Introduction To Aerospace Engineering AER 1110 Elements of Airplane Performance
Introduction To Aerospace Engineering AER 1110 Elements of Airplane Performance
Introduction To Aerospace Engineering AER 1110 Elements of Airplane Performance
AER 1110
Elements of Airplane
Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim, Ph.D.
Aerospace Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Cairo University
January 2, 2023
• Introduction; The Drag Polar
• Equation of Motion
• Thrust Required for Level Unaccelerated Flight
• Thrust Available and Maximum Velocity
• Power Required for Level Unaccelerated Flight
• Power Available and Maximum Velocity
• Altitude Effect of Power Required and Available
• Rate of Climb
• Gliding Flight
• Time to Climb
• Range and Endurance: Propeller Driven Airplane
• Range and Endurance: Jet Propelled Airplane
• Relation between CDo and CDi
• Take Off Performance
• Landing Performance
• Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• Accelerated rate of Clime (Energy Method)
• Special Consideration for Supersonic Airplane
• Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAVs)
• Micro Air Vehicle
• Quest for Aerodynamic Efficiency
• Propeller/ Reciprocating engine combination
• Jet Engine
• Where
Low-speed drag polar and variation of lift to-drag ratio for the Lockheed
C-141A. The airplane is shown in a three-view above the drag polar.
Introduction; The Drag Polar
Drag polar where the zero-lift drag coefficient is not the same as the
minimum drag coefficient.
Equation of Motion
• For most conventional airplanes, αT is small enough that cos αT ≈ 1 and sin αT ≈ 0.
Thrust Required for Level Unaccelerated
• Recall
• And
• Thus, the thrust required for an airplane to fly at a given velocity in level, unaccelerated flight is
Thrust Required for Level Unaccelerated
• Thrust-required TR for a given airplane at a given altitude varies with velocity V∞ . The thrust-
required curve is a plot of this variation and has the general shape illustrated in Figure. To calculate
a point on this curve, proceed as follows
1. Choose a value of V∞ .
2. For this V∞ , calculate the lift coefficient from
Note that ρ∞ is known from the given altitude and S is known from the given airplane. The CL calculated from the above
equation is the value necessary for the lift to balance the known weight W of the airplane.
3. Calculate CD from the known drag polar for the airplane
• Then
• Also
• Thus
Thrust Required for Level Unaccelerated
• However
• Hence
• The curves for zero-lift and lift-induced TR intersect at the velocity for minimum TR (that is, for
maximum L/D)
Thrust Available and Maximum Velocity
• TA is strictly associated with the engine of the airplane; it is the propulsive thrust provided by an
engine–propeller combination, a turbojet, a rocket, or the like
• the intersection of the TR curve ( dependent on the airframe ) and the maximum TA curve (
dependent on the engine ) defines the maximum velocity Vmax of the airplane at the given altitude
Thrust Available and Maximum Velocity
• Recall
• Hence
• Substitute in PR equation
Power Required for Level Unaccelerated
Power Required for Level Unaccelerated
• we can obtain the aerodynamic conditions associated with minimum PR from by setting dPR /
dV∞ = 0.
• Recall
Power Required for Level Unaccelerated
Power available for (a) a piston engine–propeller combination and (b) a jet engine.
Altitude Effect of Power Required and
• Let the subscript 0 designate sea-level conditions
• and
Altitude Effect of Power Required and
• The difference between the available power and required power is the excess power
• Hence,
The equilibrium glide angle can be calculated by dividing the above equations
Gliding Flight
Clearly the glide angle is strictly a function of the lift-to-drag ratio; the higher the L/D , the
shallower the glide angle. From this, the smallest equilibrium glide angle occurs at (L/D)max ,
which corresponds to the maximum range for the glide.
• Therefore, from calculus, the time to climb from one altitude h1 to another h2 is obtained
by integrating the above equation
• Normally time to climb is considered from sea level, where h1 = 0. Hence, the time to
climb to any given altitude h2 is
Range and Endurance: Propeller Driven
• specific fuel consumption, a characteristic of the engine. For a reciprocating engine,
specific fuel consumption (commonly abbreviated SFC) is defined as the weight of fuel
consumed per unit power per unit time.
• Therefore, minimum pounds of fuel per hour are obtained with minimum hpR .Because
minimum pounds of fuel per hour give maximum endurance, we quickly conclude that
Maximum endurance for a propeller-driven airplane occurs when the airplane is flying at
minimum power required.
