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Discussion Material of WG2 at The 16th ISO TC71 SC7 Online Meeting On 2022-11-21

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ISO/TC 71/SC 7 N 396

ISO/TC 71/SC 7 "Maintenance and repair of concrete structures"

Secretariat: KATS
Committee manager: Shin Soobong Mr.

Discussion material of WG2 at the 16th ISO TC71 SC7 online meeting on 2022-11-21

Document type Related content Document date Expected action

Meeting / WG report Meeting: VIRTUAL 21 Nov 2022 2022-11-07 INFO
Project: ISO/CD 16311-2


For your information.

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

Report of ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2 @ 16th SC7 meeting

1. Overall Revision Work of ISO 16311

2. Revision Work of ISO 16311-2 : Prof. Soobong Shin

3. Revision Work of ISO 16311-3 : Prof. Chikako Fujiyama

4. Revision Work of ISO 16311-4 : Dr. Hikochugu Hyodo

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

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1. Overall Revision Work of ISO 16311

[WG 2 Activities]
SC 7/WG 2/N1~N3(2021-11-30) – WD on ISO 16311-2-3-4 for review
SC 7/WG 2/N4~N6(2022-01-14) – RoV on call for review and comment on
ISO WD 16311-2-3-4 for revision
SC 7/WG 2/N7~N9(2022-03-30) – N-documents related to the meeting of
SC 7/WG 2 on March 25, 2022

 N7 : Draft meeting agenda of SC 7 WG 2 on March 25 2022

 N8 : ISO-TC 71-SC 7-WG 2 attendance list of the meeting on 2022-03-25
 N9 : Draft of ISO-TC71-SC7-WG2 (virtual) meeting (2022-03-25)

[SC 7 Activities]
SC 7/N358~N360(2022-04-04) – Revised text of ISO WD 16311-2-3-4 for
SC 7/N362(2022-05-03) – Revised ballot request for the revision of ISO
16311-2, -3, and -4
SC 7/N367~N369(2022-06-09) – RoV on revised ballot request for the
revision of ISO 16311-2-3-4
SC 7/N370(2022-07-10) – Request for the ballot to skip CD stage for ISO
SC 7/N371~N373(2022-07-18) – Revision of ISO 16311-2~4 (ballot)
SC 7/N380~N382(2022-10-05) – RoV to skip CD step for ISO 16311-2-3-4

2. Revision Work of ISO 16311-2

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

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ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2 N 9

ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2 "Condition Assessment, and Design & Execution of Repairs"
Convenorship: KATS
Convenor: Shin Soobong Mr.

Draft of Minutes of ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2 (virtual) meeting 2022-03-25

Document type Related content Document date Expected action

Meeting / Minutes Meeting: VIRTUAL 25 Mar 2022 2022-03-30 INFO


For your information.

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

Date March 30, 2022


ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2 N9

ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2


Convenor MEETING: ISO TC 71/SC 7/WG 2

Prof. Soobong SHIN
Meeting date 25 March 2022
INHA University, Korea
11:00~15:00 UTC
Tel: +82 32 860 7552, Fax: +82 32 873 7560
E-mail: sbshin@inha.ac.kr

Host Place for ISO/TC71/SC7/WG 2 meeting

Zoom Virtual meeting

P-and O-members are invited to inform the secretariat of the committee

concerned, within one month of the receipt of this notice of meeting, of
their intention to be represented at the meeting, the approximate number
of their delegates and their need for interpretation.

Whenever possible, the names of delegates (or observers) and the name of
the head of the delegation should also be sent to the secretariat of the
committee concerned at least one month before the opening of the meeting.

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

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alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

ISO/TC71/SC7 – Maintenance and Repair of Concrete Structures

Convenor: Prof Soobong SHIN, Korea, Tel: +82 32 860 7552, Fax: +82 32 873 7560, E-mail: sbshin@inha.ac.kr

WG2 – Condition Assessment, Design & Execution of Repairs

25 March 2022, Virtual

1. Welcome and Introduction

 Prof. Soobong Shin, Convenor of WG2, called the meeting to order at 11:00 UTC and welcomed
everyone to the WG2 meeting.
 Prof. Manabu Kanematsu, Chair of SC7, attended the meeting and also welcomed everyone.
 Prof. Shin asked everyone to introduce himself/herself.
 Group photo of the zoom screen was taken.

