Trimble R4S - Userguide
Trimble R4S - Userguide
Trimble R4S - Userguide
GNSS Receiver
User Guide
Version 1
Revision C
January 2019
Trimble Inc.
10368 Westmoor Dr.
Westminster, CO 80021
NCC英文警語: European Union Customers: WEEE
According to “Administrative Regulations of Low
Power Radio Waves Radiated Devices:
Article 12 The low-power radio-frequency devices
must not be altered by changing the frequency, en-
Recycling in Europe: To recycle WEEE (Waste Elec-
hancing emission power, adding external antenna,
trical and Electronic Equipment products that run
and modification of original design characteristic
on electric power), call +31 497 53 24 30 and ask
as well as function.
for the “WEEE Associate”. Or, mail a request for re-
Article 14 The operation of the low-power radio-fre- cycling instructions to:
quency devices is subject to the conditions that no
Trimble Europe BV
harmful interference is caused. The user must stop
c/o Menlo Worldwide Logistics
operating the device immediately should harmful
Meerheide 45
interference is caused and shall not resume until
5521 DZ Eersel, NL
the condition causing the harmful interference has
been corrected.
Moreover, the interference must be accepted that
may be caused by the operation of an authorized Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery
communications, or ISM equipment. This receiver uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion bat-
Europe tery.
WARNING - Do not damage the rechargeable Lithi-
um-ion battery. A damaged battery can cause an ex-
plosion or fire, and can result in personal injury
and/or property damage. To prevent injury or dam-
Hereby, Trimble, declares that the R4s GNSS re-
ceiver is in compliance with the following direc-
tives: • Do not use or charge the battery if it appears to
be damaged. Signs of damage include, but are
– RED 2014/53/EU
not limited to, discoloration, warping, and leak-
– RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU. ing battery fluid.
Information about included radio modules: • Do not expose the battery to fire, high tempera-
ture, or direct sunlight.
– Bluetooth radio: Frequency band 2400-
2483 MHz, max RF radiated output power • Do not immerse the battery in water.
+21 dBm. • Do not use or store the battery inside a vehicle
– UHF radio: Frequency band 403-473 MHz, max during hot weather.
RF radiated output power +40 dBm. • Do not drop or puncture the battery.
If external UHF antennas are used together with the • Do not open the battery or short-circuit its con-
product, the following antennas shall be used: tacts.
– Whip 1/4 wave, connected directly to the inter- WARNING - Avoid contact with a rechargeable Lith-
nal UHF module. ium-ion battery if it appears to be leaking. Battery
– Trimble part number: 44085-42 for low fre- fluid is corrosive, and contact with it can result in
quency band: 410-430 MHz. personal injury and/or property damage. To prevent
injury or damage:
– Trimble part number: 44085-46 for high fre-
quency band: 430-470MHz. • If a battery leaks, avoid contact with the battery
– UHF whip antenna Procom half-wave, if connect- • If battery fluid gets into your eyes, immediately
ed through a TNC cable to an external antenna: rinse your eyes with clean water and seek medi-
cal attention. Do not rub your eyes!
– Trimble part number: C3310190 for 410-
430MHz • If battery fluid gets onto your skin or clothing,
immediately use clean water to wash off the bat-
– Trimble part number: C3310196 for 430- tery fluid.
– Trimble part number: C3310188 for 450- WARNING - Charge and use the rechargeable Lith-
470MHz ium-ion battery only in strict accordance with the
instructions. Charging or using the battery in unau-
If the R4s is used with UHF radio the following thorized equipment can cause an explosion or fire,
UHF radio module shall be used: and can result in personal injury or/and equipment
damage. To prevent injury or damage:
– Trimble part number: 89941-02 (UHF Unit).
• Do not charge a battery if it appears to be dam-
The products covered by this guide may be operat-
aged or leaking.
ed in all EU member countries (BE, BG, CZ, DK,
DE, EE, IE, EL, ES, FR, HR, IT, CY, LV, LT, LU, HU, • USE EXCLUSIVELY the dual-battery charger (P/
MT, NL, AT, PL, PT, RO, SI, SK, FI, SE, UK), Nor- N 53018010-SPN) with the AC/DC power block
way, and Switzerland. (model ADP-65JH AB, P/N 78650) to charge the
R4s Lithium-ion battery. See instructions in this
guide. These two devices are part of the R4s
standard accessories list.
TURE RANGE 0° to +40°C (32° to 104°F), at a
The US Department of Commerce requires that all
maximum altitude of 2,000 meters (6,562 feet).
exportable GNSS products contain performance lim-
• Discontinue charging a battery that gives off ex- itations so that they cannot be used in a manner that
treme heat or a burning odor. could threaten the security of the United States.
