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Hypothetical Diagrams of Several Porphyry Copper Deposits

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Economic Geology
Vol. 66, 1971, pp. 43-47

Hypothetical Diagrams of Several Porphyry Copper Deposits


Simple diagrammatic models of four copper deposits-Utah copper, Utah; Chino,
New Mexico; Ray, Arizona, and Braden, Chile-show many similarities. At Bingham,
stockworks and disseminations of ore-grade copper sulfides lying within portions of an
intrusive complex and in adjacent sedimentary rocks form a cap over a dome-shaped,
relatively barren core. A similarly-shaped but diffuse zone of molybdenite mineraliza-
tion lies within and below the copper zone. The mineral zones apparently cut across
the major units of the intrusive complex and thus probably formed after its consolidation.
Chino and Ray are diagrammatically similar to the deeper portions of Bingham.
Primary ore is concentrated in wall rocks adjacent to complex intrusives. Evidently
the upper portions of the ore zones, possibly dome-like, were removed by erosion.
At Braden, primary mineralization is a sulfide stockwork in andesite flows cross-cut
by small intrusives. The geometric form may be similar to Bingham, but no intrusive
comparable to those at Utah or Chino has yet been encountered.
A general model of a porphyry copper deposit is suggested by piecing together
evidence from these four mines.

Introduction mineralization types exposed. Many of the types

FOR purposes of developing and discussing theories of sulfide mineral distributions related to intrusive
of porphyry ore genesis, simple diagrammatic inter- igneous complexes, commonly recognized as typical
pretations of structure and mineral distribution are of one or another of the porphyry copper deposits of
used at porphyry copper mines of Kennecott Copper the western United States, are found approximately
Corporation. These are open pits-the Utah copper duplicated in one part or another of the Bingham
mine at Bingham, Utah, the Chino mine at Santa porphyry mineralization system (James and others,
Rita, New Mexico, and the Ray mine, at Ray, Ari- 1961). Therefore, diagrammatic interpretations of
zona; also the underground copper mine, EI Teniente, some elements of the Bingham porphyry system may
formerly known as Braden, in central Chile. be used as the basis for a general model of a por-
After more than fifty years of geological study at phyry mining district.
these mines the fundamentals of district tectonic Utah Copper Mine.-The Bingham porphyry
structure, the relationship of distinguishable igneous stock is a complex igneous intrusive, one of an east-
units, and the distribution of alteration minerals are west line of six small stocks (Fig. 1). The Bingham
subjects of disagreement among the various special- copper ore body (Fig. 2), consisting of dissemina-
ists who have studied these features in detail. How- tions and stockwork veinlets of chalcopyrite, bornite,
ever, of the many geological features that might be and molybdenite, occupies a portion of the igneous
diagrammed mine geologists agree on two: the dis- complex and, locally, spreads into adjoining sedi-
tribution of rock types, and the distribution of pri- ments as high concentrations of sulfides in the lime-
mary (hypogene) copper and in some cases molyb- stones and low concentrations in the quartzite. Sur-
denum minerals. The metal distribution is available rounding the disseminated copper ore body are other
quantitatively on maps and sections on which thou- sulfide zones including a diffusion of pyrite reaching
sads of analyses are summarized, and the rock types its highest concentration outside the periphery of
on large-scale outcrop maps. the copper zone; still further out are veins and re-
In order to simplify the diagrams of these quanti- placements of zinc and lead. The primary copper
tative details, considerable liberty has been taken disseminations and stockworks are spread across a
in selecting, generalizing, and projecting features shattered portion of the intrusive complex and asso-
considered significant. ciated sediments.
The contact deposits, peripheral to one or more
Basis for General Model of the mineralized phases of the porphyry intrusion,
Of the four mines compared in this paper, the contain erratic concentrations of copper and iron
Utah copper ore body near Salt Lake City appears sulfides, localized in reactive beds intercalated be-
to be the most complete in the suite of porphyry tween less mineralized hosts (Fig. 3). Plottings of

Coexistent with part of the copper mineralization

is diffuse molybdenite mineralization (Fig. 4) made
up of disseminations and stockworks similar in form
to the copper zone but less definite in outline. The
center of concentration of the molybdenum zone is
below the center of the copper zone at Bingham, and
the base of significant molybdenum mineralization

is erratic, gradational and difficult to define, but is
placed lower than the base of copper mineralization.