2. Roll Call of Delegates

Seven (7) delegates representing four (4) member bodies: four (4) P-member bodies of China (3), Japan (2),
Switzland (1), and Korea, Republic of (1). In addition, Prof. Manabu Kanematsu, Chair of SC7, attended.

3. Work of environment: Presentation of the Code of Conduct

A brief presentation of the Code of Conduct was made by Prof. Soobong Shin. The direct link to the Code
of Conduct has been provided.

4. Adoption of Agenda
The circulated meeting agenda(ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2/N 7) was adopted.

5. Report of the Convenor of ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2

Prof. Shin reported that the current status of revision work and results of related votings: (the material is
distributed after the meeting)

6. Status of Work in ISO/TC 71/SC 7/WG 2

 Revision work of ISO 16311-2: Maintenance and repair of concrete structures – Part 2: Assessment of
existing concrete structures (Project leader: Prof. Soobong Shin, KATS)
o Prof. Shin explained the edited parts in the revised version of 16311-2. He explained that although
most of the revisions are editorial, a chapter on ‘prediction’ has been added. He showed some literature
reviews on ‘service life prediction’. He also noted that government authorities and facility owners
continue to require estimates of the remaining service life of concrete structures. He asked WG2
members for their opinions on adding the prediction part to the revision.
o Mr. Berset agreed to the addition of the prediction part and asked to see if there are similar contents in
ISO documents of TC 59 or others. Prof. Fujiyama also agreed to the addition.
o Members agreed to see the response and comments from SC7 members through voting.
 Revision work of ISO 16311-3: Maintenance and repair of concrete structures – Part 3: Design of repairs
and prevention (Project leader: Prof. Chikako Fujiyama, JISC)
o Prof. Fujiyama explained the edited parts in the revised version of 16311-3. She explained that the title
of 16311-3 is modified to include only ‘repair’ and omit ‘prevention’ because the definitions of the
repair and prevention overlap.
o Mr. Berset mentioned the addition of ‘monitoring’ in Part 3. Prof. Shin said that monitoring is
becoming a more important issue these days, but it too big a topic to deal with in the current version.
Prof. Shin suggested adding only one sentence to the current 16311-3 regarding the necessity and
importance of monitoring. He also mentioned that a NWI could be prepared in the future.
alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07
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alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07
o Prof. Fujiyama agreed to add a sentence to the revised edition.
 Revision work of ISO 16311-4: Maintenance and repair of concrete structures – Part 4: Execution of
repairs and prevention (Project leader: Dr. Hikochugu Hyodo, JISC)
o Dr. Hyodo explained the corrections in the 16311-4 revision. He explained that all the revised parts
are only editorial related to the repair and prevention.

7. Date and venue of the next meeting

It was decided to hold the next meeting if necessary. Prof. Kanematsu, Chair of SC 7, suggested that it
would be good to ask WG 1 Convenor, Prof. Yokota, to join the WG 2 meeting.

8. Approval of action items

It was agreed:
 WG 2 recommends that SC 7 initiate a CIB for the revision of the following projects in accordance with
Resolution 3 of the ISO/TC 71/SC 7 15th virtual meeting on November 26, 2021 (N352 – Resolution of
ISO TC 71 SC 7 15th virtual meeting 2021).
 The target date for the revision of ISO 16311-2 is suggested to be 36 months. However, the target date
for the revision of ISO 16311-3 and -4 is suggested to be 24 months. However, if ISO/KSA recommends
that the target date be set the same for all three projects, it also sets the ISO 16311-2 revision target date
to 24 months.

9. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 UTC on 25 March 2022.

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

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ISO/TC 71/SC 7 N 380

ISO/TC 71/SC 7 "Maintenance and repair of concrete structures"

Secretariat: KATS
Committee manager: Shin Soobong Mr.

RoV to skip CD step for ISO 16311-2

Document type Related content Document date Expected action

Ballot / Result of Ballot: Request for the ballot to skip CD 2022-10-05
voting step for ISO16311-2,-3,-4 (restricted


According to the result of voting on ISO 16311-2, it has been approved to skip the CD step. There are no comments

PS. I am sorry for the late distribution of the voting result.