• Use the battery only in Trimble equipment that is The following limitation is implemented on the re-
specified to use it. ceiver: Immediate access to satellite measurements
• Use the battery only for its intended use and ac- and navigation results is disabled when the receiver’s
cording to the instructions in the product docu- velocity is computed to be greater than 1000 knots,
mentation. or its altitude is computed to be above 17,000 me-
ters (59,055 feet). The receiver continuously resets
Disposing of Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery until the COCOM situation is cleared.
Discharge Lithium-ion battery before disposing of it. Technical Assistance
When disposing of a battery, be sure to do so in an If you have a problem and cannot find the informa-
environmentally sensitive manner. Adhere to any lo- tion you need in the product documentation, contact
cal and national regulations concerning battery dis- your local distributor. Alternatively, request technical
posal or recycling. support.
Receiver Use and Care UHF Radios
The receiver can withstand the rough treatment that Regulations and Safety. The receiver may be fitted
typically occurs in the field. However, the receiver is with an internal radio as an option. It can also be
a high-precision electronic instrument and should be connected to an external UHF radio.
treated with reasonable care.
Regulations regarding the use of Ultra High Frequen-
CAUTION - Operating or storing the receiver outside cy (UHF) radio-modems vary greatly from country to
the specified temperature range can damage it. For country. In some countries, the UHF kit may be used
more information, see Physical Specifications in this without obtaining an end-user license. Other coun-
guide. tries require end-user licensing. For licensing infor-
High-power signals from a nearby radio or radar mation, consult your local Trimble dealer.
transmitter can overwhelm the receiver circuits. This Before operating the receiver with the UHF kit, deter-
does not harm the instrument, but it can prevent the mine if authorization or a license to operate the UHF
receiver from functioning correctly. Do not use the re- kit is required in your country. It is the end-user’s re-
ceiver within 400 meters (1312 feet) of powerful ra- sponsibility to obtain an operator’s permit or license
dar, television or other transmitters. Low-power for the location or country of use.
transmitters such as those used in cell phones and
Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consid-
two-way radios do not normally interfere with receiver
eration. The FCC has adopted a safety standard for
human exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic
For more information, contact your Trimble distribu- energy.
Proper use of this radio modem results in exposure
Bluetooth Radio below government limits. The following precautions
The radiated output power of the wireless radio is far are recommended:
below the FCC radio-frequency exposure limits. Nev- • DO NOT operate the transmitter when someone is
ertheless, the wireless radio shall be used in such a within 45 cm (17.7 inches) of the antenna.
manner that the Trimble receiver is 20 cm or further
• DO NOT collocate (place within 20 cm) the radio
from the human body.
antenna with any other transmitting device.
The internal wireless radio operates within guidelines
• DO NOT operate the transmitter unless all RF con-
found in radio-frequency safety standards and rec-
nectors are secure and any open connectors are
ommendations, which reflect the consensus of the
properly terminated.
scientific community. Trimble therefore believes the
internal wireless radio is safe for use by consumers. • DO NOT operate the equipment near electric
blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.
The level of energy emitted is far less than the elec-
tromagnetic energy emitted by wireless devices such • All equipment must be properly grounded accord-
as mobile phones. However, the use of wireless radi- ing to Trimble installation instructions for safe op-
os may be restricted in some situations or environ- eration.
ments, such as on aircraft. If you are unsure of • All equipment should be serviced only by a quali-
restrictions, you are encouraged to ask for authoriza- fied technician.
tion before turning on the wireless radios.