Range and Endurance: Propeller Driven
• we have already proved that minimum power required corresponds to a maximum value
• On a dimensional basis, we can state the proportionality
• For convenience and clarification, c will designate the specific fuel consumption with
consistent units. Consider the product cP dt , where P is engine power and dt is a small
increment of time. The units of this product are (in the English engineering system)
Range and Endurance: Propeller Driven
• Recall that W denotes the weight of the airplane at any instant. Also
• let W0 = gross weight of the airplane (weight with full fuel and payload), Wf = weight of the fuel load,
and W1 = weight of the airplane without fuel. With these considerations, we have
• Integrating the equation above between time t = 0, where W = W0 (fuel tanks full), and time t = E ,
where W = W1 (fuel tanks empty), we find
Range and Endurance: Propeller Driven
• To obtain an analogous expression for range, multiply by V∞ :
• The total distance covered throughout the fl ight is equal to the integral of the equation above from s
= 0, where W = W0 (full fuel tank), to s = R , where W = W1 (empty fuel tank):
Range and Endurance: Propeller Driven
• Recall
• Because
• Thus
• Assuming that CL , CD , η, c , and ρ∞ (constant altitude) are all constant, this equation becomes
Range and Endurance: Propeller Driven
• It says that to maximize endurance for a reciprocating engine, propeller-driven airplane, we want
• The highest propeller efficiency η.
• The lowest specific fuel consumption c .
• The highest fuel weight Wf , where W0 = W1 + Wf .
• Flight at maximum This confirms our argument in that for maximum endurance, we must fl
y at maximum
• Flight at sea level, because E∝ρ∞1/2 , and ρ∞ is largest at sea level.
Range and Endurance: Propeller Jet
• Thrust-specific fuel consumption (TSFC) for jet engines is commonly given as
• The maximum endurance of a jet airplane occurs for minimum pounds of fuel per hour, the same as
for propeller-driven aircraft. However, for a jet,
• Maximum endurance for a jet airplane occurs when the airplane is flying at the minimum thrust
Range and Endurance: Propeller Jet
• Maximum endurance for a jet airplane occurs when the airplane is flying at a velocity such that
CL/CD is at its maximum.
• maximum range occurs for a minimum number of pounds of fuel per mile. For a jet, on a
dimensional basis,
• The aerodynamic condition holding at this tangent point (of the figure shown in previous slide) is
obtained as follows. Recall that for steady, level flight TR = D . Then
• Because
• We have
Range and Endurance: Propeller Jet
• Maximum range for a jet airplane occurs when the airplane is flying at a velocity such that CL1/2/CD
is at its maximum.
• Let ct be the thrust-specific fuel consumption in consistent units:
• Let dW be the elemental change in weight of the airplane due to fuel consumption over a time
increment dt . Then
• Integrating
Range and Endurance: Propeller Jet
• Recalling that TA = TR = D and W = L , we have
• With the assumption of constant ct and CL / CD = L/D , The above equation becomes
• However, again noting that for steady, level flight, the engine throttle has been adjusted such that TA
= TR.
• Because
• Then
Range and Endurance: Propeller Jet
• Again assuming constant ct , CL , CD , and ρ∞ (constant altitude), we rewrite
Range and Endurance: Propeller Jet
To obtain maximum range for a jet airplane, we want the following:
1. Minimum thrust-specific fuel consumption ct .
2. Maximum fuel weight Wf .
3. Flight at maximum CL1/2/CD. This confirms our argument that for maximum range, a jet must fly at a
velocity such that CL1/2/CD is at its maximum.
4. Flight at high altitudes—that is, low ρ∞ . Of course the previous equation says that R becomes
infinite as ρ∞ decreases to zero (that is, as we approach outer space). This is physically ridiculous,
however, because an airplane requires the atmosphere to generate lift and thrust. Long before
outer space is reached, the assumptions behind the above equation break down. Moreover, at
extremely high altitudes ordinary turbojet performance deteriorates and ct begins to increase. All
we can conclude from the above equation is that range for a jet is poorest at sea level and
increases with altitude up to a point. Typical cruising altitudes for subsonic commercial jet
transports are from 30,000 to 40,000 ft; for supersonic transports they are from 50,000 to 60,000 ft.
