edß g_`-g_` [a bmJy Am°a O°gmoH$ BgH{$ AßVJ©V odoZoX©Ô> AZwgma,
gßohVm H{$ AßVJ©V oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_Z H{$ AZwgma, ^maVr` naµOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$m| H$m{ Omar oXem-oZX}em| VWm EVX≤¤mam gß]ßoYV AmB© `y H{$ AZwam{Y oH$E
OmZ{ [a ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm ¤mam O_m H$s JB© odŒmr` OmZH$mar H$m{ VwaßV ‡_moUV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ode{f Í$[ g{ gh_V h¢$&
The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing/submitting the 'financial information' as defined in
Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code' for brief) read with the relevant Regulations/Rules framed under
the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under from time to time, in respect of the Credit/
Financial facilities availed from the Bank/Lender, from time to time, to any 'Information Utility' ('IU' for brief) as defined in Section 3
(21) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of India
to the banks from time to time and hereby specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information' submitted by the
Bank/Lender, as and when requested by the concerned 'IU'.
30. CYmaH$Vm©/gh_V h°/h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ F$U/AmpÒV`m| H$m{ AmpÒV [wZJ©R>Z Hß$[oZ`m| (E Ama gr) H$m{ gm¢[Zm/odH´$` H$aZm ]¢H$ H{$ Òdodd{H$ [a oZ^©a h°$&
Borrower/s agree/s that the Bank has sole discretion to assign/sell my/our debt/assets to Asset Reconstruction Companies (ARCs).
1. D$[a CpÎboIV CYmaH$Vm©/Am| lr ................................................................ H$m{ Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ AßVJ©V ]¢H$ ¤mam AßVVï bmJy oH$`{
OmZ{dmbr g^r X{`VmAm| H{$ odoYdV ^wJVmZ H{$ obE CYmaH$Vm©/Am| H{$ gmW gß`w∫$ Í$[ g{ `m AbJ Í$[ g{ gh Am^mar ahˇ±Jm/Jr$&
To stand as co-obligant to Sri ................................................................................................. the Borrower/s herein
above mentioned for the due payment of all the liabilities jointly and severally with the Borrower/s ultimately enforceable by the Bank
under this agreement.
2. ]¢H$ ¤mam odoYdV≤ Í$[ g{ oZaÒV hm{Z{ VH$ Bg_| oZohV eV~ oZ]ßYZ d ‡oVkm [Ã _{a{ oIbm\$ A[nadV©Zr` d bmJy ah|J{$&
That the terms, conditions and covenants contained herein shall be irrevocable and enforceable against me until duly cancelled by the
3. CYmaH$Vm©/Am| _| g{ EH$ `m CZH{$$ ¤mam H$s JB© MwH$m°oV `m ‡mo·-ÒdrH•$oV _{a{ ¤mam EVX≤¤mam oH$`{ J`{ Ao^Ï`∫$ ‡moYH$ma H{$ AYrZ H$s h˛B© g_Pr Om`{Jr VWm [nagr_Z
H{$ ‡`m{OZ h{Vw dh _wP [a ]m‹` ah{Jr$&
The payment or acknowledgement made or given by any one or more of the Borrower/s shall be construed to have been made under
my express authorisation hereby made and shall be binding on me for the purpose of limitation.
ÒWmZ/Place: GAYA
oXZmßH$/Date: 05/04/2022 gh-Am^mar H{$ hÒVmja/Signature of Co-obligant
2 * oQ>fl[Ur ï H•$[`m AZwgyMr ‘H$’ H{$ AßVJ©V —oÔ>]ßoYV [nagß[oŒm`m| H$m „`m{am oZÂZmßoH$V AZwgma ‡ÒVwV H$a| ï
* NOTE: Under Schedule A please furnish particulars of assets hypothecated as follows:
Zm{Q> ï Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ oh›Xr Í$[mßVa _| e„XmW© odf`H$ H$m{B© oddmX `m odMma odo^fiVm hm{Z{ H$s pÒWoV _| _yb AßJ´{Or ‡mÍ$[ H$m{ hr H$mZyZZ ghr _mZm OmEJm$&
`h, Bg g§X^© _| nhbo hr _oao/h_mao Ûmam {ZînÞ Am¡a Amn Ûmam Ym[aV Jma§Q>r Ho$ A{V[aŠV h¡Ÿ&
This is in addition to the guarantee already executed by me/us in this behalf and held by you.
ñWmZ/Place : GAYA ^dXr`/Yours faithfully,
{XZm§H$/Date : 05/04/2022
g§b½Z/Encl : Jma§Q>r H$amaZm_m/Guarantee agreement
ZmoQ> … `{X `h A{V[aŠV Jma§Q>r Z hmo Vmo Bg nÌ Ho$ Xygao n¡ao H$mo Jma§Q>r H$Vm©Am| Ho$ hñVmjam| Ho$ A§VJ©V H$mQ> X|Ÿ&
Note : Second Para of this letter to be struck off under the signature of the guarantor/s, if it is
not an additional guarantee.
¸¤¸¢ˆÅ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ›¸½ Š¸¸£¿¢’¡¸¸Â ¬¸¢í÷¸ ¬¸º¢¨¸š¸¸‚¸½¿ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¬¸í¸¡¸÷¸¸ œÏ™¸›¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ í½÷¸º ƒ¬¸ ¬œ¸«’ ©¸÷¸Ä ˆ½Å ‚š¸ú›¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ¬¸½ ‚›¸º£¸½š¸ ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ í¾ ¢ˆÅ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä,
‚¢ŠÏŸ¸ ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ™ú Š¸¡¸ú ¬¸Ÿ¸¬÷¸ £¸¢©¸¡¸¸½¿ ‡¨¸¿ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ Š¸¸£¿’úˆ¼Å÷¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¬÷¸ ™½¡¸÷¸¸‚¸½¿ ÷¸˜¸¸ ‚¸¸ ¬¸½ ¥¸½ˆÅ£ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ ‚¢ŠÏŸ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ™ú ¸¸›¸½¨¸¸¥¸ú ¬¸Ÿ¸¬÷¸ £¸¢©¸¡¸¸½¿
‚¸¾£ ¸¸£ú ˆÅú ¸¸›¸½¨¸¸¥¸ú ¬¸Ÿ¸¬÷¸ Š¸¸£¿¢’¡¸¸½¿ ˆÅú ¸ºˆÅ¸¾÷¸ú ˆÅú ©¸÷¸Ä£¢í÷¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚œ¸¢£¨¸÷¸Ä›¸ú¡¸ Š¸¸£¿’ú ™½÷¸¸ í¾ /™½÷¸½ íÿ —
Whereas the Guarantor has requested the Bank to grant financial assistance to the Borrower by way of facilities, including
guarantees subject to the specific condition that the Guarantor shall unconditionally and irrevocably guarantee the repayment
of all amounts advanced and all liabilities guaranteed by the Bank as also all amounts which may be advanced and all guarantees
which may be issued by the Bank from this day.
‚¸¾£ ¸¤¸¢ˆÅ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ ‡½¬¸¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆÅú ¬¸íŸ¸¢÷¸ ¨¡¸Æ÷¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ œ¸£ ¢¨¸¸¸£ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ ÷¸˜¸¸ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ׸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅ¸½ ‚¤¸ ™½¡¸ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú £ˆÅŸ¸ ˆÅú ÷¸º£¿÷¸ ¸ºˆÅ¸¾÷¸ú ˆÅú
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¢ˆÅ¬¸ú ž¸ú £ˆÅŸ¸ œ¸£ ¢¨¸¸¸£ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ ‡¨¸¿ ƒ¬¸ˆ½Å ¤¸¸™ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ˆÅ¸½ ›¸¨¸úˆÅ£µ¸ ˆÅú œ¸»¨¸Ä-¬¸»¸›¸¸ ¢™¡¸½ ¤¸Š¸¾£ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ¬¨¸¢›¸µ¸Ä¡¸ œ¸£ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ œ¸£ ¬¸º¢¨¸š¸¸‚¸½¿ ˆ½Å
›¸¨¸úˆÅ£µ¸ ˆ½Å {¸¢£‡ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ˆÅ¸½ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¬¸í¸¡¸÷¸¸ œÏ™¸›¸ ¢ˆÅ¡¸½ ¸¸›¸½ œ¸£ ¢¨¸¸¸£ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ›¸½ ¡¸í¸Â ƒ¬¸ˆ½Å ‚¸Š¸½ ¤¸÷¸¸¡¸ú Š¸¡¸ú ©¸÷¸¸½ô ÷¸˜¸¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ
׸£¸ „›¸ œ¸£ ¬¸íŸ¸÷¸ í¸½ ¸¸›¸½ ˆ½Å ‚š¸ú›¸ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ׸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅ¸½ ™½¡¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¬÷¸ £¸¢©¸¡¸¸½¿ ˆÅú ¸ºˆÅ¸¾÷¸ú ˆÅú Š¸¸£¿’ú ™½›¸½ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ¬¸íŸ¸¢÷¸ ¨¡¸Æ÷¸ ˆÅú í¾ —
And whereas in consideration of the Bank’s agreeing to do so and in consideration of the Bank’s agreeing at the request of the
Guarantor not to require immediate payment of any amount now due from the Borrower to the Bank and in consideration of any
sums which may hereafter be advanced by the Bank to the Borrower, and in consideration also of the Bank’s hereafter granting
financial accommodation to the Borrower by way of renewal of facilities from time to time at the discretion of the Bank without
previous intimation to the Guarantor of such renewal the guarantor has agreed to guarantee payments of all amounts due by the
Borrower to the Bank subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, and whereas the Bank has agreed thereto.
¡¸í¸Â „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ˆÅ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸, ¢œ¸÷¸¸/Ÿ¸¸÷¸¸ ˆÅ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸, ‚¸¡¸º, ¨¡¸¨¸¬¸¸¡¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸¨¸¸¬¸ ™¸Ä ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ ¸¸‡ —
Here enter name, parentage, age, profession and residence of Borrower.
¡¸í¸Â Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ˆÅ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸, ¢œ¸÷¸¸/Ÿ¸¸÷¸¸ ˆÅ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸, ‚¸¡¸º, ¨¡¸¨¸¬¸¸¡¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸¨¸¸¬¸ ™¸Ä ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ ¸¸‡ — /
Here enter name, parentage, age, profession and residence of Guarantor.
