Environmental Conditions Affecting Spiders in Gras
Environmental Conditions Affecting Spiders in Gras
Environmental Conditions Affecting Spiders in Gras
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Róbert Gallé
Centre for Ecological Research
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On the landscape scale, heterogeneity of the grasslands around the study sites, as the the-
surrounding habitat patches may influence the di- ory of island biogeography states that more
versity and the number of species of the assem- isolated habitats retain less habitat specialist
blages at a given patch (Duelli 1997). Although species than less isolated ones (e.g. Lövei et
numerous authors have demonstrated the signifi- al. 2006).
cance of the spatial structure of the landscape on (4) According to the above-mentioned hypothe-
invertebrate assemblages (e.g. Diekötter 2008, ses we expected both the proportion of forests
Ricketts 2001), it is difficult to generalize the ef- and grasslands to influence the species com-
fect of the landscape heterogeneity, as various position of spider assemblages.
taxa react differently to the habitat and landscape
features, since species ecology and dispersal abil-
ities are different for every organism (Burel & 2. Materials and methods
Baudry 1995, Jeanneret et al. 2003a).
The present study aimed at testing the effect 2.1. Study sites and sampling
of habitat parameters (soil humidity, regular
flooding, structure and cover of the vegetation) Two habitat complexes of the lower Tisza-valley
and landscape (proportion of grasslands, forests were selected for sampling spider assemblages.
and arable fields) on the spider assemblages, and The southern habitat complex (Vesszõs) is situ-
to reveal the differences between assemblages of ated near Szeged (46°17’30”N; 20°14’20”E),
the floodplain and on protected grasslands. Spi- where the landscape mainly consists of arable
ders were chosen for the study as they are the fields with small patches of grasslands, and oak
most diverse and abundant predatory invertebrate and poplar forest plantations are embedded in the
group of grasslands (Wise 1993). matrix of arable fields. The Dóc habitat complex
lies 40 km north of Szeged (46°26’20”N; 20°10’
The following hypotheses were tested: 40”E), in a structurally more complex landscape.
Higher proportion of semi-natural grasslands and
(1) In terms of the habitat features we expected forests occur here.
the number of species to increase with more The spider assemblages were studied at six
structured vegetation, as it is well-known that grasslands (sampling sites) in the southern habitat
vegetation height and density is important for complex and four in the northern habitat com-
spiders (e.g. Greenstone 1984). We did not plex, respectively. In each habitat complex, hay-
expect the number of species to change with meadow, saline grassland, floodplain meadow,
regular flooding event as floodplain habitats degraded grassland, and at the southern habitat
do not necessarily harbor more species but complex a pair of dike-side meadows (i.e. flood-
rather exhibit different species compositions plain and protected) were studied.
and different diversity patterns (Lambeets et To sample the fauna pitfall traps were applied
al. 2009). (diameter 65 mm, filled with ethylene glycol as
(2) According to Entling et al. (2007) and Lam- preservative, Koivula 2003, Schmidt et al. 2006).
beets et al. (2008, 2009) we also expected the At each site three lines of traps (sampling plots)
vegetation structure, soil moisture and regular were placed, each line consisted of five traps
flooding to alter the species composition of keeping a distance of 4 m between them. The av-
spiders. erage distance between the lines was 150 m. Prior
(3) As regards the effect of the landscape compo- to the data analysis, the data of the five traps were
sition, we expected the number of species to pooled. We expected an underestimation of the
increase with increasing proportion of forests abundance of web-building species, as pitfall
around the study sites, as a consequence of the traps measure the activity-density of species at
occurrence of forest specialist and generalist the ground level, thus they capture the spiders
species in the grasslands (Usher et al. 1993). with an active hunter lifestyle on the soil surface
We also expected the number of species to in- more efficiently (Topping & Sunderland 1992,
crease with the increasing proportion of Urák & Samu 2008). However, pitfall traps offer
ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 22 • Spiders of river valley grasslands 31
a relatively good alternative for comparing the To assess the significance of their effect, the
activity-density of epigaeic spider fauna of differ- explanatory variables suggested by the URT me-
ent habitats (Scmidt et al. 2005, Öberg et al. thod were subjected to a linear mixed-effect
2007). The traps were kept open for four 2-week model with nested random effects using the li-
sampling periods (27 May–13 June, 30 June–15 brary nlme in R (Pinheiro et al. 2007). The effect
July, 16–30 Aug., 18 Sept.–01 Oct.) in 2007 to of the different habitat complexes and sampling
cover the main activity period of the spider spe- sites were used as random effects and the explan-
cies. The data of the four sampling periods were atory variables suggested by the regression tree
pooled. method were used as fixed effects in the mixed ef-
To characterize the structure of the vegeta- fect linear model (Crawley 2007). The collected
tion, the number of plant species and the total species were categorized according to their habi-
cover of the vegetation at the ground level, at 10 tat requirements (Buchar & Ruzicka 2002, Szita
and 40 cm above the ground, were measured et al. 2006, Schmidt & Hanggi 2007, Batáry et al.