Table of Contents
About Trimble R4s...............................................................................1
R4s Packout .......................................................................................2
Standard Items......................................................................2
Installed Firmware Options .....................................................3
UHF Kit ...............................................................................3
Office Power Kit ..................................................................4
Trimble RTX Corrections Services ............................................4
Discover Your New Equipment .............................................................5
Front Panel ...........................................................................5
Phase Center Location ...........................................................6
Height Mark ..........................................................................7
Buzzer ..................................................................................8
Using R4s for the First Time.................................................................9
Charging the Battery ..............................................................9
Inserting the Battery ............................................................10
Setting up the R4s ..............................................................11
Running a Survey ................................................................11
Ending a Survey ..................................................................11
R4s Control Panel Description ...........................................................12
Introducing R4s as Rover ..................................................................15
Network Rover.....................................................................15
Rover Using Local Base........................................................15
L-Band Rover (Trimble RTX) .................................................16
Introducing R4s as Local Base...........................................................17
Possible Local Base Configurations .......................................17
Internal vs. External Power Source ........................................17
Using the UHF Kit..............................................................................18
Installing the UHF Module into the Receiver ..........................19
Configuring the UHF Module ................................................20
Completing Rover Radio Setup..............................................21
Completing Base Radio Setup With External UHF Antenna ......22
Completing Base Radio Setup With Internal UHF Antenna.......23
Collecting Raw Data Files ..................................................................24
Raw Data Logging in Standalone Mode ..................................24
Downloading Raw Data Files to a USB Key.............................24
Downloading Raw Data Files Directly to a Computer ................25
Post-Processing Raw Data Files.............................................25
Appendix .........................................................................................26
R4s Loader Software Utility ..................................................26
Installing R4s Loader .......................................................26
Getting Started With R4s Loader .......................................26
Upgrading Receiver Firmware ............................................27
Installing a Firmware Option .............................................28
Validating RTX Subscription ..............................................29
R4s File Manager Software Utility ........................................30
Installing R4s File Manager...............................................30
Connecting R4s to your Computer ......................................30
Getting Started With R4s File Manager...............................33
Establishing a Connection with the Receiver .......................34
Copying Files to the Office Computer .................................34
Deleting Files from the Receiver ........................................35
Restoring Factory Settings ....................................................35
Technical Specifications.......................................................36
GNSS Characteristics .......................................................36
Real-Time Accuracy (RMS) ...............................................36
Subscriptions to Trimble RTX Corrections Services
Supported by R4s ............................................................37
Real-Time Performance ....................................................37
Post-Processing Accuracy (RMS) .......................................37
Data Logging Characteristics .............................................37
Physical Characteristics ....................................................37
Standard & Optional System Components ...........................38
Data Collectors and Software .............................................38
About Trimble R4s
Challenging environments will no longer be a nightmare for
you or your crew: The Trimble R4s is a new generation GNSS
receiver offering a high level of flexibility. It is designed to
cover any survey demand from simple post-processing,
through standard UHF or unique Long-Range Bluetooth base
and rover systems to sophisticated RTK and Trimble RTX
rover solutions.
Combining the unique all-signals tracking and processing Z-
Blade GNSS centric technology and L-band capability for
satellite-delivered Trimble corrections RTX service, the R4s
receiver provides the most reliable measurements and the
highest possible accuracy under any conditions anywhere in
the world.
The key features of the R4s are:
• Extended survey capability
• New 240-channel 6G ASIC
• Z-Blade GNSS-centric
• Internal TRx UHF radio (option)
• Long-Range Bluetooth
• Anti-theft and startup protections
R4s Packout
Standard Items The R4s L1/L2 GNSS receiver kit includes the following
Item Picture
R4s GNSS receiver, with up to 13 pre-installed firmware options
(see page 3)
Power Cord Kit (four types) for use with AC/DC Power Block
Installed Firmware
Options Label Feature
[6] 10 HZ
Item Picture
Rover Range Pole, 1.75 m (5.75 ft) long, carbon fiber, two
parts, with specific tapping on top part
Office Power Kit
Item Picture
Trimble RTX The services below can be used in the R4s after you have
Corrections subscribed to one of them:
Services • CenterPoint RTX®
• FieldPoint RTX®
• RangePoint RTX®
• ViewPoint RTX®
Refer to Technical Specifications on page 36 and next ones
so you can choose the type of Trimble RTX service you should
subscribe to, depending on the level of accuracy you need.
Discover Your New Equipment
Front Panel
[1] [12]
Conversely, when it’s time to disconnect the Lemo plug,
please use the attached metal strap to pull the plug out.
• [10]: Battery compartment.
• [11]: Mini-USB connector (standard USB 2.0, up to 12
MHz, OTG (host & device)).
• [12]: Shock absorber making up a robust protection belt
for the receiver against drops to the ground. The height
mark is nested in the shock absorber. See below.
• [13]: Height mark.
L1 68.7 mm
L2 65.3 mm
Height Mark The height mark ([8]) is nested in the shock absorber, near
the serial connector.
Buzzer The buzzer can be heard in the following cases:
• Bluetooth:
– When the data collector establishes a Bluetooth
connection with the receiver,
– When this connection gets lost.
• Internal battery: When the internal battery gets low (less
than 20% of nominal charge), the buzzer sounds briefly.
When less than 10% is left, the buzzer sounds
continuously for a few seconds until the receiver safely
shuts down.
• Power button: After a long press (2-3 seconds) on this
– To start or stop data logging (see also below).
– To enter the radio mode
– To power off the receiver.
In all three cases, hearing the buzzer means your request
has been acknowledged and you can release the button.
• When entering the radio mode.
• Enabling/Disabling Data Logging from the Power button:
The buzzer will sound at the end of the 2 or 3 seconds of
holding down the Power button to either start or stop data
logging (see also Raw Data Logging in Standalone Mode
on page 24).
• Downloading Files: After connecting a USB key to the
receiver, the buzzer will first sound when the USB key is
ready for use, and then after you have pressed briefly the
Power button to start downloading files to the USB key.
