Elke Brandstatter and Marko Rosseler
Elke Brandstatter and Marko Rosseler
Elke Brandstatter and Marko Rosseler
Ulrich Elixmann, 60, is a gardener by profession, just like any other user of pesticides,
he has been applying it all throughout his gardening journey; Until one day, his hand stopped
working, only to find out that he has Parkinson's disease. Taking 13 tablets a day, doing
gymnastics, and doing speech and occupational therapy to help his tremors and difficulties he
has. Ulrich is one of those thousands of people who are still suffering from these complications.
Parkinson's is damage in the brain that loses control of your movements, it is like "they are
fully aware but trapped in their own body, and couldn't do anything about it", one of the
researchers said. According to Bas Bloem of Radboud University in the Netherlands, it is the
world's fastest-growing neurological disorder and is primarily brought on by environmental
factors. Countries with extensive industrialization are particularly impacted since a lot of
chemicals end up in the environment. In one study, Central Valley, an example, is heavily
farmed. Industrialized agriculture on a larger scale. Residents who live close to fields sprayed
with pesticides have an increased risk of Parkinson's of 75%. Of more than 4,000 substances of
pesticides, 2 dozen are suspicious and many are linked to Parkinson's (substances are under
investigation and less is known if combined in water).
Even with those piles of scientific shreds of evidence, why is it farmers are still engaging
and choosing to use these pesticides? Well, mainly it is fast and cheap. Banning pesticides will
just lead the prices to go up thus hurting the consumers as they bear all the costs. Pesticides are
keeping yield high enough for the farm to continue running and that's what matters for the
farmers, "Risk is a part of life." Haman Durman, a conventional farmer says. He also stated
how these substances nowadays are environmentally friendly and high-tech. But Martin
Hausling, an advocate for organic farming, thinks otherwise. He is firm on the stand in
switching to organic farming and not using those chemical products by telling farmers just like
him how they are brainwashed into thinking that those substances are not hurting them and
the environment, just because they are shown on labels and by looking at the long-term side
effects it made, it would enlighten them to think twice.
Sylvie Berger from Bordelais, one of Europe's major wine-growing regions, also showed
her concern by raising awareness for people to know that the risk is real. Employees need to
protect their ordinary workers, to change how they think about themselves since their lives are
invisible while they are ruined by their work. However, Parkinson’s isn’t just as big a deal as it
is to other countries, some may have occupational pensions for it just like Sylvie while others
just like Ulrich are still fighting for his right about the effects that he suffered to the
Clearly, it is visible how people are torn between the usage of these pesticides. For
others, it is best for their farm to continue, ignoring the risk as it is just a part of life while also
for many, especially those people who suffer from the complications of the substance usage
throughout their life, pesticides should be examined further and be prohibited to use since
alternatives are just there to preserve people’s health. It is a battle between life and death.
Until now, there’s no clear proof to pinpoint that pesticides are all behind this, and up until
then there’s no way to escape pesticide pollution.
A change is what we all need. Start with yourself first, rethink, and reflect. Even
though life comes with its unpredictability, you'll never know what might happen overnight.
So, choose what you think is best, for you and your family. Nonetheless, as the quote says,
"Prevention is better than cure." We all need to remind ourselves to work with extra
protection, not for the sake of wearing it, but for the gift of life that's been given to us. A better
environment for you and I cannot exist if a change is not given.