Lesson 1: Learning Objectives
Lesson 1: Learning Objectives
Lesson 1: Learning Objectives
Lesson 1 or the first week will cover five chapters lifted from the book of the seasoned author
and renowned CPA Reviewer, Atty. Conrado Valix. It will show the nature, purpose and
usefulness of the revised conceptual framework and understand its authoritative status. Also
used were some links which had been useful in the preparation of this module.
Lesson 1 will also show the objectives and limitations of financial reporting.
It also will identify the qualitative characteristics of financial reporting, its fundamental and
enhancing characteristics.
Learning Objectives:
1. To have a better understanding of the conceptual framework.
2. To appreciate the conceptual framework’s effect on the accounting process.
3. To have the ability to remember the topics discussed.
1. What are the three elements of accounting?
2. Explain why accounting is a service activity.
3. What are the so-called financial reports?
4. Why should the account balances in the financial statements distributed to the users be
5. Are all entities required to submit financial statements?
Definition of Accounting:
Accounting is a service activity, the purpose of which is to provide quantitative information,
primarily financial in nature, about economic entities, that is intended to be useful in making
economic decisions.
The Philippine peso is the unit of measure being used. Historical cost is the most
commonly used.
The principal way of providing financial information to external users is through the annual
financial statements. However, financial reporting encompasses not only financial statements
but also financial highlights, summary of important financial figures, analysis of financial
statements and significant ratios.
Financial reports also include nonfinancial information such as description of major products
and listing of corporate officers and directors.
There are three main goals/objectives of financial reporting:
Provide information to investors. Investors will want to know how cash is being reinvested in the
business, and how efficiently capital is being used.
Track cash flow. Where is your business' money coming from?
Analyze assets, liabilities and owner's equity.
Conceptual Framework:
Qualitative Characteristics:
Qualitative characteristics are the qualities or attributes that makes financial accounting
information useful to the users.
Under the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting, qualitative characteristics are
classified into
1. Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics
2. Enhancing Qualitative Characteristics
Ingredients of Relevance:
Predictive value- when the financial information can be used to processes employed by users
to predict future outcomes. Predictive value refers to the fact that quality financial information
can be used to base predictions, forecasts, and projections on. Financial analysts and investors
can use past financial statements to chart performance trends and make predictions about
future performance and profitability.
Confirmatory value means the financial information provides feedback about previous
evaluation. Confirmatory value enables users to check and confirm earlier predictions or
Materiality is a quantitative threshold linked very closely to the qualitative characteristics of
In the exercise of judgement in determining materiality, the relative size and nature of the item
is considered.
Faithful Representation:
Faithful representation is the concept that financial statements be produced that accurately
reflect the condition of a business. For example, if a company reports in its balance sheet that it
had $1,200,000 of accounts receivable as of the end of June, then that amount should indeed
have been present on that date.
Free from error means there are no errors and inaccuracies in the description of the
phenomenon and no errors made in the process by which the financial information was
produced. (No inaccuracies and omissions). That does not mean no inaccuracies can arise,
particularly in case of making estimates.
Substance over form is an accounting principle used "to ensure that financial statements give
a complete, relevant, and accurate picture of transactions and events". In accounting for
business transactions and other events, the measurement and reporting are for the economic
impact of an event, instead of its legal form.
The enhancing qualitative characteristics relate to the presentation or form of the financial
statements. It is intended to increase the usefulness of the financial information that is relevant
and faithfully represented.
Verifiability is the extent to which information is reproducible given the same data and
Financial Statements and Reporting Entity Underlying Assumptions:
Financial statements are written records that convey the business activities and
the financial performance of a company. Financial statements are often audited by
government agencies, accountants, firms, etc. to ensure accuracy and for tax, financing, or
investing purposes.
Reporting Period – a period when financial statements are prepared for general purpose
financial reporting.
Financial statements are prepared for a specific period of time and provide information about:
1. Assets, liabilities and equity at the end of the reporting period.
2. Income and expenses during the reporting period.
Underlying Assumptions are the basic notion or fundamental premises on which the accounting
process is based. It is also known as postulates.
www.iedunote.com › accounting-assumptions
The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting mentions only Going Concern as the
underlying assumption. However implicit in accounting are the basic assumptions of
Accounting Entity, Time Period and Monetary Unit.
Accounting Entity – the owner is treated as separate or distinct from the owners.
Elements of Financial Statements
1. Assets – under the Revised Conceptual Framework, an asset is a present economic resource
controlled by the entity, as a result of past events. An economic resource is a right that has the
potential to produce economic benefit.
This new definition clarifies that an asset is an economic resource and that the potential
economic benefits no longer need to be expected to flow to the entity.
3. Equity – the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all
b. Gains represent other items that meet the definition of income and do not arise in the course of
the ordinary regular activities.
Expense encompasses losses as well as those expenses that arise in the ordinary course of
the business.
Lesson 1 is about Conceptual Framework, the objective of financial reporting, the qualitative
characteristics, underlying assumptions, and the elements of financial statements.
Activity /Evaluation:
3. Predictive value and confirmatory value are two of the ingredients of relevance.
A. True
B. False
4. Which of the following is not among the ingredients of the fundamental quality of faithful
A. freedom from error.
B. neutrality.
C. materiality.
D. completeness
7. The change in net assets during a period from transactions and other events and circumstances
from non-owner sources is called
A. net income.
B. gains.
C. comprehensive income.
D. revenues.
10. The periodicity assumption specifies that the most appropriate time periods for
financial reporting is weekly, bi-monthly, and yearly.