Another beep will finally be heard when the file transfer is
complete (see Downloading Raw Data Files to a USB Key
on page 24).
Using R4s for the First Time
Inserting the As opposed to previous receiver models, the battery trapdoor
Battery of the R4s can entirely be detached from the receiver case.
As explained below, the battery is first inserted into the inner
side of the trapdoor and then inserted into the receiver case,
together with the trapdoor.
• Open the battery trapdoor: Using your thumb and middle
finger, press on the two locks to free and remove the
trapdoor ([10]).
• Place the trapdoor upside down on a horizontal plane,
curved edge to the right. Place the battery nearby, electric
contacts upward, and as shown ([11])
[11] • Take the battery and insert one of its end into the trapdoor
([12]), then gently push the other end until the battery is
fully inserted ([13]).
[12] The trapdoor is fitted with an auto-locking system ([14])
at both ends of the battery that will keep the battery firmly
in position once fully inserted.
[13] • Hold the receiver case upside down in one hand, take the
battery and trapdoor in the other hand and insert them
into the battery compartment ([15]). A click can be heard
when the trapdoor gets locked into the receiver case.
Note: To remove the battery from the trapdoor, gently push aside one
of the locking legs to free that end of the battery. Then it’s easy taking
the battery out of the trapdoor.
Setting up the R4s 1. Mount the receiver and data collector on a range pole
(rover), or a tripod (base).
2. Measure and write down the vertical (Hv) or slant (Hs)
distance from the ground mark to respectively the lower
part of the receiver (ARP) (rover) or to the height mark
(base) (see [16]). This measurement will be required by
Ending a Survey 1. After your field survey is complete, hold depressed for
about 3 seconds. Release it when the Buzzer emits a
sound. The Satellites/Position LED ([19]) starts blinking
at a fast rate. The receiver will shut down after about
10 seconds.
2. Don’t forget to charge the battery at the end of your day.
The battery will charge overnight.
NOTE: Need to download raw data files from the receiver?
Refer to Collecting Raw Data Files on page 24.
R4s Control Panel Description
[2] [5]
[3] [6] [4]
sound. Only a few seconds left before R4s safely shuts down.
• On • External power source is used. Input voltage is within expected range.
• Fast • External power source is used. Input voltage is out of range. Please change the
power source immediately.
• On • Power-on sequence in progress.
• Two Bluetooth connections are active: Long-range Bluetooth and data collector.
• One Bluetooth connection is active: Long-range Bluetooth (sending corrections to
Rover***: Rover:
• ON
OFF • Two Bluetooth connections are active: Long-range Bluetooth and data collector.
• ON
• One Bluetooth connection is active: Long-range Bluetooth (receiving corrections
from base).
• Off • No data logging is in progress.
Log LED [3]
• Mixed • Satellites are tracked but no position is available yet. Green flashes indicate the
number of satellites tracked. 5 green flashes means 5 or more satellites tracked.
Red flash is just a delimiter.
• On • Autonomous, DGPS or SDGPS position solution is available
Blinking Rate Description General Meaning
Off LED is off Receiver or function turned off
On LED permanently lit (solid color) Normal operation
Slow 0.5 s (equal On/Off times) Normal operation
Very slow 1.5 s (equal On/Off times) Radio configuration mode (see flowchart below)
Fast 0.1 s (equal On/Off times) Alert
Variable LED stays lit for a certain time Refer to radio LED; See previous page.
Mixed Mixed colors: red and green alternate See satellite/position LED on previous page.
OFF Off but with one brief blue flash every 3 sec.
Solid blue with one brief “off” time every 3 sec.
Specific to Bluetooth LED; See previous page.
OFF Off but with two brief blue flashes every 3 sec.
OFF Solid blue with two brief “off” times every 3 sec.
[2] [5]
[3] [6] [4]
Press for 2 sec.
Power Up
Normal Press briefly
Press briefly
Operating Mode
Set Data
Press briefly Logging
Press briefly
Press for 2 sec.
(buzzer then beeps) Conventions used
for LED states:
Radio Mode Off
Introducing R4s as Rover
Network Rover The R4s has no network connectivity device of its own, but
the data collector, to which it is connected over Bluetooth to
run the field software, may have this capability (internal
modem operated in GPRS mode, using a suitable SIM card).
So network corrections received using the data collector
modem will be forwarded to the R4s over Bluetooth as well.
In this case of use, the R4s will be able to deliver RTK
positions using one of the following standard network
connection types:
• Direct IP (TCP/IP Direct)
Additionally, the R4s can compute and deliver positions
using one of the possible Trimble RTX corrections services,
also through a network connection called “RTX”. This option
is a special case of Direct IP connection where the preset
corrections provider is Trimble RTX Services. A subscription
is needed to operate the receiver in this mode.
