Your Guide To Building An Employee Engagement Action Plan
Your Guide To Building An Employee Engagement Action Plan
Your Guide To Building An Employee Engagement Action Plan
Engaged employees care about their work and about the performance
of the company. They feel that their efforts make a difference and are
well appreciated by the company.
Put simply, the employees become advocates for their company, have
self-motivation and a strong sense of proactiveness towards the growth
of the company.
Increased productivity
Employees who are fully engaged and committed to their work and
company put in their best and make sure to deliver the best quality of
work. When employees are engaged with their job and company they
become more productive because they are fully motivated beyond
personal factors. This enables them to work more efficiently and have
the success of the organization in mind.
Employee NPS
You can use this to measure the satisfaction and loyalty of your
employees by asking them questions like "How likely is it that you would
recommend working at our company to a friend or colleague?”
promoter - detractor
Employee NPS =
total respondents
Turnover Rate
When your employees are engaged,
they tend to stay longer at your
company. Measuring the turnover
rate will let you know your companies
ability to retain top talents.
Turnover rates can differ from one
department to another. Paying
attention to this can help you
identify focus points and key issues
across all departments.
Promotion Rate
Employees that see room for
professional growth at the company
they work for are more engaged
and committed to making a
difference at work. The opportunity
for professional growth is one of
the major driving forces to increase
Employee Engagement. Having
internal promotions helps highlight
your company's ability to retain top
Absenteeism is closely linked to how satisfied and engaged your
employees are. When an employee doesn't show up to work
consistently, It becomes an issue for both the employer and the rest of
the employees. Once someone begins showing absenteeism the whole
team suffers and it starts having negative impact on the quality of work
and collaboration among them. Having a high rate of absenteeism is
tied to low motivation and productivity at work.
Improved productivity
Improved financial performance
Higher levels of customer service and advocacy
Increased innovation
Increased staff retention and reduced recruitment costs
Improved morale and wellbeing
Improved Health & Safety performance
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Employee Wellbeing
To improve Employee Wellbeing HR Managers should;
Educate: Employees on the importance of pursuing a healthy and active
Implement: Wellness programmes, training or weekly exercises to
reflect your commitment to a better mental and physical wellbeing.
Lead: By example by participating in mindfulness activities and
communicating the benefits and importance.
Internal Communications
To promote good internal communications HR Managers should;
Make: Your company's mission and vision clear to your employees.
Encourage: Your employees to share their thoughts and opinions and
support healthy interactions and communications among them.
Organize: In-person or online meetings every few weeks to discuss
projects, personal issues, or the organization as a whole.
Pulse Survey
To make data driven decisions with pulse surveys HR managers should;
Listen: To the feedback and results from the survey and make sure
employees are allowed to freely express themselves.
Implement: Feedback from the survey and make sure the voices and
pain points of your employees are heard and acted upon.
What is Workfam ?
Workfam provides HR solutions and consultancy services that support
companies with their mission to create a happy, healthy, and highly
engaged workforce. Workfam's enterprise SaaS solution offers
employee benefits, corporate wellness, internal communications,
reward and recognition, and pulse surveys. Our holistic employee
engagement platform encourages and enables companies to focus on
their most important asset: their people.