Referring to the distribution of copper, two fea-

tures are emphasized:
(I)-The copper occurs as an inverted cup-
shaped outline of disseminated and stockwork miner-
alization doming over a core zone low in copper. and
low in sulfides. This geometric form defined by
-'-------OPEN PIT MINE - - - - - - _

FIG. 1


8TIg ronile

FIG. 3

I + . - - - - - - O P E N PIT M I N E - - - - - -.....


o I ""M

FIG. 2

metal values on geologic maps clearly show the rela-

tive reactivity-the varying effectiveness with which
different rock types removed sulfides from pregnant
primary (hydrothermal) ore fluids. Thus relative re-
activity may be simply compared without recourse Ggronireporphyry
to physical-chemical-genetic arguments. Carbonate 8TIgronit.
sediments are clearly the most reactive, while in Blimtslont

some cases certain igneous types, e.g., granite at MOLYBDE N ITE


Utah, diabase at Ray, are readily identified on the DIAGRAM M AT IC INTER PRETATION
metal maps as more reactive than other associated
host rock types. FIG. 4

diamond drilling at Bingham about fifteen years ago

appears to be similar to the form found in many
molybdenum deposits (Wallace and others, 1968)
and recently described in some other copper deposits
(Lowell, 1968).
(2)-The copper zone in its inverted cup-like form
cuts across the vertically continuous intrusive com- ~i:r.~iICGCil"IO.'"
plex and the enclosing sedimentary host. The ore ~ prilllary copper
zone as presently interpreted at Bingham, unlike the ..
~i, o•• co.,pI"

molybdenum mineralization described by Wallace

and others at Climax, does not form a cap above a CHINO, NEW MEXICO
cupola at the top of one unit of the igneous complex,
but crosscuts and is superimposed upon various units FIG. 5
of the igneous complex and sedimentary host. How-
ever, diamond drilling is not sufficient at present to mostly mined away. Referring to the diagram (Fig.
prove the vertical continuity of the igneous units. S), it occupied most of the volume removed by
The metal zones may be related to the top of an mining above the present benches in the open pit.
igneous unit that did not reach the elevation now The complex intrusive is, in most exposures, bar-
known by drilling, or that has not yet been dis- ren of economic primary mineralization. Primary
tinguished petrographically. copper grades in most of the porphyry complex
a verage a few hundredths percent of copper or less
If the interpretation of cross-cutting relationships
(Nielsen, 1968). However, economic primary cop-
of mineralizaton to igneous complex is correct, the per mineralization is widespread in the most reactive
inverted cup-shape of the primary copper sulfide, and horizons-limestones and dolomites-interspersed
the diffuse cup-shape found in molybdenum distribu- with poorly mineralized shales, quartzites, and quartz
tion, were formed after consolidation of the exposed diorite sills in the Paleozoic and Mesozoic sediments
portions of the granite, granite porphyry, and quartz in contact with or near the contact with the Santa
latite. Rita stock. Molybdenite is present, but a geometric
At Bingham the bottom of the inverted copper zone of molybdenite cannot be outlined.
mineralization cup ( the top of the barren zone) I t is customary at Chino to interpret the chalco-
seems to be a rather well-defined plateau warped cite ore as a supergene derivative of high grade pri-
downward at its edges into ragged "skirts" of min- mary copper mineralization in carbonate beds in-
eralization extending to considerable depth-as sug- ferred to have existed in contact with the top of the
gested in Figure 3. The pressure-temperature- intrusive igneous complex, a carbonate-roofed cupola,
reactivity conditions controlling the elevation of the with the copper minerals concentrated in the car-
plateau may have been related to the highest point bonate. This inferred ore-bearing structure was re-
reached by a cooling column of magma, one phase of moved by erosion, and the contained copper leached,
the igneous complex (this is the interpretation of descending to be fixed as a chalcocite blanket now
Wallace and others (1968) at Climax). They may largely removed by mining. A popular alternative
have been controlled by pressure and temperature theory is that of derivation of the supergene ore from
levels related to the earth's surface or to ground a diffuse low grade porphyry protore now largely
water circulation at the time of mineralization. How- removed by erosion.
ever, because the form of this plateau and skirt is By analogy with the Bingham model, I would
superimposed across all recognized phases of the speculate that only a part of this secondary copper
igneous complex and the enclosing sediments, its was derived from primary mineralization in reactive
conformity cannot be due solely to direct crystal- carbonate beds and little of it from a low-grade
lization in situ of sulfides at the time of crystalliza- (0.03% Cu) protore. It was principally derived
tion of the complex. The concentration of sulfides from a rich inverted cup of primary disseminated and
cross-cutting solidified porphyry was derived from stockwork chalcopyrite and bornite, in porphyry, and
some deeper sources, probably from deeper portions from mineralized carbonate of the Bingham type.
of the igneous complex we see at the surface. The portions of this presumed cup above the base
Chino mine.-Most of the copper produced at the plateau are now removed by erosion and the only
Chino mine, Santa Rita District, New Mexico, has remaining primary mineralization is found in erratic
come from a supergene chalcocite blanket which caps skirts of sulfide around the barren porphyry core, and
an eroded porphyry and sedimentary complex (Rose in extensive replacements in reactive ( carbonate)
and Baltosser, 1966); this chalcocite blanket is now beds in Paleozoic sediments at an elevation too deep

