Mapeh 10 Reviewer (3RD Quarter)
Mapeh 10 Reviewer (3RD Quarter)
Mapeh 10 Reviewer (3RD Quarter)
-Ryan Cayabyab is a popular contemporary -Why did comics become popular and the most
music composer. What does a musical widely read book by almost all Filipinos in the
composer role? Writes and arranges the 1920s?? The majority of the comic books are
melody of the song. written in the Filipino language.
-A technique that quickly contracts and relaxes -As adolescents, what benefit can we get from the
muscles to cause a jerk in the dancer’s body. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Popping Health Act? Reproductive consultation
-The basic movements of the dance are fast heel- -The Global Alliance for vaccines and
and-toe action with a style suitable for various immunizations aims to strengthen children’s
types of electronic music. Shuffling immunization programs especially in
developing countries. Which of the following
-Your performance is rated according to the is part of the program Hepatitis vaccine
following criteria Execution and creativity
-The COVID-19 vaccine is already rolled-out and
-Rate of Perceived Exertion or RPE of 10 all Filipinos are encouraged to get vaccinated.
means_________. Out of breath, unable to What do you call the phenomenon where
talk. people are reluctant to be vaccinated for many
reasons like the safety and efficacy of the
vaccine? Vaccine hesitancy
-Use the Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide in telling
us to___________. Select activity that best
fits you based on lifestyle and health needs. -The World Health Organization Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control aims to set
universal standards and limits on the use of
-Campbell locking was created by Don Campbell
tobacco in all forms throughout the world.
in 1969 in California. Locking
Which among the following is NOT included
in the proposed steps of the WHO FCTC
-Creative way of making geometric shapes forming
treaty? Creation of smoke-free workspaces
right angle using your body parts, adopted
from ancient Egyptians. Tutting
-If the healthcare system in our country is not
utilized to effectively cater to the needs of
-Utilizing active recreational activity is based on
people from far-flung areas, what could
the following criteria. Attainability and
possibly happen? There could be many
realistic activities
people who have untreated severe illnesses
that might be cured if addressed
-Form of dancing originated in the African- immediately.
American community of South-Central
California. Krumping
-Which of these emerging communicable diseases
greatly threaten developing nations around the
-A recreational activity that can develop your world especially in Africa? HIV/AIDS
physical, mental, social, and emotional health.
-Many people were very hesitant about the
COVID-19 vaccine. If you were the secretary
of health, what strategy would you do to
encourage people to get vaccinated? I will
HEALTH make a campaign like an infomercial about
the benefits of being vaccinated against the
COVID-19 virus.
-The health of the world as a whole; the area of
study, research and practice which gives
priority on improving and achieving equal
health for all people worldwide. Global health