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Verbal Logic - 5: Test Drive para Jumble

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Verbal Logic - 5

• Test Drive
• Para Jumble- MCQ Based

Number of Questions : 35 VA - 15

Test Drive Para Jumble

Para Jumbles have made their presence felt in CAT
Time Limit 5 Minutes and other entrance examinations almost every year.
A good reader always has an advantage in solving
Directions for questions 1 to 8: Guess the word. Para Jumble questions. Apart from reading, a good
(Question type - IIFT 2017) understanding of logic helps one to be at ease with
Para Jumble questions. By the end of this exercise
1. SOTIDAYP you would be familiar with various kinds of Para
Jumble questions and approaches to solve them.
Clue: It’s your nightmare come true!
Since 2012, there have been three types of Para
2. REECMTHI Jumble questions in B-School entrance exams:
Clue: Waterproof • Para Jumble - MCQ based – With options,
Comes in Non-CAT entrance exams like IIFT,
Clue: Spring time • Para Jumble – Subjective - Without options,
Comes in CAT
• Para Jumble – Odd sentence - Find the
sentence that doesn’t belong to the paragraph,
Clue: To represent something in an outline
Comes in CAT

5. XAERELCBE Some trends in Para Jumble questions:

Clue: The men who abuse their power to • CAT 2007 – CAT introduced a new type of
dominate women are !!! question this year. In this type of question,
there were five jumbled sentences out of which
6. ORENTVA the first sentence was placed correctly in its
place. The remaining sentences had been
Clue: The annual Diwali clean-up work!
jumbled up by the examiner to be rearranged
in the correct logical order by the candidate.
7. MENRMATDIAS • CAT 2012 – CAT introduced the “Find the odd
Clue: Abolishing weapons sentence in the paragraph” question.
• CAT 2015: CAT introduced the “Para Jumble
8. LILISBACT – Subjective or Non-MCQ” type question. It
Clue: Think of projectiles or their flight. carries no negative penalty and students are
to type the correct sequence in the box B. It is this understanding of the religious and
provided below the question on screen. the secular, the modern and the non-
modern, that has underwritten the
How to solve Para Jumble questions: dominant understanding of the Hindu
• Skim through the sentences. caste system as decidedly “not modern”
• Focus on finding clue words. within the anthropology of South Asia.
• Don’t obsess over the options. C. Early anthropological studies of caste in
• It is better to find one or two mandatory pairs India have usually studied it as a form of
and then look at the options. “tradition” and / or “religion”.
• Always cross check your answer to be certain. D. Given the deconstruction of
anthropological theories of caste through
• Remember that Grammar based clues are
a historical anthropology of its formations
always more trustworthy than Theme based
within colonial modernity, how are we to
anthropologically apprehend caste in
contemporary, post-colonial India?
Types of Para Jumbles – MCQ based:
Various types of Para Jumbles have appeared in CAT (1) CABD (2) CDBA
and other management entrance examinations. The (3) ACBD (4) ABDC
most common types are:
Five sentence Para Jumbles
Four sentence Para Jumbles
Directions for questions 11 and 12: In each of the
Directions for questions 9 and 10: In each of the following questions, five sentences have been given.
following questions, four sentences have been The first sentence or the last sentence is at its correct
jumbled up. These sentences need to be arranged place and the remaining four sentences have been
in a coherent manner to create a meaningful jumbled. These sentences need to be arranged in a
paragraph. Choose the appropriate option as your coherent manner to create a meaningful paragraph.
answer. Choose the appropriate option as your answer.
(IIFT, 2015)
9. A. However, any student who attends core
