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Increase Product Quality For A Car-Wash Shampoo Concentrate

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Increase Product Quality for a Car-Wash Shampoo Concentrate.

Article · August 2022

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajaic.20220602.11


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2 authors:

Hebah Abdel-Wahab Tamara M. Gund

Delaware County Community College New Jersey Institute of Technology


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American Journal of Applied and Industrial Chemistry
2022; 6(2): 31-35
doi: 10.11648/j.ajaic.20220602.11

Increase Product Quality for a Car-Wash Shampoo

Hebah Abdel-Wahab1, Tamara Gund2
Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Division, Hudson County Community College, Jersey City, USA
Department of Chemistry and Environmental Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA

Email address:

To cite this article:

Hebah Abdel-Wahab, Tamara Gund. Increase Product Quality for a Car-Wash Shampoo Concentrate. American Journal of Applied and
Industrial Chemistry. Vol. 6, No. 2, 2022, pp. 31-35. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaic.20220602.11

Received: July 27, 2022; Accepted: August 11, 2022; Published: August 24, 2022

Abstract: The market for vehicle cleaning products in Western Europe has approached a value of $400 million dollars in
2007. Domestic and industrial automated cleaning of vehicles can include four main steps, pre-wash, main wash, rinse, and
drying besides the manual cleaning of domestic vehicles. The objective of this work is to find chemical compounds and
additives that would increase the quality of the car wash shampoo concentrate, exclude chemical compounds that would
decrease the quality of the current formulation, and make 1L of concentrate dilute to 500L for its use and distribution. It has
been found that the amount of surfactants used in the current formulation is low compared to the amounts used in references,
the solvents used in the current formulation are humectants and are only used in personal care products not in car wash
shampoos, and some chemical compounds that would make high quality car wash shampoos are missing from the current
formulation lowering its quality: emulsifying/foaming agents (3%), some builders (5%), and solvents that would dissolve
grease are missing from the current formulation (4%). For a Liter of concentrate dilute to 500L, the amount of builders,
solvents and surfactants must be increased to 1 ½ and the amount of water must be decreased to ½.
Keywords: Car-Wash Shampoo, Formulation, Quality, Concentrate, Improvement

soiling of the vehicle and the ease of its removal. [2].

1. Introduction The bodywork of the automobile is of consist of multiple
An international company in ON Canada is looking to coatings; each coating provides a variety of functions. Figure
improve chemical properties of their Car wash shampoo. A 1 shows the coating layers in the bodywork of modern cars.
liter of carwash shampoo concentrate dilutes only to 200L The paintwork of the vehicle is the external surface to be
using the current formulation. The formulation consists of the cleaned.
following chemical compounds: 5% Linear Alkyl Benzene
Sulphonic Acid (LABSA), 20% Sodium Lauryl Ether
Sulphate (SLES), 5% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS), 1%
Sodium Hydroxide, 2% Betaine, 61.5% Water, 3% Sodium
triphosphate, 2% Glycerol, and 0.5% Propylene Glycol [1].
Car maintenance products are classified into interior and
exterior car care products. Interior car care products are
deodorants, grease cleaners, vinyl and plastic cleaners and
polishes, interior wins screen cleaners, carpet shampoos, and
leather polishes. Interior car care products include, tyre
dressings and cleaners, pre-soak detergents, car polishes,
wash and wax formulations, windscreen cleaners, water
repellents and drying aids, and wheel rim cleaners. The
climate and the season of the year affect the nature of the Figure 1. Modern vehicle paintwork structure. 3.
32 Hebah Abdel-Wahab and Tamara Gund: Increase Product Quality for a Car-Wash Shampoo Concentrate