1- O~EN ~IT MINE -I could have developed at the time of mineralization

similar to the inverted cup at Bingham.
, ''-'",..... , El T eniente (Braden) .-In Chile the primary
Braden ore body is largely a stockwork of copper
sulfides in andesite flows (Howell and Molloy,
1960). Dikes and small plugs of quartz diorite,
.. dacite and latite are present, but a central intrusive
:::: ~: :: ~: :~: ::::: ::: :::: :.. :. ;: : . :: ::.................... .
.:: : : : porphyry within the ore zone on the scale of the

;.=~~~lllillllllllllllllll!!111 "
Utah or Chino mines is lacking. The geometric
form of the ore body is reminiscent of Bingham, and
PIIECA.SRIAI the relationship to multiple small intrusives may be
similar to Ray.
DIAGRAMMATIC INTERPRETATION Drilling has not yet outlined the base of the copper
RAY. ARIZONA zone, but it may be tentatively suggested that the
FIG. 6 primary copper mineralization surrounds a low-grade
core. No intrusive complex with cross-sectional di-
for extensive disseminated mineralization to be fixed mensions similar to the dimension of the ore body
in the intrusive complex. has been encountered below the ore body, but one
may be inferred to exist below the depth presently
If this is true, the elevation of the base of the
exposed by drilling.
inferred cup, i.e., the top of the barren core, was not
principally related to the structure of a reactive roof General Model of a Porphyry Copper Deposit
completely capping an intrusive cupola. It resulted
from pressure-temperature-reactivity conditions of By assembling these diagrammatic sketches we
may prepare a hypothetical model of a metal-bearing
the fluids and the reactivity of the host rocks (both
intrusive complex ('Fig. 7). The general relation-
solidified igneous rocks and carbonate sediments) in
ship shown, based largely on the known relationship
stockwork and structural conduits. These conduits at the Utah copper mine, is an inverted cup of min-
formed a general path interconnecting the parts of eralization spreading over a barren core generally
the igneous complex still consolidating at depth with centered on the porphyry complex, but cross-cutting
the zone of primary mineralization and the earth's all igneous porphyry and sedimentary host rocks,
surface. together with widespread mineralization in the reac-
Ray.-The Ray mine is similar to the Chino de- tive horizons (carbonate sediments, early intrusives,
posit in that the intrusive complex, as it is exposed diabase sills, etc.) intercalated with or intruded into
today, is composed of irregular monzonite bodies of the quartzite series, shales, or schists in situations
primary mineralization. These are intrusive into contacted by pregnant hydrothermal fluids. The
Precambrian schist and diabase sills (Fig. 6), (Metz vertical scale of this diagram is exaggerated to per-
and Rose, 1966). In the early days of mining at mit visual separation of the mineralization types.
Ray the economic mineralization was a supergene The petrology of the hypothetical intrusive complex
chalcocite blanket spreading alike across porphyry,
schist and diabase (Ransome, 1919). The secondary
mineralization in porphyry has now been largely re-
moved by mining. Primary mineralization exposed
today is largely confined within the diabase sills;
the diabase is the reactive host rock equivalent to the
reactive limestone beds at Chino or Bingham. The
Pinal Schist is barren like the quartzite at Bingham.
The primary or hypogene mineralization in the dia-
base is generally strong near contact with the intru-
sives, and does not extend more than a few thousand
feet from these igneous contacts. The rich chalcocite
ores mined near the surface must have been derived
from a higher primary source now eroded. This
may have been a thick low-grade porphyry protore, or
there may have been a rich capping of reactive dia- DIAGRAMMATIC MODEL OF PORPHYRY COPPER IGNEOUS COMPLEX
base. However, a surface-related primary copper SHOWING HYPOTHIETICAL POSITIONS OF SOM!: DEPOSITS