Rover Using The expression “local base” refers to a base you own and can
Local Base fully control (operating sessions, location, etc.).
The rover can receive RTK corrections from the local base via:
• Long-range Bluetooth
• Radio (internal at the rover, internal or external at the
base). See Using the UHF Kit on page 18.
L-Band Rover The R4s is L-band ready (no firmware option needed), which
(Trimble RTX) means it can receive corrections from a Trimble RTX
corrections service, via an L-band geostationary satellite,
provided you have subscribed to this service. With a currently
valid subscription, the R4s will be able to compute and
deliver positions with the announced accuracy for the chosen
service, provided it is in line with the RTK option installed.
For more information about Trimble RTX corrections services,
refer to Trimble RTX Corrections Services on page 4 and
Technical Specifications on page 36.
Introducing R4s as Local Base
Possible Local Base The R4s can be used as a local base, delivering its corrections
Configurations through one of the following devices:
• Long-Range Bluetooth: For baselines less than 800
meters (0.5 mile), the local base will be able to deliver its
corrections to a rover over a long-range Bluetooth
• UHF radio (optional accessory): The local base may be
fitted with an internal radio module (internal UHF radio,
2 W TRx), or an external radio delivering more RF power.
For more information on the internal radio module, see
Using the UHF Kit on page 18.
Using the UHF Kit
Installing the UHF • Power off the R4s and turn it upside down.
Module into the • Use the L-shaped Torx screwdriver provided in the R4s
Receiver UHF kit to loosen and remove the four screws ([1])
securing the 5/8” threaded insert plate.
• Insert a finger into the 5/8” threaded hole ([2]), then
[2] gently pull the plate out of the receiver, making sure you
free the ribbon cable anchored to the plate without
damaging it ([3]).
• Put away the 5/8” threaded insert plate in a safe place,
possibly for subsequent use.
[1] • Take a look at the instructions printed on the label located
in the bottom of the recess.
[3] • Connect the end of the ribbon cable (a 12-contact flat
connector) to the UHF module ([4]) as instructed on the
label (point 1).
• Insert the UHF module into the recess ([5]) as instructed
on the label (point 2).
• Re-use the four screws and Torx screwdriver to secure the
UHF module onto the receiver. Tighten the screws to
preserve receiver watertightness (torque meter: 3 N.m).
[4] IMPORTANT: After installing (or removing) the internal
radio, you must reset the receiver (through hard reset or
via field software).
Configuring the The standard settings of the UHF module can easily be
UHF Module changed from the field software.
For more advanced radio settings, use the procedure below:
• Use cable P/N59044-10-SPN from the Office Power Kit
to connect the receiver to the computer (see diagram
To Office
Via USB or DB9
Power/Data Cable *
RS232-to-USB Serial Port A
Adapter Cable * and DC Input
*: All these items are part of the Office Power Kit P/N 94336 (option).
Use the RS232-to-USB adapter cable if your computer is fitted with USB
connectors (and no DB9 connector).
Completing Rover Once the UHF module has been secured to the receiver (see
Radio Setup Installing the UHF Module into the Receiver on page 19) and
properly configured, do the following:
• Screw the UHF whip antenna onto the coaxial connector
of the UHF module ([6]). The antenna will therefore be
oriented vertically upside down when used.
NOTE: Being placed in vertical position, the UHF antenna
will stay as sensitive as if it were oriented the other way
[6] round.
• Take the top rod of the fiberglass range pole provided in
the UHF kit. Insert first its end with special tapping, not
5/8” tapping, around the UHF antenna ([7]).
CAUTION - This special tapping uses a thinner thread
compared to the standard 5/8” one. For this reason, be
careful when you start screwing the rod into the UHF
module. Make sure the rod fits well in the threaded part
of the UHF module.
• Screw the top rod onto the threaded part of the UHF
module. Spin the rod, rather than the receiver, when doing
[7] this.
• The receiver + top rod assembly can then be mounted on
top of the other part of the range pole (the bottom rod).
• Complete the setup of your R4s + UHF radio rover system
by attaching the data collector onto the range pole. You
are now ready for a survey.
Completing Base Two types of base setups are possible with an external UHF
Radio Setup With antenna:
External UHF • The UHF antenna may be installed in vertical position on
Antenna the same tripod as the base receiver.
For this setup, you may use a PacCrest radio.
[8] Follow the instructions below:
– Secure the bracket onto one of the legs of the tripod
(see [8]).
[9] – If you wish to keep GNSS reception optimum, you may
keep the UHF antenna below the GNSS receiver by
fastening the counterpoise of the antenna directly onto
the bracket (see [9]). (The antenna counterpoise is
part of, and is located at one end of the coaxial cable
[10] provided.)
Then screw the antenna support onto the counterpoise
and mount the UHF antenna on top of it (see [10]).