¡¸í¸Â œÏ¸¢š¸ˆ¼Å÷¸ ‚¢š¸ˆÅ¸£ú ˆÅ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸ ™¸Ä ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ ¸¸‡ — / Here enter name of the authorized officer.
¡¸í ˆÅ£¸£›¸¸Ÿ¸¸ ¬¸¸®¡¸ ™½÷¸¸ í¾ ¢ˆÅ „Æ÷¸ ¤¸¸÷¸¸½¿ œ¸£ ¢¨¸¸¸£ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ¬¸ž¸ú í¸¢›¸¡¸¸½¿ ˆ½Å œÏ¢÷¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅú ®¸¢÷¸œ¸»¢÷¸Ä ˆÅ£›¸½ ‚¸¾£ Ÿ¸¸ÂŠ¸ œ¸£ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ׸£¸
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This AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises the Guarantor doth hereby agree to indemnify the Bank
against all loss and to pay and satisfy to the Bank on demand the “General Balance” due from the Borrower and the
expression “General Balance” shall be deemed to include all and every sum and sums of money and the amount of interest
at such rates as charged from time to time and claimed by the Bank, which are now or shall at any time to be owing to the
Bank in any of its offices on any account whatsoever whether the “Borrower” solely or from the Borrower jointly with any
other or others in partnership or otherwise whether as principal or surety or otherwise and whether such liabilities have
matured or not and whether they are absolute or contingent including all liabilities in respect of advances, guarantees,
letter of credit, cheques, Hundies, Bills, Notes, Drafts and other negotiable instruments, drawn, accepted, endorsed or
guaranteed by the Borrower and in respect of interest at the rate agreed upon with monthly/quarterly rest, commission
and banking charges and in respect of all costs, charges and expenses which the Bank may incur in paying any rent, rate,
taxes, duties, calls, instalments, legal and other professional charges or other outgoings whether for the insurances, repair,
maintenance, management, realization or otherwise in respect of any property, movable or immovable or any chattels
actionable claims or scrip securities or title deeds pledged, mortgaged or assigned to or deposited with the bank as security
for the due payment and discharge of Borrower’s liability to the Bank.
ƒ¬¸ ˆÅ£¸£ ˆ½Å ÷¸í÷¸ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä/Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä‚¸½¿ ˆ½Å ¢¨¸²Ö œÏ¨¸÷¸Ä›¸ú¡¸ ™½›¸™¸£ú, ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å Ÿ¸¸¿Š¸ œ¸£ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä/Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä‚¸½¿ ˆ½Å ׸£¸ ¨¡¸¡¸, œÏž¸¸£, ™¿”¸÷Ÿ¸ˆÅ
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The total liability enforceable against the guarantor/s under this agreement shall not exceed a sum of
Rs ....................................... (Rupees FIVE LAKHS ONLY
........................................................................................................................................................) Plus interest
thereon at ..................... % per annum above the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) with a minimum of
..................... % per annum compounded monthly/quarterly/half yearly from the date of demand by the Bank upon the
guarantor/s for payment and expenses, charges, penal interest, etc., debited in the account from time to time as may be
specified by the Bank. The Guarantor/s further agree/s that the above amount of Rs.................................... 500000 (Rupees
.......................................................................................................................................................) is exclusive of
interest, penal interest, expenses, charges etc., debited in the account from time to time and the demand made by the
bank in this regard shall be binding on the guarantor/s.
``‚¸š¸¸£ ™£ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ œ¸£ ¤¸™¥¸÷¸¸ £í÷¸¸ í¾ ƒ¬¸½ ˆ½Å›¸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ¨¸½¤¸ ¬¸¸ƒ’ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚¸¾£ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ˆ½Å ›¸¸½’ú¬¸ ¤¸¸½”Ä Ÿ¸½¿ ‚¢š¸¬¸»¢¸÷¸ ¢ˆÅ¡¸¸ ¸¸÷¸¸, ¡¸íú Š¸¸£¿’¸£ ˆÅ¸½
¢›¸µ¸¸Ä¡¸ˆÅ ›¸¸½¢’¬¸ í¸½Š¸¸—''
“MCLR shall be subject to change from time to time as may be notified in Canara Bank Website and Notice Board of the
branch, which shall be conclusive notice to the guarantors.’’
Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ‡÷¸™Ã׸£¸ ¢¨¸¢›¸¢™Ä«’ ³œ¸ ¬¸½ ¬¸íŸ¸÷¸ í¸½÷¸¸/í¸½÷¸½ íÿ ¢ˆÅ ¨¸í/¨¸½ Ÿ¸¿¸»£ú ˆ½Å ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ „¬¸/„›¸ ˆ½Å ׸£¸ ¬¸íŸ¸÷¸ ¤¡¸¸¸ ™£¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú ˆÅŸ¸ú ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ íˆÅ™¸£
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The guarantor/s hereby specifically agrees/agree that he/she/they is/are not entitled to any reduction in the rate of
interest agreed by him/her/them at the time of sanction and also that he/she/they is/are bound to pay any upward revision
in the said rate of interest stipulated at the time of sanction and intimated by the Bank from time to time.
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The guarantor/s hereby specifically agrees/agree that he/she/they waives/waive the notice of variation of interest including
enhancement form time to time as revised by the Head Office of the bank. He/she/they further agrees/agree that such
variation in the rate of interest notified in the notice board in the bank premises shall be sufficient notice to him/her/them
and that he/she/they agrees/agree to pay interest at the rate notified in the Notice Board from time to time until all dues
are cleared in full.
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NOTWITHSTANDING the Borrower’s account or accounts with the Bank may be brought to credit or the credit given to the
Borrower fully exhausted or exceeded howsoever the said financial accommodation be varied or changed or renewed from
time to time notwithstanding any payments from time to time or any settlement of Accounts or payments in settlement of
the balance that may be due from time to time, this guarantee shall to the extent aforesaid, be a continuing guarantee for
payment of the ultimate balance to become due to the Bank by the Borrower. The liabilities of the Guarantors under these
presents shall be construed as joint and several. This guarantee shall be a continuing guarantee notwithstanding the death
of any one or more of the Guarantors and shall be binding on the representatives and the estates of the deceased
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In case of discontinuance of the Guarantee as to one or more of the guarantors at the discretion of the Bank , the Bank shall
be at liberty to open a fresh account or accounts with Borrower, and to appropriate thereto all payments subsequently
made to the Bank by him or others on his behalf and to allow such amounts to be subsequently drawn out by the Borrower,
without prejudice to the liability of the guarantors under this guarantee unless the person paying in such amounts shall at
the time direct the Bank in writing specially to appropriate the same to the old account.
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The Guarantor hereby consents to the bank’s making any variance that the Bank may think fit in the terms of the Bank’s
contract with the Borrower, to the Bank’s determining, enlarging or varying any credit to the Borrower to the Bank’s making
any composition with the Borrower or promising to give the Borrower time or not to sue him and to the Bank’s parting with
any security the Bank may hold for the guaranteed debt. The guarantor also agrees that the Guarantor shall not be
discharged from his liability by the Bank’s releasing the Borrower or by any act or omission of the Bank legal consequence
of which may be to discharge Borrower or by any act of the bank which would but for his present provision, be inconsistent
with the Guarantor’s right as surety or by the Bank’s omission to do any act which, but for this present provision, the Bank’s
duty to the Guarantor would have required the Bank to do. Though as between the Borrower and the Guarantor, the
Guarantor is surety only, the guarantor agrees that as between the Bank and the Guarantor, the Guarantor is the principal
debtor, jointly with the Borrower. Accordingly, the Guarantor waives all of the rights conferred on him by Sections 130, 133,
134, 135, 139 and 141 or any other relevant provision of the Contract Act.
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If the borrower shall become insolvent or enter into any arrangement, or make any composition with his creditors the Bank
may (notwithstanding payment to the Bank by the Guarantor or any other person of the whole or any part of the amount
hereby guaranteed) to rank as creditor and prove against his estate for the full amounts of the Bank’s claim, or agree to and
accept any composition in respect of the same, and the Bank may and shall receive and retain the whole of the dividends
composition or other payments thereon to the exclusion of all the rights of the Guarantor in compulation with the Bank,
until the Bank’s claim is fully satisfied; and Guarantor shall not by paying off the sum guaranteed or any part thereof or upon
any other ground, prove or claim to prove or respect of the sum guaranteed or any part thereon until the whole of the
Bank’s claim against the Borrower has been satisfied.
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Any account settled or stated by or between the bank and the Borrower or admitted by him or on his behalf may be adduced by
the Bank and shall in that case be accepted by the Guarantors and each of them and their respective representatives as
conclusive evidence that the balance or amount thereby appearing is due from the Borrower to the Bank.
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A certificate in writing under the hand of the Manager or the Officer of the Bank stating the amount at any particular time due
and payable to it under the guarantee shall be conclusive evidence as against the Guarantor, his representatives and estate.
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The guarantee shall be in addition to and shall not in any way be prejudiced or affected by any collateral or other security or
guarantee now or hereafter to be held by the Bank.
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Any notice may be served on the Guarantor personally or by sending the same in a prepaid cover to the address registered with
the Bank and when no such address is registered, to the last known place of address of the person to be served and a notice so
sent shall be deemed to be served on the third day following that on which it is posted.
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I/We understand and agree that this guarantee executed is irrevocable.