psychology lectures and tutorials and 11. S1:The beginning of the universe had, of
does the assigned reading should have course, been discussed for a long time.
no difficulty with statistics. P. One argument of such a beginning was
B. This news may cause anxiety among new the feeling that it was necessary to have
students. a first cause to explain the existence of
C. The most important thing is to avoid the universe.
developing a fear of the subject in Q. He pointed out that civilization is
advance. progressing and we remember who
D. Statistics are widely used in psychology performed this deed or developed that
and courses in statistics are a part of every technique.
psychology degree. R. According to a number of early
cosmologies in the Jewish/Christian/
(1) DCAB (2) DBAC Muslim tradition, the universe started at
(3) CBAD (4) CABD a finite and not very distant time in the
10. A. The privatization of religion and tradition S. Another argument was put forward by St.
and its expulsion from the secular space Augustine in his book, The City of God.
of state, democratic politics, and civil
society is a cornerstone of definitions of (1) QRSP (2) RPSQ
modernity. (3) PSQR (4) SQPR
12. A. There is no convincing evidence that any 14. A. Manasseh’s son Amon continued in his
Harappan city was ever burned, severely father’s depravity, but he soon was
flooded, besieged by an army, or taken murdered.
over by force from within. B. Many did not follow Josiah’s example,
B. This would have hampered the local however, and the prophet Zephaniah
agricultural economy and the civilization’s foretold disaster for the nation.
importance as a center of trade. C. His successor Josiah (about 640-609
C. It’s more likely that the cities collapsed B.C.) restored traditional covenant religion,
after natural disasters or after rivers like which was based on the Book of the Law
Indus and Ghaghra-Hakkar changed their newly discovered in a Temple storeroom.
D. The nation never fully recovered from the
D. Archaeologists have long wondered about
effects of this evil king.
the sudden decline of the Indus Valley
E. Revival came during the reign of Hezekiah
but it was immediately swept aside by
S5.The continuing excavations and
anthropological work have the potential to his son Manasseh, who was Judah’s most
lend more insight into the disappearance wicked and longest ruling king.
of this enigmatic civilization.
(1) CADB (2) ABDC (3) BCDAE (4) EBCAD
(3) BADC (4) DACB
Six sentence Para Jumbles
Directions for questions 13 and 14: In each of the
following questions, five sentences have been Directions for questions 15 and 16: In each of the
jumbled up. These sentences need to be arranged following questions, six sentences have been given.
in a coherent manner to create a meaningful The first sentence and the last sentences are at
paragraph. Choose the appropriate option as your their correct places and the remaining four sentences
have been jumbled. These sentences need to be
arranged in a coherent manner to create a meaningful
13. A. The government has made elementary
paragraph. Choose the appropriate option as your
education for the children in the age range
4-14 years compulsory and free of cost.
B. In this, children are given free education
with one time meal. Added to this 15. S1:PIMCO’s former CEO Mohammed Erian
government has also taken steps in in his new book Central banking: The only
imparting computer education in the game in town, highlights how a deluge of
primary levels. central bank debt purchases has
C. The Indian government has established heralded an unprecedented era of frothy
the University Grants Commission (UGC) asset prices and introduced systemic
for promoting and accelerating the risks.
education system in India. A. Financial markets are manifestation of the
D. For the primary education, the government rule that asset prices can remain
has also taken a few steps. detached from underlying economic