The base coat is usually water based polymeric binders, and they don’t damage any part of vehicle surface including
fillers, and pigments. The inner coating, the electro- the paintwork. Economy car shampoos do not contain
deposition paint and the phosphate based anti-corrosion layer builders. Powder car shampoos are made of a mixture of
provide protection to the metal surface. On top of the builders (carbonates, phosphates or metasilicates) and
protective coatings is the filler layer, it must have an surfactants (fatty alcohol ethoxylates or dodecylbenzene
excellent adhesion property to both top-coat and the base sulphonates) absorbed onto the powder. The main anionic
coat. The finishing lacquer must have good impact strength, detergent can be either Alkylbenzene sulphonates and/ or
retain gloss, and it must be waterproof. Domestic and sodium lauryl ether sulfates. Sodium lauryl ether sulfates is
industrial automated cleaning of vehicles can be divided into incorporated into the formulation used when denser richer
four main steps, pre-wash, main wash, rinse, and drying foam is required. Fatty acid alkanolamides, amine oxide or
besides the manual cleaning of domestic vehicles. Pre-wash betaine are used in the formulation for viscosity and to
includes cold degreaser, microemulsion, and foam wash. stabilize the foam produced. For greater foam stability and
Main wash includes shampoo, and microemulsion. Rinse viscosity, amides are added to the formulation. To increase
includes hot/ cold wax and rinse aid. [3]. the quantity of the foam produced, betaines and amine oxides
Car shampoos can be either in liquid or in powder form. are used. Glycerol ether are used to ease grease removal.
Liquid car shampoos are a combination of binders, Secondary surfactants are used for viscosity and foam
surfactants and liquids dissolved in water as the main solvent. modifications, and are also used to enhance spot removal,
These products are easily to rinsed off, high foaming, and to improve detergency. Binders such as phosphates (0.5-
biodegradable, made to cut through grease on the bodywork, 2.5%) are added to improve detergency. [4].

Table 1. Traditional anionic car wash shampoo formulation [4].

Chemical Compound % by weight used the formulation

Sodium carbonate (binders) 2
Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate (binders) 3
Sodium citrate (water softner) 2
Glycerol ether (solvent) 4
Linear alkyl benzene sulphonate (30%) detergent 27
Sodium lauryl ether sulphate (28%) Detergent 10
Coconut diethanolamide (foam producer) 3
Water 49
Preservatives/ dyes Q.S.

Low hydrophilic lipophilic balance (HLB) fatty alcohol adjuster. It’s an ingredient in most common liquid detergents.
ethoxylate / hydrotropic system replaced the traditional It’s also used in some food products to adjust its acidity. It’s
anionic surfactant-based car shampoo as they afford more used in ice cream, gelatin desserts, candy, and jelly. It’s also
effective cleaning performance, decreasing and they have used in some pharmaceutical and personal care products,
low foam profile. [5]. such as sunscreens, facial moisturizers, makeup, baby wipes,
Sodium citrate is known to be a water softener and a PH soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. [28].

Table 2. HLB fatty alcohol ethoxylate/ hydrotropic car wash shampoo formulation [5].

Chemical Compound % by weight used the formulation

Fatty alcohol ethoxylate (low HLB) 5
Hydrophobe (alkyl glycoside or quaternary fatty amine ethoxylate) 5-10
TKPP (Tetrapotassium Pyrophosphate) Detergent builder 6
Sodium metasilicate 4
Balance water

Coconut di-ethanol amide is used as an emulsifying and distempers. [15] Because of its good performance and low
foaming agent in personal care products and in cosmetics. It’s cost linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid is the largest volume
extracted from coconut oil. It’s also used in hydraulic fluids synthetic anionic detergent. As all surfactants, linear
and industrial cooling lubricants. [29]. alkylbenzene sulfonic acid has both hydrophilic and
hydrophobic groups. Other examples of commercial anionic
2. Experimental surfactants are alkyl sulfates and Alpha-olefin sulfonates.
These compounds are produced by sulfonation, and they are
Linear alkyl benzene sulphonic acid with a chemical non-volatile compounds. Linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid
formula of CH3(CH2)11C6H4SO3H and a molecular mass of consist of a phenyl isomer of 5 to 2 position substituents,
326.49 is used as a mercerizing and washing agent in textile different alkyl chain lengths consisting of ten to fourteen
industry. It’s used as an emulsifier and wetting agent in small carbon atoms (C10-C14), and an aromatic ring sulfonated at
quantities with surfactants as it increases the surface area of the para position attached to the linear alkyl chain at any
American Journal of Applied and Industrial Chemistry 2022; 6(2): 31-35 33