A. True
B. False
11. Depreciation and amortization policies are justifiable and appropriate because of
2. Conceptual Framework on
Learning Objectives:
Pre- Assessment:
1. Which accounting method will result in financial statements that report a more complete picture
of a corporation’s financial position and a better measure of profitability during a recent
accounting year? Accrual Method
2. Which type of journal entries are made at the end of each accounting period so that the
financial statements better reflect the accrual method of accounting? Adjusting
3. The generally accepted accounting principles used in the financial statements of U.S
corporations are researched and developed by which organization? Financial Accounting
Standards Board (FASB)
4. Which financial statement will allow you to determine the gross margin for a retailer or
manufacturer? Income Statement
5. Does the heading of a balance sheet indicate a period of time or a point in time? Point In Time
Recognition and Measurement
The Revised Conceptual Framework defines recognition as the process of capturing for
inclusion in the financial statements an item that meets the definition of an asset, liability, equity,
income or expense.
The amount at which an asset, a liability or equity is recognized in the statement of financial
position, is reported as carrying amount.
Recognition links the elements of the statement of financial position and statement of financial
performance. The statements are linked because the recognition of an item in one statement
requires the recognition of the same item in another statement.
The recognition of expense happens simultaneously with the recognition of a decrease in asset
or decrease in liability.
Only items that meet the definition of an asset, liability or equity are recognized in the statement
of financial position.
Only items that meet the definition of income or expense are recognized in the statement of
financial performance.
Items are recognized only when their recognition provides users of financial statements with
information that is both relevant and faithfully represented.
Before, recognition is made when future economic benefit will flow to or from the enterprise,
however at present, even if the inflow or outflow of benefit is low, it is now recognized.
In the sale of goods, in the ordinary course of the business, the point of sale is the point of
income recognition.
Under certain conditions, however, income maybe recognized at the point of production and at
the point of collection.
Basic Expense Recognition – expense is recognized when incurred. The Matching Principle
requires that those costs and expenses incurred in earning a revenue will be reported in the
same period.
Cause and Effect Association: Under this principle, expense is recognized when the revenue
is already recognized.
Systematic and Rational Allocation: Under this principle, costs are expensed by simply
allocating them over the periods benefited. Example, depreciation.
Immediate Recognition: Under this principle, the cost incurred is expensed outright.
Examples are salaries, advertising, selling and administrative expenses etc.
Many losses such as loss from disposal of building, sale of investments and casualty loss are
immediately recognized because they are not directly related to specific revenue.
Derecognition is the removal of all or part of a recognized asset or liability from the statement of
financial position.
Disposal of a long-lived operating asset is affected by selling it, exchanging it, or abandoning it.
Historical Cost
A historical cost is a measure of value used in accounting in which the value of an asset on
the balance sheet is recorded at its original cost when acquired by the company.
The historical cost of a liability is the consideration received to incur the liability minus
transaction cost.
Fair Value:
Asset's sale price agreed upon by a willing buyer and seller, assuming both parties are
knowledgeable and enter the transaction freely. ... In accounting, fair value represents the
estimated worth of various assets and liabilities that must be listed on a company's books.
Value in Use:
Value-in-use is the net present value of the cash flows generated by an asset as it is currently
being used by the owner. This amount may be less than the net present value of cash flows
from the highest and best use to which an asset can be put.
The present value of cash that an entity expects to transfer in paying or settling a liability.
It does not include the transaction cost in incurring a liability but includes transaction cost on
fulfillment of a liability. Fulfillment value is the exit price or exit value.
Current Cost:
A method of accounting in which assets are valued on the basis of their current replacement
cost, and increases in their value as a result of inflation are excluded from calculations of profit.
Historical cost is the most commonly adopted in preparing financial statements. It is simpler
and less costly to measure, well understood and verifiable.
The IASB did not mandate a single measurement basis because the different measurement
bases could produce useful information under different circumstances.
A reporting entity communicates information about the assets, liabilities, equity, income and
expenses by presenting and disclosing information in the financial statements. Effective
communication of information in financial statements also enhances the understandability and
comparability of information.
The sorting of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses on the basis of shared or similar
characteristics. It may be necessary to classify components of equity separately if such
components are subject to legal, regulatory and other requirements. Thus, ordinary share
capital, preference share capital, share premium and retained earnings should be disclosed
Classification of Income and Expenses:
The Revised Conceptual Framework has introduced the term statement of financial
performance to refer to the statement of profit and loss together with the statement presenting
other comprehensive income.
The statement of profit or loss is the primary sources of information about an entity’s financial
performance for the reporting period.
All income and expenses should be appropriately classified and included in the statement of
profit or loss.
There are certain items of income and expenses that are presented outside of profit and loss
but included in other comprehensive income.
Aggregation is the adding together of assets, liabilities and equity, income and expenses that
have similar or shared characteristics and are included in the same classification.
Typically, the statement of financial position and the statement of financial performance provide
summarized or condensed information.
Capital maintenance approach means that the net income occurs only after the capital used ate
the beginning of the period is maintained.
Distinction between return on capital and return of capital is important to the understanding of
the net income.
Shareholders invest in entity to earn a return on capital or an amount in excess of their original
Financial Capital:
The financial capital maintenance concept is that the capital of a company is only maintained
if the financial or monetary amount of its net assets at the end of a financial period is equal to or
exceeds the financial or monetary amount of its net assets at the beginning of the period,
excluding any distributions to, or contributions from, the owners.
The following assets, liabilities and other financial data pertain to the current year:
January 1 December 31
Total Assets 1,500,000 2,500,000
Total Liabilities 1,000,000 1,200,000
Additional investments during the year 400,000
Dividend paid during the year 300,000
The physical capital maintenance concept is that the physical capital is only maintained if the
physical productive or operating capacity, or the funds or resources required to achieve this
capacity, is equal to or exceeds the physical productive capacity at the beginning of the period,
after excluding any distributions to, or contributions from, owners during the financial period.