E. This commission functions mainly for the fundamentals for long periods.
upliftment and betterment of higher B. While India has managed to better most
education in India. of its emerging market peers, doubts
linger about the government’s ability to
tread on the path of fiscal prudence.
C. With China showing definitive signs of B. This is expected to lead to an increase of
slowdown, the risk-off mode of global exports by $30 billion and attract
portfolio investors has already seen investments of Rs. 74,000 crore in three
trillions of dollars exiting emerging years.
economies. C. The special package in June 2016
D. While this has happened because the allocated Rs. 6,000 crore to the textiles
political establishment has largely skirted garments sector, which provides tax and
responsibility, near-zero interest rates production incentives.
have led to competitive currency D. However, manufacturers haven’t begun
devaluation in the developed and emerging increasing hiring and production as they
markets alike, and led to profoundly need further clarity, before they make
volatile exchange markets. further investments and hire more
S6:The principle of ‘reversion-to-mean’ has employees, which the government is
been statistically discredited. addressing.
E. “All these measures have a lead time. So,
(1) DBCA (2) DCBA we are expecting huge growth in exports
(3) DBAC (4) DABC and further growth from January 2017,” said
16. S1:Where a piano note is too low for the violin, F. Besides, the government expects that it
it leaps into a higher octave. would create 1 million jobs, and help India
A. Now, if it were a viola...but it has been compete in global markets.
years since I played the viola.
B. What I lost there I have never come near (1) CBFDAE (2) BCDFAE
to retrieving. (3) FABECD (4) CDEFAB
C. As it is, it is playing the songline an octave
above its script. 18. A. This third – party liability insurance is
D. The last time was when I was a student mandatory for all vehicles and offers
in Vienna ten years ago. unlimited cover for injuries and death
S6:Love or no love, I could not continue in caused by the vehicle.
that city. B. Insuring your vehicle is important because
in case of an accident, the insurance
(1) BDAC (2) BACD company picks up the bill for repairs.
(3) CADB (4) CBAD C. This compensation can run into several
lakhs of rupees and on occasions has
Directions for questions 17 and 18: In each of the even touched the nine figure mark.
following questions, six sentences have been given D. General insurance companies have been
and these sentences are jumbled. These sentences lobbying for a cap on the liability for several
need to be arranged in a coherent manner to create years.
a meaningful paragraph. Choose the appropriate E. What only a few people know is that the
option as your answer. insurance company also compensates
(SNAP, 2016, MB) the victims of the accidents in which the
insured vehicle is involved.
17. A. The subsidy transmission will take a F. They contend they are losing money
couple of quarters more, the scheme, because the compensation is higher than
industry experts say will work because it the premium earned.
has come when the sector is recovering
and needs an impetus push for rapid (1) DBFAEC (2) DFCABE
growth. (3) ABCDEF (4) BECADF
Directions for questions 19 and 20: In each of the S6:In a society where tolerance often means
following questions, six sentences have been given. Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, where social stigma
The first sentence or the last sentences is at its often outweighs even the weight of the law,
correct place and the remaining five sentences have Leila Seth’s candour was more important
been jumbled. These sentences need to be arranged than many realise.
in a coherent manner to create a meaningful
paragraph. Choose the appropriate option as your (1) BCDAE (2) DBEAC
answer. (3) DBAEC (4) BDCEA

