Thara Anne M. San Pedro is requesting a stoppage of loan deduction from her salary as a DEPED employee. She provides her full name, GSIS policy number, ID number, agency details, contact information, and the nature of her request which is to stop the deduction of a loan from her salary. No other details are provided about the specific loan or time period of deductions to be stopped. The Member Service Officer has space to provide an analysis and recommendation but none is included in the document.
Thara Anne M. San Pedro is requesting a stoppage of loan deduction from her salary as a DEPED employee. She provides her full name, GSIS policy number, ID number, agency details, contact information, and the nature of her request which is to stop the deduction of a loan from her salary. No other details are provided about the specific loan or time period of deductions to be stopped. The Member Service Officer has space to provide an analysis and recommendation but none is included in the document.
Thara Anne M. San Pedro is requesting a stoppage of loan deduction from her salary as a DEPED employee. She provides her full name, GSIS policy number, ID number, agency details, contact information, and the nature of her request which is to stop the deduction of a loan from her salary. No other details are provided about the specific loan or time period of deductions to be stopped. The Member Service Officer has space to provide an analysis and recommendation but none is included in the document.
Thara Anne M. San Pedro is requesting a stoppage of loan deduction from her salary as a DEPED employee. She provides her full name, GSIS policy number, ID number, agency details, contact information, and the nature of her request which is to stop the deduction of a loan from her salary. No other details are provided about the specific loan or time period of deductions to be stopped. The Member Service Officer has space to provide an analysis and recommendation but none is included in the document.
Name: THARA ANNE M. SAN PEDRO (please write full name with middle initial) GSIS Policy No./Retirement No. GSIS ID No. 75042100412 Agency/Office Address: DEPED RIZAL/ BINANGONAN SUB-OFFICE /TATALA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL/TATALA BINANGONAN RIZAL Mailing Address: C. BOLADO AVE. TATALA BINANGONAN RIZAL Tel. No. (Office Landline): N/A Residence Landline: N/A Fax Number: N/A Cellphone No.: 09089458914 E-mail Address: For DEP ED: Employee No. 4437400 STN No. 004 DIV. No. 043
Nature of Business/Request/Transaction (Please check appropriate box):
Loans Transaction Date Filed Membership Transaction Date Filed Consolidated Loan Issuance of Business Partner No. Policy Loan Re-insurance
Housing Loan Conversion of Life Policy (ELP)
Refund/Recomputation Request for duplicate copy of contract
Request for GSIS Clearance Change of name/status/birth Others: Others:
For DEP ED Employees Date Filed CLAIMS Date Filed
Request for stoppage of loan deduction CSV Request for deduction of loan amortization Maturity Retirement/Survivorship Burial E-SERVICES Date Filed Death Claim Pension Loan CEAP Old Age Pension HIP Survivorship Pension Pre-need Commencement of Pension EC Accrual of Pension OLID Request for Home Visit Disability Others: POSTING Date Filed Others: Other Transactions Others: Specify type of loan and payment months and year Details of Request:
MSO’s Analysis and Recommendation:
Signature over full name of transacting member Signature over full name of attending MSO