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What happens to the liquid at X?

A It becomes less dense and falls.

B It becomes less dense and rises.
4 3
solid liquid gas
CName: _____________________________________
It becomes more freezing
dense and falls. Class: 10____ Date: ___/___/20__ __

2.3.3 – Transfer of thermal energy (Radiation)

D It becomes more dense and rises.
For substances to change from one state to another, there must be some energy transfer.

1 16 The
Which changes involve the substance taking in energy and which changes involve the substance
tubes inside solar heating panels use the Sun’s radiation to warm water.
giving out energy?
Why are the tubes painted black?
energy taken in energy given out
A Black surfaces absorb radiation well.
A 1 and 2 3 and 4
B Black surfaces conduct heat well.
B 1 and 3 2 and 4
C C Black surfaces
2 and 4 emit radiation
1 andwell.
D D Black surfaces
3 and 4 reflect radiation
1 and well.
2 7

16 In hot weather, people use electric fans to keep cool.

2 17
19 In
Howa liquid-in-glass thermometer,
does heat transfer through a the liquidtake
vacuum column is 2.0 cm long at 0 °C and it expands 10.0 cm
Why do
when the fans
heated make
to 100 °C.them feel cool?
A by conduction, convection and radiation
2.0 cm 10.0 cm
A They change one form of energy into another.
B by conduction only
B They cool the air P in the room.
C by convection only
C They increase the rate of evaporation from the skin.
D by radiation only 0 °C 100 °C
D They speed up the vibration of air molecules.
Measuring from P, how long is the liquid column at 30 °C?
3 17 Four metal cans are identical except for the colour and the texture of their outer surfaces.
A 2.3 cm B 3.0 cm C 5.0 cm D 7.0 cm
100 cm3 of water at 70 °C is poured into each can.

Which cools the most rapidly?


© UCLES 2015 5054/12/M/J/15 [Turn over

black, black, white, white,

outer surface:
rough shiny rough shiny

© UCLES 2011 5054/12/O/N/11

18 A liquid-in-glass thermometer consists of a bulb containing a liquid which expands into a very thin
capillary tube.

bulb capillary tube

The liquid in the thermometer is replaced by the same volume of a different liquid that expands
more for the same temperature rise.

The new thermometer will have

A greater sensitivity and a greater range.

B greater sensitivity but a smaller range.
C the same sensitivity and the same range.
D the same sensitivity but a greater range.
B saucepan
15 A useful output energy
is used = input
to heat energy
up some + wasted energy
C wasted energy = input energy + useful output energy
plastic handle
D wasted energy = useful output energy

4 16 Two identical metal plates are painted, one matt (dull) white and the other matt black. These are
placed at equal distances from a radiant heateraluminium
as shown. pan
The heater is turned on for five

hot plate

How is heat transferred through the aluminium pan and through the plastic handle?

matt white radiant matt black

metal plate he ater metal plate
heat is transferred through heat is transferred through
the aluminium pan by the plastic handle by
A metal plate absorbs
the movement more
of free energy and which
electrons plate emits
the movement ofmore energy in this time?
free electrons
and the vibration of atoms and the vibration of molecules
absorbs more emits more
B the movement of free electrons
the vibration of molecules only
A black
and the vibration of black
C black
the movement white
of free electrons the movement of free electrons
only and the vibration of molecules
C white black
D the movement
white of free electrons
white the vibration of molecules only

17 A liquid-in-glass thermometer contains mercury.

5 16 A silver cup is filled with boiling water from a kettle.
Which physical property of the mercury varies with temperature, enabling the thermometer to
A man touches the outside surface of the cup and finds that it is extremely hot.
A mass
Why is the surface so hot?
B melting point
A Convection takes place in the boiling water.
C resistance
B Silver is a good conductor of heat.
D volume
C The boiling water gives out latent heat.
D The shiny surface is a good emitter of infra-red radiation.
© UCLES 2013 5054/12/M/J/13 [Turn over

6 17
15 The temperature
A slice shown
of bread is byunder
placed a mercury-in-glass thermometer
a red-hot electric increases.
grill to make toast.
Which of the following is constant? grill
A the density of the mercury slice of bread
B the internal energy of the mercury
Howthe mass
does of energy
heat the mercury
reach the bread?
D the volume of the mercury
A conduction and convection
B conduction only
C 2013
© UCLES and radiation 5054/12/O/N/13 [Turn over

D radiation only

16 The diagram shows the inside of a refrigerator.

7 25 A metal box has four different surfaces; dull black, shiny black, dull silver and shiny silver.

The box is filled with boiling water so that each surface is at the same temperature.

A sensor measures the amount of radiation from each surface.


dull meter
shiny silver

Which surface emits the least radiation and8 which surface emits the most radiation?

17 A thermocouple is a type of thermometer.

least most
A statement applies to
dull black a thermocouple?
shiny silver
A BIt can dull
varying temperatures.
B CIt must be made
shiny blackfrom three different metals.
dull silver
C DIts resistance decreases
shiny silver dullwhen one junction is heated.
D The distance between the two junctions increases as the temperature increases.

8 18 A heater is designed to radiate thermal energy.

Which change to the design decreases the thermal energy emitted by radiation?

A a darker coloured surface

B a higher surface temperature
C a larger surface area
D a shinier surface

19 A sound wave in a solid is represented by a series of lines. The diagram shows compressions C
and rarefactions R at one instant in time.


Which statement is correct?

A All particles on one line move in the same direction at the same time.
B 2017
© UCLES The direction of travel of the sound wave5054/12/M/J/17
is parallel to the lines. [Turn over
C The distance between a compression and its adjacent rarefaction is a wavelength.
B mercury
C rubber
D water

9 25 The diagrams show four identical cans with their outside surfaces either polished silver or painted
dull black. Each can contains the same volume of water, initially at 80 °C.

After five minutes in a cool room, which can contains the coolest water?
5 (a) No thermal energy (heat) is transferred from the surface of the Sun to the Earth by For
either conduction or convection. Examiner’s

Explain why this is so.


dull black polished silver dull black polished silver

...................................................................................................................................... [2]
26 A communications system uses microwaves with a wavelength of 15 cm. The speed of light is
(b) 3.0 108 m / s.
In a×certain country, the climate is very sunny and hot during the day and extremely cold
during the night.
What is the frequency of the microwaves?
Explain how painting the houses white helps to maintain a comfortable temperature
both2.0 × 107the
during Hz dayBand4.5 × 107the
during C 2.0 × 109 Hz
Hz night. 9
D 4.5 × 10 Hz

during the day: .................................................................................................................



during the night: ...............................................................................................................

© UCLES 2018 5054/12/M/J/18


3 Fig. 3.1 shows a metal roof. One side is facing the Sun. For
sunlight Use

metal roof

Fig. 3.1

(a) State the means by which thermal energy (heat) is transferred from the Sun to the Earth
and explain why other means of thermal energy transfer are not involved.


...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Describe how thermal energy is transferred through the metal roof from the heated



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(c) During the night, the metal roof loses 1.2 × 106 J of thermal energy and its temperature
falls by 20 °C.

The specific heat capacity of the metal in the roof is 400 J / (kg °C).

Calculate the mass of metal in the roof.

mass = ................................ [2]

© UCLES 2010 5054/22/M/J/10

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