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

Result of voting
Ballot Information
Ballot reference Request for the ballot to skip CD step for ISO16311-2,-3,-4
Ballot type CIB
Ballot title Request for the ballot to skip CD step for
Opening date 2022-07-07
Closing date 2022-08-06

Member responses:
Votes cast (15) Australia (SA)
Brazil (ABNT)
China (SAC)
France (AFNOR)
India (BIS)
Japan (JISC)
Korea, Republic of (KATS)
Norway (SN)
Russian Federation (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia (SASO)
Switzerland (SNV)
Uganda (UNBS)
United Kingdom (BSI)
United States (ANSI)
Viet Nam (STAMEQ)
Comments submitted (3) Egypt (EOS)
ISO/TC 71/SC 1
Namibia (NSI)
Votes not cast (0)

Q.1 "Do you agree to skip the CD stage for the revision of ISO 16311-2 and proceed
directly to the DIS stage?"
Q.2 "Do you agree to skip the CD stage for the revision of ISO 16311-3 and proceed
directly to the DIS stage?"
Q.3 "Do you agree to skip the CD stage for the revision of ISO 16311-4 and proceed
directly to the DIS stage?"

Votes by members Q.1 Q.2 Q.3

Australia (SA) Abstain Abstain Abstain

Brazil (ABNT) Abstain Abstain Abstain

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

China (SAC) Yes Yes Yes

France (AFNOR) Abstain Abstain Abstain

India (BIS) Yes Yes Yes

Japan (JISC) Yes Yes Yes

Korea, Republic of Yes Yes Yes

Norway (SN) Yes Yes Yes

Russian Federation Abstain Abstain Abstain

Saudi Arabia (SASO) Abstain Abstain Abstain

Switzerland (SNV) Abstain Abstain Abstain

Uganda (UNBS) Abstain Abstain Abstain

United Kingdom (BSI) Abstain Abstain Abstain

United States (ANSI) Yes Yes Yes

Viet Nam (STAMEQ) Abstain Abstain Abstain

Answers to Q.1: "Do you agree to skip the CD stage for the revision of ISO 16311-2 and
proceed directly to the DIS stage?"
6x Yes China (SAC)
India (BIS)
Japan (JISC)
Korea, Republic of (KATS)
Norway (SN)
United States (ANSI)
9x Abstain Australia (SA)
Brazil (ABNT)
France (AFNOR)
Russian Federation (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia (SASO)
Switzerland (SNV)
Uganda (UNBS)
United Kingdom (BSI)
Viet Nam (STAMEQ)
0x No

Answers to Q.2: "Do you agree to skip the CD stage for the revision of ISO 16311-3 and
proceed directly to the DIS stage?"
6x Yes China (SAC)
India (BIS)
Japan (JISC)
Korea, Republic of (KATS)
Norway (SN)
United States (ANSI)
9x Abstain Australia (SA)

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

Brazil (ABNT)
France (AFNOR)
Russian Federation (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia (SASO)
Switzerland (SNV)
Uganda (UNBS)
United Kingdom (BSI)
Viet Nam (STAMEQ)
0x No

Answers to Q.3: "Do you agree to skip the CD stage for the revision of ISO 16311-4 and
proceed directly to the DIS stage?"
6x Yes China (SAC)
India (BIS)
Japan (JISC)
Korea, Republic of (KATS)
Norway (SN)
United States (ANSI)
9x Abstain Australia (SA)
Brazil (ABNT)
France (AFNOR)
Russian Federation (GOST R)
Saudi Arabia (SASO)
Switzerland (SNV)
Uganda (UNBS)
United Kingdom (BSI)
Viet Nam (STAMEQ)
0x No

Comments from Voters

Member: Comment: Date:
China (SAC) Comment 2022-08-03
The repair and prevention have different meanings in this part of ISO 16311.So it may be inappropriate to
delete the word prevention from the title.It is suggested to keep the previous title of ISO 16311-3.
If prevention is not included in the title of ISO 16311-3, there are still lots of revisions should be made in
present document.
Since the contents of Annex A are almost the same as the ones in the normative text, is it necessary to remain
the annex in the document?

Comments from Commenters

Member: Comment: Date:
Egypt (EOS) Comment 2022-08-04

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

ISO/TC 71/SC 1 Comment 2022-07-07

1. Abstain
2. Abstain
Namibia (NSI) Comment 2022-08-04
1. yes
2. Yes
3. Yes

alex_halcu@yahoo.com - 2023-04-18 13:57:07

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