Father Simo (Diplomat of Society), Carried The Instructions of The Archbishop of The Jesuits
Father Simo (Diplomat of Society), Carried The Instructions of The Archbishop of The Jesuits
Father Simo (Diplomat of Society), Carried The Instructions of The Archbishop of The Jesuits
Recognition of Vassalage
⚫tax for "infidels" or those who do not recognize Spanish
⚫ this tribute was collected with no regularity.
⚫ the general purpose of which was to bring the natives into
the fold of the church.
⚫ acceptance of baptism will be rewarded by exemption to this
tax for ten years.
Cedulas Personales
⚫ cedula personal certificate of identification.
⚫ All men and women residents of the island- Spaniards,
foreigners and natives were required to obtain a cedula.
⚫ The only exceptions were the Chinese, the remontados e
infieles, natives and colonists of Jolo.
⚫ Any person found without a cedula (indocumentado) was
subject to very severe penalties.
⚫ After the American occupation, the cedulas personales were
document of identification.
⚫ It was valid for one year only, and its cost thus constituted
an annual tax.
Sumuroy's Revolt
⚫ in the town of Palapag today in Northern Samar, Agustin
Sumuroy, a waray, and some of his followers rose in arms on
June 1, 16-49 over the polo y servicio or forced labor system
being undertaken in Samar.
Maniago's Revolt