Selection Criteria For Overseas Assignments
Selection Criteria For Overseas Assignments
Selection Criteria For Overseas Assignments
Overseas managers must be able to adapt to change. They also need a degree of
cultural toughness. Research shows that many managers are exhilarated at the
beginning of their overseas assignment. After a few months, however, a form of
culture shock creeps in, and they begin to encounter frustration and feel confused in
their new environment. One analysis noted that many of the most effective
international managers suffer this cultural shock.
“Most organizations require that their overseas managers have good physical and
emotional health. Some examples are fairly obvious. An employee with a heart
condition would be rejected for overseas assignment; likewise, an individual with a
nervous disorder would not be considered. The psychological ability of individuals to
withstand culture shock also would be considered, as would the current marital
status as it affects the individual’s ability to cope in a foreign environment.
3. Age, Experience, and Education
Most Multinational Corporations strive for a balance between age and experience.
There is evidence that younger managers are more eager for international
assignments. These managers tend to be more “worldly” and have a greater
appreciation of other cultures than older managers do. By the same token, young
people often are the least developed in management experience and technical skills;
they lack real-world experience. To gain the desired balance, many firms send both
young and seasoned personnel to the same overseas post.
4. Language Training
Although individuals being sent overseas should have a desire to work abroad, this
usually is not sufficient motivation. International management experts contend that
the candidate also must believe in the importance of the job and even have
something of an element of idealism or a sense of mission. Applicants who are
unhappy with their current situation at home and are looking to get away seldom
make effective overseas managers.
7. Leadership Ability
8. Organization-Specific Requirements