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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
Study of Customer Satisfaction towards Online and Offline

Pravin Laxman Thorat

Assistant Professor, MBA Department,
D Y Patil Institute of Computer Application and Management
Pune, Maharashtra

Dr.Vishal Kumar R
Associate Professor ,Department of Business Administration,
Kalasalingam Business School,
Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education (Deemed to be University),
Srivilliputhur, Tamil Nadu

Swapnil Tawde
FPM Research Scholar, SPJIMR, Mumbai, Maharashtra

Dr.Jaywant R. Bhadane
HOD in Economics, KarmaveerRamraojiAher Arts, Science and Commerce College,
Deola- 423102, Dist. Nashik Maharashtra, India

Lakshmana PhaneendraMaguluri
Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, KoneruLakshmaiah
Education Foundation, Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Andhra Pradesh

The study presents the analysis of online and offline mode of shopping and its influence on the
customer satisfaction. With increasing demand of online shopping among the audience, it is
analyzed that customer satisfaction depends on variety of factors. Offline shopping has its own
importance within the population and is widely popular dye to its accessibility.
Keywords: online shopping, offline shopping, customer satisfaction, transportation

Introduction issues, and manhandling of a product during

Online shopping is gaining access delivery. These challenges have impacted
within the population. More brands are the purchase intention and customer
coming up with different schemes and satisfaction level. The limitations of online
programs to engage customers online. The shopping have made the customer return to
majority of the population using the internet the traditional mode of shopping. With the
makes online businesses include effective traditional model, customers can physically
marketing strategies to generate more communicate with products and analyze
revenue. With online shopping there are their usefulness.
creating limitations like the quality of the The section explains the background
product cannot be determined, privacy of the study with relevant statistical data.

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved 7184

Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
The research objectives are presented to Research questions
establish the significance of the study along The research questions of the
with the research questions. Every question research article are mentioned below:
presented in the chapter is well addressed to RQ1: How does online shopping
develop the study. contribute to customer satisfaction?
RQ2: In what ways does offline
Research Objectives shopping impact customer satisfaction?
The research objectives of the RQ3: What are the challenges faced
research article are mentioned below: by customers while engaging with online
● To analyze the satisfaction and offline modes of shopping?
level of customers toward
online shopping Background
● To examine the influence of Online shopping is booming with
offline shopping on customer time and getting widely popular. With the
satisfaction onset of the pandemic, it is noticed that the
● To identify the challenges majority of the population has accepted the
faced by customers while online mode for purchasing their items. It is
engaging with online and a preferred method as it is consonant and
offline modes of shopping. time consuming. Whereas, the traditional
methods are still very much relevant.

Figure 1: Online shopping frequency

(Source:Statista, 2022)

With time business has shifted to online of the UK population have visited offline
spaces, still, offline stores are hassle-free stores to purchase products and services
and easily approachable in the need of the (Statista, 2022). The statistics presented
hour. In the year 2021, it is noted that 68% illustrate that there is a high growth

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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
observed reading involvement of online customer can analyze the quality of the
shopping by the population of the UK. Both product and make a decision whether to
Australia and the US have also witnessed the purchase or choose another shop for the
majority opting for offline stores and outfits same product. Though the traditional
to buy goods. The presentation given to the method is time-consuming, it doesn't hamper
offline mode includes its accessibility and the preciosity policies of the consumers.
they warn a buyer can feel the product. A

Figure 2: Online and offline shopping engagement

(Source:Pasharibu, Paramita &Febrianto 2018)
From the figure it can be analyzed that well adapted by the population, the offline
offline mode shopping is more preference mode still poses a threat to the e-commerce
than online shipping. sites as customers can feel the quality and
estimate the performance of the products.
Literature Review
Online shopping
Introduction Online shopping refers to the
The section illustrates a vivid electronic mode of purchasing products
description of online and offline modes of using the internet. Customers worldwide are
shopping. Both the shopping modes are engaging with online modes of shopping
convenient to certain sections of the considering the easy accessibility and
audience. Online shopping is the new rage availability of a variety of products.
among consumers and is gaining acceptance Retention of customers is an important
and has its own challenges that are described aspect of a successful business. According to
in the chapter. Though online shopping is Pasharibu, Paramita&Febrianto(2018),

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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
understanding the interactions a customer oriented programs are organized that help
has with a brand helps the management consumers to understand the brand and its
improve their services. The feedback services. As argued by Sharma, Sharma &
provided by the consumers explains their Kaur(2020), perceived risk negatively
experiences and satisfaction regarding the impacts the customer purchase intentions
products. Connecting with the consumer online. The emerging concern about privacy
and have positively impacted the purchase and money transfer issues has reduced the
intentions of the customers. E-commerce engagement of the audience with inline
companies often conduct surveys to generate services. Customer attitudes towards online
feedback from customers and analyze their shopping have changed drastically after the
responses. onset of the pandemic. With innovativeness,
Marketing strategies adopted by the brand awareness, and "price consciousness",
companies enhance the brand awareness customers can compare prices and purchase
among consumers. The technology used by products. The smooth process of purchasing
the firms influences customers to purchase and the quality of products delivered by the
products and services hassle-free. Customer- companies enhanced customer satisfaction.