ƒ›¸ œÏ¬÷¸º¢÷¸¡¸¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ¡¸í Ÿ¸¸›¸¸ ¸¸‡Š¸¸ ¢ˆÅ ‡ˆÅ¨¸¸›¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¤¸íº¨¸¸›¸ ž¸ú ¬¸Ÿ¸¸¢í÷¸ í¾ — ¸¤¸ ˆÅž¸ú „š¸¸ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä/ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ‡ˆÅ ¨¡¸¢Æ÷¸ í¾, ¡¸í Ÿ¸¸›¸¸ ¸¸‡Š¸¸ ¢ˆÅ „¬¸Ÿ¸½¿ „¬¸ˆ½Å
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¢›¸Š¸¢Ÿ¸÷¸ ¢›¸ˆÅ¸¡¸ í¸½, ÷¸¸½ ‡½¬¸¸ Ÿ¸¸›¸¸ ¸¸‡Š¸¸ ¢ˆÅ œ¸¼˜¸ˆÅ ‚¢ž¸¨¡¸¢Æ÷¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¡¸˜¸¸¢¬˜¸¢÷¸ ûÅŸ¸Ä, ¢¥¸¢Ÿ¸’½” ˆ¿Åœ¸›¸ú ¡¸¸ ‚›¡¸ ¢›¸Š¸Ÿ¸ ¡¸¸ ¬¸¢Ÿ¸¢÷¸, ¡¸¸ ¬¸¿‹¸ ‚˜¸¨¸¸ Š¸¾£-
¢›¸Š¸¢Ÿ¸÷¸ ¢›¸½ˆÅ¸¡¸ ˆ½Å ¬¸™¬¡¸ ©¸¸¢Ÿ¸¥¸ í¸½¿Š¸½— ûÅŸ¸Ä ©¸¤™ Ÿ¸½¿ „¬¸ˆ½Å ¬¸™¬¡¸ ž¸ú ©¸¸¢Ÿ¸¥¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¸¸ ¸¸‡Š¸¸, ¸¸í½ ¨¸í œ¸¿¸úˆ¼Å÷¸ í¸½ ‚˜¸¨¸¸ ›¸íì, ‚¸¾£ „¬¸ˆÅ¸ ¬¸¿‹¸’›¸
Ÿ¸¼÷¡¸º, ¢™¨¸¸¢¥¸¡¸¸œ¸›¸, ¬¸½¨¸¸¢›¸¨¸¼¢î¸ ¡¸¸ ¬¸™¬¡¸¸½¿ ˆ½Å œÏ¨¸½©¸ ¡¸¸ ‚›¡¸ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú ž¸ú œÏˆÅ¸£ ¬¸½ œ¸¢£¨¸¢÷¸Ä÷¸ í¸½÷¸¸ í¸½ — ‡½¬¸½ ûÅŸ¸¸½ô Ÿ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸£¸½¤¸¸£ Ÿ¸½¿ ¥¸Š¸¸ ¬¸¿¡¸ºÆ÷¸ ¢í›™º
œ¸¢£¨¸¸£ ž¸ú ©¸¸¢Ÿ¸¥¸ í¸½¿Š¸½ — ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å ¬¸¿‹¸’›¸, „¬¸ˆ½Å „¸¢š¸ˆÅ¸£ú ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸Ÿ¸›¸º™½¢©¸÷¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú œ¸¢£¨¸÷¸Ä›¸ ‚˜¸¨¸¸ ‚›¡¸ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú ¤¸ÿˆÅ ¡¸¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ¸½¿ ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸ „¬¸ˆ½Å
¢¨¸¥¸¡¸ ¡¸¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¸Ÿ¸½¥¸›¸ ¬¸½ ƒ¬¸ Š¸¸£¿’ú œ¸£ œÏž¸¸¨¸ ›¸íì œ¸”õ½Š¸¸ —
In these presents the singular number shall be deemed to include the plural. Whenever the Borrower/Guarantor is an
individual it shall be deemed to include his heirs, administrators and assigns. Whenever the Borrower/Guarantor is a Firm,
Limited Company or other Corporation, Committee, Association or unincorporated body, the several expression shall be
deemed to include the members of the Firm, Limited Company or other Corporation or of any Committee or Association or
unincorporated body as the case may be, the expression ‘Firm’ shall be further deemed to include the members hereof
whether the same be registered or not and the constitution thereof in whatsoever manner varied by death, insolvency,
retirement or admission of members or otherwise such firm to include also all joint Hindu families carrying on business. This
guarantee shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the Bank, its successors or assigns, or by its absorption
of or by its amalgamation with any other bank or Banks.
Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ƒ¬¸ ˆÅ£¸£ ˆ½Å ‚š¸ú›¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ œ¸£ ƒ¬¸ ˆÅ£¸£›¸¸Ÿ¸½ ˆ½Å ‚š¸ú›¸ ™½¡¸ “¬¸¸Ÿ¸¸›¡¸ ©¸½«¸” ¬¸¿¤¸š¸ú ™½¡¸÷¸¸ ˆÅú ‚¢ž¸¬¨¸úˆ¼Å¢÷¸ ™½›¸½ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ‚œ¸›¸½ ‡¸½›’ ˆ½Å ³œ¸
Ÿ¸½¿ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ˆÅ¸½ œÏ¸¢š¸ˆ¼Å÷¸ ˆÅ£÷¸¸ í¾ /ˆÅ£÷¸½ íÿ — Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ‡÷¸™Ã׸£¸ ‹¸¸½«¸µ¸¸ ˆÅ£÷¸¸ í¾ ¢ˆÅ ¨¸í ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ œ¸£ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ׸£¸ ™ú Š¸¡¸ú ™½¡¸÷¸¸ ˆÅú ‚¢ž¸¬¨¸úˆ¼Å¢÷¸
¬¸½ ퟸ½©¸¸ ‚¸¤¸Ö £í½Š¸¸ —
The guarantor hereby authorizes the borrower herein to act as his agent to give acknowledgement of liability in respect of
the “General balance” due under this agreement from time to time. The Guarantor hereby declares that he is at all times
bound by such acknowledgements of liability given by the Borrower from time to time.
¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ˆÅ¸½ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¬¸í¸¡¸÷¸¸ œÏ™¸›¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆÅú œ¸»¨¸Ä-©¸÷¸Ä ˆ½Å ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ‡÷¸™Ã׸£¸ ¬¸íŸ¸÷¸ í¸½÷¸¸ í¾ ¢ˆÅ ¡¸¢™ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ‡¨¸¿ Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä †µ¸¸½¿/
‚¢ŠÏŸ¸¸½¿ ˆÅú ¡¸¸ ¢ûÅ£ „¬¸ œ¸£ ¤¡¸¸¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú ž¸ú ¬¸íŸ¸÷¸ ¢ˆÅ¬÷¸ ˆÅú ¢›¸¡¸÷¸ ÷¸¸£ú‰¸¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ¸ºˆÅ¸¾÷¸ú Ÿ¸½¿ ¸»ˆÅ ¸¸÷¸¸ í¾ ÷¸¸½ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ‚¸¾£/¡¸¸ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ¢£{¸¨¸Ä ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅ¸½ ¡¸í
¬¸¿œ¸»µ¸Ä ‚¢š¸ˆÅ¸£ í¸½Š¸¸ ¢ˆÅ „¬¸/„›¸ˆ½Å ›¸¸Ÿ¸ ‚˜¸¨¸¸ ˆ¿Åœ¸›¸ú/ûÅŸ¸Ä/¡¸»¢›¸’ ˆÅ¸ ›¸¸Ÿ¸ ‚¸¾£ „¬¸ˆ½Å ¢›¸™½©¸ˆÅ¸½¿ /¬¸¸¸½™¸£¸½¿/¬¨¸¸¢Ÿ¸¡¸¸½¿ ˆ½Å ›¸¸Ÿ¸ ÷¸˜¸¸ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ‡¨¸¿
Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ˆ½Å ûŸ½’¸½ŠÏ¸ûÅ „¬¸ ÷¸£úˆ½Å ¬¸½ ‚˜¸¨¸¸ „¬¸ Ÿ¸¸š¡¸Ÿ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œÏˆÅ¸¢©¸÷¸ ˆÅ£½, ¸¸½ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ¡¸¸ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ¢£{¸¨¸Ä ¤¸ÿˆÅ ‚œ¸›¸½ ¬¸½œ¸»µ¸Ä ¬¨¸¢¨¸¨¸½ˆÅ œ¸£ „¢¸÷¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¸½ —
The guarantor hereby agrees as a pre-condition for granting assistance to the borrower by the Bank that, in case the borrower
and guarantor commit default in repayment of the loan / advances or in the repayment of interest thereon or any of the agreed
instalment of the loan on the due date / s, the Bank and / or the Reserve Bank of India will have an unqualified right to disclose
or publish his / her / their name or the name of the Company /firm / unit and its directors / partners / proprietors along with
the photographs of borrowers and guarantors in such manner and through such medium as the Bank or Reserve Bank of India in
their absolute discretion may think fit.
(i) ÷¸™›¸º¬¸¸£ Ÿ¸ÿ/ퟸ ¬¸íŸ¸÷¸ í¸½÷¸¸ íÁ»¿/í¸½÷¸½ íÿ ‚¸¾£ ˆ½Å›¸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ ¢›¸Ÿ›¸¸¿¢ˆÅ÷¸ ¬¸ž¸ú ¡¸¸ ˆÅ¸½ƒÄ ¬¸»¸›¸¸ œÏˆÅ’ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ ‚œ¸›¸ú ¬¸íŸ¸¢÷¸ ™½÷¸¸ íÁ»¿ /™½÷¸½ íÿ :
Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such:
ˆÅ. Ÿ¸º¸/ퟸ ¬¸½ ¬¸¿¤¸¿¢š¸÷¸ ¸¸›¸ˆÅ¸£ú ‡¨¸¿ ”¸’¸ / a. Information and data relating to me/us.
‰¸. Ÿ¸½£½/ퟸ¸£½ ׸£¸ ¥¸ú Š¸¡¸ú/¥¸ú ¸¸›¸½¨¸¸¥¸ú ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú †µ¸ ¬¸º¢¨¸š¸¸ ¬¸½ ¬¸¿¤¸¿¢š¸÷¸ ¬¸»¸›¸¸ ¨¸ ”¸’¸
b. The information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and
Š¸. ‡½¬¸½ ™¸¢¡¸÷¨¸¸½¿ ˆÅ¸ ¢›¸¨¸¸Äí ˆÅ£÷¸½ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ Ÿ¸½£½/ퟸ¸£½ ׸£¸ íºƒÄ ¸»ˆÅ , ¢¸¬¸½ ˆ½Å›¸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ œÏˆÅ’ ˆÅ£›¸¸ „¢¸÷¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚¸¨¸©¡¸ˆÅ ¬¸Ÿ¸¸½ ÷¸˜¸¸ „¬¸½ ¬¸¸‰¸
¬¸»¸›¸¸ ˆ¿Åœ¸¢›¸¡¸¸½¿ ‚¸¾£ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ¢£{¸¨¸Ä ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ ƒ¬¸ ¬¸¿¤¸¿š¸ Ÿ¸½¿ œÏ¸¢š¸ˆ¼Å÷¸ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú ‚›¡¸ ‡¸½›¬¸ú ˆÅ¸½ ™½ —
c. Default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation as Canara Bank may deem appropriate
and necessary to disclose and furnish to Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency authorized in
this behalf by RBI.