19. S1:The placebo effect remains as the most Directions for questions 21 to 33: In each of the
bizarre aspect of modern medicine. following questions, four, five, or six sentences have
A. Strangely enough, even though the pill has been jumbled. These sentences need to be arranged
no chemicals that could have a in a coherent manner to create a meaningful
physiological effect on the body, paragraph. Choose the appropriate option as your
physiological effects still take place, often answer.
with curative results.
B. The most influential studies investigating 21. A. Pursued by the Empire’s sinister agents,
the placebo effect usually involve sugar
Princess Leia races home aboard her
pills or ‘dummy pills’, the purpose of which
is to convince the patient that they are
B. During the battle, Rebel spies managed
taking a pill with medicinal properties.
to steal secret plans to the Empire’s
C. The placebo effect takes place when a
ultimate weapon, the DEATH STAR, an
patient is led to believe that they are
armored space station with enough power
receiving a medically effective treatment,
when in fact they are receiving none. to destroy an entire planet.
D. The placebo effect is believed to work C. It is a period of civil war.
based on the psychosomatic model, D. Rebel spaceships, striking from a hidden
which teaches us that, because of the base, have won their first victory against
intimate relationship that exists between the evil Galactic Empire.
the mind and body, mental processes can
affect medical outcomes. (1) CDBA (2) DBAC
E. Precisely how culture, meaning and belief (3) CADB (4) CABD
can allow us to recover from illness is still
shrouded in uncertainty. 22. A. Abolishing the current version of the 500
and 1,000 rupee notes, worth about $8
(1) CBADE (2) CABDE and $15, will effectively remove 80 percent
(3) BCADE (4) BDCAE of the currency in circulation.
B. It is also expected to help the government
20. A. She spoke about something much more clean up a system that has relied on cash
vulnerable - love and loneliness. to pay bribes and to avoid taxes.
B. She did not sugarcoat her concerns. C. But the announcement, made on national
C. She worried how the law and sexuality television in both Hindi and English, led
could be misused against her son. to an immediate upheaval in the country.
D. She never claimed it was easy for her to D. The ban is intended both to curb the flow
accept it. of counterfeit money and to take aim at
E. But more than anything else she worried terrorist organizations that rely on
about something far more fundamental, unaccounted-for cash.
something that we speak too little about
when we talk about rights, discrimination (1) DBAC (2) DBCA
and obsolete penal codes. (3) CADB (4) CABD
23. A. Updated infrastructure and qualified (1) CBAD (2) CADB
teachers, too, are proffering premier (3) BCDA (4) CBAD
quality of content.
B. A decade ago it was considered that one 26. A. Sourav Ganguly, the man who fought all
cannot get the world class education in odds and never ceases to amaze is an
India. epitome of guts and glory resulted in
C. However, governing bodies had acted upon appearing as the finest batsman and
the drawbacks and brought some captain of Indian cricket team.
necessary changes. B. His hunger to achieve success and
D. Syllabuses have been amended, new passion for the game of cricket is truly an
courses are being added and teaching inspiring tale which not only fascinates
methodologies have been changed. the youngsters but the whole community
of Crick-lovers across the globe.
(1) CDAB (2) CABD C. Being a very influential figure in Indian
(3) BCAD (4) BCDA cricket history he is the person who
changed the perception of Indian cricket
24. A. Princess Diana is a powerful, strong-willed and cricketers abroad.
character who does not back down from D. He was a great mentor who identified and
a fight or a challenge. gave talent the opportunity to flourish.
B. Princess Diana commands respect both E. Today, as India climbs to its new heights
as Wonder Woman and Diana Prince; her as an international cricket team, one
epithetical title – The Amazon Princess – cannot but awe the amazing work which
illustrates the dichotomy of her character. he put in to strengthen its foundation.
C. She’s simultaneously both the most fierce
and most nurturing member of the Justice
D. Yet, she is a diplomat who strongly “favors
27. A. Three years ago I packed up my life in
the pen” and a lover of peace who would
New Zealand and sold or gave away
never seek to fight or escalate a conflict.
everything, even my kayaks.
B. No extreme sports, no adrenalin, no
(1) BACD (2) ADCB
competition; my new life here is about
(3) BADC (4) ACBD
saying yes to everything I never thought I
25. A. It slept in the closet with my father’s
C. I decided to say yes to the unknown,
shirts, trousers and shoes, it guarded his
landing me in a whole new life in Bali.
Beethoven, Prokofiev and Shostakovich D. I am finding joy in the little things, learning
scores, his hats, armchair and special how to be in the moment, and realizing
cup. all that I thought was important isn’t.
B. I fell asleep certain that, in the morning, E. Going slowly, practicing mindfulness
Ba would wake me as he always had, his through yoga, meditation, and dance,
voice tugging me from sleep, until this learning how to speak Indonesian, and
delusion compounded the loss, and hurt now scuba diving, my life looks like
more than what had come before. something I never in a million years would
C. Then, quiet became another person living have guessed it would be.
inside our house.
D. Quiet moved into our minds and stormed (1) ABCDE (2) ABCED
like an ocean inside my mother and me. (3) ACBED (4) ACBDE
28. A. In a sense, the narrator is like a (1) ECBAD (2) ECBDA
puppeteer. (3) BDECA (4) EBCAD
B. This means that the narrator is not a
character in the story but rather an 31. A. Almost predatory.
external observer that can enter the B. Fiction writers as a species tend to be
thoughts of all of the characters in the oglers.
story. C. This happens because they are born
C. The narrator of Paradise Lost is an viewers.
omniscient third person. D. This is because human situations are
D. Milton does this on numerous occasions, writers’ food.
often telling us what Satan is thinking E. They are the ones on the subway about
about, or what Adam is really feeling.
whose nonchalant stare there is
E. He knows the whole story, and he knows
something creepy.
how he wants to present it, so he sits
F. The minute they stop moving, they tend
back and feeds his readers information
to lurk and to stare.
as he sees fit.

