2. Hypertonic Uterine Contraction - Contractions that Uncoordinated Contractions - contractions that occur so close
occur frequently & commonly seen in latent phase. It to one another that don't allow good Cotyledon filling.
occurs because more than one uterine pacemaker
stimulate contraction or because muscle fibers of uterus Erratic - no relaxation between contractions
don't repolarize or relax after contraction "wiping it Presents as painful, frequent though irregular
clean" to accept a new pacemaker or new command. contractions that does not cause effacement
It is more painful than usual due to lack of relaxation Or dilatation. It is important that malpresentation or
and anoxia of uterine cells result. It may not allow posterior presentation to be ruled out.
optimal uterine artery filling resulting to fetal anoxia
early in latent phase. Management