MCQ Final
MCQ Final
MCQ Final
Skin incisions-
Human skin exists in a state of tension created by internal and external factors. Externally,
skin and underlying subcutaneous tissue are acted on by gravity and clothing. Internally, skin
is subjected to forces generated by underlying muscles, joint extension and flexion, and
tethering of fibrous tissues from zones of adherence.
1. Anosmia (loss of smell) common finding in all EXCEPT- acute otitis media
2. What is the acoustic neuroma feature EXCEPT- it is a fast growing tumor
3. Types of hearing loss- conductive, sensory neuro, mixed
4. The ear has three parts
5. Acute tonsilitis- tx sprays
6. Acute OM main sx- pain/ hearing loss
7. Change in tympanic membrane OM- red, perforation, discharge
8. Types of sinsus- maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid, and frontal
9. Fungal infection otitis externa- aspergellis/ candida
10. Acute laryngitis- voice change
11. Otitis- viral, bacterial, fungal
12. what is true regarding inner ear except :- Cochlear part of the temporal bone
13. otosclerosis causes :- women are more affected
14. scala media is filled with perilymph (endolymph)
27) plastic
33) 8-10 cm
There are four paranasal sinuses, each corresponding with the respective bone from
which it takes its name: maxillary, ethmoid, sphenoid, and frontal
An acoustic neuroma is a type of non-cancerous (benign) brain tumour. It's also
known as a vestibular schwannoma. A benign brain tumour is a growth in the brain
that usually grows slowly over many years and does not spread to other parts of the
Glue ear is where the empty middle part of the ear canal fills up with fluid. This
can cause temporary hearing loss. 2 main treatments are temporary hearing aids
or grommets (small tubes implanted in the ear). Occasionally, surgery may be
recommended to remove some glands at the back of the nose (adenoids). This is
known as an adenoidectomy
- Acute tonsilitis- pain on swallowing/ swallowing problem