Using the same data in the first illustration but instead net assets is P500,000 as of January 1
but had a current cost of P800,000 by reason of inflationary condition:
Week 2 covered two chapters from the same book of Atty. Valix. It covered recognition
and measurement under the conceptual framework. It showed the recognition criteria
and measurement of the elements of financial statements. It discussed awareness of
the various financial attributes for measuring the accounting elements.
The lesson covered the determination of net income under the financial capital and
physical capital concept.
2. The periodicity assumption specifies that the most appropriate time periods for financial
reporting are weekly, bi-monthly, and yearly.
A. True
B. False
6. The FASB has increased the recognition and measurement of fair values in U.S. GAAP
over time.
A. True
B. False
9. When a company's does not use the same accounting principle in the current period
compared to the previous period, this is referred to as a lack of:
A. confirmatory value.
B. predictive value.
C. faithful representation.
D. consistency.
1. Understand the presentation of the Statement of Financial Position in minimum line items.
1. The financial statement that shows the result of the operation in a certain period.
Income Statement
2. The financial statement that shows the financial condition of the business as of a certain date.
Balance Sheet
3. The financial statement that shows the inflow and outflow of cash.
Cash Flow Statement
4. An income statement method where expenses are disclosed according to their nature.
Income Statement by Nature
5. An income statement method where expenses are disclosed according to their functions.
Income Statement by Function of Expense
The financial statements are the end product or main output of the financial accounting process.
General purpose financial statements in accordance with the International Financial Accounting
Standards are simply referred to as financial statements. They are those intended to meet the
needs of users who are not in a position to require an entity to prepare reports tailored to their
particular information needs. They are directed to all common users and not to specific users.
The objective of financial statements is to provide information about the financial position,
financial performance and cash flows of an entity that is useful to a wide range of users in
making economic decisions.
When an entity’s end of the reporting period changes and financial statements are presented for
a period longer or shorter than one year, an entity shall disclose:
1. The period covered by the financial statements
2. The reason for using a longer or shorter period
3. The fact that amounts presented in the financial statements are not entirely
The statement of financial position also known as a Balance Sheet represents the
Assets, Liabilities and Equity of a business at a point in time. For example: Assets
include cash, stock, property, plant or equipment - anything the business owns.
Liabilities are what the business owes to outside parties, e.g.
Statement of financial position (Balance Sheet) - FutureLearn www.futurelearn.com
› courses › steps
Investors, creditors and other statement users analyze the statement of financial
position to evaluate such factors as liquidity, solvency and the need of the entity for
additional financing.
Assets are classified into Current and Non-Current Assets The operating cycle of
an entity is the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their
realization in cash or cash equivalents.
When the entity’s normal operating cycle is not clearly identifiable, the duration is
assumed to be twelve months.
1. The asset is cash or cash equivalent unless the asset is restricted to settle a
liability for more that twelve months, after the reporting period.
2. The entity holds the asset primarily for the purpose of trading
3. The entity expects to realize the asset within twelve months after the reporting
4. The entity expects to realize the asset or intends to sell or consume it within the
entity’s normal operating cycle.
Current assets are usually listed in the order of liquidity. PAS 1 paragraph 54,
provides that as a minimum, the line items under current assets are:
PAS 1, paragraph 66, simply states that an entity shall classify all other assets not
classified as current, as non-current. Non-current assets include the following:
a. Property, plant and equipment
b. Long term investments
c. Intangible assets
d. Deferred tax assets
e. Other non-current assets
IAS 16 states that the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be
recognized as an asset if, and only if:
it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will
flow to the entity; and
the cost of the item can be measured reliably
This recognition principle shall be applied to all costs at the time they are incurred,
both incurred initially to acquire or construct an item of property, plant and
equipment and incurred subsequently after recognition to add to, replace part of or
service it.
Intangible Assets:
Additionally, financial assets such as stocks and bonds, which derive their value
from contractual claims, are considered tangible assets
Noncurrent assets are a company's long-term investments for which the full
value will not be realized within the accounting year. Examples of noncurrent
assets include investments in other companies, intellectual property (e.g.,
patents), and property, plant and equipment.
www.investopedia.com › ... › Accounting
Also defined as assets that do not fit into the definition of the previously mentioned
non-current assets. Other examples include advances to officers, directors,
shareholders, and employees and abandoned property and long-term refundable
Defined as obligations of the company; they are amounts owed to creditors for a
past transaction and they usually have the word "payable" in their account title.
Current Liabilities:
The entity expects to settle the liability within the entity’s normal operating
The entity holds the liability primarily for the purpose of trading
The liability is due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting
The entity does not have an unconditional right to defer settlement of the
liability for at least twelve months after the reporting period.
PAS 1 paragraph 54, provides that as minimum, the face of the statement of
financial position shall include the following line items for current liabilities:
The “trade and other payables” is a line item for accounts payable, notes payable, accrued
interest on note payable, dividends payable and accrued expenses. No objection can be
raised if the trade accounts and notes payable are separately presented.
Non-Current liabilities:
A liability due to be settled within twelve months after the reporting period is
classified as current, even if:
The original term is for a period longer then twelve months
An agreement to refinance or to reschedule payment on a long-term
basis is completed after the reporting period and before the financial
statements are authorized for issue.
Discretion to refinance:
If the entity has the discretion to refinance or roll over an obligation for at least
twelve months after the reporting period under an existing loan facility, the
obligation is classified as noncurrent even if it would otherwise be due within a
shorter period.