– If you prefer to optimize the radio range with this
setup, raise the UHF antenna by inserting the two-
element pole provided between the bracket and the
[11] antenna counterpoise (see [11]).
• The UHF antenna may be installed on a separate tripod at
some distance from the base receiver, but still remaining
compatible with the length of the coaxial cable you will be
using. The UHF antenna should be installed at the highest
possible height.
On receiver side, after the UHF module has been secured to
the receiver and properly configured, do the following
whatever your choice of antenna setup:
[12] • Pass the male connector of the coaxial adapter cable
(PN 96845) through the oblong hole of the pole extension
(PN 95672) and make it go out of it at its upper end (see
• Connect it to the coaxial output of the UHF module.
• Screw the pole extension to the threaded part on the UHF
module (see [13]). Spin the pole extension, rather than
the receiver, taking care not to jam the coaxial cable
extension when doing this.
• Secure the receiver/pole extension assembly onto the
• Connect the other end (female connector) of the coaxial
cable extension to the coaxial cable coming down from the
UHF antenna.
• Set up the base on the chosen reference point.
Completing Base The UHF antenna is connected directly to the UHF module
Radio Setup With and is hidden in the pole. The pole is installed on top of a
Internal UHF tripod. Follow the same instructions as with a rover (see
Completing Rover Radio Setup on page 21) to install the
Antenna internal UHF antenna, but this time you will be using:
• A quarter-wave antenna.
• The pole extension with the oblong hole (from the UHF
kit). You don’t need to use the coaxial adapter cable.
Collecting Raw Data Files
Raw Data Logging You can control raw data logging sessions directly from the
in Standalone R4s, without the need for a data collector. After turning on
Mode the receiver, do the following to enable raw data logging:
Downloading The first time you connect the USB port to a computer, the
Raw Data Files required driver is installed automatically on the computer.
to a USB Key After the driver has been installed, follow the instructions
• Connect the USB key to a mini-USB-to-USB adapter (see
picture). (This adapter is not provided.)
• Connect the other end of the adapter to the R4s. After
about 2 seconds, the buzzer sounds briefly, meaning the
USB key is ready for use, and the Log LED starts flashing
amber at a fast rate. If you do nothing in the next 4
seconds, the Log LED will turn off and you won’t be able
to start the download sequence.
• So while the Log LED is still flashing, press the Power
button. This causes the buzzer to sound briefly meaning
the receiver is now downloading all its G-files to the USB
key. The buzzer will emit another brief sound when the file
transfer is complete.
• Disconnect the mini-USB-to-USB adapter from the R4s.
NOTE: This procedure will not delete the downloaded files
from the receiver.
Downloading Raw Use R4s File Manager. See page 30.
Data Files Directly
to a Computer
Upgrading Receiver Firmware
Firmware upgrades will be downloadable from the Trimble
website in the form of compressed “.tar” files. The name of
the “.tar” file, as well as the step-by step upgrade procedure
will be given in the accompanying Release Note.
You are not allowed to Completing a firmware upgrade procedure will take up to
upgrade a receiver if anti- 10 minutes. For this reason, it must be run with the receiver
theft or/and start up
protection is active or if the powered from either a properly charged internal battery or
receiver is operated with an using an external power source.
in-progress or expired
validity period. Unless otherwise specified in the Release Note attached to
the upgrade package, follow the instructions below to
complete the upgrade of your receiver:
1. Follow the first three steps described in Getting Started
With R4s Loader on page 26.
2. Click Upgrade. Wait until R4s Loader has detected the
3. Browse your computer in search of the upgrade file.
4. Select the file and click Open. R4s Loader then provides
information on the currently installed firmware, the new
firmware as well as the current state of the battery (if the
internal battery is used).
This should tell you if you can run the upgrade with the
battery, or rather use a fresh one or an external power
Installing a Firmware Option
Before you start this procedure, make sure you have received
an email from Trimble containing the POPN corresponding to
the firmware option you have purchased.
NOTE : Your computer needs an Internet connection to install
a firmware option using a POPN.
With the POPN now in your possession, do the following to
install a new firmware option:
• Follow the first three steps described in Getting Started
With R4s Loader on page 26.
• Click Option. Wait until R4s Loader has detected the
R4s Loader then displays the serial number of your
receiver and prompts you to enter the POPN.
(There is an alternate method to activate a firmware
option, which is to enter the option key (provided by
Trimble) corresponding to the desired firmware option,
and to specify that option in the nearby field.)
• Enter the POPN and then click on Update. Let the receiver
proceed with the installation of the firmware option (a
status window is displayed showing a progress bar). Take
care not to turn off the receiver while the installation is in
• After successful completion of the installation, click Close
to close the status window.
• Click Close again, then Exit to quit R4s Loader.
