A Newly Proposed Ambidextrous Software Testing Model Based On Conventional Black Box Testing Strategy Using The Applications of Gaussian Distribution
A Newly Proposed Ambidextrous Software Testing Model Based On Conventional Black Box Testing Strategy Using The Applications of Gaussian Distribution
A Newly Proposed Ambidextrous Software Testing Model Based On Conventional Black Box Testing Strategy Using The Applications of Gaussian Distribution
value and their occurring patterns, so for using this Equivalent Partitioning are the strategy of Black Box testing
methodology, we tests software with all of its aspects with all technique, where the number of inputs are to be divided into
of its input values, so we examine or tests software in a very some similar classes. In equivalence portioning, equivalence
efficiently manner. Here we proposed or adopted a modular classes are evaluated for given input conditions. Whenever
designing approach [11] of software system architecture any input is given, then type of input condition is checked,
[12,13], which work with all of its module in a very similar then for this input conditions, Equivalence class represents or
manner, but the working criteria of all modules are must be describes set of valid or invalid states.
different. To tests a software with all of its aspects such as:
code coverage and path coverage or branching and looping are Guidelines for Equivalence Partitioning:
really a very challenging and typical concepts. But In this
If we gives the range condition as an input then one valid
newly proposed model we don’t require or examine any
and two invalid equivalences classes are to be defined.
WHITE BOX TESTING [14] methodology, here we adopt
If a specific values are gives as an input, then also one
some BLACK BOX [14] testing methodology which works in
valid and two invalid inputs are to be defined.
a very fast efficient manner, but here we only checked the
If we gives some member of a set as an input, then one
functionality of the software with all of its aspect of the
valid and one invalid equivalence classes are to be
software system in a new manner, we don’t check any non-
functional requirements such as the code coverage, branch
If we gives Boolean number as an input, then also one
coverage, looping and some jumping statements of the
valid and one invalid equivalences classes are to be
software systems. So that’s why we will design all of its test
cases with all of its input values using this newly proposed
methodology for software systems architecture. Because
Normal Distribution [10] or Gaussian distribution [10] are bell
shaped curve, which describe or to define all of its values with
probability density functions. To pick up any values we find
out the importance factor of each values using the Gaussian
Probability Density function [10]. We will design test cases
for all inputs, which contains a low probabilistic value or those
Fig. a: Example of Equivalent Partitioning
which contains a high probabilistic value. We also design test
cases for invalid inputs. We will check any software systems Boundary Value Analysis (BVA): In the concept of
with all of its functional area using this model in a very Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) we test any software
efficient and reliable manner. Its Computational Cost are very systems at the boundaries such as if we take a range of input
low and gives an accurate result and have capability to easily values such as 0-100, then we check software systems at -1
detect some error prone areas inside the software system and 101 for invalid cases and 0 and 100 for valid cases
architecture. Now the working mechanisms of this model are corresponding to range, because a software systems provides
detailed define in the upcoming section of this research paper. some abnormal results at the boundaries of the range of the
input values. Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) are testing
strategy of Black Box Testing where any software product
Equivalence Partitioning: In this methodology we have to be tested at extremely ends because a software can
partitioned some input values into some range of values, In give some abnormal and unsatisfactory results at the boundary
detailed we can say that if we have multiple inputs varieties of the input partitioning. These extremely ends like Start-End,
then In the mechanisms of Equivalent Partitioning we Upper-Lower, Maximum-Minimum, these are called the
boundary values of any input partition.
partitioned or range the values of inputs which gives similar
types of output or which behaviors are same. In general we
The basic idea in normal boundary value testing is to select
can say that Equivalence partitioning or equivalence class input variable values at their:
partitioning (ECP) is a software testing technique or strategy
that divides or partitioned the input data of a software unit into Minimum
partitions of equivalent or similar data from which test cases Just above the minimum
can be derived. In this mechanisms of equivalent partitioning a A nominal value
very reliable and accurate test cases have to generate such as Just below the maximum
test cases are easy to generate for all input values using the Maximum
mechanisms of Equivalent Partitioning. The concepts of
Equivalent Partitioning come from the Equivalence Relation.