The refinancing or rolling over must be at the discretion of the entity, if not, then the
rolling over is classified as a current liability.
PAS 1 paragraph 74 provides that the liability is classified as current even if the
lender has agreed, after the reporting period and before the statements are
authorized for issue, not to demand payment as a consequence of the breach.
The liability is classified as current, because at reporting date, the borrower does
not have an unconditional right to defer payment for at least twelve months after the
reporting period.
Definition of Equity:
Defined as the residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its
Terms used in reporting the equity of the entity depending on the form of business
organization are:
the term Equity may simply be used for all business entities.
Shareholders’ Equity is the residual interest of owners in the net assets of a corporation
measured by the excess of assets over liabilities.
The elements constituting shareholders’ equity with their equivalent IAS term :
The lesson under Philippine Accounting Standards PAS 1 will give a knowledge of
identifying the minimum line items in the presentation of a statement of financial
position and the statement of comprehensive income as required by IFRS. It will
also give a knowhow of the natural and functional presentation of the income
Choose a Statement of Cash Flow from one different company for each student
and try to study and explain its parts.
Learning Objectives :
Pre-Assessment :
5. The amount of any write-down of inventory to net realizable value and all losses of
inventory should be
a. Recognized as operating expense in the period the write-down or loss occurs.
b. Recognized as other expense in the period the write-down or loss occurs.
c. Recognized as component of cost of sales in the period the write-down or
loss occurs.
d. Deferred until the related inventory is sold.
Lesson Presentation:
Inventory is an accounting term that refers to goods that are in various stages of being made
ready for sale, including: Finished goods (that are available to be sold) Work-in-progress
(meaning in the process of being made) Raw materials (to be used to produce more finished
What is Inventory - Shopifywww.shopify.com › encyclopedia › inventory
Classes of Inventories
a. Merchandising company
b. Manufacturing
Cost of Inventories
Cost of purchase
Cost of conversion
Other Cost
First In, First Out (FIFO) is an accounting method in which assets purchased or
acquired first are disposed of first. FIFO assumes that the remaining inventory
consists of items purchased last.
When using the weighted average method, you divide the cost of goods available for sale by
the number of units available for sale, which yields the weighted-average cost per unit. In this
calculation, the cost of goods available for sale is the sum of beginning inventory and net
Net realizable value (NRV) is the value of an asset that can be realized upon the sale of the
asset, less a reasonable estimate of the costs associated with the eventual sale or disposal of the
asset. NRV is a common method used to evaluate an asset's value for inventory accounting. NRV
is a valuation method used in both Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
Allowance Method: Using the allowance method, a business will record a journal entry with a
credit to a contra asset account, such as inventory reserve or the allowance for
obsolete inventory. An offsetting debit will be made to an expense account.
A cash flow statement is a financial statement that provides aggregate data regarding all cash
inflows a company receives from its ongoing operations and external investment sources. It
also includes all cash outflows that pay for business activities and investments during a given
Module 4 introduces the different Inventory measurement and the different cost formulas, FIFO
and the weighted average method. It also shows how the Statement of Cash Flows is prepared
and what the statement contains and represents.
Read and prepare for discussion on topics “Accounting Policies, Estimate and Errors”
2. Reporting inventory at the lower of cost and net realizable value is a departure from
a. Historical cost
b. Consistency
c. Conservatism
d. Full disclosure
3.When inventory declines in value below original cost, what is the maximum
amount that the inventory can be valued at?
a. Sales price
b. Net realizable value
c. Historical cost
d. Sales price reduced by estimated cost of disposal
4. Lower of cost and net realizable value as it applies to inventory is best described as
a. Reporting of a loss when there is decrease in the future utility below the
original cost.
b. Method of determining cost of goods sold.
c. Assumption to determine inventory flow.
d. Change in inventory value to net realizable value.
5. Which method may be used to record a loss due to a price decline in the value of
a. Loss method
b. Sales method
c. Cost of goods sold method
d. Loss method and cost of goods sold method
Items 6- 10 For all questions assume that the indirect method is used.
There are four parts to the Statement of Cash Flows (or Cash Flow Statement):
1. Operating Activities
2. Investing Activities
3. Financing Activities
4. Supplemental Disclosures
For each of the following items, indicate which part will be affected.
6. Depreciation Expense.
Operating Activities
Depreciation is added back to net income in the operating activities section because the
company's net income was reduced by the depreciation expense shown on the income
statement; however, the company's cash was not reduced by depreciation expense.
(Accordingly, depreciation expense is referred to as a non-cash expense.)
Lesson: The week’s lesson covers PAS 8 and PAS 10. Arrangement and some topics
were taken from Chapters 12 and 13 of the book of Atty. Valix, Conceptual Framework
and Accounting Standards.
Accounting Policies:
Accounting policies are the specific principles and procedures implemented by a company's
management team that are used to prepare its financial statements. These include any
accounting methods, measurement systems, and procedures for presenting disclosures.
2. The change will result in more relevant and faithfully represented information
about the financial position, performance and cash flow of the enterprise.
Accounting Policies
Accounting policies are the specific principles and procedures implemented by a company's
management team that are used to prepare its financial statements. These include any
accounting methods, measurement systems, and procedures for presenting disclosures.
Accounting policies differ from accounting principles in that the principles are the accounting
rules and the policies are a company's way of adhering to those rules.
Accounting policies are the rules used by an entity to ensure that transactions are recorded
properly and financial statements produced correctly. These policies ensure that
accounting activities are handled consistently over time. They are also needed to ensure
that an organization follows the applicable accounting framework, such as GAAP or
Accounting policies are included in the notes that accompany the financial statements
of a business.
