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Father Simo (Diplomat of Society), Carried The Instructions of The Archbishop of The Jesuits

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Rizal’s Retraction

PALMA’S Critical Examination of Rizal’s Alleged Retraction

Rizal’s Last Hour Rafael Palma was a Filipino politician, Rizalian,
7 a.m. December 29 reporter, writer, educator, and a famous mason in the
- JUDGE DOMINGUEZ notifies Rizal of the death sentence Philippines. He also become the fourth President of the
Father Simo (diplomat of society), carried the instructions of University of the Philippines, “The Builder President”
the Archbishop of the Jesuits. Wrote in La Independencia, the newspaper that
Image of Sacred Heart General Antonio Luna established. He wrote articles advocating
- carved by Rizal when he was still studying in Ateneo, was revolutionary ideals under the names Dapit Hapon, Hapon,
brought to him by Fr. Miguel Saderra Mata and Fr. Luis Viza. Robert Paul and R.P. Villa.
In 1938, Rafael Palma once again proved his literary
9 a.m., December 29 talent. He won the first prize in the national contest on the
- Father Rosell took the place of Father Mata and Father Viza biography of Rizal conducted by Commonwealth government.
- Don Santiago Matiax from Heraldo de Madrid, talked with
Rizal about “studies, frolics of infancy, and boys stories…” Critical Examination of the Booklet Released by the Jesuits
 The narrative by the Jesuits is anonymous.
10 a.m.  The narrative is written in puerile manner. It reads like a
- Father Villaclara and Father Beleaguer, conversed with him, story designed for children
gave him a medal of a Virgin  The narrative has a lot of inaccuracies.
- Father March replaced the two priests afterwards  The narrative contains a portion of details and
Lunch  The narrative does not mention that the document of
- Don Manuel Luengo (civil governor of Manila), and Father retraction was signed by Rizal with witnesses
Faura (director of Manila Observatory) visited
Other Publications
After Dusk Sources of evidences used:
- Father Balaguer returns 1. What was published in the local press and in Spain about
- Rizal's mother, with Trinidad arrives Rizal’s retraction?
- Rizal rested discussion between the Jesuits and Rizal 2. What was published in magazines, history books, and other
- Fathers Villaclara, Balaguer, Viza, and Tillot remained with him printed matter?
for the night 3. The notarial minute duly authenticated of the declaration
given by the persons who visited Rizal in the chapel or who
10 p.m. intervened in the act of his retraction and conversion?
- Formula of retraction was sent to the Chapel
- Writing the letter of retraction - Copy of proceedings of Rizal’s execution (App. 5)
- Death certificates (App. 10, 11, and 12): Juan Fresno
11:30 p.m. (supposed witness to the document of retraction), Eloy Moure
- Rizal signed the letter of retraction and then slept (supposed witness to the document of retraction), and Antonio
Diaz (Military Chief of Fort Santiago)
Rizal asked for pen and paper to write the letters for
Blumentritt, for his family, for Paciano Coetaneous Acts in Accordance with the Belief of Rizal’s
1:30 a.m. December 30 1. Secrecy of the document
- Prayed and meditated, confessed to Villaclara 2. Denied petitions of Rizal’s family for the copy of the
- Rested and meditated, confess again document of retraction and marriage certificate
- Read his retraction to the Jesuits fathers, Judge of Advocate, 3. Secrecy of burial
chief of picket, and Adjutant of Plaza, and three artillery forces 4. No masses were said for his burial or funeral held by
- Confessed for the third time, prayed the rosary, read the Catholics
psalm and Kempis, communed, and asked to be given a mass 5. Rizal incedent burial - buried in the ground without any cross
or stone to mark his grave
5:30 a.m. 6. Rizal’s name was written on a special page wherein appear
- Rizal ate breakfast with the officers those who buried by special orders
7. No moral motive for the conversion
6:00 a.m.
- Josephine Bracken came with Rizal’s sister Why would Rizal renounce his religious ideas and his glory -
- Father Balaguer performed their marriage Reasons why retraction can’t be believed
A. What would he gain if he was converted? Heaven?
7:00 a.m. December 30, 1896 - Although Rizal believed in God, he did not believe in heaven,
- Jose Rizal was shot in Bagumbayan as a result of long study and meditation.
B. What harm could it bring to him if he was converted? Captain Rafael Dominguez
- it would stain his clean record - and subject him to the - Notes contains and hour by recordof Rizal’s last 24 hours
remorse of having become, at the last hour a renegade of his
own convictions Father Pio Pi
C. Doubts on Father Balaguer’s influence to Rizal? - Father Balaguer handed handed out the retraction documents
- Father Balaguer was a simple missionary who might have to Father Pi
sufficient intelligence to convert pagans and ignorant persons - After having a copy for their archives, Fr. Pi then gave the
but not to change the idea of Rizal on matter which Rizal has document to the Archbishop the next day
investigated and studied more profoundly than many priests.
Rizal was conscious of his intellectual superiority over many of Archbishop Nozaleda
his former professors, and to pretend that Father Balaguer - Rizal made slight variations in his retraction from the
converted him with arguments of the old school is certainly an proposed text by Father Pi
insult to Rizal’s intelligence and character. - Father Pi gave the document to the Archbishop then handed it
to the Secretary of the Archbishopric