within 1 × 1 meter quadrates near the traps, as 2008). The significant landscape scale parame-
structurally complex habitats may provide more ters were included in two subsequent linear mod-
potential sites for web building, and because spi- els to assess their effects on the number of forest
ders are strongly influenced by the habitat struc- and grassland specialist species.
ture (Schwab et al. 2002). Rényi’s diversity ordering was used to com-
To assess the features of the landscape, the pare the diversity of the floodplain and protected
proportion of land-use types was measured in a habitats (hypothesis 1). Diversity ordering pro-
radius of 500 m around each site, based on aerial vides the diversity profiles of the assemblages.
photographs (i.e. grasslands, forests and arable These curves consist of a series of diversity indi-
fields), as several studies suggest that landscape ces, as the scale parameter is changed, including
composition at scales of 500 m radius can be rele- indices sensitive to both rare and abundant spe-
vant for spiders (Clough et al. 2005, Schmidt et cies (Carranza et al. 2007). An assemblage is con-
al. 2005). The remaining landscape elements sidered to be more diverse than another if its pro-
(e.g. surface of the river) were not entered into the file lies above and they do not intersect (Tóth-
analysis in order to decrease the number of fac- mérész 1995). R software (R Development Core
tors which were tested. Team 2007) with the BiodiversityR Package
(Kindt 2008) was used for the calculations.
2.2. Data analysis The influence of the measured explanatory
variables was tested on spider assemblages (hy-
Habitat structure affects the trappability of spider pothesis 2 and 4) by using the multivariate regres-
individuals, which may result in biased data for sion tree (MRT) method. This method is an exten-
studies comparing species richness of habitats sion of univariate regression trees having multi-
with different structures (Melburne 1999). Due to variate response (De’ath 2002). MRT does not as-
the different habitat properties of the sampling sume particular form of relationship between spe-
plots and the large variation in the number of indi- cies abundances and explanatory variables. This
viduals recorded over the trapping period, rar- method can be used to identify interactions be-
efaction was used to standardise the number of tween explanatory variables (De’ath 2002,
species recorded within each of the sampling 2010).
plots (Heck et al. 1975, Gotelli & Colwell 2001). The size of the tree was selected based on the
As regards hypothesis 1 and 3, the univariate minimum tree size that falls below 1 SE of the
regression tree method (URT) was used to gain minimum cross-validation estimate. The final
insight into the structure of the data and identify tree size was selected based on the frequently oc-
the interactions between the variables (Tree curring number of leaves from 100 individual
Package, Ripley 2009). The method performs a trees (Work et al. 2004).
binary recursive partitioning of the dataset. It also The species that characterize each leaf and
offers the opportunity to identify the influential node of the MRT were identified using the indica-
explanatory variables (Crawley 2007). tor species index (IndVal) based on the relative
32 Gallé et al. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 22
Fig. 3. Multivariate regression tree for spiders. Bray-Curtis dissimilarity was used for splitting. The final tree size
was selected based on the most frequently occurring number of leaves from 100 individual trees. The numbers
below each leaf show the number of samples falling into that leaf. The abbreviated names of species with signifi-
cant indicator value are given at each leaf, the indicator values are given in parenthesis (*** p<0.001, ** p<0.01, *
p<0.05). Abbreviations: T are: Thanatus arenarius, H rad: Hogna radiata, M ross: Micaria rossica, G luc: Gna-
phosa lucifuga, Z seg: Zelotes segrex, Z lon: Z. longipes, D con: Diplostyla concolor, P ala: Pardosa alacris, Z lat:
Z. latreillei, O sim: Ozyptila simplex, O api: Oedothorax apicatus, A ele: Antistea elegans, A leo: Arctosa leopar-
dus, E den: Erigone dentipalpis, P lat: Pirata latitans, A. hum: Araeoncus humilis, D lut: Drassyllus lutetianus,
P ame: P. amentata, P cri: P. cribrata, P deg: Pachygnatha degeeri, P pro: Pardosa proxima, T str: T. striatus,
Z mun: Z. mundus.
