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M-15 Ultratech

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1 Summary of Mix design 1

2 Batch weights 2

3 Chart of mix proportions 3

4 Compressive strength of cubes 4-5

5 Mix design stipulations 6-8

6 Specific gravity & water absorption reports 9 - 11

7 All in aggregate, combined & individual gradations reports 12 - 15

8 Aggregate Impact value report 16

9 Flakiness test report 17

10 Cement test report 18 - 19

11 MTC 20 - 21

12 Third Party test reports 22 - 24

13 Source approval letters of sand and aggregate 25 - 26

Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of
NH-71 From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highway Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Eengg.&Consltancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


Sl No. Description Value/Results Specifications Remarks

1 Trial ID TM- 18 -

2 Trial Date -

3 Grade of concrete mix M15 M-15

Ultratech OPC 43
4 Brand & Grade of Cement OPC Cement

5 Adopted W/C Ratio 0.5 0.5

6 Strength @28days in Mpa 62 : 38 -

7 Cement in kgs 270 250 Min.

8 Water in kgs 135 -

9 Admixture in kgs 2.16 -

10 20mm in kgs 850 -

11 10mm in kgs 567 -

12 Sand in kgs 783 -

13 Slump (90 min.) in mm 25 25 mm

14 Strength @7days in Mpa 21.48 16.75 Mpa Min.

15 Strength @28days in Mpa 28.00 25 Mpa Min.

Sign. Of Contractor's Rep. Sign. Of PMC Rep. Sign Of IC's Rep.

Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of
NH-71 From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg.&Consltancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


As per IS 2386 Part - 4
Location : Lab @ Km.23.700 RHS Date Sampled : 16.07.12
Source : UMARI QUARRY Date Tested : 16.07.12
Proposed Use : Concrete Mix design Sampled by : Jointly
Type of material : Coarse aggregates Tested by : Jointly

Description Trial No. 1 Trial No. 2 Trial No. 3

Weight of surface dry sample passing 12.5 mm

360.00 359.00 362.00
and retained on 10 mm IS sieves, W1 (gms)

Weight of fraction passing 2.36 mm IS sieve, after

36.00 37.00 39.00
the test, W2 (gms)

Weight of fraction retained on 2.36 mm IS sieve

324.00 322.00 323.00
after the test, W3 (gms)

A.I.V. = (W2 / W1)X100 10.00 10.31 10.77

Average value of A.I.V. (%) 10.36

Remarks :

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date: Date: Date:
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of
NH-71 From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg.&Consltancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd

( As per IS 2386 Part 3) By Pyconometer Method
Date Sampled Date Tested
Location : Lab Machhrouli camp Jhajjar Sampled by : Jointly
Source : Rajasthan Tonk River Sand Tested by : Jointly
Proposed Use : Concrete Mix Design
Sl No Determination 1 2 Average

1 Pycnometer Number 1 1 -

2 Wt.of SSD sample in air (A) 401.0 405.0 -

3 Wt of Pycnometer + Water + Sample (B) 1405.0 1408.3 -

4 Wt of Pycnometer + Water (C) 1153.5 1153.5 -

5 Wt of Oven Dry sample (D) 395.5 398.6 -

6 Bulk Specific Gravity (Dry Basis) D/{A-(B-C)} 2.645 2.654 2.650

7 Apparent Specific Gravity D/{D-(B-C)} 2.747 2.772 2.759

8 Water Absorption (% of Dry Basis) 100 x (A-D)/D 1.39 1.61 1.50

Remarks :

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date: Date Date
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of
NH-71 From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg.&Consltancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


( As per IS 2386 Part 3)
Date Sampled Date Tested
Location : Lab Machrouli camp Jhajjar Sampled by : Jointly
Source :10mm Aggregate,Kotputli Quarr Tested by : Jointly
Proposed Use : Concrete Mix Design
Sl No Determination No. 1 2 Average