zone cutting across the higher parts of the complex FIG. 7


might be that of the igneous complex at Bingham or inferred that a primary hypogene concentration of
Chino. The hypothetical district structure would be mineralization, possibly of inverted cup-shape form,
a sequence consisting of the Precambrian, Paleozoic occurred not only at Bingham but, now removed by
and Mesozoic sediments (and early intrusives) all erosion, it was once present also at .Chino and Ray.
overlain by volcanics. An appropriate host may be A similar geometric form is now suspected at Braden.
found on the model for each of the mines dia- Elevation control was probably host rock and fluid
grammed. reactivity and pressure-temperature conditions. The
At a central area in the model we may select a source of the copper was probably closely related to
situation which diagrammatically presents a mineral the cooling igneous complex, but the elevation of the
distribution relative to the intrusive complex similar base~ plateau does not appear to be fixed by the top
to that at Bingham. of a cupola of one of the units of the source igneous
Dropping relatively lower in the copper configura- complex. lin each case mineralization appears to
tion, we may outline a situation that presents the cross-cut the regional host and the upper consoli-
primary occurrence seen at Chino. Here we see an dated portions of the complex melt from which it was
economically barren primary zone in the igneous probably derived.
complex, erratic skirts of primary mineralization in Deeper primary copper concentrations are found
or at the borders of the igneous complex, and rich in "skirts" of mineralization extending downward,
primary copper mineralization spreading into reac- controlled possibly by contact, by pressure-tempera-
tive carbonate sediments. The inferred higher por- ture relationships laterally outward from the intru-
tions of the igneous complex, including the base of sive complex, or by induction of ground water and
the inverted mineralization cup, have' been removed by reactive beds or sills in contact with deep, miner-
by erosion. This Chino model presents a plausible alized, or poorly mineralized portions of the por J

source for the known supergene copper. phyry complex.

Again, we find a situation which is similar to that
found at Ray-barren core of Tertiary igneous rock, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH,
Precambrian metamorphics and diabase complex sur- February 13 1970J

rounded by primary copper mineralization in diabase

sills, which are more reactive than the schists. A REFERENCES
rich primary cup lying across igneous complex, dia- Howell, F. H., and Molloy, J. 5., 1960, Geology of the
base and schist, all now eroded, may be suggested as Braden orebody, Chile, S. A.: EeoN. GEOL., v. 55, p.
the source for the supergene copper ores of the 863-905.
A. H., Smith, W. H., and Bray, R. E., 1961, The
secondary enrichment blanket recently removed by James, Bingham district-a zoned porphyry ore deposit: Utah
mining. Geol. Soc. Guidebook 16, p. 82-100.
It is emphasized that absolute depth of mineraliza- Lowell, J. D., 1968, Geology of the Kalamazoo ore body,
San Manuel district, Ariz.: ECON. GEOL., v. 63, p. 645-654.
tion below the surface at the time the mineralization Metz, R. A., and Rose, A. W., 1966, Geology of the Ray
was taking place is not known, nor is the relative copper deposit, Ray, Arizona, p. 177-188, in Titley, S. R,
depth of mineralization known at Ray or Chino. and Hicks, C. L., eds., Geology of the Porphyry Copper
Ray is shown lower in the model than Chino because Deposits, Southwestern North America: Univ. Arizona
Press, Tucson, Ariz., 287 p.
the Ray host-the Precambrian Pinal Schist, is Nielsen, R L., 1968, Hypogene texture and mineral zoning
older than the Paleozoic-Mesozoic sedimentary host in a copper-bearing granodiorite porphyry stock, Santa
at Chino. Rita, New Mexico: EeoN. GEOL., v. 63, p. 37-50.
Peters, W. c., James, A. H., and· Field, C. W., 1966, Ge-
Less is known of the ore body at Braden but, as ology of the Bingham Canyon porphyry copper depOSit, p.
noted above, it may be similar in geometric form to 165-176, in Titley, S. R, and Hicks, C. L., eds., Geology
the disseminated and stockwork zone at Bingham. of the Porphyry Copper Deposits, Southwestern North
America: Univ. Ariz. Press, Tucson, Ariz., 287 p.
At Braden an inverted cup-shaped primary zone Ransome, F. L., 1919, The copper deposits of Ray and
may be inferred to exist at the elevation of the vol- Miami, Arizona: U. S. Geo!. Surv. Prof. Paper No. 115,
canic flows. The copper zone outlined on the model 192 p.
Rose, A. W., and Baltosser, W. W., 1966, The porphyry
has been moved upward, relative to the top of the copper deposit at Santa Rita, New Mexico, p. 205-220, in
main mass of the inferred intrusive complex in order Titley, S. R, and Hicks, C. L., eds., Geology of the Por-
to represent the copper which is found largely in the phyry Copper Deposits, Southwestern North America:
Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson, Ariz., 287 p.
andesite. Wallace, S. R, Muncaster, N. K., Jonson, D. c., Mackenzie,
W. B., Bookstrom, A. A., and Surface, V. E., 1968,
Conclusion from General Model Multiple intrusion and mineralization at Climax, Colo.,
p. 605--640: in Ridge, J. D., ed., Vol. 1, Ore deposits in the
From the geometry of these several ore bodies and United States 1933/1937, Am lnst. Min. Metall. Pet. Eng.,
their relationships to the igneous complexes, it is New York, 991 p.

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