Mean 𝜇
Median 𝜇
Mode 𝜇
Variance 𝜎2
MAD 2 𝜋
1 1
Entropy log 2𝜋𝜎2 +
2 2
MGF exp (𝜇𝑡 + 𝜎 2 𝑡 2 /2)
CF (𝑖𝜇𝑡 − 𝜎 2 𝑡 2 /2)
Fig. c: Graph of Normal Distribution
1/𝜎 2 0
𝐼 𝜇 ,𝜎 =
0 2/𝜎 2
Fisher 1/𝜎 2 0
𝐼 𝜇 , 𝜎2 =
Information 0 1/(2𝜎 4 )
1 𝜎0 2 𝜇 1 −𝜇 0 2 𝜎1
Leibler { + − 1 + 2𝐼𝑛 }
2 𝜎1 𝜎12 𝜎0
examine those elements behavior which contains lower Box testing strategies such as Equivalent Partitioning and
probability, because Gaussian Distribution works on the Boundary Value Analysis (BVA), are also defining the range
concepts of the theorem of Central of Tendency, here a middle of the values, but it’s not give a crisp clearance and reliability
line represents the means and left or right side along the means about the selection of the inputs, that In other words we have
the elements are equally distributed based on their to say that some previously developed Black box testing
probabilities. Using the probabilistic features we optimize the strategies also provides the range of input tests values, but it’s
error rate and increase the bug detection. Using this newly not give the reliability to select or filter the input values
proposed model the failures rates of software in the near future among multiple values which placed within the range that
are strictly optimum. This model also suitable for following which input values have to be selected for tests data, because
major applications of Software Engineering Issues such as: it’s impossible to tests software systems with all of its input
values so we have not any mechanisms to select a desired
Real time and Simulation based Software Systems input values for tests which behavior are either positive (Best)
tests. or negative (worst). But In this newly proposed model we use
Some Automated framework for complex software the Gaussian Distribution to select or filter input values based
projects. on their probability, because distribution is the perfect
API testing methodology. methodology for selecting and filtering input values among
Checked Quality Assurance and Quality Control of the set of multiple values. Now a one reason behind the use of
Software Management issues. Gaussian distribution is that it’s a continuous probabilistic
distribution that works on the theorem of the Central of
There are various automated software testing software
Tendency because it’s equally distributed values along the
such as Selenium, HPE Unified Functional Testing, Test
means according to their respective probability values. So
Complete etc. which pick value from in the interval set in the
using the mechanisms of probability we easily select or filter
Randomized manner, so using or to applying Gaussian
inputs for tests data among the set of multiple input values.
Distribution gives a better results for to design tests cases and
tests suits. This model works with the modular approach of software
system architecture because this model equally applies on
To design test cases and tests suits for any software
each module of the software systems. Some previously Black
systems are really a very complex and typical tasks, because
Box testing methodologies such as Equivalent Partitioning and
tests cases or tests suits defined the overall mechanisms and
Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) provides the range of the
functionality of the software systems, and black box testing
input values so we filter or to select value from these range
play’s a major role for designing tests cases, but various
through Randomization or Randomly because it’s very typical
previously developed traditional black box testing strategies
and complex to tests all input values and impossible to tests a
such as: Equivalent Partitioning, and Boundary Value analysis
whole software systems with each nook and corner so we
divide or partitioned some set of numbers into similar classes
don’t achieve desired output or we don’t easily examine the
or to do check software behavior at extreme ends respectively,
behavior of the software systems with it’s input tests values,
but here both these model picks value in the Randomized
because we take tests data as a input through the mechanisms
manner, but in this newly proposed model we use some
of randomization, but In this newly proposed model we take
distributions mechanisms such as Gaussian or normal
tests data with the mechanisms of Gaussian Distribution.
distribution whereas each number defined based on their
probability and we select particular input based on their Gaussian Distribution is a continuous probabilistic
probability, because these probability defines the occurring approach based distribution, which equally distributes values
patterns of particular input, which provides reliability to select based on their probabilities, so for filtering or to selection of
input and tests the behavior of software systems on that input. any input values through their occurrence probability gives
So there are many improvisations have to be done in this better results as compare to Randomization mechanisms. So
model in the upcoming future and this model is very with the use of Gaussian Distribution this model becomes a
significant to release a bug free software product. fundamental Black Box testing method, which tests or to
explore each aspects of software systems in a very reliable
manner. This model also categorized data into different
This newly proposed model comes under the category of categories such as Numeric data, Textual data or some other
Black Box Testing methodology, because this newly proposed files data generally called the multimedia data such as image,
model examine and compile the functionalities of the software audio, video or some document files etc. so for numeric data
systems rather path coverage or code coverage or some we easily finding range using the Interval Arithmetic, but for
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Shivankur Thapliyal, Renu Bahuguna, ―A Newly Proposed Ambidextrous Software Testing Model Based on Conventional
Black Box Testing Strategy Using the Applications of Gaussian Distribution‖ Published in International Research Journal of
Innovations in Engineering and Technology - IRJIET, Volume 5, Issue 8, pp 94-101, August 2021. Article DOI