1 Wt. of oven dry sample in air (gm)A 1491.4 1525.2 -

2 Wt. of SSD sample in air (gm) B 1503.8 1536.8 -

3 Wt.of SSD sample in water (gm) C 994.6 1016.8 -

4 Specific Gravity (Oven Dried) A / (B - C) 2.929 2.933 2.931

6 Apparent Specific Gravity A / (A - C) 3.002 3 3.001

7 Water Absorption (%) (B - A) / A x (100) 0.83 0.76 0.80

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date: Date Date
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of
NH-71 From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg.&Consltancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


( As per IS 2386 Part 3)
Date Sampled Date Tested
Location : Lab Machhrouli camp Jhajjar Sampled by : Jointly
Source :20mm Aggregate,Kotputli Quarry Tested by : Jointly
Proposed Use : Concrete Mix Design
Sl No Determination No. 1 2 Average

1 Wt. of oven dry sample in air (gm) (A) 2022.0 1984.8 -

2 Wt. of SSD sample in air (gm) (B) 2036.1 2000.6 -
3 Wt.of SSD sample in water (gm) (C) 1349.4 1327.2 -
4 Specific Gravity (Oven Dried) A / (B - C) 2.945 2.947 2.946
5 Apparent Specific Gravity A / (A - C) 3.006 3.018 3.012
6 Water Absorption (%) (B - A) / A x (100) 0.70 0.80 0.75

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date: Date Date
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71 From
Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg.&Consltancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor :Sky Lark Infa Engineering Pvt Ltd


As per IS 2386 Part - I

Date Sampled Date Tested

Location : Lab @ Machhrouli camp Jhajjar Proposed to use : Mix Design

Source : Kotputli Rajasthan Quarry Sampled by : Jointly

Type of Material : Coarse aggregate Tested by : Jointly

Wt. of agg. ret.
Sieve Size (mm) Wt. of agg. passing Wt. of agg. on length gauge
Total Wt. of agg. ret. on sieves from thickness retained on after ret. on
[A] (gm) gauge [B] thickness thickness gauge
Passing Retained (gm) gauge [C] (gm)
[D] (gm)
63.0 50.0 _ _ _ _
50.0 40.0 _ _ _
40.0 31.5 _ _ _ _
31.5 25.0 _ _ _ _
25.0 20.0 2090 271 _ _
20.0 16.0 1656 221 _ _
16.0 12.5 1209 188 _ _
12.5 10.0 789 150 _ _
10.0 6.3 456 97 _ _
Total 6200 927 _ _

Flakiness Index = B/A X 100 14.95 %
Elongation Index = D/C X 100 _
Combined FI and EI % _

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date: Date: Date:
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of
NH-71 From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana

Client : National Highways Authority of India

Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy

Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd

EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


(As per IS : 516)
Batch No./Week No. 44 11 Date of Casting 22.11.17
Location / Source : Lab @ Machhrouli camp Jhajjar Date of Testing 25.11.17
Type of Cement: OPC 43 grade Sampled by : Jointly
Brand & Grade of cement : Shree cement Tested by : Jointly
Fineness Modulus 2.33 Consistency 27
Wt of Cement : 200 gms Intial Sett. Time 280 minutes
Wt of Standard Sand : 600 gms Final Sett. Time 340 minutes

Weight Density of Comp. Average

Cub Area (Sq Volume Maximum Corrected
of Cube LxBxH (mm) the Cube Strength Strength
e No mm) (cc) Load (KN) Load (KN)
(g) (g/cc) (N/mm2) (N/mm2)

3 days Cube data (Date of Testing 30.07.12)

1 854 4984.4 351.90 2.427 140 140 28.09

70.6 x
2 850 2.415 150 150 30.09 28.09
3 858 2.438 130 130 26.08
7 days Cube data (Date of Testing 03.08.12)

4 861 4984.4 351.90 2.447 170 170 34.11

70.6 x
5 850 2.415 190 190 38.12 36.11
6 856 2.433 180 180 36.11
28 days Cube data ( Date of Testing 24.08.12)

7 866 4984.4 351.90 2.461 240 240 48.15

70.6 x
8 862 2.450 250 250 50.16 50.49
9 855 2.430 265 265 53.17
Specified Limits: 3 days - 23 Mpa Min.
7 days - 33 Mpa Min.
28 days - 43 Mpa Min.