Relation between CDo and CDi
Take-off Performance
• From Newton’s second law,
• Integrating
• Integrating
• Substituting about t
Take-off Performance
• Summing forces parallel to the ground and employing Newton’s second law, we have
where h is the height of the wing above the ground and b is the wingspan.
• Assume that T is constant. Also assume an average value for the sum of drag and
resistance forces, then
• V = VLO (the lift off velocity), and m = W / g , where g is the acceleration of gravity,
Take-off Performance
Take-off Performance
• To ensure a margin of safety during takeoff, the liftoff velocity is typically 20 percent higher than the
stalling velocity
• Substituting, we obtain
• Shevell suggests that the average force in above equation be set equal to its instantaneous value at
a velocity equal to 0.7VLO ; that is,
Take-off Performance
• Then
This is why on hot summer days, when the air density is less than that on cooler days, a given airplane requires a longer
ground roll to get off the ground. Also, longer liftoff distances are required at airports that are located at higher altitudes
(such as at Denver, Colorado, a mile above sea level).
3. The liftoff distance can be decreased by increasing the wing area, increasing C L ,max, and increasing the thrust, all of
which simply make common sense.
Landing Performance
• with T = 0
• Assume the RHS of the above equation is equal to its instantaneous value evaluated at
0.7 VT :
• we integrate between the touchdown point, where s = sL and t = 0, and the point where
the airplane’s motion stops, where s = 0 and time equals t :
• Then
• Thus
• Finally we obtain
Landing Performance
• In case of Thrust reversal
• Thus
• Another ploy to shorten the ground roll is to decrease the lift to near zero, hence imposing
the full weight of the airplane between the tires and the ground and increasing the
resistance force due to friction. The lift on an airplane wing can be destroyed by spoilers,
which are simply long, narrow surfaces along the span of the wing, defl ected directly into
the flow, thus causing massive flow separation and a striking decrease in lift.
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• From the Figure
• Hence
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• The airplane is moving in a circular path at velocity V∞ ; therefore the radial acceleration
is given by V∞2 / R . From Newton’s second law,
• The angular velocity, denoted by ω ≡ d θ / dt , is called the turn rate and is given by V∞/ R
. Thus, from the above equation we have
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• For the maneuvering performance of an airplane, military or civil, it is
frequently advantageous to have the smallest possible R and the
largest possible ω. The above show that to obtain both a small turn
radius and a large turn rate, we want
1. The highest possible load factor (that is, the highest possible L / W ).
2. The lowest possible velocity.
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• Because L > W
• and because ω = V∞ / R ,
The pull-up maneuver
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• For The pull-down maneuver, we
can show that
• Then
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• Substituting, we obtain
• Define
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• Clearly R will be minimum and ω will be maximum when both CL and n are maximum. That is,
• There are some practical constraints on the preceding considerations. First, at low speeds, nmax is a
function of CL ,max itself because
Turning Flight and V-N Diagram
• Corner velocity
Accelerated rate of Climb (Energy
• Define
• The energy per unit weight of the airplane is obtained by dividing above equation by W = mg . This
yields the specific energy, denoted by He :
Accelerated rate of Climb (Energy
• How does an airplane change its energy state?, recall
• Recall,
• Then
Accelerated rate of Climb (Energy
• The specific excess power and is denoted by Ps.
• But we have
• Then
• That is, the time rate of change of energy height is equal to the specific excess power .
Accelerated rate of Climb (Energy
Construction of the specific excess-power contours Specific excess-power contours for a supersonic
in the altitude–Mach number map for a subsonic airplane.
airplane below the drag-divergence Mach number.
Accelerated rate of Climb (Energy
• The time to move between these energy states can be obtained as follows
• Note that the above equation shows that maximum range is obtained not with maximum L/D but
rather with the maximum value of the product V∞(L/D). This product is maximum when CL1/2/CD is
maximum, as shown through the derivation in previous equation in this regards. Nevertheless, the
above equation is a useful expression for the range for a jet airplane.
Special Consideration for Supersonic
• to compensate for the loss of (L/D)max , and hence CL1/2/CD in the range for a supersonic
1. Decrease the thrust-specific fuel consumption ct .
2. Increase the fuel weight Wf , thereby increasing the ratio W0 / W1 in
• Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAVs)
• Micro Air Vehicle
• Quest for Aerodynamic Efficiency