29. A. It is 1939, and we are in Abrezzo, Italy. 32. A. The questioning teens will view the videos
B. The film “Life is Beautiful” opens with an and realize life can “get better”.
atmospheric shot of a silhouetted figure B. In response to a recent spate of suicides
wandering through dense dust and debris. of gay youth, Dan Savage and his partner
C. Like a fable, there is sorrow, and like a Terry Miller developed It Gets Better, a
fable, it is full of wonder and happiness. video project that has inspired tens of
D. This is a simple story, the narrator says, thousands of LGBT people to post short,
but not an easy one to tell. positive videos to YouTube.
E. The shot then brightens, and we see a C. It is just one example of digital media
simple country road.
providing a support network for LGBT
D. It Gets Better has garnered over 10 million
views and has drawn national media
30. A. Closely linked to such a perception was
E. Social media provides an outlet for making
recognition that there were things to learn
queer friends and straight allies, and
from the west.
B. A quest for cultural self-assurance was allows organizations like the University of
often the unconscious motive. Washington’s Q-Center—an on-campus
C. It was inspired mainly by an urge to safe haven, resource, and activism
assess the comparative merits of Indian center—to reach enormous numbers of
civilization, its differences with the people for rallies, petitions, and events.
dominant culture of the time and its relative F. Other websites like The Trevor Project,
superiority or inferiority. Matthew’s Place, and GLAAD provide
D. A more conscious purpose was to assess resources, forums, and counselling to gay
the impact of the west, increasingly seen youth who may be living in intolerant or
as a threat to the Indian way of life with unequipped regions, communities, or
unfortunate implications for the country. families.
E. The nineteenth-century Indian discourse
on the West was rarely, if ever, informed (1) BADCFE (2) BDCFAE
only by intellectual curiosity. (3) EBCAFD (4) ABCDEF
33. A. Where was all this an hour and a half ago E. Due to the sheer amount of information
when the score was 0-0 and there was available on the internet and the number
still a match to be won? of people using it, letting children use this
B. Hearing this, you wondered: why now? technology unsupervised can negatively
C. Instead the players of Manchester United impact their psychological health.
coiled back in their own half like a red- F. Studies have found that extended use of
shirted draught excluder, abasing MUDS can be linked to increased
themselves in this grand old stadium before loneliness, depression, and may blur a
the perceived – and conceded – superiority child’s ability to tell reality from simulation.
of their opponents.
D. At which point, with the day still wide open (1) BDFAEC (2) BDFECA
and the spoils there to be claimed, (3) EBDCFA (4) EBDFAC
Mourinho’s men didn’t go banging on
anyone’s door. 35. A. For when Kenneth Clarke, Iain Duncan
E. At first glance the most startling aspect Smith, Sir Bill Cash and Nicky Morgan
of the Manchester derby tunnel fracas is all say they are united about Brexit policy,
the fact it seems to have been kicked off it can only mean one thing: that the thing
by José Mourinho knocking on the they claim to agree about is worth very
dressing room door and going toe-to-toe little.
with Manchester City’s players. B. They combined for an afternoon to produce
F. The fronting-up, the arrogance of a bull the political equivalent of a Christmas truce
charging at a drawn sword, the stick-it– on the western front in the First World
to-them bravado. War.
C. For these MPs are not comrades but
(1) CEBFAD (2) EBAFDC enemies.
(3) CDAFBE (4) EBFADC D. Conservative MPs of every ideological hue
queued up to praise Theresa May’s
34. A. Furthermore, there are few restrictions on interim agreement with the European
who can use the internet. Union on Brexit on Monday.
B. The internet gives people access to multi- E. All that can be said with confidence is
user domains (MUDS), which are virtual that this truce, like the one on the western
worlds where strangers can interact front, will not last.
together. F. That in itself ought to make any sensible
C. The presence of online predators targeting person wary about what was taking place.
children has also been widely publicized
by the media. (1) DACFEB (2) DFACBE
D. Examples include multi-user chat rooms (3) ABEDFC (4) ACBEFD
and multi-player games.
VA - 15 : Verbal Logic - 5
Answers and Explanations

