EN2 - U2 - 3challenge EXAM
EN2 - U2 - 3challenge EXAM
EN2 - U2 - 3challenge EXAM
1 Listen to the interview. What is Stephanie’s 4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
job? (2 marks) (10 marks)
____________________________________ 1 My cardigan is very warm. It’s made of
2 Listen again. Complete the sentences with
2 This ______________ bowl is so colourful!
one word in each gap. (8 marks)
3 We buy milk in bottles made of
1 The students called their project
‘______________ and ______________’.
4 Wood and ______________ come from trees.
2 The project brought ______________ and
______________ together. 5 The books are in that ______________ box.
3 One student created a picture of her friend with
______________ and ______________.
4 Stephanie created a picture of her 6 Complete the sentences with the past
______________ and her ______________. continuous (was/were +ing) form of the verbs in
the box.
Vocabulary (10 marks)
do fly run not study walk
3 Complete the sentences with the words in the
1 This time yesterday we ____________________
box. (5 marks)
over the Atlantic Ocean.
bowl carton glass jar packet
2 At 1 p.m. yesterday I ____________________ in
1 Please buy a _______________ of chocolate a marathon.
biscuits from the supermarket.
3 What ____________________ (Meg) when they
2 Can I have a _______________ of cold water? arrived?
3 We need another _______________ of juice 4 Jack ____________________ from 2 p.m. till 4
from the supermarket. p.m. this afternoon. He was asleep.
4 There’s some strawberry jam in this 5 Charlotte and Kareem ____________________
_______________. on the beach when they found a strange object.
5 Let’s put some popcorn in a _______________
and watch a film! 7 Complete the sentences (when/while or
was/were). Use one word in each gap. (10
4 Complete the words for containers in the marks)
sentences. (5 marks) 1 Was Kelly talking on her phone ____________
1 Can I have a c _ _ of cola, please? the school bell rang?
2 This t _ _ _ of toothpaste is empty. 2 ____________ the girls were playing basketball
3 We gave Granny a big b _ _ of chocolates for in the park, it started to rain.
her birthday. 3 A: Were you sleeping at midnight last night?
4 Mum and Dad drink a c _ _ of coffee every B: Yes, I _______________.
morning. 4 I made lots of friends ____________ I was living
5 I always take a b _ _ _ _ _ of water with me in Spain.
when I go running. 5 A: Were you and your friends laughing at me?
B: No, we _______________.
8 Complete the sentences with the past simple
(-ed/ irregular) or past continuous (was/were Everyday English
+ing) form of the verbs in brackets. (10 marks)
9 Complete the dialogue. (10 marks)
1 I ____________________ (cycle) in the park
when I ____________________ (see) Helen. Assistant Can I help you?
Claire I (1) l____________ my scarf
2 Tom ____________________ (think) when he
____________________ (have) a great idea.
Assistant What does it look (2) l____________?
3 While we ____________________ (look) at the
Claire It’s black, red and white.
picture, the artist ____________________ (start)
talking to us. Assistant What is it (3) m____________ of?
Claire Wool, I think.
4 What ____________________ (they / do) when
they ____________________ (hear) the news? Assistant What (4) b____________ is it?
Claire I’m not (5) s____________, but it isn’t
5 The dog ____________________ (eat) my
an expensive one.
sandwich while I ____________________ (not
look). Assistant Is this your scarf?
Claire Yes, it is! Thank you!
Cumulative Review
10 Complete the text with the words in the box.
(10 marks)
excited found used was while
11 Read the text. What kinds of objects does the
museum NOT SELL or NOT DESTROY ? (2 12 Read the text again. Answer the questions.
marks) (8 marks)
____________________________________ 1 How old is the museum?
An unusual museum 2 When do people lose things like coats, hats
and skis?
Not many people know about the Museum of Lost
and Found in Paris. Napoleon created it over 200 ____________________________________
years ago, and it was not really a museum. It was
an office where the police collected lost objects from
the streets of Paris. 3 What was the woman doing when she lost the
bag of diamonds?
People lose many everyday objects all the time, like
keys, umbrellas and gloves. Other people often find
them on trains, on buses, on the Paris Métro, in ____________________________________
taxis and at the airport. The lost objects change with
4 How long does the museum keep the objects?
the seasons: in winter you can see coats, hats and
skis; in the summer, roller skates and sunglasses. ____________________________________
And all year, people lose mobile phones, laptops, ____________________________________
and even bicycles!
13 Write a thank-you message. (10 marks)