4. Which research and developments costs are capitalized and which are expensed.
1. Retrospectively
2. Retroactively
PAS 8 paragraph 10 provides that in the absence of an accounting standard that specifically
applies to the transaction or event, management shall use judgement in selecting and
applying an accounting policy that results in information that is relevant to the economic
decision-making needs of users and faithfully represented.
Accounting Estimate:
Prior period errors are omissions from, and misstatements in, an entity's financial statements for
one or more prior periods arising from a failure to use, or misuse of, reliable information that
was available and could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and taken into account in
preparing those statements.
PAS 10, paragraph 3 defines events after the reporting period, as those events, whether
favorable or unfavorable, that occur between the end of the reporting period and the date on
which the financial statements are authorized for issue.
Events after the Reporting Period are also known as Subsequent Events.
1. Adjusting Events
2. Non-Adjusting Events
Adjusting events are those providing evidence of conditions existing at the end of the reporting
period, whereas non-adjusting events are indicative of conditions arising after the reporting
period (the latter being disclosed where material). https://www.iasplus.com/
The week’s lesson covers PAS 8 and PAS 10. PAS 8 covers changes in accounting policies,
estimates and errors. An example of change in accounting estimate is depreciation.
Events after the end of the accounting period are presented to the users of the financial
statements, if it will affect their economic-decisions.
Instructions. Following is a series of situations. You are to enter a code letter to the left to
indicate the type of change
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Direction. Read the instruction carefully.
1. Which of the following terms are defined by this statement: “Action by government
designed to provide an economic benefit specific to an entity or range of entities
qualifying under certain criteria”?
2. Why can the receipt of government assistance by an entity be significant for the preparation
of the financial statements?
3. Receipt of a grant provides of itself conclusive evidence that the conditions attaching to
the grant have been or will be fulfilled.
a. True
b. False
a. government assistance
b. government grant
c. grant related to asset
d. government loan at a below-market rate of interest
Government grants are transfers of resources to an entity by government in return for past or
future compliance with certain conditions relating to the operating activities of the entity.
a. The entity will comply with the conditions attached to the grant;
b. The grant will be received.
Government grant shall not be recognized on a cash basis as this is not consistent with generally
accepted accounting practice.
By residual definition, this is government grant other than grant related to asset.
Illustration 1 *
An entity received a grant of P 15,000,000 from the national government for the purpose
of defraying safety and environmental expenses over a period of three years.
The safety and environmental expenses will be incurred by the entity as follows:
Accordingly, the grant of P15,000,000 is allocated as income over three years in proportion to
the cost incurred.
Cash 15,000,000
Deferred Grant Income 15,000,000
An entity received a grant of P 50,000,000 from the Australian government for the acquisition
of a chemical facility with an estimated cost of Php 80,000,000 and a useful life of five years.
Grant related to depreciable assets shall be recognized as income over the period and in
proportion to the depreciation of the related asset.
Accordingly, the grant of P 50,000,000 shall be allocated as income over five years depending on the
method of depreciation.
1. Cash 50,000,000
Deferred Grant Income 50,000,000
2. Building 80,000,000
3. Depreciation 16,000,000
Accumulated Depreciation
(50,000,000/ 5)
Illustration 3 *
An entity is given a large tract of land in Mindanao by the national government with the condition
that a refinery will be built on that site.
The cost of the refinery is estimated to be P 100,000,000 and the useful life is 20 years.
1. Land 60,000,000
Deferred Grant Income 60,000,000
2. Refinery 100,000,000
3. Depreciation 5,000,000
Accumulated Depreciation
(60,000,000 /20)
Illustration 4 *
An entity received from the USA government a grant of P 50,000,000 to compensate for the massive
losses incurred because of a recent earthquake.
Cash 50,000,000
Grant Income 50,000,000
a. The grant is presented in the income statement, either separately or under the general
heading, “Other Income. “
Illustration *
At the beginning of the current year, an entity purchased an equipment for an received a
government grant of P500,000 with respect to this asset.
The equipment is to be depreciated on a straight-line basis over five years. The estimated residual
value of the equipment is P 200,000.
Equipment 5,000,000
Cash 5,000,000
Cash 500,000
Deferred Grant Income 500,000
(500,000/ 5 years)
Equipment 5,000,000
Cash 5,000,000
2. To record the government grant as a deduction from the cost of the asset: Cash
Equipment 500,000
Depreciation 860,000
Accumulated Depreciation 860,000
Government Assistance:
*The essence of the government assistance is that no value can reasonably be placed upon it.
Examples of government assistance are:
a. The accounting policy adopted for government grant, including the method of
presentation adopted in the financial statements.
b. The nature and extent of government grant recognized in the financial statements
and an indication of other forms of government assistance from which the entity
has directly benefited.
*It is not required to disclose the name of the government agency that gave the grant
along with the date of sanction of the grant by such government agency and the date
when cash was received in case of monetary grant.
Lesson 7 introduces PAS 20. It shows how government grants are granted and presented in the
financial statements. It also covers government assistance and how they differ with government
grants, and the presentation in the financial statements.
(*Asterisk – Lifted from the book of Atty. Conrado Valix, Conceptual Framework and Accounting
Standards, 2019 edition)
1. To know what borrowing costs are and the accounting methods for them.
Borrowing costs are finance charges that are directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction or production of a qualifying asset that forms part of the cost of that asset,
i.e., such costs are capitalized.
All other borrowing costs are recognized as an expense.
