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2018 Theme 4c Kinematics Thrust Blocks

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310 ‐ Hydraulics

I Loots

Thrust blocks
• Pipe systems experience unbalanced
thrust forces due to static and dynamic
fluid forces
• Normally occur at flow direction changes
– Elbows, tees, reducers, valves, dead ends
• Forces must be balanced for equilibrium
• Provide reactive forces with thrust blocks,
But what is a thrust
This is a thrust block
So how does one
decide on the size
Consider the theory
Theory to consider
• Flow classification
• Flow characteristics
• Streamlines
• Fundamental laws
Three fundamental laws

1. Conservation of matter (mass)

mass flow entering  mass flow leaving Q entering  Q leaving

2. Conservation of energy
p1 v12 p2 v22
  z1    z 2  h f  hl
g 2 g g 2 g

3. Conservation of momentum
F F  Qv2  v1 
Conservation of mass

Fundamental principle:

Matter cannot be created

nor destroyed
Conservation of energy

Fundamental principle:

Energy cannot be created

nor destroyed
Conservation of momentum

Fundamental principle:

A body in motion cannot

gain or lose momentum
unless an external force is
Consider the
Calculation procedures
1. Get a control volume
– Cut the body loose from its surroundings

2. Select axes
Calculation procedures
3. Determine the following at the inlet and
– Pressures
– Velocities
– Flow rates
4. Determine the forces: y
– Pressure forces FPx  p x A
– Momentum forces FMx  ρQV2x  V1x 
– Reaction forces FMx   FPx  FRx  x
Calculation procedures
5. Determine the soil conditions (if
6. Calculate thrust block dimensions/weight
Consider the
restraining method
Restraining methods
• Thrust block (bearing area)
• Thrust block (friction between thrust block
and soil)
• Anchor rings / Puddle flange
• Harnessed joints (friction between soil
and pipe)
• Combination of these methods
Thrust block bearing area
Thrust force
Bearing area required 
Safe horizontal bearing capacity of soil
Fu = total thrust force (kN)
A = bearing area of thrust block (m²)
Pbearing = bearing capacity of soil (kPa or kN/m²)

Safety factor ?
What is bearing capacity?
In geotechnical engineering, bearing capacity is
the capacity of soil to support the loads applied
to the ground. The bearing capacity of soil is
the maximum average contact pressure
between the foundation and the soil which
should not produce shear failure in the soil.
Ultimate bearing capacity is the theoretical
maximum pressure which can be supported
without failure; while allowable bearing capacity
is the ultimate bearing capacity divided by a
factor of safety.
Typical bearing capacities
Soil type Bearing capacity (kPA)
Hard sound rock - Broken with some difficulty and rig when struck. 10 000
Medium hard rock - Cannot be scraped or peeled with a knife: hand- held specimen 5 000
breaks with firm blow of the pick.
Soft rock - Can just be scraped with a knife: indentation of 2 to 4 mm with firm blow of 2 000
the pick point.
Very soft rock - Can be peeled with a knife: material crumbles under firm blows with 1 000
sharp end of a geological pick
Dense Well-graded Sand, Gravel and Sand-gravel mixture
Dry 400
Submerged 200
Loose Well-graded Sand, Gravel, Sand-gravel mixtures or Dense Uniform Sand
Dry 200
Submerged 100
Loose Uniform Sand
Dry 100
Submerged 40


Calculate friction
• Between thrust block and soil:
Fs   M c  M w  M s  M p  g
Fs = total friction resistance between the thrust
block and soil (N)
Mc = mass of concrete thrust block (kg)
Mw = mass of water in pipe resting on thrust
block (kg)
Ms = mass of soil on top of thrust block (kg)
Mp = mass of pipe resting on thrust block (kg)
μ = friction coefficient between soil and
thrust block
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s²)
Calculate friction
• Between thrust block and soil:
Fs   M c  M w  M s  M p  g
Fs = total friction resistance between the thrust
block and soil (N)
Mc = mass of concrete thrust block (kg)
Mw = mass of water in pipe resting on thrust
block (kg)
Ms = mass of soil on top of thrust block (kg)
Mp = mass of pipe resting on thrust block (kg)
μ = friction coefficient between soil and
thrust block
g = gravitational acceleration (m/s²)
Typical friction coefficients
Soil Friction coefficient
Clean hard rock 0,70
Clean gravel to coarse sand 0,55 to 0,60
Clean fine to medium sand, medium to coarse sand 0,45 to 0,55
with silt, gravel with silt or clay
Clean fine sand; fine to medium sand with silt or clay 0,35 to 0,45
Fine sand with silt; non-plastic silt 0,30 to 0,35
Very firm and hard clay 0,40 to 0,50
Medium to hard clay and clay with silt 0,30 to 0,35