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date Date Date
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-
71 From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consu: MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


(As per IS : 4031- Part 4)
Batch No./Week No. 44, 11 Date Sampled : 22.11.017
Location / Source Shree cement Date Tested : 22.11.017
Type of Cement : OPC -43 Grade Sample by : Jointly
Proposed Use : Concrete Mix Design Tested by : Jointly

Fineness of Cement
Wt Retained % retained on Average
Wt of Cement
Trial No. on 90. Micron 90 micron Fineness of Specific limites
Taken (gms)
sieve (gms) Sieve Cement (%)

1 100 1.15 1.12

2 100 1.18 1.17 1.17 <10
3 100 1.22 1.21

Water added Weight of
S.No Weight of Cement (gm) Penetration (mm)
(%) Water (gms)

1 300 27.0 81.0 10

2 300 27.5 82.5 8
3 300 28.0 84.0 6
Normal Consistency = 28.0


Initial Setting Time
Trial No. Final Settting time (minutes) Remarks
1 140 325
Note: Initial Setting time should not be less than 30 Mins. & Final setting time should not be more than 600 Mins.

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71
From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sku Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


Average of sieve analysis

20 mm 10 mm
I.S.Sieve (mm) River sand
Aggregate Aggregate
40.00 0.00 0.00 -
20.00 95.40 0.00 -
12.50 - 0.00 -
10.00 4.09 86.00 100.00
4.75 1.31 7.03 95.28
2.36 83.80
1.18 64.08
0.600 41.22
0.300 12.52
0.150 4.28
Blending Proportion for Coarse Aggregate(CA)
60 % 40 % 100%
Blending Specified Limit as
I.S.Sieve (mm) 20 mm 10mm
results per IS:383
40.00 60.00 40.00 100.00 100
20.00 57.24 40.00 97.24 95-100
10.00 2.46 34.40 36.86 25-55
4.75 0.78 2.81 3.60 0-10
All in aggregate blending (CA & FA)
Proportion by 62 % 38 % 100%
Proportion by 64.4 % 35.6 % 100%
Blending Specified Limit as
I.S.Sieve (mm) CA FA(River sand)
results per IS:383
40.00 64.41 35.59 100.00 100.00
20.00 62.63 35.59 98.22 95-100
4.75 2.32 33.91 36.23 30-50
0.60 0.00 14.67 14.67 10-35
0.15 0.00 1.52 1.52 0-6
Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's Rep. IC's. Rep.
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71 From
Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy
Concessionaire's : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt L:td
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd

Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate (Coarse Sand)

Date Sampled: 10.11.017 Date Tested 10.11.017
Location: : Lab @Machhrouli camp Jhajjar Proposed use :Concrete Mix Design
Source: : Kotputli Rajasthan Quarry Sampled by :Jointly
Proposed Use : Concrete Mix Design Tested by :Jointly
Sample No. 1 Coarse Sand Sample Weight in gms 2000
Wt. Cum. wt. Specification Limits As per MoRT&H Table
Sieve Size No 1000-2
Retained Retained % Retained % Passing
(gms) (gms) Zone I Zone II Zone III
10 0 0 0.00 100.00 100 100 100
4.75 98 98 4.90 95.10 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100
2.36 245 343 17.15 82.85 60 - 95 75 - 100 85 - 100
1.18 385 728 36.40 63.60 30 - 70 55 - 90 75 - 100
0.600 467 1195 59.75 40.25 15 - 34 35 - 59 60 - 79
0.300 555 1750 87.50 12.50 5 - 20 8-30 12-40
0.150 168 1918 95.90 4.10 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10
Pan 82
Zone - II
Fineness modulus :- 3.02
Sample No.02 Coarse Sand Sample Weight = 2000