ber of plant species (node 2, Fig. 3), accounted for For the fourth leaf we identified 14 indicator
12.9% of the total variance and the regular flood- species. Out of these spiders the generalist Oedo-
ing events (node 3, Fig. 3) accounted for 8.9% of thorax apicatus (Blackwall, 1850), Erigone den-
the total variance. tipalpis (Wider, 1834) and Pachygnatha degeeri
The IndVal analysis identified one indicator Sundevall, 1830 occur under the regularly dis-
species of the first leaf (Thanatus arenarius Tho- turbed conditions of agricultural fields and 11
rell, 1872). This species lives in open, dry habi- species are associated with wet meadows and
tats. pond margins (Buchar & Ruzicka 2002, Schmidt
For the second leaf the IndVal analysis identi- & Hanggi 2007).
fied 6 species. These spiders occur in the natural
alkali grasslands of the Great Hungarian Plain
(Szita et al. 2006, Batáry et al. 2008). 3.3. Hypothesis 3. The effect of landscape
For third leaf the IndVal analysis identified scale parameters on the rarefied number
two forest specialist species (Pardosa alacris of the species
(C.L. Koch, 1833) and Diplostyla concolor (Wi-
der, 1834)), and the generalist Zelotes latreillei According to the URT the two most influential
(Simon, 1878) and Ozyptila simplex (O.P.-Cam- parameters were the proportion of forests and ara-
bridge, 1862) (Buchar & Ruzicka 2002). ble fields (Fig. 1). As predicted, the proportion of
34 Gallé et al. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 22
forests had a significant effect according to the water regime play an important role in the shap-
subsequent GLMM (t17 = –2.228, p = 0.039). ing of the diversity of spider assemblages at rive-
However, no significant relationship was found rine landscapes. Numerous studies have demon-
between the proportion of arable fields and the strated that spiders are particularly sensitive to
rarefied number of the species (t17 = –1.801, p = flooding. The spider diversity is not only influ-
0.089). The subsequent linear models revealed enced by the occurrence of flooding events but
the significant negative effect of forests on the also by the duration and frequency of these events
number of grassland specialist species (t19 = – (Uetz 1976, Paetzold et al. 2008).
2.166, p = 0.043) and the marginally significant
positive effect on the forest specialist species (t19
= 2.024, p = 0.057). 4.2. The number of plant species
and the regular flooding events influenced
the species composition of spiders
3.4. Hypothesis 4. The influence of landscape
scale parameters on the composition The vegetation and flooding events are con-
of species straints for spider occurrence, indicating the im-
portance of the quality of local habitats. In low-
The MRT analysis identified only one influential land floodplains, flooding dynamics determine
landscape scale parameter. The proportion of fo- the composition of the species and the structure of
rests in a radius of 500 m around each site (Fig. 3, the vegetation which in turn influence the compo-
node 1) accounted for 26.2% of the total variance. sition of spider fauna (Ballinger et al. 2005). As in
most habitat types, vegetation plays a major role
in determining the physical parameters of the
4. Discussion habitat, and therefore, has a significant influence
on the distributions of invertebrate species (Bonte
4.1. No influential habitat parameter on the 2002, Tews et al. 2004). Gravesen (2000) and
rarefied number of the species, but there is Lambeets et al. (2006) also support the hypothe-
a higher diversity at the protected grasslands sis that a combination of flooding intensity and
vegetation structure is important factor for the
Although numerous studies have demonstrated species composition of spiders in wet grassland
the effect of plant species richness and habitat areas.
structure on the number of species and the diver- Sabo et al. (2005) reviewed the literature on
sity of spiders (e.g. Jeanneret et al. 2003b, Tews et the species richness and assemblage composition
al. 2004), we found no significant relationship of flooded and non-flooded habitats. In accor-
between the vegetational parameters and the rar- dance with the results of the present study they
efied number of the species. Gallé & Torma found that the species composition differs be-
(2009) and Gallé et al. (2010) demonstrated that tween the regularly flooded and non-flooded hab-
different habitat types may exhibit spider assem- itats. This can increase the regional species rich-
blages with similar number of species but differ- ness. Several studies have confirmed the impor-
ent species compositions. Thus, for a detailed tance of fluvial dynamics affecting spider assem-
study into the relationship between the spiders blages by altering the habitat conditions (Bonn et
and the habitat parameters the examination of the al. 2002, Paetzold et al. 2008).