What if the retraction document is authentic? Gaspar Castano

A. Rizal’s handwriting and Signatures - Few day ago after the death of Rizal, Castano saw and read
- if it could be proven that the text as well as the signature of Rizal’s retraction paper wherein the later declared himself as
Rizal is genuine and authentic, the document would be prove Catholic.
Rizal abjuration of masonry but not his conversion. It would
also prove that if Rizal abjured his religious ideas, he did not Father Rosell
abjured his political ideas. - On December 30, 1896, Rosell saw the retraction paper in
B. Marriage Contract Ateneo
- The certificate of the canonical marriage of Josephine Bracken
and Rizal has never been produced not withstanding the Luis Taviel de Andrade
demands of the family of Rizal - Heard that in the morning of Rizal’s execution, married
“The Archbishop was interested in his conversion for political Josephine
motives, and the Jesuits lent themselves as arguments” - Upon arriving at the door, saw Rizal in an attitude of praying
then Rizal came out after kissing the statue of the Sacred Heart
Zafra’s the Historicity of Rizal’s Retraction - Doctor Rizal died as Christian
Historical Methodology
- Certain conditions in delving among old documents Gonzales Feijoo
- Genuineness/authenticity of the documents - The retraction document was handed to him for safekeeping
- Accuracy of the writer in the archives of the Secretary’s office
- Author’s truthfulness and good faith - The retraction remained in the archives in his custody until
“No Documents, No History” May 26, 1899 before he had to turn over everything it to his
successor Presbiter Ignacio Ampuero
A. Documents (Documents about retraction came from)
- Three eyewitness ARGUMENTS
- Ratified and notarized declarations 1. Are the documents genuine?
- Accounts from the newspaper that time - Palma did not question genuineness, Zafra assumed
Father Balaguer 2. Are the documents’ writers accurate?
- Father Balaguer left Rizal cell, accompanied by Josephine and - For father Balaguer and Captain Dominguez reasonable level
a sister of Rizal, with the retractions of accuracy
- Delivered the document to father Pio who deliver it to - For Father Viza vagaries of memories
Archbishop Nozaleda who delivered it to Secretary Gonzales 3. Are the authors truthful and good faith?
Feijoo - One must study his/her character, reputation, background,
interests, prejudices, and sense of value.
Father Viza
- Rizal wrote and signed of his own handwriting, in own
presence of Viza, the document of retraction on the night of Arguments of Mr. Palma Counter arguments of Mr.
December 26, 1896. Zafra
Silvino Lopez Tunon The narrative is anonymous If document is genuine, the
- He learned from one Jesuits father that Rizal received identity of the author is not
Sacraments of Penance and Communionand was married to that important
Josephine Bracken after having written and signed the The narrative is composed in Containing some puerile
retraction document such a puerile manner that matters does not invalidate
reads like a story intended the documents the retraction of his errors
for children which he made in the
The narrative does not Omission of certain details in chapel”.
mention the document of a document is per se not a 3. The supposed hearsay
retraction was signed by valid cause for rejecting the testimony of Andrade was
Rizal with witnesses, but document not of the retraction but the
nevertheless it appears canonical marriage of Rizal to
signed not only by Rizal but Josephine Bracken.
by two witnesses 4. Andrade’s information
If, from the conversion of Such historical inaccuracies came from fellow officers.
Rizal, we pass to other parts referred by
of the booklet, we would see Mr. Palma are not found in 4.) The "coetaneous acts" that undermine the belief that Rizal
that it does not deserve the Jesuit narrative , thus retracted:
credence because the facts it confirming that the author a.The document of retraction was kept secret b. The request of
narrates have not been did not himself investigate the Rizal family to have the original or a copy was both denied.
conscientiously investigated the real authorship of the c.Rizal's burial was kept secret.
narrative d.No masses or funeral was held by the Catholics.
e.He was not buried in the Catholic cemetery of Paco but in the
Jose Palma Nicolas Zafra ground.
1. The retraction information 1. There were others who f.There was no entry in the book of burials that Rizal's body was
was published late that could published and confirmed buried on the page of December 30 and it appears on a special
be unauthenticated. Rizal’s retraction a few years page where special orders of authorities are indicated.
after his death. An example
would be Fr. Pio Pi.,S.J. who 1. The retraction document was seen by Fathers Balaguer, Pio
published La Muerte Pi, Viza, Rosell, Feijoo, Tunon, Archbishop Nozaleda, Captain
Cristiana del Dr. Rizal. Dominguez and Justice Castano.
2. The others fell silent 2. Trining's statement in 1913 about the family not seeing the
because of the insignificance document was a mere "vagaries of memory." Trining's states
of Rizal’s retraction. that they were promised by the Jesuits to let them see the
3. In the desire for historical retraction document during the requiem offered by the Jesuits
truth in much later years, on behalf of Rizal
people began the search of a.The Jesuits no longer had the original document of retraction
Rizal’s retraction and b.The family's need to see the document was of no purpose
different versions of duly because the copy of the retraction document was published in
notarized documents. the newspapers.
3. The chaplain of the cemetery confirmed the burial in a report
2. The notarized documents 1. This statement damages submitted to Archbishop Nozaleda on Dec. 30, 1896. Father
and narratives of witnesses the credibility of an Silvino Lopez Tunon explains that the body of Doctor Rizal
were of ecclesiastics and ecclesiastic. received ecclesiastical burial."
theirs friends that will 2. Lack of evidence 4. The arrangements for the disposal of Rizal's body were made
automatically not contradict 3. Lying for the sake of by the government authorities. It is decided as such because
the other. friendship? the body might be used for demonstration
4. Gaspar Castano, Judge of
the Real Audiencia in Manila The genuineness or authenticity of the retraction
at the time of Rizal’s I. Proved to be authentic according to the Professor of
execution will be questioned Anthropology, University of the Philippines and curator of the
of his credibility where for University of the Philippines Museum of Archeology and
the sake of friendship with Ethnology in a written account in the Philippines Herald on
the ecclesiastics will lie about December 29, 1938.
Rizal’s retraction.

