Engaging in Nonverbal Communication
Engaging in Nonverbal Communication
Engaging in Nonverbal Communication
We use eye contact, inflections, facial expressions, and body posture to
show interest in others
In formal presentations and casual conversations, we signal interest by
holding eye contact and assuming an attentive posture.
To express lack of interest, Westerners tend to avoid or decrease visual
contact and adopt a passive body position or turn away from the other
person. Members of Asian cultures are less likely to overtly express lack
of interest.
Harmony in people’s postures and facial expressions may reflect how
comfortable they are with each other and how much they support each
In a cohesive team, many nonverbal behaviors typically signal that
members are responsive to one another.
In less cohesive groups, nonverbal behavior shows less responsiveness.
Nonverbal behaviors are keen indicators of whether we feel positive or
negative about others.
particular social groups in still more specific rules. For example, women
generally sit closer together and engage in more eye contact and more
friendly touching than men do
We use nonverbal behaviors to assert dominance and to negotiate status
Space also expresses power
A widely understood regulative communication rule is that people with
status or power have the right to enter the space of people with less
power, but the converse is not true.
Similarly,more-powerful people are more likely to touch others,interrupt,
and approach more closely than less-powerful people
Silence, a powerful form of nonverbal communication, can also be a means
of exerting control.
Silence accompanied by a glare is doubly powerful in conveying disapproval.
In a number of Native American cultures and some Asian cultures, silence
signals mindful attentiveness.
Nonverbal Communication Reflects Cultural Values
nonverbal patterns reflect rules of specific cultures
most nonverbal communication isn’t instinctual but is learned in the
process of socialization.
a highly individualist culture in which people want private spaces, and we
resent and sometimes fight anyone who trespasses on what we consider
our territory. We want private homes, and our own rooms.
In more collectivist cultures, people tend to be less territorial.
Orientations toward time are less rigid among other cultural Groups
Patterns of eye contact also reflect cultural values.
Key Concepts
chronemics - refer to how we perceive and use time to define identities and
Kinesics - refers to body position and body motions, including those of the