Wt. Cum. wt. Specification Limits As per MoRT&H Table

Sieve Size No 1000-2
Retained Retained % Retained % Passing
(gms) (gms) Zone I Zone II Zone III
10 0 0 0.00 100.00 100 100 100
4.75 95 95 4.75 95.25 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100
2.36 174 269 13.45 86.55 60 - 95 75 - 100 85 - 100
1.18 398 667 33.35 66.65 30 - 70 55 - 90 75 - 100
0.600 490 1157 57.85 42.15 15 - 34 35 - 59 60 - 79
0.300 596 1753 87.65 12.35 5 - 20 8-30 12-40
0.150 159 1912 95.60 4.40 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10
Pan 88
Zone - II
Fineness modulus :- 2.93
Sample No.03 Coarse Sand Sample Weight = 2000
Wt. Cum. wt. Specification Limits As per MoRT&H Table
Sieve Size No 1000-2
Retained Retained % Retained % Passing
(mm) Zone I Zone II Zone III
(gms) (gms)
10 0 0 0.00 100.00 100 100 100
4.75 90 90 4.50 95.50 90 - 100 90 - 100 90 - 100
2.36 270 360 18.00 82.00 60 - 95 75 - 100 85 - 100
1.18 400 760 38.00 62.00 30 - 70 55 - 90 75 - 100
0.600 415 1175 58.75 41.25 15 - 34 35 - 59 60 - 79
0.300 571 1746 87.30 12.70 5 - 20 8-30 12-40
0.150 167 1913 95.65 4.35 0 - 10 0 - 10 0 - 10
Pan 87
Zone - II
Fineness modulus :- 3.02

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date Date Date
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71
From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana

Client : National Highways Authority of India

Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy

Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd

EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd



Date Sampled : 05.11.017 Date Tested : 05.11.017

Location : Lab Machhrouli camp Jhajjar Propose use : Concrete Mix design

Source : Kotputli Rajasthan Quarry Sampled by : Jointly

Proposed Use : Concrete Mix design Tested by : Jointly

Aggregate 20mm Sample-1 Total weight (gms.) 5000
Cum. wt. Retained
Sieve Size in 'mm' Wt. Retained (gms) % Retained % Passing
40 0 0 0.00 100.00
20 240 240 4.80 95.20
10 4545 4785 95.70 4.30
4.75 138 4923 98.46 1.54
Pan 77
Aggregate 20mm Sample-2 Total weight (gms.) 5000
Cum. wt. Retained
Sieve Size in 'mm' Wt. Retained (gms) % Retained % Passing
40 0 0 0.00 100.00
20 245 245 4.90 95.10
10 4570 4815 96.30 3.70
4.75 139 4954 99.08 0.92
Pan 46
Aggregate 20mm Sample-3 Total weight (gms.) 5000
Cum. wt. Retained
Sieve Size in 'mm' Wt. Retained (gms) % Retained % Passing
40 0 0 0.00 100.00
20 205 205 4.10 95.90
10 4581 4786 95.72 4.28
4.75 141 4927 98.54 1.46
Pan 73

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date Date Date
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71
From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana

Client : National Highways Authority of India

Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy

Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd

EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd



Date Sampled 06.11.017 Date Tested :06.11.017

Location : Lab@Machhrouli camp jhajjar Propose use :Concrete Mix design
Source :Kotputli Rajasthan Quarry Sampled by :Jointly
Proposed Use :Concrete Mix design Tested by :Jointly
Aggregate 10mm Sample-1 Total weight (gms.) 5000
Cum. wt. Retained
Sieve Size in 'mm' Wt. Retained (gms) % Retained % Passing
12.5 0 0 0.00 100.00
10 690 690 13.80 86.20
4.75 3935 4625 92.50 7.50
2.36 231 4856 97.12 2.88
Pan 144
Aggregate 10mm Sample-2 Total weight (gms.) 5000
Cum. wt. Retained
Sieve Size in 'mm' Wt. Retained (gms) % Retained % Passing
12.5 0 0 0.00 100.00
10 702 702 14.04 85.96
4.75 3928 4630 92.60 7.40
2.36 252 4882 97.64 2.36
Pan 118
Aggregate 10mm Sample-3 Total weight (gms.) 5000
Cum. wt. Retained
Sieve Size in 'mm' Wt. Retained (gms) % Retained % Passing
12.5 0 0 0.00 100.00
10 670 670 13.40 86.60
4.75 3990 4660 93.20 6.80
2.36 224 4884 97.68 2.32
Pan 116