Figure 3: Online shopping

(Source:Schulze, 2021)

Offline shopping The presence of effective customer services

The traditional mode of shopping increases the repeat purchase intentions of
involves the exchange of goods and items the customers as well as engages new
between a seller and the buyer. Purchasing customers. As stated by Schulze (2021), the
goods from offline stores, warehouses, active participation of customers engaging
factories, and outlets rely on face-to-face with the quality of the product makes them
interactions (Schulze, 2021). The offline feel safe before making a decision. Also, the
shopping approach "thrives on word of purchased products are delivered at the same
mouth", effective networking, and referrals. online shopping takes time. Effective

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved 7187

Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
communication with other customers and the products (Pasharibu, Paramita&Febrianto,
seller enhance the knowledge about the 2018). The whole process enhances their
products. With products being properly engagement and satisfaction. Whereas
explained, customers can understand offline stores do not provide the widest
whether the item is required or not. range of products to choose from. An offline
store has a limited stock of products for the
Offline stores offer an essay way to consumers to select from and less
return an item. This has a positive impact on opportunity to compare prices.
customers as they can exchange their item
with the best one suitable for them. Products
like shoes and clothes can be tried before the
customer makes a decision to purchase the

Figure 4: Offline shopping

(Source:Le, Carrel & Shah, 2021)

Challenges faced by consumers unavoidable. Customers analyzing all the

Customers engaging with both online factors that possess a threat to their privacy
and offline modes of shopping face certain results in disappointment among the
challenges. Products ascribable online do consumers.
not allow the customers to physically feel With the offline mode of shopping,
the quality of the product. The arrival of the consumers do not have an opportunity to
product takes time and at times the delivered compare the prices and lose money as a
product is mishandled which damages the limited range of products is available to
product (Le, Carrel & Shah, 2021). Online choose from. Traditional shopping is time
shopping also includes fraud websites and consuming. Customers pay an additional
transactions that drastically disturb the traveling cost for a product. Purchasing an
intentions of the customers to engage with a item on holidays is difficult as most outlets
product online. The delivery charges are are closed on these days. This time

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved 7188

Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
consuming methods have shifted the The research study is developed with
preference of the customers to engage with the help of a secondary qualitative method.
online mode of shopping which is hassle All the information and data collected are
free. from journals and peer-reviewed articles.
The information is well explored to present
Theory the research objectives previously described
Disconfirmation paradigm theory is in the study. According to Flick(2020),
undertaken to develop the study. The theory secondary research is done to provide a
focused on the performance of the services systematic review of the existing resources
that are necessary to meet the expectations and material. It is a cost-effective method
of the customers. Establishing customer and easily accessible to have a better
satisfaction involves the quality of services understanding about the relevant concepts.
and how well the product performs. Every In this study a positivist ideology is
consumer chooses a product based on the maintained for data collection and analysis.
previous feedback or information provided Secondary analysis of data is
regarding the product. When a product supported by the descriptive exploratory
performs well, it enhances the feeling of framework. The journals and articles
satisfaction among the consumer. The considered to develop the study are focused
feeling of pleasure or disappointment on online and offline modes of shopping for
influences the purchase intent of the customer satisfaction. The information
consumers (Gilly &Wolfinbarger, 2020). collected covers the usefulness of online
Every product or service purchased by the shopping and its accessibility. A brief
consumer's enhancers the overall experience description of the themes is presented in the
that helps the brands to build a long term study along with a thematic coding output
relationship with the consumers. The theory (Gilly &Wolfinbarger, 2020). Interpretation
is undertaken to analyze the satisfaction of the themes provides the significance of
level of the consumers based on perceived the research study. The study consists of two
perforation which can be met by the product themes that analyze the results of the
qualitative information.

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved 7189

Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
Results and analysis
Quality review

Authors Study design Number of Measured Result Quality

resources outcomes review

Pasharibu, Qualitative 5 Impact of Every Moderate

Paramita Online product
&Febrianto shopping on purchased by
(2018) customer the
satisfaction consumer's
enhancer the
that helps the

Suganya, Qualitative 45 Influence of Products High

(2018) Online ascribable
shopping on online do not
customer allow the
satisfaction customers to
feel the
quality of the

Vasić, Quantitative 150 Influence of Offline stores High

Kilibarda&K Offline do not
aurin(2019) shopping on provide a
customer range of
satisfaction products.