position except position 1, the 1-phenyl position. The and act as solvent. [17]. It’s present in 70% of the earth’s
chemical and physical properties of linear alkylbenzene surface as seas and oceans. [18] In the world economy, 70%
sulfonic acid differ based on the length of the alkyl chain, of water is used in agriculture. [19].
giving rise to different formulations and different usage in Sodium triphosphate with a chemical formula of Na5P3O10
various applications. [6]. and a molecular mass of 367.864 g/mol is used as a
Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate with a chemical formula of component of industrial and domestic products in a large
CH3(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)nOSO3Na and a molecular mass of scale. [20].
421 g/mol is used as a surfactant and it’s an anionic It’s used as a builder and a water softener in commercial
detergent. It’s a very effective foaming agent, inexpensive, detergents. Detergents are deactivated in water containing
and used in shampoos, toothpastes, and soaps. [7]. high concentrations of Mg2+ and Ca2+, hard water. It’ a
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate with a chemical formula of chelating agent as it binds tightly to bications and prevents
C12H25NaSO4 and a molecular mass of 288.4 g/mol is used in them from interfering with sulfonate detergent. It’s used as an
hygiene, cleaning, food and pharmaceutical products, and it’s emulsifier to retain moisture, and it’s also used as a
an anionic surfactant. It is widely used as food additives in preservative in the food industry. It’s also used as anti-
the food industry, and as emulsifier and an ionic solubilizer cracking agent, flame retardant, anti-corrosion pigment, and
in the pharmaceutical industry. [8]. as a synthetic tanning agent and masking agent in the leather
Sodium Hydroxide Sulphate with a chemical formula of industry, [21].
NaOH and a molecular mass of 39.9 g/mol is a strong base, Glycerol with a chemical formula of C3H8O3 and a
hygroscopic solid, soluble in water and can cause severe molecular mass of 92.094 g/mol is an odorless and a non-
burns. It’s used in various industries, it’s used in the toxic colorless viscous liquid at room temperature. [22]
manufacture of drain cleaner, soaps, detergents, textiles, Glycerol is hygroscopic in nature and is miscible in water.
drinking water, pulp and paper. It’s used as paint stripper, It’s used as a humectant in pharmaceutical formulations as it
cleaning agent, relaxer, and in food preparation. [9]. improves the ability of skin to absorb water, and it’s used in
Betaine with a chemical formula of C5H11NO2 and a the food industry as a sweetener. [23].
molecular mass of 117.146 g/mol is a chemical compound Propylene Glycol with a chemical formula of C3H8O2 and
occurring in plants and it’s an amino acid, it’s a white solid at a molecular mass of 76.095 g/mol is colorless viscous
room temperature [10]. It is present in living cells and it’s a liquid at room temperature and has a faintly sweet taste. It’s
methylated nitrogen compound. It’s used in the miscible in a wide variety of solvents including chloroform,
pharmaceutical industry in the preparation of shampoo and acetone, and water. It’s a non-irritating substance with a low
soap as it’s a nonionic surfactant. Due to its high surface volatility. [24] It’s used in various industries including food
activity, its derivatives are used as efficient cleansing agents. and drug, anti-freezes, polymers, and electronic cigarettes.
It’s also used as viscosity modifiers, foam stabilizers, and It’s used as a humectant in hand sanitizers to prevent skin
detoxifiers. Betaine esters can be used in antiperspirants as it drying. [25] It’s used in coffee-based drinks, ice creams,
processes anti-microbial activity. [16]. whipped dairy products, soda, and liquid sweeteners. [26]
Water with a chemical formula of H2O and a molecular Polypropylene glycol alginate gives rise to greater increase
mass of 18.01 g/mol is an inorganic compound that is in form stability equal in the amount of neutral
odorless, tasteless, transparent liquid at room temperature, polysaccharides. [27].

Table 3. Lists the Chemical name, molecular formula and molecular weight of chemical compounds used in the current formulation.
Molecular Weight Amount used in the
Chemical Name Chemical structure Molecular Formula
(g/mol) current formulation (%)

Linear Alkyl
Benzene Sulphonic CH3(CH2)11C6H4SO3H 326.49 5
Acid (LABSA)[6]

Sodium Lauryl Ether Variable; typically

CH3(CH2)11(OCH2CH2)nOSO3Na 20
Sulphate (SLES)[7] around 421 g/mol

Sodium Lauryl
C12H25NaSO4 288.372 5
Sulphate (SLS)[8]
Sodium Hydroxide.
[9] 39.997 1

Betaine. [10] C5H11NO2 117.146 2

34 Hebah Abdel-Wahab and Tamara Gund: Increase Product Quality for a Car-Wash Shampoo Concentrate

Molecular Weight Amount used in the

Chemical Name Chemical structure Molecular Formula
(g/mol) current formulation (%)
Water (Dihydrogen
H2O 18.01 61.5
Monoxide) [11]