Friction coefficient (μ) is affected by the degree of compaction

and moisture content
Thrust block installation
• The sides and bottoms of excavations
against which thrust blocks are cast shall
be sound and undisturbed and all loose
material shall be removed
• All joints should be left accessible
• Upward forces should be balanced by the
weight of the block
• Pipe material and connection methods
should be considered
Anchor rings / puddle flange
Anchor rings / puddle flange
Pipe OD Ring width Ring ty Minimum Permissible
(mm) A thickness B (ty = ts + tr) weld tw load on
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) ring (kN)
Maximum pipe pressure of 1034 kPa (150 Psi)
168 25 10 1.9 3.2 23
219 25 10 2.0 3.2 39
273 38 10 2.5 3.2 61
324 38 10 3.0 3.2 85
356 51 10 3.3 3.2 103
406 51 10 3.7 3.2 134
457 51 10 4.2 3.2 170
508 76 13 4.7 3.2 210
610 76 13 5.6 3.2 302
762 102 16 7.0 4.8 472
914 102 16 8.4 4.8 679
Harnessed joints
• Steel pipe – A guide for design and
installation (AWWA M11) 4th edition
• Design for sleeve couplings
• Harness plate thickness, bolt tensile
stress, spacing around pipe, tightening
procedure etc.
Harnessed joints
• Type P (smaller diameters)
Harnessed joints
• Type RR (larger diameters)
Harnessed joints
• Type RR (larger diameters)
Some examples
Above ground installation
Above ground installation
Above ground installation
Above ground installation
Above ground installation

Design life? Patent pending?

T-piece underground

Nominal Dimensions
D Z X Y Vol
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (m³)
300 1400 700 2700 1300 2,550
250 1300 650 2150 1100 1,500
200 1200 600 1600 800 0,770
150 1000 500 1300 650 0,420
100 1000 500 500 300 0,075
75 800 400 400 300 0,054
Anchor rings
Puddle flange
Harnessed joint
Software options
• UPThrust - Thrust block design program

• AISI – Steel Water Pipe Design Software

Exercise 2
Question 1
A 300 mm diameter pipe reduces to a 200 mm diameter pipe and then it
branches into two 200 mm diameter pipes. Determine the magnitude and
direction of the reaction force exerted by the thrust block to keep the pipe
distribution piece ABC in position. The flow at C = 0.1 m³/s and the pressure
head at C is 10 m. The flow at B = 0.05 m³/s. The volume of the water in the
pipe distribution piece ABC is 60 l. Neglect the weight of the pipe. Assume
energy losses from A to C 1.5 and between A and B the energy losses

1.2 .
p1 v12 p2 v22
  z1    z2
g 2 g g 2 g

FMx  ρQV2x  V1x 

FPx  p x A
Question 2
A pipeline with dimensions as shown changes direction
from horizontal to 45o downwards. The flow rate in the pipe
is 2 m³/s and the pressure head at A is 9 m. Ignore the
weight of the pipeline (light plastic) and determine the
magnitude and direction of the force exerted on the thrust
block. The volume of water in the pipe section is 2.6 m³.

p1 v12 p2 v 22
  z1    z2
g 2 g g 2 g
FPx  p x A
FMx  ρQV2x  V1x 
m  F/g
V  m/
Question 3
Water flows through a specially made 200 mm cast iron reducing T-piece. The
one end (C) of the T-piece has a blank flange (i.e. dead end) and the other side
(B) is sized to fit a 160 mm Class 12 uPVC pipe (see typical photo layout of
such an installation). The T-piece in this installation is placed at an angle of 45º
to the horizontal (x-y plane). The plan view and side elevation of this
configuration is shown in the figure below. The flow rate through the T-piece is
44 l/s and the pressure at A is 700 kN/m2. Ignore the mass of the T-piece and
the water and determine the magnitude and direction of the reaction force
exerted on the T-piece. Draw the energy and hydraulic gradelines for the T-
piece for flow from point A to point B (ignore energy losses). Draw, name and
use the calculated values.
p1 v12 p2 v22
  z1    z2
g 2 g g 2 g

FMx  ρQV2x  V1x 

FPx  p x A
Thank you

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