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's. Rep.

Date Date Date
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71 From Km
363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd


As per IS 516
Mix details : M35 RCC Date of Casting 23.11.017
Brand/Grade of Cement : Ultratech cement opc 43 grade Date of testing 7 days 30.11.017
Cement Content : 270 KG PER M3 28 days ------
Water/cement ratio : 0.50 CTM correction factor : 1.0

Volume Avg.
Density Load Corrected Strength
S.No Weight gms Area in cm2 Strength Remarks
gm/cc KN Load KN Mpa
cc Mpa
1 8793 225 3375 2.605 430 430 19.11
2 8700 225 3375 2.578 500 500 22.22 20.89
3 8720 225 3375 2.584 480 480 21.33
4 8810 225 3375 2.610 480 480 21.33
5 8760 225 3375 2.596 500 500 22.22 22.07
6 8702 225 3375 2.578 510 510 22.67

Average of 7 days Compressive Strength = 21.48 Mpa

Cement Brand = Ultratech OPC 43 grade
Admixture = Blackcat ACMENT BV 430
Aggregate source = Umri, Quarry
Sand source = Kanhan River

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's

Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71 From Km 363.300 to
Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana
Client : National Highways Authority of India
Independent Consultant : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy
Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd
EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd
As per IS 516
Mix details : M-15 Date of Casting 23.11.017
Brand/Grade of Cement : Ultratech cement opc 43 grade Date of testing 7 days ………………..

Cement Content : 270 KG 28 days 21.12.017

Water/cement ratio : 0.50 CTM correction factor : 1.0

Load Corrected Load Avg. Strength
S.No Weight gms Area in cm2 Density gm/cc Strength Mpa
1 8820 225 3375 2.613 610 610 27.11
2 8790 225 3375 2.604 630 630 28.00 27.26
3 8842 225 3375 2.620 600 600 26.67
4 8860 225 3375 2.625 650 650 28.89
5 8795 225 3375 2.606 670 670 29.78 28.89
6 8696 225 3375 2.577 630 630 28.00
7 8832 225 3375 2.617 620 620 27.56
8 8754 225 3375 2.594 590 590 26.22 27.70
9 8840 225 3375 2.619 660 660 29.33
10 8812 225 3375 2.611 610 610 27.11
11 8787 225 3375 2.604 640 640 28.44 28.15
12 8844 225 3375 2.620 650 650 28.89

Average of 28 days Compressive Strength = 28.00 Mpa ≥ 25 Mpa Hence Ok

Min. Targate Mean strength as per MoRT&H section 1700 = 25.00 Mpa
Cement Brand = Ultratech OPC 43 grade
Admixture = Blackcat ACMENT BV 430
Aggregate source = Umri Quarry
Sand source = Kanhan River
Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's/PMC Rep. IC's
r Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71 From Km 363.300 to
nder NHDP -III in the State of Haryana