Borrowing costs is interest and other costs incurred by an entity in connection with the
borrowing of funds
(b) finance charges in respect of finance leases recognized in accordance with IAS 17
Leases (IFRS 16 Leases if early adopted or when it becomes effective); and
(c) exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that
they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs
A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get
ready for its intended use or sale.
PAS 23 does not require capitalization of borrowing costs relating to the following:
c. Asset that is ready for the intended use or sale when acquired.
IAS 23 Borrowing Costs requires that borrowing costs directly attributable to the
acquisition, construction or production of a 'qualifying asset' (one that necessarily takes
a substantial period of time to get ready for its intended use or sale) are included in the
cost of the asset IAS 23
Costs eligible for capitalization as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing
during the period, less any investment income on the temporary investment of those
borrowings (IAS 23R paragraph 12).
Availments from the loan were made quarterly in equal amounts. Total borrowing cost
incurred amounted to P250,000 for the current year.
Prior to their disbursements, the proceeds of the loan were temporarily invested and
earned interest income of P40,000.
PAS 23, paragraph 14 provides that if the funds are borrowed generally and used for
acquiring a qualifying asset, the amount of capitalizable borrowing costs equal to the
average carrying amount of the asset during the period multiplied by a capitalization rate
or average interest rate.
However, the capitalizable borrowing cost shall not exceed the actual interest incurred.
The capitalization rate or average interest rate is equal to the total annual borrowing cost
divided by the total general borrowings outstanding during the period.
Accordingly, any investment income from general borrowing is not deducted from the
capitalizable borrowing cost.
An entity has the following borrowings on January 1 of the current year. The borrowings
were made for general purposes and the proceeds were partly used to finance the
construction of a new building.
The construction of the building was started on January 1 and was completed on
December 31 of the current year.
January 1 400,000
March 31 1,000,000
June 30 1,200,000
September 30 1,000,000
December 31 400,000
Total expenditures on the building 4,000,000
The amount of capitalizable borrowing cost is the average carrying amount of the
building multiplied by the capitalization rate.
The total capitazable borrowing cost shall not exceed the actual borrowing cost.
The amount of P 190,000 is the proper capitalizable borrowing cost because it is less
than the actual borrowing cost of P 760,000.
The entity had also outstanding during the year, a 5-year, 8% general borrowing of P
The construction of the building started on January 1 and was completed on December
31 of the current year
January 1 500,000
April 1 1,000,000
May 1 1,500,000
September 1 1,500,000
December 31 500,000
Total Cost 5,000,000
(a) (b) (axb)
Date Expenditures Fraction Average
January 1 500,000 12/12 500,000
April 1 1,000,000 9/12 750,000
May 1 1,500,000 8/12 1,000,000
September 1 1,500,000 4/12 500,000
December 31 500,000 ________
Average Expenditures 2,750,000
Average expenditures 2,750,000
Specific borrowing 1,500,000
Applicable to general borrowing 1,250,000
Capitalizable Interest
Commencement of the borrowing cost as part of the qualifying asset shall start when
the following three conditions are present :
Activities necessary to prepare the asset for intended use or sale is not only the physical
construction of the asset but include technical and administrative work prior to the
commencement of physical construction, such as drawing up plans and obtaining permit
for the building.
Merely holding assets for use or development without any associated development
activity does not qualify for capitalization.
Example, borrowing cost incurred while land is under development are capitalized during
the period in which development activities are being undertaken.
Borrowing cost incurred, while land acquired for building purposes is held without any
associated development activity do not qualify for capitalization.
*Suspension of capitalization
*Cessation of capitalization
Capitalization of borrowing cost shall cease when substantially all the activities
necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for the intended use or sale are complete.
An asset is normally ready for the intended use or sale when the physical
construction of the asset is complete even though routine administrative work might
still continue.
*Disclosure required related to borrowing cost:
Segregation of assets that are qualifying assets from other assets in the
statement of financial position is not required to be disclosed.
Related Party
*Control is the power over the investee or the power to govern the financial and
operating policies of the entity so as to obtain benefits.
Lesson 8 pertains to PAS 23, Borrowing Cost and PAS 24 Related Party
It shows when borrowing cost is added to qualifying assets and when it is not. It
also shows the accounting for borrowing cost.
This lesson also introduces PAS 24, Related Party Disclosures and when they
are called related parties. Also, as to what are the characteristics of related party
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
4. What is an associate?
It’s not the rule of thumb and often, the truth is different.
Sometimes, when an investor holds more than 20% of the voting power (but less than 50),
it can still control the investee.
Here, CarProd does not own the majority (over 50%), but it’s still more than 20% – that
would indicate significant influence.
But, as other investors own max. 1% each, the probability of outvoting CarProd in major
decisions is very low, so CarProd may in fact exercise control over TyreCorp, rather than
significant influence. Of course, you would need to examine it further.
The other ways of evidencing significant influence are as follows:
There are material transactions between the investor and its investee.
When you assess the presence of significant influence, you should not forget to examine
potential voting rights (in form of some options to buy shares, or convertible debt
instruments, etc).
The equity method is based on the economic relationship between the investor and the
The investor and the investee are viewed as a single economic unit. The investor and the
investee are one and the same.
The equity method is applicable when the investor has a significant influence over the
b. The carrying amount is increased by the investor’s share of the profit of the
investee and decreased by the investor’s share of the loss of the investee.
The investor’s share of the profit or loss of the investee is recognized as investment
c. Dividends received from an equity investee reduce the carrying amount of the
e. Technically, if the investor has significant influence over the investee, the investee is
said to be an associate.
Accordingly, under the equity method, the investment in ordinary shares should be
appropriately described as investment in associate.
f. The investment in associate accounted for using the equity method, shall be
reported as non-current asset.