3. Taviel de Andrade’s 1. Taviel de Andrade worked Zafra Palma

testimony to be a mere closely with Rizal with him Historical evidence 1. ) a. The genuineness
hearsay. having to observe Rizal completely debunks such proves Rizal's abjuration of
closely. theory. Masonry but not his
2. Taviel de Andrade also conversion.
stated that “Dr. Rizal died as b. Rizal did not abandon his
a Christian ratifying thereby political ideas but his
religious ideas Thus the Grito de Balintawak is comparable to
Rizal will become a weakling 2.) The document was made Mexico's Grito de Dolores (1810). However, el grito de rebelion
as to succumb to a thing like "under moral duress and strictly refers to a decision or call to revolt.
"moral duress or spiritual spiritual threats."
threats" 3 Locations – Cry
Unbelievable assertion that 3.) Rizal's conversion as a The task of determining the exact place at which the
Jesuits and their friends pious fraud and that the decision to revolt was taken, therefore, remains difficult and
joined forces to create a Archbishop wanted his convoluted. The sources offer three specific possibilities:-
conspiracy of subscribing to conversion for political
notarized statements motives. The Jesuits as the 1. Apolonio Samson’s place in bo. Kangkong, Caloocan
approving of Rizal's main instruments. 2. Melchora Aquino’s place near Pasong Tamo in bo. Banlat,
retraction. Caloocan
3. Juan Ramos’s place in bo. Bahay Toro, Caloocan
Palma's representation of the past as "...bias and Apolonio Samson’s place in Barrio Kangkong, Caloocan
deep-seated prejudice..." Rizal did return to the Catholic ♣Barrio Kangkong
Church and this assertion has historical evidence. The In 1917 a Katipunan veterans’ association, the Labi ng
declarations made by Palma were based on a misunderstanding Katipunan, erected a memorial on the site where they
of Rizal. remembered the decision to revolt had been taken, at
Rizal never hated the whole church but the persons in Apolonio Samson’s house on the Kaingin Road in Barrio
the church that did hideous acts. A fact is that Rizal even Kangkong.  
created a character in his novel that represents a good priest, “Sa pook na ito,” the inscription stated, plainly and
Padre Florentina. simply, “...ipinasya ng KKKNMANB ang paghihimagsik noong
Rizal did retract and not a "pious fraud”. ika-23 ng Agosto 1896”.  