Sodium triphosphate
Na5P3O10 367.864 3

Glycerol [13] C3H8O3 92.094 2

Propylene Glycol
C3H8O2 76.095 0.5

The current formulation consists of 1% builder in the form amount of solvents used should be increased to 4% to
of sodium hydroxide, 3% water softener in the form of increase the quality of the car wash shampoo formulation.
sodium triphosphate, 32% surfactants in forms of 5% Linear For the current formulation to dilute to a greater volume 500L,
Alkyl Benzene Sulphonic Acid, 20% Sodium Lauryl Ether and to also maintain the quality of the car wash shampoo
Sulphate and 5% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, and 2.5% solvents concentrate, the amount of surfactants, builders, foaming agents,
in forms of 0.5% Propylene Glycol and 2% Glycerol. and solvents must be increased relative to the amount of the
Sodium and potassium hydroxides are known to be used in main solvent used to dissolve it’s components. The current
wheel rim cleaner formulation as the alloy wheel pick up dirt formulation dilutes to 200L, in order for the formulation to
and grease from the road and they are prone to dirt from the dilute to double this volume the amount of the main solvent used
abrasive wear of brake shoes. The amount of sodium and to dissolve it’s components must be decreased to ½ and the
potassium hydroxides used in the wheel rim cleaner amount of surfactants/ builders/ foaming agents and solvents
formulation 0-15%. [3]. It isn’t known to be used in carwash must be increased by 1 ½. Taking the traditional anionic car
formulations. Other builders are known to be used in car wash shampoo formulation as an example, the percentage of
wash formulations to soothe out slight imperfections and to each chemical compound in the formulations would be: 3%
remove road grease and stubborn tar from the bodywork of Sodium carbonate, 4.5% Sodium metasilicate pentahydrate, 3%
the vehicle. These builders would be calcium carbonate, Sodium citrate, 6% Glycerol ether, 40.0% Linear alkyl benzene
silicones, and lamella aluminum silicates. To increase the sulphonate, 15% Sodium lauryl ether sulphate, 4.5% Coconut
quality of car wash shampoo formulation silicone derivative diethanolamide, and 24.0% water as the dissolving solvent.
builders are added as to the formulation. Silicone derivative
builders contribute to the ease of application of the products, 3. Conclusion
the gloss and it’s water repellency property. [2].
The amount of surfactant used in the current car wash The current formulation for the contrate must be modified
shampoo formulation concentrate is 32% (5% Linear Alkyl to increase its quality. It’s not recommended the use of
Benzene Sulphonic Acid, 20% Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate, sodium hydroxide as a builder or the use for glycerol/
5% Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, and 2% Betaine). To increase propylene glycol as solvents in the car wash shampoo
the quality of the car wash shampoo, the amount of formulation and the amount of surfactants must be increased
surfactants in the formulation must be increased to 37%. to at least 37%.
The solvents used in the current formulation: 0.5% propylene The choice of builders and solvents are critical to avoid
glycol and 2.0% glycerol, both are known to be used as stress- cracking of plastics and to avoid damage to painted
humectants in pharmaceutical personal care product surface.
formulations to improves the ability of skin to absorb water. Sodium hydroxide are known to be used in wheel rim
These solvents aren’t known to be used in car wash shampoo cleaner formulation as the alloy wheel pick up dirt and grease
formulations. Other solvents used in car wash shampoo from the road not in car wash shampoos, glycerol and
formulations (4% glycol ether) to aid in removal of surface dirt propylene glycol are known to be used as humectants in
and to act as carrier for silicates and components of the shampoo. lotions and personal care products. Sodium hydroxide,
Solvents that are commonly are used in car wash shampoo glycerol, and propylene glycol aren’t known to be used in car
formulations are glycol ethers such as di propylene alcohol wash shampoo formulations.
mono methyl ether used as solvent to dissolve grease. [2]. Builders used in car wash shampoo formulations to
The choice of solvent is critical to avoid stress, cracking of remove road grease and stubborn tar from the bodywork of
plastics and to avoid damage to painted surface. [2]. It isn’t the vehicle, sooth out minor surface scratches and slight
recommended the use of glycerol or propylene glycol in the imperfections, and contribute to the gloss, the water
formulation, and it’s recommended the use of glycol ether. repellency, increase the durability of the overseal, and to
Also, the amount of solvents used in the current formulation polish the paint work. Calcium carbonates, silicones, lamella
is low 2.5% compared to the amount used reference 4%. The aluminum silicates, and poly dimethyl siloxane are known to
American Journal of Applied and Industrial Chemistry 2022; 6(2): 31-35 35

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