(ii) Ÿ¸ÿ/ퟸ ‹¸¸½«¸µ¸¸ ˆÅ£÷¸¸ íÁ»¿ /ˆÅ£÷¸½ íÿ ¢ˆÅ Ÿ¸½£½/ퟸ¸£½ ׸£¸ ˆ½Å›¸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆÅ¸½ ™ú Š¸¡¸ú ¬¸»¸›¸¸ ‡¨¸¿ ”¸’¸ ¬¸íú ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸÷¡¸ í¾ —
I/We declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct.
(iii) Ÿ¸ÿ /ퟸ ¨¸¸›¸ ™½÷¸¸ íÁ»¿/™½÷¸½ íÿ ¢ˆÅ / I/We undertake that:
ˆÅ. ¬¸¸‰¸ ¬¸»¸›¸¸ ˆ¿Åœ¸¢›¸¡¸¸½¿ ‚˜¸¨¸¸ ƒ¬¸ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ œÏ¸¢š¸ˆ¼Å÷¸ ‚›¡¸ ˆÅ¸½ƒÄ ‡¸½›¬¸ú , ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ œÏˆÅ’ ˆÅú Š¸¡¸ú „Æ÷¸ ¸¸›¸ˆÅ¸£ú ‡¨¸¿ ”¸’¸ ˆÅ¸ ¸¾¬¸¸ ¨¸½
„¢¸÷¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¸½¿, „œ¸¡¸¸½Š¸ ˆÅ£ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸ú í¾ ¡¸¸ œÏ¸½¬¸½¬¸ ˆÅ£ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸ú í¾ ; ‚¸¾£
a. the Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency so authorized may use, process the said information
and data disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and
‰¸. ¬¸¸‰¸ ¬¸»¸›¸¸ ˆ¿Åœ¸¢›¸¡¸¸½¿ ‚˜¸¨¸¸ ƒ¬¸ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡ œÏ¸¢š¸ˆ¼Å÷¸ ‚›¡¸ ˆÅ¸½ƒÄ ‡¸½›¬¸ú , „›¸ˆ½Å ׸£¸ œÏ¸½¬¸½¬¸ ˆÅú Š¸¡¸ú ¬¸»¸›¸¸ ‚¸¾£ ”¸’¸ ‡¨¸¿ ÷¸¾¡¸¸£ ¢ˆÅ¡¸½ Š¸¡¸½
‚›¡¸ „÷œ¸¸™¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ œÏ¢÷¸ûÅ¥¸ í½÷¸º,ƒ¬¸ ¬¸¿¤¸¿š¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ¢£{¸¨¸Ä ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ ¢¨¸¢›¸¢™Ä«’ ‚›¸º¬¸¸£ , ¤¸ÿˆÅ¸½¿/¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¬¸¿¬˜¸¸‚¸½¿ , ‚›¡¸ †µ¸™¸°¸ú
¬¸¿¬˜¸¸‚¸½¿ ¡¸¸ œ¸¿¸úˆ¼Å÷¸ „œ¸¡¸¸½Š¸ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä‚¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ™½ ¬¸ˆÅ÷¸ú í¾ —
b. the Credit Information Companies (CICs) and any other agency so authorized may furnish for consideration, the
processed information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial institutions and other
credit granters or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank of India in this behalf.
‚¸Š¸½ Ÿ¸ÿ/ퟸ ‡÷¸™Ã׸£¸ œ¸º¢«’ ˆÅ£÷¸¸ í»/ˆÅ£÷¸½ íÿ ¢ˆÅ ¢¬¸‚¸ƒÄ¢¬¸/‚›¡¸ œÏ¸¢š¸ˆÅ¸¢£¡¸¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ™ú Š¸¡¸ú ¡¸¸ ™ú ¸¸›¸½¨¸¸¥¸ú ¬¸»¸›¸¸/¤¡¸¸½£½ ˆ½Å ¬¸¿¤¸¿š¸ Ÿ¸½¿ Ÿ¸ÿ/ퟸ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú
œÏˆÅ¸£ ˆÅ¸ ¢¨¸¨¸¸™ ‰¸”õ¸ ›¸íì ˆÅ³ÂŠ¸¸/ˆÅ£½¿Š¸½ ‚¸¾£ ¡¸í Ÿ¸º¸/ퟸ œ¸£ ¤¸¸š¡¸ˆÅ¸£ú í¸½Š¸¸ —
Further, I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in whatsoever manner regarding information/details
furnished/to be furnished to CICs/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
Š¸¸£¿’úˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ‡÷¸™Ã׸£¸ ¤¸ÿˆÅ/„š¸¸£™¸÷¸¸ ˆÅ¸½ ©¸¸½š¸®¸Ÿ¸ ¨¸ ¢™¨¸¸¢¥¸¡¸¸œ¸›¸ ¬¸¿¢í÷¸¸, 2016 (¬¸¿¢®¸œ÷¸ ³œ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¬¸¿¢í÷¸¸) ˆÅú ™¸£¸ 3 (13) Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸¢£ž¸¸¢«¸÷¸ ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸
¬¸»¸›¸¸ ˆ½Å œÏˆÅ’›¸/œÏ¬÷¸º÷¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡, ¤¸ÿˆÅ/„š¸¸£™¸÷¸¸ ¬¸½ „š¸¸£ˆÅ÷¸¸Ä ׸£¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ˆÅú ¸¸›¸½ ¨¸¸¥¸ú †µ¸ / ¢¨¸î¸ú¡¸ ¬¸º¢¨¸š¸¸‚¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ¬¸º£¢®¸÷¸ ˆÅ£›¸½ ˆ½Å ¢¥¸‡
¢›¸¢Ÿ¸Ä÷¸ œÏ¢÷¸ž¸»¢÷¸¡¸¸¿, œÏ™î¸ Š¸¸£¿’ú, ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸-¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ œ¸£, ¬¸¿¢í÷¸¸ ˆÅú š¸¸£¸ 3 (21) Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸¢£ž¸¸¢«¸÷¸ ¢ˆÅ¬¸ú ž¸ú ¬¸»¸›¸¸ „œ¸¡¸¸½¢Š¸÷¸¸ (¬¸¿¢®¸œ÷¸ ³Åœ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ‚¸ƒÄ ¡¸»)
¸¸½ ¬¸¿¢í÷¸¸ Ÿ¸½¿ ¢›¸¢Ÿ¸Ä÷¸ ¬¸¿¤¸¿¢š¸÷¸ ¢¨¸¢›¸¡¸Ÿ¸¸½¿/¢›¸¡¸Ÿ¸¸½¿ ˆ½Å ‚›¸º¬¸¸£, ¸¾¬¸¸¢ˆÅ ¬¸¿©¸¸½¢š¸÷¸ ‡¨¸¿ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸-¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ œ¸£ ¥¸¸Š¸» ‚¸¾£ ¸¾¬¸¸¢ˆÅ ƒ¬¸ˆ½Å ‚¿÷¸Š¸Ä÷¸
¢¨¸¢›¸¢™Ä«’ ‚›¸º¬¸¸£, ¬¸¿¢í÷¸¸ ˆ½Å ‚¿÷¸Š¸Ä÷¸ ¢›¸¢Ÿ¸Ä÷¸ ¬¸¿¤¸¿¢š¸÷¸ ¢¨¸¢›¸¡¸Ÿ¸›¸ ˆ½Å ‚›¸º¬¸¸£, ž¸¸£÷¸ú¡¸ ¢£ö¸¨¸Ä ¤¸ÿˆÅ ׸£¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸-¬¸Ÿ¸¡¸ œ¸£ ¤¸ÿˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ¸¸£ú ¢™©¸¸-¢›¸™½Ä©¸¸½¿
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³Åœ¸ ¬¸½ ¬¸íŸ¸÷¸ íÿ—
The Guarantor hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing / submitting the 'financial information' as
defined in Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code' for brief) read with the relevant Regulations/
Rules framed under the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under from time to time, in
respect of the guarantees given, securities created for securing the Credit/Financial facilities availed by the Borrower from
the Bank/Lender, from time to time, to any 'Information Utility' ('IU' for brief) as defined in Section 3 (21) of the Code, in
accordance with the relevant Regulations framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of India to the
banks from time to time and hereby specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information' submitted by the
Bank/Lender, as and when requested by the concerned 'IU'.
EH$ [j _| ................................................ oOg{ BgH{$ ]mX CYmaH$Vm© H$hm Om`{Jm oOg Ao^Ï`o∫$ H{$ AßVJ©V CgH{$ hH$ g{ dmnag, ‡emgH$, CŒmamoYH$mar
Am°a Xyga{ [j _| H{$Zam ]¢H$ Om{ oH$ ]¢oHß$J H$Â[Zr (C[H´$_m| H$m Ao^J´hU VWm AßVaU) AoYoZ`_ 1970 H{$ AYrZ JoR>>V EH$ oZJ©o_V oZH$m` h° oOgH$m ‡YmZ
H$m`m©b`, 112, O{. gr. am{S>, ]|Jbya _| pÒWV h° VWm oOgH$s A›` H{$ gmW .............................................................................. [a EH$ emIm
h°, oOg{ BgH{$ AmJ{ “]¢H$” H$hm J`m h° oOg Ao^Ï`o∫$ H{$ AßVJ©V CZH{$ g^r dmnag Am°a hH$ g{ CŒmamoYH$mar A›` [j H{$ EQ>Zu gpÂ_obV g_P| Om`|J{ H{$
]rM .............................................. oXZmßH$ .......................20 ............. H$m{ oH$`m `h AZw[ay H$ H$amaZm_m gmjr X{Vm h° oH$ ï
This Supplemental Agreement made at .................................... on this ....................... day of......................... 20.............