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 2 10 1
11 3 12 4 13 4 14 2 15 2 16 3 17 1 18 4 19 1 20 4
21 1 22 2 23 4 24 3 25 2 26 1 27 3 28 3 29 4 30 2
31 3 32 1 33 4 34 4 35 2

1. Dystopia declined. C provides certain assumption while B tries

to justify it.
2. Hermetic
13. 4 There are two themes mentioned in this paragraph –
3. Blossom higher education and primary education. C opens the
paragraph by talking about UGC and its role in “the
4. Adumbrate education system in India”. C and E make a mandatory
pair (UGC-this commission). D starts the topic of
5. Execrable. It means “unequivocally detestable” primary education but it can’t be the opening sentence
because of “also”. A and B describe the “steps” taken
6. Renovate by the government. Hence, DAB make a mandatory
7. Disarmament
14. 2 EDACB is the ideal sequence. E introduces
Manasseh as the evil king followed by D which
8. Ballistic
portrays the effect of the evil king on the nation.
Sentence A introduces Manasseh’s son, who was
9. 2 D opens the paragraph as it mentions the name of murdered, followed by C where the next king tries to
the discipline (Psychology). “This news” in B refers to restore the religion. B follows it sequentially by stating
D. Hence, D and B make a mandatory pair. A about the ones who did not follow him.
introduces a contradiction with “however”. C gives a
conclusion and it also refers to “the subject” i.e. 15. 2 D is clearly the sentence that follows S1; “this has
Statistics. happened” in D refers to “heralded and unprecedented
era” in S1). C comes next as it explains the “volatile
10. 1 C introduces the topic i.e. the understanding of the exchange markets”. CB make a mandatory pair as
concept of caste. D looks like the opening sentence both explain D. A will come before S6 (“Economic
but it is a question which summarises the entire fundamentals” – The principle of ‘revision-to-mean’.
paragraph. So, it should come at the end of the
paragraph. A and B make a mandatory pair as “this 16. 3 “It is” in C refers to “the violin” in S1. A comes next as
understanding” in B refers to the concept defined in A. the author talks about playing a different instrument. D
So, 1 is the correct option. talks about the last time the author played the viola. B
comes next as “there” in B refers to Vienna. DBS6
11. 3 P comes after S1 (one argument of “such a beginning”). make a mandatory sequence - Vienna, there, that city.
S comes next with “another argument”. Q comes next This paragraph is an excerpt from An Equal Music by
(St. Augustine - He). R will come at the end though this Vikram Seth, a wonderful writer.
paragraph is, by no mean, complete. As PSQ make a
17. 1 CB is a mandatory pair: “Special package – this is
mandatory sequence, the position of R is not crucial to
expected.” “Besides” in F makes it the next statement
the answer. So, option 3 is the correct answer.
as it continues the idea of the expected positive impacts
of the move. D introduces a change in the narrative as
12. 4 The paragraph starts with D which showcases
it talks about some roadblocks for the scheme. DAE
archeologists’ wondering in search for the fall of the
make a mandatory sequence. “These measures” in E
civilization. It is then followed by A which proves that makes it the concluding sentence.
there is no convincing detail about how the city
18. 4 B is the topic sentence as it introduces the concept of make a mandatory pair (Quiet, which has been
insurance. Either E or C can come next. However EC personified – it, living in our house – A explains this). D
is the right order because “this compensation” in C will come next as it further explains this loss. So CAD
refers to E. A comes next as it continues to explain make a mandatory sequence. So, option 2 is the correct
“this third party insurance”. “The liability” in D makes it answer. The position is a bit vague. But thematically it
the next sentence. DF is a pair as they share a cause- comes after CAD.
effect relationship. D is the assertion and F gives the
reason. 26. 1 A has to be the opening sentence because it mentions
the full name of the person under discussion: Sourav
19. 1 C explains the opinion mentioned in S1. Hence, we Ganguly. B has to be the last sentence as it is the best
can eliminate options 3 and 4. B explains the topic conclusion. It talks about Ganguly’s influence on cricket
raised by C. A shows how placebo pills work and lovers across the globe. E, D, and C talk about a very
puzzle the scientists. E is the last sentence as it specific influence of Ganguly i.e. his leadership skills.
introduces a new thought about placebo pills. So, option So, the only correct option is 1.
1 is the correct answer.
27. 3 A is the opening sentence according to all the
20. 4 The answer to this question can be found by eliminating options. So we just need to arrange the remaining
options after locating the strongest mandatory pair in four sentences. C comes after A (packed my life –
the paragraph: EA (fundamental – love). Only options said yes to the unknown). B further explains “life in
2 and 4 will be left. C can’t be the penultimate statement Bali”. E gives the example of “saying yes to
as it introduces Leila Seth’s concerns. Hence, option everything”. D gives the conclusion to this by
4 is the correct answer. summarizing the entireparagraph.