As per IS 516


≥ 25 Mpa Hence Ok
Trial ID : TM-18 Date of Trial :

a) Grade of design mix = M-15 PCC (as per MORTH Table 1700-1)
b) Max size of aggregate = 20 mm (as per MORTH Table 1700-7)
c) Minimum Cement Content = 250 Kg (as per MORTH Table 1700-3)
d) Degree of workability = Medium
e) Slump required = 25 mm (as per MORTH Table 1700-4)
f) Degree of Quality control = Good
g) Type of exposure = Moderate
h) Maximum W/C Ratio = 0.50 As per MORTH table 1700-3 A
i) Adopted W/C ratio = 0.50
j) Target mean strength = 25.0 MPa (As per MORT & H - table 1700-5)
k) maximum Cement content = 540 kg (as per MORTH clause 1703.2)
A) Cement :-
a) Cement Brand = Ultratech OPC 43 grade
b) Specific Gravity of cement = 3.15
B) Fine Aggregate :-
a) Source = Kanhan river
b) Specific Gravity = 2.650 (Report attached)
c) Water absorption = 1.50 % (Report attached)
d) Sieve Analysis of Fine aggregate = Zone - II (Grading Sheet attached)
C) Coarse Aggregate :-
a) Source = Umari Quarry Crusher @Km 51.800 RHS

b) Specific Gravity
20 mm = 2.946 (Report attached)
10 mm = 2.931 (Report attached)
c) Combined Specific Gravity
(20 mm 60%&10 mm 40 %) = 2.940 (Report attached)
d) Water absorption
20 mm = 0.75 % (Report attached)
10 mm = 0.80 % (Report attached)
e) Sieve Analysis of Coarse aggregate
i) 20 mm = Grading Sheet attached
ii) 10 mm = Grading Sheet attached
iii) Combined gradation : = Grading Sheet attached
D) Admixture :

a) Name of the brand = ACMENT-BV-430 (BlackCat Chemicals)

b) Specific gravity = 1.21

Sing.of Contractor's Rep. Sing. of Concessionair's/PMC Rep. Sign. of IC's Rep.

3- Selection of water -sand content :-

a) As per IS: 10262-2009 Table 2 for 20mm Aggregate Max. water content
= 186kgs ( for 25 mm to 50 mm slump)

(3% water content may increase by every increasing of 25 mm slump as per IS 10262-2009)
So Estimated Water Content for 25 mm slump = ( 186 + ( 0 / 100 × 186 ) )

= 186 Ltr

Using admixture, the water content can reduced up to 20 % and above

(as recommended by IS 10262 -2009 and IS 9103)

After several Lab Trials we are reducing 27 % water content (By using 0.7 % admixture to get the desired retention)

Therefore water required for 25 mm slump

So water content per Cum required for concrete = ( 186 × 0.73 ) Specific Gravity of Water is
= 135 Kg

So cement content per Cum required for concrete= ( 135 ⁄ 0.50 )

(Minimum cement content is 250 Kg/M3 = 270 ≥ 250 Kg Hence Ok

as per MoRT&H Table-1700-3-A)

So wt of admixture required for concrete = ( 270 × 0.7 ) = 1.89 Kg

b) As per IS: 10262-2009 Table 3 volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20mm size aggregate

and Zone -II sand for water-cement ratio of 0.50 = 0.62

(Volume of coarse aggregate is require to be increase to decrease the fine aggregate content at the rate of -/+ 0.01 for

every 0.05 change in water-cement ratio.)

Here we are using Zone -II sand , hence adopted 0.62 volume of coarse (trials done, mix found cohesive )

So Proportions of Coarse and Fine aggregates (62: 38)

Fine aggregate = 38 %

Coarse aggregate

i) 20mm aggregate 60 % = 37 = %
ii)10 mm aggregate 40 % = 25 = %

4- Determination of coarse and fine aggregate content for 1 M3 of concrete

in Cum.

a) Volume Of Concrete = 1 Cum = 1.000

b) Volume of Cement = Wt of cement/ Sp.Gr. Of Cement/1000 = 0.086

c) Volume of Water = Wt of Water/ Sp.Gr. Of Water/1000 = 0.135

d) Volume of Admixture = Wt of Admixture/ Sp.Gr. Of Admixture/1000 = 0.002

e) Volume of All in aggregate = a-(b+c+d) = 0.778

Sing.of Contractor's Rep. Sing. of Concessionair's/PMC Rep. Sign. of IC's Rep.