The investment represents a 20% equity interest and the investor has a significant
influence over the investee.
The investor recognized a share of the net income of the investee equal to 20% of
P5,000,000 or P1,000,000.
3. Received a 25% share dividend from the investee on December 31, 2019.
Note that the 20% equity interest is not affected by the share dividend. Equity
interest remains the same.
The investor recognized a share in the net loss of the investee equal to 20% of P1,000,000 or
Cash 500,000
Investment in Associate 500,000
An accounting problem arises if the investor pays more or less for an investment than the
carrying amount of the underlying net assets.
For example, if the earning potential of the investee is abnormally high, the current value
of the investee’s net assets is frequently higher than their carrying amount.
If the investor pays more than the carrying amount of the net assets acquired, the difference
is commonly known as “excess of cost over carrying amount” and maybe attributed to the
b) Goodwill
If the assets of the investee are fairly valued, the excess of the cost over carrying amount of
the underlying net assets is attributed to goodwill.
If the excess is attributable to the undervaluation of land, it is not amortized because land
is non depreciable.
However, the entire investment in associate, including the goodwill is tested for
impairment at the end of each reporting period.
CFAS by Valix, 2019 edition
At the beginning of the current year, an investor purchased 20% of the outstanding
Ordinary shares of an investee for P 5,000,000.
The net assets of the investee on the date of the acquisition are fairly valued. Any excess is
attributable to goodwill.
The carrying amount of the investee’s net assets was P20,000,000, equal to fair value.
The investor paid P1,000,000 in excess of the carrying amount of the net assets.
PAS 28, paragraph 32 provides that any excess of the investor’s share of the net fair value
of the associate’s identifiable assets and liabilities over the cost of the investment is
included as income in the determination of the investor’s share of the associate’s profit or
loss in the period in which the investment is acquired.
At the beginning of the current year, an investor purchased 40% of the ordinary shares
outstanding of an investee for P10,000,000 when the net assets of the investee amounted to
At acquisition date, the carrying amounts of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the
investee were equal to fair value.
The excess fair value is included in the investment income of the investee on the date of
the acquisition.
The recoverable amount is measured as the higher between fair value less cost of
disposal and value in use.
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly transaction
between market participants at the measurement date.
Value in use is the present value of the estimated future cash flows expected to arise
from the continuing use of an asset and from the ultimate disposal.
Since goodwill is not separately recognized from the investment amount, the impairment
loss recognized is applied to the investment as a whole.
When an investee has outstanding cumulative reference shares, the investee shall compute
its share of earnings or losses after deducting the preference dividends, whether or not such
dividend is declared.
When the associate has outstanding non-cumulative preference shares, the investor shall
compute its share of earnings after deducting the preference dividends only when declared.
PAS 28 paragraph 22 provides that an investor shall discontinue the use of the equity
method from the date that it ceases to have significant influence over its associate.
Lesson 10, Module 9 is about PAS 28, Investment in Associate and shows the meaning of
significant influence and how it is interpreted.
An interim statement is a financial report covering a period of less than one year. Interim
statements are used to convey the performance of a company before the end of normal full-year
financial reporting cycles. Unlike
annual statements, interim statements do not have to be audited
What Is an Interim Statement? - Investopedia
www.investopedia.com › terms › interim-statement
Financial Reporting
IFRS does not require the preparation of interim financial statements. Paragraph 36 in IAS
1 Presentation of Financial Statements only requires that: 'An entity shall present a complete set
of financial (including comparative information at least annually.
Philippine Jurisdiction
(CFAS by Atty Valix)
The Securities and Exchange Commission and Philippine Stock Exchange require entities covered
by the reportorial requirement of the Revised Securities Act to file quarterly interim financial
reports within 45 days after the end of each of the first three quarters.
The SEC also requires entities covered by the Rules on Commercial Papers and Financing Act to file
quarterly financial reports with 45 days after each quarter- end.
Entities that provide interim financial reports in conformity with Philippine Financial Reporting
Standards shall conform to the recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements set out in the
CFAS by Atty Valix
Paragraph 25 of Appendix B of PAS 34 provides that the inventories are measured for interim
financial reporting by the same principal as at financial year-end.
This simply means that the inventories shall be measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value.
The cost of the inventory maybe estimated using the gross profit method or retail inventory method.
What is impairment?
An Impairment is a fall in the market value of an asset so that the recoverable amount is now less
than the carrying amount in the statement of financial position.
There is an established principle that an asset shall not be carried at above the recoverable
An entity shall write down the carrying amount of an asset to the recoverable amount if the carrying
amount is not recoverable in full.
If the carrying amount is higher than the recoverable amount, the asset is judged to have suffered and
impairment loss.
The asset shall therefore be reduced by the amount of the impairment loss.
Accounting for impairment
In this regard, there are three main accounting issues to consider, namely;
Indication of impairment
An entity shall assess at each reporting date weather there is any indication that an asset may be
If any such indication exists the entity shall estimate the recoverable amount of the asset.
However, irrespective of whether there is any indication of impairment, an entity shall test an
intangible asset with an indefinite useful life or intangible asset not yet available for use for
impairment annually by comparing the carrying amount with the recoverable amount.
The events and changes in circumstances that lead to an impairment of assets may be classified as
external and internal sources of information.
External sources
a. Significant decrease or decline in the market value of the asset as a result of passage of time
or normal use or a new competitor entering the market.
c. An increase in the interest rate or market rate of return on investment which will likely affect
the discount rate used in calculating the value in use.
d. The carrying amount of net assets of the entity is more than the “market capitalization.”