21. 1 C is the correct opening sentence as it introduces the 28. 3 C introduces “the narrator”, followed by B which
period. DB is a mandatory pair (won the first victory – explains the type of narrator used in this story. D
the battle). B and A too have a thematic link as they informs that Milton has used this technique multiple
both talk about the Empire. times. A is a kind of conclusion. The word “puppeteer”
is explained by E. So, 3 is the correct answer.
22. 2 There are two mandatory pairs in this paragraph –
DB (both talk about the expected benefits of 29. 4 B is the topic sentence as it introduces the film under
demonetisation move) and CA (both talk about the discussion “Life is Beautiful”. D and C make a mandatory
problems in executing the move). The positioning of pair. Both the sentences talk about what the narrator
the pairs is what needs to be determined. As C starts is saying. “Then” in E makes it the next sentence
with “but”, it should come after D and B. So, option 2 is sequentially. This shot is revealed to be Italy by A. So,
the correct answer. option 4 is the correct option.

23. 4 B is the opening sentence as it has “India” and it 30. 2 E is the opening sentence. It introduces the theme of
specifies the issue at hand. The remaining sentences discourse. BD is a mandatory pair (unconscious –
talk about how India has tackled the problem. C more conscious). A (such a perception) can come
introduces this change with the word “however”. D after D as they share the same theme. So, option 2 is
and A make a mandatory pair as both talk about the the correct answer.
actions of the governing bodies. A comes after D
because of the word “too”. 31. 3 Statement B is the opening sentence as it introduces
fiction writers. F follows B as it has a tone similar to
24. 3 A or B can open the paragraph. D and C make a that of B. “They” in F is a reference to fiction writers
mandatory pair as C acts as an explanation of D. D discussed in B. F and C form a mandatory pair as C
after C will be incorrect as ‘yet’ will then be thematically explains why fiction writers tend to stare. E will not
redundant. Now, we need to go from the options. follow B because if it did, the sentences that follow,
Because of DC, only options 2 and 3 remain relevant. will leave no space for statements F and C. Further,
B can’t come after C as the theme of B doesn’t match statements E, A and D become a mandatory pair.
that of C and D. So, option 3 is the correct answer. “Nonchalant stare” and “creepy” used in E, give way
to statement A. A tells that their stare is “almost
25. 2 This question can be answered by looking at the theme predatory”. D further concludes the paragraph by
and the options. The paragraph talks about the author covering the activities of fiction writers under the garb
dealing with her father’s death / departure. C and A of “writers’ food”.
32. 1 The given jumbled paragraph talks about an online 34. 4 Either B or E can start the paragraph. However, the
video project ‘It gets better’ to stop suicides among topic of the paragraph is the negative impact of the
the LGBT community. B introduces the topic. It is internet on children. E also talks about the internet
followed by A which elaborates on the purpose of the which is more generic. So E is a better opening
project. It is sequentially followed by D which sentence. B and D is a mandatory pair as B defines
discusses the recent success of this project. D is MUDs and D gives the examples. F and A also make a
followed by C which states that It Gets Better is one mandatory pair as “furthermore” in A can only come
of the many projects available online. F follows C after F. C (also) comes next. So, option 4 is the correct
justifying it by mentioning other forums which deal answer.
with the counselling of gay youth. The paragraph ends
with E, which provides the correct conclusion to the 35. 2 D is clearly the opening sentence (Conservative
paragraph by portraying the role of social media which MPs, Theresa May). F (that in itself) refers to D. A
successfully has created forums for disillusioned and C come next. C explains the reason for the
youth to communicate with other people and discuss author’s opinion in A. B comes next as it leads to E.
their problems. E is the concluding sentence.

33. 4 Considering the theme of the paragraph, it can be

surmised that the author talks about United’s post match
antics despite a cowardly show during the match. E is
first sentence because it introduces the problem. It
mentions that the initiator being Mourinho was a startling
aspect. B follows this because the author assumes
the reader’s response to the previous statement. F
describes the manner with which Mourinho was armed
when he went knocking. A introduces the crux of the
matter as the author inquires why this necessary
intensity was missing in the pitch. D contrasts the
post-match situation with that occurring during the
game. C finally offers the reader the way United
behaved on the field, a behaviour which cost them the

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