Validating RTX Subscription
After you have purchased an RTX subscription, Trimble
Positioning Services will email you a validation code. You may
purchase a subscription for working in:
• CenterPoint RTX
• FieldPoint RTX
• RangePoint RTX
• ViewPoint RTX
Use the same procedure as the one used to install a firmware
option (see Installing a Firmware Option on page 28); the
available RTX subscriptions are listed as firmware options).
The only difference is that no POPN is provided for this
procedure. Just enter the code provided by Trimble
Positioning Services and specify the type of subscription you
purchased before you click Update.
R4s File Manager R4s File Manager allows you to copy “log” files and G-files
Software Utility directly from the receiver’s internal memory to the desired
folder on your office computer.
Additionally you can delete any G-file or “log” file from the
receiver’s internal memory.
G-files are GNSS raw data files in proprietary format (ATOM).
“Log” files are editable text files listing all the operations
performed by the receiver in one day.
The install file of R4s File Manager is an exe file which you
can get for free from your local dealer.
To Office
Via USB or DB9
Power/Data Cable *
RS232-to-USB Serial Port A
Adapter Cable * and DC Input
*: All these items are part of the Office Power Kit P/N 94336 (option).
The Office Power Kit required for this serial connection is
designed to let you power the receiver from an AC outlet
rather than from the receiver battery (see illustration
When applied to the receiver’s DC input, the external
power source has priority over the internal battery, which
means the battery can be left safely inside the receiver (it
won’t be drained).
IMPORTANT: Be sure you align the red markings (a red dot
on the connector, a red line on the socket) before pushing
the Lemo connector in. Conversely, when it’s time to
disconnect the Lemo connector, please use the attached
metal strap to pull the connector out.
In this setup, you can alternately replace the Power/Data
cable (P/N 59044-10) from the Office Power Kit with
cable P/N 95715 from the Field Power Kit (option). See
diagram below.
To Office
Power Cable ** Universal
Power Block
Cord DC Input
Cable *
To AC R4s
*: This item is part of the Office Power Kit P/N 94336 (option).
**: This item is part of the Field Power Kit P/N 94335 (option)
Getting Started Double-click on . The R4s File Manager window which
With R4s File then appears is detailed below.
[2] [3]
• Delete button: Deletes the files currently selected in pane
[2] or [3].
[2]: Pane showing the content of the currently open folder on
computer side.
[3]: Pane showing the content of the currently open folder on
receiver side. The receiver’s root folder contains two or three
• Internal memory: Lists all G-files recorded by the receiver
in its internal memory
• Log files: Contains log files (one per day). Each log file
lists all the actions performed by the receiver in one day.
• USB key, if one is currently connected to the receiver.
To open a folder, double-click on it. To go back to the parent
folder, click on .
[4]: Pane showing copy/delete operations in progress, and all
those completed since the connection with the receiver was
established. This pane is cleared at the beginning of each
new working session of R4s File Manager.
• In the left-hand side of the window, browse your computer
to the folder where to copy the files (recipient folder).
• In the right-hand side of the window, highlight the file(s)
you want to copy.
• Click on the Copy button. Files are then copied, as
requested. The lower part of the screen provides reports
information on the copy operations in progress.
Restoring Factory This can be done starting from a powered-off receiver. Just
Settings hold down the Power button for about 10 seconds. This
causes a reset procedure to be started. At the end of this
procedure, all factory settings are restored, except the
following, which are kept unchanged:
• Bluetooth
– PIN code
– Receiver’s Bluetooth name
• Anti-Theft & startup protections
– Current states (enabled or disabled)
– Password
– Anti-Theft position
– Last position computed
Restoring factory settings is not allowed if one of these cases:
• Anti-theft protection is active
• Startup protection is active
• A validity period is active (whether still in progress or
over). (Validity periods are designed to let users work with
the receiver in a predefined configuration and for a limited
period of time.)
Technical GNSS Characteristics
Specifications • 240 GNSS channels
– GPS L1 C/A, L1P (Y), L2P (Y), L2C
– GLONASS L1 C/A, L2 C/A, L1P, L2P
– QZSS L1 C/A, L2C, L1Z, L1C
– BeiDou B1, B2, B1C
– Galileo E1, E5b
– L-Band MSS
• Patented Z-Blade technology for optimal GNSS
– Full utilization of signals from all 6 GNSS systems
(GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo, QZSS and SBAS)
– Enhanced GNSS-centric algorithm: Fully independent
GNSS signal tracking and optimal data processing,
including GPS-only, GLONASS-only or BeiDou-only
solution (Autonomous to full RTK)
– Fast Search engine for quick acquisition and re-
acquisition of GNSS signals.