In other words, the carrying amount exceeds the fair value of the net assets.
The market capitalization simply means the fair value of the net assets of the entity.
Internal sources
The external and internal sources of information are not exhaustive. An entity may identify
other indications that an asset may be impaired.
After establishing evidence that an asset has been impaired, the next step is to determine the recoverable
amount preparatory to the recognition of an impairment loss.
The recoverable amount of an asset is the fair value less cost of disposal or value in use,
whichever is higher.
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset in an orderly transaction between
market participants at the measurement date.
Cost of disposal is an incremental cost directly attribute to the disposal of an asset, excluding
finance cost and income tax expense.
Examples of cost of disposal include legal cost, stamp duty and similar transaction tax, cost of
removing the asset, and direct cost in bringing the asset into condition for sale.
In simple terms, fair value less cost of disposal is equal to the exit price or selling price of an asset
minus cost of disposal.
Value in use
Value in use is measured as the present value or discounted value of future net cash flows
expected to be derived from and asset.
The cash flows are pretax cash flows and pretax discount rate is applied in determining the present
Calculation of value in use
Calculating a value in use calls for estimates of future cash flows and there is the possibility
that an entity might come up with “overoptimistic” estimates of cash flows.
a. Future cash flows relating to restructuring to which the entity is not yet committed.
b. Future costs of improving or enhancing the asset’s performance.
c. Cash inflows or outflows from financing activities.
d. Income tax receipts or payments.
If the recoverable amount of an asset is less that the carrying amount, and impairment loss has
The impairment loss shall be recognized immediately by reducing the asset’s carrying amount to its
recoverable amount.
The impairment loss is recognized in profit or loss and presented separately in the income statement.
At year-end, and entity has a machinery with the following cost and accumulated
Machinery 5,000,000
Accumulated depreciation (5-year life, 2 years expired) 2,000,000
Carrying amount 3,000,000
The entity has determined the following information with respect to the machinery at year- end:
Journal entry
Note that the fair value less cost of disposal is considered the recoverable amount and used in
computing the impairment loss because it is higher than the value in use.
After the recognition of an impairment loss, the depreciation charge for the asset shall be adjusted in
future periods to allocate the revised carrying amount less residual value on a systematic basis over
the remaining useful life.
PAS 36, paragraph 114, provides that an impairment loss recognized for an asset in prior years shall
be reversed if there has been a change in estimate of the recoverable amount.
In the other words, if the recoverable amount of an asset that has previously been impaired turns out
to be higher than the current carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset shall be increased to
new recoverable amount.
However, PAS 36, paragraph 117, provides that the increased carrying amount of an asset due to a
reversal of an impairment loss shall not exceed the carrying amount that would have
been determined, had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset in prior years.
The reversal of the impairment loss shall be recognized immediately in the income statement as
gain on reversal of impairment loss.
But any reversal of an impairment loss on a revalued asset shall be credited to income to the extent
that it reverses a previous revaluation decrease and any excess credited directly to revaluation surplus.
1.It is the concept that financial statements be produced that accurately reflect the condition of a
3. It is the concept that financial information should be presented so that a reader can easily comprehend
4. The owner is treated as separate or distinct from the owners. BUSINESS ENTITY CONCEPT
5. Decreases in assets or increases in liabilities that result in decreases in equity, other than those
relating to distributions to equity holders. EXPENSES
6. It is a financial report covering a period of less than one year. INTERIM STATEMENT
10. This principle requires that those costs and expenses incurred in earning a revenue will be reported
in the same period. MATCHING PRINCIPLE
11-13 Three main financial statements (any order) INCOME STATEMENT, BALANCE SHEET,
14. The removal of all or part of a recognized asset or liability from the statement of financial position.
15. It is the quantifying in monetary terms the elements in the financial statements. MEASUREMENT
16. It is the transmitting of information from one person to another, from one organization to another –
or a combination of both – and to the shareholders and other stakeholders of the organization.
17. It is a basic document that sets objectives and the concepts for general purpose financial reporting.
18. It is the adding together of assets, liabilities and equity, income and expenses that have similar or
shared characteristics and are included in the same classification. AGGREGATION
19. The fundamental qualitative characteristics that can influence the decision of the users.
20. It is an ingredient of Relevance that refers to the fact that quality financial information can be used
to base predictions, forecasts, and projections on. PREDICTIVE VALUE
3. A property developer must classify properties that it holds for sale in the
ordinary course of the business as
a. Inventory
b. Property, Plant and equipment
c. Financial asset
d. Investment property
7. When financial statements for a single year are being presented, a prior
period error should
a. Be shown as an adjustment of the balance of retained earnings at the
start of the current year
b. Affect net income of the current year
c. Be shown in the statement of changes in equity
d. Be included in other comprehensive income
9. Which event after the end of the reporting period would generally require
a. Retirement of key management personnel
b Settlement of litigation when the event that gave rise to the litigation
occurred in a prior period.
c. Strike of employees
d. Issue of large amount of ordinary shares
11. This represents the assistance by the government in the form of transfer of
resources to an entity in return for past or future compliance with certain
a. Government grant
b. Government assistance
c. Government donation
d. Government aid
15. The period of time during which interest must be capitalized ends when:
a. The asset is substantially complete and ready for the intended use.
b. No further interest is being incurred
c. The asset is fully abandoned, sold or fully depreciated
d. The activities that are necessary to get the asset ready for the
intended use has begun.
17. When the investor uses the equity method to account for investment in
ordinary shares, the investment account will be increased when investor
a. A proportionate interest in the net income of the investee.
b. A cash dividend received from the investee
c. Periodic amortization of goodwill
d. A share dividend received from the investee