species abundance data is required in order to as- At regularly flooded habitats Lambeets et al.
sess the impact of these parameters on the spider (2009) found that the dispersal ability of species
assemblages without the loss of information plays a prominent role in structuring carabid and
when summarizing the data on the assemblages in spider assemblages, thus life-history traits affect
a single value such as species richness (Jeanneret species composition of spiders. Rothenbücher
et al. 2003b, c). and Schaefer (2006) studied the impact of flood-
In accordance with Bell et al. (1999) and ing on invertebrate assemblages. They distin-
Bonn et al. (2002), our results also indicate that guished two types of adaptation in invertebrates:
ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 22 • Spiders of river valley grasslands 35
submersion tolerance and regular migration be- thus the isolation of the habitats. Higher propor-
fore and after the flooding. Most spiders over- tion of forests may serve as dispersal barriers for
winter at juvenile or adult stages (Pekár 1999). grassland specialist species.
These stages of terrestrial arthropods are less
flood-resistant than are their eggs, thus they are
not able to tolerate long winter submersions. 4.4. The fauna of the surrounding forests
Rothenbücher and Schaefer (2006) demonstrated influence the species composition of spiders
that the floodplain spider fauna consists of spe-
cies immigrating with receding water levels. The According to the MRT landscape composition is
abundance of cursorial spiders depends on the important in determining the species composition
proximity and connectivity of natural habitats, in grasslands. Similarly to our results, numerous
possibly for seasonal migration towards hiberna- studies have shown that landscape variables are
tion sites (Bonte et al. 2003, Lambeets et al. important determinants of species composition of
2008), while good ballooners are able to colonize spiders (e.g. Öberg et al. 2007, Batáry et al. 2008,
form greater distances (Bonte et al. 2002). Schmidt et al. 2008). The IndVal analyses identi-
Although the IndVal analysis identified 14 fied two forest specialist species (P. alacris and
species associated with floodplain grasslands, D. concolor) at non-flooded grasslands with a
many species of the floodplain habitats are oppor- high proportion of surrounding forests, and ac-
tunistic species from the surrounding non- cording to the linear models the number of forest
flooded habitats that can colonize after the flood- specialist species increased and the number of
ing events (Adis & Junk 2002). grassland specialist species decreased with the
proportion of surrounding forests. Although
Schmidt et al. (2005) found no significant corre-
4.3. The proportion of forests lation between the percentage of forests and spi-
had a significant negative effect der assemblages, Kajak (2007) demonstrated that
on the rarefied number of the species forests influence the species composition of ce-
real fields by enhancing the number and abun-
In accordance with the results of the present dance of forest specialist species. She also found
study, Clough et al. (2005) reported that the rar- significant effect of forest age and naturalness.
efied number of species is influenced by the land- Landscape scale forestry operations may af-
scape parameters. Öberg et al. (2007) and Drape- fect the diversity and species composition of the
la et al. (2008) found that a higher proportion of surrounding grassland habitats by altering the
forests in the surrounding landscape were associ- proportion or the habitat quality of forests. This
ated with a higher number of observed spider spe- emphasizes the importance of the landscape-level
cies, as forests may serve as source habitat for spi- approach to nature conservation.
ders. Our results also support this hypothesis as
we found increasing number of forest specialist
species with the proportion of surrounding fo- 5. Conclusions
rests. Species arriving in grasslands from forests
are likely to add new species to the spider assem- In the present study we have assessed the compo-
blage, as forests and open habitats are home to sitional differences of spider assemblages of vari-
contrasting spider assemblages (Entling et al. ous grassland types and the effects of habitat and
2007, Drapela et al. 2008). landscape properties on the rarefied species rich-
The effect of forests on the grassland special- ness and composition of spiders. Lowland flood-
ist species is possibly due to the fact that smaller, plain habitats are of high conservational value, as
more isolated fragments retain fewer habitat spe- their associated arthropod fauna consists of spe-
cies than larger less isolated ones (e.g. Lövei cialist and rare species (Rothenbücher & Schae-
2006). Several papers emphasize the effects of fer 2004). Even small fragments play an impor-
surrounding habitats on the dispersal of species tant role in maintaining the regional diversity of
(Bonte et al. 2004, Thorbek & Topping 2005) and spiders, as they are not entirely isolated, because
36 Gallé et al. • ENTOMOL. FENNICA Vol. 22
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Acknowledgements. We would like to thank László Clough, Y., Kruess, A. & Tscharntke, T. 2005: Spider di-
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