• Patented SBAS ranging for using SBAS code & carrier
observations and orbits in RTK processing
• Patented Strobe™ Correlator for reduced GNSS multi-
• Up to 10 Hz real-time raw data (code & carrier and
position output)
• Supported data formats: ATOM, CMR, CMR+, RTCM 2.1,
2.3, 3.1 and 3.2 (including MSM). In rover only: CMRx
and sCMRx.
• NMEA 0183 messages output
• Vertical: 15 mm (0.049 ft) + 1 ppm
Horizontal GNSS
Service Initialization Time
Accuracy (RMS) Frequencies
CenterPoint RTX < 4 cm < 30 min, or <5 min (*) L1+L2
FieldPoint RTX < 10 cm < 15 min, or <5 min (*) L1+L2
RangePoint RTX < 30 cm <5 min (**) L1+L2
ViewPoint RTX < 50 cm <5 min (**) L1
(*) First figure is without RAM available (RAM: Regional Atmospheric Model),
second figure is with RAM available.
(**) With or without RAM available.
Real-Time Performance
• Instant-RTK® initialization
– Typically 2 seconds for baselines less than 20 km
– Reliability: up to 99.9%
• RTK initialization range: over 40 km
Physical Characteristics
• Size: 21 x 21 x 7 cm (8.3 x 8.3 x 2.3”)
• Weight: 0.930 kg (2.08 lb)
• User interface: Five LEDs for power, tracking, Bluetooth,
data logging and radio
• I/O interface:
– RS232 serial link
– USB 2.0/UART and USB OTG
– Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR, long range: class 1 (19 dBm)
• Memory:
– 256 MB internal memory NAND Flash
– Over a month of 15 sec. raw GNSS data from
14 satellites
• Operation:
– RTK rover & base
– RTK network rover: VRS, FKP, MAC
– CenterPoint RTX (IP and satellite)
– NTRIP, Direct IP
– Post-processing
• Environmental characteristics:
– Operating temperature: -40° to +65°C (-40° to
+149°F) (4) (7)
– Storage temperature: -40° to +85°C (-40° to +185°F)
– Humidity: 100% condensing
– IP67 waterproof, sealed against sand and dust
– Drop: 2 m pole drop on concrete
– Shocks MIL STD 810 (fig. 516.5-10)(01/2000) (8)
– Vibrations: MIL-STD-810F (fig 514.5C-17)(01/2000)
• Power characteristics:
– Li-Ion battery, 7.4 V, 2600 mAh
– Battery life time: 10 hrs (GNSS On, and UHF Rx Off);
or 8 hrs (GNS On, UHF Rx On)
– External DC power: 9-28 V
• Optional system Components:
– UHF kit (410-470 MHz, 2 W, TRx)
– Field Power Kit
– Office Power Kit
– Data collectors: Ranger 3, T41, MobileMapper 20,
ProMark 120
– Field Software: Trimble Access
Data collectors:
• Ranger 3
• T41
• MobileMapper 20
• ProMark 120
Field software:
• Trimble Access
AC/DC power block 2 R4s File Manager 30, 33
Adapters 4 R4s File Manager (copy files) 34
ADLCONF 20 R4s File Manager (delete files) 35
ARP 6, 19 R4s Loader 26
B Radio 13, 15, 17
Battery charger 2 Range pole, 2 m 3
Battery LEDs 11 RangePoint RTX 4, 29
Battery LEDs Statuses 12 Raw data logging 13
Buzzer 8 RTX subscription 29
CenterPoint RTX 4, 16, 29 SBAS 36
Control panel 5 Screwdriver 3
D Service mode 20
Slant measurement 7, 11
Data collectors 39
Soft bag 2
Direct IP 15
Download data to USB key 24 Soft bag for range pole 3
Tape measure 2, 7
External power for a base 17
TBC 25
F Trimble CenterPoint RTX 1
Field software 39 Trimble RTX 16
FieldPoint RTX 4, 29
Trimble RTX Corrections Services 16
Firmware upgrade 27
Turn on/off receiver 13
Flowchart 14
G UHF kit option 18
Galileo 36
UHF module 3
GNSS centric 36
UHF module (configuring) 20
GPS 36 UHF module (installing) 19
H UHF option (base setup) 22
Height mark 6, 7 UHF option (rover setup) 21
I Upgrade procedure (firmware) 27
Install firmware option 28 Upgrade receiver fimware 27
L USB key 24
L-Band 16 USB-to-mini universal cable 2
Li-Ion battery 2, 9 V
Local base 17 Vertical measurement (instrument height)
Long-range Bluetooth 1, 15, 17 11
N ViewPoint RTX 4, 29
P Z-Blade 1, 36
Phase center location 6, 19
Pole extension, 15 cm 3
Pole extension, 7 cm 2
Power button 11
Power cord kit 2
Power/data cable 4