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A Policy Paper - Overspeeding in A Blind Curve Road Leads To Accident

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A Policy Paper: Overspeeding in a Blind Curve Road Leads to Accident

Overspeeding is highly prevalent in the Philippines and it is one of the primary causes of
accidents in any region of the country. Overspeeding occurs when an engine is permitted or pushed to
turn faster than its design limit. It is one of the causes of blind spot accidents, which are rather frequent.
Drivers are often weary, distracted, irresponsible, irritable, and/or inebriated. Then, when you add in
some common external factors like insufficient lighting, aggressive drivers, terrible roads, or recalcitrant
pedestrians, accidents will more likely to happen.

Context and Importance of the Problem

Accidents may occur anytime, anyplace, but the road is one of the most prevalent locations they
occur. The Department of Health identifies road accidents as one of the major causes of death among
children, ranking them higher than other lethal illnesses like dengue. There have been 394 fatalities
(adults and children) as a result of traffic-related incidents in the Metro, which is a little fewer than the
2017 figures. In fact, every day in Metro Manila alone, around two children die in traffic accidents. In all,
14,553 people have died or been injured in road accidents, including passengers, drivers, and
pedestrians. This equates to an average of 40 persons every day [1].

Policy Options
● Sensor Based Prevention System by Aravinda et. al, (2016)
- Alerting the drivers with a LED light that lights when a vehicle approaches from the
opposite side of the curve, this helps to reduce the incidence of accidents on curve roads.
The vehicle is detected with the assistance of an ultrasonic sensor which is connected to
the Arduino UNO microcontroller.
● Convex Mirrors to be Installed at Blind Spots to Avoid Accidents from The Times of India
- On roadways, driveways, and in alleyways where there is a blind spot or where the driver
has restricted sight, the convex mirror is utilized to provide safety for drivers. By doing so,
blind zones are removed and people have a clear perspective of their surroundings. This
sort of technique is already in use in several locations, particularly on blind curve roads on
mountain sides. It may also be used on country roads to improve visibility for motorists
traveling in opposite directions.
● Road Humps and Bumps for the Control of Vehicle Speeds from Reliance Foundry
- Vertical barriers used to regulate traffic include speed bumps and speed humps, which
are actual bumps in the road that jolt the passengers of a vehicle traveling too rapidly over
them. They are the aspects of structural traffic calming that are most frequently utilized.

According to the study of Cheng, et al. (2020), the findings of the route analysis revealed that the
following variables were the significant predictors in the occurrence of roadside accidents: vehicle speed,
horizontal curve radius, vehicle type, adhesion coefficient, hard shoulder width, and longitudinal slope.
There are several complex reasons a vehicle departs from the travelled path, such as an inappropriate
avoidance manoeuvre or inattention of a driver, crossing a curve segment with a high speed, or
understeering [2]. Thus, the listed policy options above will be very beneficial to lessen accidents.

These policies have been carefully chosen based on how well it addresses the issues with
vehicle accidents on roads with blind curves. It is highly recommended for these kinds of routes. The
instruments that must be installed in this vicinity should be those that warn the riders of the approaching
vehicle from the opposite side, there is also the instrument or method that significantly reduces the
speed of the vehicles approaching the curve, and while carrying out these two it is also preferable if it
can be economical. When traveling from Cotabato to Upi, for instance, you can see that in the blind
curve roads they had installed a concave mirror and it's really helpfull on letting the riders be aware on
the curved roads. Correspondingly, adding humps and bumps on the curve roads will significantly lessen
the speed of vehicle approaching from both sides. Through these methods, you can not only minimize
the abrasion but also reduce the risk of serious injury. Although Sensor Based Prevention System might
be a high-cost method to develop and implement in the Philippines, it could also be beneficial for the
next generation where advance technology is evolving day by day.

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