5- Determination of Wt of Coarse and Fine Aggregate

Wt of coarse aggregate = volume of all in aggregate x volume of coarse aggregate x Sp. Gr.x1000 = 1418

Wt of Fine aggregate = volume of all in aggregate x volume of fine aggregate x Sp. Gr.x1000 = 783


Coarse aggregate in kg
Fine Aggregate Admixture Acment
WATER (kg) CEMENT (kg)
(kg) BV-430
20mm 10mm

135 270 783 851 567 1.89

0.50 1 2.9 3.2 2.1 0.01

7- Water adjustment for per Cum of concrete for dry Condition

If the aggregate are dry, the amount of mixing water should be increased by an amount equal to the moisture likely to be

absorbed by the aggregate. Necessary adjustment are also required to be made in mass of aggregates.

a) Fa Extra quantity of water added for absorption = 783 X 1.50 = 11.7

b) Ca 20 mm Extra quantity of water added for absorption = 851 X 0.75 = 6.4

c) Ca 10 mm Extra quantity of water added for absorption = 567 X 0.80 = 4.5

d) Total water required for mixing = 135.0 + 22.7 = 158 Kg

e) Actual qty of sand ( 783.2 - 11.7 ) = 771 Kg

f) Actual qty of 20 mm ( 850.6 - 6.4 ) = 844 Kg

g) Actual qty of 10 mm ( 567.1 - 4.5 ) = 563 Kg


Coarse aggregate (kg)

Fine Aggregate
WATER (kg) CEMENT (kg) Admixture in kg
20mm 10mm

158 270 771 844 563 1.89

Average slump
Period Temperature in 0C Mix Observed
Observed in mm
Initial 95 28.9
After 30 minutes 65 29.6
After 60 minutes 40 30.4
After 90 minutes 25 31.8

Note: 1- Admixture dosage is likely to vary depending upon climate condition and distance of pouring place.

Sing.of Contractor's Rep. Sing. of Concessionair's/PMC Rep. Sign. of IC's Rep.


Sing.of Contractor's Rep. Sing. of Concessionair's/PMC Rep. Sign. of IC's Rep.

% water content (By using 0.7 % admixture to get the desired retention)


ease to decrease the fine aggregate content at the rate of -/+ 0.01 for

Sing.of Contractor's Rep. Sing. of Concessionair's/PMC Rep. Sign. of IC's Rep.



R CUM OF CONCRETE (As Per SSD Conditions)

Admixture Acment



ter should be increased by an amount equal to the moisture likely to be




R CUM OF CONCRETE (As Per Dry Conditions)

Admixture in kg


Mix Observed


Sing.of Contractor's Rep. Sing. of Concessionair's/PMC Rep. Sign. of IC's Rep.


PROPORTION ( SSD Conditions )

20mm 10mm (Blackcat)
Agg. Agg. ACMENT-BV-

270 135 783 850 567 1.89

Chart Title
1 2 3 4 5 6

1 6
Construction of 4Nos. Of VUP under Cos for Four Laning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71
From Km 363.300 to Km 450.800 under NHDP -III in the State of Haryana

Client : National Highways Authority of India

Independent Consulta : MSV/LSI Engg. & Consultancy

Concessionaire : Kurukshetra Expressway Pvt Ltd

EPC Contractor : Sky Lark Infra Engineering Pvt Ltd

Batch Wt For M-15 Concrete (Dry Condition)

Per Cum. Per 0.5 Cum. Concrete

Ingredients Concrete (kg) (kg)

20mm 844 422

10mm 562 281

Coarse Sand 771 386

Cement 270 135

Water 158 79

(Blackcat) ACMENT 1.89 0.95
BV 430

Contractor's Rep. Concessionaire's Rep.

Date Date
ning of Rohtak Bawal Selection of NH-71
III in the State of Haryana

Dry Condition)

Cumulative Wt 0.5 Cum. (kg)







IC's. Rep.

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