Sagar Enterprises prop Abhijeet Kumar
between................................................................................................................................... hereinafter termed as
‘‘BORROWER’’ which expression shall be deemed to include all his/their heirs, administrators, successors in title and assigns of the
one part, and Canara Bank, a body corporate constituted under Banking Companies (Acquisition and transfer of undertakings) Act, 1970
having its Head Office at No. 112, J.C.Road, Bangalore 560 002 having amongst others a branch office at
....................................................................... hereinafter termed the ‘‘BANK’’ which expression shall be deemed to include all
their assigns and successors in title and attorneys of the other part;
1) O]oH$ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ AZwam{Y [a, ]¢H$ Z{ È. ........................... (................................................................. È[`{)A›` H{$
Abmdm odo^fi eVm~ [a .......................................................................................................................... (gwodYm H$m
‡H$ma) oOg{ BgH{$ AmJ{ “C∫$ gmI gwodYm” H$hm Om`{Jm$& ]¢H$ H{$ [j _| CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam oZÓ[moXV odo^fi ‡oV^yoV/F$U ‡b{Im| H{$ ‡oV gwodYm ‡XmZ H$s$&
WHEREAS at the request of the Borrower, Bank has amongst others granted credit facilites by way of ...................................
................................................ (nature of the facility) hereinafter referred to as ‘’Said Credit Facilites’’ to the extent of
Rs. ................................... FIVE LAKHS ONLY
(Rupees .........................................................................) on the terms and conditions
and against the security as set out in various security/loan documents executed by the Borrower in favour of the Bank.
2) O]oH$ CYmaH$Vm© oXZmßH$ ........................................... H$m{ A›` H{$ gmW odb{I/—oÔ>]Yß H$ H$amaZm_m/oJadr (BgH{$ ]mX Cg{ ‡_wI H$amaZm_m H$hm
Om`{Jm) oZÓ[moXV H$a C∫$ ‡_wI H$amaZm_{ _| oddnaV Mb gÂ[oŒm/[nagÂ[oŒm, Bg Mb gßfl[oŒm/[nagÂ[oŒm H$m{ BgH{$ ]mX C∫$ [nagÂ[oŒm H$hm Om`{Jm,
„`mO, bmJV Am°a A›` ewÎH$ gohV C∫$ F$U gwodYm H{$ AßVJ©V X{` H{$ [wZ^w©JVmZ h{Vw ‡oV^yoV _mZm Om`{Jm &
WHEREAS that the Borrower has executed amongst others deed/agreement of hypothecation/pledge dated ...............................
(hereinafter referred to as the principal agreement) thereby creating a security in favour of the Bank on the moveable property/
assets described in the said principal agreement which moveable property/assets are hereinafter referred to as ‘‘said assets’’ as
security for repayment of the dues under the said credit facilities including interest, cost and other charges;
3) O]oH$ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ AZwam{Y [a ]¢H$,$ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam C∫$ AmpÒV`m| H$m{ ‡oV^yoV H{$ Í$[ _{ C[b„Y H$amZ{ H$s pÒWoV _| $È. ...................................
doY©V gr_m C[b„Y H$amV{ h˛`{, C∫$ F$U gwodYm H$m{ È. ...................................... g{ È.................................................... VH$
]∂T>m H$a/h{Vw gh_V hm{ J`m$&
WHEREAS at the request of the Borrower, Bank has agreed to increase/increased the said credit facilities from existing
Rs. ........................................ 500000
to Rs. .................................................................. on the Borrower making available
the said assets as security for the aforesaid increased limit of Rs. ...............................................................................
4) O]oH$, [moQ>`© m± oXZmßH$ ........................................... H$m{ AZw[ay H$ H$amaZm_|/_m| Am°a Bg H$amaZm_{ Om{ ‡_wI H$amaZm_{ H$m AZw[ay H$ h°, _| gpÂ_obV
hm{Z{ H$m{ gh_V hm{ J`r h¢$& ([hb{ ‡m· H$m{B© AZw[yaH$ H$mamZm_m hm{ Vm{ gyoMV H$a| $&)
WHEREAS the parties agreed to enter into this agreement which is supplemental to principal agreement and supplement
agreement/s dated ..................................... (indicate if there is any supplemental agreement obtained earlier).
1) CYmaH$Vm© H{$ AZwam{Y [a ]¢H$ Z{ ................................................................................. (gwodYm H$m ‡H$ma) Í$[ _| C∫$ F$U gwodYm H$m{
È. ..................................................... g{ È. ....................................... VH$ ]∂T>mH$a/]∂T>mZ{ H$m{ gh_V h°, CYmaH$Vm© gh_V h°
oH$ oX ............................................... H$m{ bmJy ‡_wI H$amaZm_{ Am°a AZw[yaH$ H$amaZm_| ¤mam gyoMV C∫$ [nagÂ[oŒm H$s ‡oV^yoV [a Bg oVoW H$m{
È. ........................................................ H$s ]∂T>r h˛B© F$U gwodYm h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ ob`{ ‡oV^yoV oZ_m©U H$aZ{ h{Vw Am°a ‡_wI H$amaZm_{ H$m{ g^r gß]Yß m{
_| Bg ‡H$ma [∂T>m Om`{Jm _mZm| Bg_| gyoMV Hw$b gr_m È. ...................................................... Wr (Hw$b gr_m gyoMV H$a|)$&
In consideration of the Bank having at the request of the Borrower agreed to increase/Increased the said credit facility by way
of .................................................
(nature of the facility) from Rs. ................................. to Rs.500000
the Borrower agreed that the security of the said assets created by the principal agreement and supplemental agreements
dated ........................................ w.e.f. the date hereof constitute security for the Bank for the increased credit facility of
Rs. ..........................................................
0 and the principal agreement shall be read and construed in all respects as if the
total limit mentioned therein were Rs. .................................................................
500000 (mention total limit).
2) CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ H$m{ oZoY H{$ gr_mßV bmJV [a CYmar Xa (E_ gr Eb Ama) H{$ D$[a _mogH$/ð_mogH$/N>_mhr AmYma [a .................% g{ „`mO H$m ^wJVmZ
H$a{Jm$& dmÒVodH$ F$U Xa, Om{ E_grEbAma g{ Ow∂S>r h°, ]¢H$ ¤mam oZoX©Ô> g_` AßVamb [a g_rjm Am°a [nadV©Z H{$ AYrZ hm{Jr$& ]¢H$ ¤mam E_grEbAma [nadV©Z
H{$ gß]ßY _| A[Zr d{]gmBQ> VWm ]¢H$/emIm H$s gyMZm[≈> [a AoYgyoMV H$s JB© OmZH$mar CYmaH$Vm© H{$ obE AßoV_ gyMZm hm{Jr$& ]¢H$ H{$ ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` H{$ oZX}e
H{$ AZwgma g_`-g_` [a h˛B© ]∂T>m{Œmar gohV „`mO Xa _| h˛B© oH$gr ‡H$ma H{$ [nadV©Z H{$ obE ]¢H$ H$m{ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ‡{ofV H$s OmZ{ dmbr Zm{oQ>g g{ ode{fÍ$[ g{ Ny>Q>
‡m· h°$&
The Borrower shall pay interest at ............. % the Marginal Cost of Funds based Lending Rate (MCLR) compounded monthly/
quarterly/half yearly. The actual lending rate which is linked to the MCLR shall be subject to review and variation at the time
interval specified by the Bank. The change in MCLR notified by the Bank on its website and notice board of the Bank/Branch shall
be conclusive notice to the borrower in respect of such change of MCLR. The Borrower hereby specifically waives serving notice
by the Bank for any variation in interest rate including enhancement from time to time as may be directed by the Head Office of
the Bank.
H$. ""CYmaH$Vm© AmYmaXa g{ OwS>r E_ gr Eb Ama H{$ OmZH$ma hm{Z{ [a ^r ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$ H{$ Zm{oQ>g ]m{S>© [a odoZoX©Ô> oH$gr D$‹d©_wIr gßem{YZ
Xa H$m ^wJVmZ H$a{Jm$&''
a. The Borrower/s is/are aware that even though pronote mentions rate of interest linked to MCLR, he/she/they is/are liable
to pay any upward revision as Notified by the Bank in the Notice Board of the Bank from time to time.
I. CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ g{ gh_V h°/h¢ oH$ dh/d| ‡YmZ H$m`m©b` H{$ oZX}em| H{$ AZwgma g_`-g_` [a d•o’ gohV „`mO Xa _| CVma-MT>md
H$s Zm{oQ>g _| Ny>Q> X{Vm/X{Vr/X{V{ h¢$& dh/d{ AmJ{ Bg ]mV g{ ^r gh_V h°/h¢ oH$ ]¢H$ [naga _| gyMZm-[≈>m _| AoYgyoMV „`mO H$s Xa _| Bg Vah H{$ CVma
MT>md H$s gyMZm Cg{/C›h| [`m©· Zm{oQ>g hm{Jr Am°a oH$ dh/d{ X{` amoe`m± gß[yU© Í$[ g{ em{oYV hm{Z{ VH$ g_`-g_` [a gyMZm-[≈> _| AoYgyoMV Xa [a
„`mO AXm H$aZ{ H{$ obE gh_V h°/h¢$&
b. The Borrower/s hereby specifically agree/s that he/she/they waive/s notice of variation of interest including enhancement
from time to time as per the directions of the Head Office of the Bank. He/She/they further agree/s that such variation
in the rate of interest notified in the Notice Board in the Bank premises shall be sufficient notice to him/her/them and that
he/she/they agree/s to pay interest at the rate notified in the Notice Board of the Bank from time to time until all dues are
cleard in full.
J. ]eV} oH$ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam X{` „`mO, ^maVr` naµOd© ]¢H$ `m ]¢H$ H{$ ‡.H$m. ¤mam g_`-g_` [a oH$`{ OmZ{db{ „`mO Xam| _| [nadV©Z H{$ AYrZ hm{Jm $&
c. Provided that the interest payable by the borrower shall be subject to changes in interest rates made by RBI or the HO of
the Bank from time to time.
3) oXZmßH$ .............................. H{$ AZw[yaH$ H$amaZm_| Am°a ‡_wI H$amaZm_{ _| `w∫$ g^r ‡mdYmZ Bg H$amaZm_{ ¤mam ‡XŒm ‡oV^yoV h{Vw bmJy hm|J{ O°g{ oH$
CZH{$ AßVJ©V —oÔ>]ßYH$ gÂ[oV/[nagÂ[oV ‡_wI H$amaZm_{ _| [hb{ hr g_m`m{oOV H$a br J`r h° $& CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam g^r Vah g{ [woÔ> H$aVm h° oH$ C∫$ ‡_wI
H$amaZm_m CZ_| od⁄_mZm| ¤mam doY©V VWm gßem{oYV h°$&
That all the provisions contained in the principal agreement and supplemental agreement dated .................................... shall
apply for the purpose of security conferred by this agreement as if the property/assets hypothecated under these presents has
been already incorporated in the principal agreement and the Borrower hereby confirm in all respects the aforesaid principal
agreement as modified and enlarged by these presents.
