Career Report
Career Report
Career Report
Amanda Allan
RPTM 101
Dr. Emigh
Enrollment Coordinator and Trip Leader at Global Works. I conducted this interview on
March 22, 2023, at 1 pm. I selected Claire based on her job. The enrollment coordinator
was an interesting job, and I have not heard much about it. She was also a trip leader,
so I could learn about some of her experiences doing the service they provide from a
similarities, and I felt like I could relate to her. Claire studied at the University of
Colorado, Boulder, and graduated in 2021. She majored in Communication and had a
double minor in Sociology and Media Studies. Going into University, she thought she
wanted to be a psychology major but changed to Communications the very next year.
She worked as a server at multiple restaurants throughout high school and college.
After graduating from University, Claire had no idea what she wanted to do, so she
worked as a server at a restaurant. Eight months later, she was scrolling through
LinkedIn and found Global Works and fell in love with the job. She has now been
working at Global Works for around one year and four months.
Mission Statement
On the Global Works website, their mission statement says, "We seek to instill a
of social-economic, political, and cultural inequalities of our world, and to open their
eyes to their role in positive change." When I asked Claire to put this in her own words,
she stated, "Global Works is one company is breaking the way with inclusion we try to
be the most inclusive, well rounded and soulful company where they can take these
kids and give them these meaningful experiences but doing in a way that is only
positive." While asking this question, Claire said she is passionate about this job and
Clientele Served
The clientele served in Global Works are typically young adults from middle
school to high school, ages 11-18, but there is a small program where they take a few
university students. To participate in this program, you have to live in the United States;
their main customers are in Louisville, Colorado, but they do get participants from
alongside the community. Global Works is a small business, so they can still send many
people out but make it memorable and personal. They are sending people out on these
volunteer trips for almost the entire year. You can go to many different places doing
several volunteer work. Some places include Costa Rica in its Wildlife Adventure
program, Puerto Rico in its Hurricane relief service, and Spain in their sustainable
community that correlates with what they signed up for. Claire led the Costa Rica
Wildlife Adventure program, and she and her group helped build a sea turtle hatchery
for a 67-year-old man named Ricardo to protect sea turtles from predators and
Global Works has six full-time staff who work in the main office, and one is
remote. They have 35 part-time staff who are the leaders of the program. During the
off-season, typically in August, when everything slows down, the full-time staff has
meetings to discuss next year's goals and try to plan new trips.
Funding Sources
Global Works gets its funding mainly from the people paying for the trips or
experiences. They make enough to get everything needed to send these young adults
Professional Issues
In their office, Claire told me they have a saying, "Lo cambio lo este parte del
plan," which translates to "change is a part of the plan." In this job, no matter what
happens, if you have something completely written out from point A to point B,
something will change, and you must adapt. Another difficulty they have is the language
barrier. Some trip leaders are native to the area they go to and speak that language, but
it is still difficult to communicate with the people in the community. She also mentioned
how they take all internet sources off these young adults, finding games and doing other
activities to keep them entertained. Also, having to watch these kids ensure they do not
do anything inappropriate.
Works Cited
Global Works Travel. (2022b, October 11). Global Works Travel. Global Works Travel | Summer