Veterans who voted the Cry happened at Barrio Kangkong:

Cry of Balintawak or Cry of Pugadlawin Tomas Remigio Cipriano Pacheco
Conflicting Accounts Julio Nakpil Briccio Pantas
Controversy on the Dates and Venues Sinforoso San Pedro Francisco Carreon
 Balintawak - August 26 Guillermo Masangkay Vicente Samson
 Kangkong - August 22
 Pugad Lawin - August 23 One other veteran, Ramon Bernardo remembered
 Bahay Toro - August 24 the decision as having been taken in Bahay Toro, but he did not
say “Juan Ramos’s place in Bahay Toro.”  He said it had been
Pasya, Pagpupunit, Unang Labanan taken at Melchora Aquino’s place, “sa pook ng Sampalukan,
The debate has long been clouded by a lack of Bahay Toro.” It therefore seems his recollection was simply
consensus on exactly what is meant by the “Cry”. The term has mistaken, because Melchora Aquino’s place was near Pasong
been applied to three related but distinct events – Tamo, in bo. Banlat.
 “pasya”  – the decision to revolt;
 “pagpupunit” – the tearing of cedulas; and It seems likely that the main pagpupunit also took
 “unang labanan” – the first encounter with Spanish forces place in Kangkong, as the veteran Cipriano Pacheco later
Among the historians who have studied the “Cry” in
greatest detail, there is a sharp divergence of opinion as to how “‘…panahon na ito natin na dapat nating simulan ang
the term should be defined.   pagtatanggol sa ating kaapihan. Punitin natin an gating mga
 Teodoro A. Agoncillo equates the term with the sedula personal bilang pagpapakilala ng inyong pagsang-
pagpupunit, which he says happened immediately after ayon.’
the pasya. -Andres Bonifacio
 Isagani R. Medina also takes the “Cry” to mean the Melchora Aquino’s place near Pasong Tamo in barrio Banlat,
pagpupunit, but says it happened before the decision to Caloocan
revolt had been taken.   ♣Pasong Tamo
 Soledad Borromeo-Buehler takes the view – the Pio Valenzuela
traditional view that KKK veterans took, she says - that the - Filipino physician and revolutionary leader who has different
“Cry” should mean the unang labanan.   records or accounts regarding the Cry. Vice-President of the
Katipunan at the outbreak of the revolution
Definition of Cry
Definition of the Cry. The term "Cry" is translated from In 1928, Valenzuela went to commemorate the “Cry”
the Spanish “el grito de rebelion” (cry of rebellion). at a site in Pasong Tamo together with four other well-known
KKK veterans – Gregoria de Jesus (Bonifacio’s widow), Briccio Contribuciones Inderectas Recognition of Vassalage
Pantas and the brothers Alfonso and Cipriano Pacheco.  The Custom Duty
newspaper La Opinion carried this photograph of the group, Rentas Estancandas The Cedulas Personales
who according to the caption were standing around the exact Lotteries Chinese Poll Tax
spot (marked with an “X”) where 1,000 bolos had been stored Bienes del Estado
just before they were used in “el famoso grito”. Ingreros Eventuades

Valenzuela, Pantas and Cipriano Pacheco issued a TWO REASONS TO PAY:

joint statement to the effect that the “Cry” had taken place not (1) As recognition of Spain's Sovereignty over the Colonies.
in Balintawak. (2) To defray the expenses of pacification (The act of forcibly
This is the statement, as published in the Philippines suppressing hostility within the colonies) and governance,
Free Press at around the same time as this commemoration, in thereafter.
either 1928 or 1929
Juan Ramos’s place in Barrio Bahay Toro, Caloocan ⚫commenced in the Philippines immediately after their
♣Bahay Toro conquest by Legaspi and was continued until 1884.
The foremost proponent of “Pugad Lawin in Bahay ⚫ one tribute = 8 silver reales for each family.
Toro” in this renewed debate was Isagani R. Medina.  He ⚫ can be paid in money or in kind.
presented the case for Bahay Toro more fully, and with more
documentation, than anybody else has before or since, first in a Who is required to pay?
paper he delivered at a conference in 1993 ⚫ 18 to 50 years old males
⚫ The carpenters, bricklayers, blacksmiths, tailors, and
“Ang pagpupunit ng sedula... nga’y nangyari sa may sityo shoemakers.
Pugad-lawin, sa nayon ng Bahay-Toro sa bayan ng Kalookan... ⚫ Town workers such as those in road construction, and those
noong Agosto 23, 1896.  Ito’y pinatutunayan ng apat na saksi: whose are public in nature.
1. Dr Pio Valenzuela,
2. Briccio Brigido Pantas, Who is exempted?
3. Cipriano Pacheco ⚫The alcaldes, gobernadores and the cabeza de Barangay
4. Domingo Orcullo.” ⚫ Soldiers and militia men.
⚫ Members of the various branches of the civil guard.
The fifth “saksi sa mga pangyayari sa Pugadlawin,” he Inspectors of tobacco and storekeepers.
says, was Mariano Alvarez.   ⚫ Government employees receiving a fixed salary.
But in reality, not a single one of these five men left ⚫ Paupers and cripples.
any written testimony to the effect that Pugad Lawin was ⚫ Miscellaneous persons.
situated in the barrio of Bahay Toro.
Diezmos Prediales (Property Tax)
⚫ tithe
Spanish Taxation ⚫ residents of the island must pay one real for the tithe
What is Taxation ⚫ one-tenth of the fruits of the soil or of any profits or income
 Is the imposition of compulsory levies on individuals or
entities by governments in almost every country of the Caja de Comunidad (Community Box)
world. ⚫community fund
 Taxation is used primarily to raise revenue for government ⚫ was a tax collected in the amount of one real for the
expenditures, though it can serve other purposes as well. incurred expenses of the town in the construction of roads,
repair of bridges, or the improvements of public building.

Ancient Filipinos Sanctorum

Buwis ⚫was a tax in the amount of 3 reales for the church.
• Ancient Filipinos pay their tax or "buwis" to their Datu or the ⚫ these were required for the cost of Christianization,
chiefs for protection. including the construction of the churches and the purchase of
• Everyone is required to pay except for Datu's household. materials for religious celebrations.
• There is a punishment for not paying taxes.
Polo y Servicio
Spanish Period ⚫ is the system of forced labor which evolved within the
Different Taxes Personal Tax framework of the encomienda system, introduced into the
Contribuciones Directas Tribute from Natives South American colonies by the Conquistadores and Catholic
Personal Tax priests who accompanied them.
Income Tax
Donativo de Zamboanga ⚫ was an uprising in Pampanga during the 1660's named after
⚫ one-half real for each contributor for the conquest of Jolo its leader, Francisco Maniago.
⚫used for the military campaign of the government against the
Muslims. Malong's Revolt
⚫ In the later years, however, the amount collected from ⚫ Andres Malong led the people of in Pangasinan to take up
donativo was almost exclusively used for the Spanish fort in arms against the Spaniards during the 1660s.

Recognition of Vassalage
⚫tax for "infidels" or those who do not recognize Spanish
⚫ this tribute was collected with no regularity.
⚫ the general purpose of which was to bring the natives into
the fold of the church.
⚫ acceptance of baptism will be rewarded by exemption to this
tax for ten years.

Tax Reform of 1884

⚫ Tax reform of 1884 as provided by the Royal Decree on
March 6, 1884 which contained two important provisions:
1. Abolition of tribute and its replacement of Cedula
2. Reduction of the 40-day annual forced labor to 15

Cedulas Personales
⚫ cedula personal certificate of identification.
⚫ All men and women residents of the island- Spaniards,
foreigners and natives were required to obtain a cedula.
⚫ The only exceptions were the Chinese, the remontados e
infieles, natives and colonists of Jolo.
⚫ Any person found without a cedula (indocumentado) was
subject to very severe penalties.
⚫ After the American occupation, the cedulas personales were

Chinese Poll Tax

⚫ Sangleyes or Chinese traders, resident in the islands, were
the constant subjects of restrictive legislation and of
discriminating taxation..
⚫ Every Chinese, irrespective of age or sex, was required to be
provided with a "cedula de capitacion personal" or

document of identification.
⚫ It was valid for one year only, and its cost thus constituted
an annual tax.

Revolts Against the Tribute

Cagayan & Dingras Revolts
⚫is against the Tribute occured on Luzon in the present- day
provinces of Cagayan and Ilocos Norte in 1589.

Sumuroy's Revolt
⚫ in the town of Palapag today in Northern Samar, Agustin
Sumuroy, a waray, and some of his followers rose in arms on
June 1, 16-49 over the polo y servicio or forced labor system
being undertaken in Samar.

Maniago's Revolt

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