4) CYmaH$Vm© Ï`∫$ H$aVm h° oH$, CgZ{ [hb{ hr, Cg _| CpÎboIV AmpÒV`m| H$m{ gß[mpÌd©H$ ‡oV^yoV ]ZmV{ h˛E, oX. ............................. H$m{ EH$ H$ama
oZÓ[moXV oH$`m h°$& A] CYmaH$Vm© ‡gßodXm H$aVm h°$oH$, Bg AZw[yaH$ H$ama H$m{ C[am{∫$ H$ama oX. ................................... H{$ hr EH$ Aße H{$ Í$[
_| [∂T>m OmE Am°a Bg AZw[yaH$ H$ama _| Ao^‡{V, ]∂T>mB© JB© gr_mAm{ß H{$ obE ^r C∫$ H$ama _| CpÎboIV AmpÒV`m± ‡oV^yoV H{ Í$[ _| C[b„Y hm|Jr$&
The borrower states that he has already executed an agreement dated ............................... creating collateral security of
the assets mentioned therein. Now, the Borrower covenants that this supplemental agreement shall be read as part and parcel of
the aforementioned agreement dated ................................... and the assets mentioned therein shall be available as security
for the increased limits contemplated under this supplement agreement also.
5) (i) _¢/h_ Z{ g_P ob`m h° oH$ _wP{/h_| F$U/AoJ´_/A›` J°a oZoY AmYmnaV F$U gwodYmEß ‡XmZ H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| [yd© eV© H{$ Í$[ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/
br OmZ{dmbr F$U gwodYm, _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam CR>mE JE/OmZ{dmb{ Xmo`Àd d CgH$s [yoV© _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© MyH$ H{$ gß]ßY _| H$m{B© ^r gyMZm d
AmßH$S>{ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s OmZ{ H$s gh_oV X{Zr A[{ojV h°$&
(i) I/We, understand that as a pre-condition, relating to grant of the loans/advances/other non-fund based credit facilities to
me/us, the Canara Bank, requires my/our consent for the disclosure by the Bank of information and data relating to me/us,
of the credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, obligations assumed/to be assumed, by me/us, in relation thereto
and default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge thereof.
(ii) VXZwgma, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam gh_V h±ˇ / h° VWm `h gh_oV X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$ H{$Zam ]¢H$ ¤mam E{gr H$m{B© ^r gyMZm ‡H$Q> H$s OmE Om{ oZÂZdV≤ h° ï
(H$) _{a{/h_ma{ gß]ßY _| gyMZm d AmßH$S>{
(I) _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam br JB©/br OmZ{dmbr oH$gr ^r F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| gyMZm `m AmßH$S>{, VWm
(J) _{a{/h_ma{ E{g{ Xmo`Àd H{$ oZ[Q>mZ _| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H$s JB© H$m{B© MyH$
(ii) Accordingly, I/We, hereby agree and give consent for the disclosure by the Canara Bank of all or any such :
(a) Information and data relating to me/us
(b) the information or data relating to any credit facility availed of/to be availed, by me/us, and
(c) default, if any, committed by me/us, in discharge of my/our such obligation.
(iii) _¢/h_ Km{fUm H$aVm h±ˇ /H$aV{ h¢ oH$ _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam H{$Zam ]¢H$ H$m{ Xr JB© gyMZm d AmßH$S>{ gÀ` d ghr h°$&
(iii) I/We, declare that the information and data furnished by me/us to the Canara Bank are true and correct.
(iv) _¢/h_ dMZ X{Vm h±ˇ / X{V{ h¢ oH$
(H$) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡H$Q> H$s JB© H$oWV gyMZm d AmßH$S>m| H$m{ CZH{$ ¤mam `m{Ω` g_P{ JE VarH{$
g{ C[`m{J _| bm gH$V{ h¢ d ‡m{g{g H$a gH$V{ h¢$&
(I) gmI gyMZm Hß$[oZ`m| VWm Bg Vah ‡moYH•$V A›` H$m{B© ^r EO|gr ‡m{g{g H$s JB© gyMZm `m CZH{$ ¤mam V°`ma oH$E JE CgH{$ JwUZ\$b H$m{ odMmamW©
]¢H$m|/odŒmr` gßÒWmAm| VWm A›` F$U ‡XmZ H$aZ{dmbm| `m [ßOrH•$V C[`m{JH$Vm©Am| H$m{ Bg [j _| ^maVr` naOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam odoZoX©Ô> Í$[ _| ‡ÒVwV
H$a gH$Vm h°$&
(iv) I/We, undertake that :
(a) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may use, process the said information and data
disclosed by the Bank in the manner as deemed fit by them; and
(b) the Credit Information Companies and any other agency so authorised may furnish for consideration, the processed
information and data or products thereof prepared by them, to banks/financial institutions and other credit granters
or registered users, as may be specified by the Reserve Bank in this behalf.
AmJ{, _¢/h_ EVX≤¤mam [woÔ> H$aVm h±ˇ/H$aV{ h¢ oH$ gr AmB© gr/A›` ‡moYH$aUm| H$m{ oXE JE/OmZ{dmbr gyMZm/„`m°a{ H{$ gß]ßY _| _¢/h_ oH$gr Vah H$m H$m{B©
oddmX ‡ÒVwV Zht H$Íß$J/H$a|J{ Am°a `h _wP/h_ [a ]ßYZH$mar h° $&
Further I/We hereby confirm that I/We shall not raise any dispute in what so ever manner regarding information/details furnished/
to be furnished to CICs/other authorities and same is binding on me/us.
6) Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$ VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H$m AZw‡dV©Z H$aZ{ H{$ obE _¢/h_ ]¢H$ H$m{ ‡moYH•$V H$aVm h±ˇ / H$aV{ h¢, _{a{ /CgH{$ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{
AZw_oV X{V{ h¢$&
In order to monitor the usage of the funds borrowed under this agreement, I/We agree and authorise the Bank, access to my/our
_{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam ]¢H$ H$m{ oX`{ ‡moYH$aU H{$ AZwgma ]¢H$ A[Zr B¿N>m d AmdÌ`H$Vm H{$ AZwgma Bg H$amaZm_| H{$ bmJy ahZ{ H$s AdoY H{$ Xm°amZ, Bg H$amaZm_{ H{$
VhV CYma br JB© oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J H{$ gß]ßY _| _{a{/h_ma{ b{I-[arjH$m| ¤mam grY{ hr `m _wPg{/h_g{ H$m{B© ^r ode{f ‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am oZoY`m| H{$ C[`m{J
H$s Om±M H$aZ{ h{Vw _m±J gH$Vm h°$&
As per the authorisation given by me/us to the Bank, the Bank can at its desire and requirement, at any point during the subsistence
of this agreement call for from my/our auditors, directly or through me/us, any specific certification/details regarding the usage
of the funds borrowed under this agreement, so as to verify the end usage of the funds.
_¢/h_ ]¢H$ ¤mam oZYm©naV CoMV g_` gr_m H{$ AßVJ©V ‡_mU[Ã ‡m· H$aZ{ h{Vw ]¢H$ H{$ oZX{em| H$m AZw[mbZ H$aZ{ H{$ obE CoMV AZwX{e X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$&
Bg gß]ßY _|, _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m [yam „`m°am ]¢H$ H$m{ X{Z{ H{$ obE gh_V h¢$& `oX _¢/h_ _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| H$m{ ]XbV{ h¢, Vm{ E{g{ ]Xbmd H$s
gyMZm h_ VwaßV ]¢H$ H$m{ X|J{$&
I/We agree to give suitable instruction to my/our auditors for complying the direction of the Bank for obtaining the certificate
within a reasonable time stipulated by the Bank. In this connection I/We agree to give full details of my/our auditors to the Bank.
If I/We change my/our auditors, then such changes shall be intimated to the Bank immediately.
`oX _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| ¤mam gyMZm ‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ _| AZwoMV X{ar hm{ Om`{ `m _{a{/h_ma{ b{Im [arjH$m| _{a{/h_ma{ ¤mam _m±Jm J`m AmdÌ`H$
‡_mUrH$aU/„`m°am X{Z{ g{ BZH$ma oH$`m Om`{ `m ]mX _| `h [m`m Om`{ oH$ _{a/{ h_ma{ ¤mam `m _{a/{ h_ma{ b{Im-[arjH$m| ¤mam oX`{ J`{ ‡_mU[Ã/„`m°a{ _| H$m{B© h{a\{$a oH$`m
J`m h°, Vm{ _¢/h_ Bg ]mV g{ gh_V hˇ±/h¢ oH$ F$U dm[g _m±JZ{ H$m ]¢H$ H$m{ [yam AoYH$ma h°$&
If there is any undue delay in submitting the information by me/us or by my/our auditors or if my/our auditors/myself/ourselves
refuse to submit the required certification/details called for or if it is subsequently found that there is some manipulation in the
certificate/details given by me/us or by my/our auditors, then, I/We agree that the Bank has full discretion to recall the loan.
7) oZÂZdV≤ H{$ gß]ßY _| ]¢H$ H$m{ A[Zm odd{H$moYH$ma H$m C[`m{J H$aZ{ H$m gß[yU© AoYH$ma h° ï
The Bank shall have the right to exercise discretion with respect to the following :
(i) CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ F$U ImV{ g{ Cg_| ]¢H$ ¤mam _ßOya H$s JB© gr_m VH$ d Cgg{ AoYH$ amoe AmhnaV H$aZ{ H{$ obE AZw_oV X{Zm$&
Allowing the borrower to withdraw amount from the loan account over and above the limit sanctioned to it by the Bank.