Muntaqheem Qualitative 20 Influence of Customers Moderate

&Raiker, both online are engaging
(2019) and Offline with online
shopping on modes of
customer shopping.
Table 1: Quality review
(Source: By learner)

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved 7190

Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
Thematic coding
Author Code Themes

Pasharibu, Paramita Quality service, customer Pricing of a product positively

&Febrianto, 2018 satisfaction, online purchase, impact customer satisfaction

Muntaqheem&Raiker, 2019 Customer behavior, physical Online shopping is influenced

store, online shopping, by the willingness of the
technology, customer to engage with
products online for a better
Table 2: Thematic coding
(Source: By learner)

Thematic analysis engage with products online for a better

Theme 1: Pricing of a product positively Customers are highly fascinated with
impact customer satisfaction hassle-free purchase options to select the
Customer satisfaction can be defined desired product. The emergence of online
as a “feeling of pleasure or disappointment shopping has impacted their intention to
that depends on the performance of the engage with products online. Online
products or results” of a service. A customer websites and social media pages enable the
often compares the pricing of similar consumer to access a variety of products.
products and has certain expectations with Every brand organizes events and discount
the low cost one. When a customer feels coupons that affect the purchase intention of
delighted about the quality of the product, it the customer (Schulze, 2021). Customers
is very likely that customers stick with the engaging with online brands have responded
brand for a long period of time (Sharma, to brands and these special programs. With
Sharma & Kaur, 2020). While exploring the online shopping customers get delivered
prices of the products, consumers focus on their favorite and international products at
the benefits of indulging in bargaining with their doorstep. Brand meeting the
the seller before making a decision on the extractions of the customers with quality
item. When a customer feels the price is products and services enhances their
reasonable, the feeling is the generator's satisfaction level. The feedback collected
purchase intention to engage with their through surveys and polls has enabled
product. Offline stores with effective organizations to improve their services and
communication and customer services delivery process. Customers experiencing a
enhance the engagement with their products. smooth delivery of their products increase
Quality services increase the trust and their engagement with online products. Thus
integrity of the brand. Thus there exists a online merchants have focused on customer
positive relationship between the pricing of satisfaction by incorporating a variety of
the product and customer satisfaction. strategies.
Theme 2: Online shopping is influenced
by the willingness of the customer to

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved 7191

Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
Pravin Laxman Thorat et al.
Discussion at any time. Quality of services and
From the above findings, it can be information provided by the websites are the
noted that online shopping enhances only factors that consumers can rely on for
customer satisfaction when customers are purchasing their favorites. These variables
well versed and want information about the influence the theory satisfaction level.
product. improved quality and services of However, feline being the traditional mode
the product with easy accessibility and of shopping provides an effective
delivery in a less number of days increase understanding of the products that can be
customer satisfaction level. Though a experienced by the customers to analyze
perceived risk exists regarding the privacy their desired product.
of details, online shopping still manages to The findings collected from the
involve a larger part of the population and journal and articles are used to understand
enhances their purchase experience customer satisfaction and require effective
(Dekimpe, Geyskens&Gielens, 2020). communication along with quality services.
Pricing of the product and quality services Based on these two aspects, customers are
have a great influence on customer engaged with brands that have better
satisfaction. strategies to deliver products on time. Online
shopping is more convenient compared to
With offline shopping, customers can offline mode of shopping. Though the
feel the product which gives them the upper traditional mode of shopping is time
hand to decide whether to purchase or not. consuming it actually provides customers
The absence of delivery charge required in with a better understanding of the product.
this mode of shopping enhances their
association with the nearby outlets. Though Limitation
a certain section of the audience feels, the While developing the study, multiple
transportation cost to buy a product offline is limitations are observed. The secondary
more than the delivery charades. As per the qualitative methods selected to future
ideas of Gilly &Wolfinbarger (2020), progress with the study, data interpretation
customer satisfaction with products offline and communication strategies that can
can be understood by the retailers on the enhance offline shopping. The selection of a
spot itself considering the engagement. This mono-method has limited the resources that
helps a company to improve its services. can be utilized to further explore online and
Both offline and online modes of shopping offline shopping towards customer
have significantly contributed to satisfaction satisfaction (Dekimpe, Geyskens&Gielens,
while having certain drawbacks that require 2020). Similarly, customer satisfaction has
more research. reduced the comprehensiveness of the study
related to customer satisfaction.
Customer satisfaction towards online Future scope
shopping has altered the e-commerce There are several areas that can be
business to establish in the dynamic business explored by future researchers to develop
world. A variety of products that can be vivid analysis of online and offline mode of
compared based on their prices impacts shopping. With offline shopping, researchers
customer satisfaction. With online can focus on the most effective
purchasing customers cannot understand the communication strategies that guarantee
quality of products though they can purchase customer satisfaction. Online shopping faces

© 2021 JPPW. All rights reserved 7192

Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.com
2022, Vol. 6, No. 3, 7184-7193
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