An Exercise of Self-Re Ection: Couldibea Successful Woman in Commercial Real Estate?
An Exercise of Self-Re Ection: Couldibea Successful Woman in Commercial Real Estate?
An Exercise of Self-Re Ection: Couldibea Successful Woman in Commercial Real Estate?
5 = strongly agree
4 = somewhat agree
2 = somewhat disagree
1 = strongly disagree
The reason I gave this score:
working hard for our job is a good thing,
but imagine getting to immersed in your
Company culture that respects
work that you do not have your own
work-life balance is a big factor in personal life, at some point one may get
how productive and happy I see exhausted and feel unmotivated to do
myself in a workplace. anything.On the contrary, having a
balance in my personal life and work life, i
will not feel the burden and better.
Score: 5
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 5
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
I do have a habit of keeping my stuff
organized, keeping my workspace clean
I consider myself a highly organized
and doing tasks step by step.
Score: 4
The reason I gave this score:
the statement is very much true.
Score: 5
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 4
The reason I gave this score:
designer/decorator in me starts
imagining what could be.
Score: 5
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 2
The reason I gave this score:
i tend to read people by their body and try
my best to not make them feel
uncomfortable but at times i am at short of
My personality was made for people words and there is a sense of
interaction. awkwardness for a short while.
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
in a work environment the speed i work
depends on the self driven motivation and
at times the deadlines.
In a work environment, I function
best at two speeds – fast and faster.
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 1
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 2
The reason I gave this score:
not all the times but i try my best to make
strategies given the situation/work to
make things quicker and successful.
I am a strategizer who can often see
the big picture when others can’t.
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 3
The reason I gave this score:
Score: 4
Looking back at my scoring and
I gave 3’s to the following kinds of
responses, here are some insights attributes. These might be areas I could
I have gained from this consider strengthening:
communication skills, working with tools,
learning moe stuff and working fast,
I gave 4’s and 5’s to the following kinds strategizing.
of attributes, which I will consider my
strengths and highlight in Task 2:
I gave 1’s and 2’s to the following kinds of
Strengths: teamwork, tackling problems, attributes, which are not my strongest
organizing,creative, considerate. points:
I value: people around me, surroundings and building things, math, sales.