(ii) Vrga{ [moQ>©`m| H{$ [j _| CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam F$U ImV{ [a AmhnaV M{H$m| H$m{ A‡XŒm H{$ Í$[ _| dm[g oH$`m OmZm, `oX ]¢H$ H{$ [mg odÌdmg `m{Ω` H$maU hm{Vm h°
oH$ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam CZ M{H$m| H$m{ ]¢H$ ¤mam F$U _ßOya oH$E JE H$maUm| H{$ Abmdm A›` CX≤X{Ì` H{$ obE Omar oH$E JE h¢$&
Returning the cheques drawn on the loan account by the borrower in favour of third parties as unpaid, if the Bank has
reasons to believe that such cheques have been issued by the borrower for purposes other than which the loan has been
sanctioned by the Bank.
(iii) F$U ImV{ _| g{ CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam ]S>{ [°_mZ{ _| ZH$X AmhaU H{$ obE AZw_oV Z X{Zm, oOg{ CYmaH$Vm© H{$ H$mam{]ma _| AoVna∫$ d•o’ Am°a odH$mg gß]ßYr
AmdÌ`H$VmAm| H$m{ [yam H$aZ{ H{$ gß]ßY _| oH$`m OmVm h°, (H$) `oX d°g{ AmhaU ]¢H$ ¤mam CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ _ßOya H$s JB© gr_m VH$ d Cg{ AoYH$ hm{V{ h°$& (I)
`oX d°g{ AoYH$ AmhaU ]¢H$ ¤mam _ßOya Zht oH$E JE h¢$& (J) oH$gr ^r H$maU g{ Mmh{ H$m{B© ^r hm{, `oX CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ _ßOya H$s JB© F$U gwodYm H$m ZdrH$aU
Zht oH$`m J`m hm{$& (K) `oX ]¢H$ H{$ [mg EH$sZZ _mZZ{ `m{Ω` H$maU hm{V{ h¢ oH$ CZ AmhaUm| H$m{ ogdmB© CZ CX≤XÌ{ ` H{$ obE oH$`m J`m h° oOZH{$ obE ]¢H$ ¤mam
F$U gwodYm _ßOya H$s JB© Wr$&
Disallowing large cash withdrawals by the borrowers from the loan account, for meeting the requirements of further growth
and development of the business of the borrower, (a) if such withdrawals are over and above the limits sanctioned to the
borrower by the Bank, (b) if such overdrawals have not been sanctioned by the Bank, (c) if the loan facilities sanctioned to
the borrower have not been renewed for any reason whatsoever, and (d) if the Bank has reason to believe that such
withdrawals are being made for purposes other than which the loan facility has been sanctioned by the Bank.
(iv) ]¢H$ H$m{ oZÂZdV≤ H$maUm| g{ CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ _ßOya H$s JB© F$U gwodYm g{ CZH{$ ¤mam AoVna∫$ AmhaUm| H$m{ ZH$maZ{ H$m gß[yU© odd{H$moYH$ma Am°a AoYH$ma h°$&
The Bank shall also have the discretion and right to refuse further withdrawals by the borrower from the loan facilities
granted to it for the following reasons.
(i ) `oX ]¢H$ ¤mam A[Zr ]oh`m| _| CYmaH$Vm© H$m ImVm AZw[`m{¡` AmpÒV H{$ Í$[ _| dJuH•$V H$s JB© h°$&
If the account of the borrower has been classified as a non performing asset by the Bank in its books.
(ii) `oX CYmaH$Vm© ¤mam gßXo^©V F$U H$ama H$s eVm~ H$m Am°a CYmaH$Vm© H$m{ ]¢H$ ¤mam _ßOya H$s JB© F$U gwodYm H{$ gß]ßY _| g_` g_` [a oZYm©naV A›`
eVm~ H$m AZw[mbZ Z oH$`m J`m hm{$&
If the borrower has not complied with the terms of this loan agreement referred and the other terms which the Bank
may specify from time to time with respect to the loan facility granted by it to the borrower.
(v) ]¢H$ ¤mam ‡`m{J oH$`m J`m C[am{∫$ odd{H$moYH$ma gß[yU© Am°a o]Zm eV© H$m h°, Am°a CYmaH$Vm© Bg gß]ßY _| H$m{B© ‡ÌZ Zht [yN>{Jm `m C∫$ H{$ ]ma{ _|
oH$gr ^r g_` [a, Om{ ^r hm{ H$m{B© oddmX Zht CR>mEJm$&
The discretion exercised by the Bank as stated above shall be absolute and unconditional, and the borrower shall not question
or raise any dispute about the same at any point of time whatsoever.
(vi) CYmaH$Vm©/Am| EVX≤¤mam dMZ X{Vm h°/X{V{ h¢ oH$ dh/d{ CZ Ï`o∫$ H$m{ emo_b Zht H$a|J{ Om{ Hß$[Zr H{$ ]m{S>© H{$ oZX{eH$/gmP{Xmar \$_© _| gmP{Xma h°
oOZH$s [hMmZ BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© H{$ dJuH$aU h{Vw oXemoZX}e H{$ AZwgma BamXVZ MyH$H$Vm© H{$ Í$[ _| H$s JB© h° VWm Bg gß]ßY _| E{gm [m`m OmVm h° oH$
Ï`p∑V gmP{Xma/CYmaH$Vm© Hß$[Zr H{$ ]m{S>© oZX{eH$ h° Vm{ CYmaH$Vm© E{g{ Ï`p∑V`m| H{$ A[Z{ ]m{S>©/gmP{Xmar \$_© g{ hQ>mZ{ h{Vw ÀdnaV VWm ‡^mdH$mar
H$X_ CR>mEßJ{$&
The borrower/s hereby undertake/s that he/they will not induct a person who is a Director on the Board of the company/
partner in a partnership firm which has been identified as a Wilful Defaulter as per the guidelines for classification as wilful
defaulter and in case such a person is found to be a Partner/Director on the Board of the borrower company the
borrower/s would take expeditious and effective steps for removal of such persons from its Board/Partnership Firm.
8) ]¢H$ oH$gr ^r gwodYm H$m{ oXE OmZ{ `m Omar aIZ{ H{$ obE ]m‹` Zht hm{Jm, ]pÎH$ ]¢H$ A[Z{ gß[yU© odd{H$moYH$ma _| Om{ C[`w∫$ g_P{Jm Cg{ o]Zm oH$gr oZoX©Ô> H$maU
Am°a [yd© gyMZm H{$ o]Zm oH$gr ^r g_` oH$gr ^r gwodYmAm|/gr_mAm| H$m{ a‘ H$aZ{ H{$ obE ÒdVßà hm{Jm$& Bg gß]ßY _| CYmaH$Vm© ]¢H$ g{ H$m{B© amoe O°g{ _wAmdOm,
joV `m A›`Wm Xmdm H$aZ{ H$m hH$Xma Zht hm{Jm Am°a `h [yU© g{ ]¢H$ H{$ odd{H$moYH$ma _| hm{Jm$&
The Bank shall not be obliged to grant or continue any facility/accommodation except that it shall in its absolute discretion consider
fit and that the Bank shall always be at liberty to cancel the unavailed facilities / limits at any time without prior notice and without
assigning any reason. The Borrower shall not be entitled to claim any amount from the Bank, as compensation, damages or
otherwise on exercising Bank's discretion in this regard.
9) CYmaH$Vm© EVX≤¤mam ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm H$m{ em{Yj_ d oXdmob`m[Z gßohVm, 2016 (gßoj· Í$[ _| "gßohVm') H$s Ymam 3(13) _| [na^mofV "odŒmr` gyMZm' H{$
‡H$Q>Z/‡ÒVwV H$aZ{ H{$ obE, ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm g{ ‡m· H$s OmZ{ dmbr F$U/odŒmr` gwodYmAm| H{$ gß]ßY _|, g_`-g_` [a, gßohVm H$s Ymam 3 (21) _| [na^mofV
oH$gr ^r "gyMZm C[`m{oJVm' (gßoj· Í$[ _| "AmB© `y') Om{ gßohVm _| oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_m|/oZ`_m| H{$ AZwgma, O°gmoH$ gßem{oYV Edß g_`-g_` [a bmJy
Am°a O°gmoH$ BgH{$ AßVJ©V odoZoX©Ô> AZwgma, gßohVm H{$ AßVJ©V oZo_©V gß]ßoYV odoZ`_Z H{$ AZwgma, ^maVr` naµOd© ]¢H$ ¤mam g_`-g_` [a ]¢H$m| H$m{ Omar
oXem-oZX}em| VWm EVX≤¤mam gß]ßoYV AmB© `y H{$ AZwam{Y oH$E OmZ{ [a ]¢H$/CYmaXmVm ¤mam O_m H$s JB© odŒmr` OmZH$mar H$m{ VwaßV ‡_moUV H$aZ{ H{$ obE ode{f Í$[
g{ gh_V h¢$&
The Borrower hereby gives specific consent to the Bank/Lender for disclosing/submitting the 'financial information' as defined in
Section 3 (13) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 ('Code' for brief) read with the relevant Regulations/Rules framed under
the Code, as amended and in force from time to time and as specified there under from time to time, in respect of the Credit/
Financial facilities availed from the Bank/Lender, from time to time, to any 'Information Utility' ('IU' for brief) as defined in Section
3 (21) of the Code, in accordance with the relevant Regulations framed under the Code, and directions issued by Reserve Bank of
India to the banks from time to time and hereby specifically agree to promptly authenticate the 'financial information' submitted
by the Bank/Lender, as and when requested by the concerned 'IU'.
