Troika Screen
Troika Screen
Troika Screen
Beastly Weapons
Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Small Beast 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 * indicates a
at least
Weapon that requires
two hands to use
Modest Beast 4 6 6 8 8 10 12
# indicates a Weapon that ignores
Large Beast # 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1 point of Armour
Gigantic Beast # 4 8 12 12 16 18 24
The OOPS! Table
d66 The OOPS! Effects
14 The wizard no longer speaks any known tongue, instead favouring a slightly unpleasant language made up of shrieks and mumbles.
15 The most feared of adolescent academy curses: hiccups! Until dispelled the wizard suffers a -4 penalty to casting.
21 All currency in the wizard’s possession turns into beautiful butterflies that flap off into the sky.
23 The wizard catches the Red Eye Curse. Whenever they open their eyes fire shoots out at random as per Fire Bolt (p 61).
26 All of the wizard’s body hair falls out with an audible “fuff!”
32 The wizard’s old face melts off and reveals a handsome new one.
42 All animals in the vicinity are brought back to life. This includes Provisions and leather, which will crawl and flap about blindly.
52 A portal is opened to a paradigmatic battleground, allowing an angelic or demonic figure to pop through.
53 The wizard flies off in a random direction at great speed, landing 50 metres away (or falling back down to earth, as it may be).
54 The wizard suffers a coughing fit for 1d6 Turns after which 1d6 gremlins tumble out of their mouth and start biting people’s faces.
The wizard instantly grows an enormous shaggy beard. It tumbles down to the floor and gets in the way. The wizard suffers a -2 penalty to everything
55 until they tame that magnificent beast.
26 The wizard becomes 20 years old. Today is their new birthday and they will feel terrible if no one notices.
62 The wizard’s teeth all fall out. The sudden loss causes them to suffer a -4 penalty to casting. After an hour a fresh set grows in.
64 The wizard is cursed with curses. They are unable to speak without swearing and are unable to cast magic for 1d6 hours.
65 The wizard sneezes mightily, knocking over all in front of them and dealing 1d6 Damage unless they successfully Test their Luck.
66 The Spell being cast won’t stop. It goes completely haywire, out of control, firing off madly until the wizard is subdued.
Add notes about what marbles
count as here: Random Spells
d66 Spell Name d66 Spell Name
• each Player
• the Enemies 11 Assassin’s Dagger (p 58) 41 Grow (p 62)
• End of Round 12 Animate (p 58) 42 Hurricane (p 62)
13 Affix (p 58) 43 Helping Hands (p 62)
Preferably on a notecard that
you’ve clipped on here 14 Assume Shape (p 58) 44 Illusion (p 62)
instead of writing directly 15 Befuddle (p 59) 45 Invisibility (p 62)
on this screen and
16 Breach (p 59) 46 Jolt (p 62)
altering it forever!
21 Cone of Air (p 60) 51 Light (p 63)
22 Banish Spirit (p 59) 52 Lock (p 63)
Why Are Dice?
23 Ember (p 60) 53 Languages (p 63)
Die Notation What It Means
24 Cockroach (p 59) 54 Levitate (p 63)
Roll a d6:
d3 • If the result is 3 or less, keep it. 25 Darksee (p 60) 55 Sentry (p 66)
• If the result is 4 or more,
subtract 3 from it, then keep it. 26 Diminish (p 60) 56 Shatter (p 66)
31 Earthquake (p 60) 61 Sleep (p 66)
Roll a d3, multiply it by 10,
d36 32 Fear (p 61) 62 Thunder (p 67)
then roll another d6.
33 Fire Bolt (p 61) 63 Tongue Twister (p 67)
Roll a d6, multiply it by 10, 34 Flash (p 61) 64 Undo (p 69)
then roll another d6 35 Farseeing (p 61) 65 Ward (p 69)
36 Find (p 61) 66 Wall of Power (p 69)
Spell Damage
Damage Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7+
Jolt 2 2 3 3 5 7 9
A Very PRøDUCTS & PLäCEMENTS Troika Game Master Fire Bolt 3 3 5 7 9 12 12
Screen is an independent production by
Christopher W. Reynolds and NinjaHELL! Productions. Dragon-Fire 6 8 12 16 18 24 36
It is not affiliated with the Melsonian Arts Council.