10) CYmaH$Vm©/gh-]m‹`VmYmar gh_V h° oH$ ]¢H$ H$m{ CZH$m/CZH{$ H$O©/AmpÒV`m| H$m{ AmpÒV [wZg™aMZm Hß$[oZ`m| H$m{ gm¢[Z{/]{MZ{ H$m odd{H$moYH$ma h°$&
The Borrower/s agree/s that the Bank has sole discretion to assign/sell his/their debt/assets to Asset Reconstruction Companies
BgH{$ gm˙` _|, EVX≤[yd© CoÑoIV df© VWm oVoW H$m{ Bg_| gpÂ_obV [moQ>©`m| ¤mam odb{Im| H$m{ oZÓ[moXV oH$`m J`m $&
d. ‡]ßYH$/‡]ßYH$/Sr. Manager/Manager
Sagar Enterprises
Abhijeet Kumar
500000 500000
11/02/2021 500000
11/02/2021 500000
05/04/2022 500000
Sagar Enterprises
Sagar Enterprises
Sagar Enterprises
Sagar Enterprises
NF 462/04-2019/SESHAASAI
H´$_mßH$ H$s oVoW ‡b{I/ÒdÀd-odb{Im| H$m oddaU
Sl. No. Date of Document/ Description of Documents/Title Deeds
Title Deed
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
Standard NA
समथनीयता 1 YEAR UPTO 04/04/2023
आं त रक रे िटं ग सारां श/ ोर
Internal Rating Summary/Score:
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
ए)मं जूरी के िलए/Sanction for: Working Capital GENERAL OCC FOR Rs 5.00 LAKH
बी)अनुमित के िलए अनु मोदन Working Capital GENERAL OCC FOR Rs 5.00 LAKH
Approval for Permissions:
सी)पूि /अनुसमथनConfirmation/Ratification: Confirmation
3. (ए) इकाई / िनदे शकों / ो ाइटर / भागीदारोंकीसं ि ोफाइल
Brief Profile of unit/directors/proprietor/partners:
संि ोफाइल Brief Profile:
Sagar Enterprises was established in 30-04-2019
Firm is engaged in the business of RETAIL TRADE OF ELECTRIC MOTOR
Registered address of the firm is Gurudwara Road, Behind Devi Asthan,Near Navaratan Transport Gaya
Mr. Abhijeet Kumar is proprietor of firm and managing all business efficiently.
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
एमबीए के मामले म, अ बकों के साथ सीमा, दे यता और अितदे य की थित ा करना और उसे स ािपत करना
In case of MBA, limit, liability & overdue position with other Banks to be obtained & verified.
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
7. सहयोगी सं था/प रवारस का िववरण ( ािम / बंधन िववरण/िव ीय/शे यरधा रता आिद सिहत) और उनके
बकस/जो खम दारां कन: सहयोिगयों के बीच के एनपीए (यिद कोई हो), एनसीएलटी संदिभत खाता/खातों सीएस (यिद कोई
हो) का उ ेख
Details of Associate Concern/Family Concerns (including ownership/management
details/financials/shareholding etc) and their Bankers/Risk rating: NPAs among
associates (if any), NCLT referred a/cs (if any)
Not Applicable
8. खाते के सं चालन पर िट िणयाँ : (अिनयिमतताओं, गै र-अनुपालन, एल सी िवकास, बीजी चालान, साख सारां श आिद) को
कवर करना।
Comments on conduct of Account: (covering regularities, non-compliance, LC
devolvement, BG invocations, credit summations, etc.):
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
9. साविध ऋणों की वािषक समी ा: लागू नही ंAnnual Review of Term Loans: Not Applicable
( पए लाख म/Rs. in Lakh)
म सं ा खाता सं ा सीमा Limit बकाया अिनयिमतता यिद अिभयु
Sl.No Account No Outstanding कोई हो तो Remarks
if any
10. कायशील पूंजी का आकलनAssessment of Working Capital:
संल अनु बंध-I के िववरण के अनु सार Details as per Annexure–I enclosed
संल अनु बंध IIके िववरण के अनु सार Details as per Annexure–II enclosed
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
14. मू िनधारणPricing:
मू िनधारण/ ाज Pricing/Interest
सुिवधा रािश मौजू दा दर काड दर ा ािवत दर
Facility Amount Existing Rate Card Rate Proposed rate
फैलाव भावी दर फैलाव Effective फैलाव छूट भावी दर
Spread Effective Spread Rate Spread Concession Effective
Rate Rate
OD - -
5.00 8.20 2.25 9.15
िव ीय वष िव ीय वष
Financial Year Financial Year
ओसीसी/ओडीबीडी म कारोबार 325
Turnover in OCC/ODBD
डे िवट म िदनों की सं ा No of days in debit 340 NA
औसत डे िवट शे ष Average debit balance 2.10 NA
उ तम डे िवट शेष Highest debit balance 2.95 NA
उपािजत ाज/कमीशन NA
Interest/Commission earned
जमा समथनDeposit Support - NA NA
भार Encumbered
अभार Unencumbered NA NA
( पए लाख म Rs in Lakh)
16.(ए) ा उधारकता/ साझे दार/ ोपराइटर/ िनदे शक/ गारं टरकानामइनम सामने आए
Whether the name of the Borrower/Partners/Proprietor/Directors/Guarantor appears in:
स ािपत अिभयु
Verified on Remarks
गै र-मु कदमा दज NON SUIT FILED:
पए 1.00 करोड़ और अिधक के गैर-मुकदमा िकए गए सीबील खाते और अ तन की No Record Found
तारीख 05/04/2022
CIBIL non suit filed accounts of Rs.1.00 Crore and above updated till
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
(बी) ाकंपनीकेिनदे शकइनके र ेदारहWhether directors of the company are relatives of:
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
18.मु िवशे षताएं और ावकाऔिच Salient Features and Justification for the Proposal:
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
नाम Name RIMMY SINGH 111710 RIMMY SINGH 111710 JAG NARAYAN RAM 59274
एसपी सं ा SP No.
िदनां क Date 05/04/2022 05/04/2022 05/04/2022
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
Annexure – I
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
5 कुल आव कताएँ NA NA NA
Total requirement[A2x(A3+A4)]
2 आव क पीएससी PSCrequired(A2*B1) NA NA NA
3 अनुशंिसत एफडीबी/एफबीई/बीआरडी सीमा NA NA NA
FDB/FBE/BRD Limit Recommended
C कुल आव क िनयात िव NA NA NA
Total export finance required
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
‘बी’ और ‘सी’ (डी) का कुल Total of ‘B’ and ‘C’ (D) Not Applicable
एलसी सीमाओं की आव कताओं पर सं ि िट िणयाँ और एल सी की अविध/मु त पर िट िणयाँ (पहले एलसी सीमा के उपयोग पर िट णी
सिहत यिद कोई हो तो)
Brief comments on requirements of LC limits & comments on period of LC/ Usance (including comments
on utilization of LC limits in the past/ Devolvement’s if any):
कमी: अविध के दौरान बीजी की अनुमािनत प रप ता/ र ीकरण अविध Not Applicable
Less: Estimated maturity/cancellation of BG’s during the period.
बीजी की आव कताओं पर सं ि िट िणयाँ और बीजी की अविध पर िट िणयां (पूव म बीजी सीमाओं के उपयोग पर िट णी / यिद कोई हो
तो)/Brief comments on requirements of BG limits & comments on period of BG (including comments on
utilization of BG limits in the past/ invocation if any):
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
अनुल कAnnexure – II
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
3. डीएससीआरDSCR:
िववरणDescription 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
मता इ ेमाल % NA NA NA NA NA NA
Capacity Utilisation %
िब ीSales NA NA NA NA NA NA
शु लाभNet Profit NA NA NA NA NA NA
मू ासDepreciation NA NA NA NA NA NA
नकद लाभ (मािजन का शु ) NA NA NA NA NA NA
Cash Accruals (net of
ाज Interest NA NA NA NA NA NA
Term Loan repayments
ाजInterest NA NA NA NA NA NA
सकल डी.एस.सी.आर. NA NA NA NA NA NA
Gross DSCR
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
पुनभु गतान की अविधRepayment period अिध थगन अविध को छोड़कर 7 साल तक, लेिकन 10 साल
के कुल कायकाल से अिधक नही ं
Upto 7 years excluding moratorium, but not
to exceed an overall tenor of 10 years
कुल िमलाकर ऋण सेवा कवरे ज अनुपात 1.50 से कम नही ं Not below 1.50.
Overall Debt Service Coverage Ratio
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
वापसी की आं त रक दर (कर प ात) (25.00 करोड़ और िनिधयों की अनु मािनत भा रत औसत लागत से कम से
उससे अिधक की प रयोजना लागत पर लागू ) कम 4% अिधक
Internal rate of return (post tax) (Applicable to At least 4% above estimated weighted average
project cost of 25.00 crore & above) cost of funds
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
एनएफ़ NF - 1028
एलसी LC 0.00
सावादी ऋण Term Loan 0.00
5. अ शत Other Terms:
बही ऋण के िलए कवर अविध
Cover period for Book Debts 90 Days
बीजी अविधBG period NA
एल सी की अविधLC period NA
एलसी (िबल/ ं डीकी) चिलतअविधLC Usance NA
बीई/ एफडीबी/ एफबीई/ बीआरडीकेिलएमु ती Usance NA
6. े क सु िवधा का उ े Working Capital for running business
Purpose of each facility
7. पुनभु गतानRepayment
i) सीसी CC (Hyp) Rs. 5.00 Lakh
ii) साविधऋणTerm Loan NA
iii) अ Others NA
8. 3 month
(i)मं जूरीकीवै धता (महीनोंम)
Validity of Sanction (in months)
(ii)समी ा/ नवीनीकरण (महीनोंम) NA
Review/Renewal(in months)
9. िनरी ण Inspection Quarterly
10. ॉक/ बही ऋण िववरण ु त करना Quarterly
Submission of Stock/Book Debt Statement
अधवािषक सी ए से मािणत बही ऋण का िववरण Enclosed
Half yearly C.A Certified Book Debt
11. बीमा Insurance Valid Till TO BE DONE
12. सीजीटीएमएसई गारं टी शु व वािषक से वा शु
CGTMSE guarantee fee & Annual service As per bank’s guidelines
मां ग सलाह सं ा (डीएएन)/ सीजीपीएएन सं . As per bank’s guidelines
Demand Advise No.(DAN)/ CGPAN No.
13. संसकरण शु Processing fee As per bank’s guidelines
14. अि मशु Upfront Fee As per bank’s guidelines
15. बं धकशु Mortgage Charges As per bank’s guidelines
16. ितब ता भावCommitment Charges As per bank’s guidelines
17. लागू एलसी/बीजी भार NA
LC/ BG Charges as applicable
18. दं ड ाजPenal Interest NA
19. लेखन शु Documentation charges As per bank’s guidelines
20. अ शत यिद कोई हों तो All other term and conditions applicable to this type
Other Stipulation, if any: of credit facility.
21. ीकृित की पार रकसं िवदा As per bank’s guidelines
Covenants Of Sanction: